- Author - FictitiousSlave
- Rating -
    [ 4.13 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1412 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, consensual, armbinder, bondage
- Post Date - 2/3/2014
Author's Note: Quick and light story about a couple's visit to a sex shop.
My wife and I were visiting the south coast for a week, we'd both been working far too many hours recently and the time away was a much needed respite from the hustle of day to day life. Slowly we wove our way along the quiet quiet country roads, a sea view appeared here and there.
As we rounded the corner to our destination we caught out first sight of the dramatic hotel. Centuries old its bay windows looked out over the sea. I'm not going to bore you with an in depth description of our meal but suffice it to say we were delighted with the spread. We were just making our way out to the car park when we noticed the sign for a sale upstairs, an adult sale.
Feeling a residual friskiness from our morning's love making and my wife being unable to walk past a sale of any type we decided to venture upstairs.
The room itself was rather contradictory, the high majestic ceilings of the old hotel seemed at odds to the shelves upon shelves of sex toys and pornography around us. There were five other people in the expansive room, another couple giggling over an enormous dildo in one of the far corners, an older gentleman behind the counter and two young girls working the shop floor.
While the older man wore the staple leather trousers of a sex shop worker but the girls were far more inventively dressed. Both the blonde and brunette were eighteen or nineteen years old and had figures that made grown men sob with lust. I could tell this because their uniforms consisted of nothing more than a French maid's doily apron. Tied at each girl's waist the thin material almost preserved their modesty but left their legs, breasts and asses on full display.
My wife and I wandered the aisles, we commented on the odd toy, laughed at something we'd never seen before and gawked in astonishment when we discovered something which some people are into... Usual sex shop stuff. As we made our way down one of the alcoves I felt a hand sliding across my stomach, Angela had taken the opportunity to creep behind me and her hand was sliding irrestably down the front of my jeans.
Quickly I glanced around but there was no one in sight, the shelves of toys hid our view of the counter and no one else was nearby. Slowly I grinned as my wife unbuckled my belt, slid to her knees and took my already hard cock in her hands. I gasped as she touched. Her hands were cold and I was extremely aroused - we'd played in some rather unusual places but in the middle of a sex shop with topless (In fact if I was honest with myself, nude) shop assistants had to top the list!
My eyes began to close as Angela found her rhythm, I'm a sucker for a handjob and within a moment or two my heart was pounding, my legs were shaking and I was having trouble standing.
"You aught to try this..." Came a voice from in front of me, quickly my eyes snapped open as my wife's head flicked around in fear. It was the young girl, the brunette. I'd only seen her from a distance earlier and suddenly I realised she was even prettier close up!
The assistant had a short bob cut which just tickled the tops of her shoulders, she'd had it highlighted at one point and the light brown was still visible at the tips. Her big brown eyes looked at me twinkling. Instinctively I looked for her name tag but was rewarded instead with a view of her left breast. As my eyes wandered over the young girl's nubile physique I spotted the tube of lube she was holding.
"May I?" She asked, without waiting for an answer the brunette slid to her knees beside my wife.
Squeezing a large amount of the colourless gel from the tube over her delicate hands she picked up my cock. The lube made her hands cold to the touch and I twitched as she made contact. Slowly her hands began to work up and down my shaft.
"It's an improved formula." She explained as she rubbed me up and down.
"What's new about it?" Angela asked skeptically. I had to agree, as much as was enjoying the demonstration what was there to improve with lube - it's moist and slippery!
"It tastes better!" The young girl explained before drawing her tongue expertly from one of my testicles to the tip of my cock.
Quickly Angela moved into position, her lips closed around me and I felt her tongue swirling away inside her mouth.
She released me and grinned "We'll have to get some of that!". I had to agree.
"Can I help you with anything else?" Our brunette asked as she got to her feet. My mind fell apart the question.
"Those armbinders," Angela asked indicating the shelf behind us "how do you tie someone into them?" Our young sales assistant turned and took one of the leather contraptions off the shelf.
"They're not complicated," she assured my wife "would you like me to show you?" Angela's eyes gleamed
"Yes please!" the young woman turned to me, "would you mind?" she asked. I began to shake my head but my wife interrupted me "You can't, your shoulder remember!" I swore under my breath but our young friend interrupted me.
"Oh, you mustn't if you've got a injury! Here, you can put it on me!" she beamed.
lI watched in rapture as Angela was instructed how to slide her partner's hands into the black monoglove. She looped the leather strap under the arms and over the neck as instructed. With the band in place there was no way the restraint could slip off. Under instruction she began to tighten the laces of the glove, first at the bottom then moving up towards the top. Each time she reached the young girl's flesh she began once again at the bottom drawing the two pieces of leather together and tightening the device.
Finally she was done and her captive spun on the spot "There's an extra strap there to go around my waist and through my legs to make sure I can't slip my hands out." Finding the straps my wife ran the first over the young girl's hips and into the loop of the leather glove, the belt was clearly meant to stop her pulling her arms away from herself but the tie of her mini-apron was getting in the way. After a couple of frustrated attempts the pair gave up.
"Oh just take it off..." I heard her hiss, quickly Angela undid the simple knot and allowed the white material to fall to the floor.
With the belt tied around her waist the pair's attention moved to the second strap, this was was designed to sit between the legs and prevent the submissive sliding their hands up and releasing the glove that way. As my wife worked I simply watched as her nibble fingers drew the thin leather strap between the lips of her young prisoner, the freshly shaved pussy hid nothing and I could barely contain my delight as I saw the leather bite deep into her sensitive labia.
"Tight enough?"
The young girl grinned, the strap across the top of her chest caused her breasts to bulge out and the one between her legs emphasised her pussy.
"Think you can escape?" asked my wife again. Her prisoner shook her head.
"Really!?" she exclaimed
"Really! Try it yourself!"
Never one to refuse a challenge my wife was the next on line to try one of the leather devices. I briefly wondered as I followed our eager young helper's instructions where the other people had gone. The couple had vanished and the blonde's white apron lay over the counter. Perhaps she'd gone for lunch? I couldn't see any sign of the man - that didn't surprise me, he was either giving us some privacy or off wanking behind a shelf somewhere!
With the leather glove fastened around my wife's arms I moved onto the straps. With her fitted jeans there was no obstruction and the black belts fitted beautifully into place.
"So have 'Rock Hard Toys' had a busy week? I asked the captured beauty beside me. She shrugged, as best she could in her bondage.
"I've got no idea, Sarah and I work for the hotel, we're only working the shop today and tomorrow then we're back to the restaurant. " I couldn't explain it but the image of this young beauty who I'd now seen naked and bound waiting tables in a silver service environment turned me on. If she didn't work for the company holding the event then how did she have such a wide knowledge of the stock!?
"Kinky little minx!" I thought to myself.
"Is there any of that lube left?" Asked Angela, with a grin and a glance at a nearby shelf our little helper pointed it out to me.
While I was applying the sweet smelling gel to my cock and balls the two young women took their places on their knees either side of me.
As one they moved towards me entrapping my erect cock between two pairs of lips. Any gentle teasing from before was quickly forgotten as the pair worked me relentlessly. My wife has always given spectacular blowjobs but I was amazed at the skills of the young brunette. Effortlessly her tongue swept up and down my shaft as Angela licked and sucked on my balls.
It wasn't long before I was reaching orgasm. Apparently deciding that her companion had earned her reward my wife gave her friend centre stage. The brown bob bobbed up and down as she worked me, with her arms still trapped by the leather armbinder she had to put in extra effort and she knew it!
For me the young girl's work ethic was never in question. Her mouth drew me irresistibly towards climax and my body obliged. She sank back as I came allowing the milky white fluid to trickle from her grinning mouth, over her delicate chin and down towards her pale breasts.
Once I'd released both women from their leather bondage the warm cum had hardened on the brunette's face and chest. Unperturbed she helped herself to a bottle on the shelf beside her.
"Fluid Remover..." I read as she rubbed the substance into her skin. I watched as the flaky cum began to break down.
"We'll need some of that too!" My wife commented.
The End
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