Author's Note: This is the sequel to "Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls." Start with 12 hot and sexy nymphomaniac 18 year old girls, and add 12 cute 18 year old guys, our intrepid Jennifer and Sally, plus 2 iffy male chaperones. Mix them all up and you wind up with a weekend long bonmdage ganmgbang!
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The first Monday in August, Miss Greeley, from the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy called me to confirm that her girls were expected at Camp Shady Oaks the following Friday. She wanted to be sure that her girls got a complete fishing experience. I explained that August was not the best month for fishing, and that we would have to start quite early in the morning for the best results. We settled on leaving at 6"00 AM, and Sally and I would be in their parking lot by 5:45 AM. I reminded her that there would also be a chaperoned group of boys from North Shore Country Day Academy would also be there. Miss Greeley thought that it would do her girls some good to interact with the boys in a wooded camp setting. Little did she know just how much interaction that I expected there to be? Sally and I spent the majority of that week baking and cooking and packing for the upcoming weekend. On Thursday, Sally and I went to our favorite day spa for a full Brazilian Bikini wax job. Although we probably could have waited another month, because our husbands didn't say any thing, there was enough hair growth for the wax to catch what we had. I would have hated any of our 18 year old charges ridiculing us over a little pubic hair. Considering our normal weekend activities, usually barefoot or in sneakers, we skipped the manicures and pedicures, and would do our nails once the night before we left. Sally and I were packed and ready Thursday night, except for the perishable food items.
Day 1
Sally and I pulled our SUVs into the LFPA parking lot at 5:45 AM on Friday morning. Virtually all the girls were there and ready, wearing LFPS baseball type hats, tennis shoes and their string bikinis, all ready to go fishing. A suspicious group of Jill, Ashley, Meagan and Lisa crowded my car. I heard Meagan call "shotgun." They piled their gear into the back of my car and hopped in. When the other 2 cars were loaded, everybody got in and we took off by 6:00 AM. I thought the trip would take about an hour, because there wasn't much traffic. Oddly enough, the trip was broken up into sexual segments. We started off as normal. The girls were talking, whispering and texting and I played some of my kind of music to hum along with. After about 10 minutes, I nearly veered into the oncoming lane of traffic. Meagan put a hand on my thigh right where my cutoff jeans ended. She must have told all the other girls about our afternoon play session a couple weeks earlier. I pretended not to notice the hand and concentrated on my driving, but for at least 10 minutes, Meagan rubbed my thigh and her fingers were creeping closer to my panties. All of a sudden, 2 of the girls in the back seat grabbed Meagan's hands and pulled them behind her bucket seat and tied them securely. Next, from the back seat someone buckled a black ballgag into Meagan's mouth. Meagan was furious and thrashed around in the confines of her bondage and the seatbelt. Meagan must have told all her girlfriends about the toys that I used on her, and some of the other girls had done some online shopping.
Meagan cursed and struggled for about 15 minutes, while others in the back seat reached forward and squeezed her tits. Jill reached around with her cellphone camera and took Meagan's picture, and I think sent it to the other 2 cars in our caravan. With Meagan pissed, but settled down, I put my right hand over her pussy and slowly began rubbing her through her string bikini bottom. No one in the backseat noticed for at least 10-15 minutes. Meagan resisted, but she was slowly getting hot and wet. I discretely slipped my hand inside Meagan's bikini bottoms and began rubbing her pussy's flesh. Jill caught me and began whispering to the others. Soon a chant erupted from the backseat, "MAKE HER COME, MAKE HER COME, MAKE HER COME!" I had curled 2 fingers deep into her twat and was rolling them in and out, catching her clit everytime I went either in or out. With the encouraging chant from the back seat, I went faster and faster. Even with the ballgag and voices from the backseat, everyone heard Meagan scream, when she came. The backseat contingent all cheered, clapped and laughed. When they settled down a bit, I told them that we were near camp and they should release Meagan. When Meagan was free, she looked at me with a smile on her face and said, "I'll get you for that!" We had arrived at Camp Shady Oaks.
Miss Greeley confiscated the girl's cellphones right away, and when her SUV was unloaded, she took off. There was no sign yet of the Country Day group, so I left the gate open for them. Sally and I unloaded my car, while the girls unloaded Sally's SUV. I unlocked the storage shed and got the girl's tents out. We stowed all the food on shelves or either in the refrigerators or freezers, and then we changed into our string bikinis and ball caps. When we emerged from our cabin, the girls had pitched their 4 tents in our favorite spot in front of the cabin, and had all their gear in their tents.
From the storage shed, I issued everyone a sleeveless life jacket, paddle and fishing pole, except that Sally and I had our own spinning rods and tackle boxes. The girl's poles were pre-strung 8' bamboo poles with a bobber, lead shot weights, and a #8 or # 10 hook at the end of the line. The hook was stuck into a cork section on the handle of the pole. I had 2 cartons of worms, my fishing license and my fishing gear. I had bought 3 day fishing licenses for each girl. As we walked down to the dock, I reminded the girls that the fishing requirement had multiple parts. They had to bait there hooks with a live worm, catch a fish, clean the fish, cook it and eat it. There were 8 two-man flat bottomed aluminum canoes at the dock. The girls paired up and picked a canoe. Jill and Meagan shared a boat. The canoes had padded seats and padded kneeling benches on the floor. Before we disembarked, I gave each canoe a ration of night crawlers or red worms in a paper cup. We set out in a single line for the 3/4 mile trip to the end of the Lake, where there were reeds and lily pads along the shore.
Sally and I were in the last canoe, with Sally in the bow, and me in the stern of our canoe. As we paddled along, Sally would instruct canoes that weren't going straight, to get back in line. Jill and Meagan were verbally going at each other, probably from the scene that happened in my car on the way up to camp. When we got to the fishing area, we clustered together and showed the girls how to bait their hooks. The girls with the red worms had to poke their hook through the worm several times. However, the girls with the night crawlers had to pinch a length of a live worm off and thread it on their hooks. There were plenty of screams, yuks and ewwws from the girls. With the girls scattered along the lily pads fishing, Sally and I rigged up our spinning rods and cast artificial submersible lures out toward the center of the Lake. It was all luck, but within 15 minutes, I had landed 2 nice walleye. Sally got skunked and I didn't catch anymore fish, but the 2 walleye would make a nice lunch for us. We watched the girls fished for about 2 hours and cumulatively they caught about 30 bluegill, perch and 2 crappie. We headed back to the dock to clean the fish.
The dock had a long fish cleaning table at the end of the pier. I made each girl clean at least 2 fish. They had to cut off the head, slit the belly open, from asshole to where the head formerly was, and with a thumb, push the guts out. More ewwws, yuks and gross sounds erupted. The entrails and head were dumped in the Lake for other critters to feed on. After a fish was cleaned, it was washed in a bucket of lake water and put in my cooler containing a frozen ice pack. We packed everything up and headed back to camp. The North Shore Country Day Academy boys had arrived and were there just finishing setting up camp and their tents. Our girls didn't seem to want to have anything to do with them, andwent into their tents to change, but I told them to hold off, because we were going to have canoe races after lunch. It seemed only right. Sally and I went over and met their leaders, Fred and Stan, and their assistants, Matt, Jason, Andy and Neil. With fresh fish to prepare, we excused ourselves saying, "We'll see you around lunchtime. After Sally and I went into our cabin to clean our hands and I washed and bandaged a little fish hook prick that I had gotten on one finger. Outside, all the girls were milling around the cabin porch. I took 2 of them inside to wash the fish, under cold water, and sent the rest off to gather firewood. With the fish washed and drying on paper towels, I had the girls mix some flour, with a little salt and pepper, in an aluminum pie tin, and showed them how to dredge both sides of the fish in the flour mixture. I told them that when the fire was ready, the fish would be cooked on the big grill, and that we had potato salad to go along. Sally cut the tails off the walleyes, skinned them and then filleted them. She shook them in a plastic bag of seasoned flour and they were ready to fry.
The girls brought back enough firewood for lunch and dinner, and were sitting at the 2 picnic tables furthest from the Country Day camp. I couldn't understand their open hostility, but the Prep School Boys weren't any friendlier. The fire was started and soon we were cooking. Sally supervised the grilling of the pan fish, while I fried our walleye filets in butter, using a large cast iron skillet. Sally had to take over cooking the pan fish. Using tongs, she gave them about 2 minutes per side. When they were done, she tonged them onto a platter, let the halves fall open and deftly removed the whole backbone. The fresh caught fish was sooo good that I couldn't believe that a few girls put ketchup or butter on theirs to get their 2 fish down. After we polished off the walleye, Sally and I split a bluegill and a perch.
When lunch was finished, and the fire extinguished, and everything cleaned up and the cooking implements washed, Sally and I took the girls back down to the boat dock. I took a canoe and paddled across the lake alone. Sally got the 12 girls paired up and lined up in 6 canoes. When she blew her whistle, the 6 canoes paddled and raced across the lake to the pier that my canoe was tied to. The winning canoe was exempt from firewood duty. I gave them a chance to change partners for the race back. Across the 1/2 mile wide lake, Sally waved her hand and blew her whistle. The 6 canoes took off, with me trailing them in my canoe. The winners were again exempt from firewood collection duty. For the rest of the afternoon, Sally and I and the 12 girls swam off our diving raft and sunbathed on the beach. The Country Day boys were nowhere in sight, and we all sunbathed in the nude, passing around the SPF lotion. When we got back to camp, everyone took a bathroom break, changed into their clothes and had a cold soft drink. Then, I sent the canoe race losers out to the woods to gather more firewood, while Sally and I rested on lounge chairs on our cabin's front porch.
When they came back, they were with the boys, and had more than enough firewood for our next 4 meals and 2 bonfires, I couldn't believe my eyes. Our girls had done a complete turnaround. They were smiling and chatting with the guys, I didn't understand the transformation. We were having hamburgers that night, with all the trimmings, including cheddar cheese slices, and crinkle cut French fries done in the oven or Pringles chips. Sally and I found ourselves at a lone picnic table with Fred and Stan, and shared our pot of coffee with them. The men and Boy Scouts were having camp hash and canned vegetables. The girls and guys were sitting at the other 3 picnic tables, but in smaller boy/girl groups. They conversed in hushed whispered tones, and often passed something from table to table, and it was quickly spread to the others. The girl's plan for Sally and me was unfolding.
We learned that Fred was single, 24, and taught math at Avoca Jr. High in Wilmette, Illinois. Stan was single, 25, and taught science at Skokie Jr. High in Winnetka, Illinois. He was dating a fellow staff member, but she was in Europe for the summer. The 2 of them rented a 3 bedroom house in nearby Northfield, Illinois, and had very short drives to work. They, of course had none of the Country Day boys in classes, but did teach them in a youth program after school. Their assistants did attend Country Day and were in the after school youth group. Sally and I told the men about our families and lives, the camp and our stores, which kept us busy. Of course, neither Sally nor I mentioned anything about our recent somewhat depraved and exhibitionist sex lives. Dinner was over, everyone was cleaning up and extinguishing the fires, and Fred and Stan had gotten into a debate/discussion, mostly among themselves about the low rankings of U.S. math and science students Worldwide. But of course, there was nothing either of them could do about it, because all they could teach was the prescribed curriculum. The girls had changed into their string bikinis, and all the kids were out on the lawn, shooting arrows at 3 archery targets they had setup. As their debate continued, I asked if either of them wanted more coffee, and they declined. That was, perhaps, a big mistake on their part. Sally and I knew 1st hand that if whatever was planned for us, was anything like what we went through last June at camp, plenty of coffee would be required. Sally suggested that the men go out and keep an eye on our archers.
Sally and I went back into our cabin to make a small pot of coffee. While the coffee brewed, we changed into our string bikinis. Back at our picnic table, with fresh cups of coffee, Sally and I speculated for quite sometime about what the girls might do with and to us, compared to the last time, and how the boys would be integrated into their plan. It was clear that they couldn't string us up and shave our pussies again. The archery competition ended without any arguments. The boys had the campfire roaring, and the fixings for s'mores were brought out of the cabin. Sally and I started speculating on the size of Fred and Stan's cocks and whether we might get to suck them off. It was more fun speculating on the sizes of the various 18 year old's cocks and how long each one might last when we got our mouths on their dicks. Finally, we wanted to do something different. We knew the girls would come for us. We figured that we would at least have some time, after we turned out the lights in the cabin. WE HAD A PLAN!
We went over and joined the men, who were sitting on the lawn, about 25' from the campfire. The guys were sitting on stumps around the campfire, with their shirts off. Our promiscuous girls had already partnered up. Each of them, in their string bikinis, was either sitting on the lap or straddling the lap of their new partner, and making out with them. From time to time, the tongue sucking would cease and the girl would make a s'mores bar for the 2 of them to share. There may have even been a little feeling up going on. When we joined the men, they wondered if what was going on around the campfire was appropriate. I responded that I thought a little experimenting with kissing and making out was OK and healthy for kids of their age. I thought that they probably ain't seen nothing yet! Stan started telling us about his toy train hobby. I did not prejudge him, because I knew that antique Lionel train sets could cost a pretty penny. He painted a picture for us of their spare bedroom all laid out with train sets, each one surrounded by tiny little toy villages.
Sally and I had been sitting on the grass, in our string bikinis, with our knees up and together and our arms wrapped around our knees. Maybe it was just my natural moving around a bit, or maybe it was my subconscious anticipation of what might follow, but I felt my bikini bottom creeping into my pussy slit. I noticed the erections in each man's shorts. I nudged Sally and nodded towards their crotches. We shifted positions and sat cross-legged, leaned back on our hands and thrust our chests out. After teasing them for 10-15 minutes, I got up and made them each a s'mores bar, which they graciously accepted. Then, I made one for Sally and me. With the s'mores consumed, Sally and I found ourselves lying flat on our backs looking up at the stars. Stan was an amateur astronomer and was trying to point out various stars, planets and constellations, but the clouds would often cover them up. The campfire had died down and the boys were extinguishing it without being told. The kids entered their tents, Fred and Stan went into their tent, and Sally and I went into our cabin to await our fate.
Sally and I wanted to play just a little before our inevitable capture. We stripped in our own bedrooms, and turned on all the lights in our bedrooms and bathrooms. Sally turned her shower on cold and let it run. Then she slipped into my bathroom, where we showered together, while we kissed and fondled each other and ate each other's pussies. We dried ourselves off, put our hair up in ponytails and turned off my bathroom lights. We buckled our new ballgags deep into each other's mouths. This was followed by our affixing our new tinkle bell nipple clamps to each other's nipples, and backed off the thumbscrews about a quarter turn, but I had put a small piece of adhesive tape in each little bell to silence them. Next, we grabbed our new padded leather cuffs and turned off all of Sally's lights.. Sally turned off the running cold water in her shower. We wiped down and dried off inside the shower and hung the towels over the top of the glass shower doors, as a camouflage. We buckled our left wrist into a cuff. Then, Sally buckled my other cuff on my right wrist, behind my back. It took quite a bit of doing, but Sally got her other cuff around her wrist, behind her back. I got the tongue through the cuffs buckle and pulled it tight. Sally poked the buckle's pin into one of the holes. I pushed the tongue in the leather securing hoop.
We were standing in Sally's shower, ballgagged, nipple clamped, with our wrists cuffed behind our backs. I backed into the corner of the shower and Sally backed into me. She worked 2 fingers into my cunt and began finger fucking me. We heard them coming for us. "They're not in here," someone shouted. Sally kept on finger fucking me. The glass shower door slid open and a cry was shouted, "We got 'em!" They dragged us out into the living room area of the cabin. Jill and the other girls studied our ballgags, nipple clamps and padded leather cuffs. "TIE THEM INTO THE CHAIRS," she bellowed. We were plunked down in arranged in upholstered chairs, and our legs were hooked over the arms of the chairs and our ankles tied to the rear legs of the chairs. It was déjà vu all over again. Twelve naked pussy shaved girls stared down at us, and our naked freshly bikini waxed wet pussies. Twelve naked boys burst through the cabin's front door, dragging along their 2 bound naked young leaders, Fred and Stan. The men were bound back-to-back to the cabin's roof supporting post nearest me. A whole pile of rope lengths was dumped at their feet.
"Gentlemen," Jill said, "You are going to have the chance to do some finger fucking and pussy eating tonight, and the girls will suck your cocks." "Let's start with Jennifer's gorgeous shaved pussy over here," Jill continued, "It looks like she is all wet and ready for you!" So, 12 guys and Jill crowded around me bound, with my legs spread, in a chair. Jill pointed out my pussy parts and their significance, and got 2 fingers going in my hole. As I'm moaning and gasping into my gag, and Jill is fucking me faster and faster, Jill said, "Depending on the girl, she may just come from this." And of course, I screamed into my ballgag, shuddered and seemingly came on cue. "Perfect," Jill said, "If your girl doesn't come, you may want to continue finger fucking her, and you can keep finger fucking her and either rub her clit with your thumb, or use 1 or 2 fingers from your other hand to rub her clit. Jill rubbed my clit, with her thumb, until I came again for her. I was pissed off that that little tart could make me come like that for her. The guys were in awe, and some mouths gapped openly. "OK now," Jill continued, "Now one at a time I want each of you to stick your middle finger as far up Jennifer's hole, as you can, and then lick her pussy juices off your finger." Having come twice, I had plenty of pussy juice to go around, but I felt embarrassed and humiliated, as one by one they penetrated my most private space.
"Now you guys are going to learn how to eat pussy," Jill informed them, "and they'll be 2 demonstrations. Sally's ankles were untied and she was kneeling on the carpet between my spread legs, without the ballgag buckled in her mouth, but still wearing the nipple clamps. She was told to make me come as fast as possible. Since I had just come twice, during Jill's finger fucking, this would be no problem for Sally. Jill gave a step by step narration of what Sally was doing to me. My mind wandered and I began to glance around. Through the bodies around me, I saw Matt, Jason, Andy and Neil drawing a glass of water. They went over to Fred and Stan, who were still tied to the post nearest me. They made each of the men swallow a blue pill. Then, it seemed the boys broke two pills in half, and each swallowed a piece. Was it Viagra? Where had they gotten it? They could have stolen them from one of their fathers, or had one of our devious girls procured them? My mind was soon jolted back to reality, because Sally was licking and sucking my clit. Within about 2 minutes, I was shrieking like a banshee into my ballgag, and coming and coming. Sally was back in her chair, with her legs hooked over the chair's upholstered arms and her ankles tied to the chair's rear legs, but with no ballgag.
I was now kneeling on the floor between Sally's spread legs. I was told to eat her pussy and really make her beg for it. Jill again described the play by play, or lick by lick. I gave Sally's whole pussy slit 5 or 6 long slow licks, catching her clit each time, which was peeking out from its hood. I shifted to licking and kissing up and down her inner thighs twice, before thoroughly licking her perineum area. My tongue lazily roam round and round and over Sally's reddening and swelling pussy lips, slowly getting closer and closer to her love hole. My tongue plunged in and I tongue fucked the Hell out of her cunt, but never let her come. Instead, my tongue went back and forth teasing and licking her pussy lips and perineum, and occasionally sucking her pussy lips and doing a little more tongue fucking. Needless to say, by now Sally was moaning and groaning and shaking her head from side to side, but she had yet to beg. She could have exploded at any time, but I decided to tease her red distended clit for awhile. I swirled my tongue round and round that swollen appendage, and occasionally flicking the tip of her clit with my tongue. Finally, Sally could take no more. "OH GOD YOU BITCH," Sally whimpered, "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME COME!" I finished her off by sucking and nibbling her clit with my teeth. Sally let out an ear piercing scream and wail, convulsed, and came and came and came.
"Jennifer will now show us how to do a proper blowjob," Jill announced. I was helped up by my bound arms and brought over to kneel in front of Fred. I loved sucking cock, and Fred's 7" cock was sticking straight out. I ducked under his flagpole and licked his balls and scrotum. Then, I took his whole ball sac in my mouth and sucked and licked each of his testicles. If Fred's cock could have gotten any harder or longer, it was now. I licked his penis all over, until it was dripping with my saliva. I went slow as I gradually took him in my mouth about halfway. I bobbed up and down and sucked him hard, before retreating and swirling and licking my tongue over the head of his cock, and especially his glans. Slowly and surely, I took him deeper and deeper, until the tip of his cock was rubbing the back of my throat and my lips were in his pubic hair. I was moving back and forth, no more than an inch, massaging the head of Fred's dick against the back of my throat, when I heard Jill shout out, "WAIT A MINUTE, WAIT A MINUTE, STOP!" I stopped and looked kinda stupid with a frustrated prick dangling out of my mouth. Jill told me that she wanted me to show everyone that "deep throat" thing that I was doing. I abandoned Fred's cock, or left him hanging, and said that I could show them if they took off my cuffs and brought me a vibrator from my suitcase. I was released and, of course, someone brought me my new 9" X 2" vibrator. I narrated and demonstrated. I said that after you lick and suck his balls, you must get his cock saturated with your saliva. I continued narrating and demonstrating, "Put your lips over your teeth and take him in your mouth
I continued, "After you bob up and down and suck his cock, and you get some reaction from him, then you are ready to take his cock in your throat." I heard audible gasps, when I had my 9" vibrator down my throat. I removed my vibrator from my mouth and stressed that you relax your throat muscles, put your tongue over your lower lip, move his cock to a slightly downward angle, and tilt your head back slightly to afford the largest opening for his cock." By now, Fred's dick had gone limp. I handed my vibrator over to someone and my wrists were re-buckled behind my back. I started over, again. I lifted Fred's sagging cock off his balls, with my tongue and sucked it, until it stiffened up enough for me to get at his balls. Fred must be going crazy! I did all that scrotum and ball licking and sucking, licking him wet everywhere, bobbing and sucking, and just as I took Fred's cock in my throat, Jill interrupted, "WAIT, WAIT,Stop!" Jesus Christ, I thought, what now. Jill asked me if I could make him come and catch all his come in my mouth, without swallowing any. I nodded my head, yes. She asked the same of Sally, who also nodded yes. Sally's ankles were untied and she was brought over to kneel in front of Stan. While this was being done, Jill went over to the cupboard and retrieved 2 coffee cups. Sally and I were ordered to suck Stan and Fred off, catch their cum in our mouths and spit it out into the coffee cups. I had an easy time with Fred. The poor guy was horribly frustrated and must have been out of his mind by now.
I quickly did all that previous stuff and got Fred's cock in my throat. He erupted with a shit load of cum, and I kept it all in my mouth and withdrew. I spit Fred's huge load of hot sticky gism in one of the coffee cups. We waited at least 10 minutes for Sally to make Stan come and spit his load into the other coffee cup. Jill had all the girls dip a finger in each coffee cup, to taste each man's cum. "TIE THEM TO THE POSTS" Jill hollered. As Sally and I were being trussed up, Jill buckled the ballgags into Stan's and Fred's mouths. She also took Sally's and my nipple clamps off and put them on the two men's nipples. It was a good thing that we backed off the nipple clamp thumbscrews, because the pain from the blood rushing back into our blood starved pinched nipples was easily bearable for me
Sally and I were tied to 2 posts about 10' apart. My wrists were freed, and then the padded leather cuffs were buckled onto my crossed wrists behind the post. My arms, just above my elbows, were tied almost touching. A rope loosely tied around my neck, and another around my waist lashed me to the post. Finally, a rope was tied to Sally's and my cuffs and pulled and stretched as taught as possible, before being tied off. You know the result. Our chest muscles were pulled tight and our tits were thrust out as far as they possibly could go. It had been only about a week since Sally and I were tied in a similar position in Sally's basement, during one of our weekends as sex slaves of our husbands. Jill cleared her throat loudly and ahemed, "I was watching you all at the campfire earlier, and you all need to practice your makeout, feeling up and finger fucking skills." "I will demonstrate on Jennifer." Jill put her arms around the post and pulled herself tit to tit with me. She kissed me. She kissed me hard and long and our lips parted of their own accord. Soon, her tongue was in my mouth and roaming and exploring. I couldn't help my self. I kissed her back with all the fervor and lust that I had in me. Jill attacked my jutting breasts by first squeezing and kneading them, almost to excess, but it was done to demonstrate how pliable and malleable a woman's breasts were and how much fun they were to play with. Jill rubbed and pulled and pinched and rolled my nipples into long taut peaks. But when she sucked them ever so gently and sweetly, I about lost it. She had 2 fingers in me and was doing a good fast job of finger fucking me. My pussy juices were sloshing all over and began running down my legs. Then, she abruptly stopped and pulled out, leaving me panting and moaning and hanging there frustrated.
There wasn't a sound in the room, except my sigh of frustration. "There now," Jill went on, "The guys will tie up the girls and practice on each girl in your group, until she comes at least once." "Girls, if your partner is playing with Sally or Jennifer, you will suck off Fred or Stem." "NOW, LET'S GET STARTED!" I was astonished, when all the girls crossed their wrists behind their backs and allowed themselves to be tied up. Twelve naked and bound 18 year old Prep School girls, with bare shaved pussies, stood proudly bound waiting to be played with and finger fucked.
Matt, with the dark brooding eyes and luscious lips was the apparent leader of his group, and he started with me first. As Jill had done, he crushed my jutting tits into his bare chest. His lips pressed against mine. He parted his lips, and mine parted too. His tongue tasted and explored everywhere in my mouth. I had to fight his tongue to get mine in his mouth and soon we were sucking tongues. You'd think that I was the love starved teenager, but Jill had left me high, soaking wet and frustrated. Already, I needed to come. I had to get control of myself. After plundering my mouth, Matt moved on to my breasts. He had some experience and his hands felt wonderful kneading and squeezing my breasts. I glanced all around and noticed that all the bound girls had pushed their arms back and upwards to force their own jutting tits into their partners' bare chests. Matt's magical fingers tormented my sensitive distended nipples for several minutes. He teased and flicked their tips and rubbed their sides. It was Matt's mouth again. He licked round and round my areolas, before ever contacting my nipples. There was no pinching or pulling, although I craved the former, but he did tenderly nibble on them. Then, his blessed lips were going back and forth, sucking gently at first and then seemingly trying to suck the life out of them. My nipples were even more distended, if that were possible, and I thought they'd never return to normal.
I felt Matt's hand wandering down my body. When he pinched my pussy lips, I gasped louder than all the panting and moaning that I had been doing since he started on me. As soon as Matt slipped 2 fingers inside me, I felt the orgasm building fast. After only a couple minutes, I screamed and quaked and came in a thunderous climax. I guess it was Matt's inexperience, because he finger fucked me through my orgasm and I didn't come again. His middle finger found my tingling throbbing clitoris. That finger slowly circled my growing little love bud. When it contacted the side of my swollen clit, I knew that I would explode any second. And explode I did. It was a stupendous mind blowing orgasm that sent wave after wave of wonderful spasms throughout my body. Then, Jason had me crushed against his bare chest, and he was kissing me. Jason was apparently Matt's #2, which was the equivalent to Jill's Ashley. Apparently, I wasn't going to be allowed to come down for some time. He had thoroughly kissed and made out with me, and had done a Hell of a job feeling me up and doing everything to my nipples. When he finger fucked me, he, also, resumed kissing me. It was in the middle of one of those long slow lazy open mouthed kisses, when I came. I groaned into his mouth, and he continued kissing me, until my body stopped convulsing
Jason was followed by Tom, Mark, Billy and Ed, in that order. The whole cabin was alive with the moaning, groaning and screaming of girls simultaneously being kissed, felt up and coming. The final four guys each made me come once or twice. I can't remember which one of them did what to me. They kept me in a constant state of orgasmic overload and I became dizzy and disoriented. When Tom finished with me, my nipples were sore and my breasts had finger marks all over them, where they had been squeezed too hard.. My lips were puffy and a little sore from all the kissing. I probably had come about 10 times for 6 guys. Sally and I were released from the posts, but our wrists were re-tied behind our backs with ropes. Fred and Stan were also released and had their wrists re-bound behind their backs. Matt's group of guys herded Jill's group of 6 girls into my bedroom, along with Fred and me. The others went into Sally's bedroom. They made me sit on the edge of my king sized bed and lie back. Becky was next to me at the bottom corner of my bed. Ashley was at the other lower corner and Jill was opposite me on the other side of the large bed. All 4 of us raised and spread our legs in anticipation of getting our pussies eaten.
Fred was brought over to me, made to kneel down, and his face was pushed into my pussy and held there. That wasn't his first pusssy eating and he knew just what to do. He licked me all over and plunged his tongue deep into my twat. I was still so turned on, from my stint tied to the post, that I was easy prey for just about any tongue. I came for him after about 10 minutes of tongue fucking; however, my clit was still so hypersensitive and distended that I knew that I would explode at the slightest stimulation. Fred sucked my love bud, and I cried out, arched my back, and came and came. Matt and Jason were next to feast on my wet juicy pussy. Though they were inexperienced, they did a credible job on me. They tried tongue fucking me, but after no results,, they shifted their attention to my willing clit, and I came freely for them. Next, I was off the bed, down on my knees and eating first Ashley's, them Jill's pussy. There was some consolation in this mixed up format. While I was eating their pussies, and later when I sucked some cock, I had a chance to come down from my multiple orgasms and regain my composure. I licked and teased Ashley's and Jill's pussies, until they could take no more, and I finish each of them off. Turn around is fair play. Jill and I had to swap positions. She licked my pussy ruthlessly, and had me squirming and writhing and whimpering and pleading to come, before she relented and finished me off.
Then, I had to stay on my knees and suck off 3 guys in a row. The Country Day cocks ranged in size from about 6" to approaching 7" in length. Certainly nothing close to my hubby Dan's beautiful 8+" cock. They were certainly inexperienced, and could have simply grabbed my head and fucked my mouth. When I licked and sucked their balls and scrotum, I thought they would come right then. I licked and sucked on their cocks slowly and teasingly, trying to prolong their orgasms and pleasure. When I took them deep, their cocks barely got past my gag reflex spot and into my throat. They all came mostly in my mouth, and I swallowed their entire modest amount of cum. Four or five pussy eatings later, some by me and some to me, and I was back sucking cock. The whole thing was an unorganized pussy eating cock sucking fest. When I got to sucking Fred's cock, his pitiful cock was laying limply over his balls. I got his penis in my mouth and sucked it, until his dick perked up enough for me to get my mouth at his balls. To my astonishment, Fred's nuts were nearly completely shriveled up. I licked and sucked them, and brought a little life back into them. Then, I went about my business licking, swirling, sucking and taking him into my throat. When Fred finally came, he spewed out only a few pitiful spurts of cum. With all that cock sucking, while he was tied to the post in the living room, and what he got here in my bedroom, the girls had nearly sucked him dry!
I did 2 more blowjobs, and had no idea how many pussy eatings I had received from the guys or girls, or how many I had done, but I remember kneeling on the floor and eating out Becky, while she stood over me. Then, it was over. Jill and Ashley were untied. The guys took our still bound girls and the still bound Fred out to the tents for whatever was to be done to them. My ordeal was not quite over.
Day 2
With my wrists still tied behind my back, they helped me get positioned in the center of the bed on my back. Before my ankles were tied wide apart to the bottom corner posts of the bed. Jill placed a pillow under my ass, elevating my pusssy to the perfect fucking position. Ashley came back with the 2 GOD DAMN 10" X 2" strapon dildos that they used on me 2 months earlier. Jill put on one of the strapons, straddled my spread legs and prepared to impale me with the monster dildo, while Ashley faced my feet, straddled my face and presented her pussy for me to eat out. Eating out Ashley's pussy was easy and it was so easy that I could do it by rote. However, the dildo gave me fits. Jill slowly and steadily pushed the long phallus into my cunt. I felt every knob and bump. She had the whole thing in me, right upto the hilt. I feared that she might hit my cervix. Jill started slowly fucking me, ever so slowly at first, and gradually picking up speed. Pretty soon, she was pounding my cunt, and I couldn't help myself. It went in me so deep and felt wonderful, so I humped that damn dildo back. My moans and grunts grew louder and more frequent, until I thought that I would explode. Jill reached down and rubbed my clit, and I let loose with such a blood curdling scream that it may have been heard outside in the tents. I convulsed into a series of seemingly endless spasms of pure ecstasy. In fact, I never even felt Jill pull the device out of me, or realized that I had finished eating out Ashley's pussy.
Ashley strapped on her big 10" dildo and straddled my spread legs and Jill straddled and mounted my face. We did it all over again. I ate out Jill's pussy, while Ashley fucked my brains out, with her big knobby strapon dildo. When it was over, they untied my ankles and stood me up alongside my bed. Jill took her still wet 10" strapon and had me open my mouth. She had the curved side down, as she slowly threaded the monster into my mouth and down my throat. When it was in my throat as far as it would go, Jill gave the phallus a 180 degree turn, so that the curved end of the knobby gel penis was rubbing the back of my throat. Jill fucked my mouth, or more accurately the back of my throat, because the dildo's head only moved in and out at the most 2"-3", for only about 5 minutes. Ashley's strapon dildo was still dripping with my pusssy juices. She shoved it down my throat, twisted it 180 degrees and fucked my throat for another 5-10 minutes. Then I was released and allowed to use the bathroom. My breath reeked of pussy juices and cum. All of us peed and brushed our teeth, and I took apart my tangled ponytail. However, before we entered my shower, my wrists were again tied behind my back.
I had brought an unscented shampoo/conditioner. In the cramped 3' X 5' shower they washed my hair twice and rinsed it. Then I shuffled to the rear so that Jill and Ashley could do their hair. I had brought strawberry body gel soap. I was now in the middle of a naked girl sandwich. Jill soaped up and washed my front, while Ashley washed my back right down to my feet. After I was rinsed off, I was again shuffled to the rear, while the girls washed and rinsed their own bodies. Next, they washed out my pussy and vagina with clear water. Finally, I had to kneel down in the shower, with the water still running all over me, and eat out each of their pussies. There was no need to re-wash my face, because the constant shower head spray in my face kept me clean enough. Finally, the wet rope binding my wrists was untied, and I stepped out of the shower to blow dry my hair, dry the rest of my body off and comb out and brush my hair.
When everyone was ready for bed, I settled in the center of the bed. My wrists were tied crossed overhead to the headboard, and my ankles were tied together. I fully expected to be awakened in the middle of the night and fucked with those infernal dildos again. Jill and Ashley cuddled in on either side of me, with one finger in my cunt, and another girl's hand cupping one of my breasts. Soon, I was fast asleep. In the morning, they shook me awake, untied me, and everyone used the bathroom. I combed and put my hair up in a ponytail. I knew that I wanted coffee for breakfast, and knew what I would have to do to get someone to make it. Out in the kitchen, Sally and Meagan and Lisa were already present, and Sally was bound, on her knees, just about to eat Meagan's pussy. My wrists were tied behind my back. The coffee was going in the coffeemaker. All of a sudden the 12 guys burst in naked and looking like they were raring to go. "We'll take them," Matt said, "Get us 2 vibrators and those nipple clamps!" They marched us out the cabin door. The girls were just emerging from their tents. Apparently the girls slept naked too. "Breakfast will be delayed about an hour," Jason announced, "Use the bathrooms and then let someone tie you up." Sally and I were led over to an old oak tree near the campfire area, with a sturdy horizontal branch about 12' off the ground.
They had our 4" heavy duty ankle cuffs, with attached "D" rings. A cuff was buckled around each of Sally's and my ankles. A long doubled rope was passed through our "D" rings and tied, forcing Sally's and my ankles to be tied together. The other end of the doubled rope was tossed over the horizontal branch. They pulled on the rope and up I went. Higher and higher I went. I didn't stop, until my head was about 3' above the ground. I hung there totally naked, with my wrists tied behind my back, swinging and twisting in the wind. Sally spun and swayed next to me. Hands were all over our bodies and we were stopped and held in place. The girls were now bound and standing around watching us. My breasts bulged down near my armpits. Before Jill and Meagan were bound, Meagan pinched and pulled my nipples, and applied the clamps to them, while Jill fingered our love holes and plunged our vibrators, running on high, deep inside us.
I hadn't expected anything like this and it caught me totally by surprise. Maybe a blowjob, before breakfast, is a good way to start off the day? Matt grabbed my head and shoved his cock straight into my mouth, burying my lips in his pubic hairs. He smelled and tasted freshly showered. I wanted to get at his balls, but being hung upside down afforded me no chance of getting to them. Pure and simple, Matt raped my mouth non-stop, until he came. I had 2 problems. First, that portion of Matt's come that did not go down my throat, pooled in the roof of my mouth. I had to turn my head a little sideways in order to swallow the rest of his come. My 2nd problem was the orgasm, from my vibrator, building in my pussy, and what do I do if I come while I,m sucking off one of the guys? As soon as Matt finished with me, he found his favorite bound girl and began making out and fingering her love tunnel. Those guys waiting their turn with me, caressed my body all over, felt me up from behind, and 2 of them rubbed my clit and made me come. Jason came next, followed by Tom, Mark, Billy and Ed. All of them held my head and fucked my mouth. My 2nd problem was answered while I did Jason's blowjob. My vibrator finally took me over the edge. I never even had a chance to think about what I would do. I simply let loose of his cock and screamed bloody murder. I managed to seal my lips back around his cock, as I came and spasmed throughout Jason's ejaculation. I think my screaming orgasm caused Jason to prematurely shoot his load of cum.
I had one more vibrator induced orgasm, and 2 sneaky clit rubbing orgasms, while I sucked off the 4 remaining guys in Matt's group. When Sally and I had finished our 6 blowjobs, our gags were brought out and buckled tightly in our mouths. We were left there hanging upside down, bound and gagged and nipple clamped, with our vibrators buzzing on high in our twats, and allowed to spin and sway in the wind. The guys finished making out and finger fucking their chosen female partners. Fred and Stan were just emerging from their tents and heading for the bathrooms. They had missed the whole spectacle. Jill and Ashley took a couple of the Country Day cooks into the cabin, and the other started the fire for cooking breakfast.
I had made a huge pan of frosted cinnamon raisin sweet rolls and a huge pan of caramel nut sweet rolls, which had to be heated in the oven. We were going to have scrambled eggs with them. The girls were bound and sitting around the picnic tables. The coals were ready and the griddle was in place over them, ready to cook the eggs. The tables were set with the plastic ware dishes. The rolls were brought out, along with the pot of coffee and coffee mugs. Three orgasms later, the boys came and took Sally and me down. The ankle cuffs were removed from our ankles and our ballgags and vibrators removed, but our nipple clamps were left on, and our wrists remained tied behind our backs. When I stood up, I felt a little dizzy and my head felt a little groggy, from the blood that settled in my head. We were taken over to the picnic tables and settled between Fred and Stan. I felt as though I had swallowed a cupful of cum.
All the girls remained tied up during breakfast, and had to be fed. Fred had to feed me, and Sally was fed by Stan. I ate one of each of the rolls, plus a large glass of OJ and 2 cups of coffee, although my stint upside down in the tree had certainly woke me up. Sally and I split 3 eggs scrambled light and fluffy. The sweet rolls that I baked should have been enough for 2 breakfasts for the girls, if we had eggs or bacon or sausage with them. However, our girls shared the rolls with the guys, and they finished them off. After breakfast was over, and everything had been cleaned up, and the fire extinguished, everyone was herded out into the lawn a short distance from the picnic tables. Jill and Ashley were freed to show the guys the preferred way to tie us up and to demonstrate several different positions that our arms could be tied in. For the previous 10 hours or so, the guys had been tying us in most any haphazard manner. None hurt and I probably could have escaped, but never wanted to, because I was having such a good time. This was a rehash of what Sally and I had been through 2 months earlier, but we were again selected as the guinea pigs. Jill and Ashley emphasized and demonstrated the use of the Lark's Head Knot and the use of square knots. First, they tied our wrists together palm-to-palm by wrapping a doubled rope around our limbs, tucking the ends through the Lark's Head, and cinching the ropes tight between our wrists. It was more comfortable and escape proof, if tied correctly.
Once our wrists were bound palm-to-palm, they tied our elbows together. After that came the plain elbow tie and the forearm-to-forearm tie. Finally, Sally's and my arms were twisted behind our backs and forced upward and tied crossed between our shoulder blades. This was the tie that I and all the other girls liked 2 months earlier, and the guys unanimously liked it bests too. I assume because our breasts would stick out further. With that settled, the rest of the girls, including Jill and Ashley, had their wrists tied in the double hammerlock position. I was put down on my knees and had to suck off Fred. I wanted to do a good job on him, because my 2 previous attempts were somewhat Aborted or thwarted. The 2nd time was in my bedroom, when I discovered that the girls had nearly sucked him dry. His package looked pretty good this morning, and I went right for his balls. I licked his scrotum dripping wet and then sucked on each of his balls. I licked up and down the length of his 7" shaft, and licked and sucked the head of his cock, before getting down to business. When I had him in my mouth, I teased him for as long as I thought he could take it. I took him deep in my throat, and massaged the tip of his cock, with the back of my throat, until he lost it and blasted his load of hot sticky cum down my throat.
Fred took me over to one of the picnic tables, sat me on the edge, and pushed me onto my back and frog-tied my legs.. Stan had Sally tied like me at the other end on my table. There were only 4 picnic tables, with 2 girls tied down to each table. Thus, 6 girls had to be tied down to the picnic table benches in order to get their pussies eaten. First, Fred leaned over me and removed my nipple clamps. He sucked my tender nipples gently, but the pain from blood rushing into them was not bad at all. I had the nipple clamps on for over 2 hours and realized that they had never been tightened properly. Fred sat on the individual picnic table bench, between my spread splayed legs, and went down on me. Sally was at the other end of my table, with Stan doing her. After a lot of kissing and licking, my pusssy was wide open and tingling. Fred sucked my pussy lips and tongue fucked me for a few minutes. His tongue pulled out and was quickly replaced by 2 fingers that finger fucked me, while his mouth moved to my calling clit. The combination of the finger fucking and the clit sucking was too much for me, and I quivered, convulsed, let loose with one of my loudest screams and came violently. When Stan finished with Sally's pussy, he switched places with Fred. Stan did everything to my pussy, but not in the exact same order as Fred. While Stan was finger fucking me and sucking my swelling sensitive clit, his fingers found my g-spot. While he sucked my clit and rubbed my g-spot, I gasped and squirted my pussy juices right in Stan's face. I don't know who was more surprised, Stan or me. I do believe in the g-spot, but know that every woman does not have one, or at what age they emerge or develop. When Sally and I play, I have searched her vagina numerous times, but we have concluded that she does not have one. My few g-spot orgasms are not as spectacular or fulfilling as a well built up one. I can take them or leave them, and they can be terribly messy.
When all of the girls had their pussies eaten and had a chance to come down, our legs were untied and we were all lined up bent over, still double hammer lock bound, around 2 of the picnic tables. Fred, Stan and all the guys moved behind us giving each of us a sharp open handed whack on our behinds. The girls were not at all used to getting spanked, and immediately began moaning, yelping and complaining about the pain. Sally and I are used to sexual spankings. Depending on the severity of the blows, the first 10-20 do sting somewhat, but after that, the pain disappears to the recesses of the mind, and new pleasant signals, from my brain, overpower my pussy, turn me on and make me wetter. The spoiled girls had probably never been spanked before in their lives, and the spankings were taking a toll on some of them. They screamed and yelled and pleaded for it to stop. The spankings did eventually stop, with each of us receiving perhaps 35-40 smacks. The boys setup the picnic table benches, and we could sit down, when we thought that we could sit on a hard surface. I got a good look at most every girl's but, and everyone had a glowing fiery red ass, which I'm sure hurt and burned more than mine.
Jill was one of the first girls to recover. She whispers something to Matt and Andy. They took her over to her tent and untied her. After a minute inside, she emerged holding 2 clear wrapped packages. Jill set the packages on the end of our picnic table. They seemed to contain pink "U" shaped tubes, with a penis head on each end. Jill pulled one out of the previously opened package, BOING, the device sprang open. HOLY SHIT, that sucker must have been a foot and a half long. All the girls gasp! I read off the package, "18" Gel Penis Vibrating Double Dong!" It was very similar to the ones Sally had bought and I used on Meagan. Jill demonstrated the dildo to the 2 boys. In the center of the 2" tube was a white 2" long plastic collar that contained a switch. When Jill finished her explanation, she pointed at Ashley, Sally and me. The 3 of us were untied and brought out into the lawn, along with Jill. Jill got down on all fours. I was directed to do the same and line my ass back-to-back up close to Jill's. Andy got Sally and Ashley lined up like Jill and me. Matt had to finger Jill and get her twat open and wet. He slowly shoved the phallus into Jill's honey pot, until it bottomed out at the 2" plastic collar. I was directed to slowly crawl backwards, slowly impaling myself on the extra long phallus, until I felt the plastic collar. Sally and Ashley were all set, and Jill and I waited for someone to turn on the switch. Everyone else had gathered around us to watch. But, there was more to come in order to complete this bizarre tableau.
Sally and I were to suck off Fred and Stan, and Jill and Ashley had to suck off Matt and Jason. When we were all set, someone flipped the Dong's switch. Strong vibrations shot through my cunt, pussy and on up to my brain. Stan's cock was as limp as a week old non-refrigerated zucchini. I had to lift his cock, with my tongue, and suck him stiff. Then, I was able to get at his balls and scrotum, and lick and suck them. From that point on, Stan grabbed my head and fucked my mouth. He settled on a steady medium rhythm, while he pounded my mouth, my body moved back and forth. This caused me to fuck myself on the vibrating Dong. I had little to do except to hold on with my lips and glide my tongue along the underside of his dick. My mind began to wander. I knew that our husbands would enjoy using our Dongs on us on weekends. I was trying to think of a way that Bill and Dan could tie Sally and me up, and repeat these positions, without kneeling on all fours, when I came, groaned and almost choked on Stan's cock. Stan and Fred picked up speed, plunging towards their climaxes. They were thrusting in sync. When the men partially withdrew, the Dong pulled out of my cunt about 2"-3". However, as the guys plunged their cocks into our throats. Jill and I bumped asses. Within perhaps 5 or 6 thrusts, all four of us had climaxes.
Sally, Ashley, Jill and I were stood up and our wrists were tied behind our backs in the double hammer-lock. The 4 of us and the other girls were taken further out into the lawn, paired up and spaced 10'-15' apart. I was paired with Jill. We were down on our knees, and then on our sides, and finally dragged into the "69" position. Stan and Fred held our upper legs vertically to keep our pussies wide open for each other to have clear access to eat each other out. Eating Jill's pussy upside down reminded me of the upside down blowjobs that I had done earlier that morning while hanging from the tree branch. Ideally, I wanted to lick her upwards, so that I could catch her clit at the end of my up lick lap, but that was impossible when in the "69" position. I kissed Jill's pussy several times, but couldn't reach her inner thighs for some extended kissing and licking. I could reach Jill's perineum, just below her pusssy, and gave it a good tongue bath, and then moved on to her pussy lips. I swirled my tongue round and round her outer and inner folds, and occasionally lingered on her hood to awaken and bring out her clit. Then I realized that Jill was mimicking my moves on her. I guess she figured that what I was doing to her was what I liked, and she decided to give it right back to me. That was fine. I next tongue fucked Jill. She tongue fucked me. I sucked Jill's clit and she sucked mine. I came a moment before Jill.
Matt and Jason helped me to my feet. They stood side by side, with their rigid dicks inches from my mouth, and waved their cocks about. Sally, Jill and the other girls were starting to play with the 18" Double Dongs. They teased me and let me try and catch one of their cocks in my mouth. Instead, I ducked my head and practically swallowed Matt's scrotum. I had barely finished licking his ball sac and sucking each of his testicles, , when Jason pushed my head away from Matt and moved my mouth to his nuts. When Jason's scrotum and balls were well lubed, with my saliva and his balls well sucked, they both allowed me to thoroughly lick their dicks up and down, until they were dripping with my saliva. My head was jerked from side to side, like I was watching a tennis match. Matt sank his cock all the way in my mouth and told me to suck. Each of their cocks was only about 6-1/2" long, and only went a little ways into my throat. After 2-3 minutes of vigorous sucking, Matt's dick was ripped out of my mouth, and Jason's stiff penis was buried into my throat. I knew that they wanted me to suck, and that's exactly what I did. My head was twisted back and forth, as each of them made me suck their cocks 5-6 times. Then they began fucking my mouth. Back and forth their dicks ravaged my mouth, pounding into my throat faster and faster. They did what each of them could do, by thrusting into my throat perhaps from only 10 thrusts, up to 25 thrusts at a time. My tongue glided along the underside of their cocks, and I held on for dear life with my lips.
Matt finally came first and dumped most of his cum in my mouth, but some did shoot down my throat. I easily swallowed it all. Jason pulled my head back and crammed his cock into my throat. I never even had a chance to lick Matt's cock off, and sticky strands of cum still clung to Matt's cock, as Jason's cock disappeared into my throat. He gave a Herculean effort and finally groaned and stiffened and shot his huge load of cum, with such force, that it all went directly down my throat. My mouth was a little sore. I was exhausted and wanted to come. I just collapsed on the lawn and curled up into myself.
Four of the Country Day cooks came for me. It seemed that they needed some direction and instruction in getting lunch ready. I learned they were having grilled hot dogs and Yukon potatoes cut up into pieces and pan-fried in butter. I told them that we were having bratwurst and coleslaw. I suggested that they start 2 fires, and they could use the large grill and do the hot dogs and bratwurst on the one large grill. Their potatoes could be fried over the 2nd fire. I nodded to one of the refrigerators and showed them our beautiful delicious Wisconsin bratwurst and the cole slaw containers. All the buns were in the big bread box. There were squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard, and jars of pickle relish, as well as Hostess dessert products and bowls of fresh fruit. All of the above could be shared, except our bratwurst, because the Boy Scouts ate all our sweet rolls that morning. Two of the cooks went out to get the fires going, while the 3rd Assembled and carried out all the plastic flatware and dishes. I knew that Sally and I always ate onions on dogs. While still bound, I gave step-by-step instructions to the 4th cook on how to finely chop Italian red sweet onions. We had an old fashioned chop-o-matic. It consisted of a glass jar with a heavy metal lid. A metal rod went through the center of the lid. Attached to the bottom of the rod were 4 metal chopping blades. A strong spring slip over the metal rod and was held in place by screwing a round wooden knob on the top of the rod. Sound simple?
All the user had to do was put chunks of suitable fruits, vegetables or nuts in the jar, screw on the lid and bang on the wooden knob, until the food was chopped up to the desired fineness. I still had to tell him how to cut the tops and bottoms of 4 good sized onions, peel off the outer layer of purple skin, cut into pieces, and pound away, until the desired fineness was reached. With everything under control in the kitchen, I stepped outside the cabin and took a seat at a picnic table. They had just started cooking and the girls were being herded up to the picnic tables. Every girl had their wrists tied behind their backs, including Sally. She sat down next to me, with Fred and Stan on either side of us. Every female would have to have their lunch fed to them, just like for breakfast, and we would have to drink our choice of soft drinks through a straw. Sally and I had ketchup, mustard and finely chopped onions on top of our delicious Wisconsin bratwurst, and a good helping of cole slaw. Fred fed me and Stan fed Sally. I know you are going to think it, with Sally and I such big cocksuckers, but lunch was a little messy. Our mouths were smeared with ketchup and mustard, and some red and yellow blobs of the condiment dripped on our tits. That's what
Napkins were for. Our bratwursts were so good that Sally and I split a 3rd one, and split a can of Coke. No dessert, thanks.
With lunch over and the cleanup under way, I saw the bound Jill take a few guys around the side of the cabin, where the old metal capped tent stakes were piled. Each guy grabbed a bunch and followed Jill over to the campfire area. Jill paced off a straight line course, and where she put her toe, a tent stake was dropped at that location. The guys would come back and pound the stakes into the ground. We all knew what they would be used for. With the boys pounding the stakes into the ground, Jill called for a break. The girls were untied and a mad dash for the outdoor toilets ensued. Every girl had to come back with a vibrator. I went into my bathroom and saw that I was kind of a mess, from the morning's activities. I used the toilet, washed my face and pussy, and all the other parts of my body that had been in contact with the lawn. I brushed my teeth, twice, to get rid of the onion taste in my mouth, and fixed my ponytail. My 9" X 2" flexible penis vibrator was sitting on top of my suitcase, in its plastic bag, from my demonstration the previous night. I was one of the last ones to arrive at the row of tent stakes.
I was directed to a spot next to Sally and my wrists were tied behind my back. After I laid down on my back on the grass, my ankles were tied wide apart to 2 of the stakes. It seemed that the stakes were spaced awfully far apart, because my legs were tied spread wide open, almost to my limit, and I was totally exposed. When the last girls arrived, they were promptly tied and staked out. It was no surprise to me that each girl had her own vibrator. When we last went to camp, about 2 months earlier, the girls had made good use of the several vibrators that Sally and I had brought. Not only did they use our vibrators on us, but also on themselves. Jill started her demonstration on me, of course. All the guys gathered around me to watch. She started her monologue by saying, "You can run the vibrator at any speed you want, and tease or stimulate just about any part of her body that you choose." "Experiment on her and see what responses you get." Jill continued her speech and demonstrated on me simultaneously, "Start around her neck and jaw line, move on to her upper chest and breasts, spend sometime on her nipples, before running it either down her sides or over her lower torso, until you get to her pussy."
"Skip her pussy for now and jump to her inner thighs and perineum." "By now she will probably be climbing the wall to come." "You can do her pussy just like you were going down on her." "Circle around her pussy lips and plunge her vibrator deep in her cunt." "You can fuck her with her own vibrator." Jill did this to me, but never let me come. "Finally, you can tease and torment her clit, with the tip of her vibrator, and she will certainly come at some point!" Of course, Jill would not let me come, despite my moans and whimpering. When Jill had finished, she was promptly tied and staked out next to me. However, the guys had their own agenda..
They gathered around a box on a picnic table and picked up some small objects in their hands. Fred came back to me and dropped 2 condom foil packets by my head. It was about time. We were going to get fucked! Up until this point, both 2 months ago and during this camping trip, we had been doing; 1st base kissing and making out, 2nd base petting and feeling up, and 3rd base oral sex eating pussy and blowjobs, which was the terminology that all the boys, going back to my Jr. High school, had been using to score how far they got with a girl. I wasn't surprised that all the girls had their own vibrators. They learned all about them, used them on Sally and me, and played with Sally's and my vibrators 2 months earlier. Jill had told me how easy it was to go online, select a sex toy, check a box certifying that you were 18, and paying with a credit card. Sally and I had taught them how to eat pussy, and my demonstration last night showed them how to do deep throat. I wasn't at all worried about the girls. I knew for a fact that each of them had sex at least 3 times. The last time we were here at camp, Becky and Annie confided in me that as part of their initiation into Jill's sex club, they had to have sex with a boy in front of all the girls. Jill would often invite several boys to their meetings and have sex with several girls.
Fred knelt on the grass between my legs. He opened a foil packet and rolled a ribbed condom over his stiff 7" cock, which was looking better and bigger to me now that it was going to be inside me. The ribbed condom would give me some added sensation, although an ultra-thin condom or no condom at all would have been even better. It seemed like it had been weeks since my hubby, Dan, had fucked me, but in reality it had been less than 48 hours. Jill's little vibrator demonstration on me had left me hot, horny, wet and wanting. I dug my heels into the grass and managed to slide my body down about 12" and allowing me to raise my knees a little. Fred must have been as anxious to come as I was, because he plowed straight into my cunt. He fucked me hard and fast, showing no mercy, and only a desire to come as fast as he could. For my part, I was able to hump and match him thrust for thrust. OH GOD, it felt really good to have a real cock buried inside me. I groaned and convulsed and came first. Fred came about 2 minutes later. It could have been timed closer to simultaneous orgasms, if Fred had been on top of me, kissing me and sensing my body's orgasmic buildup. Nevertheless, it was fucking #1 of numerous fuckings I hoped to receive. Fred rolled off his condom and made me lick the residual cum off his cock.
Fred took my 9" X 2" flexible penis vibe out of its protective plastic bag and examined it. He discovered that it had 6 speeds and set it on high. Then, Fred started in on me. He skipped stimulating any skin areas above my breasts. He slowly circled each of my tits, moving the vibe closer and closer to my erect hard nipples. The vibrator teased my nipples by running back and forth over them, making them swell and harden even more. Next, he slowly ran my vibrator back and forth across my torso, from just below my breasts down to my shaved pubic mound. The stimulation was beginning to take its toll on my body. Fred skipped my pussy for now, and began running the vibrator up and down both of my inner thighs, all over my perineum, and round and round my pussy lips. I started breathing heavier and faster in anticipation of my vibrator plunging deep into my love box. However, I moaned in frustration as Fred started over on my inner thighs, perineum and pussy lips, with the vibrator. Finally, Fred rammed my vibrator up my cunt. He started slow and gradually picked up speed. Soon he was fucking the shit out of me with my own vibrator. Of course I came. I couldn't stop him. In 3-4 thrusts, I had gone from groans to outright screams. I never had a chance to recover. Fred touched the side of my vibrator directly to my clit. I shrieked and came and screeched and came and screamed some more and came some more.
As the girls were being untied and released, I gleaned some information about what was planned next. Apparently, the girls had challenged the boys to a "winner take all" soccer match to 10 goals. The winning team got to do what they wanted to the losing team. They all went into their tents and put on their t-shirts and shorts. Fred and Stan put on their Country Day polo shirts and shorts, got the goals and soccer ball out of the storage shed, and set them up at the ends of the lawn's soccer field. They would serve as goalies. When everyone was set, the guys all passed by the picnic table and put some condoms and a length of rope in their pockets. Sally and I were left staked out on the lawn. Jill brought out our ballgags, and shoved them into Sally's and my mouth and buckled them tightly into our mouths. She turned our vibrators on low and shoved them up our love holes. All Sally and I could do was to lie there on the grass and watch. We weren't going to come, with our vibrators on low. The game started, and when the 1st goal was scored, they changed the teams. It looked like Jill's and Matt's groups of 6 played against each other. Then, when a goal was scored, Meagan's and Andy's groups of 6 played against each other. When the match got to the halfway point score wise the boys led 5-1. I wondered if the girls were throwing the match just to get fucked.
However, the girls made a valiant comeback, but wound up losing 10-7. The players scattered to open spots on the field, paired up and took off all their clothes. The girls let the boys tie them up, either in the double hammer lock, or simply wrists bound behind their backs. The bound girls were put on their backs on the lawn, and their partner fucked them. Some girls got fucked twice by the same guy. Some girls got fucked by 2 different guys, and some girls got fucked once and then sucked off their partner. Meanwhile, Fred and Stan stowed the soccer nets and soccer ball back in the storage shed and came over to where Sally and I were still staked out. Fred stood by my feet and undressed. He pulled out my vibrator, turned it off and put it away, but left me ballgagged. As he rolled onn a condom, I wanted to ask him if we couldn't do it slow, but, of course, the gag prevented that. So, he climbed on me, entered me and fucked me hard and fast, just like he had done before the soccer game. When Stan had finally finished with Sally, he came over to me, removed his used condom and my ballgag, and made me Lick the remaining cum from his cock and suck him hard. As he rolled on another ribbed condom, I asked him, in my most sincere and wanting voice, if he would make slow love to me. He nodded his head, yes.
Supporting himself with his knees between my wide spread legs, and his hands on either side of my shoulders, Stan let about half his weight crush my breasts and flatten me into the soft lush lawn. He bent over and kissed me. He kissed me again and again, and then we drifted into some breathless tongue sucking. Stan shifted positions and straddled my hips. He bent over and played with my breasts and nipples. Before he changed positions again, Stan bent way over and suckled and feasted on my taut reddening nipples. Next, he scooted back some more, bent way over and licked my whole pussy slit about 10-12 times. Finally, Stan got into position and easily entered me. We moved and fucked slowly at first. Gradually, I began lifting my hips and meeting his thrusts, as we picked up speed. Faster and faster we fucked, and I met him thrust for thrust, until we groaned and stiffened and came together. The naked bound girls had gathered around to watch, while the giys put their boxers and shorts back on, but remained shirtless. Sally and I had our ankles finally untied and we were stood up. Jill was untied. It was time for her crotchrope tying demonstration. The boys gathered around Sally and me to watch.
Jill got my vibrator, turned it up to a speed of 3 or 4 out of 6, and shoved it deep up my cunt. She took a long piece of rope, wrapped it around my waist, and tied it tightly behind my back. This left 2 strands of rope dangling behind me. She reached between my spread legs and pulled the 2 strands of rope through my ass crack, through my pussy slit, and tightly pulled and cinched the 2 rope strands to my waist rope in front of me. Jill carefully checked to be certain that the 2 strands of rope were running along either side of my clit. Jill was an expert at tying crotchropes. It was about as tight as it could have been and buried my vibrator deep in my love tunnel. There was an excess of about 3' of rope, which would be used as a leash. Next she tied a crotchrope on Sally. It took less than 2 minutes. After Jill's 2 crotchrope demonstrations, the boys tied crotchropes on all the Girl Scouts.
I heard them coming long before I saw them. It was the unmistakable sound of Sally"s and my tinkle bell nipple clamps. Matt and Andy deftly prepared our nipples to accept the noisy devices and clamped them on our long hard nipples. Fred grabbed my crotchrope leash and pulled and led me across the lawn towards the woods. We set off on our scintillatingly tortuous forced march. By the time I reached the woods, despite only the medium speed setting on my vibrator, I felt an orgasm building in my pussy. I still marveled that no one had figured out the secret of the thumb screws on my nipple clamps, and hadn't at least turned them one way or another to see what would happen. We had marched perhaps 1/4 mile, when my pussy and brain were overwhelmed, and I groaned, froze in my tracks and came, but I did not go down. My biggest fear was losing control of my knees and sprawling on the ground. Sally's and my nipple clamp bells tinkled constantly. Perhaps another 1/4 mile further we veered off the trail into a small grassy clearing. Most of the girls, if not all, had come at least once. We all had to kneel and suck off our leash pullers. By this time of year, the grass was tall and had gone to seed. The seed heads tickled my pussy as it blew in the light refreshing breeze. Fred dropped his shorts and boxers, and I got to work on him. In the middle of my blowjob, I came again. I almost choked and/or bit his dick. When I finished and swallowed all of Fred's cum, he re-dressed himself, but we had to wait a few minutes for Sally to finish off Stan.
Fred and Stan pulled us into the deep woods. We skirted small bushes and clumps of ferns. Finally, we stopped amid 3 large beech trees. I could see the end of the lake, through the trees, where we fished the day before. Fred and Stan selected one approximately 36" diameter beech tree, with quite smooth bark. Our crotchropes were untied in front, and the rest of the rope dangled behind us. Our vibrators were removed, turned off, put in their plastic bags and pocketed. Both men took off their shorts and boxers. Our wrists were untied and Sally and I were backed against the tree trunk on opposite sides of the huge tree. Fred held my left arm up over my head and pulled it backwards, causing my elbow to bend and my arm was wrapped around the tree's trunk. My left wrist was tied to Sally's right wrist, which had been pulled around the tree trunk to within 6"-8" of my wrist. Our arms were secured overhead and around the tree, when Fred and Stan tied our other free wrists together on the opposite side of the tree. Similarly, my legs were spread wide, my ankles pulled, so that my knees bent backwards, and our corresponding ankles were tied together on the sides of the tree trunk. Finally, my nipple clamps were removed and hung on a nearby branch by their chain. I guess that I was tied to a giant beech tree in a nearly vertical standing spread-eagle, except that the curvature of the tree trunk caused my body to bow outwards. My breasts hung high and were forced outward, and my pussy just seemed to hang out there waiting to be fucked.
Fred had me plastered against the tree, as he held my chin and kissed me. He moved his hand behind my neck and forced my head to tilt backwards. Our kisses grew deeper, longer and wetter, and it seemed that one of us had our tongue in the other's mouth the entire time. In the meantime, Fred's other hand was fingering and teasing my pussy, but never letting me come. Next, Fred switched to a full 2 handed assault on my breasts and nipples. After squeezing the firm flesh of my breasts, Fred played with my nipples for some time. He bent over and sucked and nibbled on each of my throbbing red buds, until I moaned my pleasure. Fred entered me and literally screwed me to the tree. He steadily pounded my pussy, so that on every thrust my ass slammed into the tree trunk, until we came together. When Stan came around the tree to fuck me, I had pretty much come down from my tree slamming orgasm. He knelt in front of my stretched spread legs, and kissed and half teased my pussy. I wasn't sure if he would finish me off, but my moaning and gasping and panting must have settled it for him. He licked and sucked my clit, and I soon came. He stood, and as he did, his stiff cock just slid into my cunt. We kissed, and Stan played with my tits and nipples, while he simultaneously fucked me and made out with me. His thrusts were more upright, and my ass wasn't slammed against the tree. Instead his deep long plunges tended to lift me up on my toes. In the middle of a kiss, I screamed and the sounds of my orgasms dissipated down Stan's throat.
Sally and I were eventually released from the tree. Fred and Stan put their clothes back on. Our wrists were re-tied behind our backs. Our nipple clamps were again clamped on our nipples, and our crotchropes were re-applied and buried in our pusssies, but Sally and I had no vibrators up our cunts. The men grabbed our crotchrope leashes and pulled us generally toward the soccer field and the cabin. My crotchrope was causing considerable rubbing and chaffing to my pussy, but I would not come without the vibrator in me. The 4 of us wound our way out of the woods. When we emerged from the forest, we headed across the soccer field towards that big old oak tree, where Sally and I were tied upside down that morning, and were forced to do blowjobs. Scattered up and down both sides of the soccer field, wherever there was a tree with a horizontal low branch, girls were getting tied in the strappado position. Andy and Neil were tying Meagan and Lisa in that position to the horizontal branch.
I had always thought that Meagan was the hottest, cutest and sexiest of all the girls. Her tits were the largest of any of the girls, and just about as big as mine. Her eyes and hair were the same color as mine, except that her hair is even a little longer. She had started to fill out in all the right places. I thought that we might be mistaken as mother-daughter. My wrists were untied and re-tied palm-to-palm. A rope tied to my wrists, thrown over the horizontal branch, pulled until I was bent over at the waist, and tied off. I was tied to the branch closest to the tree trunk, and next to Meagan. Sally was tied between Meagan and Lisa. My crotch rope was removed and set on the grass, along with my packaged vibrator. Andy said that he had to get some stuff from his tent and would be back soon, but before he left suggested that the nipple clamps be put on Meagan and Lisa. Maybe it was that Stan was a teacher, because he started experimenting with one of the thumbscrews that he had just put on Meagan's nipples. When he turned the thumbscrew about 1/4 turn clockwise, Meagan moaned. After another 1/4 turn, Meagan yelped and thrashed around. By the time Andy returned, with a bagful of stuff, the nipple clamps on Meagan and Lisa had been adjusted to the guys liking, and the girls were adjusting to the initial pain from the clamps. There all 4 of us stood, bent over at the waist, with our bound wrists pointing up to the sky and waiting to get fucked.
The guys walked behind us and caressed our ass cheeks. SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Our behinds were getting a noisy sound spanking, our 2nd of the day so far. When they finished with us, my ass was a burning ugly fiery red, but my pussy was already dripping down my legs. Stan fucked me, Fred fucked Sally, Andy fucked Meagan and Neil fucked Lisa. The sounds of girls screaming and coming could be heard up and down the grass field and echoed throughout the woods. The guys came around in front of us and made us suck their pricks, until they were hard and ready to go again. Stan and Fred switched partners, so that Fred fucked me and Stan fucked Sally. Andy and Neil also switched partners, and Andy fucked Lisa, and Neil fucked Meagan. We, of course, had to suck them hard again, so the guys could resume their fucking rampage. It was Fred's and Stan's turn to fuck Meagan and Lisa. I wasn't sure if they'd do it, but they did. Andy should have been fucking me, but he opened the bag of stuff and pulled out the cellphone camera. He must have been working in cahoots with Jill. He snapped a photo of each of the men fucking the teenage girls. I figured that Fred and Stan would be blackmailed like Sally and me. This was the first time that I noticed the camera, but I was sure that more pictures had, and would be taken, before we left tomorrow.
Andy came back to me, after only a minute or so and started fucking me. He bent over my back and cupped my naked dangling pendulous breasts and squeezed them. When he diddled and rolled my nipples, OH GOD, that felt so good! I almost lost it. Before we both came, he uttered a challenge to Neil, "I'll bet you $10 that I can fuck more girls than you can." Neil quickly shot back, "Make it $20 and you've got a bet." Everyone came and partners were switched. Keep in mind that everytime the guys came, they took off their used condoms. Made the girls suck them hard again, including swallowing any sticky cum that remained on their cocks, and then they rolled on a fresh ribbed condom. Neil was now fucking me and playing with my breasts and nipples. He made a counter bet, "I'll go $50!" While Andy fucked Sally, he doubled the bet and said," Let's make it $100.00!" Neil responded immediately, "You've got a bet!" When everyone had come for the 4th time, Andy asked Fred and Stan if they wanted in on the bet, but they declined, gathered up their clothes and headed back to the picnic table area to watch. The wager began. Andy and Neil each fucked Meagan and Lisa. That was 6 orgasms in a row for each of the guys. I hadn't noticed any of the guys taking Viagra, but I'd bet they had. They moved on to Sally and me. The thing I noticed was that after each of them fucked me and I sucked them hard, I noticed that their testicles were pretty shriveled, when they supposedly were ready to go again. It wasn't the same as Fred last night, who had been literally sucked dry. Andy and Neil had nearly pumped themselves dry. When they had finished with Sally and me, Neil said, "What'dya say we call it a draw?" Andy agreed and said that we can let these girls have some fun by themselves.
Meagan and I were released. Immediately, our wrists were re-tied palm-to-palm in front. The rope that held our arms overhead was again tossed over the branch, pulled tight and tied off. Meagan's and my feet were still firmly planted on the ground. Next, rope was wound tightly several times around the base of our breasts, knotted and the ends tied behind our necks, like a breast halter. We were turned to face each other, but had to spread our legs wide apart. One of the clamps on Meagan's nipples was attached to one of my nipples. I felt that initial pussy stimulating pain from the clamp's recent adjustment. Meagan cried out from the rush of blood flowing back into her nipples. From his bag of "stuff," Andy pulled out the 18" vibrating Double Dong. It was bent into a "U" shape and shoved up Meagan's and my cunts. It was turned on, and from a first aid kit several long strips of 2" adhesive tape were crisscrossed between our spread legs and stuck to our butts. This held the Dong in. Quickly, Andy and Neil tied our ankles together, tied several loops of rope around our tit area, and tied several loops of rope around our waists. Meagan and I were tied and wrapped in an inescapable package, and I was already feeling the effects of the Dong in my pussy. Finally, our heads and lips were pressed together and wrapped with a stretchy ace bandage. When my lips touched Meagan's, her lips were already parted and her tongue snaked into my mouth. After they tied Sally and Lisa the same way, a chorus came from Andy and Neil, I heard, "Have fun girls!" They picked up all their stuff, including the used condoms and foil packets, and left us.
There Meagan and I stood locked in a permanent kiss. She made the 1st move by opening her lips, even before the guys had finished wrapping our heads together with an ace bandage, and got her tongue in my mouth. There was nothing else for me to do but kiss her back. Soon Meagan and I were lip locked, exchanging scorching passionate kisses and sucking each other's tongues. We breathed heavily through our noses, as we moaned our passion from our throats. I felt Meagan's body start to quiver. I knew that she would come first and at any moment. She stiffened and whimpered, before she shrieked down my throat and came. The 18" Dong was merciless and relentless. I succumbed a few minutes later and screamed my own gigantic orgasm down Meagan's throat. The initial novelty had worn off, and my lips were a little puffy and sore. I switched to those soft slow lip molding kisses that seem to last forever, without any tongue. Meagan started to thrust her pelvis into my body. I began humping her pelvis and found that there was perhaps an inch of in and out fucking action that we could get out of the Dong, in addition to its ceaseless vibrations. That elicited a 2nd orgasm for each of us, but it was exhausting work. I think Meagan and I silently agreed to just kiss softly and let the Dong do its work. Before Andy and Neil returned to free us, Meagan and I had 2 more orgasms.
During our ordeal, I had noticed girls and guys walking by us, on their way to the cabin to fix dinner. It must have taken those guys at least 10 minutes to free us completely. Of course, Sally and Lisa were still going at it and coming just a few feet away. Even though Meagan and I were shaved clean, the removal of the adhesive tape hurt somewhat and left some tape adhesive residue on our butts. By the time Sally and Lisa were freed, they'd be 10 minutes behind us.
I started walking back to the cabin, while Meagan chose to stay and watch Sally and Lisa. I peeked into the big kettle of my chili simmering over the fire's coals. I found out that dinner would be ready in 15-20 minutes. In the cabin, no one had made coffee. If Sally and I wanted coffee, we had to make it ourselves, or if we were tied up, we had to eat pussy or suck cock, to get coffee. It was like a little game they played with us. Anyway, I got a big pot of coffee going in the coffeemaker and went into my room to clean up. I peed and shit and brushed my teeth. Sometimes, I didn't know why I bothered, because inevitably I would have to swallow more cum or eat more pussy in a little while. I washed myself off. My pussy juices had run down to my knees. I breezed through the kitchen and picked up 4 coffee mugs and the finished brewed pot of coffee, and joined Fred and Stan at a picnic table. Sally joined us about 5 minutes later. It appeared that we would not be bound during dinner and have to be fed. I think that chili tastes best the 2nd time it is heated and served. I thought mine was delicious and I ate 2 bowlfuls. We had freshly shredded cheddar cheese or dry grated parmesan cheese to top the chili, plus 3 slices of buttered crispy French bread and 3 cups of coffee. I was surprised when Meagan brought over a coffee cup and asked to have some. She wound up drinking as much as I did. Neither Sally nor I had any room for dessert. During dinner, Sally really ragged on Fred and Stan for not accepting the $100 bet. I urged Stan and Fred to drink some more coffee, because the after dinner session might last well into the night.
From the pocket of his shorts, Fred pulled out a silver flask, and below the picnic table's surface poured some into Stan's and his coffee. Sally and I weren't offered any, but I could smell that it was bourbon, when it hit their hot coffee. I've had my share of bourbon in mixed drinks, but I can't stand the smoky taste of scotch. A few of the guys, who had finished dinner, were pounding more metal capped tent stakes into the ground to supplement the ones that were already there. What was all that about? A few minutes later, Andy and Matt had come out of our cabin, each carrying a fistful of Sally's and my underwear. They had raided our suitcases. The panties were dumped on the table in front of us. What the Hell were they going to do with them? Using their pecking order, each group of guys selected one pair. I had switched to wearing true thongs exclusively, but I purposely brought inexpensive ones with me rhat I had purchased on eBay or Amazon.com. Andy selected first, picking my black silk ring thong. It was my favorite. It consisted only of a strip of black inexpensive "art" silk, with a patch of cotton liner that covered my pussy area. Just above my pussy, the fabric was narrowed and gathered around a 3/4" silver metal ring. From the ring, 2 elasticized shoelace size cords went over and around my hips and connected in back, where the strip of black silk cloth, that covered my ass crack, was attached. Neil took my purple thong, followed by Brian taking my red one. That left my dark blue thong for Brad; my pink thong for Mike, and my yellow one for William.
Andy came over, with my vibrator, and collected me. He took me over to the big old oak tree, with the long sturdy horizontal branch, where I was fucked 4 times that afternoon and I was hung upside down that morning. While he tied my wrists together behind me palm-to-palm and tied me bent over in the strappado position, I noticed that the tent stakes were now set so that the girls could be tied spread-eagle on the lawn, and there were stakes for only 12 girls. Sally must be going to join me. Andy used 2 fingers to open me up and shoved my vibrator buzzing on low, all the way inside me. Some of the girls, who had no cleanup responsibilities, were brought over and tied spread-eagle to the stakes. The bonfire area was just off to my right and the staked out girls were right in front of me. Neil brought Sally over and she got tied like me, with her vibrator up her cunt. The guys got the bonfire going. Above each staked out girl's head laid several condom packs, a vibrator, a feather and a pair of either Sally's or my panties. An awful lot of different things happen during the 2 hours or so until dark.
When all 12 girls were staked out, things began to happen. Andy and Matt came over to Sally and me, who were patiently waiting to get fucked. First, they took our vibrators out. This was followed by our nipples getting tweaked and pinched and our tinkle bell clamps were applied to them. Finally, they took turns spanking our ass cheeks. This was Sally's and my 3rd spanking of the day, and our butts were red and sore, when they finished. For me, the pain from the nipple clamps was masked by the pain from the first part of my spanking. The sounds of our asses getting spanked must have been the signal for the rest of the guys to start in on their staked out prisoners. Old time torture was liberally administered. The girls were given pink bellies. The girls went wild and pleaded for them to stop. Next, the girls got tickled anywhere and everywhere that responded to the touch of a feather. The girls giggled and cackled and pleaded and begged for the tickling to stop. During most of the feather torture, the girls got turned on and wet. Many of them came when their clits were stimulated with the tip of a feather. Fred and Stan came over and volunteered to make s'mores to order, which the guys broke into small pieces and fed to the staked out girls.
I couldn't keep track of the different fucking variations, and who was doing what to whom. Basically, a guy would fuck a girl, using a condom, and then fuck her with her vibrator, or vice versa. The guys would switch partners and do the pink bellies, tickling, fucking and vibrator fucking on the other girl. In the interims, Sally and I each got fucked, SIX TIMES, in reverse pecking order by the guys in Andy's and Matt's groups, but our mouths were kept busy and full most of the time. I mostly sucked cocks just to harden them up, so they could go back and fuck another girl. On several occasions, I got my mouth fucked and swallowed a load of cum each time. Three guys brought over their freshly used condoms, with the open end knotted. They had poked a hole in the reservoir tip of the condom, with the quill end of their feather, put in in my mouth and told me to suck it. With the knot protruding from my closed lips, Not only did I suck out and swallow his cum, but I tasted the pussy juices of the girl he had just fucked. Finally between my 3rd and 4th fuckings, Fred and Stan sauntered over with a bag of marshmallows. They packed Sally's and my mouth about 3/4 full with the sticky marshmallows. Out came the flask containing the bourbon. They poured a full capful of bourbon into our mouths. I had said that I liked bourbon over scotch, but in a mixed drink and not straight. The bourbon burned the inside of my mouth, as I sloshed it around to soften the marshmallows. After a little while, the marshmallows began to dissolve to the consistency of fresh cum. I swallowed it in several small gulps and chewed and downed the rest.
I finally learned what they were going to do with my thongs. William fucked me first, followed by Mike, Brad, Brian, Neil and finally Andy. William came over to me carrying my yellow thong. He had me step into them and pulled them up. His middle finger rubbed my thong and pussy good, going as far as fingering me and pushing my thong up to his 1st knuckle. Then he pulled my thong aside, slid his cock inside me and fucked me hard and fast. After we both came, he pulled my thong down and I stepped out of it. William sniffed it, took it over to his tent, put it somewhere inside and kept it for a SOUVENIER! Five fuckings later, it was Andy's turn to have me. When he came over, he leaned over my back and grabbed my dangling boobs. I could feel his condom covered cock slithering back and forth, between my wide spread legs, rubbing my thong and pussy. After a good feel, he removed my tinkle clamps. I was so fucked up that I barely felt the pain in my nipples, when the clamps were off and my blood was free to surge back into them. I got another pussy rubbing and fingering, with my tiny black silk ring thong still in place. The flimsy little thong allowed Andy to shove the fabric about 2 knuckles into my twat. My thong was pulled aside and Andy entered me. I was so hot and horny and wet that I felt like I would come any second. He fucked me slowly and steadily, almost to tease and torment me, until I had my 1st welcome orgasm from Andy. From that point on, he hammered my love hole. I was able to hold back, until I felt and heard the signs that Andy was ready to cum again. Then, I let go and we cascaded into wonderfull simultaneous orgasms.
Andy untied me, but did not take off my thong. Instead, he tied my wrists crossed up between my shoulder blades and walked me over to the front porch of the cabin. There he stopped me and took off my thong. The little cotton patch of a liner inside my thong was simply saturated with my pussy juices. Nevertheless, Andy stowed it in his tent as his souvenir. We went into the cabin and into my bedroom. I was laid out on the left side of my bed on my side, with my wrists still tied in their double hammer lock. My upper leg was raised and half of the 18" vibrating Double Dong was shoved into my vagina. Andy tied my ankles together and left. About 10 minutes later, Andy returned with Meagan, sporting a pretty impressive pink belly. Her arms were tied like mine, but of course, her ankles weren't tied yet. It took a bit of maneuvering, but Andy eventually got Meagan positioned on her side right up next to me, mouth to mouth, tits to tits and pussy to pussy. He raised Meagan's upper leg, bent the flexible vibrating 18" Double Dong into a "U" shape and inserted the other half deep inside Meagan. Andy tied a rope around our waists, cinching it tight and drawing us even closer together. Another rope was looped twice around all 4 of our upper thighs and tightly tied, holding the Dong in our pussies. Finally, Meagan's ankles were tied, the vibrating Dong was turned on and we were left there to squirm and come. Andy left us alone in my bedroom.
Meagan and I picked up where we left off earlier that afternoon. We kissed, made out and plunged our tongues in and out of each other's mouths. From our increasing gasping and moaning, I didn't know which of us would come 1st. We locked lips and within seconds Meagan came and screamed into my open mouth, traveling into her own world of spasmodic nirvana. I followed her no more than a minute later. Not that one can actually come down completely after an orgasm, with a vibrator buzzing on high in your vagina, but I shifted to the technique that had worked earlier that afternoon and wouldn't be quite as exhausting. With the minimal movement we had, I started thrusting my pussy into Meagan's. She responded, and several minutes later we came for the 2nd time. Our humping was so wild and frantic that we built up some momentum. Meagan did something with her lower legs, and all of a sudden she had rolled on top of me. Meagan was able, from atop me, to both thrust the Dong back and forth against my pussy, but also move it up and down inside me an inch or two each time she thrust her hips. I had a 3rd orgasm. If we rolled to my right, to allow me to be on top, we would have rolled off the bed. I bent my knees, as a kind of a stop from rolling onto the floor, so we started rocking in the other direction. In 4 or 5 mammoth attempts, I managed to flip on top of Meagan. However, at the moment we were thwarted. Neil walked into my bedroom escorting a pink bellied and bound Lisa. Andy followed them in and reported that Fred and Stan were tied to posts out in the living room, and that the girls could go out there from time to time to suck them off. Andy untied our thighs and turned off the Dong that had been buzzing inside Meagan and me, for the past 30 minutes or so. He untied our ankles, removed the big Dong from our love holes, and finally untied the rope around our waists.
The rest of the guys escorted the remainder of the girls into my room. All were tied like Meagan and me. All had nice pink bellies. Some of the girl's asses, including Meagan's and mine, still were various shades of red from earlier spankings that day. The girls were all positioned kneeling on the edge of my bed, with their feet dangling over the edge. They were bent way over at the waist, with their faces buried in the sheets and their asses in the air. I was alone at the bottom center of my bed. Three girls lined the edges on each side of my bed. The guys moved about seemingly indiscriminately smacking any raised butt that was unoccupied. This was my 4th spanking of the day, which in a way was to my advantage. After 15-20 blows had reigned on each of our butts, the guys paused to evaluate their work and compare degrees of redness. It was determined that each of us would get 5 more smacks on each ass cheek, and then we would be re-evaluated. I took my blows, and when they finished, I was pronounced done. My ass had the fiery bright shade of red they were looking for. This was due to the fact that I had been most recently spanked, while tied bent over strappado style to the old oak tree limb. Other girls got more whacks, until their butts closely matched the red shade of my ass cheeks. The only logical thing to do next was to fuck all of us.
Somehow I got Neil and he did a great job. He started slow and steady, and tended to follow my lead. As his condom covered cock pistoned inside of me, he matched my hip thrusting back at him, stroke for stroke. Only when it became apparent that we were going to burst at any moment, did Neil pick up speed and race me to our relief and ultimate finish line. Neil stiffened and groaned and came first, but it was nearly a photo finish. I came seconds behind him, and we shared the feeling of his twitching spurting cock emptying into his condom's reservoir, along with my shaking quivering spasms that held him deep inside me longer than normal. There were 7 of us tied on my bed and only 6 guys. I hadn't realized that Meagan, up in the far right corner of my bed, didn't get fucked. The guys had a little conference and Andy said that he would personally fuck Meagan's brains out. I got Brad, and Annie, next to me on my left, wouldn't get fucked. Brad entered me and fucked me hard and fast. I came about halfway through my fucking and buried my scream into the bed's sheet. I rode my spasmodic paroxysm, until Brad shot his wad.
The guys must have taken pity on me. I had just been screwed twice, and had been fucked 6 times in a row hanging strappado style from the old oak tree branch. I only got fucked once more, before the sex games broke up for the night. I had to give blowjobs to 5 different guys. I got my pussy eaten twice by 2 different guys, and 2 different girls. I went down on 3 other girls. During a small lull in the action, Ed got me and took me over to the only upholstered chair in my bedroom. He bent me over the back of the chair and fucked me doggie style. At the very end of our orgy, Mike brought Lisa and me out into the living room area and got us on the carpeted floor between the separate posts that Fred and Stan were tied to, and arranged us in the "69" position. Jill, from Sally's bedroom group, was kneeling and sucking Fred's cock. Our Meagan was kneeling before Stan, with his cock buried to the hilt in her throat. Ed stood over Lisa and me, bentdown and held our heads against each other's pussies, until each of us came twice. Lisa was taken off to kneel and suck Stan's cock, while I lay on the floor on my back with a vibrator buzzing on low in my twat. Eventually, Andy came and collected me. The bound girls and the guys were filing out of my bedroom, and headed out to their tents to do whatever they do for however long they do it.
Day 3
This is when Meagan pulled one of her best scams. She ordered Andy and Neil to take Lisa out to their tent and do what they wanted with her. In the order of command, Meagan was the senior girl in this group, but Andy was of equal rank. Stan and Jill were currently in Sally's room, and Andy was not about to disturb them. Andy yielded and he and Neil took the bound Lisa out to their tent. This left Meagan and me alone in my room. "I told you that I'd get you, after that stunt in your car," Meagan told me. She had me at her mercy, and it looked like a long night was in store for me. My wrists were still tied behind my back, and Meagan took me in my bathroom. My tennis shoes were removed and I was seated on the toilet to pee. When I finished my tinkle, Meagan wiped my pussy off with TP. After Meagan peed and wiped, she put shower caps on each of us. The water temperature was adjusted and we both climbed into my shower.
Meagan used the strawberry gel shower soap and washcloths to scrub my skin. She scoured every square inch of my body, from my face down to my feet, except my pussy. I was rinsed off and shuffled behind Meagan, while she washed herself. It smelled like a strawberry jam factory inside that shower. After our bodies were clean and rinsed, Meagan cleaned out and flushed both of our twats with clear water. I thought that maybe we were finished, but no such luck. "Well, what are you waiting for," Meagan sternly said, "Get down on your knees and eat me out!" I complied, while the shower stream ran over her pussy and my mouth. With my first of many tasks completed, we climbed out of the shower and the wet rope binding my wrists was removed. I took off my shower cap and started to dry myself off, when Meagan told me to fix or redo my high ponytail. With everyone dry, we moved back into my bedroom. My wrists were tied behind my back, and I was backed up to the footboard of my bed, where there actually was nothing except the mattress, box spring and supporting framework below. Meagan found 2 places to tie my ankles spread wide apart. She left the room for a few minutes, and came back carrying a bottle of lotion.
It turned out to be a mango coconut body moisturizing lotion. Meagan did a small area at a time, starting with my face. She gently applied a dab of lotion and rubbed it into my skin. When the first dab of lotion was spread and had been absorbed, Meagan started with another dab. The combination of the mango and coconut fragrances smelled intoxicatingly wonderful. That combined with the lingering smell of the strawberry gel soap, from my shower. Made me feel particularly sexy and turned me on. I was getting what amounted to a stand up beauty massage. She did my entire front down to my feet, including my breasts and nipples, but skirted my pussy to avoid the now open and exposed parts. When Meagan finished my front, she hopped on the bed and did my entire backside, except that she did not go deep in my ass crack. When the light massage was complete, it got even more sensual. Meagan began back at my face and planted sweet tender moist kisses on every square inch of my lotion softened body. My lips received only a chaste kiss. However, my nipples got more than kissed, but gently sucked, until they were hard and throbbing. Even though my pussy received no lotion massage, Meagan gave it at least 5 or 6 hot wet long kisses. The whole thing took well over an hour, and at the onset, I would never have thought that I could have gotten so turned on and wet.
Meagan untied me. She started with a long rope and tied my wrists together behind my back palm-to-palm. She began wrapping the rope tightly around my arms, stopping every 3"-4" to tie a half hitch, as she worked her way upwards towards my shoulders. It made a crude arm binder or mono-glove. She tied it off just below my shoulders, with my elbows touching, and I was unable to bend my elbows. Meagan put on her strapon and we moved into the cabin's living room, with a big handful of rope. She tied another rope around my tied wrists and brought me back to where my wrists were touching one of the posts in the living room. After Meagan had raised my wrists to almost shoulder height, she wrapped the rope around the post 8-10 times. I was tied to the post, just by my wrists an arms length from the post, and my arms were tied so that they were parallel to the floor. My whole body was accessable to Meagan and she took full advantage of me. She told me to keep my legs closed for now and moved inn on me. First, our breasts touched and were then mashed against each other's. She bent the strapon upwards, so that it rested harmlessly against my belly for now. Meagan's arms went around my back and drew me as close as we could possibly stand together. You remember the chaste kiss that I got back in my bedroom. Here, the tigress in Meagan emerged. We were so hot and hungry that we just smashed our lips together and kissed for probably 20-25 minutes straight. From time to time, Meagan moved one of her hands to my ass, lower back, neck and the back of my head, to shift positions slightly, as we made out. We came up for air every couple minutes and changed the slant of our heads, from right to left, without ever completely losing contact with the other's lips.
Next, Meagan assailed my tits. Beginning with giving my breasts a thorough squeezing, and ending with her fingers pinching, pulling and rolling my nipples, and sucking on them, until they were red and hard and long. Finally, she guided her strapon inside me. I hadn't realized just how wet I had become, and was surprised by how easily the ugly knobby 10" phallus had slid to the depths of my pussy. I felt the knobs and veins on her strapon dildo, as Meagan fucked me. I thought that I came much too easily and much too soon. The rope holding my straightened bound arms to the post was untied and unwrapped. I was forced to kneel, and the rope was re-wound and re-tied around the post, still keeping my arm binder like bound arms straight out behind me. Before Meagan took off her strapon dildo, I had to lick and suck my pussy juices off of it. Next, I had to eat out her juicy pussy. Apparently, all the things we had done previously had made Meagan as hot as I was, and she easily came with a hand muffled scream. We were on the edge of waking up nosy people both in Sally's room and just outside the front door in the tents, possibly being asleep. In a sudden change of pace, Meagan released me completely. She wanted some coffee and didn't know how to make it.
I showed Meagan how to put water into the water reservoir put a filter in and measure the coffee into the filter. The marked increments on the water reservoir never ever equated to a mug of coffee. We made just 4 cups, which would equal 2 of our coffee mugs. While the coffee brewed, I realized that no one had done anything about our upcoming breakfast or lunch. That would have been either Sally's or my responsibility. In the freezer, I found boxes of frozen Entenmanns's chocolate and powdered sugar donuts. I put them on the kitchen counter, and they would thaw and be ready to eat by breakfast time. I, also found boxes of frozen Brown 'N Serve breakfast sausage, but they could go straight on the grill and be heated up in a minute, so I left them in the freezer. In the other freezer, I pulled out loaves of white and whole wheat bread for lunches. They would be fine on the countertop. I remembered that I had bought several pounds each of sliced turkey, ham and roast beef. I put all the frozen meat in a refrigerator. They would be thawed by lunchtime and ready to make sandwiches. The coffee was ready, and Meagan poured each of us a mug. I quickly wrote a menu for our 2 meals today and stuck them on a refrigerator door, with a magnet. Meagan wanted to split a chocolate donut with me. I simply put one on a paper napkin and nuked it in the microwave oven on "defrost" for 20 seconds and it was ready to eat. While we sat and sipped our coffee, Meagan outlined her plans for us for the rest of the day, but she would have to get the cooperation of both the guys and girls, but I thought that she would. She had basically taken over command of the girls from Jill, and I thought that she would succeed. Time would tell. Meanwhile, we had finished our coffee and it was time for her to get back to what she had planned for me.
Meagan took me outside and tied me spread-eagle between 2 posts on the front porch of the cabin. My arms were stretched straight out from my shoulders and my legs were tied spread about 3' apart. "Close your eyes and mouth," Meagan said, and she sprayed me, from my hair down to my bare feet, front and back, with aerosol mosquito repellent. Since my pussy slit was closed tight, she sprayed right over my pussy and the exposed portions of my outer pussy lips. After she finished doing me, she sprayed herself. Meagan was pushing the risks of discovery to the limit, because I was staked out right in front of the girl's tents. She slipped back in the cabin, and emerged several minutes later wearing her bumpy veined strapon, and carrying a ballgag for me. The ballgag was buckled deep in my mouth. The straps of the ballgag dug into the corners of my mouth. The ballgag was well behind my teeth and my lips were molded and somewhat sealed around my rubber intruder. Meagan had to start from my cold pussy. She used her fingers to unfurl the petals of my pussy lips and open up my love tunnel. When she was able to get 3 fingers inside me, Meagan switched to her strapon. It easily slipped into my cunt. Using a strapon was not much of a thrill for the fucker, for she felt no sexual stimulation, and it was done solely for the enjoyment of the fuckee. Meagan fucked me slowly and steadily, until my muffled sounds gave her the clues that an orgasm was building inside me. It was then that she picked up speed and fucked me until I came.
Without even removing her strapon, Meagan dropped to her knees and ate me out. So far, there was no sign of mosquitoes. My arms were untied and re-tied, with my wrists crossed behind my back. She released my spread legs and fastened her strapon on me, and ballgagged herself. Meagan took me over to the nearest picnic table and laid me out on my back. Once I was situated, Meagan climbed on the picnic table and mounted me. She used her fingers, but seemed to force the dildo inside her. She took her time bouncing up and down on the phallus, and having a good ole' time fucking herself on top of me. She bounced her way to 2 orgasms. She moved forward and settled her luscious pussy on my mouth. I licked and kissed her pussy slit, to start, and then licked and sucked her pussy lips. Next, I was tongue fucking her. We were on borrowed time. Sooner or later, mosquito repellent or not, those blood sucking little shits would find an opening in our protective barrier. I could hear their eerie sounds hovering overhead. Meagan had come from my tongue fucking, and I was teasing her clit. I managed to give her an orgasm by licking her clit, but just as I started sucking Meagan's most sensitive and intimate organI heard SPLAT! Meagan had swatted a blood sucking mosquito that had some where pierced her flesh.
Quickly, Meagan climbed off of me and the picnic table. When her body was no longer a visual obstacle, I could see the swarm of mosquitoes buzzing over me now in the moonlight. Meagan half jerked me and half helped me off the picnic table. We ran for the cabin. My tits were bouncing up and down, as I ran, and the strapon flapped to and fro. Once inside my bedroom, Meagan removed her ballgag, and untied my wrists and removed the strapon from around my hips. We headed for my bathroom and a shower. It was mostly to wash off the mosquito repellent, but each of us had some pussy juices here and there to also wash off. We showered separately, but at the same time, with no ropes. We took turns in front of the spray, first washing and conditioning our hair. Meagan used a washcloth and I used a luffa sponge to wash the rest of our bodies. After we rinsed off and dried off, including using the blow dryer on our hair, before we combed and brushed it out. Meagan asked me where the "itch stuff" was. I took her out in the kitchen area, and in a cupboard next to the first aid supplies, was a bottle of clear-drying Caladryl lotion. I used a cotton ball to dab the lotion on Meagan's mosquito bites. They really got her. She had 6 bites on her back and left shoulder, while I escaped unscathed.
Back in my bedroom, Meagan buckled individual HD padded leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles. When she finished, she had me buckle the same padded leather cuffs on her, although I didn't know why yet? Using 4 pieces of rope, Meagan tied me and my cuffs spread-eagle on my back on my king size bed. First, she put on her strapon and fucked me twice. She took off the strapon knobby phallus and straddled my mouth, which is where we were when the mosquitoes attacked. I ate her pussy out and gave her 2 pretty good orgasms. Finally, Meagan got out the 18" Vibrating Double Dong. She worked my 9" half all the way into my love tunnel. Then she crawled over me and got into position. She held her body over mine, with her knees and one arm. With her other hand, she bent the other half of the Dong, got the head inside her twat, and as she settled on top of me, the remainder of the Dong, slid inside her. She reached between us and turned the Dong on. I remember that we kissed for awhile and that I came twice, but then I drifted off in a deep sleep. We were startled awake by the alarm clock going off at 6:00 AM. There was no telling how many orgasms I had in my sleep and missed, but the Dong was still vibrating away mostly inside us. Meagan turned off the Dong, took it out of our cunts, and put it in its package on the bed.
She untied the ropes from all 4 of my cuffed limbs. We headed for my bathroom, where we peed, brushed our teeth and fixed our hair, putting it up in high ponytails. We breezed into the kitchen wearing wrist and ankle cuffs. There we found Becky, Annie, Sally and Jill. Sally was bound, with a loose leash around her neck, eating out Becky. Jill stood over Sally holding the leash, and Annie was beginning to break eggs into a huge bowl for scrambled eggs. Meagan instantly sized up the situation. I guessed that this was going to be her power play. She untied the noose from Sally's neck and used it to tie Jill's wrists behind her back. She forced Jill, under protest, to kneel down and eat out Annie! She announced that she was going to have coffee for breakfast, and proceeded to make a full pot of coffee. Neither Meagan nor I had but a wink of sleep that night and the coffee was always welcome for me. Meagan asked me to go out and make room for Jill and Sally, between Fred and Stan, at our picnic table, which I did, and the men would have to feed Meagan's prisoners. When I got back in the kitchen, the coffee was done and the pussy licking was completed. Meagan took her prisoners out to the picnic table and settled them between Fred and Stan. I brought out the coffee and 5 coffee mugs. Jill and Sally were now seated, where I had been positioned before in the "silent zone" position for any information gathering that always flew around during any meal.
Meagan and I sat together on the opposite side of that same table and as far away from the ostracized girl's as possible. The donut boxes were open and on the table. The coals were ready to begin cooking, and Annie came over to us, first, to see what we wanted for breakfast. Meagan and I each ordered the equivalent of about 2 scramble eggs and 3 brown 'n serve sausages each. While we waited for our order, we drank a glass of OJ and poured a cup of coffee for each of us. As we ate our eggs and sausage, Meagan hit me with a bet. "I'll bet you $100.00 that I can hang upside down on that oak tree limb for longer than you can." I accepted her bet immediately. It was clear that both of us were wearing cuffs, and that was why the bet was made. I asked if we would just be hanging there, but Meagan said that we would be sucking cock, eating pussy and getting our pussies eaten. She did not mention the additional distractions and stimulation that we might receive. Once Meagan and I had a firm bet, she filled her coffee mug and grabbed a chocolate donut to talk with various groups. I was left to eat donuts and drink coffee. Meagan started with the Country Day boy's leaders, then she flitted from group to group. She ended with our female cooks. Everyone seemed to be nodding their heads in approval, although some groups looked like they had some questions. Meagan finally returned to sit next to me. She snagged another chocolate donut, which we split, and told me everything was all set.
Even before the fire was out and the breakfast area was cleaned up, the guys collected a huge pile of rope and dumped it below the old oak tree branch. When they got the high sign from Becky and Annie that the griddle was washed and they were finished in the kitchen, the guys came for Meagan and me. A rope tied the "D" rings of our wrist cuffs together behind our backs. The considerable amount of excess rope was wound tightly around our waists, keeping our arms immobile and our wrists plastered against the small of our backs. A long doubled rope tied our ankle cuff "D" rings together, but before they raised us, our legs were tied together, with a rope tied above our knees. Two guys pulled on the doubled rope to raise us, while one guy picked each of us up in their arms, so that, as we were raised. Our heads wouldn't get conked on the ground. Meagan and I were hanging upside down at the right height for our mouths to suck the guys cocks. The rope tying my thighs together accented my hour glass figure. My tits sagged and swelled at about armpit level. My midsection was stretched, from the weight of my upper body, so that my normally 24" waist was reduced to about 20". The guys were lined up before us. I got Andy and Neil's group of 6 guys, while Meagan got Matt and Jason's group of 6 guys. I was surprised, when all 6 of my guys pretty much let me suck them off at my own pace. I was able to get at all of their scrotums and balls, sucking their ball sacs first and then sucking each of their individual testicles. The girls got in on it and felt me up from behind. However, my biggest distraction was when one girl forced a vibrator deep into my love tunnel, set on a medium speed setting. There were a few impatient ones, who at the end grabbed my head and fucked my mouth, until his little cock disgorged his load of cum.
When the guys were finished, they were ready to go again. Fortunately, they decided to have Jill and Sally suck them off. I didn't feel at all dizzy, but my head felt a little heavy. I closed my eyes and shook my head a few times and I felt normal again. While they searched around for a couple sturdy belts, the girls took over with Meagan and me. First, they turned our vibrators up to high. Next, they turned our free swinging and spinning bodies, until Meagan and I face each other. They wound long ropes around our waists and upper bodies, tying Meagan and me tightly together, tits to tits and pussy to pussy. Two girls forced our heads together and made us kiss and makeout, which neither Meagan nor I minded, because we kept ourselves busy making out and coming. The guys brought Sally and Jill over to the oak tree. Their wrists were still tied behind their backs, from the earlier coffee making incident. Nipple clamps were affixed to their nipples. The guys had gotten two 3" wide long leather belts, probably from Fred and Stan. They were wound around each girl's ankles and then tightened by making a figure "8", before being fastened. Ropes were tied to the belts and Sally and Jill were hoisted to the proper cock sucking height. The guys took over, each of them grabbing either Sally's or Jill's head and roughly fucking their mouths non-stop, until they came.
Meagan and I were doing fine and having fun hanging up there coming and coming. You see, none of the girls were strong enough to lower Meagan and I to the right height for us to eat their pussies. After 4 guys had gotten their rocks off, with either Sally or Jill, they came and lowered Meagan and me just enough to be able to eat out the girl's pussies. The girls took it from there and untied Meagan and me from each other and swung us into position. Our vibrators were left buzzing away on high, as an added distraction. Jill and Meagan were hanging upside down, from the oak tree branch, which left only 5 girls in each group to eat out. Meanwhile, Fred and Stan had gotten in the boys lines for a morning blowjob pick-me-upper. This meant that Sally and Jill each had to suck off 7 cocks. When they finished, the guys took them down and removed the belts binding their ankles. Jill and Sally were taken to 2 nearby smaller trees. Their nipple clamps were left on, and they each got a vibrator up their cunts and a crotchrope to hold it in. They were taken to nearby smaller trees, and tied neck to ankles to those trees, and pretty much forgotten. When Meagan and I were ready the girls grabbed my head or ponytail and held my head to their pussies. They guided me where they wanted me to lick or suck them. I plowed through 5 pussies, giving each of them 1 or 2 orgasms. I had 3 orgasms of my own, during that time, from the fast buzzing vibrator in my twat. Meagan finished, with her 5 pussies, about 5 minutes after I did.
When Meagan and I finished eating all the pussies, the boys had to lower us to the ground and reconfigure our leg ties, so that the girls could finally eat our pussies. This gave me a chance to shake my head and get it back to normal. Meagan was showing no signs of weakening and forfeiting our $100.00 bet. On the ground, our thighs were untied and the doubled rope tying my ankle cuff's "D" rings together was simply untied and one strand of rope was re-tied to each of my ankle cuff's "D" rings. I guess they were being extra cautious, because one guy picked me up, and 2 guys pulled on each of my ankle ropes, until my face was at pussy eating height. They made a major project out of it, but really, my head was maybe only a foot off the ground and my ponytail swished on the grass, as I swayed back and forth. When the 2 ropes were tied off, my legs were spread about 3' apart at my ankles' tying off point, although there was at least 6' of rope from my ankle up to the oak tree branch. Meagan went up right after me, and with our legs tied spread, we took up about 8' of the old oak tree's horizontal branch. Once Meagan and I were secure the girls took over. First, our long buzzing vibrators were plucked from our twats. Then we received a few add ons to make our stint more interesting. Meagan and I were ballgagged and blindfolded, and were the lucky recipients of my own tinkle bell nipple clamps. I never knew who was going down on me, but if I kept an accurate count, 10 girls ate my pussy, which meant that everyone in both groups of girls had me. The girls set a limit of only one orgasm per licker.
Some of them did the works, which meant that my inner thighs and perineum got a thorough kissing and licking, before a tongue ever touched my pussy. That was my favorite way to start, but tied up and ballgagged captives had no say. Other girls chose to go straight to my pussy, actually straight to my clit, with no preliminaries. The vast majority of the girls licked and/or sucked my pussy lips, tongue fucked my love hole for a while, and moved on to my clit and licked and sucked, and sometimes bit or nibbled on it to make me come. It wasn't unusual for me to have a quick double orgasm, when my clit was being licked and or nibbled on, but who was counting anyway? Sure, I screamed my head off, but my ballgag effectively muffled most of my sounds, and the clamor from the girls and guys around us drowned us out. Meagan's and my tinkle bell nipple clamps rang like a Santa Claus's bell that he was ringing vigorously at his collection kettle. When all the girls had their turn at our pussies, Meagan and I were brought back down to Earth. All the guys did was change our ankle bindings back to the way we started. Both strands of rope went through both of my ankle cuff "D" rings, and were tied together. Then the guys raised Meagan and me up to a good working height. The girls removed our ballgags, blindfolds and nipple clamps. Then they prepared us for the balance of a familiar ordeal.
Meagan and I were positioned face to face. Our ankles and thighs were wrapped by a long rope and cinched and tied tightly together. One of the dreaded 18" flexible vibrating Double Dongs was brought out. It was bent into a "U" shape and half of the Dong was buried deep in our cunts and held in place with First Aid adhesive tape. Next, our breasts were tied at their bases, with my right breast tied to Meagan's left breast, and vice versa. Meagan and I were tied together at our waists and over our upper arms. Only 2 more steps and Meagan and I would be prepared. From the first aid kit an ace bandage was carefully wound around our heads, making sure that our heads were entombed at an angle and our lips were limed up. Finally, the switch was flipped and the Dong sprang to life. The guys, at the direction of the girls raised us until our feet were nearly touching the branch, which was about 12' off the ground. Meagan and I were nearly forgotten, from that point on, like Sally and Jill. Meagan's and my experience won't be all that exciting, because we had been in that position several times previously. We managed to get our globular sized and shaped Valencia orange size tits and hard peaked nipples lined up. The elastic ace bandage held our lips in a permanent kiss. We were able to work our lips and jaws, and of course, use our tongues. We made good use of our mouth freedom by working our jaws like a gulping fish and letting our lips and tongues do what came naturally. Meagan and I knew that the best thing to do was to let the Dong do its thing independently, and let our orgasms come, when our bodies dictated. Meagan and I rubbed nipples, kissed almost constantly, and came regularly for probably over an hour.
I think we were forgotten, like Sally and Jill, and the natives below us grew restless. There were calls for Becky and Annie, which quickly turned into a chant. Because of the ace bandage wound around Meagan's and my face, and Meagan's head, I could only see about 1/3 of what was below me. As the chants for Becky and Annie grew more insistent, the 2 girls took off, at a sprint, for the cabin. However, a half dozen or more guys caught them, before they made it to the cabin, and brought them, kicking and screaming back to thee oak tree. A few minutes later, I saw the ropes hauling Becky and Annie up, anf then their shoes, and then their ankles bound together, with the thick leather belts. Their feet stopped only about a foot below my head. I could see right down Becky's legs to her pusssy, and watched someone shove a vibrator all the way into her twat. Meanwhile, Meagan and I continued hanging upside down, kissing and making out, and enjoying the orgasms that the 18" flexible Double Dong brought us. From the sounds I heard about 6' below me, I could tell that Becky was doing both blowjobs and eating pussy, and assumed that Annie was doing the same thing. Meagan and I had 2 orgasms apiece prior to the girls being hauled up, and four apiece since then, although Meagan and I were not in sync with each other or the Dong. Becky's position had shifted enough so that I could see whether she was doing a BJ or eating a girl's pussy. I knew about how long it took me to finish off either a guy or girl. I was killing time trying to calculate how long Meagan and I had been up there @ about 12 minutes between my orgasms. Anyway, my mental math just helped pass the time, and Becky and Annie were being lowered. They had to help prepare lunch for all of us.
About 10 minutes and one more orgasm later, Meagan and I were being lowered from the oak tree branch. We paused about halfway down so that the girls could remove all our restraints and add ons. Finally, we landed on Mother Earth, where our final restraints, the padded leather ankle cuffs, were removed. Becky and Annie were nowhere in sight. Sally and Jill had been released, and were headed for Sally's bedroom/bathroom inn the cabin. After sitting on the ground for a few minutes, to regain our senses and equilibrium, and letting the extra blood in our heads drain and circulate normally, Meagan and I headed for my bathroom. We peed, brushed our teeth and put on shower caps. We washed each other, without any ropes, and rinsed off. There was equal mutual respect, after what we had just been through, and I made the 1st move. I knelt down and ate her out. When I finished, she did the same for me. We agreed that our $100.00 bet was a draw and kissed to wipe the slate clean. After we dried off and put our tennis shoes on, we headed for the kitchen. Becky and Annie had found the thawed sandwich meat and bread that I had put out for lunch, and said they could manage the rest of our lunch, since there was no cooking involved. It was our last meal at camp.
When we got outside, everything seemed to be back to normal. No one was tied up. Meagan went and sat with Jill and her friends. I sat with Sally and Fred and Stan. We had sandwiches on 2 kinds of bread, with either deli sliced roast beef, ham or turkey, and just about anything you wanted on your sandwich. Individual bags of potato chips or Pringles were available, along with a variety of soft drinks. Somewhere in one of the freezers, one of the cooks had found a plain angel food cake. It was easily defrosted in the microwave and served with chocolate ice cream. Our perpetual fruit bowl was there for anyone who did not want ice cream and cake. When Lunch was over, Jill and Meagan went out to the campfire area and pounded in a few more stakes in the ground. There were enough stakes left in the ground, from last night's tickling, pink belly, girl fucking gang bang, to accommodate 12 people. Now, 14 people could be staked out. I asked one of the girls what was going on. She told me that while I was hanging upside down in the oak tree all morning, the girls had talked the guys into being tied up and staked out for 2 hours and we could have them for 2 hours. I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.
When I came back outside, the girls were staking out the guys naked, including Fred and Stan. A feather and 3 condoms were placed by the head of each bound guy. As soon as the cooks had finished putting away the uneaten food and dumped all of our disposable eating wear, there was a mad screaming dash for the staked out guys. None of the girls, including Sally, went for either Fred or Stan. The girls were busy tickling or pink bellying or fucking their favorite guy. I walked straight to Fred. I knelt between his legs, bent over and sucked his cock, until it was a stiff flagpole. I opened a condom, rolled it on and mounted Fred. I wasted no time and rode his dick hard, until he came. I took his used condom off and let it lay in the grass. My pussy was hovering over Fred's face. I eased down and settled over his mouth. He ate me out slowly and thoroughly, and made me come twice. I pleasured myself in the same way with Stan, skipping the feather and pink belly. I barely slept the night before and spent the morning up the oak tree. I didn't feel much like doing anyone else and none of the Country Day Prep leaders particularly turned me on, mostly because they hadn't shaved off their beard stubble. So, I walked to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, peeed, shit before the trip home and had a nice long hot shower. After I dried off and did my hair, I dressed for the trip home in a comfortable lightweight short-sleeved sweatshirt, shorts and sneakers. I had hidden a change of underwear, for Sally and me, underneath a tight fitting liner at the bottom of my suitcase. When I emerged from my bedroom, Sally was just coming into the cabin., and I gave her her fresh bra and panties. I said that I would go out and break the couples up and retrieve the tent stakes, and get their asses moving. The North Shore Country Day group was going to leave sometime between 3:00 - 3:30 PM, and I expected Miss Greeley, from the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy to arrive by 4:00 PM.
I pulled out the tent stakes and stacked them alongside the cabin, in 2 trips. I had all the girls police the grounds for condoms and wrappers, and then told them to shower and get ready for the trip home. Fred and Stan told their charges to shower, if necessary, and pack and break their camp. They had brought 2 large SUVs that each seated 8 people, and each SUV had a covered trailer that carried all their gear. All the tents had been taken down, and I packed them in the storage shed and locked it. The girls left their suitcases and bags on the ground while they showered. I headed into the cabin to help Sally pack up the perishable and non-perishable foods to load in my SUV. Jill snagged Sally, Fred, Stan and me, and took us into my bedroom and closed the door. This was to be Jill's blackmail spiel, where she tells us that if we mention anything about what went on that weekend, she would expose us to everyone in the World. Fred and Stan took it more seriously than Sally and I, but maybe they had more to lose? Sally and I scrolled through Jill's photos and we each selected 10-15 shots, which I emailed to my secret g-mail account.
The guys were all packed and I unlocked and opened the gate so they could pull out. About 1/2 the guys and girls had extended goodbyes. As professionals, Sally and I shook hands with Fred and Stan. No one knew if we'd ever see any of them again? Sally's and my SUVs were packed, and a pile of the girl's stuff sat out in the driveway waiting to be loaded into Miss Greeley's SUV when she arrived. She got there at about 3:45 PM. The girls got their cell phones back and the SUV was loaded. We took off, with Miss Greeley in the lead, followed by Sally and then me. Lisa sat in front, and Jill, Meagan and Ashley in the backseat, with Jill in the middle.. I passed through the gate and got out of my car to lock up. By the time that I got back into my car, the girls in the backseat had Jill ballgagged, and her wrists were tied behind her back, and her ankles and knees were tied together. Jill was wearing the shortest possible frayed cutoff jeans, and an oversize off-the-shoulder t-shirt. By the time we exited the gravel road and into some traffic, Jill's jeans and thong were pulled down around her tied knees. The girls in the back seat pulled her t-shirt over her head and her sexy front closure bra was open, exposing her ample tits. The back windows were tinted. Jill was kinda stretched out struggling and her exposed parts would be difficult for motorists to see. Finally, all these girls were going off to college and I would never see any of them after today. So, I played a CD and decided to let them have their fun and play.
Meagan and Ashley took turns going down on Jill's pussy, while the other one did everything imaginable to her boobs. After Jill had a number of orgasms, she mellowed out and seemed to welcome what they were doing to her and no longer resisted. Then, the girls in the back seat removed Jill's ballgag. Lisa, in the front passenger seat, was snapping photos with her cellphone. I assumed she was sending the pixs to the girls in the other cars. Meagan and Ashley switched to making out with Jill and fingered her pussy. Lisa pulled a vibrator from out of her purse and begged me to pullover and let her switch seats and get her vibrator on and in Jill's pussy. Eventually, I came upon a gas station. I pulled off the highway, and Ashley and Lisa did a quick seat switch. Lisa certainly didn't mess around with any vibrator foreplay. She went right for Jill's clit. Jill screamed so loud, with her 1st orgasm, that the girls in back had to stop making out with her and re-ballgag her. I was driving in some moderate traffic on the highway and almost put an end to their back seat fun, but the disturbance quickly righted itself, with the re-insertion of Jill's ballgag. By the time Lisa made Jill come 2 more times, we were about 15 minutes from Lake Forest and their school, I decided that it was time to call a halt to the backseat activities. I figured that Meagan and Lisa could get Jill dressed in that amount of time, and that Jill would have enough time to come down and recover.
When we pulled into the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy parking lot, the other 2 SUVs were already unpacked. I said goodbye to Miss Greeley and said that I was looking forward to next year's crop of girls. I said goodbye to all the girls too. Meagan came up to me and slipped me 2 - $100.00 bills and a business card. She told me that the back seat of my car was a mess, from jill, and told me to have my car detailed at this place. They apparently did an excellent job on her Ferrari. I had mixed feelings about having Meagan's younger sister at Camp Shady Oaks next summer!!!.