Chapter 1
As Laura turned off her car, she breathed a sigh of relieve, closed her eyes and rested her head against the steering wheel. A simple four hour drive down the highway had turned into an all day nightmare of bumper to bumper traffic due to one major construction delay and two different accidents. Coupled this with the past several days of being away from home at high pressured business meetings meant her nerves were now officially frazzled.
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Now safely parked in her driveway, she took another deep breath to help calm her emotions, opened the car door and made her way inside the house. She left all of her cloths and business work in the car for tomorrow to deal with. 'Or later today,' she thought to herself, with a sick sense of humor, after hearing the chimes on her antique grandfather clock strike 2 AM Friday morning. Very briefly thinking about a hot bath, all her thoughts instead turned to sleep as she headed into her bedroom. Striping off her clothes, Laura was asleep before her head sunk onto the pillows of her bed...
At some point Laura found herself walking down one of the streets of her neighborhood. Just not any ordinary stroll, she was on one of her tantalizing, erotic strolls. Dressed in a one piece black, tight fitting, body stocking complete with a gag and slave collar, with a short leash hanging off the D ring, hands cuffed behind her back and her ankles cuffed with a 8 inch connecting chain as a hobble. She was a slave, lonely in the heart, in search of her master. She had been up and down the different streets conducting her all important search for hours it seemed, with no luck.
What was becoming crucial to her search was the time. Dawn was breaking as the sun's first rays of light started cresting over the horizon. Her strolling took on a sense of urgency, becoming a fast shuffle down the street in search of the one person who could set her free. Free not from the handcuffs but from the daily drudgery of life, setting her emotions on a perpetual ecstasy of bliss.Her search was becoming more desperate by the second as the increasing light made visibility all to easy. From inside the houses lights were beginning to come on as people were getting out of bed and preparing for the new day. With nostrils flaring and her heart beating faster, quickly as her shuffling feet could go, she made her way down the street.
Being helplessly bound and dressed in lingerie which basically hid nothing, actually it outlined the curves of her body very nicely, only increased her sense of urgency. Where could her master be? Surely he would not leave her here to be found and completely humiliated? She must find that one person and find him soon.
Maybe she should just head home to be safe? 'NO' her head screamed, for during her search her sexual cravings were so irresistibly addicting that she lost all sense of direction and now had no idea where she was. Even still, she could not be found like this. The humiliation it would cause would be immense, beyond repair.Where could her master be?? She moved as fast as her ankle chain allowed. Why would he leave her like this? Why had she not use a crotch rope? She could feel the nylon pressing against her engorged nipples. God, she was horny, as a moan escaped from around her gag. NO, she had to keep her thoughts concentrated on finding him.
She suddenly realized that a dog barking, where was it? Looking around she could she nothing, but the barking was close. Actually the barking seemed to be coming from all directions, but that was impossible as it was only a single dog. Getting herself off the street seemed like a good idea.
Picking a direction to what seemed like the best choice, she tried walking away from the unseen dog, toward one of the nearby houses and safety. But the barking continued coming from all directions regardless of her effort. Actually, that damn barking seemed even louder now then before. She twisted and turned her body trying to locate the dog, trying to discover if this was the best escape route to take.
All she succeeded in doing was causing the nylon covering her body to become taut across her breasts and a rush of sexual adrenalin cursed her body. Her fingers caressed her butt and thighs, unable to penetrate the area they would do the most good. With her nostrils flaring for more air and her lust glazed eyes making seeing difficult, she wanted nothing better then to give herself an orgasm that her bondage would not allow, as another low moan resonated within her.
Forcing herself to concentrate, Laura continued her somewhat rapid shuffle towards the edge of the house. But the barking seemed to be following her, as if the dog was next to her. Looking left and right for any sign but seeing nothing, she shuffled towards the corner of the house which promised the best spot in shielding her helplessness from whatever humiliating fate was closing in on her.
So intent was she in getting to her hiding spot that she failed to hear the footsteps approaching. Laura froze in place, unsure what to do. The footsteps indeed were coming from around the corner and they were getting louder. Frighten, her heart pounding, she remained frozen in place with her eyes locked forward, unable to turn away. Suddenly a person stepped from around the house and stopped, looking at Laura.
Laura in turned stared at this person. With the sun now glaring into her face, she was unable to see who this person was. Was it her new master? Or Mistress? Or maybe some...Her thought process broke when the stranger said, "Hello Laura."Upon hearing the soft baritone voice, her blood drained from her face. Her eyes became wide with fear as she recognized who this person was, her boss. 'NO' screamed in her head. She turned around in some vain attempt to flee when she suddenly realized that she was no longer outside but inside her office with her fellow staff members staring at her, eyes wide open in astonishment. Then the laughing began...
Laura awoke with a start, bolting upright into a sitting position on her bed. The white sheets remained twisted and wrapped around her naked body as she looked around her dark bedroom, only her alarm clock produced any light and the time showed 4. Her body was covered in a sheath of cold sweat, helping the sheets cling to her body. Her breathing remained rapid and ragged as her heart continued its galloping pace, seemingly ready to exploded at any moment. Taking comfort in the fact that she was alone and in her house, and not at the office, as the vivid dream replayed again and again in her thoughts. Especially irritating was that it was her boss stepping out and not some mysterious leather clad, muscle toned master. Not that she felt he was ugly or anything, but she had no desire to be involved with a married man, who was her boss and who seemed very, very boring. And why did she have to dream she was at the office for all to see?? She sat there for many long minutes trying to calm her emotions.
Lying back down and closing her eyes, she pushed her thoughts away from the dream and towards thinking of nothing but soft, fluffy clouds drifting by. Forcing herself to take long, deep breaths, her body slowly relaxed. As her humiliating dream slowly receded from her thoughts and her body relaxed. another more sensual feeling began to grow within her loins. Even though actually be humiliated like that was not a option, the possibility of being discovered while in bondage was a huge turn on for her.
Bondage itself was highly sexual for her and of all her boyfriends, not one came close to showing any signs of enjoyment with it. So at the moment all she had were her own hands for some self bondage but after a hour or so, that also could become very boring. She tried it with vibrators and that sometimes worked, but if done wrongly proved even worse for after a while her crotch would become very irritated and would remain so for a day or two. She tried non bondage scenarios of near public humiliation before, like being naked outside or running to the store in lingerie with just a coat covering her, while highly arousing were just not the same.
So for whatever reason, bondage sexually aroused her and the near public humiliation brought it to another level. As her thoughts turned to concentrating on those feelings, the sensual feeling from her dream began to reform within her loins. Her nipples became sensitive and began to push against the restraining sheets wrapped around them. As her fingers brushed over them, a slight whimper of enjoyment escaped her lips.
All of her sexual relaxation vanished in a heart beat when the sound of a dog barking once again could be heard. Eyes flung open as she bolted upright in bed looking around for the source of the barking. But just as quickly she laughed to herself as she laid back down with her eyes closed. It was her, 'FREAKING neighbor's dog, who must be outside running around their yard,' Laura thought to herself, understanding where the dog in her dreams came from. Now this really pissed her off. Why do they need to let the dog out so early? All she wanted to do was sleep in and enjoy a peaceful morning. She had asked them on several occasions to not let the dog out this early.
'Damn,' she thought. 'Might as well get up and curse out the neighbors.' This brought a smile to her. Even though she liked them, they were a huge pain at times and besides there really was no need for the dog to be running around this early in the morning. Unwrapping the covers from her body and slipping the robe on that was kept by the bed, she made her way over to the window while wiping the sleep from her eyes.
Tossing the heavy drapes to the side, Laura was greeted by the radiant rays of sunshine which instantly lit her bedroom and temporarily blinded her. She stood there absorbing the warmth and tranquility that the sun offered while her eyes adjusted to the brightness. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes to greet the...new day? 'Wait.' she thought, 'Why is the sun facing this window?' Glancing at her clock, what she took as 4 AM was actually 4 PM! She couldn't believe it, she slept the day away. She must have been more tired and stressed out then she thought.
"Well, so much for that," she laughingly said, watching for a moment the dog running around his yard. She headed to the bathroom, when the phone rang. Well, maybe not rang as the phone was on mute, but the little red flashy thing came on.
"Hi Laura, its Kate"
Katherine, or Kate, had been Laura's best friend since high school. The two shared just about everything together, went to college together and even worked for the same company, though in different departments.
"Hi Kate, what's up?"
"I tried calling earlier but no one answered. So before I left the office, was calling to see if everything was ok?"
"Yea, " Laura said laughing. "Sorry, I had the phone turned off. I guess I was more tired then I thought. Was a rough week and a very long drive home, didn't get in until 2 this morning. Then slept the day away."
Kate laughed at the other end. "Well, at least your alright. What about the presentations, did they go ok?"
Kate was a designer, but Laura did the presentations for their company. "I think so. All 3 companies showed interested. We're going to meet with them again in few weeks, just need some technical tweaks for their individual needs. Jason stayed to work with them on some of the details. He wasn't coming back until tomorrow, I think on Monday he was going to sit down with your department."
"Sounds good. Ok then, I'm sorry to do this, but our dinner date tomorrow night, I need to cancel it. What about lunch instead?"
"Lunch? What about dinner?"
"Something came up and June needed my help."
Laura shuddered with hearing that name. She did not hate June but there was always a flaky sense about her, and it always rattled Laura the wrong way. Laura and Kat met June in college, she knew Kate and June remained good friends since, so she bit her tongue, "Ok, that should be no problem. Lunch it is. What time do you want to go?"
"Was thinking I'll pick you up around 11, that way we have more then enough time."
"Thought it was my turn to drive?""It is, but after what you just said, I'll drive," Kate said with a laugh.Laughing,
Laura said, "Ok then, its date. See you tomorrow."
Hanging the phone up, she headed for the bathroom and her thoughts immediately turned to thinking about a nice hot bath to help sooth her worn out body. But instead decided on a afternoon jog. She had not really exercised all week and her muscles needed a nice work out, followed by a nice hot bath.
Quickly changing into her jogging attire, out the door she went. She was greeted by a blast of hot air as soon as she past her door. Pausing for a second, she had not realized how hot it was outside, 'At least my central AC works,' she chuckled to herself as she headed back inside to retrieve a water bottle. Picking a bottle that could be strapped around her waist, she was off once again.
Having been cooped up inside windowless offices most of the week for meetings had been a bit depressing. And that's not even talking about the meetings themselves which at times ran extremely late with some both highly relevant technical questions and highly irrelevant ones as well. And that's not even talking about the meetings the team had after dinner! Not to mention the hotel where they stayed had not been the most comfortable of places, the bed had been overly hard, the pool closed early, and the so called breakfast was barley eatable. Then there was the drive home. But with every stride her legs took, all of her pent up frustrations and anxieties slowly melted away as a serene calmness crept over her.
When her jogging path took her from the neighborhood streets onto some trails of the local park, she had become so at ease with herself that the smell of the freshly mowed grassed was like a breath of fresh air. It awoken her dulled senses. For the first time that week she heard the sounds of birds chirping, of kids playing, and a Frisbee game being played in the middle of the park.
Glaring down from a cloudless blue sky with amazing clarity, the sun was having a rejuvenating affect on her thoughts and spirit. She avoided the shaded areas whenever possible in favor of this sensation. The comfortable warmth the sun provided, coupled with the day's heat and her jogging, were proving to be a very potent combination. Subconsciously, the withdrawing stress was leaving behind an emotional void aching to be filled, with the subtle signs of desired passion beginning to show.
With how hot the day was, it did not take long for her body to start sweating, but by now her body was covered in a thin layer. She had always felt very sexy the way her smooth skin glistened when wet and by now her skin was absolutely sparkling under the shinning sun.
With her breasts being small she never felt the need for extra support when jogging, the built in support of her tight fitting shirt was fine. But when the pangs of passion began to stir and her nipples become aroused, she loved the way they pushed against the fabric and if her arm brushed against one of them or her shirt stretched the right way, a shiver of excitement ran down her spine.
Her idea of underwear was a bit more conventional. She never cared for thongs but she liked snug fitting panties along with her form fitting shorts, and the ones she currently wore were very snug over the right spots. They provided just enough pressure to her erogenous zones that when her desires set in, they provided encouraging stimulation.
As her jogging brought her back onto the paved streets, the overburdening presence her stress had on her completely disappeared and a undeniable feeling of lust had set in. Her thoughts were no more on work but on a evening of self bondage. 'Of finding my master,' she smiled and thought to herself. All the way home her thoughts swirled on what type of adventure she should create for herself and as she skipped up the few stairs onto her front porch she knew what to do.