- Author - Rotho
- Rating -
  [ 2.83 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2807 of 2955
- Story Codes - m-self, consensual, cross-dressing, non-fiction, self-bondage
- Post Date - 10/21/2013
This is a story from when I was in college, but still living at home. The school was nearby, and commuting was cheaper than living on-campus. Usually, as a result, I have little time with the house to myself. This particular day, one of my classes was cancelled, and so I came home early to get work done. I was pleasantly surprised to find the house empty. Not knowing for how long, the risk of discovery gave me a bit of a tingle, and I decided to have a little fun...
I was 21 at the time, and a little stocky. At 5'6", I wasn't exactly an "alpha" male. I had long ago come to terms with my sexuality (somewhere between a 1 and 2 on the Kinsey Scale), and my particular fetish for cross-dressing. Being a college student, I did have some spare cash to buy the finer things, when opportunity presented itself. I find myself perfectly comfortable atop 6" platforms, and relished appearing at my local Rocky Horror Picture Show in full kit (I had once gotten a standing ovation in the lap-dance competition).
This particular day, I decided to forgo the wig and makeup (in case of quick getaways), but went all-out besides. I was between relationships, and had never really done much self-bondage, having spent the last three years in Dom mode, but had more than enough equipment to do the job right. I was never a huge fan of roping myself, preferring leather cuffs and chains instead. Nothing compared to the sound of chains rattling, or the chime of a collar's O-ring hitting the tile while the sub tried to escape a stringent hogtie. I prepped for this by placing the keys to the locks in the bathroom down the hall. I didn't want to push myself, as I already had too many variables to work with. Then I stripped, and began dressing.
I started with a pair of latex boy-short panties, as they keep my junk-sweat and jizz away from my other clothes. Next were the ankle-length leggings, hiding my leg hair I had let grow since the break-up. My bra was originally my sister's, since she had left it behind when she moved out. It didn't take much to fill out, but I made sure to finish the effect properly. I chose my white satin/black lace tank dress and silver platform heels. These heels had a near 2" platform and 7" heel, and strapped up to the ankle. I decided now was a good time to apply the cuffs, before I finished dressing.
The cuffs were purple leather, 2" wide, and locked shut. The little golden heart locks jangled as I moved about, picking up the next item: the white and black satin corset. This corset was a little too small for me (I decided right then to start a diet), but I laced it anyway, relishing the feeling of constriction it provided. Moving quickly now, I added a leather posture collar with a low-set O-ring (it hung down below the edge of the collar, reminding me it was there), and a plastic yellow ball-gag. Next I picked up two padlocks and a chain. I threaded the chain through the D-rings in the cuffs, and locked the end to the chain, keeping my legs together. Sitting on the bed, I pulled the other end through the D-rings on the wrist cuffs, locking this end as far down the chain as I could reach, resulting in a hogtie that flexed between loose, but with my hands drawn tightly together, or tight, but with my hands mobile, allowing me the freedom to reach for the keys. I was too excited to relish the last locking, but now I was stuck, more than I had ever been, with no idea if I could get the keys before my parents returned.
As my room has hardwood floors, I waited until getting to the carpeted hall to lower myself onto my stomach, finishing my predicament. I began my slow squirm to the bathroom. It was much harder than I had expected! The hallway was too narrow to allow much thrashing about, so my progress was slow, but comfortable. Then I reached the bathroom.
Getting through the door was fairly simple, and only resulted in two whacks on the head. The problem came when I realized that my bare shoulders were sticking to the tile, and hindering forward movement. My leggings kept my legs from providing traction, and there wasn't much room to leverage myself with my heels. It became obvious I was going to need to use my shoulders, the only exposed flesh to provide traction, to make it to the keys behind the toilet.
It was painful, like going down a metal slide in shorts. I slowly shouldered my way to the toilet, and struggled onto my side to reach for the keys. I couldn't find them! I squirmed closer, but the chain from my ankles to my wrists was keeping my hand from reaching the keys! Cursing myself for being hasty and impulsive, I tried to gather my thoughts. That's when I heard the garage door open.
Up until now, I had enough problems just getting to the keys, and figuring out how to arrange myself to reach them, my chains and locks making a jolly racket the whole way. Now, I had to keep them quiet on top of everything else. My mother called up the stairs, asking my why I was home early. I managed to push the gag out of my mouth (noting I was fortunate I was moving too quickly to test that it was secure) and answer her, pushing the bathroom door closed to buy time.
Step one was to lose the heels. I was so glad they were velcro straps, and I was able to reach them. I was going to try to use my now bare feet to find and retrieve the keys, but the chain was still making too much noise! I didn't want to be found out, so I stopped to think again.
The cuffs weren't going to come off; they had been tested numerous times by my former lover's struggles. The chain was too strong to break, so the locks were the only way to get out. I was contemplating how to find the keys again, stroking the lock by my hands, when I noticed something odd. The lock didn't feel closed. I couldn't move the hasp at all, so it wasn't open, but i could also feel the socket for the latch, so it wasn't closed all the way! It seems that when I locked it, I missed the hole, but it had latched anyway, with a small gap remaining.
Taking my chances on this, I lined up the link of the chain the lock was on with the gap, and pulled hard. I was rewarded with extended movement of my hands! Knowing there was still another link still on the lock, I set that one up as well, and soon had both hands free! Quickly, I found the keys, and unlocked the chain, grabbed all my gear, and waited for the hall to be clear.
Once back in my room, I was horny as hell, but disappointed by my numerous mistakes. So I grabbed my nipple clamps, and forced myself to watch 30 minutes of cock-teasing videos online before allowing myself release. I then went to check the lock I had been using, and discovered that the gap constituted a mere 3mm, less than the width of the chain links I had, meaning I had to lever the hasp further open to have pulled them out. I thanked my lucky stars and lack of focus that I escaped a reeeeeealy awkward conversation with my parents, and cleaned up after myself, already planning what to do the next time...
The End
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