Chapter 1
It was a nice place, one of those sports bars, but not quite to the brass and fern level. The bar was the type of place where you would go with your softball team, or out with your buds for a drink, not the kind of place where the yuppies or bikers hang out.
The menu looked good, so I decided to have some appetizers. The nachos were just arriving when she came in. She had dark blonde shoulder length hair, wearing jeans and a tee shirt. She was not drop dead gorgeous, but had the type of looks that would make you keep checking her out.
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As she stood in the doorway, you could see she was looking for someone as she gazed around the room. My first thought was "boyfriend." After a minute, she started heading in my direction. She stopped and chatted with a couple of guys at the bar, and then to my surprise she walked right up to my table and sat down.
"Those nachos look great, do you mind if I have some?" she asked.
Stunned I replied, "Help yourself," and pushed the plate toward her.
"Thanks," she said. "I'm starving."
"Can I get you something to drink with that or maybe something else to eat?" I offered.
She smiled at me and said, "A beer would go nicely with these." Being the gentleman I am, I called a waitress and ordered us a couple of beers.
"My name's Josie by the way," she said as a way of introduction. "And you are?"
"I'm Mark," I said.
"Well Mark, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for the nachos and beer."
"Is this your usual approach to meeting someone?" I inquired.
"It's one method, if I find them interesting," she replied.
Not quite knowing what to say to that, I just smiled at her and asked if she would like to have dinner with me. She accepted, and we ordered dinner and drinks. The rest of the evening, the conversation was the usual get to know you variety.
After we had eaten, she said "Well Mark, thank you for dinner. I really enjoyed our time together." Great, I thought, she is about to leave me with the check and another lonely night with Rosy Palm. However, she continued by saying, "In return for this nice meal, I'll make a deal with you," smiling as she said this.
"A deal?" I inquired.
"Yes, a deal," she responded. "Tonight you can have me anyway you want, and in the morning you'll be mine," she said grinning like the proverbial cat that eat the canary. I took a few seconds to consider this offer.
Obviously, the offer to have sex with this woman was very intriguing, and I thought the "you'll be mine" portion was rather odd. Possibly demonstrating some confidence issues, but relatively inane. A little slam-bam-thank-you-mame, maybe followed by sex the next day, and I could be out of there the next day if I did not like it. What is the harm in that, right?
"Now that sounds fair. Your place or mine?" I asked trying to sound witty by using this tired cliché.
"Mine, I think," she replied. "I've got a gold Lexis out front, go get your car, and you can follow me home."
"Alright," I said thinking how perfect it was that now I would not have to work out the logistics if we took only one car.
I followed her to a nice neighborhood, where the homes were quite large and generally well taken care of. We continued down the street to the back of the development, when she pulled into the driveway of the last house in the cul-de-sac.
"Nice place, is this your house?" I asked. I was thinking of how may have just hit the big time, a nympho with money. "Do you live here by yourself?" It was kind of a big house for just one person, I thought. It looked like it ran about 4,000 square feet.
"Yeah, it's mine, and yes I live alone. But I frequently have guests," she said. "Would you like a tour?"
"Sounds great," I responded. She proceeded to show me her home. Very nice, it looked like it needed some work, but not a lot. The house contained five bedrooms, both a great room and a formal living room, a formal and informal dining room, and a large basement/bar area. It also had a very private deck backing up to the woods, which included the obligatory hot tub. I was definitely seeing some possibilities here, I thought lecherously. Sex in the hot tub, with a romp in the master bedroom, and it was looking like it was going to be quite a memorable couple of days for me. Well, at least I got that part right.
"Would you care for some wine, and maybe a soak in the hot tub," she asked knowingly as if she was reading my mind.
"Sounds great, but I didn't bring a suit," I said again trying to be witty.
"Well clothing is always optional here, and frequently not necessary," she purred. Thank you God, a nymphomaniac with aspirations to be a nudist, cool.
"If that's the case, let's open a bottle and go take a soak." I followed her to the kitchen where we retrieved some glasses and opened the wine, and proceeded to the hot tub. Helping each other undress was very pleasurable. She fondled my penis, making approving comments, while I caressed her breasts.
Shortly, after stepping into the tub, we were lip locked, playing tonsil hockey. I found myself becoming more and more excited as she continued to fondle my penis. She began to duck her head under the water and gave me head, coming up for the occasional breath. After a few minutes, I could not take it any longer and I came. To my amazement, she simply swallowed all of my cum and then took a few sips of wine to clear her mouth.
"That was tasty," she said, "got any left."
I was still reeling from the wine and the orgasm. "In a minute Miss, for the moment, I need to recoup."
Then she proceeded to massage my shoulders and back. I was becoming very relaxed, but my flag was rising to the occasion again. I pulled her around, and wrapped her legs around my waist while I began to take her once again. After a few minutes of thrusting, I came once again. This one weakened my knees.
After a few minutes, she asked, "Would you like to go inside?"
"Sure," I replied dreamily.
"You look as if you're getting tired, let's go upstairs," she said. She was right, the beer, dinner drinks, and now the wine combined with the sex were really taking their toll on me. I was about to fall asleep looking forward to the opportunities that tomorrow offered as I collapsed into the bed, and I was out before I knew what hit me.
The next morning, I woke to the sound of the shower running. I could still feel the warmth of her body on the bed, and I snuggled into the place she had vacated. After a few minutes, I heard a hair dryer running and Josie came into the room wearing a bathrobe.
"Morning," she said. "Did you have a good time last night?"
"Yes I did," I replied.
"Good, then today's my turn. Remember our agreement, you're all mine now," she said. "It's time to get up, go into the bathroom, and take care of the four S's."
"The four what?" I asked.
"Shit, shave, shampoo, and shower. Stop dogging it, and get a move on it." With that she slapped my ass quite hard.
I climbed out of bed and moved into the bathroom. On the sink was a razor and shaving cream, so I began to give myself a quick shave. After shaving, I used the toilet and then stepped into the shower for the remaining two S's.
When I came out a few minutes later, I dried off and wearing a towel, I stepped into her master bedroom. Josie was sitting in a chair reading a magazine, still wearing the bathrobe. I walked over to her and asked, "What can I do for you this morning?"
"Have you ever had sex while handcuffed?" she asked. This startled me, but it sounded interesting.
"No," I responded, "but it sounds like fun."
"Good, an adventuresome soul. That will take you places in life," she said. "Come here, turn around and place your hands behind your back." I did as I was instructed, walking over and placing my hands behind my back. She quickly placed handcuffs around my wrists.
"You know, this will certainly impede the use of my hands," I said.
"Don't worry," she laughed, "I'm quite certain I'll find ways for you to please me." With that said, she led me over to the foot of the bed, backing me up to the footboard. Removing the towel, she bent down, and I thought she was going to give me another blowjob. To my surprise, I saw her pull two leather cuffs from under the bed and fastened them around my ankles.
"What are you going to do with those," I inquired trying to sound calm.
"Don't get excited Lover, well at least not this moment," she said. "I haven't hurt you yet. Have I?"
"No," I replied warily. "I guess it's okay. So are you into this bondage thing, or what? Does this trip your trigger?"
"BDSM is okay," she answered, "even kind of fun to play around with at times. But today, I'm just going to give you a taste and a lesson of what my true passion is." With that, she produced a dowel about three feet in length with eyehooks on each end and one in middle. "Now spread your legs," she said.
Once again, I did as instructed, and she attached padlocks between the rings on the leg cuffs and the spreader bar. She padlocked a chain to the eyehook in the middle of the bar I assumed it was attached to the base of the bed. I had to admit, I was getting very excited. The thrill of this situation, plus the kink factor, was getting me quite aroused.
Noticing my situation Josie said, "Good, next let's take care of another problem." She gave me a little push, and I fell backwards onto the bed. With that done, she went into the bathroom and came back into the room with a straight razor and some shaving cream.
"Ah, what are you going to do with that?" I asked nervously. Here I was, lying with my hands handcuffed behind my back, and my feet spread wide, with a woman who I barely know holding a straight razor. I began to realize last night's deal could have been a serious mistake.
"Why, I'm going to shave you," she said.
"Thanks, but I already did that," I pointed out.
"Not your face silly, although I may touch up a few spots you missed. No, I was talking about the unsightly pubic hair you have," she said. "I'm sure you'll find this much more comfortable." With that said, she began to apply the shaving cream around my penis, and in a few minutes, my privates were as bare and clean as the day I was born. Next, she rolled me over, and shaved my ass, which I felt was quite unnecessary, but I did not think I was in a good position to argue about it.
Then, rolling me over again she said, "Now, we're just about ready for the finishing touches." She produced a bottle of aftershave and applied that to the shaved area. The alcohol was quite a shock, and the burning was very intense.
During this rather embarrassing process, I had gone rather limp. Certainly, the aftershave did not help. Noticing this Josie said, "Well, now for one more touch." Reaching below the bed, she pulled out a piece of leather with several rings attached to it.
"I'm sure you're wondering what this is," she said. "It's called The 7 Gates of Hell. See the 7 rings?" She held it up for me to get a better look. "I notice you're not quite as erect as you were before. Let's see what we can do about that." Taking my cock in her hand, she began stroking it. She also took my freshly shaved scrotum into her mouth, and she started sucking on one of my balls.
Needless to say I could not help myself, once again Old Glory unfurled. Looking smugly satisfied that she had conquered the easy male once again she placed the first ring of the devious looking device on my cock and balls. "No going soft on me," she said and once more applied her mouth to my balls. I quickly hardened again.
I could feel the blood throb through my cock. The Gates were uncomfortable, but tolerable. I did notice that my erection was not lessening as I thought it would. The Gates must be acting as some sort of cock ring.
Again, she leaned over the side of the bed. This time she came up with what looked like a dog collar but thicker in her hand. She fastened it around my neck and said, "This is posture collar. Notice how difficult it makes turning your head?"
"Now I'm about ready to begin your first lesson," she said. "Before, I do though there is one more thing I need." She reached under the bed again, and I was beginning to dread whenever she did that. From beneath the bed, she pulled out a little wheel. "This is a Wartenberg Pinwheel," she told me. "You can use it to stimulate areas of your body like this," and she drew the wheel across my chest. The little pins prickling my skin.
"Okay let's begin," she intoned. "Lesson 1, a woman's needs always come first. Like the old saying goes, 'Women and children first' well, men are lowest on the totem pole, so when a woman offers to take you home and have sex with you, you should always make sure she is completely satisfied before you please yourself. Do you understand what I am saying?"
"Yeah sure," I replied weakly.
"No, I don't think you do understand," she said. "Last night, you came to my house, you had me give you head in the hot tub, you fucked me, you went up to bed, and then you fell asleep before ever asking me if I was satisfied.
"Hey, I'm truly sorry about that, I should have been more sensitive to your needs," I said.
"I really don't believe you are sincere with that statement, but I'm sure you will be," she said. I realized right then just how poor of a position I was in.
I do believe I gave you head last night, and you should have returned the favor. I think you will now." With that statement, she removed the bathrobe she was wearing, and promptly knelt over my face. "I expect you to lick and suck me until I cum, and you better put your best effort into it, because if you don't I'll provide you with incentive," she said.
Quickly, I began licking and sucking her pussy and clit. Apparently, I was not doing it with enough in enthusiasm to please her because to run the wheel across my chest and thighs. Properly stimulated, I applied myself harder to the task at hand or was that mouth.
"Don't forget to kiss my ass while you are down there," I heard her say. "You really do owe me that." I moved my head slightly, and kissed her butt check, when suddenly I felt tremendous pain in my balls. She had run the wheel across my scrotum, which was surprisingly enlarged due to the Gates.
"I said KISS MY ASS," she growled. "I didn't mean a peck on the cheek I meant use your tongue to lick my ass crack." Not wanting to feel that damn wheel on my balls again, I quickly began licking the crack of her ass, especially focusing on her anus with my tongue.
After a few minutes of that she said, "That's better, now go back to my pussy, and stop messing around. You should have made me cum by now." I began working on her clit once more, trying to get her to orgasm. I used a combination of long and short licks, I sucked as well as I could, and finally I heard her breathing take on a different tone, and I could imagine her biting lip as the tension built within her. Suddenly, she came, and I could feel the quivers coursing through her body.
"Well, that's a start. It took you long enough to get serious about making me cum though. I expect you will do better in the future. Or should I say, you had better do better." Saying that, she got off the bed and walked into the bathroom suite again. A few minutes later, I heard the water running.
My arms were getting tired from the handcuffs and from my having lain on them for so long. The muscles in my shoulders were starting to burn. My arms were not the only thing hurting though, my cock and balls were not feeling too good either.
The Gates seemed to restrict the blood flow out of my cock, and I was still hard even though I was not turned on anymore. Every heartbeat sent a little surge of pain through my cock as the rings, which were too tight, dug deeper into my sensitive flesh. I now understood why they were named as they were. I tried to focus on things that would reduce my erection: baseball, the texture pattern on the ceiling, Rosanne Barr naked, a cold bath, anything to shrivel my cock. I was just beginning to have some luck with it, when she came back into the room.
"How are your arms doing?" she asked after watching the way I was moving on the bed trying to relieve the pressure on my arms. I was surprised to hear her say, "Why don't we stand you up a bit, it looks like your arms are beginning to hurt." That was an understatement.
Josie helped me to my feet. "Why don't you turn around, and I'll take off the handcuffs," she said. I would have done anything to get those cuffs off by now. Slowly, with the spreader bar still between my feet, I edged around until I was facing the headboard of the bed.
While I was doing this, Josie had removed the acorns on the footboard of the bed, and replaced them with eyehooks that screwed down into the same holes. Now what is she going to do to me, I thought to myself, as she walked behind me and I felt her strap some leather cuffs on my wrists above the handcuffs.
My arms were so leaden I could hardly move them. Even though I heard her take the handcuffs off my wrists, but I could not offer the least bit of resistance as she padlocked each my wrists to the eyebolts in the footboard.
Seeing how my penis was beginning to subside she said, "We can't have you going limp now, Mark. I want you to remember these lessons, and that would be counter-productive," and she began to massage my balls again.
"So, are you more comfortable now?" she asked. "Handcuffs can be so painful sometimes."
"Yes," I replied weakly. I did not know if I liked this position any better. While my arms were not locked behind my back anymore, I was bent over and spread out. I did not know how long I could stay bent over like this.
"So Mark, have you ever given a guy a blowjob before?" she asked.
"No," I responded as she continued to fondle my balls.
"Never sucked a cock before?"
"No, I'm not gay," I said trying to sound masculine.
"I see," she said as she began to reach under the dreaded bed. "Let's see what else we have here." She came up with a lavender dildo. "This is an Aria dildo." It was about eight inches long, and it looked balls of increasing size attached to each other.
"I think you'll enjoy this," she grinned evilly. "Before I teach you Lesson 2 though, I want you to close your eyes and open wide."
"What," I started to say just as she shoved the dildo into my mouth.
"Lesson 2 is that women do not like to have a guy's cock forcefully shoved into their mouths," she said as she pushed and pulled the dildo in and out of my mouth. Never quite removing it entirely, and then pushing it half way down my throat.
I was gagging on the dildo, it was difficult to breath, and I tried to swallow to the pace that she was setting. "Can you see how a woman feels when a guy does this?" she asked. "Go on suck it like you want to be sucked." As she said this, I felt my cock throbbing to the beat, every pulse painful because of the Gates. "Faster, faster," she urged me and I tried harder to please her. I was sucking on that dildo for all I was worth, half swallowing the thing.
After several minutes of watching me suffer, she finally relented and slowed the pace. She did not stop though but continued to for another 20 minutes. By now my mouth was killing me. My jaw was sore from the sucking and the back of my throat felt bruised. I do not think she was even pushing that hard, but it still hurt.
When she finally stopped she asked, "Did you like that? That's what a woman feels like when a guy rams his cock down her throat."
"I'm sorry," I said, "I never thought about it like that before." Certainly I never imagined myself in a setting like this before.
"Well, maybe you should have," she said as she got off the bed and walked out of the room leaving me half standing with my arms and legs spread out, the device from hell on my cock, and my ass bear to the wind.
I could see the alarm clock on the nightstand. I was beginning to wonder if she intended to leave me like this all day, but I was too afraid to call out, lest that piss her off.
One good thing though, the pain in my back was so terrible, my penis went limp. Finally, the throbbing pressure went away. It was an hour before she returned and said, "Oh Mark, I see your cock is limp again. We'll have to work on that," as she began to fondle my cock and balls again.
"Have you ever put anything in your ass or had a lover fuck you before?"
"No," I said knowing full well she was going to reach under the damn bed again.
"Good," she said. "I've found myself an ass virgin. A girl doesn't find one of those very often these days." All this time she was massaging my equipment, and of course my cock betrayed me. "That's better," she said as she saw me rise from the dead. "We need to find something to help you keep your rigidity. You seem to have a problem with that today. Maybe some Viagra would help?" She laughed, and I was scared.
This time however, instead of reaching below the bed, she grabbed the dildo again, and once more she stuck it in my mouth. "If I were you, I would try and get as much saliva on that as possible. You're going to need it." Not quite understanding her meaning, I tried to work up a good spit, but after the mouth fucking I had received earlier I did not have any saliva left.
"Not much there," she said pulling the dildo from my mouth. "Oh well, I guess I can take pity on you." Reaching under the bed again, this time she pulled out a latex glove, and put it on her hand. Then, she opened a bottle of lube, and liberally applied it to the glove.
"Now bend over like a good little boy," she laughed as she pushed my head closer to the bed. I felt a pushing on my anus as she began to thrust a lubed finger up my ass. Then it felt as if she was inserting a second finger, followed closely by a third. God, I was afraid she was going to try and fist fuck me or something.
"Nice tight ass," she said. "I love a good tight ass." Well now that you have the better part of your hand up it, it's not that tight anymore, I thought to myself. "It's good and bad though," she said. "Good because I'll enjoy myself more which is bad for you though," she laughed so wickedly that I almost wet myself.
She removed the gloved hand from my backside and pulled off the glove, throwing it into the garbage. My relief was short lived though, as she took the dildo and began to insert it into my butt. "Lesson 3 is that you never force your cock into a woman. She has to take it in her own time." Once she had it in me, she pulled it almost all the way out, and then pushed it in again. She was not being gentle as she forced it in and out of my ass.
I am almost afraid to say it, but it was rather exciting. I could hear her breathing changing as she got into the spirit of it, and I swear, once I heard her cum although the rhythm of her thrusts did not vary. By now, I was almost wishing I could cum too, but this hellish device on my cock would not allow it. The rhythmic pulses on my prostrate were pushing me to the edge and my balls were beginning to swell.
She stopped after a while and said, "You look like you are beginning to enjoy that. So let's try something different." Once more she reached under the damn bed. This time she returned with what looked like a cross between a whip and a tennis racquet without any strings. "This is called a Rug Beater," she said as she walked behind me.
Out of nowhere, she hit my ass with the Rug Beater. That's going to leave a mark, I thought to myself. She proceeded to do this again for two dozen more times, until it felt as if my ass were on fire and my legs were about to give out underneath me. Finally, she took pity on me and stopped.
"What lesson was that?" I asked.
"None, I just felt like it," she said. "You look like you need a break for a while."
"Please let me go," I whimpered.
I watched as she reached under the bed again, this time she brought out a piece of leather shaped like an X. Next, she unhooked my legs from the spreader bar, and then my hands. The pain in my back from being bent over so long was excruciating, and I would have done almost anything she asked me to do. "Get up on the bed, and lie on your stomach," she commanded.
I did not even think twice, but did as I was told, climbing into the middle of the bed. I felt her weight as she climbed onto the bed also. Then picking up my feet, she padlocked the X piece to my ankles and wrists. My ass and back were so sore I barely noticed the new position I was in. Hogtied with a posture collar on my neck. As she climbed off the bed, I knew she was going to leave the room again, so I begged, "Please don't leave me like this."
She looked back and me and said, "Oh that's not right." When she came back to the bed, I thought she would let me go, but instead she reached under the bed again and pulled out another device. From its appearance, I knew I would not like what she was going to do with it. "I almost forgot. This is a Pro Touch Vibrating Silicone Anal Plug," she said as she held the damn thing in front of my face, right before she plunged it deep into my ass.
"I'm begging you, please don't leave me like this," I said.
"You talk too much," she said and she pulled out a penis shaped gag from under the bed and stuffed it into my mouth and buckled it behind my head. It felt huge, and I almost gagged on the taste of the vinyl. Then she left the room.
A half hour later, she returned. "I forgot to mention, Lesson 4 was never keep a girl waiting," and she left the room again.
Another hour past, and my arms and legs had gone to sleep. The vibrator in my ass was beginning to slow, and my cock and balls felt like they could rupture at any moment, compliments of the teasing my prostrate had been receiving, and my jaw ached from sucking on that huge penis gag.
"Well Mark, you're beginning to look very subdued," she said as she entered the bedroom. Whipped and beaten would be more appropriate, I thought to myself.
She came over and released me from the hog tie. My arms and legs dropped numbly to the bed, and I just lay there as she pulled the plug from my ass and removed the gag from my mouth. Slowly, she forced me into a kneeling position, which was difficult as my arms were asleep.
Slipping in front of me again, she maneuvered me until my face was directly above her pussy. Wrapping her legs around my head, she drew me in and said, "Lick and suck." So I did.
"Lesson 5 is a woman should get what she wants, when she wants it." I heard her say this, but I was too busy licking and sucking to care. Eventually, I heard her sigh and say, "Well, you're just about all used up. While this attempt was better, it still needs a lot of work."
Unwrapping her legs from around my head, she climbed off the bed. I just lay there on my knees with my face on the bed and my ass sticking up in the air. My arms and legs were loose, but I was too tired and sore to move.
I watched her as she once again reached down and picked up the spreader bar, which she attached to my ankle cuffs. I was too tired to care anymore. She reached under the bed and pulled out another dildo and some sort of harness. Showing me the dildo she said, "This is a Feel Doe dildo. As you can see, it's not like your usual dildo. This one is designed with a woman's pleasure in mind." Slipping the head of the thing through a ring in the harness, she next stepped into the harness and pulled it up to her waist. Then, sticking the smaller end into her pussy, she tightened the straps on the harness until she was satisfied everything was where it should be.
She maneuvered behind me, and I felt the tip of that thing slide deep into my ass. As soon as she had it buried in my backside, she began to hump me for all she was worth. My knees collapsed while she was doing this, but she barely slowed in her pace. Probably the biggest difference I realized between a man and a woman is that a man will cum much sooner.
She was pounding away at my ass for 30 minutes before she came, and when it happened, it was multiple times and she had difficulties breathing afterwards. When I heard her orgasm, I came too, even through the Gate of Hell, and I came everywhere.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, she lay on top of me for several minutes, then regaining her strength, she rolled off me and said, "This is your final lesson, sometimes in life you fuck people, and at other times you get seriously fucked. So ends the lessons."
She got off the bed and left the room. She returned shortly with a bucket of ice. "For your balls" was all she said as she walked into the bathroom and started the shower. As quickly as I could, I applied the ice to my aching balls. I had never cum like that before, but then again, I had never been with a woman who did things like this to me either.
Finally, I was able to take off the Gates and remove the collar and cuffs. My cock and balls ached, and my ass was raw from both the beating and the fucking. I could barely move my arms and legs, and my back was killing me. But for some reason that I could not explain, I loved it. I realized what she said in the bar last night was true. I was hers.
Chapter 2 (added: 2016/10/20)
I lay on the bed thinking on how much I had experienced in the last thirty-six hours. She was correct I was hers. I thought it was strange that until now, I had never experimented with bondage or dominance. Sure, I had had the usual fantasies about having sex with handcuffs and maybe a mistress dressed in leather, but that was as far as it went. In the fantasies though, I was always the dominant one, I had never thought of myself as a sub or slave before.
Yet as I lay there, I realized that this had been the most erotic sexual experience of my life, and I truly had no desire for it to end. I found myself wanting her to dominate me again. Let her use me as she wished. A toy for her to play with whenever and however she chose to.
As I was pondering these thoughts, I realized I no longer heard the water running in the bathroom. I looked over to the bathroom door and I saw her standing there watching me in a cold and calculating manner.
"Well, I see you haven't left yet," she said. "Either you're pissed and think you're going to get even with me for what I've done to you, or you're too weak or hurt to move, or you just enjoyed yourself too much and want to continue. Which of the three is it?"
"The last one," I replied.
"I see," she commented. "I rather suspected that would be the case with you. You seemed to enjoy yourself to be pissed at me." For a moment neither of us spoke when finally she said, "I guess the question I have to ask myself is do I wish to keep you around." I did not have any response to that but there was an intense fear that the answer to that question would be no. I was afraid she would reject me, and I did not even know what all I was offering.
"Here's my decision," she said as she walked across the room. "I'll keep you around as a slave. My rules are simple. You agree to do whatever I ask and do it without complaint. If you break these rules, I'll kick you out and you will never return. From no on, you will only speak if you are asked a direct question or I have given you permission to speak. Do you understand?"
"Yes," I said.
"Yes what?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes Mistress."
"That's better. You will address me as Mistress. If we are in public, I may allow you to address me as Miss, but only with my permission."
"Yes Mistress," I responded. Smack, the blow across my check from her open hand surprised me more than it hurt me. I was not expecting it.
"I did not give you permission to speak," she said with her hands on her hips. "It has not been two minutes, and you have already broken a rule. You will speak only when I have asked a direct question or when I have given you permission to speak. Even a dog could do better than that."
With that said, she reached once more under the bed. She pulled out a dog's choker collar and a padlock. Placing the collar over my head she said, "I guess I'll have to train you to be better than a dog. Now get down on the floor here next to the bed," she said as she pointed to a spot on the floor.
I quickly complied, not wishing to disappoint her anymore than I already had. Reaching down, she took the free end of collar and padlocked me the bed frame. "There, that should hold you for now, but I suppose I'll have to find a room for you. Why don't you rest for a while, perhaps later I may have a need for you." With that said, she left the room.
At first, I did not know what to think. What had I done? I'm lying on a floor, chained to a bed. I've placed myself into the hands of a virtual stranger, who obviously had no problem in dominating or abusing someone, and yet I find myself looking forward to when she will return.
Once again, the aches and pains from my adventures so far began to make demands upon my attention. Since I was not free to go look for aspirin or anything else to dull the pain, I decided to take my Mistress' advice and try to get some sleep.
I was dark again when I woke. I tried to sit up forgetting that I was chained to the bed, when the choker collar pulled me up short. It was a very effective reminder of my situation, so I lay on the floor for quite a while waiting for my Mistress to return.
As I lay there in the dark, I realized it had been quite a while since I had last eaten. Not only was I becoming hungry, but I also had to use the bathroom. There really was not much to be done about it though, as the bed was too heavy to try to take apart from this position.
I did take a moment though to investigate what else she kept under her bed. I was rather surprised to find that nothing else existed under there. Either she had planned this and just had the toys she needed or she kept her toys in a toy box somewhere else.
"Snooping are you?" I heard. "Just like a typical dog, constantly getting your nose into places where it does not belong." I was about to deny that, but I caught myself before speaking. She entered the room and crossed over to the bed. Reaching down, she unlocked the padlock. For a moment, I thought she would let me take the choker collar off my neck, but she had other ideas as she gave it a quick tug. Suddenly I understood why they are called chokers. She pulled a leash from behind her back and snapped it on the choker.
"This is my bedroom," she said. "I do not like to sleep with dogs." She turned and started walking out of the room. The leash quickly lost its slack and pulled the choker tight against my throat. I tried to get up and follow her, when she turned and said, "No, on your knees Dog."
I dropped quickly to all fours and proceeded to follow her. It's not easy to keep up with someone walking normally when you are on all fours, and stairs are no easy task. She led me down to the basement and into the furnace room where she unclipped the leash and locked the choker collar to a chain attached to a bench. On the floor were a piece of carpet and two dog dishes containing what looked like stew and water. At least, I hope it was stew and not dog food.
"Here's some food and water for you. I'll be back for you in a bit to let you use the bathroom." With that said, she left me. Looking at the food and water in the dog dishes, I was beginning to have second thoughts about having stayed this morning. I was not certain what I expected from her, but I knew this was not it.
The chain attached to the bench was not long enough to allow me to stand, so I had to remain either on all fours, sit, or lay down. So I just sat there and contemplated my situation. Here I am naked, chained to a bench, no one knowing where I was at, and possibly being held by a crazy woman; not exactly an ideal situation to be in.
After a while, my hunger and thirst overcame my reluctance to eat. I began by eating the stew. It's not easy to eat stew without a fork or spoon, but I could use my fingers and hand to scoop it out of the dish. The water was more difficult though. Dog dishes are too wide to be used like a glass and my first attempt ended up with half of the water on my chest. Frustrated I decided to lap the water from the dish just like a dog would, which worked fairly well once I got over the humiliation.
So, there I sat leashed to the bench in a furnace room with a piece of carpet for a bed. It was not long before I realized I should not have drunk all that water. Between being tied to the bed before and now being chained to the bench, I realized it had been a long time since I had gone to the bathroom. I thought about peeing in the corner, but I did not relish the consequences when my Mistress would return. So I sat and waited.
It was quite a while before she returned for me. "Good," she said, "You have not made a mess. I was expecting that you would mess the bed since you're just a dumb dog, but since you haven't I'll have to reward you with a treat." Walking over to me, she unlocked the collar from the chain and attached the leash again to the choker.
Turning quickly she began to walk toward the door. Fortunately, I was almost able to keep up and only had the choker pulled tightly a few times. Walking into a small bathroom she said, "This will be your bathroom. I'll be generous and give you the decency of a bathroom even if you are an animal. Now I want you to the four S's again. When you are done, I may have a use for you." She turned and walked out of the room.
I quickly used the stool. One never knows the joy you can receive from something until it is withheld. The bathroom contained everything I needed to do as my Mistress ordered. After showering and shaving, I placed the choker collar back on my neck and I opened the door to find her standing there waiting for me.
"On you knees Dog," were the first words she said. I obeyed rapidly. She clipped the leash unto the choker and turned to walk away. This time I was expecting it, and followed along before she had an opportunity to pull on the leash.
We did not go far, only into a bedroom that was in the basement right next to the bathroom. I was not surprised to see more cuffs lying out on the bed. "Stand up and put one of these on each of your wrists." Taking a cuff, I did as she instructed.
"Now, place a cuff above each elbow," she said. This too I did.
"Climb up on the bed and put your hands behind your back." Following her directions, I climbed up on the bed and placed my hands behind my back. I felt additional weight as she climbed on the bed too. Taking my hand, she placed a padlock between the cuff above my elbow and the cuff on my opposite wrist. She did the same to my other wrist and elbow.
This was not a comfortable position to be in as my back and shoulders are not very flexible. She then ordered me to face the headboard from about two thirds of the way down the bed. I complied with her instructions.
Still on my knees, I watched as she hooked my leash to the headboard and then sat down in front of me with her legs spread. "I watched you lapping water out of that bowl," she said. "It actually made me excited, so I think I'll let you do some more tongue work. Get to it."
I did not need more instructions as to what she wanted. I quickly began using my tongue for all it was worth. I started by licking her clitoris slowly until I felt it harden under my tongue. Then I began to lap more rapidly, licking and sucking. Once I tried nibbling, but a rough tug on the leash stopped that quickly. "No" was the only thing she said.
After several minutes, her breathing become irregular and I thought she was about to cum. Suddenly she pushed me back and rolled over onto her knees, straddling the leash as she did so. "Don't forget my ass," she said. I tentatively began to lick her ass too.
She pulled the leash and choker taunt. "Do it like you mean it," she said. Gasping, I worked harder at pleasing her. I began to lap at her butt crack, not that I had much choice as the choker was pulling my face deeper into her ass.
I used my tongue to circle the rosebud of her anus and I finally decided to take the plunge, slipping my tongue inside. "Oh, now that's better," she moaned. I kept this up for several minutes, circle and plunge, circle and plunge. Apparently, I was succeeding as I once again her breathing start to change.
I decided to be daring and I began lapping once more at her clitoris. She came hard as she rammed her pussy into my face as the excitement washed through her. After a minute or two she said, "Not bad. There is hope for you yet." With that said, she got off the bed and walked behind me to release my arms. Taking the leash in hand, she led me from the room and back into the furnace room where she once again chained me to the bench.
"Sleep," she commanded. "I may use you again in the morning." She left the room and shut off the light. As I sat there with her scent all over my face and the taste of her sweet cum on my tongue, I realized I was incredibly horny. God, she embarrasses me and humiliates me, and I love it.
Feeling the need to relieve myself, I masturbated. It was not until I was done that I thought about the consequences of my action. It was too late to worry about that though. I laid back and closed my eyes. It was not a comfortable bed but at least the room was warm.
"Bad Dog!" I awake with a start. I had not heard her enter the room. She was standing over me holding the leash. "I did not give you permission to do that. You made a mess in my house and you will have to pay for that." She turned and stormed out of the room.
Uh oh, I thought, now I have done it. After a few minutes, she came back with a cup in her hand. "Here," she said handing me the cup. "If you are going to jack off, from now on, you are to do it into this cup. Whenever you do, you are to give the cup back to me. Do you understand?"
"Yes Mistress," I replied thinking I had lucked out with no punishment.
"Now into the shower with you and put these on when you are done." Handing me a tee shirt and shorts, she unchained me from the bench and took me to the bathroom where I used the facilities and showered. Afterwards she said, "I've decided to let you make yourself useful. I want you to dust and vacuum the house, and then do the dishes. You will find what you need in the closet over there. Find me when you have finished."
It was a big house, and it took quite a while to do the work that she had commanded. When I finished I went looking for her, and I found her in the master bedroom. Approaching her bed slowly, I got down on my knees and waited for her to notice me.
"Stay right there," she commanded. "I'm going to check your work." She got up and left the room. I waited for several minutes beside the bed before she returned. "Not bad, although I did find some spots of dust. Stand up, take off your clothes, and place your hands on the bed."
I stood slipping out of the shirt and shorts she had given me. Bending over, I placed my hands on the bed, wondering what she would have me do this time. Suddenly, I felt a terrible pain across my ass, it felt as if she had whipped me with a belt. After the previous day, I did not mind being hit with a belt nearly as much as I resented the fact that it was my belt.
"Do you want another?" she asked.
"No," I responded hesitantly.
Smack, she whipped me again. "No what?" she growled.
"No Mistress," I responded quickly as I realized my mistake.
Smack. "The correct answer is ..." Smack. "Yes Mistress." Smack "May I have another?" Smack. Talk about punctuating your point, I thought to myself. My ass was burning from the whipping. "I wonder how I am going to let you make this up to me." It took three more cracks from the belt for her to make up her mind.
"On your knees Dog." As quickly as I could I complied. Once more, she lay out on the bed in front of me. Grabbing my hair, she pulled my face deeply into her crotch. "You had best do a better job at this than you do at cleaning if you know what is good for you."
I gave it my best shot. It was not my best performance as her pussy was the first thing that I had been allowed to eat that day, and I was getting very hungry. After quite a while, she must have gotten frustrated with my poor performance, and she rolled away from me.
"Perhaps you need a better incentive," she said. "Get in the center of the bed, lay on your back with your arms and legs spread." I did as she instructed and spread-eagled myself on the bed. From a cabinet, she removed some rope with which she proceeded to tie my arms and legs to the bed.
She returned to the cabinet, and from a drawer, she took out a couple of candles and a lighter. I thought it was a little uncharacteristic of her to try to create a romantic mode, but hey, I could live with that. Climbing back on the bed, she positioned herself over my face and said, "Maybe you'll give it more effort this time," as she light the first candle while settling herself on my face.
This romantic side of her personality had me very excited. I could feel the blood throbbing in my cock and I hoped she would give me some attention soon. I began lapping at her pussy trying my best to make her cum, when suddenly, I felt an intense pain on my penis as she dripped hot candle wax on me. The pain was almost as intense as the belt whipping. I thought for a moment that both my ass and cock were on fire.
Losing my focus did not help matters. I heard her say, "You're still not doing a good enough job", as she dripped more wax onto my balls. Oh god, I wanted to scream. Furiously, I began to give her my best efforts. Several more times I felt the wax fall before I was able to make her cum. By the time she did though, my penis and balls were coated in wax. Well, I thought to myself, at least I do not have to worry about any hair down there anymore.
Untying my bonds, she once again clipped the leash to my collar and led me downstairs to the furnace room. She chained me to the bench again, where she surprised me by commanding me to masturbate into the cup. Embarrassed, I did as she instructed being afraid to resist.
Surprisingly, there was a lot of cum, although I would have expected that much after the scalding I had just received. Forcing me to masturbate with the candle wax still on my cock gave a completely new meaning to the term "polishing your knob."
Once I had finished, she ordered me to place my hands around the bench leg and she snapped a pair of handcuffs around my wrists. Then she picked up the dog dishes and she left the room. Upon her return, she set the dishes on the floor in front of me and after saying "Bon Appetite," she walked out of the room. I guess my performance earlier had not been up to her rigid standards because today's meal was just soup and water. Perhaps she thought I could use a little more practice at licking and sucking.
The next morning found me very stiff and sore. And not in a good way. My Mistress noticed how slowly I was moving when she took the handcuffs off my wrists and unchained me. "You're moving terribly slowly today, does your back hurt this morning?" she asked.
"Yes Mistress," I replied, "it hurts a little."
"Um, I'll have to see what I can do about that. Now get showered and cleaned up. I will not be working you so hard today," she said as she led me to the bathroom again. "Why don't you take a long shower, it will loosen up your back," she said as I was closing the door.
Now perhaps I'm foolish, but I did as she commanded and took a long hot shower. When I had finished getting cleaned up, I found her waiting outside the door as usual. This time she led me over to a large chair and told me to bend over the back of it.
I must admit I was a little slow in doing so, remembering the belt whipping yesterday. I was not surprised when she pulled ropes from beneath the chair and tied my hands and ankles. Well, at least she had found a way to stretch my back out by tying me this way.
Reaching between my legs, she grabbed my penis and began to fondle me. I could not help but get excited from her touch, although by now you would think that I would have known better. She continued to play with me even after I got an erection. Her attentions were a pleasant surprise after the last few days.
She continued to work my penis as if she was milking a cow. However, just as I was about to cum, she stopped. I heard her rummaging around in a drawer behind me, but I could not see what she was doing. When she returned, I was not surprised to see she was wearing a strap-on dildo.
"I thought since you had so much difficulty licking and sucking last night that you may have more luck today swallowing, so we'll work on that for a little while," she said as she placed the tip of the dildo in my mouth. She proceeded slowly at first, letting me get used to the size of it, then she started to pick up the pace, as she rammed that cock home. She mouth fucked me for a long time, and I could feel her sweat drip off her as she perspired from her efforts.
After what seemed like an eternity, as I was gasping for breath, I heard her cum and felt the weight of her body collapse onto my back. Her body felt hot and wet. Slowly she rose up off me and pulled the dildo from my mouth. "God, I love a good workout in the morning!" she said.
Walking behind me, she asked, "How does your back feel now?"
"Great Mistress," I mumbled trying to work my jaw after the mouth fucking she had just given me.
"Good then, you won't mind staying this way for a while. Oh yes, I almost forgot." I felt her hand once more close around my penis and begin to jack me off. In seconds, I was erect again, but just as I was about to cum again, she stopped.
I wanted to scream, "Just stop jerking me around," at her, but I did not think it would do any good. She was going to do whatever she wanted with me, no matter what I said. Correct that, if I said anything, it would probably make things worse.
"You sound like you're ready to cum, we can't have that now can we?" she said. I heard the drawer open behind me, and I wondered what else I was in store for. Suddenly, I felt a pushing at my backdoor. "Just a little vibrating plug to loosen you up a bit, I'll be back in a while."
As I lay bent over the back of the chair, my mouth was sore and I had a large plug up my ass vibrating my prostrate. My prior problems with her jacking off the family jewels seems small by comparison. I wondered on how long she intended for me to stay like this.
I had a long wait as she kept me there the entire day. From my position, I could see the sun was getting close to setting. Unfortunately, the vibrating plug in my ass was still going strong, and I felt that if I did not cum soon my balls would explode. Finally, I heard her come down the stairs.
"I had almost forgotten you were here," she said. Oh what a comforting thought that was, I thought to myself as she began to fondle my engorged balls. "Oh they are so full, but before I let you relief yourself, I have one more thing for you to do." As she came around in front of me, I saw she was once more tightening on the strap-on dildo. I feared I was in store for another mouth fucking, but then I realized she had other plans for that thing.
With one hand, she reached between my legs and grabbed my balls. With her other hand, she guided the dildo to my backdoor. Suddenly, she squeezed my swollen balls. Her crushing grip was agony, but I was confused in which hurt worse. The ball crushing or the fact she rammed the dildo home into my ass. I groaned in agony, only to hear her laughing at my distress.
She did not waste anytime, once she had the length of the thing in me. Quickly, she began to work up to a fast rhythm, forcing her pelvis against my ass, driving that dildo home. It hurt like hell at first, but then I realized she was pumping my cock while she was ramming that rubber dick into me, and that I had never been more excited. My pre-cum must have given me away, because she removed her hand from my dick. She placed both her hands on my hips giving hips and used the extra leverage to fuck me even harder.
I thought she would impale me on that thing, but tied as I was there was nothing I could do about it. Honestly though, I did not want her to stop, but please let me cum soon. She must have been enjoying herself to, because it was not long before I heard the change in her breathing that signaled she was about to cum.
She pounded on me for about a minute more, and then I felt the weight of her body collapse onto my back. I felt the shivers or her orgasms pass through her entire body as she lay across me. I thought to myself, "Well at least one of us got some relief." After a few moments to compose herself, she untied the bonds and commanded me to go relieve myself into the cup again.
What is with all this jacking off in a cup thing, I wondered to myself, am I in a sperm bank? I wanted to ask her that question, but I thought better of the idea since I never knew how she would take having questions asked of her. I found my cup, and jerked off as she commanded while she sat back and watched me. When I had completed the task, she took the cup from my hand and placed it on the bar's counter. Attaching the leash, she led me back to the furnace room where she once again locked the choker collar to the bench.
I have to admit by now I was starting to get tired of sleeping on a concrete floor with only a small piece of carpet to lie on, while being chained to a bench. This was not exactly what I had expected when she said she would make me her slave. What was all this masturbating into a cup thing? It was not until later that I realized I had not eaten or drank all that day. It was too late to worry about that now, as I knew I would not see her again until the morning.
The next morning she returned with a bowl of water. I greedily lapped it down while she stood over me and watched. As I was finishing the water, she said she wanted me to lick her feet. I crawled across the floor and I complied with her command.
After I had licked her feet, I began to suck on her toes. "Oh, that feels good," she stated and I was proud of myself for pleasing my Mistress. "I like that, keep doing it." Which, I did. I continued for several more minutes until she told me to stop and finish my water.
After she unlocked me from the bench, she allowed me to use the bathroom and to get cleaned-up. It was another day of housekeeping for me. Surprisingly, there were a lot of dishes for just the two of us, especially considering all I had was two dog dishes. I vacuumed and dusted, and this time I cleaned the toilets too. When I had finished, I went looking for her, and I found her in the Master Bedroom as before. I waited kneeling on the floor next to her bed while she made and inspection of the house.
"Dog, get down her!" I heard her yell form downstairs. As quickly as I could, I ran down the stairs to find her in kitchen. On the floor, was a spot of soapy water that must have splashed over the counter when I did the dishes. "Lick that up immediately", she said.
I dropped to my knees without thinking and licked the spot of water off the floor, not even considering on how she had reduced me to this state. All I wanted to do was please her. Grabbing my hair, she pulled my head around and forced it into her crotch. I heard her say "Bad Dog" and "Very Bad Dog."
I thought if I could make her cum, perhaps she would not be so disappointed in me. I quickly began to lick at her clit as I almost forcefully plunged my head deeper into her crotch. My efforts forced her backwards onto the carpet, where she fell down laughing.
With her hand still locked in my hair, she held my face firmly buried in her crotch. I felt her shift positions by bringing her legs up over my shoulders, and place her knees behind my shoulder blades, drawing me even farther into her.
I licked and sucked for all I was worth, trying to make this opportunity work for me. It took quite a while, and I was getting short of breath, but she came. Still laughing she said, "Good Dog, you'll get a treat for that tonight." I was pleased with myself for making her forget about the water, but I was worried too, as sometimes her treats were not so nice.
She attached the leash to my choker collar and led me downstairs to once again, chain me to the bench. Shortly after that, she brought me down my dog dishes. I guess I had done something right because instead of stew or soup, tonight I dined on steak. I was extremely satisfied with myself, I only wish I had a knife and fork to eat it with though.