- Author - Ironpete
- Rating -
   [ 3.59 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1535 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, humiliation, torture
- Post Date - 9/22/2014
Author's Note: A young man in his final weeks at a very private and exclusive school makes a painful error
The headmistress of Duncan Smith's very exclusive school looked over her glasses at him. Something all the boys at school believed was that no one gave intimidating looks like Headmistress White did. Duncan felt his sphincter tighten and his balls try to climb back up his pubic bone. She had just finished a 10 minute low volume scolding having to do with his sexual impropriety involving drunken advances on a Eastern European housekeeper named Marta. Marta was also in the room standing to the side.
"Do you have any questions on what I have just said Mr. Smith? Was there anything unclear about it? Because I don't want us to have anymore misunderstandings of the standards we have for our students. Do you understand?
He squeaked a very soft "Yes Headmistress."
"What was that? I don't think I heard you. Did you hear anything Miss Marta?
"No Headmistress," the girl said enthusiastically.
"I imagine he was a lot louder when he assaulted you. No?"
"Yes Headmistress. He was drunk and very loud."
"So Mr. Smith would you care to try answering my question again? Did you understand what I said?"
This time he raised his head up and said in a louder voice "Yes Headmistress I understand."
"Do you? Well let see if we can hammer home it a little more. Remove your clothing, fold them neatly and place them on the chair," she said indicating a wooden chair in the corner.
"What?" he said. "You can't expect me to... Why do you want me to get undressed?" he said although he knew. The answer was sitting on her desk and he had seen it as soon as he walked in. It was several thin, supple wooden canes. Although it didn't appear in any of the school rules it was well known that caning was an old school custom, one Duncan had avoided for almost four years. But many of his classmates hadn't although none ever spoke of it.
"Because that is how dirty young men are treated here. Now get undressed." She never raised her voice but somehow inferred a great deal of a raise in fierceness.
"But... In front of her?"
"If I understand the story you have already shown her your pathetic manhood both figuratively and literally. She is free to go at anytime." Turning to the girl she said "Do you wish to go?"
"No Headmistress I want to see this pig punished."
"Well there you are. She wants to see the pig punished. Please remove all your clothes, fold them neatly and put them on the chair. Please be quick about it, I have another engagement, something a bit more enjoyable then dealing with you."
Ignoring her request for speed Duncan went as slowly as possible removing his uniform piece by piece. As he removed each item he slowly folded it and placed it on the chair, desperately trying to delay the ultimate humiliation of standing naked in front of these two women. Their eyes burned into him as he got down to the last piece. A pair of school issued boxer shorts. His eyes pleaded with Headmistress but all they got in return was cold contempt.
"Your stalling has earned you an extra stroke. Remove those now."
Trembling he started to lower his last bit of decency when the door to the office opened and in walk what Duncan hoped would be his salvation. It was Nurse Julia, the 50 something, 200 something pound (and not an insignificant something at that) school nurse. She always told the boys in the school to think of her as a second Mom. Someone to talk to when they were sad or lonely, She would often make soup for boys in the infirmary sparing them from the nutritionally adequate bur somewhat mundane food supplied by the school kitchen. She even once produced Duncan's favorite candy a few weeks after he arrived and was feeling particularly lonely. Duncan was sure she would put a stop to this
"Hello Julia" said the Headmistress. "You are just in time."
"Good evening Elizabeth, Marta," the nurse said displaying her usual good humor. She then turned her attention to the mostly naked male. Her look wasn't angry but maybe just a bit disappointed. She said "You may continue removing that garment. I need to give you a quick check up before your caning."
And all hope left Duncan. If Nurse Julia was not going to help then no one was going to help. He lowered his boxer and stood nude in front of the woman. The headmistress looked stern, Nurse Julia looked at him professionally and Marta was bemused.
After a few second the nurse said "He doesn't seem to be getting an erection like some of the others."
This made Marta actually smile. "He couldn't get one the other night either." She was now smiling.
As Nurse Julia approached him she asked how many strokes was he going to receive;
"Four for the drunkenness, four for initially lying about it, eight for the attack on Miss Marta and one extra for not being cooperative today. Seventeen in total. Is that a problem?"
The nurse had reached him and did a quick, if somewhat rough examination of his body. She had listened to his heart through a stethoscope and had checked his pulse. Most humiliating part of the exam had been her squeezing of his butt cheeks determining how much cushion he had to receive the caning on. When she was done she said;
"Seventeen? That should be no problem. I would say he can easily take twenty four. Oh look he is getting an erection now. It must have been the touch of a woman."
All three woman stared down at his slightly stiffening cock. The humiliation was almost too much to handle but the more mortified he got the harder his penis got. The nurse actually ran her finger under the head and lifted so they had a better view. Marta actually laughed out loud.
"Let's begin."
Nurse Julia looked at him. The kindness in her eyes had returned. She said softly to him "I will help you get through this. Both tonight and tomorrow. Be strong." And with that she led him over to the desk which had been cleared off and bent him over it.
"Fold your arms behind your back." When he did it she grabbed his wrist and pulled his arms forward so they bent at the elbows and brought he wrist up to just below his neck. The other hand held his head down. Her grip was like steel. He was trapped and nothing he did was going to get him out of this. The nurse then nodded to the headmistress who had the slightest twinkle in her eye as she said.
"You will count off the first four by saying the count and you will also say "I am sorry for getting drunk." Do you understand"
"Yes Headmistress I understand."
He hardly got the words out of his mouth when the first strike came down. It was like fire.
"Ahhh" he said but then composed himself "One. I am sorry for getting drunk."
He heard the cane swish through the air a couple of times before the cut.
A deep inhale of breath but he was able to say "Two. I am sorry for getting drunk"
Two more swishes in the air and then the third. "Th th three, I I Iam sorry for getting drunk."
And them the fourth. He was given a thirty second rest before she continued.
"Start counting from one again. This time you will say "I am sorry for lying to you.""
The first four cuts seemed to that primitive part of his brain that took note of such things to have been spread equally across his bottom. Each blow striking him horizontally. The next blow came at an angle.
"Shit. I mean One. I am sorry for lying to you."
"Another foul word will get you a mouth soaping when we are done. You've had those before haven't you."
Breathlessly he said he had. Several over the years. It was done with a bar of a harsh soap by two members of staff. It was a pretty basic punishment most of the students had experienced. He had avoided it for over a year and did not want another.
When the second blow came he clenched his teeth and recited the mantra. The first two blows had gone from top right to bottom left the next two had gone from top left to bottom right. After each blow he chocked out the count. Somewhere during this he started to cry and beg. There was a two minute rest but no other mercies.
He was then instructed to count and say "I am sorry Miss Marta. Please forgive me."
His sobbing had subsided. His ass was on fire but he was almost halfway through it. He actually appreciated the nurses iron grip otherwise he would never been able to stay in place and would have garnered more punishment. He was ready as he could be but then he was shocked to hear Headmistress say.
"Are you ready Miss Marta?"
She said she was.
"Take your time. Like we practiced."
He didn't at first realize what that meant. Then it sank in. This little nobody from who knew where was going to cane him. He tried to move but of course he couldn't. This was going to be too much. It was one thing to receive the cane from someone in authority but she was just a cleani... The first blow hit. It wasn't as hard as the previous ones but his ass was already burning. He said
"One. I am sorry Miss Marta. Please forgive me." But it was barely audible.
Headmistress said "Harder."
The first eight blows were done with precision. Each hit landing in a precise location with the skill of someone who had been doing this for a very long time. The blows he was receiving now were anything but. Just wild strikes landing anywhere from the back of his knees to his hip. And she did as instructed and hit him hard. Halfway through he started to wail no longer able to count. The nurse who had lowered herself across his back , pressing her huge bosom into him, counted it for him. Although he was in more pain then he had ever been in before her actions were in some small way comforting. After the count of eight it stopped. The room was silent except for his sobs. The nurse released him but he did not move. He just laid there trying to get control. After a minute The nurse said:
"You have one more coming. I will do it."
He didn't move. His crying had stopped. He felt somewhat relieved that it was going to be Nurse Julia and not Headmistress. Surely she would not hit so hard. Maybe just a light tap, a symbolic stroke. Surely he had suffered enough.
But he was wrong. The blow was by far the hardest he had received all night. It was horizontal right in the middle of both cheeks. The hit stood him up and then his knees buckled and he started to fall to the floor. But the nurse was ready for that and caught him and lowered him back on the desk to recover. After five minutes he asked if he could stand up.
He looked around the room. Marta was gone and the other ladies were sipping cognac from small snifters. Laying on a chair next them were several broken canes and one easily twice as thick as the other. He realized that was the one which delivered the last blow. His nakedness all but forgotten until Nurse said:
"His erection is gone."
"They always are."
Then nurse said:
"Go to the dispensary. You will sleep there tonight. I will be by shortly with some salve and a little medicine for the pain. You need not get dresses you will not run into anyone on the way and none of the beds are occupied. Now go while Headmistress and I finish our drink."
Later as he waited for her in the dispensary bed he wondered about the hard on he started to get and he wondered what was going to happen when Nurse Julia slowly stroke his ass applying the salve.