Author's Note: A relatively short introduction to Miss Garret's first experience with bondage. Open to suggestions of where the story goes next.
Chapter 1: The Trap
Miss Garrett started her new school last Monday. She hated being a substitute teacher, always being the new girl and never getting the chance to settle in but it paid well and she had no other job options at the minute so she stuck at it in hope that something more permanent would become available.
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She was popular in this school, especially with the boys. She was 24 and standing 5 foot 4 she wasn't the tallest but with her long brown hair, green eyes and hourglass figure she never struggled to get the attention of the opposite sex.
Today was Friday, it was open night at school which meant the teachers and some selected pupils had to stay until early evening to show future potential students and their parents all the school had to offer. Miss Garrett didn't want to stay behind but knew she had to. She had a date at 9pm and didn't want to be late. Knowing she wouldn't have time to change she decided to wear her date outfit into school. She put on her lucky underwear which consisted of a black thong and matching push up bra, squeezed into her tightest black pencil skirt and form fitting white shirt and finished the look off with her highest black heels. She looked in the mirror, this definitely wasn't appropriate for school. The boys would eat her alive! She decided to wear a long cardigan which would hide her outfit and be easy to lose when date time came.
Lunchtime was just coming to an end when "We need a volunteer to be a mummy for tonight's Egyptian themed exhibition" shouted Mrs Johnston the history teacher over the staff room din. The teachers laughed. Mrs Johnston who was in her late 50's had been dying to tie Miss Garrett up ever since she laid eyes on her and knew exactly who was going to be tonight's 'willing' mummy. "Miss Garrett how about you?" She said struggling to hide the lust in her voice. Yeah she'll do it laughed Mr Wylie and nudged Miss Garrett forward. "Um, I" stuttered Miss Garrett. "Brilliant" yelled Mrs Johnston "let's get started, I have a willing group of pupils eagerly waiting to wrap a teacher up".
The history room had been set up well, pictures of pyramids, sand pits and a large sarcophagus made out of wood that Mrs Johnston got the woodwork boys to knock up. Miss Garrett looked at the coffin shaped box with a worried expression. "Don't worry dear, I won't close the lid over" Mrs Johnston whispered.
"Lose the cardigan, it will be warm in your little box". Miss Garrett sighed and did as she was asked. Their was an audible gasp from the classroom, the boys couldn't believe their eyes and Mrs Johnston swallowed hard and almost lost her balance at the sight. "Ok stand in the middle of the room so we can walk round you with the bandages" Mrs Johnston stuttered. Two eager male volunteers and Mrs Johnston started wrapping Miss Garrett up with bandages earlier taken from the first aid room.
Mrs Johnston started at her ankles and wrapped as tight as she could without tearing the material. Round and round Miss Garretts tanned legs she wrapped, she wound extra tight when she got to the knees and Miss Garrett let out a little yelp as her knees ground together. By the time Mrs Johnston finished wrapping her thighs the boys had reached all the way down to meet her leaving only Miss Garretts head uncovered. "Not bad" Mrs Johnston grinned. She drank the vision in. Miss Garrett teetering on her 5" black heels wrapped up and helpless. The bandages clung to her body exaggerating her tiny waist and ample breasts.
"Its a bit tight" Miss Garrett said whilst squirming as if to prove her discomfort. "Do mummies talk?" Mrs Johnston said while looking at the pupils sitting watching with glee. "No Mrs Johnston" they said back in unison. "Wrap her head up boys, I'll be back in a minute" Mrs Johnston said as she left the room.
Five minutes later Mrs Johnston returned to find the beautiful Miss Garrett tightly wrapped from head to ankle in white bandages leaving only her nostrils and black high heels free. Mrs Johnston handed out two rolls of white electrical tape to the boys and nodded towards her sexy captive. "Nice and tight" she whispered as the boys smiled from ear to ear. They all started wrapping at the same time and Miss Garret tried to ask what was going on but only managed a mumble which resulted in the whole class laughing. Mrs Johnston was in heaven stretching the tape tighter and tighter round Miss Garret's shapely ass and tiny firm waist.
They kept going until everyone's tape had ran out and Miss Garret was unable to move an inch. "Ok into her box, I'll need I few more boys to help me with this please."
They tilted Miss Garret back and lifted her up and placed her carefully in the small sarcophagus. Miss Garret was petite but it was still a snug fit. Miss Garret lay there helpless, gagged and blindfolded and could hear the laughing pupils take endless photos on their camera phones. Every time she struggled or made a noise they laughed more and poked at her for a reaction. Mrs Johnston was at the point of orgasm at the very thought of what she was going to do to her later on but for now it was open night.
Parents and pupils came and went all admiring the artwork and mummy exhibition, the dads paid special attention to the young slim high heeled woman lying tightly wrapped for their amusement.
It was over around 8pm and Miss Garrett was very warm and uncomfortable but could hear the pupils and Mrs Johnston start to pack everything up and was eager to get released so she could leave for her date. She struggled and mmphed to remind everyone she was still there. "Can we leave Miss Garrett there with the lid on until Monday Mrs Johnston?" Asked a pupil. "No Jack that wouldn't be very nice now would it?" She replied secretly admiring the boys enjoyment of Miss Garrett's uncomfortable confinement. "You can all head home now I'll finish up in here".
Mrs Johnston licked her lips and walked over to her beautiful helpless prisoner. She ran her hands up Miss Garret's bound legs and hips and squeezed her tightly wrapped breasts hard. Miss Garrett yelped into her gag. "What the hell is going on" she thought. "One of the boys has been left alone with me". She tried to scream but the noise didn't amount to much and Mrs Johnston laughed. "I'm going to enjoy your tight young body all weekend" hissed Mrs Johnston into Miss Garrett's ear.
Mrs Johnston grabbed the lid and placed it on top of the coffin. It was quite shallow and Miss Garret's breasts wouldn't let it close properly but Mrs Johnston sat on it to get it tightly shut then started to hammer in nails around the sides. Miss Garret couldn't believe her ears. "I'm being kidnapped by a sicko. My date will realise I'm missing and alert someone. Or will he just think I've stood him up?" Miss Garrett realised no one would come to her rescue.
She counted 20 nails being hammered in and couldn't move an inch in her box. Breathing wasn't easy before with how tight she had been wrapped but now the lid was pressing hard against her chest which made it even harder. Mrs Johnston tilted the coffin upright and onto a trolley that had been left in the classroom after the cupboards had been moved for the exhibition. "Let's get you home slut, I'm going to turn that hot little body of yours into a shivering spasm of pleasure that you'll never forget". With that she turned off the lights and wheeled Miss Garrett out.
Chapter 2: Dressed up and Tied Down (added: 2014/06/26)
Miss Garrett felt every bump of the dirt track that was leading to God knows where. She was struggling to breathe and any effort to wriggle some freedom had been in vain. "Why did the boys wrap me so tight, sick little creeps. I thought they liked me. What the hell is this twisted bitch gonna to do to me"
Mrs Johnston looked in the rear view of her pick up and licked her lips at her precious cargo tightly packaged in her box and ready to play with. She pulled into her drive just after 10pm and yawned. "Better get this slut somewhere safe for the night".
She struggled to open the box but with the help of a crow bar and a lot of cursing managed it eventually. Miss Garrett's perfect wrapped form took her breath away again. "Ok young lady lets get you somewhere less comfortable" Miss Garrett mmphed loudly and squirmed with all her might. Mrs Johnston pushed the box on its side and pulled Miss Garrett out. "You've wet yourself you dirty slut, I hadn't decided where I was going to put you for the night but you've made it easy for me"
Mrs Johnston dragged her into the ground floor bathroom and toppled her into the bath. "Lucky for me your a tiny little thing" she laughed as she put the plug in and turned on the hot water. She watched with sick pleasure as Miss Garrett panicked wildly as the water filled up around her and passed her face. She tried to sit up but the tightness of her wrap made it difficult and she tired quickly. "Go on use those stomach muscles like you do at the gym" Mrs Johnston scoffed as she walked out. Miss Garrett felt like she was being boiled alive and couldn't keep her head up any longer, she took a deep breath and collapsed back into her nightmare. Just as she was about to attempt another sit up she felt a hand over her mouth and something being inserted through the bandages. Mrs Johnston lifted her victims head out of the water and licked her wet wrapped face. "I've given you a straw to breath out of. I don't want you drowning on me before I have enjoyed your hot young body to its full extent."
She pushed Miss Garrett's head back under the water and listened to her breathing through the straw. "Your all mine" she whispered as she started touching herself. She was too excited to wait for release and needed to climax before bed. She held her thumb over the straw and rubbed her pussy harder as Miss Garrett frantically wriggled in vain. The sight of her hour glass mummy trapped and struggling to breathe made her come almost instantly. "Thanks sweetie" she smiled "night night". With that she turned off the tap and the lights and left the room.
Miss Garrett relaxed back into her peril. Her bonds felt more comfortable underwater, like they had loosened. Then she realised she could stretch her legs slightly apart. She started forcing her arms outward as hard as she could then relaxing. As she continued she felt more room develop around her. "The water is loosening the tape" she thought. She repeated this process as quietly as she could for hours until finally her hands came free. The water was cold by now and she was shivering as she gradually undid her tight wrappings. She slipped her feet out of her heels and stepped out of the bath praying there were no squeaky floor boards. There was a small amount of light coming in through the window, "it must be morning already" she thought " if I could squeeze out that window I could make a run for it"
The window was large but above her chest level so wouldn't be easy to get to. She tried to lift a leg up to the ledge but the tight skirt wouldn't allow it. "Dammit". She unbuttoned her skirt and quietly slid it down her legs and stepped out of it. She climbed up onto the window ledge and opened the latch. She started to squeeze her head and shoulders through the gap when she heard a rattle behind her. She turned to check and.....
Mrs Johnston studied her unconscious escape artist in her shirt and thong. "I'm gonna have to tie you up real tight aren't I Houdini" "but first lets get you a change of clothes"
Mrs Johnston dragged Miss Garrett to her bedroom and threw her on the bed. She undressed her and admired her tanned wet body. Her large breasts and toned but feminine arms, her small waist with hint of abs and her perfect curved hips and slender legs. She had a perfectly shaved pussy and silver belly button pirercing. "Yummy right down to your sexy little feet aren't you Miss Garrett, better get you tied up before you wake."
Mrs Johnston pulled a bag out of her cupboard. She emptied it onto the floor with a thud. Out came endless black belts, some rope, black duct tape, a packed of thick zip ties, a huge remote control vibrator, a large silicone butt plug and a selection of gags. Last out was what looked like a small black rubber swimsuit with high cut sides. She wanted Miss Garrett to be awake to suffer the tight application of her new inescapable bondage but decided to apply zip ties first so she couldn't run if she woke.
She dried her off then carefully lubed and inserted the toys into the captives ass and pussy, she stretched the rubber swimsuit over Miss Garrett's body. It fitted like a dream and looked better than imagined, it clung to her slim waist and large breasts. She spun Miss Garrett round and quickly zip tied her hands behind her back followed by her ankles, knees and thighs. "That will do until you wake, then the fun begins" Mrs Johnston grinned.
Miss Garrett stirred after another hour or so still face down on the bed and screamed at her new predicament. "Thanks for alerting me to your consciousness" Mrs Johnston said as she entered the room with a mug of coffee in her hand. "No use in screaming though, you are at least five miles from the nearest house". "Time to make you wish you were still in your box".
Mrs Johnston grabbed the zip ties on her wrists and pulled them tight watching Miss Garrett grimace in pain. She did the same with the ties around Miss Garrett's ankles, knees and thighs loving the effect torturing her slender tanned legs had on her she pulled them so tight she almost felt guilty. She watched as Miss Garrett writhed in pain then tightened her leg ties one more click. She forced Miss Garrett's elbows together until they touched and added another cruel zip tie. Miss Garrett was now helpless and suffering pain she didn't know existed. "Don't worry it'll get better soon" Mrs Johnston laughed with a sadistic look in her eye as she smacked the pert ass lying helpless on her bed as hard as she could.
She took the duct tape and forced Miss Garrett's hands into a fist before tightly wrapping layer upon layer round so she couldn't open her hands at all. "Time for the belts" she gleefully declared. Starting at the ankles she applied belt after belt up Miss Garrett's legs pulling them as tight as she could. Every inch of Miss Garrett's tortured legs were covered in tight black leather belts, up and over the thighs and ass. Mrs Johnston then looped the belts around Miss Garrett's stomach and over her arms and pulled with extreme force. "I want to hear you struggle to breathe slut" she said with a new evil tone. She strapped Miss Garrett's stomach and chest as tight as she could loving every minute of it as Miss Garrett groaned. "Last one" she smiled. She grabbed the smallest belt and brought it round Miss Garrett's neck and pulled it as tight as she felt was safe. Next she sifted through her selection of gags and selected a large red ball-gag. "This will do to start with". Miss Garrett had never seen a ball-gag before but was about to taste one. Mrs Johnston strapped it so tight Miss Garrett's eyes bulged and her jaw hurt instantly. "That'll shut u up".
Mrs Johnston turned her leather cocooned beauty onto her back and stepped back to admire the view. She noticed with delight how small Miss Garrett's waist had been squeezed and how uncomfortable her captive looked struggling to find a position. Miss Garrett's piercing green eyes searched her kidnapper for an ounce of sympathy and finding none broke into tears. "As much as I love to see you cry Miss Garrett I love to seeing your head wrapped in tape even more" Mrs Johnston smirked. With that she grabbed the black duct tape and wrapped it round and round Miss Garrett's head starting from her chin and ending at the top of her head missing out the nostrils only. She then took a couple of lengths of rope and attached them to the belt around miss Garrett's neck and ankles then tied them tightly off to the bed frame at the top and bottom stopping any chance of rolling anywhere. "Ok Houdini. Escape from that". This prompted Miss Garrett to struggle searching for any sign of a weakness in her bonds but there was none. Her arms ached forced tight together and to her body. Her legs felt like they were on fire and breathing was only possible in quick shallow bursts due to the strictness of the belts around her chest and stomach.
"Ok I have to go now" Mrs Johnston announced. "I have to go pick up some friends I met on the internet to bring here to meet you. They are far sicker and more twisted than me though I'm afraid and I can't be sure what they will do to you but it'll be fun to find out. Don't wet yourself again or you know where I'll put you". Mrs Johnston switched the vibrator on and watched the reaction. Miss Garrett convulsed with agony as the massive machine did it's work. At first she thought she would pass out with the pain then gradually waves of pleasure began to rush over her. She climaxed quicker than she ever had before with a massive orgasm that she thought was going to rip her apart.
Mrs Johnston stood watching the writhing leather bound girl moan with pleasure and pain in front of her. She couldn't resist the urge to climb on top of her hot young helpless toy and rub herself up and down her struggling body. The weight of Mrs Johnston pressing down on her chest and arms was excruciating and Miss Garrett let out a muffled scream behind the gag and wrapped face. This excited the sadistic Mrs Johnston all the more and she rid her victim harder and harder until she exploded into her own screaming orgasm matching Miss Garrett with noise.
"Oh my your so much fun I might have to keep you forever." Mrs Johnston said through heavy breaths. "That's if my friends leave you in one piece of course, I'm afraid your in for a rough night darling"
With that she grabbed the rest of the duct tape and wrapped Miss Garrett's bare feet up tightly together. "Forgot about those, can't have you being able to move anything"
She left the room and locked the door loudly to emphasise to Miss Garrett how hopeless her chances of escape.
Chapter 2: Dressed up and Tied Down. (added: 2014/07/29)
Miss Garrett felt every bump of the dirt track that was leading to God knows where. She was struggling to breathe and any effort to wriggle some freedom had been in vain. "Why did the boys wrap me so tight, sick little creeps. I thought they liked me. What the hell is this twisted bitch gonna to do to me"
Mrs Johnston looked in the rear view of her pick up and licked her lips at her precious cargo tightly packaged in her box and ready to play with. She pulled into her drive just after 10pm and yawned. "Better get this slut somewhere safe for the night".
She struggled to open the box but with the help of a crow bar and a lot of cursing managed it eventually. Miss Garrett's perfect wrapped form took her breath away again. "Ok young lady lets get you somewhere less comfortable" Miss Garrett mmphed loudly and squirmed with all her might. Mrs Johnston pushed the box on its side and pulled Miss Garrett out. "You've wet yourself you dirty slut, I hadn't decided where I was going to put you for the night but you've made it easy for me"
Mrs Johnston dragged her into the ground floor bathroom and toppled her into the bath. "Lucky for me your a tiny little thing" she laughed as she put the plug in and turned on the hot water. She watched with sick pleasure as Miss Garrett panicked wildly as the water filled up around her and passed her face. She tried to sit up but the tightness of her wrap made it difficult and she tired quickly. "Go on use those stomach muscles like you do at the gym" Mrs Johnston scoffed as she walked out. Miss Garrett felt like she was being boiled alive and couldn't keep her head up any longer, she took a deep breath and collapsed back into her nightmare. Just as she was about to attempt another sit up she felt a hand over her mouth and something being inserted through the bandages. Mrs Johnston lifted her victims head out of the water and licked her wet wrapped face. "I've given you a straw to breath out of. I don't want you drowning on me before I have enjoyed your hot young body to its full extent."
She pushed Miss Garrett's head back under the water and listened to her breathing through the straw. "Your all mine" she whispered as she started touching herself. She was too excited to wait for release and needed to climax before bed. She held her thumb over the straw and rubbed her pussy harder as Miss Garrett frantically wriggled in vain. The sight of her hour glass mummy trapped and struggling to breathe made her come almost instantly. "Thanks sweetie" she smiled "night night". With that she turned off the tap and the lights and left the room.
Miss Garrett relaxed back into her peril. Her bonds felt more comfortable underwater, like they had loosened. Then she realised she could stretch her legs slightly apart. She started forcing her arms outward as hard as she could then relaxing. As she continued she felt more room develop around her. "The water is loosening the tape" she thought. She repeated this process as quietly as she could for hours until finally her hands came free. The water was cold by now and she was shivering as she gradually undid her tight wrappings. She slipped her feet out of her heels and stepped out of the bath praying there were no squeaky floor boards. There was a small amount of light coming in through the window, "it must be morning already" she thought " if I could squeeze out that window I could make a run for it"
The window was large but above her chest level so wouldn't be easy to get to. She tried to lift a leg up to the ledge but the tight skirt wouldn't allow it. "Dammit". She unbuttoned her skirt and quietly slid it down her legs and stepped out of it. She climbed up onto the window ledge and opened the latch. She started to squeeze her head and shoulders through the gap when she heard a rattle behind her. She turned to check and.....
Mrs Johnston studied her unconscious escape artist in her shirt and thong. "I'm gonna have to tie you up real tight aren't I Houdini" "but first lets get you a change of clothes"
Mrs Johnston dragged Miss Garrett to her bedroom and threw her on the bed. She undressed her and admired her tanned wet body. Her large breasts and toned but feminine arms, her small waist with hint of abs and her perfect curved hips and slender legs. She had a perfectly shaved pussy and silver belly button pirercing. "Yummy right down to your sexy little feet aren't you Miss Garrett, better get you tied up before you wake."
Mrs Johnston pulled a bag out of her cupboard. She emptied it onto the floor with a thud. Out came endless black belts, some rope, black duct tape, a packed of thick zip ties, a huge remote control vibrator, a large silicone butt plug and a selection of gags. Last out was what looked like a small black rubber swimsuit with high cut sides. She wanted Miss Garrett to be awake to suffer the tight application of her new inescapable bondage but decided to apply zip ties first so she couldn't run if she woke.
She dried her off then carefully lubed and inserted the toys into the captives ass and pussy, she stretched the rubber swimsuit over Miss Garrett's body. It fitted like a dream and looked better than imagined, it clung to her slim waist and large breasts. She spun Miss Garrett round and quickly zip tied her hands behind her back followed by her ankles, knees and thighs. "That will do until you wake, then the fun begins" Mrs Johnston grinned.
Miss Garrett stirred after another hour or so still face down on the bed and screamed at her new predicament. "Thanks for alerting me to your consciousness" Mrs Johnston said as she entered the room with a mug of coffee in her hand. "No use in screaming though, you are at least five miles from the nearest house". "Time to make you wish you were still in your box".
Mrs Johnston grabbed the zip ties on her wrists and pulled them tight watching Miss Garrett grimace in pain. She did the same with the ties around Miss Garrett's ankles, knees and thighs loving the effect torturing her slender tanned legs had on her she pulled them so tight she almost felt guilty. She watched as Miss Garrett writhed in pain then tightened her leg ties one more click. She forced Miss Garrett's elbows together until they touched and added another cruel zip tie. Miss Garrett was now helpless and suffering pain she didn't know existed. "Don't worry it'll get better soon" Mrs Johnston laughed with a sadistic look in her eye as she smacked the pert ass lying helpless on her bed as hard as she could.
She took the duct tape and forced Miss Garrett's hands into a fist before tightly wrapping layer upon layer round so she couldn't open her hands at all. "Time for the belts" she gleefully declared. Starting at the ankles she applied belt after belt up Miss Garrett's legs pulling them as tight as she could. Every inch of Miss Garrett's tortured legs were covered in tight black leather belts, up and over the thighs and ass. Mrs Johnston then looped the belts around Miss Garrett's stomach and over her arms and pulled with extreme force. "I want to hear you struggle to breathe slut" she said with a new evil tone. She strapped Miss Garrett's stomach and chest as tight as she could loving every minute of it as Miss Garrett groaned. "Last one" she smiled. She grabbed the smallest belt and brought it round Miss Garrett's neck and pulled it as tight as she felt was safe. Next she sifted through her selection of gags and selected a large red ball-gag. "This will do to start with". Miss Garrett had never seen a ball-gag before but was about to taste one. Mrs Johnston strapped it so tight Miss Garrett's eyes bulged and her jaw hurt instantly. "That'll shut u up".
Mrs Johnston turned her leather cocooned beauty onto her back and stepped back to admire the view. She noticed with delight how small Miss Garrett's waist had been squeezed and how uncomfortable her captive looked struggling to find a position. Miss Garrett's piercing green eyes searched her kidnapper for an ounce of sympathy and finding none broke into tears. "As much as I love to see you cry Miss Garrett I love to seeing your head wrapped in tape even more" Mrs Johnston smirked. With that she grabbed the black duct tape and wrapped it round and round Miss Garrett's head starting from her chin and ending at the top of her head missing out the nostrils only. She then took a couple of lengths of rope and attached them to the belt around miss Garrett's neck and ankles then tied them tightly off to the bed frame at the top and bottom stopping any chance of rolling anywhere. "Ok Houdini. Escape from that". This prompted Miss Garrett to struggle searching for any sign of a weakness in her bonds but there was none. Her arms ached forced tight together and to her body. Her legs felt like they were on fire and breathing was only possible in quick shallow bursts due to the strictness of the belts around her chest and stomach.
"Ok I have to go now" Mrs Johnston announced. "I have to go pick up some friends I met on the internet to bring here to meet you. They are far sicker and more twisted than me though I'm afraid and I can't be sure what they will do to you but it'll be fun to find out. Don't wet yourself again or you know where I'll put you". Mrs Johnston switched the vibrator on and watched the reaction. Miss Garrett convulsed with agony as the massive machine did it's work. At first she thought she would pass out with the pain then gradually waves of pleasure began to rush over her. She climaxed quicker than she ever had before with a massive orgasm that she thought was going to rip her apart.
Mrs Johnston stood watching the writhing leather bound girl moan with pleasure and pain in front of her. She couldn't resist the urge to climb on top of her hot young helpless toy and rub herself up and down her struggling body. The weight of Mrs Johnston pressing down on her chest and arms was excruciating and Miss Garrett let out a muffled scream behind the gag and wrapped face. This excited the sadistic Mrs Johnston all the more and she rid her victim harder and harder until she exploded into her own screaming orgasm matching Miss Garrett with noise.
"Oh my your so much fun I might have to keep you forever." Mrs Johnston said through heavy breaths. "That's if my friends leave you in one piece of course, I'm afraid your in for a rough night darling"
With that she grabbed the rest of the duct tape and wrapped Miss Garrett's bare feet up tightly together. "Forgot about those, can't have you being able to move anything"
She left the room and locked the door loudly to emphasise to Miss Garrett how hopeless her chances of escape.