Author's Note: Another round of 'training' for the plague demoness Jessi; brought to you by the Dominatrix, Maus. Not a sequel to 'Jessicka's New Role' per se, but simply another enjoyable moment in Jessicka's training, with all new clothing and toys!
The demoness had been living with this new-fangled collar for the better part of a month now, and every time it was 'activated', it surprised her - It seemed capable of doing anything, even thwarting her demonic powers at times. Jessicka is a plague and pestilence demon, a very rare type with a very specific usage that few demons or humans encounter - Though it happens that these type LACK 'proper' personality, great physical strength like most other demons, fire-based powers, but all the same fun brought on by a low sense of self-discipline.
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Jessicka figured she could poison the Maus at a moments notice, but that didn't quite seem poetic enough - The easy way out. Revenge is nowhere near as sweet if dolled out heavy-handedly and overtly aggressive- This is the mantra Jessicka repeated in her head to fight the various sorts of mind-control and hypnosis Maus brought on; as much torture and sexual abuse from the Maus she's taken, it would be far too easy to just END her. It had to be personal, specific, and really grind into the mouse before taking her soul and ending that sadist via almost any method available. It might take months, even years, but revenge would be had...eventually, and it would be the most satisfying part of her multi-century existence! Maus simply figured that Jessicka was a masochist, and always wanted a pony, so she abused that perceived masochism quite a bit - She'd end up with a pony to call her own, after all!
Jessicka knew 'the Maus' could control the ambient latex collar via an app on her phone, but she never had a chance to try and steal the phone to free herself, Jessicka was typically kept in moderate to heavy bondage around Maus, be it on purpose or pleasure. For all the knowledge Jessicka contained, 'advanced' technology was still a curiosity to her - She was not *borne*, given she was not birthed, but rather *created* via two Demonic Lords, ritualising a being that contained both of their demonic powers (though obviously nowhere near as powerful) as well as parts of the personality of the person it possesses to live amongst the surface world in the turn of the first millenia. Jessicka has no actual form outside of Hell, thus the need to possess a human body (she prefers those recently dead, because they have no 'will', that which could deny her access), but it renders her susceptible to many human devices and issues as well.
This was one of those moments. Jessicka had jumped Maus, but that bitch had a nasty bite that Jessi was not prepared for, and rendered the arm that had attempted to lock up across her throat uselessly weak, meaning the chokehold was hardly applying pressure. The Maus had her own form of chokehold, though it required no strength at all - A simple unlocking of her phone, opening up the collars' app, and it's liquidy state activated. A couple taps later, the collar shot out a thin layer of its latex from all sides that would all curve upwards and meet at the top over her horns, resealing into a rubber hood with no apparent seams or removal method, but most importantly, no holes. It was fairly tight on Jessicka's head and face, but it hardly mattered, the air became heavier and quickly sapped of oxygen - It certainly did not help that Jessi was panicking as she frantically grabbed and pawed at the hood as well as the collar - It was immune to her claws as well as her horns and simply stretched further from her neck when pulled, but not loosening about her neck at all, nor bringing in any fresh air. Jessicka had obviously let go of the Maus, and slowly collapsed to the floor. Quite susceptible to this kind of treatment, and was knocked out within just a few minutes of the hood sealing on. Maus had simply watched...and waited, the sadist in her was clearly enjoying watching the rubber-clad demon feebly fight the cursed collar.
The Maus not-so-gently kicked Jessi in the ribs to make sure she was out, and moved onto punishing the demoness - Though it wasn't JUST punishment, there was a lesson in this, or rather...training. Maus knew Jessi couldn't control the body if it lacked air - it was one of those humanising aspects of possession, but she also knew that none of the organs nor the brain could be damaged by these means either - Jessicka's regeneration ability allowed for the Maus to prefer MANY deadly acts on the demoness, knowing she'd...eventually make it out just fine. Picking up the limp demoness and bringing her into the 'Exercise' Room, that Jessi knew better as the 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears' Room. Maus had ordered some custom pieces that would certainly...excite the masochist in Jessi, but would also serve as a reminder of her position. They were already prepped too, layered with a gel that allowed butter-smooth application of the latex, but would seep into the skin upon being heated up, and remain like that until washed off with a very specific soap - Leaving the flesh akin to being as smooth as latex.
The hood remained on Jessi, but the rest had to go. Removing the gloves off Jessi first, the Maus was soon onto the hoof stockings, and finally onto the double-plugged hi-cut leotard she had gotten Jessicka for her birthday - Much like the hood, the leotard lacked seams and zipper as well, so it likely wasn't kept on by choice. Maus had to deflate the plugs first, attaching a small handpump before twisting the valve open to allow all the air to escape, and repeating for the anal plug soon after. Jessicka had tried many times and many ways to deflate the plugs, but the access was blocked by the complex metal locking system. The Maus returned to her phone, and opened up a different app, rolling Jessicka over onto her chest and re-activating the plastic-like zipper, making it come to the surface of the bodysuit before unzipping it and tugging it off the knocked out demoness.
The outfit consisted of three bright pink pieces - Jessicka hated pink - plus the hood that Jessicka already 'wore'. Latex pants, clearly customised by the obvious seamlessly attached thick-soled hoof-boots, and the internal plugs that sat in the seat with inconspicuous tubes trailing down the legs, along with a nubby metal patch that seemed like it'd land perfectly against Jessicka's clit - It was going to provide both a rough texture for the demonesses clit to be forced to grind upon, as well as an even nastier prize. A steel waist band would assure that the pants couldn't be removed, and given the Jessicka-specific size of the pants, they were unlikely to be moved much at all. These pants were forced up Jessicka's legs right after Maus had injected Jessi with the special serum that morphed her hooves back into humanoid feet, and with careful attention, the plugs were inserted and sank in deep until the pants sat perfectly on her hips - Though they were not locked on yet.
A rubber shirt was next off the rack, the most obvious thing about them were the long, tight looking sleeves that ended in matching hoof-gloves. The inside of the gloves were designed so that while the hand was fed into the sleeve, the hand would curl around and an internal ball of sorts that was designed to fit the hand in a cupped position - Allowing a much easier application of the shirt upon a not so willing...incapacitated subject, but also would keep their hand comfortable once they could grip it. The second most obvious thing about the shirt was the prominent chest area, a corset was clearly built into the shirt as well, but it lent the eyes to the pre-shaped breasts. The inside was even more devious; rather than a simple open chest, there were smallish holes that the breasts had to be fed through, and even deeper inside, one could see that the nipple area was metal-lined, similar to the clit area of the pants.
Much like the leotard Jessicka had worn, this shirt opened up in the back, and once Jessi's arms were fed through the sleeves and hands set in the gloves, special attention was paid to squishing her moderately sized breasts through the small holes until her body was flush with the rubber. Lacing up the corset was next, the Maus had a very special metal wire she used that was similar to string in terms of flexibility, but was very difficult to cut through - Specialty bolt cutters were required if the knot was impossible to untie. After tightening it down and tying it off, the Maus pulled the tight shirt together and zipped it shut, then making that zipper disappear into the rubber by means of the phone app. The shirt was a tad on the long side, which seemed quite purposeful, as she was soon stuffing it into the still-open pants of the demoness. Once that was completed, the pants were zipped up and locked via the heavy metal belt.
The final piece wasn't nearly as fun as the other two, nor as fancy - A simple bitgag with a pencil-sized hole in the center to complete the ponification of Jessicka. Abusing the hoods' stretchiness, the Maus pressed the rubber bar against Jessicka's mouth until it sank in, and she quickly tightened it around the back, dropping a cutesy heart-lock on it just in case. Sitting Jessi up against a treadmill, Maus admired the way the hood clutched the face - Especially around the mouth area with the gag, but her work wasn't done yet. Dragging the limp demoness onto the treadmill and locking the hoof-gloves to a short chain that would allow Jessi to bring her arms up about chest high, but nowhere near long enough to have her jumping off the treadmill. Though there was an extra measure Maus went to, it wasn't necessary - None of this was really - But it was one of the highlights of the silly pink outfit Jessi wore. A steel cord was tugged from the base unit of the treadmill and connected to the metal belt of the pants, it was retractable, but didn't necessarily pull on Jessi, it simply kept the cord taut. Now that everything was complete, the clothing app was closed and the collar app was opened, the Maus kept the hood in place, but relaxed the collar, and opened up holes for the eyes and ears. Another swift kick to the ribs and Jessicka was shocked awake, almost as if she had simply been asleep the whole time - Although she was quite groggy as her brain kicked back into gear.
Maus picked a heavy duty looking crop off the wall and quickly thwacked Jessi on the ass, this got her attention, but also got her moving up onto her feet - The new boots were shaped much like her hooves, but the way she had to stand in them with regular humanoid feet lent pressure directly onto a large bulb built into the soles - There was no way to NOT step on them. The 'fun' part was when Jessi steadied herself on both feet, both plugs were inflated now - The already large plugs were inflated to nearly twice their size, much larger than the inflated plugs she had in the leotard. Though this drew out a hefty moan and caused Jessi to lift up one 'hoof', then the other, discovering that the plugs would stay inflated as long as she was applying weight, but instantly shrank down to 'normal' size when the weight was removed. One 'hoof' inflated the plug in her pussy, the other inflated the one in her ass. These motions also made Jessi acutely aware of the metal lining pressed against her poor clit, the nubs weren't sharp by any means, but provided an intense sensation as she moved her legs, pulling the pants one way or the other, and brushing the nubs to and fro across her clit.
"Hmm...10 miles per hour should suffice..." The Maus murmured loudly, Jessi stood there groaning with the two fat plugs in her - Glaring at the Maus over her shoulder. Maus smiled and moved around to the front, pushing the 'on' button and dialing it up several notches - The buttons were sunk into the panel, so one would have to have fingers to change any of thesettings. "Oh, and if this cord right here-" she 'twangs' the cord coming from the treadmill to the belt, "-reaches a certain length...you'll feel a slight...encouragement to keep up." The dastardly part of the treadmill, was that it lacked side platforms. There were safety bars to keep Jessi on it, but with her arms hooked to the front panel, she couldn't reach them, and the bars themselves were built into the base so that there was certainly no place to stand.
Jessicka was trudging along at first, she still hadn't come to grips with what was happening, but the cord reached its max length - A little over halfway on the treadmill - And she soon learned what was meant by 'encouragement'. A sudden, and pronounced shock came to her nipples and clit, causing her to make a strange moan-yelping noise - It was startling and slightly painful, but it seemed calibrated to jolt and 'encourage', rather than outright stun. Maus had certainly thought this through, and that worried Jessi, but she hardly had time to think about it as she had to catch up with the treadmill. "Left right left right, HUP HUP HUP!" Shouted Maus, whilst cropping Jessi's rear and thighs harshly to get her in gear as the treadmill reached 10 miles per hour. "Fun, innit? This should get your legs nice and toned." As if someone might suddenly barge in, Maus closed a bullet-proof glass panel over the controls and locked it - It was more for dramatic effect, it'd be one of the last things Jessi sees after all. The panel also had a 'pocket' built in, which Maus placed an mp3 player in.
"There'll be a water tube that comes out of the dashboard every so often-" loaded with aphrodisiacs and energy supplements of course, "- just shove the center of your gag on it, and it'll do the rest, make sure to get it past the hood as well. Speaking of which-" Maus returned to her phone, closed up the eye holes. Taking the earbuds connected to the mp3 player and popping them in one ear of Jessi, then the other, Maus tapped the final button to close up the ear holes - Sealing the earbuds inside. Jessicka was moaning steadily and already panting around the gag; there were a few air holes in inconspicuous places around the hood, as well as nose holes, but the mouth was sealed shut except for a very tiny pin-prick hole for the water tube to stretch through. Jessi found her rhythm, having to move at a pace somewhere between running and jogging - Her holes were aching already, being alternately filled to the brim and then emptied, only to rapidly be filled to the brim again.
"Oops!" Maus gasped. "I forgot to set a distance before I locked the panel." Jessi whined loudly upon hearing that. "Ah well. I gotta find the key to the lock anyhow. Have fun, Kriegspferd." That was Jessi's pony name, it was tactful, but she hated it. The next thing Jessi heard was a soft, hypnotising voice that chanted encouraging phrases like: "Good pony, keep up the pace!", "Ponies that keep pace are rewarded!", "Breath in through the snout, and out the mouth." Other than the encouraging phrases with not-so-subtle wording, Jessi heard the heavy thud of the 'Exercise' Room door closing. Keeping an orgasm at bay while keeping herself mentally sound were her new found tortures, aside from the obvious clothing she wore.
Maus could sit there and watch her pony all day, but she DID have to find those keys...and maybe get a few new high scores in her recently purchased video games...and finish off the previous season of her favourite zombie show before it returns...