Author's Note: There wasn't a club like this at my university (at least not that I was invited to)... a real shame I feel!
"Come on Jenny we're going to be late!"
We weren't, we had half an hour before the taxi was due but Claire was as excited as a kid at Christmas. She'd been dressed for hours, her make-up had been perfected before I'd even selected my dress. Admittedly it wasn't every day you were invited to the Principal club. Formed in the early days of the university the club brought together the best, brightest and richest of the students on campus. Founded by early members who had gone on to make their millions the club was the social elite, few people even knew of it's existence. Membership was by invitation only and they were extremely selective of their guests.
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Claire had been invited to the club after a particularly drunken night at the local bar. Shortly after channelling her "inner goddess" on the dancefloor she'd been passed an invitation. That was when her excitement had begun.
Two days later she was running around our small flat trying to hurry me up. All we knew for sure was that we'd been invited to what the card described as a "Race Night"and that by reputation it was likely to be (in Claire's words) "kinky as fuck". Games nights at the Principal Club were not known for their subtlety.
Sure enough the taxi arrived right on time (even more evidence of the prestige of the club, whenever I book one I'm lucky if it arrives the same week!). We were astounded to discover it had been prepaid and the driver had been given instructions to wait outside the club until we were ready to leave.
As I shuffled in my dress on the luxurious back seat of the car I examined my friend. Claire's face was flushed with excitement. Quietly I tried to calm my nerves, I'd heard the rumours. The Principal Club's parties often passed into urban myth but one thing they all agreed on was that they were spectacular and very erotic.
After some deliberation I'd decided to go with my teal blue dress, the colour matched my eyes, the shape made my waist look slim and the low cut front emphasised my bust. As I sat on the cool leather seats I quietly panicked about what was to come.
It wasn't long before we pulled up in front of an old large building near the city centre. The driver opened the door for us.
"I'll be waiting in the carpark behind miss" he assured me. I nodded quickly but my attention was drawn by the door in front of me.
For the first time my nerves threatened to overwhelm me, but before I could protest Claire caught my hands and I was dragged towards the imposing building.
The door was opened by a large doorman, without a word he took our thin coats and ushered us up the richly captured staircase.
A small group was waiting for us, three other girls who looked as nervous as I felt were talking to a group of young men who were obviously members of the club.
"Great, everyone's here!" Announced one of young men. "If you could go with your trainers into the stalls we'll start shortly."
Slowly I followed a tall blonde haired guy into a side room through a pair of big thick velvet curtains. He smiled at me encouragingly.
"I don't really know what we're doing..." I confessed. Brilliant white teeth smiled at me.
"Don't worry," he laughed "I'll talk you through it. Tonight is a race night, we bring in a few girls. Then we race them."
I raised an eyebrow "You race us!?"
"Sure!" There was that smile again "first one to the middle wins. Obviously, were going to make it a challenge for you."
I pulled my self control back together to hide my surprise "Of course..."
"Hey don't laugh," he grinned "there's a lot of money riding on this. You don't want anyone to think you're not taking it seriously!" I smiled nervously.
"Also," he sounded embarrassed for the first time. As if he was surprised he even had to ask "the girls are supposed to be naked."
I'd been expecting this, not wanting to let Claire (or myself) down I stepped out of my shoes.
Nervously I slipped my dress off my shoulders, over my breasts, hips and down my legs. I blushed, wearing nothing but my lace panties and an embarrassed smile I looped my thumbs into the thin material and pulled my underwear down to the floor.
It's easy to say you're comfortable with your figure, but I assure you when you're naked and being examined in intimate detail by someone you've just met that confidence evaporates in moments. I fidgeted as his eyes swept over my breasts, my nipples had hardened and I felt exposed under his piercing eyes.
"You'll be fine!" My "trainer" assured me "Seriously, I'd bet on you!" He winked. From the bag he produced several long lengths of rope.
"I'm gong to tie you up now" he warned me. Dumbly I nodded, the endless coils of ropes in his hands couldn't all be for just me could they!?
I barely noticed as his strong hands pulled my hands behind my back. I felt strong ropes being wrapped around my wrists securing them together and holding my arms behind my back.
A second loop of rope was wrapped around my elbows, I felt a sudden pressure as my arms were forced together. A gasp of surprise escaped as my trainer held both elbows in a single hand while tightening the knot with his other.
I felt rope being pulled up under my armpit, across the back of my neck and down the other side before the coils around my elbows were secured to the length behind my head. With the second length of rope in his hand my trainer stood back to admire his work.
For the first time I realised the effect the bondage behind my back had on my chest. I'm naturally busty but with my arms back each breast was thrust forward for the world to see. I couldn't help but notice the young man admiring them.
"Have you ever been in breast bondage before?" He asked.
I shook my head dumbly, I didn't feel now was the time to admit that I'd never been tied up before at all. I was still coming to terms with the helplessness I felt at being under the complete control of this young man and his ropes, it wasn't entirely unpleasant!
"You'll enjoy it!" He assured me.
Standing behind me my trainer looped the rope under my bound arms and rested them on top of my breasts. A second coil then a third laid side by side creating a band of rope against my pale skin. To my surprise the fourth wrap came from the other direction. Reaching around me the young man lifted first one, then the other of my breasts placing the coil underneath right up against the base. The fifth and sixth wraps followed the same pattern until my breasts were securely held between the bands of hemp rope.
Before I could explore the new sensations the young man took yet another length and wrapped it around the coils above and below my chest. As he tightened the knot the wraps around my breasts began to tighten up causing me to take a deep breath.
Giving me a wink my trainer gently placed one hand behind my neck and guided my upper body downwards so I bent at the waist. For a moment I thought he was suggesting I gave him a blowjob but I soon realised his intention as he cupped one of my swaying breasts.
Holding my breast firmly with one hand he took a trailing end of rope and began to wrap tightly. My eyes widened as the rope was applied to first one then the other breast. He was right I was enjoying it!
I couldn't help smiling as I felt the blood rush into my bound chest, with it came an increased sensitivity. I was laughing at my discovery when the trainer tickled a hardened nipple, shudders of delight shot through me as sparks leapt from my breast to my pussy. I couldn't help but admire the work as each orb stuck out proudly in front. A quick tug brought me back to reality as he secured the ropes behind my back.
I was beginning to dread what was coming next when my trainer spoke
"We're done!" He grinned "Well, except for the blindfold." From his pocket he produced a small black blindfold which he placed over my head snapping the elastic against the back of my hair before I could offer any resistance. Robbed of my eyesight and held in such efficient bondage I felt more vulnerable than ever before. Silently I wondered if Claire was having a similar time.
I heard shuffling in my darkened world, the side of curtains being pulled aside and hushed voices. Without warning I heard my trainer's voice again.
"Spread your legs a little for me." Humiliated by his request but feeling unable to refuse in my current position I nervously shuffled my feet apart. At any moment I expected the intrusion of his fingers between my freshly shaved pussy lips but none came. I was coming to terms with my disappointment when the feel of rope on my inner thigh made me jump.
Without warning the rough rope was pulled up between my legs, I felt fingers on my labia, on my clit as the positioning was adjusted. I realised there must be two strands as one length was placed either side of my sensitive button. I silently prayed that he didn't detect the wetness which was growing inches from his hands.
"On your tip toes." He instructed, I complied and without warning the rope in my pussy dragged me skyward. I heard some fumbling as the knot was tied then I was trapped, legs either side of the rope leading from somewhere behind me to who knows where...
"Walk forward." I was instructed. I began to hobble in the only direction I could. With the rope buried deep in my pussy each step was a challenge. Too fast resulted in rope burn, too slow a gentle spank on my unprotected backside.
Suddenly I realised the air had changed, I'd moved out of my little room and was now in the larger space I'd come into when we'd arrived. I could hear scrabbled movement around me. With a hand on my shoulder I was guided to a stop. I waited in the blackness with only the tiredness in my toes and a throbbing in my breasts for company.
A voice sounded, the artificial sound told me he was using a microphone. How many people were watching me now? I shuddered at the thought.
"Gentleman," he began "and ladies. Welcome to the Principal Club's race night. Before we begin I'd like to thank you all for coming and introduce our girls this evening. As you can see we have five racers tonight each bound in exactly the same way. I'll explain the course in more detail shortly, in front of me we have Katie. Katie is a biology student and plays on the women's football team, hockey team as well as several other clubs. Truly an all round sports woman."
"Next we have Chin, Chin is a third year international student who joins us from Malaysia. She's studying business and takes part in yoga and aerobics. If you favour the more flexible girls she could be one to watch!"
"As we continue around we have Claire. A Dance, Performance and Drama student who has been involved in almost all of the theatrical productions since she first came to study two years ago she's also the tallest girl here tonight which," he laughed "I'm sure you'll agree given tonight's challenge is a significant advantage!" I heard a laugh from the anonymous audience as I tried to ignore the burning in my feet.
Without warning my trainer's voice whispered in my ear "I'd save your toes, you're going to need them." Obediently I dropped onto flat feet feeling the rope around my pussy tug viciously as I did.
"Sarah is our youngest competitor," the commentator continued "She's only in her first year of a history course but how could I exclude such a cute little thing!?" The crowd mumbled in agreement "Although I have to say," he continued "I bet that pint sized pixie's pussy is sore right now!" There was a sound of laughter at the wordplay. I dreaded what would next.
"Finally we have Jenny. Jenny did gymnastics in school, she's currently studying English. Although she doesn't compete in any sport this is one very smart young lady! Can brains and beauty win the day?" I blushed red, I could feel the colour in my cheeks. How did they know about gymnastics? How did they know any of this stuff?
"With our girls introduced I'd like to give you a few more minutes to place your bets while I welcome some esteemed guests. As well as our undergraduate members we have some alumni with us tonight." There was a polite clapping "As well as several of the staff, welcome!" Some more clapping. There was a pause then the commentator continued "Professor, am I right you work in the English department? So you must know young Jenny?"
I froze, the chance of being recognised in my current situation terrified me. With a sudden rush of adrenaline I realised anyone could be in the audience.
"I do, she's in several of my lectures..." Frantically I tried to place the professor's voice, it was familiar but frustratingly I couldn't identify him.
"What do you think to her?
"Well," laughed the professor "this is certainly a side if her I've not seen before!"
Shame poured through me, the embarrassment of finding myself in this situation. However, regardless of how exposed I felt I couldn't deny the ever growing wetness between my legs.
"Let me describe our race course tonight!" Continued our commentator "As you can see each of the five girls is tied in an identical bind with a rope tightly in their pussies. Believe me they're deep in there, we made sure of that!"
"These crotch ropes lead to a single point in the middle of the room. Here they are fastened to a powerful vibrator. We'll turn that on when we set the girls going and trust me they'll feel it! The first girl to get their clit on the vibrator wins."
"However naturally there are challenges along the way! Each girl will have to pull herself along their crotch rope, as they get closer to the vibrator that will become more and more enjoyable. There are also three obstacles. The first is a set of knots tied in the ropes. If you think pulling a pussy over hemp is tough wait until they reach those!" I couldn't help worrying as I listened to the description of the challenge.
"The second challenge is new and I must say devious. Each rope has been frozen, a long section of ice is now covering the hemp. If the girls have any notion of winning they must drag themselves over the ice cold crotch rope and onto the final challenge..." My mouth stopped open slightly.
"The third and final challenge is my personal favourite. The ropes have been coated with copious amounts of icy hot gel, believe me that will burn! Each girl must work those freezing pussies over the final challenge and onto the vibrator. Bets are in, the girls are ready. 3... 2...1... Go!"
My initial reaction was to protest, I didn't want to be the only girl to spoil the fun but surely I couldn't do this!? I was weighing up Claire's disappointment if I asked to leave now when the rope in my pussy began to vibrate.
In my flatfooted position the rope was buried deep between my legs, I felt each fibre furiously stimulate my clit and all thoughts of leaving were instantly driven from my mind. Slowly, blindfolded, naked and tied in inescapable bondage in front of a room full of strangers I began to walk.
Even on my toes the rope pressed deeply into my pussy. The vibrations echoed up and down the length and every so often I'd feel a tremor as one of the connected ropes tugged. Caught in a state of pleasure and arousal I almost didn't notice the first knot.
It wasn't huge but I was already on my tiptoes by this point. With my arms tied behind my back my hands were no use. I could hear the cheers of the crowd as I continued to pull. Gently I eased the shivering knot between the lips of my labia, I'm ashamed to say that by this point I had provided my own lubrication and once inside the knot slipped across my clit with ease. A shiver of delight ran up my spine as I encountered another a few inches further along.
It was with some reluctance that I left the knots behind. Behind the blindfold I couldn't see anything however I knew I must be approaching the ice. I knew the longer I remained on this obstacle the more unpleasant it would be so I resolved myself to move as quickly as I could.
Without warning the front of my pussy struck the cold, instantly my plan evaporated as I felt a deep chill enter my body. With huge mental effort I managed to move forward, the ice was now directly on my clit.
The ice froze me to my core, within a moment my pussy went from aroused to numb, the relief didn't last however as the cold drips of water trickled down the inside of my legs. Numbness was quickly replaced by a chill which made my clit swell and ache. Holding my breath I pushed forward, the slippery ice lubricated my movements until I sank in relief onto the rough rope once again.
With my burning clit I trembled as the rope rubbed through my tortured pussy. The vibrations coming from the other end of the rope were stronger than ever despite the chill, the eyes of the spectators and my own embarrassment I felt myself begin to grow wet again.
Horror shot through me as I realised I'd reached the third and final obstacle. The ice had put me into my own private world, one which I was rudely snapped out of by the sensations in my pussy.
The burning seeped into me, with the pressure of the rope the icy hot was being forced into every crevice of my pussy and ass. My tortured clit cried out as the burning sensation threatened to overwhelm me. With no option but to press on I drove forwards.
I felt the rope rise slightly, standing on the highest point of my tiptoes I threw my clit onto the waiting vibrator.
I quickly realised that any indication I'd had of the power of the device before touching it were wildly inaccurate. Tremors sparked up and down my spine as the vibrator massaged by abused clit.
I was vaguely aware of a sound of cheering, the race was over and people were collecting their winnings. All I could focus on was the device between my legs. Finally my tip toes gave out forcing the device into me. Strong hands wrapped themselves around me and my trainer's voice whispered in my ear.
"Well done," he whispered "It's traditional for the winner to be 'rewarded', are you OK with that?"
I nodded, I knew what he meant and I was too swept away in the moment to object. Ecstasy flooded through me as he manhandled my bound breasts. Gently he pushed me forward, pivoting me over the vibrator. Slowly he sank into me.
I gasped as he drove into me again and again, each thrust deeper than the last. With my arms still tightly bound behind my back I was helpless to resist but I was dimly aware of my breast ropes being secured to the other competitor's crotch ropes. Without warning the blindfold slipped from my eyes.
For the first time since I'd entered the house I saw the other competitors. They were still bound, perching on their ropes unable to move until released. Claire was opposite me, she'd clearly stopped when she'd reached the ice. The melting water dripped from the rope inches from her pussy. She was tied in the same way as me, the stringent bonds around her breasts caused them to swell and darken. Her arms were forced behind her back forcing her chest out, even behind her blindfold I could see her enjoying the sensations of the vibrating rope between her legs.
I lost my focus as my trainer caught a new rhythm, I couldn't escape if I wanted to. Tied down to give him perfect access I couldn't resist as he brought me to a shattering orgasm. A moment later I felt his release, my mouth opened but sound couldn't escape. Even the cheering of the crowd faded away as I slipped into subspace.
An hour later Claire and I were in the back of the taxi. Each of us were two thousand pounds richer, our muscles ached from the stringent bondage and sex we'd endured and both of us held an invitation to the next event firmly in our hands.
I couldn't wait for next month!