Author's Note: Comments very welcome
Part 1
He typed in the address of the site on the gift certificate that he found when clearing out his late uncle Tom's belongings. There had been quite a few really interesting things to keep, and as a poor student he could use things others wouldn't be all that interested in, of course. His mother had given him free reign anyway, since it saved her a long trip from Dallas to San Francisco, and he was only half a day away, north of LA. She had not been very close to her younger brother, but his death at a young age when driving off a coastal cliff in his new Porsche convertible had nevertheless been quite a shock. Best of it for him, when clearing his uncle's condo out had been finding a two year old Chevrolet Tahoe. It was slightly dented, but still, a vast improvement on the 14 year old Honda Civic with the airco kaputt. Yet he even got $200 for it selling his old banger on the spot. It had been a matter of loading the stuff he had wanted to keep, and getting the rest to the dump. A U-haul trailer had been needed though. The condo had been put on the market now, and the proceeds would be going to his mother, obviously.
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Still, Tom was supposed have been quite well off, but his accommodation didn't really give that away. Back home he had unloaded the Tahoe and the trailer. A couple of things required further investigation anyway, like a folder with documents, a locked briefcase, as well as two expensive trunks which had locks, but no keyhole for a key. Having replaced his less than perfect television with the one from Tom, he went to look for the remote control, but he couldn't find it. Just when he was about to give up, having to go out for a universal RC, he found the bag he had put it into himself, together with a few more RC's and a rather swish laptop. He connected the power supply of that as well. Fat chance he would have to find a way around the passwords on it, reformatting it in the process, but that didn't deter him in the least as he was quite a nerd. The TV worked fine, and it turned out to have a digital card and a direct internet access on it as well, so that was great. He put a pizza in the oven, and waited for the TV to find the channels it had access to.
He also hooked up his mobile to re-load it, as it had run empty in the car. There was a voicemail of Cindy, his girlfriend, on it. She more or less dumped him in it, and he not even listened long enough for the message to finish, as he had long tired of her incessant claiming on him. Nag, nag, nag. Only really beautiful women could afford to do that, and she sure didn't qualify. He looked at the TV with its many channels , and had the pizza and a diet coke while zapping through its channels. Nice. It would be great to have the PS3 hooked up to it, so that was cool. With the nearly eaten pizza remaining on the plate on the table, he leaved through the folder with documents, as he had promised his mother to report back on any stuff found in the condo, and she would keep reminding him until he did, basically.
Just two papers of interest for her, which he took a digital pic of with his iPhone, emailing them to her. Done. That was also when he found this officious looking gift certificate. Normally he would have left it until later, but as it was due to expire that same day, he decided to type the webaddress on it. He glimpsed at the laptop on his way to his own desktop PC, and saw it had fully booted up and was ready to use. No password, hence. He chuckled. Nice. He typed the spec listing in, and saw it was top grade, state of art. Yes! He hooked it up to his wireless network and it was set to go. He opened the browser and went for the certificate. Right when he got on the site he was linked through on to a secure site.
Welcome Tom Brothers it said. Right. He looked at the options and found the most likely link for the certificate. He got to a page where he had to type in the number on the certificate, and having done so, the screen indicated receipt, and that they would come back to him. Almost immediately he received an email, which said,'hello Mr. Brothers, thank you for endorsing the gift certificate. Could you please indicate if this is to benefit yourself or a third party'. He might as well indicate himself here, he thought.
An email now arrived for him, and one for his late uncle. He opened the latter first. 'Our record indicate that you moved. Please confirm.' Odd, that, he thought, but he confirmed. The mail to him on Outlook congratulated him on his gift, and indicated delivery within 24 hours. OK. He went back to the site to see what was all about anyway. Again he got to the secure part right away. Apparently it was about state of art robotics. When he got down to 'your account', it listed many parts, without really indicating what they were. He hoped this didn't mean another return trip to San Francisco, to some lockup with hi tech stuff in it. Surely the site could tell him what the numbers stood for?
He was just about to start digging in on that, when the doorbell rang. He looked through the spy hole, and it showed an UPS guy with a trolley. 'Express delivery for Jeremy Stevens'. Wow, that was lightning quick! It was a huge box, rectangular, with arrows pointing toward one of the thinner ends, indicating up for unpacking. The UPS graciously wedged the package aginst the wall in the hall, had him sign off on the tablet he carried with him under his arm, and went away. 'Open first' it said on a small box which neatly fitted in halfway. It contained a letter, and a remote control. And two long life batteries. The letter indicated that first the RC should be powered on, and that it would connect with any computer through wireless. It all worked great.
The first instruction was to hold the power switch until it blinked, and then not to touch it again until setup was completed. The programme on the laptop started up. He put the RC on the table next to him, and read:'Welcome! You have received the Rehobot LXX1. Before you continue please inspect the package if any transport damage has occurred. He did, and it hadn't. He confirmed, still none the wiser. 'Experience learned that the primary set up is best executed with the packaging still closed. Please proceed' Enter. 'Rehobot LXX1 is our top line state of art model of a fully functional female robot, which if set up properly will function and perform exactly to your requirements. Unless so specified, Rehobot LXX1 can be switched off as required through your laptop or RC, or it can be set on timed loop to perform functions on any specific moment of the day.' Cool, he thought, housekeeping and decorating not being his first pleasure in life. It also applied to his nerdy geekness to have a robot working in the house while he had a beer with friends. 'Now please open slot B on the package and remove the end of the power cord with the plug attached, and insert this to a power socket. The Rehobot LXX1 has the latest technology power system fitted and will only require charging every week. Normally Rehobot LXX1 will itself assure that it is plugged in in time, but in case of a power loss or outage it may require assistance in this.'. This made sense, and he dealt with it.
Thank you, the screen said. Nice, he thought, interlinked, obviously. Now a screen appeared which indicated 'Setup Rehobot LXX1'. Please do not interrupt this procedure. Please make the time available to complete setup. Do not skip initial setup steps. This may take some time. Do you want to continue? He got himself a Bud from the fridge and some pretzels, and sat down with the lap top again. This was going to be fun! He tapped continue with the mouse. A page appeared with Legal mumble jumble, in which he had to mark a cross and click 'agree'. The setup said: now keep the ideal solution in mind when setting the parameters. Please bear in mind that resetting the initial setup will require a full reboot with total data erasure. OK.
On the screen appeared the outline of a human female body, which obviously had been set to predefined parameters, of what generally men would find reasonably attractive. Jeremy had been wolfing through issues of 'Playboy' and 'Penthouse' for years, until he had found his way on the internet with all irritating childminders removed. He preferred the slightly bimbo like looks with girls though with him being rather nerdy he never had really been able to date any girl looking like them. So he grinned at the perceived notion of being able to define his own choices. Length. Well, he was well over 6 feet, so let's go for 5 ft 8in. Age 18. Body: thin. Body fat: little. There were apparently innumerable settings but the system fotunately suggested a predefined setting in many cases, which he often agreed to. He did re-adjust the defaults for breasts (to 40DD), body definition (sculpted and toned), leg length (maximum setting) and ass (more rounded). For haircolor he specified a nice blonde, with blonde eyebrows and other body hair, with armpit hair shaved and pussy hair trimmed.
By now he was rather hot, and he got another beer. Skin, tanned. Eyesight 100%. Odd that, but then some guys liked glasses, he guessed. The system then indicated that the preliminary setup had now been finished, and if he agreed. The screen showed the model on a turnstile. Nice, he chuckled, but he still had difficulty to believe it would even resemble a real girl. He confirmed. The screen then indicated that the Rehobot LXX1 would now be adapted as such. This would take some time, and would he please continue with the second part of the set up. These were all character and attitude registers, which enabled him to indicate what she would have to be like in her attitude and reactions in general, and towards him. As it defined a few main characteristics from the start: fit, sporty, witty, with humor, attentive, caring, straight, adventurous, confident, it then produced a profile, which in turn allowed for fine tuning based on these statements. It was near to midnight now, and he was getting very tired, but he was also fascinated by getting to the end. The software then came up with a set of questions which he had to answer, and he decided to go for a swill of bourbon, one of the bottles he brought back from his uncle's place. The questions were formulated as 'would you rather this or that, in those cases were definitions overlapped. Not too difficult questions in itself, but the answer was not always easy. Caring rather than adventurous: the latter. Attentive rather than confident: confident, then, no nagging him. That completed, the list went on to sexual preferences.
This had not been on top of his mind when the box arrived, but along the way the feeling had dropped that this was also a feature of Rehobot LXX1 and in spite of beng very tired, he didn't want to stop now with a subject like this. Fortunately it was largely predefined based on his earlier answers with some sections being highlighted for requiring an answer. Many answers were hearfelt yes: blowjob variants, anal sex, tightness, wetness, sensitivity, volumes at orgasms. Still, he dosed off nevertheless, before he suddenly awakened with the laptop beeping. The powercable had fallen out, and he quickly reattached it. The screen indicated he should confirm his settings a.s.a.p. to save his data, which he did, wherupon the screen indicated, that the setup proces had now been completed.
Did he want the Rehobot LXX1 to have full internet connectivity as well as with his wireless, yes of course, and did he want the Rehobot LXX1 to adapt and be self learning, yes. So far so good. Now the sealant strip on the box should be pulled off, and all was ready to go. He closed the laptop. The RC had stopped blinking. He put it in his trouser pocket, just in case. An arrow indicated where he was to start opening the package. Then he opened the lid of the box and peeked inside. He fully expected to find another set of instructions.
Part 2 (added: 2014/09/24)
Inside there was the woman he had 'created'. She opened her eyes that same instant, looked at him, and said 'Hello, Jeremy' in a somewhat husky voice, while she stepped out of the box towards him. 'Hello', he stammered. 'I am Mary', she said, 'Thank you for having me.' He was completely amazed. She looked absolutely like a human, and one of the most attractive he had ever seen at that. 'Yes', she said, 'why don't you have a good look at me.'' I hope you don't mind', he said.'Of course not,' she said,' I am all new to you, after all. And please feel free to feel and touch too.' She looked at him, at the same time. 'Can I ask you a question?, she said. 'Of course', he said. 'I sense you are probably extremely tired at this moment. Would you like a massage to relax, and then first have a good night's sleep?'
He nodded. 'It would be best, even though I am also rather excited about your arrival'. 'I won't go away', she smiled, and guided him to the bedroom, where she did wonders with oil and her strong hands. It all seemed so natural, which somehow felt wrong and good at the same time.
Wakened by another beautiful sunny Sunday in LA, he yawned and stretched. Did he dream weirdly or what? Exactly on that moment she came into the room, holding a tray with breakfast on it, which he almost never got around to. 'Good morning, Master', she beamed to him, 'I hope this is allright for breakfast for you'. He was totally lost for words. Not only did he become aware it hadn't been a dream, he was also completely stunned by how beautiful this creature was. She had managed to produce something tasty from a few leftover boxes in a cupboard, and a big mug of black coffee to go with it. While he ate it she sat on the edge of the bed perched towards him. 'Is it OK, Master?', she asked. 'Wait, he said, let's get rid of the "Master" and please call me Jeremy. Do I need the laptop or the RC for that?' 'Not at all,' she said,' I am self-learning, much like a normal person. In fact, most customers have no need to even consider the robotic innards of our topline models ever after initial setup. The RC is really a remnant of days gone by, unless you have paused me, or you have totally switched me off, without plugging me in.' It was different when we were just sex robots or when wewere supplied with limited capability functional appliances.. 'Right,' he said, and just as he was about to continue, the door bell rang. 'Oops,'she said, 'that'll be my stuff. Can I have that?', she asked pointing at the bed sheet, and before he knew , she had dragged it off, wrapped it around her like a toga, disappearing to answer the door, leaving him stark naked on the bed with the remainder of his breakfast. By the sound of it a number of boxes were put in the hall, and then she returned, dropping the sheet on the bed again and taking the tray away from him. 'Sorry, about that, but I couldn't answer the door in the nude'. She returned, and sat down again. By now his dick had gone to fully erect, and he reached for the sheet to cover himself up again. 'Oh, she said, another thing I am late in taking care of, and she bent forward, taking the top of it in her mouth. She took her time in pleasuring him, while he went from shocked to total pleasure in a few moments. Not only was she stimulating and tender with it, she also seemed to know exactly when to go slower when he threatened to shoot his load, prolonging his pleasure for quite a while, before she asked in between sliding it in again deep down her throat, if he preferred to cum there and then, or if he wanted to get inside her. 'You are starting to leak a lot of pre-cum,after all, and I wouldn't want to drain you completely on the first opportunity'. I would love to fuck, he told her rather starry eyed, how about you being on top?.
She smiled, sliding on top on him. She was wet, smooth and as tight as a fiddle, and she rode him energetically, while he dared to slide his hands over her ass and back, before cupping her beautiful breasts, pausing at her hard erect nipples to play with him. She obviously started to enjoy herself as well, bucking him, moaning. He rolled her around on her back regaining some sort of control, pounding into her now, while her vaginal muscles seemed to pull him in yet further. He didn't last all that long, before shooting his load deep into her, while she contracted hard, scratching his back with her long nails. She put her legs behind him, and kept the pulse going and after a short while when he was opting to get out of her to give it some rest, he took to the mood of just wanting to continue fucking her. His dick as a result never seemed to completely go flaccid, her muscles apparently entrapping the blood in it, and soon he felt as if it went hard again, perhas even more than before. He went to doggy for a while, enjoying her dancing ass in front of him, and grabbing her tits, but soon he had to admit that in spite of her egging him on with lots of dirty talk, he was running out of breath and stamina. When he pulled away to drop on his back, she quickly mounted him again, for riding him lightly and quickly, balancing her own weight, so his breath wasn't made difficult by her weight. Of course he could go on like that, and wanted to go like that, and while she had her juices run over him liberally, she more or less gyrated herself to a frenzy indicating another orgasm coming for her. This time she screamed now pounding him hard with all her weight, and when he erupted into her she bend forward rubbing her tits over his breast until it was all over. They then laid next to each other, hearts pounding, trying to catch their breath again, while her hand never left the base of his cock slowly moving the ring she formed between index finger and thumb up and down, without ever coming close to his frenum or glans. 'I guess some cleaning up is due,'she said, and incredibly she licked his whole shaft and balls clean before she gently sucked off the top to remove any residue of sperm. He was still pretty sensitive at the edge of his glans though, perhaps as a result of the tight grip of her pussy spasms, but in stead of pulling away as he would normally do, he was mesmerised by the way the velvet tip of her tongue toyed wit hit. He was amazed to find it getting rigid again, and obviously she also registered his willingness by increasingly massaging his shaft with both hands until it was pretty hard again. She smiled, and said, I think you are probably too well spent now to really make a third time happen, georgeous, but why don't we enjoy a shower together to give it a bit of time?
Usually having a shower with a girl was impossible for him as girls seemed to like to boil either in the bat hor under the shower, but Mary dipped in with him at his preferred temperature and then proceded to give a soapy washing which was out of this world. She had her hands and thighs fully operational over all his body, while her breasts rubbed against him from every possible direction. And he touched and washed and groped her wherever he liked, and she never told him off. On the contrary. When he groped her big breasts from behind she encouraged him to be rougher with them, to pinch her nipples, while her ass rotated against his dick. Small wonder then that he got hard again, and when he attempted to slide into her and fond that her long legs made a standing penetration not easy, she at first folded them a round him, leaving im to carry her weight, and when he started to fail with that, she put her back against one wall, and her feet against the facing wall of the shower to enable him free reign, he really went for it and while she had an earth shattering orgasm, he wasn't yet able to cum.
She wrapped him in a huge towel and dragged him to the bed, where she went onto give him a combination of a hand job and a blow job, driving him to edge repeatedly without making him cum, though he really would have liked to by then, without really knowing if he could at all. Next he knew, now being out of control completely, was the index finger of her left hand, slowly and carefully playing with his asshole, before starting to slide in. While he wanted to deny her that, and inform her that he was a virgin there, he really didn't have the power to mention it anymore, and she when she suggested that het ried to relax his muscle as much he could, she slid pas it into his ass, where she started to massage his prostrate in slow rubbing movements until he released his smen into the mouth that so willingly engulfed its lips around his engorged member. He didn't even remember her sucking him dry, before he fell to sleep in her arms.
Several hours later he awoke again, and he sensed the sensation of Mary's long soft hair over and against him. Did she smell good or what? Hello, sweety, she said, why don't you take another shower, get some clothes on. I think we need to do some shopping.. He took his shower, hopped out, and found she already had clothes laid out on the bed ready for him to wear. A white T-shirt, skinny faded jeans, cowboy boots he bought years ago, and almost never wore, and a brown slim line leather bomber jacket. A nice brown belt. Th last two had been his uncle's and he had taken them with him to use them, so why not. When he came out of the bedroom he was stunned to find that all other spaces in the house had been cleaned, and organized. 'Is that OK with you honey?', she asked, wearing a black leather miniskirt, a tight white tank top, knee length black leather boots with high heels and an expensive looking thin black leather jacket. She gave him a nice embrace and a long lingering kiss on his mouth. 'You look stunning, Mary,' he said, grabbing his wallet, keys and cell phone. She gave him a million dollar smile and said, 'you look smart too, honey.' She handed him his glasses, his new ones, which he had broken three weeks after buying them, and now apparently repaired. He put down his old ones. 'Gee, thanks, that's great,' he said. 'The optimetrist said it couldn't be done.' 'Change supplier, she chuckled. While they drove down the mall in the Chevy, which also had been cleaned outside and inside, she interviewed him on his family and friends. 'It helps if I meet them or get to speak to them when I answer the phone. 'Well,' he told her,' there is my dad, who is a big cattle farmer in Texas, who is rarely at home, and we do get on, but we don't discuss much. I am the only son, but I am obviously not a dyed though the wool redneck, so I am not sure how he feels about me. My mother is tall and thin, but often really unhappy I think. She goes to the country club, plays bridge, and she has been known to drink a bit. She can be fuzzy, particulary if I try and avoid giving her an answer. She was amazed when I went out to study here but after the results of two consecutive years were very good, I think she has now started to see me in a more favourable light. I think se now also regards me as a man of the world.' Mary grinned.' I have two sisters, Jo-Anne, who is three years older than me. She is as tough as leather, has a big farm with her husband, who is not needed to run the place or to give an opinion. She is build like a bulldozer, very muscular, and we don't get on all that well. She should have been a guy, I guess, but she is still quite feminine. She is almost as tall as I am.'' Wow,' Mary said, 'taller than me.'' When I pissed her up in the past, she used to pull me over her lap, and spank me hard with her bare hands, and you would be able to see the impression of her hand on my ass hours later.' 'And she started doing that when?', Mary asked. 'Since she was about 12 or 13. Both my other sister and I kept out of her way. She married when she was 16 though and moved to the farm of her husband, Jerry. I think occasionally she would still be tempted to grab me, to make a man out of me. They have four children now. If I see them once a year, it is a lot.' 'OK, and what about your other sister?' Lillybelle is two, almost three years, my junior. We do get on, but she copied some of my dad's and Jo-Anne's attitude into her genes. She looks like the cheerleader she is. She is much more sportier and alwas was much more popular than me, as is a stunner as far as looks are concerned. From the moment she caught me wanking off on porn she has been teasing and nagging me about it.'. 'Did she also spank you?, Mary asked. 'A lot, and particulary in front of one or more of her friends, for a couple of years. The n one of the friends started to have sex with me and that kinda ruined it a bit for her. Of late she has been emailing me about missing me more and more, and now that she is 18, she is also looking to go to university, and she even is considering California. She will no doubt join one of the more popular sororities then. She may come and visit some time soon.' 'So you kinda have the hots for her', Mary smirked. 'I do, err, did, but it is mutual, cos we got drunk once and we fucked. Only once, though, but she is scared I will tell anyone. But I never did. Well, to you, now.'' Any friends back home or from high school still?' Being a bit of a nerd is not a good thing in all sporty brawny Fort Worth or Dallas, and I wasn't much of a girl puller', he sighed. 'Nobody went to LA to study. I think the school was amazed I applied for Berkeley, and that I not only was admitted but actually got an invitation with a grant. When that arrived even my dad stopped long enough to congratulate me. So I had the odd girlfriend there, as well as here, but nothing major. I never got the girls I lusted after, and the ones that I got I wasn't al that enamoured with after a while. In fact I just got dumped by the last one, just before the weekend.'
They arrived at the mall. 'Wait ' He said. We need a backup story on your past. 'Mary Cuthbertson, 19', she smiled, 'with my parents frequently moving from one diplomatic post to the other, I was sent down to St. Katherine's School for girls in Boston, and afterwards I did one year finshing school in St.Mary Mead in the United Kindom and at the Ecole de l'Institute Messier in Lausanne. I am now ready to take on any sort of job, hoping to a grade in Applied Computer Sciences on Berkeley. I am very sporty, but I love running, fitness, horseriding and martial arts in particular. I have a brother in the State Department, and no other family.' She smiled. 'And I gotta tell you, I would love to spank that nice ass of you'. She giggled, and he felt his dick getting hard. She stuck her tongue out, and dragged him to the hairdresser they parked near by, to have his hair cut. He looked a lot more present day when he returned to the car, with Mary also just having returned. Did you want anything else from the mall, hun?', she asked. She had done all the shopping in the meanwhile. Nice.
He got in at the passenger side. 'Are you all set up to drive this?', he asked. Yep, she smiled. As it turned out she was an even better driver than he was. So, she said. 'How about friends and girlfriends here? Well there is Josh and Fredo, and Carl, the guys I have been hanging around with regulary. We don't so much go out somewhere, but we do get together and a have beer, and watch a game and stuff. We were set to meet tonight, but I haven't told them I returned from San Franciso, so they are bound to either turn up or start phoning me anytime now.'' All from the Science side of University?', she inquired. All nerds he confirmed. She chuckled, your words, not mine. That's it? A few people I know by talking to them, but hardly close friends. And past girlfriends? Monica, Sandra and Jean: all split ups in such a way that we will never talk again. Josie is sadder and nerdier than anyone I ever met, and I guess I only dated here because I was sorry. I still see her on occasion, and Miranda, he paused, she is a bit volatile, borderline like lately so I thought I keep her at armlength. That's it basically. Sad, huh? There is no denying it is not a fabulous social life, Mary mused. But things can improve. They have, he said, with your arrival. She reached over and squeezed his dick and balls nicely, and he wondered if they could have some fun when they got home. She carried four big shopping bags in one go, with him bringing up a few pieces that were left behind, and another bag.
He went to the toilet for a prolonged session, and when he returned she had changed into running gear. Come on, she said, you need some exercise. You saw that this morning. True, unfortunately, and she passed a box with new running shoes to him. You didn't seem to have these anywhere, she smiled.She proved difficult to keep up with, and she was quite demanding in him keeping up. In fact she could run rings around him and still would manage to finish in front of him. He enjoyed looking at her, he sort of enjoyed her company and her slightly insulting teasing, and he was totally stripped of any dignity he might have left by the time they arrived home. He was soaked with sweat, and weezed and coughed while he tried to breathe. Poor darling, Mary said, passing him a nice cool something drink that did help him to restore his condition. Why don't you lie down on the bed, face down and I'll massage you, or you will be feeling most of your muscles all night. Boy, she was good at that. Then he got to shower, while she set out to do dinner. The clouds had disappeared so he put on a pair of shorts and a T shirt, embracing her to kiss, when the doorbell rang, and the whole gang came barging in, with even Janice, Carls on/off girlfriend in tow. A lot of chaotic talking was interrupted by the entrance of Mary holding a tray of cold Buds, and a plate with snacks. But her looking like she did in bleached cut off skinny jeans, and a tight blue tanktop would stop traffic anywhere, but it certainly did here. He did introductions, but it was a while before conversation even passed for the usual, really rather witty nonsense. Janice - herself not looking bad at all, but nowhere in Mary's league wa apparently plesantly surprised that she wouldn't be the only woman around. When the snacks had been finished, conversation turned to the meal. Fredo's eyes were firmly glued on her breasts, and not matter what, that stayed that way for a long, long time. 'We'll are having a BBQ on the roof terrace', Mary said. I cleaned that up just in time when I realised the weather would turn fine tonight. Perhaps redecorating was a better qualification. All broken seats had been repaired with newly recovered or replaced cushions, a new wind resistant parasol was there and the blackened and filthy BBQ was spotless, with the small fridge apparently back in operation loaded with drinks. The view was OK, but not all that great, but a usable roof terrace had a magic working on the atmosphere which turned to getting very agreable by now. He assisted Mary in getting the meat and the veggies to the terrace, and took the chance to kiss her and compliment her. She blushed even. I love it when you are happy, she smiled. HIs old television had been hooked up, and they watched a game on it. The game was a bit stale, but the BBQ went great. Though sometimes the gang were hanging on the couch until the early morning hours, Janice had to get up early to do early shift as a medical co-assistant, so they all went away in the same car around 10.30. And even Carl helped in clearing the mess away to the kitchen. The moment their car moved away, her hand slided into his shorts towards his dick. 'Any chance of me getting satisfaction as a little reward for setting this all up, or are you worn out? It was like asking a duck if he liked to swim, basically.
Part 3 (added: 2014/10/24)
He almost ripped her clothes off, but she chuckled and said, 'whoa, tiger, let's do this differently..are you in for a little game?' Anything', he indicated, as long as we get things done.'You see, because we have been so busy, we only had sex today in the morning, and based on what you were up to during the last couple of days, I think you are very eager by now. So why don't we play a little gamefor fun, huh?'Her hands were in his neck and on his nipples and she looked him deep into his eyes, being such a turn on. 'Sure', he said, not having been disappointed by her prowess so far. She chuckled and handed him four fabric cuffs, of a black synthetic material, which had a Velcro fastening on them and a small round, steel plaque on them. 'Slip those on your ankles and wrists hun, I am just getting some massage oil from the bathroom'. He looked at them. Very simple things really, and nothing like the frightening leather or steel contraptions he had seen on the internet. He put them on, not too tight, when she returned. She assisted him with the wrists, putting those on a bit tighter, and she refitted the ones on his ankles. 'You are not going to tell me those things are frightening you, she said, but of course if they do, we can also let it be.'but while she said this she sat on his lap and slowly kissed him on his mouth in a very convincing way. 'I guess it is alright, he muttered without much confidence. What use would all those functions in her be if they were inherently unsafe, right? He laid back on the bed and she started kissing him working herself down to his nipples, with a light bite at them with her teeth that turned him on, down over his slightly flabby ab, towards his dick which had started pulsating slightly already. Then she stopped unfortunately, and sat astride his tummy, tickling him slightly, though not to the extent that he screamed for laughter or agony. She then went up kissing his armpits and his arms, moving them upwards. She grabbed the oil which she had put on the nightstand next to the bed, or so he thought, but in stead she pushed a button on a remote control, after which there was a light click, which indicated that the cuffs had locked to two similar plaques on the headstand. Though they were not attached to each other, his arms were pulled to them, and he couldn't bring them down again. She kept carressing him, now also lightly rotating her abdomen over his body. It was only when she sat down kneeling next to him on the bed, that he noiced that the same fixation had also been applied to his ankles. She wrpped her hand around his shaft, slowly and lightly sliding it up and down, taking his focus away from his bonds to the mounting excitement of his pending orgasm. She kept at it until he was on the brink, letting him cool down again. 'now, she smiled,'how often do you think you can cope with being driven on the edge of cumming without getting any release?' He answered on the line of really wanting to cum right now, and she chuckled and rolled his dick in her hands slowly and gently, until he was sure no action would be coming from her to prevent him from shooting, when she let go again, with his dick bopping uselessly in the air. 'Now, she repeated,'how often do you think you can cope with being driven on the edge of cumming without getting any release?' He got slightly irritated now, sayng he had just indicated that he wanted to cum. 'Oh, really', she grinned, and started using the tip of her fingers pointing towards each others and her two thumbs at the end of his shaft to move them up and downwards with a bit more determination and force than before, looking him straight into his eyes, while the tip of her tongue lightly played with his glans near the slit in it. Again she kept on stimulating him until he was close, closer than before, actually as a hint of precum flowed from the slit. She immediately left him hanging in the air, stopping all play until the tingling sensation in his balls disappeared again. 'Now if I were you, I would consider answering my question, so that your attempts would count towards the total, she smirked, because without that we won't even get started with our little game, you know.' It was then that he tried to slip his wrist out of the cuff, moving it down as far it would let him, and then attempting to slide his hand through. It failed completely. 'I so love the wriggling', she said, but it is totally useless, you know. She picked up the RC, and pushed a button holding it briefly. He felt his leggs and arms being pulled tighter, further towards the steel points on the headboards. See?, she said,' I can make them much tighter than they were, even put a strain on you and stretch you further if I push it again. OK?' He stared at her suddenly acutely aware that he was completely helpsless. She pushed again, and there was a bit more space to manouver again. 'Silly', she smiled, and went on to jack him off again, this time by making a ring between her thumb and finger and rubbing it up and down wrapped around his shaft. Another trial round, then?. 'Stop, please, he said, I don't know, I guess, well, ten times perhaps', giving in to her desire to make him play the game.''Is that cumming ten times in a row, not cumming in spite of being teased to cum ten times, or edging you ten times' she smiled. Edging ten times, he said, edging, please'. 'Please, Mary', she said.' Please Mary, ten times edging, please'. 'Gladly ', she said, as if someone had just ordered ten cups of cappucino with her, 'I love it when you are polite to me, and ask nicely.' She worked him up to a dizzy height of approaching his orgasm, and then she didn't keep him hanging there just like that, but she continued stimulating his cock and balls lightly keeping him on the border between being there to cum and it just not happening for several minutes. This drove him absolutely crazy. She stopped to let him cool off, after about fifteen minutes of this, and said that this counted as one, and if I couldn't do her the favour of calling that out aloud to her, and to ask her for another go at him...He would much have preferred to shout at her to finally get it over with, finally, but he realised it would be a futile effort. 'One time, Mary, thank you, and could you give it another go, please', he sort of tred to smile to her confidently. 'Oh, absolutely. Jeremy,' she beamed, 'I love us playing this game toghether...'. Two, Three, Four. Five times came and went. He was pleading with her, begging, grovelling, accusing, offending her, but it was to no avail at all. She hardly blinked an eye. You know, she said, if you would have played the game right from the start you would have been at eight now. But as it is, five more to go.. And she produced a feather..In five minutes he would gladly have signed over all his worldly possessions if only she would both stop and let him cum. She stopped again, of course, and sat down next to him. 'I don't know, really, if you are going to be able to go on much longer', she said. She had to be kidding . Please, please, he whimpered. Oh, God, please stop..make me cum'. 'This a bit confusing to me now, she smiled, do you want me to stop or to make you cum?''I can't stand it any longer, he brabbled, I need to come, now, and you gotta stop teasing me and edging me like you did before'. Well, she said, if you can't even ask me politely what you want me to do, then I guess you really want me to have another go, huh?' Upon she proceeded to bring him to the edge again. Obviously she improved her qualities to edge him still further every time she made another go with him, as this time she balanced him on what felt to be the real edge of the edge, as it were, with pre-cum oozing out of his dick in a liberal volume, when he attempted to push his cock into her hand to finally get to spurt she obviously felt his muscles tensioning up and she slapped his balls quite hard witht the back of her hand, sending jolts of pain through them, leading him astray. She chuckled at his quite obvious pain, and said, 'Naughty boy. Just when I was about to give in, you try and force me. You almost convinced me there. Bad boy. ' She beamed at him. Bad boys get spanked, Jeremy. No wonder your sisters resorted to that..Oh, I know, she smiled, it just occured to me. A trade-off..' What, what', he asked. I am going to make you cum, maybe even twice, but only if you agree to being spanked by me for your sins. She just knew hen ever was going to say no to that, didn't she?. "It will have to be a quite severe spanking, though. With all that abuse, and lack of respect from you..', she muttered lightly stroking his shaft up and down just stopping short of rubbing the rim of his glans. 'Twice?, he cackled. Spanking? she asked, stopping her hand mid-motion. 'No, cumming, damn it', he growled. Ok, she smiled, deal..,'increasing her grip and the speed she moved her hand with. It didn't take long at all until he felt a huge surge of sperm being jetted out in quite enormous bursts, she worked with two hands first along his shaft and on massaging his balls, but by the time he fel t he was losing the drive to shoot out more, she gripped the top of his dick with two thumbs massaging his corona in quite forceful round turning rubbing motions, which send all his nerves shooting signals all through him.' No, no, no,'he stammerred in total overload sensititvity, but the relentless massaging continued unabatedly with one thumb, while her other hand starting pumping him again in quite a hard grip. He needed to complain, but he found he was drooling heavily, and yet after a short while which he experienced as quite a long time his dick got bigger and hard again, and he miraculously felt another orgasm building up. She sensed it too, increasing her effort and pressure which made him feel like she pushed red hot needles trough his dick. At the same time he went towards leaking again, a thinner more clear fluid than before, but none theless it started to flow faster and faster again until he once again popped his valve. She milked it out of him in swift moves, and then went on to polish the head of his cock with inside of her stretched hand as i fit was an apple she wanted get shining. And once again, his nerves went into overload..'One more time? ,she asked mockingly, knowing full wel there wasn't a chance in hell he would get it going any time soon. 'I need to pee', he said, and she pushed the button on the Rc and he slided off the bed, feeling well used, but also strangely very much satisfied. In the bathroom, he ended up looing at the mirror, and het had a huge silly grin on his face. She came into the bathroom as well stood behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He felt her breath in his neckas she kissed him. Hmm. Nice.
Ánything specific you like me to wear when I spank you', she asked, while she picked up her brown wooden hairbrush from the toiletries stand.'Oh, come, on you weren't serious about that, were you,'he asked incredulously.'You gotta pay the ferry man', she giggled, 'and besides, it is a huge turn on for you.' He looke at his dick in the mirror, and saw it reeling at half mast, again. Shit, he thought, not now, I think, and then it occured to him he was still wearing the cuffs. He tried to peel them off, but somehow they didn't give way. She appeared in the doorway again, in a tight, white T-shirt without sleeves, and with incredibly tight, white jodhpurs on, with high gloss riding boots at her feet. She looked incredible. She wagged her finger at him and said 'Naughty...', to him teasingly. 'Don't try to take them off, hun, they won't budge..' He pulled harder, if only to make a point, and a beep in the next room sounded. She chuckled. 'Don't ', she started to say, and then he felt his wrists being drawn toward his back, and tight too. She turned around, and reappeared wth the RC, and pushed on it, releasing his wrists.' It is a predefined setting when one tries to remove them', she said , apparently by way of apology. She had placed the hair brush on the dining table, and pulled out one of the chairs,
Reversing it with its back towards the table, and then sat down on it. 'Get over my lap, Jeremy' she said quite firmly, pointing to her legs, 'we want to get this over with, don't we?' Though he had been in a mind to make a run for it, get her RC to stop her - if he could find it, he was also fascinated by the tone and the way she acted as if it came completely naturally to her. Besides was there a law about robots not being allowed to hurt its master. Again,he had his dick rule his head again, and he moved gingerly towards her, very much re-living his past at home. She smiled at him encouragingly,
And when he started to move and bend over her lap, she deftly guided his dick between her legs, clamping it between her thighs. She slowly rubbed his ass, and said 'Of course it has been a while for you, so I think we should start with a proper warm up of those buttocks too prepare them for later. She started slowly and not that hard, in series of 5, 8 and then 10 spanks, until it was glowing.'Now, Jeremy, she said rather primly, it is time we get some real heat into those nice firm globes of you. I am going to give you 50 with my bare hands and 50 with the brush for being naughty. After that we have to work off the points for me letting you cum as we agreed. These are the rules, as if you don't remember. You are to stay in position until I say otherwise. Briefly lifting a foot I am going to allow this first time, but two feet off, continueous wriggling, attempts to fend of blows, trying to get up or foul mouthed language means you will incur extra, right? And you are to keep count, and if you forget or lose track I will start all over again, OK? He was completely stunned. 'Did you hear me, Jeremy?', she asked, and he said 'Yes, Mary'. 'Good', she said. Óh, and repeated offences gets you a free upgrade'. What?
They were hard a bit harder than Lillybelle, but nothing like JoAnne. Nevertheless, when she pauzed at 25, it was also because he twice lifted his right foot off the floor in a row. She waited, but she didn't rub his ass. The next series was increasingly harder and ligthning quick in succession. He had difficulty keeping count, and towards the end he got uneasy and lifted both feet off, albeit only briefly.But he managed to get through. She paused again. This time she did feel the heat in his ass, and even squeezed it lightly. Nice bright red, she said. He was catching his breath. 'Time for the brush, then', she said picking it up fro the table.
It was worse than he remembered. She hit him hard, switched sides a lot, and went through rather quickly. He kept count, but he almost wriggled off her lap, and jumped up once. She paused. 'You got to toughen up a bit , Jeremy, 'she said gingerly, or would you prefer me to get the Spencer paddle for the rest of this series. No, he diddn't want that heineous contraption dancing on his buttocks, and so he promised to be good. He got through the rest of the round pretty well. Was it just the thought of the paddle? Close to the end she suddenly grabbed his shoulder and got him up in a jerk. 'Oh, my', she said,'look at what you did there, you filthy boy!' He didn't understand what she was talking about at first, but then he noticed a thin line of semen hanging from the aperture in his dick. 'I though I felt you leaking a moment ago, but you had to add insult to injury and shoot your nasty cum all over my new jodphurs. 'I am sorry, Miss', he stammered as if he was addressing an alien. He didn't even notice he had turned quite submissive in his attitude, but she did, of course. 'I had been hoping that a few lashes with the riding crop would settle it after this for tonight, but I guess you are completely out of control, and I need to resort to more stingent measures.' He was trembling now, but he was also deeply sorry for mucking up her bright white, fresh jodphurs. He was so involved in it all, he never spotted the satisfied look on her face. She sort of guided him towards a low settee table, on which she put a thick towel folded up, for him to kneel on. Just in case there will be further incidents, she said. He heard a wooshing sound and she had gotten a rattan cane out, a straight one with the grip covered in leather. 'Same rules apply', she said matter of factly, but it be a bit harder for you to abide with them'. He was scared shitless. She appeared to be really angry with him. Certainly she lashed out at hm and he broke about every rule in the book, within the first five. 'Oh, dear,'she said, at this rate we will be here all night, won't we?' She tried again, but stopped, again, after five more. This is no good she said. You are obviously not up to controlling yourself yet, I guess you need more support. Hands behind you back'. He did, and they clickled locked again. She bent him over further over the table until his forehead touched the table. It was then that he noticed his ankles were locked to the table as well. He then felt his arms being pulled up a bit, and he seemed to be well fixed. What followed was a world exploding in flashes of intense pain as the cane danced over his ass in a quick succession of blows all landing neatly spaced next to each other. It was only afterwards that he noticed he must have screamed and cried. 'This will have to do, this time, she said, more I can't bear to give you more now. She dropped the cane, and released him, helping up and holding him while she carressed him and comforted him. He heard himself beg her to forgive him. To absolve him even. She just held him until he stopped shaking and shivering, and helped him ge ton the bed on his belly. She even adjusted his rockhard dick for his comfort, the first time he noticed his had a huge erection. His mind played tricks with him, he was in pain, but elated, scared and yet he felt deeply cared for. And so, so tired, he fell asleep quickly.
In the night he woke up got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at his ass in the mirror. It was sensitive, but the skin had nowhere been broken. It didn't look like the trashing he had had at all. She appeared as by magic, also inspecting his ass. She got some cream out, had him lie down and rubbed it in. It felt great, and it also had an immediate cooling effect. 'I already did this twice when you were asleep', she said, and as you see it works wonders. She got in bed with him, he got on top of her and fucked her as hard as possible. She talked dirty to hm, complimenting him about his skills in making love and he spurted into her enthusiastically, before dropping of to sleep again more or less on top of her with his dick still inside. They were pretty much like that, though side by side, the next morning, his dick almost glued to her inside, and they took great care removing it with care and cleaning it under the shower.
I think you have to be in class by 11, don't you, she smiled. Shit, he thought, it's Monday. 9.30 now, and it's a half hour drive. If it starts, that is. No, no, got the Tahoe now,that'll start. Breakfast waiting for you, she said. He was about to take a bite out of a croissant and a sip of his freshly pressed orange juice when it crossed his mind that he was due to hand in the completed form with answers. He had writtten down the answers, but hen ever had gotten round to filling in the form. When he looked iiat the form he noticed it all filled out. 'The answers were all there, she said almost apologetically, so I thought I'd help you with that.'He looked around and all the stuff of last night had been cleared away, his laundry done and his affairs in order. He felt his bottom. She chuckled. She wrapped herself around him and kissed him as if they weren't ever to meet again. But she was around when he returned around four, horny as hell.
She was sitting behind the desk, filing away a box of papers. 'Honey,'she smiled,'could you sign this so we can post it? It was his income tax form, completed. One of the jobs he had left, though he should have dealt with it a while ago. He quickly scanned it, and said he wasn't expecting having to 3 grand was going to make him feel happy, but it was nice that it was done now any way. She smiled, and said, you'll get a 2 grand return, actually. I also filed this claim for you about the camera that got damaged during your last holiday. They'll never pay for that, he said. They will, she said, since you took out a special insurance on the camera when you bought it. Right. Kindest regards from your mother, Mary said next. Shit! Shit! He forgot to transfer the money from his late uncle as promised. I wire transferred the amount early this morning, she said, when it came in again. What? I made some money with it first, going short on the Yen. Anyway, your mother was very nice to me,and impressed you didn't forget. She smiled again. She unzipped his trousers, got his dick out and gave him a nice sloppy blowjob that made him shoot his load like a downpour into her mouth. 'Get into your running gear, hun, we are running to the fitness club we joined. Blast!
Before they left she handed him a drink, some juice. He ran quite a bit better than last time, or perhaps she ran a bit slower. Still, he was not completely knackered when they got to the fitness, but the lady who was running the outside was a little bit scary with huge bulgng muscles. She was impressed with Mary, with him, it has to be said, less so. The run back was a bit of a drag, though less than he anticipated, and when they got home, Miranda was leaning against the wall, in one of her moods. In fact she got loud the moment she laid eyes on him, and she was even less happy to see Mary there. Mary soon gave up on trying to appease Miranda, and when Miranda suddenly lurched forward to hit out at him, she bundled her out unceremoniously, returning to the house right away, when Miranda tried her on from behind. Miranda was quite strong, and sporty, but Mary took her down so hard, she never went for a second attempt. Afterwards Mary was completely unruffled, handing him another glass of juice, giving him a very nice massage, then having a bath with him. She was very playfull as well, and everytime he got an erection she went for it pulling him up to fuck her, 69-ing him, jerking him off in the bath, and they went to bed timely as two very happy bunnies.