Author's Note: This is the first part in a story of mistaken identities that (at first) will be a little light on the bondage; while it has a distinctly bondage theme, there will be very few actual bondage scenes for the first dozen or so pages. Each part of the story will be told from a different person's POV and reveal a little more of the plot, while also retelling certain parts from another perspective.
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It's a little different... but I hope you enjoy.
Part One: Vanessa's Story
I'm glad that's over, Vanessa thought as she swallowed her pill and sat down at her computer. A simple dinner with the family was becoming increasingly difficult to get through.
She hoped her new friend was still on. He liked to spend time in the chat rooms and the forums-and he'd promised he'd still be there when she was done fixing dinner. She hoped he was; she was looking forward to a little playful painful diversion.
She typed in her IM.
SweetSub: You there?
Tierdown: Still here.
He came back.
SweetSub: I'm glad, I need to relax.
Tierdown: Cyber squeeze.
She smiled, wishing he was really here, rubbing her shoulders.
He was a stranger, and yet sometimes it felt like he was one of her closest friends. He seemed to understand her in ways that few other people did.
SweetSub: I feel like a roll of Charmin's.
Tierdown: As long as you feel better.
SweetSub: It's just that some adults are apparently incapable of making themselves sandwiches for dinner. I went in to help and they just argued. My nephew screamed at this little girl, for being a brat, when he's the one acting like the brat and making her scream. I couldn't even sit with them, I was so angry. Sorry I'm complaining.
Tierdown: Sounds like dinner didn't go so well?
SweetSub: Vomiting would have been an improvement. But I'm fine now, I took a Xanax.
Tierdown: Heavy medication?
SweetSub: Tranquilizer.
Tierdown: Quilizing yet?
SweetSub: No, but I'm better now that you're back
Tierdown: Look on the bright side... maybe this can be a new diet, lol. Sit down, get disgusted, heave your dinner.
She chuckled at that. He always had that way of making her feel better.
SweetSub: I have a long fuse-but it is a fucking fuse.
Tierdown: I used to have one of those... now I just have a garbage disposal. It takes all the worthless shit, chews it up and spits it out before I have to deal with it.
SweetSub: A little sex would be nice too.
Tierdown: I could help you with that, if we ever meet IRL.
In Real Life...
It wasn't the first time he'd suggested it; nor the first time she'd seriously considered accepting.
SweetSub: Thought you said that cabin of yours was really small.
Tierdown: I still have plenty of room on my bed for a guest. Besides, if you came to visit you'd be strung up on the wooden cross most of the time anyway.
SweetSub: Right, I forgot. I don't take up much space when I'm hog-tied.
Tierdown: Head of the bed... you should make a nice pillow.
SweetSub: I am off work for the next few weeks.
Tierdown: I'm serious
Vanessa thought about it for a while and the more she did the more the idea appealed to her.
SweetSub: I've always had a fantasy of being kidnapped and tortured.
Tierdown: I could help make that a reality for you.
SweetSub: Can you take off work?
Tierdown: I work out of my home, remember?
SweetSub: I know, but can you take the time off.
Tierdown: For you I can take as much time as you want. When's your first day off?
SweetSub: This Saturday.
Tierdown: I got the van back from the shop last week. I could head up North, snag you on Saturday morning and we'd have two whole weeks of nothing but sex and bondage games.
SweetSub: I could be your pillow for real.
Tierdown: I like to fluff my pillow.
SweetSub: I'm terribly ticklish.
Tierdown: Oh, what fun we'll have tonight!
SweetSub: Gasp.
Tierdown: That hog-tie should leave your toes suitably unprotected... you do like to be tickled don't you.
SweetSub: Love and hate at the same time.
Tierdown: I'm glad I wormed the ticklish truth out of you.
SweetSub: So, are we really going to do this?
Tierdown: We've been talking about it forever. I think it's time!
Vanessa was eager for her weekend to begin, but nervous at the same time. She'd never done anything like this before. She had a master who she saw from time to time and he was delightfully demanding; but she'd meet him through the normal channels. They'd gotten to know each other face to face. She'd heard of so many tales about men who preyed on unsuspecting women they meet on the web, but her eyes were wide open. She knew all the evil details about what expect. Well, not everything. She knew the where and the when and the how long, but he'd left the details to her imagination.
"Trust me," he'd said, "You'll get plenty of special attention for that submissive side of yours."
"Pardon me, sir," she'd replied playfully, "but if this is supposed to be my kidnapping and rape fantasy then I will submit in nothing."
"That's good," he'd replied, "I like my submissives naked."
That had made her laugh. Jake (he'd finally told her his real name) had such an odd, but appealing sense of humor; odd enough that he'd chosen a variation of those lines as their security lines, so she'd know that it was really him. He was supposed to walk up and say, "I suppose you're Vanessa, the girl who doesn't like to submit in anything," and she was supposed to respond, "I prefer to submit naked."
If he approached the wrong girl he might get slapped, but how many women would respond like that? So there wasn't any chance he would accidentally take the wrong girl.
And now she was sitting in her parked car, working up her nerve to walk down that dark and narrow alley where they were supposed to meet-if you could call it that.
She wondered how many times she'd have to walk back and forth, pretending to be taking a short cut. She'd be lucky if no one tried to proposition her, thinking she was a hooker. And how would he take her. Would he pretend to need a light? Would he begin to leave then take her unexpectedly from behind?
She was ready to find out.
She opened the door and got out, wearing the sexy little outfit she'd described to Jake-the one she feared might make men proposition her. Then she crossed the street. Unfortunately all the parking spaces on that side of the street were taken, so she couldn't slip into the ally without showing herself to the whole block-but that couldn't be helped. It was time, and she had to be in that alley when Jake arrived. So she scurried across the street, her high-heeled knee boots clacking on the pavement; her miniskirt (with the school girl's pleats and plaid print) swishing around her hips and the white shirt tied in a knot just above her belly button.
She hoped none of her none scene friends happened to be visiting this city at just this moment and happen to see her. The very thought of it made her blush. Despite being heavily into the bondage scene, she kept a careful distance between her vanilla life and her scene life. She had enough friends who knew that she didn't lack for people to tell what she was doing, in case anything bad actually did happen. But she didn't think her coworkers at the hospital would understand-not even the male ones.
Once she was safely in the umbra of the alley she slowed down and began to walk normally.
She was only about halfway down the alley when someone cleared their throat behind her.
"I suppose your name is Vanessa," a deep voice said, "You're the one who doesn't like to submit in anything."
It wasn't the exact line, but it was close enough.
"I prefer to submit naked," she replied.
"Good," he said, moving towards her more quickly than she'd expected and pressing a taser into her stomach.
Pain radiated from the spark, racing through her whole body as her muscles clamped down on her ability to talk or move. She didn't even have time to squeal. For several seconds she remained standing as he held the taser against her. When she began to topple over, he caught her before her head had a chance to hit the ground. That was thoughtful she thought, looking up at his shadowed face. She hadn't expected the taser though. Not that it wasn't her fault: she'd been the one who has demanded complete realism during this vacation; and what better way to keep a young girl from screaming than surprising her with a taser?
He lifted her easily-he was a big strong guy; bigger than she'd expected from some of the things he'd said about himself-and carried her to his van, which was parked only a few feet away. Popping the door, he threw her none to gently inside. At least the floor was carpeted to soften the blow against her shoulder a little. Then he climbed in behind her, closed the door and began tying her up with a practiced ease that again surprised her.
Jake always said he didn't have a lot of experience having an actual submissive to play with. He'd engaged in a little self bondage from time to time, but would that let him bind her with such speed and efficiency? He must practice a lot, she thought.
By the time she had recovered enough to struggle if she wanted to, he had already gagged her and placed her in a tight hog-tie, without binding her legs anywhere but at the ankles. Her arms were similarly tied only at the wrists, but he quickly remedied that by cinching her elbows tightly together. Then he rolled her onto her arm, reached under her short skirt to pull down her panties and began to work a large vibrator into her cunt. She was already dripping wet and couldn't help opening her legs to make it easier for him.
"Thanks for being so helpful," he said with an amused little smile as he pressed his fingers against the end of the vibrator, pushing it deeper inside her.
She gasped as he flipped the button and the buzzing began to work just the right spot. It was all she could do not to tell him he was welcome, but she didn't want to entirely break the mood of their little game. After all, she was the one who had insisted on reality. And besides, it wasn't all that easy to talk with the O-ring stuffed in her mouth.
Vanessa had expected a gag that was designed to keep her quite, but she hadn't expected Jake to shove the monster sized dildo down her throat. She had mentioned once that deep throating was something she wanted to get better at, but this thing was so large it was uncomfortable, if not all that difficult to breath. She was glad she didn't have a cold, although the way the gag was pressing against the back of her throat, she suspected she'd have a sore throat before this vacation was over. At least it was soft and flexible, instead of being hard and rigid.
It also surprised her that it was taking so long to get to his place.
And it hadn't helped when he stopped at a grocery store to do some last minute shopping. At least it had been one of those convenience stores, and he was in and out in less than five minutes. Still, it seemed a little rude, considering. Maybe that was Jakes idea of playing up the realism. But would a real kidnapper stop at a store? She didn't think so.
At least he was back now and they were on their way again.
It was taking so long.
But maybe that was just because she was so eager to get started. They'd pulled onto what felt like a gravel road several minutes ago, so she was certain this time that they had to be close to reaching their destination.
As if to finally prove her right (for once), the van pulled onto what felt like a driveway, with lots of potholes. There weren't any windows on the side of the van, and the back windows were tinted with a dark material, but she could see trees lining the gravel roadway through the front windows; and after a few more minutes of driving the van began to turn in odd semi-circles that she was certain could only be twists and turns in the driveway-or maybe even a circle drive.
The van stopped and Jake came into the back of the van, kneeling beside her. "It won't do you any good to scream," he said as he removed her gag. "We're out in the middle of nowhere."
"I won't scream," she said, acting frightened.
"Then welcome to your new home for the next few weeks. If you promise not to try to run I'll let you walk inside."
She nodded and after he untied her legs they walked inside.
It was a rather nice cabin; not nearly as small as she'd been lead to believe by their correspondence. He motioned to one of the chairs sitting around the kitchen table and said, "Sit." When she didn't sit, he pushed forcefully down on the top of her head, guiding her into the chair. "Do you want something to eat?" He asked, "I've got some leftovers."
Looking at this man Vanessa wasn't sure what to think. This wasn't exactly the way she'd expected their little game to go.
"I'm not really hungry," she said, hoping that he'd take the hint. Instead he went to the refrigerator and made himself a sandwich. Then he walked into the living room, sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. There was no sound, but he picked up a game controller and began to work the controls.
After he'd been playing the game for a few minutes she'd had enough. She stood up, walked over until she was standing right in front of him. "What are you doing, Jake?" She said a little exasperated. "I know we have two weeks, but this is supposed to be my kidnapping and rape fantasy! I was hoping we could get to the good stuff before the evening is over."
"That's nice," the man said nonchalantly, "But... I'm not Jake!"
Part 2: Roger's Story (added: 2013/09/26)
Rodger carried his plate of food from the kitchen into his den, where he worked on his computer. His tracking program was already running and several conversations had already been flagged while he fixed his dinner. He clicked on one and brought up an IM conversation already in progress.
SweetSub: I started a yoga program recently.
Tierdown: Cool! How's it going?
SweetSub: I sound like a fucking bowl of Rice Crispies.
So far, this one didn't sound very promising, but there had to be a reason the program had flagged it-it was keyed to certain words and talk about yoga wasn't likely to trigger one of them. So he decided to wait a little longer before moving on:
Tierdown: Can you tie yourself up in a pretzel yet?
Ah, there it is, he thought.
SweetSub: Close. I always was pretty flexible.
Tierdown: The important question, can you touch your elbows together behind your back?
SweetSub: I could if I had help.
Tierdown: Cool, I love to help people. It makes me feel warm all over inside.
SweetSub: I just had a mini-vibration. My first in days!
Tierdown: I think we need to work on that.
That's more like it, Roger thought, pulling up the user's data screen on SweetSub.
Name: Vanessa Stallings
Employer: Cook County Hospital
Address: 35930 Teduska Dr.
Roger went down the list, checking for useful coincidences. She was twenty-something... getting ready to go on thirty-something. A local who had attended a High School with an online yearbook. He pulled up Vanessa's picture and looked at her considering. She'd been reasonably attractive in High School, he decided. Some people, however, became more attractive after high school, while others became decidedly less attractive. So the big question was how she looked now.
That and how difficult it would be to snag her.
He clicked back on the IM conversation, picking it back up right where he'd left off.
SweetSub: Uh huh, a little bondage would do me wonders.
Tierdown: Any requests?
SweetSub: Just keep talking for now. I have to make dinner in about 20 minutes.
Tierdown: Oh, we need to get you hot for that, no doubt about it. Have you got your nipple clamps on?
SweetSub: I put them on as soon as we started talking... So, how would you help me with my elbows?
Tierdown: I'd tie your wrists to your ankles.
SweetSub: I'd have to be limber for that.
Tierdown: Then I'd turn you over on your belly and use a belt around your elbows to snug them up. Then I'd roll you back over. Nice little hogtie.
SweetSub: Squeal!
Tierdown: With your arms like that, it would hold your back in a nice little arch; and keep all the right parts open and exposed.
SweetSub: I was just about to say that.
Tierdown: Then I might experiment with various things that buzz.
SweetSub: Giggle. Giggle.
Tierdown: Or various temperatures; or things with various textures when they slap against your skin.
SweetSub: Ooh!
Tierdown: I can never decide these things, so maybe all three.
SweetSub: Sweet, I just had to take off my sweater. Sigh, I feel much better now.
Tierdown: See, we'll get you hot enough to cook that dinner yet.
SweetSub: Don't forget my big pacifier. I need a gag in my mouth.
Tierdown: I'm right here for you. Oh... you meant the plastic variety, I guess.
SweetSub: I'm adaptable, but you'd do just fine.
Tierdown: lol. Maybe we can use the plastic pacifier for your lower orifices.
SweetSub: Oh yeah! I'm not even going to have to turn on the stove.
Tierdown: I could teach you to suck down there too. I try to pull your pacifier out while you try to keep it in... and every time you loose, I get to try a new little experiment with temperatures and textures and buzzing things.
SweetSub: I actually do those exercises. Well, not with someone trying to pull it out. Giggle.
Tierdown: I can be your personal trainer.
SweetSub: Sexercising does sound like more fun with a spotter.
Tierdown: Oh yeah, a creative trainer. This is the advanced workout course.
SweetSub: I'm definitely simmering. Dinner will be a breeze.
Rodger continued to watch the conversation on one screen while he did more sleuthing research on another.
It didn't take that long to track down the rest of Vanessa's pertinent information, including her internet provider and IP address. Then he started a folder on her. Because she was online, he began by download all the files on her computer. Later (once she was offline) he'd go to work on her old emails. Those would be stored by her internet provider or other auxiliary back up sources. As they say, once a message is sent out into the cyber universe it's captured in virtual reality forever. Anyone who knows where to look and has the right information about a person can find every private message they've ever sent.
Hacking into such places was slightly illegal but then so was kidnapping.
The real trick was getting in and out without leaving your own fingerprints. Rodger hadn't quite figured out how to do that yet, but he'd managed the next best thing-which was to create more than a dozen different internet personae, each one a dead-end dummy that he'd set up under a fake name and paid for using bank accounts that were now closed. His IP addresses were rerouted through more than half a dozen servers. Different routes and servers for each fake persona. In addition, he'd set up alarm programs (at each level) which were activated if anyone started looking for him. As soon as that happened, the programs were designed to start scrambling the information with a nasty little virus he'd designed especially for this purpose.
Someday he might need all the extra security precautions. After all, no one could hide all of their online information forever, once a good hacker found a way in. But if no one knew who they were looking for it was virtually impossible to find the right needle in the all but infinite haystack. And Rodger had a cyber-match ready to burn his particular haystack down.
That's why Tracy was so important to his work. The name, of course, was his own private little joke since it stood for Dick Tracy. He liked to think of his automated research program as his own 'Little Dick'. It was his favorite tool for fucking all his women. Thinking about that little pun always made him smile just a little.
The next step was to create a file just for his new recruit. Then, while she was online, he began to download all her local files. Once she was offline, he could track down her work records, credit history, driving records (and so forth) at his leisure.
This all took a lot of time, which was why he used the scanner module on his B-net program to scan the internet for IM's, emails and other active chatter that drew red flags. B-net stood for bondage-net. It was a powerful, yet simple and intuitive variation on the same principle the government used to scan for terrorists and other illegal activities. In fact, a lot of what his programs could do was automated-working in the background while Rodger scanned the reports they made and gave the subroutines new orders.
As soon as he had some of Vanessa's files to work on, he set B-net's checker module to work. It did more or less the same thing as the scanner module, but it was more in depth and worked on individual files-like a typical virus checker, only it looked for certain key words, internet addresses and so forth. It was all designed to locate anything that indicated actual participation in the bondage world.
Vanessa's profile came back with lots of red flags; and a preliminary rating indicating that she might be a hard-core submissive with strong masochistic tendencies. True masochists (the kind that really loved harsh torture) were fairly rare and hard to find-but always in high demand. They brought a better price than all the rest, which was why training a slave before you sold her could be so useful.
Well, well, Roger thought, you talk a pretty good game, SweetSub. Now it's time to see if you really like it as much as put on.
Either way, he knew enough now to know that she was probably worth doing some real leg work.
Roger parked the van he was driving in front of 35930 Teduska Dr.
The van was a white rental, with fake magnetic signs on the sides to make it look like an official cable service vehicle. Roger strapped on his cleats and climbed the nearest telephone pole so he could mount a time-lapsed camera to watch the house.
He'd pick it up in a week or so and study the resulting high-speed video for a few hours. It would be important to see who came and went-and on what schedule. Looking through the viewer, he smiled. Everything was perfect: the image was centered and in focus.
As he was climbing down, he saw Vanessa walking to her car. For a moment he wasn't sure he'd make it down in time to follow her-but then someone stuck their head out the door and yelled something at her. They exchanged comments for a few moments; just long enough to let him get down, pick up his camera and snap a few pictures before she got into her car.
She was wearing a conservative, knee-length dress that appeared to be a nurse's uniform. Her hair was tied back in a bun. Her shoes looked to be the comfortable kind, made for lots of standing and walking. She had a fairly pretty face. It was hard to tell what her body was like in that dress, but he thought she could probably stand to loose somewhere between five and twenty pounds. Nothing a few months of forced dieting and exercise wouldn't turn around.
Yes indeed, SweetSub, you could be quite the catch.
Her car was an old beater and the house was small-which confirmed his online assessment that her family didn't have a lot of money to waste on private investigators. The only thing better than that would be if she were a street urchin or an independent hooker without a pimp-the police generally didn't work too hard to find those types of people, and that was if they even realized they were missing in the first place.
Living with a family would make things a little more challenging, but not all that much. In fact, even when they lived alone, he sometimes preferred to take them right off the streets-particularly when they lived in an apartment complex or a busy subdivision. This subdivision wasn't exactly busy, but the houses were too close together and there wasn't a lot of landscaping. That meant there was no place to hide without looking suspicious.
Ironic as it might seem, the actual snatch and grab from a home was often easier in the richer neighborhoods, where the homes were spread out, and the people who lived in them were used to their privacy. It was usually easier to see what you were getting too, for the rich knew how to dress to impress. If it weren't for the fact that the cops looked into those types of disappearances more vigorously, Rodger would specialize exclusively in grabbing the upper-middle or lower-upper class. Only a fool would try for the ultra rich-unless they had a buyer waiting with a retirement sized payday.
When it came right down to it, it was all about studying the subject long enough to determine when the best time was to make the grab; and that required a few weeks of trailing the Vic, to learn their daily patterns.
Fortunately, the little delay at the front door had not only given him enough time to climb down the pole, he'd even had time to snap a few pictures. Unlike the detectives in the movies and TV shows, he waited a while after her car pulled out of the drive before he put his own in gear and started to tail her.
Vanessa's snatch and grab was proving to be a bit more elusive than anticipated.
The house was definitely out. Not only was it filled with people who didn't work and didn't seem to keep any real schedule, but friends and neighbors were constantly showing up unexpectedly. Work wasn't much better. The wide-open parking lot at the hospital was above ground, with lots of people constantly coming and going. A well trained security guard was never far away.
Aside from working an eight hour shift three or four days a week, Vanessa didn't seem to have any regularly scheduled weekly events-at least none that did him any good. She was recovering from some kind of injury to her knee and saw a therapist twice a week, but the therapist's office was in the hospital. She went shopping for the family several times a week, and Rodger was beginning to suspect his best play would be to take her in the grocery parking lot .
Aside from that, she seemed to spend almost all of her time on the internet.
She had another internet acquaintance who she called Master Thomas. They chatted on the internet almost as much as she and Tierdown did; and apparently they got together a few times a year for a full fledged scene. Rodger intercepted some photos of their most recent one. a few weeks ago. She'd sent the photos to Tierdown, so apparently both men knew about the other. Unfortunately, both men lived several hundred miles away from her. Tierdown was a new acquaintance that Vanessa hadn't even met; while Master Thomas was a long term acquaintance, but because of the distance they only got together a few times a year.
Rodger punched up Vanessa's folder and activated the IM spy function.
He still hadn't given up on her, but given the trouble he'd been having with a suitable spot for the grab, he'd let her slide to the back burner over the last few weeks. Still, he liked to check up on her every so often to see if there had been any new developments.
Tierdown: I just got a card from a friend of mine. It says, "Hope there's lots of presents under your Christmas tree, this year. And that at least one of them is female, naked and bound.
SweetSub: That might be me.
Tierdown: That's our plan... Now I just need to find myself a tree.
What was this, Rodger thought. It could be promising.
SweetSub: One that doesn't drip sap, please?
Tierdown: No sap, just hot wax!
SweetSub: Ooo! In red and green, no doubt! Very festive.
Tierdown: With little ornaments hanging from each nipple.
SweetSub: "Deck your neck with Christmas hickeys, falala lala lala la la. So where are you going to put the Yule long, anyway. Giggle.
Tierdown: I think I'll slide that into your hall decked with mistletoe.
SweetSub: I think I'm really getting into the Christmas spirit now.
Tierdown: Maybe we can make you a little red and black Santa outfit, too. Black leather straps, and red body paint. A little white paint on the bushy trim, maybe?
SweetSub: Or a little elf-suit.
Tierdown: If we lived up north we could have a great snowball fight.
SweetSub: I've got a snow-cone maker I could bring along.
Tierdown: We could sit around the fire and melt ice. Bet your bellybutton would make a nice little cup.
SweetSub: Giggle. Hot chocolate and mini marshmallows, too.
Tierdown: We could have Christmas dinner right on top of you. A little cranberry sauce to lick off.
SweetSub: Yeah, truss me up like a turkey.
Tierdown: And stuff you?
SweetSub: I like it! Oh stuff me baby.
This wasn't the first time these two had flirted with the possibility of getting together, but it sounded a little more serious this time than it had in the past. It sounded like they'd already made the arrangements. So he pulled up B-net, entered the pre-set search parameter: 'real-life meeting' and let it scan backwards through the recent e-mails.
After a few moments it spit out:
SweetSub: A little sex would be nice too.
Tierdown: I could help you with that, if we ever meet IRL.
This is it, Rodger thought as he scanned down the page looking for highlighted words.
SweetSub: I am off work for the next few weeks.
Tierdown: I'm serious.
SweetSub: I've always had a fantasy of being kidnapped and tortured.
Tierdown: I could help make that a reality for you.
SweetSub: Can you take off work?
Tierdown: I work out of my home, remember?
SweetSub: I know, but can you take the time off.
Tierdown: For you I can take as much time as you want. When's your first day off?
SweetSub: This Saturday.
Tierdown: I just got the van back from the shop last week. I could head up North, snag you on Saturday morning and we'd have two whole weeks of nothing but sex and bondage games.
Bingo, Rodger thought.
It was obviously time to read Vanessa's emails more carefully.
He perused through the rest of the emails and got all the information he needed. Apparently, they were planning to fulfill one of Vanessa's fantasies about being kidnapped and raped-and fortunately, Rodger still had plenty of time to make his own plans.
He switched back to the current IM discussion.
These two engaged in some cute net-sex at times. Almost a shame to break them up, he thought as he clicked on Jakes high school picture. He's not a bad looking guy, either. Too bad I don't have a decent market for male slaves or I could bag both of them at the same time.
SweetSub: I'm so excited; I can't believe we're really going to do this?
Tierdown: Trust me, I'll be there.
"No, you won't," Rodger said to himself, "but I will be."
Part 3 - Jake's Story (added: 2013/10/10)
SweetSub: So, are we really going to do this?
Tierdown: We've been talking about it forever. I think it's time!
SweetSub: Alright then, let's start making plans.
Tierdown: We already know there will be a lot of tickling involved.
SweetSub: I was thinking more like when and where we'd meet. After that I don't really care what you do to me as long as you make sure I suffer a little before you let me go.
Tierdown: Trust me; you'll get plenty of special attention for that submissive side of yours.
SweetSub: Just a forewarning, this is my kidnapping and rape fantasy so I will submit in nothing.
Tierdown: That's good; I prefer my submissives to be naked.
SweetSub: Giggle
After that, it didn't take them long to finalize the rest of the plans.
Jake couldn't help smiling when it was done. He'd been trying to set something real set up with Vanessa for months now, and finally, everything had fallen into place for two weeks from the day. That didn't give him very long to beef up his bondage supplies and build a few pieces of creative bondage furniture in his wood shop. Perhaps a Wooden Horse and some sort of Bondage Cross would do for starters. And maybe he could convert that old dog cage in the garage into something she could sleep in during the night. Or maybe it would be better to chain her to the foot of his bed-he could buy some handcuffs, and get some chain at the hardware store. It shouldn't be hard to cut out one of the planks that crossed over the floor joist. He could secure the chain to the joist then cover up the hole with a thick plate of metal. A large hole would have to be drilled for the chain to pass through, and maybe eight smaller holes for some long screws to keep it in place.
The only question was whether he really wanted to tear up his floor for this little vacation project. Not that many other women ever came to his home. Meeting a faceless stranger on the internet and talking to them was easy-not at all like trying to meet a woman in real life. Jake wasn't a people person. He lived in the country, alone; and he worked out of his home, making his living off the internet. That didn't create many opportunities for a man as shy as he was.
Actually, it wasn't so much that he was shy. Despite being a bit reclusive, Jake didn't have any problems talking to other men-or even to other women that he wasn't sexually attracted to. The only time he had a problem was when he wanted to approach an attractive woman and ask her out on a date. For some inexplicable reason the possibility that she might turn him down was terrifying. To make matters worse, Jake didn't particularly like the bar scene, and he couldn't stand the taste of alcohol. The buzz it gave him was kind of nice, but he didn't like the taste and it was virtually impossible to drink enough to loose his inhibitions. He didn't get mean-instead, he just became anesthetized to the world; his mind sluggish and seemingly immobile, which made it even harder to think of what to say when he was around a beautiful woman.
Nor was he fond of the hangover the next morning.
That was why Jake preferred to make his contacts on the internet. It was easy to interact with a faceless stranger. Once the introductions were made and he knew what the woman wanted, he became much more comfortable and confident when he met them for the first time. Usually, he met his women from the internet at a restaurant, or a bar-somewhere public, where she'd feel safe until they got to know each other, before they headed for a hotel.
All in all, having a hole in his floor wouldn't be such a great loss. He could always cover it up with a throw rug, and if things went as well as he hoped, he could always use the chain again the next time Vanessa came to visit.
Jake needed to plan out a serious strategy for their time together.
Vanessa was clearly a lot more experienced in the bondage world than he was. She had an actual master, with an actual dungeon. He had a small suitcase filled with ropes, leather cuffs, bondage belts and a few other things that (in the past) he'd used almost exclusively to tie himself up. He'd been honest about all that and Vanessa had assured him that she understood. Still, he couldn't help feeling inadequate, given some of the bondage scenes Vanessa had described with her real master, Thomas. Many of his sessions were a lot harsher (and more elaborate) than anything Jake would feel comfortable doing. She'd sent pictures of one scene that Thomas, had done for her birthday. He'd stuck these little pins all over her ass and Legs. Each pin had a little circular cup at the end that was just the right size to hold a birthday-cake-sized candle. He'd stuck them in her, lit up the candles, and after letting them drip wax for a few minutes, he'd whipped them from her body, leaving some nasty looking welts.
Compared to that, Jake was a complete wimp. He'd never actually been in a serious bondage scene with a woman. He'd pinned his girlfriend's arms behind her back as he tickled her and a few exploratory things like that. He'd even talked one girl into letting him tie her up while he tickled and teased her-but he'd never actually whipped another person or given them serious pain. He'd never even pinched a girl's nipples. He'd fantasized about it, but he'd never had the courage to actually do it.
Vanessa assured him that once he had a willing woman in his clutches, he'd find it a lot easier to abuse her to his heart's content. Although he talked a good game, sometimes he worried that he'd freeze up when they came face to face with her. Would he really be able to fulfill his fantasies and treat her the way she wanted to be treated?
He didn't want to disappoint her-or himself, for that matter.
He took a deep breath to relax himself. Things had been set in motion; it was too late to back out now. That was why he loved the internet so much. It was easy to be bold and daring when you weren't face to face. That's when it it became very difficult to think up those clever bondage scenarios. It was sort of like writer's block or stage fright, he supposed, but he'd always found it best to make plans before hand, and then make sure he had everything he needed. It's a little hard to eat ice cream off your slave's belly, if you've forgotten to buy the ice cream.
Perhaps his biggest problem was that his house was so small.
Most of the time, he didn't regret that choice. Not only had it been a lot cheaper to build but it was also cheaper to heat and clean. And, truth be told, he preferred a small living area. He liked having everything close at hand when he needed it.
This, however, was one of those occasions when he wished he'd built himself a bigger place. Maybe, for his next big project, he'd build himself an addition: a large room that he could use for storage when it was not being used as a dungeon.
Jake was eager to be off on his semi-blind date.
He spent nearly half an hour trying to decide what to wear, vacillating between hot and sexy, or rough and rugged. Since this was a kidnapping fantasy, he finally decided on the later. He could dazzle Vanessa with hot and sexy later in the week.
Everything was set. His bondage suitcase was in the van, and his house was well stocked with all the new bondage supplies he could reasonably afford. He'd built a mobile, wooden horse (that was waiting in the garage), and a Y-cross (that was bolted securely to the wall of his bedroom). He'd also converted one of the wooden kitchen chairs into a bondage-chair, by removing the seat, sanding the wood underneath and attaching a number of metal eye-screws for attaching limbs or hoisting the chair using the pulley he'd attached to the ceiling joist. Virtually all the bondage supplies he owned were laid out, waiting to intimidate her before he selected them.
It was still a good twenty minutes or so before he needed to leave-if he intended to arrive on time-but he had decided that he was going to get there early and wait for her in the shadows.
Jake was brimming with excited as he headed out to his van... right up until the moment he saw the two flat tires.
Two flats?
Could that really be a coincident? He wondered, or did someone do this intentionally.
But if someone flattened his tires intentionally, did that mean they knew what he was planning? Surely he was just being paranoid; it had to be a coincidence. He'd never had two flat tires at the same time in his entire life, but the odds were that it had to happen to someone sometime. But why me; and why now? These sorts of things always seemed to happen at the most inopportune times?
Jake got out the air pump and tried to inflate the tires, but he could hear the air hissing out of them. It looked like he'd run over a nail or something. He might be able to fix the tires with his patching kit, but that would make him very late-and what if the patches didn't hold? If someone had slashed his tires he wouldn't be able to patch them. Better not to waste the time looking and just take the old motorcycle that he kept locked in the garage. It still needed a lot of work, but at least it ran. Instead of the twenty or thirty minutes it would take to patch the tires, it would take him less than five minutes to reattach the seat-assuming its tires weren't flat too. If they were, Jake would know for sure that something suspicious was going on, although what he could do about it he didn't know.
He didn't even have Vanessa's number. It was foolish not to have exchanged phone numbers (in case something like this happened) but what were the chances? Honestly, Jake hadn't even given it a thought. Most of the women he'd meet on the internet didn't like exchanging that sort of information until they'd met and had a chance to get to know one another.
And with Vanessa, it was odd but sometimes he felt so close to her that it was easy to forget just how much he didn't know about her.
Jake crossed his fingers as he unlocked the garage door and looked inside. The bike seemed just fine. He'd have to stop at a gas station and fill up the tank if he was going to make it to his rendezvous without running out. That would take an extra ten or fifteen minutes. And it would be a little embarrassing to show up on his bike when Vanessa was expecting a kidnapping scenario, but it was a hell of a lot better than not showing up at all. Perhaps he could pretend to be a motorcycle gang member and offer her a ride, then work in the kidnapping idea later. Would she play along, instead of getting upset at him for screwing things up?
It didn't look like he was going to arrive before Vanessa but he hoped, at least, he wouldn't be too late. He was still pretty confident that he'd get there before she gave up waiting for him and he had a pretty good sense that, if she could get past him showing up on the bike, she'd forgive him. Not that he'd meet all that many submissives in his life, but those that he had known tended to be a little more easy going than other women.
The gas station was busy when he arrived and he had to wait several minutes in the checkout line. He made up as much time as he could on the highways, but traffic was heavy.
Fortunately, at least, he was pretty familiar with the spot where they were planning to meet. It was only a few streets down from the porn shop where he liked to buy his movies. He'd bought some handcuffs there too. He made most of his own leather gear, using tools and supplies that he purchased online. His gear definitely looked homemade, but his cuffs and leather belts were sturdy and serviceable. Unfortunately, they were in his suitcase, which was sitting in the back of his van, so hopefully Vanessa wouldn't mind riding back to his cabin on his bike.
Jake wished he'd thought to bring a coil or two of rope. If he had, then maybe they could just spend their first night at a hotel. Hotels didn't normally keep things in their rooms for tying people up, but in a pinch, Jake could always use his own belt and other bits of clothing. His socks, for instance, were probably long enough to bind a pair of wrists. He could also pull Vanessa's arms behind her back, then twist his underwear a few times and slide them up around her elbows. If he placed his belt around her knees, she might at least feel helpless.
There were lots of interesting things he could do to her once she was like that.
Then again, maybe it would be better to stick with the biker plot and take her back to his cabin. Even if they did have a good night at a hotel, he'd still have to go home in the morning. He didn't want to improvise, without his gear, for 2 whole weeks.
Jake parked his bike across the street then dodged traffic to make his way towards the alley. From that distance he couldn't tell if Vanessa was still there or not, but as he came closer he could make out a white van and two shadowy figures. Carefully, Jake made his way closer, hiding behind a dumpster so whoever they were wouldn't see him. One of the figures appeared to be a man. Jake thought he was picking up a woman; then he all but threw her into the van, climbed inside and shut the door behind himself.
What the hell is going on, Jake thought.
First his tires were flat, and now someone appeared to be kidnapping the same woman that he was supposed to be kidnapping. He had no way of being sure, but what were the chances that some other woman just happened to be in this same ally getting kidnapped at the same time he was supposed to be here doing the same thing to someone else-only he couldn't because his tires had been flat.
The coincidences were definitely starting to mount up; and Jake didn't know what to do. If he stayed here, the van might pull right past him. Then he'd have to run for his bike and try to catch up. But if he went back to his bike now, the van could pull out the other side while he was sitting there waiting for it to pull out. He squinted, trying to see which direction the van was pointing.
Suddenly the point became mute as the van's lights turned on. It was pointing the other way.
Running back to his bike as fast as he could, Jake jumped on the kick start and pulled out into traffic with such abandon that a car honked at him as he swerved dangerously across two lanes of traffic. He didn't care; he was busy looking to see which way the van would turn as it pulled out of the alley. It turned left just as he pulled into the alley at the other end.
Jake had never tried to follow someone before.
Not getting too close was more difficult than it sounds. Every time the van turned a corner he worried that it would mysteriously disappear before he could turn the corner where he could see it again, so he stayed a little closer than he probably should have.
Still, as far as he could tell, the driver didn't seem to notice him for he just keep driving, going slow enough not to draw attention but not too slow. At first the van headed to a side of town Jake wasn't very familiar with, but after a while it took the highway and headed out in more-or-less the opposite direction from Jake's cabin. Now that the van was on the highway, Jake allowed the distance between them to grow. He'd gotten close enough once to read and memorize the van's plates, so now, at least, if he lost the van, he'd still have something to give the police. But he didn't want to create unnecessary suspicion by tailing too closely.
Wherever the driver was going, it was even further away than Jakes cabin. He'd been expecting to get back to his cabin by around mid-afternoon-but it would be growing dark in another half hour or so and this guy was still driving.
Jake followed the van into a small town. When it pulled into a gas station, he drove past without looking. If he stopped it would look too suspicious, so he drove a little past until he came to a stop sign-then he turned right and pulled into a driveway, hiding behind a building to keep an eye on the van.
When the man in the van was finished filling his tank and buying some snacks, he pulled back onto the road. He went straight at the stop sign, so Jake gave it a few moments then pulled out from his hiding spot and began to follow again, leaving as much distance between them as he dared.
When the van went around a turn or turned onto a new road, Jake would speed up as much as he could, until he could see the van again, then he's slow back down, letting the distance build again. Soon, however, he'd have to turn on his lights or risk traveling without them-which meant that it would be harder to keep an eye on the van, if it kept driving much longer.
It wasn't long after thinking that, when the van pulled around a corner and vanished.
For a moment, Jake panicked. The van simply wasn't where he'd expected it to be; and he didn't know what to do. It was possible the van had turned onto a side street; or the driver could have spotted him and decided to speed up, trying to loose him. There were also a couple of drives the van could have turned on to. Jake was just about to turn down the side road and gun his engine when he saw the van through the trees, moving up one of those steep drives.
Jake followed, keeping plenty of distance between them. Under the cover of the trees, it was dark enough that it was hard to see, but he didn't want to give himself away now, so he drove slowly, keeping a careful eye out for any sign of trouble. When he saw the roof of a house, he drove his bike into some weeds and walked the last bit.
The van was parked in a gravel driveway. As far as Jake could tell, Vanessa had already been taken inside, so he crept closer and peeked into a window. Vanessa was still tied up and sitting at the kitchen; she looked as nervous as Jake felt. A man was sitting on a couch watching a television and working a joystick, as if he were playing some kind of video game.
What now, Jake thought, call the cops? That would be a little embarrassing for Vanessa when they found her trussed up in her hooker's dress; and for him when he tried to explain how he'd known where she was. Well, you see officer, I was supposed to meet and kidnap her, but apparently someone beat me to it.
Still, calling someone seemed like the smart thing to do.
He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and tried to dial 911, but his phone wasn't getting any reception. He was high, on the side of a small mountain, so if he couldn't get reception here, he didn't think he'd get it lower down.
Just as he was trying to decide what to do, Vanessa got up from the table and walked into the living room, standing right in front of the TV. She said something and when the man looked up at her and responded, she began to back away from him. He stood up as she ran towards the door, took a gun out of his waist band and shot her. For a few seconds she kept running as if nothing had happened, then her movements seemed to become sluggish and she collapsed to the floor.
A tranquilizer gun? That meant the kidnapper was well prepared.
He walked back to the TV and glanced at the screen for a few moments before going to the closet for a box, which he carried over to Vanessa and dropped on the floor beside her. Jake watched through the window as the man carried her into the bedroom.
Jake was shivering when he woke up.
He'd fallen asleep while waiting beside the cabin, but luckily the chill air was too cold to let him sleep comfortably and he hadn't slept away the whole night. Looking up at the full moon, he judged it to be well after midnight. Surely that would meant the man was finally asleep. Now Jake just needed to figure out the best way to get inside.
He tried the window, but it was locked. He tried the front and back door-but as expected, they were locked too.
Damn. Of all the times not to be a criminal.
It looked like he'd have to break a window or something. If he were in his van, there'd be several rolls of duct tape in his bondage suitcase, which he could use to help silence breaking glass. Wasn't that what crooks in the movies did before breaking a window?
Jake thought about going back to that convenience store he'd passed in town, to buy tape-but being as this was such a small town, the place probably didn't stay open all night. And if that wasn't enough, he wasn't entirely sure he'd be able to find the house again. It had a hidden drive that would be easy to overlook in the dark.
So he took off his jacket and held it up to the window to pad his fist (and hopefully muffle some of the sound) then he smashed it.
It was noisy, but he'd chosen the window farthest from the bedroom. Hopefully the sound wouldn't travel. For a long time he stood by the window listening for any movement inside. When he didn't hear any, he began looking around for something to stand on. The window wasn't all that high, but it still had bits of glass clinging around the edges and he didn't want to risk climbing over the frame without something to support his weight from the outside. There wasn't a lot to choose from but he finally settled on a metal garbage can, which he turned upside down, to help him climb through. He was so focused on the jagged blades of glass below him, that he scraped his shoulder on the glass hanging down. Fortunately it was a mild scrape, but still, it ruined his shirt.
Once he was inside he tiptoed across the room and headed down the hall. Most of the other doors were closed, but the one at the end was open and a light was on.
Jake wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. On the one hand, it made it easier to see Vanessa, who was lying spread eagle on the bed. She'd been striped naked and her body had been beaten hard enough that he could still see the welts and red abrasions on her skin. He couldn't tell if she were asleep or not because she wasn't moving and she was wearing a leather mask that covered her eyes and mouth.
On the other hand, the fact that the lights were still on suggested that Vanessa's kidnapper might not be asleep. The various torture items lying around on the bed made Jake think of his own toys, which he'd lain out in much the same way at his own house. Only these toys were a little more high-class and varied: whips, paddles, suction pumps, electrical probes, nipple clamps, and other things that Jake couldn't even identify. He couldn't have said why, but he also had the distinct impression that Vanessa had been fucked at least once. Maybe it was the pattern of wrinkles in the sheets.
For a long moment, Jake stood just outside the doorway listening for any movement inside the room. When he heard none, he decided to enter; creeping quietly towards the bed. It seemed the kidnapper had exhausted himself with Vanessa and wandered off to his own bed in one of the other rooms.
Jake wasn't sure where to begin. He needed to let Vanessa know it was him, so she wouldn't try to scream, thinking that he was the kidnapper come back to torture her some more. Unfortunately, her mask was secured with a locket and he didn't see a key lying around. But perhaps he could untie one of her hands and write his name on her palm to let her know that it was him. Would she understand what he was trying to do? Or would she think the kidnapper was trying to torture her by tickling her hand?
Just as he was about to find out, a door behind him opened and the kidnapper stepped out of a closet. "So good of you to finally join us, Jake."
Jake didn't move.
For one thing, he was shocked by the fact that the man knew his name; but he was even more shocked by the fact that he was totally naked, except for the oversized strap-on dildo that he was wearing.
"Oh, don't worry," the kidnapper said with a smirk. "This is just a cover that goes over my dick. I like to wear it when I'm breaking in a new slave because it gives me a little more size and stamina. But I have all the equipment I need to do the job without this."
Jake still didn't know what to do. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he had to do something; so he put his head down and rushed the man, hoping to wrap his arms around his waist and slam his head against the ground.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen. The man easily side stepped and sent Jake crashing into the wall with a push on his back. After banging his head, Jake stumbled woozily then fell on his ass in a daze.
"My name is Roger," the man said, standing over him menacingly. He tossed a pair of metal hand cuffs to the floor and said, "Put those on, Jake."
Jake looked around, considering his options. This Roger guy obviously knew how to fight. He'd taken Jake down without even breaking a sweat, and now his head was throbbing. Was
"Put those on, Jake; and I won't hurt you any more."
Something about the way Roger said that was infuriating. Jake pushed off the ground and rushed him again, this time keeping his head up so he'd be ready for the counter move. But this time Roger didn't try to move out of the way; he drove his knee into Jake's solar plexus. As he doubled over, Roger shoved him onto the bed. His body draped across Vanessa's belly. It might have been a sexy situation if he hadn't been gasping for air. By the time he'd recovered enough to think, Roger had wrenched his arms behind his back and snapped on the cuffs.
"What are you going to do with me now?" Jake said, as he turned over on his back and stared up at Roger who was still looming over him.
"I've been thinking about that," Roger said, "and I've decided it's actually kind of fortuitous that you showed up here since the cops will probably be able to track down your messages. Those are the same messages I used to find you, by the way, so they shouldn't have too much difficulty finding them once they get a search warrant. When Vanessa turns up missing they'll search her computer and find the trail back to you. And when you don't return home, they'll give you a closer look. And since I have the codes I need to remove all the money from your bank accounts, they'll assume you did something to her before disappearing yourself."
"Are you going to kill me?" Jake said dejectedly.
"No, I don't think that will be necessary. No I'm thinking about keeping you around, maybe training you to help me with the slaves and other little chores that I need done around here from time to time."
"What makes you think I'll do that?"
Roger shrugged. "Well, it is better than the alternative, which you've already alluded to."
Jake swallowed nervously. Despite his recent bravado, he was starting to realize just how much he did not want to die. Still, he couldn't help being curious. "Why would you do that?"
Roger chuckled. "Would you rather I just kill you?"
"No," Jake said, "it's just..."
"You're afraid I have other, more devious motives, I suppose? It's not enough that training a new slave is a lot of hard work; or that so many of the daily chores I must perform are incredibly dreary? No, I suppose you imagine there must be something more. Like your own future as a slave, perhaps?"
"Yeah, I suppose so."
"Well, don't worry, I'm not going to sell you, or anything like that," Roger said. He gave Jake a wink. "The truth is I'm keeping you for myself, because I think you're kind of cute."