- Author - BondageBoy
- Rating -
   [ 3.90 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1601 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, consensual, bondage, teen
- Post Date - 3/25/2014
Author's Note: This is my first story here, I doubt I'm a good writer but I always wanted to write a story and see how it goes.Please show some empathy for the grammatical errors as my mother tongue is Greek and not english.
If you like it, I'll keep writing more.
Chapter 1 (added: 2014/03/19)
I was out for a walk with my friend, Danae. Danae is 5 years older than me (She's 23, I'm 18) , we sat in a bench in the park and talked.
I don't remember how, but the conversation turned to a rather "uncomfortable" theme.
Fetishes. She was too open in these kind of talks and didn't judge or laugh at anybody, but even though I knew that, I was still shy.
Danae : It's okay , everyone has their fetish , you can share yours with me if you want , I don't judge people. Hell, even I have my fetish...
Me: I know, but I'm shy, I think my fetish is kind of weird. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's because I think it's not normal.
Danae: Every fetish is normal, I had a fetish for clear shaven guys, I was talking to one of my friends, and she had the same fetish with me. There must be someone who shares the same fetish with you. Who knows, maybe even I share the same fetish with you.
Me: But still, I don't feel comfortable enough to share it with someone else.
Danae: Well, let's do something, I will tell you my fetish, and you will tell me yours. Does that sound good?
Me: I guess, but you go first.
Danae: Okay, well, I have a fetish with feet, I love feet. Even if it is men's or women's.
Me: That's a normal one. My fetish is still weirder than yours.
Danae: Maybe, but you haven't told me yours, so I can't know. Go on, tell me.
Me: Okay, but don't laugh... Well, my fetish is ...ugh...Bondage.
The moment the word "Bondage" left my lips, I could see a light in Dane's eyes.
She took a moment and then answered back.
Danae: That was it? You think bondage is weird? Don't worry, I know a lot of people who share the same fetish with you, and as I guessed, even I share the same fetish with you.
Me: I don't know, I still find it a bit weird. I haven't talked to anybody for it.
Danae: How did you find out then?
Me: Internet....
Danae: You saw bondage porn?
Me: Obviously.
Danae: And what do you like? Tying up or being tied up?
Me: I don't know , it's not like I have ever tried , but I guess both , anything to do with bondage.
Danae: Hmm, that's interesting. You see, I have the same fetish for bondage, tying up and being tied up. I've tried with one of my boyfriends, he had tied me up, but I never had the chance to tie him up.
Me: What was it like? Did you enjoy it?
Danae: It felt good, I like the feeling of being helpless and humiliated therefore I enjoyed it much. I wish I had the chance to do the same to someone.
I could see that she blushed after saying that. I didn't say anything to make her feel more uncomfortable, after some seconds, she took a breath and spoke.
Danae: I have a suggestion you might want to hear.
Me: What is it?
Danae: Well, you haven't tried bondage at all and I haven't tried to tie someone up either.
What would you say if we tried together?
I felt surprised. Did she mean that? I always wanted to see how being tied up felt, I've even tried some self-bondage, but I guess that's nothing compared to really being in bondage.
Me: You really want to do this? It would be great if someone helped me explore my fetishes, but...you're my friend.
Danae: That's one more reason for me to help out. You'll be safe with me and won't have any troubles.
Me: I don't know....
Danae: Well, you can think about it and let me know if you don't want to answer right now.
Me: That seems like the best option. I'll think about it.
Danae: Okay, I have to go. See you later.
Me: Later...
After my talk with Danae I went straight back home. When I arrived home, I lied on my bed and thought about Danae's offer. It was tempting, but she was my friend. How could I do this with a friend? It was really interesting to get a chance to explore my fetishes, I thought about it for approximately 2 hours and then called Danae.
Danae: Hello?
Me: Hey Danae. It's me, Alex.
Danae: Oh hey Alex, how's going
me: Everything's good, thanks. Errrhm, I wanted to talk to you about what we were saying in the park.
Danae: Oh sure, go ahead.
Me: Well, I thought about it and I wanna.....I wanna try it.
Danae: That's cool, are you available tonight?
Me: Yeah, totally.
Danae: Cool, come by my house at 20:00? How does that sound?
Me: Sounds great, see you then. Bye
Danae: Bye
Later that night....
Danae was at her house, searching for all the stuff she could use on me. I was on my way to her house, when I reached there, I waited nervously at the door for some seconds and then I rung her bell. I was really worried about what was going to happen. After some seconds Danae came at the door.
Danae: Hey Alex, how are you, are you ready for tonight?
"Hey Danae...uuhmm I guess so" I answered
"So, how it's gonna be? You want me to tie up and tease you, or just let you tied up for a couple of hours?"
"Well, better leave me tied up for now"
"Ok, let's go in my room"
We went in Danae's room, when we entred, she closed the door behind us. There were some items on her bed, several pieces of rope, duct tape, an anti-stress ball (the ones you squeeze to get over stress), a sleep mask and some string.
"You aren't wearing the correct clothes" she said.
I was wearing a baggy black pants, a black hoodie, a t-shirt under it and my casual shoes.
"Firstly, get your shoes off and then lose your hoodie"
I removed my hoodie and stepped out of the shoes
"What now?" I asked
"Well, your pants are too baggy, it will make it hard for me to tie you up, you need something tighter" she answered.
"Here, wear this" she said as she gave me a pair of black yoga pants she got from her wardrobe.
I removed my pants and got into the pair of yoga pants she gave me, which I have to say, felt really nice and comfortable.
"Ok, let's start with your hands, turn around and put them behind your back"
I felt weird at first, but then I complied.
She took a coil of rope and started working on my wrists. She tied them pretty well and really restraining as she tied both my wrists and elbows. Once done, she told me to lay down on my stomach.
I did so and she grabbed another coil of rope to tie up my legs.
She started tying rope around my ankles and then proceeded to tie up my tights. After she was done with my tights, she removed my socks and tied my big toes together with a piece of string, it was an unpredictable touch.
The rope felt pretty tight, especially with the yoga pants, but it was loose enough not to block my circulation.
"How's that?" She asked?
I struggled a bit and then answered "pretty tight, I love the feel already"
"Let's put you in a hogtie" she said as she grabbed some more rope.
She tied the one end on the rope tying my ankles, then pulled it really hard and tied the other end to the rope tying my elbows. It was a pretty restraining hogtie.
I struggled a little more but it was impossible to even loosen the ropes somehow.
"Now let's take care of your mouth" she said as she headed towards the bed to grab the anti-stressing ball and the duct tape.
"Open wide"
I complied and she shoved the ball in my mouth pushing it far behind my teeth. I tried to talk, but this ball wouldn't let me, I could only gag on it. Although I couldn't spit the ball out, she taped my mouth shut and put several layers of tape around my head.
My jaw started aching already.
"One last thing before I go" she said, as she got the sleeping mask from the bed.
"The blindfold"
She put the mask on me and pulled it in front of my eyes
"Can you see anything" she asked?
"Mpphhh" was all I could say.
"Ok, I'm going to watch a movie while you're here, be a good boy or you'll be punished"
She then closed the light, walked out of the room and locked the door behind her.
And so I was left there, all alone, tied up, gagged and blindfolded with my back and jaw already aching.
All I could was wiggle around trying to loosen the ropes or try to spit the gag out but none of these had any effect. The only way to get loose was to wait for her to come back and untie me. Until then, I had to wait.