Author's Note: A charming Englishman and his faithful Puppygirl Bonnie avoid the trials and tribulations of their small-town Montana neighbors.
Please email me with ideas and opinions. (Constructive preferably, but even if you hate it I'd like to hear your opinion). I plan to make this a series if there is sufficient interest
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Chapter 1 - Exposed!
"Woof, woof" Bonnie scampered across Mr Lansdowne's lawn, her perky little bottom high in the air as she chased after an unknown smell. Her nose inches from the ground, she paused and sniffed the edge of the rose bed before chasing off sideways towards the clearing.
Mr Lansdowne smiled as he watched her bouncing after a butterfly. He knew his neighbours might be unhappy to see Bonnie off her leash if they strayed down the road towards his little cottage, but it seemed cruel to restrain her on such a sunny day.
Bonnie was of a fine, fair-haired German stock; but she was still an adventurous little pup and Mr Lansdowne - growing a little tired of cleaning mud and dirt out of her hair - had cut her hair short into a tight little bob. She had cried at first, but he put a pretty bright red bow on top and Bonnie had quickly returned to her usual, cheery way.
Suddenly the old hag Mrs. Davis turned up in front of his picket fence, her miserable face red with rage. She pointed at Bonnie a few feet away on the other side of the fence.
"You disgusting perverts! That's the last straw, I'm going to call the cops."
Mr Lansdowne approached the fence. "Excuse me Mrs. Davis, but we're doing nothing illegal. Why don't you come inside for a cup of tea and we can discuss this."
Mrs. Davis turned a curious shade of purple. "I would rather take an invite from Lucifer and walk straight into the gates of hell." Mrs. Davis looked at Bonnie, who was sitting up on her hind legs by the white picket fence looking a little confused. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you slut!"
Mrs. Davis spat out the word slut with utter disgust, and at the same time knocked the fence in front of Bonnie with her handbag, giving Bonnie a scare, as she fell over backwards from the fence.
Bonnie let out a scared yelp, rolled over back onto her paws and ran over to my side. I stroked her head softly and whispered gently "Calm girl, calm, it's alright." The poor thing was shivering with fright!
I looked angrily at Mrs. Davis and didn't fight the rising tone in my voice. "Since it's a free country, you may call whoever you so wish Mrs. Davis! But if you insist on coming over here and frightening my pup I shall be forced to put in an official complaint to the neighborhood watch!"
Mrs. Davis spoke with a mocking indignation. "The neighborhood watch? A pup? She a full-grown bloody woman! You really think she is a dog? You really are mad! She's nothing but a damaged little whore running about naked. I know what you're up too, you've made her mad with drugs. She probably doesn't even know her own name!"
Taking the initiative, I gently grasped Bonnie by the scruff of the neck and walked back down the picket face by Mrs Davis. I stopped a foot away, eager to defend my doggie's prowess from these ridiculous insults. "Maybe Mrs Davis, you judge the pedigree of your dogs by their appearance and not by their spirit."
I looked down at Bonnie. "Sit. Paws Up!" I commanded. She dutifully knelt back on her hind legs again and put her front paws in the air. She stuck her tongue out - panting slightly as she did it.
"As you can see Mrs Davis, even though Bonnie here was born with the body a human, she has the soul of a fine canine. To bring this true spirit out, I've had to make a few modifications on little Bonnie." I gestured down to Bonnie's black paws, that merged into her pale arms.
"You see here, where a 'human woman' would have hands, Bonnie has been fitted with a pair of prosthetic paws. These are perfect for running on all fours. On her hinds legs she has a similar pair."
I took a brief but enjoyable moment looking up at Mrs Davis's horrified face.
"You also see how Bonnie here has short, but muscular forelegs." I gently grabbed Bonnie forelegs and pulled them out forward in front of her.
"Years of running on all fours and some very specific exercises have made her triceps here thicker than any normal woman's. I have a vet examine her every 3 months, he assures me than she had developed the most unusual muscle configuration for a 'woman' to counter-act the stresses of running on all fours, and is at this point more adapted to her simple life as my bitch than her previous false incarnation as a 'woman'."
Mrs Davis simply looked speechless. I pressed on, trying to suppress a grin.
"Roll over!" Bonnie rolled over onto her front, showing her exposed underside.
"See how she feels not even the slightest shame at being completed naked? Much unlike a human woman." I lent forwards and gently squeezed her pert breasts, and Bonnie ruffed in delight. "Her teats have started to lactate with the right changes to diet, and regular suckling exercises." I slid my finger down from her teats, past her belly button and down into Bonnie's carefully shave patch of blond pubic hair.
She ruffed again and kicked up her forelegs in excitement. "I'm a responsible owner, so Bonnie has of course been neutered too, lest she get too excited with one of their neighbourhood dogs. Roll over!"
Bonnie rolled over again, very excited to be given so much attention. I pulled lightly at Bonnie's tail. She growled deeply. "All doggies must have a tail, and Bonnie is content to have a device which replicates this. It is inserted into the anus, leaving only this tail which you see before you."
Mrs Davis started to back away from the fence.
Bonnie wiggled her tail and her pert bottom at the now retreating Mrs Davis. I could hear Mrs Davis's distracted ramblings, so I spoke louder to make myself heard.
"This does of course leave her in a constant state of arousal, so I have to be very careful about leaving her playing by herself for too long, she gets into the darndest scrapes!"
Mrs. Davis broke into something almost resembling a run, continuing down the path of the white picket fence.
"And of course, my pet girl knows her name, doesn't she Bonnie?" I almost yelled. Bonnie leapt up at hearing her name.
"Go to say hello to Mrs. Davis, Bonnie, Go to her" I pointed at the retreating figure of Mrs Davis. to Bonnie. Mrs Davis was still trapped by the tight pathway between the white picket fence and the road that wound around my house and small estate.
A eager Bonnie yelped and leapt alongside the picket fence after the terrified Mrs Davis. Finally Mrs Davis reached the corner, and Bonnie was forced to stay behind the fence, barking at her as she dashed away.
"Bye, Mrs Davis, I do always enjoy your visits" I yelled after her laughing to myself. For a few moments after Mrs Davis was out of eye sight, Bonnie continued to bark excitedly.
Bonnie stopped barking and sat still, and I enjoyed the peaceful tranquility of our country abode once more. Finally Bonnie strode back uncertainly over to me, and looked up. For a moment, I thought I saw an emotion that seemed very human in her beautiful blue eyes, one of apprehension.
I took the leash out of my jean pockets, and knelt down to slip the collar around Bonnie neck. I stroked her firmly, before giving her a pat on the pack. "Calm girl, no one is going to take me away from you." Bonnie stayed still for a second, before breaking into a big grin. I gave her a firm spank on the bottom and stood up.
"Come on girl, time for your din-dins!"
Bonnie almost dragged me up the hill with excitement, pulling to the very end of her leash.
The sunny day has grown into an fine evening, the sky filling with deep red streaks of light as the Sun began to fall behind the valley. It had begun to get uncomfortably humid, so I sat in the wide rocking chair on the balcony outside, sipping home-made lemonade and listening to the crickets chirp. Normally I don't allow her on the furniture but Bonnie sat curled up on the rocking chair too, her head nuzzled in my lap. She dozed in and out of sleep, and I felt her stir occasionally as she dreamed.
Night had fallen upon us entirely, when I heard the first stirring of someone encroaching upon us. I couldn't see further than my elbow, but I felt the hairs on the back of my head stand up. I slowly leaned across Bonnie and reached for the shotgun leaning at the side of the chair.
Quietly I took two casings out of my pocket, then loaded and cocked the rifle. Bonnie had woken up, and sat up silently. She looked over to the left, and I knew her sense of smell was far keener than my eyesight.
I stood up, pointing the rifle in front. "You have ten seconds to show yourself before I fire."
There was a stirring, and a whisper of conversation I could not make out.
"5 seconds!" I repeated.
A unseen voice yelled back "Police! Hold your fire Mr Lansdowne!"
I paused. "Show me your ID."
"I'm Sheriff Hughes and this is Deputy Bennett. If you turn on your porch light, I can come and show you my badge."
"Ok." He had the voice of a cop all right.
I turned on the porch light, and heard a gasp as they looked at Bonnie. I could see the outline of two figures, wide brim hats and all. Bonnie growled fiercely, but this was no time. I pulled her sharply on the collar.
"My god!" I heard the other cop exclaim. Mr Lansdowne knew timing would be everything.
"Please show me your badges officers." I didn't raise my shotgun, but I moved it ever so slightly, enough to get their attention.
The Sheriff looked across at the deputy and nodded. He pulled his badge out and moved forwards to hold it under the porch light.
I leaned forwards, it was genuine alright. Taking the initiative would be the best option I decided, as people are often eager to jump to conclusions about things they don't understand, and the last thing I wanted to do was end up in the county jail cell over some bogus kidnapping charge.
I lowered my shotgun. The Sheriff opened his mouth but I cut him off mid-word "I'm here to-"
"Well now, I know who you are, please come inside for a glass of water officers, it's much cooler." I turned around and walked inside to the kitchen.
"Come girl!" I called after Bonnie. She ruffed and scampered through the door after me.
The Sheriff and the deputy watched open-mouthed at the sight of her bottom high in the air, her tail waggling in the air with her vulva exposed to everyone underneath.
I unloaded the shotgun and clipped it onto his wall. I then poured a pitcher of lemonade and found three glasses. Bonnie curled up in her bed on the kitchen floor, just by the foot off the wooden, kitchen table. I also poured Bonnie a bowl of water but she appeared uninterested. The two officers walked in after me, the deputy still with his hand hovering over the gun in his belt.
"Come in officers, take a seat." I sat down myself, trying to ease the tension I felt between the officers.
The Sheriff didn't sit down but looked at Bonnie. "Ma'am, are you alright?"
Bonnie tilted her head in confusion. He looked disconcerted, behind him the deputy stared at me with daggers of hate, his hand still on the trigger. The Sheriff continued "Ma'am, we've received reports from a neighbor of possible kidnapping and nudity in public. Are you currently in fear of your... husband?"
Bonnie still looked quizzical. I intoned calmly "Elizabeth, please could you answer the sheriff. Are you feeling secure?". Her demeanor changed at hearing her old name, her eyes became a little more focused and she suddenly looked a little awkward. A strange flush arose on her cheeks.
An embarrassed voice came out, but nevertheless full of conviction responded "Thank you officer, I'm perfectly fine. And I'm not scared of my husband."
The Sheriff turned and looked at me. "I've had reports that Mr Lansdowne has kidnapped and 'brainwashed' a young woman in his house, and that he may be blackmailing her into sexual games through drugs."
Elizabeth and I laughed at that same time. "It's that old fusspot Mrs Davis, she should mind her own business." Elizabeth informed the sheriff.
The sheriff looked a little exasperated. "Please could you explain what is currently going on then? Why are you naked, barking and running around on all fours, Ma'am?"
Elizabeth looked a little upset but responded politely "Me and my husband like to a play a number of games on our own property, and we are somewhat loathe to explain ourselves. This is why we came to Montana, where people respect privacy and personal freedom. I find it deeply sexually arousing too run around on all fours, naked, barking as my husband's dog."
The Sheriff looked a little taken aback, the sting on his Montana pride visible. "I apologise if I've offended you Ma'am but the Sheriff's office must take accusations of kidnapping seriously. I must question you outside the presence of your husband."
I intervened quickly "Of course, Officer. We're happy to answer any questions, if your deputy - sorry I've forgotten your name?"
"Deputy Arthur Bennet" the Deputy relaxed a little.
"If you deputy could pass the coat on the rack behind him to my wife, and you could ask her any questions you like in the parlour."
Elizabeth stood up fully and took off the plastic paws on her feet, then kicked off the ones on her hand. The sheriff looked down at the floor away from the sight of my wife's naked body. The deputy walked over and passed the long dark overcoat to my wife at a full arms length, looking sideways as he did it. They suddenly stopped resembling cops and looked like bashful little children.
After Elizabeth wrapped the arm coat around her, the deputy looked up and motioned to walk into the living room. "This way please, Ma'am."
Elizabeth raised her hand "One second". She put one hand underneath her coat and grimaced as she gave something a tug.
The anal dildo popped out with a little 'squidge' sound, and holding it by the tail she laid it down in the sink. The deputy turned around and actually faced the opposite way, his face now completely bright red.
Elizabeth lifted underneath the hem of her skirt, and with some awkwardness and a little squelch pulled out a condom out of her ass, and tossed it in the bin. The deputy had already moved into the living room as Elizabeth followed him out.
For the next 20 minutes the Sheriff questioned me about when I had moved to the United States, how I met my wife and why we had come to Montana etc etc. I heard the deputy asking the same questions to wife.
After a little while the Sheriff warmed to me a little, even laughing as I told him some of my original adventures as I moved to the sticks in Montana. After a while he took of his hat and put it down on the table, wiping his sweaty brow. Despite his increased friendliness, he did however turn down my offer of lemonade with a worried look, and opted for a glass of water which he hurried to pour himself before I could get up.
After a little while, I heard some shared laughter between the deputy and my wife in the other room and felt very secure. They came back in the room shortly after, and after the Sheriff took the deputy aside to talk a little, they announced that they were satisfied there was no truth to the kidnapping or drug accusations, although they did lecture that while it was permissible for us to be naked in the back field, we shouldn't be naked in the front by the road, and asked that we try not to offend Mrs. Davis sensibilities if she should walk past. They said they would double-check various details of our identities and criminal records back in the station, but since they were sure we told the truth they would not radio it in and stay any longer.
The sheriffs said their goodbyes and left, whilst Bonnie and I stood on the porch waving them off. We heard laughter as they got back in their car and drove off. Once we were gone, Elizabeth turned to me and gave me a passionate kiss for a minute.
"Turn me back dear."
I put my arms around her neck and took off her coat, leaving her completely naked on the porch.
"Caninus Animus Spritus, Iglesus Fonetus" I whispered, and taking out my pocket knife, pricked my finger with the point. Elizabeth opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out and I wiped the little dribble of blood onto her tongue. She swallowed.
We stood there for a split second, gazing into each other eyes. Then the mixture of worry and love in Elizabeth's eyes disappeared, and her pupils widened. She crouched down onto her feet, and put her hands in front of her. Looking up I saw the bright , simple happiness and adoration of Bonnie reappear. The joyful carelessness of her expression took ten years off her age in a split second. I patted her on the head.
"Time to find your paws girl" Bonnie yelped in delight, and I opened the door to let her inside. She bounded in, although a little more carefully than usual - walking on her sensitive hands and feet could be dangerous. I turned to pick up the coat lying on the floor, and looked out across the front door again. Hearing the crickets chirp, I felt sure I would never see those police at this door again, even if Mrs. Davis called twice a day for the next year.
I was wrong of course, but not for the reasons I'd have suspected. Turning around I saw Bonnie put down one of the paws by my feet using mouth, and she yelped and ran off to find the other. "Good girl, Bonnie" I said softly, more to myself than to her, as I lent over to pick up the (slightly slobbery) little paw.