Author's Note: I call this story "The Coincidence" because everything in this story is possible, and only together in this exact manner could this story have taken place. Enjoy, please leave comments, and tell me how you would like the story to continue ;) (if so)
Chapter 1: Rebecca
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Rebecca had always been a shy girl. All through high school, she said a total of perhaps twenty words a day, and only when directly spoken to. It wasn't that she didn't know how to speak; she was just too timid to assert her own opinions except when completely necessary. She went through life trying to avoid confrontation, and Rebecca thought the best way to do that was by saying very little except agreements.
As a result, Rebecca's love life was very much limited. Though just out of college, she had never initiated a conversation with a guy, let alone held one for more than a minute. Sure, she was pretty, small, big chested, had long flowing red hair, but she just didn't talk. On top of that, she had horrid eyesight, so she had to wear thick glasses or she would be almost legally blind. Without her glasses, she couldn't see anything but haze, and with them, she was transformed into a total nerd. So the few guys that made it past her quiet and geeky exterior to ask her on a date never made it past the first date. Rebecca would just sit and say almost nothing, and so she never went on a second date.
Rebecca didn't dislike the dates, she just didn't know what to do during them. And because she never really talked to anyone, she didn't know much about stuff like sex, and so she never sought out ways to survive dating either. So Rebecca came out of college quiet, meek, and completely innocent of the horrors of the dating world.
Now, Rebecca knew that eventually she would have to learn how to date, because she didn't want to turn out to be a bachelorette for life. Rebecca tried to consider how to win over men without talking much (she didn't even consider talking more- that was out of the question). She thought of learning how to write poetry, or creating art, (she really had no clue what to do), when she read somewhere that men go crazy for women who show cleavage. (Yes, Rebecca was that naïve- she had worn turtlenecks pretty much her entire life.) Rebecca remembered seeing women around campus that had low-cut shirts that showed plenty of boobs, so she tried to figure out where to find clothes like that.
Rebecca researched some more, and found out that showing cleavage meant being "slutty" (Rebecca sadly did not look "slutty" up online, assuming that its only meaning had to do with showing cleavage.) So... she looked up where to find the "sluttiest" clothes, and found a place that was apparently having a huge sale. Rebecca then set out to find the store.
Chapter 2: The Sale
Rebecca found the store in the scuzziest part of town that she never went to. Rebecca made a mental note that perhaps it was the place to go to find guys, as the slutty store was there, so maybe guys hang around there. Rebecca didn't see any, but she thought that she might have been there at the wrong time. When Rebecca got to the store, she knew she was at the right place because the entire front window was covered in sale posters, to the point that Rebecca couldn't even see inside. Rebecca took one final glance around, and stepped into the store, not even looking at the name of the place.
As soon as Rebecca entered the store, her glasses fogged up completely from the change in temperature. Rebecca staggered a little, as she was suddenly blinded, but remembered that she brought an extra pair of glasses around with her just in case her pair broke, as she would be helpless without glasses. So Rebecca took off her glasses, and put them into her purse, and tried to dig around in her purse to find her extra pair.
Just then, a saleswoman walked up to Rebecca, and said "Hello! Are you here to buy clothing? Or accessories?"
Rebecca mentally panicked. She stopped rooting through her purse for her glasses, instead trying to figure out how to answer the saleswoman's question. Looking towards where she thought the saleswoman was, Rebecca said after a moment "I'm looking for both clothing and accessories."
The saleswoman smiled, thinking that Rebecca could see her perfectly well, and said "Great! I'm Lizzy, and I can help you find whatever you need. Anything in mind that you want to buy here?"
Rebecca thought for a bit, and replied to the fuzzy area that was Lizzy "I'm looking for a complete new makeover."
Lizzy, a little taken aback that this gorgeous redhead felt the need for a makeover, having guessed that the redhead wanted just something for the bedroom, replied "Well, I can certainly help you here, especially someone as beautiful as you." Lizzy winked: her manager always said that complimenting the customer made them buy more. "Dom or sub?"
Rebecca suddenly realized that without her glasses she must look gorgeous, after all she had never been called that before. Rebecca decided then that she wouldn't look for her glasses in her purse, as that might risk Lizzy thinking that she wasn't really gorgeous, and getting Rebecca the wrong (not slutty) clothes. But then Rebecca realized that the last three words were a question. Dom or Sub? What did that even mean? Rebecca didn't want to have to explain that she had no idea, and lose Lizzy's good opinion, but she had no idea which to choose! Rebecca flipped a coin in her head, and said "Sub. And my name is Rebecca." Rebecca silently celebrated her victory, having satisfactorily answered all of Lizzy's questions, and having made a good impression. Sure, she was almost blind, but she would have had to trust Lizzy's opinion anyway.
Lizzy nodded, not surprised that this quiet hottie was a submissive. Lizzy turned, and walked over to the submissive clothing aisle, and Rebecca followed behind. Lizzy half turned, and asked Rebecca "Any preferences? Or are you just going to look for things you like?"
Rebecca considered the question, and given that she couldn't see anything in this aisle but blurry colors, she blurted out "How about you pick what you think would look good on me?"
Lizzy immediately widened her eyes, as Rebecca was the perfect sales opportunity for Lizzy. Lizzy could sell her whatever she wanted, and get all the commission off of the sale. This was going to be a great day for Lizzy. She could sell Rebecca tons of pricey clothing and accessories, and make a huge profit!
Lizzy said "Sounds great to me. First, tell me your size, then how about you go into the dressing room and get ready for me to bring you clothes to wear?"
Rebecca, expecting the question, answered with her size, and then went in the direction that Lizzy pointed (vaguely) until she found what looked like a brown rectangular smudge that was probably the door to the dressing room. Trying the door, and finding it open, Rebecca celebrated again for finding the right room, and entered. Inside, she found a room with one mirror on the wall, in which she could see almost nothing of herself but her red hair. "I need contacts," Rebecca mused to herself as she stripped down to her underwear. Rebecca thought for a little bit, and then decided that she probably wouldn't need underwear either, as Lizzy had asked for her bra size as well, so she stripped down to nothing at all, putting her clothes in her large purse, and tossing it in the corner. Rebecca felt a little embarrassed being naked, but didn't mind too much because she trusted Lizzy, especially after the compliment.
Chapter 3: Lizzy's Choice
After Rebecca left, Lizzy went searching down the aisle for the best things. Trying to find the most expensive things took a while, but eventually Lizzy had a full outfit for Rebecca to try on. Then, Lizzy remembered that Rebecca had said yes to accessories as well, so Lizzy dashed over to the accessories aisle to quickly grab some extra items to sell to Rebecca. With a full pile of clothing and "accessories", Lizzy joined Rebecca in the dressing room, locking the door behind her.
Rebecca turned, and saw the big mass of black and red in Lizzy's hands, and smiled, assuming it to be great "slutty" things for her to wear. Lizzy smiled too, thinking that Rebecca's smile represented approval of her clothing choices, and set down the pile in the room.
"OK," Lizzy said. "First things first. The corset." Lizzy held up a red and black boned corset with a locking flap that went over the laces, and Rebecca replied meekly "OK."
Lizzy walked behind Rebecca, and lifted her arms up above her head, and told her to hold them up. Rebecca though the position a bit odd, but didn't complain, not wanting to make a fuss. Lizzy then wrapped the corset around Rebecca's waist, with the cups just barely covering Rebecca's nipples. Rebecca felt the leather only cover part of her boob, and smiled, finally trusting that she was doing the right thing and getting the right outfit. After all, almost half of her full D breasts were showing. Lizzy laced Rebecca into the corset, pulling it tighter and tighter with each of Rebecca's breaths, until it was so tight that she could only take shallow breaths. Lizzy then locked the flap, unbeknownst to Rebecca, and put Rebecca in front of the mirror. "What do you think?" Lizzy asked.
Rebecca, impressed by how much boob she felt was showing, said "I love it!"
Lizzy nodded, confident that she was right about Rebecca. Lizzy pulled out the next piece of clothing, and told Rebecca to sit on the chair so she could put it on. Rebecca sat down, out of breath from the movement because she wasn't used to the corset. Rebecca was starting to get a little light-headed from the lack of oxygen, and her thoughts started to get a little more scattered. "Maybe I'll get used to this" Rebecca thought to herself, "after all, all the other girls are used to breathing in these things."
While Rebecca was zoning out, Lizzy took out some calf high locking black leather heeled boots with only 3 inch heels attached. They were small heels, but the boots were the most expensive they had in stock, so Lizzy grabbed them. Lizzy lifted Rebecca's legs, and slowly worked them into the boots, lacing them up until the boots were snug against Rebecca's legs. Lizzy then locked the flap to cover the laces, locking Rebecca into the boots.
Rebecca looked down, felt the heels in the boots, and remembered vaguely that guys like heels too. Rebecca thought that Lizzy's taste was perfect- guys would finally ask her out more, and so she trusted Lizzy to get her perfectly dressed. She said, without prompt, "I love these. You're taste is fantastic."
Lizzy looked up at Rebecca, and knew that she had already won. Lizzy could sell Rebecca everything- she knew it. So without asking, she stood Rebecca up on her heels, and then took out the next item of apparel. Without hesitation, Lizzy slipped shoulder length black rubber opera gloves up Rebecca's arms, which the light-headed Rebecca only smiled at.
Lizzy then stopped to consider what to put on Rebecca next. There was only one more piece of clothing to add- a strapless mini hobble dress, but putting it on now would interfere with putting on other more intimate items. So Lizzy pondered what to do next. She decided instead to start adding accessories, saving the dress for last. Lizzy picked up some nice leather cuffs, and starting with Rebecca's legs, locked cuffs around her ankles, below and above her knees, around her wrists, and above her elbows.
Rebecca looked on as Lizzy worked, barely thinking about anything but breathing, watching Lizzy put on what Rebecca guessed were trendy bracelets, although they went all over her. Rebecca was glad that Lizzy was helping her, showing her what "slutty" girls wear. Rebecca's hopes were soaring, and she was almost rejoicing that her glasses had fogged up, because without that, this wouldn't have happened, Rebecca was sure.
Without pausing to stop, as Lizzy could see from Rebecca's face that she was enjoying this, Lizzy grabbed a collar from the pile. Engraved in the chrome collar with rhinestones was the word "SLAVE", and it was plenty expensive. It had a lock on the back with a custom key, and had a D-ring in the front to attach a leash to, and was padded on the inside so the wearer could wear it long-term. Lizzy stepped behind Rebecca, and wrapped the collar around Rebecca's neck, locking it shut, fitting like a glove around her neck.
Lizzy paused for a split second, as this was the point of no return. The rest of the items she had would render Rebecca helpless, and so of course Lizzy worried for a moment, as Rebecca had not said that she could tie her up. So, Lizzy picked up a few chains and locks, and then asked Rebecca "Are you sure you like this?"
Rebecca, ecstatic so far with her shopping success, and a little loopy from shallow breathing, without even thinking or looking at the gray stuff in Lizzy's hands replied "Yes!"
Lizzy was completely reassured by Rebecca's answer, and so felt no qualms tying Rebecca up. Rebecca was clearly a submissive, and clearly showed now objection when she saw the chains and locks, so Lizzy hesitated no further.
Lizzy stepped behind Rebecca, and pulled her arms together behind her back. Taking a lock, Lizzy secured Rebecca's wrists together behind her back, using the wrist cuffs she had attached earlier.
A small alarm started to go off in Rebecca's head, because it felt like she couldn't move her hands, but maybe Lizzy was still holding them. Rebecca started to become a little worried, but she really trusted Lizzy, so she said nothing, assuming Lizzy was just adding more accessories.
Lizzy took Rebecca's lack of struggling as further proof, so she went ahead and grabbed the item that would secure her sale- a big harness ball gag. With a gag in her mouth, Rebecca couldn't protest any sales, Lizzy thought. And she can't complain- she said yes! Lizzy said "Open wide!"
Rebecca, used to responding to the doctor, immediately opened her mouth, only to feel a big gag shoved into her mouth until in pushed past her teeth, settling in her mouth. Confused, and unable to think quickly with so little oxygen, Rebecca just stood there as her thoughts tried to race.
Lizzy wrapped the web of leather straps around Rebecca's head, and as she tightened them, the integrated blindfold came to cover Rebecca's eyes, so Lizzy couldn't see the panic as Rebecca became truly blind. Lizzy then tightened all of the straps, forcing Rebecca to bite down on the gag, and then locked each strap, sealing Rebecca's fate.
There Rebecca was: Blindfolded, gagged, hands locked behind her back, locked into boots and opera gloves, and in a corset forcing her waist into a steep hourglass, and forcing her D cups to become even more prominent. She was quite the stunning figure of leather and pure white skin.
Lizzy, free to work now at her own pace on her helpless customer, looked Rebecca up and down. Lizzy had to admit, Rebecca was one hot submissive. Lizzy had to be jealous of her dom, who got to have all the fun with her... and of Rebecca, too. Lizzy loved how Rebecca looked, but she was a complete sub, so she didn't get to have fun with her. So, Lizzy took the remaining chains, and attached Rebecca's legs together, with a 6 inch chain in between the ankles forcing her to only be able to slowly hobble around. Her cuffs above and below the knees were attached with slightly shorter chains, and Rebecca became practically immobile. Then with a short chain, Lizzy drew Rebecca's elbows together until they were almost touching, then locked them like that.
Lizzy then drew out one of the few remaining items- an armbinder. Sliding the sleeve up Rebecca's arms, Lizzy drew the laces tighter and tighter, until eventually Rebecca's arms fused behind her back into one, and her elbows truly touched. Lizzy was a little amazed, but just kept working, locking another flap over the laces, so that the laces couldn't be undone.
Lizzy then took out one of her favorites- a leather hood to cover Rebecca's head, leaving only holes for her mouth, nose, and one for her hair to come out in the back. Plus, the hood was fully lockable, like everything Rebecca was wearing, and it also had padding in the ears so that Rebecca would be deaf, too. And even more blind than before. Lizzy pulled the mask over Rebecca's head, pulling Rebecca's long red hair into a ponytail sticking out of the top of the hood. Lizzy then laced the hood completely tight, and then locked a flap over the laces, ensuring that the hood would remain secure, and trapping Rebecca in a pitch black soundless world.
All this time, Rebecca had only barely struggled, not knowing what to do. She had occasionally flexed, but Rebecca knew she was weak, so she didn't even try to escape. Rebecca just waited, hoping that Lizzy would release her soon, and not understanding truly what was going on. But after the hood was fully laced onto her head, Rebecca truly started to panic- but she couldn't do anything by then to escape. She couldn't even talk through her gag, so she didn't try, and the armbinder kept her from even trying to free her arms, as they couldn't budge an inch. Rebecca was absolutely stuck, and she had no idea why.
Lizzy then started to put the finishing touches on Rebecca. She took out a nice leather leash, and clipped it to the front of the collar. Then Lizzy took out the most expensive item- the chastity belt. It was the top of the line model, impossible to cut off, self-cleaning (somehow), and with only one key in existence. And it had spots for plugs- not feeling cruel, Lizzy had chosen small plugs- 3 inches and 2 inches. Lizzy now pulled two separate parts of the belt together on Rebecca, forcing the plugs into Rebecca's small (as Lizzy just noticed) pussy and asshole. Rebecca groaned like a true sub as the plugs entered her, and Lizzy locked the belt around her waist, leaving Rebecca trapped in the most intimate way as well. Finally, Lizzy took the dress from earlier, and pulled it up onto Rebecca, zipping it up and locking it on.
Having finished, Lizzy hurried and grabbed Rebecca's leash, leading her slowly out of the dressing room and towards the cash register, grabbing Rebecca's purse as she went. Rebecca followed slowly, hoping in between desperate breaths through her nose and drips of drool from her bright red gag that she would be released soon, and so didn't even try to resist. And so off she hobbled.
Chapter 4: Tracy
Tracy drove through town, lost in the winding paths of thought. Normal people went through grief after rejections and breakups, of course. When you date someone for a long time, and eventually break up, of course you go through horrible cycles of grief. It's natural. It happens to everyone. And Tracy was completely wrapped up in her grief, but she knew she shouldn't be. After all, a dominatrix wasn't supposed to grieve when a submissive broke up with her.
It had been a pretty simple affair. They had had been together for a while, and had met back when Tracy had several slaves. However, after a few months, the other slaves all left, leaving Tracy with just one left- Amy. But a few weeks ago, Amy had used her safeword, then just said "I'm done." and she hadn't returned any of Tracy's calls.
Tracy knew after several unreturned calls that Amy was gone. Which left Tracy a dominatrix without a sub- useless. So Tracy wasn't truly just upset over Amy- she was also lonely, and very horny.
Not sure how to go about finding subs (they usually came to her), Tracy went to the shop "No Escape". It was her favorite place to shop for new dominatrix clothes and equipment, and Tracy figured a new set of clothes might set her on the right path. Tracy entered the store, and after walking around for a bit, noticed that as usual there were no other customers. But moreover, there was no employee to be seen. However, the dressing room light was shining through the crack at the bottom of the door, so Tracy figured that the salesperson was helping a customer in there. Tracy walked around aimlessly, looking at the things with little interest- after all, what's the point in buying things with no sub to use them on? That's when the dressing room door opened.
Out walked the saleswoman, but that wasn't what caught Tracy's eye. Following behind on a leash was the customer- but what a customer! Clearly a submissive, she was covered in black leather, with only her red ball gag and pure white skin serving as contrast. And her hair! Long and red, it rivaled Tracy's blonde hair in beauty and sheen. Her body was perfect too- Huge breasts almost leapt out of the top of the tight leather dress that seemed to cover a corset, and the dress also did little to hide the sub's tremendous curves. She was the perfect submissive.
Immediately, Tracy remembered her submissive plight, so became instantly jealous of the customer's master. At which point it dawned on Tracy- the only people around were herself, the sales clerk, and the submissive. And Tracy guessed from a glance that the clerk was a submissive- she had a collar around her neck, showing a very prominent lock in the back, advertising the clerk's owned status.
But the customer had no owner! After all, no owner would be foolish enough to leave such a prize alone and helpless. So, Tracy saw her chance. And went for it.
Chapter 5: The Window of Opportunity
"Perfect." Tracy said when the two reached the cash register.
Lizzy half turned, and noticed the lady standing a little off. As soon as Lizzy saw the six inch heels, she recognized Tracy for what she was- a dominatrix. And then it started to fit together for Lizzy- she was Rebecca's owner! Lizzy smiled, and said "I'm glad you like how I prepared her. She was a mess before, but now I think she's ready for you."
Tracy winked and said "Indeed. How much money do I have to make her earn now?" Tracy pantomimed spanking the oblivious Rebecca as she spoke. Rebecca meanwhile had been standing still, trying unsuccessfully to hear anything through her hood.
Lizzy had her hypothesis confirmed, so she handed the leash over to Tracy, who grabbed it and pulled Rebecca over to her, forcing her to kneel in front of Tracy. Rebecca, resisting at first, finally gave in and kneeled, having given up on trying to affect her own fate.
Lizzy worked for a bit at the register, then said "It comes to $7,638.41"
Tracy nodded, happy to pay such a small fee for such a perfect submissive. She handed over her credit card, in a hurry to start to play with her new pet. As soon as the purchase was done, Tracy had Rebecca stand, and together they left, Rebecca hobbling and drooling behind Tracy, without a clue as to what was going on. Tracy carried only Rebecca's leash and Rebecca's bag, now filled with all of the keys to free Rebecca. As they left, Lizzy celebrated her $700 sales commission, and nowhere on her mind was the thought that Rebecca had never mentioned an owner.
But that was for Rebecca to worry about. Although at the moment, she was mostly worried about trying to breath through her nose with her corset and dress constricting her breath, and trying not to fall as she followed her new mistress outside.
Chapter 6: The Getaway (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca's mind was reeling. As she was led to who knows where, she was in shock and couldn't even process what was going on. She knew that someone was pulling her forward by something attached to a collar around her neck. She knew that her arms were completely bound behind her back She knew that her legs were barely able to move with the restriction of the dress she was wearing and the chains between them. And she knew that she was gagged and blindfolded. But she had no idea what was going on.
So all Rebecca could do was slowly follow as she was pulled ever forward, occasionally turning, but always struggling to keep up, until the pulling stopped. The hood on Rebecca's head covered her ears, so she couldn't hear well, but she heard a faint slam noise. Suddenly, Rebecca was pushed from behind from two hands on her shoulders, until her thighs felt a barrier and she couldn't go further. Then the hands half pushed and half carried her over the barrier, landing her somehow facedown somewhere. Rebecca heard another slam, and then after a bit she was moving, like she was in a car.
Rebecca finally calmed down a little bit, and tried to figure out what was going on. Rebecca figured she was being kidnapped, since she was tied up and being driven somewhere by somebody... but why? Nobody really cared much for her, and no one would pay her ransom for sure. Maybe she was being kidnapped for those sex trade thingies Rebecca kept seeing on the news.
"Who knows," Rebecca thought. "I certainly don't."
So, Rebecca decided to wait and see what would happen to her.
Tracy, on the other hand, was extraordinarily excited. After she left the shop with her new toy, she had led Rebecca over to where her car was parked. On the way, everybody they passed stared at them both as went along, some whistling, some just staring. And Tracy was pretty sure most men were awkwardly adjusting their pants after seeing her new irresistible slave.
As soon as they got to Tracy's car, Tracy opened up the passenger door, tossing Tracy's purse into the seat, and slamming the door shut behind (making the first slamming noise Rebecca heard). Tracy then opened the trunk, revealing her (slight) modifications to her van's trunk.
It was a boring white van, the type that looks like a big box with no windows except in the front. And the front was still normal, whereas the back was not. All of the seats except for the passenger seat and the driver's seat were gone, and between the front and the back was a black wall partitioning the van. In the cleared out back was a sort of mini-dungeon: After you opened the doors to the back, there were was a cage wall with a big padlock preventing entry (and exit).
Tracy unlocked the padlock, and opened the cage door, and then silently cursed to herself. She had removed everything from her van dungeon after Amy left, making the back just a giant cage. Still, it was secure and discreet. So Tracy pushed her submissive in and locked the cage door behind her, making the trussed up hottie even more helpless. Tracy then closed the van's door (the handles on the inside were removed, of course).
Tracy then drove out of town to her house- she lived in the suburbs, of course. It took about a half an hour to drive there, and the whole time Tracy couldn't get images of her redhead sex toy struggling in her bonds out of her head.
But finally, Tracy pulled into her garage and closed the garage door behind her. Excited and in a hurry to get started, she was a blur as she unlocked the van's back door and cage door, and was almost as fast as a bullet as she dragged Tracy out, getting her to the true dungeon before she knew it. Tracy led her toy to the center of the dungeon, to where a stool was set up. Tracy forced her pet to sit down on the stool, and the locked her in, attaching her ankle restraints to an eyelet in the floor via a clip, her huge ass to the stool with a seat strap, her armbinder to the floor with another clip attached to the ring on the end of the armbinder, and her collar to the ceiling to keep her sitting up straight.
Tracy tightened all of the attachments, then using the key from Rebecca's purse, unlocked the hood, and ripped it off, gazing for the first time at her gorgeous submissive- and she was even better than expected. Rebecca trembled a little when the mask was removed, but she was still blind and gagged, so she didn't do anything else. Tracy meanwhile simply gazed at the perfection that was her slave without glasses; her long red hair, her pale white skin, her perfect moist and red lips perched around the equally red ball gag, her small and petite nose, perfect for her face, all better than Tracy ever imagined.
Wanting to see her eyes, Tracy unlocked the harness gag, and took it off, freeing her slut's mouth and eyes.
When they had arrived at the house, Rebecca had decided to just wait and see, so she didn't resist at all when she was removed from the car and taken downstairs in what she guessed was a some kind of house or building. Rebecca sat when the two hands reappeared and pushed down on her shoulders, and didn't struggle when she was attached to the stool. But when her hood was removed, hope fluttered in her chest- maybe she was being released! Ever the optimist, Rebecca almost smiled- before she remembered that she was still tied up. Then her gag and blindfold was removed.
After squinting at the sight of light after such a long time, Rebecca's first sight what looked like a woman standing before her, clad only in black clothing kind of like what Lizzy put on Rebecca. Without her glasses, she couldn't be sure, but she was pretty certain. That's when the woman spoke.
"Hello slave." Tracy said. "I am your new mistress, Mistress Tracy. You will serve me as I please, you will serve to please me, and you will do exactly what I say, or you will be punished, understood?" When Tracy said punished, she held out a flail that she had been holding.
Rebecca, wide-eyed, meekly thought, and replied, "No I don't" very quietly.
Tracy raised one eyebrow, and said "What? Care to explain yourself, slave?"
Rebecca didn't want to respond, but feeling intimidated, felt she had to. So after thinking for a bit, Rebecca said "I'm Rebecca, by the way, but I don't understand what you mean..."
Tracy was taken aback. Was Rebecca not a submissive? Or was she trying to pretend? Maybe Rebecca liked to have kidnap and rape fantasies. Well, Tracy could deliver that. So, Tracy said, "Fine. But maybe a good fucking will clear your head."
Rebecca's eyes somehow widened even more, so huge that her eyes practically made up her whole face. Rebecca, suddenly understanding that Tracy wanted to have sex with her, said very quietly "But I'm not a lesbian!" (Even quieter) "And I'm a virgin..."
The moment Rebecca widened her eyes, Tracy became sucked in, lost in the beauty of her pale blue eyes. Her heart softened a little bit, and Tracy felt herself somehow falling in love a little bit. Lost in the sea of Rebecca's eyes, Tracy almost jumped when she heard virgin, and realized what Rebecca had just said. Feeling sympathetic, Tracy actually believed Rebecca, and tried to figure out what was going on.
Rebecca interrupted Tracy's thoughts with the request "Can I please have my glasses?"
Tracy, so lost in thought as she struggled to comprehend the situation, mindlessly placed Rebecca's glasses over her eyes after she found them, not even thinking about what she was doing. Then her thoughts were interrupted again "And why am I tied up?" Rebecca said.
Tracy realized finally that it was sadly all a misunderstanding. Rebecca had probably been mistakenly found to be a submissive, or tricked by her friends, and never got to protest to the sales clerk, and now she was here. Nonetheless, that doesn't change the fact that Rebecca was (without the glasses) the most gorgeous girl Tracy had ever seen tied up. So Tracy couldn't let Rebecca go. But Tracy was no kidnapper... she only pretended to be one. Her conscience wouldn't let her actually keep someone against their will.
But Rebecca was soooooooooo hot...
While Tracy was pacing and thinking, Rebecca was trying to figure out what she was wearing (mostly unsuccessfully) and watching the curvy lady pace. "Was her name Tracy?" Rebecca thought. Rebecca saw that they were wearing similar clothes, except that Tracy wasn't tied up. Rebecca had to admit that Tracy looked hot in all that leather, so she guessed she did too. Just tied up as well.
Finally, Tracy faced Rebecca, and said "Are you sure you aren't into women?"
Chapter 7: The Deal (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca sat on Tracy's couch, sipping at a fine glass of wine. She felt warm and completely lost. The events of the last few hours had been confusing, to say the least, but Tracy had kindly released Rebecca from her restraints once she understood the misunderstanding that had occurred. Tracy seemed completely apologetic, and even embarrassed. She insisted on making Rebecca comfortable, and brought Rebecca right up to her living room and gave her a glass of wine after letting her free from her cuffs and chains. Tracy then apologized profusely again and again, and re-introduced herself as just Tracy. Then Tracy finally sat down herself, and waited for Rebecca to respond.
After a few minutes, it was clear that Rebecca wouldn't say anything, and was just going to stare down at the floor and sip her wine. So Tracy became more direct: "What happened to you?"
Rebecca considered the question, and couldn't truly make sense yet of the day, so she thought back to before that day. She put down her empty glass to be refilled, and quietly said "I just wanted to be attractive."
Tracy refilled Rebecca's glass, understanding her need to down her drink so quickly. But Tracy wasn't fully satisfied with that answer. She wanted to know what would make such a hot redhead virgin end up tied up in full BDSM gear at a sex shop. "So why did you go to No Escape?" Tracy asked.
Rebecca was in easy territory now, as these questions were about a time that made sense, before she went to that store. So, after a deep sip of wine, she replied "I wanted to look slutty, sexy, and so I found that store online."
Tracy nodded, as No Escape did advertise a great deal online. "But what happened there?"
Rebecca blushed, and said "well... I took off my glasses, and... and... couldn't see..." Rebecca was embarrassed by her feeling that she had to impress Lizzy, so she trailed off.
Nevertheless, Tracy got the picture. Rebecca was taken advantage of by the sales clerk, and Rebecca didn't fight back. Suddenly, a thought struck Tracy. "Rebecca... Do you want to take off those clothes?"
Rebecca's eyes widened, and Tracy's breath caught again with the beauty of her eyes. Rebecca had forgotten that she was still wearing the hobble dress and all, and even still had the chastity belt on. She managed to somehow blush even further, and stammered "Well... I, er, I guess... I wanted to look sexy, and, uh, er, you look great... and you're wearing, you know... So if I look slutty and sexy, I kind of..." Rebecca trailed off again, and took a gulp of wine to stop herself.
But now it was Tracy's turn to blush. "Well, you do look very sexy and beautiful..."
Both ladies sat silently for a few minutes, each lost in their own world. Tracy was lost in her infatuation for Rebecca, and Rebecca was trying to piece together the day more clearly in her mind.
Finally, Tracy broke the silence. "So how can I help you? What do you want?" Tracy wanted to do something to help Rebecca to repay her horrible mistreatment of Rebecca.
Rebecca thought for a while, and realized that clearly Tracy must know something about being sexy, since she dressed like Lizzy dressed her. Rebecca, not having learned much, still thought that this was the way to get men, and was happy to have discovered that revealing leather, corsets, collars, and boots were the way to get men. And after how kindly Tracy had been treating her, she realized that Tracy had probably saved her, since Lizzy had tied her up, but Tracy had immediately freed her. Rebecca after all didn't know that Tracy was at the store. She figured Tracy knew about the store through Lizzy or something- she didn't want to be presuming and ask questions of Tracy. And, she was feeling rather frisky from the wine and the weird feeling from the chastity belt plugs being inside her. So, Rebecca decided what she wanted. "Can you help me find a man?"
It was the opposite request Tracy wanted to hear, but she knew Rebecca was no lesbian. Still, she asked "Why? Aren't you a virgin?"
Rebecca replied quickly "Yes, I am. But I don't want to be alone forever, and I've never been able to go on more than one date with a man... and you know how to be sexy." It was a lot of words for Rebecca to say, but it was a weird day.
"So... you want to have sex?" Tracy inquired.
"Well, I want to experience being with a man for once, so yeah, I want to have sex!" Rebecca was really warming up from what was now her fourth glass of wine, and the plugs really were making her warm inside her womanhood, and sex sounded really good to her. Whatever it was. She knew it was supposed to feel good there, at least. "Can you get me to find a man to have sex with?"
Tracy glanced at the curvy redhead wearing leather and a collar studded with the word "SLAVE", and almost scoffed. "Of course. But the glasses will have to go. Let's get you some contacts!"
Rebecca smiled, remembering that without her glasses Lizzy had thought she was gorgeous, and Rebecca's beauty while smiling caught Tracy's eye and made her match with a grin.
"It's a deal!" Tracy said.
Chapter 8: The Man (added: 2015/03/25)
A few days later, Rebecca returned to Tracy's. Each of the women thought they had figured out everything that had occurred at the store, but each one was slightly off. Rebecca had decided that she was right to have gone to that store, because clearly all that leather was the way to be sexy and attract men. But while she was there, Rebecca guessed that Lizzy also tied her up because being tied up somehow had to do with sex... Rebecca still wasn't sure about that part. She had never even watched porn, or sex scenes in movies, so she was absolutely clueless. But she guessed that Lizzy had a reason, and that being tied up was what was sexy, and assumed Lizzy was showing her what was going on her, but Rebecca couldn't see.
Tracy, on the other hand, spent a long time trying to understand what led to Rebecca going there. Clearly there was a mixup with her glasses, and the clerk took advantage of that, but Rebecca still liked how the leather looked and still wanted to dress like a submissive slave that Tracy would just love to have... but that was beside the point. Tracy guessed Rebecca was into BDSM, at least somewhat, or at least into leather. And from there, Tracy guessed that Rebecca was still a virgin because she never got the courage to try BDSM, or find someone that was into it.
Rebecca had been busy the last few days, and was wearing her new contacts instead of her old glasses. At Tracy's, Tracy helped her into what Tracy had bought her, including the collar, though not the leash. Rebecca had never carefully studied the collar, as Tracy took it off for her and put it back on for her, and didn't know that it said "SLAVE" at all. Tracy didn't fully understand why Rebecca wanted to wear BDSM gear, but Rebecca never asked about it as though it were weird, so Tracy assumed that Rebecca had a thing for leather and maybe BDSM. After all, she was so meek and bashful, she was a natural submissive. So, Tracy had picked out a club where there was a slightly more emphasis on fetish than usual, so there would be men there that were into that kind of thing. Tracy still wished Rebecca wasn't looking for men, but she still wanted to help Rebecca. So they went to the club.
Once there, they went to the bar, and had a few drinks, until Rebecca started to have that same warm feeling as she did before, and she felt like having sex again. Tracy went off to stand in the line for the bathroom, and Rebecca waited at the bar for her to return. But when Tracy returned, Rebecca was long gone.
During Tracy's absence, a man had come up to Rebecca and hit on her. Sure he was fine, calling her ravishing, but Tracy would not have approved. And when he grabbed Rebecca's collar's D-ring and asked if she wanted to go have some fun, she enthusiastically said yes.
The couple headed to the sort of dungeon of the club, and the guy let himself and Rebecca into his own private room. And, unsurprisingly, Rebecca was soon expertly tied up in a kneeling position with a big ring gag in her mouth, and a blindfold over her eyes. Rebecca was a little suspicious, but at this point, she guessed that sex just always involved restraints, so she didn't panic. No longer quite as scared of being tied up, the feeling of helplessness that came with being tied up mixed up with her warmth from drinking and desire for sex, and she was feeling pretty good.
And that's when Rebecca felt something on her tongue. It touched her tongue lightly a few times, leaving a slight salty taste. But soon, a whole object invaded her mouth, pushing down her tongue, and then went all the way to the back of her throat, then back out, leaving the same salty taste. She tried to ask what was going on through her gag, but before she could, the invader was ramming in and out of her mouth, and she was almost choking on the object, gargling around it all the while. Suddenly, it stopped deep in her mouth, and she felt something warm going down her throat, and it left just as she was getting desperate for air. She coughed a few times, and then heard the man say "good job, slave," and exit, leaving her helpless in his private dungeon, filled and covered in cum.
Rebecca finally started to process what had happened, and suddenly the acrid taste from the object caught up with her, and Rebecca vomited a little, realizing that that was probably his manhood in her mouth. From what Rebecca had heard, sex was supposed to feel great, but Rebecca did not feel great at all. She felt sick from the taste, and her jaw hurt from the fucking it had received, and she didn't feel the pleasure she had heard about. Were she not blindfolded, it would be clear to anyone that she was crying.
But the man couldn't see that when he returned, and he didn't notice the small amount of vomit on the floor due to the low lighting in the room. So, he released Rebecca from the floor, and taking her to the bed in the center of the room, tied her spread eagle on the bed, and pushed her hobble skirt up to reveal her crotch. But instead of seeing Rebecca's perfect pussy, or her gorgeous ass, he was only met with her locked chastity belt. Rebecca had put it on earlier, and had never realized somehow that it needed to be removed for sex. And Tracy had the key in her purse, so the man wasn't getting anything from Rebecca.
Annoyed and frustrated, the man realized that Rebecca must have an owner somewhere that only rented out Rebecca's mouth for business. So, he released Rebecca, and walked her out the door of his private room with only the ring gag, blindfold, and wrist bindings to restrain her. The man whispered goodbye in Rebecca's ear, and his lips met Rebecca's, shoving his tongue deep in her mouth. Then he was gone, and Rebecca was alone and helpless.
Chapter 9: The Escape (added: 2015/03/25)
For maybe an hour, Rebecca wandered the lower level of the club, receiving occasional unexpected swats on the ass or boob squeezes. Once, someone poured a shot of tequila into her open mouth, and once someone grabbed her and tried to grope her crotch, only to find a metal barrier, and left with just a few squeezes. Rebecca was emotionally distraught, constantly on the verge of crying, and was scared that the man would come back and she would have to endure that awful experience again.
After what felt like a day of carefully walking on her high heeled boots, she felt arms embrace her, and she heard Tracy's voice. "Thank God I found you!" Rebecca's gag was removed, her blindfold taken off, and Tracy swiftly untied her wrists. Rebecca hugged Tracy right back, tears flowing, and without a word they were off. In seemingly mere seconds, they were back at Tracy's place.
Rebecca hadn't said a word, but a little bit after they returned, Rebecca asked quietly "Can I stay here tonight? It's too late to go back to the city..."
Tracy immediately agreed, and soon Rebecca was asleep in Tracy's bed, with only her beautiful red hair, angelic face, and slave collar showing, as she was too tired to go through the trouble of removing her clothes or boots. Tracy quietly went to the living room with pillow in hand, and prepared for an uncomfortable night on the couch.
In the morning, Tracy awoke first, having slept fitfully through the night. She cleaned herself up after last night, and got herself some cereal while she thought about the night before, and what to do now.
When Rebecca disappeared last night, Tracy hadn't worried at first, hoping Rebecca was off flirting with a man she saw or something. But after half an hour, Tracy became worried that Rebecca wouldn't return, so Tracy started searching the club, which was no easy task. The club had six floors, and the lighting wasn't great, so it wasn't easy to just glance at a room and make sure Rebecca wasn't there. About 45 minutes later, on Tracy's second sweep of the basement level, Tracy found Rebecca's telltale red sweeping hair.
Tracy immediately recognized the white flecks of dried cum around Rebecca's mouth, and so rushed to free Rebecca from her restraints. Without her blindfold, it was clear from Rebecca's eyeliner that she had been crying. So Tracy whisked Rebecca back to Tracy's place.
This was the second time that Tracy had decided to free Rebecca when she was tied up, and Tracy was having a bit of an internal crisis. After all, what kind of dominatrix frees a hot submissive twice? Tracy couldn't figure it out, and just let the issue be until she could think it through.
Tracy finished breakfast, and decided to clean the place up and make it a little more presentable to Rebecca. Tracy hadn't really cleaned the place well since Amy left... and it certainly needed it. In a few hours, Tracy's place was more presentable than it had ever been, and Tracy felt like she could show her house with pride now.
The clock showed about noon when Tracy finished cleaning, and she still hadn't seen signs of Rebecca stirring from bed. So, she went over to the bedroom door, figuring that Rebecca was unable to get up without an alarm. Tracy knocked on Rebecca's door, and only heard a groan in answer. Confused, Tracy called out "Can I come in? Is everything alright?" Rebecca grunted what sounded like a yes, and Tracy opened the door and came in.
In Tracy's room, Rebecca's bed was empty, with the sheets clearly slept in. Tracy wanted to go inhale that intoxicating scent that Rebecca carries around with her from the sheets, but Tracy had to find Rebecca, and resisted the urge. Tracy headed to the master bathroom attached to the bedroom, and knocked on the partially open door, which swung open to reveal Rebecca sprawled over the toilet.
"I feel awful" Rebecca croaked, and heaved a little, though nothing came out. When Rebecca woke up this morning, her hangover from drinking last night combined together with having only cum in her stomach and having that acrid taste still in her mind, and she rushed to the bathroom, where she had been ever since.
Tracy set about helping Rebecca, finally taking off her leather attire, leaving Rebecca naked except for her chastity belt and her slave collar. Tracy couldn't help but admire Rebecca's bare and beautiful chest, but quickly wrapped Rebecca in a sheet and led her back to bed, as she had more important things to consider than Rebecca's breasts.
The rest of the day, Tracy waited on Rebecca hand and foot, making her soup to eat, trying to make her comfortable in any way. Tracy felt awful for having let Rebecca out of her sight, and blamed herself for what happened at the club and for not protecting Rebecca from that man.
When night came, and Rebecca showed no sign of being cured yet, Tracy decided to sleep nearby so she could help Rebecca during the night. So, Tracy grabbed the crummy hard mattress that she used to make her slaves sleep on in the dungeon, and moved it into the bedroom, and went to bed at Rebecca's side. Rebecca had to get up a few times in the night, and Tracy helped her each time, but by the morning both were sleeping peacefully in Tracy's room.
Chapter 10: A Friend (added: 2015/03/25)
When Rebecca woke up the next day, she finally felt refreshed. The sickness was gone, and the awful taste was replaced with the taste of Tracy's wonderful cooking. Rebecca got up quietly so as not to disturb the exhausted Tracy, and showered quickly, the water running over the metal of the collar and chastity belt. Rebecca put her hair up in a high ponytail, noticing in the mirror that the collar said "SLAVE". Rebecca smiled, understanding why the man called her slave, and pegged it down as another sexy thing. After all, even though she hated the experience, she did successfully get a man.
Rebecca slipped on one of Tracy's shirts to go with her chastity belt and collar. Rebecca would have liked to remove the chastity belt, but she didn't need to go to the bathroom at the moment, and didn't know where the key was, so she decided to wait. So, Rebecca left the room wearing only the chastity belt, the slave collar, and a top of Tracy's that barely covered her chest, and left most of her midriff bare.
Rebecca then rooted through the kitchen, and being completely lost in the foreign kitchen, decided to just take a banana until Tracy woke up. Tracy was about to eat the banana, and put it right by her mouth, but her mind suddenly reminded her of the last long thing that was in her mouth, and she quickly traded the banana for an apple to avoid the comparison. Rebecca was in no hurry to do anything like that again.
Rebecca wandered the house while eating her apple, seeing how amazingly neat and clean the place was. Tracy was clearly wealthy to afford such a nice house, and to fill it with so many cool things. Tracy even had a full wall of wine in one of her closets!
Rebecca then found a door that led downstairs, and realized that there was a basement in addition to the spacious first floor. Curious about what would be downstairs after seemingly everything anyone would need to live was upstairs, Rebecca headed downstairs.
There, Rebecca found Tracy's treasure: her dungeon. Rebecca had no idea what most of it was, having only been newly introduced to BDSM. There was a section with various whips and flogs, there was a closet full of leather and latex clothing that made Rebecca gasp in jealousy. "I wish I had all of this to wear!" Rebecca thought out loud. Rebecca found drawers full of chains, full of rope, and then a lot of leather straps and the like in arrangements that Rebecca didn't quite understand. Rebecca wandered aimlessly, admiring the size and severity of the large cage in the corner, and the smaller cages next to it. Rebecca was impressed by Tracy's collection, and still thinking that all sex was BDSM, figured that all of it was extraordinarily sexy. Rebecca found the drawer of handcuffs, and took a pair out, as it was one of the few things she understood in the dungeon.
Rebecca imagined how helpless she would be if she were wearing the handcuffs, and suddenly deep under her chastity belt a warmth started growing. Rebecca imagined being unable to do anything while handcuffed, and almost moaned out loud at the thought. Rebecca imagined being found by a handsome prince while tied up, and being rescued and falling in love and feeling that pleasure she dreamed of, when suddenly she was wrenched out of her dream by the sound of the ratchet of the handcuffs closing on her hands.
Rebecca looked down, and saw that indeed she had locked herself into the handcuffs on accident while she was fantasizing. Rebecca immediately searched around for the key to the handcuffs to free herself and save herself the embarrassment of Tracy seeing her now. However, the only thing Rebecca never saw in the dungeon was a key, as of course you keep the keys hidden. Rebecca realized that she was absolutely stuck, and cursed herself for picking up the handcuffs and not being more careful. Nonetheless, the warm feeling in her crotch persisted, but Rebecca knew no prince was coming to save her- only Tracy.
So, Rebecca went upstairs to the living room to wait for Tracy to wake up and save her. Sitting around, bored, Rebecca realized that in Tracy, Rebecca had finally found a true friend- Tracy dropped everything to help Rebecca, and twice (about to be thrice now) Tracy had freed her from being tied up and helpless. Rebecca smiled, not scared at all to be handcuffed in Tracy's house and unable to escape.
Tracy woke up much later, as she was exhausted from the day before. Tracy had been running all over the house to help Rebecca, and didn't sleep well on the hard slave's mattress. But, she was happy to find that Rebecca had left the room, and was probably feeling much better.
Tracy got up, and glanced through her wardrobe, picking out a simple grey top and a pair of skinny jeans to wear underneath. Tracy made a beeline to the kitchen to start the coffee pot, as she would need some to get going today. From the living room Tracy heard Rebecca call "Is that you, Tracy?"
Tracy walked into the living room, and saw over the edge of the couch Rebecca's gorgeous face, with her luscious red hair up in a beautiful ponytail. Before Tracy could say hello and say how happy she was that Rebecca was feeling better, Rebecca held up her hands showing the handcuffs locking them in place, and flashed a bashful smile with a blush at Tracy. "I'm sorry..." Rebecca said.
Tracy almost laughed at the sight of Rebecca trying to hide her embarrassment at having to be rescued once again. Tracy gestured for Rebecca to follow, and together they went to the bookshelf in Tracy's bedroom. Tracy took a book off of the shelf and opened it, and inside was a hollowed out section containing an assortment of keys, all with tags stating their purpose. Tracy grabbed the handcuff key and unlocked Rebecca's handcuffs, leaving them in Rebecca's hands. Tracy then dug through the keys and grabbed two more after returning the handcuff key; the keys to Rebecca's collar and belt. "I put these here so I would remember where I put them." Tracy said, explaining their presence. "Really, it's almost habit that makes me put all keys in here." Tracy then returned the keys, and the two headed down to the kitchen.
Rebecca sat down at the kitchen counter, keeping the handcuffs and the two keys on the counter in front of her, while Tracy poured herself a cup of coffee. Rebecca drew breath to speak, hesitated, and then meekly inquired "would you please help me once more and cook me some food? I would, but I'm sort of lost in your fancy kitchen..." Rebecca looked down, feeling nervous asking for more help after Tracy had done so much for her.
Tracy laughed and said "Of course! Don't worry about it! It's just weird to have an overnight guest sleep in my bed, and to serve her instead of vice versa!" Tracy laughed at the irony of the situation, and Rebecca looked down.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you want your bed back? I'll head out as soon as I can..." Rebecca said apologetically, thinking she was being a burden on Tracy.
"What? No, It was a joke! I want to help you! Lighten up! It's not like I'm sleeping in my dungeon!" Tracy said, laughing even more.
Rebecca smiled, understanding now what Tracy meant by her joke. Rebecca even chuckled a little, and after Tracy stopped laughing, Rebecca said "Yeah, sorry for going in your dungeon. I was just curious, and it is amazing. I loved your wardrobe down there!"
Tracy smiled warmly at Rebecca, and said "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're feeling better after yesterday. And you can borrow some of my clothes if you want! It seems that you fill out my shirt even better than I do!"
Rebecca looked down at the shirt she was wearing, and smiled at the compliment. The two laughed a bit more and discussed trivial things, and Rebecca truly started to warm up to Tracy.
However, eventually the conversation strayed to the night before last, and the two finally fell silent. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Tracy asked.
Rebecca paused, and replied "Not especially. But, I do know that I don't want to experience that again any time soon."
Tracy nodded, and said "I truly am sorry it happened that way. I wish I had been there to protect you from that jerk."
Rebecca smiled, and said "Well, I would have had a similar experience eventually. At least you were there to rescue me."
Tracy, suddenly confused, said "What? Why would you have had a similar experience anyway?"
Rebecca, also confused now, said "Well, I would have eventually found out how disgusting it is to... well... er, taste someone's manhood."
Tracy's eyebrow raised. "So it wasn't being restrained and forced to do it that made it so horrible?"
"Well, no, I..." Rebecca of course still thought bondage to be the norm when it came to sex, and so felt no qualms with enjoying it. So Rebecca wanted to say that she enjoyed the restraints, but then she would have to tell Tracy why she accidentally locked herself in the handcuffs, and that was too embarrassing. So she just said "He was disgusting."
Tracy nodded, and gave Rebecca a big hug of support. When they separated, Tracy decided to change the topic. "So what are you going to do about those?" She asked, pointing at the keys and handcuffs.
Rebecca thought, and said "Well, I love all of my new sexy clothes, but I do need to go home eventually. I guess I'll go pack up." There was a moment of sad silence as they realized they were parting ways, and then Rebecca went over and into the bedroom to prepare, taking the keys to her belt and collar.
Chapter 11: New Clothes (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca was soon heading home, as she needed to work the next day. She and Tracy had agreed to meet again next Friday night, and Rebecca was going to try some of Tracy's clothes and maybe go shopping for new ones. In the meantime, Rebecca left her new clothes with Tracy, since she didn't know what to do with them herself.
Rebecca spent the week kind of waiting for Friday to come, and as always it crept up on her slowly. But, she prepared some things to do on Saturday when they would have the whole day free. Tracy, on the other hand, spent the week wondering why she never made a move on the helpless Rebecca, and realized that her conscience would never let her take advantage of someone tied up against their will. So, Tracy decided to just be Rebecca's friend. After all, Tracy did care about Rebecca.
But when Friday finally came, Rebecca spent the whole day thinking about last weekend, and the feeling that came with being restrained and helpless, and couldn't wait to try out Tracy's sexy outfits.
Rebecca arrived at Tracy's half an hour early, eager to get started. She had brought an overnight bag, as the girls had planned on Rebecca staying the night so they could spend Saturday together. Tracy opened the door, and the two embraced like life-long friends. They exchanged quick greetings, and then Rebecca made a beeline for Tracy's room, where her new clothes had been stored. In a few minutes, Rebecca emerged wearing only her slave collar, chastity belt, and the white blouse she brought. Tracy chuckled at the sight, and Rebecca reddened and said "I missed these two the most" to explain herself.
The two grabbed a couple of glasses of wine, and headed down to the dungeon almost immediately. Tracy gave a quick tour, explaining that there was a pain section, a leather section, a chain section, an accessory section, the furniture, and the wardrobe. The pain section was full of scary whips and nipple clamps that intimidated Rebecca, but she liked all the other sections, and wanted to try it all. But first, they dove into the wardrobe.
Together, Rebecca and Tracy worked through the clothes, trying to find sexy things for Rebecca to wear. "Sorry," Tracy said. "I don't have much clothes for slaves..."
Tracy was right, but what she had was still quite sexy. Soon Rebecca had picked out a latex catsuit with a deep V for her cleavage, a nice leather similar catsuit with a corset attached, and some intimidating boots and high heels. Finally, Rebecca found a leather miniskirt and a corset top that seemed to show everything and more, and Rebecca insisted that she wear it. By now, both girls had drank several glasses of wine, and were each a little tipsy.
Soon Rebecca was laced into the corset and miniskirt, and wearing her original leather locking boots. It was only 9, and they remembered that the store No Escape was open until 11 (their business did well after dark) and the two headed off for the place, both dressed in leather, though Tracy was showing a lot less, and wasn't wearing a collar that clearly said "SLAVE" on it.
At the store, the two went crazy, buying far too much. Rebecca found new leashes for her collar, more locking hobble skirts and dresses, a locking catsuit, and even a red leather hood to match her hair. At the store, Rebecca got some help from a guy that seemed to enjoy watching Rebecca try on all the different pieces, and who helped her decide which things were the sexiest. Tracy thought the guy rather sleazy to be gaping at Rebecca so openly, but Rebecca didn't seem to notice or mind at all. At the end, Tracy covered the steep bill, saying something about having the money to spare.
By the time they returned, Rebecca's crotch was burning with the warm feeling that came from all of these restraints, and was desperate to do something. So, she convinced the drunk Tracy to let her sleep in the dungeon so Tracy could have her bed, and Rebecca was soon in the largest cage on the crummy mattress, locked into her most restrictive hobble skirt. As soon as Tracy went up to bed, Rebecca took out the pair of handcuffs she stashed in the cell/cage earlier, and locked her hands in them to the ring on the floor by the mattress. Rebecca still didn't want to admit to Tracy how much she enjoyed being tied up, but as soon as she was locked in and helpless, her crotch lit on fire, and Rebecca felt amazing. Rebecca fell asleep fantasizing of being found so helpless by a handsome man, and dreamed of being rescued by Tracy that night.
Chapter 12: Rebecca's Truth (added: 2015/03/25)
Saturday morning, Tracy woke up late, and went over to make herself a cup of coffee. Groggy with a slight hangover, Tracy just wanted to drink her coffee and wake up. After 15 minutes, Tracy had finally fully woken up, and started thinking about what she would be doing that day. She was excited because she would be able to spend the day with Rebecca, but she was trying to figure out what to do. And then the thought occurred to Tracy; where's Rebecca?
It dawned on Tracy that the night before, she had left Rebecca to sleep in the dungeon- in a cage! It had seemed like a funny thing to do at the time, but Tracy rushed downstairs with the key book to free her friend and apologize a million times to her.
Tracy found Rebecca fast asleep in the cage, with her hands handcuffed above her head to a hook in the floor. "I even handcuffed her? Oh no..." Tracy thought to herself. Tracy immediately unlocked and opened the cage, and freed Rebecca's wrists from the handcuffs. Rebecca stirred awake, and opened her eyes a little to see what was going on.
"I'm so sorry. I swear I'll never tie you up or lock you in a cage or do anything to you again" Tracy babbled to Rebecca, worried that her friend had been scared and lost being tied up all night.
Rebecca realized what Tracy thought she had done the night before, and blushed. "Oh, no, don't worry... I... uh..." Rebecca wanted to say that she had handcuffed herself, and that she wanted to be locked up and helpless... but it embarrassed herself too much, so she just fell silent and looked down at the floor.
Tracy, taking Rebecca's silence and reddening as a sign of her not wanting to tell Tracy how she felt, and therefore that Rebecca hated last night, Tracy's heart plummeted. "I totally betrayed Rebecca..." Tracy thought. Tracy mumbled another apology, and slowly headed back upstairs, dragging her feet all the way.
Tracy sat in her living room, staring dejectedly around as she thought about maybe finding some way to repair her friendship with Rebecca. Finding no way to repair the breach of trust that had occurred, Tracy guessed that Rebecca would stop being friends with this lesbian Dominatrix.
Tracy heard Rebecca come upstairs behind her perhaps half an hour later, and without turning to look said "I understand if you want to go... I'm truly sorry."
Rebecca replied "But.... but... I can't leave dressed like this!"
Tracy turned around, and caught her breath at the sight of Rebecca. Rebecca was wearing her usual slave collar, and with it a tight black leather corset and miniskirt that were clearly locked onto her. She was wearing matching knee high leather boots with towering 5 inch heels, of course locked in as well. The black of the leather, the red of her hair and full lips, the white of her skin, and the pale blue of her eyes together made a stunning image that stuck in Tracy's eyes.
But that was not all that Rebecca was wearing. Around her wrists was the same pair of handcuffs, and on her ankles were a set of shackles with a short hobble chain between. Rebecca was the picture perfect slave.
Rebecca's face was flushed red with embarrassment, and she said meekly "I uh... would need your help to... well... you know..." Rebecca trailed off, and awkwardly tested her bonds, proving that she could do nothing to escape them without help.
Tracy's mouth had been wide open since she saw Rebecca, and after perhaps a minute of silence, she finally found words. "Did... you... tie yourself up like this?" Tracy knew that of course Rebecca did, but didn't truly understand.
Rebecca somehow managed to blush to an even deeper red, and replied "Yes, I did." The two were silent for a while, and then Rebecca continued, a little stronger. "I also handcuffed myself last night in the cell... and... I, uh, also handcuffed myself last weekend... You see, I, uh, I..." Rebecca paused for a few seconds, trying to find the words, and then started again, very quietly "I like being tied up..."
Suddenly it all clicked for Tracy. Of course Rebecca liked being tied up- Tracy guessed that was why she went to No Escape in the first place, after all! Rebecca was into bondage, of course! Tracy asked "So you're not mad at all?"
Rebecca smiled, and said "No. To tell the truth... It was exciting being locked up all night."
Tracy stood up and ran over, grabbing Rebecca in a huge bear hug. Rebecca awkwardly tried to return it as best she could while handcuffed.
Soon, the two friends were sitting in the living room chatting over breakfast, almost ignoring the fact that Rebecca was still tied up. After finishing all the food, Rebecca started cleaning up as fast as her restraints would allow.
"So what do you want to do today?" Tracy asked.
Rebecca hesitated a moment, bit her lip nervously, and then said "Could I ask a huge favor of you?"
Tracy immediately replied "Of course!"
Rebecca put down the dish she was cleaning, and said "Well... if you're alright with it, there's this guy that I found... Richard... and... well... I showed him a picture of me in my new clothes, and he was very, well, interested... but I don't want to have to... well... you know... so I'd love it if we could... err..."
Impatient, Tracy interrupted "What do you want?"
Rebecca blushed, and said meekly "Could he come over today, so you could make sure he doesn't... take advantage of me while I'm tied up?"
Tracy's heart jumped a little, because she still had hoped that she would eventually convince Rebecca to consider herself, but she was still Rebecca's friend, and Rebecca did need her help. So, Tracy replied "Of course he can. But I'll have to tie you up properly!"
Rebecca's face lit up, and she said "Of course! This is amazing- thank you so much, Tracy!" Rebecca hurried to finish up the cleaning, eager to experience being fully restrained again.
Once Rebecca was done cleaning, the two went downstairs to the dungeon to re-outfit Rebecca. Tracy removed Rebecca's handcuffs, and fit a sort of leather glove over each of Rebecca's hands. "These are called bondage mittens" Tracy said. "They'll be locked on, and with them on, you'll be helpless to do anything with your hands."
Rebecca was truly helpless once they were locked on, as they forced her hands into fists inside, and then they were locked together behind her back. Tracy left her leg shackles as they were, as Rebecca still needed to travel around, albeit slowly. To finish the look, Tracy attached a leash to Rebecca's collar, and Rebecca was ready to be Richard's slave for the night.
The two went up to the living room, and sat with glasses of wine and chatted while they waited for Richard to appear. All the while, Rebecca's loins were churning, as she was completely helpless and ready for her man to come and make her feel amazing.
Chapter 13: Richard (added: 2015/03/25)
At about 6, Richard rang the doorbell. The door swung open, and he was immediately presented with the handle of a leash in his face. He took it, and saw that on the end of the leash was a tied up woman, dressed sexier than belief. Richard stepped forward, and embraced Rebecca, kissing her deeply on the lips. After what seemed to be forever to Tracy, they separated, and Tracy cleared her throat to get Richard's attention. "I'll be in the kitchen, making some food for us, and you two can hang out in the living room. The keys to what Rebecca's wearing are on the living room table" Tracy said. Richard nodded, and walked forward, tugging Rebecca along on her leash. As Rebecca passed by Tracy, Tracy caught Rebecca's smile and glow at being tied up and in the hands of a handsome man. Sure, Tracy could admit that Richard certainly was handsome, and that it was quite the kiss that they shared. But Tracy still wasn't fully happy with the idea of the two being together. "Stop being so jealous. She's straight." Tracy muttered to herself.
In an hour, Tracy entered the living room with a platter of food for the couple, and found them canoodling on the couch. To be more precise, Richard was on top of Rebecca, who was sitting on the couch, and Richard was facing her, and the two were lost in what could have been the third or fourth year of some passionate kiss. Tracy vomited mentally at the sight, and just set the tray down in front of the couple. They both looked up at the sound, and Rebecca smiled at Tracy. "We were planning on watching a movie! Want to join us?" Rebecca announced.
Richard immediately gave Rebecca a stern look, and Rebecca looked down bashfully and apologetically. "Didn't I tell you not to speak unless I ask you?" Richard scolded Rebecca.
Rebecca, avoiding Richard's glare, said submissively "Yes, Richard."
Richard replied "Richard?"
Rebecca blushed a deep maroon, but after a moment reluctantly said "Yes... Master."
Richard smiled, and said "Good girl." Richard turned his head to face Tracy and said to her "As she said, we wanted to watch a movie. Care to join us?"
Tracy imagined sitting through a movie next to the couple, and couldn't imagine a worse way to spend her evening. Sit next to a hot submissive girl and listen to her submit to her master and make out profusely? No thanks. "I actually have some work to catch up on, so maybe some other time." Tracy replied.
Rebecca frowned at that response, as Tracy had told her earlier that she was free the whole day to hang out with Rebecca. But after having been scolded for speaking out of turn, Rebecca wisely kept her mouth shut. Richard turned around and gave Rebecca a peck on the lips, and her smile immediately returned, as she forgot that thought, instead remembering the hot man in complete control over her body.
The couple went back to kissing, and Tracy stuck out her tongue in disgust. Tracy went back to her bedroom, and scrounged around on her computer for some work to do to pass the time. A few hours later, at about 11, someone knocked on her bedroom door.
Tracy opened the door, and was met with Richard's face. "I'm leaving for the night." Richard said. "Take care of my slave." Tracy nodded, and Richard left out the door.
Tracy walked over to the living room to see Rebecca at last. Rebecca was no longer wearing her corset or miniskirt, which Richard had clearly removed, leaving her only in her restraints, collar, chastity belt, and boots. Richard had used a napkin from dinner to blindfold Rebecca, and had left her kneeling on the carpet, with her leash wrapped around the leg of the living room table to keep her from standing up or moving.
Tracy stopped in her footsteps a moment to admire Rebecca's chest fully- Tracy had never had the time before. The only other times had been while she was helping Rebecca change, and it wouldn't have been appropriate to stare then. But now, Rebecca was blindfolded and couldn't see Tracy gawking at her for nearly a minute. Rebecca did have an amazing body to complement her perfect face, with full D cup breasts, complete with pert nipples that Tracy just wanted to hold in her hands, and curvy belly that Tracy wanted to run her hands all over. After a while, Tracy shook herself from the spell of Rebecca's beauty, and went over to free her friend. Rebecca smiled a bright set of teeth at Tracy as soon as the blindfold came off, and soon Rebecca was only still restrained by the bondage mittens, as they had been unlocked from each other.
Rebecca gave Tracy a big hug, pressing her boobs right against Tracy's, saying "Thank you so much. That was so wonderful to be able to be with Richard and be so helpless in his hands." Rebecca's big eyes sparkled with lust, and Tracy could practically feel the heat from Rebecca's crotch burning hot.
Tracy replied "I'm just happy that you're safe and happy." It only a partial lie- Tracy was happy Rebecca was safe, but Tracy wasn't completely happy either.
Rebecca stopped hugging Tracy and stepped back. Tracy took the key and unlocked Rebecca's final restraint, and Rebecca was free from her bondage mittens. Her hands finally free, Rebecca flexed her fingers to get circulation back in them. Rebecca cradled her breasts from below with her hands, and said "Richard's hands were like magic- my chest felt amazing in his hands, and I wanted him to never stop."
Tracy eye's bulged at the sight of Rebecca groping her own boobs, and barely managed to reply at all. "I bet it, uh, felt great." Tracy stammered.
And Rebecca was feeling great, and didn't notice Tracy's odd behavior. Her entire body was filled with warmth from being restrained and helpless, and from the sensations of Richard's hands and tongue all over her body. She had never felt better in her life.
Rebecca headed to Tracy's bedroom to change into more normal clothes so she could head home, holding her breasts and thinking of Richard's hands all the way.
Tracy watched Rebecca walk past, jiggling her boobs and swaying her metal-clad butt behind her as she went. Tracy stared with mouth wide open, and rubbed her eyes a few times after Rebecca had gone inside her room, and nearly collapsed on her wobbly legs.
Chapter 14: Third Wheel (added: 2015/03/25)
The girls had decided to meet next weekend on Saturday evening, and hang out on Sunday as well. Rebecca left this time with her clothes and their keys, saying that she might go to a bar with Richard on Friday, but promising to drive home separately from him to avoid what Tracy called "funny business". Tracy wondered how Rebecca would lace herself into a corset, but figured that Rebecca would manage something, or just wear one of her catsuits instead.
It took Tracy several cold showers before she could get over what she had seen of Rebecca Saturday night, but she eventually did get her out of mind, as Rebecca was clearly not interested in Tracy romantically. Tracy was determined to just be a good friend for Rebecca, and to wait until another slave showed up who was interested in having Tracy as a master. After all, Tracy really cared about Rebecca, and wanted her to be happy, even if that meant having a male master.
Come Saturday evening, Tracy was dressed in normal street clothes, albeit nice ones. She was wearing a long flowing emerald green evening gown with a pearly necklace, and looked ready to patronize the finest restaurants in town.
The doorbell rang, and Tracy hurried to meet her friend at the door. Tracy opened the door, and was met by a bit of a surprise. Next to Rebecca was Richard, and Rebecca was standing with her hands behind her back and her head down looking at her feet. Rebecca was wearing her latex catsuit and slave collar, along with some killer heels. Richard tugged lightly on Rebecca's leash, and Rebecca, having been cued, said "When I told my master that I was going to your place today, he insisted that he come with."
Tracy saw Rebecca flash a nervous smile, and Tracy understood that Rebecca really wanted to spend time with Richard, and with Tracy she could do it safely. And although Tracy would have preferred spending the weekend alone with Rebecca, she would rather spend some time with Rebecca and Richard than none at all. So, Tracy lied and said "Well I don't mind at all. Come right in! I'll fix something up for both of you to eat."
Tracy allowed them both to enter, and soon Richard was sitting on the couch, and Rebecca was kneeling on the ground next to him. As Tracy walked by to head to the kitchen, Richard touched Tracy's arm and asked "Do you have any restraints for my slave? She is fairly obedient, but it would be better if she were restrained."
Tracy thought about bringing some up, but instead went into her room and grabbed the book of keys from her shelf. She returned to Richard, and pointed to the door to the basement. "Down there is my dungeon. Why don't you take Rebecca down there?" Rebecca's face lit up when she heard she was going to the dungeon, and Richard even smiled a little.
Richard told Rebecca to go and kneel in the center of the dungeon and wait for her master to join her. Rebecca eagerly leapt up and practically ran downstairs, ready to be tied up and rendered helpless by her boyfriend. Richard stood up, and slowly walked towards the door to the dungeon. Before he could reach it, Tracy closed it and stood in front of the door.
"Now, don't worry, I won't stop you, but I will warn you now. Rebecca really cares about you, and I'm her friend, so I don't anything to go wrong. So I'll tell you know; don't you dare put your penis anywhere near her. Not in any part of her, not even almost in her. She had an awful experience a few weeks ago with a jerk who took advantage of her. Do what you two clearly enjoy, but don't you dare put your penis in her, or you'll ruin it, and I'll come after you myself if you mess with my friend. You understand me?"
Richard was a little intimidated by Tracy and her powerful demeanor, and he did think that Rebecca was a fantastic slave. So, he replied "Yes, I do. Thank you for warning me- I wouldn't have known from what she's told me."
Tracy seemed satisfied, and both parties seemed to understand each other. So, Tracy backed off, handed Richard the book of keys, and said "have fun." Richard headed downstairs to join Rebecca, closing the door behind him. Tracy tried to listen for any words from below, but Tracy had had the dungeon soundproofed a few years ago for one of her slaves who was a real screamer. So, Tracy gave up trying to hear anything, and set about finding more work to do on this Saturday night once again.
At 8, Tracy had dinner prepared for everyone, but there was no sign of either Rebecca or Richard yet. Tracy knocked on the door to the dungeon, holding a tray with food for the couple, and in a few seconds Richard appeared. Richard took the tray, thanking Tracy, and said that Rebecca was "indecent", and that Tracy should perhaps stay upstairs. Tracy gave Richard a stern look, suspecting foul play, but Richard quickly said not to worry.
Tracy still worried for Rebecca, but Richard did still have his pants on, so she didn't worry too much. Tracy was sad she couldn't see much of Rebecca at all, but at least she didn't have to watch the two kiss and fondle each other or whatever.
Tracy kept herself busy all night, and never heard a peep from the two. The dungeon had its own bathroom, they now had food, and they had brought their bags down with them, so truly there was no reason to emerge. Well, except to entertain their host, but Tracy was sure Richard wouldn't suggest that idea, and it was clear that Rebecca was not in a position to make any suggestions. Richard clearly kept the new slave under tight control, and kept her from disobeying at all. And although it worried her slightly, Rebecca did clearly love being dominated and being helpless. So, Tracy put it out of her head for a while. At around 11, Tracy gave up hope for ever seeing the couple that night, went to bed, and slept well.
Chapter 15: Emerging from the Dungeon at Last (added: 2015/03/25)
In the morning, once again Richard went to leave first. Tracy was already awake and in the kitchen, so Richard stopped by quickly. It was a terse and short conversation once again, and Richard told Tracy that Rebecca would need some help getting up this morning. Tracy understood, and got up to go free her friend. As Tracy headed downstairs, Richard got into his car and left, leaving Rebecca at Tracy's without a ride, as Richard had insisted on driving on the way there.
Tracy went downstairs, not knowing exactly what to expect. Would Rebecca be bound and gagged? Chained to a wall? Hanging from the ceiling? Attached to the floor? Or was she just locked into her clothes? Tracy imagined being able to put Rebecca in all of those positions, and grinned a little. But, she immediately snapped back, remembering her current position. After all, Rebecca had her own master now.
Once Tracy turned on the lights in the dungeon, she immediately spotted Rebecca. She was suspended from the ceiling in a small cage, forced into a ball position in order to fit in the cage. It was the cage Tracy used for punishing slaves who had been bad, and was very uncomfortable to be in for a long time. Tracy guessed that Richard was a little stricter with his slaves that Tracy was, and so maybe didn't feel that the cage was a punishment. In any case, Tracy started the motor on the pulley to slowly lower Rebecca's cage to the ground.
As her cage started to move downwards, Rebecca started to stir, and raised her head a little. Tracy saw that she was wearing a discipline hood locked over her head with only her red hair showing in a ponytail at the top. Tracy knew that Rebecca must be completely disoriented, in a hanging cage with her sight and hearing completely blocked.
Soon, the cage reached the ground, and Tracy immediately unlocked the door, and Rebecca spilled out of the cage and onto the floor. Tracy finally got a good look at what Rebecca was wearing, and was impressed by Richard's handiwork. Rebecca had on a straitjacket that left her arms completely immobile, and her legs were fused together by a set of several straps that kept her from even wiggling her legs, and kept her heels firmly glued to her butt with another strap in a sort of pseudo-hogtie. Rebecca moaned a little, and flexed in her bonds with her new slight amount of freedom.
Tracy set about freeing Rebecca, starting with the discipline hood. It was hard to unlock and unlace, but after a few minutes of work, Tracy slipped it off of Rebecca's head. However, underneath was another blindfold, and a panel gag of some sort keeping Rebecca quiet. Rebecca moaned softly, and Tracy decided to remove the gag first. Unbuckling it, Tracy slowly removed the giant penis that Rebecca had in her mouth, revealing that Rebecca had had Tracy's biggest penis gag in her mouth the whole night.
As soon as the gag left Rebecca's mouth, Rebecca started talking "I'm so sorry master, I swear, I'll never do it again, please, I'm so sorry, please, I didn't mean to disobey..."
Tracy cut Rebecca off with a finger on Rebecca's mouth, and then started hugging Rebecca. "Shhh, shhh. It's OK. It's Tracy. Richard is gone." Tracy continued to hug and shush Rebecca, and removed Rebecca's blindfold. Rebecca's eyes were distraught and her makeup was all smudged, and as soon as she saw Tracy's face, she burst into tears.
The two hugged for a while longer while Rebecca cried and sobbed, and then when Rebecca calmed down, Tracy finished freeing Rebecca from her restraints. Tracy took Rebecca upstairs, and had her wearing Tracy's most comfortable fuzzy robe to cover her ever-present chastity belt and collar. The friends were soon sipping coffee, and Rebecca was finally almost completely calm.
Rebecca spoke first. "I know you're curious Tracy, and thank you for not asking. But I'll tell you what happened. Yesterday was fantastic- I was tied up in a million different ways, and everything Richard did just felt wonderful, and I was going wild. It was amazing. He fed me my dinner, and it was all great. Then, he said it was time to sleep, and I was a little sad, and I whined a little, because he didn't allow me to speak words unless asked to. But, he said that it was, and that good slaves were gagged at night so they wouldn't disturb their master. So, he took out that gag and tried to put it in my mouth.
"At first, I wanted to obey him, and so I obediently opened my mouth and accepted it, and I felt like a good slave. But the moment the gag touched my tongue, I realized what it was shaped like, and I closed my mouth, and said no. Richard became insistent, and I refused, because I didn't want to experience the same thing again. Finally, Richard pried my mouth open and shoved the gag in, and locked it too tight on me. I started to get sick, remembering the taste of that man at the club, but Richard didn't care. He picked me up, put me over his lap, and started spanking me, saying I was a bad girl and that I should be punished. It felt like I was being burned with a white-hot iron from the pain, and I screamed in my gag, but he just kept spanking me. Then, he tightened all of my restraints, and put that blindfold and hood on me, and then pushed me into that tiny cage. I felt him raising me up from the ground, and then I felt nothing nothing. It was so uncomfortable in there, and I barely slept. I want to break up with him, but I think if I say anything to him that he doesn't want, he'll just punish me, and so I can't break up with him."
It was the longest thing Tracy had ever heard Rebecca say in a row, and it was most likely the longest thing Rebecca had ever said. Several times Rebecca stopped speaking for a while, and seemed to be about to cry, but she kept on through the story, and finally finished.
The two were silent for a while, and then Tracy stood up. Rebecca had clearly not slept at all, and was about to fall asleep despite the coffee. Tracy stood her up, and marched her over to the bedroom. Tracy pushed Rebecca into the bed, and tucked her in under the covers. "Rebecca, you need to sleep. I will handle Richard- you just get some rest."
Rebecca meekly said yes, and although it seemed like Rebecca wanted to go do something, Tracy knew she would be asleep in mere minutes. So, Tracy left the room, closing the door behind her. And, sure enough, Rebecca fell fast asleep.
Rebecca slept almost without ever waking, but at one point she stirred from her slumber from sounds outside. She heard indistinct yelling and banging, and guessed that someone's cat had escaped, and went back to sleep. Rebecca had many dreams in her sleep.
In one, Rebecca was caught in the web of a spider, and then accidentally ate the spider (which was tiny, of course), leaving an awful salty taste behind.
In another, Rebecca was captured by slave traders, but who just so happened to be handsome gentlemen as well, and whose hands elicited moans from the sleeping Rebecca.
In yet another, Rebecca was a princess tied up in the dungeon of a castle, and a handsome prince came and rescued her, only to reveal himself to be Tracy somehow.
But, Rebecca slept well, and recovered.
Chapter 16: Rebecca's Morning (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca finally truly woke up early in the morning on Monday. Luckily, she only worked Tuesday-Friday, and if she wanted, could apply some of her paid vacation days. She did have 30 unused days, and she had never taken a vacation or used one, so she had no reason to hoard them.
It was 7 in the morning when Rebecca drearily stumbled out of the bedroom, heading for the kitchen and its treasured coffeepot. Rebecca was dressed lazily once again, wearing the same comfortable robe over her chastity belt and collar. Rebecca had removed the belt to go to the bathroom of course, but she just felt more comfortable with it on, and the small plugs gave Rebecca an unexplainable good feeling, so she put it back on.
After grappling with what seemed like some sort of alien technology, Rebecca managed to somehow get a pot of coffee going. Rebecca drank the cup of coffee she obtained slowly, savoring her first victory over her rival, Tracy's kitchen. Once again, Rebecca found herself wandering Tracy's house, admiring it all. All of Tracy's furniture was fancy and well-made, and the art on her wall was perfect for the space. Rebecca had to admit, it was an amazing house, dungeon and all.
Bored and being the only one awake in Tracy's house again, Rebecca of course found herself wandering into the dungeon. Rebecca saw that Tracy had cleaned up after Richard, as everything was back in its proper place, and the place was spotless again. Rebecca ran her hands through the leather whips, admiring their texture. Rebecca playfully tried to put a pair of nipple clamps on herself, but chickened out before she let the clamps go and let them bite into her nipples. Rebecca liked being tied up, but pain still scared her, and she certainly didn't like it when Richard spanked her.
Rebecca found herself back at the handcuff drawer, and had to hold herself back. She didn't want to lock herself in and have to go through the embarrassment of getting Tracy's help again, so she moved on.
Tracy then looked at a lot of things she didn't recognize, trying to guess their purpose. There were long oblong objects in various colors and sizes that confused Rebecca, and Rebecca even found a drawer full of dog food and cat food. "Maybe Tracy once had pets?" Rebecca mused to herself.
Next to the dog and cat food were a plethora of specialized leather things, and all Rebecca recognized was what looked like a few pairs of bondage mittens. Rebecca found a pair of high heeled boots there that raised up about 5 inches, but had no back heel, instead having a sort of horseshoe pattern on the front heel of the shoe. Rebecca studied it for a while, trying to guess its purpose, but couldn't figure it out, so she moved on.
Rebecca stepped into a few of Tracy's cages, imagining being locked in and unable to escape, but made sure not to do so. Rebecca was enjoying herself, imagining herself in all sorts of restrained positions and scenarios, but wished she could try something on for real.
As if on command, Rebecca opened up Tracy's drawer of gags. "Perfect!" Rebecca thought. And they were; Rebecca could try them on and not worry about being locked in accidentally, as she could easily free herself and remove the gag.
Rebecca picked up a vast scoop of gags, and dumped them in a pile on the ground. Rebecca picked through the pile, wondering about them all, and couldn't decide on one single gag to wear. Eventually, Rebecca decided to try all the types.
The first gag Rebecca tried was a red ball gag that caught her eye. Rebecca remembered that her first gag had been a ball gag, and after putting it on, Rebecca closed her eyes and fantasized about that fateful day. Rebecca put her hands behind her back, remembering the helplessness of wearing an armbinder, and moaned out load as she imagined someone taking advantage of her powerless state, and running their hands all over her ready body. Then Tracy appeared in her fantasy, and Tracy was running her soft hands over Rebecca's smooth white skin. Rebecca shook her head, suddenly snapping out of it. Removing the ball gag, Rebecca moved on to the next one.
With each scenario, Rebecca's vivd imagination created a new scenario for her to imagine. Rebecca moaned in pleasure through a ring gag, imagining being kissed through it.
Rebecca groaned into the funnel gag, imagining being forced to drink round after round of shots, until she stopped resisting her handsome captor's advances. Rebecca grunted into the bit gag, imagining being captive in a dungeon, fearful of her future, but knowing it would involve unspeakable pleasure. Rebecca sighed into the feather duster gag, seeing herself cleaning the whole house for her master, hoping to be rewarded for obedience at his return.
After several more gags, Rebecca's hormones were in full throttle again. Eventually, Rebecca tried all the types but one, which she picked up. She glanced at it absent-minded, still caught up in her last fantasy. Rebecca put it to her mouth, and opened her eyes to glance at the medium-sized penis gag in front of her face. Rebecca dropped it, disgusted. Rebecca did want to try them all, even though she might not love them all... and she had been rendered helpless by the gag the night before, so... Rebecca decided to give it a try on heavy probation. Normally, Rebecca wouldn't have given it another chance, but she was so horny that she was willing to try anything a little.
Bringing the gag up to her mouth, Rebecca tentatively stuck out her tongue to meet the tip of the penis. After a drawn out slow approach, Rebecca's tongue finally met with plastic, and her eyes lit up. Rebecca bravely took a whole lick up the length of the shaft, and out of joy almost said out loud "It doesn't have that awful taste!"
Rebecca had only imagined the awful taste in remembering her first experience, and so was happily surprised to find that the penis gag in fact tasted just like the other gags. Rebecca was now ready to try the gag in full, and slowly started to insert it. Starting with just the tip, Rebecca closed her mouth around the gag, and sucked a little on the penis. Nothing ominous happened, and soon Rebecca had stuffed the entirety of the gag in her mouth, and before she lost her nerve, strapped the gag in place.
Rebecca's horniness levels were at a peak, and she wanted to complete her helpless experience, no matter the consequence, and was soon de-robed and struggling to slip on bondage mittens over her hands. After a few minutes, she managed to lock them on using her chin and some corners on the cabinets for leverage along with her other hand. Finally, Rebecca slapped some shackles around her ankles, and she was done.
Rebecca hobbled up the stairs, and after a minute of struggling, opened the twist doorknob with her mittened hands. Rebecca hobbled into Tracy's room, nudging the door closed behind her. Rebecca flopped onto Tracy's bed, and slipped herself under the covers. Rebecca closed her eyes and entered her world of fantasy. To an outside observer, all you would see would be what appeared to be Rebecca tied up and asleep in only her collar and chastity belt, were it not for her occasional groan and instinctive pelvic thrust into the bed. Eventually, however, sleep did take the horny submissive, giving her dreams of steamy encounters, and the occasional rescue by Tracy, saving Rebecca from evil and protecting her. Rebecca smiled in her sleep each time she saw Tracy, and slept peacefully.
Chapter 17: Tracy's Morning (Afternoon, Actually) (added: 2015/03/25)
Tracy woke up in the afternoon, groaning as she moved her aching body off of the living room couch. Tracy wandered into the kitchen wearing the clothes she slept in, which were yoga pants and a loose T-shirt. Delighted to find coffee already made, Tracy devoured the coffee cold.
Tracy looked through her fridge, scrounging around for some food to sate her hunger. Finding some old pizza leftovers, Tracy ate the pizza cold. Her hunger sated, Tracy glanced around for Rebecca, who was clearly awake and had somehow made coffee already. Tracy searched the house, and didn't see Rebecca anywhere, even in the dungeon. Finally, Tracy checked her bedroom, and pushed open the door and looked inside. The door creaked as it opened, and Rebecca looked up suddenly in shock at the noise.
The two locked eyes, and in an instant Tracy saw Rebecca's situation. Rebecca was nude except for her constant chastity belt and collar, with a panel gag obscuring her lower face, bondage mittens on her hands, and shackles keeping her feet close together. Tracy laughed at the one constant in their friendship; Rebecca being tied up somehow.
Rebecca blushed, and mumbled "Ahmm Sorreee," or something to that effect around the penis in her mouth. Tracy walked over and unstrapped the gag, pulling the gag out of Rebecca's mouth.
Rebecca smiled a sheepish smile at Tracy, and said "I'm sorry. I just can't resist being tied up, I guess."
Tracy laughed again, and said "I'll have to start locking the dungeon to keep you out, you pesky one." Tracy grabbed the keys to free Rebecca, but Rebecca stopped her.
"Don't untie me yet!" Rebecca said. "I want to stay tied up."
Tracy gave Rebecca a skeptical look, and Rebecca blushed, embarrassed to admit it, but Tracy shrugged and put the keys away. Rebecca squealed in delight, and jumped up and hobbled over to hug Tracy. Once again, Rebecca pushed her bare boobs into Tracy, and Tracy was left awkwardly wondering how to hug back without crossing the line into intimacy with Rebecca.
Rebecca let Tracy go, and went and scooped the penis gag up off of the bed with her mittened hands. Tracy turned around and headed into the living room to sit down. Rebecca hurried to join her, but could only move so fast while hobbled. In the living room, Rebecca kneeled down in front of Tracy facing her. Rebecca put the penis gag down in the table, put her hands behind her back, and looked up at her friend, smiling in delight.
Tracy raised her eyebrow at Rebecca's behavior, but didn't complain about the view she was getting of Rebecca's boobs as Rebecca stuck them out forward by putting her hands behind her back. Tracy wouldn't make a move on Rebecca, but she wouldn't refuse such delicious eye candy either.
But, when Rebecca looked closer at Tracy's face, and her smile morphed into a frown. "What happened to you face?" Rebecca asked, an edge of worry in her voice.
Tracy chuckled, and replied in a mock scolding voice "So the submissive asks questions while she's kneeling and tied up?" Tracy wagged her finger in an over the top way at Rebecca, mocking Richard's scolding the other day.
Rebecca looked down in her submissive way, and replied "Well, I... No. My master, I mean... Richard taught me how to properly address people as a good slave, and to never speak unless asked to... But that wasn't my favorite thing. I wanted to ask him if I could talk to you, but he wouldn't have allowed me to request anything. So no, I shouldn't question you as a good slave. I liked almost everything he taught me to do, and I love how he taught me to kneel like this, because it makes me feel so helpless... But I wish I could speak occasionally... at least when we weren't doing anything sexy..." Rebecca trailed off and she looked down, but then her face brightened suddenly. "But you could gag me if you want!" Rebecca said with a big grin.
Tracy smiled, happy that her friend left the topic of Richard. Tracy obliged, and soon Rebecca was sucking on the penis stuffed and strapped into her mouth. Tracy then leaned back, and said "But I suppose you do want to know what happened yesterday."
Chapter 18: Tracy's Tale (added: 2015/03/25)
After Rebecca went to sleep that Sunday, Tracy got straight to work. She set about cleaning the house again, as impressing Rebecca gave Tracy motivation to keep clean. After a few hours, the dungeon and the ground floor were both back in their original pristine condition, and Tracy went back to the kitchen to make some food for her lunch. After eating, Tracy responded to the few emails that had cropped up in her inbox that Sunday morning. Nothing too important, but Tracy liked to keep on top of her emails so they never overwhelmed her.
Tracy then crept into her room, and found Rebecca's phone on the nightstand. Picking it up, Tracy saw several text messages from Richard on the phone that had been sent in the last few hours.
"I am very disappointed in your behavior, and I expect a full apology from you, and for you to make up your disobedience to me." Read the first text message.
"To make it up to me, I require that you prove your obedience and dedication to your master. You will come to my apartment this Friday, and you will present to me your apology and the keys to your collar and chastity belt. There, I will decide your final punishment based upon your apology." Read the second message.
Tracy was fuming from Richard's pompous assuming manner of speaking to Rebecca, and of treating Rebecca so awfully. But, Tracy did calm down when she realized that she treated most of her slaves in the same way, controlling them utterly and completely, and demanding absolute obedience. Tracy thought "No wonder Amy left me. What a jerk."
Then a third text message came in from Richard.
"On Friday, you will become my slave completely: I will brand your body with my name, and you will be my property, and then you will be unable to disobey me any more." The text read.
Tracy knew how sexy the thought of being his property would be to a submissive slave, and knew she had to intervene. After all, Rebecca was not truly happy with Richard, and deserved to be with a master who cared about her as more than a toy. So, Tracy picked up Rebecca's phone, and sent a text to Richard. "Come to Tracy's. We need to talk." Tracy then deleted the text about the brand, not wanting Rebecca to even consider it.
Tracy turned the phone off and set it back on the nightstand so that Richard's possible responses wouldn't wake Rebecca. Tracy sat down in the living room with a glass of wine, and prepared for Richard's imminent arrival.
A few hours later and two glasses of wine later, Richard rang the doorbell. Richard stormed in as soon as Tracy opened the door, yelling Rebecca's name. Tracy planted herself in Richard's path, and said that he should stay away from Rebecca. Tracy told him that Rebecca was not ready for such a violent master, and to stay away from her, and cause her no more grief. Richard's eyes hardened, and he yelled "Shut up, hussie. Get out of my way!" Richard punched Tracy in the face, knocking her to the side, and continued forward, looking for Rebecca.
Tracy, knocked down by the force of the blow, slowly got back up, on hand on her now bruised face. Tracy could not let Richard get to Rebecca, as she knew that that would mean the end of Rebecca as anything but his sex slave. So, she did what she had to do. She walked up behind Richard, and swiftly brought her leg up into his balls. It was a dirty move, but Tracy had to protect Rebecca. Richard crumpled, as any man would, making a loud bang as he hit the floor. Tracy yelled at him to leave before she called the police, and Richard half crawled as fast as he could out the door. Tracy heard the skid of tires, and Richard was finally gone. Tracy knew he would never return, as a spineless coward like him could never face someone stronger than him twice.
Finally finished, Tracy collapsed on the sofa, bleeding a little on it from her cut cheek. When she fell from the punch, she must have hit a sharp edge somewhere on the hardwood table and cut herself. Tracy set about cleaning up after about fifteen minutes, worried the blood would stain the couch. After working at it for an hour, Tracy's cheek had stopped bleeding, and the couch was clean once again.
Tracy glanced into her bedroom, and saw Rebecca sleeping soundly, smiling in her sleep. Tracy closed the door again, and went the kitchen to prepare dinner for herself. After a few bites, Tracy couldn't continue, as her stomach was not settling at all. So, Tracy went into the living room and went to sleep on the couch, exhausted mentally and physically.
Chapter 19: Safe at Last (added: 2015/03/25)
During the course of the story, Rebecca had edged herself closer to Tracy, and settled herself so that she was kneeling between Tracy's legs, with her breasts pushed against one leg, and her head resting on Tracy's other thigh, looking up at Tracy as she spoke. By the end of the story, little tears had formed in Rebecca's eyes, touched that Tracy had done so much for her once again.
Rebecca stood up at the end and leapt onto Tracy, enclosing her in a massive hug. Rebecca's was crying and hugging Tracy as tightly as she could. Tracy returned the hug, and the two stayed together on the couch for a while, in each other's comfort.
Rebecca was happy to be free of Richard, but she wondered how now she would fulfill her newfound needs and desires for bondage. The two finally separated, and Tracy removed Rebecca's gag. Rebecca sucked the penis dry as it was removed, and smiled at Tracy once it was off. "Thank you so much" Rebecca said.
Tracy and Rebecca moved to the kitchen, where Tracy poured the two some wine. Once again, they got started talking on trivial things over the wine, happy to be united once again. Eventually, Rebecca said "I wish I could have Richard without his lack of care for me... I mean, I wish I could feel all those great things he did to me with out the part where he was involved, like I wish I could have him without having him. You know?"
They were both drunk, and weren't making complete sense, but they still understood each other somehow. Tracy replied "I know, I get you. I mean, I suppose... No... No. Nevermind."
Rebecca leaned forward, curious. "What? What is it?"
Tracy hesitated, and said "Well.... I suppose I could tie you up, then you could have some fun again."
Rebecca's eyes widened, recognizing the idea. "That would be amazing!" Rebecca replied. "You could keep me helpless in your dungeon!"
With that, the idea was germinated. They hashed out a plan, and decided that every Friday night, from 6 PM to 6PM on Saturday, Rebecca would be restrained in some way at Tracy's while they hung out, or if Tracy went out, Rebecca would remain in the dungeon, helpless. Sure, Rebecca wouldn't be able to feel a man's hands on her body any more, but she just couldn't find someone who was willing to tie her up and cared about her, so only being tied up was the next best thing.
Chapter 20: The Routine (added: 2015/03/25)
Every Friday, at 5:30, Rebecca would show up at Tracy's door dressed normally. In thirty minutes, she would be transformed- sometimes into a nearly nude slave, sometimes into a fully restrained straitjacketed prisoner. For the next few hours, the two would sit in the living room and chat about their week while they drank. Then, by Rebecca's request, they would always watch a movie. Tracy would gag Rebecca first, and then they would together watch the movie. Every week Rebecca chose the movie, and she always made sure to find one that had at least one scene with some damsel captured and tied up.
Whenever the scene would come, Rebecca would imagine herself in the actor's place, and would warm up as the actor was made helpless, and then unable to do anything to free herself. Whenever someone did something to the damsel, like groping her awkwardly through her dress, Rebecca would moan softly in her gag, close her eyes, and enjoy the feeling of helplessness that came over her, imagining she was herself being groped against her will. After the movie ended, Tracy put Rebecca to bed, usually in the large cage on the mattress, but occasionally elsewhere. Once, Tracy left Rebecca tied up on the couch after she fell asleep during a particularly long and boring movie with the damsel scene at the beginning.
Then on Saturday, Tracy mostly left Rebecca alone, occasionally changing how Rebecca was restrained, but mostly keeping her tied up, gagged, and blindfolded, with nothing to do but consider her helplessness.
But at the end, Tracy would always release Rebecca right at 6PM, and the two would hug for a long while. Then, they would share a bottle of wine, and discuss what to do next week. Rebecca never drank too much, as she had to drive home that night, but they would always have a great time, as Rebecca was always feeling great from being tied up for 24 hours, and her hormones were always off the charts. Still, Rebecca wished she could somehow get those feelings she got from Richard's hands back, but never came up with an idea.
One weekend, Rebecca chose yet another long and boring movie, and Tracy had to leave Rebecca on the couch tied up as she was because Rebecca predictably dozed off once the damsel was rescued in the first half of the movie. Rebecca woke up an hour later, and realized that she had missed the end of the movie, and that Tracy had left for bed already. Rebecca stood up, and waddled as best as she could with her legs immobilized by a web of rope towards Tracy's bedroom. There, Rebecca nosed open the door, hoping that Tracy was still awake and could restrain Rebecca even tighter for the night. Tracy was still awake, but Rebecca's timing was very poor. Rebecca glanced in the room around the corner, and saw Tracy on top of the bed.
Now, Tracy liked helping her friend, of course. But having a stunning submissive tied up in your house every weekend would drive any warm-blooded lesbian dominatrix mad eventually. So, every Friday night, after Rebecca was secure in her cage, Tracy would try to resolve some of her own horniness. And it was never hard to bring herself to climax, considering that half the time Rebecca insisted that she wear nothing but her collar and chastity belt, and so Tracy had plenty of eye candy to help her. In fact, in some of Rebecca's blindfolded moments, Tracy had taken a few videos of Rebecca struggling to escape, and pictures of every position she was tied in while blindfolded. Tracy didn't want Rebecca to know how much Tracy was still attracted to her, so she only took pictures when Rebecca would have no idea.
With these pictures and her knowledge of the slave trussed up in her house, Tracy brought herself to climax each Friday night, imagining Rebecca pleasing her in a million different ways. Tracy wished she could find someone to help her take off some stress and pleasure her in all of those ways, but still hadn't had any luck.
That particular Friday, about 3 months after Richard, Tracy was lying on her bed, completely naked. She was lost in one of her favorite fantasies, where Rebecca was spread out on the bed while Tracy sat on her face, and Rebecca's tongue was exploring Tracy's body. Rebecca's tongue eventually found her pleasure button, and began sucking and licking away at it, until Tracy came screaming, and Rebecca licked Tracy clean.
In the real world, Tracy was on her bed, one hand playing the part of Rebecca inside of herself, and her other hand on her breasts, squeezing and massaging her sensitive nipples. Tracy's eyes were closed, her mouth open, and she was thrusting upwards into her hand, moaning with each thrust.
When Rebecca glanced into the room, she saw Tracy going at herself, and just stopped and stared. Tracy had her eyes closed, and didn't notice Rebecca at all. Unable to say anything past her large ball gag, Rebecca just watched for a few moments as Tracy expertly worked her own body, eliciting moan after moan from herself. Rebecca didn't process what she was watching at first, but eventually realized that she was intruding on Tracy's private time, and left. Not wanting to disturb Tracy any more, and embarrassed for having walked in on Tracy, Rebecca returned to the couch, and settled in to sleep for the night.
Chapter 21: Rebecca's Plans (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca never mentioned the incident that night to Tracy, being too embarrassed to admit that she had seen Tracy fully naked and playing with herself. Over the next month, Tracy continued to visit her in her dreams, but Tracy's role had changed. Tracy used to be the prince who would come to rescue Rebecca, or whoever it was that was releasing Rebecca. But now, Tracy appeared without clothes a few times, and did nothing. Then, one Friday night while Rebecca was tight in a sleep-sack in her cell, Tracy became involved in her dream.
Rebecca was tied up spread-eagle standing up in her dream, and Tracy was in front of her, massaging her own breast. Then suddenly, Tracy reached out her hand, and started squeezing and massaging Rebecca's breasts. Rebecca moaned for nearly a minute in pleasure, until Tracy went back to massaging herself, leaving Rebecca horny and frustrated, wanting more.
As time went on, Rebecca was wishing she could do more, and waking up frustrated instead of just horny. Tracy showed up more and more in her dreams, her expert hands bringing Rebecca pleasure in her dreams, but Rebecca always woke up to realize that that pleasure was only imaginary. By the end of the month, Rebecca was considering how to get Tracy to share her self-pleasuring with Rebecca. Nowhere in Rebecca's horny mind did she think that she was lesbian- she still wanted a boyfriend, but for now, Tracy's hands would make a nice proxy.
But Rebecca wouldn't admit to wanting Tracy to touch her, as then she might as well be a lesbian herself. And she wasn't. So, Rebecca decided to try to get Tracy to touch her on her own. Rebecca came up with plan after plan, but never carried one out, as she always chickened out, reminding herself that she wasn't a lesbian. But after another month of waiting and dreaming of Tracy's deft fingers, Rebecca couldn't take it. She had to feel Tracy's soft hands all over her body.
By now, 5 months of the routine have passed, and Rebecca has finally decided to try to seduce Tracy. Thinking for a while on the problem, Rebecca decided that she would stick to what she was sure Tracy liked: submissive sexy slaves. Rebecca knew this from what she had gleaned about Tracy's romantic past, and so Rebecca figured she could get Tracy to fall for her through those methods.
That Saturday night, Rebecca tried sexy. Rebecca emerged after being released at 6PM in a special outfit she had bought that week. It consisted of a matching red with black trim bra and panty set, her slave collar, and nothing else. Rebecca was sure it would drive Tracy crazy, and made sure to drop things in front of Tracy and have to bend over and pick them up, and to reach over Tracy for something, just to squeeze her cleavage in Tracy's face. But, after months of dealing with a half-nude slave Rebecca, Tracy easily avoided Rebecca's clumsy attempts at seduction.
Rebecca then tried submission, even calling Tracy "mistress" once, which elicited a laugh from Tracy. Rebecca tried making herself a slave to Tracy, washing her dishes on Friday night while she was still restrained, but Tracy just smiled and thanked Rebecca. Nothing was working- Tracy had a pussy of steel.
Chapter 22: Coincidence Again (added: 2015/03/25)
A month later, Rebecca found herself once again watching a boring movie, and of course fell asleep. The damsel was only in a prison cell, and was wearing all her clothes, and Rebecca got bored. After the movie ended, Tracy headed to her room, presumably to go to bed. A little bit later, Rebecca groggily looked up, and saw that Tracy had left. Rebecca got up, and headed over to Tracy's room, hoping that this time Tracy would be able to restrain her down in her favorite cell. This particular night, Rebecca was wearing very little- only her chastity belt, collar, new favorite penis gag, leg shackles, and a pair of handcuffs that kept her hands behind her back and attached to the back of her chastity belt.
Rebecca nudged open the door, and froze; there was Tracy, once again naked atop her bed with her eyes closed. This time, only one hand was working, deep inside herself, while the other lay open at the edge of the bed at Tracy's side. Rebecca's loins churned, and her hormones jumped into overdrive, and before she knew what she was doing, she was kneeling next to Tracy's bed, on the side of her free hand.
Tracy saw the outstretched hand, and realized a perfect opportunity. Rebecca edged forward, and placed her left boob into Tracy's hand.
Tracy was deep in her fantasy, and didn't think much of finding a boob in her hand, imagining it was her slave Rebecca's boob. So, Tracy immediately groped the boob, quickly located the nipple, and squeezed. Rebecca let out a long powerful moan of pleasure, and Tracy's eyes snapped open at the sound. Tracy snatched her hand back, suddenly aware of her surroundings, and of Rebecca kneeling beside her.
Rebecca looked down and whined through her gag, sad that Tracy had stopped massaging her breasts. Tracy frowned, and realized that Rebecca was really enjoying herself. So, reluctantly and slowly, Tracy maneuvered herself so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed facing Rebecca. Rebecca looked down to give Tracy some privacy, as Tracy was wearing no underwear, and Tracy quickly covered her crotch with the sheet from the bed.
Tracy slowly stretched her hands out, and cupped Rebecca's breasts in her hands from below. Rebecca closed her eyes, and moaned a little softly, feeling amazing. Tracy was encouraged by the moan, and continued, sure now that Rebecca wanted this. Tracy spread out her fingers, and slowly massaged Rebecca's chest. Tracy took her time, and worked her way with both hands around her breasts, circling them and groping them in her soft hands. Tracy moved to the nipples, tracing around them carefully with her fingers, making Rebecca emit a high whine as her body went crazy from the electric contact.
After circling for a while, Tracy suddenly pinched Rebecca's left nipple while she grabbed her full right breast, and Rebecca let out a loud low groan, and shivered a little. Tracy went back to circling Rebecca's nipples, and soon pinched both nipples tightly, and Rebecca made a little shout.
Tracy kept working her way with Rebecca's breasts, combining various techniques at the same time with her two hands, until Rebecca was almost constantly moaning in both pain and pleasure.
But, all too soon, Tracy's hands withdrew from Rebecca's breasts, and Rebecca opened her eyes, worried that Tracy was done. But, instead Tracy was standing behind Rebecca, and within moments Rebecca was tossed into Tracy's bed, lying on her back, waiting for Tracy to return.
Tracy kept Rebecca waiting for perhaps a minute, but soon returned. Rebecca saw a mess of leather in Tracy's hands, and Rebecca was soon wearing a tightly laced and locked discipline hood. Rebecca tried to listen for Tracy, but couldn't hear anything through the thick padding. Rebecca lay waiting, her pussy burning hot from the amazing pleasure of the last few minutes, straining to feel Tracy's touch. After about a minute, Rebecca whined a little into her gag, worried that Tracy was not going to resume.
Suddenly Rebecca felt Tracy straddling her body, and Tracy's mouth attacked Rebecca's right nipple. Tracy's left hand grabbed Rebecca's left breast, and squeezed and massaged it all over. Rebecca gasped in pleasure, as Tracy's mouth brought sensations to her nipple more intense than she had ever felt before.
Tracy's tongue started quickly circling Rebecca's nipple, occasionally flicking it up or down with her tongue. Then, Tracy clamped down a little tighter with her jaw, and with her tongue flicked Rebecca's nipple up and down again and again as fast as she could with her tongue. Rebecca moaned passionately into her gag and arched her back at the sensation, thrusting her steel-covered crotch into Tracy's.
Tracy returned to circling Rebecca's nipple with her tongue, and then bit down on the nipple, making Rebecca shout in agony and pleasure, and thrust into Tracy again. Tracy then switched nipples and hands, and speed up, switching between pain and pleasure with both her hand and mouth quickly. Rebecca was in heaven, and soon was moaning and groaning constantly, and had built up a rhythm of thrusting into Tracy.
The two held up their pace for several minutes, occasionally switching breasts. Tracy suddenly let out a moan together with Rebecca, and Tracy bit and pinched both Rebecca's nipples at once. Rebecca screamed from the pain, and after ten seconds, Tracy let go, and slumped down on top of Rebecca, spent. As Tracy had been only using one hand, her other had been busy deep inside herself, and with each thrust Rebecca brought Tracy closer and closer to an orgasm, until Tracy couldn't wait any longer.
Both Tracy and Rebecca were deep in ecstasy from all the stimulation, but Tracy was spent completely. Tracy rolled off of Rebecca onto her back, and fell asleep almost immediately. Rebecca adjusted herself as best as she could while tied up and lost in her discipline hood, and settled herself so that her head was resting on Tracy's chest just below her ample breasts, at least what Rebecca guessed were her breasts. Rebecca fell asleep peacefully, satisfied deep within herself. The two slept soundly, never stirring from their spots.
Chapter 23: Not a Lesbian (added: 2015/03/25)
Tracy woke up first in the morning, and looked down to see Rebecca comfortably sleeping with her head on Tracy's chest. Tracy smiled, remembering their steamy encounter the night before, and wondered how she would get up without disturbing Rebecca. Tracy shifted her weight a little, testing how light of a sleeper Rebecca was. As soon as Tracy moved an inch, Rebecca lifted her head a little, and looked around, trying to see something despite the discipline hood.
Tracy smiled at Rebecca's vain attempts, patted her on the head, and playfully squeezed her nipple lightly. Rebecca smiled under the hood, happy with how things had turned out so well the night before. Tracy pushed Rebecca's head off of her chest, and went off to the bathroom to shower and prepare for the day.
After Tracy left, Rebecca froze, suddenly realizing how absolutely disoriented she was. She had no idea if she was near the edge of the bed, or if she was by the wall, so Rebecca laid back and waited for Tracy to return and help her get up.
When Tracy got out of the shower, she saw Rebecca lying back in the bed, and realized Rebecca's helpless situation. Tracy crept over to the bed, and quietly reached out her hand over Rebecca's breast. Tracy suddenly grabbed Rebecca's nipple in a pinch, and Rebecca yelped in surprise. Tracy jumped into bed straddling Rebecca, and set about unlacing the discipline hood. Soon, Tracy had removed the discipline hood and the penis gag, which Rebecca as usual sucked dry as Tracy removed it.
Rebecca smiled up at Tracy, finally satisfied after 6 long months without any intimate contact. Tracy looked down, finally satisfied after Rebecca helped her have such an enormous orgasm the night before. Tracy lowered her torso down so she was face to face with Rebecca, and kissed Rebecca on the lips.
Rebecca, startled, at first did nothing, but then Tracy's tongue entered Rebecca's mouth and found her own, and Rebecca closed her mouth and turned her head away. Tracy, confused and rejected, sat up.
"I'm not a lesbian." Rebecca said.
Tracy, completely confused, asked "But last night...?"
Rebecca replied "Sure, I loved last night. You did wonders with my body that even Richard couldn't possibly have done. But I still like men, and I want to date men, not women. Look, I'll prove it." Rebecca looked to her right, where the penis gag was standing upright right next to her face. Rebecca wrapped her lips around the head of the fake black penis, closed her eyes, and slowly moved back and forth down the shaft, trying to imitate what she had found out in the last few months was called a blowjob. Rebecca kept going, and started to speed up, and then started moaning, as she imagined herself pleasuring her owner after a long day of hard work and got lost in her fantasy world.
Tracy, hurt and frustrated, said "Fine. Let me help you then." Tracy shoved the gag all the way into Rebecca's mouth, and strapped the gag on two holes tighter than she normally did. Tracy got up off of the bed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Rebecca tied up and gagged on the bed to suck on her penis gag.
Tracy stomped around the house, and made herself some breakfast to eat. After she finished eating, Tracy sat in the kitchen, fuming. After yelling at Rebecca in her head for nearly an hour, blaming her for leading Tracy on and for being a tease, Tracy realized that really she only had herself to blame. Rebecca always said she was straight, and last night never said she wanted to be Tracy's slave or anything. Rebecca was probably just missing the physical aspect of having a master.
So, after maybe an hour and a half, Tracy slowly made her way back to the bedroom to apologize to Rebecca. Tracy opened the door, and saw Rebecca kneeling in front of the door, looking down in a submissive way. Tracy kneeled down next to Rebecca and unbuckled the gag, and then hugged Rebecca tightly. The penis gag fell out of Rebecca's mouth a few moments later, and Rebecca turned and gave Tracy a quick peck on the lips.
Tracy turned her head away, and said "I'm sorry... It was unfair of me to be mad at you. I understand that you have physical needs, and that they don't necessarily mean anything emotionally. I'm incredibly sorry to have been so rude..."
The two were silent for a time, thinking.
Rebecca then leaned over, and kissed Tracy on the lips. Tracy was caught completely by surprise, but soon joined in, meeting Rebecca's tongue in the middle, enjoying Rebecca's sweet taste. The two finally separated, and Rebecca adjusted herself so that she was kneeling in front of Tracy.
Rebecca cleared her throat to speak, and looked down submissively and blushed. "Listen... I know I'm not a lesbian... and that I would love to have a master take control of my body and care for me and make me feel just like you made me feel last night. But, I can also see how much you care about me in your eyes and in every time you've rescued me over the past half year. And I've loved every moment that you tied me up and kept me restrained in your house, and last night was possibly the best night of my life. I'm not a lesbian, and I'm generally not attracted to women, but I'm... attracted... to you, and you... drive me wild..." Rebecca was now blushing a deep red, embarrassed to be admitting her feelings for Tracy.
Rebecca continued, "So.... Will you be my... mistress, and, uh, take me as your slave?" Rebecca was looking up at Tracy, nervously biting her lip, horny, nervous, shy, and embarrassed all at the same time.
Tracy simply stared, slack-jawed, as her dream for the last half year came true. Kneeling in front of her was the same unbelievably hot redhead that Tracy had found in the BDSM shop trussed up like a perfect slave. Now, Rebecca was only wearing her slave collar and chastity belt, and was tied up with just a pair of handcuffs and leg irons. Rebecca was the perfect slave; naturally submissive, in love with bondage and BDSM, willing, and smoking hot. And to Rebecca, aside from her gender, Tracy was the perfect owner. She was caring yet stern, experienced, good with her rope, able to play Rebecca's body like a piano, and not bad to look at to boot.
Tracy smiled devilishly, and replied "Well if you want to be my slave, I'll be happy to oblige." Tracy reached out and grabbed the ring of Rebecca's collar, pulled Rebecca over towards herself, and passionately kissed Rebecca, thrusting her tongue deep into Rebecca's throat.
Chapter 24: The First Day a Slave (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca decided to use four of her 30 unused vacation days to take the week off and spend it with Tracy as her slave all week long. So, Tracy released Rebecca early so she could go home and pack her few belongings. In truth, Rebecca never really settled into her own apartment. All she owned were her clothes and some linens. Taking what little she had, Rebecca stuffed it all into the trunk of her car, leaving her apartment empty of any of her belongings.
Rebecca called work, and let them know that she would take the week off. Then, she pulled up to Tracy's house Saturday night, eager to start her first week as a slave to her new owner.
At the door, Tracy grabbed Rebecca for a kiss right on the doorstep. Rebecca blushed, embarrassed at being so publicly kissing another woman, but returned the kiss nonetheless. Soon, the two were in the living room, with two full glasses of wine.
Tracy lifted up her glass, and said "A toast! To my beautiful and ravishing slave!"
Rebecca lifted her glass, and replied "To my sexy and wonderful mistress!" They touched their glasses against each other, and took a deep sip of the wine.
Tracy glanced at the clock; 10PM. Tracy sighed, and said "Well, this amazing first day is almost over... What do you want to do about sleeping at night?" Tracy asked, looking at Rebecca.
Rebecca looked down submissively, and said "Well, it's not my place to make that decision... mistress."
Tracy replied "No, no, no. I don't want to do anything you don't want to do! Here, how about we make a deal. Whenever we're in the dungeon or you're tied up, I'm your mistress, and you're my slave. That means no talking except when asked, submitting to me completely, and always obeying me." Rebecca's pussy started to moisten, imagining the things they would do then.
"But," Tracy continued. "Any other time, I'm Tracy, you're Rebecca, and we're just... girlfriends? Or whatever? So you can speak your mind, and not fear punishment of any kind." Rebecca blushed at the term girlfriend, still not entirely comfortable with the idea of having a girlfriend. But, Rebecca smiled, and replied "That sounds great, Tracy."
Tracy smiled back, and kissed Rebecca quickly again. Then, Tracy repeated her question. "What do you want to do about sleeping at night?"
Rebecca thought for a while, and said "Well, I want tied up of course. But I'd rather be with my mistress than alone in the dungeon, so I suppose I could be in a cage in your room, as your pet, or if you would allow... In your bed, with you..." Rebecca's heart fluttered, hoping she could be in bed with Tracy again, close to her mistress.
Tracy replied "I'd love having my slave in bed- that way, she can pleasure me properly tonight!" Tracy winked at Rebecca, and Rebecca warmed up inside, eager to please her owner.
So, in an hour, the two were in bed, ready for the night. Tracy was of course completely naked, but Rebecca was not. Instead, she was wearing her chastity belt and collar (of course), bondage mittens tied together in front of her, and each of her calves were fused to her thighs in a sort of frogtie. Tracy searched around underneath the bed, until she pulled up a long chain that was attached to the floor under the bed. Locking it to Rebecca's collar, Rebecca was finally properly restrained.
Tracy laid back, and said to her slave "Now. Use your mouth, and pleasure your mistress."
Still very unexperienced, Rebecca wasn't sure what to do. So, she did what she knew how to do- she put her mouth on Tracy's, and kissed her.
Tracy laughed internally at her foolish slave, and grabbed her slave's head in her hands. Tracy tenderly moved Rebecca's head so that her mouth was above Tracy's right nipple, and said "There, slave. Pleasure your mistress."
Rebecca understood now what was meant, and nervously put Tracy's nipple in her mouth. Not truly knowing what to do, Rebecca alternated between gently sucking on Tracy's nipple and licking it with her tongue. Tracy reached out and pinched Rebecca's nipple, and said "Slower. I want to fall asleep while you worship my nipple."
Rebecca yelped at the pinch, but it did the job. Rebecca's pussy warmed up from the pain, and eager to please her mistress, Rebecca slowed down, until she was sucking on Tracy's nipple for almost a minute at a time before she went to slowly licking. Tracy quickly fell asleep, but Rebecca was too nervous to stop and possibly disappoint her mistress. So, she continued to suck on Tracy's nipple, eventually dropping to sleep with her owner's nipple still in her mouth.
Chapter 25: Rebecca's Second Day (added: 2015/03/25)
Rebecca woke up first on Sunday morning, and found Tracy's nipple still in her mouth. Rebecca realized that Tracy never told her to stop licking, so she nervously started sucking again. Rebecca was soon back in the rhythm, and was warming up deep inside in response. Tracy stirred a little, and Rebecca increased her pace, hoping to impress her mistress.
Finally, Tracy opened her eyes, and saw her slave hard at work at her breast. Tracy smiled at her obedient slave, and grabbed Rebecca's head in her hands. Rebecca looked up, surprised, and was even more surprised when Tracy's mouth met hers, and they kissed passionately.
Tracy set about preparing for the day, and soon the lovers were both in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Rebecca was untied and glowing, happier than ever. Tracy had put on a black leather catsuit with a red trim corset, and was wearing 6 inch heels to tower over her slave. After they finished eating, Tracy told Rebecca that she wanted to buy her slave something new to try. Rebecca, eager to try something new and exciting, almost immediately kneeled before Tracy, ready to return to being a slave.
Tracy helped her slave change into almost nothing, wearing her collar and not her chastity belt for once, although she was wearing her 4 inch locking leather boots. Tracy fit an armbinder over Rebecca's arms and strapped leather cuffs around Rebecca's ankles and above and below her knees, leaving them locked on with no attachments between them. Tracy then gagged Rebecca with her favorite penis gag, and clipped a leash to Rebecca's collar. Tracy led Rebecca up out of the dungeon, pulling her slave to the garage.
Rebecca was in heaven- she was being led around on her leash by her owner, completely helpless and exposed with no idea about what was going to happen to her. In the garage, Rebecca's mistress led her over to her van, and opened the trunk doors. Inside was a cage spanning the entire back of the van, inside of which was a mini-dungeon. Tracy unlocked the door of the cage and led Rebecca in.
Inside, Tracy made Rebecca kneel on the floor. Tracy then chained Rebecca to the floor, attaching various chains on the floor of the van to the leather cuffs on Rebecca's legs, until she couldn't move her legs an inch or stand up at all. Tracy then attached her leash to a hook in the wall in front of her. Finally, Tracy clipped another chain to the ring at the end of Rebecca's armbinder, and attached it to a pulley on the roof. Tracy then attached the end of the chain to a winch in the corner, and started turning the winch. Rebecca's arms started rising up behind her, until she was bent forward with her arms pointed almost straight up, and her head leaning forward. Tracy then tightened Rebecca's leash so that she couldn't move her head back, and admired her handiwork. Rebecca was on display, with her virgin ass and pussy open for Tracy to admire.
Rebecca was completely helpless, strappado'd in the back of Tracy's van. Tracy put her mouth right next to Rebecca's ear, and whispered "I've got you helpless in my trunk now- I can drive off with you and take you wherever I want, and no one will ever know. And there's nothing you can do about it." Rebecca closed her eyes, and moaned slightly as she contemplated how absolutely stuck she was, and moaned even more as she felt Tracy fit a discipline hood over Rebecca's head. Rebecca jumped a little in place as Tracy gave her a playful swat on her bare ass, startled from her black subspace, but was soon lost once again in her own world.
Rebecca lost track of time as she was jostled about in the back of Tracy's van as Tracy drove into town. She was lost in her fantasy-reality, where she was finally the captive prisoner of a sexy mistress who owned her body completely. Rebecca moaned and groaned as she struggled in vain, merely proving how little she could do to save herself.
The car stopped for a time, and Rebecca sensed that Tracy had stopped to buy something. But before long, the van was moving again, and Rebecca had no idea where they were going.
The van eventually stopped again, and Tracy opened the trunk, unlocked the cage door, and climbed in to join her slave. Rebecca felt Tracy's footsteps, and started squirming and shaking her ass, horny and ready for her mistress. Tracy set about preparing her slave for the day ahead.
Tracy had stopped at No Escape, the shop from before, first off to buy some supplies for her slave. She had bought two new attachments for Rebecca's favorite chastity belt; slightly larger plugs, the front one 6 inches, the back one 3 inches. In addition, these plugs had a remote controlled vibrator built in, so Tracy could set about tormenting and pleasuring her slave as much as she wanted. Finally, Tracy had bought Rebecca a new gag- since she loved her penis gag so much, Tracy bought a two-way penis gag, which had for Rebecca to suck on a 5-inch penis, and a 7-inch penis sticking out. Tracy had big plans for Rebecca.
Tracy had also bought a set of nipple clamps for Rebecca. She had seen how much Rebecca responded to pain in her nipples, and decided to give her sub a taste of that pain along with the pleasure of the vibrators. Tracy removed the old tiny plugs from the chastity belt, and locked in the new ones. Tracy then fit the two pieces of the belt around Rebecca, locking her in. Rebecca felt the larger plugs fill her up, and moaned in pleasure as her pussy and ass felt more stimulation than they had ever received before. Then, Rebecca yelped as her nipples were pinched by two clamps, and she was ready.
Tracy released the chains attaching Rebecca to the van, and led her out of the van. Rebecca was led back into Tracy's house, and then downstairs into the dungeon. There, she was made once more to kneel, and her armbinder's ring was attached to the floor as well. Her collar was attached to a hook on the ceiling via a chain, and Tracy tightened the chain so Rebecca couldn't move her torso away or try to escape.
Finally, Tracy turned on the vibrators to low. Rebecca felt the vibrators start to rumble, and started moaning out loud in her gag. Rebecca had never used a vibrator before, and the vibrations felt so good inside of her. Rebecca started to rock back and forth, thrusting her crotch forward, trying unsuccessfully to ride the dildo deep inside of her even more. Rebecca was turned on beyond belief by all of the bondage, but the vibrator was driving her wild. Tracy smiled at the vibrators achieving their desired effect on her slave. Tracy tugged on the chain connecting Rebecca's nipple clamps, causing her to shriek in pain and ecstasy. Tracy then walked upstairs, leaving her slave to stew on the lowest setting of the vibrators, knowing she wouldn't achieve an orgasm.
Rebecca's entire body felt amazing; the vibrations were driving her into overdrive, and she was as horny as a bitch in heat. Rebecca was in a rhythm, humping the air as much as she could do with tied up, and sucking at the penis in her mouth. Rebecca was desperate for Tracy to come and take her breasts in her hand, and never wanted the vibrations to stop. Rebecca's cries of pleasure echoed about the dungeon, and Rebecca started sweating despite the cool temperature. Rebecca closed her eyes under the hood and lost herself to the subspace, letting the pleasure from the vibrations wash over her.
Tracy came downstairs half an hour later to hind her slave completely under the spell of the vibrators. Tracy removed the discipline hood, and Rebecca stared up at Tracy, her hair matted down with sweat. Tracy was now naked from the waist down, wearing only a corset on top. Tracy held up the new gag, and said "Here's the deal. You fuck me with this gag, and I'll raise your vibrator's level up by one."
Rebecca's eyes widened, realizing that the vibrator could go to even higher levels, and bring her even more pleasure. Rebecca moaned in her gag and quickly nodded. Tracy removed Rebecca's gag and quickly replaced it with the new gag, fitting the even larger penis gag into Rebecca's ready mouth.
Tracy walked forward so that her crotch was in line with her face, and brought the dildo attached to Rebecca's gag in line with her pussy. Rebecca was now staring straight down the dildo into her mistress's crotch, and was horny and ready to fuck her mistress.
Tracy guided the dildo in, and moaned softly as the tip entered her outer lips. Rebecca understood that Tracy was ready, and moved her head forward slowly, pushing the dildo deep within Tracy's snatch. Tracy groaned, and Rebecca slowly moved backwards. Rebecca, starting slowly, alternated back and forth, bringing nearly the full 7 inches deep into her mistress. Rebecca began to speed up, and looked up at her mistress. Tracy had her eyes closed, and was massaging her breasts, breathing fast.
As Rebecca sped up, Tracy started to thrust back, and put her hand on the back of Rebecca's head to speed her up as she rammed back and forth into Tracy. The penis in Rebecca's mouth started moving back and forth with each thrust, and Rebecca got even hornier as she imagined she was blowing her master. Rebecca closed her eyes and kept going, fucking faster and faster.
Tracy was enjoying the ride, as Rebecca took her closer and closer to the peak. Finally, Tracy could take no more and pushed Rebecca's head all the way in, forcing the entire length of the dildo into herself. Rebecca's nose was forced past Tracy's outer lips, and Rebecca got a deep whiff of Tracy's musky scent, and her crotch responded in turn, somehow even more turned on. Tracy let out a deep moan, and suddenly climaxed, impaled on her slaves dildo.
After Tracy recovered, she bent down and sucked her juices off of the dildo, making a little kissing sound once she had the full length in her mouth and her lips were less than an inch from Rebecca's. Tracy then pushed a button the remote, and sent Rebecca's vibrators up to level 2 of 3. Rebecca groaned, suddenly drawn back into her own world, horny as ever. Tracy walked upstairs and collapsed on the couch, exhausted from her fucking.
Half an hour later, Rebecca was humping the air with abandon, desperate for release. She had never orgasmed, but she knew from watching Tracy that with enough stimulation it was possible, and wanted it desperately. Tracy came downstairs, and walked around Rebecca a few times, admiring her horny and teased slave. "Want more?" Tracy asked. Rebecca nodded her head furiously, making the dildo bob up and down in front of her face. Rebecca mewled a yes into her gag, and Tracy smiled mischievously. "Well, maybe you'll get more. But first, I think you need to calm down."
Tracy turned the vibrator back down to one, and Rebecca nearly howled in frustration as she felt the vibrator slow down. Tracy gave Rebecca's nipple clamps a tug, and left for upstairs once again.
Another half an hour later, Tracy returned, to find her slave frustrated and horny, whining into her gag for release. After having been on level two before, Rebecca was frustrated and even more desperate than ever now that she was only on level 1. "You want another round?" Tracy asked. Rebecca nodded yes, and her gag was quickly removed. Tracy stood in front of her again, and said "Then pleasure your mistress. And do it well."
Too horny to even consider not doing it, Rebecca plunged into Tracy's pussy. Rebecca stuck her face as close as she could, and her nose rubbed Tracy's clitoris as her tongue got to work. Rebecca's tongue furiously moved up and down, left and right, diving as deep as it could. Rebecca wasn't sure how to eat pussy perfectly, but was desperate to please her master and get some release, so she tried as best as she could. However, after a few minutes, Tracy wasn't nearly finished, so she took matters into her own hands. Tracy took Rebecca's head, and forced it deeper, pushing Rebecca's nose against her clitoris. Rebecca moved her face back and forth, left and right, and stimulating her clitoris, and causing Tracy to gasp in pleasure.
Tracy then pushed Rebecca's head in as deep as she could, reaching her peak. Tracy thrust into Rebecca's face as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, while Rebecca furiously kept up her pace, hoping Tracy would release her soon and let her breath. A few seconds later, Tracy released Rebecca's head and the two fell apart, gasping for air.
Sure, Rebecca hadn't been the best at eating Tracy out, but her willingness more than made up for that. After Tracy recovered, she kissed Rebecca once again, tasting her juices in Rebecca's mouth and on her lips. Rebecca moaned, hoping to finally get release. Tracy stopped kissing Rebecca, and put Rebecca's first penis gag back into her mouth. Tracy then walked back upstairs.
Rebecca whined after Tracy, as her vibrators were still on one. Tracy turned around, and said "I never promised to raise your vibrator's level. Maybe if you keep being a good slave, I will, but that's up to me." Rebecca groaned, denied her release, frustrated to be continually horny and unable to do anything about it.
Tracy went upstairs, and took a shower to clean herself up. Tracy went and prepared some food for the two of them, and went downstairs maybe an hour later with a tray of food in hand. Tracy undid Rebecca's gag, and said "Well? Have you calmed down yet, slave?"
Rebecca's eyes were filled with lust, and she was breathing hard from all the stimulation and denial from the day. But, she was trying to pleasure her mistress and be honest, she said submissively "Not fully, mistress."
Tracy smiled wickedly, and said "Maybe I should turn off your vibrators. I think they're too much for you." Rebecca, bit her lip, clearly wanting to speak out and say what she wanted, but instead kept silent, knowing she shouldn't make demands as a slave.
Tracy saw Rebecca's internal struggle, and was satisfied as her slave finally said "If you wish, mistress." Tracy then turned off the vibrators completely.
Tracy then fed her slave, ending with an Italian sausage. Tracy had Rebecca first show Tracy her blowjob skills on it, and Rebecca gave Tracy quite the show. Once Tracy was satisfied with Rebecca's performance, she took the sausage, slowly stuck it into her own pussy, wet from watching her slave submit to her. Tracy the fed Rebecca the sausage, watching her enjoy the flavor of her owner's juices. Rebecca was frustrated and horny, but she was in love with her mistress, and had never felt better.
The rest of the day, Tracy toyed with her slave, switching her vibrators between 1, 2, and off as she pleased. By the evening, Rebecca was exhausted, and was ready to collapse, tired from being denied an orgasm all day long. Tracy let Rebecca go to the bathroom under supervision to avoid any masturbation, and then prepared Rebecca for bed. Not wanting to risk any chance of Rebecca pleasuring herself without permission, Tracy chained Rebecca completely nude except for her collar in her old cage, spread-eagled on the mattress, with her chastity belt off. Tracy gave Rebecca's nipples a playful squeeze once more, locked the cage, and turned off the light, leaving her slave totally helpless for the night.
Tracy slept well, deeply satisfied from her multiple orgasms throughout the day. Rebecca had sex dreams all night, never being able to shake her horniness. In every dream, Tracy teased Rebecca with pleasure, but always denied her at the edge of orgasm.
Chapter 26: Rebecca's Third Day (added: 2015/03/25)
In the morning, Tracy woke first, and went downstairs straight away to deal with her slave. Tracy was still asleep in her cage, so Rebecca got everything she would need for the next few hours out and ready to use.
Rebecca woke to a blindfold being slipped over her eyes, and then to Tracy's lips meeting hers. Rebecca thrust her pelvis forward and met Tracy's kiss, horny as ever from sex dreams of Tracy all night long. Tracy kept kissing Rebecca, and grabbed hold of her breasts, massaging them and paying special attention to the horny slave's now perk nipples. Rebecca moaned in Tracy's mouth, melting from the sensations running through her horny sex-crazed body. For a few minutes, tracy continued to kiss and pleasure her slave, until Rebecca was nearly dripping wet, desperate for release.
Tracy then grabbed a pair of nipple clamps, and swiftly attached them to Rebecca's perk nipples. Rebecca yelped, unconsciously shivering in pleasure at the pain. Tracy went back to kissing and massaging, and Rebecca was even hornier than ever and ready for release. Tracy then grabbed Rebecca's last accessory, and shoved a 4-inch anal plug into Rebecca's tight ass, switching the vibrator on to high. Rebecca nearly screamed, bucking in her restraints at the intense stimulation.
Tracy grabbed her slave, shoved her tongue down her slave's mouth, and with her strap-on, rammed into Rebecca's virgin pussy. Rebecca screamed in ecstasy through Tracy's tongue in her throat, and fell quickly into rhythm with her mistress, thrusting back and forth, impaling herself on the full 7 inches of the strap-on.
Unable to resist, within a minute, Rebecca gasped for air, and pleaded "Please mistress, may I cum."
Tracy replied "Not yet," and increased her pace.
Rebecca moaned and groaned, and pleaded again "Please mistress, I so want to cum. Please let me cum."
Tracy waited a few seconds, then said "You may cum."
Rebecca screamed in pleasure, letting wave after wave of her climax take control of herself, thrashing in her chains as she finally came. It was intense, and amazing, and the greatest feeling Rebecca had ever had. Rebecca wanted to be Tracy's slave forever.
The two lovers, slave and mistress, lay next to each other, still panting 15 minutes later. Rebecca was freed of her restraints, but was facing the opposite direction of her mistress, eagerly sucking the strap-on clean of her juices.
Tracy interrupted the sound of Rebecca's sucking with a question: "Rebecca, do you like your job?"
Rebecca looked up, confused. She hated her job- it was the only work she could find, and it had no opportunity for improvement. Rebecca lowered her head in shame, and replied "No. It's awful."
Tracy smiled. "Well I may be able to help you there. You see... I inherited several million dollars from my parents a few years ago when the passed away. I no longer need to work, and I just concern myself with pet projects. But, I do have the room in my budget for an employee... Perhaps a maid, or cook, cleaner, who can answer to my every wish..." Tracy trailed off, winking at Rebecca.
Rebecca's heart fluttered- it was a dream come true. Become Tracy's full-time slave in truth, and spend every day with Tracy? It was a no-brainer. "That would be incredible! Are you sure you could do that?"
Tracy nodded. "It would be easy. You could work for me normal hours, and we could work out a deal with the rest of the time, if you want to be a slave or... girlfriend during the evening and at night. But you could choose what you want to do." Rebecca nodded furiously, agreeing whole-heartedly. Tracy continued "I know you eventually want to find someone... more masculine, with more... well... a penis. And I'm willing to work out a deal with you if you do find someone, as long as he makes you happy, and we don't have to separate."
Rebecca's eyes glazed over, imagining having a man for a master, but she soon left that fantasy. "Sure, a man might be fun to try once." Rebecca said. She licked up the length of Tracy's strap-on, and continued "But you have all the penis I could ever want right here."
Tracy smiled, in love with her sexy redhead slave. Rebecca smiled back, in love with her sexy goddess mistress. Tracy kissed Rebecca once again, and slid Rebecca's penis gag into her mouth. They still had plenty of fun to have, and Rebecca still had lots to learn, but it was going to be a fun ride.