Author's Note: This is a work of sexual fantasy. In no way does the author support the ugly reality of human trafficking. Everyone in this story is a work of fiction.
This is my first attempt at a short story. Despite being my first language, English is not my forte so pardon my many grammatical errors. This isn't the sort of story that I can ask those that know me personally to proof read. To be honest, it makes me wince a little to read. Not because of the dark sexual content but just the poor writing. It's a bit silly but I'm grateful for the instant ability to publish that the internet provides. I would love to hear your comments or criticisms.
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Chapter 1
The office was warm and stuffy with little pleasantries. An air conditioning box against the wall vainly attempted to push back the humid, unbearable heat coming from outside. The walls were cracked, the paint fading. Outside the door, somewhere down the tiled hallway, a radio played some Middle Eastern music. On the wall hung the photo of the some Arab leader who Shannon assumed was now dead. She had seen him before, in person and was surprised to see his photo up on a wall. She didn't know at the time she met him how important he was. Rich maybe, but not a man important enough to have his photo on an office wall. She tugged at the clothes given to her. They still felt strange, itchy. Shannon tugged on them as she sat on the metal folding chair in the middle of the room.
The door opened. A woman in green military fatigues walked in holding folders. She looked down at Shannon with concern. "I'm sorry this room isn't that comfortable. We're setting up a place for you now that will be better. Do you want some water?"
Shannon shook her head back and forth. The woman sighed, the furors on her brow deepening. "Are you ok?"
Shannon looked at the floor. How could she even begin to answer that question? What was "ok"?
The woman sat down on another folding chair. "You're ok now," she said, placing her hand on Shannon's arm. "You're safe now. We're going to take you home."
Three years earlier, Shannon was the computer nerd of the family. Her young body had blossomed but glasses, a fondness for video games and comic books and a teen's awkwardness kept her in the realm of computers and books instead of popular friends, sports and parties.
Her mother had little time and little interest in computers which is why, when her Uncle gave her his old laptop after he upgraded to a newer one, Shannon jumped at the chance and quickly developed the skill set needed to run and operate a personal computer.
She placed it at her desk in her loft room upstairs. She didn't have broadband internet connection but a quick scan of the wireless showed at least two neighbors that did, both being unsecured. The signal was weak but she was able to latch on to one and began her exploration of the World Wide Web.
She was on her laptop all the time. She started with video games and then moved on to the internet. What little time her mother was home was enough for her to peak in and wonder why her daughter had become so industrious with her studies. Behind the screen though, Shannon was discovering the art of the web search. She quickly found Facebook. She liked the numerous games she could play. Her farm in Farmville was massive and productive. Her other journeys would take her to Google and she would often search for various things that interested her. The world opened before her. Everything outside of her redneck town became transparent and her path eventually took her to down a darker route. She began to nervously check out adult web sites.
The first graphic shots of carnal sex were enough to start a small fire in her belly. Her eyes wide, her face flush, she glanced nervously at the door before proceeding. She clicked to the next photo and the action send an arc of electricity between her legs. Penis plunging into vagina. She didn't understand all of it at first but the butterflies that danced around in her belly pushed her farther into the darkness of the internet. Her mother never taught her the birds and the bees. The internet filled that void of knowledge with a torrent of images and information.
Hours were spent hunched over her laptop, only interrupted by her two large dogs that occasionally lumbered in, wondering why Shannon no longer paid attention to them. Shannon kindly led them out of her room and then shut the door. The dogs, Sulla and Brutus, usually laid down dejectedly at the door and waited for the hour that Shannon would come out and play with them.
Facebook allowed her to communicate with various people, including her best friend, Tracy. She surfed her other friend's pages and found a satisfying outlet that was normally denied her because of her shyness. Her daily routine never altered. If her Mom was at work, which she generally was in the evening, Shannon surfed her Facebook site for a bit and then moved on to the adult porn, imagining herself as the woman being violated and used. Fantasies developed from kissing to fondling to being bent over a desk as a man pushed his engorged cock into her.
Imitating many of the women on the small screen in front of her, Shannon learned that while watching these videos, the feeling was enhanced by running her finger up and down her own pussy, spreading the wetness inside of her around, and rubbing the swollen nub at the top. Her first orgasm blew her mind and it only made her hungry for more. She masturbated two, sometimes three times a day. Sometimes while looking at porn on the computer, others while in bed, her mind filled with fantasies of men ravishing her.
Two years passed and her curiosity turned into an addiction to porn, a daily ritual of surfing for the best photos and masturbating herself to satisfaction. Her breast ripened on her chest, going from small Bs to small C cups.
One night, as winter came, and days became dark and cold, she found herself at her computer with just a long, oversized t-shirt on. Her feet were comfortably snuggled into fuzzy slippers. It was a Saturday morning and her mother had spent the night at a friend's. Mother wasn't around much these days. Either working or just out, she was rarely home. So Shannon played on the computer. Tracy chatted with her on the instant messenger, chatting about another Facebook game. Tracy was addicted to a number of them. She told Shannon of another chat program, one that had chat rooms dedicated to the latest game that Tracy was engaged in.
Shannon located the program online and clicked to download. As the program began to load, a series of frantic barking came from outside. Shannon got up and looked out the window. Brutus and Sulla were running frantically back and forth along the, barely standing chain link fence. Shannon peered through the frost covered glass to try and find the source of the dog's agitation. It was another dog, slightly smaller than the Labrador/aikido mix that made up the shared blood of Sulla and Brutus. The strange dog looked on curiously from the bare winter woods. Shannon figured it must have been one of the neighbor's dogs.
Sulla jumped up onto the fence and it gave way, pushing an edge of the fence down into the snow. Mom's going to be pissed, Shannon thought. Both dogs jumped over and chased the strange dog. Shannon looked back at her laptop. The loading bar was slowly inching higher. She sighed and looked back to the scene outside. The strange dog had run around to the other side and was now cornered by her two dogs. There was frantic barking, growling and suddenly, Sulla was on the strange dog's back, his paws wrapped tightly around the dog, his hips pumping wildly into the dog's rump. Shannon thought they were fighting at first but as the scene unfolded, she realized that something more was happening.
Sulla growled and the girl dog stood still. Brutus on the other hand, jumped about, barking. Shannon's eyes were wide, watching the scene unfold below her. Poking out of Brutus's sheath was the red tip of his cock, something Shannon only saw sometimes when Brutus was sitting down. Sulla pumped furiously for a minute then slowed and held himself against the girl dog. Brutus suddenly jumped up and tried to mount the two dogs. Sulla jumped off and there was a loud yip and squeal from the girl dog. Sulla was tied to the bitch and stood facing the opposite way of her. Brutus circled the two, his tongue hanging out.
Shannon had never seen anything like this before. She watched transfixed. Brutus tried jumping on the tied bitch again, spooking Sulla who jumped forward, causing another loud high pitched whine and then Sulla was suddenly out. Shannon leaned forward, not believing what she was seeing. Sulla cock was hanging out, swollen, bright red, dripping semen. She could see the veins on the large knot from high up where she watched. It was huge, so heavy it was hanging straight down.
Brutus was quick. He jumped on the bitch's back and started humping her furiously. Sulla took a couple steps away and plopped down in some leaves. He sniffed his cock and licked it.
Shannon felt that familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach that she got when she looked at the glow of porn on her laptop. She stood in front of the window, watching Brutus taking his turn. She could feel the cold air coming off the glass, colliding with her hot skin. Her hand ran up her bare leg, pushing under her t-shirt and running over her panty covered mound. She could feel her lips through the cotton fabric and the wetness seeping through them. She pushed her hand down the top of her panties and slipped a finger past the soft pubic hair then between the lips. She couldn't believe how wet she had gotten.
"What is wrong with me?" she thought. She pushed her finger against her clit and moaned, bending forward, pressing her head against the window.
Brutus had stopped humping now but held on to the bitch, his cock buried deep in her. Shannon slid her finger up and down, pushing through the warm wetness and then rubbed around the top again. Then her legs shook, she crouched and moaned as her finger pushed her into an orgasm.
She held her finger tight against herself as waves of pleasure exploded through her. She leaned back with her free hand, crouching lower, and then sat down on the bare wood floor while keeping her finger pushed against her quivering pussy. She slowly removed her finger and caught her breath on the floor. When she got up and glanced out the window, the strange dog was gone. Both of her dogs lay on the ground.
Her lust satisfied for the time being, she spent the rest of the afternoon setting up the program and exploring the hundred of chat rooms available. She enjoyed talking to strangers about anything. It was so anonymous. There was no judgment on her, just words on a screen. She multitasked by gossiping with Tracy on the other program. She was addicted.
One day, Tracy started to surf through the different chat servers and through the endless list of rooms until one particular one caught her eye. "BDSM - Sex Slaves." There were hundreds of sex rooms, with most of them filled with bots that did nothing but spam her, but this one room gave her a little twang of pleasure when she read the words "sex slaves."
She entered the room, the butterflies beginning to flutter in her stomach again. A few chat requests popped up which she answered but she also remained cautious. Most started with "ASL?" and when she answered honestly, they didn't reply back. She liked the attention though and kept at it.
One conversation stood out from the others. Someone named "SlaveTrader2010" peaked her interest. He seemed intelligent and friendly.
"What brings you to this room little one?" SlaveTrader2010 asked.
"Curious. What is this room about?" Shannon typed.
"It's for girls who crave to be slaves and men and women who want to acquire slaves," SlaveTrader2010 responded.
Shannon paused, biting her bottom lip as she treaded into new territory. "I thought slavery was illegal"
"It is sometimes, but sometimes people give themselves up to be slaves. Sometimes it just happens. It's the natural order of life."
"What does BDSM mean?" Shannon typed.
"Bondage and Sadomachoism."
Shannon stared intently at her keyboard, typing slowly "Sorry for the all the questions - but what is that?"
"Can I send you some photos? It's easier to show you."
SlaveTrader2010 began to send Shannon photos. The first few were of women naked and tied up, some in intricate rope knots. Shannon stared at them and slowly clicked through each one. She looked at one where the woman's breast were tightly tied, squeezing the breast, pushing them out, discoloring them. Shannon felt her own nipples swell and rub against the fabric of her shirt.
"That is bondage," SlaveTrader2010 typed.
He sent some more. Women with clamps on their nipples, women getting whipped, women with their mouths filled with rubber gags. Shannon looked at each one, studying them. She felt her heat rising again so she pushed herself off the chair and pulled off her panties. She opened her legs and pushed her hand under her shirt, stroking herself softly as she opened each new photo.
SlaveTrader's IM popped up in the window. "What do you think?"
Shannon took her hand out from between her legs and wiped it on her shirt before she typed.
"These are wild," she typed. She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest.
There was a long pause, then SlaveTrader next comment came in with a chime, "Are you touching yourself?"
Tracy paused before she answered. She thought about lying then decided to be honest. She was confident that he didn't know who she was. She typed in her answer. "Yes."
"You need to ask permission before you pleasure yourself, understand?" he typed.
"Why?" Shannon asked.
"Because I am a Master," he responded.
Shannon wasn't sure what that meant exactly. She was hesitant to respond. He continued. "I am a Master and you are just a girl. You must show respect."
Shannon replied with a simple "ok."
Slave Trader's message popped up with a chime. "It's 'Yes, Sir', not 'ok'."
Ok, this guy is formal, but ok. She then typed "Yes Sir."
"Good girl" was his response.
Shannon felt a weird sense of pride and arousal. She moved her finger faster.
"Do you have a webcam?" he asked.
Shannon looked at her laptop. She didn't realize it before but there was a small camera at the top of the screen. She typed "no," then paused. She hit the delete key and typed the word "yes." Then she hit the delete key again and typed "yes, I think so, Sir." She hit return.
"Do you have a messaging program?" SlaveTrader asked.
"Yes." She typed out the program that she used.
"What's your account name?"
Shannon thought about it for a second. Then figuring she was still anonymous on internet, she wanted to see where the conversation was going to go. She typed in her name and hit enter.
There was no response. Shannon went back to one of the photos. It was of a woman tied to a wooden bench. A man was holding her head up by grabbing a fistful of her hair and was shoving his cock down her mouth. Shannon returned to rubbing her herself.
A message came up on yahoo for SlaveTrader2010 to add her as a friend. Shannon breathed in, excited by all of it. She clicked "add SlaveTrader2010 as a friend."
"Hello Shannon." His words popped on Yahoo.
"Hello," she typed.
A message came up asking if SlaveTrader2010 can view Shannon's webcam. She paused again, uncertain. SlaveTrader2010 typed "Click 'yes'." She clicked yes. A dark window appeared then lit up, revealing an image of an older man sitting at a keyboard. He had a grey, handlebar mustache and long, thick grey hair.
He spoke "Hello Shannon."
Shannon began to type "I can see you."
"If you speak, I should be able to hear you," he said, his voice deep.
This is crazy. I shouldn't be doing this. Shannon looked nervously at her door, mentally checking if her Mom was home or not. She plugged in her headphones and put them on, then glanced back at Slave Trader.
Slave Trader smiled and spoke. "Do you live with your parents?"
Shannon typed "Yes. Just my Mom but she's not home right now."
Slave Trader was in reality named Tom and he did exactly what his name implied. He couldn't believe his luck. His cock was rock hard, nearly bursting out of his boxer shorts, just out of view of the camera. He was being very careful. It was hard to get this far and this was the key moments to draw in his prey. The first interactions were the ones were the girls were most likely to take flight. "You are very beautiful."
Shannon blushed and smiled. She typed "You can see me?"
Tom smiled and Shannon found him to be very charming. "I can. You don't want to talk?"
Shannon typed "no...I never used the cam before. I rather type."
Tom laughed "Shy. That's ok. It's also ok to be curious about this stuff. If you have any questions you can ask. So you liked the photos?"
She looked at one in the corner of her screen. It was a close up of breast tied up, the girls arms tied behind her back. Her hair was in a pony tail and the pony tail was tied to hands behind her back. Shannon typed "Yes."
Tom looked stern "Remember Shannon, it's 'Yes, Sir', even if you are typing it."
Shannon quickly typed "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl. Which one is your favorite one?"
She flipped through them and typed "It's hard to pick one. I guess this one with the girl with the leather hood." In the photo a girl was hanging from the wall. She had a leather hood over her head with only a zipper for the mouth. The rest of her was nude. I shouldn't like these.
"Good girl...You were touching yourself, correct?"
Shannon blushed and typed "Yes Sir."
"Good girl. I want you to continue."
Shannon turned even a deeper shade of red and stared at the screen.
Tom saw her reluctance and spoke in a deeper, slower tone. "Lift your shirt girl and put your hand between your legs."
Shannon slowly obeyed.
"Lift your shirt higher," he ordered her.
Shannon couldn't believe this was happening. She obeyed and put her finger between her legs. Her hand was shaking. It was almost like having sex with him watching her.
"Good girl. Now start to play with yourself." Tom couldn't see Shannon's cunt but knew it was a matter of time. Now it was important to get her worked up. They key was to pleasure the mind, so that pleasure was associated with talking to him, obeying him. It was teasing the bait, jerking it slowly in front of the fish.
Shannon slipped her finger between the warm folds of skin, feeling her wetness that was nearly leaking out of her.
"Have you ever done this before online?" he asked.
Shannon stopped to begin to type but Tom jumped in. "Don't type. Say it out loud so you don't have to stop."
Shannon whispered "No."
Tom was stern again, "No what?"
"No, Sir."
"Good girl. I can hear you fine. Keep touching yourself."
Shannon continued to pleasure herself. She closed her eyes, enjoying the velvet feel of her sex and the moistness between her lips.
"Now Shannon, take your left hand and lift up your shirt."
Shannon obeyed, lifting the shirt up, her hand still rubbing her sex.
"Good girl, higher now, over your breast."
She lifted the shirt up. Tom looked into the screen, impressed. Solid C cups with large nipples. "Now take your left hand and cup your breast."
Shannon cupped her breast. She was breathing hard now, nearing the edge. She couldn't believe she was doing this.
"Stop!" Shannon stopped her hand, looking up at the screen. "Do not come without my permission."
Shannon didn't move. "Do you want to come?" Tom asked.
"Yes Sir," Shannon whispered.
"Then ask me for permission to come."
Shannon swallowed "Sir...can I come?"
"Good girl. Now pinch your left nipple."
Shannon pinched the flesh softly.
"Now you may come."
Shannon whimpered as she pushed harder with her finger and her sex shuddered. Spasms of pleasure rippled through her. She cried out, her eyes closed. Her toes curled as she orgasmed harder and longer than she ever had before.
Chapter 2
Shannon laid in bed thinking about the day...her incredible day. She had cum...hard. After she cooled down, her and Master, as he requested she call him, talked until late evening. They talked about common stuff, things they each liked. By the end of the night, she felt like they have been friends forever.
She had cleaned up long before her mother came home. She had learned long ago to hear the car as it came up the drive way. This gave her enough time to end any activities that would get her in trouble. The infrequent reunions with her mom were not anything to celebrate. Her mother was mostly annoyed with her own life and her daughter was just one other annoyance. That evening it was the mess Shannon left in the kitchen when she made lunch. She came in, took a look at the dirty dishes sitting on the kitchen table and in the sink. "You got to be fucking kidding me! Shannon!" she screamed. After a terse conversation, both left for their rooms. Shannon went to bed but was unable to sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened online and she found herself getting moist between her legs as she replayed the afternoon in her head. She pushed her hand down her belly, under the covers and slid her finger into her sex. It didn't take much rubbing before she came and then quickly, she fell asleep, her hand still in her panties.
The next day at school, she thought about him, about how handsome he was, about how he made her feel. She thought about how he looked at her like she was a piece of meat, how hungry he looked. When she got home, she said a silent prayer of thanks that her Mom was at work. The dogs looked at her from outside, thinking that she was going to walk them. Instead she threw her backpack down and headed to her room. The dogs looked at each other then back at the empty hallway where she once stood.
Turning on the laptop was like switching on the butterflies in her stomach. She was getting excited by the low hum of the computer's power supply powering up. She logged into her messaging program. Master was on and he immediately paged her, requesting webcam. She accepted and sat down.
"Hello Shannon," he said as his pixilated image popped up on the screen.
"Hi." She smiled
"I'm glad to see you on. How was your day?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair.
"It wasn't bad. School kind of stinks but nothing really interesting happened."
Tom laughed "Oh, I find that hard to believe. Something must have happened. At least one thing was interesting?"
Shannon laughed "Really! Nothing interesting happened. Nothing ever interesting happens at school. It's a lot of boredom. One boring class after another."
"You don't like school?" he asked.
"I hate it," she said.
"I don't blame you. I didn't like school either. What don't you like about it?" he asked.
"I can name one hundred things but mostly I don't like the homework and tests and stuff."
"Well, not everyone is made to be smart," Tom declared.
Shannon smiled and squinted "Are you saying that I'm dumb?"
Tom sipped on a beer. "Not dumb, just not made to be a doctor or a scientist."
"Well, it's ok. I'm not that smart. I'm horrible at school."
"That's ok. With that beautiful body of yours, you are made for different things. You don't need to be smart, in fact, its better that you are not. Most women are not smart anyway."
Shannon blushed and smiled, unsure what to think if that was a put down or a compliment. It sounded a whole like a put down.
"How tall are you?" he asked.
"Five foot, one inch."
"How much do you weight?"
"105 pounds."
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Not right now."
"A beautiful girl like you and no boyfriend?"
"I'm kind of shy I guess and not as pretty as you seem to think."
"Have you ever kissed a boy?"
He corrected her. "It's 'yes, sir'"
"Sorry. Yes, sir."
"Have you ever had sex?"
"Not yet." Shannon squirmed. The conversation was building on the butterflies in her stomach.
"But you want to?" he asked.
"I guess so."
"What have you done?"
"What do you mean?" Shannon asked.
"Has any boy touched your tits or cunt?"
His vulgar words had her catch her breath. "Yes sir."
"Have you sucked a man's cock?"
She paused before answering. "Two times."
"Your boyfriend?"
"One time it was a guy I was seeing, the other time was at a party."
"How old was the guy at the party?"
"Did he cum in your mouth?"
"Yes sir."
"Did you swallow it?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. Was it someone you just met?"
"I was drinking and he was just some guy that I met."
"How did it happen?" Tom asked.
As she told the story, she remembered it as if it was yesterday. The memory was burned into her and she could feel the fear and excitement she felt on that night. "He took my hand and took me to a room, locked the door and was making out with me on a bed."
"You never met him before?"
"No. "
"Then what happened?"
"He felt me up and then pushed my head down to his lap. His penis was out and he put it in my mouth." She remembered the cock, its size, the heat that seemed to come off it and how the head was swollen and purple, the tip shiny with pre-cum.
"Did he force you?"
"Kind of."
"Did you like it?"
"I was a little freaked out but I liked it." She had never admitted that to anyone.
"Good girl." Tom paused, took a long sip of his beer. "Did you think about me at school?"
Shannon nodded.
"You liked what we did last night? It made you wet at school?"
Shannon blushed and looked down at her hands.
"It's ok girl. Tell me the truth. Did it make your little cunt wet?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. Do you know why it got wet?"
She shook her head.
"Because you are submissive. The thought of what you did made your body prepare you for a man to use you."
"Wh..what do you mean?"
"Your body knows what you want, what you need. It made your cunt wet so that it would be easy for a man to stick his cock in you...How does that make you feel?"
"Um, weird."
"Good weird?"
"Yes sir, I guess so."
"That is what your body is for, to pleasure a man. It's designed that way. A good slave should always be wet, always ready for her master to use her. Do you want me to make you feel good again?"
Shannon nodded.
"Are you alone?"
"Yes, sir," she whispered.
"Take off your clothes," he ordered.
Shannon felt weird about it but she nodded and leaned down to untie her shoes. She kicked them off and then grabbed her sweater and shirt and pulled them over her head. She struggled to pull them of and it ruffled her hair. Tom watched, his computer recording everything. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She laid the bra neatly on the desk, conscious that her bare breasts were visible. She stood up and undid her belt and pants, pulling them down, stepping out of them.
"I like you naked." Tom was being honest. He couldn't believe how easy this one was. He stared at the screen, studying his prey.
Shannon looked at the ground and sat down.
"I like when you submit to me," he continued.
"What does that mean?" she asked.
"That you obey me."
"I want to own you."
Shannon was quiet. Tom didn't say anything. She wanted to cum right there, without touching herself. There was a moment of silence between the two of them before Shannon asked, "What do you mean?"
"I want you to be my slave."
Shannon felt her sex twitch. She sucked in air and then slowly exhaled. "How do I do that?"
"You submit to me, give yourself to me," he explained.
"Do you have...other slaves?" she asked.
"Not right now."
"But you have in the past?"
"Yes. Grab your breast for me."
Shannon cupped her breast.
"Now pinch your nipple...roll it around in your fingers...Now, do you want me to own you?"
She rolled her stiffening nipple between her fingers and paused. The buildup of sexual tension in her was gradual. Nothing had ever felt more exciting. She had never felt as turned on as she was then. "I don't know."
His voice was slow, steady, and hypnotic. "That is why you were in that room. I think your body knows. Doesn't it?"
The last time she had felt this turned on was when she first discovered porn. The first time she had seen graphic images of sex, it had given her this same breathless excitement, pushing her higher to a ledge she couldn't see. "I don't know," she whispered.
"Feel between your legs with your other hand. Do it," he ordered.
Shannon obeyed. Her finger slide into warm wetness, dripping out of her.
"Feel how wet you are? This is what you are. You are an un-owned slave. This is why you came into that room. You want someone to claim you... and I want to claim you, declare you as my property... take you as my property."
Shannon moaned. She was wet, her slit warm.
"What would I do?" Shannon asked.
"As a slave?"
"Yes sir."
"You would become my property and I would train you to be what a slave should be."
Shannon let out a sigh as the pleasure built between her legs.
"You like that, don't you?"
"I don't know," she lied. Yes, yes I do.
"Don't lie to me slut. Be honest. This is what you want."
Shannon blushed, her finger rubbing furiously.
"You can't stop thinking about it because you want to feel what it is like to give up all your decisions, to be owned and used by a man. You know that is all you are good for, isn't that right?"
"I don't know."
"I'm taking you as mine, cunt"
Shannon was at the edge now, looking over the edge of the cliff. She could barely speak, she was so close to cumming. "What?" she gasped.
He stared at her through the screen and said, "I'm taking you as mine. Stop touching yourself...put your hands up. If I take you now, you would become my property. This would be for the rest of your life. Do you understand?"
To Shannon, this was just an online game, one that she loved. At least her body loved it. Her heart was nearly beating out of her chest. She nodded.
"Put your hands on your head."
Shannon obeyed.
"Do you want me to take you now as my slave?"
"Yes, sir."
Tom smiled, he had her.
"If I take you now...there is no going back. Understand?"
Shannon nodded.
"You want to become property Shannon?"
"Yes sir."
"I'm going to take you Shannon and make you mine. You will be a slave, nothing but a cunt for pleasure. You will not have any free will or choice after I take you. Do you understand?"
Shannon moaned, nodded and whispered "Yes sir."
"Then look in the camera and repeat after me. I, state your name."
"I state...I mean, I Shannon"
"Do give up all rights as a person."
"Do give up all rights as a person," I repeated.
"and give myself to Master Tom Wright"
"and give myself to Master Tom Wright," she repeated.
"Now, put your hands down and touch yourself again...Now say 'this girl is Master Wright's slave."
She eagerly pushed her hand back down between her legs, into her wet, hot slit that eagerly wrapped itself around her finger. "This girl is Master Wright's slave."
"Good girl. Keep touching yourself. Now say it again."
"This girl is Master Wright's slave."
"You now belong to me. You are no longer a human. You are a slave. You have no rights. "
Shannon moaned, her legs shook. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her finger pushed hard into her clit. Tom smiled, his cock standing straight up under the table, out of view of Shannon. He stroked it, watching his new slave orgasm. He knew she wasn't completely his yet, but that this was a good first step. She would be his before the month was over.
Tom let Shannon come down from the orgasm. Her stared at her intently, a dark smile plastered on his face. "Now girl, I'm going to let that slide but from now on, it is to ask me permission to cum, is that understood?"
Shannon tried to catch her breath "Yes sir."
"Do you know why it needs to ask permission?"
Shannon looked confused "It?"
Tom leaned in, looking stern. "It. That's you but now that you are property, you don't deserve to be a you. You are an it. We will start our training with it learning that it no longer refers to itself as 'me' or 'I'. It is a thing, an object. Is that understood?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. We will see. It needs to ask me for permission to cum because it doesn't own its cunt. I own its cunt. Understood?"
"Yes sir."
Tom smiled. "Good," he hissed. He knew he had to take it slow but he wanted to start a few more habits. "I'm going to teach it one more thing today. It will not wear clothing when alone at home. Clothing is for people, not animals. Understood?"
Shannon eyes darted down, thinking about it "Yes sir."
"Good girl." Despite the degrading conversation she had just been subjected to, she beamed at the praise.
Tom knew that he had to lure her in emotionally first, before he really began to break her down. So he switched tacks, knowing that her lust had been satisfied. He began to ask her about school, about her friends, what she enjoyed. She in turn talked freely and asked the occasional question about him. He made a lot of it up. When he finally watched her as she heard her Mom's car in the driveway and log off, he reviewed the video that he had taken of the whole session. He stroked himself, coming quickly as he watched her touch herself.
As he squeezed his cock, pushing out the semen, he thought about what he learned today. She was a virgin. Tom knew he didn't have the self-control to keep her one, which was too bad because he would get five times the amount for her.
Chapter 3
The next night, Tom took it slow with her. She had logged on as soon as she got home from school. He started the conversation with "Did you think about how you are slave while you were at school?"
The heat began to rise, her face flushing, her body heating up. "Yes sir."
"Exciting, isn't it?" he asked.
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. Go ahead and get naked. Remember that you should always be naked if you are home alone. Don't let me tell you again."
Shannon got up and remembered to turn up the heat. She was cold the night before. Still, she removed all her clothes except for her thick slippers which she left on her feet. She loved this game.
"How do you like being a slave, being owned by me?"
"I like it," Shannon said, unsure, and still shy.
"It turns you on?" he asked.
"Yes sir."
"Do you know why?"
"No sir."
"I'm going to tell you," he said. "Because you are a true slave. Your body and mind are developed to be a slave. I'm going to help you realize that. Your holes are designed to give men pleasure, your mouth is designed to give men and women pleasure. Girls like you are designed to give pleasure or reproduce and that is all."
Shannon felt herself quickly becoming excited.
"How well do you get along with your Mom?" Tom asked.
"Not too well. We don't get along very well."
"Why not?" Tom asked.
"She's just mean," she started and then began to let it all out. "She never thinks of me. I'm just in the way. She doesn't let me do anything. I'm almost an adult. I can think of a million reasons I guess."
"When is your birthday?" he asked.
Tom laughed. "Really?"
"Yes sir."
"So nothing is keeping you there. Did you ever think of running away?"
"Sometimes. I wouldn't know where to go though."
"You could always come live with me."
Shannon smiled, flirting. "Oh?"
"When I was young, I would always feel like running away. I would even write a note saying I was going too, but I never did. It always helped me though, to cope with my feelings. I don't want you to run away but I'm going to give you a task tonight. I want you to get a piece of paper and a pen."
"Yes sir." Shannon dug around her desk, pulled out a pad of paper and a pen.
"Now, write a runaway letter. Write your Mom, tell her you ran away from home and why."
"I'm not going to run away though."
"That's ok. That's not the point. Write it right now. It can be short if you want. Write it and then read it to me."
Shannon spent a few minutes writing her run-away note. She then put the pen down and read it to Tom who was patiently waiting. "Dear Mom. I have determined that I can no longer stand to live here with you. I've moved on to make my way in the world so I don't end up like you. Thanks for nothing. Shannon."
"Good girl. Now save that in your desk. Whenever you feel angry at your mother, look at it."
Shannon put it back in her desk and decided that she did feel better writing it even if it did seem a little silly. Tom really did understand her.
"If you are 18, you will be able to do whatever you like. Are you going to finish school?"
"I'm going to try. I'm almost done but it's hard. I might have to do summer school."
"You know, the only learning you need is how to please a master. Anything else will just cloud your head. Agreed?"
"I don't know."
"Well, we wouldn't send cows or pigs to school. They only have certain purposes. Cows give milk and meat. Slave provide pleasure and breed. Although some are trained to give milk too."
Shannon's face was flushed. "What do you mean, give milk?"
"I want you to play with your nipples now while I talk. Squeeze them softly with your fingers. Now roll them...now pull them out. Some girls are either bred or given hormones so that their breast produce milk. Then they are milked like a cow."
Shannon tugged at her nipples.
"Breasts are good for many things. Pinch your nipples harder now...now harder. Now rub them softly. You have very nice breast. If it wasn't for your breast, I would have no idea you were 18. You look much younger. Now, tug one nipple, pretend someone is milking you. Let go of your right breast and use that hand to touch yourself."
Shannon couldn't believe how hot he could get her. She was soaked. Tom continued. "Keep tugging on that nipple. Stretch it out, and then let it go. I bet that cunt of yours is wet."
Shannon nodded.
"Good girl. Slaves in some countries provide milk because they are poor and consider human milk a delicacy. Only in America do we deride something beautiful. Keep pulling on that teat. Pretend it's me pulling on it, that it's my fingers in you. Do you want to cum?"
Shannon nodded.
"Then ask permission to cum but when you cum I want you to pull hard on your teat. Harder than you ever pulled before."
Shannon was breathing hard and had a hard time getting the words out. "Sir, can I cum?"
"You may."
Shannon gasped, and then whimpered as she crunched forward, her hand pulling on her nipple. She cried out as she came. She exploded. The orgasm rushed over her and she pulled harder on the nipple than she meant to. The pain was exquisite and rode her orgasm to a place that she never felt before.
Chapter 4
The next day, as Shannon got home, she ran upstairs, dropped her backpack, turned on her laptop and logged on. The laptop system loaded, too slowly for her. She sat down, watched it and sighed impatiently. Slowly, the system went through its checks and then finally completing its loading.
She double clicked her messenger and as it logged in, Tom immediately IMed her. She quickly accepted the request, her heart beating a little faster, the butterflies beginning to flutter in her stomach. Tom's image appeared in the window. He frowned. "Why isn't it naked?"
"Oops! Sorry!" Shannon quickly unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off.
"Was I not clear yesterday?" Tom asked.
"Yeah," Shannon said as she removed her bra and her c-cup breast fell out.
"Yes sir!" Tom corrected.
"Sorry, yes sir," she said as she kicked off her shoes. Tom watched and waited for her to get completely naked. She stumbled as she tried to step out of her pants, then finally, she was naked and she sat down in front of her computer.
"That's two things it did wrong," Tom said. "You will have to be punished for it."
Shannon leaned forward, peering at the pixilated black and white image of Tom. "Punished?"
"Three things... It is not to speak unless it is told to or asked a question. Understood?"
"Yes sir."
"Now, do you have a hairbrush? A hard one?" he asked.
Shannon thought about it "Um, yes...yes sir."
"Go get it, you have 30 seconds " he ordered.
Shannon got up and Tom watched, savoring the brief sight of her cunt. So small, and perfect. She quickly returned with the brush and stood awkwardly in front of the laptop.
"Now, stand there and move the camera up so I can see its face and tits," he said.
Shannon adjusted the camera.
"Now, put its finger in its cunt."
Shannon pushed her left finger between her legs, feeling the warmth and surprised how wet she was. She let out an unintentional moan.
"Is it wet?"
Shannon nodded and blushed.
"Yes, sir," she whispered.
"Rub its finger up and down its hole, get that finger really wet."
Shannon rubbed the finger around, getting more aroused. Her sex opened and revealed the pink, glistening insides as she rubbed.
Tom spoke carefully, slowly. "Now... It is going to smack its left breast five times with the hard end of that brush for not being naked when it is home alone. Then it will smack its right breast five times for not calling me sir. Then it will sit down and smack its cunt five times for talking without being talked to. I want you to do this had so you don't forget these rules. I want you to pretend that it's me smacking you."
Shannon should have felt fear but instead felt a surge of excitement. Tom watched her reaction and knew what was going through her little mind. He thought that she has no idea the pain that awaits her and he cock throbbed extra hard at the thought.
"It will count each time, understood girl?"
"I think so...sir"
Shannon took the brush, turned it over and raised it slowly. She sharply brought it down, letting out a loud smack. The white skin turned red.
She raised the brush again and Tom stopped her "One, 'sir' and do it harder. Start again."
Shannon smacked her breast harder, "One, sir."
She raised the brush and did it again "Two, sir."
Tom watched. He knew it probably would sting by the 5th time but nothing that would be real punishment. This was just the bait, the conditioning.
Shannon slapped each breast five times. Her nipples, under the red patch of soft breast skin, were completely swollen. She took a deep breath and then sat down, spreading her legs.
"Lower the camera so I can see it," Tom ordered.
Shannon lowered the camera so that it focused between her legs. She slapped her cunt five times, obediently counting.
When she was done Tom spoke. "Raise the camera. Good girl. A good slave accepts its punishment and knows that it is for its own good as well as for the pleasure of its master."
Shannon could barely talk. Her breast still stung slightly but at the last slap, she nearly came. She wanted to ask a question but she didn't dare. She thought about what he said and the words slowly sank into her. For the pleasure of a master.
"Put down the hairbrush. Now, does it have anything it wants to say?"
Shannon quickly found the words "Can I cum Master?"
"Say it right," he growled.
She paused, thought about it and spoke carefully. "Can it cum Master?"
"Say, 'can this worthless slut cum'?"
"Can this worthless slut cum?" she repeated. A shiver went through her.
"No yet slut. I'm sending you some documents. Do you have a printer?" he asked.
The items popped up on her screen. She opened them. They were long contracts. She saw the word slave written numerous times on it.
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Print them out and sign them. You need to initial each page, then sign at the bottom of the last one."
Shannon printed out the documents. It made for five whole pages. She didn't read everything but it was some sort of slave contract that gave Tom full ownership of her. Her cunt quivered as Shannon initialed each page and then signed under the bottom line at the end of the contract.
"Do you have a scanner?" Tom asked.
Shannon shook her head no.
"Ok, hold each page up close to the camera so I can see that you signed them."
Shannon obeyed. Tom took a photo of each sheet. "Now, put these in a safe place, don't lose them no matter what. Understood?"
"Yes, sir"
"These papers complete the slave contract. You completely belong to me now... Now slave, it may cum."
Shannon eagerly pushed her finger into her sex and rubbed. She came almost instantaneously. Tom was going to talk her through it but she came too quickly. His cock throbbed below the desk. He stroked it slowly as he watched her.
When she was done he rewarded her. "Good girl. Did my beast enjoy that?"
Shannon tried to speak, took in a deep breath and nodded quickly. "Yes, sir."
Tom watched her, giving her a few seconds to catch her breath. "Now, how was its day today?"
"It wasn't bad. I'm glad it's Friday though."
"Do you have a lot of friends at school?"
"Not really...a few I guess."
"Do you have a best friend?" he asked.
"I have one."
"What's her name?"
"Her name is Tracy."
"Is she is the same grade as you? "
"It's 'yes, sir'."
"Sorry, yes, sir."
"Do you talk to her online like you do me?" Tom had been trying to crack Shannon's messenger password. He made sure to only try it two times a day to keep from sending any warning signals or locking the account. He's found that he's been pretty lucky in the past with other girls. After enough prying, he was usually able to figure it out. No one picked a password they couldn't remember.
"Yeah, she got me into the chat stuff."
"Is she a slave like you are?"
Shannon laughed. "No, I don't think so."
"Should I make her a slave?"
Shannon laughed nervously but the thought caused a surprising surge of pleasure though her. "No sir."
"Do you have a picture of her?"
Shannon paused. "Why do you want to see that?"
"Curious. Does she know you are into this stuff?"
"Oh my God, no." Shannon leaned forward, looking for photos on the laptop. She found a picture and forwarded it on to Tom.
Tom looked at it. "She's pretty. How long have you known each other?"
As Shannon answered, Tom opened the file up in a photo program, looking for a geo tag. He found the GPS coordinates embedded in the photo. He was always surprised how many people didn't realize their cameras were embedding GPS coordinates into their photos.
"Do you have any photos of yourself that you want to share?"
Shannon nodded and looked around, sending Tom a few. He opened them and looked at them. "Where were these taken?" As she answered, he opened these photos as well and was delighted to see some with GPS coordinates embedded inside.
He punched up an internet map program and copied and pasted the coordinates in the program.
Outside Shannon's door came a scratching sound and a bark. Shannon looked up and realized that she had forgotten to take the dogs out. The sound of the dog barking was transmitted over to Tom's computer. He zoomed in on the house on the map and could see the two dog houses in the backyard.
"Are those your dogs?"
"Yes sir. I forgot to take them out. Do you mind if I take them out really quick?"
Tom looked at the house and could see that it was surrounded by forest. "Go ahead, but remain naked."
Shannon paused and blushed. She thought quickly about the risks and ramifications. As long as her Mom didn't come home, no one would see her. She nodded and replied "Yes sir."
She got up, and trotted naked to the door. One of the dogs' nose was pushed under the door, trying to figure out what was going on inside.
Tom watched his screen as it became a picture of an empty chair. He heard the door open and Shannon yell "Get down!" laugh and then footsteps as she and her lumbering dogs made their way downstairs.
While he waited, he explored the map. Shannon was living in Maine, only a three hour drive for him. Her house was pretty isolated and her friend was in a more populated area. Shannon's closest neighbor was about half a mile down the road.
He typed Tracy's name in a search engine with the city. Her social media site came up. He wasn't sure if it was the same Tracy but the girl looked the same age. Only some of her information was set to private so he couldn't see some things. He checked the photo page. Over 50 photos were open to the public. He scanned through them and then smiled when he saw Tracy with Shannon. Shannon's photo was tagged with her full name. Tracy's was tagged with hers. He copied and pasted everything in a file that held all the information he had on Shannon.
He studied the photos. In one they are in Tracy's room. He can see the laptop in the background. Tom saved each photo and then zoomed in on the laptop. It is highly pixilated but he can make out Tracy's messenger program with Tracy's handle.
From the computers speakers he could hear a door close and Shannon yelling at her dogs. "Settle down!"
Footsteps, then the light change against the wall as the door opened. "Back outside. Down!"
She plopped down in the chair, her face and neck red, breathing heavy, smiling. "Back!" she said with a large smile.
Tom sipped his beer. "Good girl. Was it cold?"
Shannon shivered "Freezing!"
"What type of dogs do you have?" he asked.
"Mutts," she laughed.
"Big dogs?"
"They are mostly labs. They are brothers from the same litter. My bodyguards."
"So they are both male?"
"Yes sir."
"No." What an odd question, she thought.
Tom paused. He knew he was at a crossroads. He savored the thought of popping her virginity, but putting down the key element in enslaving Shannon was almost, if not more thrilling. He leaned forward.
"You know, since they are males and it is a slave, they are better than it is," he said slowly.
Shannon eyes opened wide and her smile disappeared as she listened.
"Like all males, they are smarter and stronger than you are, and they are its superior. You feed them, correct?"
"Yes sir," Shannon whispered.
"Good girl. It serves them. "
"They are not smarter than I am" Shannon said defiantly but with a hint of uncertainity.
"Oh, they most certainly are. You are just a slave, a cunt. All you are good for is for that cunt and mouth of yours. For even saying that shows how fucking stupid you are, do you even understand?"
Shannon blinked, surprised. Her eyes welled up with tears.
"I said, does it understand? Or is it too fucking stupid to even understand that?"
Shannon blinked again and tears streamed down her face. She thought about turning off the computer. Why is he being so mean to me, she wondered. It hurt her feelings tremendously.
"You better start answering your Master, cunt!" I nodded, unable to speak. "Slap your tit!"
Shannon wasn't sure why she was compelled to but she slapped her breast.
"Harder!" he barked.
She slapped it harder. "Now, cunt, does it understand?"
"Yes sir," she whispered.
"What did they do when you took them outside naked."
"They tried to jump up on me."
"Why?" he asked.
"They wanted to play."
"Did you let them jump up on you?"
"No sir."
"It does not have the right to say no to a male. Dog or human, it doesn't matter. Is that understood? If they want to jump on you, you let them."
"Yes sir." She wanted to touch herself again. Her heart was racing. Why am I so excited? She felt like the was going to spontaneously cum without even touching herself.
"Did they try to smell you?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" she whispered.
"Did they try to stick their nose into your cunt?"
"Yes sir."
"Did you let them?"
"No sir."
"You pushed them away?" Tom asked, his voice rising in anger.
"Yes sir."
"You will not push them away from now on. Where are they now?"
"Outside my door."
"Why are they there?"
"They want in my room."
"You do not have the right to deny them that. If they want in your room, you are to let them in. YOU don't belong in a room. You belong in a cage. Now open the door."
"Yes sir." Shannon got up, still crying and opened the door. The two dogs ran in, running around Shannon, barking, tongues wagging.
Tom could see the top half of the dogs as they ran around through the webcam. They were huge, bigger than Shannon.
As she sat down, she pushed a dog away that was trying to stick his nose in her ass.
"Push your chair back Shannon," Tom ordered.
Shannon pushed it back.
"Now spread your legs wide."
Shannon did and Brutus ran in front of her. Tom checked to make sure his computer was recording everything. He had almost her whole body in the frame.
Brutus pushed his nose between Shannon's legs and despite the tears, she laughed and pushed his head away. "Stop it!"
"Shannon, don't stop him" Tom said slowly, sternly.
"It tickles." Shannon said, now smiling and pushing at Brutus who was trying to dodge her hands to get in between her legs.
"Put your hand on your tits and play with your nipples. Keep your leg spread."
She obeyed and Brutus began to lick Shannon between her legs. "Oh my God..."
Brutus eagerly began to lick the juices from Shannon. He pushed his snout deep into her, his tongue lapping, desperate to lick up Shannon's juices.
"It is never to deny the dogs the means to lick its cunt."
Shannon couldn't believe it. The tongue was rough and was lathering her sex with dog saliva. The feeling was unusual but exciting. She squirmed in the chair. The dog's tongue pushed deep between her lips.
He let the dog lick her for a few moments. He watched her face, seeing her arousal. The dog suddenly jumped and tried to grab her leg. He humped at her leg for a moment before jumping down and returning to licking her sex. Tom jumped in "Now, Shannon, I want you to make it easier for him to lick you. Listen carefully. I want you to get on the bed behind you. Raise the camera a bit first so I can see you, then go get on your hands and knees and call him up on the bed."
Shannon got up, adjusted the camera and crawled onto the bed. She faced the camera on all fours and Brutus didn't need to be told. He jumped up on the bed, licked her face once and then moved behind her, sniffing, then licking her pussy again.
Shannon laughed and moaned, almost at the same time. Again, he pushed his snout hard against her causing her to squeal.
Tom watched, licking his dry lips "Shannon. You are a slave. These dogs are better than you. They are stronger and smarter than you. They are your superiors. You are not to move. If they want to lick your pussy, it's their right as a male. Your pussy is for them. Understand?"
"Yes sir."
She was really excited now. Suddenly she felt a large weight on her back. Her dog was jumping up on her. She laughed, thinking that this was one of the dogs wrestling games it liked to do.
"Don't move Shannon" Tom ordered. His heart was nearly beating out of his chest. His cock was painfully hard, dripping pre-cum. He knew it would only take a few strokes to cum. He resisted touching it.
Brutus's paws were tight around Shannon's belly, scratching her. She felt something wet and warm poke repeatedly at her upper thigh. She was surprised how tight his grip was. A frustrated growl came out mouth and drool ran down his jowls and onto Shannon's shoulders. Brutus moved from one back paw to another, adjusting himself, moving himself forward. She felt the wet object push rapidly against her pussy. Her eyes opened as she suddenly realized what was happening. "Brutus! Get off!" she yelled.
"DON'T MOVE!" Tom yelled.
Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her sex. She cried out and nearly collapsed on the bed. Brutus pushed forward hard, his shaft penetrating her. He began to fuck furiously, his cock pushing farther in which each thrust and quickly expanding in the small space.
Shannon's mouth opened in a silent scream. Brutus was humping wildly, his cock moving rapidly back and forth in Shannon's vagina, sliding back and forth against the ripped hymen, pushing deeper as it expanded. Her breast swayed wildly under her and the room filled with the slapping sound and a wet cock rapidly slamming into a wet pussy.
Brutus pushed up against Shannon as he slowed down his rapid thrusting. She could feel his warm fur on her rump, feel his testicles against her thighs, the fur on his sheath pushing up against her lips. Inside of her, the cock was getting huge. She could feel it twitching and pushing up against her cervix. She was breathing hard, her breast swaying under her, her mind rapidly adjusting to what just happened. This cannot be happening. What have I done?
The dog cock lodged in her was getting painfully large. She tried pushing Brutus off her and he growled menacingly at her. She felt the cock twitching and she felt something warm running down her inner thigh. She realized that her dog was cumming in her, his seed was filling her up inside. The thought was too much for her and her instincts began to take over. Her sex began to spasm around the large knot that was expanding at the base of Brutus's cock. She shuddered and she tried to stop herself from coming, but she was already too excited by the time he mounted her. Her body took over where her mind protested and she moaned as she came, her orgasm milking the dog cock and clamping tighter onto it.
It was too much for Tom. He gripped his cock and pumped it a few times before his cum shot across over his thigh and onto the floor.
Shannon's arms gave out on her and she leaned forward onto her elbows. Brutus jumped off of her and turned to jump off the bed. Her ass followed as Brutus's cock was knotted inside of her. The base of his cock was now larger than her opening. She screamed in pain, pushing up off the bed and pushing back. Brutus stood where he was, facing opposite of Shannon, waiting. He pulled once more, eliciting another yelp from Shannon and his cock popped out. Shannon felt what seemed like a gallon of semen spill out of her onto the bed.
Shannon looked up at the laptop, Tom was still watching. He was breathing hard. His cock was still hard. She felt like she was in shock. Sulla was running around the bed. She got up on her knees, still trying to take in what happened. Her eyes began to tear up again. She breathed in and let out a sob. She put her shaking hand down to steady herself and swung her legs over the bed to get down.
As her second foot touched the ground, she was nearly knocked back onto the bed by Sulla jumping on her back. Her head was pushed onto the quilt cover and she felt Sulla's paws wrap tightly around her waist. She cried out "No!" as she felt him push his body in close to her rump and the wet tip of his cock began to thrust around her bottom.
She tried pushing up but he was too heavy. She clawed at the sheets, trying to pull herself away from Sulla. She managed to get one knee on the bed. Bone's couldn't get his mark, the cock pushing out farther out of the sheath, it was poking wildly in the air, sometimes pushing up against her soft skin, leaving a slimy mark. Sulla growled but Shannon managed to get her other knee up on the bed. Sulla slipped, falling down on all fours but was quick to jump on the bed and back onto Shannon's back. He held her tight as she tried to crawl away
His cock found its mark and pushed into her cunt. He held her tight as he pushed in closer and then began to wildly fuck her.
"Help!" She yelled.
Tom leaned in "Don't move. You're his bitch. Let him finish!"
Shannon couldn't believe it, she was being raped by her dog. The pain was less now though and the feeling was beginning to become pleasurable. Again, the actual rapid fucking was quick, the cock expanding inside Shannon's small cunt until it filled every hole, the tip pushing up hard against her cervix, jerking as ropes of semen spewed from the tip.
She tried one more time pleading to Tom. "Please help me."
"You are his bitch. Just stand still and let him finish."
Again, the dog locked itself inside Shannon but held himself for five minutes, standing over her as she cried and didn't move until he shrank enough for him to pull out. Shannon collapsed on the bed, sobbing.
Tracy was paging her on the IM. Shannon looked up.
"Come back to the chair Shannon," Tom said slowly.
Shannon wiped the tears from her cheek and slowly walked back to her chair and sitting down.
Tracy paged again.
"Who is that paging you, Shannon?" Tom asked.
Shannon sobbed again. Her sex felt like it had been ripped apart.
Again, Tracy pinged.
"Shannon. Is that your friend Tracy trying to call you?"
She looked at the screen and realizing that her games had gone too far, she reached forward and held the power button until the laptop shut off.
The fans inside the laptop slowed down and stopped. She was now alone and the house was quiet. The dogs had moved downstairs. Shannon sat there, looking at the blank screen for several minutes before she slowly got up. She was still shaking. She walked naked to her closet and pulled out a robe which she put on then made her way to the shower.
As she cleaned off, she was initially started by the sight of blood mixed with the semen that ran off her body and down the drain. The cleaning calmed her down and the pain had subsided. She let the hot water pour over her head as she thought about what happened.
The moment the dog jumped on her back replayed in her mind again and again. She had sex, for her first time and it had been with a dog. The dog had used her, roughly, simply to spew its seed inside of her.
As the water ran over her head, down her body, she took her hand and ran it down her side. She felt herself getting excited again. Her hand slipped down to her sensitive lips. She stopped and thought, I can't believe I'm getting turned on by this. What is wrong with me?
She turned off the water and grabbed a towel, drying off. She swore to herself that she was going to stop with the debaucheries on the internet. She let it go too far. She put on her robe and went back to her room to put on her pajamas.
When she laid down under her covers, she fell asleep quickly, her body and mind exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep.
Meanwhile, in a city three hours south of her, Tom took a shower. His cock rose to a stiff erection as he thought about what he had recorded. He had gotten everything he needed before she chickened out and turned off the computer. Normally they bailed before it got this far but she had taken the bait. He thought about how great the next several weeks were going to be and his cock swelled so it was almost painful. He had already wacked it twice. He ran his soapy hand down over it and decided that he might need to watch the video again and whack it a third time before he called it a night.
Chapter 5
Shannon's next day went as any other. She apologized to Tracy for not answering her IM. She claimed that her laptop freezed up on her and then, due to her absentmindedness, she forgot to call. In class, she couldn't concentrate on any of the instructions, not that she normally could. Despite attempts to block it from her mind, her thoughts kept going back to Master Tom. Maybe he was right. She wasn't cut for this class work. She was just good for her body and the pleasure it could provide. That thought excited her. A dark, sad feeling came over her as she realized that she was getting excited thinking about the day before. She could feel the wetness between her legs. She asked herself again, What is wrong with me?
She tried hard not to think about it but until the time she left school and got home, it was a constant thought, one that wouldn't leave her no matter how hard she tried to shake it.
She looked at the glass door that separated her from her two dogs that waited for her to let them in. They wagged their tails and waited impatiently for the door to open. She stared at them, her eyes drawn to their sheaths and heavy, hanging testicles. Everything had changed. They were no longer the lovable puppies she played with as a child.
They looked back at her. It was the first time she saw them since the night before. She wondered what they saw, what they thought. Her dog senses seemed to suggest that all they were thinking was, "Let us in, we're tired of being outside." She unlocked and pulled the glass door open. The two dogs bounded in. One turned to be petted by Shannon. Her hand shook as she rubbed Sulla's head.
Sulla licked her hand and then bounded off after his brother into the other room. Shannon stood and watched their exit. Perhaps things are as normal as they were before. She went upstairs, put her book bag down and glanced over at the laptop.
The butterflies rose in her stomach. She closed her eyes and went back downstairs to fix herself a snack.
Down in the kitchen, as she grabbed a bag of chips, her mind wandered back to the laptop. She thought maybe she could turn on the IM and set it so that Master Tom didn't see her log on. That way she could talk to her friend without having to deal with him. Maybe she should delete him all together. Her body tingled thinking about not deleting him and the possibility of talking to him again. He will be so mad though.
She decided as she munched on some chips, that a good clean cut from deviancy would be best. Delete him and not delve into that dark part of her sexual fantasies again.
She went back upstairs, sat down at her computer and turned it on. Her heart was beating faster as she waited for it to load. After what seemed like an eternity, Windows opened. She opened her messaging program and immediately saw that Master Tom was on. She quickly right clicked his name and deleted it. The computer warned "Are you sure?" She clicked yes and then breathed out a sigh of relief.
The rest of the evening was easier. She felt like a huge weight was lifted off her. She changed into her pajamas and watched some TV. As she lay on her bed, the familiar ping of the messenger rang. She looked up and could see it was Tracy pinging her. Something about it, gave her chills. The computer pinged again. It's Tracy, she told herself, It's not him. Why does it seem so weird?
She thought back to last night and the thought creeping in her subconscious suddenly sprang forward. How does he know Tracy's name? She began to panic. Did she tell him? She must have. She couldn't remember. She didn't think she had. She must have.
She got up and accepted the chat with Tracy. Tracy loved to type for hours at a time about the inane and this time was no different. A sense of normalcy came over Shannon and she pushed her fears back, finally accepting that she must have mentioned Tracy's name once. The more she thought about it, the more she became sure that she did. As she chatted back and forth with Tracy, she wrote to other friends on Facebook. After awhile she felt those urges and opened up some of the photos Master Tom had sent her. She unhooked her pajama pants and slid them down with her panties, around her legs so that she could pleasure herself.
She watched a short video clip of a girl hanging from a rope by her wrist, her hands tied above her, her toes, barely touching the ground. Another woman slapped her ass with a long leather strap and she cried out with each stroke of the lash.
Her fingers pushed into the soft folds, feeling the wetness, feeling her excitement rise. She opened another photo. This one was of a girl kneeling naked in a cage. Her focus on her fantasies kept her from realizing that she had failed to close her door all the way. The door only closed completely when she pushed hard on it, making something click in the latch.
Sulla had pushed his way in and he headed straight to Shannon, his nose going towards her hand buried in her snatch. His presence startled her and her hands shot up to push him back. He went into dog play mode and woofed playfully, pushing forward, trying to get under the table and between her legs.
Shannon got up and pushed back the chair, her pants and panties were bunched up under her knees, effectively binding her and causing her to fall straight onto the floor. She caught herself with her hands but again found herself on her hands and knees. Sulla was quick to recreate the pleasure he felt the night before. He jumped on her back, his paws gripping Shannon around the waist.
Shannon cried out, more in pain from the hard landing than anything else. She felt the slimy tip of his cock poking her in the rump. She decided to try laying down rather than push him off like she tried the night before. She moved forward, leaning down, coming down off her hands onto her elbows. Sulla growled and nipped her painfully on the shoulder.
Something clicked inside of Shannon. She was horny. She wanted to feel the cock sliding in and out of her. She knew it was wrong, and awful, but desire and instinct was overwhelming her. She pushed back up on her hands and raised her rump into the air.
Sulla found his mark and his cock began to piston in and out of her wetness, growing larger with each stroke. Shannon loved the feel, the brutal violence of it, how the claws scratched at her sides, how Bone's animal needs was only satisfied by thrusting his cock inside of her. She felt the knot grow and the cock begin to twitch. She knew he was dumping his semen into her. Lots of it.
This thought pushed her over and she came, clutching the carpet, her toes curling, her vagina convulsing and clutching the dog knot, tying them tighter together.
Sulla stood over her, not moving, enjoying his bitch. He was panting, his slobber running down onto Shannon's shirt. Brutus had wandered in and he sniffed around the two copulating creatures.
As Brutus moved in front of her, she could see his red cock peaking out. She put her weight on one hand and raised her other to touch the fur covered sheath. It felt soft and warm in her hand. She squeezed it softly and Brutus, deciding that it felt pretty good, stood still. She moved it back and forth in her hand and saw the red tip grow larger.
She moved her hand faster and then stopped as she felt Sulla jump off of her. She winced as he pulled and the large knot was pulled out with a pop. She felt the semen run down her leg, into the carpet.
She crawled forward to get closer and continued to jack off her dog. She found the rhythm that the dog seemed to like because he began to hunch his hips and pump at her hand, the cock starting to expand and push out. She saw the pointed tip contract, expand and a clear liquid squirt out of it.
She got closer, looking at it, liking it. She thought about all the photos she saw of girls sucking cock. She wondered what it tasted like. As if Brutus could read her mind, he plopped down onto the rug, laying on his side, his cock still sticking up. She leaned forward and licked the tip and felt the clear liquid squirt onto her face.
She took the tip in her mouth and jerked it. She felt it squirt in her mouth again and the sensation excited her. She felt the knot growing under her hand. She pushed it out of the sheath and held it behind the base. After she did that, the cock swelled quickly. She wrapped her mouth around it, sucking it. The ejaculations came thicker now and in more quantity. She didn't let a drop out, her lips around the strange cock, she swallowed the dog's seed.
At one point, she felt like she swallowed too much. She took the cock out of her mouth. It was huge and engorged now, the veins pushing out on the sides, throbbing. She looked at it and suddenly it surged and a long rope of cum shot out and landing across her face, landing in her eye. She pushed back and wiped her eye, blinking. Sulla got up, his large cock dangling and bent his head down to sniff his cock, then to the semen on the floor.
Shannon leaned back on her knees and put her hand between her legs. She was still wet and swollen. Her fingers pushed in and she felt the combined juices from herself and her dog. She moaned, her other hand went to the floor to steady herself. She watched Brutus sniff and lick the floor. His cock was still jerking, small streams squirting out of the tip onto the floor.
She lay back on the floor, her legs spread, her finger rubbing herself. She spread Bone's semen around her cunt. Brutus walked over and sniffed at her hand, then began to lick the wetness. She removed her hand and ran it up to her breast. She squeezed her tit as the dog's big tongue ran roughly over her sex. She pushed her hips up, moaned and after a moment, she shuddered in her second orgasm.
Chapter 6
Shannon thought about the dogs all day at school. When she got home and let them in, they were apparently thinking the same thing because they jumped up on her and nearly knocked her over trying to hump her. Brutus grabbed her brutally, his paws wrapping around her, his pelvis pushing back and forth, his cock pocking in and out of his sheath. She pushed him off, he growled and she ran upstairs with both dogs in close pursuit, their claws scraping and sliding on the tiled kitchen floor. She struggled to undo her belt and pull down her pants as the dogs jumped on her. She was able to bare her bottom and get on her hands and knees.
Sulla was quicker this time. He barked and grabbed her roughly. He pumped his cock straight between her outer lips and fucked her brutally with Brutus running around and barking like he was mad. Both dogs fucked her brutally and when they were done, Shannon had cum twice again.
She cleaned up with a shower and thought about what she will do when the dogs are jumping up on her when her Mom was home. This is the most aggressive they have been. They obviously thought of her as nothing but a bitch now. They didn't listen to anything she said. They only saw her as something to fuck.
Her phone rang as she was drying off. She picked it up, looked at the number. She didn't recognize it. "Hello?" she answered.
"Slave, why did you delete me as a friend?"Tom whispered.
Shannon's heart stopped. She dropped her towel.
"Who is this?" Shannon asked.
"You know who it is slave," Tom said in a slow, menacing voice. "I asked you a question. Why did you delete me as a friend?"
She quickly hung up the phone and looked at the number on the screen, her eyes wide with fear.
The phone rang. It was the same number. She hung up again.
Again it rang. She looked at the number, her hand was shaking. She answered "hello?"
"Each time you do that girl, you are going to be punished, do you understand?"
Shannon tried to speak but it came out as a whisper.
"What did you say?" Tom demanded.
"I...I don't want to play this anymore."
"Oh, this isn't play. You are property and you belong to me. You are a slave. This isn't a game. Is that why you deleted me, because you thought this was a game?"
"How did you get my phone number?" she whispered.
"My, how you forget what a worthless and dumb cunt you are. Now listen carefully, if you do not obey, I'm going to take the video I took of you getting fucked by your dogs and send it to your friend Tracy..." Tom said Tracy's last name and then added her messenger handle.
Shannon couldn't breathe.
"Then I'll send the photos to her friend Allen and Mark. Do you know them?"
"Yes..." he couldn't believe this was happening.
"I figured you did. I know their emails and Facebook addresses too. In fact, I know your Facebook profile and password. I could simply post that video on your profile... Now log onto your computer."
Shannon couldn't move. She stood naked, the phone in her hand, pressed against her ear.
"Slave...log onto your computer, NOW!"
Shannon slowly sat down and turned her computer on.
"Good girl. Now add me as a friend again."
Shannon obeyed. His name immediately popped up and the screen asking to accept webcam popped up.
Tom appeared via webcam. He was in a different location than he usually was. He smiled and hung up his phone.
"You can hang the phone up now."
Shannon hung it up and put it down.
"I'm glad to see it is naked."
Shannon stared, glassy eye at the screen, her bottom lip quivering.
"Do you still have the contract you signed?"
Shannon nodded.
"Slap yourself Shannon, for not saying 'yes, sir'"
Shannon paused, her eyes filling with tears. She slapped herself on her cheek.
Shannon slapped it harder.
Shannon didn't move.
Tom had a portable video player. He held it up to his camera and pressed play. It was a video of Shannon being fucked by her dog.
Shannon watched as her dog frantically fucked her. The screen was pixilated but it was clear that it was her on her hands and knees, crying, being fucked by a dog. "You are a horrible person," Shannon whispered.
"You have no idea. You though are a dog slut and a slave. Now slap yourself harder or everyone in your school is going to see this fucking video." He said the name of her high school and let that sink in. "Everyone will have it on their cellphones. I'm rock hard thinking about the humiliation you will endure. So it's all good for me no matter what you choose."
Shannon gritted her teeth and slapped herself as hard as she could, causing a blinding, burning pain in her face.
"Good girl. Now, do you have that contract you signed?"
"Yes sir."
"Good girl, get it and put it on the bed. I want it there to remind you that you belong to me. Legally."
Shannon got up and pulled them out of a secret folder she hid under her mattress. She laid it on the bed and then sat back down.
"Good girl. Now, I mailed you something. It will be on your front door. Go get it and bring it back, fast. If you are not back in 30 seconds, you will be punished."
Shannon ran downstairs and opened the door. Tom was right, there was a large box sitting in front of the door addressed to her. She grabbed it and hurried back up stairs. The screen door slammed shut behind her. She sat down.
"Good girl, you made it. Now, open the box."
The thought that he had sent a gift was easing her fear. She grabbed her scissors and cut through the tape and opened the box.
"These are for your training. Lay them out on the bed."
Shannon took the items out of the box. In the box was a leather hood with a zipper over the mouth and a slot for the nose. There was a leather collar with a lock with a key in it, a black leather wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs, and a red ball rubber gag.
She laid them slowly out on the bed, staring at each one, feeling her face get flush.
"Now, I don't want your dogs bothering you while we play, so go put the dogs in the back yard. You have 30 seconds. Go," he said.
Shannon ran down stairs and called out to the dogs who came running, thinking that a meal will be served. She opened the back door and pointed, both dogs eagerly ran out. She shut the door and was grateful they didn't try to mount her. She ran upstairs and sat down on her bed. She was excited. These were things that she had seen in the photos.
"Good girl. Now, listen to my directions carefully. Those keys will open the locks but I don't want you to open them until we are done, understand?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now, put the cuffs on your ankles and wrists."
Shannon unhooked them and then strapped them around each ankle and wrist. Her butterflies were returning. The D-rings in the hooks jingled as she moved.
"Good girl. Now use the D-Ring to hook the ankles together," he said.
Shannon breathed in deeply as she experienced her first bondage.
"Now, put the ball gag in your mouth."
Shannon opened her mouth wide and put the gag in, then strapped it to the back of her head. She fumbled with the strap but after a few moments she had the ball held tight in her mouth.
"Mmmmm, you look sweet with that in your mouth. Now, after you put the hood on, you won't be able to see, so remember where the collar is. Now put the hood over your head first. There is a zipper in the back."
Shannon fumbled with the hood and pushed her hair back. She slid her head in and closed the zipper in the back, carefully pushing her hair inside to get it from getting caught in the zipper.
"Now listen to my voice. Open the zipper over your mouth... Good. Now pull the hood down tighter. Good girl. Now grab the collar and put it on."
Shannon felt around blindly for the collar. She found it and wrapped it around her neck. She hooked it closed.
"Now take the lock and put it through the ring in the back, close the lock, take out the key and put the key on the floor."
Shannon struggled a bit to get the lock on, but she finally heard a satisfying click. She took the key out and put it carefully on the floor.
"This last part is hard, put both hands behind you and hook the D-ring together, lock your hands behind your back."
Shannon thought about it a second and was convinced she could get out of D-ring if she needed to. She put her hands behind her back and searched and twisted her fingers until she was able to click the D-ring together.
"Now, I want you to lay down for ten minutes. I want you to feel what it's like to be tied up for my pleasure. I'm going to log off. After ten minutes, use the key to get out and then call me back on the computer."
She heard him log off. She laid down. She was incredibly turned on. She was completely bound. She scooted up the bed to get more comfortable. She tried rubbing her legs together to put pressure on her cunt. She opened her mouth, which was starting to get uncomfortable and realized she was drooling onto the bed. She wondered how she was going to tell when ten minutes were up. Perhaps she could touch herself before she called him.
Suddenly, she heard a car in the driveway. Instant panic filled her as she thought Mom! She was home a full three hours early! She fumbled with her hands, trying to unhook the d-ring. It was harder than she thought. She was panicking, struggling, naked on the bed. Tom's camera recorded all of her struggles. He later downloaded it to a peer to peer service where it was quickly distributed throughout the world. She jerked forward, trying to free her arms. She couldn't. She moaned in the gag and concentrated hard on pulling the D-ring to the side and open. She heard a car door, and the dogs were barking. She almost had the d-ring but it kept slipping when she pushed it open. She heard the front door open. The d-ring unhooked itself and she pushed herself down on the floor and searched for the key. She could hear her mother coming up the stairs. Her fingers touched the tip of the key and the key slide away from her. Frantically she patted the ground blindly for the key. When she found it, she put it into the lock and turned. The lock did not open. She moaned and turned again. She heard her door open. The key wouldn't work. She heard footsteps come toward her and a strong hand grabbed her arm, pulling her up and throwing her on the bed. It's not Mom!
The person turned her over, grabbed her arms and clicked the D-ring together. He then pulled her ankles up and connected all four rings to another lock, hogtying her. She screamed but the gag muffled it. He picked her up and put her in a large canvas bag and zipped it up over her. She heard him take the papers and rummaging around her room. He was taking her computer and putting it in the box. He dug around in the desk until he found the runaway note and he put that on the pillow.
He grabbed the box with one hand then picked up the canvas bag by its straps and slung it over his shoulder. Carrying her on his back, he slowly worked his way downstairs. She could hear the dogs barking frantically, scratching at the door glass.
He took her outside to his RV and put her in the back on the floor. He walked back into the house to make sure he covered his tracks, left no evidence of his presence there, and spent time searching for security camera. When he was confident his tracks were covered, he left the house, locking the door, then got into the driver's seat of his RV and drove out of the driveway.
He waited until he was at a gas station, 30 miles away before he stopped and climbed back to the back of the RV. He opened a hidden compartment under one of the beds and put the box in it. The compartment was padded to be soundproof but comfortable.
He unzipped the bag, unhooked her ankles from her wrist and pulled Shannon to her feet. She squirmed and screamed into her gag. He pushed her to the lavatory and sat her down on it. He said "We have a five hour drive, this is your one chance to go to the bathroom. I recommend that you do." Shannon did need to go. She had needed to go since she was abducted but now that she was naked on a toilet she couldn't do it. She tried to calm down, focus and thought of the absurdity of the situation. I'm being abducted and I'm worried about pissing on myself. She let loose and emptied her bladder.
"The toilet paper is by your right hand," he said. Shannon could still not believe what was happening. The guy she had been talking to for so long online was now right in front of her. He had her. He had claimed her in person.
Shannon groped for the toilet paper, found it and used it to clean herself.
"Good girl." Tom grabbed her arm to help her stand up. He brought her back to the compartment and eased her into it. He reconnected the ankle bracelet so that her wrists were attached to her ankles again, and then closed the bed over the compartment, covering all traces that Shannon was in the vehicle.
The only sensations she had was the sound of breathing through her nose and the vibrations of the RV as it turned back onto the dark Maine road.
Chapter 7
The ride to Tom's home was only about three hours. For Shannon though, it seemed like forever in the cramped space she was entombed in. She could intimately feel each bump in the road. It would rattle her teeth if some giant rubber ball gag wasn't wedged between them. Sometimes she panicked and felt like she couldn't breathe. She had difficulty breathing around the gag and worried about her nose suddenly closing up. She willed herself to remain calm but she couldn't stop her crying.
It was still in the middle of the night when they arrived. The RV stopped, the engine turned off, and it was suddenly very quiet. Shannon heard the door open and then the latch on the compartment being slid open. Tom took her out from out of the compartment, unhooked her and told her to pee again.
Afterwards, he hooked her bracelets back together and placed her back in the bag. One important thing Tom had learned in his years in slavery was that the hood being used in blinding the slave was essential in subduing and keeping the slave from panicking or striking out. It didn't always work, in which case Tom had a bottle of chloroform hidden as a bottle of vinegar in his pantry.
Shannon was docile and quiet. Her body, soft and alluring, and was causing Tom's cock to nearly burst out of his pants in anticipation.
He carried her in and took her down into his basement, a room hidden by a trap door hidden under a rug. When not in use, he hid it under his couch. He switched a light, closed the door behind him and headed down the stairs.
His heart was pounding, if he didn't beat off several times before taking her, he would have cum in his pants by now. He placed the bag on the floor and unzipped it. He unhooked her ankle bracelet and grabbed her arm, pulling her up. He picked her up and laid her on a padded table. With each slave he sold, he used part of the proceeds to purchase some equipment for his dungeon. The padded table was his first item for his dungeon and he created it himself.
She started squirming a bit, trying to break free but she was weak from her journey. He attached each wrist to a corner eye socket. Her legs and the edge of her ass were hanging over the edge. He pushed her knees up and then hooked each ankle to a corner of the table. He had adjusted the table so that it was perfectly suited for her height. With a big grin, he patted her spread open pussy. He ran his hand through the soft pubic hairs, rubbing the mound with his palm. There was nothing that felt better in the world. It was still young and relatively untouched. He rubbed the lips with his thumb and pried them apart. She was pink and glistening inside. Good, he thought.
Running his finger up the labia and over the hood that covered her clit he thought how many believed this was what it was all about. This is what drove men to subdue and conquer women, the beauty and power of the cunt. The feeling of sticking a cock in one drove men to madness. It made it worth more than gold. He ran his hand up her belly and over her soft breast. For him, it was more. It was her mind, it was the breaking her in, getting her to accept her fate as a slave. She was like a wild horse, not knowing her fate was to serve. His cock throbbed at the thought, a drop of pre-cum dripped from the tip. For some women, the realization doesn't come until later in life. He rubbed a nipple and watched it respond. This one would get to know early.
Once she was secure he unlocked her collar and removed her gag and hood. "Now, if you scream, no one will hear you and I will punish you," he stated flatly. Shannon's hair was messed up and her eyes were red from crying. She looked around fearfully, seeing that she was in a dimly lit dungeon pushed her sanity over and she screamed. Tom pushed the gag back in her mouth as she violently shook back and forth. He strapped the gag around her head, turned around and slowly walked to a wall.
She tried screaming into the gag again as she watched him. He went to what looked like a wooden board hanging on the wall to hang tools. Various tools were hanging from hooks. He pulled off a long leather strap with a handle, returned to her and swiftly slapped her across her breast with the wide leather strap. She screamed again and he brutally slapped the other breast, leaving dark red patches where the leather met the white skin.
"You scream, I punish you," he calmly stated again. He emphasized his words by grabbing her chin and squeezing it.
He looked down at her helpless and struggling body. He couldn't wait anymore. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his erect cock and walked around to between her legs. Her grabbed a leg and aimed the tip of his cock onto her pussy. He pushed into her slowly, and was surprised to feel her hotter and wetter than he imagined. He pushed in as deep as he could and held himself there. The lips were swollen and pulled up tight around the base of his cock. He looked down at it and his cock throbbed inside of her. She was tight. Her cunt felt like a tight leather glove gripped around his cock.
He reached up and rubbed one of the freshly punished breasts. He knew that slap was like nothing she ever gave herself, a pain that she probably not felt before. He admired the soft flesh and took pleasure that it was finally his. He slowly pulled his cock out and then pushed back in. "This is what you were made for slave," he said with calm, chilling softness. "This is your whole purpose in life."
It only took a few strokes before he couldn't help himself. He pulled out and rubbed his cock on the top of her pussy, his cock splitting her lips like a hot dog in a bun, and came forcibly on her belly. Shannon looked down the best she could, seeing the semen spurt out of his cock, thicker than the dogs. He moaned, pushed against her, squeezing his cock of all its juice.
He liked nothing better than to cum bare back into a warm vagina, but he hadn't set up a sale for this one yet. He didn't know if she took birth control pills or not. He never minded knocking them up, but if the buyers found out she was pregnant, the price would go down considerably. Worse, they could find out she was pregnant after the sale and it would ruin his reputation as a slave trader. A lesson he had learned the hard way.
Shannon saw and felt the cock push against her clitoris. She tried not to moan but the fact was that her first sex with a man felt amazing. She could feel his cock shudder as he ejaculated onto her belly. She could feel the warm slime and it excited her.
Tom rested for a moment, gave his cock a last squeeze, and then tucked his cock back in his pants. He moved around the table. "If you scream, the gag will go in and it will remain there permanently. There isn't anyone that can hear you down here anyway, but this begins your training. You are only to scream when your Master wants you to." She looked up at him as he leaned down and unhooked the gag then placed it on the table next to her head.
He reattached the collar and locked it. "This symbolizes that you are a slave," he said. "You will wear one always for the rest of your life."
He left the room but left on the lights so she could soak in her surroundings.
It got very quiet after Tom left. She looked around. In the corner there was what looked like a jail cell, with a toilet behind the bars. The door was swung open. Inside the cell was a big dog cage with a bunch of blankets inside. She wondered if Tom had dogs and if he had in mind the dog rape that he tricked her into online.
On the back wall, there was a big board with an assortment of whips, belts, and toys hanging neatly. In another corner was a wooden horse frame and a series of chains hanging above it. On the other wall was a big wooden wheel, set at an angle with straps set in it for what she assumed was ankles and wrist. Under the stairs was a small alcove that looked like it had a shower and a sink.
She laid on the padded table, listening to herself breathe, her heart beat. Occasionally she could hear footsteps above, creaking on the wooden planks of the ceiling. She lost track of time. Eventually she heard the door open. Master Tom came down the stairs carrying a dog bowl. This time he was completely naked, except for some slippers.
Oh, he does have a dog, she thought. He opened the dog cage and placed the bowl inside. He then walked to the wall with the whips and pulled off a cat-o-nine tails. He reached into a bag hanging from the board and pulled out two plastic clothes pins from a net bag. He came to her, put down the pins next to her and ran his free hand up and down her body, pausing at the breast, playing with them, studying them. His hand was hard and calloused compared to her soft skin. She watched his cock swell and grow erect.
"Time to use you again. We'll do this several more times tonight, then we'll start your training in full force tomorrow." He pinched her nipple. "Did it like getting used?" Shannon stared at him, unsure what to say. He pulled savagely on the nipple, twisting it. She cried out and pulled against her bonds. "Did it like getting used?" he repeated, this time more louder.
"I don't know," she croaked pitifully.
Tom stepped back and then brought the whip down onto Shannon's breast. "I don't know what?"
"I don't know, sir!"
He reached down and shoved two fingers into her sex. She was wet and warm again, another good sign. "Your body seems to know." He pushed his fingers in and out of her, slowly spreading her. "Now, you will know two things, rewards and punishments because that is how you train an animal." His slowly pushed his fingers in and out of her, then slowly over the hood covering her clit. He could see the reaction on her face. "Eventually you will learn that the greatest pleasure is derived from the pleasure you give your master."
He laid down the whip and took a plastic clothes pin out of his pocket. He tugged on her nipple softly, making sure it was hard and erect then clamped the pin on. She whimpered. He did the same to the other nipple, then put his fingers back in her and slowly massaged her from the inside. "Those hurt, don't they?" He looked at her directly, so she would know he expected an answer.
"Yes sir."
"Good girl. You will learn that taking pain is pleasure. Pleasure for yourself and for your master. A pain slut is one of the best slaves a man can own." He slowly fucked her with his finger. He moved around so that his crotch was closer to her head. The table was set up so that the head was on a separate extension of the table, allowing him to get close to her lips. Still, she wasn't short enough for him to finger fuck her and still use her mouth, so he went to a dresser in the side of the room. He pulled out a large vibrator with a round head and turned it on. He came back, reached down with the vibrator and pushed it onto her pussy. Now he had the reach to stand next to her head.
His cock bobbed over her forehead. He turned on the vibrator, pressing it against her mound. It buzzed and vibrated and she moaned in response. He looked down at her, his head cocked. She is not yet tamed, he thought. There is still hate and fight in her. He turned off the vibrator and set it down. Her put his hand around her throat and squeezed. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I own you. You are nothing but a piece of meat to me." He squeezed harder on her throat. "I can snuff you out at any time and no one would care. No one would ever know." She was starting to struggle. "So, when I put my cock in your mouth, if you bite it that will be the last thing you do. Understand?" He let go and she gasped for air. "Understand?" he yelled.
"Yes sir."
"Good girl." He turned the vibrator back on and put it between her legs. He took his cock and put it at her lips. "Kiss it."
She kissed it the thick puffy head that he placed at her lips.
"Lick it," he ordered. She obeyed. Her hips tried pushing up to the vibrator. It felt so good to her. She didn't want it too but it was unlike anything she ever felt before.
"Don't cum girl, unless I tell you too." He pushed the tip of his cock into her mouth. She could taste the pre-cum at the tip. "Suck on it."
She obediently pursed her lips and sucked it. He pushed a little deeper then slid back slowly. He pushed it in and began to slowly fuck her mouth. "Make your mouth like a pussy, don't let your teeth touch my cock." He was amazed how quickly she got the hang of it, using her tongue to cover her teeth. He grabbed a fist full of hair and began to slide deeper into her mouth, searching for her gag depth. She was whimpering around his cock, her hips were pushing up, seeking the vibrator. Her juices were coating the vibrator. He pushed deep and felt her gag. He pulled back and then began to fuck her mouth. Her gripped her hair painfully and growled "Swallow all of it, cunt."
He let go of her head and slapped the clothes pin on her nipple hard, snapping it off. She cried out. He did the same to the other one. He then held her head as his jism spurted out to the back of her throat. She swallowed the first load but the feeling of the pulsating cock in her mouth triggered her own orgasm. She cried out, shaking and the second squirt rolled out of her mouth and down her chin. Realizing that she had cum early, he dropped the vibrator and held her head with both hands, moaning himself as he cock erupted in her mouth. He shook her head "Swallow!"
Both slowly came down from their orgasms. He shuddered, squeezed the last drop out of his cock into her mouth then pulled out. "You didn't ask permission to cum, slave."
"I'm sorry master," she whispered.
Tom smiled. She was learning quickly. "Too late to be sorry."
As he undid her straps, he spoke to her. "You need to learn control. You do not have the right to cum. I own your cunt. I say when it can cum."
He pulled her up and hooked her wrist bands to a chain coming from the ceiling at the side of the room. He left her on her knees as he went to the winch on the wall and then began to pull her up. The winch creaked as it pulled the rope up. Her arms rose above her head until she was on her tip toes.
He walked back to the board, putting away the whip and grabbing a more traditional whip. Her eyes were wide as she watched him walk back. "This one takes a bit more skill. You will learn not to make that mistake again."
"Please, I won't! I'm sorry," she pleaded.
"Oh, you're sorry that you are such a disobedient little slut?"
He swung the whip and it cracked against her front side, licking a breast, leaving a red line. She cried out.
"How many times do you think you need to be whipped?"
She shook her head. "Please, oh God. Don't..."
He raised the whip and cracked it again, aiming for her pussy, but the whip made a red line across her belly. He was careful not to draw blood. If he cracked it too hard, it would cut the skin. He tried not to smile as he thought about how she must have fantasized about this and how different the reality must have been for her. His flaccid cock began to harden again.
"Oh, now you are going to tell me what to do?" He cracked the whip again, his aim truer than his last. She screamed and began to sob.
He began to crack the whip several times, and succeeding in hitting her sex on a few. She was sobbing hysterically, swinging, doing anything to get out of the pain. His cock was rock hard. He loosened the chain a bit so she was flat footed and could bend down. She hung from the chain, crying.
He walked behind her and cracked the whip at her ass. This time it was hard enough to leave a dark red mark. She screamed again. The pain was like a hot iron being laid across her backside. It was a pain worse than anything she's ever felt before. He threw the whip down, grabbed a fist full of hair, pulling her head back, her mouth hanging open, he positioned himself behind her, slid his cock between her legs and into her pussy.
He moaned, loving how tight she was. He held her head up as he fucked her furiously. He didn't last long and quickly pulled out and came on her ass.
Satisfied he went back to the winch and pulled it back up again so that she was standing. "I'll leave you like this so you can think about what you did wrong and what you will do to make up for it tomorrow."
Shannon watched him leave up the stairs. The last thing she saw was him turning off the light.
After several hours, Shannon finally got some restless sleep. She woke up with a cramp in her shoulder and she moved her body around in the dark to ease the pain. She thought about the dog cage and how she wished she was in that, where she could at least snuggle in a blanket. The darkness left her in her own thoughts. How did she allow this to happen and how will she be able to escape. The thoughts rolled around in her head, depressing her more as the bleak outcomes became more and more apparent to her. She had become a slave, property, and it was her own foolish actions that led her to that uncomfortable moment hanging from a rope.
That morning, still in pitch blackness, she could hear Master Tom walking around up stairs. The wood creaked under his weight. She heard the shower run, a toilet flush. It reminded her that she really had to go but she held it in. Finally, he appeared at the top of the stairs and turned on the light. She squinted, peering up. He walked down, holding another bowl which he placed in the jail cell next to the dog cage. Something hot was inside of it. She could see the steam rise out of it. He walked to the wall and lowered the rope holding her up. She stood unsteady on her feet. He undid her cuffs. He pointed to the jail cell. "Use the bathroom, when you are done, kneel at my feet."
She breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed her arms. "Yes master."
Tom smiled and watched her as she went to relieve herself. She really was a true submissive. Many of the girls he had sold took months, sometimes several years to completely break. Still, many smart ones put on the act early only to turn and try to kill him or escape. He wasn't sure if she was one of them but he suspected that he had partially broken her already.
Shannon did her business and returned to Tom. She kneeled in front of him.
"Good girl." He stroked her hair and grabbed a handful of it. He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his semi-erect cock. "Service my cock." He put his stiffening cock against her lips. She opened them and he slid his cock in. He fucked her mouth for several minutes, growing rougher as his arousal built. She took him with only the occasional gag and he moaned loudly as he ejaculated down her throat. This time she swallowed everything.
After he was done, he released her and pointed to the cage. "Good girl. Now you can get some sleep. Go into your cage." She started to get up to walk over and he yelled "CRAWL!"
She crawled into the cage, stepping over the two bowls. He closed the jail cell and locked it. She turned around and looked at the two bowls. One had oatmeal in it, the other water. He turned around and went up the stairs, turning off the light before he disappeared.
Shannon ate the oatmeal. She at first tried using her hand but it was messy, so she tried just eating out of the bowl, like a dog would. She was starved and ended up licking the bowl clean. Her hunger sated, she pushed the bowls to the side. The blanket was warm and comfortable, so she curled up and quickly fell asleep.
Tom spent the day preparing for his journey. He started at the marina, stocking his sailboat, ensuring all the systems necessary for a cross ocean journey was ready. He spent a good half of the day in his 45' sailboat, taking care of his finances, ensuring everything would be paid for while he was gone on his three month journey. He even stopped by the old lady next door, telling her that he was off to visit his children, asking if she could make sure to keep an eye on the house, keep the junk mail from piling up on the porch.
When he returned, he showed Shannon the shower and sink and told her to clean herself up. This was a twice daily occurrence that he did as routine as long as he had her in his basement. He was careful to show kindness, nothing more than what you would show an animal but enough to build the bond.
He taught her the way to kneel before a Master, with the back straight, chest out, legs spread, and palms up, resting on her thighs. He then tied her to the table and used her once before he locked her up in the cell, turned off the light and went upstairs.
Up at his computer, he monitored his infrared camera he had installed above the jail cell while he surfed BDSM rooms on the web, looking for more prey. Shannon had curled up in her bed inside the dog cage and he could see her squirming in the dark. He zoomed in the camera and saw that her hand was busy between her legs, rubbing herself. He turned up the volume on the microphone above the cell and listened to her heavy breathing.
He waited until she came and then he moved quickly downstairs. He flipped on the light then went over to the cage, unlocked it and opened the door. She blinked and crawled out of her cage. He walked in the middle of the room and shouted in his angriest of voices, "Get over here!" She got up to go to him. "Crawl!" he yelled. She crawled to him and then kneeled as she had been taught.
"Were you touching yourself?" he yelled.
"No sir," she said meekly.
"From now on, say Master. I'm your master, your owner."
"No, master."
He roughly grabbed her hand that she was using to touch herself and held it to her nose. "Smell that?" She looked down, knowing that she was caught. He grabbed her hair and brought her to the wooden horse. He pulled her up and hooked her wrist bracelets to a chain above. He pulled a pulley so that her arms were raised and her feet were lifted off the floor. He pulled her all the way to the top and then swung her over the horse. The horse has a pyramid shaped piece of wood. He lowered her down so that one leg was on each side. If she stood on her tip-toes, her pussy would only barely touch the wood. If she came down flat footed, the wedge shaped wood would push up into her. She came down once, and it was painful enough that she immediately went back up on her tiptoes.
Tom went back up and retrieved a video camera on a trip pod. He set it up to record her and then slapped her breast. "For touching yourself and cumming without permission, you will stay here all night. Remember, your cunt belongs to me," he said and then he left her there. He went up to his laptop, watching her as well as cruising rooms on the internet. He cracked a beer and settled down for awhile.
On his Yahoo messenger, he saw someone that he had been working awhile, a mother in Tampa. She was already referring to him as her master. He got her going, stripped and punishing herself. He toyed with this new catch while he idly watched Shannon's struggles below.
Shannon managed to stand on her tip toes for about 15 minutes. Then as her legs cramped, she began to ease down, whimpering as the sharp pressure increased and then crying out and shooting back up on her tip toes.
Tom had the volume down so he couldn't hear her. He could see her crying and struggling. He toyed with his cock as he alternatively watched Shannon squirm and he satisfied the depraved cravings on the young mother on her webcam. Another girl he was working on, Liz popped up on his messenger and he began to chat with her.
Shannon was beginning to panic. She knew she couldn't make it all night. She had no idea how long she had been hanging there but various muscles were starting to cramp. The pressure she felt when she lowered herself was the most unbearable, it seemed like it would split her in half. She tried swinging to the left or right of the wooden horse but there was no safe, comfortable position. Her feet gave and she fell sharply, crying out and sobbing, shooting up onto her feet. "Help!" she cried out. "Please!"
Tom watched his young mother cum. He saw her interest begin to dwindle shortly after. He smiled at her as she signed off. She was a tough one to hunt down, very secretive. She slipped once, revealing that she had a teenage daughter but other than that, he knew little about her. He switched to webcam with Liz. Liz was just starting to learn her body and BDSM.
After finishing with Liz, he signed off, and with no pants on, his cock bobbing up and down as he walked, he went downstairs. Playing with both women online had made him horny and excited again. He turned on the light to the dungeon. Shannon was sobbing now, she looked, her eyes pleading. He strolled slowly to the chain secured up on the wall. "Are you going to touch yourself without permission ever again?"
Shannon swung on her tiptoes, her legs shaking "No Master!"
"Are you ever going to cum without permission again?"
"No Master!"
"Why shouldn't it touch its cunt?"
Shannon moaned "I don't know!"
Tom tsked and walked away from the chain and to the wall of whips and toys. She cried out "Please! Please!"
He grabbed a thick belt and walked back, his cock dripping pre-cum and bobbing in front of him. He walked back and swung the belt hard on her rump. She cried out but remained on her tip-toes.
"Your cunt belongs to me. Not you, understood?"
"Yes Master!"
He swung the belt around hard again. "Why shouldn't it touch its cunt?"
Shannon choked out the words "Because my cunt belongs to you!"
He swung the belt again. "If it's my cunt why do you call it your cunt?"
Shannon was sobbing hard. He swung the belt again and it made a painfully loud crack. "I don't know, pleaseeeee!"
"It's not your cunt, it's my cunt. So why shouldn't it touch its cunt?"
"Because...your cunt belongs to you?"
Tom smiled, put down the belt and turn the winch to pull the chain up. He raised her high and then swung her over to his side of the saw-horse. He lowered her and then commanded "Put both your hands on the horse and bend over." He then lowered her enough so that she was bent over. He walked behind her, kicked her leg out, moved in and pushed his cock into her. She gasped and hung her head.
He violently fucked her, gripping her tightly by her small waist. He didn't take long before he pulled out and came on her back. He groaned loudly, squeezing his cock. With his first shot, his jism almost shot all the way to her shoulders.
He unhooked her and told her to crawl to her cage, where he then locked her up for the night.
Chapter 9
For the next three weeks he trained her, used her and prepped for his journey. He videotaped most of it for his personnel collection which he stored in a DVD case hidden behind a panel in the wall. He had over 15 women documented that he had trained and then sold as slaves. His first slaves documented with VHS, now he had a small HD camera that captured every detail. These videos held him over between sale of a slave and acquiring a new one.
He experimented with his knot tying, binding her in difficult and tight bondage, hanging her from the ceiling, filming her swinging helplessly. He used her repeatedly until his balls were sore. By three weeks, he began to grow bored. This is why he never had a full time slave. Through harsh punishment she grew to fear him but she was beginning to forget her old self and bond to him, to feel like he was the only thing that mattered in her life. He brought her food, controlled every moment of her day.
It was time to cash in with her and make room for a new slave.
Late on a Sunday night, he gave her a heavy sedative, tied her up, put her mask on and put her in the carry bag. He put her in the RV and drove to the marina. He carried her in his bag onto his sailboat. His heart beat hard during this part of the operation, so loud that he was worried that others would hear it. It was the one area where he was most likely to be caught. Someone loading their boat with stores and luggage wasn't suspicious. Someone doing it in the middle of the night was but he couldn't risk carrying her in the bag during the day when it was busy.
The marina was quiet. The only sounds were the water lapping against the floating pier and a bell on a buoy far outside the harbor. He stepped onto his boat and gently put her down to unlock his cabin. After opening the door, he picked her up and took her down. She was still fast asleep. He opened a hidden door under the guest rack and laid her down in his hand crafted cage.
The small cabin was a 4 foot by 5 foot cell. The walls, floor and ceiling were padded and designed to keep in noise. There was a few padeyes to secure slaves if needed. He made her comfortable, gave her a pillow and blanket and closed up the cage.
He drove his RV to storage, took out a suitcase worth of gear and took a cab back to the marina. The light blue of the coming dawn filled the horizon outside the harbor. He smiled for he knew that he was to experience a blissful month at sea, alone with his slave.
He threw his bags down in his cabin and got his boat ready to get underway. He motored quietly out of the marina as the stars disappeared and the sky filled with the fiery colors of sunrise. By the time the sun peaked over the horizon, the shores of America were fading into the distance.
About nine a.m. he scanned the horizon for other ships. He found a good wind and course and then put the sailboat into autopilot. He looked around once more and then went down to the cabin. He had to keep his slave quiet until he was out of range of the coast guard so he mixed some more sedative into a glass of orange juice. He opened the cage, untied Shannon and led her out to the cabin. She was still groggy. He took off her mask, let her to the bathroom and when she was done, he had her drink the glass of orange juice.
Her mouth was dry, she was thirsty and she drank the glass greedily. His cock swelled looking at her nakedness. He hated taking the risk but his needs outweighed his reluctance to risk capture by having her out so close to shore. He took her to the cabin and laid her face down onto the bed. He unzipped his pants, took out his rock hard cock. He ran his finger on her shaved cunt. He had taught her to shave it smooth along with her legs and armpits every morning. The one morning she forgot, he hung weighted clamps on her pussy lips for three hours. After that, she never forgot. Her pussy was dry. He smacked her rump lightly, then a little harder, making a sharp slapping sound as palm met buttocks. He moved his finger again and felt a hint of wetness. He grabbed a lip of her pussy and pulled on it, opening her up. He could see the pink inside and it was beginning to glisten. He spit on his cock, wetting it and then pushed it into slowly. The feeling of wetness and heat was intoxicating. He slowly pushed in and out of her, slowly lubricating her, and then picking up the pace.
He laid on top of her, pumping his cock in and out of her. Shannon thought how heavy he was, he was knocking the air out of her. She enjoyed the feeling, his heavy frame trapping her against the clean smelling quilt laid out on the bed, his rock hard cock sliding in and out of her. She was nearing her climax and she tried not to think about it to avoid cumming before she was given permission to. Before she reached a point where she would have to beg to cum, he pulled out of her, grabbed her shoulder, flipped her over and dragged her back down towards him. He grabbed her hair, slipped his slimy cock into her mouth and ejaculated down her throat.
When he was done, he patted her on the head and said "Good girl" for swallowing it all. He then put her hood back on and led her back in the cage. He decided to take another risk and left her hands unchained. She wouldn't be able to get out anyway, he figured. He pushed her in and said "you may cum as many times as you wish while you are in here."
Shannon was left in the dark. As she grew tired, she masturbated but the rolling motion of the boat lulled her to sleep before she came.
Tom zipped up, grabbed a beer from the fridge and went back topside. He scanned the horizon. There was a fishing boat far behind him but nothing else. He smiled, took a sip of his beer and took the boat off auto. He sailed until evening. He knew the route to take, one that was out of the normal routes for merchant ships. It was longer but the isolation was worth it.
When evening came, he lowered the main sail, set the rudder on auto and went below. He opened the cage. She was sleeping but she woke up when he opened the door. He grabbed her arm and lifted her out. He took off her hood and attached a leash to her collar.
"Good morning slave," he said.
She rubbed her eyes. "Good morning Master."
"I want to show you its home for a few weeks." He took her leash and led her up the small ladder to the outside. She looked around and wished that she still had her glasses. The sun was setting, half of it still above the horizon. The water shimmered with a golden radiance. She couldn't believe she was on a sailboat.
Tom sat down and Shannon kneeled down in front of him, laying her hands out on her thighs as he taught her. "As you know, there is never escape for you. You will be a slave for the rest of your life. You can see that this is especially true here. There is no escape and if you fall in the water you will drown. There isn't anyone for hundreds of miles. I had a slave once that tried to jump off. She made it over the side so I sailed off without her and she drowned. They never even found her body because we were in the middle of the ocean. I trust it though, so I will let it begin to earn the right to serve me and retain some ability to move around on your own. Understand?"
Shannon kept her face down but it was up enough where she could watch the sun as it dipped behind the horizon. "Yes master," she said as the tip of the sun flashed a brilliant green before disappearing.
The air began to get cooler. Tom unzipped his pants. "Suck my cock."
Shannon scooted forward so that she was between his legs. His cock was out and soft. She took it in her mouth and began to suck on it. It slowly engorged and she slid it in and out of her mouth. Tom took a sip of his beer and looked out towards the darkening sky. A star, perhaps a planet, began to shine brightly in the sky. He leaned back and breathed in the ocean air.
When he was hard and his beer empty, he ordered her to straddle him. She climbed up on top of him, kneeling, one leg on each side of him. She sat down and he grabbed her rump, pushing her back, his hand slipping his cock into her. He guided her hips, leading her to rise up and down on his shaft. He grabbed a tit and fondled it. He played with her nipples until they were swollen. He could tell she was aroused. "You may cum on my cock, slave."
She leaned forward and began to fuck him earnestly. His hand wrapped tightly around her shoulder, holding her tight. She threw her head back, her body shuddered and her cunt clamped down on his cock, milking it. Tom couldn't help himself, with his other hand on her rump, he pushed her down and felt his cock spurt inside of her. He groaned. She panted, the feeling of him release inside of her dragging out her orgasm. She moaned and leaned against him, resting her head against his shoulder. She could feel his cock twitch in her and the feeling delighted her. She hugged herself tight against her master, feeling exhausted and exquisite with pleasure.
Later, he let her sleep on the floor on a rollaway floor mattress with a pillow and a quilt. He kept her chained to the bed by a chain that locked into her collar.
In the weeks that followed, as he travelled eastward, Tom continued his training. He hung her from her wrist from the main mast outside, dangling and tied up tightly with nylon ropes, with special attention made to her breast which he wrapped so that they stuck out and turned blue. He made sure to have her cover her entire body with suntan lotion every morning to protect her beautiful pale skin. He enjoyed watching her naked form hang in the open air, as if she was part of the ship.
Shannon developed a perverse pleasure in it. She liked the way he looked at her with desire, how her naked skin felt exposed to the open sea air, the tingle she got in her pussy when she tugged on her wrist cuffs and determined that there was no way for her move herself from the mast. She liked how he rubbed lotion on every part of her body. She even loved the smell of coconuts from the lotion. It reminded her of summer.
She became breathless when they sailed through storms and the sailboat would rock up and down on huge swells and the warm rain would pour down on top of her. She would close her eyes and sometimes laugh when the sailboat pounded through a wave and dipped down a particularly steep swell.
Sometimes he would come up, play with her nipples until they stood out, and then attach metal clips to them. He would apply weights every five minutes, watching them pull down on the nipple. Then he would attach two to her pussy lips and do the same. He would watch as the rocking of the boat would make her wince and sometimes cry out in pain. Then when he was aroused enough he would pull the clips off, untie her and fuck her mouth or her cunt out in the open, blowing his load and then tying her up again.
He taught her to make breakfast, lunch, clean dishes, and make his bed. He taught her a bit of boat handling but told her if he ever caught her trying to use the radio or the laptop, she would be punished. She knew that his punishment was much worse than the normal pain sessions he administered. She also knew that he enjoyed it so she didn't want to give him even the slightest reason. She avoided the small desk with the radio and laptop like it had the plague.
He taught her how to present herself to any master, always stressing her primary purpose of pleasure. He kept her kneeling for hours, whipping her back and breast harshly with a short cat-o-nine tails when her back slouched. He experimented with how much pain she could endure. He would masturbate her while pushing her pain limit and after awhile, he was able to make her climax by simply pushing a pin into her breast. He carefully controlled every minute of her day, structured to re-enforce good behavior and discourage thoughts of rescue or freedom.
Hanging from the mast, Shannon's memories of her old life sometimes came back to her. She wondered if her family and friends were looking for her. She felt like she should be afraid and sad but she was enjoying her time on the sailboat. Her body was craving the sexual stimulation. Every evening and morning was beautiful. Even when Tom tied her in painful positions, sometimes hanging her outside, and the other times inside, Tom ensured that the pain was followed by a mind-blowing orgasm.
While Shannon hung in the shade topside, Tom was below and in contact with his buyer via encrypted email. He had done this particular transaction several times before. One morning, after breakfast he removed her collar and her wrist and ankle bracelets. She was completely nude. He told her to go topside and wait. She went up and kneeled near the wheel.
He came up in a polo shirt and khaki pants, different from his normal attire of nothing at all to boxer shorts and a robe when it was cool. He had shaved and combed his hair back and tied it into a pony tail. He sat down and scanned the horizon and his radar screen. He ordered Shannon to bring him a cup of coffee, which she did, presenting it to him as he taught her. He sipped and watched the radar screen. After about an hour, he spotted what he was looking for, a small fishing vessel.
It slowly approached and when it was close, it stopped and two men climbed down a rope ladder into a skiff it was towing. Both men had large black backpacks strapped to their back.
They skiff motor sputtered to a stop as the two men pull up to the back of the sailboat. Somewhere above a seagull cried out at them. Shannon peaked nervously up at the two men. They were both Arabic and as they climbed onto the back of the sailboat, they greeted Tom warmly in accented English. Tom offered them both beers. One refused but the other one gladly accepted and twisted the cap off. As they conversed amiably they glanced down at Shannon.
Shannon sat with her palms up, her knees spread, her back straight and she looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact as she was taught. She was conscious of her nudity and she could feel the men's greedy eyes on her. A slight breeze chilled her skin and her nipples rose to little bumps. She knew that her body was desirous and the thought of the men wanting her for that purpose got her butterflies going in her stomach.
"This one is a great one. A shame she isn't a virgin," the larger of the two men said. He slapped Tom on the back and laughed "You have no self control with your wares."
Tom smiled "This one came broken I'm afraid, but I admit, I do lack the self-control. These are long journeys Mohammad."
"Yes, yes." The man put down the backpack, still smiling "which is why you are handsomely paid."
Tom unzipped the backpack and looked in. "Honest and fair as always. Please pass my respects to Mr. Jamid."
Tom and the two men made small talk, finishing their beers and then made their farewells. The smaller man took a metal collar out of his backpack and clicked it into place around Shannon's neck. He attached a leash. Shannon looked up, shocked.
Tom placed his hand on the top of Shannon's head and said "These are your new masters. Obey them."
She caught her breath, looking back at the ground, not daring to look up. Were they taking her? She whispered "Yes sir," and got up when someone tugged on the leash.
Shannon followed the two men onto their skiff tied to the back of the sailboat. They started the motor and Shannon watched Tom and his sailboat float away. She didn't know why but she started to cry. Before she knew it, they were tying up to the fishing boat and then she was following one up the ladder.
When she got aboard, her last look was at Tom looking somewhat wistfully at her from his sailboat as they put a hood over her head and brought her below. That was the last she ever saw of him.
They brought her to a hidden compartment in the bottom of the boat and locked her leash to the floor. She was in the dark for most of her journey. The hold she was in smelled of brine and fish. Before they got to shore, they bound her with rope and a gag and tried to place her in a box. As they lowered her in, she began to panic and tried squirming out of their hands. Her muffled cries were hushed as they pushed her down and locked the top over her. The box was removed with boxes of fish and placed on a truck. The truck travelled for what seemed hours. Finally it was loaded to another ship where she was taken below decks, unboxed, hosed off with warm water, and placed in a locked room.
The ship traveled for three days. Shannon had the relative luxury of her own bed, sink and toilet. All things that she was grateful for after the long and uncomfortable journey tied up in a box. In this ship's room, another Middle Eastern man brought her a plate of rice and lamb two times a day. In the mornings she got eggs, toast and a pomegranate. She never had a pomegranate before so it was a long exploration of peeling and eating the strange fruit. She was mostly alone though. On the last night, she thought she could hear another girl crying softly somewhere. She thought about calling out to her but she didn't want to bring attention to herself.
On the third morning, she was awaken to the sound of doors opening and men shouting. The disturbance grew closer until a man unlocked her door and yelled at her in Arabic. He grabbed the blanket off her and she understood that he was telling her to get up. He tied something around her arm and when she looked down, she saw he had a syringe in his hand. He grabbed her arm and slipped the needle into a vein. It pinched but the pain was not that bad. He untied the rubber strap on her arm, pulled out the needle, then clipped a leash to her and turned her around and tied her arms into a leather arm binder. He pulled the straps tight so that her arms were pulled tight behind her.
He grabbed the leash, jerked her up with it and pulled her into the passageway. Shannon was shocked to see other women, bound like she was, eyeing her with the same sort of surprise. Some had gags in their mouth. There were black women, Indian, Asian and white. All were naked except for the arm bindings. Strange Arab men were pulling them down the passage and up a steep staircase.
They were led to a door that led to the weather decks. The lead man opened it and walked out, a leash attached to two girls to his hand. It was still dark outside and the scene was lightly lit with deck lights. Once outside, they made a quick turn into a large metal box. Shannon got one quick glimpse of stars before they were crowded inside. A man said something in Russian and then the door was closed, leaving them in the dark. She could tell that the ship was still at sea because the deck slowly rocked back and forth. She could feel herself bump into the other nude bodies all bound like she was.
One of the girls was speaking out loud in Russian. Another girl answered and they talked frantically for awhile. Shannon pushed herself back until she felt the cold steel wall and she slowly worked her way along it until she ran into someone else leaning against it. She stopped there and slowly lowered herself down, using the side of the box as a brace until she was sitting on the floor.
She was beginning to feel very good. She was happy, tired but not ready for sleep, just numb to what was happening. The Russian talk died down. She could hear some girls crying softly to themselves but there was no panic.
Time went by quickly and soon, outside the sun had risen. Light was sneaking in through a caged fan on the wall high above them and through numerous pinholes in the wall. They were very small, cracks in the welds mostly. Not enough to look through but after a few hours of darkness, Shannon's eyes were adjusted to the darkness. Most girls were sitting, some laying down, huddled and curled, their heads resting on each other. Shannon dozed off.
She woke briefly when there was movement and talking outside. The ship moved as if bumped. Then she drifted off again. She was awoke when the box she was in suddenly lurched and began to swing. The box was being lifted by something off the ship. There was no screaming or crying inside the box, just the sound of heavy breathing and sometimes soft whimpering. The box was placed onto a truck and after more sudden jolts and talking, the truck began to move.
She dozed off again. When she awoke, it was chillier in the box and she pushed herself up to the girl next to her to get warm. There was the smell of urine coming from somewhere. She wasn't feeling as good as she did before. Her eyes were still heavy and her thoughts cloudy. The steady hum of the truck engine and the road passing beneath them lulled her back to sleep.
When she woke up, it was warmer and the light was illuminating the inside of the box. The road they were on was gravely and they were pulling to a stop. She heard a car door open and then some men got out and talked in their Arabic. There was laughing mixed in with their casual conversation.
Suddenly one of the Russian girls screamed, startling Shannon and waking her up to full clarity. The girl screamed again and threw herself against the side of the box. The talking stopped. The girl yelled in Russian, sobbing and kicking at the door. There were footsteps outside. She screamed again and threw herself against the door this time. She leaned against it, screaming. The sound reverberated throughout the steel container making it sound ten times louder and Shannon wished to God she would shut up. She would have covered her ears with her hands if she could. The door suddenly opened, the girl fell off into the incredibly bright, redish-orange sand. Shannon closed her eyes, blinded by the brightness. She heard the girl recover though and began to yell in Russian. The door closed with the Russian girl outside.
She could hear her yelling still, but now it wasn't as ear shattering as it was inside the metal box. The voice was going away from the truck. Suddenly it was quiet. Nothing but the breathing from the other girls. Then the Russian girl screamed. She screamed and yelled, harder than she did inside. She was in some type of pain, pleading in Russian. Then the screaming stopped. She was sobbing. The noise was soft but still audible from inside the box.
Fear was creeping slowly creeping into her. She had controlled it after she was initially abducted but now it was returning along with a deep guilt for letting herself get into this situation.
A few words by the men were intermingled with the Russian girl's crying. Rough, mocking words in Arabic spoken as if there was some exertion involved in their unseen actions. Then after a few minutes it was quite again. They listened until there were footsteps and the back door opened, with the painful blinding light. Shannon forced herself to look. There was nothing but desert outside. Two Arabic men lifted the Russian girl who was now quietly sniffling. Her face and the front of her body were covered in sand. They pushed her into the box before closing the door again.
It was dark again and with her eyes blinding by the bright sand, she could see the Russian girl. She could hear her crying softly and another girl speaking softly to her in Russian. The truck soon started again and she began to realize how thirsty she was. She wondered how long she had been asleep. It seemed like days. The box was warmer now, the air thick and foul. As the day drew on, more women talked. The truck stopped at one point at some sort of checkpoint. There was talking and the door opened. A man in a uniform looked in and spoke harshly an Arabic man standing next to him. He shut the door, locked it and the discussion continued. The voices stopped, a car door was opened, then shut, and then the truck started up again.
By the end of the day, she was miserable. Her lips were dry, and the thought of drinking water nearly drove her insane. She had peed where she sat as many of the other girls did. Her shoulder was cramped. The tight bind made it hard for her to lean back against anything. The floor was soiled with urine so she didn't want to lay down. Other girls were talking but no one was speaking in English.
As it grew dark again, the truck slowed down and then backed up. The beeping reverberated through the box. The beeping stopped and the engine turned off. The door opened and the girls were looking at a loading dock at a building. A dozen Arabic men stood looking in. They began to reach in and pull girls out. A supervisor was looking them over with a computerized tablet in his hand. He stopped and examined each one and occasionally yelled at one of the men that Shannon suspected was the driver. She watched as each girl was brought into a large room lit with fluorescent bulbs that hummed in the early night air. A man with a hose sprayed the girl down, eliciting shrieks and screams.
When it came to her turn, she was terrified. They grabbed her arm and pulled her forward. The supervisor looked at her appraisingly, smiling and nodding his head. She was jerked forward and the water was suddenly thrust on her. It was luke-warm, not freezing cold as she thought. The person holding her dragged her to a door and then down a staircase. They down a hallway filled with doors.
He stopped at one and slid a card down the door handle. There was a green light and a click and he opened the door. He led her into small room with a bed and a bathroom. He pulled her in and stepped behind her. He untied her arm binder and took it off. Shannon's arms fell to her sides. She brought her arms up, rubbing them, bringing the blood flow back into them. He pushed her down on the bed and then walked out, closing the door behind her.
She saw several water bottles on floor and immediately got up and drank it. She opened the second bottle and then drank half that bottle as well. She looked into the bathroom. There was a hole in the floor for a toilet, with a spray nozzle on the wall next to it.
After exploring the room she laid down on the small bed. She stared at the wall. It was made of cinderblocks and painted white. Several people had carved their names into the wall and Shannon thought maybe she should do the same. She couldn't find anything in the room to carve with and as she laid there thinking about it, she fell asleep.
She awoke when the door opened. An older woman with a scarf over her head brought in a plate with pita bread, hummus and a salad made of chopped cucumbers. She also replaced the water bottles. She didn't look at Shannon who stared at her from her position on the bed. Instead she focused on her task before departing.
Shannon sat on her bed and slowly ate her meal. When she was done she put the plate down on the floor and then laid down. Her body and mind were physically exhausted by the long ride. She missed the sailboat and Master Tom. She quickly fell back to sleep. This time she slept for several hours before she woke up and couldn't sleep any more. She was chilled so she got under the covers and laid there, thinking about how she had gotten here and wondered what would happen next. How did she ever let herself get into this position? She really was a slave now, like the women in all those photos she used to look at and masturbate to. The thought triggered those butterflies that led to her finger slowly dipping between her legs to rub up and down between her soft lips.
She slowly fingered herself, pinching her nipples, spreading her legs, rubbing furiously until she came and then drifted back to sleep. She was abruptly awoken by two women with scarves around their head. There were no windows so there was no way for her to know what time of day it was. They opened the door and walked into the room. One grabbed the empty plate of food while the older one grabbed Shannon's arm and encouraged her to get up. She spoke in Arabic. She didn't put a leash on her but instead guided her outside the door and down the hallway. At the end, they went through a door into what looked like it could have been at one time a community shower and bathroom. There was a bathtub set up and two other women were waiting. They brought her to the bathtub and encouraged her to get in. Shannon didn't understand any of the words but they were kinder and gentler than that of the men. She got into the tub and the water was pleasantly warm. One of the women had rolled up her sleeves. She began to bath Shannon, rubbing soap into her skin, scrubbing her, pouring warm water over her head. Shannon enjoyed the feeling. She had never been to a spa but she imagined this is what it would feel like. Compared to what she had endured the last couple of months, this was being pampered. The woman scrubbed every inch of her and massaged her scalp vigorously before pouring warm water over it to wash out the soap.
When the bathing and scrubbing was done, she pulled the plug and encouraged Shannon to stand up. They guided her out of the tub and dried her off. They then led her to a table and lifted her up to sit on it. One of the women brought a bowl of shaving cream and scissors. One woman spread Shannon's legs and then clipped the fine, thin public hair between her legs. They must have thought that she might protest because the other woman held Shannon's arms behind her. When she was done, both women applied the lather over Shannon's sex and up and down her legs. They produced razors and shaved Shannon clean. They lifted her arms and shaved her underarms. They then brought her to a shower and cleaned off the remaining shaving cream. They toweled her off again and then laid her down on the table. The produced some musky smelling oil and rubbed it up and down her body. They stroked and rubbed it into her breast and belly. Her nipples tingled as the women's rough hands rubbed the oil in. When they were done, they sat her up and began to tease and comb her hair. The tugged ruthlessly at knots that had formed since her captivity. A blow-dryer was plugged in and used to help manage her hair. Another woman brought in makeup and began to apply it to Shannon's face.
When they were done, they stood her up and admired their work. One woman grabbed her hand and led her out of the room and down a series of hallways that led to stairs going up. They went up several flights of stairs until it opened up to an outdoor patio on the roof. The open sky was before her and it was either dawn or dusk, Shannon's internal clock couldn't figure it out. There were tables being set up in the middle of the roof area. Young men put down table cloths and plates of food. The tables were low to the ground and instead of chairs there were large pillows circling all the tables. The ground was covered in large Persian rugs. Around the edged were metal poles with a curved top. At the end of them was a chain connected to manacles. Some of them had naked women already secured in them, hanging with just enough length so that the women were able to stand on their feet. Some hung with their eyes closed. Others glanced around nervously. Portable heaters, spewing propane heat were staggered throughout the area, spaced between each metal pole.
Shannon was handed to a man in what looked like a long white shirt that went all the way down to the floor. He grabbed her by the arm and brought her to a free pole. He grabbed her wrist and brought them up to clasp the manacles to them. The insides were padded and fit snuggly on her wrist. He adjusted them so her arms were held over her head and then he left her there. She watched as he went back and grabbed another girl that was brought up to the roof.
She tugged on the chains. She was fastened tight. The idea of her being displayed naked in the room like a piece of furniture sunk into her mind. She could feel her nipples stiffen and the juices in her cunt begin to flow. She squirmed, annoyed that she could not touch herself. She squinted, trying to see all the room. Without her glasses she was blind to things distant from her. The room continued to be full of activity and soon a full spectrum of food and drink were laid out. A bar with expensive looking wines was placed in a corner. Several hookahs were placed on rugs on other parts of the roof. Somewhere, someone flipped a switch and modern Arabic music began to play over a loudspeaker.
Men, in suits and some in the long white Arabic clothing began to filter in. They chatted and laughed with each other. It was turning into a party and everyone was being social with each other but ignoring the 25 women hanging on display around the edges of the roof. Shannon looked up. It was a cloudless sky and the stars shined brighter than she had ever seen before. She had lucked out and was near one of the propane heaters. It was keeping her warm as the night became chilly.
Some men sat and ate, others argued around the hookah, puffing at it like a character in Alice in Wonderland. Some men began to walk slowly around and look at the women. One man that Shannon had seen before talked excitedly, gesturing at the girl and debating in Arabic. He was fat and looked like a merchant selling his wares. She couldn't tell if they were arguing or if it was just the language that made it sound like they were.
A man in a suit walked up to Shannon and looked her over. He took a breast in his hand and lifted it, as if feeling its weight. He pinched the nipple and rolled it in his fingers. Then he moved on to another girl.
As the evening drew on, this happened more regularly. Different men appraised her, trying to determine if she was worth the price the owner was offering. Most fondled her but some lifted her lips, looking at her teeth.
A man in a traditional Arabic outfit approached her. He was older, in his early fifties she thought. He was fit and lean though. He discussed her in Arabic with the fat merchant. The buyer stepped forward and put his hand on her mouth, pushing her lip up and checking her teeth. His hand went down and squeezed a breast, then went down lower and he slid his finger into her pussy. She gasped. The finger spread between the lips and slowly pushed into her hole.
He looked her in the eye and spoke with a thick accent "You are American?"
"Yes sir."
"Were you a prostitute?"
"No sir."
He ruminated, "Why are you so wet."
"I don't know sir." Oh, she knew but the thought made her blush.
"How old are you?"
"18," she answered.
"You look much younger. Are you trained as a slave?"
"Yes, sir."
He took his finger out and put it towards her mouth. "Suck my finger clean."
She opened her mouth and as he stuck his finger in her mouth, she sucked on it, tasting herself.
The fat merchant looked disturbed. Shannon thought that perhaps he did not understand English. The man removed his finger and began to argue with him. Then the fat merchant smiled and shook his hand. Then they walked off. The man went to grab some food and Shannon had the sneaking suspicion that she had just been bought for a large deal of cash.
As if to confirm her suspicion, a man came over to her and unhooked her from the chains. He grabbed her arm and took her off the roof and down the stairs.
Chapter 10
Shannon was transported again, this time via a small private airplane and then in the trunk of an expensive looking sedan.
She was brought to a large property in the desert. Behind large walls was a virtual oasis of palm trees and green. There were several houses but Shannon was brought directly to the main house in the middle.
She was left alone naked in a windowless room more beautiful than she have ever seen before. It had a large, tiled bathroom with a bathtub as big as a hot tub and a separate glass walled shower. The large bed was covered in silks and large pillows. A large High Definition TV was mounted against the wall. She tried the door she was brought in but it was locked.
Servants brought her three meals a day. Women in dark cloth with their faces completely covered brought plates of food and then left without speaking to her. Most of the food brought was foreign to her but she enjoyed the exotic taste of them.
Shannon checked all the drawers. There were no clothes. She found the remote to the television. She turned it on and laid down to watch TV. There were hundreds of channels. She lay in bed naked, under sheets that were softer than any other bed sheets her skin felt before. She stretched out under them, smiling at the erotic, soft feeling. Most channels were in Arabic but some were British programming and she watched those. She fell asleep with the TV on.
She awoke when the strange women brought her breakfast. The food was delicious and healthy. Ripe dates and an assortment of strange fruits. A glass of orange juice. Sometimes there were pills that she assumed she was supposed to take so she did. After eating, she filled a large bathtub and soaked in it, the water almost scalding hot. The bathroom had makeup and blow-dryer. She made herself up and dried her hair.
She watched TV, growing bored. A key turned in the door and the man who paid for her walked in. She was laying face down and naked on the bed, her head resting on her hands. She looked up, shocked. He smiled and closed the door. He looked at her and cocked his head. "Is this how you great your new master?" he said with a thick accent.
Shannon jumped up and quickly kneeled in front of him. She looked at the floor "greetings master."
"Ahh, good. I was afraid I was swindled there for a moment. Stand up," he ordered.
Shannon stood up, her head pointed down, looking at the floor. He grabbed her chin and lifted her head so that she was looking up at him. He took his hand and cupped a breast. He squeezed it and played with it. He moved it down and around to her ass, squeezing that as well. He leaned down and placed his lips on hers. His beard scratched and tickled her face but she opened her mouth and took his tongue as it darted forward.
His hand moved down to her now bare pussy lips. He pushed his finger in, finding her wetness and heat. He rubbed his finger up and down and her legs spread open, a small gasp coming from her open mouth. He pulled away and whispered "You are to shave that bare every day, understand?"
"Yes master."
He put both hands under her armpits and lifted her off the floor. He threw her onto the bed and then crawled up between her legs. He lifted his long shirt and pulled out his erect cock. He aimed it for Shannon's slit and pushed it in. It slid in like a hot knife into butter. After reaching its depth, he begin to thrust in and out roughly, lasting about ten stroked before he collapsed on her, holding her tight and moaning in pleasure. He rolled off and grabbed a pillow, throwing it under his head. He wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes. She curled up next to him and soon, his breathing was deep and slow. He had fallen asleep. Shannon slowly put her finger down to her sex and felt her new Master's cum dripping out of her.
When she woke up, she was faced away from him, his arm under her neck, her rump pressed against his hard cock. He was awake and his hand was sliding around her breast, tweaking the nipples. His hand slide down her belly and over her mound. His finger parted the lips and slowly rubbed until it opened. She moaned, parting her legs, leaning back. He shifted down and positioned his cock at her slit. He rubbed the head up and down her pussy, spreading the moisture around and then slowly pushed into her.
He fucked her on her side, his hand cupping his breast, his arm wrapped tightly around her neck. He lasted longer this time, taking it slow. He squeezed her tight and Shannon was unable to stop herself, she came on his cock. She whimpered. He held her tighter and erupted inside her. He relaxed his grip, his cock still twitching and leaking inside of her.
He got up, smoothed out his clothes and looked at her. "Tomorrow we will mark you as mine." Then he opened the door and left. She heard the key lock the door.
Chapter 11
The next morning, she was showered and prepared when her new master unlocked the door and walked in. As soon as she heard the key in the door handle, she scrambled down on her knees in the position she was taught. She kept her eyes down on the ground, looking at the soft silk Persian rug that lay on the tile next to her bed. She was pleased when she heard the surprise in his voice. "Ahh, good girl." He walked up to her and patted her head. "Stand up."
She stood and saw that he had a collar in his hand. It was white leather with a ring in the front and a simple belt closure in the back. He placed it around her neck and connected a leash to the ring. "Wear this all the time." He turned around and pulled on the leash. "Come."
She was led out of the room and outside into a small garden. His palace was huge. They passed a few servants but none seem to react as if a naked woman on a leash was anything unusual.
The garden opened up to a large green lawn. The heat and humidity was like a blast to her naked skin. It was like opening an oven and looking in. She glanced at a gate to her left where she could see the blue water of a chlorinated pool under the watchful eyes of some naked Greek statues. They headed across it to what appeared to be a racetrack and barn. Shannon could see a horse pulling a cart trotting around the track. Something seemed off to her though. The horse seemed to be trotting up on two legs. Everything past ten feet was blurry to her without her glasses. In addition, waves of heat floated off the track blurring the view even more. As her Master pulled her up to the fence separating the grass from the track, the horse and buggy suddenly got close enough for her eyes to focus on. The horse was a naked woman covered in tight leather straps. She had leather boots and a face harness that was connected to leather straps that went back to the hands of a teen boy with dark hair standing in a two wheel cart. She was the pony leading the cart.
Shannon kneeled as they stopped, her heart pounding out of her chest as she stared at the restrained woman. Her master laughed and talked in Arabic with the boy. She guessed that it was his son. Soon the boy cracked a whip and the girl jumped and pulled forward, straining and pulling the cart away from them. Her master clapped his approval and then jerked on the leash, indicating that it was time to move on.
As they walked towards what appeared to be a barn with a flat roof, Shannon could feel how wet she had become seeing the pony girl. The pony's nipples had been pierced and rings with golden bells were hanging from them. A bell hung from a ring through the girl's clit. Her rump had a brand like you would see on cattle. A strange symbol burned into the flesh. Shannon didn't know why the sight had her shaking with arousal but she could almost feel her wetness dripping out of her. She wondered if this was the fate reserved for her. Was that going to be her: a pony, just another animal on the ranch?
As they entered the barn, Shannon could see camels outside through an open door, hanging their heads down sadly in the harsh sunlight. Master brought her to two long padded boards made in the shape of an X, standing upright. The corner of her eye she saw a round stone pillar with red hot coals in the middle of the room. A small metal pole was sticking out of the coals.
Master pushed Shannon against the standing x-frame face first, then strapped her legs to the lower boards and then lifted her arms to strap in the wrist. He pulled them tight, then wrapped a belt tightly around her middle. He took two more belts and wrapped them across her thighs. She was bound so tight against the x-frame, she could barely breath. Moving anything except her fingers or head was impossible. Her face was mashed against the padded wood. Her heart was beginning to beat rapidly.
Once she was secure, her Master stepped away. "Time to mark you as mine, slave. "
When the brand was pressed into her right ass cheek, it felt if someone was jabbing a long knife into the bone. She screamed. He held it there as the skin sizzled and then pulled it away. Shannon sobbed and jerked in her restraints frantically.
The pain slowly subsided. She felt him apply some ointment and then cover the wound up with something that felt like cloth and tape. Master unstrapped her and carried her to a table. He placed her feet on the ground and bent her over, holding her head down to the table. This table wasn't padded and not as clean. It seemed like it was used for wood working. With one hand holding her down, the other freed his cock and he slid his cock into her. She was warm and wet despite enduring the worse pain she had yet to experience. His hand pushed down on her head. From the side, she was looking out the open door at the camels grazing in the sunlight. She felt his cock sliding in and out of her. A fly flew around her face. Each time he pushed all the way into her, he pressed up against the bandage covering her brand. She sucked in air and winced. He pushed one last time and his hands gripped a fist full of hair. He moaned and pushed as deep as he could. He held himself there until his cock softened and then he slowly pulled out.
Chapter 12
For the first two weeks, Shannon was kept as a pet, one that was fucked several times a day. The royal Master enjoyed screwing her at least once a day, mostly in her pussy but sometimes her mouth and he introduced her to the painful position of being screwed in her ass. He waited until her brand was healed for that and he seemed to take great pleasure in the pain he was causing and the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her next to her branded ass cheek.
Most of the time, she sat kneeling while her Master worked. He left for long periods and from that she suspected that he had other homes where he had other wives and children.
She observed that there were four female servants in the house. They cleaned and cooked. They appeared older and dressed conservatively. They didn't speak English so they never talked to her. One was Russian, one was from Pakistan, and the other ones were from the Philippines. The son kept two female slaves that he had trained as ponies. They were kept somewhere in the barn where Shannon got her brand.
She got a close look at them when her Master went out to watch his son ride. He sat in a lounge chair set up on a viewing stand next to the track. As the son drove the cart around, Shannon stared at the other woman who was tied to a fence close to her. She could see the pony-girl eying her, examining her like Shannon was her. She looked like she was Hispanic or possibly Arabic. She was tall, about five foot 8 inches.
When the son was done riding the girl around, he tied her to a post and walked over to his father. He sat down next to him and they talked while Shannon kneeled there, sweat running down her brow. She wondered how they could stand the humidity. The conversation suddenly turned to Shannon and the son leaned over and squeezed a breast. Her pinched the nipples, pulled on them and discussed them with the father.
The seemed to agree on something and the son grabbed the leash and pulled Shannon up. He led her away from her master who finished his drink and headed back to the house. Shannon looked over her shoulder and whimpered. The son jerked sharply on the leash and led her to the barn. In the back, they proceeded though a door that led down stairs into what looked like a medieval dungeon. There were cages that Shannon assumed the pony-girls stayed in. She thought about them, burning up out on the racetrack, tied to the post. Their hands were untied, although the leather contraption they were strapped in looked locked. Still, she wondered why they just didn't untie themselves and run away.
She sometimes though of running away but runaway to where? She was in the middle of the desert in a country that she didn't even know.
The son picked her up and laid her down on a table. He strapped her in using leather straps around her wrist and ankles. It was cooler down under the ground and the chill cooled the perspiration on her skin. Her nipples swelled and expanded both from the cool air but also from the excitement she felt when she was tightly restrained.
The son brought up and opened a small box next to her. She tried looking down but couldn't see exactly what he was preparing. He had some cotton swabbed in alcohol that he took and rubbed around her right nipple. She leaned her head forward, trying to watch him. He took a metal tool that looked like a forceps but with holes in the end and clipped her nipple. She sucked in air as he locked it tight. It was very tight, tighter than the normal nipple clamps Tom used to use. He then took out the needle and showed it to her. Realization of what he was about to do suddenly dawned on her and she threw her head back and closed her eyes. She instinctually jerked on the bonds that held her down. He placed the needle on the holes and slowly pushed it through. She whimpered and cried out when the needle came out on the other side. The son's cock swelled and rose as he pushed through the tender nipple meat. He removed the needle and pushed through a gold ring. She squirmed and gritted her teeth.
The son repeated the process with the other nipple. She cried out again, tears rolled down her cheeks. By the time he was done, his cock was painfully straining to get out from under his clothing. He climbed up on the table and looked down at his work. He unstrapped her ankles and then freed his cock. He laid down on her and slid his cock inside her. As he pumped in and out of her, he leaned up on one elbow and watched his newly decorated nipples shake and bounce under him.
He played with one of the rings, causing Shannon to wince. He slid deep and put his whole weight on her. His cock exploded, sending ribbons of semen deep inside of her. She had learned that they were never going to give her permission to come and they didn't seem to care if she did. Feeling his lusted sated inside of her was enough to send her over her edge and her cunt gripped down on his cock in spasms, milking it.
When he was done with her, he unstrapped her, got up, unhooked the leash, smacked her hard in the rump and said "Back to the house with you." She scurried up the stairs, her ass cheek still stinging and walked briskly back to the house where she found Master sitting and watching Formula One racing on TV. She kneeled down beside him and he looked down and smiled. He played with the rings and said "those look very nice on you" in his broken English then reverted his attention back to the TV.
Chapter 13
The next year seemed to go by quickly. The son pierced Shannon's clit one day when he seemed bored. She was used once or twice a day, and life became almost routine. Sometimes the Master had meetings at the house and sometimes the guest took her into a room and used her. Sometimes the son had friends over and they took turns fucking her before they got distracted by their Xbox that they played on a huge HD TV down in leisure room.
Then, things suddenly started to change. The Master began to watch a lot of TV. She was usually kneeling near him, her head lowered, her eyes watching the TV as well. They showed large crowds of demonstrators and images of tanks and jets. Whatever was happening in the world had created a fog of tension to descend over the household. She saw his mood begin to turn sour. He yelled often in the phone. Sometimes people would visit and he would yell at them. The son stopped showing up.
At night, they began to keep all the lights off, just lighting candles. The TV images began to grow bloody. Bodies in the streets. Burned corpses. Then she saw her President, the American president, at a podium, speaking. The Arabic translator spoke over the words but Shannon could hear some key words slip through: "international community," "cannot be allowed," "Human rights abuses," and "a threat to the stability of the region."
Her Master was furious and a look of almost fear seemed to cross his face. He turned his expression to her and jumped up. He backhanded her and she put her hands up to her face in surprise. 'You fucking Americans! Why can't you mind your own business" he shouted. He was on top of her and pushed her to the ground. He was so angry that she though he was going to kill her. Instead he pushed her face down and pulled out his cock and fucked her more roughly than he ever did before. She came quickly and he followed, spraying his seed inside of her.
That was the last time he saw him. She woke up the next morning and no one brought her a meal. She went outside her door which has been left unlocked after the first month. The house was quiet. She walked around and she realized through the great silence, that no one was around. She cautiously checked all the rooms first to be sure, and then she made some breakfast for herself, terrified that at any second she was going to get scolded. No one came. There was no power in the house.
She went outside and checked the barn. The two girls were in their cages. They looked up at her surprised. Their head harnesses were off but the leather straps that surrounded their body remained. Shannon looked behind her, frightened of being caught. She spoke to them. "Do you need any water or food?" They looked at her blankly. Shannon looked at the empty water bottles sitting in the cage and tried to remember the last time the son had been there. It had been a couple of days.
She looked around for water or something to carry them water in. There was nothing. She walked up to the cage door and pulled on it. It was locked. She looked around a found a key hanging on the wall. She tried it and heard it click. "There is water and food in the kitchen. No one is around. I'm not sure where they went." The stared at her silently, no expression on their faces.
She went back to the house. She figured, if they were thirsty, they could go get their own water. It was getting stuffy and hot now. Soon it was going to be unbearable with the heat. She still had this gnawing fear that everyone would return and she would be brutally punished if she was caught outside her room.
She laid down on her bed half of the day. By noon it was unbearable. Her bed was wet with perspiration. She went to the kitchen and fixed herself a salad. The freezer still had ice in it but it was already melting. She made herself a sandwich and a glass of water. The water still worked.
After eating she realized how bored she was. It was so quiet in the house without the steady hum of the air conditioning. She wandered out to the pool. She had seen it from a distance but was never allowed to go. She looked around and then looked at the cool water. She dunked her toes in and found that it was cool. She walked around the pool, standing on her tiptoes to look over the hedges just to make sure that no one was around. She jumped into the deep in. The water was colder than she expected. She gasped as she came up for air and then giggled to herself.
She swam around and then hung from the edge, enjoying the sun, the cool water and the freedom. She tried swimming to the bottom. When she came up, she was startled by the two pony girls standing at the gate to the pool area, staring at her. She smiled at them. "The water is still cold!" They didn't move. They looked like two deer that were ready to bolt at any second. Shannon felt bad for them. She lifted herself out of the pool and walked over to them. "Follow me." She headed to the back door and when they didn't follow, she grabbed one of their hands and encouraged her to follow.
In the kitchen, she made two glasses of water for the both of them. They drank the water, nearly guzzling it. Shannon refilled them and then made them salads, which they ate. She sat down and watched them. They were so pretty. The bells made them look so sexy. They were perfectly shaved like she was.
Life without power or being constantly led around and fucked was dull but having two new friends, life was suddenly grand. After they were done eating, she grabbed each of her new girlfriends' hands and led them back to the pool. It was unbearably hot and stuffy in the house. This time she climbed up on the diving board and dived in. She surfaced, sputtering and motioned for the girls to come in. After much encouragement the two women finally got into the pool, and after some splashing by Shannon, they began to giggle and relax. Shannon found some inflatable balls and rafts. She got thirsty at some point, went to the kitchen to get water and seeing the beer in the refrigerator, took the remaining ice, put it in a cooler that she found in an adjoining room and brought out the beer to the pool.
The rest of the afternoon was like magic. Shannon discovered that they could both speak but spoke different languages. The beer loosened the inhibitions and they laughed and played like they were kids. She hadn't had fun like this since she was enslaved and she thought, maybe never had she enjoyed life like she was now. As she treaded water, thinking of that fact, she thought maybe it was purely reflective of how hard life had been for her. The ying cannot exist without the yang.
Soon the sun was setting and streaks of warm colors filled the horizon. From somewhere far off they could hear thunder. The sound was so out of place that it sent shivers through Shannon and the pony girls looked in the direction of the sounds with wide, fearful eyes. From over the large sand dune that towered over the compound to the west, bright orange flashes filled the sky and dark smoke worked its way up to the first stars that were appearing on the horizon. Shannon decided it was best to go inside. She got out and headed back in. The pony girls followed her like lost puppies. She went around to each door and made sure it was locked.
She made them a nice meal and what she could find that didn't need to be cooked. Things were starting to smell bad in the refrigerator. She dug around and found various different candles. She put them around the key parts of the house and lit them.
It was dark. The far away sounds of thunder came and went sporadically. She was tired and sunburned so she went to her room. The pony girls followed. Her bed was a king sized bed, plenty of room for the pony girls. She patted the bed "You can sleep here with me."
She went into the bathroom where she had lit several candles. She brushed her teeth. She had some new toothbrushes that she offered the girls. They awkwardly brushed their teeth and looked strangely at themselves at the numerous mirrors throughout the bathroom.
Shannon blew out the candles. She decided to let one candle in the room burn. The three of them climbed into bed without turning over the covers. While the air had cooled considerably, it was still too warm for sheets. They lay there quietly. The only sound was their breathing. Shannon laid on her back and both pony girls laid to the right of her. The darker skinned one, Pony girl Number One, was laying facing Shannon. Shannon looked at her and the straps still wrapped around them. There was a web of straps that went around her chest that pushed the breast up and out. They looked painfully tight. Shannon reached out and ran her fingers over the straps, curiously how they were attached. In the back they were looped under a brass hook like a belt. She sat up and leaned over to see if she could take it off. She found that she was able to. She proceeded to remove the tight belts off the girls. They rolled over when Shannon pushed on them, indicated that she had to reach the various hooks. Soon she had them all off except the collars which had small locks on them. She threw the leather to the floor then pulled off their shiny black boots. When she was done, she laid back down.
They were really naked now and Shannon couldn't stop looking at them. She felt herself getting excited. Normally, when she went to bed, she thought of the ways she was used during the day and then she masturbated herself to orgasm. She couldn't do that with them there. The pony girl was so close to her. She could feel the heat from her body.
She leaned over and put her hand on the pony girl's bare arm. She ran it up and down slowly, gauging her reaction. The pony girl just stared at Shannon. Shannon let her hand slowly run down her arm and then to the swell of her left breast. She went slower now, looking at her face for signs of anger or fear. Her hand brushed the nipple. It was swollen and engorged, so much different than her own. The areolas were large like small plates, taking up a quarter of the breast. The pony girl breathed in deeply. Shannon let her fingers make circles around the nipple, feeling the tiny bumps. They moved inward and traced the bell that was permanently pierced through the nipple. The pony girl leaned into Shannon's hand. Her hand slowly moved forward until it was resting on Shannon's thigh.
Pony Girl Number One moved her hand slowly, caressing, looking into Shannon's face. Shannon cupped the breast, feeling its weight. She was more curious than anything. She had seen plenty of lesbian photos in her days surfing porn but she never considered herself a lesbian. The caress was powerful and electrifying. The pony girl's hand slowly moved down to Shannon's lower leg and moved up her inner thigh.
On the other side of the pony girl, Pony Girl Number Two had pushed herself up against the middle girl, her breast pushed up against her back and her arm wrapped around her stomach in the classic spoon position. She sensed the raised eroticism in the room and she slowly kissed Pony Girl Number One on her shoulders. She used her fingers to slightly rub her belly.
Pony Girl Number One's fingers traced their way up Shannon's inner thigh, tracing a trail leading straight to Shannon's pussy. Her fingers traced right over it, pausing slightly to run over the pouty lips and up Shannon's stomach. Shannon, breathing harder now, leaned forward slowly, taking her hand off the breast and reaching up to Pony Girl Number One's face. She leaned in and pressed her lips against hers. The touch was light, the mouths slightly open. Pony Girl Number One's hand moved up and grasped Shannon's shoulder pulling her in. The kiss became more passionate, Shannon's tongue coming out and darted across Pony Girl Number One's lips. She scooted forward, her knee pressing in between Pony Girl Number Ones legs.
As the two girls intertwined, Pony Girl Number One grasped at Shannon, pulling her closer. Shannon pushed her pelvis against Pony Girl Number One, grinding against her slowly. Shannon's hand held Pony Girl Number One's head and she pushed her right hand underneath the pillows and fumbled around for Pony Girl Number Two. She found her shoulder and grasped at it. She pushed her knee up further, pushing up against Pony Girl Number one's pussy, causing her to gasp, her mouth open, Shannon's mouth pressed hard against it.
Pony Girl Number One pushed down, grinding her pussy against Shannon's knee. Shannon could feel it, feel the wetness spread out on her smooth skin. Shannon pushed her breast up against the girl, her hand grasping tighter at her head from the back. Pony Girl Number Two moved her hands up and down, caressing both girls but then moving down the center girls back, then between her legs where she felt Shannon's knee jammed in, pushing up against the girl's cunt. She opened her hand and moved her fingers in through the back, letting one finger slide up through the slit, with Shannon's knee pushing up against the top of the cunt, rubbing against the clit, she had access to the hole. She slid her finger up and down and then pushed one inside.
Pony Girl Number one cried out but Shannon held her tighter, kissing her harder. She cried out into Shannon's open, seeking mouth. Pony Girl Number Two slid her middle finger in and out of Number one's wet hole. She pulled out and slowly pushed in one more. With two fingers now moving in and out, her cunt formed a tight fit around the fingers. The three moaned and writhed in that tight bunch like that for a minute before Pony girl Number one began to pant and push down faster on the knee. Then she tensed and cried out. Shannon stopped kissing her and held her tight, pushing her knee up. Pony girl Number two could feel the cunt spasm and grip her two fingers. She pushed them deep and held them there.
Pony girl Number One was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. She held onto Shannon tightly and let her hands run down Shannon's back and gripped her buttocks tightly. Pony girl Number Two slowly removed her fingers from the still quivering cunt and slid her slimy fingers down her inner thigh, then up over the leg and then reached over to try and find Shannon.
Shannon kissed Pony Girl Number one's cheek tenderly. Pony Girl Number One used her hand to push back on Shannon then push her on her back. She rolled over onto Shannon pinning her down. She kissed Shannon roughly and then leaned in to kiss her neck, straddling her and holding her shoulders down with both hands. Pony Girl Number two scooted in, her hand snaking between the other Pony Girl and Shannon, and kissing Shannon's shoulder. Shannon pushed up but Pony Girl Number One was too strong. She began to kiss her way down, working her way to Shannon's breast, taking a nipple in her mouth and sucking on it. Her other hand pushed down on Shannon's throat. She licked around the nipple, tasting it, chewing on it, trying it, then moved to the other one, slicking it up, making it swell up like the other one. Then she moved her head down, kissing her stomach, then lightly above Shannon's pussy. Her hands follow her, working their way down from Shannon's neck, to her breast.
Pony Girl Number two leaned in and kissed Shannon on the mouth. Shannon whimpered and spread her legs, allowing Number One to lay between them. Suddenly, Pony Girl Number two sat up and threw her leg over Shannon, straddling her face. She grabbed a handful of Shannon's hair and pushed her cunt on top of Shannon's mouth.
Pony Girl Number One now was in a position to kiss Shannon's bare cunt lips. She kissed them, licked them, tasted the juices that were already seeping out of them. Shannon sex had opened like a morning flower and Number One let her tongue slide into the pinkness, sliding up and down the slit and dancing around the hood.
Pony Girl Number two's clit ring was jiggling on Shannon's top lip. Shannon wasn't sure what to do. Number two held Shannon's head with a fist full of hair and rubbed her wet lips onto Shannon's face. Number One was beginning to lick between her legs, exposing her clit, and playing with it. This showed Shannon what she should be doing. She tried to mimic the tongue lapping but it was difficult with Number two grinding on her face.
Being so roughly handled plus Number Ones attentions was pushing Shannon over the edge. Number One slid two of her fingers into Shannon and bent her fingers upward, massaging deep inside of Shannon. Shannon pushed up and moaned. Number two was nearing her orgasm and she held onto Shannon's head harder, almost smothering her. Shannon cried out, her cunt convulsed and she screamed into Number two's pussy. Number two leaned forward onto the wall and shook as her orgasm swept over her. She jerked and grabbed Shannon's hair tighter, soaking her face. She finally collapsed and slid off her back into her spot on the bed.
Then they lay there, recovering, breathing heavily. Both pony girls rolled off and they resumed their three person spoon and then drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 14
The sound of an approaching vehicle woke them up. The candle in the room had burned out and it was an absolute dark. Shannon could sense that the pony girls were awake and alert. She got up out of the bed and slowly moved towards the door, trying not to make a sound. With the house being completely still and quiet the entire night, their hearing was ultra-sensitive. She could hear a door downstairs opening. It was someone that had a key because Shannon had made sure to lock all the doors.
Another door in the back of the house was opened. Shannon thought about slowly opening the door and peaking down to see who it was but she heard someone come up the steps. Whoever it was, they were opening doors in the second floor of the house.
Another person was running up the stairs - then suddenly their door opened, spilling in the soft light of morning that was coming through various windows outside the room. It was the son. He had a rifle and he said something in Arabic to the three of them. He yelled to the other person upstairs, and that person made his way into the doorway. He looked like a guard. The son barked orders at him which caused him to run downstairs, and then he turned to the three nude women in the room.
He approached the pony girls and attached a leash to each pony girl's collar. He then did the same with Shannon. He held all three leashes. He pulled on the pony girls to get them out of the bed. He seemed amused to see the pony girls there and not in their cage.
The guard reappeared with a handful of handcuffs. The son handcuffed each girl with her hands behind her back and then pulled on the leashes to bring them out of the room. Shannon could see there were three men total. Two guards and the son, and all armed. The son was yelling at them and they seemed to be anxious to leave. The guards had collected items in large duffel bags. They moved out into the front of the house, the son leading three naked women by leashes connected to their collars. The sun was just rising over the sand dunes.
She heard the unmistakable sound of a gun from behind her. The crack that echoed off the dunes and the walls of the palace. She turned and looked and when she remembers these moments later in life, it seemed at the time that life had become slow motion. She could see figures lying far up in dunes to the side of the palace. The guards were yelling and there was another crack in the air. Shannon turned around, the son was on the ground, a pool of blood coming out of his head and spreading on the asphalt. His hands still held the leashes. One guard was kneeling, clutching at this throat, blood spurting out between his fingers. The last remaining guard was running towards a black SUV with tinted windows. There was another crack in the air... The pony girls were struggling to pull the leash from the son's dead hand. One was screaming. Shannon joined in and all three leashes slipped out, freeing them.
The last guard knelt by the cover of the car and aimed his weapon up at the dunes. Another volley of shots, this time from two men riding camels up the road, killed the guard. He slumped over, a hole in his head and several in his torso and chest.
Men riding on camels...that was something Shannon had not expected. She stared for a moment and then gained control of her senses. She darted into the house and the pony girls followed. There was yelling coming from the back door and kitchen area so they hobbled up stairs, running the best they could with their arms secured behind them. Pony Girl Number one tripped, landing on one knee, pausing, holding up the other two girls. She winced in pain and got up to continue running up the stairs.
Men came into the front, yelling. It sounded as if the whole house was full of screaming men and slamming doors. They cornered the girls in Shannon's room. The men were wearing the traditional garb of a Saudi Arab and they all carried AK-47s. There was more shouting and then the men grabbed one girl each and threw them over their shoulders.
As the men cleared the house, the shouting of battle turned to shouting of rejoicing. The girls were carried back outside. More men had arrived. There was at least at 50 men outside, many riding on camels. Shannon was brought to one camel and laid over a saddle that was covered with a thick Persian rug. Her cuffs were unlocked and her hands were tied onto the left side of the saddle. Her feet were tied to the right. The man tying her gave her a swift smack to the butt when he was done and then walked off. Shannon looked around and saw the same fate had befallen the two pony girls.
The men rounded up and then headed out into the desert, accompanied by the black SUV which they acquired in their raid. As they headed around the first dune, Shannon could see her first glimpse of the land beyond the palace. It was hilly and barren. The palace was set at the edge of rocky hills. Behind them, and past the palace was miles of sand dunes.
They did not follow any sort of road; it appeared they were heading into a wilderness. The dust kicked up as the small army made its way to an unused path through the hills. To either side of Shannon were rocky hillsides and the occasional bush. Shannon lifted her head, she was getting dizzy with her head hanging upside down and bouncing around. She could not believe that this was happening to her. They had grabbed her like she was some prized calf and roped her up without a concern to her comfort. She thought, if they would have asked, she would have gone with them. She felt the familiar butterflies and cursed herself for getting aroused at the thought of being a war trophy.
They travelled until the sun was beginning to set and they came upon a camp of tents. Many things caught Shannon's eye - women and children staring at Shannon and the pony girls as they trotted in. Goats being shepherded up a nearby mountain. Women cooking around a fire. They stopped and there was much discussion and greetings by the camp inhabitants. A man untied Shannon, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and took her into a tent. Inside, the floor was covered in Persian blankets and pillows. The man placed her down and tied her hand together in front of her with rope. Then he threw the rope over a wooden beam and pulled her up so she was standing up straight on her feet. He tied the rope off to a peg on the main post in the middle of the tent
The other two girls were brought in and experienced the same treatment. The three were left there hanging and looking at each other. Shannon pulled on the rope tied around her wrist, seeing if she could slip her hands out of it. The pony girls watched her. The ropes were burning her wrist so she stopped.
There was activity outside and voices, but the tent flap was closed. The sun was beginning to set and the light turned into golden rays that slipped through cracks in the tent and shone through the hanging dust in the air. One ray came down diagonally down across Shannon's creamy breast and slowly worked its way down. Even after the day in the sun, Shannon's skin still had that pale milk white quality. The light brought out the freckles that began to appear after the day riding in the sun.
The flap opened and an Arab in a black robe walked in. He was tall and had a dark, unkempt beard. He closed the flap and walked around the girls, examining them. He felt and groped their breast. He stopped at Shannon and admired her. He untied the rope holding her up and unwrapped it from around her wrist. He pushed her roughly face down on a pile of pillows. He grabbed her waist and raised her up so that she was on her knees, then he knelt behind her and adjusted his robe. He guided his hard cock to her pussy and rubbed it up and down the slit, and then he slowly pushed it in.
Shannon was wet and he groaned in appreciation as he slid into the tight, hot and wet hole. He held her hips as he slid his cock in and out of her. The two pony girls watched as he began to pound her and her pendulous breast swayed back and forth. He picked a steady pace and then groaned, holding himself tight against her rump as he pumped his semen into her, spraying her fertile womb with his foreign seed.
He held himself there for a second, pulled out, stood up, adjusted his robe and then left, leaving Shannon on all fours on bed of pillows. She remained in that position for a minute, then looking over her shoulder at the flap she decided he was gone and she lay down and rolled over. She looked over at the pony girls who were staring blankly at her and with their arms still pulled over their head. She looked at the closed flap then got up and untied both girls. They all stood there, unsure of what they should do. Shannon could feel the Arab's semen dripping out of her, running down her inner thigh.
Shannon laid down on the pillows and the pony girl's followed. There was some foreign talking beyond the flap and then six men came in, laughing and talking. They didn't seem to notice that the girls were no longer tied up. Three of the men sat in one corner and opened a chest, pulling out some items to prepare Turkish coffee. The other three each grabbed a girl and pulled her a set of pillows. Pony Girl Number One was laid on her back. Her man lay on top and fucked her slowly while next to them; Pony girl two was on her belly with her man entering her from behind. The man with Shannon lay on his back and pulled out his stiff, uncircumcised cock. He pulled her head down and she got the idea. She took the thick, musky smelling meat into her mouth and began to suck on it, slathering it with her slobber. She reached up and stroked it, using her hand and mouth in conjunction to help him fuck her mouth. She looked up at him. He was watching his friend's pound away at the two pony girls. His hand reached under her to cup and rub her hanging breast. His other hand grabbed the back of her head. Shannon could see his stomach heaving up and down, so close to her cheek. She then felt the jet of semen hit her back of the throat. The cock sprayed out once more and then became a slow drip of pearly liquid. She swallowed it all and held his twitching cock in her mouth. He was moaning and saying something in Arabic that had his friends laughing.
Each of the men fucking the pony girls deposited their seed deep inside them. When done, they got up and joined the other men drinking coffee. The other three got up and took their turn on the girls. The man on Shannon had her on her back as he drove his cock into her. He mauled her breast and came quickly.
The six men left the girls laying on the pillows on the other side of the tent, their pussies dripping with their semen as the men talked and drank. They eventually left as it grew dark. Some women with covered faces came in and brought them food, mostly bread and goats milk. They showed the girls how to dunk the bread into the milk and showed them to a back flap and a pit outside where to go to the bathroom. Shannon thought the milk tasted awful but the pony girls seemed not to mind.
Shannon slept restlessly. There was always some noise outside, a goat, whispered men talking to each other. Shannon realized that after a year in captivity, she could understand some of the words. Hello, goodbye, inshahala. When morning came, breakfast was brought to her. Shannon was the first to dare go outside to use the pit. It seemed that most of the men were gone and the women and children ignored her. They didn't even seem to notice that she was completely naked. She could have been just another goat for all they cared.
She thought briefly of escape, but where would she go? She found the irony that she missed her room in the palace and that thought led briefly to thoughts of her home in America. She wondered if she would ever go back. She knew it was unlikely. She had come so far and it had been too long.
The day was uneventful and boring. Fall was coming, which meant that there was less heat and humidity, the only blessing. The sky was actually overcast. The hung around the inside of the tent. Shannon wished at least one of the pony girls could speak English.
Near evening, the steady hum of the camp made up of children and women was broken by the return of the men. There was yelling and chaos mixed with the thunder of their camel hooves. A woman began to wail. The three girls huddled together in a thick patch of pillows in the corner and looked fearfully at the tent opening.
Two men dragged a western woman in a flight suit. Her hands were tied behind her and she was looking at the ground, her hair covering her face. They pushed her up to the center pole and she raised her head, seeing the three nude girls in the corner. Her eyes registered her shock and she gritted down on her teeth. Shannon could see that she had taken some hard knocks to the face, a large bruise had swollen shut her left eye. She suddenly uttered "Oh, Fuck this!" and knocked her head as hard as she could at one of her Arab captors.
The man cursed, stepping back, then began screaming at her in his own language. A third man ran in and grabbed the aviator by the hair. They were trying to get the layers of equipment and clothing off of her and she didn't make it easy for them. They would beat her occasionally to get her to submit but it took a fourth man to come in to hold her down, until they were able to completely strip her and tie her up as Shannon and the pony girls were the day before.
The woman was older than the three girls. Her bush was unshaved and she had a bit of fat around the thighs and belly. The men seemed impressed though and groped her and roughly slid their fingers in her. She had stopped fighting and a blank look went across her face.
Shannon looked at the flight suit clumped in a heap at the woman's feet and saw the unmistakable patch of the American flag. A strong sense of foreboding came over her and she thought back to a story she read in school. By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
Outside there was suddenly a loud roar of a jet that flew over the camp at a low altitude. It must have broken the sound barrier because there was a loud explosion. The four men ran out of the tent to see what had happen. The aviator didn't miss a second. The blank look was wiped away and she turned to the girls. "Do you speak English?"
Shannon was afraid to speak. She looked at the girls next to her, unsure what to say. The aviator said again, this time more firmly "Do you speak any English?"
When Shannon spoke, it came out a whisper. "I do."
The naked and hanging aviator spoke quickly. "Go into that web of gear there and find the black box! Please, hurry." Shannon got up, glanced at the door and rushed to the gear. There were all sorts of strange items that used to be hanging off the aviators chest. She found the pocket with the black box. She pulled it out. It was connected to a string.
"That's it!" the aviator whispered "now pull the string off and hide that under a pillow, where they can't find it!"
Shannon furiously tried to untie the knot that was holding the black box to the vest. She bit into it and finally she loosened it and removed the chord. Shannon ran to the other side of the room and slid it deep under some pillows. She was just in time because the men returned back into the tent. They looked at Shannon, yelled at her and she returned to her corner with the pony girls, her heart beating thunderously in her chest.
The men went through the aviator's equipment and then took it out of the tent. They looked at the three untied and naked girls and began to discuss them. One man grew animated and began to yell. Another shrugged his shoulders and then walked over and proceeded to tie the hands of each girl behind their back.
The men left again, this time for a long time. The aviator seemed to be fighting back tears. In the end, no tears fell down her dirty face. She looked at Shannon. "When the fighting starts, you get down as low on the ground as you can, ok?"
Shannon nodded. The aviator continued and nodded to the pony girls "do they speak English?"
"I don't think so."
"Try to convey to them to do that do, ok?"
"I'll try."
She hung there for several hours. Then the man in the black robe came in. He carried a large thick, belt, which didn't go unnoticed by the naked aviator. The color drained from her face.
He spoke with a thick accent but in English, "So, another American... I'm sorry about your pilot friend. He was no use to us anyway. I suspect that you think that we going to torture you, then put you in front of a video camera and then cut off your head?"
She stared at him, the hate seething from her eyes.
He continued, "That is where you are wrong. We are not those people. You are a Christian, are you not? Are you Muslim? I didn't think so. What you are is a wild horse that Allah has delivered into our hands. A slave for us. You will bring us much pleasure or a good sum of money."
Shannon looked fearfully at the aviator. The look emitting from her eyes was foreshadowing the future. Shannon was sure that the aviator was going to kill that man if not then, soon. Her look was certain.
He continued, apparently reading the same message in the expression. "You think you are going to escape. You are not. You think that you will kill me. You will not. I will use you. You will never escape and you will be broken like all non-believing whores are." He pulled his belt back and slapped it hard against the aviator's breast. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.
He swung again. This time the crack of the whip sounded like a firecracker. He seemed to swing hard...so hard he kept swinging, missing the woman and falling down on the floor. All the women looked at him and then saw the pool of blood coming out from under his head. Then the lamp exploded and it became dark.
Shannon reacted quicker now. She jumped up and frantically pushed the pony girls down to the ground, laying them and herself as low as she could. Gunfire erupted all around her. It was quick. There was yelling and wailing of women. Outside the tent it looked as if strobe lights were going off. Flash grenades were rolled into tents. A goat burst into the tent from the back flap. Its leg was injured and it hobbled across the room then fell on its side, making a pitiful sound. It kicked in the air, trying to get up but couldn't.
Two western military men in military body armor and helmets came in. They surveyed the scene in the tent. One man pointed a rifle at the girls. She could barely see them but she could tell he was pointing a rifle at them. He said something in French. Then he yelled "Stay down!" in English with a thick French accent.
Soon, the only sound left was French voices and the wailing of women. Someone lit a flare and the room filled with light. The soldiers untied the pilot and got her some clothing from another tent. They handed the clothing to Shannon and the pony girls and encouraged them to put them on. Shannon obeyed, even though it felt weird but the pony girls just stared at the clothing. The female aviator helped them put on the robes.
They were picked up by helicopters that blew huge clouds of dust over the small tent village. That was the first time she ever flew and it was both scary and thrilling. The crew door was open and a harvest moon had just risen over the desert landscape. She looked over to the seat across from her. The female aviator was looking at her and chewing on her thumb nail. Shannon looked away, feeling awkward and turned back to the sight of the land that she was being freed from. She was free. She said it to herself in her head and wondered what that meant or if that is what she truly wanted.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Master Tom typed to Tracy, "turn on your webcam, I want to see you."