Author's Note: This is my first time writing on here, or fiction anywhere on the internet for that matter. I have always had a bondage and discipline fetish (not S&M) and oddly, one for polo shirts, particularly when they are buttoned up to the top and worn with smart clothing hence why its not latex for example. I have fantasised about being in a scenario like this for years and who knows, maybe one day I might get to do something resembling it. Enjoy, and hopefully it will be the first of many chapters.
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Chapter 1
I was eighteen and homeless having fled an abusive care home some years ago when I was taken. I was sleeping rough in an alleyway when I was woken by someone applying a sweet smelling cloth over my face and I swiftly passed out. In the few minutes I was out, my life changed forever.
When I woke up I was in the back of a van and I quickly realised my hands were tied behind my back with rope, my legs were tied together at the shins and thighs and I was gagged very tightly with what seemed to be duct tape. I wasn't being held down by anything so I sometimes rolled around in the back of the van when it turned corners but not too much due to the lack of severe turns. It wasn't long until the van stopped and the back doors opened when two large men carried me of the van, into a building, down some stairs and put me in a cell.
The cell was bare with nothing in it, not even a bed or a toilet so I was forced to lie on the cold concrete floor while trying to escape my bonds. A long time went past before one of them came back in. At first I thought he might rape me as he looked like he would have fitted well into one of those prisons where the big tough guys get too close for comfort, but instead he explained my situation. "You are now a slave for a client of ours who has noticed that you have a special condition. The condition in question is that your body will no longer age from this point onwards which is also the same condition that our clients daughter suffers from, you will be the daughters slave indefinitely." At this news, my heart just dropped and I tried to struggle more which only drew an unsympathetic laugh. The next thing he said was that I "needed to be prepared for their arrival."
At first, I was untied and the gag taken off but I had been warned not to struggle as I was told "bruises recover". I did struggle but all that earned me was a smack in the face before my clothes were taken off and I was taken off to have a shower and have a haircut. I was shown a reflection of myself in a mirror and I looked completely different with the short back and sides haircut rather than the greasy mop I had previously that passed for hair. Now I was told I needed to get dressed.
The other man bought in some clothes including grey wool socks, smart black trousers with a belt, laced shoes and a red polo shirt. At first, new underwear was put on me then the socks were which were pulled up as high as they would go and then the trousers were put on, but not the belt. At this point, a large collar was put on me which they called a posture collar which forced my head up and prevented me from looking down or sideways. At the same time my feet were forced into the black pair of shoes which were laced up tightly and a red ball shaped gag was put in my mouth, buckled very tightly at the back of my head and then padlocked. One of the men forced my arms up while the other put the polo shirt on before forcing my hands into a reverse prayer position and putting a monoglove armbinder on me which was buckled over my shoulders a little like a rucksack before being zipped up, forcing my arms together very tightly. There were two small belt buckle like devices which were buckled over the zip which made it even tighter. It was a rather painful position to be in and I knew that I wouldn't be able to feel my arms if they stayed this way for long. Finally, the polo shirt was tucked in to the trousers, the belt was put on and buckled up as tight as it would go and the polo shirt, which had 3 buttons, was buttoned up to the top.
At this point, I was told only one more thing was needed which was a lead which was clipped into the ring of the collar. I was stood in the front of the mirror and it was a very odd sight to see. Ignoring the collar and gag, I guess you could say I looked smart, hard to believe that I was sleeping in an alleyway probably less than 100 minutes ago. At that point, there was a doorbell like ringing sound indicating someone was at the door. One of the men pressed the button on the intercom and a woman's voice answered "is he ready?" To this the man replied "Yes, I'll buzz you in".
Into the room strode a middle aged woman with blonde hair which she had probably dyed wearing a fur skin coat with a black dress underneath with black tights. Her daughter, also blonde, opted for the t-shirt and jeans outfit and would have fitted into any crowd in the city. After giving me a quick inspection, the mother said to the men " thank you boys, you've done well. Here's your payment as agreed" as she handed over a large wad of cash to both of them. She then addressed me; "Now slave, this is my daughter, her name is not important but you will always call her mistress. She has the same condition as you but she is my daughter and she wanted a slave for her birthday and who am I to say no? You are now hers and that is never going to change. Now, it's time to take you home".
With that, the lead was given to the girl who was now my "mistress" and I was forced to walk behind despite some small struggling. Once outside, I did think about trying to run but my position was hopeless now and I was put into the back seat of a 7 seater 4x4 and strapped in. I was informed the windows were heavily tinted so nobody would see me or my struggles. Shortly after, the car set off and I could only wonder what was in store for me.
Chapter 2 (added: 2014/10/17)
The journey began in the centre of the city and even though there were several people out, my muffled cries and struggles were oblivious to everyone outside of the car. As despair began to creep in and we left the city centre, I started to cry and oddly, get aroused by this predicament of being utterly powerless to change the situation.
Despite my cries, my captors did not seem to mind, it was only when I started kicking the seat in front of me that my mistress slapped me and tied my shins and thighs very tightly together with rope. Resigned to my fate, I watched as suburbs became a motorway journey lasting around two hours before becoming a long series of country roads ending at the coast. At the edge of a wharf was a large yacht. If it wasn't clear already, my mistresses mother was incredibly rich.
Once the car stopped, my legs were untied and I was led outside onto the wharf and onto the yacht where I was put into a room where the lead was unclipped from my collar. This room was rather modest with only a porthole and a mattress for sleeping on. Shortly after, I could feel the yacht moving away and I could see the Sun coming up before my mistress came in and stated that "I like to go up on the deck when the yacht moves away and plus, we can watch the Sun come up." With that she clipped the lead onto the ring of my posture collar and led me up the stairs and onto the deck.
Seeing the land get further and further away, as well as my only chance of escape felt like being kicked where it hurts and my mistress rubbed it in by declaring that "this is your first full day of being my slave, you will never be free again. You are now my property, my plaything, I can do whatever I want with you." She said this while looking at me with an expression that showed power leaving me quite terrified but again, aroused at my predicament. Thankfully she didn't notice the bulge in my trousers. "We are going to have a very interesting time together where, thanks to our shared immortality, I will do things to you that I would never be able to do to anyone else slave."
As the last remnants of land disappeared and the Sun was almost up, she decided we should get some sleep. She took me into my room but before lying me down on the mattress, she revealed that on the bottom of it were numerous restraining belts attached to it. Once all the belts were no longer hidden at the bottom of the mattress, she put it down and lied me down on it before buckling the belts on me. I could only watch as she worked her way up from my ankles then over my legs, rendering them immobile, then my upper body pushing my armbinder further into mattress before eventually reaching my head, meaning I could only stare at the ceiling. On this note she told me that "I'll be back in a few hours, don't go anywhere!" Which she said with a sinister smile.
I tried to escape but it was hopeless. Nothing would give and eventually I managed to get some sleep. I woke up later wondering if all this had been a bad dream, but when I tried to move, I found I was still on the yacht and that I was still pinned to the mattress. Soon after, my mistress came in and unbuckled the restraints before declaring it was time to change clothes even though I couldn't have been in these clothes for more than 10 hours. After clipping the lead back on my collar, she took me into her room which had a double bed, a huge walk in wardrobe, an actual window rather than a porthole, plush carpet and a chest of drawers. She told me that the chest of drawers contained my clothes which she started to show me. The top drawers contained underwear and socks, the one beneath that only included polo shirts of a variety of colours including white, yellow, various shades of blue, black, purple, pink and more while the bottom drawer contained trousers and shorts.
My mistress looked thoughtfully at the drawer and pulled out a yellow polo shirt and some khaki trousers with a brown belt as well as clean underwear and socks. Before doing anything she warned me that if I struggle, she will make me suffer. In this case, I decided to do as she commanded as I couldn't go anywhere and all my previous attempts at escape had resulted in being physically disciplined. She unbuckled and unzipped the armbinder providing relief for my arms and she then proceeded to undress me until I was standing completely naked with only my collar and gag on. She then started to put the clean underwear and socks on me and then put the khaki trousers on me. While doing this she gleefully said that "I love having complete control over you, and in time you will come to love it too." She then told me to raise my arms which I did despite it being harder than it sounded due to the amount of time my arms had been in the binder. Before putting the polo shirt on, she put my shoes back on and laced them very tightly. After putting my shoes on, the yellow polo shirt was put on me, tucked into the trousers which then had the belt put on them and was buckled up tightly. After that, she slowly did all three buttons up on the polo shirt, savouring every bit of it as if she had a fetish for it.
Once she was happy with my appearance and that the collar wasn't blocking any of the buttons, she put my arms back in the armbinder despite an indignant moan from me through my ball gag. Soon enough, my arms were behind my back in a zipped up binder that was buckled tightly to ensure no movement whatsoever from my arms. She did however say I needed a new gag so she led me into her walk in wardrobe which contained more than just clothes.
This wardrobe contained a wide variety of equipment including arm and leg restraints, collars, gags and other fetish equipment including corsets, vibrators and shoes with very high heels where the feet are forced on tip-toe like a ballerina. The mistress saw me looking at all of the clothes and equipment and told me "don't worry, you will get to experience all of these in due course but for now, let's just get you a nice new gag." At that moment, she took me over to the gag section where there were more ball gags, tape, hoods that covered the mouth, harnesses that went over the head, gags that forced the mouth open and even some with an inflatable pump among several others. My mistress opted for a head harness gag which had a mouth panel covering a small ball which filled the mouth. Firstly, she criss-crossed the bottom buckles that went over the collar but did not block the ring holding the lead and buckled them tightly before proceeding to buckle the bit around the back of my head, forcing the ball into my mouth. At this point, the gag was not secure so she then pulled the two remaining buckles over the top of my head and then inserted them into buckles at the back of the gag. I was now gagged very securely and barely able to utter a single "mmph".
At this point she took me out of the wardrobe and back into her room where she sat me down on a chair before telling me what my life would consist of. "We will be on this yacht for around a week, in that time I will train you to be an obedient and disciplined slave. You may not fully submit on this voyage, but one day, you will. You have nowhere to go, no life to return to and nobody cares about you. Nobody will even inform the Police that you are missing." She said this very forcefully as if every word would do me a great deal of mental harm and, to be fair, it was very depressing knowing that this was 99% likely to be true. I had no friends as such on the streets, no job, no home, no bank account; nothing. There was no evidence that a young person had been kidnapped and forced into slavery and even if there was, they would have no idea where to look, not even I knew where I was going. She continued: "Even if the authorities took an interest, they can be bought off very quickly. Senior Police officers lack integrity and mother knows some of them very well. But now we need to get down to business where I will tell you how your life will work from now on."
All I could do at this point was listen, dreading what she was going to tell me. "Firstly, you will always be restrained with the exception of a few minutes at most. There will never be another day when you can move all of your body freely. It will vary between only having your hands bound or being tied so tightly across your entire body, you cannot even move a finger or toe". As she was saying this, she was walking around the room and my eyes followed her every move. " Secondly, you will always wear a polo shirt that is tucked into your trousers, shorts, skirt or whatever else I decide should go on those legs of yours. It will always be buttoned up to the top as well." She stroked the done up buttons on the polo shirt when saying this before explaining that "when I feel you have become submissive enough, I might trust you to dress yourself with the clothes I give you. Failure to comply with this will result in a punishment. This neatly brings me onto my third and final point." Her face came very close to mine, forcing me to try and move it back before she slowly emphasised every word: "I can do whatever I want to you." She then moved back to her normal stance and spoke as if nothing happened. "I can and will, keep you like this, put you in ballet boots for a year, dress you like a girl, partially turn you into a girl, put you in a coffin under the floor, superglue your mouth shut and much more. The possibilities are almost endless." After hearing all this, I began to panic and screamed into my gag and because my legs weren't tied, I tried to run for the door which was closed and I was unable to open it.
This feeble escape attempt only drew a derisive laugh from my mistress who decided to punish me for that "drama". She quickly threw me onto the floor and tied my legs together with large belt restraints, both the thighs and shins and then went into the wardrobe while I was left struggling on the floor. She came out of the walk in wardrobe shortly after and she was carrying a large ring of some sort, a short pair of ballet boots, some metal handcuffs and a small thin chain with a clip at each end like the lead attached to my collar. She put the ring on the chest of drawers and then proceeded to unlace my shoes and inserted my right foot into one of the ballet boots. The boot only went as high as my ankle but the leather shoe swallowed my foot and it wasn't long before she quickly laced it up into a very tight double knot before proceeding to my left foot and doing the same thing. She then removed the restraining belts from my legs and put the handcuffs, which turned out to be ankle cuffs, on my ankles at the top of the boot very tightly ensuring that they would not come off before locking them on. She then rolled me on my front and clipped the small chain onto the ankle cuffs and connected it to the small ring at the bottom of my armbinder. With strength I did not expect from her, she picked me up and lied me down on my back on her bed and grabbed the ring she had put on the drawers. "This ring is a vibrator and it goes on your precious manhood and will vibrate at random intervals." My face must have looked quite the picture as my mistress laughed before explaining "the battery in this will last about a week before it needs to be recharged, so I thought you could wear it for the rest of the voyage! How does that sound?" I tried to scream "no" but my gag only allowed me to make a loud "MMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!!" to which my mistress responded with "glad you agree slave". With that, she unzipped my trousers, pulled down my underwear and put it on my manhood. Before she put it on, she noticed I had an erection, prompting her to squeeze it very tightly and forcing me into another heavily muffled scream.
Eventually she put the ring on my cock and corrected the underwear and trousers before giving me a very evil smile and telling me "let's go see mother, it will be 10am soon". I couldn't believe I had been put through such an ordeal and it wasn't even midday. However, the biggest problem I faced was walking in these ballet boots but mistress was very unsympathetic and tugged very hard on the lead, forcing me to stand up. The pressure on my toes was agonising with no room to take any pressure off them. All my moaning was rewarded with, was mistress pulling me in her general direction and I was forced to follow in small steps due to the ankle cuffs. 24 hours ago I was sitting on the street begging for money, now I was on a huge yacht, wearing a yellow polo shirt buttoned up to the top, tucked into khaki trousers, wearing a slave collar, gagged with a head harness, wearing ballet boots, arms forced together behind my back and with a vibrating ring around my cock which had just started to do its work. What a difference a day makes!
Chapter 3 (added: 2015/10/19)
I was led to what looked like a dining room as my Mistress's mother was helping herself to breakfast. "You've got him on the ballet boots rather quickly" her mother observed. "Yes, he was being rather dramatic so I thought he could understand what happens when he misbehaves" my Mistress said plainly. Having sat me down, I was trying to get comfortable which turned out to be an impossible task due to the vibrating cock ring which had got the attention of her mother. "Is the vibrator an additional punishment or for the same reason?" she asked simply. "The same reason, like I said he was being rather dramatic" my Mistress stated while helping herself to some bacon.
"So now that you have a slave, what will you make him do? Is he just going to be that thing that follows you around on a lead forever or will you make him a domestic servant or something?" her mother asked. "Oh I have plans for him, but I do like the idea of having my own uniformed domestic servant as well" she said while looking at me gleefully. "Well, I do suggest that you don't leave him in that monoglove all the time or you will wreck his arms my dear. You don't need to put chains on someone to make sure they obey you." Her mother added. "Be sure to feed him", she continued, "He has had a rather traumatic experience after all" she finished.
After my mistress finished eating, she buttered some toast for me and was about to unbuckle my gag when she warned me that "If you talk, scream, spit it out or do anything other than eat it, you will regret it and you won't eat until we arrive". Her serious expression ensured I would do what I was told after what I had already been through in the morning. I ate the toast which she hand fed me and gave me some juice before buckling the gag again very tightly.
"Now Slave, lets teach you how to walk in those ballet boots" she stated enthusiastically. She walked me down the corridor and into a room on the right hand side. Inside this room was a treadmill and I could see exactly what she was going to do. She led me over to it while I was still struggling to walk in these boots and then put me on the treadmill. She removed the ankle cuffs from my legs and attached some supports to me. One of these was an elastic sort of lead attached to the wall in front of the treadmill that went on the ring of my collar while after that, she put a belt around my waist and clipped elastic supports to the side of it. "Right Slave, I think you're ready to go. I'll put you on a walking pace for five hours so you should get the hang of it by then" she stated very casually. My response was to loudly "Mmmph!" which only got a laugh from my Mistress. After pressing a few buttons, the treadmill began to start and I was forced to walk. The supports were doing their job of keeping me on my feet and moving forward. My Mistress watched this with a calm smile for a few minutes before saying that she was "going to do some relaxing and figure out what I will do to you next. See you in five hours and keep an eye on that clock!" She said sweetly before leaving the room and locking the door behind her. It was 11am when she started the treadmill and I could see the clock in front of me moving agonisingly slowly. My feet were in pain but after a couple of hours I became rather adept with using the boots to walk in.
The hours passed and I still kept walking. I was tired, my feet were hurting, the vibrating cock ring was ceaseless in its torment of me and my arms had gone numb from being forced together behind my back almost non-stop for nearly 24 hours. 4pm came and went and she still didn't turn up. At 4:45pm she finally came in stating "Sorry Slave, I had almost forgotten about you. Remember, I can do that, but you can never forget me!" She said coolly which earned a glare from me. "Now, now Slave. Don't make me leave you on this all night" she warned. I softened my facial expression and she then turned the treadmill off much to my relief and slowly unbuckled my supports. "I think you've earned a good rest my Slave" my Mistress said softly. "Follow me to the dining room and I will give you some food. Plus I want to see how good you've got at walking in these boots". I then walked to the dining room without any assistance albeit slower than usual and my Mistress seemed to be impressed. "Well done Slave!" She said happily. "I told you that would work. Now, sit down and I'll give you a well earned meal".
Chapter 4 (added: 2015/10/19)
I wish I could say that I slept well that night but even when your body is tired, a vibrating cock ring is enough to cause a literal nightmare. I was still in the clothes I had worn all day, including the ballet boots and strapped down to the mattress like I was in the morning, but thankfully, I was without the monoglove armbinder. Despite that, my arms were still weak and it would be a while before they could do much work. That was what I was expected to do tomorrow, become an in-house slave for my Mistress and I was expected to do it in ballet boots, arms which had spent a whole day bound together tightly and with a vibrating cock ring. All with the dreaded fear of a severe punishment over my head the entire time.
When my Mistress served me dinner, she turned on the news and there was not a single news story on the simple fact that I was missing. It was then when she made it perfectly clear that "your old life is gone Slave, nobody in it cared about you or knew who you were. In this life, serve me and obey me and I will ensure that you never come to harm. I will protect you and look after you. Serve me, and you will discover that making me happy will make you happy. You can choose to endorse this now or be broken and soulless when you accept it. Sleep on it". As much as my old life did have its freedoms, it wasn't much of a freedom. I was scraping by day to day in smelly clothes and sleeping in dark alleys in a life that is usually short and miserable. Here, I could tell that I would be well fed, given clean and smart clothes and I had a purpose, albeit a perverted and strange one. Another upside was that I was horny all the time. I hadn't had experiences this interesting or exciting in three years of homelessness than in the two days I had been a slave to my Mistress. Some birds are meant to be caged, and I guess I am one of them.
The Sun had been up for quite some time when my Mistress unlocked and walked through the door declaring that "it's a beautiful day Slave. Perfect for your first day of being a domestic servant don't you think?" I made a simple "mmph" through my gag which was meant to mean "yes Mistress" but she simply ignored it. She then unbuckled the restraints around my bed and led me to the bathroom. Here, after stripping me naked (except for the cock ring and collar, she told me to get in the shower, and present myself on my knees in her bedroom after drying myself.
I did just that and when she came in she sat on her bed which I was facing and asked: "Have you thought anymore about what I said to you last night?" I replied with "yes Mistress". She then asked, "will you be my slave and serve me unquestioningly and no matter what I put you through?" This time, I looked at her and said "I will Mistress". She smiled and said "Excellent, now let's get you dressed Slave". She walked over to the chest of drawers, opened them and pondered for a moment before taking out a light blue polo shirt and some black shorts as well as socks and underwear. She then dressed me, finishing by tucking the polo shirt into the shorts and buttoning it up to the top. I was relieved to see that I wouldn't be wearing ballet boots today, but normal black shoes as she said "those will be used mainly for show, punishment or when I want you to be really uncomfortable". She then went off into her wardrobe and came out with some handcuffs and a gag with a hole in the middle of it. She told me that this was a ring gag which she buckled around the back of my head before padlocking it and handcuffing my wrists at the front of my body, not the back.
After all this, she reviewed me in front of a mirror where she softly said "you look so smart Slave and I am very happy you are so eager to serve me. Rest assured, your trust in me will be rewarded". I must say, I agreed with the assessment and I was happy with myself for making in, my opinion, the right choice although my new gag wouldn't show it. After that we went to breakfast with her still leading me by the collar. Her mother was already outside sunbathing and my Mistress insisted I eat breakfast before her, although this did require her to take off the ring gag temporarily. Once I had my breakfast, I was once again gagged and was told to stand at the side and wait on my Mistress with my hands over my groin area, which I did. My Mistress didn't require anything else and I was handed an apron and told to do the washing up and meet her in her room in 15 minutes.
Washing the dishes and other cooking equipment was simple enough but that damned vibrator was making it difficult. I did ponder about taking it off and hiding it but I feared my Mistress would notice and punish me in the severest possible way so I left it on. I was able to finish my task and report to my Mistress's room in time where I stood and waited for her. When she arrived she ordered me onto my knees as she had this morning and she then informed me that "I have told you a lie Slave." I thought she was going to tell me that somebody reported me missing, but she then said "this voyage won't take a week. In fact, we're due to get home tonight! You are now just a few hours away from your new life, isn't this exciting?" She asked with a smile. I tried to respond but it was incomprehensible, not that it stopped her as she firmly told me "I don't remember asking you to talk Slave, that is why you are gagged. You must be punished, and don't even think of making a sound or I will make it worse". I knelt there, awaiting my punishment which was unexpected but still unpleasant when it was revealed. She had bought in some bits of cotton and some chilli sauce and explained that she was going to put chilli sauce on these bits of cotton and then put them into my mouth through the hole in my gag. I tried to shake my head at this, but the collar was doing an excellent job of keeping my head facing forwards. Before she got to work, she put my hands behind my back and handcuffed them so I couldn't stop her or get the cotton out.
There was nothing I could do as she forced it through the hole in my mouth as one bit of cotton followed the other until my mouth was literally packed with the stuff. It was a very painful situation where I had to try not to swallow any of the cotton while my mouth felt like it was on fire. Although my chances of spitting any out were very slim at best, my Mistress took no chances and wrapped several layers of tape around my head covering my mouth. It also had the added effect of keeping me quiet. She then handcuffed my wrists around the front of my body and ordered me to accompany her on deck where I was expected to wait on her. The day was particularly torturous with a mouth that was burning for hours and I still had to make her cold, refreshing drinks and bring them to her. However, despite this I was happy to belong to her. Every time I walked past a reflection of myself in my buttoned up polo shirt, shorts, shoes and collar, I couldn't help but pause to admire the transformation I had gone through in such a short space of time which I owed entirely to my Mistress and this was just a small price to pay for serving her.