Author's Note: An update of 'The Blue Jeans' story. If you like the idea of having your head locked inside someone's sexy jeans, or locking someone inside your jeans for that matter, then read... otherwise don't. A x
Nick was delighted that she had invited him for dinner. Karin was a fantastic looking woman, about 25 years old, she had recently moved to the country from Stockholm. Like many Swedish women, she was tall, slim and had long blond hair. She dressed casually, typically wearing a pair of blue jeans that just seemed to hug her waist and really showed off her great figure.
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Nick typically had no shortage of female attention, although he tended to specialize in drunk women in miniskirts that he met in clubs. Despite, or perhaps because of his quick wit and gift of the gab, sophisticated women tended to be more of a challenge for him. Karin, however, was training to be a doctor, spoke three languages and was certainly in a different league from his previous conquests.
They had met at a martial arts class. Nick had only been a few times and had only just bought a uniform. Karin had a brown belt and by contrast appeared to know what she was doing. The difference in their levels meant that they never actually trained together, but Nick often watched her sparring. She could even make a karate robe look good.
Although six people had been invited to dinner, Nick thought there had been a certain spark between him and Karin and he hoped that the evening would give him the chance to get to know her better.
He arrived fashionable late, although not late enough, as he was still the first person to arrive. Karin rented a small basement flat in the centre of the city, which had its own private courtyard below street level. She opened the door and greeted him with a kiss on both cheeks. He wasn't sure whether that was a sign or not, but concluded that was probably just the typical Swedish greeting.
Karin was wearing a short blue silky dress and looked fantastic. She led Nick into the kitchen and offered him a drink. The conversation was going well and Nick felt that Karin could easily be his next conquest. Twenty minutes later and with still no sign of the others, Nick went to use the toilet.
As Karin refilled their glasses she almost wished that she hadn't invited the others. Nick was a very fit and sexy guy and very charismatic, he was exactly how she'd imagined English guys to be. While he wasn't the kind of guy that her parent's would consider suitable, right then he was exactly the kind of guy that she wanted to have fun with.
As Nick was washing his hands, he saw Karin's laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom. On top of the pile of dirty washing was Karin's favourite pair of blue jeans that had been filling his daydreams for the last week.
The jeans were old and the blue had faded significantly. They had originally been quite tight, certainly well fitting, but had slowly changed shape with numerous cycles of washing, shrinking and being re-stretched around Karin's hips and butt. They were now a carbon copy of the Swedish woman's slim figure.
He walked over to the laundry basket and picked up the jeans. He held them up to his face and felt the material against his skin. Then, after checking that the bathroom door was locked, he slowly pulled them over his head so that his head was exactly where Karin's pert butt had been all those times before. Karin had a slim waist and the jeans were a close fit around his head. After a minute of enjoying the feeling, he took them off and started to look around the room for a belt. This was a bonus he thought, a nice little teaser before the main event he was planning for later that night.
Although he could find nothing in the way of a belt, he saw a combination padlock lying next to Karin's gym kit. This would do. The lock had four dials each with ten numbers on each. That was 10,000 combinations, but fortunately, the lock was open. He picked up the lock in one hand and pulled the jeans back over his head with the other. He then slipped the padlock through as many of the belt hoops as he could so that the jeans were locked tightly around his neck. He then very carefully turned the top dial to the right by one number to lock the padlock in place.
Nick felt a rush of excitement knowing that his head was now locked inside Karin's jeans. Inside it was dark and he stood there for a moment enjoying the warmth and her scent. After losing himself for a few minutes he remembered where he was and went to unlock the padlock.
He turned the top dial of the combination lock, but nothing happened. He then turned it two notches the other way. Still nothing. Nick panicked as he started to turn the top dial notch by notch, but then realized that he had accidentally moved the bottom dial at the same time. He tried to put that back in position. Things were getting worse; he started to turn all four wheels, but the lock remained firmly closed.
He tried to unbutton the jeans, but that didn't help him either, as he had locked the padlock through belt hoops either side of the zip. He was trapped, there was no way he could get the jeans off his head. He pulled as hard as he could at the material, but everything was too well sewed. Without anything to cut the material, the denim was as secure and as inescapable as steel. His head was inside and there was no way he was getting out.
By unzipping the unbuttoning the jeans he could just see through a gap in the jeans large enough to see the combination lock in the mirror. But that didn't help, he hadn't noted what the combination was before he snapped it shut. He heard a voice from outside.
"Hey Nick, are you OK in there?"
"Fine", he replied.
After a few moment's thought, he called out "Karin, do you know the combination for your padlock?"
Karin was puzzled, but intrigued. "Yes, why you ask?"
"No reason," he lied.
"OK, if it's no reason then is no need for me to tell you," Karin replied as she bent down and looked through the keyhole.
Initially she was shocked, what on earth was he doing? How dare he play with her clothes! But as she watched Nick become increasingly desperate, her reaction changed to amusement, he would never live this one down. She had wanted to have some fun with him and now she could do whatever she chose .She started to run the options through her mind.
"I'll only tell you the number if it was important" she continued, "maybe if you were locked in my jeans".
Shit, she knew. He felt for the door and turned the key. "I'm really sorry he started, please just get me out of here and I'll leave".
"Why?" Karin asked, "you got your head in there, you get it out".
Nick started to think. OK she was going to make him pay for this, but surely she wasn't going to embarrass him in front of the other guests? Should he make a run for the door? Perhaps, but he was sure that she would be able to stop him if she wanted to, plus walking through the streets with jeans locked on your head was hardly inconspicuous. He would have to play along.
Karin took his hand, the first time they had actually touched, and led him into her lounge and positioned him by the sofa.
"It's a shame that you'll have to spend dinner with your head locked in my dirty jeans", Karin smiled as placed a glass of wine in his hand.
"I'm really sorry, please just let me out," Nick pleaded.
"Not chance" Karin smiled in her almost perfect English.
"You have to, I can't stay in here, there's no air."
"Why did you want to put her head where my bottom has been for so long?" she asked, although she had long known the effect she had on guys.
Nick had never been so embarrassed, the situation made all the worse by the fact that he had to sip his wine through the open zip of her jeans.
"Drink quickly, as I will zip you up now," she giggled.
Nick didn't need much encouragement and drained his glass with the next mouthful. Karin put down her glass and moved closer so that she was sitting right next to him. Nick could partially see her through the open zip, her eyes had a mischievous, confident look. At least one of them was enjoying this.
She positioned the open zip over his mouth and lent closer and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. This made Nick jump and she giggled at his reaction.
"You will have to await another kiss," she purred.
Karin zipped and buttoned up her jeans and in doing so removed Nick's small amount of fresh air and light and all the while continued to chat away with her accented voice as if everything was normal. She then turned the jeans around on his head, so that the back of the jeans was covering his face.
Nick made conversation as best he could, while discretely trying to play with the padlock.
"Leave that, it's not opening," Karin ordered as she slapped him gently on the hand.
Nick felt slightly disorientated not being able to see. He was also dealing with a woman that he didn't know and who clearly had a mean streak.
"When are the others arriving?" he asked.
"Any moment, I hope you like them."
"I can't meet them like this?"
"Why, you look cute, better then usually," she giggled.
At that point the door bell rang. Karin watched amused as he looked around even though he could see a thing.
"Karin!" he cried, "what should I, I mean where..."
Karin just sat there giggling, this was fun, she could do whatever she wanted to this guy and it felt good. She lifted up a large ottoman which was pushed up against one wall of the lounge so that it could act as an extra seat. Underneath the ottoman was hollow with enough space for someone to lie curled up.
"You can join us for dinner or hide under here," Karin said as the doorbell rang again.
There was no way he wanted to be seen like this and so he let Karin take his hand and lead him to the ottoman. He curled up and let the blonde lower it on top of him. Apart from a one inch gap at the base Nick was now completely hidden from view.
Karin led the additional four guests into the lounge and started to pour drinks. Nick was relieved that he didn't recognise any of the voices of the two guys and two girls but still had no intention of being found like this.
There were only three lounge chairs in the room and so it was no surprise when one guest sat down on the ottoman. The soft padded top sunk under the weight, until the underneath of the seat was only an inch from his shoulder. Then a second person sat down on the ottoman which made the underside of the seat push against Nick's shoulder and he had to roll slowly on to his back to relieve the pressure.
Nick slowly unzipped the jeans and positioned the small opening by his eyes. He looked out through the small gap underneath the ottoman but all he could see was shoes. As far as he could tell two women were sitting on top of him, probably Karin and one of the other women. He couldn't get out with them sitting on top of him, but then he had no intention of leaving his hiding place while Karin still had company.
The five friends ate dinner at the table only meters from the ottoman and then returned to the sofa and ottoman for coffee and some Swedish spirit that by all accounts had a kick to it.
Throughout the evening Karin kept glancing across to where Nick was hiding. If she chose she could just lift the ottoman and embarrass the hell out of him. The thought turned her on, but she also knew that someone would take pity on him and help him get free. Maybe there was more fun to be had by keeping him in place.
By the time the guests left, Nick was starving. It seemed as though he had tried every combination, but the padlock was still firmly locked. He was hot, particularly his head, and his body ached from lying on her hard wooden floor.
Karin closed and locked her front door and returned to the lounge. She lifted the ottoman and was pleased to see that her jeans still enclosed his head.
"They're gone," Karin said as she stood over him and prodded him with her shoe.
"For f*** sake get these off me!" he cried out in frustration.
"Three hours in my dirty jeans, you going to have my smell on you for weeks."
Nick started to climb to his feet.
"Down!" she ordered with an edge to her voice as she quickly and professionally put him in an arm lock and pushed him back to the floor.
The pain, plus being disoriented from being inside her jeans meant that he soon complied. He let the blonde roll him on to his front and position his hands behind his back. He then let her use her belt to tightly tie his wrists together.
"OK, now you get up."
With his hands tied behind his back this was a struggle. Once on his feet, he heard the clicks as Karin selected the right combination to unlock the padlock. As she pulled her jeans off his head Nick blinked at the unaccustomed light, but before he could react, Karin pushed him backwards on to the sofa, where he sat staring at the beautiful blonde.
"Stay," she ordered as she picked up a pen and the bottle of Swedish spirit.
She returned, pulled up her blue dress slightly and sat down on his lap. She was now facing him, with one knee either side of his body. Unable to use his arms, Nick was effectively pinned in place and could do nothing other than stare into her big blue eyes.
"You smell like me," Karin joked as she took a swig from the bottle and then gave him a long kiss on the lips.
Nick, who usually had a smart remark for every situation, was uncharacteristically quiet and in semi shock. He tried to sit forward, but Karin easily leant her body towards his and forced him back on to the soft sofa.
"Do you have any beer?" he asked as he started to recover.
"Drink this," she ordered as she held the bottle to his lips.
Nick hadn't eaten since breakfast and his mouth was parched. The spirit tasted great in his mouth, but as he swallowed the strength really hit him. He started to cough, but Karin used one hand to hold his mouth closed, almost making him choke.
"Do you have anything stronger?" Nick asked as his voice recovered.
Karin was clearly up for the challenge and poured more down his throat. Each time he took a mouthful, she gave him a kiss. The next few minutes passed very easily for Nick. He looked down at her bare thighs which by now were gripped his waist. He tried to reach them, but the simple belt that Karin had tightened around his wrists made that impossible. He started to struggle to get free.
"No chance of getting out," Karin giggled as she took another mouthful herself.
"You look fantastic," he said as her sexy body combined with the drink started to drive him crazy.
"You will take me out Saturday night," Karin stated.
"OK...." Nick started to reply before the bottle was once again poured into his mouth.
Karin slowly unbuttoned his shirt, he had a great chest and couldn't help herself as she briefly ran her lips over it. She then took the permanent market pen and started to write her name and telephone number in large letters across his chest followed by some love hearts.
"Just to make sure you don't see anyone else before Saturday," she giggled as she buttoned up his shirt.
Nick was now totally drunk and felt as though he was falling, even though that was impossible with Karin pinning him tightly to the sofa. Karin smiled to herself as she stood up and helped Nick to his feet.
"Seeing you on Saturday," she smiled as she opened the front door and kissed him again.
"But my hands, you need to untie me!"
Karin looked at him with eyes that both turned him on and terrified him at the same time.
"I can't go on the street like this!" Nick fought desperately to focus.
"Consider it your punishment for taking my jeans. If you're lucky I'll have forgiven you when we next meet."
Karin pushed him through the door, where he stumbled and fell against the wall of her basement patio. He looked at her tall slender figure silhouetted in the doorway. She looked fantastic, this evening could have been great, how had he got himself into such a mess. She closed and locked the door.
Nick unsteadily climbed the steps back to street level. Checking that no-one was watching, he staggered across the road and into the park where he sat down behind some trees. He spent the next hour trying to free his hands from her stupid canvass belt. How had she tied it? He couldn't see behind his back. Why couldn't he unbuckle it? It was useless and the hangover and headache was going to set in. He looked out on to the street, deciding who to ask for help.
It was Saturday evening and Nick and Karin were sitting on bar stools at a local wine bar.
"Nice jeans," Nick said, all too familiar with the denim that was hugging Karin's butt and legs.
Karin smiled, uncrossed her legs and ran her hands up the outside of her legs.
"Mmm, nice and tight," she purred as she took a sip of her white wine.
Nick pulled Karin's belt, which was neatly rolled up, from the pocket of his leather jacket and placed it on the bar. Karin smiled again, as she remembered their previous meeting. She couldn't decide whether to feel guilty about throwing him out with his hands tied behind his back, or angry about the liberty he'd taken with her belongings.
"Thanks for that," Nick said.
"Did you find someone to untie you?"
"Untie? Don't you mean unlock?"
"I don't know what you are meaning."
"You used a small luggage padlock to secure the belt, there was no way I was ever going to get myself free."
Karin giggled and crossed her legs.
"How did you finding out?"
Nick recounted how he had had to ask some passersby for help. They had found his predicament amusing. They had especially enjoyed the look on his face when they had informed him that the belt was padlocked. Nick had then walked for an hour back to his flat and struggled to open his door. He had had to tape a kitchen knife to the table and slowly and painfully cut himself free.
Karin had her elbow on the bar and was propping her head against her hand as she listened, trying hard to keep a straight face.
"Just punishment for what you did," she concluded.
"What, is three hours inside your jeans not enough?"
Nick had spent a whole evening with his head encased in denim, which had seemed to close in on him more and more as time went by. He could still smell her scent which seemed to be all pervading on his face and his hair.
Karin's hands returned to her jeans, but this time she was running them up the inside of her own thighs.
"Next time, you're staying inside here for twelve hours," she purred, her hands now in her own crotch.
She closed her eyes and seemed to be far away. Nick watched the beautiful blonde, her hair falling in front of her face and her nipples pushing out through her tight white t-shirt.
"You're a dangerous woman," he said, more than a little turned on by her behaviour.
"Next time..."
Nick ordered more drinks. Spending time with Karin was like participating in an extreme sport; exciting, but with the potential for disaster at any moment.
"And thanks for your number by the way," he said
Karin opened her blue eyes and smiled.
"Indelible ink all across my chest, any idea how long that will take to come off."
Karin pursed her lips and shook her head, her fine features looking so innocent and harmless. Nick studied her for a few seconds like a bungee jumper looks at the drop and wondering whether it is safe to proceed. His typical date would have been drunk by now, such women he knew how to handle.
"And that drink?" Nick continued to voice his grievances.
"You liked it?"
"I still have a headache."
"I have another bottle at my flat."
Karin lent forward and studied him for a few moments and then kissed him on the lips. The unexpected move made Nick jump. Women were his thing, the thing he could handle, but with Karin he was completely out of his depth.
Later in the evening, they moved on to a restaurant and the conversation was good, Nick tried to take control, but the whole time he felt as if he was a lab rat in her experiment. She was always watching him with a fascinated look in her eye, a look that became more mischievous as the evening progressed.
It was with excitement, and a certain amount of fear, that Nick returned to Karin's flat. He sat on the sofa as she poured the spirit.
"What is it?" he asked as he saw Karin standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips. The woman just smiled and shook her head.
She returned with two glasses and sat down on his lap just as she had done before. Her perfume brought back Nick's memories of the last time he had been there, which alone was enough to quicken his breathing.
Karin finished her drink in one mouthful and then in one movement pulled off her t-shirt. Her breasts weren't large but were beautiful. Almost forgetting where he was, Nick instinctively reached behind her and with one hand undid her white bra.
She reacted by lifting his chin until she was looking into his eyes, only inches away from his face. Her stern look sent a shiver down his spine. Karin giggled, a smile coming across her eyes as she kissed him.
"Come," she ordered as she jumped and skipped into her bedroom.
Nick finished his drink and followed.
By the time he entered her bedroom, Karin had already slipped out of her jeans and stood hands on hips wearing only a white bra and panties. However, in her hands she held a pair of handcuffs.
"Maybe later?" he said as he removed his shirt and trousers.
Within seconds she took his hand, bent it back on his wrist, twisted it behind his back and pushed him face first on to her bed. She then sat on his back as she ratcheted one cuff around his wrist.
"Karin, slow down," he said knowing that their martial arts teacher would have been very unimpressed by the ease with which he had been taken him down. She turned him over on to his back and lay on top of him with that mischievous look of hers.
"Move up the bed!"
Nick knew that she wanted to cuff him to the metal bed frame, at which point he would go from being vulnerable to being helpless. He tried to fight back and used his greater weight to throw her off balance. However his upper hand was short lived, as she twisted around and clamped his head between her thighs with a force that didn't seem possible from her slim body.
"Do as I say and you can breathe again," she said with a voice that showed she was barely expending any effort.
"No way," he gasped as the pressure around his neck increased.
Nick had had only a millisecond to enjoy the feel of her soft skin before she had increased her grip. The hierarchy of needs had then kicked in and he tried in vain to pry open her legs so that he could breathe.
It hadn't work and Karin sat up and pulled his wrists over to the bed frame. Only a few seconds later and the second cuff locked shut, with one hand either side of the heavy steel bed frame. Nick was officially helpless.
Karin sat astride his body and flicked her long blonde hair from her eyes. She appeared to be breathing normally whereas Nick was panting for breathe, the short fight having taken its toll. She dimmed the lights and removed Nick's boxers. She lay on top of him and started to kiss and caress him gently.
Nick desperately wanted to touch her body, but couldn't reach anything with his cuffed hands. Karin controlled everything as she slowly made love to him repeatedly over the next hour. Nick's frustration soon subsided as he lay back and enjoyed the ride.
When she had finished, Karin picked up her used panties and jeans.
"Now is next time," she smiled.
Nick rattled his cuffs.
"No, they won't undo on their own."
"I know, I was hoping you might ....."
"Do you really think I will?" she asked.
He relaxed back on to the bed and let Karin place her white cotton underwear over his head and secure it in place with some of her hair bands. She then did up her jeans and put them over his head. She secured them in place with her belt and then added the combination padlock for added security.
Only once all was secure did she release Nick from her cuffs. She then lay down and snuggled into his body.
The smell and the confinement was back, but this time it felt nice. Nick could finally use his hands and ran them up and down her naked body. She had a fantastic slim figure. Quite how she had overpowered him he didn't know, but right then he didn't care.
Nick used the small amount of light creeping through the seams to explore his denim cell. He reached down and ran his hands over her butt. He smiled as he pictured how it had been squeezed into the jeans all evening, a tight space that would for the next eight hours at least imprison his head. The images of her butt perched on the bar stool were still running through his head when minutes later he fell asleep.
When Nick woke the next morning he could hear Karin in the shower. The water turned off and a few minutes later he heard her walk into the bedroom. He sat up and looked around.
"Over here," Karin giggled.
Nick turned around and started to feel for the zip so that he could get at least a small window on the world. However before he got that far, he felt hands tickling his back. He laughed out loud and turned around, but she had gone. He held his arms out, trying to anticipate her next move.
Karin surprised him again by running her fingertips down his bare back. The only way he could predict her next move was to listen for her giggling. But that didn't work either as he was unexpectantly pushed backward on to the mattress. The next thing he felt was Karin's butt sitting on his chest.
"Good morning, do I get a kiss?" she purred as she leant forward and gently ran her lips over his denim clad head.
Nick tried again to pull the jeans from his head, which was a mistake as it only drew more giggling from the Swedish woman. So instead he pulled her off balance and climbed up so that now he was sitting stride her waist. He took her hands and pinned them to the bed.
"Mmm, you can do whatever to me," she purred as she gently struggled beneath him.
"You must be kidding, I still have my head locked in your jeans and your dirty panties!"
"I thought you like that?"
Nick thought for a moment, he had been the one who had started this stupid game.
Without any warning, she flipped him off balance and back on to the bed. In almost the same move, she handcuffed one of his wrists to the bed frame. What was it with this girl?
"Karin, has any guy ever escaped your bedroom alive?"
"I'm not surprised."
"And you won't be the first."
Karin knelt on the bed with Nick's head between her thighs. She unbuckled the belt and opened the combination padlock. She then removed first her jeans and then her white panties from his head. He looked up at big blue eyes and long blonde hair.
"You're crazy," he said, his throat dry and aching and his face red and blotchy from lack of air.
"Leave if you don't like," she purred as she kissed him.
"I'm chained to your bed!"
The blonde just shrugged and stood up. She had brushed her hair, put on makeup and was wearing a pink t-shirt and black underwear. There was just one thing missing.
Karin undid the jeans that Nick had been forced to wear all night and slid them up her long legs. She slowly and deliberately eased them over her hips and secured them with the belt. She finished off with a twirl as she ran her hands over her backside.
"They're nice and warm, thank you."
Nick showered and dressed and was standing by the front door. Karin had eventually unlocked him from her bed, but had left her cuffs locked to his left wrist.
"I'm not going out with the cuffs hanging from my wrist." he stated.
"The key's in my pocket, come get it."
He considered making a grab for the key, but knew that it would result in pain, followed by strangulation between her thighs, followed by being locked to the bed, followed by who knew what.
"Let's go," he said, pointing to the door.
As they walked down the street, Karin suddenly grabbed him, pushed him against the railings and kissed him. Her beautiful features and perfect skin looked even better in daylight. She lifted up one knee and slowly eased it up between his legs. He reached for her butt and held it with both hands.
After a minute she pulled away, he tried to follow her.
"Karin, how the hell did you do that!"
She had locked the free end of the cuffs around the railing and he hadn't even noticed. Karin continued walking down the street as if all was normal, not looking around even once.
A women who had been walking behind them had seen what had happened. She had stopped just out of reach of him and was recording him on her phone.
"Stop that!" he cried.
"That was a sweet move by your girl," she said with real admiration in her voice.
Nick didn't answer, he just sat down on the pavement and tried his best to cover the cuffs from her view. He watched as people walked pass in front of him. Many women, many attractive women. Many women he could easily have with little effort on his part.
Why had he fallen for this crazy bitch that had tethered him like a dog in public? He had no idea what was going on in her mind and no idea what she would do to him next. And no idea how long she was going to leave him locked up in the street. But he didn't care, he hadn't been this crazy about a woman in a long time.
Nick sat on the pavement with his jacket pulled down his arm as far as it would go to cover the cuffs. Fortunately it was a bohemian, student area and so he didn't look too out of place. He pulled out his phone and dialed Karin's number.
"Hello," she answered after six rings.
"Honey, you can't just leave me chained up in the street."
"I'm shopping, you're a guy, best thing I think."
"You're confusing me with a dog!"
Karin just giggled and Nick could hear her talking to a shop assistant in the background.
"I'll make it up to you later," she finally whispered as she hung up on him.
Nick sat on the side of the pavement, leaning up against the railings, watching people walk up the residential street and into the mansion blocks on each side. Although this adventure with Karin was fun, he found himself feeling jealous of their freedom, being able to go and do whatever they wanted, whereas he was effectively a prisoner. The upside though, was the identify of his captor and what she might have planned for him when she returned. He found her unpredictability exciting; pain and humiliation one minute, the best sex of his life the next.
Nick was still lost in thought when a black heeled shoe tapped him on the knee. He looked at the shoe and then upwards to the sexiest pair of black leather trousers he had ever seen. Skin tight all the way up and the way they hugged the butt was incredible. He looked up further to the tight pink t-shirt and up to the cute face, with long blonde hair held up in a pony tail.
"Wow, you look amazing."
"Thanks," Karin smiled as she stepped slightly closer.
"I assume you will be so good as to unchain me now?"
"Mmm, OK, the key's in my pocket."
Nick stood up and pushed his free hand into the back pocket of her new leather trousers. They were so tight that he had to slowly work his hand inside until he could reach the key with his fingertips.
"Will you do the honours?" he asked as he handed her the small silver key.
She took it and threw it casually over her shoulder, "No."
"Karin!" Nick exclaimed as he tried to look past her to see where the key had landed.
"Nothing sweet about me," she whispered seductively into his ear before kissing him on the lips.
Nick watched her walk across the pavement and lean against a lamppost. She casually crossed her long leather covered legs and watched with amusement as Nick tried to deal with her latest bitchy behaviour. He was a sexy guy anyway, but his reaction to her deliberately cruel and bitchy behaviour was just too cute for words.
Looking back, Karin had always had a cruel and sadistic streak and had often enjoyed causing pain to others, training as a doctor was a real paradox. Her victims had changed from family pets to specially selected acquaintances and the occasional boyfriend. Nick's behaviour on the first night at her flat had somehow triggered her cruel streak and as a result, he was in for an experience that he would never forget.
Nick called out to a young woman who was passing.
"Excuse me, hello, hello!"
Karin smiled to herself as the woman, who was listening to her iPod, completely ignored him. The situation was made even better as she actually stood on the handcuff key as she walked past. Nick looked at Karin and gave her a very frustrated, but to Karin a very cute look.
Nick called out to the next person. She looked confused and was a little hesitant to help, but Nick managed to convince her and she finally picked up the key and nervously threw it over to him before walking off quickly.
Nick unlocked the cuffs to at last free himself from the railings. He walked over to Karin, put his hands on her butt and kissed her.
"You're crazy," he said.
"You're going to enjoy these leather trousers of mine tonight," she purred as she rubber herself against the front of his jeans.
"Those trousers, no way."
"They are the next time," she said, the uncompromising look returning to her eyes.
At Nick's suggestion they arrived for lunch at the pub by the river. They were early and the place was only a quarter full. Karin insisted on buying the drinks and walked slowly and sexily up to the bar with the handcuffs hanging from her fingertips. Within seconds, the slim blonde in leather trousers with the cuffs had the attention of almost every guy in the bar.
She sat on a bar stool and slowly locked one cuff to the draft beer pipes and the other end to her own wrist. By now every guy in the pub was watching as well as half of the women. Two barmen were helping with her order despite the fact that others were waiting. Once she had paid, she unlocked herself and walked over to where Nick was sitting on to the balcony overlooking the river.
Karin sat down next to Nick at held out her hand, which he instinctively held. He saw the look in her face, but it was too late as she took his thumb and bent it back with just enough force to immobilize him.
"Karin!" he said urgently but quietly, "what are you doing?"
The blonde didn't answer, but with his hand held in place, she cuffed his wrist to the metal frame of the table. The table was in turn fixed to the floor.
Nick was totally embarrassed, practically the whole pub had just watched his girlfriend handcuff him to the table.
"Karin, not in public, not here!"
"Why, every guy in the pub is jealous of you now."
Nick thought for a moment, she was probably right, but he was still very uncomfortable. He looked back at Karin who had uncrossed her legs and was running her hands up and down her leather trousers.
"It very hot inside here," she purred.
Nick had already drunk most of his beer. The leather trousers did look fantastic on her, but surely she couldn't be serious about this.
"Unlock me and I'll buy more drinks," he replied.
Karin moved her drink to the side, stood up and sat down on the table right in front of Nick. She opened her legs, bent forward and kissed him. Nick couldn't help but comply, even though he knew the whole pub was watching.
It was late when they arrived back at Karin's flat and Nick was tired from the effort of keeping up with the crazy Swedish girl. Plus he knew that Karin still had plans for him. He poured two glasses of wine from the bottle he had bought and sat down at the table.
"Twelve hours in these," she purred as she stood with her back to him and caressed her leather covered butt.
"You're crazy, time inside those trousers will kill me."
"Umm, maybe," she replied as she took him by the hand and led him into her bedroom.
Nick put his hands underneath her t-shirt and tried to pull it off, but Karin stopped him and pushed him backwards on to a wooden chair that she had placed in front of the metal radiator. She sat down on his lap, one leg either side of his body, let her hair down and kissed him forcefully.
"I promise we'll make love, but first something else," she whispered into his ear, before biting his ear so hard that she almost drew blood.
Nick's heart was beating quickly and his hard cock was pushing up against her tight leather trousers. She was incredible, the most sexy and certainly the most frightening woman he'd ever know.
Without removing her lips from his, Karin handcuffed Nick's hands together behind his back and around one of the bars of the radiator. In her excitement she over tighten the cuffs, but that only added to her arousal.
"Clean or dirty?" the Swedish woman asked.
Nick smiled back, trying to guess what she was talking about. Dirty sounded fun, whatever that meant.
"Good," Karin smiled as she jumped up and picked up a wicker basket in the corner of the room.
"What's that?" he asked.
"Dirty, maybe very dirty," she purred as she emptied her dirty washing on to the bed.
"That's what you meant by dirty?" Nick was concerned.
Karin sorted through her dirty clothes, took what she wanted and put the rest back into the basket. She picked up a pair of black panties, held them up to her face and turned her nose up as it offended by their smell.
"What are you doing?" Nick was helplessly chained to the radiator and increasingly concerned about what she had planned.
Using only her fingertips, Karin placed the dirty underwear over Nick's head. The panty elastic held it in place, but she used a hair elastic to further tighten it around him.
"You wanting dirty?" she checked as she kissed his ear that was sticking out through one of the leg holes.
"Number two, number three..." Karin counted as she proceeded to place all six pairs of her dirty underwear over his head.
Nick watched helplessly as most of the contents of the blonde's panty draw was wrapped around his head. The pressure around his head increased with every garment and at the same time the room became darker and darker.
"Dirty running shorts, yuck," Karin held her nose and gave a pretend look of horror.
She placed the shorts over the panties and then tightened the draw string around his neck to hold them in place. The last item was a pair of white jeans, which she placed over the running shorts and secured around his neck with a belt.
Inside it was dark and hot and airless and Nick found himself breathing hard even though he was just sitting still. He had no idea how long he could survive this confinement and only hoped that Karin's medical training meant that she knew what she was doing.
He then felt Karin unbuttoning his jeans and he lifted himself up slightly so that she could pull his jeans and boxers down. He then felt her naked butt sit on his lap and after a few minutes of teasing, she was sitting astride him making love. The fantastic feeling heightened from partial asphyxiation.
After half an hour, Karin redressed and removed all of her dirty clothing from Nick's head.
"Wow," Nick gasped, looking as though he'd just finished a marathon.
"Not bad," Karin smiled as she walked around him as if studying the results of successful experiment, "you survived inside a week's worth of dirty panties."
"Can you unlock me now?" he asked.
"Sure, you know where the key is," she smiled as she turned around so that the back pocket of her leather trousers was only inches from his face. Unable to use his cuffed hands, Nick lent forward and slid his tongue into her pocket.
"Karin, I'll never get it," he complained.
"Too bad for you," she smiled as she sat down on the bed and crossed her legs.
She saw her permanent market on her bedside table and smiled. Nick could see what she was thinking.
"Please, no."
But his reaction only encouraged her and she spent the next ten minutes writing her name and several provocative comments all over his body, some in English, many in Swedish.
Only once the ink was fully dry did she release him from the cuff and she watched with an amused look on her face as he tried in vain to wipe her words and doodles off his skin.
"Lie down," she ordered.
Nick complied, but tried to resist as she lifted his hands above his head so that she could cuff him to the bed. Karin simply moved up the bed so that she was kneeling with one knee either side of his head.
Nick was holding her leather butt with both hands when she lifted his head up and clamped it between her thighs. She then tilted her hips forward so that his head was held back and he started to gasp for breath.
He looked up directly into her teasing blue eyes.
"Would you like it harder?" she almost sung.
He felt her butt again to find it had changed from soft to hard, every muscle in her body was focused on gripping his head tightly in place. Nick knew that there wasn't any point in even trying to escape, if he did it would turn into a fight which he knew she would win. She was sexy, crazy and scary.
"Hands!" she ordered. He quickly compiled and within seconds he was cuffed to the bed.
Nick lay on the bed watching Karin move around the room. She saw he was watching her and started to put on a little dance for his benefit. It had the desired effect as he felt more and more turned on.
"Are the cuffs necessary?" he asked.
"No, but I like anyway."
"I know you like," he smiled.
She held her finger to her lips, "End of discussion, I'm not unlocking you."
Karin then unbuttoned her leather trouser and started to ease them over her hips, which was something that couldn't be rushed. As soon as they were off, she redid the buttons and lay down on the bed next to him.
"Sorry now, if it's hot and smelly inside," Karin said as she kissed him.
She eased her trousers over his head, with the back of the trousers against his face and slid a belt through the belt hoops.
Nick lay still enjoying the heat and scent that was radiating off the inside of the leather. This was nice, although he knew that Karin had no intention of leaving it at this. He then felt her insert one end of a small clear plastic pipe into his mouth. Next he felt the leather tighten around his neck as Karin tightened the belt. He couldn't hear it, but he knew that she would also secure it with her combination padlock.
Karin then took the trouser legs and wrapped them around his head and then tightened and buckled the rest of her belt collections around his head. When she had finished, Nick head was securely and completely encased in leather, with only one small plastic pipe protruding. Karin sat on Nick's chest inspecting her work. It was perfect, he was completely sealed inside.
"I hope I warmed it up well for you," she purred as she kissed his bare chest.
She then took the end of the plastic pipe and held it against her thigh. She waited for the inevitable reaction as he air ran out. He blindly reached out and tried to push her off as he struggled to regain an air supply.
Unfortunately for Nick, his struggling only turned her on more and it was several seconds before Karin unsealed the end of the pipe.
"What are you doing?" she could just make out the mumbled voice from inside her trousers.
She then slid down and felt his hard cock beneath her. He seemed to be enjoying this almost as much as her.
It was over an hour later when they finished making love. Karin showered while Nick remained cuffed to the bed, his head enclosed in her leather mask. Karin returned, wearing only her panties and snuggled up next to him.
Just before she closed her eyes, she saw the end of the plastic pipe lying on the bed next to her. She picked it up and slipped it into the front of her panties, with the end resting deep in her crotch. She cuddled up to the guy who would for the next eight hours be breathing air from deep inside her panties. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.