Author's Note: I hope you like the story. I've only just developed an interest in writing such stories, so I'm a novice. I'd really like people to give me feedback and tell me what they think. Constructive criticism is welcome.
Alice closed the door behind her, hung her coat on the coat peg in the hall and then walked through into the lounge where she sank into the sofa and kicked off her shoes. At last, the working week was over and she could relax for the weekend. She enjoyed her work as a freelance business consultant, but it was always nice to get to Friday evening and the prospect of a weekend off.
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It was less than a year since Alice had got divorced from her former husband John. John was a businessman who often went away on 'business trips'. He also often came home quite late in the evening because of meetings outside of normal office hours. However, Alice had discovered that he was having a relationship with another woman and that some of the business trips and evening meetings were in fact John's way of having an alibi for his activities.
When she had confronted John, he had admitted what he had been doing, but hadn't made any attempt to apologise to her. Alice felt that John no longer had the loyalty and commitment to her that a successful marriage required, and she asked for a divorce. The divorce had been finalised some 10 months earlier. Luckily, they had no children so it was quite easy to achieve a complete separation. Now she rarely ever spoke to John on the telephone let alone saw him face-to-face.
At 32 Alice was still in pretty good shape. She enjoyed going to the local sports centre where she was a member and her regular visits helped her to keep in trim. Now single again, she wasn't currently in a relationship. John's betrayal of her now made her feel that it was going to be difficult to trust a man again. Although she enjoyed sex, and missed the sexual side of marriage she didn't feel ready yet to enter into a new relationship with another man.
John had been a very successful businessman and her share of the divorce settlement had been a substantial sum of money. Together with the income from her own job she was actually quite comfortably off. She had decided to invest part of the money from the divorce settlement in a remote country cottage. She regarded it as an investment. No doubt when she sold it again the sale price would be even higher than what she had paid for it. The renovation was nearly complete as just a few finishing touches remained outstanding.
Alice's plan was to hire out the cottage for weekends and holiday lets, and to use it herself as a country retreat whenever it had not been rented out to a customer. She had not yet begun renting it out. She wasn't in a hurry and she didn't really need the income, and she quite looked forward to using the cottage herself for the time being.
Attached to the cottage was a fairly large outbuilding or barn. Originally the cottage and the barn had been part of a smallholding. However, the smallholding had been a failure financially, and when it folded the land it occupied had been bought by a neighbouring farmer and Alice had bought the cottage and the adjacent barn. She had notions of using the barn for some kind of business venture but as yet that was very much at the ideas stage. For the time being the barn would be empty.
On Saturday morning, still in her pyjamas Alice reclined on the sofa enjoying a cup of coffee and reading the local newspaper. The doorbell rang and quickly pulling on a dressing down she hurried to the door to answer it. A courier had come to deliver a large parcel of goods that she had ordered. Taking the parcel she signed for it and hurriedly closed the door. Eagerly and with some anticipation she opened the parcel to examine its contents.
The parcel contained a large selection of 'bondage gear' that she had ordered over the Internet from a specialist company. The items in question were of good quality and very robustly made. This wasn't the first such parcel she had received. It probably wouldn't be the last. The cost of items she had bought so far was already considerable, but as she was financially comfortable and secure she could afford to indulge the fetish fantasies that recently had taken hold of her.
Perhaps because of the divorce and the lack of a current sexual partner, Alice had turned to the Internet. Whilst browsing porn she had discovered that she had a latex fetish. She had acquired a full body latex catsuit which included permanently attached boots, gloves, and hood. The catsuit was tailor-made to her own specifications, and when she struggled into it and zipped it up it fitted her like a second skin. When fully enclosed in her latex catsuit Alice looked at herself in the mirror and was very pleased with how utterly sexy she looked. "When I'm wearing this I'm the sexiest thing on the planet" she told herself. She might well have been right. The tight fitting latex clung faithfully to the contours of her trim and shapely body.
Alice had tried the catsuit on several times now. Each time she put it on she experienced a sense of erotic excitement. It was something to do with the sense of being totally enclosed, save only for the mouth hole and the eyeholes in the hood. On one occasion the string that she had threaded through the zip pull had slipped out and she'd had quite a struggle reaching behind her back to pull open the zip. In a curious way that struggle had only increased her sense of erotic excitement.
Alice had remembered seeing a reference on the Internet to 'self bondage'. Her experience of feeling almost trapped in her catsuit prompted her to look for more material on the subject. As she browsed stories and watched porn videos depicting self bondage she felt a real thrill and excitement. She was fascinated, and her fascination soon became an erotic obsession, a powerful fetish. Her fetish combined the eroticism of being enclosed in latex with the excitement of self bondage.
This latest consignment of bondage gear having arrived meant that she now had all of the items she needed to begin experimenting. She was aware that what she planned to do involved a significant element of risk. However, she told herself that as long as she was careful and as long as she planned meticulously the risks could be eliminated.
One advantage of being a freelance and of having no financial pressures, was that if she wanted to take time off from her work she could easily do so. She'd arranged that after this next week's work, she had a period of some six weeks during which she had no work commitments. She told friends and associates that she was going away on a retreat to recharge her batteries, and that they wouldn't be able to contact her for a few weeks. Actually, she planned to go to the cottage where she could find the privacy that she wanted. She would also be able to use the barn as her 'secret playground'. Her retreat was actually going to be a fetish-fest. She was going to fully indulge her fetish obsession. She would be in heaven.
During the coming week, Alice spent her evenings trying out various items of the bondage gear. She wanted to make sure that it all worked, and that it all fitted her correctly. Although she wanted to create the feeling of being totally trapped and helpless, she wanted to make sure that once her bondage experience had finished its allotted time span she would be able to extricate herself. She paid particular attention to the handcuffs. She realised that if she couldn't get out of them once she put them on, she'd be in serious trouble. It would be disaster.
She cautiously tried putting the cuffs on and then releasing herself with the key. After several trial runs she was satisfied that as long as she had the key, she could release herself from the handcuffs. The key would be securely fastened to a length of light chain, which would be frozen in a tub of water, and then hung securely above her during the bondage play. Once the ice had melted after several hours, the chain with the key securely on its end would drop down within reach so that she could undo her cuffs and release herself. A whole series of successful trial runs during that week confirmed that the chain and the key would drop down as desired.
The following Saturday Alice loaded her car and having done last checks closed and locked her front door. She'd cleared her fridge of perishables, expecting to be away for several weeks. A neighbour had offered to make sure that any mail left sticking out of the letterbox was pushed through. No one was expecting to see her or hear from her for several weeks to come.
The drive to the cottage took the best part of four hours. The cottage was in a very remote location and for the last hour or so of the journey she rarely saw another vehicle on the road. Finally, she came to the turning which would take her into the access road for the cottage. The turning was unmarked and anyone not local would probably not even realise that there was a cottage at the other end of the track.
The cottage and its adjacent barn were not overlooked by anyone. The next nearest property was a farmhouse some three miles away. The cottage and barn were screened by tall vegetation all around so that even from nearby no one could observe what was happening at the property. From Alice's point of view, it was perfect. It was the total isolation that she wanted. Parking the car Alice opened the door of the cottage and quickly turned off the burglar alarm. Being so isolated, the cottage needed a burglar alarm. The barn was also fitted with an alarm which was controlled from the house. She switched that off also.
Having unloaded the car and taken all her stuff into the cottage, Alice opened the door of the barn and drove her car inside parking it at the far end. Her purpose in doing so was so that anyone coming to the property wouldn't be alerted to her presence by the car. Anyone paying a cursory visit, e.g. the postman would receive the impression that the property was unoccupied, which of course was as she wished.
That night Alice went to bed in the cottage but had some difficulty in getting off to sleep. Her mind was focusing on what she was planning to do in the barn over the next few weeks. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep. The next morning she rose and had breakfast. Then she showered and whilst in the bathroom shaved her pussy and gave herself and anal douche to make sure that her rectum was empty.
Dressing in everyday clothes she went over to the barn to prepare the scene of her play session. The barn was equipped with an overhead electric hoist. A large hook hung from its end. She lowered the hook until it was within reach so that she could hang a loop of rope from it. During her play session, Alice in her catsuit and a suspension harness would be hoisted into the air on the end of the rope. The purpose in using rope was so that if there was a power failure, she could use an emergency rope cutter to cut herself down.
She had tried to think of everything that might go wrong. The intention was that her play session would be 'fail safe'. The rope cutter would hang on her harness so that if necessary, she could easily access it to cut herself down from the host. Spreading a clean table cover over a nearby bench, Alice laid out a selection of items that she intended to use during her play session. She then returned to the house.
In the bedroom Alice removed all her clothes and turned to the catsuit. She applied a generous quantity of water-based lubricant to its inner surface and began slipping into it. She knew from experience that once the lubricant dried the shiny inner surface of the catsuit would cling to her skin making removal rather more difficult than putting the thing on. Before slipping the integral hood over her head, she inserted a pair of earplugs. Once fully encased in her catsuit, she went to the kitchen where at the freezer she took out the tub of frozen water which contained the chain with the key securely attached to it. A length of chain with a large metal ring on its end protruded from the lump of ice.
Carrying the ice, she left the house setting the burglar alarm and locking the door behind her. She then went across to the barn and having entered she closed the doors and secured them from the inside. She was now locked inside her secret playground. Approaching the bench she put the keys to the cottage and the barn doors to one side. She hung the block of ice containing the chain and handcuffs key on the end of the large hook at the end of the hoist. She then went to a power socket on a nearby wall of the barn. Two transformers were already plugged in and she switched them both on. Cables from the two transformers trailed across the floor to items waiting on the bench.
Returning to the bench she picked up a large inflatable vibrating butt plug and pulling open a zip at her backside lubricated the butt plug and inserted it up her bum. She pumped the bulb so that the butt plug was well inflated and filled her rectum. She closed the zip as best she could taking care not to damage the cable that led from her butt plug to one of the transformers. Next she picked up a large shaped vibrator and unzipping a crotch section of the catsuit she pushed the lubricated toy up into her pussy. It filled her vagina and part of it, shaped for the purpose nestled against her clit. She closed the zip, again taking care not to damage the power cable or control cable for the vibrator.
Turning to the bench she next picked up a specially constructed suspension harness. Stepping into it she began securing the straps. Soon the straps were all fastened and she locked them using several small padlocks supplied for the purpose. The keys to those padlocks would be left on the bench. The rope cutter with which she could cut herself down if the power to the electric hoist failed, hung from her harness on a length of cord. Part of the harness passed under her crotch and her ass thereby ensuring that the butt plug and the vibrator couldn't come out of the holes that they were in.
Next she took a careful look around checking that everything was OK. Satisfied that things were in order, she reached for the length of polypropylene rope that was tied in a loop. She passed one end through a metal ring at the back of her harness and looping it through itself hung the other end over the large hook on the end of the hoist. Already on the hook was the ice containing the chain with the key securely attached. Stooping to reach between her legs she took hold of the controls for the butt plug and the vibrator in her pussy and turned them on selecting programmes that cycled through from gentle to intense.
Taking a loop of rope that was fashioned into a figure of eight she passed one loop over her left arm and then picking up the handcuffs closed one cuff over her left wrist. The toys in her pussy and her ass were already cranking up the vibrations, but she did her best to ignore them for the moment. She picked up a bondage hood and holding it in her left hand used her right hand to reach the control of the hoist that hung within reach. Her excitement was mounting as she realised that she would soon reach the point of no return. Pressing the button on the control she raised the hoist so that it took her several feet off the ground.
Alice reasoned that it didn't matter how far she hoisted herself up, as the chain with the key attached was also hanging from the hook of the hoist. It was now time to put on the hood. It had no eyeholes, just a breathing tube. Holding the front of the hood against her face she pushed the tube into her mouth. It was big enough and protruded far enough into her mouth that she would effectively be gagged. She closed the zip at the back of the hood so that it now fully enclosed her head. Taking the bulb which hung from a tube attached to the hood she began inflating. Soon the hood was fully inflated and inside it Alice's head was under pressure.
Alice could feel her heart thumping as her excitement mounted. The toys in her holes would soon make her cum. But also, she was excited by what she was about to do. With her arms behind her she passed her right arm through the other loop of the rope tie already on her left arm she wriggled and worked the tie up to above her elbows. Her upper arms were now pulled close to each other behind her back. Bringing her wrists together she prepared to close the still open cuff of the handcuffs around her right wrist. She had reached the point of no return.
Alice's heart was pounding. She knew that once she closed the handcuffs, she would be unable to escape for at least six hours. Had she thought of everything? Was it all going to work as planned? Could something go wrong? "Of course not" she told herself. Above her head was the block of ice containing the chain to which her handcuffs key was securely attached. Once the ice melted in a few hours time, the chain would fall down leaving the key within easy reach. She'd deliberately made sure the key wouldn't come off the chain so that there was no risk of dropping it. "It's too late to back out now" she told herself, and closed the remaining cuff over her right wrist.
Now trapped for at least six hours, Alice experienced a strange mixture of sexual excitement tinged with a slight feeling of panic. But she enjoyed the feeling of being utterly helpless, of having no control whatever over what happened to her. She indulged her fantasies by imagining that she was captive in some alien machine whose only purpose was to enslave her, invade her body and abuse it sexually.
The straps of the harness passing between her legs, was keeping the vibrator at her pussy very firmly pressed against her clit. Alice had already cum several times, and was beginning to wish that she'd chosen slightly milder programs for the toys in her holes. She wriggled and jiggled in her harness in the hope that it might relieve the pressure a little. But it didn't seem to make any difference. Soon she was having yet another orgasm.
Isolated as she was from the rest of the world, Alice slipped into a dreamlike state punctuated by orgasms. She had no means of judging time, but knew that she would be there for hours and that it would seem much longer than it actually was. After some time she found herself wishing that the ice would melt enabling her to extricate herself. She'd enjoyed the experience, but she'd had enough. She wanted out.
Then, after what seemed like an eternity she felt something hit her bondage hood. Realising that it must be the chain with the key on the end, she began feeling with her hands to find the key. To her dismay she couldn't feel it. Where was it? She felt a sense of rising panic. Then she realised that the chain holding her key must be hanging down in front of her body rather than behind it. She wriggled and twisted in the harness and she thought she felt the chain brushing against the front of her. She needed to get the chain to hang behind her. Her only way of doing this was to wriggle and twist in the hope that it would work. She wriggled and jiggled,twisted and turned for what seemed a long time but which was only about half an hour. Eventually, she could feel the chain with the key on its end hanging behind her.
Taking hold of the key she tried to pull it towards her handcuffs, but she couldn't seem to get it to reach. With a new sense of alarm and panic she tried repeatedly to get the key close enough to unlock the handcuffs. Her heart was pounding as never before as she realised that she was in serious trouble. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn't reach. What could have gone wrong? She'd judged the length of the chain so that when the ice melted it should hang down with its key comfortably within reach.
Then she realised that the rope she used to connect her harness to the hook of the hoist must have stretched. She'd measured the rope when estimating how much chain she needed for the key, but of course it must have stretched under the strain of her body weight. The stretching might have been increased by all the wriggling and twisting that she'd done. So now, the chain holding the key wasn't quite long enough to allow the key to reach her handcuffs. The chain wouldn't stretch, and she had no way of releasing the key from the chain. In her concern that she might drop the key, she'd made sure it was securely attached to the chain.
Alice felt overwhelmed by feelings of panic and terror. She was in big trouble. She was trapped. Then she realised that if she could raise her hands further up her back she might be able to get the key to reach the handcuffs. But when she tried to do this, the rope tie that she'd applied to her upper arms meant that she couldn't. Also, the design of the handcuffs together with the gloves that formed part of the catsuit severely restricted how far she could move her hands.
The full horror of the situation she'd got herself into now dawned on Alice. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn't get the key to reach the handcuffs. She was trapped. There she was locked away in her secret playground, miles from anyone else. No one knew where she was, and no one would realise that she was missing for several weeks yet.
Her mind racing, she tried to think of any possible scenario that would lead to her being rescued from her predicament. The postman! That was it, if she heard the postman she could try to alert him. Then she realised how utterly futile that idea was. Firstly, the postman only very rarely came to the cottage. Secondly, if the postman did come to the cottage she quite possibly wouldn't hear him. She had earplugs in her ears and she was wearing a bondage hood specifically designed to isolate the wearer from the outside world. Even if she did hear the postman, she was gagged by the hood and almost certainly couldn't make enough noise to attract his attention.
Still gripped by panic and terror Alice tried yet again to find some way of getting out of the handcuffs. But even as she struggled she knew that it was futile. She was well and truly trapped. She could not escape. Eventually, exhausted she gave up the struggle. She cried uncontrollably for a long time before finally falling asleep.
Eight weeks later a police car turned into the access road leading to the cottage. Concerns had been raised about Alice's whereabouts. No one knew where she was. A close friend had reported her missing. A constable knocked at the door of the cottage and also rang the doorbell. There was no response. The PC then walked around the cottage looking in the windows to see if he could see anything significant. Alice had deliberately kept anything that might reveal her presence at the cottage out of sight. Seeing nothing of note the PC then wandered over to the adjacent barn. Peering through a gap he couldn't see much but then he spotted Alice's car. Reaching for his radio he made a report.
When Alice's body was recovered from the barn and extricated from her bondage gear, it was in an advanced state of decomposition. Some three days after her bondage experience went wrong, she'd finally died of dehydration. If they'd found her body some weeks earlier, they would have noted that her face bore an expression of torture and terror. But now, more than six weeks after her death her features were unrecognisable and that tortured expression had long since decayed away.