Author's Note: A fantasy story by one who loves soft, thick fuzzyness.
Chapter 1 - Curiosity Travel
He jumped off the bus at the supermarket, and walked the last bit, out of the little sleepy unknown town, along the peaceful country road as he had been told. It was a bright and chilly morning in September and after walking a mile or two without having seen or met a living soul, he saw the farmhouse, or more a mansion-like building in a hardwood grove on the left side of the road, just as described.
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Standing in front of the house he hesitated while there were a couple of entrances to choose between. He heard a sound behind him and when looking over his shoulder he saw a black woman coming out from the barn.
"Hi", she said.
"Hello... are you Elaine?", he answered stumbling at the same time blushing.
"No, I'm Maria. You must be Michael... Elaine is inside, I'll show you, come."
She was tall and big but moved smoothly. Breasts of significant dimensions were bulging under her worn leather coat. Knitted gloves covered large hands when she pointed at the house.
How come she knew that he was coming here today? He wondered who she was. A neighbour... or a friend? Close apparently, as Elaine had let her know about his arrival.
Maria accompanied him to one of the minor entrances, then further through a vestibule and finally opened a door to a big kitchen where a woman was busy cooking at the stove. She turned around and gave him a big smile, but did not leave the stove.
"Welcome Michael, nice to see you! I hope the trip went well?"
"Ah, yes...", he nodded while grasping for words. Her appearance made him almost stunned.
First of all, he didn't know she was Black; he had just assumed she was Caucasian. It didn't change anything, or mattered, he was just astonished. Second; she was tall, probably taller than him, with broad shoulders, voluminous arms and legs and enormously big breasts, floating high, threatening to break through a blue thin sweater sculpturing her impressing massive upper body. Her hips were, relatively, kind of narrow, and her giant buttocks could make anybody breathless... she was like a Goddess.
For a moment he got scared. What was he up to, what had he let himself in to? To be honest, he had no idea at all who this woman was. And the other woman, Maria? What resistance could he make if things went ruff... against her, against them both? He had got in contact with Elaine on a chat only a fortnight ago. They had started to talk about soft stuff. Michael had told her about his fetish and she had responded that she shared his love for sweaters and similar softness. They had also slipped into talking about sensual expressions.
He had let her know about his submissive thoughts and she him about the opposite, her more dominant side which she would like to explore if the right occasion appeared. Their brains had connected rapidly, ending up with an invitation from her to him to come for a visit, stay a weekend, to enjoy conversation and socialize. And he had said yes, accepted instantly. And here he was, and suddenly a bit scared by second thoughts. But now it was too late, he had to face the situation, trust his intuition, see what would come to happen and deal with it accordingly.
He was disturbed in his considerations by Elaine who asked them both to sit down for a cup of tea. Michael sat opposite to Maria, now without her coat, and in spite of Elaine's aura, he could barely take his eyes from Maria's gigantic chest, more or less the same size as Elaine's, swaying in front of him, covered by thick fuzzy grey mohair, like a waterfall over her wonderful brave breasts. He was interrupted though, in his not trying to stare at Maria, when Elaine from behind served him his tea and her heavy bosom smoothly rubbed his cheek and neck when she leant over him. It was totally electrifying and the emotion of her soft scent and touch made him start trembling.
Maria didn't stay long. She excused herself; swept the coat over her broad fuzzy shoulders and left, explaining she didn't want to disturb the two in whatever they were up to. And now, they were alone. Elaine laid her hand on Michael's shoulder and suggested they should move to the sitting room.
"It's really nice to see you Michael, but you seem a little bit uncertain or perhaps fearful of the situation?", she asked, sitting opposite him in one the two comfortable sofas, with a low black oak table between.
"Both yes and no", Michael admitted. "Your physics and charisma are really impressive, but at the same time I have no idea what this might end up into. I admit I feel a bit shy... you are right, I'm uncertain how to handle the situation, and what's expected from me, what I am supposed to do... how to behave."
"When you and I talked about soft stuff we both agreed that we loved it, and that is for me very true, I can't live without my knitted sweaters and stuff, they are a must in my sensual universe", Elaine replied and continued, "And when it comes to whom the power belongs, you correspond to all I had in mind and wished for, Michael. Just stay cool, you mustn't do anything at all, things will work out fine. Tell me, do you feel attracted to me?"
Michael nodded, "Yes, very much, Elaine."
"Good", she smiled kindly, "And I feel attracted to you, Michael. Isn't that all we need right now? And one important thing for you to know; You can always trust on me, I will never let you down. Please, wait here, I'll be back in a minute."
She left him and went upstairs. Michael watched her powerful back, her large calves and her bushy black hair from behind.
Chapter 2 - Dancing with Elaine
The silence was broken by clattering heels when Elaine returned down the stairs again. She stopped on the bottom step and let Michael get a good look. Blue was changed to blue. Instead of the thin light blue woollen sweater Elaine was now dressed in marine blue mohair. Unbelievable and fabulous, thick and fuzzy with a huge double folded turtleneck all way up to her chin. A wide elastic waist belt sculptured her body hourglass like and made her gigantic breasts look even bigger as they swayed high in front of her when she moved.
The sweater was extra-long, covering her hips and buttocks, down to the middle of her muscular thighs. Her legs were encapsulated in black woollen tights and the dimension of her curvy calves probably oversized Michael's thighs. Shoes with three-four inches heels made her tall and celestial. Michael was stunned by her gorgeousness, he felt lust and excitement, but also indefinable fear... Fear for the powerful amazon approaching him... fear for the unknown sensual travel he had embarked.
As if she had read his mind Elaine spoke: "Dear Michael, the choice is now yours, and don't be afraid, I am a tender and friendly soul mate of yours."
She took the last step down, went across the room to the music player on the TV-bench and turned it on. "Please come", she suggested and opened her arms, "I want to dance with you."
She embraced him tenderly; accompanied to the soft music she let him sink into her fuzzy big arms. She was at least five inch taller so his head came to rest on her shoulder with his nose embedded in the thick mohair turtleneck. Due to her voluminous breasts his arms barely reached around her broad back.
"Michael, I like you very much, I think I could come to seriously love you and that would be wonderful. There is only one But. I will not take you... force you in any way. If you like me, want me... you have to submit, give yourself up, and leave you over to me. But if and when you do, your power will be mine, and so will you. You will become mine... totally. Would you like that, Michael? Would you like to surrender to me, get all my love, in my way, on my conditions?"
He looked up at her, listened to her proposal, realized that he was on his way to lose control, but could not, and wanted not, to resist her wish. He instinctively knew that he didn't want anything else but to stay by her, what so ever.
Elaine stopped dancing and looked down at him. "Michael, if you want me, if you want me to love you... then kiss me, seal our love game with a kiss. But beware dear, while when you do it - you also sign the contract, give yourself up and become mine. Would you like that?"
Michael considered Elaine's demand, felt the sensual heat from her and his own heat from inside. She was the woman of his dreams, although he didn't know for sure what exactly it would implicate. He looked into her eyes, stretched upwards and nodded yes. Elaine put her big arm around his neck and pulled him close, bowed her head down and approached him with her mellow lips. Michael closed his eyes as their tongues touched... His whole body trembled with emotion when he kissed her deep and long, securely wrapped in her strong arms.
"Oh my God...", Elaine looked at him. "Dear, you make me so happy coming into my world, it will be just wonderful. There is only one more thing... a last test for you to pass... Please take all your clothes off. I want you naked, Michael."
He slowly did as told and soon he stood there, naked in front of her. She inspected him and smiled, took a step forward and put his arms along his sides and hugged him smoothly. He almost disappeared squeezed in her powerful soft mohair embracement. Elaine looked at him lovingly and whispered: "And now... You must try to avoid me taking over, it's important to me... to see if you will manage or not. It's important for me to know if you are strong enough to break out of my hold, or not... thus, if you really, really try. Will you promise to do your absolutely best to free yourself?"
"Yes, of course", Michael answered a bit puzzled over her request, "but will you let me out of your arms first, or?"
She shook her head gravely: "No, I will not. I don't intend to let you anywhere. You see, it's now or never, your very last opportunity to get rid of me before I enclose you into my dreams and fantasies. Try to break out, try to free yourself... now or never."
Michael took a deep breath, counted silent to three, where after tried to get out from her firm grip around his trapped arms and waist, but with poor result. His arms remained tightly clasped along his sides. He made another attempt, more or less in desperation, with all the power he possibly could muster but her hold was like steel, and she tightened it even more. Helplessly caught in her bear hug he had to beg her intermittently: "Please, I can't... I can't get out, it hurts, please..."
"Mmm... Darling", she mumbled, "it is fine, it is great that you can't... great. I love helplessness... I love when you are completely helpless in my hands, it is incredibly sexy. As well as important to know I'm physically superior."
Without loosening her grip, she lifted Michael up and carried him across the room to the big sofa. Lost in her devastating hug he could do nothing but flounder with his feet. She sat down and twirled him quickly around, trapped his legs between her huge thighs and twisted his free arm on his back so he couldn't move or get anywhere. His bare buttocks shone white as he lay on his stomach on her marine blue mohair covered lap, embarrassed and immobilized.
"Michael, you must understand how important it is for you to realize that you really are mine. You must understand that I am far, far stronger than you, totally superior you, and the one who set up the rules. I can and I will humiliate you, for you to know exactly that, for you to know for the future what will happen if you don't obey my wishes and demands."
And then, without warning, she slapped him hard on his bare buttocks which made him yell of surprise and pain. "Did it hurt?" she asked and he nodded intensively: "Yes... yes!" She slapped him once more, even harder, and he squirmed to get away but there was no way away. "Please, Elaine... please", he begged.
But she continued, spanked him systematically without clemency until he cried like a baby, knowing it was true, the pain was no game, understanding that he was hers and she was prepared to hurt him badly if he didn't behave, or just because she felt for it.
When finished she took the snivelling Michael in her arms, wiped tears from his cheek, caressed him tenderly: "Dear, this will be just fine. You will from now on become my man, my boy, my child... and I will take care of you all."
Chapter 3 - Wrestling with Maria
Elaine stroked Michael's hair, rocked him quiet in her big mohair arms with his head leaning on her massive bosom. She felt his scent of fear and excitement and her hard nipples formed visible bulges under the thick knitted sweater. She closed her eyes and whispered comforting to him: "Just be a good boy now and everything will be fine. I will keep you safe; you will always be secure by me. And I will soon let you experience that."
She put him down on his knees, and wrapped her legs around his upper body and arms to keep him locked in place. Michael's first reaction was to protest and he made instinctively an effort to escape but he was fixed between her enormous legs.
Elaine gripped his chin and reminded him about the situation: "Stop it Michael. First of all; you are mine now and you are to do exactly as I tell you. Second, I am totally superior you physically and love to show you that, so if you make the tiniest effort to revolt I will immediately punish you. And perhaps good for you to know that I will love it... will love any reason to punish you, while it brings me such wonderful excitement to humiliate you, dear."
With Michael trapped between her legs Elaine leaned over and reached for a skein of leather on the coffee table. "Michael, see what I have for you", she announced with a smile. "It is a head harness especially for you, and it's time to wear it now." She tightened her leg hold until Michael started to moan by pain, then she gently pushed his head backwards, took a firm grip around his cheeks with one hand and with the other she forced the muzzle into his mouth.
The harness encircled Michael's head; over, sideways, under, and was combined with a stiff four inches wide leather collar around his neck. The whole harness system became very tight when Elaine thoroughly fastened all straps and buckles. The muzzle was now anchored deep in his mouth and prevented very effectively any further talking from his side.
She stood up, put Michael on his feet, looked at him and smiled, gave him a big friendly hug at the same time she put her thick lips tenderly towards the silencing gag and kissed him. "Did I tell you that I like you?" she asked still happy smiling. "Ggggggghh", Michael tried to answer.
"Come." She took his hand, intertwined their fingers and led him further into the mysterious house. After kicking off her shoes Elaine was still at least one inch taller. "By the way", she asked, "Do you know that this is the last time you move around on your own... for a long, long time?" Michael looked at her with surprise, as if he didn't understand the meaning of what she just said. "Never mind", Elaine commented, "you will see".
They entered a big empty room with a huge quadrangular carpet in the middle. A brass chain was hanging from above. Elaine led him up on the carpet, stopped in the middle and attached the snap link in the end of the chain to a metal ring on top of Michael's harness.
Leaving him standing there she went to the wall where she adjusted the chain, shortened it with result that Michael was forced upwards, ended standing on his toes, safely attached to the heavy chain. Concentrating on keeping his balance Michael made a noise which could have been a protest but he stopped when Elaine gave him a stern look. From a box she picked up a bunch of white rolls and returned to him.
"These ones...", Elaine explained, "are elastic bandage, very strong and effective. Please stand still, I will show you." She started wrapping his legs, one by one. After that, starting from his hips, she carefully wrapped his legs tight together all the way down to his feet which she connected and enclosed together side by side in the viscous bandage.
She left him for a moment, adjusted the chain, and permitted him to stand on his soles instead of his toes. Back again she continued with his arms, from arm pits down to his hands, which she artfully and thoroughly wrapped into nice packages, making it out of question for him to use his hands as well as his fingers. Starting from his neck she wrapped his upper body with the arms along the sides. When finished he was mummified from neck to toe. Finally she methodically wrapped his head with several layers only leaving a narrow slit for his nostrils and eyes.
Elaine stepped back and took a good look at her work, then adjusted parts to ensure that he was well enclosed. Michael could do nothing but stand there wobbling, fully encapsulated, with no possibilities any longer; neither move nor communicate.
Elaine interrupted his silence and whatever thoughts he could have: "You are making me really happy, Michael. It's so unbelievable sensual, as right now, to have got you into the third layer. Have I not explained how I think regarding layer?", she asked without waiting for an answer, "Well, this is how it is. The first layer is you surrendering to me, accepting me as superior, meaning I have the right to do whatever I find suitable with you. The second layer is for us to know that I also am physically superior you, meaning you have no chance at all against me. I know that I, in any situation, will overpower you easily, take you down and make you helpless by my physical strength, and I love that, it really turns me on. Finally, the third layer is to put you in restraints... impossible to free yourself from."
"And now Michael comes your final test", she added and removed the snap link, took him in her arms and laid him down on the soft carpet. "I hope that your life with us will be as wonderful as we think it will be with you." He made big eyes when she said us and couldn't keep from asking: "Ggghh... gghhh?"
"Us, are me and my little sister of course", Elaine answered. "You have already met her, Maria. We are twins, identical twins, and we always part everything. I am twelve minutes older than her, so I am the boss. She is on her way and you are to wrestle against her.
You will not get a fair chance; you are to meet her here on the carpet, mummified as you are. There are two possibilities; manage to escape from the carpet now, immediately, or resist her strength and efforts to pin you down. If you manage that, you win, and only I will rule over you. But if Maria takes you down you will become hers also."
The game is starting right now, running for five minutes, Michael. Try to escape from the carpet before she comes, that is your best possibility I believe. Elaine took a step back and watched Michael wiggle and squirm in his effort to move but he didn't succeed very well. How he tried, he did not even manage to roll over laterally; Elaine's mummification was too strict and well-done. He tried to explain that he found the situation unfair: "Mmmmmfff!"
But Elaine didn't answer. And suddenly, appearing from nowhere, Maria was standing there. "Hello Michael", she said.
Chapter 4 - Two Sisters (added: 2014/04/09)
Maria stepped forward, one foot on either side of the fettered Michael. She looked down and smiled: "You couldn't figure it out? Do you think I would miss my share for one second?", she said, as she stroke her big hands over her gigantic, fuzzy breasts, which from below, seemed even bigger than Elaine's monster melons.
How stupid one can be... Michael reflected, vainly squirming between her legs. Why didn't he count that out at once? Maria's haircut was slightly different from Elaine's; shorter and more curly, but her facial features were very similar, her nose a bit bigger and her lips only slightly thinner than Elaine's almost oversized juicy mouth. Twins of course! And her heavy, fuzzy sweater was identical with Elaine's; only dark grey. He would love to challenge her, be able to face the wonderful danger and risk to get lost in her arms. But immobilized like this he could do nothing. Please... he just wanted to get a fair chance... He tried to make her aware of that by yelling: "Ggggggghhh!"
Maria neither took attention to his mumbling nor to his protest; instead she leisurely sank down and straddled him. Mummified and caught between her enormously thighs playfully squeezing his upper body, it was obvious that the fight already was to its end.
"So, Michael, I wonder if you understand how I need you, how much me and my boobs do need to possess you... rule you. Elaine will love to humiliate and immobilize you, but for me, you will be a slave to my demanding breasts. You are to nourish them and be at their service, of course with no possibility to deny. It will be great", she smiled and wound her big fuzzy arms around his neck and dragged his white wrapped-in face into the deep of her enormously bosom. Michael sank into; more or less disappeared in the grey soft fuzziness. She clutched him lovingly at the same time her whole body floated out over him, buried him... as one more layer of restraint. In her embrace he was completely at her mercy, surrounded and absorbed.
Maria kept him in her soft captivity for minutes... squirming, helpless, surrounded and caught by her colossal breasts, struggling for air, for his life... until Elaine made a sign and declared game over. Michael was at that stage nearly unconscious, having been trapped in her mohair embracement with almost no possibility to breathe.
The two women carried the mummified Michael to a large bathroom, nicely furnished with a couple of chairs, flower pots and a decorative high narrow bench. Standing straight up in the voluminous area he was freed from the elastic white bandage that kept him prisoner, also from the head harness with its gag. Maria pushed him down one of the chairs where after she also sat down, astride his lap. Quickly she wrapped her big legs around his waist including his arms squeezed along his upper body and locked her heels comfortably at the back of the chair.
"Welcome", she said, "To become ours... it is such a tremendous good feeling. You are a handsome young man, did you know that? And it will be just great from now on, for us to take care of you in the absolutely best way we can." She pushed her giant mohair bosom towards his chest and by using strength and weight, she nailed him against the chair back with her divine upper body, at the same time she gripped his neck with large hands and held him firmly. "There is so much for you to learn... sooo much... and it will be wonderful to teach you", she continued, at the same time Elaine with a trimmer started to cut his hair off, crew cut him neatly.
Michael reacted, made an attempt to formulate a question: "Why...", but Maria immediately put a hand over his mouth: "Mike, I have told you not to questioning things. You are to do just as we say... nothing else. And if you don't, we will have to punish you, do you understand?"
Michael got frightened by Maria's stern voice. He suddenly got scared by the whole situation. What had he jumped into? Aroused by the shivering sensuality of being in Elaine's strong arms... squeezed against her heavenly bosom... embraced by the irresistible goddess of softness... a woman of his innermost dreams... he just couldn't resist her and he had said YES. But, what had been a serious exciting game... at least that was HIS opinion... serious but still a game... wasn't it?
Now it seemed more like serious and bizarre reality!? Could they really mean what they said... was he to become their hostage... for long time? No, he had his life... his job... his own world to handle. But at the same time... he was well aware that he was without any chance to escape from these amazons, if they didn't let him... IF they decided to keep him, keep him in their captivity. How would he be able to prohibit them?
He kept silent but made a cautious attempt to challenge Maria's hold, to force... push, her upper body away. But it was as if she sensed it... while her broad shoulders, the huge upper arms and giant breasts squeezed him even firmer against the chair back and her impressive thighs tightened around his waist.
No, no chance... he realized he was defenceless for the moment, right now he was completely under their spell... BUT, there must be... must appear an opportunity for him, for them, to discuss... a possibility for him to be able to change his mind, to turn the game into a joint role play... sure it would! He told himself to relax, take it easy... wait and see.
When Maria had finished the cropping, they blindfolded him with a piece of the elastic bandage and placed him in the shower area with his back to a metal pole. He was secured with a rubber necklace attached to the pole and he had no other choice but remain standing there.
Elaine and Maria undressed. The blindfolded Michael could not view the naked sisters and their exceptionally bodies; large rounded shoulders, voluminous and powerful arms, muscular buttocks and legs and their gigantic breasts dangling when they together lathered, washed and thoroughly shaved him; armpits, chest, arms, legs, upper body and finally his head and genitals.
Clean shaven from tip to toe they brought him to the narrow padded bench... where he, naked on his back, rapidly was strapped in a system of leather collars attached to the padding; around his neck, wrists, waist and ankles. Elaine explained the situation at the same time she placed a bath towel over him: "Stay here and relax sweetheart, we will be right back."
Shit. This was not how he had been thinking about relax... silly restrained and again unable to influence the situation. Was he brave enough to initiate a discussion, just a friendly chat regarding terms and conditions? In spite he knew he wasn't allowed... but still. Of course they would understand his dilemma, his anxiety and interest some kind of negotiating... sure they would!
Soon the sisters were back. They removed the towel and his blindfold, looked down at him friendly from each side the bench and started inspecting their shaving work. Michael couldn't believe his eyes. They were dressed in long black woollen dresses, slightly over the knees, with huge cowl necks, like hoods... embedding their beautiful faces. The deep neckline exposed their enormously big breasts with bottomless cleavages even more. Finger mittens of same fabric as the knitted dresses were seamlessly attached to the sleeves... knitted in one piece. He was not quite sure who was who as their hair were covered by the voluminous cowl necks. The tight ribbed structure of the dresses showed every curve of their impressive bodies. He wanted to touch them but he couldn't, well secured to the bench as he was.
When they touched... caressed his naked extradited body, restrained and on the tall bench, their amazingly bosoms came to touch; caressed his naked shaved skin heavily and sensual.
Michael closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of wool and excitement. At the same time he worried... their eyes were determinedly focused, there was a dangerous vibration present, like when predators prepare for attack... they were of course up to something, but what? What would happen next? Would he stand it and WHY wasn't he allowed to have any influence at all over the game? He tried once more to challenge his fetters... but no chance; he was theirs... so far.
"Great, Michael... now you are in the state we want you. Clean and smooth like a little baby... our baby, and in our hands. Be a good boy now and everything will be fine", Elaine commented. Yes it was! He recognized her by the oversized juicy lips.
Michael couldn't quite grasp what she meant by "our baby"? He was a big guy. Big enough to make his voice heard for example and he instinctively knew this was his chance, the opportunity. In spite of all admonitions he decided to surprise them by taking the initiative: "Please, there is one thing we should...", he started.
But his plan to take the initiative was instantly outvoted by Maria. Not by words, not by arguing... Instead, she pushed four fuzzy fingers down Michael's throat and clasped her free thumb under his jaw, hard enough to make Michael yell in pain, or more moan: "Nnnggn... nnnggn...", begging Maria to stop.
But she forced him to chew her fuzzy big digits filling up his mouth. He could hardly breathe, nor get away... and the thumb pressing his jaw was hurting. He would have liked to wriggle out of her grasp, yes... and he tried but he couldn't... he was stuck in her humiliating human gag. Was it really that stupid to wish for a dialogue? Why didn't they allow him? Could it really be true what they had repeated again and again... that he for real was in their possession? For real...? Right now he must admit he was... and very much so; degraded like a sacrificial lamb on their altar. He looked at the two women towering over him... huge and frightening. He silently begged... Please... listen!
Michael's muffling scream got Maria to loosen her grip slightly but she did not let go. She kept her fingers down his mouth, held him steadily until he had calmed down. Then she bent forward, still keeping him gagged with demanding fuzzy fingers, and whispered: "My little obstinate boy. You know exactly what we have stated, don't you? I will not hear one more word coming over your lips without being asked for it... are we agreed?"
He could feel her breathe when she talked to him... what should he do? But he didn't dare to oppose any more right now... his situation was far too vulnerable. Maria scared him... both of them by the way. They constantly humiliated him... teased him in some strange way... leaving no way out... abused him. When thinking of never get free again a chilly vibration spread through his whole body and he began to shiver... what would they do to him? Why couldn't they talk about the situation... the game. While it must be a game, mustn't it? He pulled himself together, he had to be brave, and yes... he had to wait. The opportunity would come. He nodded in agreement.
Maria looked at him thoughtfully for long time, scanned his reaction with inquiring eyes. Then she made a decision and pulled her fuzzy fingers out of his mouth... put her big hand over his face... like a symbolic gesture. Let him scent her hand, the wool, his saliva. After a while she nodded to Elaine and they released him. Maria took Michael in her arms as if he were a feather.
Both women sat down, beside each other, in the huge sofa in the living room. All now happened very quickly. They turned Michael on his back on their wide woollen laps. Maria folded his arms over and back of his head, locked them, and locked him in a mohair embracement... pulled him, his face, into the soft sheltering encasing bosom. Imprisoned in soft encasement, Michael could through the knitted fabric, feel a hard nipple grow against his face. At the same time, as earlier this evening, Elaine sealed his legs between her thighs, put one arm under his back and raised him like a bow, created tension, resulting in Michael became entirely incapable to move in their common hold.
With a strong fuzzy hand Elaine grabbed his genitals and Michael very soon got very hard... with or against his will. Elaine leaned forward, seized his hard dick between her queen-size juicy lips and sucked him in, resolute and not negotiable. Deep down Elaine's throat Michael, helplessly wriggling, could not prohibit Elaine's intention and soon a red lightning blew his body and mind in a thousand pieces and he ejaculated embedded in their durable and unconquerable embrace.
Chapter 5 - The Child (added: 2014/04/09)
The two women kept the quivering Michael on their laps. His arms were still trapped by Maria. "Darling Michael, isn't this a lovely beginning", Elaine said. "It is such a sexual feeling to make you come without having any possibility to stop it. You see, we will empty you totally in every aspect, sexually as well as mentally... step by step until all power of yours is ours."
Michael felt embarrassed and exposed. They played with him. He despised himself for not being able to resist when they played this abusing game. It seemed like his cock rather joined the opponents than him. And he felt ashamed not being able to resist their physical supremacy, totally overpowered, flat on his back on their laps. His legs were hopelessly stuck between Elaine's and in spite he really fought to free himself from Maria's arms he got nowhere... she smiled and tightened her hold... seemingly effortless. He didn't dare to complain but looked up at her, fettered and outnumbered... as if would help. But it didn't.
"You maybe think this is a game but it is not", Maria spoke... "We will teach you, let you understand, that there is absolutely no way out for you... no way of return. In our hands you will learn what helplessness really is. It is not a question of you to surrender, because you already have. Since the second you kissed Elaine at the dance floor you have been caught in a trap you never will escape. It is for you really to understand... really... and until you really do, we will preserve you helpless like a new-born little child, to get you understand that we possess you... that the whole of you belong to us. Try to realize the fact that you will never get out of this, you are right now involved in a never ending process of total power exchange."
"And furthermore", she continued, "Haven't we told you always to do as we say? Despite that, you have already objected and complained at least twice... and for that reason you will of course be punished."
Unexpectedly and quickly Michael was turned over on his stomach. Maria twisted his arms behind his back and locked his head in an unescapably kind of pincher hold... squeezed between the back of her huge upper arm and her big thigh. And his legs were already secured between Elaine's. She stretched her fuzzy hand for a paddle behind her.
He recognized at a sudden that he couldn't move his head... it was kind of squeezed between Maria's arm and thigh and his nose and mouth was tightly pressed against her waist under her big breast, which totally covered his head... He felt disappeared... and scent of soft wool filled both nose and mouth. He tried to get away but it was absolutely impossible. Soon he became aware that also arms and legs were immobilized... He made yet another attempt... but the whole of him was totally stuck... and he understood what was to come but still yelled in surprise and pain when the first blow hit his extremely exposed butt. But his scream drowned in the softness he was tightly squeezed against. He tried to wriggle heavily... but he couldn't.
Elaine hit Michael's bare buttocks rapidly. He flinched and moaned but he was entirely unable in their female vice. There was nothing for him but take his punishment. Elaine got her first orgasm always immediately... and during the arousing session she got several more... When finished, Michael was allowed to weep out in Maria's cuddly arms. She rocked him comforting whilst Elaine leaned back with closed eyes to catch her breathe.
A couple of minutes later Elaine had improved from her spanking orgasms. She got up and left the room, but was soon was back carrying a voluminous pink pack in her arms: "It is time to start your education Michael", she declared. "I told you before that you will be our man, our boy and our little child. You must learn to behave properly and we will start from the beginning. This wonderful overall is for our baby, for you that means.", she explained.
Maria still kept Michael in her comforting embrace when Elaine started with sliding his feet into the pink fuzziness... continued with his legs... which smoothly disappeared in the incredibly thick knitted item.
Still not recovered from the spanking... his butt still hurt and his mood was out of balance and what was going on right now was difficult to grasp... his feet were strangely enough already down in something looking like a knitted overall... including knitted feet...!? Yes... extremely thick knitting covered and enclosed his feet... and Maria pushed him up and soon also his legs were inside the fuzziness. It was like standing up to the waist... in a soft basin. Was it good or bad? Were they cheating on him once again? He sensed danger... Elaine ordered him but also Maria... it was confusing.
The opening was in the back... Michael was directed by Maria to bend forward... to stretch his arms and dive into... Dive with stretched arms into the sleeves and head into inside the darkness... then bow and wriggle at her command. Michael obediently did as he was told and soon the whole of him was inside.
When Michael was in place inside the fuzzy cat suit... they locked it with a durable nylon zipper on the backside... from lower back up to the edge of his shoulder blades. The zipper was hidden behind a knitted flap, part of the suit... and when properly closed one could not discover the hidden zipper. The massive mohair suit seemed to have been knitted directly on Michael's body.
He took a good look at himself... it was amazing. He was surrounded... enclosed... from head to toe in this extremely thick knitted garment... except for a tiny narrow slit for his eyes and a small hole in front of his mouth. He touched his head... and yes, it was inside some kind of hood which seemed to be part of... yes, it was. When looking at his hands he realized they were taken away from him... The sleeves had no openings... they were actually not sleeves but knitted tubes, meaning Michael's hands and arms were locked up... eliminated. He got even more confused... and strangely scared... how would he be able to get out of this? He got dizzy... lost his orientation... "How am I getting out???", he asked straight out, but got no answer.
Maria put her arms around him from behind, held him and his arms along his sides when Elaine placed a solid leather harness on his head... with a peculiar gag attached, in shape of an big rubber teat, which she firmly and quickly pressed deep inside Michael's forcing it wide open, for him to bite over and suck. She tightened all the straps and the harness sank down into the soft mohair... inescapable.
Michael seemed disordered... made actually no attempt to object or fight against... as if he yet not really had understood the extent of what was happening.
When done Elaine and Maria took a step back and watched the result. They touched him and commented the stunningly softness and the perfect fit. Teasingly they dragged him down on the floor, on his back. Maria kneeled at his head, caught it between her thighs and Elaine sat down astride his legs. Efficiently they provided his wrists and ankles with strong shining black leather cuffs.
Lying outmanoeuvred on his back... surprised and not really aware of what had happened he looked up at the standing women... They seemed content... a bad sign. What was really going on? He wanted to know, instantly: "Gggggggggg???" Hell... he couldn't... and again he experienced a freezing cold inside... the gag... they had cut him off... why a teat? Why this situation... he had already been punished... how would he now be able to communicate... discuss? What about getting the opportunity... when enclosed and gagged? He got upset, shouted... but there was no reaction.
In anger Michael tried to get up from the floor. But the bulky suit made him clumsy and he had difficulties getting on his feet. Elaine and Maria helped him where after they took the squirming Michael in their arms. They carried him, in spite of his protests, away through dusky unrevealed parts of the mysterious mansion. Finally they entered a large empty room, where they placed him on his back on a thick wowed carpet.
With a very short metallic chain Maria attached his left wrist to his right ankle and Elaine did the same with his right arm and left leg. His arms were now stretched out along his sides and his legs fully folded. The short chains running under his buttocks connected effectively and troublesome wrist and ankle cuffs and gave him very little room for movement.
Elaine and Maria opened the windows and let the chilly September breeze into the room. They returned to their trapped Michael and kneeled beside him:
"Michael, it's time for reflections", Elaine clarified. "You arrived here this morning and gave yourself to me... to us. And we will not let you out of our hands. Reflect over the fact that since I took you in my arms this morning, you haven't had the slightest little opportunity to escape. And that's how it will be, you will go nowhere. You are our little baby now... and if you behave well you might advance to our boy and maybe even to our man. But we will always keep you in restraints; remember that... you will stay completely helpless.
"We can do whatever we like with you... and believe me, we will. So, take your time and think it over. Reflect over the fact that you are helplessly trapped and never will get out of it... that we will suck you out totally, turn you and your mind inside out."
They stood up and left him lying there. "As I said, Michael", Elaine repeated, "take your time, think it over... see you in a while." And gone they were.
Michael fought his shackles with intense but the short diagonal chains made it impossible... his four limbs were more or less fixated... what could he do? He realized that locked up in this heavy mohair overall, gagged and with his limbs tightly attached to each other... escape was no alternative. He could hardly move at all, he saw no possibility to get out of the restraints... and if, what then should he do... wait for to be caught by the two supreme amazons?
He realized that Elaine was right. He really was in their hands. The two big strong sisters with their physical superiority and their enormously breasts had him trapped. And if it was true... no plans letting him go... what then could he? The answer made him shudder... but also brought strange excitement. To touch and feel the sensual women in their incredibly sensual soft outfits had been absolutely sensational... and strangely enough there also was a dizzy hopeless excitement in being totally helpless in their uncompromising hands... and in this amazing mohair prison.
He sensed the knitted fabric in his nostrils and he knew, as the prisoner he now was... that, he could do nothing but try to relax... wait and see.
Half an hour or may be one hour later... the door opened and Elaine and Maria returned. They were carrying a big child's bed... a crib, with splint sides, which they placed in the middle of the room.
Sitting beside Michael Elaine took a good look, where after she asked: "Dear... have you realized that you are in a state where you are captured, helpless and ours?" Due to the gag Michael could not answer... but he confirmed by slowly nodding.
"Good", Elaine answered short... and showed him teasingly a calendar... very much looking like Michael's own.
He jerked in surprise... It WAS his calendar! Meaning they had searched his private things, his backpack...!! He got angry fought his shackles... got nowhere... wanted to hit her; get it back... this was his personal stuff! But she just smiled... took no notice... just seemed satisfied. "Nnnnnnngg!!!", he cried out to make her understand.
Elaine opened the diary, browsed with curious interest: "It seems like you have holiday the coming two weeks sweetheart... is it true?"
Michael could nothing but nod again while it was obvious and true... he had two weeks holiday right now, free to do whatever he wanted. Although it was not his intention that the two sisters would get to know about it.
"Isn't that fine, little Mike. No one will miss you for two whole weeks... it fits our educational program perfect. And next step when comes to education is to bring you one more layer of helplessness", she informed and got serious: "I will let you up now... but watch out... behave yourself!"
When Michael, who looked forward to be released, had calmed down, Elaine released him from the restraining chains. At the same time Maria joined the group bringing a big solid leather sack. "Look here Michael, it's a baby sleeping bag", she explained. "The finest pink leather and the inside lined with thick soft pink acrylic fabric... for a little baby boy like you, to sleep in, Michael. Isn't it wonderful!?"
Michael objected sharply while he understood what they had in mind... but his protest was overruled. And he could not stop them... starting with his legs, gradually pouring him inside. They continued with his arms, which were pulled into separate internal sleeves. When the whole of Michael was well inside they sealed the sack with a zipper running from down the hips up to his chin. His head came to rest in an open attached hood, which they laced tightly, just leaving his eyes, his nose and the teat gag visible.
Michael tried to struggle but immediately realized it was meaningless and he gave it up. Right now there was nothing for him to do... once again trapped... only even worse... he just couldn't move... another breath-taking experience... just lie there and look upon the superior sisters. Why?? He wanted to ask... but no one listened to his objections...
Together Elaine and Maria lifted the sack containing Michael and placed it in the crib, in high position. With a snap link Elaine secured the head end of the sack to the bed bottom... and the same Maria did with the sack's foot end. Michael, lying flat and fastened, surrounded by solid splints... looking up at the two big women in their soft black knitted dresses with their gigantic bosoms swaying over him... was not able to do anything; he was more helpless than he ever had been that day.
Finally, Elaine released a hidden flap, part of the pink mohair suit, and blindfolded the restrained Michael thoroughly. Her Michael. Encapsulated, blindfolded and gagged he was once again left on his own.