'Why don't you have a full time job?'
The sound of that question had been echoing around the room like a broken record. I found myself regarding the speaker with a contempt and disgust I'd never felt for her before. Oh I'd known she could always be a little bit self-righteous and judgmental but I'd reckoned on having earned a little tact from her.
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Her name's Helene and she's got the standard family with two kids and not much else to show for her life about from a load of friends who'll smile to her face and stab her in the back the moment she say's a wrong word on Facebook. I've known her ever since I started working in the same petrol station as her three years ago. So far I'd been spared that question but today it would seem my luck ran out.
'Why don't you have a full time job?' Helene asked again. I thought about telling her if only to wipe that smug expression off her face, but quickly thought better of it. If I were to tell Helene the truth it would be spread around within minutes. She's never far away from her phone, even though she shouldn't have it anywhere near the till.
That time I had to keep quiet, because I wasn't sure how things were going to pan out and even if they did, the last thing I wanted was Helene shouting off her big fat mouth to the whole world.
So I kept quiet, even though I'm fuming on the inside and dreaming of being able to give her first hand experience of my new job. You see not long after that my boyfriend and slave helped me to set up as a Dominatrix.
I've known I was into BDSM since I was still at school. There I listened to the boys making jokes about it and imagined what it would be like to have them under my control. I had to wait till University before I actually got to enjoy it though. There I met a beautiful boy named Caleb. Shy, awkward, he stumbled over his words when I finally got to talk about his hidden desires.
We started slow. I taught him the slave positions and got him used to the idea of being bound. For a collar I used a simple silk tie. He looked beautiful and I took plenty of pictures of him, which I used to masturbate to whenever I was alone. I used to do it in front of him of course. It would drive him wild but it also taught him who was in charge.
It wasn't to last however. After University he found a job that paid the big bucks and I didn't; we went our separate ways and I carried on working the same petrol station job I'd got in my second year to pay for books and food. I had more boyfriends after University but none of them was ever that willing to go along with what I wanted so I carried on drifting along. Then I met my current boyfriend.
To say he's different would be an understatement. He doesn't speak much. He hasn't told me much about himself; even his name was a mystery for a while. When he finally told me it was Mark, I felt as if I'd just reached the summit of some great peak. As for his family, he's never offered to introduce me to them and to be honest, I'm not entirely sure he has one. What I do know about Mark is that, whatever he does for a living, it provides him with a lot of money, and secondly that he must really enjoy being my slave.
I know that where submissives are concerned, there's a lot of variety. Caleb was happy to do whatever I wanted provided it was between us. Whenever I toyed with the idea of someone else being involved he'd put his foot down and say no. With the guys I messed around with after University, well they were happy to be tied up and wear a blindfold, but try and introduce a gag or a hood and they would back out. That always meant the end of the relationship.
With Mark though, he'll do anything I say. Now I've had clients like that but for them it was the pleasure of serving me and of finding themselves on the other end of that master-servant relationship. Certainly a lot of them have jobs where they give the orders and make the decisions, so it can be relaxing to be told what to do. With Mark I think it's about more than just serving me. I think it's about being degraded, about being nothing more than my slave.
I met Mark on a bondage dating website and once we'd got talking I knew I wanted him to be mine. While he identified as a submissive, the fact that he refused to give me his name voluntarily, I had to actually order to tell me in the end, really drew me in. For him it's all about the pain, physical and emotional, that I can give him.
Now before I met Mark I would never have thought of myself as a Sadist. Certainly I never hurt Caleb unless he felt he deserved punishment.
Mark though enjoys being flogged or caned. He loves being paddled. He loves licking my boots, sucking my strap-on dildo, or taking it up his backside. It was Mark who suggested I go professional and it was he who paid for my studio and equipment. Part of me felt I shouldn't have let him do it, that I should still be able to support myself if Mark ever left me. Yet I know he won't.
Mark becomes the slave whenever he's around me. When I come home, he'll be waiting for me with a glass of wine, kneeling by the front door and naked save for the hood and collar I make him wear. While I'm relaxing with the glass of wine, he'll run me a bath then he carries me upstairs, gently removes my clothes before going down on me. Once I'm satisified he bathes me then towels me dry.
After that he cooks me tea and kneels by the side of my chair while I eat. I'll tell him about my day and then after he's washed the dishes, I'll take out my frustrations on him. The night of Helene's little tirade I struck his back until it was red raw, then I fucked him. Now I've made love with Mark plenty of times. He's my boyfriend and I adore him for the warmth and security he gives me, so I make love to him. When I'm angry, he's there to be used as a receptacle, so I fuck him.
That night I plunged into him, causing his whole body to strain and buck at the restraints that kept him anchored to the wooden horse he was lying on. Afterwards I left him in his cage while I paced around the house. I was afraid I'd hurt him, but when I finally got back down to him and asked him about it he thanked me and took me into his arms so I could talk some more about how angry I was with Helene.
He listened without complaint, taking in every word, even though I'd already said it all earlier that evening. When I was finished, he remained silent. I looked at him long and hard before telling him to take off his hood. He did so, sitting there with his hair plastered to his face from sweat. I told him to tell me what he was thinking.
He repeated that offer again like Satan tempting Eve with the apple. I wanted to tell him no, but after everything that had happened with Helene, I knew I had to accept Mark's offer or I'd end up tearing the bitch to pieces. So I told him I accepted his offer and that he could start setting things up in the morning. Before he could thank me I told him to put on a ball gag him and just hold me for a while. Then I made him put on his maid outfit and clean up our little dungeon while I watched. After that we went to bed together, with both of us actually in the bed rather than me lying between the sheets and him in the cage that was under the bed.
The next day was my last at work. It was going pretty well if only because I didn't have to deal with Helene and with any luck I'd never see her again, then a guy came in. He's forgotten his wallet and he wanted to know what I was going to do about it.
'Well the first thing is that I'm going to tell you to apologise for speaking to me like that and then I'm going to spank you so you learn the proper respect' is what I'd have loved to say but that would have lead to too many awkward questions from well, everyone, especially the girl I'm on the tills with. So instead I smiled and gave the customer my best.
'Well sir, do you have any ID on you?'
'Because if you do we can fill out a form and you can come back with the money later'.
'Can't I pay over the phone?'
'I'm sorry sir but we don't have that facility'.
'Why not? Do you think I'll try and stiff you or something?'
This went on as I patiently explained our procedures to the customer and he became angrier and angrier until finally demanding to know outright why I'm 'accusing him of trying to steal something?'
'I'm not sir, I'm simply explaining our procedures to you'.
Afterwards when he was gone I made a vow not to take this out on Mark again, even if he begged me to. Cindy, the girl I'm on with, leaned over and whispered.
'Thanks. I don't think I could have stayed so calm'.
My response to that was simple.
Thankfully that night I didn't take out my anger I Mark. Instead we made love again and again and again, because that night was the best night of my life. I never had to go back to standing behind a till in that Petrol Station.
After that day I am the Mistress, secure and in control as you grovel before me in my dungeon. The clients I see there are a lot more respectful. Yet after that customer back at the petrol station I can't help wonder if that respect comes from the control I have over them or because they've given their money to me and not some company with a logo and a managing director they'll never see, in a big swanky office block three hundred miles to the south. I fulfil their fantasies and I do it well whether it's straightforward domination or bondage or something more elaborate such as forced feminisation. Doesn't matter, I'm just as happy either way
Now I've got a website and there are pictures of me on it, but none of them show my face. I don't hide, I just don't show it; every shot is tastefully angled away from my face. So my clients don't know what I look like for sure until they get here. None of them are ever disappointed. Granted, I don't necessarily know what they look like either but sometimes a client may start online, remote domination with me first. That way they get a feel for it and don't end up over their heads.
With such clients I do get to know what they look like, without ever letting them see my face of course. It adds another layer to the idea of me dominating them. So imagine my surprise when the day after I've dealt with that rude customer who had no wallet, he contacts me through my website expressing his interest in BDSM.
As I sit down night after night, parking my bum on Marks's back while I check my e-mails, thing progressed quickly with my new client. Within a month he wanted to see me at my dungeon and so I set up the session. Before proceeding though I check with my friends still at the petrol station and found out that while the guy did go back and pay he was very rude about it. Unfortunately Cindy served him and when he shouted at her, she shouted back at him and now she's going to get an informal warning. I'd love to have her watching when I teach him a good lesson, but sadly she's far too straight-laced for anything like that.
The day comes and I quickly go over the list of what this guy wants. His name's Brian, he's forty-two, works for a big bank earning six figures a year and he's into extreme humiliation. This I already knew.
I've asked Mark to help me and he's only too happy to. When Brian rings my doorbell that morning, it's Mark who answers it. Opening the door to find yourself facing a masked, hulking brute clad in leather, for Mark takes good care of his body, is undoubtedly quite unsettling, but I'm no mood to take it easy on Brian, not after he's got into Cindy into trouble with his bad attitude.
Mark tells him that the Mistress is waiting upstairs before handing him an envelope. Inside is a letter from me instructing Brian to follow the slave's instructions and give the money to him. Brian hands over the money we agreed on and Mark makes a show of slowly, deliberately counting it. Then he tells Brian he isn't satisified it's all there and makes him lay it all out on the floor, note by note, all the while with Mark standing over him.
Then when Mark's finally satisified he tells Brian to pick up every note and carefully place it back in the envelope. Mark orders Brian to wait while he hands me the envelope. I drag it out as long as I can then I walk into the room where Brian's waiting, Mark crawling behind me with the handle of a leash attached to his collar in my hand. Brian gulps upon seeing this for Mark is a good head taller than I am and a lot stronger. That he chooses to submit to me makes for a striking impression and for a moment I wonder if Brian is simply going to bolt for the front door and cut his losses.
He stays though and I tell him to strip and kneel before me.
'In front of him?' he blurts out.
'Of course in front of him you idiot! He's a slave just like you and all slaves should be naked'.
He hurriedly strips off and I laugh at the podgy man kneeling in front of me.
'What a pathetic looking specimen you are, but I guess you'll have to do'
'Yes' Brian says.
I slap him.
'You address me as Mistress at all times'.
'Yes Mistress' he says shrilly and I slap him again.
'What do you say to your Mistress?'
'Thank you Mistress'.
'Better' I sneer before ordering him to follow Mark and I upstairs.
As he crawls along behind us, all the time forced to stare at Mark's arse, I'm trying not to lick my lips with the thought of what's to come. He doesn't know it's me yet as I'm wearing a domino mask over my eyes. I can't wait to take it off but all in good time.
Brian's paid for a two-hour session so after I secure Mark in the cage by the wall, making sure it only looks like I've locked it, I get to work on the worthless miscreant who thinks he's worthy of my time and attention. I start by shackling his hands above his head before gagging him with the knickers, by now quite pungent, that I was wearing yesterday. I slap him a good few times before warming up his bum with liberal applications of my paddle. Then I start taking the pictures.
After that we progress further up the food chain, the butt plug I've shoved between his cheeks slowly growing bigger every half hour as I get him ready for the finale. It's a beautiful sight and I've never been prouder of my art. I unleash a masterpiece of degradation that produces waves of shame that wash over Brian in an unrelenting surge of humiliation and abasement. As we approach the hour mark he's wearing one of my more revealing maid's uniforms and scrubbing the floor, only his hands are tied behind his back and the brush is attached to a gag in his mouth. It takes him ages to slowly scrub one small part of the floor. I wish he'd booked a longer session because it'll take him all day to clean the floor at the rate he's forced to work.
If he goes too fast, he'll fall on his face and if he goes too slowly, my cane comes down on his exposed bottom. Swish! He cries out in pain, which results in him falling over again and my cane adding another stripe to those he's already earned. I'm laughing at his predicament and of course, as he shuffles along, pushing the bucket of water around the room with his gagged head, I'm taking picture after picture.
Finally as we get to the end of the session, he's sucking away on my strap-on dildo like a merry little cocksucker. He's so eager and earnest that I'd swear he's a natural so I happily take things to the next level. Mark has been standing in his cage all the while, quiet and obedient. I take him and secure him to the St Andrew's cross on one of the sidewalls. I secure him so he's facing outward, then I tell Brian to suck him dry.
Brian swallows hard as I throw the condom packet at him.
'Now you worthless slut!' I shout and Brian hurriedly crawls over, hesitant fingers reaching out to touch Mark's cock.
'Not like that! Make him hard with your tongue'.
Again there's hesitation until my cane makes itself felt again on his already battered flesh. He screams but that craven tongue reaches out to lick tentatively at Mark's cock. Before long it's hard and Brian applies the condom. Then he starts to suck.
I'm snapping away and fingering myself with joy as Brian gives in to desires he keeps carefully hidden from the world behind the odious exterior that's made me take his request to utterly debase him so much to heart. When Mark's body bucks with orgasm I lead Brian onto the wooden horse and then I take him myself. There's a large mirror in front of us and I scream at Brian to look at what he has become. I make him thank me for it and he does, over and over until his gratitude for being helped to discover how low he really is has become a non-stop litany of thanks. Then I take off the domino mask.
'You' he says, shocked.
'Yes, me' I cry triumphantly.
He doesn't not know what to say, but as the adrenaline wears off due to the surprise I've given him and pain takes over he tries to apologise.
'I'm sorry Mistress' he says.
'Sorry for what slave?' I demand to know.
'I'm sorry for how I behaved towards you'.
'Sorry that you berated me in public? That no matter how helpful and polite I was to you, you thought you could carry on with your little tirade as if you were the most important man in the world'.
'I'm sorry Mistress' Brian says, too terrified to actually think of anything that might satiate my revenge.
'Sorry that you acted as if you were the most important man in the world! A worthless little nobody like you! That you were the only one who mattered?'
'Yes Mistress; I'm sorry I didn't show you the proper respect. I'm sorry that you had to serve me. I'm sorry that I'm a worthless little nobody. I'm sorry Mistress!'
All that wailing and he still hasn't said anything about Cindy, the twat.
'Not nearly sorry enough!' I shout at him, fucking him all the harder as all the anger I've felt at him and Helene and everything that's wrong with my life comes flooding back.
Afterwards I tell Brian not to bother coming back. I'm done with him now. Instead I release Mark from the cross, tear off his hood and tell him I want him, there and then. We make love all over the house and I thank him for all his help and ask how I can repay him.
He looks at me with surprise.
'Mistress, you let me serve you. No reward is greater than that'.