Author's Note: A teen goes looking for her missing older sister in a bondage club and allows herself to be enslaved by the Mistress of the club
Chapter 1
Kendall hesitantly walked in through the front door to the club passing into a foyer. The walls on each side of the hallway were decorated with murals of nude woman bound in different positions with all types of materials. Some in leather, some in ropes, some in metal or wood with others bound in combinations of several different materials. All looked restrictive and some even painful.
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Kendall walked slowly down the foyer stopping for a moment at each painting to look and take in what she saw. At the end of the foyer there was a desk where she stopped and waited. Within less than a minute a door to the right of the desk opened and out walked a brunette about 25 years old, maybe as old as 27. But not much older than that.
"Can I help you?"
Melissa looked at the woman. She wore very high heals, a short skirt, white blouse, maybe without a bra underneath? Melissa wasn't quite sure, and a tight leather collar with a ring in the front around her neck.
"Um, yes. I'm here to look for my sister."
"Your sister?"
"Yes. Her name is Kimberly though mostly she goes by Kim."
"And what makes you think she's here?"
"Well, I know she came here last Friday night with a few of her friends for a party. Her friends had returned home but Kim hasn't. Her friends said that she got separated from them here at the party that night and they thought she might of left early, but we haven't seen or heard from her in a week, so I'd thought if go looking for her. You know, in case she's in trouble or something."
"Just a minute, let me go and get the head mistress. You can have a seat right over there while you wait." Pointing to a flat leather covered bench over near the wall but not pressed against it.
"I'll be right back." She said exiting the room through the same door she entered.
Kendall went and sat down on the bench. With no back to the bench sport her, in less than a minute she was squirming around trying to get comfortable.
Suddenly, the door opened and was held by the woman that had greeted her as she allowed another woman to pass into the room first.
Kendall stood up, glad to be off of that bench as the woman approached.
She was a striking woman. Tall, probable 6' 1" but the high heals she wore made her stand even taller. She wore a black leather mini skirt topped with a white cotton blouse and definitely no bra underneath. Must be the uniform of the day Melissa thought to herself. But this woman's clothes were much more expensive. More so then the women who greeted her. She too wore a leather collar but it was much more elaborate with carved dragons tooled all around it and no ring compared to the one the other woman wore.
She had long silver hair which feel to below her shoulders. Straight and beautiful.
Her blue eyes seemed to penetrate Kendall as if she could look and she her inner most thoughts.
"Hello, I'm Mistress Amanda. I run this establishment. Dawn here tells me your here looking for someone?"
"Yes my sister, Kim."
"You must understand that we are a very exclusive club and many of the members and their guest don't necessarily use the proper names. So even if your sister had come here as a guest of a member, she may not hadn't used her own name wanting to remain a bit private, so to speak."
"Oh I did not think of that." She said reflectively. "Do you think it might be permissible for me to look around for her?"
"My dear, I'm sorry but or members and their guest highly value their privacy. I can't just have anyone off of the streets wandering around our halls disturbing our members, now can we?"
"No,I guess not. But I was hoping to find my sister."
"Hold old are you girl?"
"I'm 18." Kendall answered.
"Why you're barely old enough to be in here on your own. But I'll tell you what. I see this is important to you so I'll escort you around the premises so you can look to see if your sister is still here, though I find it highly unlikely."
Kendall looked hopeful. "You'd do that?"
"Yes but there is a condition."
"What is it, just name it."
"You understand that we are a fetish club, correct."
"Then I can't have have you walking around dressed in street clothes as it may make some of the members a bit curious if not nervous."
"What do suggest then?"
"That I attire you in more appropriate clothing for our club."
"Um, okay I guess."
"As Mistress, I will dress you as I would one of my slaves and lead you around the club, so you can look for your sister."
Kendall thinking that it would similar to what both women were wearing agreed.
"Come with me then." She said turning. The brunette opened the door to allow Mistress Amanda to pass through first and Melissa followed. Down the hall to a small room.
"Please, take off all your clothes, fold them place them on that bench over there. I'll be back in a few minutes."
Melissa heard the door shut behind her and then slowly began to undress.
She was down to just her bra and panties when Mistresses Amanda returned.
"You'll have to lose the undergarments too." She said and handed Kendall a full body leather cat suit. "You'll need to use a lot of talc on your legs and arms to get the cat suit on. Let me know when you have it on." Turned and left again.
Kendall struggled, but after 10 minutes, she had the suit pulled up on to her legs and her arms through the sleeves and was now struggling to pull the zipper up in back when Mistress Amanda walked back into the room. She did not knock. She placed the bundle of what she was carrying down on the bench and told Kendall to turn around. Pulling the cat suit firmly over Kendall's shoulders, she grasp the zipper and pulled it up.
The leather suit tightly enclosed all about Kendall. It was almost as if the suit was tailor made for her. It narrowed just above the hips and squeezed her abdomen in. Her 32 B-cup breasts squeezed into two built in leather cups. Something inside them poked at her breasts, but she tried to ignore it. She didn't realize that the inside of the cups each had 25 tiny needless meant to irritate her breasts but not break the skin. Slightly embarrassed, Kendall watched as her nipples poked through two small holes cut out of the front of the leather garment. "Strange" she thought to herself.
"Very good. Now step into this and pull it up over your hips." Amanda said as she handed Kendall a white leather corset.
Kendall did a she was told and pulled the item up over her hips and around her waist. The under bust corset was heavily boned. Once she had it in place, Amanda began to buckle the straps in back pulling them tightly around her. There where four straps in all, and as each were buckled the corset squeezed Kendall's waist drawing it in smaller and smaller. When all four straps were buckled, Amanda went over them again, pulling each one, one notch tighter, squeezing Kendall's waist a full two inches smaller from 24" to 22" and making it somewhat difficult for her to take any deep breaths.
This also had the impact of pushing her 32" breasts further into the cat suit cups pressing them against the unknown needless. She had also noticed how more than just her nipples were now poking through the small breast cup holes. It was if her aureola's were trying to escape through the small holes too. Amanda then took four miniature pad locks and locked down each of the four buckles of the corset. There was no taking off the cat suit until the corset was removed. Without the keys, that wasn't happening any time soon.
"Alright, lets get your gloves on next." Amanda said and reached for her right hand. Kendall offered it with no resistance and watched as the glove, no rather a bondage mitt which covered her whole hand was pulled up to her wrist and buckled on. Amanda then took a hold of her left hand and did the same to it. Two more miniature pad locks made sure the mitts would not be removed.
When Amanda stepped away to retrieve the next item Kendall lifted her hands to look and realized how trapped they now were. At this point she knew she had passed the point if no return. For some reason that seamed to excite her though she did not know why.
Amanda turned and had an open faced leather helmet in her hand. She quickly and expertly pulled Kendall's long black locks into a high pony tail and slipped the helmet over her head pulling the pony tail through a hole near the top of the helmet. She then had Kendall hold her hair up out of the way with her mitts as she laced the helmet closed in the back. The laces pulled from top to bottom which also covered her slender neck.
A 3"leather collar was then buckled tightly around her neck and pad locked. When Kendall complained about the tightness, nearly choking her, Amanda said it had to be otherwise it would chafe.
"Do you dance?"
"Do you dance? You know, ballet, jazz, waltz."
"I used to take ballet lessons when I was younger."
"Then you're going to love these boots I have for you." She said holding them up for Kendall to see. "They're called ballet boots."
Amanda knelt down after setting Kendall on the bench and taking up her right foot, guided it into the boot. Immediately, Kendall's foot squeezed into an en point position within the boot and Amanda began to lace it up her leg tightly all the way past her knee to mid thigh. She repeated the the with her left leg. The boots now covering most of Kendall's long pins. Kendall could feel her calves beginning to crap as she wasn't used to holding her feet in such a position. Looking at the high 7" stiletto heels, she knew it was going to be a bitch to walk in if not just painful.
At the top of each boot where the laces ended was another strap and buckle. Locking these down with miniature pad locks ensure the laces could not be gotten to.
When Kendall wasn't paying much attention to Amanda as she was looking at herself wondering what she had now gotten herself into, Amanda was now behind her grooming Kendall's long black hair gently with her fingers.
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, not now but I used to."
"Did you enjoy sucking him off?"
"You know, blow jobs. Did he have a big cock for you to sick on?"
But before Kendall could answer the question, Amanda yanked back painfully on Kendall's long pony tail.
"Because I have a big fat one for you to suck on, now open wide."
Before Kendall had any chance to react Amanda shoved a large thick rubber dildo into Kendall's mouth.
Kendall was taken totally by surprise. She reacted by bringing her hands up to her face, but gloved as they were, they were helpless.
The large dildo pushed into her mouth deeply, almost to the back of her throat. It forced her to keep her jaw stretched wide open and pinned down her tongue. Backed by a leather panel, it covered the bottom half of her face from just below her nose to her chin. Two straps on either side of the panel were quickly buckled to each side of the leather hood and four miniature pad locks quickly applied. Even if Kendall had use of her hands there was no way now she would be able to remove the monstrosity from behind her delicate lips.
"Don't worry dear, you'll get used to sucking on it. Now lets take care of your arms. I have a lovely leather mono sleeve for them."
Pulling Kendall's arms behind her back, she slipped the leather binder over her hands and up over her arms trapping then together. Two straps went under her arms and across the tops of her chest over the opposite shoulders to buckle back onto the sleeve itself. This prevented the sleeve from slipping back down her arms. Next the zipper was pulled up closing the sleeve and forcing her arms together. After folding the flap over the zipper to hid it as well as to prevent the zipper from being pulled opened, Amanda then took each of the six thick leather straps over to its corresponding buckle and pulled them tight enough to force Kendall's elbows to touch. Lucky she was very limber from the daily gymnastics practice she did in high school.
Once they were buckled, heavy pad locks were added to each one. Kendall knew there was definitely no escaping now. A thin strap hanging down from the front of the corset was pulled up between her legs cleaving her sex in two and pulled up between her buttocks and attacked to the end of the mono sleeve. This effectively pinned her bound arms to her body forcing Kendall to arch her back even more so from just the mono glove.
Grabbing the ring in front of her collar, Amanda tugged on it and told Kendall to stand up. She did as she was told teetering in the ballet boots.
Now she looked as though she wanted everyone to see the nipples of her breasts as she stood there with her back arched thrusting them out.
"A few more accessories and we'll be ready to go."
What more could this crazy woman add Kendall thought to herself. She already has me bound tight like a Thanksgiving turkey. What she didn't realize that redundancy was the norm in the world of bondage.
Amanda produced two sets of cuffs. The first were buckled and locked around her ankles with a short 8"chain linked between the two. The second set was locked around her thighs just above her knees with even a shorter chain linked between the two. Kendall knew walking in the ballet boots were going to be difficult, but with the addition of the cuffs and chains the difficulty just went up exponentially.
"And now for your leash." Amanda said and snapped the end of one to the ring in front of Kendall's collar.
"Come along slave. I suggest you try and keep up." Amanda turned, tugged on the leash and headed out of the room with Kendall in tow.
Chapter 2
Kendall followed Mistress Amanda out of the dressing room and down a hall towards a door at the end. Just before entering the main room of the club Amanda turned towards her and said, "There's some rules you need to follow as of this moment to act as my slave; First off I'm your Mistress. You will obey all my orders or you will be punished. You will refer to all Doms as Master or Mistress depending upon gender. You will always walk behind me and when I'm seated you will kneel on the floor by my feet. You will always keep your gazed lowered. You will speak only when spoken to. Understand?"
Kendall did her best to nod her head.
Amanda turned and walked through the doorway and into the club. The leash pulled tight and Kendall stumbled in after her.
The place was dark with low level lighting. There was a bar, a dance floor and a stage. It was like most places other then the clientele. That's where the difference lay. The members and guest were all into the bdsm scene. Some as subs and others as doms while others switched hit.
As they walked through the club Kendall tried to look for her sister Kim. Mostly what she saw was members dressed out bound in leather or latex. They passed one table where Kendall recognized the man sitting there as a famous rock star. Next to his table were two girls, nude except for their bonds. A collar, arm binders, ballet booties and a full cover discipline helmet with no eyes, ears or mouth holes. Each was bent over at the waist with their collars chained down to rings on the table. Tthe rock star had his hand playing with one of the girl's exposed pussy while he talked with another man Kendall did not know.
Amanda walked all over the club with Kendall in tow. She shuffled along the best she could atop the ballet boots. Many times her leash was tugged and she stumbled forward trying to keep up. Once Amanda stopped short to speak with someone and not noticing Kendall hobbled into the back of her. Amanda turned to look at her over her shoulder and said in a low mean voice, "You will pay for that later bitch."
Not knowing what she meant by that, but the way she said it scared the hell out of Kendall.
After awhile they came to Mistress' reserved table. "Let's get you settled and then we can relax and have a drink." She said and lead Kendall to the side of her chair to weekday looked like a half its wooden barrel laid on its side mounted to the floor. Amanda moved her over to it and undid the hobble chain between her knees.
Reaching between Kendall's legs she unzipped that part of the cat suit exposing Kendall's pussy. Pressing down on her shoulders Amanda forced Kendall to straddle the half barrel on her knees while her ankles, still hobbled together were forced to sit on top behind her. To keep her from falling forward there was a pole standing straight behind the barrel. To this Amanda affixed a chain from the pole to the back of Kendall's collar. Though still tilting forward, it kept Kendall from falling forward. Her position left her pussy pressed upon a rubber knobby surface.
"There, I hope you're comfortable on the Sybian. From there you'll be able to see most of the club and anyone who approaches the table to look for your sister."
Kendall could only moan in reply.
"Oh,I almost forgot. We don't want you to get bored just sitting there so let's provide you with a little entertainment, shall we?" Amanda picked up a small box with wires connected to the Sybian, flicked a switch and turned the knob to low. The Sybian came to life and the rubber knobby surface began to vibrate against Kendall's pussy getting the teen excited and wet, but not strong enough to take her over the edge and cum. Kendall moaned in frustration.
Several people made their way over to Amanda's table to say hello and to pay their respects. Though Kendall got some glances she was mostly ignored. Then a waitress appeared next to the table. Her bondage was a strict as Kendall's if not more so. Her arms where encased in a red and black leather arm binder. A red & black under bra corset restricted her waist and left her bare breasts naked and exposed. Black leather ballet boots adorned her feet and legs. A short hobble chain connected her ankles while a short metal spreader bar kept her knees separated. A leather strap cleaved her pussy and buttocks where Kendall could see the outer edges of two large dildos shoved up into her sex and ass both held in place by the leather strap. What she did not know was that both dildos were alive, vibrating inside the girl. A black leather discipline helmet covered her face. The leather strap cleaving her sex was attached to the top of the leather helmet in back, forcing her to keep her head pulled back up against a stiff red & black leather posture collar she wore. She had eye holes on the leather helmet which allowed her to follow a guide marked on the ceiling so she can find her way around the club in order to serve it's patrons.
Kendall saw that the worst part of the waitress' outfit was the serving tray. The metal tray was strapped around her waist in front of her. On each forward corner of the tray was a thin chain each which was pulled tightly and connected to rings inserted in the woman's nipples which in turn stretched them forward.
Mistress Amanda waited several minutes before ordering. "I'll have a glass of raspberry Merlot and a pint of cum for my new slave." She said as she patted Kendall on the head.
The waitress turned and left only to return five minutes later with a glass of wine and a plastic bag with a milky substance on her serving tray.
Mistress Amanda took the both off of the tray and laid them on the table. "You're dismissed." She said to the waitress who turned and left again.
She took a sip of wine and licked her lips. Then looking at Kendall she said, "You must be thirsty by now. Well I got a nice bag of warmed up cum for you to enjoy. Its full of protein."
She hung the bag on the pole behind Kendall but above her head. Taking a plastic tube she attached it to a small knob protruding in front of her face mask and then the other end to the bag of cum. "Now you just suck on that nice cock in your mouth and you will get your nourishment. But I want to encourage you to drink up the whole pint, so......" And as she spoke she tugged on Kendall's exposed nipples and without warning attached a metal nipple clamp to first the right and a then second clamp to the left nipple. Tears filled Kendall's brown eyes from the pain. Next a half pound weight was added to each nipple. "Every ten minutes I will add another weight until you have completely sucked that bag of cum dry. Your training starts now!"
Kendall closed her tearful eyes and began to suck. Slowly, the milky liquid flowed from the bag through the tube, into the cock gag and into her mouth where she was forced to swallow the warm salty tasting cum into her gullet. By the time she had sucked the bag dry Mistress Amanda was on her second glass of wine and Kendall had a pound and a half of weights hanging from each of her nipple clamps. Though Amanda had removed the bag tube from her mask, she left the nipple clamps and weights in place as she over saw the activities of her fetish club.
For then next couple of hours Kendall knelt in place over the Sybian humming into her wet puss. Her arms bound tightly behind her back with her shoulders aching in pain. Feet crammed into ballet boots with her calves sore from cramping up. Her jaw sore from being stretched open over the cock gag in her mouth. Her nipples stretched downward by weight bearing nipple clamps. Her eye red from crying wondering what had she gotten herself into and would she ever be set free?
Chapter 3 (added: 2014/01/15)
Kendall's sex was completely sore for sitting for several hours on the Sybian with no relief from the low vibrating machine. Worst, was the fact she was unable to have an organism though she desperately wanted to. The only semi-relief she had was when another mistress named Kathleen came over for a spell to talk to Amanda. She was beautiful to look at with a small rounded face. Ruby red lips and dark eyes. Her hair was parted on the side and cut into a bob the length of her chin. She had a slender body and wore a micro black leather miniskirt to which Kendall could seed from her vantage point she wasn't wearing any undergarments. Her medium size breasts were also exposed as she wore the frame of a bra but without the cups. Black leather thigh high boots adorned her legs completing her outfit.
She carried a riding crop in her right hand while her left held a leash. The other end of the leash was connected to the collar around the powerful neck of a very muscular man who crawled on all fours next to Mistress Kathleen's left leg. He was naked except a pouch which covered his member. A ring on the outside of the pouch at the base of his cock connected to another ring pulled tight just above the ball sack. This gizmo kept the man/dog rock hard and Kendall could see even though it was in a covered pouch that his man-hood was large. Very large.
While Mistress Kathleen was sitting and talking with Mistress Amanda, the man/dog began sniffing around Kendall. He sniffed her leg and followed it upwards to her sex but because of the position she was in, leaning forward on the Sybian, he wasn't able to get his nose in close. So instead he worked his way around to her backside where he found her ass covered by the catsuit. Using his nose and tongue he was able to get a hold of the partially open zipper and pull it further up. Soon he had his nose pressed in between her splayed ass cheeks sniffing at her bung hole. Thrusting out his tongue, he began to lick her hole. Though Kendall had a few boyfriends in the past, none of them every so much as touched her ass hole never the less have put a tongue to it. She was surprised at how good it actually felt and was moaning in pleasure when the man/dog's mistress noticed and jerked his leash pulling him away.
"What the hell are you doing?" She basically screamed. "Heal Manfred!" And the man/dog went and knelt besides his Mistress' leg.
Putting the riding crop up under Kendall's chin, she lifted her head up to face her. "What the hell do you think you where doing allowing my dog to lick you like that? I didn't give him permission to lick your shitty ass! You need to be punished for that! Maybe in the future I'll have you brought to my kennels and have you mated with one of my mastiffs." She proclaimed. "But for now I think this will do nicely," and reaching down yanked off the two nipple clips off of Kendall.
Thinking she'd was going to find some relief from the numbness that had set in since the weighted clips were placed on her nipples, Kendall was in for a shock as the blood rushed forward back into them making it feel as if a thousand needless where jabbing them simultaneously. Her muffled scream into the cock gag brought a smile of pleasure to the Mistress' face, knowing how much pain the action had really caused.
After awhile her nipples felt as if they had returned to normal and Mistress Kathleen and her man/dog left and went about their way. A short time later she heard a familiar voice saying hello to Mistress Amanda. She looked up and saw her sister Kim moving toward them. Shorter then Kendall's 5'10", Kim stood taller than her 5'3" frame as she wore a pair of 4" stilettos. A leather pencil skirt covered her curvy 38" hips to just above her knees and a shear blouse did nothing to hide her ample 36D breasts and was short enough to expose her 26" tummy. Her black hair was teased so it flowed around her head almost giving her the look of a lion's mane.
Kendall tried to get her sister's attention but her muffled voice could be hardly heard in the club. Her only hope was if Mistress Amanda reveled who she was to Kim.
"Kim! Good to see you. Please, come have a seat next to me."
Kim sat down to the left of Amanda.
"How are you?
"Well, thank you."
"Are you enjoying what our establishment has to offer?"
"Yes, for sure. I've really been enjoying it. I'm glad my application for enrollment was accepted."
"The board and I thought you'd be a good fit with our life style."
"Thank you, I'm so glad to be a part of this club."
"Tell me, are the other members treating you well?"
"Oh yes, and that Mistress Venus that you introduced me too has been showing me the things I need to accomplish to become full fledged Mistress myself instead of only an honorary one."
"Yes. Well one of the things you'll need to do is get yourself a willing slave."
"Speaking of slaves, I see you have yourself a new one." Kim said glancing at the girl on the Sybian and thinking there was something familiar about her.
"Yes, I just acquired her this afternoon."
"She looks kind of young."
"Old enough."
"I noticed she isn't pierced yet?"
"Yes, I still have to get that done." An evil thought passed through Amanda's mind. "Say, you wouldn't want to help me with that would you?" She asked.
"Really?" Kim answered. "I'd love too!"
"Good. Then lets take her to my private play room then." Amanda said and stood up. Reaching down she turned off the Sybian and pulled Kendall off of it.
Kendall began to try and stand when Amanda pushed her back down onto her knees. "I didn't give you permission to stand, bitch! You follow me on your knees." She said and started to walk away pulling on her leash.
Kendall desperately tried to keep up but failed.
Amanda turned to Kim who was following along. "I think this slave needs some motivation." And handed Kim her own leather ridding crop.
"It would be my pleasure." She answered. Smacking Kendall on her ass with the crop, she said, "Move slave." And gave her a few more smacks of the crop.
Kendall was forced to follow along on her knees across the club room and into and down a hallway, all along being smacked on the ass with the crop by her sister. They passed several doors on both sides of the hall until they came to one at the end of the hall marked #1. Using a key, Mistress Amanda opened the door and pulled Kendall in behind her followed by her sister Kim. Without turning around, Kendall heard the door to the room close behind and a both thrown with a resounding "click." Kendall immediate felt a sense of dread. If only she could get Kim to realize it was her.
The women lifted Kendall to her feet and then forced her to lay on her arms on a waist high leather covered bench. She was then strapped down to the bench with straps around her waist and above and bellow her breasts. Chains where attached to the cuffs around her booted ankles after the hobble chain was removed and then pulled, lifting her legs up and apart in a Y-shape.
Amanda gathered several things and placed them on a rolling table and then rolled it over to where Kendall lay.
"Let's start with her nipples." Amanda said. "I'll do the first one and then you can follow along by doing the other one."
"OK, sounds good to me."
Kim watched as Amanda began by teasing Kendall's right nipple, pulling, tugging and rolling it between her thumb and fore finger until it began to get hard and stiff from the stimulation. Grabbing the nipple and pulling it, she placed the point of a long needle against the nipple and pushing from right to left, the needle pierce Kendall's nipple with a pop as it tore through it. Kendall screamed, but the gag stifled the noise. Kim watched as tears filled the girls eyes and she still could not escape the feeling she knew her.
"Now you try it."
"Ok." Kim said and picked up another needle and began to play with Kendall's left nipple. Kendall tried to get her to stop making all kinds of noise but it was for naught as she felt Kim place the sharp tip of the needle against her nipple and push. Kendall screamed into the gag a second time as Kim pierced that one too. A floodgate of tears welled up in her eyes.
Half dollar sized rings with small bells attached to them replaced the needles and were clamped shut. The woman then moved down between Kendall's legs. Mistress Amanda showed Kim where she wanted four piercings on Kendall's outer labia, two on each side. She then lifted Kendall's head and forced her to watch as her sister Kim complied and pierced her sex and inserted small rings.
Then moving the hood of her clitoris out of the way, Her clit was then pierced and then a small ring with a four inch chain hung down with a bell attached to the chain's end was inserted in the newly made piercing. The pain was great and Kendall passed out. When she came to a few minutes later, head was strapped down tight to the bench. Taking a small piercing box, it was forced into her nostrils where her septum was then pierced. A two piece grommet was inserted on each side and forced closed with a pair of pliers. Then a ring was inserted through the grommet and clamped closed. Kendall could not stop crying, but the women were not quite finished yet.
A small hex key was inserted into the front of her dildo gag and turned. The dildo was then slid out of her mouth. Kendall found that she still could not close her mouth due to a large ring keeping it forced open. A pair of forceps captured her tongue and pulled it outward through the ring. Two more needles pierced her tongue and where then replaced with a stud in the middle of her tongue and a ring at the front of her tongue.
Finished, the women celebrated with a glass of sparkling wine each while Kendall remand bound and suffering from the stinging piercings and the alcohol swabs used to clean her wounds. For her tongue, they both poured some of their wine into her mouth where it stung her new piercings.
"You know, our little slave girl hasn't properly thanked you for helping with her with her new jewelry, has she?"
"I don't believe she has." Answered Kim. "I'd really like to try out that newly pierced tongue of hers."
"Please, be my guest."
Amanda lowered the head end of the bench as Kim removed her leather skirt. Kendall's eyes widened as she watched as her sister Kim straddled her face with her neatly shaved puss and lowered it onto her ring gagged mouth. Suddenly, her own pussy exploded in pain as Mistress Amanda, wielding a multi-strand whip began striking her between her legs. Kendall's scream was muffled by Kim's pussy sitting on her mouth. A second strike hit her pussy again and Amanda told her she better get that pink wiggler to work as she was planning on whipping her until she made Mistress Kim cum.
Kendall quickly thrust her tongue through her ring gag and into Kim's waiting sex. Mistress Amanda whipped her pussy, thighs and stomach as Kendall used her tongue to eat her big sister's pussy. Licking up and down her slit and teasing her clit, trying to bring her to orgasm. She could tell she was close a few times, but Kim prolonged the orgasm by lifting her cunt up off of her mouth several times and laughing as Kendall's tongue stretched forth trying to reach it. Kim also shifted her body so Kendall was reaming her bung hole with her tongue for several minutes before returning her cunt to her mouth. Kendall didn't know how long it was but she could feel her sister's body shudder in bliss as she came in a powerful orgasm. But she wasn't allowed to stop until Kim was satisfied that she has licked her clean and then forced her to lick her bung hole again for several more minutes.
Finally having enough, Kim un-straddled Kendall's mouth. "Wow, that was fantastic!" She said as she returned her leather pencil skirt around her waist.
"Not too bad for your little sister Kendall's first time, was it?"
Chapter 4 (added: 2014/01/25)
Still in a blissful high from her recent orgasm, it took Kim a few moments to realize what Mistress Amanda said. "Yes it was wonder....wait, what did you say?" Turning to face the girl strapped down on the bench, "Kendall?" A flash of recognition suddenly became apparent and she moved towards the bench. "Quick, help me get her up!" The words almost choking out of her.
Amanda stepped between Kim and Kendall putting out her arms to stop Kim. "Whoa, not so fast."
"But she's my sister."
"She's my slave." Amanda said forcefully. "And you know the club rules. No one is allowed to interfere with another's property."
"But, my sister? How?"
"Oh Kendall, what have I done to you? I'm so sorry." Turning toward Amanda she bluntly said, "I want to buy her!"
"Fine. Fifty thousand."
"Fifty thousand dollars? I don't have that kind of money. I was thinking more like twenty thousand."
"Twenty thousand, that's a joke right? I can get fifty or more on the auction block once I'm done breaking her in."
"But I just don't have that kind of money."
"Maybe you can borrow it."
Kim looked down at the floor. "No. I don't know anyone who had that kind of money to borrow from."
After an akward moment in silence, Amanda watched how Kim was looking at Kendall and with a gleam in her eyes said, "Do you like to gamble?"
"Gamble. You know play cards. Poker in particular?"
"I've played some Texas Hold'em, if that's what you mean?"
"Yes, good, then I have an idea. We'll play cards. You can win your sister from me."
"Seriously? Ok, thank you."
"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. To whom did you thank?"
"You...Thank you Mistress Amanda."
With a bit of an evil smile Amanda said. "That's a proper answer. Now, help me get my slave of the table and we can go to the poker room." With that said the two women began to remove the bonds that held Kendall strapped to the table, but before they did so Amanda took two Ben-WA balls and inserted them into Kendall's pussy. Then taking the dangling tiny bell and chain hanging from her clit ring, she threaded it through the four other pussy rings pulling her lips closed in order hold the Ben-Wa balls in and then zipped up the lower part of the cat suit before reattaching the thin crotch strap tightly from the front of her corset to the to the base of her arm binder.
Getting her up off of the table, Amanda made her kneel. "My slaves don't walk. From now on you'll be crawling on your knees every where we go. So get used to it. But first I want to add something. Stick out your tongue."
Kendall reluctantly obeyed and Amanda clipped a weight to her tongue ring forcing Kendall's tongue to remain stretched out through her ring gag and Kim winched as she watched helplessly. "That will help in strengthening it and stretching it out longer. Better to please your Mistress with."
Clipping the leash to front if her collar Amanda lead them out of the room. If it wasn't for the leather of the thigh high ballet boots covering her knees, they would of been easily scrapped across the floor as she struggled to keep up crawling behind her Mistress. The bells on her nipple rings tinkled as she moved along drawing the looks of the other members as she passed by. As she crawled on her knees behind Mistress Amanda, the Ben-Wa balls moved about inside of her lower abdomen causing her a sweet vibrating sensation. Kendall could feel her love juices building up and slowly dribbling down her thighs.
Down the long hall, across the main club room to the opposite side they entered another room. The center of which held a large oval table with a dealer and several of the club members playing poker. To one side was a manned bar and a bound waitress, much like the one Kendall saw earlier, serving the men their drinks and food. A large flat screen TV mounted upon the wall had the football game going. A valet met them when they walked in. She wore a black leather catsuit with a white corset strapped around her waist. Ballet boots adorned her legs but without the hobble chains. Her wrists were cuffed with a chain going from one to the other but first passed through a D-ring ring attached to the front of her corset at waist high. A second set of cuffs were similarly attached to her arms just above the elbows with a connecting chain running through a second D-ring on her back side. This gave her somewhat, but limited freedom use of her hands.
"What would be your pleasure Mistress?" She asked.
"My friend and I would like to join in the game." She said while eying the table and seeing on one empty seat. Her reserved seat.
"How much would Mistress like to start with?" The slave asked.
"Fifty thousand,...each."
"Very well Mistress." She answered and turning an iTablet in her direction, Mistress Amanda signed her name. The slave turned the tablet towards Kim who took it and signed her name for the chips. The slave then took up fifty thousand in chips and placed them on the table in front of Amanda's empty seat. Amanda looked over the table and said to one of the gentleman, "Tom, you don't look like you're doing to well today. Would mind giving up your seat for my friend Kim here, so she could play."
"It would be my pleasure." He said and standing up, picked up the remainder of his chips.
Kim sat down and the slave placed her chips on the table in front of her. She watched as Amanda handed Kendall's leash to Tom and said as thanks to take her over to the cum pole and amuse himself at his pleasure.
Tom's eyes lit up looking at the girl hungerly and took the leash. "Thank you Amanda." He said and then tugging on the leash he said in a mean voice, "Follow me bitch."
Kim had no choice but to watch as he led Kendall over to an adjustable vertical metal pole on one side of the room and had her back up to it. He attached the back of her collar to a ring at the top and adjusted the height of the pole so she was standing on her knees. He had removed her hobble chains and now attached a spreader bar between her knees forcing them wide apart. Then lifting each of her feet in turn he locked her each of her ankle cuffs to the pole forcing Kendall to balance her weight painfully on her knees only.
Tom walked around the girl several times eying her like a cat plays with a captive mouse. He really liked the way the weight attached to her tongue stretched it outward from the ring gag, watching her pant and drool all over herself.
Meanwhile, play resumed on table and Kim had to divide her attention between playing cards and caring about the welfare of her little sister.
Tom stood in front of Kendall and unzipped the front of his pants. "Lets try out that cute mouth of yours." he remarked and pulled out his semi hard member. Kim gasped as she watched him place it on her waiting outstretched tongue and slid it into her open mouth through the ring gag. "Come on bitch, start sucking."
Kendall struggled to move her weighted tongue along the shaft of his cock and to suck on it as he moved it in and out of her mouth. Slowly it began to stiffen up as he pumped it in and out of her mouth and was soon bumping it against the back of her throat. Kim's seat afforded her a bird's eye view of her sister getting her mouth raped. With one hand on her head, Tom reached down and fondled Kendall's breasts through the cat suit not knowing that with each squeeze of his hand he was pushing the pins inside the suit deeper into her breasts causing her more uncomfortable pain. He grabbed her exposed nipple and squeezing and pulled on it as he built up his orgasm. With in minutes he was pulling his cock out so the pulsing head remained just inside her mouth. He then spurted his warm sticky cum from his balls all into the inside of her mouth and all over her tongue.
"You better leave my cum on your tongue and not swallow it until I tell you to bitch, or you're going to regret it." He said as he replaced his cock back into his pants and zipped up. "Man, Amanda....that was nice. I almost should feel I should give her a tip."
"I think you deposited enough of your tip on her tongue." She replied and everyone except Kim laughed out loud.
"Hey, I have and idea." Tom said and left the room returning about fifteen minutes later. He looked at Kendall and saw that she still had his cum sitting on her tongue. "Very good slave, you can now swallow my seed." And watched as Kendall began the task of lifting her weighted tongue to swallow his salty tasting cum.
When Tom returned he had what looked like a metal dish in his hand. Someone at the table asked what it was for and he said it was for the dealer's tips. It was customary at the end of each hand the winner would 'tip' the dealer a token of the win. Everyone watched as Tom went to the toy closet and took out a long chain, and several clamps. He attached four of the clamps to the edge of the dish and taking a stool, threaded the chain through a ring bolt in the ceiling. One end of the chain he attached to the short chains of the clamps on the dish and the other end he attached two more clamps. Hanging the dish in the air near the dealer he stretched out the other end of the chain over to Kendall and took those clamps and attached them to her nipples. The clamps bit down squeezing her nipples while the weight of the metal dish pulled and stretched them upwards. Kendall moaned in pain as more tears welded up in her eyes.
Most everyone at the table thought it was an excellent idea. Now each time the dealer took a tip, he placed it in the hanging dish pulling painfully further on Kendall's nipples. Kim winched every time a tip was added. Doubly so when the tip came from her.
Play went on for several hours and Kim held her own winning some pots and losing some too. Overall, she was just under even in chips. But as everyone knows, the longer you play more chances your luck would run out. Sooner then later Kim's luck was going to turn. But would it be for the better or worst?
Throughout the game each one of the male players would take a break and each would go over and use Kendall's mouth to pleasure their cocks and to deposit their cum. Kim could only watch in agonized silence each time it happened knowing there was nothing she could do to help her.
After another hour of play Kim got a hand she was looking to make a large play on. In her hand was a pair of Kings. The flop produced a King and two Two's giving her a full house. She bet heavily and most of the others dropped out. The fourth card was a seven and by the time the river came out, it was her and one other player still in the hand. It turned out a jack and he went all in. Kim quickly called and was shocked to lose most of her chips to his four deuces. She was crushed and had less than ten thousand left in her stack. She lasted only three more hands before she was out.
Standing up from the table she looked at Kendall and mouthed 'sorry' to her sister and hung her head.
The valet stepped over her to and asked how would she like to take care of her debt?
"What? What do you mean?"
"You signed for fifty thousand in chips. They're not free. You are now in debt to the house for fifty thousand. How would you like to take care of it, check or charge?"
"What? Wait, I don't have....Amanda, you know I didn't have that kind of money. You tricked me!"
"I didn't force you to sign for the debt did I?"
"No but..."
"Well, then you need to pay your debt."
"But, I can't"
"Then you become property the house if you show a means of paying your debt. And since I own this place, that means you are now my slave until your debt is paid off. Now strip bitch!!"
Chapter 5 (added: 2014/02/08)
"Amanda, please." Kim begged as tears began to well up in her eyes.
"Now listen cunt, because I'm only going to say this one time. It's Mistress to you at all times! Do I make myself clear our do I need to whip it into you?"
"No Mistress, I mean yes Mistress I understand. Please, I beg you not to whip me Mistress." Kim said as she began to sob.
"Now you better listen here girly, if I want to whip you because I think you need punishment or just for my own pleasure I will. And right now if I was you, I'd do as you're Mistress told you and get those cheap ass Wal-mart clothes off before I get mad!" Amanda commanded.
"Yes Mistress." Kim sobbed.
All eyes in the room were on her as she reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse from the bottom up then taking it off looked around for a moment for a place to put it and then decided to drop it on the floor by her feet.
"Now lose the bra."Some one said. With tears running down her cheeks she reached between her breasts and unsnapped the hook releasing her two beautiful orbs and dropped it also to the floor unto of her blouse.
"Those are incredible!" One if the members remarked about her 36D breasts. "Fabulous," another member agreed.
"Lose the skirt." Amanda commanded.
Kim reached around her waist and turned the skirt to gain easy access to the button and clasp. Undoing them, allowed the skirt to drop to the floor and then took a step back out of it.
Kim stood there crying. "Keep going cunt."
Kim hooked her thumbs into the side of her nudes colored lace panties and was about to pull then down when one of the members blurted out, "Slowly!"
Kim did as she was told and slowly lowered them, first off of her hips, slowly down her thighs, then past her knees where she allowed them to drop to the floor. Standing up straight she stood naked except her stockings and pumps.
Kim lifted her right leg up behind her and reached to remove her shoe when Amanda tools her to leave then on. Kim answered "Yes Mistress." And stood there in all her glory as the men in the room oogled her curvaceous body.
Amanda got up out of her chair and went to the closet and pulled some items from it tossing then in the center of the poker table. "If you gentleman would kindly assist me?"
Several of the men stood up grabbing the items from the table and moved over to where Kim stood.
"Turn around cunt and place you're hand together behind your back." One of the men said.
The first item was 4" leather cuff with four buckles. This was placed around Kim's forearms. Three straps were pulled through the buckles encasing her lower arms and pulling them tightly together. The forth strap hung downwards. This was pulled between her ring fingers and her middle fingers of her hands and then buckled back on the leather cuff securing it. Another cuff similar to the first was fit over her upper arms above her elbows. As the three straps of this cuff were buckled it forced her elbows tightly together. Kim arched her back to try and help ease the strain from her shoulders. Next a leather pouch was slipped over her hands and a single strap was tightened and buckled around her wrists preventing it from slipping off and rendering her hands completely useless.
While this was going on another man shoved a large ring gag behind her teeth and buckled it tightly behind her head while still someone else added leather cuffs around each ankle and buckled then on.
Finished, one of the men was rubbing his crotch and asked, "Well Amanda, are e going to get a chance to play with your new toy?"
"Sure, why not. Move her over here boys." She replied and began removing the to dish from where it was hanging torturing Kendall's stretched nipples.
"Bend her over." Amanda ordered, then lifting Kim's arms sky ward behind her back, she attached the chain attached to Kendall's nipples to a ring set in the base of the leather hand pouch and let go. Kim was now forced to stay in that position voluntarily. If she lowered her arms at all to relieve the pain and stress in her shoulders, she would forcefully pull on her sister Kendall's already stretched nipples. A spreader bar was then attached to her ankle cuffs forcing her legs further apart inducing more stress to her already aching shoulders.
Finished, Amanda grinned wickedly and then said, "Have at her boys."
One man stood in front if Kim's face and taking his cock, slipped it through the ring gag and into Kim's mouth. Grabbing a hold of her head in his hands he began to pump her mouth. A second man had already removed his pants and steeping behind Kim grabbed her hips and with no warning slammed his cock into her pussy as far as his seven inches would allow and began to ram her over and over again.
Kim hurt. Her jaw, her throat, her pussy, her arms, her shoulders. And she let out several grunts as she was being forced fucked in front and back. Her body was rocked forward and backward and through it all she could hear Kendall also grunting in pain as every movement of her arms yanked on the poor girl's tortured nipples. Kim forced herself to focus as best as she could to try and keep her arms held high as possible as she knew she was now the cause of Kendall's misery.
Amanda stepped over to Kendall and said, "I don't believe that the men should have all the fun." And removed her own skirt then removed the weight from Kendall's tongue before straddling the teen's head placing her bald shaven pussy directly onto Kendall's mouth. "Start pleasing your Mistress, slave!"
Kendall lifted her sore tongue and began to lick between Amanda's swollen sex, up and down, in and out in order to please her new Mistress. Meanwhile, any movement she or her sister made just continued to yank on her poor aching nipples. Oh God how they hurt. Her knees were so sore from having to stand on them for so long and her shoulders were screaming in pain from having her arms pinned together behind her back in the binder. Would this nightmare never stop?
The man with his cock pumping in and out of Kim's mouth suddenly came, spurting his hot sticky cum into her mouth and across her face. His cock was quickly replaced by another. Soon after, the man behind her blew his wad into her sex. Stepping away from her another took his place and once again she was getting it on both ends. Each time one of the men came, another moved in and took his place.
Over an hour later Kim had been fucked in her mouth and pussy several times over by each of the guys and Kendall had succeed in bringing her Mistress to an orgasm not once, not twice but three times.
After a while play resumed on the poker table but not before Amanda had the girls show some sisterly love for one another. Releasing Kendall from the cum pole, she made the girls face each other and clean the spilled cum off of each other with their tongues. The only stipulation was that they had to do it while remaining on their knees. Kim licked Kendall's face and breasts and Kendall reciprocated. The guys really enjoyed the show watching Kendall lick the cum out of Kim's pussy. That meant Kim had to kneel with her head on the ground, her ass up in the air and her knees spread wide as Kendall tongued and slurped her pussy clean as ordered.
The guys watched and got their laughs at the sisters as they went about their tasks. Especially funny was when Kim was cleaning the cum off of Kendall's sore nipples making her squirm and grimace as they were licked clean.
Now the girls knelt on either side of Amanda, knees spread, back straight, head down waiting for her to finish playing cards. Kim had a pump gag inserted through her ring gag and pump up to fill her mouth while poor Kendall had the weight reattached to her tongue ring forcing her to sit with it hanging out through the ring gag, drool almost constantly rolling out of her mouth and dripping down onto her small leather covered breasts.
Chapter 6 (added: 2014/03/24)
Amanda forced the girls to crawl on their knees back across the club leashed behind her all the way back to her private dungeon room. Once there, she forced Kendall to kneel on one side of the room against a pole where the back of her collar was locked to the pole keeping her in place. On the other side of the room she rebound Kim. First she removed her shoes and stockings and placed leather cuffs around her ankles and attached a hobble chain between them. Next she unbound her arms and forced them above her head where she attached leather cuffs around her wrists and reattached them to a cable above her head. This wasn't too bad until her hobble chain was removed and a three foot spreader bar took it's place which now forced her to balance up on top of the balls of her feet.
Amanda removed the pump gag from her mouth but left the ring gag in place. She then took two black, thin, studded leather straps and buckled each one tightly, stud side in, around the base of each of her large breasts, torturing them. Her breasts became firm, turning a slightly purplish color while heightening their sensitivity. The tightness of the straps along with the pressure of the studs against her skin hurt and she wept and moaned in pain.
Kendall could do nothing but watch helplessly from the other side of the room while Mistress Amanda placed a leather blind fold over Kim's eyes and then picked up her favorite nine strand leather whip.
What the girls did not know was that there were four high definition cameras mounted high in each corner of the room that turned on automatically whenever someone entered the room recording all that happened there. It was there not only for Amanda's amusement, but to make Amanda some under the table cash as she liked to sell copies of the videos on the under ground internet.
The next hour though was for Amanda's pleasure as she swung her whip. All nine stands of the whip slapped Kim across her right breast leaving red marks across her orb where they landed. Not being able to see because of the blindfold, Kim was totally taken by surprise when the whip landed across her breast. Her breast exploded in pain which simply took her breath away from her. The second struck across her left breast and she found her voice as she let out out a scream. Amanda smiled and waited until Kim stopped screaming and caught her breath in between her sobbing. Her arm swung again and once again the nine stands of the whip landed across Kim's right breast for a second time. Kim screamed again as Amanda admired the new set of red stripes crossing the first set. When Km had some semblance of calming down Amanda struck her left breast again. For over an hour Amanda tortured each of Kim's breasts until there where no unmarked spaces from her whip. Each one burned a fiery red color and moved up and down with each heavy sob.
Putting the whip down Amanda fondled each of Kim's breasts feeling the heat radiating from the whipping.
While squeezing Kim's right breast, she reached down with her right hand and cupped Kim's mound between her legs.
"Wow, what a slut you are. You're sopping wet." She said and taking two fingers pushed then into her. "Getting you're tits whipped really turned you on, didn't it slut?" Her fingers pumping Kim's sex.
Kim hung her head in shame not knowing how to respond. Was it true? Was she just a slut? How was she all wet when her breasts burned? She didn't the answer when Amanda pulled her fingers out of Kim's sex and shoved them into her mouth through her ring gag.
"Lick them clean, slut."
Using her tongue, Kim did as she was ordered tasting her own cum on Amanda's fingers. Amanda meanwhile kept pinching and pulling Kim's nipple until she was satisfied her fingers where clean enough.
"Maybe slut we can help you with your problem...but I think we must enlist the aid of your younger sister." She says as she walked over to Kendall and unlocked her from the pole. Amanda removed almost all of Kendall's bonds and leather cat suit. She watched a the two Ben-wa balls came popping out of Kendall's pussy one after the other. "These kept you juicing up without cumming, huh. Well that's the way you need to stay for your Mistress bitch. Nice and wet."
When she was finished Kendall still had her arms in the leather binder, the leather helmet, collar, and ring gag. Amanda walked her over to a leather covered thin table and made her sit down on the edge. Placing leather cuffs on her ankles she pulled her legs back on each side of the table and secured the ankle cuffs to rings set about mid-center of the table forcing her to keep her legs spread.
Next she took off the armbinder and forced Kendall to lay back on the table. Taking each arm she attached her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs. Going over to a wall cabinet Kendall watched in horror as Amanda returned with a double dildo in her hand. Having the weight removed from her aching tongue felt good but now it was pinned down to the bottom of her mouth as one end of the dildo was forced into mouth through the ring gag until it locked in with a click. The tip of the dildo reached to the back of Kendall's throat and she had to work at controlling her gag reflex to prevent throwing up in her mouth.
The other end of the dildo that protruded from her mouth was a monstrous thing. 8"long and 3"in circumference. It was ribbed with a bulbous head. Just below the the head it was ringed with knobby studs all around and the same way every inch down it's length.
Amanda wheeled the table until Kendall's head was between Kim's thighs. Steeping on a hydraulic pump she slowly raised the table. Kendall could only watch as she moved closer and closer towards Kim's sex. She clearly could see the monstrous head of the dildo spread the lips of Kim's sex and plunge inside. Kim let out a deep moan as the bulbous head penetrated her. Amanda kept raising the table until the first two knobby rings had disappeared into her sex.
"Feels good slut? Well I don't think you're going to like what come next." She said and picked up a pair of Japanese butterfly clamps connected together by a short chain. Opening the first one she allowed it to close on Kim's left nipple. Kim howled in pain and then again when Amanda placed the second one on Kim's other nipple. The thing about Japanese butterfly clips is that the more you pull on them the tighter they get. Amanda picked up a second set of chains. These where set in a Y-shape. The first two ends she clipped to Kendall's nipple rings. Then stretching the chain up she looped it over the chain attached to the butterfly clamps and pulled it down and attached it to Kendall's clit ring. Kendall was forced to try and lift her hips and breasts upward arching her back off of the table by her legs as the chains pulled her nipples and clit ring upwards towards Kim's breasts as Kim's were stretched downwards by the butterfly clamps.
Amanda reached out and pulled on the chain several times stretching the girls breasts even further eliciting further moans of pain from both girls. This pleased Amanda very much.
Moving behind Kim, Amanda undid the chain attached to Kim's hands holding them upwards. Keeping tension on the chain in her hand so Kim wasn't able to lower herself to her heals, she attached it to the ring at the top of Kendall's hood. Now if Kim lowered herself she would end up pulling Kendall's head up off the table further thrusting the dildo up in side of her.
Last, Amanda strapped a pair of butterfly vibrators on both Kendall and Kim just above their sex and turn them on low. More stimulation but not enough to send the girls over the edge. "Alright girls, I'll be back in a few hours. I'm sure you two can keep each other amused." And left the room.
Kim could not see Kendall but knew she was below her where as Kendall was looking straight up at Kim between her legs.
Kendall watched as Kim's thighs quivered from trying to hold her body up on the balls of her feet but was losing the battle. Kim lowered herself a few inches and Kendall's head moved upwards pushing the thick dildo further into Kim. Kim quickly rose back up on her toes and the dildo and Kendall's head lowered. But this caused the the chains to pull further on Kim's and Kendall's nipples and clit. Kim lowered herself again, a little further and Kendall watched as her head moved up along with the thick dildo. Kim forced herself upwards again, but could not hold her position for two long and again lowered herself. Over and over again, she moved up and down slowly fucking herself with Kendall's mouth dildo. She was torn between the pain in her nipples and the the cramping of her legs and the pleasure of riding the thick ribbed dildo. Soon she was rocking faster and faster. Kendall's head jerked up and down. Her nipple rings and clit ring continued their pull as Kim moved. And all she could do was watch as the dildo moved in and out of her older sister. Entering deeper and deeper. Suddenly, Kim's body quivered and shook and she dropped completely down onto her heals. The 8" dildo buried it self all the way into Kim's sex and Kendall's head was pulled upward and pressed between Kim's ass checks where her nose ended up pressed against Kim's wrinkly rosebud as Kim came hard.
The orgasm washed over her and her whole body shuddered. Even with her eyes covered, she rolled them up into her head as she came. After what felt like a long time, Kim could feel the end of the dildo pressed hard up against her cervix, hurting. Also, there was something pressing up against her anus. OMG, Kendall! Kim immediately rose up onto the balls of her feet. The dildo lowered to just the two inches in side of her and Kendall's head rested down on the table. But the clamps pulled painfully as Kendall tried to raise her body up off of the table. Soon Kim's legs were quivering once again and Kendall watched helplessly as the cycle began to repeat itself all over again....Oh God she thought.
Chapter 7 (added: 2014/03/27)
Mistress Amanda returned a couple hours later. Kendall's arms and legs where sore from trying to hold her body upwards off of the table. Her nipples and clit where sore from the constant tugging. And her neck was sore from her sister Kim constant motion of riding the double dildo attached to her face.
Kim on the other hand was now working on her seventh orgasm. Amanda watched as Kim rode the massive dildo in her pussy up and down steadily at first and then she looked as though she was slamming herself on it. Each time she lowered herself she pulled up Kendall's head forcing her face between Kim's buttocks. Over and over again, faster and faster until she could not hold back and erupted once again in bliss. Her head thrown back as cries of passion where heard through her ring gag. Her body shook and she sank down, the dildo buried deep into her sex and Kendall's nose was once more pressed against Kim's wrinkled rose bud.
"Very good girls. That was quite a performance. We need to get you fed before your performance on stage tonight. But first....." She said as she ran her hand across Kendall's flat stomach, "...I think I might have a taste for myself." Amanda bent over and gave Kendall a kiss between the teen's thighs on the mound of her sex. Slowly, ever so slowly she continued to kiss Kendall's body between her legs all around her sex. And then her lips brushed the lips of Kendall's sex. First once, then twice, and then a third time. After which Kendall felt Amanda's tongue move up through her inner labia to lap at the core of her sex. Still slowly at first and then with a steady pace. Soon Kendall was squirming in her bonds as the pleasurable heights were climbing higher and higher as Amanda continued her assault on her sex with her tongue.
Amanda attacked the teen's pussy like an Italian attacking a plate of spaghetti. Slurping and licking the teen into a frenzy. Kendall was snorting air through her nose as the pleasure of having her sex eaten by a woman was driving her to bliss, when suddenly she stopped and straighten up said. "I think that's enough for now. Maybe later we'll finish."
Just on the verge of cumming, Kendall groaned in huge disappointment. Once again she had been kept frustrated by this woman for hours now.
One at a time Amanda released and rebound each of the girls so they where hogtied on the floor in the nude. There arms where bound together behind there backs at the wrists and elbows with rope. There legs were tied with more rope at the ankles and knees and then pulled up behind them with rope tying their ankles to their wrists. The only reprieve they had was those damn ring gags had been removed giving their jaws a chance to relax.
The girls were hogtied on the floor facing each other. Amanda placed two metal dog bowls in front of each of the girls. "Din, din time." She said as she dumped a can of Alpo dog food into each bowl. "Here's the task." She said. "First girl to finish her dinner, and I mean a licked clean bowl get's rewarded, while the other is punished. Now, If I where you, I'd get started."
"You really can't expect us to eat this, this dog food, do you?" Kim asked.
"Au contraire mon cheri, I do." Amanda said and stepped on Kim's head with her foot pushing her face into the dog food. "You will eat the food I presented for you or you will be punished! No chow down bitch!" She commanded. Both Kim in Kendall reluctantly began to eat.
Amanda moved away from the two girls and came back a moment latter with two boards, each with the tips of nails sticking though them. "For your insolence, let's make this a bit more challenging, shall we?" She said and grabbing Kendall by the hair, lifted her high enough to slide the board under her so her breasts lay on the points of nails when she let her back down. She repeated the process with Kim who's larger breasts lay across more of the nails. The girls now tried to arch their backs further then their hogties to keep their breasts from being poked by the nail tips, yet each had to press down on them in order to get a mouth full of the dog food. Kim with her larger breasts was having the harder time of it. And both girls had tears in their eyes.
Amanda retreated to her chair in the room and watched as the girls went about their tasks. Within a short while Kendall had licked her bowl clean while Kim still had several bites to go. Amanda laughed and said. "Well Kim, it looks like you lose once again."
Soon after the girls had finished their diner, Amanda had bound Kim to the leather covered chair and like her younger sister Kendall, pierced and ringed her nipples, clit and septum. Then she dressed both the girls in matching black leather cat suits. Black ballet boots and full black leather discipline helmets cutting off sight and sound. Each of their mouths were refilled with blowup gags. Kim's arms where pinned behind her back in a leather mono-sleeve while Kendall had her arms pinned behind her in a painful reverse prayer. Her wrists where attached to the back of her collar by a short chain and a her elbows were pulled close together by an inter-woven strap. Then a leather sack was pulled up over her arms securing them in place.
Amanda forced the girls on to their knees and attaching leashes to their clit rings had them follow her out of the room into the main club. She lead both girls over to and up onto the club stage.
Taking Kendall first she moved her over to a leather covered wooden horse and secured her legs apart to the legs of the horse. She then bent Kendall over the center beam of the horse and taking a bungee cord attached one end to her right nipple ring, pulling the cord down through a ring in the floor attached the other end to her left nipple. This kept her bent doubled over as any trying to straighten up would just pull tightly on her nipple rings. Next she turned a crank on the side of the wooden horse which raised the center beam which lifted Kendall's hips upwards and lifted her feet up off of the floor. Kendall's small poor breasts were stretched painfully downward by the bungee cord.
Kendall could only moan through the gag in her mouth.
"Don't worry sweety. Your sister will soon help you feel, much better."
Whit that said, Amanda turned her attention to Kim. Taking the double ended dildo that was used earlier in Kendall's mouth and Kim's pussy, she unzipped the bottom part of Kim's catsuit and inserted the smaller end into Kim's pussy and strapped it on around her hips.
"Time to fuck your sister." she said and moved Kim up behind Kendall. First she unzipped the bottom of Kendall's catsuit and slowly entered the tip of the ribbed dildo into Kendall's pussy. To keep her from backing out too far, she took a strap and attached it to the center board of the horse and around Kim's upper thighs. Kim tried to stand very still, not wanting to do Amanda's bidding as well as having to rape her little sister with the monster dildo when she felt Amanda attach some to her nipple rings. When she was done, she felt her nipples being pulled forward by her rings. What Amanda had done was thread a chain through a ring on top of Kendall's discipline hood and pulling her head back attached both ends of the chain to Kim's nipple rings. Any lowering of Kendall's head to relieve the strain on her neck just pulled harder on her sister's nipples.
The actions on the stage had attracted the attention of many of the patron's of the club who turned in their chairs to watch the goings on of Amanda and her two newly acquired slaves.
Once she had them set into place, Amanda picked up a large wooden paddle. "Well bitch, I hope you're ready to receive your punishment!" And swung the paddle hard slapping Kim across her buttocks. Kim ass exploded in pain as she screamed into her blowup gag and shoved her hips forward thrusting the dildo deep into Kendall's sex. Kendall, surprised by the sudden thrust of the dildo into her pussy, arched her back upwards yanking on her own breasts and quickly dropped her head back down trying to relieve the pain to her nipples. This motion pulled on Kim's nipples pain fully and Kim's tried to back away suddenly from that pain when the wooden paddle slapped her ass once again.
Over and over again Amanda smacked Kim's ass with the paddle until she had beaten her thirty times.
"Damn, all this work has made my arm tired." Saying that, Amanda put down the paddle and unbeknown to the girls picked up and equally large double ended strap-on and buckled it around her own waist.
Turning to the audience she said, "I could use the assistance of two slaves if you would." Two master's brought their slaves up on stag and Amanda put them to work immediately. One lubing up her strap-on dildo with her mouth while she had another kneel behind Kim and lick her rose bud with her tongue. After a few minutes she told the two female slaves to stop and get out of her way. Moving up behind Kim herself, she lined up the head of her dildo with Kim's rose bud and said, "Now let's give your little sister the fucking she'd never had." And thrust her hips forward pushing her dildo deeply into Kim's ass!