Author's Note: A quiet weekend in a country mansion that radically changed a young couples' life...
1. A Victorian Evening...
'Turn left' purred the navigation system's seductive female voice and he obediently turned into a narrow country lane. The winding lane was hemmed in between grey stone walls and widened only now and then. The walls restricted his view to the next twist in the road so he slowed down and silently prayed there would be no oncoming traffic. When the road abruptly ended, in front of a firmly locked steel gate in a high stone wall, he let out a sigh of relief while the navigation system cooed 'you have reached your destination!'
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He looked at the wall and the gate and wondered why they were here at all. Aunt Claire was a distant relative and Linda had seldom mentioned her. He could not remember the last time she had visited her. Why had she suddenly invited them both for a country weekend? Here, right in the middle of nowhere. And why had Linda been so keen on going? Linda's natural habitats were the shopping malls and this place looked like a good spot to retire to...
'Come on Mike, ring the bell!' said Linda in a slightly irritated voice. He got out of the car and walked to an intercom, hidden away in a recess in one of the posts. After he pressed the button nothing happened for a few moments. Suddenly a bright light illuminated his face and he noticed the fish-eye shape of a camera lens embedded in the steel of the intercom panel. The speaker crackled and a female voice sharply asked 'Yes?'
'Linda and Mike"
A moment's hesitation, then the voice said 'right, come in!' and the gate opened, admitting them to a gravel drive that seemed to loop around a low hill. Looking in his mirror Mike saw the gate close quickly behind them with a low, ominous rumble. It gave him a faint feeling of unease.
They parked their car at the foot of the wide marble steps in front of the medium sized Victorian mansion. Before they could pull the bell the front doors opened wide and a maid stepped out. Mike could hardly believe his eyes. She wore a short, black dress trimmed with white lace and a white apron. Her long, shapely legs were made more attractive by sheer black seamed stockings.
In one fluid motion she took the overnight bags from their unresisting hands, gave a little curtsy and vanished quickly into the house, her five inch patent leather stiletto heels clicking on the tiles of the hall.
They still were staring after her when a gorgeous looking mature woman elegantly strode out. Linda hardly recognized her Aunt Claire. She was wearing a long sleeved purple dress that reached down to her ankles and accentuated both her ample bosom and her surprisingly narrow waist. Her face was beautifully made up and her hair was done in a kind of late Victorian style. Rings glittered on her fingers and a wide pearl choker was clasped around her shapely neck.
Aunt Claire burst out laughing when she saw Linda staring at her. She embraced and kissed Linda warmly and said breathlessly 'Oh darling, how nice to see you again! And you must be Mike! Do come inside!'
Once inside Linda's mouth fell open in surprise. Gone was the dilapidated, run-down country house. Gone was the dark hall with its dusty corners and uncertain, flickering lighting. Gone was the faded wallpaper with its mosaic of lighter rectangles, showing where paintings had been taken off to be sold.
The place had been transformed into a luxurious 19th century country mansion fit to house the local squire. Large chandeliers cast a brilliant light upon period furniture and potted plants. Paintings of ancestors decorated the walls and some statues of horses were scattered around the hall. Aunt Claire led them into a beautifully furnished sitting room and waved them towards some luxurious period chairs grouped around a low table.
Once they were seated Linda could not contain her curiosity and stammered 'Aunt Claire...where...how...where does this all come from?'
Before Aunt Claire could answer the sexy French maid came in and Mike got the impression she gave Aunt Claire a stern glance while she briefly shook her head. 'Madame désirez?' she asked in a respectful voice and a somewhat flustered Aunt Claire ordered champagne.
After a toast to a pleasant weekend Aunt Claire said, a little nervously, 'now Linda, you wanted to know where this all comes from?' and Linda nodded vigorously.
Aunt Claire hesitated a moment before she said ''I have negotiated the most wonderful contract you can ever think of with this American film company. They normally produce in California but they now want to produce a number of period pieces on location in this country, believe it or not!' and an astonished silence fell.
The maid refilled their glasses and Aunt Claire continued.
'They first went to good old Teddy Bates (you remember Teddy? He must be about 80 in the shade but he still IS a lovely man). They decided his place was not what they wanted and lovely Teddy sent them to me! This place fitted their bill quite nicely, they said and they fixed a contract in no time. I signed and here we are!'
She raised her glass and they all cheered her.
After draining her glass she went on. 'It means I'll have a film crew crawling over the house and the grounds every few months. They have done a marvellous redecoration job and did their first shootings last month. To be honest, they were a bit of nuisance, but who cares? As long as it pays for the upkeep ...'
'But all this furniture, those paintings?' asked Linda, looking around with obvious approval.
Aunt Linda smirked 'They call them props, my dear. And as they seem to have warehouses full of them they put them in for the duration of the contract. I'm afraid the place will look quite bare once the contract expires...'
Seeing Linda's worried look she added 'Oh, don't worry; I only just signed a three year contract; and it's renewable for a similar period.'
'And the maid?' asked Mike.
'Oh, she's just a temporary. I liked to have her around when you came' said Aunt Claire a little nervously. Then she smiled at them and said 'such a successful deal asks for another toast, don't you think?'
By the time they had finished the second bottle Aunt Claire seemed to have lost her nervousness. Linda leaned back in the cushions and remarked that she felt as if she was back in the late 19th century.
With a brilliant smile Aunt Claire said 'children, I have a marvellous idea. Why don't we make this a real Victorian evening? We'll dress up and pretend we're in a country mansion way back in 1890!'
Linda jumped up and shouted enthusiastically ''Oh yes Aunt Claire! What a lovely idea!'
Mike frowned and tried to stall the whole proposed rigmarole on practical grounds. 'I'm sure there's not enough clothing around' he said tersely.
'Wrong! The film company stocked four wardrobes with ladies and gentlemen's clothes - of all sizes!' answered Aunt Claire with a mischievous grin.
'I guessed Linda would like the idea so I took the liberty of selecting some nice clothes for her!'
Hearing this Linda's eyes seemed to glisten with some inner joy. 'Oh, to wear a dress like yours, Aunt Linda, you just must feel fabulous?'
Aunt Claire coloured slightly and replied 'Yes dear, it makes you feel rich and comfortable and...glamorous and sexy and....and...'
'And what Aunt Claire? ' insisted Linda with glittering eyes.
'It makes you horny!' giggled Aunt Claire 'have you ever worn a satin dress that clings to your body as a second skin? Wearing a sexy lace and satin corset under it? And real silk stockings attached to frilly garters? Nicely made up and with beautiful jewellery to match? It makes you feel like a rich, lascivious 19th century lady, dressed to seduce... '
There was a kind of far-away look in Linda's eyes and Mike guessed her little cunt was getting wet as she imagined how it would feel to be dressed like that. Well, it was fine with him; the hornier the better!
Entering their bedroom upstairs they found their bags unpacked and the contents neatly arranged on shelves in a dresser or in the bathroom. The staccato rattle of stiletto heels on parquet announced the arrival of the maid. She opened the wardrobe and took out some clothes. After neatly laying them out on the big double bed she said with a heavy French accent ´It would give Madame much pleasure if you would be so kind to dress in these for cocktails and dinner'.
After a brief pause she added 'Madame respectfully asks you to be so good to leave your cell phones in this room. She finds they are not compatible with this Victorian evening.' Then she gave them a small bow and disappeared.
Linda looked at the dress and undergarments and gasped ´My God! I have never dreamt I would wear a dress like this!' She enthusiastically put on the corset and soon Mike had to help her drawing the laces tight.
By the time Linda had strapped the taupe silk stockings to the garters, wriggled into the long dark blue satin dress and slipped into the high heeled shoes she was excited as a schoolgirl going to her first dance. The tiny black-lace knickers that hardly covered her crotch and shapely bottom were moist and warm.
When she sat down on a stool in front of a large mirror to do her hair and restore her make-up, Mike sat down behind her on a pink satin covered couch. He was dressed in a black dinner jacket, thick white silk shirt and a small cravat. Holding a whisky and smoking a small cheroot he watched Linda making up her face.
Taking a swig from his glass he said 'what do you think of all this?'
She looked in the mirror and said 'It's glorious and wonderful and...'
Then she saw the concern on his face she asked 'what's wrong Mike?'
He shook his head. 'I don't know. There's something wrong... I'm just a bit worried about all this...'
'It's all so ... unnatural; and that maid. She gives me the creeps!'
'You worry too much' said Linda and gave him a kiss.
Then she rose from her stool and stood in front of him. She turned this way and that, looking in the mirror while she said in mock severity 'I'll have to watch that maid. Didn't you notice how she looked at you? I've never seen such a come-on before!'
Then she stepped a few paces away and asked 'how do you like me?' while she tossed her hair backwards and let her hands glide down her body.
'You look wonderful, a sight for sore eyes!' said Mike and indeed she was.
The long satin dress accentuated her shapely figure. Elbow length gloves and some nice jewellery made her look like a 19th century society lady, dressed to awe and seduce.
He offered her his arm and asked in mock politeness 'May I escort you down, madam?'
Entering the library they saw that Aunt Claire had also changed her dress.
This time it was an ankle length burgundy red one that made her look even more regal and commanding. Its deep décolleté allowed a generous view of her fine bosom.
The maid served drinks from the trolley and soon Aunt Claire and Linda were gossiping away, about family (of which there seemed to be only a very few) and acquaintances (of which there seemed to be an endless supply). They apparently wanted to make up for the years they had not seen each other.
The rest of the afternoon they talked and played cards, the maid walking in and out and never being absent for more than a few minutes. When it was becoming dark they sat down to a light dinner.
Afterwards the maid insisted they should have what she called a 'digestive', a specialty from her native part of France. She served Linda and Mike glasses of Banyuls wine, placed a platter of chocolates on the low table and left the room to fetch something. Linda reached out for the chocolates. The wide sweeping sleeve of her dress brushed against her glass and the wine splashed on the carpet. Linda clasped her hands to her mouth started to get up to get a towel. But Aunt Claire waved her back into her chair and said 'don't bother, Antoinette can do that!' but Mike said 'take mine, Linda I'd rather have a brandy' and fetched a glass of cognac from the drinks trolley, Aunt Claire started to say something but closed her mouth when the maid came in again.
Later, when Linda and Aunt Claire had finished the chocolates, an uneasy silence fell. Linda yawned as she looked at the clock and said 'I hope you don't mind me going upstairs. I'm so tired and sleepy; it must be the whole day here and the wine...I'm off to bed...' She stumbled to her feet in her unfamiliar high-heeled shoes and it was obvious Linda really needed help. Aunt Claire rose too, saying she wanted to fetch something from upstairs and offered her arm to Linda. Mike heard them literally stumbling up the stairs and frowned. He felt very uneasy. Linda had never before passed out like that, even after a heavy drinking session. There was definitely something wrong here...
Waiting for Aunt Claire to return he idly browsed the bookshelves. His attention was soon caught by a large, beautifully bound but untitled book with V E embossed in gold on the spine. He sat down with the rather heavy book to have a better look.
It turned out to be an astonishing collection of 'Victorian Erotica' and it was obviously the work of a master artist from the period. The engravings depicted a wide variety of sexual activities. Straight forward intercourse, lesbian sex, bondage and spanking, cross-dressed men being dominated by women or by other men...
The book must have been highly illegal when it was published and therefore probably very expensive. He became more and more absorbed in it and stopped to take notice of his surroundings. A pair of engravings printed side by side held his attention. The first one of a corseted maid with her legs spread wide being licked by the master of the house - the other of the mistress catching them in the act.
The feeling of a hand on his shoulder made him look up in surprise. Aunt Claire had noiselessly walked up and now stood behind him. With sparkling eyes and a smile on her face she said 'you like that picture, don't you?'
'Why...yes' stammered Mike.
'So do I. This is one of my favourite drawings. Just look at the details' and she bent over him. Mike felt her ample bosom glide across his shoulder as she stretched out her right arm to point out something. Looking up he caught a view of a full breast, dangling nearly loose inside her décolleté. She whispered in his ear 'Don't worry about Linda; she's fast asleep...' while she caressed his neck with the fingers of her left hand. She whispered '...you like what you see, don't you?' and slowly ran her blood-red fingernails along the clearly visible outline of his erection. She gave him a light kiss behind his ear and whispered 'Oh, you sure like it!'
Before he could answer Aunt Claire slid onto the couch and in one languid movement her arms went around him. He felt the soft yielding of her bosom against his chest and the gentle pressure of her leg against his legs. Her mouth came down full on his and her tongue waltzed exploringly around his mouth. As they lay back against the back of the couch her ringed fingers skilfully extracted his stiff cock. Her dress fell open. It revealed a short blue satin corset with small, underslung black lace trimmed cups that just supported her ample breasts. The firm nipples, each pierced with a small gold ring, jutted out stiff from the aureole. Opening her legs she revealed a neatly shaved pussy, seductively framed by frilly garters and the tops of her stockings.
Bending over she tenderly kissed the top of his cock, licking it and rubbing the tip against her lips, while her fingers moved along its length in a slow up and down rhythm. He closed his eyes and concentrated his senses on that most wonderful of all sexual sensations: a pair of soft female lips encircling his cock, slowly sliding down on it until it was completely encased in her mouth.
Reaching out, his hand found the soft, yielding globe of a full breast. As his fingers started playing with the nipple and ring she groaned and took even more of his cock in her mouth. His other hand explored the warm, moist darkness between her legs and soon his finger and thumb pinched and fondled her erect clit. Shuddering of pleasure she spread her legs wider while she moved her lips steadily up and down his cock, making loud sucking noises. His hips began to follow the irresistible sucking rhythm. Gradually his movements became fierce and uncontrolled and his breath started to come in shallow gasps. In one supple move she swung a stockinged leg across his body and lowered her dripping wet snatch over his cock until her cunt lips touched his belly. Putting a breast in his mouth to suck she moved her cunt fiercely up and down, riding his rock-hard cock until he came in a great gush, shooting his load deep inside her.
There were footsteps in the corridor, drawing nearer. She kissed him and quickly restored her dress while she sat down on the couch next to him. A moment later the maid came in. She gave them a piercing glance and Mike could have sworn she frowned at Aunt Claire.
2. Mistress and Maid...
The house was quiet as only an isolated country mansion in the middle of the night can be. He did not know what woke him up and for a few moments he did not move, just listened. Linda still slept very deeply, snoring slightly. Frowning he gave her a push but she just made some small noises and turned over on her other side. He frowned again because this was very unusual; she was a light sleeper that easily woke up.
Then he heard a faint, almost imperceptible moaning sound that seemed to come from somewhere in the house; an eerie disturbing sound that made him shiver a bit. No wonder it had woken him up. Quietly he got out of bed and opened the door to the corridor.
The moaning sound could be heard clearer. It seemed to come in waves, together with some other, fainter, sounds. It was an eerie, ominous noise and he decided to find out what it was. Back in the bedroom he tried to wake up Linda but it was no use. He shrugged his shoulders and, after slipping quickly into his black jeans and T-shirt he left the room. The door closed quietly behind him and he went noiselessly down the corridor on his bare feet. Halting at the stairwell he listened again. The sound seemed to come from Aunt Claire's quarters in the other wing of the house. He opened the door to the other wing and the sound suddenly became much louder. Every few seconds muffled moans and screams, together with snapping, smacking sounds and a low murmuring voice came from further down the corridor. To avoid any creaking floorboards he pressed his back against the wall and stealthily made his way to a door that was just opened wide enough to look inside.
The sight made him catch his breath.
Aunt Claire stood naked and helplessly bound in the middle of the room.
Her arms were encased in a tightly buckled single glove that was hooked to the ceiling by a taut chain. Another chain ran from the ceiling to the back of her broad, D-ring studded, black leather collar. And a third chain ran from the collar to a spreader bar between her ankles. The triangle of chains forced her to stand bent over forward with her arms raised high above her back, exposing her naked bottom. A large red ballgag had been pushed deep into her mouth and its harness strapped closely around her head. A stream of saliva drooled down her chin. Weighted nipple clamps stretched her ample breasts, their serrated claws biting deep into her large nipples. And she stood tottering in tightly laced ballet boots with 9 inch heels...
Mike was on the verge of rushing into the room when a dark figure moved across his view. The figure slowly approached the helplessly chained woman and when it came into full view his mouth almost fell open in surprise. It was the maid but it was hard to recognize her. She wore a black leather body harness that pushed up her pert breasts. Leather garters held up black fishnet stockings and she wore shining boots with 6 inch heels. Her right hand held a thin, flexible cane with which she patted the palm of her left hand.
She faced Aunt Claire and hissed 'you're just a dirty old cock whore!' And with a start he realized there wasn't a trace of French accent in her voice.
The maid's eyes flashed angrily as she hissed 'I told you to leave him alone! I forbade you to touch him! And still you fucked him! Now you're going to pay for it!'
Her right arm rose high and the thin cane came down in a cracking cut that made the older woman howl around her ballgag. Tottering on the extreme heels she desperately tried to turn away, but the chains and the spreader bar kept her in place. Another violent stroke followed by a muffled howl and down came the cane again. Mike got a glimpse of the older woman's exposed buttocks and saw they were crisscrossed with angry red welts.
'Yes, you dirty old cock-whore! I'll teach you how to fuck!' And while she said this she grabbed something from the floor and showed it to her victim. It was an ugly, thick strap-on dildo, its black surface studded with knobs and angular projections.
The frightened older woman shook her head and moaned 'no...no...'
But with a diabolical smile the maid strapped the wicked looking dildo around her hips and shoved the extra dildo that stood up from the harness into her own wet cunt. Then she faced her victim, the black strap-on jutting out obscenely from her hips. The older woman wrestled frantically with her bonds in a fruitless attempt to escape and she screamed 'NO! NO!'
The maid coolly stepped between her victims wide spread legs and spread her buttocks apart. Then, leaning slightly backwards with her knees bent and her high-heeled feet well apart, she held the dildo against the exposed anus and gave a couple of exploratory trusts. Suddenly, without warning she rammed the ugly thick dildo deep into her victim's ass.
A flaming wave of pain crackled through the older woman's body. She screamed and tears of pain rained from her closed eyes. She struggled and screamed but the maid shoved the dildo fiercely up and down her victim's ass. Faster and faster she went. She closed her eyes and an ecstatic expression spread over her face. She pinched one of her own nipples with the sharp nails of her left hand and her fucking became even fiercer. Grabbing her by her hair she pulled her victim's body closer, pressing it harder against her clit. Her victim's breasts swayed and flopped and the serrated teeth of the weighted clamps bit the tortured nipples fiercely. Saturated by continuous waves of pain the older woman's body suddenly crossed the threshold into lust. It started to move eagerly and lasciviously, in sync with the fierce thrusts up her tortured anus. The older woman started to moan and shudder as the flaming streams of pain from her tits and her anus converged and exploded deep in her dripping wet cunt. And while the older woman shrieked in a pain induced orgasm, the maid yelled 'YES! YES!' and rammed the dildo up and down even faster, riding into a climax on her victim's tortured buttocks.
Aunt Claire, still panting after her torture and orgasm, hung limply in the chains. The maid threw the dildo in a corner and walked over to smack her victim's face. She snarled 'How many times do I have to tell you you're not allowed to come during punishment?'
Aunt Claire nodded wearily and mumbled something. The maid roughly pulled the ball gag from her victim's mouth and hissed 'what was that?'
'Y...yes, Mistress.'
'Yes what?'
'I am not allowed to come while being punished Mistress.'
Mike heard a loud slap and the hissing voice of the maid 'so you know it, you dirty cockwhore! '
'Yes Mistress, I know it...'
He heard tinkling sounds and peered around the corner. The maid had untied the chains that held the single glove and had removed the spreader bar. She looked contemptuously at the old woman who slowly and stiffly came upright, groaning with pain.
She snarled 'Before we're done I'll take a picture of you and put it on one of these pervert ad sites. "Mature cockwhore slut available. Will do anything against any reasonable fee..."
With a short, mirthless laugh she brusquely pushed the large red rubber ball gag back in her victim's mouth. After tightening the head harness she used the single chain from the collar as a leash. Walking away she gave a violent pull and the older woman stumbled after her on her ballet boots. Mike wondered what would happen next.
From the room came the crash of a body falling heavily on the floor, followed by shuffling noises and the tinkling of chains. It was impossible to see what was going on but the maids snarling voice soon made it all clear.
'There you are now, compact and comfortable! You'll stay here until I come back. I'll first get rid of that interfering guy. Then I can get my hands on that girl!'
A silence fell and her final remark nearly froze Mike's heart.
'She's a nice piece of ass - and she's your only heiress...'
The sharp clack of her stiletto heels rapidly came his way and he slipped into the darkest corner of a small alcove. Seconds later the maid passed within a few feet, never noticing the darker shadow in the alcove. Her footsteps went down the staircase and disappeared into the depths of the house. Suddenly all was quiet.
Huddled away in the dark recess he suddenly realized he had no clear idea what to do. Setting Aunt Claire free was the most obvious thing that came to his mind and he sneaked back to the bedroom. The door opened without a sound and he slipped inside whispering 'Aunt Claire?' There was an answering mumble in a corner to his left. Not daring to switch the lights he first made his way to the windows, bruising his shins against the bed and furniture. He slowly pulled the heavy curtains aside and moonlight illuminated the room. Then he quickly walked over to the anxious mumbling and tinkling of chains that came from a corner to his left.
Aunt Claire was lying on the bare floor. She was hogtied and chained to the wall, her head encased in a thick leather hood. When he stooped over her he noticed that she was lying in a puddle of something. Looking closer it turned out to be her own piss. Disgusted he quickly ran his fingers along the chains and breathed a sigh of relief. The maid had been too sure of her victim being completely helpless, hogtied in the single glove. She therefore had not bothered to secure the chains with padlocks but had just used simple carbine hooks. It took only a few seconds to unhook them and free Aunt Claire from her bonds. he quickly removed the gag and hood and pulled her upright.
She stared at him with frightened, unseeing eyes. Gasping she stammered 'Please Mistress, don't punish me! Don't punish me for wetting the floor! Please Mistress, I could not hold it up! Please Mistress don't...'
Mike slapped her face sharply and hissed 'It's me, Mike! Stop that noise!' She stopped abruptly and sighed '...Mike...' She was silent for a few moments; then she started to sob.
He noticed the weighted nipple clamps still attached to her nipples. But when he reached out to remove them she weakly shook her head and said 'No, no. I'll do that myself. Pain...'
She fumbled at the heavy clamps with fingers that were too stiff to unclasp them but she finally succeeded. She gasped and winced while tears of pain welled from her eyes as her blood circulation returned to her tortured nipples. The ugly ballet boots were still on her feet and she clawed at the tight laces. After Mike had quickly unlaced and removed them he helped her to her tortured feet.
She held her balance with difficulty while she tottered over to a dresser. 'What are you doing?' hissed Mike. Without answering she ripped a towel out of a drawer and cleaned herself. With trembling fingers she put on some undergarments and wrapped a dressing gown around her scarred body. Then she stepped into a pair of sandals and hesitantly turned to Mike while she whispered 'what do we do now?'
'Get out of here, fast!' hissed Mike as they tiptoed out of the room.
'Now tell me what really is going on here!' whispered Mike in the relative safety of their bedroom. Aunt Claire's lower lip quivered and tears welled from her eyes. She started sobbing again and Mike hissed 'come on Aunt Claire, what is going on here? Who is that maid?'
Aunt Claire's head hung down as she whispered 'she's the mistress...'
Mike looked up sharply and said 'Mistress? What mistress?'
'I'm her slave...' The older woman sobbed again and whispered: 'She'll find me and punish me. She'll make me lick it all up; she'll make me lick it up. She's a beast, a beast!'
And the sobs began again. Tears trickled down her face and she clasped her arms around her body as if to protect it from further harm.
Mike sighed and said 'Listen, why is she beating you up? What has she got to do with you? And what does she want with Linda?'
'She wants us to sign the papers...'
'What papers?'
'To sign over the inheritance...'
'What inheritance?'
'My father's youngest brother... died intestate... money in Switzerland...'
Mike sat up startled. All kind of questions whirled through his head, too many to ask now so he just asked
'What has she got to do with it?'
'She came with the film people... local temp secretary ... offered to stay behind and help me... I was ill.'
'How long ago was this?'
'Two weeks... papers came from Switzerland...I was so excited I told her...'
'And then?'
'She drugged me...next morning I woke up, chained to the bed; collar on my neck, hands cuffed behind me...'
Aunt Claire swallowed hard and closed her eyes.
'And then?' asked Mike
'She told me she now was my Mistress and I was her slave. She beat me up and starved me each time I did not obey; used a cattle prod on me; tied me up for days and refused to let me go to the toilet; had to lick up the mess if I did it on the floor...told me that she would go on... no release until I signed the inheritance over to her... it went on and on... two weeks now...'
'Why didn't you escape?'
'She locked up everything; my clothes, car keys, wallet, mobile phone, laptop, everything. Dressed me like you saw me; in a corset and those very long skirts that hobble me, very high heels and ankle cuffs with a short chain. I could not...'
She started sobbing again and Mike put his arm around her shaking shoulders.
One thing still puzzled him and he asked 'what has Linda got to do with it?'
'Linda's my only next of kin... could claim the money if something should happen to me...'
'She ordered me to invite Linda. Wants to give her the same treatment...but...'
'But what?'
'She did not expect you...I did not know about you...'
Mike looked at Linda. She was still snoring lightly, huddled in the bedclothes.
Aunt Claire said quietly: 'she's been drugged.'
'How do you know?'
'That wine, the Banyuls, that's how she tricked me too.'
It all fell into place and Mike suddenly realized that, if Linda had not accidentally spilled her wine, he never would have fetched another drink. Both of them would be out now, at the mercy of the maid...
He turned to Aunt Claire and asked 'why didn't you tell us?'
'Could not... she was constantly around...listening... she threatened me...'
Yeah, the only time they had been alone was when they had been fucking...
'Why didn't you tell me when we were...? '
'Could not... I wanted you so badly... and she was back too soon... '
He thought for a while. It all made sense.
'What will she do once you and Linda have signed?' he asked with a sigh.
The older woman shook her head. 'I guess she'll try to let us disappear...'
Mike nodded 'I guess you're right. So here's what we will do...'
3. Counterattack...
A watery, grey morning light was feebly seeping through the windows. Mike crept stealthily downstairs to find out what the maid was doing. Moving silently he reached her basement quarters, next to the garage. Sneaking inside he heard her moving around, apparently talking to someone on the telephone. He crept close to the partially opened door and held his breath while he listened.
'Yeah, that guy is a complication. But it's all under control now. I told you how I'll get rid of him and I can manage that, today. Then we only have to ship her, right? OK, what time will you be here? Oh, you're leaving earlier; who will come? Bill? I haven't seen him yet. Tell him I'll be wearing my maids' outfit. What time? Eight pm? That's fine with me! I'll pack up afterwards and leave. Be with you the day after tomorrow. Bye now, sweetie!'
The conversation ended abruptly and Mike hurriedly made his way back up the stairs. A few moments later the maid came upstairs, clad in a soft track-suit and clutching a small brown bottle in her left hand. Moving almost without a sound on her soft soled sneakers she made her way towards the guests' bedroom and quickly looked inside. Linda was still snoring and next to her a convincing pile of cushions under the blankets gave the impression Mike was still sleeping too. Satisfied she closed and locked the door, leaving the key in the lock.
She quickly walked over to the other wing and entered Aunt Claire's darkened room. Mike stealthily followed her in and ducked away in a corner.
She halted close to Aunt Claire's huddled form, pointed at the floor and hissed 'what's this? Have you pissed on the floor again, you dirty cock-whore?' Aunt Claire just groaned and the maid rudely kicked her while she snarled 'you goddam piece of shit! I'll make you lap it up again!'
As she reached out to grab Aunt Claire the older woman's right hand suddenly lashed out and flung a little bag of white pepper in the maids face. Howling the maid staggered backwards. Her hands flew to her streaming eyes and the little brown bottle fell clattering to the floor. Aunt Claire jumped up, shedding the single glove and chains that Mike had loosely draped over her body. In a few strides she reached the screaming maid and aimed a furious blow to her face. It sent her stumbling backwards right into Mike who stood ready with a sand-filled sock. A single, well-aimed blow sent her stunned to the floor and before she could recover her hands were cuffed and locked behind her back.
Mike switched on the lights and went back into the corner where Aunt Claire had dropped the chains and single glove. He gathered some of them when he saw the little brown bottle. Without thinking he put it in his pocket and returned to Aunt Claire who, still sweating and breathing hard, stood guard over the stunned maid.
'Let's put her somewhere safe' he said.
'Why don't we put her in chains?' said Aunt Claire in a venomous voice and with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. 'Do to her what she did to me!' When Mike nodded she quickly started ripped the tracksuit and undergarments off the maid. They had little difficulty encasing her arms and cuffed wrists in the single glove. But when they dragged her into the middle of the room she recovered a bit and tried to resist. She butted and kicked and moaned furiously when Aunt Claire pushed the ballgag deep into her mouth and strapped its harness tight. After a few violent minutes the maid stood completely naked and helpless, in the middle of the room. She was locked to the ceiling by a chain from the single glove. Another chain ran between a tough leather collar around her neck and the spreader bar between her ankles.
Hungry for revenge Aunt Claire went over every inch of the chains and the single glove, making sure they were all locked tight and the locks tucked away, out of reach of the maid's hands.
'That will keep her quiet for a while 'said Mike and he went towards the door. Aunt Claire was about to follow him when she noticed the hated cane. It had been nonchalantly dropped on top of a pile of nipple clamps and other torture instruments. She said 'be right with you!' to Mike's retreating back and with a bouncing heart grabbed the cane and a pair of weighted nipple clamps. She slowly, threateningly approached the naked, helpless maid whose eyes grew wide and frightened. Bending over close to the maid's face Aunt Claire hissed 'Now it's your turn, you nasty piece of shit!' The maid moaned 'no...no...' but Aunt Claire closed her ears to that and deftly pulled the plastic covers off the nipple clamps' serrated claws. The maid's eyes grew terrified and she started struggle, trying to turn away.
With a triumphant grimace on her face Aunt Claire grabbed a dangling breast and snapped a sharp clawed clamp onto the nipple. As the burning pain flashed through her body, the maid screamed and tears streamed down her face. She frantically struggled in a vain effort to escape but Aunt Claire firmly grabbed the second breast and snapped the other clamp home, its naked serrated teeth biting deep into the nipples tender flesh. Satisfied with her work Aunt Claire rose. She briefly jerked at the chain connecting the clamps 'just to see if they held tight!' and the maid howled and struggled again. Aunt Claire stood gloating over her victim, panting slightly and clutching the cane tight in her right hand. Suddenly she lashed out while she hissed 'this is for what you did to me!' The stroke landed across the maid's bottom and it triggered another muffled scream. She swung the cane high up for a second stroke but at that moment Mike put his head around the bedroom door and said 'Not now Aunt Claire...'
'Leave her for now. She won't walk away. You'll have your fun later...'
'I'll be back!' hissed Aunt Claire in the maid's ear. Then she walked out of the room and locked the door securely behind her.
Over a freshly brewed pot of strong coffee they discussed their next moves. They first had to get Linda awake and explain the situation to her. Then they had to deal with the mysterious 'Bill' who would come and fetch someone later that day.
'Why don't you go and have a shower?' said Mike 'after that we can take care of Linda.'
'I have no clothes, she locked them all away'
'Then let's go and have a look around the place. They must be somewhere.'
A search of the maid's quarters yielded nothing and they went into the basement garage. When the light came on they saw an ominous sight. A rather large crate had been placed close to the door. Mike took the lid off and whistled softly. The box was lined with foam plastic and had wooden and leather restraints, obviously meant to securely hold a body.
'I've never seen anything like this before' whispered Aunt Claire.
'I've seen photographs' said Mike 'They use these things for smuggling ... people... across borders...'
'But how?...'
'They drug their victim and put the body sitting upright in the box, locking it into those restraints. See the circular cut-outs? They go halfway around the neck, wrists and ankles. Then they put in the front pieces and fasten them and the victim is locked in place. Like in a pillory! No escape possible! And here are the ventilation holes. It really is a professional set-up; they must have done this before...'
'Do you mean they wanted to... do that to me?'
'I guess so...' said Mike
A frightened look passed over Aunt Claire's face 'My God!' she whispered 'and I am so claustrophobic...' She shivered at the thought of being helplessly locked up in a kind of coffin...
Mike rubbed his chin and stood thinking for a moment. He said in a low voice 'its queer there's only one box...I should have thought...' and shook his head in puzzlement. Then he said 'Let's look for your clothes'
They turned towards a small pile of boxes and suitcases that was neatly stacked against the wall. Aunt Claire looked pensively at the pile for a moment and went towards a few suitcases stacked on the side. Mike randomly chose a large trunk and opened it. Cat suits, corsets and other latex garments in various sizes tumbled out. 'What the heck...' he said to Aunt Claire and looked puzzled at the shining black mass at his feet. She had a quick look and said 'I guess those are props as well. The trunks are stacked here by the film company'. Mike opened another trunk and all kind of BDSM gear tumbled out. Chains, cuffs, collars, clamps, another nasty looking single glove... He shook his head and said 'Now we know where she got all that stuff she chained you up with.'
Aunt Claire did not answer but pulled a very large suitcase from the pile and cried out 'Here they are!' She triumphantly held up a well-known skirt and raffled through her long lost garments, obviously not knowing what to select.
'Find something easy to wear' said Mike 'we can shift the rest upstairs where you can sort the lot out later.' She nodded and quickly pulled a blouse and jeans from the pile while she said 'what are we going to do now?'
'Sweat that maid' said Mike.
'To find out who she works for, what they wanted to do to Linda ... and to you...' 'You mean... question her like the police does?'
'Yeah, but we'll handle her not so gently!'
'After all, she abused you terribly. The least she can expect is to get a similar treatment!' As he said this, an eerie sort of far-away look appeared in Aunt Claire's eyes. She murmured, apparently to herself '...would serve her right, that nasty bitch...'
Resolutely she threw her head back and looked at Mike with blazing eyes, She suddenly seemed to be surrounded by a aura that radiated dangerous vibrations, betraying a deep-seated craving for revenge. She said in a low voice 'leave her to me! I will get it out of her! Oh yes!' with a nasty laugh.
Mike wanted to ask 'Are you sure about that?' but her laugh sent a chill down his spine. He hesitated for a moment, weighing up the risks of letting the older woman have a go at the maid and concluded 'why not?'
'Right' he said 'I'll leave her to you. See what you can get out of her without hurting her too much. I will try to wake up Linda. Ee you laterThen we'll join you.'
'Sure' said Aunt Claire in an abstracted voice. Looking back when he left the basement he saw her standing there, still clutching the blouse and jeans and looking pensively at the heaps of garments and BDSM gear that had tumbled from various trunks.
4. Revelations (added: 2013/11/29)
Waking up Linda proved to be quite an effort but finally she sat upright while she drowsily sipped a mug of strong coffee. Mike told her what had happened and as he told his tale she apparently got more and more alarmed. Clutching the sheets under her chin she asked in a quavering voice 'what are we going to do now?'
When Mike answered 'We'll get some more information out of her; I doubt she's in this alone' Linda looked doubtful and murmured 'I don't like it. What's the use of making her tell us? Why don't we let her go, before something goes wrong?'
'Such as?' asked Mike, puzzled by her unexpected attitude.
'I don't know; maybe that guy who comes later today is armed or not alone....'
His mind whirled. How did she know this? He had not told Linda yet about the overheard conversation and the pick-up later.
A deep feeling of suspicion swept over him. He took a deep breath and said in a cold voice 'Get out of bed! We're going to have a look at that woman. Once you have seen what she did to your Aunt you'll start thinking differently.'
'No, wait...' she said but he pulled her from the bed. She protested and struggled but Mike gripped her upper arm tight and marched her along the corridor, only clad in a long nightshirt. When they turned into Aunt Claire's room she raised her voice. She shouted 'what are you doing? Let me go! I don't want...' then she suddenly stood stock-still and speechless.
The maid hung naked from the chains, groaning softly. Tears and saliva drooled from her face and lips. Her back and buttocks were criss-crossed with red welts. Heavy weights with wicked looking clamps hung from her nipples and pussy lips, stretching the tender tissues with every move she made. Raising her head she saw Linda and cried 'Linda, help me!'
Linda gasped and involuntarily cried out 'Oh my God, Margie, what happened?'
'She...she did...'
'She did tell me quite a lot' said a soft voice next to her. Linda looked aside and shrank back in terror. The dark shape of a dominatrix was outlined against the light from the windows. To her horror she recognized Aunt Claire, clad in a shining black latex catsuit that accentuated her fine bosom and narrow waist. Her arms were covered by shoulder-length latex gloves and pumps with six-inch spiked heels seemed to make her taller than usual. She slowly approached Linda, gently tapping the palm of her left hand with a wicked looking flexible cane. She seemed to radiate danger.
Frightened Linda tried to turn and run away but Mike held her in a tight grip and said hoarsely 'Aunt Claire, handcuffs! Quick!' Linda screamed and wrestled but seconds later she was naked with her arms pinned and locked behind her back. She hissed and fumed and shrieked 'Let me go!' but Mike held her tight and snarled 'who is this woman? You seem to know her!'
Linda turned her head away but Aunt Claire stepped forward and slapped Linda's face with a gloved hand while she shouted 'answer!' Defiantly Linda spit Aunt Claire in her face.
The infuriated older woman raised the cane but Mike stopped her. 'Let me handle this one' he said quietly and turned to Linda 'you better come clean now or things will turn nasty.'
Linda glowered at him and hissed 'Let me go, you son of a bitch!' while she tried to give him a furious kick. It only just missed his genitals and he slapped her face in return as he growled 'who is this woman?' but she remained obstinately silent. Behind them the maid wailed 'Tell them Linda, tell them! If you love me, tell them. Oooh, the pain! The pain! I can't stand it anymore...'
In two steps Aunt Claire was next to her and hissed 'I can hurt you a little more to help your friend to make up her mind!' Slowly she raised the cane and the maid shouted 'Noooo!' The cane came down in a furious swipe across her dangling breasts and she screamed in agony. Linda struggled in Mike's grip and hissed to 'I'll get you! I'll get you! And I'll get her too!' but Mike just gripped her harder and said 'OK, so be it. Be it on your own head.'
Five minutes later Linda lay hogtied on the bed. She struggled and squirmed, her shouting reduced to noisy mumbles by a large ballgag in her mouth. From the bathroom came the sound of running water. Aunt Claire wondered what Mike was doing when he came in, wearing just a pair of drawers. He removed Linda's ballgag and said tonelessly 'last chance to talk' but she obstinately refused.
Mike sighed and said 'OK, the hard way then' and dragged her into the bathroom. He forced her on her knees at the edge of the bathtub that had been filled almost to the brim. 'For the last time - who is that woman?' he asked. But Linda said nothing.
Mike dropped his drawers. Then he grabbed her by the neck and shoved her upper body forwards and downwards into the bathtub. Her startled cry 'No...' was cut off when water closed around her face. She fought and wrestled desperately to escape Mike's strangling grip. Fountains of water splashed up against the walls as she started to panic, her body jerking and legs kicking convulsively. A few seconds later Mike roughly jerked her head out of the water. 'Talk!' snarled Mike but she just coughed and spluttered and gasped for air.
Again he pushed her head under water, this time deeper than before, her body slid forward and she involuntary raised her bottom. Mike rammed his hard cock into her unprotected cunt. She kicked and wrestled furiously and a loud gurgling, bubbling sound came from the bathtub. Every now and then he raised her head out of the water for a few seconds and pushed it under again. The struggles became more frantic than ever, sending waves splashing over the edge of the tub. Mike fucked her harder and harder, excited by her fiercely moving hips and pussy, until he came in a blazing orgasm.
When he pulled her head from the water this time she gasped and coughed and spluttered. Then she said in a barely audible voice '... she...she's ... Margie Winters... '
He took a last look at the chained and hogtied figure on the bed before he closed the bedroom door. Questioning Linda had been the most unpleasant thing he had ever experienced. Not only had he found out that she and Margie wanted to let Aunt Claire disappear after she had signed over her inheritance. He had also found out that Linda and Margie's lesbian relationship dated back many years. That he had been used as a temporary shelter, Margie being abroad and Linda out of a job. Aunt Claire was in her bedroom and looked up when he came in. 'How is she?' she asked with real concern. He shrugged his shoulders. 'She's quiet now. But I am taking no risks and hogtied her securely to the bed.'
'Did she tell you?'
'Yeah' He shook his head and said 'now it's up to Miss Margie to fill in the gaps.'
Aunt Claire had tied the maid to an upright chair. She looked sick and frightened and as Aunt Claire took the ballgag out of her mouth she cringed in fear.
'Who told you about the inheritance' Aunt Claire snarled, waving the cane in front of the maid's terrified eyes.
Mike swallowed and nodded as Aunt Claire continued 'How did you get in with the film people?'
'Linda. You wrote about a film company possibly being here.'
'And then?'
'Made sure I met them in the local pub; told them I am a secretary; local knowledge. They hired me...'
'You wanted let me disappear; where to?'
'Switzerland; where the inheritance is.'
'And then?'
'Ruthy said she would ... take care of you.'
'Who's Ruthy?'
'My...my lover...'
'And Linda?'
The maid uttered what sounded like a sarcastic laugh. 'That dumb cunt! I would have rid myself of her. Drug her and her guy and run them into the lake in their own car...'
Aunt Claire raised her cane and gave the maid a number of furious lashes while she hissed 'You Goddam murdering bitch! You stinking lesbian piece of shit!' The maid howled and screamed but Aunt Claire kept hitting her until she got tired of it.
Mike said 'that's enough Aunt Claire!' He lifted the maid's head and held a glass to her lips. 'Water' he said and she drank it all greedily. Then he led Aunt Claire out of the bedroom, locking the door behind them.
They went down to the kitchen where Mike had a beer and Aunt Claire a glass of cold white wine. After raising their glasses to each other Ant Claire asked 'what next?'
Mike glanced at the kitchen clock and said 'we'll wait another half hour' She looked at him quizzically, saying 'and then?' For the first time since morning Mike smiled a bit. 'Then we'll go, fetch that Margie for shipment. She surely must be asleep by then.' Aunt Claire looked even more puzzled and said 'I don't understand...' Mike pointed at the empty glass at the kitchen table. 'I gave her a glass of water, right?' Aunt Claire nodded. He took a little brown bottle from his pocket and put it on the table. 'This is the drug she uses. I put a full dose in that glass...'
5. Enslaved! (added: 2013/11/29)
The crate stood on a pallet in the basement garage. Mike had just secured the lid with the last screw when the door opened. Aunt Claire ushered Linda in. She was dressed in the sexy French maid's outfit and from a distance she looked like Margie's twin sister. Aunt Claire pushed her gently forward until she stood close to Mike and the crate. She looked frightened at it and stammered '...is...is she...in there?' Mike nodded.
'She did not protest at all when I put her in. I gave her a full dose of her own sleeping draught, the one you got by accident. It will keep her asleep for about 24 hours. She's seated comfortable and the box is well ventilated. She won't suffer.' Linda shivered at the thought.
Mike stood up. He looked her in the eye and said in an expressionless voice. 'Now you know what you've agreed to do?' Linda nodded mutely and Mike went on 'I expect you to stick to it. If not, I'll make sure you'll be in the hands of the police in five minutes flat. Is that understood?'
Linda nodded and looked down. She said in a small voice 'Yes Mike; I am sorry Mike...' but he looked coldly at her and snarled 'you better say sorry to your Aunt. You were set on killing her after all!'
Linda bowed her head, a tear trickling down her cheek. She looked out of the opened garage door. Darkness was falling, making the landscape cold and lonesome. When Mike had told her that Margie had meant to kill her as well as him, the bottom had fallen out of her world. Then Mike had given her the choice of either cooperating or being handed over to the police and it had not been difficult for her to make up her mind.
The intercom buzzed and over the rattling sound of a diesel engine a gruff male voice shouted 'Bill...' Linda tried to force a smile in her voice when she answered 'right, come on in!' and pressed the button to open the gate.
A few minutes later a small battered van appeared. Faded lettering on the sides said 'Déménagements Antoine Ducros' and the license plates indicated one of the eastern French 'départements'.
'Go!' hissed Mike and Linda went down the steps to meet the driver. He was a burly looking man in his late forties who leered at the high-heeled apparition in a sexy maids costume that came his way.
'Hi there, I'm Bill' he said and stretched out his arm to shake hands. But Linda just nodded and said 'hi Bill, I'm...Margie...we don't have much time, follow me!' and walked off to the basement garage entrance. Bill stood somewhat bemused for a moment. Then he climbed back into the cab of the van and followed her.
A quarter of an hour later Linda stood at the lowest step of the stairs, watching the van slowly drive down the gravel path towards the gate. The doors opened and closed automatically and the noisy rumble of the old diesel engine faded in the distance. She turned around and walked slowly up the stairs. Mike was waiting for her just inside the door. He unloaded and put away the double barrelled shotgun he had held during the loading of the crate and Linda's dealings with the driver. Now he just pointed at the door to the library and said 'inside!'
She turned towards him with tears in her eyes and sobbed '...please, Mike!' but he just pointed at the door and she knew it was no use pleading with him.
Aunt Claire was sitting in a large chair, still clad in the latex dominatrix outfit. When Linda came in she pointed to a spot two yards in front of the chair and simply said 'on your knees!' Linda obeyed and kneeled demurely in front of her Aunt.
'What do you have to say for yourself?' asked Aunt Claire in a cold voice. Linda shifted uneasily on her knees and said 'I am sorry Aunt Claire, so sorry...'
'Is that all?' snarled Aunt Claire 'You plot with some horrible lesbian to murder me in order to get my money and all you have to say is "I'm sorry". Do really think that is enough?' Tears were running down Linda's face as she sobbed 'I don't know what else to do. How can I...how can I have you forgive me?' She half turned towards Mike '...and you too'
Mike shrugged as he said 'you nearly got yourself killed as well. Your lesbian friend did not care two hoots about you! Think about that!' and fell silent again. Linda turned back to Aunt Claire and let her head hang in total defeat. In a weak voice she asked 'what can I do to make amends, Aunt Claire?'
The older woman did not respond and a heavy silence fell.
When she finally spoke it was with an authority they had not heard before. 'You know Linda, you have been nothing better than a common whore. You have lived off other people's pockets. You have deceived Mike and you have deceived me. It is time for you to be punished.'
Linda paled and a look of horror spread across her face. Seeing this Aunt Claire said 'no, not the way you think, at least not now. You may choose. We can hand you over to the police. With all evidence we can supply you're liable to a serious prison sentence.'
'I offer you an alternative: you will voluntarily serve as my slave, isolated in this house and for an indefinite period. Until I deem you have learned your lesson and may be released. You have five minutes to make up your mind!'
Linda started crying in earnest and kept repeating 'no prison! Oh please no prison!' She crept forward on her knees and when she reached the older woman's feet started kissing Aunt Claire's patent leather pumps while she blurted out 'I'll be your slave! I'll be your slave!'.
'Stay on your knees!' commanded Aunt Claire as she stood up. Reaching out she fetched something from a side table. Then she stood behind Linda and slowly, deliberately, fastened a steel collar around her neck. The Yale type lock closed with a strangely loud 'click' and Aunt Claire said 'This collar signifies you're my slave and you will always wear it. Now stand up and spread your legs!'
Linda obeyed and seconds later a chastity belt was clamped over her neat little cunt. Tears of humiliation ran down Linda's face when Aunt Claire said 'That cunt of yours has already caused too much trouble! You will always wear this belt and only I will decide when you may take it off.
Aunt Claire and Mike were slowly recovering. The bedclothes lay in a tumbled heap on the floor and cushions lay in great disarray after a long, frantic period of lovemaking. Aunt Claire rose on one arm and slowly ran her long nailed hand over her garterbelt and cum-spattered stockings. She lifted a bottle of champagne from a bucket next to the bed and expertly filled two glasses. Handing one to Mike they drank long and deep. Then she said 'in a way she brought it all on her own head!' Mike looked up in surprise as the older woman continued 'you know, by chaining me up they woke something I never knew was there. I suddenly knew I would love to dominate! And so I will! We will do this very often, Mike!'
And while she said this she raised her glass at Linda who, ball-gagged and still clad in her sexy maid's dress, was chained spread-eagled to the bedroom wall, forced to watch her aunt wildly fucking her former boyfriend...
6. Punishment (added: 2014/01/17)
Leaves swept across the road and a blustering rain fell from a low and grey sky as Mike stopped his car and aimed the security token at the gate. The doors rumbled open and revealed the same landscape, the gravel drive looping around a low hill now crowned by leafless trees. He gunned the car and quickly drove up to the mansion.
It had an old and comfortable look in the falling darkness. From behind the drawn curtains of the ground floor windows a gleam of light escaped. And when he opened the car door he smelt a wood-fire burning in the grate. He ran up the steps with his overnight bag dangling over his shoulder and quickly let himself in.
Having heard the car and the door, Aunt Claire came into the hall, her stiletto heels clicking on the tiles. They embraced and kissed for a long time, their tongues waltzing around their mouths and pressing their lower bodies together. As they held each other tight she felt his erection, hard against her belly.
'I have missed you!' she said when their mouths finally separated.
'And the same here' said Mike, holding her tight again.
'Let's have a drink' said Aunt Claire.
They passed into the library and sat down close to the grate where a nice bright fire threw out a circle of delicious warmth. Aunt Claire rang a little belle and Mike had a good look at her. She wore a very severe midnight-blue dress with a low cut front that showed a generous cleavage. Her shapely legs were accentuated by sheer black stockings with neat seams and black patent leather pumps with 5 inch heels of gleaming steel. Somehow she had changed, he thought. It might be the clothes she wore. But the change was more remarkable in her face. It showed a hint of satisfaction, of hidden power. And her body movements revealed a powerful sexual drive.
Hearing footsteps he looked towards the door and gasped.
Linda came in. She had a lacy servants cap pinned to her dark hair and wore a satin black and white maid's dress with starched petticoats, ending just above her knees. Lacy white stockings showed off her fine legs and shining black 6 inch ankle strap pumps completed the uniform. But the pumps' straps were closed with little padlocks. And leather cuffs were locked around her ankles, connected by a fine, chromium plated chain that was secured to a belt around her waist, making her walk with short, dribbling steps. A pair of leather cuff wrists was connected to a shining steel collar around her neck. And a pink ballgag was pressed deep into her mouth and locked behind her head...
'Bring the drinks trolley!' commanded Aunt Claire.
Linda curtsied briefly and a few moments later she pushed in the trolley, placed it next to Aunt Claire and, after bowing politely, stood back a pace while she waited attentively.
Aunt Claire asked 'What will you have Mike?'
'I'll have a whisky.'
'I'll have a Campari on the rocks' Aunt Claire said, nodding to Linda.
Linda put the glasses on a little tablet and carefully poured the drinks. Then, taking the tablet, she walked around and kneeled in front of Aunt Claire. After putting the Campari on the side table, she bowed and stood up, walked over and knelt in front of Mike. He held out his hand but she shook her head and put the glass on the table. She bowed again and, with a rustle of petticoats and a soft clinking of chains, got up and walked back to her place beside the trolley. And there she stood, waiting. Mike felt embarrassed and he looked away to Aunt Claire who raised her glass and said 'To a lovely weekend!'
They drank and the silence was broken by Aunt Claire who made a face while she asked 'any news of that...'
'You mean that Margie?'
'She's in very deep trouble.'
Aunt Claire sat up, her eyes shining. 'Tell me!'
'After that guy with the van left I called my friend Eric who runs a detective agency. I gave him a short version of the story and the van's license number. It now seems Eric tipped off someone in Switzerland.'
'What happened...?'
'They checked the van at the border and this 'Bill' had a lot of explaining to do! A naked female found locked up in a crate; bags containing cocaine found stashed away between furniture in other crates... Eric thinks this guy's normal line is smuggling drugs.'
'Of course there were no papers for the naked girl. They interrogated her when she woke up. When they found out who she was she was arrested on the spot and her lover Ruthie was also picked up. It seems there was an international warrant out for them for fraud and embezzlement. Eric told me Ruthie Dietrich and Margie Winters are a pair of well-known swindlers. They also seem to have left some mysterious disappearances in their wake...'
'The three of us might have been the next one' Aunt Claire said and emptied her glass. Looking at Linda she saw a tear dribbling down her cheek and said sharply 'another Campari and a whisky!'
After poured the drinks in fresh glasses and came round, kneeling and bowing as she served them. When she docilely had taken her place next to the drinks trolley Aunt Claire said 'have you noticed how Maid L's training is progressing.'
Mike nodded, not knowing what to say.
'I had a long talk with her. In fact it was a complete confession. We recorded it on webcam and of course she signed a statement confirming it all. I immediately had it filed with my solicitors.' She took a sip of her drink and said 'Maid L agrees that she has not led a good life. I have decided to give her a chance to redeem herself. To learn what servitude and diligence is; what it means to have to work hard. For a year and a day she will serve me as my slave in all humiliation. Then she'll be free to go. But until then she has to obey my slightest whim or fancy; and without comments or complaints; that's why she is gagged. She has to learn to keep quiet.'
She turned to Linda and said harshly 'Until now you have lived a spoilt, egoistic life. Whenever you needed money, you did not search for honest work. No, you made sure you found someone like Mike, who would pamper you...and even that was not enough! You schemed to get me out of the way. To get me killed, just for the money...' Aunt Claire paused to take a long sip from her glass and asked harshly 'now tell me the difference between you and a common whore?'
When Linda looked down and slowly shook her head, Aunt Claire snapped 'the difference between you and a common whore is that a common whore is at least honest about being in it for the money!'
After a few moments of silence in which Linda's quiet sobs could be clearly heard Aunt Claire tossed off the rest of her drink and snarled 'give us one more drink. Then go and prepare dinner. And make sure it is as I want it!'
The dinner was excellent. Linda had obviously taken great care in preparing it and she served it impeccably. At least, that's what Mike thought. But when, after clearing the table, she came in bringing coffee Aunt Claire told her to stand next to her. She ran her eyes over the shining maid's dress and said 'I see several stains that were not there before dinner. Any excuse?' Linda slowly shook her head and lowered her eyes as Aunt Claire took a small black book from her purse and jotted down some cryptic notes. She snapped it shut and said 'punishment room at 10 pm!' And to Mike 'I want you to be there too!'
Aunt Claire came walking down the corridor, dressed in a black silk kimono that reached just beneath her knees. Mike noticed she had changed to fine-mesh fishnet stockings but wore the same black patent leather pumps. She stopped to give him a long, wet kiss. Then she said 'ready?' and without waiting for a reply she turned into what had been her sleeping room.
It had not been altered much; just a few more chains dangling from the ceiling. Linda was standing in the middle of the room, eyes turned downward and hands behind her back. Aunt Claire handed Mike a small key and said 'unlock her cuffs and change her shoes for the ballet boots.' A few moments later stood tottering on a pair of ballet boots with 9 inch heels and Mike was wondering what was coming next.
Aunt Claire slowly opened her little black book and turned over a few pages. She said in a harsh voice 'Maid L, you will be punished because today you have broken a glass, 2 demerits; you were late in answering the bell, 3 demerits; and you did not wear an apron so you stained your dress with grease, 5 demerits. Total: 10 demerits. Any excuses?' Linda dejectedly shook her head and she looked at Mike with pleading eyes when Aunt Claire said 'the punishment for 10 demerits is dancing in ballet boots and ten lashes! Now take off your dress!'
A few moments later Linda stood in the middle of the room, clad only in a corselet, garters and stockings. The loops of the chastity belt gleamed dully between her legs.
Aunt Claire took off her kimono and Mike's cock stiffed at the sight of the older woman. She was wearing a gleaming and wicked looking black leather harness. Its belts were pulled tight around her body, short leather cups firmly pushing up her ample breasts. A narrow leather thong covered her clearly visible cunt and her legs were circled by the tops of her fishnet stockings. She looked absolutely dominating and erotically challenging.
She walked slowly towards Linda, a pair of wide leather cuffs dangling from her hand. With a few deft movements she locked them around Linda's wrists and turned her arms high up behind her back, locking them to the steel collar. Then she fastened a chain from the ceiling to a D-ring on Linda's collar and pulling it tight. She pulled a short piece of half-inch nylon cord through the front D-Ring of Linda's collar and tied one end to the spiked heel of the left ballet boot. Then she lifted Linda's right leg from the ground and quickly tied the rope to the heel of the ballet boot and stepped back.
'Dance!' said Aunt Claire sharply.
Forced to stand on one leg Linda desperately tried to keep her balance but after a few moments her leg started trembling. When she tried to put her other foot down the rope snapped tight and she stood tottering, unable to get both feet on the ground. She tried to bend her knees but the taut chain from the ceiling held her upright and she moaned in despair. Finally, in desperation, she hopped up, the cord ran through the D-ring and she landed on her other foot. And as Linda hopped up to switch feet, the spanker came down on the girl's bottom with a resounding smack.
'One!' said Aunt Claire rubbed the spanker between her legs while she waited for Linda to hop again. Linda tried desperately to remain on standing but her leg tired and she jumped with a moan. The spanker swung, followed by a smack and a muffled cry while Aunt Claire counted 'Two!' 'Three!' 'Four!' The relentless counting went on and on. And as the girl jerkily shifted from one leg to another like a marionette, her muffled moans and howls became more desperate. Finally, at the count of 'Ten!' the older woman gave a last violent blow and untied the cord from the ballet boots. Linda hung limp in the chains, completely exhausted with perspiration shining all over her body.
The older woman turned to Mike with shining eyes and she pressed her body against his. Her hand went inside his trousers and encircled his hardening cock and while she rubbed her breasts against his chest she murmured 'spanking makes me so horny...'
7. Bondage Maid (added: 2014/01/17)
The weather had changed overnight. A pale sun was shining and a blustery wind was twirling the dead leaves across the lawn. Sipping a mug of coffee Mike's thoughts drifted back to last night.
They had unhooked Linda and taken the exhausted girl to the new maid's quarters, off Aunt Claire's bedroom. She had been allowed a quick shower before the older woman had chained her to her bed with a single cuff around one ankle. After locking Linda's door she had turned to Mike, her hands had gone all over his body, caressing him, clearly greedy for his cock. Naked they had fallen onto the massive four-poster, their naked bodies entwined and writhing in lust. He had licked and fingered the older woman's dripping wet cunt while she had caressed his balls while she sucked greedily at his stiff cock. Approaching an orgasm she had turned him on his back and straddled him. And while he grabbed one of her dangling beasts and put the nipple in his mouth she had slid her dripping cunt down over his rock hard cock until it was deep inside her. Impaled upon him she had ridden his cock in an ever increasing rhythm. While he had pinched and suckled her nipples she had moved her body up and down his shaft, her wet cunt making loud sopping noises. Groaning and spasming she had riding him harder and harder, until she came in a violent orgasm while he shot his cum deep inside her.
'Some coffee would be nice'
He snapped out of his thoughts with a jerk and looked up. Aunt Claire stood next to him. She wore a long-skirted black dress and was nicely made up. Noticing his surprise she laughed and bent over to kiss him. Then she sat down opposite him.
'Surprised to see me?' she said mockingly as Mike poured a cup of coffee for her. 'No, but I did not hear you.' He looked towards the hall from where a vacuum cleaner drowned all other sounds. She saw him looking and said 'they come every morning except Sundays; two local women who take care of the housecleaning.' She saw his puzzled look and smiled as she said 'the entire house except the west-wing top floor. That's maid L's responsibility...I'll show you later.'
As Mike sipped his coffee one of the cleaning women handed the mail to Aunt Claire. She quickly went through the little pile. Some bills, a brochure or two and a postcard. Her face lit up when she read the card and said 'It's from Nina, the film producer. She's in Cannes right now but will come over next week-end to discuss a new and rather special production.' In a dreamy voice she continued 'I've told her about having a slave as a housemaid for a year and it seems she's interested.' Then she glanced at her wristwatch and said 'let's go up and have a look at her. I have to tell her what to do.'
Linda was all dressed up for her household duties.
A little white lace cap was pinned to her rich auburn hair. She was wearing a tight fitting, pink and black latex maid's uniform, complete with pink latex gloves. Frilly black garters held up pink latex stockings and she stood wobbling a bit uncertainly on black ankle-strap pumps with six inch heels. With the stainless steel collar fixed tightly around her neck and the pink ballgag locked firmly in her mouth, Mike thought it was the most uncomfortable outfit for house cleaning he had ever seen.
'Now, maid L.' said Aunt Claire loudly 'today is Saturday and you'll have a different schedule. You start with changing the sheets and making up the beds, and then you'll clean and tidy the bathrooms and vacuum the rooms. After that you'll prepare lunch.'
She paused looking at Linda who stood demurely in front of her, her hands behind her back and her head bowed obediently.
'We'll have a little party tonight. So as soon as you've finished cleaning up after lunch you will prepare the meeting room. I want you to prepare snacks and finger food for ten guests. Put champagne, wine and beer into the meeting room fridge and open some bottles of red wine to let them breathe. Understood?'
Linda bowed respectfully and nodded.
Aunt Claire continued 'As you will be serving the guests tonight I want you to change into your special serving uniform once you're ready. Now go to work!'
Linda bowed and nodded respectfully again and, after an elegant curtsy, Linda walked off towards the sleeping room, the fine chain between her ankle cuffs tinkling faintly. The older woman watched her disappear and turned to Mike.
'I want to do some shopping, care to join me going into town?'
When they returned a few hours later Aunt Claire told the cleaning women to get her purchases out of the car and where to stow them. When she took them into the library for their weekly payment Mike heard the sound of a heavy vacuum cleaner and went upstairs. Linda was working hard, trying to finish vacuuming the large carpets before her mistress would come upstairs. Moisture was dripping from her head; obviously she was sweating profusely under the tight latex garments. Their eyes met and she gave him a look of mingled resignation and despair. Suddenly he felt sorry for her and as he walked past her he caressed her shoulder. She looked up and he saw two large tears dripping from her eyes.
Once the cleaning women had left Linda had hurried to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Mike observed her while she served her Aunt and noticed the how hot and flustered she looked in her latex garments. Like someone who had just stepped out of a Turkish bath. He noticed she had tied a scarf around her head, obviously to stop the sweat from dripping from her forehead.
The afternoon went by slowly. Aunt Claire had taken down a large book from the library and as she seemed to be completely lost in it, Mike went for a stroll through the park. He tried to get Linda's image out of his mind, her pleading eyes and the degrading ballgag strapped tight in her mouth. He wondered if he should speak to the older woman about it...
When he came back to the library he found Linda, still dressed in her latex outfit and with her hands folded in front of her, standing demurely in front of Aunt Claire. The older woman took out her little black book and flipped through the pages. Then she addressed Linda.
'Maid L, I have checked your work. In general I am content. There are a few minor things, such as not squaring the bed cushions correctly, but for those I give you a warning but no punishment.' She rose to unlock Linda's cuffs and gag while she said 'You now have one hour off to shower and change and eat something. After that, I want to see you back here.' Linda bowed politely and left the room.
Aunt Claire looked after her and was about to make some remark when the gate-buzzer went off. She pressed a button on a small console and peered at the black and white image it displayed. 'Yes?' she said sharply.
'Taxi - a visitor for you'
'Right, come in' she said and pressed the button that opened the gate. A minute later they heard the crunch of car tyres on the gravel drive and Aunt Claire went into the hall. Mike heard women's voices raised in delight (real or faked? He thought) and the sound of stiletto heels on ceramic tiles. Then Aunt Claire came in, followed by a tall, well-proportioned woman in her early fifties. She had ash-blonde hair that fell in a graceful curve just below her jaw line. Behind black-rimmed glasses a pair of bright blue eyes sparkled mischievously.
'Mike, meet my good friend Nina!' said Aunt Claire and Mike rose politely to greet the newcomer. They shook hands and Mike noticed the way those bright blue eyes looked him over. Hard and cool, as if she was considering how and in what way she could make use of him.
'Nina is the owner of the film company that has rented my place' Aunt Claire said, needlessly because Mike had guessed as much. 'And Mike is my very good friend.' Nina let go of his hand and said in a nice Californian drawl 'He looks wonderful Claire; you sure have a good taste...' She tossed her hair back and as she sat down in one of the easy chairs she asked 'when am I going to see that slave of yours?'
8. Nina and Friend (added: 2014/03/19)
It was time for cocktails and Mike stood alone in the room, smoking a small cheroot. Aunt Claire had insisted they should dress for the occasion and he felt rather conspicuous in his white tuxedo. He absently listened to the sounds from the adjoining dining room where Linda (or should he say maid L?) was hard at work. Taking a few steps forward he watched her laying the table for dinner, dressed in her 'special' waitress costume.
It was a rather severe looking black satin dress, the deeply cut décolleté offering a generous view of most of her breasts. A lace and satin apron was pinned to a skirt that went down all the way to her ankles. It all seemed very chaste but as soon as she turned around it was a totally different sight. The upper part of her back as well as her buttocks and stockinged legs were completely exposed. The two sides of the skirt held together by a single button at the lower part of her back. She obviously was only wearing a garter belt under the dress and nothing else. Mike could clearly see the outlines of her pussy and chastity belt when she bent over the table to put something in place. It should have excited him but he turned away, feeling a bit saddened by this new and obvious humiliation.
Loud laughter and the sound of high heeled shoes announced the arrival of the ladies. Nina entered first, dressed in a wine-red cocktail dress that fell just beneath her knees. Aunt Claire had chosen a midnight blue dress that showed off her fine figure and legs. Mike wondered whether she was somehow competing with Nina and if so, why...
Aunt Claire rang a little bell and Nina gave a gasp when Linda came hurrying in.
'Nina, this is maid L, my personal slave.' Aunt Claire said proudly. 'She is rather good-looking don't you think?' and to Linda 'Turn around maid L' Mike noticed Nina's eyes opening wide as Linda pirouetted obediently on her black patent leather heels.
'She is magnificent! Much better than I had expected' Nina exclaimed while she stepped closer to Linda to get a better look. She examined her minutely and when she said 'spread your legs and bend over' Linda obediently placed her feet apart and bent over deeply. Nina slowly slid her hand down Linda's buttocks until she touched the chastity device that shielded Linda's pussy. Reluctantly withdrawing her hand she turned back to Aunt Claire, her eyes bright and her face flushed. And while her right hand still fondled Linda's bare buttock she exclaimed 'Oh my God, Claire! Where did you find her? She's lovely!' Aunt Claire gave a little embarrassed laugh and said to Linda 'go and fetch the drinks trolley!'
'I wonder where Chuck might be' said Nina after her first glass of champagne. Mike looked questioningly and Nina explained 'Chuck is my partner. We produce together.' She looked at her Cartier wristwatch and continued, rather annoyed 'he was booked on a direct flight from LA, no stopovers, no transfers; should have been here hours ago!'
The gate buzzer sounded and Aunt Claire answered it.
'That's a taxi' she grinned 'talking about the devil! I guess that's Chuck arriving from LA!'
The cab ground to a halt on the gravel drive and Nina went out to meet it. Mike saw a bald, lumbering figure clamber out and lurch unsteadily to his feet while he fumbled for his wallet. Nina seemed to snap something at him and snatched the wallet from his hand. While she paid the driver Aunt Claire came up behind Mike and as she looked over his shoulder she exclaimed 'Oh, my God! Chuck is drunk again...'
'I better go and help her' said Mike as he watched Nina's frantic attempts to get both Chuck and his oversized suitcase up the steps to the front door.
It took them all of five minutes to get Chuck upstairs and into the guestroom and put him on the edge of the bed. He just sat there, his head lolling, while Nina angrily slapped his face and swore at him. While Nina struggled to remove Chuck's soiled sweatshirt Mike tactfully left the room. Just before he closed the door he heard her angry hiss to take a cold shower and sober up.
Dinner was not a success. Chuck's inebriated arrival had put rather a damper on the atmosphere. When he finally came down, he had been sobered up only a little. And despite Nina's warnings he made directly for the drinks trolley. Twice he poured himself three inches of Jack Daniels in a tumbler and swallowed it all in two gulps. Nina looked despairingly at Aunt Claire who promptly declared that dinner was ready and they all went into the dining room and sat down.
Linda came in to serve the first course and Chuck's eyes went wide. In a hoarse, slurred voice he shouted 'Now that's a real fine piece of cunt meat you have here Claire! Where did you get it?'
Nina flashed an angry look at him but he ignored her. Smirking at Linda he grabbed his wineglass and slurred 'here's to you!' He tossed the contents back in one gulp and made a face. Smashing the glass against the opposite wall he yelled 'Yeccch! What a crap! Don't you have a proper drink in this heap?' Turning around he grabbed Linda's arm and snarled 'Hey you bitch! Get me a bottle of Jack Daniels. And you better be quick or you'll know the reason why!' Releasing his grip on her he yelled 'Get going!' and gave her bottom a resounding smack with his large hand. Linda flinched and looked uncertainly at Aunt Claire who shook her head. Nina snarled angrily 'All he gets is soda water. He's had enough alcohol for today!' and Linda hastily left the room.
Embarrassed they hurried through the rest of the dinner while Chuck went on badgering Linda despite Nina's repeated warnings. Each time she came near him he made a drunken grab for her bottom or her breasts, drunkenly bawling 'hey, you horny chick in your 'Fuck Me' dress! Don't worry about not having something in your nice little cunt tonight; Uncle Chuck will fill it for you big time!'
It was a relief when they finally could retreat to the library for coffee.
But when Linda wheeled in a trolley laden with coffee, cups and some bottles Chuck lurched to his feet. He made a clumsy grab for the bottle of Jack Daniels but stumbled over his own feet. Tumbling forward he crushed the fragile wooden trolley and slammed head-first into the stone wall. With a resounding crash his large body hit the floor and lay motionless.
Nina jumped to het feet and hissed furiously 'bastard's out cold; serves him right!' She bent over the bedraggled figure on the floor and said 'no damage as far as I can see. That skull is much too thick.' Turning to Mike she commanded 'Help me. Let's get him upstairs!'
Grabbing Chuck's body under the armpits they hauled him out of the library but it proved to be a tough job to drag the senseless body up the stairs. They rested halfway up to catch their breath and Nina asked 'Where's that punishment room Claire was talking about?'
'Right hand corridor on the landing; first door left' answered Mike, a bit puzzled. "Right, let's dump him there!' Nina said with a malicious glare in her bright blue eyes
The room was more or less as Mike had last seen it, apart from some boxes that had been brought up from the basement garage and a strange looking apparatus. They hauled Chuck's body towards this contraption that seemed to consist of a number of steel strips with half curved indentations, resting on tough poles fixed to a large base plate. Nina said panting 'Right, we'll put him in the stocks for tonight.' They quickly undressed the senseless body and, with a series of heaves and pulls, draped it over the steel frame, knees resting on the floor, neck, wrists and ankles in the steel curves. When Nina locked the stocks' cold steel upper halves in place Chuck groaned something and tried to move.
'Forget it buster, you'll stay right here!' snarled Nina. She raised a leather covered rest under Chucks sagging stomach and, reaching down between his spread legs, raised a thick steel bar ending in something long and dull black. Mike looked closer and gasped in surprise. It was a 12 Inch dildo. Nina quickly lubed it and with one fierce movement shoved it up Chuck's ass, impaling him to the stocks. He gave a loud groan and struggled wildly while Nina locked the device in place.
'So, that´s fixed him´ she said as she rose from her knees. ´Let´s go down and join Claire.' Mike gestured towards the body at their feet and said 'what about...him?' Nina looked contemptuously at the squirming body in the stocks. 'He'll be fine. He can't walk off and be a nuisance again. And he's lying face down so if he pukes he can't strangle on his own barf.' She resolutely turned on her heel and snapped to Mike as she walked away 'Come on! I'll look in later and throw a blanket over him!'
Next morning Mike was woken up by the sound of furtive footsteps in the corridor. Aunt Claire was still sleeping deeply as he eased out of the big four poster bed and quietly dressed in sweatshirt and jeans. He stealthily slipped out of the room on his bare feet, sneakers in his hand, but there was no one in sight in the corridor. Odd, he thought, he had definitely had heard footsteps while he slipped into his sneakers.
He went down to have a look in the kitchen and there was Nina, nicely made-up and radiating sexuality as she walked around on very high heels and clad in a tight black leather catsuit. He looked at the clock and winced; 7.30 a.m.! My God, why is she dressed up like that at this hour?
'Want some coffee Mike?'
He looked up into her sparkling blue eyes and nodded yes, not knowing what to say to this enigmatic woman. She handed him a steaming mug of coffee and sat down opposite him. 'It may not be as strong as you guys over here drink it' she said as she took a sip of her own hot drink. Mike tasted it and recognized the American way of brewing coffee - just dark enough to be not completely transparent...
'You're up early' she said.
'I guess you woke me up.'
'Oh my God; and I thought I had crept past your bedroom door like a mouse on greased pads...'
'Sexy stiletto's always wake me up...'
She grinned and raised one of her legs, smoothing the leather legging down to the black patent leather pump with a six inch heel. Running her hands along her leg towards her crotch she looked mischievously at him and asked suggestively 'you like what you see?'
He knew she was teasing him. An experienced mature woman who knew exactly what the effect of her little acts would be. He swallowed some coffee and said 'you have wonderful legs'.
She rose languidly and walked around the kitchen table until she stood next to him. Resting one hand on the table and the other on the back of his chair she bowed over him and said smiling 'what else do you like?' She leaned forward until her face was at a level with his and he could see quite a way down her cleavage. Following his gaze she slowly reached for the zipper and pulled it down a couple of inches. The soft globes of her nice firm breasts came into view and she said softly 'there, now you can see more of them. Do you like them?'
He looked into her face and opened his mouth but before he could say 'yes' her lips came down on his. Her hair fell around his face, shutting out the light and for a moment he was only aware of the overpowering femininity of this woman. Closing his eyes his tongue met hers and his left hand went behind the nape of her neck to press her lips against his. With her arms around him she settled in his lap and his hands explored her body. Leaning backwards, she pulled the front zipper further down until the top half of the suit opened and her breasts spilled out of their confinement. She guided his head down to one of her nipples. He closed his mouth over it and suckled it while his left hand felt the other nipple and fondled it. Resting her head rest against his shoulder she pulled up the zipper between her legs and uncovered her neatly shaved pussy. Mike's right hand slid down and his index finger penetrated between her pussy lips. He found her clit and when he pinched it between fingers and thumb, her body jerked and twisted as if a series of electrical shocks had gone through her limbs. They fondled and kissed until she rose and lay with her back on the kitchen table. Pulling Mike on top of her she spread her legs wide and raised her pelvis, uttering a low moan when his hard cock entered her. He slowly, deliberately, fucked her while he suckled and bit her hard nipples. Aroused she slung her leather clad legs over his back in an effort to get his hard cock deeper inside her. For a while they moved in the same rhythm until her body began to move in uncontrolled spasms. The movement of her hips became wilder and wilder until she clutched her arms around him, pressing his head deep between her breasts. Clutching him tight and arching her back she clasped her legs stiffly around his back and came in a shuddering orgasm.
'Are you mad with me?'
Her blue eyes probed deep into his. She was sitting in his lap again, zippers restored but the glow of her orgasm still visible in her face.
'No, why should I?'
'Because you're Claire's...'
'So what? You're Chuck's...'
She made a grimace and with a sigh she said 'Yeah, Chuck...'
He looked at her, not understanding what she meant.
'Why do you think I'm up early, walking around clad like this?'
He shook his head and she said softly 'because it's time for Chuck to be punished.'
'Listen. I might as well tell you what's going on. When I was just a teenager I met Chuck and he introduced me in this business. We hit it off pretty well and have been living together ever since. Then, some years ago, he started drinking and when it got worse I took over the business. Since then I got the deals in; did the hiring and firing; running the show. Of course he resents his girlfriend telling him what to do.'
'But why did he hit the bottle?'
'He has been in this business for over thirty years. Has seen everything there's to be seen and a bit more; has done everything that a porn actor can do. He now has reached the stage where a simple naked female does not arouse him anymore. It has to very complicated and kinky before Chuck gets a hard-on. It worries him and when he's worried he drinks.'
She paused for a moment.
'Some time ago I was so furious I tied him up and spanked him within an inch of his life. But instead of teaching him a lesson it gave him a huge orgasm, cum splattering all over the floor. Now he's constantly provoking me, making me punish him, the harsher the better. I guess it's his way of taking revenge, making me feel miserable while at the same time he's getting his sexual release...'
After a pause she said 'It's such a waste; he's a good cameraman when he's sober'
Mike nodded slowly.
'So his big talk to the maid...'
'Just a load of bullshit; he can't get it up anymore, especially when he's drunk.'
'What are you going to do now?'
'Give him another spanking. But this one he won't forget soon. Wanna come?'
9. My little Pony... (added: 2014/03/19)
'Have you ever done any filming?'
Mike nodded. 'Funny you should ask that. Long ago I had a Canon Hi-8 video camera. I took some lessons to improve my technique; done some editing too, mainly holiday stuff. Nothing professional though... just a hobby...'
'So you could work a modern camcorder?'
'If it's not too complicated'
'It's quite simple to operate' said Nina as she opened a black canvas bag and handed Mike a Sony NEX-FS. It took her a couple of minutes to explain the various switches, buttons and functions plus some practical tips about working the manual zoom and fade-in/fade-out. Finally Mike nodded his head and said 'right, I think I've got it. Let my get a few trial shots to make sure.'
He walked around the room and aimed the camera at Nina. Immediately the actress in her came forward and she struck some poses while Mike operated the camcorder, zooming in, zooming out and switching positions. They looked at the shots in playback mode and Nina said 'they're fine. I'm glad you can handle it. Chuck normally does the filming. But he now will be an actor, whether he likes it or not.' She added 'I hate letting opportunities for decent shots go to waste' and explained what she was going to do. Mike's eyes opened wide in surprise and she asked 'Think you can hack it?'
'Right, let's get on with it!'
Mike quietly went down the corridor past the punishment room and knelt down, resting the camcorder on the floor for a ground level shot. At his low whistle the door to the landing opened slowly and Nina entered. She walked slowly towards the camera, tapping the palm of her left hand with a gleaming black riding crop. Closer and closer she came until only her high-heeled pumps showed in the viewfinder. When she turned towards the door of the punishment room the stiletto heels disappeared from view and Mike rose to join her.
Together they entered the room and Mike focused the camcorder on Chuck's face. It showed anger, slowly giving way to surprise and then to fear. Zooming out the shot showed Chuck locked and impaled in the stocks. His beginning curses had fallen silent the moment he saw Nina in her leather suit coming in. His eyes were fixed on the threateningly riding crop and he started to writhe in the stocks, trying to free his wrists and ankles. And while his ass wriggled on the dildo his cock stiffened until he had a rock-hard erection.
'It's punishment time, Chucky!'
Nina's harsh and sarcastic voice rang around the room and as she slowly approached, the riding crop tapping the palm of her left hand, Chuck squirmed even more in the stocks. When he started blabbering 'No...please no...I apologize...please don't...' she swung the riding crop and lashed out several times across his buttocks and the room rang with his howls and screams. She stopped suddenly and as she lightly touched his erect cock with the crop she said 'no, Chucky-boy, I'm not gonna make you cum yet. Today you're really in for a bad time!'
Chuck moaned and pleaded but Nina simply didn't listen. She grabbed some things from a satchel on a chair and after a few minutes of brisk and efficient work she had Chuck 'dressed' for the occasion. She released him from the stocks and pulled him upright. He was a sight to behold! A stiff, high leather collar encased his neck and only his frightened eyes showed from under a tight fitting latex cap that hid his head. A broad leather bit between his jaws smothered his wails of protest to unintelligible moans. A tight fitting black waist cincher was strapped around his body and its six garters held up the fine mesh fishnets that clung to his legs. And he desperately tried to keep his balance as his wrists were cuffed to a tough leather belt buckled around his waist while he stood wobbling on a pair of 11 inch ballet boots. Angry, afraid and humiliated he could only wait for what was coming next. But his real feelings were betrayed by his aroused cock that stood out like a flagpole, a drip of pre -cum glistening at its tip.
'Right Chucky, now for the fun part' said Nina. She hooked a leather leash to the collar and pulled him stumbling after her, out of the room and into the corridor. At the edge of the landing Nina snarled 'now let's see how you get down these steps' and started to walk down. But Chuck stood at the top of the stairs, moaning behind the bit and shaking his head. Irritated by his stalling she jerked at the leash and he tottered down the first steps of the stairs. Sweating and moaning he managed to stumble halfway down on his 11 inch heels before he lost his balance. His cuffed hands vainly groped for the bannister as he tumbled sideways and rolled all the way down the steps.
He hit the floor with a rumbling crash and the kitchen door flew open. Linda ran out and she stood aghast in the middle of the hall. Her hands went to her mouth when she caught sight of Chuck who was slowly getting to his knees. Nina smiled at her and said 'we're going to exercise him a bit, to make sure he gets rid of all yesterday's bad stuff.' Then she walked past, pulling Chuck on his leash behind her. Linda did not answer but her eyes sparkled as she took a long look at the bruised and totally humiliated Chuck.
They reached the basement garage without further incidents. Hitching Chuck to a pole Nina went inside and a few moments later came out with something that made Chuck's eyes go wide with fright. It was a light sulky, constructed of bamboo and with a single seat. Oblivious to his moaning 'no...no...' she quickly hooked his wrist cuffs to the booms. Then she held two objects in front of him and he wailed again. She briskly rolled a condom over his cock and after that a little steel cage that entrapped his whole penis. It was locked with a kind of cock ring and secured around his waist with a leather strap. The second object was a butt-plug with a long tail attached.
After hooking the reins to the rings of the bit Nina walked around to the sulky and climbed into the narrow seat. Holding the reins in her left hand and a wicked looking whip in her right she slapped the reins across his back and cried
'Right, Chucky-boy, get trotting!'
He took a hesitating step forward and then another, much too slow to Nina's liking and she lashed out with the whip across his back while she cried 'Get trotting I said!' in a slow trot he pulled the sulky away from the garage and Nina steered him down the gravel drive and out of sight behind the house. Mike hurried to the other side of the drive, just in time to focus the camcorder as the sulky appeared again. They had to negotiate a little rise and when Chuck slowed down, Nina immediately cracked the whip across his back. Sweating and puffing he picked up speed and Nina steered him to the left, around the corner and past the entrance steps to the mansion.
When they disappeared around the far corner for another turn around the house Mike felt a nudge against his elbow. Linda stood next to him, clad in a black latex maid's uniform. But to his surprise she was not gagged or cuffed or anything. She saw the look on his face and said softly 'Aunt Claire has decided I know my place now so from now on no gag...'
She was holding a tray with a steaming mug of coffee and when he took it she murmured 'Aunt Claire is waiting for you in the breakfast room.' After taking a welcome sip he said 'tell her I'll join her as soon as Nina has finished'. But that took more time than he had counted on. After completing a second lap around the house Nina steered Chuck trotting down the gravel drive. At the bottom she made him swerve in a wide curve across the grass to head up the rise again. Chuck stumbled on the slippery grass and unable to keep his momentum in check fell face down in a flurry of trampling legs. Nina hauled at the reins and cracked the whip but Chuck stayed down on the grass. Mike zoomed in and focused on Chuck's gasping face. His eyes were closed and his hips were heaving up and down. Then Nina lashed her whip across his back again and a violent shudder went through his entire body. For a few moments nothing happened. Then he slowly got to his knees and got the sulky going again, the spiked heels of his ballet boots sinking deep down in the grass of the lawn.
When they reached the basement garage Nina jumped from the sulky and hitched Chuck to a ring in the wall. Then she called Mike over and said curtly 'film this!'
She released Chuck's cock harness and Mike zoomed in. The condom on the still hard cock was full of cum...
She had unhitched Chuck from the sulky and made him sit on the steps to take off his ballet boots. The once shining spiked heels were caked with clay from the lawn. Nina took the bit out of his mouth and ordered harshly 'clean them!'
Chuck obediently took a boot in his hand started licking the spiked heel, pausing every now and then to spit out clays and grass. 'You're getting all this?' whispered Nina in Mike's ear. Mike just nodded while he tried to keep the camcorder stable.
Finally, when the boots were clean and Chuck had put them on again, Nina locked his wrist cuffs behind his back and took him inside. While ascending the stairs she said nonchalantly 'we'll park you in the punishment room until I have decided what to do with you today!'
Chuck said nothing. His followed her meekly on the leash, head down and taking short steps on his impossibly high heels.
Aunt Claire waited for them at the top of the stairs. Looking at the bedraggled figure led past her on a leash she smiled and said to Nina 'I see you have done a lot of work this morning'. Nina smiled and said 'there's nothing like an early ride in the park!'
The three of them sat down to breakfast and when they had finished Aunt Claire asked Nina 'what's the next step?' Nina frowned and thought for a while. Then, with a bright smile, she said 'how about giving your slave a sub-slave for a day?'
Aunt Claire took up a little bell and a few moments after she tinkled it Linda came hurrying from the kitchen. She curtsied and asked politely 'Yes Mistress?'
'Slave L, I'll give you a sub-slave for today. Let him do ... let's say ... some of your more disagreeable duties!'
Linda's eyes lit up as she answered 'Yes Mistress!'
Nina cut in and said 'I'll prepare him for you. And give him the whip if he does not obey!'
Nina got up and hurried away, pulling Linda after her while Mike and Aunt Claire quietly finished their coffee at the breakfast table. Aunt Claire asked Mike 'what do you think of ... this thing with Chuck?' Mike thought for a moment. 'It looks like he deliberately provokes her. I mean his getting drunk and behaving like a pig seems to upset her pretty badly. And after what I've seen I rather suspect he just enjoys to be punished. It's a case for a psychiatrist...'
Aunt Claire nodded and remained silent for a while, apparently deep in thought. Finally she said softly, almost as if she hardly dared to pronounce her thoughts 'You know, there are many more like him... I wonder if we somehow could...'
Looking at her Mike looked completed the unspoken part of the sentence. '...give them the satisfaction they are seeking? And earn some money with it?'
A blush of embarrassment appeared on Aunt Claire's face and she fell silent for a while. Mike poured another coffee and waited patiently. Finally she said 'I think there's money in it. And I think we could do it. But I haven't a clue how one does go about this?'
'Just check-out some internet sites. They offer a pretty standard set of 'services'. I guess there are people out there looking for something new and exciting. So let's think about something special we can do and how to do it. It would not take us long to start doing business.'
'I'll have to think about it...' she said with a pensive look.
Mike left the breakfast room and as he went up the stairs he heard noises coming from the guest bathroom. He recognized Linda's voice, sounding sharp and decisive. And there were low, grunting noises, every now and then punctuated by a moan. Curiosity overcame him and he quietly made his way towards the source of the noises.
Chuck was on his knees in the bathroom, clad in a shining black and white latex maid's uniform, complete with black latex thigh highs and six inch black patent leather pumps. His wrists were cuffed behind his back and a short chain ran between a pair of ankle cuffs. A black glossy wig covered his bald head. Pinned to it was a black and white lace maid's cap, its lacy straps tied in a bow under his chin. From an 'O' gag harness strapped around his head protruded a large toilet brush. He plunged the brush into the toilet pot and moved his head up and down and sideways, brushing at the stains.
Linda stood over him, watching every move. When he raised his head to rest his aching neck muscles she lashed out with a cane at his buttocks that glowed pink already from previous cuts and commanded sharply 'clean it, you useless piece of shit! Push it in deeper!'
Noticing Mike she looked at him with a smile. Then she turned back to Chuck and shouted 'hurry up! I haven't got all day!' and kicked his balls with the pointed toe of her high-heeled pump.
Mike was surprised and not a little disturbed by the dangerous glitter in Linda's eyes. When he turned away he nearly bumped into Nina who stood behind him. She lowered the Sony and, without a word, took his arm and led him away until they were out of earshot. She faced him and her bright blue eyes seemed to read his mind. 'I saw it too!' she said 'your little friend is turning into a first class Dominatrix...'
Mike nodded slowly, too surprised to react.
'Well, she'll have to find someone else to practice on. In an hour or so I'm going to get Chuck out of that dress and make him clean himself up and dress properly. Then we'll leave.'
'Yes, I've just booked us on a flight to LA.'
'Weren't you going to stay longer?'
'That was the original plan´. She nodded briefly in the direction of the noises and added ´But he fucked things up while he was drunk and the Scandinavian deal fell through.' With a bitter ring in her voice she continued 'so now I'm going to get him back to the States. And I'll make damn sure he won't be able to go abroad again, even if it means burning his goddam passport!'
They heard Linda ordering Chuck around, her commands punctuated by an occasional 'Whack!' of the cane. Mike looked at Nina in disbelief. Smiling she put her hand on his shoulder and as they kissed she murmured 'You'd better keep her working in this line. She's a natural!'
10. Punishment Unlimited... (added: 2014/04/10)
The man at the rural railway station obeyed his instructions exactly. He had stayed inside the station building for 10 minutes after the commuter train had left. He had waited for the small crowd to disperse before he emerged from the empty station hall. Now he stood in the falling darkness he stood at the kerb near the bus stop, displaying the lurid magazine as identification. He looked around uncertainly, not knowing what to expect.
A shiny grey and black windowless van pulled out of the nearby parking lot and stopped right in front of him. The side door was already open and from the darkness inside a gruff voice said 'Nr. 23?'
'No, I am number twenty four' he answered hesitatingly, completing the agreed authentication sequence.
The gruff voice said 'Right, come inside and close the door!'
He entered the vehicle and slid the door shut. It closed with the ominous 'Clack!' of the centrally operated locking system. He stood awkwardly bent over under the low roof, an expensive overcoat over his left arm, when the driver's voice announced 'hold on to that strap next to you!' and the van pulled away from the almost completely deserted station. After just a few minutes the driver parked the van in a layby and killed the engine. The man blinked as the interior lights went on and watched the driver come aft. He was all clad in black; jeans, sweatshirt, boots.
'So you're number twenty-four?'
'Yes Sir...'
'Let´s get this straight. You know we're Punishment Unlimited?'
'Y...yes Sir.'
'You've got no second thoughts about this? You still want to go all the way?'
'Yes Sir...'
'Sure? This is the moment to say so; once we drive off it'll be too late!'
'Yes Sir, I want to go on Sir...'
'OK. Got the money?'
The man pulled an envelope from his inner pocket and handed it over. The driver quickly counted the bundle of bills and nodded approvingly. He put them in his pocket and unlocked a large suitcase hooked to the back of the driver's cabin. He took out a large black bag and curtly said 'Right, now undress completely and put your stuff in the suitcase; then put on what's inside this bag!'
The man stripped obediently and, once he was completely naked, put his neatly folded clothes in the suitcase. He gasped in surprise when he opened the canvas bag. But he hurriedly started dressing up when the driver growled 'Come on, don't stand there gawping! Get dressed! We haven't got all night!'
The man struggled into a very tight and lacy, black and white French maid's dress, his movements hampered by the low roof of the van and a padded passenger seat that was bolted to the middle of the floor. To put on the fine mesh fishnet stockings and ankle-strap pumps he gingerly sat down on its edge.
'Stay in that seat!' said the driver, coming aft again. From another bag he took a latex mask and pulled it over the man's head. It covered his head completely except for his eyes, mouth and nostrils. A thick leather blindfold went over the man's eyes and a wide, leather collar was locked around his neck and secured with a carbine hook to the headrest.
'Lay your arms on the rests!'
A moment later his arms were strapped to the armrests and buckled up tight. The driver knelt and completed the job of immobilizing the man by locking wide leather cuffs around his ankles. They were connected by a short chain and the driver hooked them to bolt eyes on the base of the seat. Once the man was completely immobilized the driver locked the suitcase and attached the key to one of the D-rings on the man's collar. Then he switched off the interior lights and seconds later he drove off.
At first the man in the back tried to keep track of where they were going but he soon gave up as the driver deliberately made some random U-turns and circled a roundabout twice just to disorient him.
As the van sped through what seemed curves of back roads, his rigidly strapped body was pressed into the back and the sides of the seat. The unfamiliar feel of satin moving against his skin excited him. He rubbed his nyloned legs together and pressed his toes forward to tighten the ankle straps of his pumps.
He was powerless to do anything else, blindfolded and secured tightly to a seat of a closed van. Dressed up as a fetish maid he would be delivered at an unknown destination. His utter helplessness and the feeling of the dress and nylons and heels aroused him. Soon the bulge of an erection lifted the short skirt of the tight fitting dress...
The van slowed down and he jolted in his seat when the wheels bumped over a threshold of some sort, followed by the crunch of tyres on gravel. The van came to a stop and backed up slowly. The engine sounds were hollow, as if the van was entering some kind of building. Then, a sudden silence fell as the engine was switched off.
He felt the vehicle tilt as the driver left his cabin. He slammed the door and his footsteps disappeared in the distance. Wondering what would happen next the man waited anxiously, with his heart beating fast. It was almost a relief when the silence was broken by the sharp sound of rapidly approaching stiletto heels. The side door slid back and a female voice said sharply 'so you are number 24?'
'Yes, madam' he said, not knowing what else to answer and his face was immediately slapped.
'You will address me as Mistress, is that understood?' snarled the voice.
'Yes, Mistress' he answered meekly.
Someone unbuckled the straps and unlocked his collar and ankle cuffs and the sharp voice said 'Get up!' He bumped his head against the low roof as he rose from the seat and a strong hand guided him out of the van. Wobbling on his heels he stepped onto the hard concrete of what must be a basement garage.
'Hold out your hands!' commanded the sharp voice. He felt a pair of leather handcuffs close around his wrists and a leash being hooked to his collar.
'Come!' said the voice. A jerk on the leash made him stumble forward on the unfamiliar six-inch heels. They entered what must have been a corridor and he tripped and nearly fell over an unseen threshold. A few steps down the corridor they passed into a room and the voice said 'Stop!'
The blindfold was taken from his eyes and he blinked at the sudden light. He found himself in a sizeable room, decorated in bright red and deep black. A large wooden cross was mounted against a wall that was decorated with whips and chains and other BDSM equipment. But his attention was immediately caught by a mature woman, masked and dressed in a very tight leather catsuit. She rose from a large gold, red and black peacock chair, slowly walked towards him, ominously tapping the palm of her left hand with a wicked looking riding crop.
'So you're number twenty-four, the new slave for tonight?'
'Yes Mistress'
She wacked his bottom with the crop and hissed 'you will always call me Madam!' Another, softer but more threatening voice said 'I am your Mistress!' and a masked, younger female stepped from behind him. She, too, was dressed in a tight fitting catsuit. And she, too, wielded a riding crop.
'You have signed up to be our housemaid-slave for tonight, isn't that right?'
'Yes Madam'.
'Right then; from now on you'll totally obey Mistress L. If you do not immediately and completely carry out her orders you will be punished; severely punished! Is that clear, slave twenty-four?'
'Yes Madam'
'Good! Mistress L, slave twenty-four is all yours!'
The mistress grabbed the leash and dragged the unhappy slave towards a filthy looking bathroom.
'I want this filthy mess cleaned up in ten minutes flat!'
A number of very busy weeks had passed since Nina's visit. Aunt Claire had taken Nina's suggestion very seriously. The three of them had worked out the idea of 'Punishment Unlimited', a discrete and highly anonymous service aimed at those who wanted to be dominated and humiliated. Linda would be the principal Mistress. It had not been difficult to convert one of the empty basement rooms into a well-equipped BDSM chamber. And Mike had found a wonderful American van that enabled them to transport 'customers' to and from the mansion; discreetly and without anyone being the wiser about its location. Moreover, to be transported to a completely unknown destination while tied to a seat in a windowless van would really excite the 'customer'.
Choosing the internet as their sole marketing instrument they soon had signed up the first customers. The early 'trial and error' period was marked by some inevitable minor incidents. But by now they had settled into a well-rehearsed routine, as this evening's pick-up had shown. The word about this anonymous 'Punishment Unlimited' service spread around quickly and there seemed to be no lack of prospective customers. And a surprising number of 'clients' started to return, probably because Linda seemed to have an uncanny flair for devising new ways of debasing and humiliating those who surrendered to her...
Aunt Claire met Mike in the corridor.
'How's she doing?'
'She's doing fine! Nina was right; she is really good at it!'
'I guess it's some kind of revenge for all humiliation she has gone through.'
Aunt Claire smiled. 'I guess you're right. But she seems to enjoy it!'
Curious to see how things were progressing they opened the door on a chink and looked into the chamber. The 'maid' was on his knees, scrubbing the bathroom floor while Linda stood over her, whacking the 'maid's' bottom occasionally when something did not go to her liking.
'She'll keep him busy all night' remarked Mike 'and she'll punish him for anything he does wrong...'
They looked inside as Linda screamed at the 'maid' who had inadvertently splattered her with some drops of water. She hauled her victim to his feet and dragged the stumbling form over to the cross where she hooked the cuffs high up. Swinging her crop wide she smacked the 'maids' bottom hard. For a moment they stood at the door, watching Linda wielding the crop and listening to the screams and whimpering of the 'maid'.
'He'll be totally worn out when I drop him off at the station tomorrow morning...'
'Fine with me' said Aunt Claire as she pressed her body against Mike's and rubbed her breasts and pussy against his backside. She whispered 'does make you horny, doesn't it?' He turned around and their mouths met in a long and lewd kiss. Leaving the unfortunate 'maid' to Linda's tender ministrations they slowly walked off to their bedroom. And there, without waiting, Aunt Claire pulled Mike on the bed, opened his pants and slid her carmine lips deep down over his hard cock...
11. Abduction á la Carte...
'This is a weird one' said Mike, looking up from his laptop. 'Have a look.'
Linda and Aunt Claire bent over his shoulders. The message on the screen read
'I want to have a female severely humiliated and punished over a period of several days. And for personal reasons I want to take part in the punishment myself. I want this punishment to be recorded on video. For this service I am willing to pay triple your normal fee, whatever it may be. If you agree please send a message to...' and next came an e-mail address. The message was signed with a single 'M'.
Their looks met and Mike said 'well...what shall we do?'
'It sounds so crazy it might be a trap' said Linda.
Mike shook his head. 'No, it somehow sounds like the real thing'
'It really excites me!' said Aunt Claire, peering at the screen and reading the message again. 'Bet you ten to one it was a woman who sent this; someone who is very, very angry. And that means...'
'We'll have to be very, very careful' added Mike, completing the sentence
But it was not what Aunt Claire had in mind. With a dreamy look in her eyes she nodded her head and said 'Of course; but I think it might be an ... interesting experience. You know, it sounds like delivering 'Punishment on Demand'!'
'So we'll contact this... person?'
Shifting gears and slowing down Mike steered his Honda TransAlp into the deserted looking motorway layby. There was a lone articulated lorry parked at the far end. And the expected BMW X5 was parked halfway down, behind a few trees and bushes that masked it from passing traffic on the motorway.
As he slowly passed the X5 he glimpsed aside but the smoked glass windows blocked his view. He parked a few yards ahead and put the heavy motorbike on the stand. Removing his helmet he walked over to one of the metal benches on the sidewalk. Leaning back comfortably he pulled down the zipper of his GoreTex coverall and turned his face up into the bright sunlight.
The sound of a car door opening made him look up. A blonde middle aged female emerged from the BMW, her face partly hidden by large sunglasses. She was dressed in a roll-neck sweater and slacks that accentuated her slender figure. After dropping something in the litter bin she stood leaning against her car for a while, seemingly enjoying the sunshine. Then she slowly walked over, as if to have a look at the Honda. Looking at the TransAlp she asked Mike in a rather husky voice 'Did you really cross the Alps on this bike?'
'No, but I did cross the Pyrenees.'
'Did you go to Zaragoza?'
'No, only to Huesca'
The recognition sentences exchanged, she sat down next to Mike.
'Hi, I'm Michel, like the French pronounce it.'
'I'm ... Moira.'
'We got your message but we need to know more before we can say yes'
She considered for a moment. 'I think I made it clear I want to have a ... female humiliated and severely punished; preferably for a couple of days. And I want to take part in this.'
'Why do you ask us?'
'I like what I heard about the way you treat ... customers.'
'Those customers come fully willing to be humiliated and punished. In fact we go to some lengths to ensure this. But I guess the ... person you have in mind will not come and submit voluntarily to our ...ah... treatment. And that could cause us problems.'
'That's why I want it recorded on video; as an insurance against repercussions.'
'How can we be sure of that?'
'The person we are talking about has made a lot of enemies. Once a video like this would be sent to ... certain people who know her she would be socially destroyed.'
'I see'
Mike was silent for a while.
'It will have to be done in absolute anonymity. We don't want to run the slightest risk your ... subject can trace anything back to us!'
'Whatever is necessary, I'll do it!'
'When do you want this all to take place?'
'As soon as possible!' said the woman emphatically and for the first time Mike caught the sound of a very deep anger in her voice. He pulled a notebook from a coverall pocket and flipped it open. He pointed at a date a week hence and said 'this is the earliest we can accommodate you.'
'That's fine with me.'
Flipping to another page he held the notebook up and said 'this is the fee we charge for a whole day and night.'
'I want two whole days and nights! And I'll pay triple as I told you!'
'We'll want payment up front.'
'We'll want cash.'
'No problem.'
He nodded and to her obvious relief he said 'Right then, we'll do it. '
''What's next?'
'We'll work out the details and send them to you' he said and held up his notebook again. 'Please write down a safe address.' After 'Moira' had written down an address he pulled an old Nokia cell phone from his coverall and pressed a key.
'You can call this number if there's something very urgent' he said and he held it up for her to jot down the number. He did not tell her it was the number of a pre-paid SIM card, not traceable to any address.
'OK then; you'll get the instructions soon. And we'll see you Friday the sixth, 1900 hrs.' were his parting words. Then he put on his helmet and mounted the Honda. He kicked it to life and when he roared off she noticed the Honda's license plate was partly taped over...
The motel was a nice one, tucked away in a hilly, wooded area.
It catered to those guests who wanted '...a few days away from it all...' and the discreet staff had seen it all before. When the two new guests left the lobby they exchanged knowing smiles. Two women, a middle aged and a much younger one, who took a room for a long weekend. Undoubtedly to enjoy a highly clandestine and very lascivious lesbian weekend...
They would have been surprised if they had been able to see what was going on in the room the couple had taken. No passionate kissing and fondling or frenzied undressing. They both were looking at the contents of a suitcase Moira had fetched from the booth of her car. It was crammed with lingerie and erotic garments.
'Come on, let's get dressed-up, the party starts soon!'
'But ... I've not seen anybody yet!' said Nancy, the younger one.
'Because it's a surprise to see who will be there. Anyway, we're all expected in the party room exactly at seven so let's get dressed'
She took a French maid's outfit from the suitcase and Nancy looked uneasily at the tight garment.
'Is this really necessary?' she asked.
'Ah, come on. Don't be a spoilsport! I told you it is a kinky costume party and we agreed that you should be maid and I should be mistress. 'Look!' she said as she held up a black latex catsuit. 'This is what I am going to wear. You'll have to help me getting into this; I'll never be able do it on my own.'
Sensing Nancy's reluctance Moira fetched a bottle and two glasses from her suitcase and said 'Here, let's have a drink first.' The first drink was quickly followed by another. Giggling they undressed and they had one more while sitting completely naked on the edge of the bed.
After downing the neat vodka in a couple of gulps Moira said 'Now let's get you dressed up first. Then you can help me, as a good maid should!' A quarter of an hour later Nancy had been turned into a real fetish maid, clad in a tight fitting black satin dress that showed most of her large firm breasts. Eight garters with shiny metal tabs held up a pair of fine mesh fishnets that accentuated the shape of her long, tapering legs. Her conversion into a fetish maid was completed by when she put on a pair of shining black patent leather ankle strap pumps. And when Moira closed and locked a black leather collar around her neck she really became excited. Taking another sip of her drink she took a few unsteady steps on the unfamiliar high heels. And holding her glass high above her head she pirouetted in front of the full length mirror,
Moira clapped her hands.
'Oh, you look wonderful'
Nancy gulped her drink down, bowed to her and said giggling 'Thank you Mistress!'
As she turned her away from the mirror Moira frowned.
'Wait a second, something's wrong at the back of your dress.'
'Here, can you feel it?'
'No, what is it?'
'Let me show you; here, put your hands on it'
Nancy reached high up behind her back and Moira quickly snapped a pair of steel handcuffs around the exposed wrists. Totally surprised by the nasty ratcheting sound and the alien touch of cold steel, Nancy shouted furiously 'Hey, what the fuck is this? ARE YOU MAD?' Seeing what Moira grabbed from the suitcase she cried 'Don't, you fucking idiot or I'll kill you! I'll...'
And then her cries became inarticulate mumbles as Moira pushed a large ballgag in her mouth and strapped the harness tight around her head. For a moment Nancy stood dumbfounded, in the middle of the motel room, trying frantically to get her wrists out of the steel trap but it was too late. A fierce push sent her stumbling forward on her six inch heels. Her knees bumped against the bed and she fell heavily forward, her long legs flying up into the air. Nimble as a cat Moira jumped upon her back. Pinning Nancy's legs down with her knees, she looped a chromium plated chain around her waist and looped it through her crotch. A few moments later the girl lay struggling helplessly, wrist and ankle cuffs pulled tightly together in a humiliating crotch-rope hogtie. Then Moira left the room.
Somewhat later the bathroom door opened and Nancy´s eyes went wide with fear. Moira came out, dressed in the shining black catsuit and heavily made up, a latex clad dominatrix that seemed to grow more wicked and threatening with each step she took towards the helpless girl on the bed.
'Remember what you did with Ken? it's punishment time!' she said harshly as she halted at the edge of the bed. A heavily padded leather blindfold dangled from her left hand. The hogtied younger woman moaned loudly and shook her head in refusal, struggling wildly as she tried to avoid the blindfold. But the merciless hands that had already bound and gagged her now strapped the blindfold tightly to the ballgag harness.
Gagged and blindfolded she tried to make sense of the sounds around her. The clicking of Moira's spiked heels crossing the room and the unmistakeable sound of the door to the parking lot being opened. Then a pair of heavy footsteps, crunching on gravel, approaching the motel and entering the room.
The sudden hard grip of a pair of strong hands that lifted her hogtied form off the bed and lowered it into what felt like a large basket. The top was fitted to the basket in an eerie silence. Then it was lifted up and carried away, swaying to the footsteps of her unseen abductors. She struggled and moaned but no one paid any attention as they carried the basket a short distance across the crunching gravel. Then a car door rumbled open and the basket was shoved inside. She felt the car - or van - tilt a bit when someone stepped in; she guessed it was Moira by the sound of spiked heels. The side door slid closed and locked with a loud 'clack!'
As the car drove off she suddenly realized she was being abducted. Deeply frightened, she arched her back and rubbed her head against the side of the basket in a last, desperate effort to get rid of the blindfold and gag. But it was no use; the tightly buckled head harness would not budge.
She panicked in earnest and in her struggles she jerked at her cuffs. Moving her tightly locked ankles backward and forward, she pulled the taut crotch chain deep between her pussy lips. Each jerk of her feet made the individual shackles rub up and down her swollen clit. Moist warmth started to build up in her loins and for a moment she did not understand what was happening. Why did this utter helplessness not make her angry?
With a shock she realized it aroused her! Aroused her as she had never been before! The incredible erotic feeling built up until she was unable to restrain herself any longer and she started to move her hips in a slow rhythm. Waves of intense pleasure shot through her body as her soaking wet cunt rubbed faster and faster against the crotch chain. Just when she felt the first spasms of an orgasm the car suddenly turned a corner and she was thrown helplessly against the side of the basket. The feeling of total helplessness was too much. Her legs jerked wildly and her cuffed and shackled hands clawed at the air. With her back arched and her legs spread wide she wildly rode the taut crotch chain into a screaming orgasm.
Once she had cooled off a little she felt her anger rising. Sure, it was all about that stupid Ken! But for his stupidity she would never have known about Nancy's week-long fling with her husband. My God, to be wrong about the day Moira would return from abroad! She had been whit with anger after catching them in bed. After kicking Nancy out of the house she must have gone for that stupid sod of a husband. Making him spill it all, including the times they had done it before...
For a long time she and Moira had not been on speaking terms. Then, a few weeks ago, Moira had suddenly called her; inviting her to meet for a drink, 'to mend fences'. Sure, she had said when they met, she still was very angry at her stupid husband. But one did not have that many real good friends like Nancy. So why didn't they just forget the whole nasty scene and let bygones be bygones?
At first Nancy was surprised and a bit suspicious. But afterwards, whenever they had met for drinks or gone out shopping together, Moira had been very friendly, as if nothing had happened.
Then, last week, she had invited Nancy to accompany her totthis company costume party somewhere in a secluded motel...
'There will be some nice guys coming to that party' she had said 'and I can play the same game my stupid husband did!'
Oh, the way Moira had tricked her! Tears came to Nancy's eyes as she realized how easily she had been talked into this. As naïve as a fourteen year old virgin talked out of her drawers by her first boyfriend...
When the van finally slowed down and stopped completely she had lost all track of time or direction. Anxiously she wondered where they were and what would happen next. A few minutes later the basket was pulled from the van rather roughly. Its top was removed, someone unlocked her hogtie and a pair of strong hands hauled to her feet. A leash was buckled to the collar around her neck and she was pulled forward. When she took a step she almost tumbled to the floor as the short ankle cuff chain snapped taut. Again the leash was jerked impatiently and she stumbled ahead, still blindfolded and gagged. Each time she tried to resist someone smacked her bottom with a cane or a whip, sending her forward with a muffled yelp.
They took her a considerable distance into a building. After stumbling up a long stair and then down what seemed to be a carpeted corridor, they finally turned into a room. There she was pushed against something hard and angular. Someone silently unlocked her steel wristcuffs. But a pair of powerful hands grabbed her wrists, before she even could think of trying to free herself. Someone stretched her arms wide apart and high over her head and her wrists were strapped tightly in leather cuffs. Then, when her legs were spread wide and her ankles strapped against the hard, angular form, she suddenly realized what was happening. She was tied to a cross! A BDSM cross, such as she had seen in furtively watched YouTube video clips. In a fruitless effort to free herself she wrestled furiously with her bonds. But the cuffs were too tight and the heavy wooden timbers of the cross did not move an inch. When she heard the sound of retreating footsteps and a heavy door closing she screamed in real fright. But the gag reduced her screams to inarticulate moans ...
She felt she had been strapped to the cross for what seemed an eternity when she heard the sharp sound of a pair of spiked heels and heavier male footsteps approaching. She moaned and struggled wildly when the door opened. But someone just slapped her face and a female voice hissed 'Quiet!'
With tears streaming from under the blindfold she was untied and led a few paces forward. Then the female voice hissed 'Stand still!' Unseen hands stripped the maid's dress off her, leaving the garterbelt and stockings in place, and soon she stood almost completely naked. She desperately tried to keep her balance on the unfamiliar high heels when her hands were raised over her head and her wristcuffs hooked on to something. Then her legs were spread wide apart and something was attached to her ankle cuffs. When she tried to put her feet back to a more comfortable stance a spreader bar prevented it. Totally bewildered she heard a ratcheting sound behind her and her arms were pulled upwards. A few moments later she stood like a great 'X', stretched to her full length and balancing on the toes of her high heeled pumps.
'At least she can't fall' said a female voice sarcastically. The sound of spiked heels approached and Nancy felt the presence of someone standing very close. A finger unexpectedly touched her unprotected pussy and she jerked her bottom backwards and upwards to escape. But her feet nearly left the ground and she stumbled forward again. A full hand slid into her wide open crotch and the same female voice exclaimed 'My God, she really is wet!' Fingers probed deep between her pussy lips and long, sharp nails pinched one of her nipples. Struggling wildly she tried to shout 'No, no! Keep your dirty hands off me! Let me go! I am no lesbian!' But all that came around the gag were inarticulate moans and mumbles. Stretched and spread as she was she could not escape the hands that held her effortlessly.
'It's time!' said a male voice and suddenly the hands were gone. They returned at the back of her head, unbuckling the blindfold. When it was removed blinding white light stabbed into Nancy's eyes, forcing her to shut them tight. Gradually she adjusted to the light and looked around. A couple of powerful spotlights were focused on her, making it hard to see anything beyond their glare. She could make out some dark, irregular forms and two shadowy figures standing outside the bright pool of light.
'Welcome to Punishment Unlimited' a male voice said.
12. Sex-slave nr. 69! (added: 2014/05/07)
Nancy squinted against the glaring lights, trying to see who was speaking. But it was no use. All she could make out were some dark, irregular forms and two shadowy figures standing outside the bright pool of light. Shaking her head emphatically she tried to cry 'No!' but the speaker ignored her.
'Punishment Unlimited is a professional retribution and punishment organization. The principal has retained our services to punish you for a very serious misdemeanour.' After a brief pause the voice announced 'since you seem to crave sex so much, the principal has decided that your punishment is to be a 24/7 sex slave!'
Nancy gasped and tried to protest but the gag smothered her words. 'Oh my God' Sudden understanding flashed through her mind and cold sweat broke out all over her body. A frantic urge to escape came over her, but how? She did not even have a clue where she was. Looking up to her wrists she saw they were encased in wide, tightly strapped leather cuffs, hooked to a bar by chromium plated chains She realized she was totally in their power and they were deadly serious. Tears dripped down her cheeks and her head fell towards her chest.
'Pay attention!' commanded the sharp voice and a whip cracked in the darkness.
'From now on you will be called sub number sixty-nine. You will be absolutely obedient! You will carry out any task, immediately and without questions. You will only speak when spoken to. Any misbehaviour and you'll be punished severely!'
One of the shadowy forms came slowly forward. Nancy caught her breath when the form entered the pool of light. It was a woman, clad from head to toe in a skin-tight black latex catsuit. Walking lightly and elegantly on very high stiletto heels, she approached the defenceless girl, a riding crop dangling from a black gloved hand. Her head was covered by a black hood that masked half her face, leaving only the mouth and chin free. The tip of her tongue flickered between her bright red lips. Standing close to Nancy she playfully ran the riding crop over the girl's naked breasts and body, ending with a light tap on her pussy lips.
'If you have anything to say, now's the time!' said the latex clad domme. She removed Nancy's ballgag and stood back, waiting.
'Let me go!' shouted Nancy 'Let me go!'
'Whack!' went the riding crop and Nancy cried out in pain.
'Wrong remark!' hissed the domme 'Try something else.'
'Where am I?'
'That's none of your damn business! You're with Punishment Unlimited, remember?' and 'Whack!' went the riding crop again. Nancy cringed with pain and blurted out something incomprehensible.
'What did you say?'
'Please, let me go to the toilet' gasped Nancy.
'Ahhh, you got to pee?'
'Whack!' went the riding crop and the domme hissed 'you will always address me as Mistress, understood?'
Nancy swallowed and said 'yes ... Mistress.'
'So what is it you want?'
'Please Mistress; I want to go to the toilet...'
'That's better. Now why don't you go? The toilet is right over there' she said mockingly.
'I can't Mistress, I am tied '
'Well, if you can't you won't.'
'But I have to...' moaned Nancy and the riding crop hit her again. Tears burst from her eyes and she started sobbing.
'Right, it seems we'll have to help you' sneered the dominatrix and snapped her fingers.
The other shadowy form came forward. It was a man, hooded and clad in black garments. Without a word he unshackled Nancy's cuffs from the bar and locked her wrists behind her back. The spreader bar was removed and replaced by a very short chain. And while he did so, the domme left the circle of light for a moment. She returned holding a short piece of chain in one hand and an ancient looking chamber pot in the other.
'On your knees!' commanded the man and Nancy went down on her knees. He quickly fixed the short chain between her wrist and ankle cuffs and ball-gagged her again.
'OK, she's ready' he said as he rose.
'Go and pee, number sixty-nine' said the domme. She placed the chamber pot slightly to the side of the circle of light, a couple of yards away. Nancy hesitated. She could not get up and did not know what to do. In desperation she started shuffling on her knees towards the pot, almost blinded by a flash when someone took a picture.
'A bit faster, number sixty-nine!' snapped the domme and she hit Nancy's bare buttock with a stinging blow. The girl nearly lost her balance and shuffled faster. But just before she reached the pot the domme said 'I don't like this spot' and moved the pot a few feet away.
'Go for it, number sixty-nine. You're the one who wants to pee...' she smirked and Nancy struggled forward again. By the time she reached the pot her knees were aching. The domme stood next to the pot and said over her shoulder 'is this the right place?' 'Maybe just a bit more to the left' answered the man and the domme moved the pot a few feet to the left.
They kept Nancy creeping and shuffling in a circle for ten minutes, taking photographs all the time. When she finally was allowed to get the pot between her legs and sit on it she was exhausted and tears were streaming down her face.
Piss clattered in the bowl and the domme snarled 'If you spill anything on our nice, clean floor you'll lick it up!' Nancy closed her eyes and tried to sit still, waiting for the last drops to drip from her pussy.
'And now you're going to take it away' said the man. Nancy looked around in panic. How could she stand up and carry it away, with her arms locked behind her back?
The man came walking into the circle of light carrying something that looked like a serving tray. The chain between her wrist and ankle cuffs was unlocked and she was rudely hauled upright. He secured the tray around her waist with a strap and buckled it tight behind her back. The domme fixed two short chains to the top edges of the tray and snapped the wicked looking clamps onto Nancy's nipples. Grinning at Nancy's howl of pain, she stood back and snarled 'Right, now you can carry your own piss to the fridge. We will keep it for your punishment!' She put the chamber pot on the tray with a bang that stretched Nancy's nipples. Tears of pain sprung in her eyes. Groaning she stood tottering on the hated stiletto heels, trying to balance the pot on the slippery surface of the tray.
'If you drop that pot you'll be lapping it up all night!' threatened the domme. Then she jerked at the leash and Nancy followed her with small steps, hindered by the very short chain between her ankles. They had 'walked' around the punishment room for what seemed an endless time. When they finally halted in front of a low side table Nancy's legs were killing her. After putting the pot on the side table the domme unclasped the tray from her waist and let it fall down deliberately. The falling tray ripped the clasps off Nancy's nipples and she screamed as a white flame of pain had seared through her body.
'That was nice, wasn't it?'
Nancy moaned 'No! No!' and tried to shuffle away.
'What? You dare to say no?' snarled the domme, grabbing Nancy by her collar and pulling her down. She pinned the girl to the floor with a spiked heeled boot in her neck and whipped her violently until her buttocks were fiery red. As she shoved the sobbing girl aside she snarled 'This will teach you to obey!'
'You know, it seems to me she has all the fun tonight' the male voice said.
'Yeah, you're so right!'
'You better do something about it!'
Without a word the domme walked off and came back a few moments later, holding some items Nancy could not recognize in the semi-darkness.
'Sit up!'
Nancy painfully came to her knees.
'Spread you legs'
Nancy spread her legs as far as the chain would let her
The domme quickly replaced the chain by a spreader bar and locked Nancy's wristcuffs and ankle cuffs tightly together. It forced her to sit upright, with her breasts jutting out and her knees wide apart The domme kneeled next to her, fondling the tender and painful nipples. When Nancy winced and tried to turn her body away the domme pinched a nipple with finger and thumb. The sharp nails bit into the fender flesh and she grinned. 'Turn baby, turn, I know you like pain!' Nancy closed her eyes and clenched her teeth hard on the soft leather bit. Tears rolled down her face and she let out a moan when the domme removed the bit and replaced it with a large penis gag. The domme buckled the harness tight and Nancy gargled when the butt-end slid deeply into her mouth and throat.
'Come on, sub sixty-nine. It's your turn!'
She hauled at the leash and Nancy started shuffling forward on her aching knees, trying to follow the domme. She wanted to rest for a moment but the domme walked on, remorselessly pulling Nancy after her. Unable to keep up she lost her balance and fell flat on her face. When she tried to get to her knees she rolled helplessly on her side and the domme had to haul her upright. She shuffled after her until the domme sat down in a 'worship chair.' Spreading her legs wide, she unzipped the crotch of her catsuit. Her black gloved hands went down and caressed her cunt until it was soaking wet. Grabbing the collar she roughly pulled Nancy's head between her latex clad legs and guided the dildo gag between her pussy lips. 'Come on. Fuck me!' she whispered hoarsely.
Nancy moaned in despair and tried to wrestle her head back but the domme pulled her by her hair against her crotch and the penis gag slid deep inside her cunt.
'Fuck me, bitch!' she growled, yanking Nancy's head backward and forward. Nancy struggled and moaned, her feet scrabbling on the floor in a desperate effort to escape. 'Fuck her!' snarled the man followed by the stinging cut of a riding crop on her naked back. The blow made her jump up and she rammed the penis gag deep into the domme's cunt.
'Yes!' cried the domme.
'Whack!' went the riding crop and again the penis gag slid deep into the domme's crotch. Rocking forward and backward on her aching knees, Nancy rammied the penis gag deep in to the domme's cunt. Suddenly the man put a large stand-up dildo on the floor. He shoved its tip between Nancy's pussy lips and turned it upright. Then he pushed Nancy down on it and she gasped as it entered her deeply. With another 'whack' of the riding crop he sent her rocking again, squirming with pain and desperation and tortured by lust Nancy rode the dildo. As it slid up and down her soaking cunt she rocked faster and faster on her knees. Suddenly the domme screamed and squirmed in the chair, furiously kicking her legs and arching her back. Then she lay back gasping. But by now Nancy could not stop. She kept on riding the dildo while wildly fucking the domme's cunt, making her come, again and again. Finally, the spasms of her own orgasm made her lose control of her body. She fell over, her legs kicking and the large dildo still deep in her soaking pussy. Then she rolled on her back, legs spread wide open and helplessly waiting for the next thing that would happen to her.
'It's time she gets some rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day' the male voice said.
'Yeah, I guess you're right.'
They uncuffed her wrists and the spreader bar and blindfolded her again. She was led out of the room, down a corridor and into another, smaller room where they took the blindfold off. She noticed the room was small and circular, like a turret-room, with a pile of straw and a basin with water against the wall. A small stool and a low table was the only furniture she could see.
Tired, humiliated and aching all over, she stood docilely while they locked cuffs to her arms, pinning her elbows high behind her back. A short chain between her wristcuffs made sure her hands were almost immobilized. They put the soft leather bit between her jaws again and the domme slid a shining black latex slip up Nancy's legs. It fitted uncomfortably tight around her waist and crotch.
'Sex slaves should be in heat all the time!' the domme said and held up a short, thick dildo. 'This will help you through the night. In case you should feel lonely!' she smirked as she pulled the latex panty aside and shoved the dildo up Nancy's cunt. Then she locked Nancy's ankle cuffs with what looked like a single shackle, pinning her legs nearly together.
The man came over, holding a chain padlocked to a ringbolt in the wall. After locking it to her collar the two of them stood back, looking at Nancy. Suddenly the domme said 'oh, before I forget' and quickly attached two heavy clamps to Nancy's nipples.
'Have a good night!' she said as she switched off the cell's single naked light.
After they had left Nancy wrestled with her cuffs. It was a totally useless struggle. The elbow cuffs and the short chain between her wrists prevented her to use her hands. The chain to her collar made sure she could not reach the door...
Knowing she was completely helpless she kneeled and sat down on the straw. Then the dildo suddenly started vibrating. At first it was a faint buzzing, deep inside her pussy and she tried to ignore it. But soon the vibrations became intense and they sent waves of excitement pulsing through her body. She felt her nipples harden against the jaws of the clamps and a hot wetness in her crotch. Her hands grasped in desperation for the tormenting dildo but she only could reach the edge of the taut latex panty. Overcome by helplessness and waves of lust she moaned as she rolled onto her back, She rocked her hips up and down, faster and faster in a frantic effort to get the dildo moving inside her.
And then the dildo stopped working...
She cried out in desperation and again tried to reach it with her cuffed hands, flapping the edges of the panty in frustration.
Al through the night the dildo woke her up. And each time it ceased working when it had brought her to the edge of an orgasm, leaving her moaning with frustration. Finally the battery apparently ran out and she had fallen asleep on the pile of straw that was her bed...
13. Used and abused... (added: 2014/05/07)
She woke up, very tired an aching all over. Feeling uncomfortable she turned on her side and something rattled behind her. Straining her eyes in the faint light she saw a chain. It ran from a stiff leather collar around her neck to a ringbolt in the wall; the wall of a circular cell with a pile of straw for a bed on the ceramic floor. Alarmed she sat upright and tried to grasp at the collar but she could not move her arms; somehow her wrists and elbows were fastened together. In despair she closed her eyes, hoping she was only having a bad nightmare that would be gone when she opened them again. Then she felt the leather bit in her mouth and suddenly she knew the nightmare was real.
Now it all came back to her...
The abduction, the room with the spotlights and the dominating couple; the way she had been humiliated with the chamber pot; having to fuck the domme; the walk to the cell; and the relentless all-night torture by the unreachable dildo...
The cell door opened and the single light bulb snapped on.
A woman entered, pushing a little cart, her age difficult to guess. She was clad in a severe nurse's uniform, a starched white pinafore over a light blue dress, completed by white stockings and white high heeled shoes. She wore a white latex mask that covered her forehead, eyes and nose and had a surgical mask strapped across her mouth. Surgical gloves covered her hands.
Without a word she unshackled Nancy's ankles, briskly peeled off the latex panty, removed the vibrator and hauled her onto a chamber pot under her bottom. Her gestures were explicit - Nancy was supposed to piss and shit. After the girl had relieved herself the 'nurse' took some wet tissues from a plastic box and thoroughly wiped Nancy's bottom. After discarding the tissues she pushed the helpless girl backwards onto the straw and kneeled between her wide-spread legs. Parting the exposed pussy lips she pushed her gloved fingers up Nancy's cunt, first one, then two, then three and so on, until Nancy groaned with pain when a complete fist disappeared inside her. Satisfied, the nurse took a clipboard and scribbled something on it.
She restrained Nancy's ankles again, this time in wide leather cuffs with about six inches of sturdy chain between them. From a box on the bottom of the cart came a pair of wicked looking ballet boots with nine inch heels. She laced them quickly on to the girls' feet and pulled her upright, removed the leather bit from the girls' mouth and placed a shining metal bowl in front of her. Then she left and locked the door.
Nancy worked her stiff jaws and looked at the bowl. It contained corn-flakes with milk and a sprinkle of sugar on top. But there was no spoon and with her elbows and wrists pinned to her side she could not have brought it from the bowl to her mouth. So she sat on her knees and bent over forwards to reach the bowl but lost her balance and fell flat on her face. Frustrated she rolled onto her side. Then, with her breasts and stomach pressed against the cold floor, she lowered her head into the bowl and started to lap up the contents...
'Now who's first?'
Four black clad figures stood in the BDSM room, looking speculatively at the girl standing in front of them, gagged and hands cuffed behind her back, feet shackled closely together and her collar hooked to chain from the ceiling. She looked back at the little group in apprehension. The man was there again, clad in black jeans and sweater. And three masked females all clad in identical leather catsuits and wearing high heeled boots.
'Let's throw dice. Highest number wins!'
A few moments later a little white cube rattled across the floor.
'Three!' said the man in a disappointed voice.
'Two!' yesterday's domme said.
'Five!' said an older female voice hopefully.
'SIX!' said another female voice and Nancy stiffened.
'I'm first!' said Moira 'I knew it!' and she slowly advanced until she stood facing Nancy.
'So, my little fuck-doll, are you having fun?'
Nancy urgently shook her head and looked at Moira with pleading eyes. 'mmmmnoo...' was all she managed to mumble around her tight fitting gag and Moira smiled at the sound.
'You should have known better. No one cuckoos me!' she said while she carelessly slapped a long and wicked looking whip against her booted leg. Catching Nancy's frightened look she raised the whip and held it in front of the girls' eyes.
'Yeah, when you were having fun with the others last night I practised a bit with this. Would you like to find out what I can do with it?'
'We told you yesterday - we won't take no for an answer!'
Taking a few paces back, she put her feet wide apart and swung the whip. It hit the defenceless girl right across her bottom and she cringed and writhed in pain. 'Mmmnooo!' she moaned but Moira swung the whip again with a 'Swish' and a loud 'smack!' The tip of the whip landed on the girls' breasts and she uttered another muffled scream, raising a leg in pain. The whip cut her again and again and again. It curled and stung and the girl twisted on the chain, desperately trying to escape from the whip.
Suddenly Moira coiled her whip and said 'It's getting a bit monotonous, isn't it? Let's try something different!' The man came forward and together they dragged the weeping girl into a corner, against a wooden framework. A squared off and brightly polished wooden bar was forced between her legs. They hauled it upwards until Nancy's feet had left the ground and the sharp edge of the bar bit into her exposed pussy. A chain was attached to the wristcuffs behind her back. The man hauled on the chain, raising her outstretched arms higher and higher, until her body was forced to bend over at a sharp angle. Then he hooked her collar to a chain in the frame and pulled it taut. Now she could not fall off but it made sure she had to struggle to keep her balance on the narrow bar.
'Are we comfortable now' smirked Moira.
The girl kept quiet, awkwardly balancing on the bar while tears rolled down her cheeks. Moira went to a side table and came back with several objects. Nancy moaned in protest when Moira put Japanese butterfly type clamps to her nipples. Her moans increased when the clamps were secured to the frame with tough elastic bands. Next she fastened two strings of wooden clothespins to the girls' breasts and belly, clasping them onto the bare skin.
'Right, now we can play at last!' said Moira, picking up a nasty looking horse-whip.
'Mmmmnooo, mmmnnnnoooo ....'
'Twack!' The whip landed on the girl's unprotected back and she screamed and jumped. The sharp edge of the beam bit into her cunt and she had to struggle to stay upright. And with every movement the taut elastic band puled fiercely on her nipples.
'Twack!' 'Twack!' 'Twack!' went the whip. Nancy was engulfed by pain with each movement she made. It went on and on until the waves of lust started to pulse through her body again and she started to ride the beam, rocking her hips in a fucking motion.
'No, you're not!' snarled Moira and she put down the whip.
Nancy kept on riding the beam, yelling feverishly behind her gag. Moira ripped the gag off and shouted 'Do you want me to whip you?' and the girl cried 'Yes!' Another crack of the whip while she shouted 'Are you a bondage whore?' and the girl cried 'Yes, yes, I'm a bondage whore!' Moira hit her again and again and the girl cried over and over again 'Whip me, I'm a bondage whore! Whip me, I'm a bondage whore!' With a savage jerk Moira finally ripped the strings of clothespins off and the girl came in a screaming, pain induced orgasm.
The dishevelled girl had been stretched out on a leather covered table to recover from the ride on the bar. They left her lying helplessly, wrists and ankles cuffed and chained to the top and bottom corners of the low table. A pair of wide leather cuffs fastened just beneath her knees held her legs wide apart and her cunt spread wide open...
When they rolled the dice again it was the man who won.
'Let her stay where she is. I'll do it there!' he smirked.
'This is going to be too easy. She can do it all lying down!' said Moira in a sarcastic voice.
'Wanna take her place?'
'Some other time maybe; not now' Moira said, grinning at him
'OK. But you know what you have to do.'
She nodded, rubbing between her legs in excitement.
The man positioned a rather heavy squat box near the foot of the table. He took a steel rod from the side and fastened a large, flesh coloured dildo to one end; the other end went inside the box until it locked with a distinct click.
Looking at Moira he commanded 'Do your stuff!' Moira quickly fastened a large ring gag in Nancy's mouth and the girl gargled in protest. In the meantime the man shoved the box against the foot of the table. He positioned the steel rod until the dildo probed between Nancy's pussy lips. Then he nodded to Moira and handed her a remote control. Eagerly she pressed a switch. A groan came from the box and the rod began to move forward. The girl squirmed on the table as the thick dildo slid deep inside her, pushing hard against the painful pussy lips. Then the rod slid backwards, pulling the dildo nearly all the way out. It halted and went forward again, pumping in and out of Nancy's battered cunt in an easy rhythm. The girl closed her eyes and moaned each time the dildo slid deep inside her. Then Moira pushed the switch a second time and now the dildo began to pump faster. Nancy gargled something in protest but Moira did not listen and pressed the switch a third time. The dildo now really pumped the girl's pussy and she cried out while she struggled with her cuffs in a vain effort to escape the pounding mechanical strokes.
Suddenly the man stepped to the top of the table. He slowly lowered his pants and his rock-hard cock jumped out. Slowly bending forward he but the tip of his cock into Nancy's ring gag. She cried out and tried to turn her head away but the man held her in an iron grip and slowly pushed his cock deep into her mouth. She gargled and sputtered and fought with her bonds but there was no escaping the cock in her mouth. And all the time the mechanical dildo pounded her pussy in a fierce rhythm.
Suddenly she understood the meaning of being '... used and abused...' She had been reduced to a fuck-doll, legs wide apart and mouth wide open, available to whoever wanted to use her. And to her horror the realization of her very helplessness excited her again. Her nipples were swelling and her pussy was hot and wet. She started raising her head to meet the thrusting cock, her whole body seemed to turn into a vibrating sexual instrument.
She cried out when the man suddenly ripped his cock out of her mouth. His cum squirted out and covered her face in globs and blobs. Eagerly she pushed her tongue through the ring gag in an effort to lick and swallow the globs of cum quivering on and around her lips. After swallowing as much cum as she could she let her head fall back and closed her eyes. The pulsing dildo made her groan with pleasure.
The man pushed his cock into her face and said 'Do you want me to fuck you?'
'Yes, yes, fuck me!'
'Do you want to eat my cum?'
'Yes, yes, please!'
'Are you a cum-slut?'
'Yes, yes I'm a cum-slut! Fuck me! Fuck my mouth again!'
She closed her eyes when the man put a pair of clamps on her nipples. He removed the ring gag and shoved his thick cock between her lips again. Feeling it slide deep into her throat she began to suck greedily. While the dildo pumped her cunt and the man fucking her mouth rhythmically pulled at the chain between the nipple clamps. The serrated claws sent pulses of white fire through her body, making her squirm and struggle in her bonds...
Later, after the man had sprayed cum all over her face again, the masked nurse returned. Wheeling the little cart, she went straight to the table and unshackled the exhausted girl. She quickly cleaned her face and lower body and turned Nancy on her belly to have a look at the welts left by the whip, Moira and the man decided to leave the pair alone for a while.
When the four of them returned there was no need to throw dice.
'It's our turn and you and I will do it together!' pronounced the elder domme and yesterday's domme nodded agreement. They walked over to the table to which Nancy had been re-shackled by the nurse. Whipped, fucked and humiliated into submission, she waited docilely for the next thing to happen to her. She did not have to wait long.
'A bit more fetish gear would suit her well, don't you think?'
'What are you thinking of?'
The elder one leaned towards the domme and whispered a few words in her ear. 'Yeah, twelve times around' giggled the elder domme. She unshackled Nancy while the younger one took some garments from a sort of wardrobe and quickly 'dressed' the girl. That is, if one can be 'dressed' in a leather body harness, long black latex gloves, a black latex girdle with eight garters holding up transparent latex stockings and six-inch platform heels.
The dommes stood back and eyes her critically.
'She would look so much nicer as a real pony-girl, don't you think?'
'Oh yeah, definitely!' purred the elder domme.
A few moments later, Nancy was wearing a plumed headdress with blinkers. A hard leather bit was forced between her jaws. Her wristcuffs were locked to the sides of her harness. And a plumed butt-plug had been shoved up her anus as a mock pony tail.
'We've forgotten something!' cried the younger domme as she took a pair of nipple clamps with little bells attached. The girl winced and moaned when she clasped them to Nancy's painful nipples
'Now let's hear them!'
The bells tinkled gaily when she slapped Nancy's breasts.
'Michel, is the course ready?' asked the elder domme.
The man had put a yard long wooden bar on two low trestles, slightly to the side of the room and had lowered a white nylon cord. He handed it to the younger domme who hooked it to the front D-Ring on Nancy's collar. Then she stood back.
'Now then, sub sixty-nine; this is your first training as a pony girl! Raise your legs high as you go around. And don't knock the barrier over' purred the elder domme.
She pushed a button on a remote control and the sound of an electric motor filled the room. Looking up Nancy saw to her horror that, what had looked like a ceiling ventilator was actually a four armed rotor. And the nylon cord to her collar was attached to one of its steel arms. With a jerk the rotor started turning, pulling her with irresistible force around in a circle. She trotted forward until she came up to the barrier. Stumbling on her heels she took a desperate jump, just keeping her balance as she landed on the other side. But the machine dragged her forward relentlessly and after a few moments she had completed the first circuit of the chamber. Again she came up against the barrier and again she jumped, wobbling on her heels and barely missing the wooden bar.
'She's doing fine, don't you think?' the elder domme said.
'Yeah, but she's a bit slow' said the younger one.
She pushed a button on the remote control and the groan of the electric motor went to a higher pitch, forcing Nancy to trot faster. She cried out when she was hauled forward. Beads of sweat rolled down her face and body. Her jutting breasts swayed and jumped, making the little bells tinkle gaily.
'Let's encourage her a bit' said the elder domme
The two of them went to opposite sides of the trotting circle, holding riding crops at the ready. Nancy cried 'Mmmmnnoooo!!!' when she saw them standing at the ready but it was no use. The first resounding 'Twack!' nearly made her fall flat on her face and she cried out in anger and pain. But the rotor hauled her forward, forcing her to jog-trot around the circle...
'Faster!' cried the dommes as they wielded their crops.
The younger one again pushed the button. The sound of the electric motor went to a higher pitch, forcing Nancy to trot around in a run. When she came to the barrier she was too late to jump. Her shins slammed into the bar, sending it clattering across the floor. She lost her rhythm and stumbled. Pulled sideways by the cord, she lost her balance and toppled over with a crash and a tinkle of little bells. Desperately she tried to get up but the cord dragged her remorselessly across the floor. when Nancy slid in front of her, the younger domme switched the rotor off and snarled 'Now you've done it, sub sixty-nine!'
The two dommes hauled her to her feet and took her to a corner of the chamber where they nearly bent her double as they hooked her wrists and ankles to the legs of a leather padded stool. The older domme briefly disappeared from view and when she returned a large strap-on dildo jutted from her crotch. She stepped in front of the helpless girl and said loudly 'punishment number one!'
Nancy moaned when the younger domme whacked her already sore bottom with a black wooden paddle. She swung the paddle again and again until the girls' buttocks turned almost cherry red.
'I hear you're a good cocksucker sub sixty-nine; show me!' said the elder domme as she pushed the dildo against Nancy's face. When the girl tried to turn her head away the older domme grabbed her hair. Raising the girl's face she purred 'or would you prefer it somewhere else; perhaps in that nice wet cunt of yours?' Opening the front of her catsuit she stepped behind the girl and bent over her, rubbing her ample bosom against the girls back exclaiming 'ah, now that feels good!' Her hands went down and squeezed the girls' dangling breasts, making the little bells tingle again. Then she took the strap-on with one hand and with one push of her hips slid it effortlessly up the girls' soaking wet cunt. The domme rocked her hips and the thick dildo slid in and out, in and out. Finally the older domme gasped and staggered and wildly rode the squirming body beneath her as she came in a screaming orgasm...
They had blindfolded her again and taken her back and by the time the three of them had reached the cell she could hardly stand from fatigue, hunger and thirst. The dommes dropped her on the straw and hogtied her. Then they left.
It must have been an hour later when the door opened and the nurse entered with her little cart. She looked at the form on the straw and shook her head, apparently in disgust. After removing the blindfold and unlocking the hogtie chain she took the bit out of Nancy's mouth. She held up a plastic bottle filled with water and looked at Nancy. Too parched to speak the girl nodded 'yes'. The nurse sat down on the straw and cradled Nancy while she held the bottle between the girls' lips. Nancy drank greedily until the bottle was completely empty. The nurse put her back on the straw, put a bowl with what looked like rice and chicken on the floor and left. Nancy managed to eat a few mouthfuls from the bowl. Then, suddenly overwhelmed with sleep, she crept back onto the pile of straw...
When she slowly opened her eyes, she was lying on a bed and no longer in the cell. But where was she now? There was something familiar to her surroundings but her still partially drugged brain worked slowly. Then recognition dawned. Of course, she was back in the motel room where it all had started! Could it all have been a nightmare? Then why was her body aching all over? She tried to sit up but something restrained her arms. Turning on her side she saw herself in the large mirror next to the bathroom door. She was still 'dressed' in the leather body harness, transparent latex stockings and almost shoulder long black latex gloves. A wide leather collar was still tightly locked around her neck. She could move her hands just a few inches. Steel cuffs on her upper arms pinned her elbows closely together behind her back while steel wrist cuffs were attached to a taut waist chain. It looped tightly through her crotch, pressing a large dildo deep inside her cunt with every move she made. Wide leather cuffs with a very short piece of chain between them were locked around her ankles. The hated six inch heels with ankle straps were still padlocked to her feet. And a ballgag, fastened to her head by a complicated harness still completely blocked her mouth...
Desperately looking for a way to escape she turned on her other side. She noticed a blinking light on the DVD/Video console under the large flatscreen TV. A small yellow post-it note was stuck next to it. Groaning and sweating, she struggled to the far edge of the bed. By carefully letting her legs drop down to the floor she managed to leverage herself upright and then to her feet. A few careful, shuffling steps brought her to the video set. Balancing awkwardly she bent her knees just enough to read the small note.
It just said 'Push Me!'
Turning around on the awkward heels she finally got a latex gloved finger on the blinking 'start' button. She pressed and shuffled back to the edge of the bed. As she sat down the the screen went black and the start-up whirr of a DVD was replaced by sombre, almost threatening classical music. After a few seconds out of the blackness a face faded in.
It was Moira!
Looking sternly into the camera she started to speak.
'You will regret forever what you have done! I will never forgive you! This was only the first instalment of your punishment! There's more to come! MUCH more! And DON'T TALK! If you are stupid enough to blab I will send a DVD to everyone who knows you! Just let me show you what they will see...'
The face faded into a shot showing Nancy hungrily sucking a cock. It was followed by her face all smeared with cum, crying 'Fuck me! Fuck me! I am a cum-slut!' Another shot followed, on her knees, busily fucking a cunt with a penis gag, her wrists cuffed behind her back and heavily weighted nipple clamps dangling from her tits. Then she was shown with her legs spread wide, a fucking machine pounding her cunt and a cock pumping in and out of her mouth. And the final clip showed her tied to the cross, being whipped while shouting 'Yes, yes, whip me, whip me! I'm a bondage whore!'
Helplessly she watched the appalling images, slowly rocking her hips and unconsciously riding the dildo deeply wedged in her cunt. But all excitement vanished when Moira's face reappeared,
'Look at the rest of the video at your leisure! But you better understand that from now on your ass belongs to me! You will be at my place this evening at seven, dressed as you are now! I'll tell you what will happen next! And you better be there, believe me!'
The camera zoomed in a little more, revealing a wicked gleam in Moira's eyes.
'Oh, by the way, I had to go abroad quite early this morning so I'll leave it to you to settle the bill with the motel. Seems only reasonable after all the fun you've had!'
Her face disappeared. Then she heard Moira's last, smirking voice-over.
'The keys to your cuffs are attached to your collar. If you want to get at them I guess you'll have to call room service...'
14. Mistress Linda (added: 2014/05/07)
It was a bright morning in early fall. Golden sunlight streamed through the open windows, brightening the study. Linda sat at the coffee table, wearing a kind of loose kimono. When Mike entered she rose to pour coffee for him and the garment opened a little, showing a black and red corset underneath.
A few moments later Aunt Claire came in and Linda immediately sat upright, knees and feet primly together and hands in her lap, her steel collar glinting in the bright sunlight. The older woman sat down and accepted a cup of coffee from Linda. After a few sips she put down her cup and cleared her throat.
'Maid L; it is exactly a year and a day today since you came to serve me as my slave. Since then you have behaved well. You have done your duties conscientiously and have obeyed all my orders. Therefore, I have decided to end your punishment and release you from your bonds. From now on you are no longer Maid L.'
Aunt Claire leaned forward and handed Linda two keys. 'As a symbol of your release I give you the keys to your collar and your chastity belt.'
Linda sat stock still on the couch, speechlessly looking at the keys she clasped in her trembling hand. A tear dribbled down her cheek. And when it fell it glistened like a diamond in a ray of sunlight.
Aunt Claire said in a gentle voice 'I have put your clothes and all your possessions in your room. You are free to dress any way you feel and you can go whenever and wherever you want.'
After a brief pause she added 'as to money; I have paid a monthly sum for services rendered into your bank account. So, for the time being, you are financially provided for.'
Totally overwhelmed the girl tried to say something but could not find the words. Aunt Claire patted her knee and said 'Just go up to your room and change into whatever you would like to wear. Then come back and we'll have a drink to celebrate your release. And in the meantime, think about where you want to go...'
The girl stood up, hesitated and impulsively tightly hugged Aunt Claire, kissing her on both cheeks. She left the room with tears running down her face.
When she returned after half an hour, Mike's mouth fell open in surprise. She had unexpectedly changed into a long, gold coloured evening dress. Her rich auburn hair fell in silky waves to her shoulders. The split in the skirt went nearly up to her hip. It revealed a long, shapely leg and garters holding up fine black seamed stockings. Around her neck she was proudly wearing a black and gold collar. Walking elegantly on five inch heels towards the hearth she halted and looked at them, clutching her hands nervously in front of her. Then she spoke in a hesitating voice.
'Aunt Claire, thank you for releasing me' she began 'for some time I have been thinking about this moment, about what I should do, about what I would like to do...' She turned her hands palms upwards in a gesture of resignation.
'But what choice do I have? I can't go back to living my old life.' She looked at Mike 'I have misused you and I can't expect you to take me back. Maybe it really is better this way. I know now I really am lesbian. And always have been.'
Gazing away she continued 'Where else can I go? There's nothing and nobody to go to. Margie, my former lover, is in a Swiss cell, waiting to be extradited to the US. The Americans have filed charges against her, serious charges, abduction and manslaughter...'
She fell silent again, the others waiting patiently for her to continue.
'I have no place to go and no job to return to' she said, gazing at Aunt Claire with a pleading look in her eyes 'so I humbly ask permission to stay here and go on serving you...'
An astonished silence fell. Then Aunt Claire asked softly 'Why?'
'Because here I have found out who I really am and what I really like to do...'
'You mean: to dominate, don't you?' Aunt Claire said in a mild voice.
Linda nodded her admission, turning her eyes to the ground.
'And here you discovered you really are a lesbian domme.'
Again Linda nodded silently and Aunt Claire turned to Mike.
'What do you think?'
'I guess you heard Nina's remark.'
'What was that?'
'Find her something in this line. She's a natural!'
Aunt Claire turned to Linda. 'Please leave us for a few minutes. I'll ring the bell when you can come back.'
Ten minutes later the little bell tinkled and Linda hurried back into the study.
'Please sit down' said Aunt Claire, patting the couch next to her and Linda sat at the edge, nervously clasping her hands.
'Stop worrying, we'll give it a try!' said the older woman, patting Linda's knee.
As Linda's face lit up in relief, the older woman went on. 'It actually fits in with what I wanted to do anyway. We're getting more customers so I will domme the occasional man and you'll take care of the women. We'll try it for three months. After that and if all goes well, we can make a permanent arrangement. Does that suit you?'
Linda wanted say something but the relief was so great that she burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. 'Now, now' murmured Aunt Claire while she held the sobbing girl to her bosom.
A couple of minutes later, when Linda was more or less restored, they had clinked their glasses of Champagne in a toast. Sipping her second glass Aunt Claire said to Mike 'This actually solves another problem!' When he nodded his agreement he saw the questioning look in Linda's eyes.
'It is time for our quarterly trip abroad to deposit the cash in a safe account' he explained. 'I normally travel alone but this time we have to go together because there are some other details to be arranged...'
'So you will have the run of this place for two, maybe three weeks' said Aunt Claire with a smile 'there are six bookings for the next fourteen days, four of them are women...' and Linda's face lit up in a delighted grin.
'Can you handle it? Driving the van and all that?'
'Oh yes!' exclaimed Linda as she got up and hugged them both. 'Oh yes!'
Mike put their suitcases in the Audi's big trunk and they were ready to leave. Linda came over, her golden dress resplendent in the sunlight. When she kissed Aunt Claire farewell through the open window, the older woman smiled enigmatically at her.
'Oh, by the way' she said 'you don't have to do everything alone. Take a look in the turret cell. And if you like what you find there, use the next three days before the first customer is due...'
And with those cryptic words they drove off, leaving Linda standing in the sunshine, completely puzzled. When the car disappeared from view she turned around and hurried inside, as fast as her high heels would let her.
When she snapped on the cell's single naked light and looked down, Linda gasped in surprise.
A completely naked girl was lying at her feet, chained to the wall. Hearing the cell door open she raised her gagged and blindfolded head towards the sound. Her cuffed hands scratched impotently inside the single glove behind her back.
And all the time she was moaning, saliva drooling from the ballgag.
When Linda took the girls' blindfold off she caught her breath again.
Nancy, Moira's victim, was lying at her feet.
A few minutes later, the girl was in the BDSM chamber, kneeling in front of a peacock chair, her arms still locked behind her in the single glove.
'Why are you here?' asked Nancy, sitting in the peacock chair, her golden dress neatly arranged about her and a riding crop in her hands
'Because I have no other place to go, mistress...'
'No place to go, why?'
The naked girl swallowed a few times.
'Because of that guy from room service in the motel...'
'What has he got to do with it?'
'When he came to 'rescue' me, he took some pictures with his smartphone...'
'And then?'
'He found out my address. Then he blackmailed me until I had no money left. I went to Moira because it was all her fault. But she did not want to help me, said it was all I deserved...'
The girl started to sob. After a few moments he went on in a tear-choked voice.
'All my money was gone and I told him I could not pay him anymore. Then he put one of the...worst pictures on Facebook, but without my name. To warn me, he said. But I was recognized and people reposted it over and over again... it was awful... Then someone tipped off my employer and he sacked me...'
She sobbed and sniffed for a while before she could go on 'I have made a career in PR and now nobody wants to offer me a job. I have no money left and nowhere to go...'
'What about your boyfriend?'
The girl looked at Linda with pleading eyes. 'He's gone. Since I came back my... my boyfriend could not satisfy me. He just wants old fashioned fucking and no BDSM. We quarrelled and he split.'
She looked helplessly at the floor whispering 'and lesbian dommes are asking too much money...'
'But why are you here?'
'It was Moira...'
'When we were here she found out I like being dominated and tormented. I can't help it. It... it... arouses me, especially when it is done by a fetish woman.'
'So when I pleaded with her to help me she gave me a ticket and told me to take a specific train to this small station. There I was picked up in a van. They bound me and blindfolded me. And finally put me in the cell...'
And with that she fell silent.
Linda thought deeply for a moment. She looked at the desperate girl at her feet, thinking of a year ago when she had been in nearly the same situation. Frowning she went through her options. Then she sat up straight, her riding crop across her knees and looked at the girl.
'Listen, you have two choices. One: I can put you on a train back and let you shift for yourself...'
'Please no, please no!' moaned the girl.
'...or two: you may become my slave. You will serve me for a year and a day. By that time the Facebook stink has blown over and you can start somewhere else with a clean slate.'
'Oh yes please, yes, I want to be your slave!' cried the girl.
'Not so fast! It will mean being my slave, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It also means you'll have to give up your private life - to be restricted to a part of this house, for a whole year no outside contacts, no phone or internet. I want absolute obedience! And there will be punishment if you don't obey or you make mistakes!' Think carefully; do you really want that?'
'Yes, mistress, yes, I want that!'
Linda frowned at her.
'Are you absolutely sure? Do you voluntarily want to become my slave?'
'Yes mistress, please take me as your slave, punish me as you wish...'
'Right, so be it' said Linda after a brief silence and she became all business.
'I suppose the keys to your flat are with your clothes?'
'Yes mistress.'
'We'll have it cleared out and the lease terminated. We'll let it be known you have gone abroad to live down that Facebook stink. And we'll have your mail redirected to an accommodation address.'
The desperate girl bowed her head and whispered 'Yes Mistress...'
Linda rose and walked over to the kneeling girl. She gently unlocked the single glove and raised the girl to her feet. 'Come with me' she said in a friendly tone 'I will find some suitable slave's clothes for you!' and the two of them walked out of the chamber.
Evening was falling and Linda was alone in the study, leaning back on the couch. Her golden evening dress and the black and gold collar around her neck gleamed dully in the lamplight. Languidly she ran a black satin gloved hand along her leg, caressing the sheer black nylon stocking down to her ankle where it disappeared in a black patent leather pump. She looked up when the sound of high heeled shoes, followed by a hesitant knock on the doorpost, announced the arrival of her slave.
'Come in!'
Nancy entered the study, her bright blonde hair done up in a thick pony tail that dangled down her back. She was wearing a fetish slave's costume Linda had selected for her. A bright blue and black latex corset, that left her breasts free. Its eight garters held up transparent latex stockings with blue tops and black seams. Long black latex gloves covered her arms from her fingertips to her armpits. And seven-inch platform soled pumps were padlocked to her feet.
'On your knees!'
Nancy obediently kneeled in front of Linda.
'Your former name like your former life, are no longer of any importance I will now decide on a new name for you. From now on you'll be slave N, understood?'
'Yes mistress.'
'You have agreed to be my personal slave. That requires a solemn vow. So say after me: My name is slave N. I swear I will be your devoted slave. I will be submissive to you and no one else. You are my sole mistress. My body and soul belong to you. I will serve you and obey you. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. I will be your slave until you release me from this vow!'
Nancy hesitatingly repeated the vow of slavery. Satisfied, Linda rose from the couch. She took Nancy's hands in hers and said in a solemn voice 'Hear me slave N; I accept you as my slave. I will protect you, clothe you and feed you. I will reward obedience and will punish you when you break your vow!'
Standing over the kneeling girl Linda took a shining steel collar in her hands. On the inside it was lined with black velvet and had a chromium plated ring in front. She slowly and solemnly locked it around the girls' neck. Wide, black leather cuffs went around the girl's wrists and ankles, connected by a short piece of shining chain between them. Leaving the girl on her knees in front of her she slowly removed her long evening dress. The girl's mouth fell open at the sight of her. The black and red corset pushed up her barely covered breasts and her neatly shaved pussy was framed by frilly garters and the tops of black sheer stockings. She stood for a moment in a classic stance, high heeled legs well apart with one knee slightly bent, one satin gloved hand on her hip and the other nonchalantly holding the riding crop. She was the very picture of a dominatrix, her gold and black collar sparkling in the lamplight.
'Listen, as long as you're my slave you will always wear a collar and cuffs. It will remind you constantly that you are my posession, bound by your vow to obey. Do you understand?'
'Yes Mistress'
'Now show it.'
'How must I show it, mistress?'
'Kiss my feet!' Linda commanded and as she sat down on the couch she raised her right leg. The slave girl shuffled forward on her knees and lovingly kissed Linda's black patent leather shoes.
'Now lick them!'
The slave girl started licking, first at the toes, then slowly along the side and the back of the shoe until she reached the spiked heel.
'Suck it!'
She opened her mouth and took the six-inch stiletto heel between lips, grimacing at the taste. Then she slowly slid it all the way up her mouth and repeated it several times until Linda commanded 'Now lick the inside of my legs! All the way up!'
The slave girl slowly kissed and licked the stockings from the ankles upwards until her head touched Linda's crotch. She hesitated for a moment and looked up. Her mistress lay against the back of the couch, her eyes closed and one hand pinching a nipple. Her other hand came down on back of the slave girls' head, pushing it upward into her crotch while she spread her legs wider. The slave girl tenderly kissed and licked the skin around her mistress's pussy. Gently she probed with her tongue between the pussy lips until she found her clit. Then she pressed her mouth deep into her mistress's snatch and closed her teeth gently on the stiff clit. Linda moaned and pressed her cunt into her slave's face. The slave girl licked and sucked the moist snatch, shoving a finger up her mistress's wet cunt. Then Linda cried out, clasping her slave's head between her thighs in her orgasm.
'Slaves will be rewarded when they do good work' murmured Linda and she motioned Nancy to turn around. With a pair of steel cuffs she pinned her slave's elbows close together behind her back, the short chain between the wristcuffs locking Nancy's hands against her sides. Next she pushed a large red ballgag into Nancy's mouth and buckled the strap tight. The girl stood up, balancing on the platform soles, not knowing what would come next.
'Sit here' whispered Linda and she pulled her slave down next to her. The girl fell almost full length on the couch, her head resting in Linda's lap. She ran her gloved hands over the girl's body whispering 'you're also my toy from now on. I will play with you; give you pain and pleasure...'
From a side table she picked up two wicked looking sets of clamps. One fastened onto the top of the latex stockings, the serrated claws of the other ones bit into the pussy lips, spreading the slave's cunt wide open. Nancy cried out in pain but her mistress slapped her face and snarled 'Be quiet!' Then she clasped two heavy vibrating clamps to the girls' nipples and switched them on. Nancy writhed on her back, squirming in pain and lust. She closed her eyes and moaned. Something slid into her wide open cunt. It was a thick vibrator, slowly pumped up and down by her mistress. She gasped and moaned and rocked her hips in an increasing rhythm while waves of pleasure pulsed through her body.
Nancy sharply squeezed a nipple clamp and her slave arched her back, spreading her legs as far as the taut ankle chain permitted and frantically fucking the dildo
'Yes, my dear slave N, you like this! I am going to make you come screaming, like you did the other time. I will whip you and fuck you and make you come until you don't want anything else. Together we will domme women and men.