- Author - Naga di Kandang
- Rating -
  [ 2.85 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2832 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, reluctant, analplay, bondage, pegging
- Post Date - 1/17/2014
Author's Note: This started as an assignment Jalan (my owner) gave me: two pages of raunchy dialogue, with no further detail. I tend to be prudish--for a pervert--in my language and writing, so it's not as "raunchy" as it could be, but practice! So you'll note no stage setting or description, but pure dialogue. It's also pretty much my first attempt at fiction.
Scene 1
Diana: Bruce, you do know this rope can't be broken, don't you?
Bruce: I know they say that.
Diana: Well, I know that's the truth from you, at least. Let's see.
Bruce: What the fuck are you doing, Diana? Ugh
Diana: That's Wonder Woman to you, Bruce. And I'm tying your hands, obviously. Tell me you didn't want this. You can't lie while you're in it.
Bruce: Is that what Clark sai-oof
Diana: Answer the fucking question.
Bruce: Ok, yes, I wanted to use your lasso. But not this way, Dia-ahh!-Wonder Woman.
Diana: Sauce for the goose, Bruce? And nevermind what Clark said - that's between him and me. I might tell you later, if you bheave - but they don't call him the Big Blue Boy Scout for nothing. Mmm, that man with a rope
Diana: Now that I've got you - what do I do with you? Nothing? Cat got your tongue?
Bruce: Leave Selina out of this!
Diana: Ooh, touchy subject? Selina and that whip? And those boots? Nevermind. I've got some questions about you two, but I'll come back to that. You'll still be telling the truth. Now there's something I can do with you that I can't with Clark unless he lets me. I'm almost as strong as he is, you know.
Bruce: What are you ta-ermph.
Diana: That's it Bruce. You try to breathe into that pillow. That will keep you busy while I do this.
Bruce: mmph-ermph-urrrh?
Diana: It's called a strappado. Well, not quite - for that you'd be standing. But I want you on your belly - and your cock pressing into the bed. Good thing this lasso is long, isn't it? Nevermind, don't answer. Keep biting the pillow. Hmm. It can reach from your wrists to the headboard, and have both ends free to pull up your ankles. Isn't this fun? Don't bother to answer that, either. Getting squirmy, I see. Trying to get that huge cock of yours comfortable, while you're enjoying yourself? From the way you're wriggling, I bet it's pointed to the side. I hear that's really unpleasant.
Bruce: Hrowph?
Diana: How do I know it's huge? Just chalk it up to "girl talk." I told you I'd have questions for you about Selina. But it can't be too comfortable, being hard and pushed into the mattress. Too damn bad for you.
Bruce: Whff?
Diana: You keep trying to talk, Bruce. I'd gag you, but it's so cute. Don't worry, this position is going to keep your face levered into the bed. Well, I won't worry. You can do all the worrying you want. Now, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. I know, I know, trite. But how often will I get to say that to you? Unless you really are having fun. Then maybe next time you'll agree more easily.
Diana: Better. Those star-spangled shorts of mine were getting soaked through. Hmm, maybe I should gag you after all, now that I've got something good for it. Then you could taste my juices. I do think I'll blindfold you though - or just pull you cowl down over your eyes. I don't think you get to see my body just yet. You do know the gods sculpted me to perfection? Yes, judging by that moan, I think you do. My tits, my ass, my waist, every part of me - perfect. Yes, the perfect pussy, too. But that's not for you today.
Diana: You know, there's a thing we developed on Themyscira, there being no men there. The so-called "Man's World" thinks they invented it. We let them think so - though it's delightful that a man would come up with it. Let's just call it my "utility" belt. Ok, where's your grappling hook? No, that's not a euphemism. Let me reach around to the front of your utility belt to get it. It's about to come in handy.
Bruce: yearrggh
Diana: Oh, that wasn't your belt? Silly Amazons. We don't know about these things. We just giggle and flirt. And grab the cocks of superheroes we happen across helpless. And I was right, it is off to the side. Pressing against your costume ought to be painful by now. Anyway, I found the grappling hook on the second try. I love that super-strong cord you use. It's not as strong as my lasso you're bound in - nothing is - but a few wraps should hold my dripping underwear in your mouth, until I have some other use for it. Not the underwear, Bruce, your mouth.
Diana: Ok, back to my belt. Hmm, the only other cock I found is Clark-sized (not that you need to be ashamed - he is "Superman," after all). I'd show it to you, but I think that would spoil the surprise. At least your cock will be free as I get access to that fine, muscular ass of yours. Though probably still not to pleasant with the lasso forcing all the pressure. Now you'll find out why I have your legs spread apart. A little further now. No, I don't expect you do it on your own, not in that position. But I need better access to your asshole. Hmm, I wonder if it's virgin? Do I get to pop your anal cherry today? Not that you don't usually have a stick up your ass.
Diana: Ok, that's right, groan as I push in between your legs. You know that those grunts and moans and soon, I'm betting, yelps, just encourage me, don't you? Ok, here it comes. Oh, whining already? That was just my finger, warming up your hole. This is going to be good. I'll be nice and use lube, since it seems that this is something new for you. Oh, Bruce, you're fucked now.