Author's Note: This is the first story of a fantasy series staring barbarian adventuress Karyn Strongblood. It features damsel in distress situations in an all-woman fantasy land of Sapphira, and if people like it I will post more of them.
Karyn Strongblood groaned as she awoke, her head thumping like a barroom brawl. That she was waking up with a headache in a unfamiliar place was nothing new for the famous barbarian adventurer, but her current condition was something she would ever profess to happening to her in public. She was laying on a stone floor, and she could make out the shapes of barrels and sacks about her, as well as what seemed to be a stairway heading up. Her muscular limbs felt stiff and uncooperative, her mouth dry and full. It did not take much use of her still fuzzy mind to realize she was securely bound and gagged.
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Karyn groaned again, but this time more out of embarrassment than waking discomfort. She took a moment to take stock of her situation. Sturdy ropes had been used to bind her hands behind her back, with more rope tightly wrapped around her upper body, her knees and ankles, and they had been tied by someone who knew what they were doing, and would take more than her impressive strength to break free of them. A wadded up rag had been stuffed into her mouth, and was securely bound in place with a wide band of cloth that covered her lips and prevented her from dislodging her gag.
Karyn thought back, trying to figure out how she had ended up in this predicament. She had been traveling from the Queendom's capital to the frontier city of Virago, where she had hoped to find work befitting someone of her stature. Standing at just over six-foot tall and with thickly muscled limbs, Karyn cut an impressive and intimidating figure, and had cultivated a reputation to match. She was a handsome woman, with closely cropped dark red hair and sapphire-blue eyes. Karyn was dressed in a sleeveless leather vest that was laced together across her expansive bust and had the collar turned up to fan her neck. Studded leather gauntlets adorned both of her thick forearms, and she wore hide pants and sturdy fur boots. She carried no weapons, preferring to fight hand to hand, but was skilled enough that if the need called for it, she could take up any weapon needed to fulfill her missions.
During her long journey, Karyn had decided to stop off at a roadside tavern for the night. It had been an unassuming place, but the serving wenches were comely enough and the dwarven woman behind the bar had an honest face. Karyn had ordered a room for the night, and shortly she had been served dinner up in her room by a pretty young elven lass who had caught the adventurer's eye from the moment she had entered the tavern. The elven girl introduced herself as Kaimela and was very attentive to Karyn's wants and needs, indicating subtly that something more intimate would be seen to once the meal was finished. Karyn had been barely able to hide her own desire, as Kaimela's slender frame and short, unruly red hair appealed to Karyn's personal tastes greatly. However intimacy had not meant to be, as a great tiredness had overcome Karyn, and her next thought was waking up in her current predicament.
So, Karyn thought bitterly to herself, she had been drugged and roped up by the pretty Kaimela. In a way, it was typical of her life. She had always been a victim to a pretty face, a flaw she strived to overcome but could only build up enough resistance until the next beautiful woman came her way. But that was not her immediate problem. She looked around the room she was being held in, her eyes straining in the gloom, searching for anything that would aid in freeing her. She spotted a clay jug on a shelf, which could be shattered to provide shards to cut the rope, and a couple of the crates stored in the room had nails she could probably work free. But as she was deciding which of these methods to utilize, the door at the top of the stairs opened and her captor walked in.
Kaimela was no longer dressed as a serving wench, but now in an outfit more appropriate for her true nature. The pretty rogue was dressed entirely in dark clothing, from the snug-fitting jacket she wore to her aptly named tights. Dark leather gloves and matching knee-high boots completed her uniform, and she cared a slender dagger by the blade in her right hand, playfully juggling it between her dexterous fingers. She smirked as she descended the stairs, her dark eyes admiring Karyn's bound form.
"Sleep well?" she asked, chuckling to herself as Karyn let out a stream of insults from behind her tightly-gagged mouth.
"Sorry about the conditions," Kamela continued as she crouched down beside her prison. "This was all a bit improvised I'm afraid. I was working on another job when the great Karyn Strongblood walked into the tavern, and it was just too greater temptation to resist. A certain gang of thieves and cut throats have posted a big reward for your capture. Something about you ruining their plans or something equally uninteresting. They call themselves the Ghost Ravens. Heard of them?"
Karyn snarled behind her gag. She had heard of them, from a previous adventure where she had been hired to rescue Queen Bethany's daughter from a group of ambitious separatists. She had rescued Princess Lisbeth and captured their leader Raven, who was now imprisoned in the dungeons beneath the Queen's castle. That her comrades would be seeking revenge was to be expected, but it galled Karyn that she had been brought down by an opportunistic bounty hunter rather than a legion of bandits armed with a dastardly scheme.
"Now I have a proposal for you," Kaimela said, a wistful look in her eyes. "Now the reputation I will earn for capturing you is worth more to me than their reward, and the job is to turn you over to the rebels." Kaimela raised a knowing finger. "Nothing has been said about keeping you captive once you are out of my custody."
Karyn twisted herself up into a sitting position, wondering what the pretty rogue was cooking up.
"What if I was to arrange for you to free yourself once you were in their custody," Kaimela continued. "That way, I get both a boost to my reputation and a nice little booty for my troubles, and you get to save face from such an embarrassing capture by taking down a traitorous group of rebels, of which there will also be a notable reward for. I would also like to take a percentage of that fee, but judging by the murderous look in your eyes that may be too much to ask."
Kaimela sheathed her dagger and reached over to Karyn, pulling down the strip of cloth that held in her gag. Karyn spat out the wadded rag, flexing her jaw now that she had the full use of her mouth once again.
"You are insane!" Karyn growled, her face flushing red with anger. "Do you really believe I'd help you after doing this to me?"
"Why not?" Kaimela responded calmly, her expression barely hiding her amusement at the barbarian's impotent rage. "Everyone wins this way, except the rebels of course. I understand that you feel embarrassed by being kidnapped so easily, but one must make the most of any situation. Would you rather I just turn you over? I know you are meant to be good but even you would not stand a chance."
Karyn fumed, but she had to admit the alternatives did not appeal. Kaimela had her trapped, and the pretty elven rogue knew it. While there was still the possibility she could free herself without Kaimela's intervention, her chances of doing so and subduing her captor before the Ghost Ravens arrived would be slim, and then her problems would be a lot worse. Reluctantly, she knew she had to agree to Kaimela's insane plan.
"Okay, you win," Karyn growled. "I'll go along with this plan of yours. How do you propose to have this play out?"
Kaimela clapped her hands together in victory as she sat cross-legged before her muscle-bound captive and laid out the plan, which was simple but effective. In the morning, Kaimela was to take Karyn to a rendezvous point where she was to meet representatives of the Ghost Ravens. During the handover, Kaimela would slip a small blade to Karyn, which she could use to cut her ropes. The elven rogue would then follow the rebels from a safe distance, and provide assistance if Karyn required it. Karyn was not fond of the plan, but had to admit it could work, providing she was not given an impossible amount of rebels to fight through.
Once it was a done deal, Kaimela gathered up the discarded rag and moved it back towards Karyn's mouth.
"You cannot be serious!" Karyn protested, jerking her head away from the wadded cloth in Kaimela' hand.
"Look, this has to be convincing," Kaimela argued back, sounding far too reasonable for a morally dubious kidnapper. "I've paid off the bartender and her staff to keep you down here, and if word gets out to the Ghost Raven's that this might be a ruse, we're both in for it."
"I don't see how that has anything to do with having a mouthful of wash rag!" Karyn snarled, seriously doubting the wisdom of agreeing to Kaimela's plan. The elven rogue stood fast though, holding up the cloth and giving what no doubt passed as a stern look for her. Annoyed, Karyn knew she was not winning any arguments while she was still trussed up, so allowed herself to be gagged once again.
"See, that's not to bad," Kaimela cooed, patting her captive on the cheek, despite Karyn's glared. "Besides," she said with a grin as she stood up, "the gag rather suits you."
The elven rogue then deftly jumped away as the infuriated Karyn tried to kick at her with her bound feet. Kaimela was nimble enough to duck around give Karyn a quick kiss on the cheek before bounding up the stairs, giggling as she went. She topped at the top long enough to give Karyn a quick saluted, and said, "See you in the morning!" before disappearing through the door and locking it behind her.
Karyn squealed in frustration, but now she had to call upon her patience to wait the night out. Getting herself as comfortable as possible, she closed her eyes and did her best to sleep.
The next morning, Karyn was awoken just before dawn by an eager and chipper Kaimela who, much to the bound barbarian's disgust, seemed to have had a good night's rest. The elven rogue reiterated their plan and ensured she still had Karyn's co-operation before untying her legs and ankles and helping her to her feet. Having bribed the tavern staff to be elsewhere, Kaimela had no trouble escorting Karyn out to the stables where their horses awaited, and whistled a happy tune as she worked. This of course only grated on Karyn's nerves even more, which admittedly seemed to be the plan.
It was a short time later and they were off riding towards the rendezvous point, with Kaimela leading Karyn's horse as best she could, having discovered that the beast was as stubborn and uncooperative as her owner. It was the only amusement Karyn was able to take from their journey, but she was happy for it. The sooner more things went her way the better.
The Ghost Ravens were waiting for them once they arrived, seven in total, and Karyn was unsurprised to find them a motley group of scoundrels and bandits. Their leader was a short, stout woman of a sour disposition who introduced herself as Helga. She was dressed in a long high-collared coat that she wore over a worn leather cuirass, and her dark hair was tied back in a severe braid that did her battle-harden face no favours. She spat as Kaimela dismounted, gently tapping the end of the mace she carried against her open palm. She seemed genuinely surprised to see that Kaimela had the bound and gagged Karyn in tow, but there was something about the grin that followed that made Karyn nervous.
"By the Goddess," Helga said, stepping forward to inspect the bound woman as Kaimela helped Karyn off of her horse. "I cannot believe a dainty thing such as yourself actually managed to capture the great Karyn Strongblood! When your message arrived, I could not believe it possible."
"Well," Kaimela said with no modesty whatsoever, "you will find I am a woman of many talents, and this deed is no doubt just the first on a path to glorious infamy."
"And you," Helga said, grabbing Karyn by the jaw. "We still need to decide what to do with you. Half want to ransom you for Raven's release, others just want to make a more permanent example out of you."
Karyn jerked away from Helga's grasp and let out a low growl from behind her gag.
"And still so much fight in her, despite being trussed up like a holiday turkey!" Helga gloated. "You have done well, young Kaimela. Very well. We will take possession of your prize now."
Kaimela grabbed Karyn by the arm and pulled her muscular captive close. "Not yet," she replied with a smile, but there was an edge to her words. "We have a deal, remember. I'd like to see well-earned payment before handing over my well-earned prize."
"Fair's fair," Helga said with a snort, and signaled to her one of her troops, who came forward with a large bag laden with gold coins. You'll find it is the agreed upon amount as stated in our bounty, but please count it to be sure."
Kaimela's eyes lit up, and Karyn was sure the elven rogue was going to forget to slip her the blade as she stared eagerly at the bounty. But true to her word, Kaimela deftly slipped the blade into Karyn's hand as she handed her over to Helga, who was more fixated on Kaimela's greedy expression to notice her sleight-of-hand. The rogue knelt before the gold, rubbing her hands together, but as her focus was her loot she failed to notice the bandit who had carried the bag slip a leather sap out from behind her back. However, she certainly felt it when the sap connected with the back of her head, dropping her to the ground, unconscious.
Karyn let out a surprised grunt from behind her gag, which only provoked laughter from Helga. "The stupid little girl," she gloated as she handed Karyn over to her followers so she could inspect the dozing Kaimela. "She thought she was so smart. Tie her up, girls. An enterprising rogue like this must have a bounty on her head somewhere."
The other members of the Ghost Ravens laughed along with their leader, and two stepped forward to disarm and secure their newest captive. The first quickly lash Kaimela's hands behind her back with strong cord, looping crossways around her wrists, while the second tied her ankles and feet together. Finally, a knotted cloth was bound tightly between Kaimela's lips, ensuring her silence once she regained consciousness. Once she was adequately restrained, her slender form was draped over the back of her own horse.
The Ghost Ravens escorted their newly acquired captives back to their camp, which was located a short ride from the meeting site. The rebels were all in a mood to celebrate after their successful doublecross, and Helga ordered that their best ale be brought out. As the revelry began in amongst her comrades, Helga personally took the captives to their new accommodation, carrying Kaimela over her broad shoulder while gripping onto one of Karyn's massive arms with her free hand. She thrust them both into a large tent, forcing Karyn to her knees before binding her ankles.
"Now you two enjoy your stay," Helga said in a mocking tone. "We'll deal with you tomorrow." She then ordered a pair of her women to guard the tent, heading off to join the rest in their celebrations.
Karyn glared as Helga left, pledging to herself to knock the cockiness out of the Ghost Ravens leader before the night was through. Using the small blade Kaimela had slipped her, she slowly began working at the ropes that bound her. She was in no hurry to free herself, as the longer the rebels partied, the more advantageous it was for her. She threw a glance to Kaimela, who was beginning to come around from the blow that had felled her. Serves you right, Karyn thought bitterly, and debated if she should free the elven rogue. With Ghost Ravens inebriated, Karyn was sure her superior strength and combat skills would win the day despite their greater numbers. But then again, Karyn had to admit that Kaimela was the reason she would soon be free to take out the rebels. And once again there was that pretty face flaw. Letting out a reluctant sigh from behind her gag, Karyn began working on her bindings with the blade, formulating a strategy while she did so.
It took a little over an hour for Karyn to cut through the rope. From outside, the sounds of off-key singing was getting louder, and the words more slurred, pleasing Karyn. With her hands free, she quickly shucked off the ropes that were wrapped around her upper body and untied her feet. She left her gag to last, just in case she was interrupted during her escape and had to quickly feign still being bound, but felt a certain satisfaction when she pulled the strip of cloth from her mouth and spat out the moist rag it had held in place.
She stood up slowly and stretched her limbs, which had grown stiff during her captivity, then knelt down besides Kaimela, who now looked pleadingly at her former prisoner.
"Now, I'm going to need your help in fighting this lot," Karyn whispered, trying to sound threatening. "Now if I free you, I need your word you are not going to try and doublecross me. Otherwise, I'll just leave you here and collect the reward on the rebels and you. Understand?"
Kaimela nodded, and rolled onto her side to offer her bound hands to Karyn. Hesitating for a moment, Karyn once again weighed the wisdom of free the rogue, then shook her head and cut Kaimela free. Once free, Kaimela reach for the knotted cloth that gagged her, but Karyn stopped her.
"Leave it on for the moment," Karyn said, then allowed a cheeky grin. "Besides, the gag rather suits you."
Kaimela made a face, but obeyed. Karyn explained her plan, then tied the cloth back around her own mouth, hiding the ropes before holding her hands behind her back. On her signal, both her and Kaimela began letting out muffled yells and kicked their legs against the ground, luring in one of the guardswomen from outside their tent.
"Oi, quite you two," she hissed, taking out a sap and threatening Karyn with it. But before she could strike, Karyn quickly reached out and grabbed her arms as Kaimela pounced upon her back and clapped her hand over the guardswoman's mouth, stifling her cry of surprise. A quick headbutt from Karyn knocked the woman out cold, allowing the pair to use the rope that once restrained them to hogtie and gag the unconscious rebel.
Moving with a softness of foot that belied her massive form, Karyn crept up to the opening in the tent and peered out. The second guardswoman stood at her post, looking bored and disappointed. Casting a glance around to ensure nobody was paying attention, Karyn tightly clamped her strong hand over the woman's mouth and dragged her back into the tent, where she soon joined her companion in captivity.
"That leaves five more," Karyn said, spying out the entrance of the tent at the revelry outside. "Including that bitch Helga. Think you could sneak around behind the camp and take out a couple on the fringes?"
Kaimela gave cocky smirk and picked up the sap she had procured from the captive guardswoman. "You need to ask?"
"I'm not rescuing you again," Karyn warned, but she could not hide the smile from her own face. With that, Kaimela blew her a kiss and then skilfully rolled out under the back of the tent. Karyn shook her head and readied herself. With their currently state of drunkenness, she doubted the other rebels would not notice their companions missing, but she knew she would not be able to leave it forever. Deciding she had given Kaimela enough time to get into position, Karyn burst from the tent.
So intoxicated were the Ghost Ravens that they did not even notice Karyn charge until she slammed her shoulder into the back of the nearest rebel, knocking her senseless. At the same time, Kaimela pounced from behind another tent and bashed her sap across the back of another woman's head, bringing the number of enemy down to three.
Helga let out a cry of rage, shaking off the effect of the ale before drawing her mace and rushing towards Karyn. The bigger woman was prepared for this, and quickly stepped out of the way, spinning around to slam her elbow into the back of Helga's head. As she fell to the ground, dazed, Karyn was set upon by the last two rebels, who swung wildly at her with their fists. She fended off their attacks with ease, felling one with a powerful kick to the gut and the other with a well place punch to the jaw. It had gone almost to well.
"Look out!" Kaimela suddenly called out from across the camp, and Karyn barely was able to get out of the way of Helga's mace as it swung through the space her head previously occupied. Helga spat insults as she tried again and again to hit Karyn with her weapon, but Karyn had the advantage of being sober. She waited until Helga gave a big overhanded strike, which set the White Raven leader off balance, then came around behind her and wrapped her head in a sleeper hold. Helga grunted and groaned as Karyn's big arms pressed down on her skull, cutting off the oxygen to her brain. She feebly struck out, the strength draining from her body, and soon she was asleep.
With Kaimela's help, Karyn gathered up the defeated rebels, tying them all back to back, save for Helga, who Karyn decided to hogtie for extra humiliation. Using strips of cloth torn from the sides of one of the tents, the pair gagged and blindfolded their prisoners, ensuring they would not offer up any more resistance. With that work done, it was time to settle up between Karyn and the pretty elven rogue.
"I suppose you earned this," Karyn said, handing over the bag of gold Kaimela. "Do not see this as any sort of forgiveness for your actions. But we did have deal."
Kaimela smiled and eagerly accepted the money. "I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances," she said, packing the gold away into a travel pack. "I think we would have made a great team. The daring rogue and her handsome barbarian!"
"No way" Karyn said, shaking her head but unable to suppress her smile. "If I ever see you again, it will be too soon. Take your gold and get on your way, before I change my mind."
"It's been fun," Kaimela said, then swung her arms around Karyn's neck and planted a big kiss onto the muscular woman's lips. Karyn went to protest at first, but soon found herself returning the kiss. It was then she felt the needle prick her neck.
"Oh you dirty little..." she managed before collapsing, Kaimela's drugged dart working quickly. Once again, it was the pretty face that did her in
"Sorry," Kaimela whispered to her, kissing her gently on the lips again. "I just couldn't resist. Sweet dreams, my handsome barbarian..."
When Karyn came too, Kaimela was nowhere to be found. Thankfully the prisoners were still bound and gagged where she had left them, but there was now a note pinned to Helga's coat. Karyn grumbled to herself and took the note, reading it aloud.
"Dearest Karyn," it said, "I am sorry to once again show you my devious side but as I said, the reputation I will gain from capturing you is worth more than the gold the Ghost Ravens offered me, and I could not risk that reputation with reports I aided you. I hope you understand and can forgive me, and I sincerely hope we encounter each other again. Signed, the girl who got the better of you. PS. Twice."
Karyn tried to remain angry but found herself more than impressed by the elven rogue's audacity. Shaking her head, Karyn grinned to herself as she prepared her prisoners to move out. Despite her earlier words, Karyn now hoped she would run into Kaimela again, and not just to even the score with her. Despite everything, Karyn was still a sucker for a pretty face, and she vowed to see Kaimela's again some soon.