Chapter 1 - The Woman in the Cage
"Hi, Janet! I'm so glad you could make it!" said Kim Miller, a slender 27-year-old brunette of Asian descent, as she opened the main door looking somewhat agitated.
Standing at the porch was 26-year-old Janet Whitley, a gorgeous blonde who happened to be Kim's best friend and next-door neighbor. "You sounded awful over the phone, so I came as fast as I could. Is everything ok?" she asked concerned as she hugged her friend and peeked into the living room looking for anything amiss.
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Kim did not reply right away but rather took a few seconds to compose herself. "Sorry... I... I just sprinted her from the garage. Let's go... I have to show you something," she said trying very hard to remain calm.
Janet gave her friend a puzzled look and followed her into the house. It was a little past 9pm on a Thursday, two days before Janet's much-anticipated wedding, and things were about to get very interesting.
"So... Where's Steve?" asked Janet referring to Kim's husband, a 6' 2", 220 lb. police officer.
"He's not home," replied Kim as the two women hurried past the living room, into the kitchen, and stepped through a small door which led to a small 2-car garage.
It was pitch-black and the lack of air-conditioning made the air stuffy and humid.
Kim flicked on the lights. Revealing a mysterious-looking black van parked next to her blue BMW.
It was a large cargo van with no windows anywhere except for the ones in the cockpit. The sliding side door was closed but the doors in the rear of the vehicle where wide open.
"Did Steve get a new van?" asked Janet.
"I'm not sure," replied Kim, sounding somewhat resentful. "I came back from the office today and found it here. You know I haven't used my car the last couple of days - the engine's been acting up - so I haven't been to the garage since Tuesday. Anyway, I was going to the gym today, but I remembered I had left my gym bag in the trunk... so I came here and that's when I saw the van. Like I said, I had never seen it before... so i checked inside and then I saw her," said Kim.
"Saw who?" asked Janet perplexed.
"Well, it's better if you see for yourself," replied Kim, her beautiful almond-shaped brown eyes glittering in the fluorescent light. "She's in the back," she whispered pointing towards the back of the van.
"What? Who's in the back?" Janet asked, annoyed, as Kim continued pointing towards the back of the vehicle, inviting Janet to look inside.
Janet did as Kim suggested. She walked towards the back of the van and peeked inside. She brought her hand to her mouth and release a gasp: a young woman, heavily restrained, wearing what seemed to be a bridal lingerie, was locked in a small rectangular cage inside the vehicle.
"Who? Who... is that?!" asked Janet stunned, looking straight at Kim who was slowly making her way towards the back of the van, arms crossed in front of her.
"I... ummm... I know this is going to sound very silly... but I think she's you," she said as she stood by Janet's side.
The girl in the cage looked frightfully at the two friends standing outside the van.
"Well... Just look at her: blonde, blue eyes, she's got a beautiful figure. The breasts... that looks like your cup size to me... and I'm pretty sure she's about your height too... And, c'mon, she's wearing bridal lingerie for crying out loud!" concluded Kim.
Janet could not believe what she was seeing. There was an uncanny resemblance but, who would do such a thing? She wondered to herself.
"You're right," she finally said as she carefully climbed inside the black van and knelt in front on the cage, staring at the blonde locked inside. Their blue eyes met each other's, and the restrained girl began moaning quietly. She wore white thigh-high stockings with lace top, white 7-inch slut pumps, a tiny see-trough white thong, and a white bridal lace garter around her left thigh.
Janet moved around the cage, examining the prisoner further. Her fisted hands remained uselessly behind her back, wrapped in tight white leathers mittens which were padlocked together at the wrists. Thick white leather cuffs encircled her ankles which were also padlocked together, and her head was encased in a white leather hood which was also padlocked behind her head. The hood had openings for her eyes and nostrils, and it had a small circular hole on top which allowed her long blonde hair to come out of in the form of a ponytail.
"When I first saw her I swear I thought it was you," said Kim. "That's why I freaked out," she explained.
"How long has she been here?" asked Janet concerned.
"I don't know. I haven't been to the garage in a couple of days... but I don't think she's been here that long," replied Kim.
Janet and Kim had been best friends since high school, they had attended the same university and they had seen their share of bizarre, but this definitely took the cake.
Janet kept glancing at the girl in the cage and then back at Kim, who stood outside the black van nervously biting her nails, looking clearly distraught. Janet herself was very concerned, she was only two days away from marrying John Wilkins, the 34-year-old owner of the law firm where she worked, and tonight's events had certainly unsettled her.
"Have you tried communicating with her," finally asked Janet.
"Of course... but she's gagged under that hood and her hands are encased in those mittens. She can't communicate very well," replied Kim.
There was a moment of silence.
"Are you Steve's lover?" suddenly Janet asked the girl in the cage, speaking loudly as if she were deaf.
The restrained blonde vigorously shook her head.
"Janet! Steve's not cheating on me!" intervened Kim.
"Hmmm... are you Steve's victim then?" Janet asked in the same loud voice.
"All right, enough!" said Kim annoyed. "I'll tell you what I've been able to find out: She's not here against her will, she's not Steve's lover, she hasn't been arrested by Steve - besides, it's not like Steve would abuse his power like this -,but it seems that she was... huh... hired to entertain a party... a bachelor's party," concluded Kim, almost whispering that last part.
"A what?! A bachelor party?!" screamed Janet in disbelief.
The caged woman nodded vigorously, but she stopped abruptly after she saw Janet's face and realized she was in more trouble than before.
"No, no, no! John would never!" she said visibly enraged.
"Calm down, please," implored Kim.
"What do you mean 'calm down'?! You know what goes on at those parties! They probably rented this dumb cunt to be John's present... I'm sure she's going to be my fiancee's fuck doll at the party!" screamed Janet.
The blonde began shaking her head, trying to deny Janet's accusations.
"Oh! Don't you fuckin' deny it!" Janet screamed unable to keep her composure any longer.
She reached through the bars and grabbed the restrained girl's hair. "Where the fuck is the party taking place?!" demanded Janet hysterically as she shook the girl by the hair.
"Janet! Stop!" said Kim, pulling her friend away from the cage.
"It's not her fault!" she added.
"It IS her fault!" hissed Janet. "Just look at her! Dumb cunts like her give decent women a bad name!" she said as she once again hurled herself at the restrained woman, who was moaning behind the leather hood and had tried taken refuge at the far end of her tiny cage.
Janet once again grabbed her hair and pulled it roughly, banging the restrained girl's head against the bars.
"Janet! Get a hold of yourself!" screamed Kim as she once again tried to control her friend.
"How would YOU react if you found your husband's lover!" screamed Janet upset.
"She hasn't done anything!" Kim screamed back. "You're projecting your anger on the wrong person!"
"AM I?!" replied Janet as she stormed out of the van.
She pranced around in circles in the garage, fuming. She kept peeking inside the van where Kim was frantically looking around for a way to release the restrained blonde.
The restrained blonde kept looking at Janet whenever she popped into view. Part of Janet felt sorry for her, but the other part kept thinking of all the things she and John were going to do at that party. She had heard enough stories about what grooms are put through at those parties to know that her marriage was in jeopardy. For the fact remained that, peer-pressure or not, John was a man and Janet was unsure that even he would be able to resist such an luring present.
"Hey! Look at this," said Kim after a few minutes, holding a large cardboard box she had found on the passenger's seat.
Janet climbed back inside the van and the two women quickly went through the contents of the box until they produced a thick, odd-looking key.
"This has to be the key to the cage," concluded Kim, holding the silvery key to the light.
"And look at this," said Janet. "I think it's a restraining set like the one she's wearing."
"And here's another lingerie set like hers too," added Kim as she rummaged through the box, which also contained some padlocks and chains and other smaller keys.
Janet thought for a few seconds. "Did you call Steve?" she finally asked.
"I called him an hour ago. I told him I was going to go to the gym. He doesn't know I found their little fuck doll," she replied, trying to conceal her anger. "But he's really gonna have to listen to what I have to say, when he gets..."
"No! Please don't tell him anything about this," interrupted Janet.
"Just get the dumb cunt out of the cage," requested Janet angrily as she began removing her clothes.
"Wa-Wait! What are you doing?" asked Kim puzzled.
"The only thing I can do to save my marriage," replied Janet. "I'm taking her place," she concluded resigned.
"Whoa! You can't do that! You have to think this through, Janet! I can give Steve a call and have him cancel the party," said Kim holding up her cell phone.
"And how do you think that's gonna make me look in front of John's friends? He'll never hear the end of it... I'll never hear the end of it," she sighted as she unhooked her bra, releasing her perfectly shaped 33C breasts.
"Janet... be reasonable!"
"I'm trying, Kimmy," said Janet in a very calm voice. "Please just trust me, ok? I really need your help on this one."
Kim sighed resigned and nodded. She unlocked the cage and helped the restrained girl out as Janet had requested.
"I'm going to need those," said Janet pointing to the girl's shoes. Kim knelt next to the restrained blonde and helped her out of her shoes, then handed the white patent-leather stiletto high heels over to Janet.
The restrained girl was indeed the same height as Janet. She moaned softly and shook her head trying to say something. "Don't you fuckin' say a word! I'm not gonna let you ruin my marriage," hissed Janet as she pulled down her panties, revealing a clean shaven pussy.
The woman could feel Janet's anger pouring at her from her eyes, she turned her head towards Kim instead and softly moaned. "Shhh. Just keep quiet," she suggested.
"Well, if John wants a fuck toy, then that's exactly what he's gonna get," Janet said, upset.
Kim and the restrained girl stood silently as Janet put on the bridal lingerie. The garage door was closed so they were perfectly safe from prying eyes but Kim knew that her husband Steve could come back any moment.
"Are you sure you wanna go through with this?" repeated Janet.
Janet looked at her friend and smiled. "I have to," she simply said, then threw a nasty look at the blonde who stood uselessly next to Kim.
"What do I do with her?" asked Kim, as if the blonde were a pet they needed to find a home for.
"I don't know... Just toss her inside your trunk, I'm sure she's used to that sort of thing," said Janet pointing at Kim's blue BMW parked next to the van. "I really need help with these," she said, holding the restraints.
Kim grabbed the woman by the arm and led her toward the BMW. Since her feet were padlocked together she had to hop until they reached the back of Kim's car. Kim took out a remote key and, after a loud double beep, popped open the trunk.
"I'm really terribly sorry," she whispered as she helped the restrained blonde inside. The blonde began moaning again, it seemed like she was trying to tell them something, but they were out of time. Steve would be home any minute. Kim slammed the trunk shut and the blonde's complains were no longer audible.
Soon Kim was helping Janet with the restraints, trying to make sense of where they were supposed to be attached.
"Wait... This one goes here... That one goes there."
"Oh, for crying out loud! Whatever happened to just plain handcuffs?" complained Janet.
Getting the hood on was the hardest part of all. "What's that on the inside?" asked Janet as she saw a red ball where the mouth was supposed to be.
"I think that goes on the mouth," correctly stated Kim.
"How am I supposed to speak with that thing on?" she asked absent-mindedly.
"Well, I'm pretty sure that's the point of it... but we have to get your hair through this hole first."
"You're gonna have to help me with that... I can't do anything with these stupid mittens on."
Soon Janet was wearing the leather hood over her head. "Are you ok? Can you breathe all right?" asked Kim as she saw her friend's panic-filled eyes.
Janet nodded, but the truth was that breathing was very difficult wearing the hood. She was too nervous and felt confined wearing the tight leather hood around her head. She had never been ballgagged either, which added to her anxiety. She had started to hyperventilate and her nostrils were flaring, struggling to pull as much oxygen as they could.
"Try to relax, breathe through your mouth," suggested Kim, unsure if that would be possible with the ballgag filling Janet's mouth. "Come on, we better get you inside the van. I need to finish with the restraints and get you in the cage," she added holding the ankle cuffs.
Kim led her friend to the back of the van, paying close attention to the way she was breathing.
Janet glanced over at Kim's BMW, wondering how the restrained woman was doing. What if she was trouble breathing with the hood on as well? She moaned under the gag and gestured with her head towards the truck.
"Is the collar too tight?" Kim asked. Janet moaned and shook her head. She had never felt this vulnerable before, this helpless.
"How do the shoes feel?"
She wanted to tell her friend that they were a size too small or that the 6-inch heels were a bit taxing on her feet, but instead Janet sighed, released a soft moan and nodded.
Suddenly Kim heard laughter in the distance. Even Janet had heard it through the hood. "Shiiiit! He's baaaack!" whispered Kim panicking. She dashed towards the door and turned off the lights hoping her husband had not seen them on.
She peeked through the side of the sliding garage door and saw Steve talking to another man in the kitchen. They were drinking beers, talking and laughing.
"Whatdowedo? Whatdowedo?" she kept asking herself, looking frantically around.
A loud moan coming from the van snapped Kim out of her stupor. She run to the van and saw that Janet had already crawled inside the cage.
Kim jumped in and grabbed the missing restraints. "I really hope this works out," she said as she padlocked the ankle cuffs in place and then closed the cage door, doubting for a few seconds before locking it as well.
She threw the keys inside the cardboard box, and stashed the box back in the passenger's seat. She could hear voices walking towards the garage. She took out her remote car key and once again popped open the trunk.
"Damn!" she quietly cursed as a loud double beep echoed in the garage.
Kim quickly climbed into the trunk, carefully sliding next to the restrained blonde, and as quietly as possible shut the trunk from the inside.
The trunk wasn't very spacious and Kim had to shift around until she found a comfortable position, spooning the restrained girl who was moaning softly, trying to complain.
"Shhhhh... Please just be quiet..." Kim whispered in the blonde's ear, hoping she could hear her through the leather hood.
A few seconds passed and the garage door swung open. "It's my wife's car... Sometimes it acts as looney as she does!" said a man's voice, laughing loudly.
It was Steve, Kim's husband.
Kim frowned at his comment, but at least it appeared that her presence had gone unnoticed.
The lights flickered on and Janet squirmed uncomfortably in her cage. It was smaller than she thought. Her beautiful breasts rested on her thighs and her leather-encased head continuously banged against the cage bars as she shifted her position, trying to find a comfortable position.
Even though the floor was padded she wondered how long she'd be able to hold this position before her legs went completely numb.
"So where is she?" asked a second familiar male voice.
"She's already loaded in the van," said Steve.
Janet could hear the footsteps getting closer until she saw Steve and another male standing outside the van. She immediately recognized him as well, it was Brian, another one of John's best friends.
The two men climbed into the van and squatted next to the small cage where Janet was now locked.
"Damn!" said Brian. "She looks just like her," he stated as he reached inside the cage and roughly groped Janet's breasts. Janet released a squeal and tried unsuccessfully to move out of the reach of Brian's hands.
"Do you think Janet's are natural too?" he asked as he played with Janet's voluptuous breasts for a few seconds. Steve did not reply. He had been staring suspiciously at Janet since he climbed inside the van.
"Well, natural or not, I've seen Janet in a bikini and she looks hot. I can't believe you guys found one just like her," said Brian, impressed.
"Yeah, the resemblance is uncanny," said Steve. "The more I look at her the more she looks like Janet. I swear, if I hadn't loaded her myself I would find it hard to believe it was a different person," he said apparently convinced that the blonde squirming in the cage was not his friend's bride.
The men jumped out of the van and soon reappeared dragging a beer keg which they heaved inside and pushed next to Janet. They also loaded a cooler, a couple of bags of ice, and a large brown paper bag, the contents of which remained hidden from Janet.
"I think that's everything," said Steve.
"We better get going if we want to get there on time," said Brian, who slapped Janet's ass before jumping out of the van. Steven followed suit and fondled the restrained bride, massaging her pussy and pinching her left nipple.
Janet released a moan and try complaining, but Steve simply laughed and jumped out into the garage. Janet felt completely degraded, she felt like an object, literally like a sex doll, waiting to be used.
The men closed the van's door and took their seats in the front seats. Steve was driving and Brian moved the box out of the passenger's seat and also buckled in.
"So whose idea was it to get a Janet look-alike?" asked Brian.
"Long story. But you'd be surprised to find out how many people would like to get into Janet's panties... myself included," said Steve laughing.
Brian was laughing too. "Wait. I thought that John would've wanted something more exotic... something with a little more color. Why's he asking for another blonde?" he asked.
"Well, it's a surprise for him. Personally, I don't think John's going to touch that slut. He just loves Janet too much, and he doesn't strike me as the sort of man who would cheat on his fiancee," said Steve.
His words hit Janet like a bucket of ice. She began screaming wildly as she realized now that perhaps she wasn't meant to be John's fuck doll.
"Noisy little fucker, ain't she?" said Brian ignoring Janet's protests. The automatic garage door began rolling up noisily, the car engine started, and soon they were on their way.
"Luckily, there's going to be plenty of us who wouldn't mind banging this bitch!" added Brian and both men broke into laughter again.
The van hit a little bump as they left the driveway. the cage bounced a couple of inches off the floor and Janet again bumped her head against the bars. The keg slid a few inches, and the brown bag tipped over, spilling its contents on the van floor.
On the floor lay a large box of condoms. "72 latex condoms. Variety Pack," read the box in bright gold letters. She could also see some lubricant tubes, and a large black dildo, a riding cane, and a mean-looking whip.
Janet screamed behind the gag and began tugging at her restraints, panicking. Her heart pounding against her chest.
She wanted Steve to pull over and release her. She wanted to tell them who she really was. But her screams were barely audible over the loud music playing in the van. She began weeping in frustration, painfully aware of the restraints she wore, of her lingerie, and even of the slut pumps she wore on her numb feet.
She knew that in doubting the man she loved, she had jeopardized the very relation she had set out to protect.