Chapter 1 - Emily's New Life.
Emily heard the dull hum of a high powered fan as she stirred. Her head still throbbed with what felt like the worst hangover she ever had, and her mind was clouded with fog. The first sensation that reached her recognition was a burning pain on her wrists, still painfully stretched even now.
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Her eyes snapped open as she realized that her body was being held taut... vertically. She quickly regained her footing, lifting the body's weight from her wrists. Looking up, she realized that her hands were cuffed together, hanging from the ceiling of an empty windowless room by a single chain.
Emily pulled hard on the links, which did nothing except rattle it. She tried to close her legs for a better footing, only to find that impossible as well. Looking down, she finally realized that not only was she naked, but her ankles were bound on the opposite ends of a three-foot spreader bar that was chained to the floor. Furthermore, the presence of a long piece of rubber in her mouth that pressed against the back of her throat meant that she was silenced by a cruel penis-gag.
"Ah, you're finally awake! Good! Now I can begin," called a familiar male voice as footsteps came down the stairs.
Frightened by her total helplessness, Emily's wary eyes watched the landing. Then, as the athletic, handsome young man turned to reveal his appearance, her fear turned into anger.
It was Duke, her recent boyfriend of three months. The guy she thought was a perfect gentleman. The man who had invited her to his vacation home to help her get over her father's recent death.
"Mmmmhhh!" Emily yelled angrily against her gag.
"Yes, you might think they is all an ill-conceived joke. But I assure you, this has been in planning for a long time," Duke said as he stopped next to her, his fingers reaching under her chin to raise her face. "While you may have only met me three months ago at a business convention, I've known you my entire life."
Emily felt her bones chill as shivers went down her back.
"You see, twenty years ago, your father stole the joint venture he had with my father, leaving him penniless with only debts to his name. My father committed suicide, and my mother soon died of grief. And me? I grew up in an orphanage, swearing upon my parents' grave that I would make your family pay."
Fright returned. Terror returned. Waves of fear overwhelmed her mind and coursed into her eyes.
"Yes," Duke smirked evilly. "That 'traffic accident' you father died in? I arranged it. He had set up a hereditary succession for his company, hoping to pass it onto you. Well, with your passing, I will be the next-in-line of kin. And look, how unfortunate..."
He reached over and picked up a printed internet article from a trusted news site, describing the loss of a small passenger plane. A short passenger manifest was provided, and amongst them was Emily's highlighted name.
She looked up to the corner. The article was marked August 7th, four days after the last date she remembered.
"Ah, yes. I've kept you drugged and unconscious for four days now so you could wake up to your death. It wasn't even hard to fake. I just hired a prostitute who looked similar to you, gave her a professional makeover, and had her check onto an airplane as you using your identification."
"Mmmmhhh!" Emily wailed, sobbing through her gag as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Don't worry, I won't kill you. That would be such a waste." He put away the paper before returning to gently wipe her tears. "I had you die to the world because you'll no longer be a person. From today on forth, you'll be my personal pet slave."
Emily shivered as Duke's rough hands trailed down from her shoulders to her sides, then returning to cup and knead her firm breasts. Her rapidly-hardening nipples soon felt squeezed before each of them were rolled between two adroit fingers.
"This house will be your entire world for the foreseeable future, and I am your lord and master. You will address me as 'master' or 'sir', and you will refer to yourself as 'pet'. Your entire life from this point forth will be a punishment, to repay the debt your father owes my family. But understand that like any prisoner, obedience is expected, while disobedience will only increase the torment you suffer. Understand?"
"Mmmmmh!" She screamed back as her entire body shook, rattling the chains.
"For your sake, I'll take that as a yes," Duke said as his hands finally left her breasts, only to reach around to grope her plump ass. Then, trailing a hot finger across her bare thighs, his right hand returned to the front to cup her mound. Emily moaned as he rubbed his palm against her clit. His fingers soon bent to insert two digits into her moist pussy. They slid in and out as his hand continued rubbing her most sensitive spot, his fingers penetrating deeper with every thrust.
Emily soon felt his fingers starting to gyrate in small circles as she grew hot and wet beneath. She jerked uselessly against her bonds and pressed her legs towards each other with no avail. She could do nothing but stand helplessly, her legs spread wide open as he violated her at his whim.
"Looks like I was right," Duke said with a cheery smile as he brought up his fingers, now coated with her juices. He wiped it across her lips which wrapped around the gag, taking care to smear as much as possible just below her nose. "You are indeed a slut. How fortunate."
He then stepped back to the stairway landing before pulling in a small cart, its top covered with strange contraptions of metal and rubber. Among the mix she could spot a collar, several cuffs joined by links of chain, several dildos and buttplugs, and a stiff corset.
"I have to be off taking over my new business as soon as possible, so let's get started, shall we? I only waited this long so I could explain to you as each piece is attached, many of them permanently," he smiled sweetly.
Emily could do nothing but wail, shake, and rattle her chains.
"First things first," he said as his hands picked up the two halves of a gleaming stainless steel collar and fitted it around her delicate neck. As he pressed them together, she soon heard an audible 'click' from the left side. "Those are one-time, close-only pins," he explained right before a second ominous 'click' from the right. "This collar is permanent, just as you will always be my pet from now on."
Duke pulled up a tall mirror from behind her and propped it against the cart before heading around to pick out more pieces, leaving Emily to examine her new restraint. The collar was no more than two inches tall, and fit her neck with a perfect snugness that left no room for the slightest movement. Their presence was impossible to ignore, nor was the engraved letters PET SLUT lost on her. A single triangle hanged from the front, ready for a leash to clip onto, which also meant that the second triangle she saw was directly behind her.
He soon returned with a pair of solid white opera gloves before uncuffing one hand. Emily struggled, but his firm grasp left her no give, while his other hand reached down and smacked her bare ass, painful enough that Emily could have sworn he left a bright red handmark.
"Keep resisting and I'll start shocking your pussy until you beg for me to put this on you," he warned before returning to his work.
The opera gloves looked and felt as smooth as satin, except the material was also thicker and tougher. They went all the way up to just above her triceps, where he snapped close two more half-ring bands to form a permanent cuff. The cuff also had another steel triangle protruding from the rear-inside quarter of the band, while a pink ribbon hanged right below the cuff, facing outside. With one arm finished, he then locked it back up before repeating the process with the other.
One thing was for certain: those gloves would not be coming off anytime soon.
Next came solid-white, thigh-high stockings made of the same material, each ending with an inch-wide cuff that snapped close two-thirds of the way up her thigh. The thin steel band compressed tightly around the skin, leaving an unforgettable presence and causing the flesh around it to bulge out. Decorative white lace pulled over the steel thigh-bands, obscuring but not covering them completely. Meanwhile a pink ribbon lay right below each lace-hidden cuff, accentuating the impossibly pure and innocent white against the imprisoning stainless steel.
As before, Duke made sure that only one foot was unlocked from the spreader bar at a time. After each stocking went on, he followed up with a black patent pump with six-inch stiletto heel, which also had an attached leather ankle strap with steel reinforcing band inside. Once both heels were locked on, even standing in place became difficult and straining for her feet. The prospect of spending the rest of her life in these torturous heels was too frightening for Emily to imagine.
"Now... time for the best part," he proudly announced, "your chastity belt."
The first to come were two halves of a stainless steel waist band. Only two-and-half inches wide, they cinched her flat stomach tightly before clicking ominously into their place of permanence.
Next he picked up a piece of gleaming steel that looked roughly like an inverted-A and fitted it against her crotch area like a metal harness. Its curvature perfectly matched the contours of her pelvis, reaching from the waist band down to her rear passage where a slotted hole lay, surrounded by a small disk of metal. A thin steel cable also hanged from the rear end, while the steel bar in the midsection was flat and placed less than an inch above her clit.
Satisfied with the sizing, he raised the inverted-A harness back up. Meanwhile, his other hand reached towards the cart and selected a monstrous buttplug that took her breath away. It began with a toadstool, three inches long and half that in width, mostly rubber but with a shiny steel base. The rod continued on for four more inches from atop the mushroom head, stranding through three 'beads' covered by rubbery feelers. With soft click from his wristwatch, the plug activated, and not only did the extended rod gyrate slightly in tiny circles, the 'beads' also spun their poking appendages under Emily's horrified eyes.
Duke clicked the plug into place in the slotted hole before coating the entire thing with generous quantities of lube. Emily tried to back away as he approached with an evil grin, but she could no more avoid him than free herself. The beady rod felt impossibly long as each knob forced its way into her virgin ass, each one taking its time to make her feel the pain of insertion. Finally, she felt the toadstool at the bottom force her sphincter apart unbearably.
She swore her asshole was about to tear before the widest part went through and her muscles gripped the thinner stem between the mushroom cap and the steel disk. With the massive plug fully in, he clicked the legs of the inverted-A onto her waist band, then pulled the steel cable through her asscrack before securing it to the back of her belt.
Hanging from the chains, Emily panted from the exertion. Not yet finished, Duke connected a small tube to the buttplug and squeezed something in his palm. Her eyes shot wide as she could feel the toadstool ballooning up, pushing hard against the inner walls of her rectum as though it felt doubled in size.
"That's epoxy," he said as his hands disconnected the tube and put the apparatus away. "Once it dries, it'll become rock hard and ensure your buttplug never comes out naturally, even assuming you somehow manage to open the belt."
Returning to the front, Duke admired her cunt before grabbing something that looked like a tiny clip coated with rubber. As his fingers examined her crotch, Emily finally realized that the muff that was once there had vanished without a trace.
"New hair removal compound. You'll never have to worry about shaving again, there or anywhere else," he said as fingers pulled away the clitoral hood and toyed with her hypersensitive nub. Then, without any warning, he used the rubber-coated clip's U-bend to grip her fully extended clitoris, causing Emily to cringe and wail in her chains. Squeezing the tiny nub at its base, he pushed the clip against the flat bar in the middle of the inverted-A piece before they snapped into position.
Even after his hands departed, Emily could still feel the tight grip on the base of her clit from the rubber-coated clip. It held onto her nerve bundle with neither leniency nor give, keeping her clit engorged and exposed. Then, to her terrified eyes, Duke brought forth a plate which covered her crotch area from the belt to just below the clip before snapping into position. Most of it was thin steel covered by a soft layer of white silk, except for the transparent dome that hovered just above her clitoris.
"From now on, you'll always be able to see your tormented and wide-awake love button," he gave her cheek a loving kiss, "but you'll never be able to touch it, ever."
Tears fell from Emily nonstop as Duke continued on without care. He pulled out a tiny tube with steel end that Emily never noticed dangling down the middle, coated it with medicinal glue, and inserted it into her urethra. She felt as though being forced to pee as her full bladder emptied, only to feel the liquid fill into her ass. Even after discharging their load, her privates still felt like they were trying to urinate nonstop, while the enema in her butt increased the pressure against her hind walls further.
He stood back up straight to explain while his fingers tentalized her dripping pussy with slow motions, sliding in and out:
"As you can probably imagine, going to the bathroom while wearing a chastity belt is a problem. So the solution is to use your ass to hold your wastes for entire days at a time before the entire load is drained as an enema. Don't worry, the pipe is only one-way so your bladder won't risk infection, while your piss work wonderfully to soften your shit before the buttplug grinds it up."
He pressed a button on his wristwatch to demonstrate, and Emily instantly felt the buttplug churn up her insides. Not only did its entire beady length beyond the wide toadstool spin and gyrate, but so did the individual feelers for an overwhelming effect -- as though a mixer was grinding all of her stomach.
Stopping the buttplug and heading back to the cart, Duke soon returned to a trembling Emily as he held a corset against her stomach. It was steel-boned with soft white satin lining both the inside and outside, with six garter straps dangling from below while the upper edge cupped the underside of her breasts. A series of clicks rang out as he carefully fitted the corset around her chastity belt waistband, signifying the permanence of this outfit. Pulling hard against the laces, he slowly forced the air out of her lungs and compressed her to the point of making short, panting breaths. She then heard several clicks and he engaged yet more locks on the back of her corset, and as his hands let go, the constricting hug around her lower torso began to inch even tighter. Emily thought her ribs were about to be crushed underneath before the painfully tight corset finally stopped.
"The corset has built in electronics that will, over time, train you down to a breathless eighteen-inch waist," he explained proudly as his hands reached below, pulling on the three white garter straps hanging around each leg and locking them into three concealed slots on the upper edge of her thigh bands.
Duke returned to the cart before circling back around. With a tiny gauge, he punched two threaded holes into the base of Emily's hardened nipples, eliciting yet more gagged screams. He soon worked in two small piercings, joining two pearls to the sides of each nipple with a tiny bell dangling from each mound. Then Duke's hands pulled up two inch-wide rubbery bands connected to the top of her corset, before releasing them to capture the base of each breast and forcing the flesh to bulge outwards. A tiny band of white elastic at the top of each rubber band then linked up to the front triangle of her collar, completing the ensemble with a halter-like appearance as his hands freely explored as her enlarged and sensitive breasts.
Emily's blurry gaze watched as the light in Duke's clear blue eyes danced with delight. She soon felt a hardened big cockhead brush the exposed section of her nether-lips. Then, with a single deep thrust, he pushed his thick manhood inside her. Just as she thought herself stuffed by his full penis, he thrusted a second time to shove the monster cock inside her, filling her pussy completely as the invader stretched against the walls and pressed against the deepest part of her pussy.
Withdrawing halfway before shoving the entire length back in, Duke began to fuck her hard and slow. Emily felt stuffed to the brim as she screamed against her gag with every push, praying that his huge manhood wouldn't rip her apart. All her senses focused towards her crotch, and only her pussy and his cock seemed to matter as she rattled forcefully against her bonds and teetered on her aching feet. Her mouth drooled nonstop as he fucked her harder and harder, pulling further out every time before thrusting all the way back in. Then, after what seemed an eternity, he pushed in what felt like the entire length before his hot sperm exploded into her, filling her to the brim. Emily screamed as her own pussy convulsed and trembled, her entire body shaking as an earthshattering orgasm exploded outwards from her crotch and tore through every fiber of her being.
As Emily panted breathlessly, Duke pulled his penis out of her fuck-channel, now dripping with a mixture of juices and cum, leaving gleaming trails as they ran down her thighs. Triumphantly, he reached into the cart and pulled out a seven-inch dildo connected to a curved steel shield.
"I hope you enjoyed that orgasm," he said as his hands carefully aimed the dildo before shoving the entire length into her with a single push, eliciting a sharp gasp as her sensitive flesh was fully penetrated yet again. "Because that dildo is molded after my own cock, same length and 3/4th the size to allow your pussy to develop the perfect grip. But while this sweet little toy trains your cunt to become my perfect fucking hole, you won't be getting any satisfaction from it."
With a set of clicks, Duke attached the steel shield to the metal contraption surrounding Emily's pussy. Also covered by white silk, the crotch shield fit perfectly below the transparent dome that exposed her captive clitoris. He then tapped it twice, causing the dildo to tremor inside her but otherwise giving her no pleasure whatsoever. A second later, Emily gasped and shook as the dildo shrunk down to nearly half-size before pushing back to full-length to simulate a short and gradual thrust. This motion repeated every few seconds, and her knees buckled as she was slow-fucked underneath the chastity belt. As the furnace between her legs inched towards the edge of orgasm once more, the thrusting of the dildo slowed further and further while the intervals between them grew longer. Then, just one or two more thrusts before she could peak, the dildo stopped entirely.
Emily strained against her bonds and rattled her chains with wild shakes. Her pelvis swung forward and back, hoping its rhythmic motion would extract some extra pleasure from the invaders penetrating her. But the tight chastity belt made them shift only slightly, tantalizing her from within and pushing her just a bit closer, but in no way enough to allow her to achieve orgasm. She screamed under her gag and tried to stomp her spiky heels in frustration, but neither served any end except to force her to regain balance. Then, just as her thoughts returned to her strained wrists and pained feet, she felt the dildo start vibrating this time.
"Isn't it a wonder?" he grinned as one large hand cupped Emily's right breast while the other went back around to grope her butt. Duke leaned in towards her tearful expression, as Emily could feel his hot breath caressing her cheeks as he explained with lust-filled words:
"That dildo is set to be randomized. Sometimes it will vibrate, sometimes it will slowly fuck you, or sometimes it will give a quick thrust, but sensors in the corset will alway make sure that you're safe from cumming before the dildo does its thing."
"This is how it'll be for the rest of your life, pet. You will live each day in agonizing arousal, with my dick foremost in your thoughts at all times. You will pine every minute of every hour for my return, wishing for master to rape that sweet little pussy of yours even in your dreams."
This 'chastity belt' device could only be described as utterly demonic, keeping her clit held and visible yet unable to be felt, her urethra peeing nonstop while her ass filled by an everlasting enema, and worst of all, her pussy always on the edge of an orgasm yet never able to attain one.
"Last few things before I get going," Duke said as he first pulled a thin but solid chain connected to narrow rails on the floor and locked it onto the front triangle of Emily's collar. "The rail will allow you to move throughout all sections of the house permitted to you."
Then he unlocked her ankles from the spreader bar. But as each ankle came free, they were immediately confined back into cuffs linked by foot-long hobble chain.
Lastly he unlocked her arms, allowing her to pull down those sore wrists. But before she could have two freed hands to rub her wrists, he locked them one at a time into more metal cuffs, albeit lined by soft leather on the inside. A minor tug soon revealed that the two cuffs were joined behind her by a long and thin metal rod about forty-inches long. Then with a click, he attached the center of this rod onto the clip at the back of her collar.
Her hands had been trapped on opposing sides by what was effectively a lightweight, flexible yoke.
...Meanwhile the dildo took the opportunity to pull halfway out, just before shoving itself back in with a sharp thrust. Emily tried to reach down with one hand, but even as it forced her other hand high up into the air, it still couldn't reach anywhere near her crotch. Her pelvis automatically tried to gyrate back and forth, except the 'chastity' mechanism had already stopped, leaving her helpless and moaning with teary frustration.
Duke simply watched and smiled. Then, after checking his wristwatch, he began to turn toward the stairs:
"Well, it's time for me to leave. I got a plane to catch and a business to take over. It'll probably take me two to four weeks before I see you again, which I'm sure you new friends will keep you anxiously awaiting."
"Mmmmh!" Emily screamed through her gag. Weeks? Of being kept on edge and unable to cum? She'll go crazy by then! Furthermore, what about food and water?
Duke seemed to have read her thoughts as he stopped just before climbing the stairs:
"Your penis gag has a hollow tube running down its center, and there's a liquid food dispenser in the far corner that will snap on. I'm afraid you won't enjoy the taste much though. The seat at that dispenser will also flush out your bowels, although it will only activate once every three days, so use sparingly!" he laughed before dashing up the stairs. "Have a fun summer vacation pet!"
Emily made to follow, just as her dildo began vibrating again. Except this time it was no gentle tremble, but powerful quakes that immediately floored her buckling knees. Then, just before she was about to feel the crest of the most mindblowing orgasm ever, it shut down instantly.
"MMMMMHH!!!" She began to flail about utter desperation, hot tears now streaming down both cheeks.
It was going to be a few extremely long and hellish weeks.