Author's Note: a lady challenged me to write a bit more from the woman's perspective. I gave it a thought and this plot came up. A lot less bondage then I normally have, yet what Myrna experiences is not quite voluntarily.
Still drifting in that half mood of being awake and asleep, Myrna felt some tugging at her ankles.
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Hmm, that must be Fred, that mysterious yet delicious new colleague who had seduced her last night. His lovemaking had been soooo nice, she still felt like glowing..... until something cold snapped at her ankle.
Her eyes shot open, only to see Fred at her feet, holding what seemed like a tool. There was a bracelet around her ankle, and her other ankle too.
She looked up, closed her eyes a few times. This was not her bedroom! She was in what looked like a cross between a hospital room and a laboratory workshop.
Fred came to her, gently took her shoulders.
"Good morning, Myrna. Glad you have woken up. Although I thought you were still asleep, as you noticed."
"What is this? Where am I? What are you doing?" She struggled, more mentally then physically.
"If you promise to stay in the bed, I will honestly tell you everything. If only because it's warmer in the bed, the floor is cold and you are not wearing anything. Just like last afternoon, and last night" he added with a seductive smile.
Indeed she was, she could feel the sheets on her skin, the skin that was still tingling from his every-where touches, everywhere caresses and all-over kisses.
She looked at him again. Somehow he no longer looked like Fred the new colleague in the supermarket, but different, more confident.
"You may know me as Fred, but this is just my outer appearance. In fact, I am Captain Reckuf, and this is my spaceship, the medical ward. We are from a far away galaxy, on a mission to study other life forms. We have been monitoring earth for many decades, as the newspapers occasionally report when we have been careless enough to show ourselves.
As part of a reconnaissance mission, I have shape shifted into a human, Fred as you called me. Our sensors had picked you out from the crowd, and my mission was to contact you, and to seduce you."
Myrna was dumbfounded. A mission to seduce her? She was never the target of any mission, unless it was another prank of the stupid beer drinking guys, who took her for an easy lay.
Fred, or Captain Reckuf, continued.
"I can understand you are confused. It is a lot to take in. But rest assured, it is only and purely with the best of intentions. Rest assured, alien monsters come from Hollywood, not from us. We are quite harmless. As we have studied mankind for a long time, it is possible for us to present ourselves in just the shape we know the other human wants to see. And your brain scan showed this Fred-form as the appearance that would put you to ease, that would be most likely to comfort you. And so, I used of all my skills to seduce you, as indeed I have done over the last few days, and once in your apartment, to pleasure you. "
Myrna blinked her eyes. She had been dating an alien, and what's more, *mating* an alien?
But he'd been so darn good, so human, so man-like.
As he had been speaking, Fred had quietly, with almost medical self confidence, been activating and testing the bracelets which had already been attached to her wrists, and the ones at her ankle. Only when his hands came up, did Myrna realize she had a similar steel collar too. Shiny, smooth, about 1cm diameter, yet very light. She hadn't even noticed the collar yet.
The penny which had been rolling in the back of her mind finally dropped. She had been in such ecstasy at the time, she had thought Fred had simply been marvelous and fantastic.
"Wait a minute, it felt like you had four hands, and your mouth and tongue were so fantastic, did you ....?"
Fred/Reckuf smiled, soothingly.
"Yes, we can shape shift, I used 4 hands to caress you in many places, and two tongues to please you like no man has pleased you before. I can take on any form when I am in this earth dimension. And that is why I gave you the soft blindfold. I wanted to please you, to pleasure you, to excite you. Not scare you."
Another smile, triumphantly. "And judging by your string of orgasms, I believe I succeeded."
She smiled back, flashes of his wonderful hands and mouths going though her mind.
And memories of his wonderful .....
The other penny, the even slower one, dropped too.
Her eyes went wide.
"Hang on, when you entered me with that lovely great, hard ribbed tool of yours, did you...?"
He lowered his head in acknowledgement.
"Yes. I believe the Americans would call it a "double barrel". I have studied human female desires well before I started my field trips, this internet really is an excellent source of information what people want. I studied the best selling footage from many porn countries to prepare myself. Apart from the extra set of hands and extra tongue, I indeed had an extra penis, shaped just a bit bigger then you dreamed it should be. Set for multiple shots, which I believe is a nice touch."
A brief pause as he seemed in thought.
"Thus far, I can proudly say I've had excellent reviews. One of my better ideas on this mission"
Myrna thought for a moment. It was a lot to process. She had been made love to by an alien. A great lover, she had to admit, she'd never known such wonderful bliss.
Yet, he admitted to being an alien, she was on his space ship, naked on a bed in a spaceship.
"Why are you doing all this? I mean, I'm very grateful, I'm still tingling, the orgasms were mindblowing, but why me? Why go through all this trouble?"
Fred, or Reckuf, looked at her seriously, the lovers-excitement gone.
"We are on a mission. We have been monitoring your planet, your species, and sadly enough, your human race is doomed to destroy itself. You spend too much time making war, too much material making machines, destroying nature for money. We've seen plenty of other planets, plenty of other races and species, we know your destiny."
He let his words sink in.
"Yet, there is a chance. If only you humans spend perhaps a quarter of that effort into making love, into caring for each other, into pleasing and pleasuring each other, the mental energy would be enough to save this planet."
She looked at him, surprised. "Don't tell me you guys started the "Make Love not war" campaign?"
"As a matter of fact, we did. Our timing was wrong however, and we used the wrong messengers. Since then, our scientists have devised a new plan, and so far it seems to working much better. The message of making more love should not be spread via shouting or campaigning, it should be spread by doing it, by demonstrating how wonderful making love can be. And this is where you come in."
He smiled his brightest and most charming smile.
She returned it blankly. "Me? I'm just a school drop out with a string of lost jobs. What makes me special?"
"Simply dear, your wonderful body, your love making skills and your stamina. You have been carefully searched for, carefully selected, and carefully tested. The last test was last night, and I was the judge. Hope you liked the exam?"
She thought back at the long afternoon, evening and night of blissful ecstasy, the caresses, the range of positions he held her in, the countless orgasms he had given her.
God, yes, she had liked the exam.
And something inside her was proud. She finally passed an exam, an alien scientist exam at that! Mom and dad would be so proud, if they heard.
Fred looked at her, reading her mind, waiting for her to reach the next step.
"WOW! I passed. Thank you, thank you! I am so glad! And now what?"
"While you were dozing, we have already modified your body a bit. Your already excellent love making skills and stamina have been enhanced even further. "
She raised her eyebrows. "You modified my body!? What, how?"
Her hands went over herself, exploring for any changes.
His voice soothed her.
"Each of your terrific orifices, that lovely Portal of Love up front, your Amazing Anal Entry and your Magnificent Mouth with its Lovely Luscious Lips and Tantalizing Tongue have been given extra little ribs, extra muscles to squeeze, extra ...well, extra's, to drive visitors absolutely wild with ecstasy. That is the start. This means people will do everything to stay with you, or better, in you, for as long as possible.
They have to stay inside to absorb the medicine you will give them."
"What? Medicine? Fucking people will give them medicine?"
He sighed. He had to go slower.
"Your body now produces a special potion, delivered via your orifices. It's like a love juice. It has to seep into the others via their most sensitive skin, otherwise it won't work. This medicine is like a gentle mind drug, it will change the behavior of the people who are making love to you. They will stop caring for making war or for money, and will start to see that making love is a so much better way to live. But the medicine takes time to work. "
He quickly scanned her brain for any stress or resistance. The message seemed to be coming in, so he continued.
"This is why we selected you, after a long search. You already have the skills to please a man, to make him stay inside of you for a long time, playing with him and keeping him hard. This skill of yours is rare, only very few woman have it. And now these rare & special skills have been perfected, so you can give them the mental medicine they need. With a bit of luck, you can give three men medicine at the same time."
He grinned this wonderful grin of his.
"Hey, think of it this way: you can save mankind by doing what you really like and are really good at: intercourse, making love. No more filling the shelves in the supermarket!"
She looked at him, the message sinking in, a smile slowly forming on her face. "Oh my god, I will be spreading the word of love. How great! And yes, I do like making love, I really do!. If only the guys weren't be so stupid, or too blind to see."
Fred continued. "There is more. The orifice medicine is only the start of the conversion, to open up their minds to the value of making love. Unfortunately, it won't make them spread the message to others. That needs another medicine, one that can't go through the skin. This is the second modification we have given you."
Myrna looked like a child in the candy store when told there was a toy section too.
"There's more? Wow, have you guys made me into Superwoman? Can I fly?"
"Not quite, although I think that once you really get going, the guys you play with will feel like they are flying to heaven. No, it's your breasts. "
She looked at her breasts, felt them, yet saw no difference.
"When you get erotically aroused, your breasts will start lactating. The guys you have been with, should drink the magic milk coming from you. And trust me, nothing makes a man go wild as the chance to drink from a woman's breast, so they surely will. This is the second medicine they need. It's the breast milk that will change their mindset another step further, to actively spread the message around the world. You obviously cannot possibly take on millions of people, yet by converting your lovers, they will become your disciples, so to speak."
He paused, again waiting for the words to sink in.
"Even female visitors with artificial intruders will feel the sparkle coming out of you, preparing them for a new mindset. The sparkle will invite them to drink your love juices, either through deep kissing or through oral intercourse. After that, they will surely want your milk as well."
Myrna's mood changed, downward. "With women? I've never been with women! What's wrong with converting men? I like those!"
Fred smiled. "We know you like men, and believe me, they will very much like you. But you see, men cannot change their body to deliver magic milk to others, only women can. Once they have tasted your milk, they will not only start spreading the message too, but their breasts will start lactating magic milk as well. It will take a little time, and perhaps more than one session, but eventually, they will become your best disciples."
Call it irony, but it almost seems as if the feminists are right: mankind has to be saved via the women!"
Myrna never had much with feminists, but this she understood. She had always believed women were somehow smarter than men, just most women wouldn't use their power.
She felt herself getting more confident already. She'd show them.!
A nagging thought came forward. "Why have you not converted lots and lots of women? Surely you can do that, if you can build spaceships."
Fred sighed. A deep sigh.
"We would and we could, but it's the bloody politicians and priests. They have ruled we are not to interfere in the planets that we visit. So if we change too many humans at once, it would look suspicious to the other monitoring ships. However, on these missions, and in meetings with humans like you, we have taken a liking for this little planet. And we are actually breaking the rules by interfering very carefully. So my crew and I have to move carefully and slowly, helping and enhancing a few ladies at the time per continent, hoping you will bring forth new disciples by yourselves. That way it will look as if humans have found a way by themselves to save themselves."
This made sense to Myrna: in her opinion, politicians were never any useful to any progress but their own.
As she shifted position on the bed, she noticed the various bracelets once again."And what are these for? Surely not for decoration?"
Fred changed tone, back to formal and teaching.
"These are tracking sensors, monitoring your health and your position. We'd like to keep track of you, so we can follow your progress. I you make excellent progress, we may not need to convert others. And it monitors your health. We can come in and help you, if need be. These bracelets can be worn forever, even when swimming or showering."
"You mean, I won't be seeing you again?" Myrna said. The thought of wearing tracking sensors on her body was apparently of lesser concern then missing the love making skills of Fred, or Reckuf.
"Probably not, we need to do other missions. And don't forget, we are being a teeny weeny bit illegal against our politicians decree, so we cannot roam the earth too much. However, I do not think you will really need a lot of me. With your new skills, you will not be alone for long. You now have the aura of a woman on a mission, a mission of love. That is bound to attract enough men. And forget about your job. We have reprogrammed your bank account to refill itself so that you can properly position yourself in all the right places, as far as clothing and appearance are concerned."
The child in Myrna had gone from a candy store, to a candy store with toy section, only to discover it had swings & rides too.
"Oh my god, no more money problems! Mummy will be so proud to see me when I show up in a decent car, or decent clothes for that matter. Perhaps I can buy new clothes now?"
Myrna was still riding the beautiful emotions, when Fred called her back to reality.
"Myrna? We're almost done. I have told you everything you need to know, your body enhancements are complete. All that is left to do, is practice your new skills, to let you know how best to use them in your mission back on earth. "
"Practice? With you? Oh Fred, that would be great! I'd love to have another night with you!
"Umm, not quite. Yes, I will surely help you finetune your sense, and your new skills" he said, as if they'd be fietuning a new car. "Yet, we have to train all of your skills and all of your orifices. Plus the endurance testing of course. Fortunately, some of my crew can shape shift as well, and they have been trained for such exercises".
"What? Practice my skills with your crew? What do you think I am, some floozy who will just open up ....."
Myrna's voice trailed away, as she saw the 2 crewmembers coming in: wonderful copies of Hugh Jackman and Brad Pitt, in their finest early 30's glory, well muscled, well tanned, oiled, wearing a loin cloth with a distinctive bulge. They smiled at her, the most seductive smiles Hugh & Brad had ever had.
She looked at Fred.
He coughed and said: "We had a brief search of your memory and preferences, and these two gentlemen can up frequently. So we thought you'd like them with you".
She smiled, dumfounded. "Thank you, nice touch".
A brief pause. "Do they have.... 2..... you know?"
He smiled and shook his head. "No, just one. There will be three of us, one for every orifice, that should suffice. Besides, we have to train you for the pleasure of humans, not for ourselves."
He made it sound as if they were not going to like it and did it only for scientific duty.
Myrna thought, this was getting a whole lot better She remembered yesterday's bliss and ecstasy with just one alien. Having three at your service must be .....unthinkable delight.
"Hmm, if you can shape like anyone, could you do me a one favor, before we start our training? They are quite like my dream type, but I never really dreamed of ...well, of Fred. Could you perhaps....."
"Sure, no problem. Anyone in particular?"
"I'm not sure, either good old James Bond, Sean of course, or the early '70's Mick Jagger."
Fred briefly looked distant, as if he was thinking of something. Probably downloading images & data.
"OK, close your eyes" he said.
She did.
After a brief moment, she felt a hand raising hers. She looked up, and Sean Connery was gallantly kissing her hand, looking gorgeous, dressed in a towel, with a bulge underneath.
"Hmmm, lovely. This is what training should be like" she said and leaned back.
Sean, Hugh and Brad came closer and did their duty for the human race, and again, and again, and then some more, until Myrna passed out from exhaustion and excitement.
When she woke up, Myrna did not want to open her eyes immediately. Her mind was filled with lovely images of beautiful man making love to her, forever and ever, everywhere and everywhere.
"What a weird yet wonderful dream...a spaceship, aliens, rescuing the human race" she pondered half asleep.
As she rolled over, she felt something at her wrists, and neck.
She shot up, immediately fully awake. Shining and seemingly forever, her wrists had metal bracelets, her neck had a metal collar and, a quick withdrawal of sheet later, her ankles showed bracelets too!
Myrna was shocked. Was it true? Had she indeed been on a space ship, converted by alien well-doers to help save mankind?
She did not know what to think, where to begin. Her mind was still full of three wonderful men, serving and poking and pleasing her in every which way possible, images of herself serving their pleasure in ways she'd never imagined doing, images of ......
The images excited her, she felt a growing heat building up in her Lower Oven, even in the back entry. Her throat became dry and instinctively her hand went to work. Her other hand grabbed into the bed side locker and grabbed two of her toys, putting both of them to work in the openings below, until she shuddered in delight, flashes of "human mating rituals" going through her mind.
She felt a tingling in her boobs, and when she looked down, a white liquid was slowly oozing out.
She remembered Fred's (or actually, Sean) words, and did her best to drink it.
It was sweet, it was nice, it was like drinking nectar.
And it felt sexy.
God, it felt sexy to drink directly from a breast. She could understand why men were so boob-oriented.
When her shock, her emotion, her excitement had all softened and quieted down a little bit, she sat thinking in her bed.
She was chosen for a mission, no, she had been carefully selected and trained.
Myrna made a decision. She would do her utmost best to help mankind with the tools and skills given to her.
She got up to get going, no time to waste, there was a planet so save!
Forget the lousy jobs and sucker boyfriends.
Few days later, back on the ship, Captain Reckuf watched the footage coming in from the bracelet camera's showing Myrna in full action. His assistant, formerly known as Brad, reported excellent sales already from the footage of this hot new talent.
The other two recent recruits, whose sales had proven disappointing, had been repositioned to the "Mating Bloopers" segment, where they were now selling very well.
Reckuf smiled, the mating creativity of the earthlings was an everlasting source of amazement, entertainment.... and excellent income. The human earthlings are such a gullible race, doomed to eventually destroy themselves no matter what. Until then, his planet would have excellent fun watching them mate.
Most of his story to Myrna had been "a load of bull" as an earthling would express it. The rulers of his planet cared jack shit about the well-being of other races or planets, unless there were precious minerals to be mined. However, the King's brother was fully into science, so the science missions continued "to monitor the development of other life forms", as the brochures said.
Such science space explorations were excruciatingly boring to former warriors like Captain Reckuf, until they discovered they could slightly manipulate local planet inhabitants to change their mating behavior and sell the footage back home at terrific profits.
The 3D recording bracelets provided excellent footage, once again proving that porn industry leads technological development throughout history and throughout the universe.
Initially it had been a nice side income for the crew, not to mention the diversion when they were training the chosen species. Crew morale on his ship was always highest of the entire fleet.
And Planet Earth had been a truly excellent find.
The Human earthlings were so creative in their mating possibilities and variations, unlike any other species they had found thus far. No other planet had provided such male-female, male-male, female-female and multiple-anything combinations, it provided excellent footage. And the jump in income paid for new spaceships too, so the scientists could only shut up too and play the game.
Reckuf had discovered the friendly medicine that altered the humans, it made them hungry for ever more sex and ever more mating. It modified female bodies to produce the same medicine for others, it would spread via breast milk. So the likes of Myrna could convert males to want more sex one at the time (or three at the time, usually) but not convert the males to making medicine. "Recruiting new messengers", or followers, had to go via the females, who needed to drink her milk to make them into medicine makers as well.
The challenge was to find gullible samples, with good physical stamina to handle as many humans as possible. Back home they paid premium for scenes with many specimens mating at the same time.
He leaned back as he watched his latest sample.
Myrna would be good, he could tell. Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed, but her few IQ points were now absolutely and fully focused on spreading her love juices all over mankind.
Her three orifices were being actively pumped & filled and thus preparing another three earthlings for conversion to the cause. At the same time, the previous two visitors were a step ahead, drinking her Magic Milk which was producing generously, indicative of Myrna's excitement.
The bracelets gleamed, shiny from all the human sweat, dutifully transmitting the recordings and images.
And it was only 11:00 local time in the capital, well in time for the meeting with the politicians Myrna had arranged that afternoon.
She thought she'd be influencing the policy makers, yet Reckuf saw excellent potential to gain some Earth income with the blackmail side of that footage.
He smiled.
Life was great, and so was Myrna's footage.