Author's Note: Just a short story I wrote while bored a while back. I wanted to experiment a bit, trying to make the writing enhance the story. I love to hear from fans with ideas or feedback, please email me or leave a comment.
Slave was excited. She had been dutifully serving mistress for nearly three years now, preparing food, cleaning and serving her as well as pleasing her sexually when Mistress desired it. It was only six months ago that Mistress had noticed slave's concentration was beginning to lapse, especially when she had commanded slave to pleasure her. As slave's lips and tongue worked on her, Mistress noticed slave's hands were busy under her own skirt, an unnecessary distraction. Slave couldn't argue when mistress wrapped the chastity belt around her waist, preventing her from releasing her built up frustrations and keeping her focused on the tasks mistress had assigned. In response to her cooperation, and to give her even more reason to behave, Mistress offered slave a deal. Every ninety days, she would evaluate slave's performance and offer slave the chance to cum if she felt slave deserved it.
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Slave originally welcomed the belt, as she trusted Mistress knew what was best for her. Her work ethic did improve greatly, and with the promise of sexual release slave was more productive and subservient than ever before, but she secretly loathed the belt. Regardless of whether or not Mistress has assigned her a task to complete the belt was always with her. She hated the way it felt, the thick steel tight against her skin. She hated the way the wide rear band pulled tight against the crack of her ass, separating her butt cheeks. She despised having to shit through a metal hole and how her piss collected in the thick and wide concave front shield. She hated how effective this same metal dish was at preventing any contact with her delicate clitoris or lips, and how mistress had kept her on drugs so she no longer had any messy periods to deal with. Most of all however she hated the massive metal padlock mistress had snapped through the clasp on the front of the belt. It flopped around as she moved, clinking and hammering at the surrounding metal, a constant reminder of who she was. Slave would do anything for mistress, but that didn't mean she would always like it.
Slave was excited because three months had finally passed again, and today was evaluation day. Having finished her chores slave made Mistress lunch as she had requested and brought it into her office. She kept her head down, staring at the five inch patent black pumps she had been trained to walk in as part of her slave costume. After placing the tray on Mistress's desk, slave turned and made her way to the corner where she kneeled with her hands behind her, facing the wall with her head down. Slave never made eye contact with Mistress and Slave was pretty sure Mistress never looked at her, although she knew Mistress liked it when she kneeled in the corner. The short maid skirt slave wore attached to her corset let the cheeks of her bottom peek out above the leather soles of her shoes. The corset didn't cover slave's breasts, leaving them bare for mistress to play with, just the way she liked. Slave sat and waited patiently for Mistress to eat.
Unable to see her, Slave could envision Mistress in her head. She knew from the glimpse she had gotten when she turned that she was wearing her beautiful red dress today, likely with a matching pair of red stilettos slave could only dream of owning. Her hair would be perfect and her makeup impeccable, just like her taste. Slave imagined herself like she often was, on the other side of the room under the desk, with her head buried between mistress's thighs and the tops of her stockings. Trained not to use her hands, she would grab mistress's delicate panties between her lips and pull them down her legs to the bottom of her garters, breathing in Mistress's rich scent while she did so. Mistress would shift in her chair as slave worked, preparing for what was to come. It was the only time slave ever felt like she had any control over Mistress, with her face buried between the elder woman's legs. Digging in with her lips and tongue slave would go slow and work her way between Mistress's lips canal, licking and slurping up any of her juices as not to leave a stain on her dress. Mistress would eventually clamp her thighs together around slave's head as she reached her peak. Both women would be in a euphoric state, but only Mistress would get off on it. Slave would be left clawing at the massive padlock under her skirt and dreaming of her own release. With any luck Mistress would deem her worthy and that would happen today.
Slave heard mistress stand and walk over to her corner of the room. She could feel Mistress pull her hair away, revealing the glinting steel slave collar wrapped around her neck. Unlike her chastity belt, slave loved her collar and had worked hard to earn the honour of wearing the band of metal now permanently adorning her neck. Wearing it marked her as the property of the woman she loved and submitted to every day.
Slave could feel the click of Mistress's leash as she snapped it onto her collar. Slave was happy that Mistress didn't participate in any contact sports like whipping or paddling, but knew the substitute wasn't much better. The leash now connected to her collar was capable of delivering a debilitating electrical shock, which mistress could use as much as she wanted without leaving any physical marks. Slave had discovered this "feature" early on in her ownership, and she worked hard to ensure mistress had little reason to use it.
Slave heard another snap and then the sound of Mistress's footsteps as she walked away. The door to the office closed behind her leaving slave in silence staring at the wall of an empty room. She had a feeling the leash had been attached to a ring on the cabinet next to her but she dared not look up or touch the leash in case Mistress was testing her. Slave had made that mistake once when she tried to undo the simple snap that attached it to her collar but she was stopped by a pulsing current through her collar that didn't stop until Mistress returned. When she finally did slave was punished not only for touching the leash but also for screaming loudly about the unending pain. Now slave trusted that for whatever reason mistress had left her it was more important than her release right now.
"Just as I left you," said Mistress as she walked back into the room. True to her training slave had not moved a millimetre since she kneeled down in the corner and would not move again until mistress instructed her to. Mistress sat at her desk and after a moment addressed slave again. "So it's been another 90 days slave. Do you think you deserve your reward for being in chastity?"
The moment had finally arrived. The last time Mistress let slave out of her belt, after slave's first 90 days in chastity, she allowed slave to take a vibrator to bed with her after unlocking the belt. It was not a surprise that slave had gotten very little sleep as she satisfied herself in her quarters throughout the night. Now Mistress would determine if slave deserved to be rewarded again. Slave knew she had worked her hardest to ensure every one of Mistress's tasks was completed to the highest standards but she never knew if Mistress was pleased with her performance or not, so she replied accordingly.
"It's not my place to determine if I have pleased Mistress and deserve a reward, Mistress."
"But do you think being in chastity has made you a more obedient and hardworking slave?"
"I am committed to serving Mistress and always do my best at whatever Mistress asks, Mistress."
Slave had been well trained to never refer to Mistress in the first person and never forgot to address her as Mistress, but that didn't mean the answers were always satisfying.
"Don't duck the question slave!"
Mistress rarely raised her voice, so slave knew she would be in trouble if she wasn't careful.
"Slave feels that Mistress's chastity belt did make slave a better worker and allowed slave to focus on her Mistress's needs, especially when she was asked to please Mistress orally, Mistress."
"Now that's a better answer slave. I think you have most definitely improved your performance this quarter and I will offer you a reward."
Slave heard Mistress stand and unclip her leash from the cabinet.
"Stand and follow slave."
Slave stood now that she had permission to, but kept her hands behind her and her head down. She was somewhat shocked to see that mistress had changed her clothes. Rather than the beautiful red dress and matching heels she was wearing before her feet were now in black leather boots slave had never seen before. There was a platform under her toes that was at least three inches tall, and a massive heel rose at least seven if not eight inches at the back. From the tops of her boots extended her dark stockings, with their garters then running up to where they attached to a black leather bodice wrapped around her torso. Slave didn't get a good look at it with her head bowed but she was certain she had never seen Mistress wearing it before. The biggest departure for mistress was that her sex was bare and not covered by a pair of panties, leaving the pussy slave worshipped in plain sight. Even from a short distance slave could smell her womanly scent.
Slave followed Mistress behind her desk. This was definitely a departure from what she was expecting based on last time, and slave was somewhat concerned by the change. What was mistress planning?
Mistress pulled one of the books off the shelf behind her desk. Slave had never seen her reference any of the books before, but they did give the room a more imposing look. Although the book looked large and heavy to slave, she was surprised when Mistress had no trouble lifting it out with one hand. She was even more surprised when Mistress reached her hand in where the book had been and after a moment withdrew it. The bookshelf then made a loud click, and Mistress gingerly swung it outwards, revealing a dimly lit spiral staircase.
"Come," she said as she began down the spiral of wooden steps. Slave was flabbergasted. She thought she knew the layout of Mistress's house like the back of her hand, but here was a staircase she had never seen before. Mistress moved quickly down the stairs and slave got a better look at what she was wearing. The bodice extended over Mistress's sizeable breasts in a halter top, leaving her upper back bare. Her hair had been put in a utilitarian bun, unlike slave had ever seen her wear before. About two floors down the stairs transitioned from wood to stone. Slave assumed they were now underground, since Mistress's office was on the second floor of the house.
"It's been a while since I've been dressed like this down here," Mistress announced to slave. "John and I used to spend lots of time down here. Well I guess John spent more time here than I did." Mistress chuckled with her last statement. Slave had heard of John before and always assumed he was her husband, but now she was beginning to wonder if their relationship wasn't more dominant than that. "Now it's your turn to have some fun." Mistress's tone seemed ominous. They had reached the bottom of the stairs after what Slave estimated to be two stories of stone steps, putting them three stories underground. Slave had struggled to keep up with the tug of the leash as she stepped carefully down the stairs in her tall heels, but Mistress had no trouble going down the stairs in her even taller boots.
Slave was relieved when they finally reached the bottom of the stairs but did not look forward to walking back up. On the other side of a small landing was a heavy wooden door which Mistress swung open. The door groaned on its hinges as it swung, revealing the bars of another steel cage door behind it. Mistress swung it out of the way as well, before tugging on the leash to get slave to follow her through.
Slave stood still for a moment. The room scared her and she wasn't sure she wanted to enter. After a moment Mistress turned around.
"Look slave I'm doing this for you. If you don't want out of the belt we can go back upstairs and discuss this again in 90 days, but if you want out you better follow."
Slave knew that mistress wouldn't harm her and she really wanted the belt off so she made up her mind and followed Mistress into the dark room. A dim light bulb shone overhead, illuminating a table and frame in the middle of the room.
"Get up on the table and bend over the bar." Slave could see that there was a T shaped protrusion on the table, near the centre. She carefully climbed onto the table and found that when she kneeled over the bar with it against her upper thighs her knees fell into padded depressions. The bar was padded as well, so it was a fairly comfortable position to be in. Mistress had moved past the table and was organizing a cabinet before she turned back to slave and instructed her to put her arms in similar padded depressions. Mistress then took the end of slave's leash and clipped it to something down the table, holding slave's head down. Slave could hear mistress working behind her, and then she felt something padded push down on the back of her left ankle, and then her right, just above the top of her shoes. Reflexively she shook her legs, but slave found that both of them had been securely fastened to the table.
Slave was somewhat worried by this. It had been a while since Mistress had restrained her using anything other than her chastity belt and collar. Now Mistress was restraining her hands in the same way as her legs, with her forearms flat against the table. Another set of restraints went over her arms and legs next to her elbows and knees respectively, preventing her from lifting off the table at all. She could feel what she thought were buttons under her fingers as well, and they clicked up and down when she pressed them. As Mistress wrapped a thick metal band around slave's corseted waist she began to speak aloud.
"Don't think that just because the belt is coming off you are going to be able to touch yourself slave."
Slave was disappointed, she had been waiting all day to be able to run her fingers across her slit and rub her clit. Now Mistress was promising to remove the belt but not let her touch herself. She certainly hoped she would still be able to get off at some point. Mistress continued talking as she worked, and slave could feel the metal band around her corset become rigid as it was attached to the table with a solid pole.
"Last time I let you out I was somewhat disappointed with how you simply let go. Very unlike I had trained you to savor each and every chance you get to cum."
Slave was disappointed that she had failed Mistress and knew there would be punishment.
"I also regretted not taking the opportunity to have a little fun with you, since these times don't come often anymore. Now, would you like me to gag you this time?"
"Yes Mistress." Slave remembered how mistress had punished her for her screaming the last time the belt had come off. Unsure of what was to come next, she didn't want to risk it again.
"Good. I'm glad you realize your mistake last time," said mistress as she pulled out a web of leather straps with a black protrusion attached to a curved piece of thick leather. Slave had never seen this gag before, since Mistress usually punished her with a ring gag or a basic ball gag. The web of straps extended below her chin, around her mouth, over her face and between her eyes with a split for her nose and even across her forehead. The leather covered her mouth and chin, and she could feel the rubber between her lips. It wasn't very big, but T shaped with a small ball on each end. Mistress turned around and came back with a short piece of hose. Connecting it to the front of the gag she let it dangle loosely. Slave could see another rubber bulb on the end of the hose.
As slave watched the hose dangle above the table below her she could feel mistress working under her, and then with a click the padlock of her chastity belt was unlocked. She felt the waistband spring open, and then it was gone. The cool air of the basement dungeon tickled, but to slave it didn't matter that the belt was gone since she couldn't touch herself either way. Wiggling her ass in the air she stopped abruptly when she felt something cold and wet land on her anus. She could feel Mistress's gloved finger spread whatever was on it around before it gently slipped into slave's asshole.
Ever since she had been a slave, her asshole had always been a one-way orifice. Now two of Mistress's fingers were probing around, stretching her sphincter in different ways. Finally she pulled them out, but slave felt something else at her rear hole. It felt like a cold metal ball, and she could feel the increasing pressure being applied until her sphincter slowly began to open around the intruder. Having not experienced unwanted anal penetration this was a shock to slave, and she groaned as the ball finally slipped in, leaving her anus to try and clamp down on the smooth steel shaft the ball was attached to.
Slave could see a glimpse of the rubber glove Mistress had been wearing as it fell to the floor. The ball in her anus continued to shift as Mistress worked, and she felt it slide further in until the metal rod touched the outside of her anus. She felt another cold touch of metal further up her spine, and then slave realized what it was. Mistress had attached her to an anal hook, but slave was unsure what she would attach it to. Her question was answered when she felt something on top of her head, and then a clicking noise. Eventually, with the slack taken up slave could feel each click pull against her anus and tilt her head further back, with the gag's leather strap tight over her forehead. Mistress stopped tightening when slave's head was tilted up slightly, so she was looking at the floor a few feet in front of the table.
Mistress then stepped away again, leaving slave to test her bounds. If she tried to tilt her head down, the hook pulled tight against her ass and she could feel the ball wiggle inside her. If she tried to keep her head up her neck began to hurt in moments.
"Ok, Slave." Mistress had reappeared in front of her. "Let me explain how this works. My friend here," said Mistress as she held a large dildo in front of Slave "will be attached to my fucking machine, which will pleasure you as much as you want. You can stop it anytime, but the catch is that when you do that's it for your release. So you can have as many orgasms as you please, but once it's over that's it until next time. Do you understand?"
"Ess Msstres" said slave around her gag.
"Well then let's get started." Slave watched mistress reach down and squeeze the bulb hanging from her gag repeatedly. With each squeeze the gag inflated, opening her jaw and pressing her cheeks. Finally slave whimpered. Mistress stopped inflating the gag and turned around. "Well before I forget." Mistress picked up a blindfold, tying it over slave's eyes. "You can stop it by pressing both of the buttons below your fingers at the same time." Slave could feel mistress pump the gag up more, but couldn't see how many it was now. "Oh, and one more thing." Slave tried to pull away to no avail as the sharp clamps bit down on her nipples. The attached weights swung freely under her, accentuating any movements she made.
Sitting trapped in darkness slave could hear mistress working behind her. A few minutes later she could feel the tip of the dildo press against the soft flesh of her labia, the first contact anything had made with her nether region in three months. She waited and waited for the mysterious fucking machine to start, and then finally it did. Slowly at first, she felt the large, lubricated dildo slide into her, going and going deeper until it finally stopped. Then it retracted slowly until it stopped in the same place, just touching her lips. The motion repeated a few more times as a chill ran up slave's spine. She tried to shake her bottom, but it simply caused her nipple weights to bounce and sway, and for her skirt to slide around where mistress had flipped it up over her back.
Just as the machine started moving faster and faster, slave felt a pressure around her ears and silence come over her as a pair of earmuffs was added. Her passion built quickly, and suddenly slave came. With the waves of bliss crashing over her, the machine did not stop. The pounding continued relentlessly, and even felt like it was slowing and speeding up at times. Indeed it was, and sometimes the machine would slow just as slave was about to cum, prolonging the experience. Other times the random machine would start slowly, then take her with all of its force. The relentless fucking machine extracted orgasm after orgasm from slave, who was unable to resist its advances. Screaming into her gag, mistress watched from a chair on the other side of the room as slave's body, glistening with sweat, shook with the force of another orgasm and slave let a deep moan past her gag.
Slave was tired, and each orgasm sapped more of her energy, but she couldn't bring herself to press the buttons. The thought of the belt being wrapped around her again was something she dreaded, and she was determined to ride the fucking machine for as long as possible. After what must have been her twentieth time cumming, she began to cry. It was no longer fun or sexually pleasing like the last time she had been set loose, but rather torturous and repetitive. Her tears collected in her blindfold, and she heard nothing but the distant whine of the powerful electric motor slamming the dildo in and out of her cunt.
Slave felt like she could take no more, and her hand pressed down on the left button. She could feel the other button under her right hand. One touch would bring the machine to a stop, but Slave refused. She had thought that anything would be better than her belt, but the machine was doing its best to prove her wrong. It ramped up the power, and after a few moments extracted another orgasm from her. Slave couldn't take any more. Her fingers alternated between the buttons, pressing down one then the other. They were trembling, and finally she could take it no more. Her fingers landed on the buttons, and she heard the electric motor shutoff.
Slave was drained physically and emotionally. The dildo coasted to a stop in the extended position, completely filling slave's little used sex. She could feel it deep inside her raw pussy, and slave knew it would be the last time for a while.
Slave had little choice but to remain in position with the dildo deep inside her cunt. After watching the first orgasm cause slave's body to shudder, Mistress had left the room. Even she would admit the sight of her slave being fucked senseless made her want to be in slave's place. Slave wiggled her butt, causing the dildo to shake on its arm. With the in front of her under her thighs she couldn't move forwards odd the dildo, but if she tried she could move back almost an inch deeper onto it before the waist belt stopped her. Rocking back on forth she drove the dildo deeper into her with each thrust, but it wasn't enough. She had no idea how long she had been fucked for, or how long it had been since the machine stopped. Suddenly she felt the earmuffs being pulled off.
"Let me get your belt ready again slave."
Slave began to cry again, her whimpers filling the room. She started repeating the word "no," over and over again between her sobs, muffled through her gag.
"Do you not want the belt back on? That was our deal slave. Once the machine stops the belt goes back on. You must have been on there for a while, I know you are quite the little cock whore. Maybe we can work something out."
Slave felt the strap between her head harness and her anal plug pull tighter and tighter, digging the plug deeper and pulling her head back until it was almost vertical.
"If your performance is worth it, I may offer you some leniency slave."
Slave could smell the scent of her mistress's sex, she was obviously close. The smell mixed with the scent of her leather bodice, and then suddenly she could feel it pressing on her nose. A moment later the gag was deflated and disconnected from its harness. Slave stuck her tongue out and found her Mistress's cunt in front of her face and immediately went to work. She didn't know what Mistress would offer her but whatever it was it had to be better than the belt. Pulling together all the energy she had left she went to work, sucking, probing and licking in all the ways she knew would get a result from Mistress. In turn Mistress pressed closer, forcing herself tight against slave's blindfolded face. Slave could feel the pressure and worked hard until Mistress stepped back, the signal that she had reached her own climax.
"Very good slave. I do feel that you deserve one last reward before the belt goes back on. How about one more?"
Slave heard the electric motor restart, and slowly, excruciatingly slowly the dildo pulled out of her and then slid back in. Soon it was met by the feel of a vibrator against her clit, and then mistress's fingers rubbing along with it. It was the first time Mistress had ever pleasured slave and it came unexpectedly. Slave's sexual tension built slower under the skilful hand of her Mistress, she had never felt this close to her before, until a coursing pain arced across her nipples.
"Not so fast there." Mistress had used her love of electricity to shock the nipple clamps, but slave was still close to the edge. As she built and built the last little bit, she came, the waves of pleasure mixing with the love for her Mistress and her lack of energy. As she came, Mistress suddenly yanked off the nipple clamps, causing slave to faint.
When slave opened her eyes she was staring at the ceiling of the play room. Her gag had been reinflated, but worst of all she could feel the metal of her chastity belt wrapped around her again and the heavy padlock laying on her stomach. The belt felt unusual however, and it took slave a moment to figure out what was different. There was something in her cunt, a shaft of some sort. Under the belt she had no way of removing it, and her hands could not detect any change externally.
"I see you are back slave."
Slave looked up to see her Mistress's legs and pussy standing over her.
"I was pleased with your performance both today and over the past ninety days, and I know how much of a cock whore you are, so I hope this will keep you even more motivated. Now with every step you take the same dildo that was ramming you earlier will shift inside of you, a reminder of your next reward."
Slave shifted again. She could feel the rubber phallus slide around inside of her. She was aroused, but completely unable to get off with the belt trapping the artificial dick in her.
"But that doesn't mean I was entirely pleased with you today slave."
Slave's heart sank. She had a bead feeling about what was to come.
"You whined and pleaded when I turned the machine off, and you knew the deal. You convinced me to pleasure you one more time, spoke without me asking and failed to address me as mistress as you whimpered. I simply won't tolerate that."
Slave looked down as mistress slipped off her shoes and slid two metal rings up her legs. To slave they looked like her collar, but there chains attached to both sides. When the rings became tight against her thighs, about halfway between her knees and the belt, Mistress used two large padlocks to secure the chain to the sides of her chastity belt. Another large padlock secured the two rings together between her thighs, preventing her from spreading them more than an inch or two.
"I know how you spread your legs like the cock whore you are when you are in bed. Just because you were unsuccessful at getting off doesn't mean you should go unpunished. I think you will find these more than suitable for keeping your hands away from that dildo inside of you."
Slave whimpered at the thought of being unable to spread her legs. Mistress had seen her and was disappointed, and slave was disappointed in herself for even trying. The belt had withstood her advances in bed, and she hadn't even come close to touching herself. Now she was stuck in more metal, with more padlocks announcing her captivity.
Mistress started to remove slave's gag. "Oh, and since this deal motivated you so well over the past ninety days, and I have been so kind as to reward you with that dildo, I think it's time to reevaluate. The next time the belt will come off will be in 180 days. Now put your shoes back on and come upstairs." Pausing, Mistress looked at Slave. "Oh, and what do you say?"
Slave stood up and slipped back into her towering black shoes. The bands around her thighs made it impossible for her to step more than an inch or two at a time, but each time she moved the dildo shifted uncomfortably, reminding her of what she had just experienced. Now both of the devices would be on her for six months, making it a full year since Mistress had first installed the belt. She wondered what would happen next time the belt came off. If she worked hard, mistress would think the added torments were motivating her and add more, if she failed Mistress would punish her with something even more diabolical. Either way, there was only one thing she could say.
"Slave thanks Mistress very much, Mistress."