Author's Note: I hope everyone enjoys this story. As always I love comments and will try to include them in future installments.
For Abagail, today was the best day of the year. As a 28 year old teacher the last day of school before summer vacation meant shopping with her friends, the odd vacation, and a summer away from her divorced husband.
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Standing in the hallway of her school, children waved good bye to the beloved "Ms. T." who was wearing a purple collared cotton tank top, jeans, and sketchers covered by a black zip up fleece with the school's name and logo on it. Despite it being a particularly hot day in the Chicago the summer, the school that Abagail taught at was always frigid so in the school she could almost always be seen adorned in her beloved zip up fleece.
After the last of her small children had left the school, Abagail said good bye to her fellow teacher friends and joked about how now divorced she would have to beat the men off with a stick. Abagail was damn attractive after all. At 5'5" and around 130 lbs., she was athletic in build with long legs and an amazingly tight ass. Though she had a decent chest with a small "C" cup set of breasts, when she wanted to flaunt what she had it was tight jeans and not a low cut shirt. That being said, Abagail never flaunted what she had. Raised catholic, she lived a very prim and proper life style. Home by 10 on the weekdays, always eating her veggies and watching many more Pixar movies then Jerry Springer shows. A "night on the town" usually consisted of tighter jeans, conservative flats, and a nice blouse.
On the way home, Abagail knew that her summer was going to start off awesome as her cousin Rebecca was coming over to swim in her condo's pool. Rebecca was younger then Abagail at age 20. She was actually more of a wild child then Abagail, but by no means a party animal. At weddings Rebecca's skirt was always a smidge shorter then Abagail's and she always drank just a bit more despite her age. She was taller than Abagail at 5'8", and slightly trimmer with a long legs and carrying on the family tradition of a tight ass. Rebecca's drawback physically was an amazingly small chest. When push came to shove, Rebecca was self-conscious of her small B cups and over compensated often by wearing heels and tight skirts or short shorts. Though both girls were brunettes, Rebecca's hair cascaded down to the small of her back while Abagail's was far shorter and more conservative, slipping down just past the shoulders.
As Abagail pulled into her condo's parking lot she heard her phone ring. Abagail finished her parking and then fished her phone out of her pocked. Checking the I.D. she saw it was Rebecca. Delighted and assuming that Rebecca was calling to say she was on her way, Abagail quickly opened her phone and answered.
"What's up cous?" Abagail said in a warm cheerful tone.
"You are going to make a delicious slave", said a strange and intimidating female voice, "and me a very wealthy woman."
"I'm sorry, Rebecca wh...." Abagail started but never finished.
Half way through her sentence a blue arc of electricity shot out of the phone's receiver and into Abagail's ear. All of Abagail's muscles went rigid for a split second and in a panic she discovered her body was now tight as a guitar string, frozen and unable to move. The bolts of electricity continue from the phone, through her ear canal and into her brain, zapping Abagail for several seconds before stopping. The moment it stopped Abagail dropped the phone, slumping in the chair as her body collapsed. Abagail tried desperately to resist, moving, to scream, but instead slipped into a terrifying coma.
Things to add to this story:
Magnetic cuffs, Ballet Boots, Ring Gag, Plug, nipple rings, Hood (?)
Abagail awoke with a start, shuttering as if she had had a bad nightmare. She inhaled deeply and reached for her covers. Right away she noticed a few things. First of all her covers were gone. She had not woken up in her warm bed, but was instead on a tile floor. As her eyes slowly became adjusted to the light she began to take in her surroundings. The room she was in was white, very white. The walls were of a soft padded leather material with a cushion behind them. The floor was white tile. The room was around 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet with bright white florescent lights above her that illuminated the room brightly.
Abagail closed and opens her eyes several times before rolling over. She felt like she was hung-over with a powerful headache, and upset tummy, and her breasts were killing her.
"Wait a minute", Abagail thought out loud, "What the hell?"
Abagail looked down groggily at her chest and stared in stunned horror. Her C cup breasts were now DD's, far larger and rounder. Her naturally pert C cups had been replaced by fake breasts that were stiff but perfectly round. With weakened hands she draped her hands across her chest and groaned as her hands found golden nipple rings that pierced through her new breasts. The moment they were touched Abagail gasped in a combination of pain and shock. Her breasts were amazingly sensitive. Despite Abagail's prudish ways, she knew that breasts were sensitive, but now it seemed as though the slightest touch to them made her gasp and whimper.
Abagail tried to sit up but found it difficult to move, and groaned as she rolled over in pain. On all fours she paused and looked at the floor. Her body felt weak and battered, sore and all of her muscles felt cramped like she had just completed a marathon. She rested on her hands and knees while placing her head on the floor trying desperately to determine what was happening to her, how she got here and who had done this to her body.
With her head between her elbows, Abagail felt something strange...down there. She slowly rubbed her legs together and yelped in a shocked shutter as she felt cold metal. Abagail sat up her strength returning and felt her crotch with her hands. To her terror, there was a ring pierced through her clit! With tears welling up in her terrified eyes, she examined the ring. Like her nipple rings they were seamless, a dull grey color that looked like titanium or graphite or something. They were cold and solid, and terrifying. How did they get there? Who did this to her? How would she ever be the same?
Abagail crawled on all fours into the corner, rolled over and rested her back against the corner. She buried her face in her hands and arms and burst into tears. She openly sobbed, tears cascading down her face as a plethora of emotions over flowed at once.
Abagail cried for what seemed like days but in reality was an hour or two. She was jerked out of her whimpering sobs by a voice coming through hidden loud speakers in the room.
"Well, well, number 34 is awake." Said the same voice Abagail had heard on the phone.
"What the fuck is this?!" Abagail said loudly, anger surging through her. "Let me go right this minute!"
"Now why on earth would I want to do that?" said the voice in a calm, almost sarcastic tone. "Your worth a lot of money to me number 34."
"Stop with the number 34 shit!" Abagail screamed as loud as she could. "My name is Abagail!"
"Your name WAS Abagail." Said the female antagonist. "Now you are a number, a thing. Here, see for yourself?"
Abagail jumped startled as one of the leather panels suddenly retracted into the wall, revealing a large mirror. Abagail looked at it from across the room for several seconds before standing on wobbly weak legs and approaching it. Abagail looked at her body, naked and on display. The look of her now perfectly molded fake breasts did not bother her nearly as much as the fact that she was wearing makeup. Abagail never wore make up unless she was going to a wedding or a funeral. She knew how makeup felt and was perturbed by the fact that she could not feel the makeup on her face. Worried she rubbed her face softly at first and then with growing vigor. The make up was heavy purple eye liner and shadow that made her look like a slutty tramp. She whimpered as she desperately tried to remove the make up with her hands.
"Sweetie, that make up is tattooed on." Suddenly came the calm voice through the speakers.
Abagail stopped rubbing and stepped closer as with red tear filled eyes she examined her face. True to her word, her tormentor was right. It was obvious that her whole face had been tattooed expertly to look like some gaudy street walker. Just as Abagail was about to scream, the voice continued.
"Turn around slave, look at your back."
Abagail had no desire to turn around, but closed her eyes and did so. As she slowly spun she opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder. What she saw terrified her.
In large times new roman script the number 34 was tattooed just above her but crack, with the word "slave" written above it in a smaller size. Abagail screamed and spun around, closing her fist in rage she wildly punched at the mirror, but was turned away as the padded section of the wall returned to place a millisecond before she could destroy the mirror.
"Now number 34, calm yourself." Said the voice. "I would hate to come in there."
"Fuck you!" Abagail screamed hysterically, her brunette hair a mess. "Come in here you fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you!"
There was a long pause before the voice said in a perfectly calm almost passive aggressive tone "Delighted."
Abagail stood in the middle of the room ready to tear the head off of her tormentor. She jumped suddenly When on her left side a door size opening appeared in the apparently seamless wall. After a few seconds she heard the clacking of high heels growing louder until a shadow appeared. Finally a woman rounded the corner.
In any other circumstance Abagail would have thought that the woman was very pretty. She was just a touch taller than Abagail, with dark African skin. Her eyes were cold and dark, her hair long and black. The woman wore black high heeled pumps that Abagail thought had to be amazingly uncomfortable due to their height. Her legs were concealed by black nylons until they reached her very short pleated black cotton skirt. Her stomach, which had very tight athletic abs, was exposed; her breasts were covered by a matching black halter top. In her hand the woman held a very thick piece of what looked like Black leather, about 2 inches wide by 8 inches long.
The woman stopped at the doorway giving Abagail a few seconds to size up her opponent. With a shake of her hips and an elegant stride she approached Abagail.
"My name is Thalia" the woman said, "But you will call me Mistress. I am your owner slave, and you will respect me as such. You may now drop to your knees, kiss my feet, and beg for forgiveness"
Abagail turned red with anger and at the top of her lungs screamed "I'm going to kill you!"
Abagail ran as fast as she could at the stranger. She had recognized the voice as her tormentor's. She raised her hands and ran at her tormentor with an animalistic quest for vengeance. Mistress Thalia calmly smiled as Abagail ran at her in the attack. She never stopped her elegant stride, walking directly at the attacking Abagail.
"I love it, I love breaking you bitches." Thalia said with a vicious smile.
Abagail attacked with a double hand push and punch attack. The last scrap Abagail had been in was fighting her brother at age 7. Her attack of Thalia was wild, crazy, and completely unorganized. She screamed and tried to push/shove Talia's face. Thalia easy side stepped the attack and swung her hand through the air. It brought the strap in her hand down painfully on the small of Abagail's back with a tremendous CLAP! Abagail yelped and stumbled past her attacker clutching the sore and red spot on her back. She almost tripped as the pain overwhelmed her, but her anger quickly returned and she charged again. Again Thalia stepped aside and smashed her strap on the teacher's back leaving another angry red welt. Abagail again failed to connect with a punch or even a shove. Abagail turned and charged a third time. This time Thalia stayed still, and when Abagail got to her grabbed the woman and spun the teacher to the ground. Abagail landed on her stomach and instantly Thalia was on her. Thalia sat on the woman's shoulder blades facing her back side and pinning Abagail to the ground. Without wasting anytime Thalia brought the strap down on Abagail's right ass cheek hard. Abagail screamed from beneath her and tried to roll over. With a tremendous crack Abagail's left cheek exploded in pain. Abagail shrieked and before she could react felt another blow on her right ass cheek. The blows continued until her tight athletic ass was glowing red.
Thalia stood up and stepped a few feet away. Abagail slowly stood, whimpering in beaten pain. She glared as she wobbled on uneasy legs, her hand trying to massage the pain out of her glowing red ass.
"Come on", Thalia said confidently. "I can see you have more fight in you."
Abagail mustered up the courage for another charge. She ran at her attacker with tear filled eyes. As she approached, Thalia side stepped and reached behind Abagail's head. Before she could react, Thalia had a handful of Abagail's hair, controlling the woman by the base of her skull. Abagail was helpless but tried to swing at her anyways. Talia's strap whistled down on Abagail's thigh causing her right leg to crumble in pain. Abagail shrieked as her left leg was instantly smacked again, causing it too to collapse in pain. Abagail stumbled, barley able to stand. Her tear filled eyes closed in pain as she reached for Talia's hand in her hair.
Without warning her left breast exploded in pain causing Abagail to open her mouth and eyes both wide in silent pain. She shuttered and stammered in groans unable to form sound from her mouth. Before she could process the sheer volume of pain in her breast, Thalia brought the strap down on the opposite breast. Abagail sank to her knees, her eyes and mouth still wide open in a silent expression of her physically pain. Her hands were behind her head, having tried to free her hair from Talia's grip.
"Surrender?" Thalia simply asked with a wide smile.
Abagail looked up at her tormentor. She wanted so bad to resist, fight back against this person that she hated. The pain was too much however, and her body had given out. Angry red glowing welts now were all over her body. Her lungs and heart both were working overtime trying to get the air into her system. She looked up and stared into the eyes of her black skinned captor. Abagail tried to speak but could not form words, stumbling and stuttering.
Thalia reached behind her and brought the strap down on her toy's back between the shoulder blades. Abagail clenched her eyes tightly shut and her teeth slammed together as more pain rifled through her.
"I said, surrender?" Thalia repeated.
With her eyes and teeth clenched together whined a "yes".
She never saw the next blow coming, as again the sensitive spot between her shoulder blades was smacked.
"The correct answer is yes Mistress", Thalia said in a sharp and cold tone.
"Y...yes Mistress." Abagail managed to force out of her mouth.
Thalia shoved the back of Abagail's head away forcefully as she let go of her hair. Abagail fell on her hands and knees, before slowly crying herself into the fetal position naked on the floor before her Mistress. Thalia smiled, licking her lips as her prey lay before her beaten and destroyed. Abagail whimpered as she cried, soft sniffles and shuttering gasps coming from her face which was covered in her matted and sweaty hair.
Abagail's eyes slowly opened when she felt something touch her mouth. What she saw was Mistress Talia's black patent leather pump millimeters from her mouth. She looked up through the brown hair in her face into her Mistress' eyes.
"Kiss", Mistress said curtly.
Abagail used her hand to move the hair from her face and kissed the tip of the shoe, fearful of another beating.
"Good girl, now lick my shoe slave." Thalia continued.
Abagail lifted her head up and licked the top of the woman's shoes slowly, the humiliation causing as much pain as the beating.
Thalia moaned softly and uses the strap to guide Abagail's head to the bottom of her shoe. Abagail made a grossed out face but made no effort to stop as she used her tongue to kiss and lick clean the underside of her new owner's shoe. Thalia then lifted her foot, sliding the stiletto heel into Abagail's mouth before simply saying "suck". Abagail obeyed; sucking the shoe cleaning between the remaining sobs and whimpers her annihilated body had left in her. Thalia removed her shoe from the destroyed teacher's face, and replaced it with her other foot. Abagail repeated the process with this foot until it to was shinny and spotless.
Mistress Thalia inspected her shoes and smiled finding the job satisfactory.
"Kneel" Mistress Thalia said coldly.
Abagail whimpered as her broken body struggled to her knees as Thalia stepped behind her.
Abagail yelped like a puppy when the strap smashed into the lower end of her back.
"Sit up straight slave, on your knees." Thalia barked angrily.
Abagail obeyed as best she could, whimpering in pain as she straightened her back. Once she had, Thalia reached over her and brought the strap down on her left nipple causing Abagail to yelp again and start to cry.
"Hand's crossed behind you slave", Thalia said again in a harsh town.
Abagail crossed her hands behind her as tears streamed down her tattooed face.
Thalia reached into Abagail's hair and pulled her slave's head back until she was looking into her eyes.
"Stay like this, head down, and await further orders number 34." Thalia said.
Abagail nodded with a broken and pain filled expression. Thalia wasted no time in bring the strap down directly on Abagail's pierced nipple, causing Abagail's eyes and mouth to open wide again in silent pain.
"When I give you the order, you say yes Mistress", Thalia said demandingly. "Understood?"
"Yes Mistress", Abagail responded in a tear filled voice. "Yes Mistress."
Thalia nodded and released her slave's head as Abagail assumed the correct kneeling position. The last sounds she heard before the door closed was her owner's heels clicking on the cell's tile floor
Abagail knelt on the floor for just over an hour. Thalia was finally satisfied and Abagail jumped when she heard a noise to her left. She saw that there was an opening in the wall and at the base of it was now a white cardboard box the size of a shoe box. Abagail crawled over to it in far too much pain to walk yet. When she reached it, she examined it with her hands. Opening it, she found a strange metal band that was open into two semi-circles. One of them had the numbers "34" engraved on it while the other had a metal d-ring in it. The two parts were connected by a strange hinge.
"That is your collar slave," Thalia's voice came through the speakers. "All slaves wear collars and you will be no different. If you do not put it around your neck, D-ring in front, I will come in there again."
Abagail rushed to obey the order, terrified of another beating. She lifted her hair and places the collar around her neck, closing the two halves along the hinge until the two other ends touched. Abagail now became confused, unsure how to close the device.
"I know you're a teacher slave," Thalia's voice continued. "Guess what, I used to be a teacher. A science teacher actually. Do you know what my two favorite subjects were slave?"
"N...no Mistress". Abagail said while holding the two ends together.
"Electricity and magnetism", Thalia responded.
As she said this, there was a sudden "Pop", and the two ends of the collar suddenly snapped together loudly. Abagail jumped, and examined her collar nervously with her fingers, now finding it seamlessly locked onto her slender lightly tanned neck.
"That was the magnetism part, and this...is the electricity part..." Thalia continued.
Abagail crumbled to the floor as what felt like a million volts of electricity rocketed through her neck. She landed on her side in a paralyzed fetal position, nakedly convulsing on the floor for several seconds before the intense pain stopped. Abagail laid on the floor whimpering and moaning in pain as her body started to recover. Her eyes filled with tears and slid down her permanent make up as she rolled on the floor holding her sides.
"Kneel", Thalia's voice said curtly.
Abagail tired, but her body did not respond. She rolled on the floor, trying desperately to get to her knees. She did not move fast enough.
A second zap as strong as the first and for the same duration sent vibrations of pain through her body and soul. Again she convulsed on the floor as the pain destroyed her will to fight.
The moment it stopped, Abagail heard her captor's voice again order her to kneel. Her hair in a mess all over her face, her body sweating and her mouth drooling, Abagail found the strength to rise up and kneel. Abagail sat on her knees, her hands behind her, head down and back straight as she desperately tried to breath, a soft painful moan escaping her lips with every exhale.
Abagail yelped momentarily and then fell to the floor again shaking wildly as a third electric burst shocked her system. When it stopped, Abagail was moaning, a line of drool trailing from her lips to the floor. The moment it stopped, Abagail slowly and painfully forced herself into the kneeling position she knew she would be instructed to assume. Again she sat in the kneeling position, her body almost hyperventilating as she desperately tried to stay awake and not pass out in pain.
"That last one was for crawling over to the box, touching the box, and opening the box without permission." Thalia said calmly. "You WILL learn slave, you do NOTHING without permission, and you do EXACTLY what is ordered. Understand?"
Between moans and painful deep breaths Abagail was able to stammer out a "Yes Mistress."
"Good slave", Thalia continued. "Now take the empty box and put it back in the slot. The door will close and momentarily another one will be slid into your cell."
Abagail did as ordered and once the door closed heard someone or something take the empty box. Soon, a larger box was slid into the room, coming to rest about 2 feet from her. Abagail maintained her position kneeling, and made no motion toward the white box.
"Good slave, you're learning", Thalia said. "Now go to the box, open it, and wear what you find inside."
"Yes Mistress", was Abagail's exhausted reply.
Abagail walked on her knees to the box and opened it. Immediately she saw a mass of what looked like black patent leather, and smelled like fresh leather. Abagail removed the objects and found them to be a pair of boots. These were not just any boots, not the flat "uggs" that Abagail owned. These had heels, massive heels. Abagail looked at them for several seconds, and guessed that the heels were at least 7 inches high, and complemented the two inch platforms on the front of the shoe. Abagail bit her lip but hesitated no longer in fear of being shocked. She sat placing her butt on the floor and slipped on the first boot, zipping it up her right leg before doing the same to her left leg. Somehow Abagail's size happened to be the size of the shoe, and even so the shoes were so tight that she could not even wiggle her toes. Slowly Abagail accepted her fate and returned to her kneeling position.
"Good slave", Thalia said. Now return the box and be ready for the next one."
Abagail did as instructed and returned to her kneeling position as her breathing finally started to return to normal. Despite the line of drool trailing down her lip and chin, Abagail did not dare wipe it off her face in fear of the hideous shocks or beating she might receive.
Abagail watched as a new box slid into the room. Once instructed, Abagail opened it and closed her eyes in fear at what she saw. There were 9 different versions of the collar she was currently wearing, though none had the engravings or the d-ring on them. Abagail was confused and awaited Mistress Thalia's explanation.
"If you look on the inside of the bands, you will see their destinations slave. Hold them where they belong and I will magni-lock them on you slave." Mistress Thalia said.
Abagail reached for the closest one, and on the inside read "left ankle". Abagail reached down and slid the two hinged halves of the band around her ankle. After a second or two there was the same familiar "pop", and the band snapped together seamlessly. As she reached for the right ankle's band she came to the conclusion that now the boots would be also locked onto her as the bands did not leave nearly enough space to slip the boots off.
In minutes Abagail had the bands on her ankles, thighs, waist, wrists, and above the elbows, all of them seamlessly locked on, inescapable, and matching her new collar.
Abagail slowly sank back into her kneeling position, surrounded by the empty boxes as she awaited her knew orders with tears in her eyes.
"Place all the boxes in the opening and then wait there. Your next item is on its way." Thalia said with a calm and business like tone.
Abagail did as she was ordered; still feeling the searing pain of the beating from earlier, fearing the zap of her evil collar, and feeling an increasing pain in her feet and calves as her fee were bent in a painful arch now. With each step Abagail had to fight back the urge to whimper in pain but knew that any sound would only elicit a painful zap from her evil captor.
Soon Abagail had slid the empty boxes into the wall's opening and heard them tumble away. Soon there was a new tumble and Abagail removed a box about the size of a large jewelry box. She opened it and was puzzled by what she found. It contained a large ring a few inches in diameter which appeared to be metal coated in some sort of latex or rubber. The ring had a long leather strap from each side, one of which had a metal clip. Abagail had no idea what this thing was and looked at it for several seconds before Thalia spoke on the loud speaker.
"Open wide slave, and place that ring in your mouth as far back as it will go." Thalia said.
Abagail's eyes opened wide in fear, and she almost hesitated but with wide and tear filled eyes watched as she picked up the strange ring and slowly lifted it to her mouth. Abagail shuttered as the ring touched her lips, and she slowly slid it into her mouth. The effect then became clear to Abagail, with the ring in her mouth, her mouth was forced open. Abagail began to panic and hyperventilate as she desperately fought the urge to spit out the strange object.
"Deeper..." Thalia said.
Abagail closed her eyes which forced tears over her tattooed face as she pushed the ring gag deeper into her mouth. Once past her canines she paused and tried to take a deep breath.
"Deeper..." Thalia continued.
Abagail winced and pushed the gag in farther until it finally seemed to lock in place on her molars, forcing her mouth painfully wide open. The other effect to Abagail was more humiliating. Unable to close her mouth, Abagail felt her own drool begin to over flow her lips and trickle down her chin, joining her tears as the traveled south.
"Good slave", Thalia said. "Now, feed the straps behind your head under your hair and slide the one strap into the clip in back."
Abagail did so with closed eyes, working the strap behind her and unto the other straps clip before pulling it tight. Abagail then waited for the magnetic lock that she was sure to be involved to activate, however instead felt the straps begin to tighten even more on their own. Abagail began to whimper and squirm as the straps were pulled tighter and tighter by the magnetic lock until the corners of Abagail's mouth began to sting. With a metallic click, Abagail knew her mouth was now unable to close.
"Stand", Mistress ordered.
Abagail slowly stood, using her hands to steady herself as her weakened body did not help support itself on the incredible high heeled boots. It took several attempts and several near falls before Abagail finally stood on her feet wobbling like a new born fawn.
"Good job my former teacher", Thalia said mockingly but in a near business like tone. "Now, places your wrists together behind your back and hold them there. Palms together."
Abagail closed her eyes and very slowly and timidly reached behind her, interlacing her fingers as she looked over her shoulders. Without warning her two wrist cuffs snapped together, inescapably pinned together magnetically. Abagail tried to twist her arms around in front of her to see what was happening, but felt a new growing tension. Her elbows were slowly being pulled together, forcing her expanded chest to be thrust out. Abagail whimpered and groaned as over the course of 30 seconds the magnetic locks in there elbow cuffs grew stronger and stronger until there was a click the instant her elbows touched behind her. Abagail twisted and turned wildly as her brunette hair thrashed into her face. She desperately tried to look over her shoulder, wiggling and squirming to break free. Her arms however remained hopelessly pinned together behind her back.
Abagail yelped as without warning her legs snapped together hard as both her ankle cuffs and thigh cuffs had their magnetic locks engaged. The motion overwhelmed Abagail and she fell on her side with a loud thud. On her side she continued to squirm and struggle to break free in a futile attempt at freedom long lost.
Suddenly Abagail's body went rigid as an electric burst rocketed through her system causing her to bite down hard on the ring in her mouth. Abagail froze as the electricity destroyed her renewed thoughts of freedom and left her a huddled bound mass on the floor. Finally the electric burst stopped and she tried again to breath, though was physically unable to kneel at the moment.
"Slave," Mistress Thalia said, "You will now stand, and hop to the door that will soon open. You will find a red circle on the floor. You will wait in that circle for me to arrive. I swear if you make one sound, or move one inch I will personally beat you until you beg me to stop. Is that understood?"
Abagail let out a gagged and muffled version of "yes Mistress" that was in all reality more drool then sound. Abagail watched as directly across from her a door opened. Abagail wobbled to her knees, and had to scoot over to the wall in order to get leverage and stand. It took several minutes, but soon Abagail's arched feet were supporting her as she hopped toward the door.
The hallway was decorated like the cell, and Abagail could see a half dozen other cells with their doors open. One by one, a woman would exit the cell, bound just like Abagail, and stand in the red dot outside the door. Abagail looked straight ahead, a cell in front of her as she stood on the predetermined red dot. Finally, a shape came out of the cell in front of her.
The figure was slightly taller than Abagail, around 5'8". To Abagail, it looked like her whole body had been dipper in a vat of rubber. Black latex glistened off of the woman's body from head to toe. She wore matching bands to Abagail, as well as a matching collar. Her shoes also matched Abagail's though this woman had something on her face. A very thick latex hood ensured that only her eyes were visible. Abagail studied the woman's body. She had very long legs, surely a dream to any man. Her chest was large, and Abagail guessed she had the same boob job as her now. The girl's hair was brunette, and very long, sticking straight up from the top of her hood and flowing down her back. Abagail looked into the captive's eyes and noticed something, they looked familiar. Despite the heavy black eye shadow that was surely tattooed on, Abagail recognized the latex captive as Rebecca.
Abagail and Rebecca both starred at each other for over an hour as the women remained perfectly still in their red dots on the floor. All 6 women of varying shapes and sizes were obviously far too fearful of a shock or beating to disobey an order. All also whimpered and tried not to panic as they heard the approach of Thalia's high heels on the tile floor.
"I do so love a family reunion", Thalia said as she rounded the corner before walking up and placing one finger from each hand into the ring on Rebecca and Abagail's collar. Jerking the two girls close to her and out of the circle, Thalia continued, "Don't you?"
The two cousins remained perfectly silent as they looked at each other paralyzed in fear and confusion. Inches away from her cousin, Abagail could see that behind the hood Rebecca's mouth was open, her jaw extended down in the hood. Her eyes were wide open and also full of tears, her large breasts adorning her small torso.
Thalia released her hold of the cousin's collars before reaching into her pocket and removing a remote control. Tapping two buttons, the girl's legs were released allowing them to stand normally. Soon she had clipped a previously unseen leash made of metal chain to each cousin's collar and with a simple "follow me" led them down the hallway past the other teary eyed and whimpering captives.
Both Rebecca and Abagail struggled to follow Thalia who walked fast, both stumbling and tripping in the heels. Abagail in particular, used to her conservative flats, spent most of the time trying not to fall down, and groaning as her DD's swung back and forth painfully.
After walking what felt like miles, Thalia pulled the girls to two doors that looked like identical cells. She unclipped the leashes from her girls and went to Rebecca first. Sliding a finger into Rebecca's collar ring she pulled the girl unceremoniously and quite roughly into a cell before shoving the girl to her knees, exiting, and closing the cell's door.
Abagail closed her eyes as Mistress Thalia soon had her finger in Abagail's collar's ring and like Rebecca, was shoved into a new cell and onto her knees painfully.
Abagail looked around from her knees and saw a strange object in the middle of the room. It looked like a bench with wide "V" shaped legs made of metal on each end, not unlike the wooden horses used to block roads. On either side of the center beam was a chain a few feet long, along with one on the top of the beam.
"Slave 34" Thalia's voice boomed through the speakers, "Approach the beam and find the chains attached to the sides. Bend down, and touch the end of the chain to those adorable nipple rings I gave you."
Confused, Abagail stood and wobbled over to one of the chains. Abagail knelt down, and bending at the waist leaned closer and closer to the floor until finally her nipple ring touched the chain. As she stood she released the chain was now magnetically attached to her nipple. Humiliated, Abagail walked over to the other side of the chain feeling the chain with plenty of slack dangling from her nipple and knelt down awkwardly until finally she felt the other chain connect to her right nipple. Abagail stood and looked down, staring in horror as her large breasts were now connected to the outside of the horizontal beam despite the amount of slack she currently had.
"Place your feet at the leg's base of the bench slave, and bend over it." Thalia then ordered.
Abagail approached the metal horse and stood with her legs at the base of the horse. She spread her legs wide and rested her legs against the legs at one end of the bench. Now the horizontal beam extended parallel from her at the waist. There was a loud "pop", and Abagail found that her legs were now practically welded in their spread position to the beam's legs on one end. Abagail whimpered and tested the magnilocks and found that her legs hand zero chance of breaking out of the bindings.
"Bend over the beam slave until the chain at the top of the horizontal beam touches the ring on your collar", Thalia continued.
Abagail did so, bending at the waist and shifting several times until the magnet in the last link of the chain locked onto the ring in her collar. Abagail was now locked bent over at the waist, her high heeled legs spread wide, and her arms locked behind her.
Abagail heard a soft clinking sound and looked down terrified as the chain attached at her collar began to retract into the bench's beam. After several seconds, Abagail was bound even tighter to the beam that separated her breasts and pinned her stomach to the bench. While this was scary, it did not because Abagail to scream like she did when the chain's attached to her nipples began to retract. Helplessly, Abagail watched as her breasts were pulled closer and closer to the floor until they were painfully tethered down making all movement side to side as well as up and down painful as hell.
Abagail tried to remain motionless, the pain in her nipples surging through her if she even slightly moved. Hearing the door open, Abagail lifted her head and saw Thalia enter. She was dressed the same as before, minus her skirt. Abagail's eyes opened almost painfully wide as she saw a huge black dildo attached to her captor's hips, mounted with some strange black leather harness. The giant dildo seemed to bounce and sway with every graceful step Thalia took toward her, and Abagail watched as the monster approached her.
"I have to tell you slave," Thalia said with a smile as she approached Abagail's face. "This is my favorite part of my job. That look in a young unsuspecting girl's eyes as I enter her. The terror, the fear, the humiliation, and occasionally the wanting desire. It really is why I wake up in the morning."
Thalia surveyed her whimpering and wiggling prey for several minutes before stepping forward. Grabbing her pet's hair in her hand, Thalia lifted Abagail's head as far as it would rise. Her mouth held open by the ring gag allowed Thalia to simply push her hips forward, slowly and tenderly sliding the phallic item into Abagail's protesting mouth. Thalia's eyes closed as she heard Abagail's whimpering pleas for freedom slowly transition into garbled and gagged moans and blubbering.
Abagail, despite feeling humiliation flowing through her veins, was still unprepared for what happened next. The dildo continued to slide into her mouth, deeper and deeper sliding along her tongue until it touched the back of her throat. Abagail's eyes almost bugged out of her head as despite the pain in her nipples she bucked and shook as her air supply was cut off. With a firm grip in her slave's hair, Thalia kept Abagail's head still as Abagail's face turned red and her head felt light. Finally Thalia pulled out, leaving Abagail a blubbering and gasping mess as her body rose and fell helplessly on the bench. After just a few seconds she felt the rubber penis on her helpless tongue again. Abagail shook her head desperately against the inevitable as Thalia's hips pushed the dildo into her mouth. Abagail took one last desperate gasp of air a split second before the dildo cut off her air supply. Again Abagail shook and twisted in silent protest until several long seconds later when Thalia removed the dildo and watched Abagail desperately choke and gasp for air. Thalia circled her victim with her hand on Abagail's naked flesh until again she was at Abagail's head and again slid the dildo into her prey's mouth.
For hours, Abagail's mouth was put through this torture. Thalia loved every second of Abagail's suffering, watching with a grin as Abagail alternated between gasping desperately for oxygen and trying to relieve the pain on her painfully enlarged breasts.
"Well my slave," Thalia said wiping the sweat from her forehead. "Perhaps I am getting old or perhaps I am an old softy, but I won't be opening up that back end of yours today. Usually I relish it, but I decided to let someone else do it this time. I figure they've earned it after what I heard you put them through."
Abagail felt a sharp stinging smack on her ass cheek before Thalia walked out as graceful as she entered. Abagail's head slumped down as she tried to recover, every muscle in her bound body aching from the physical torture and lack of oxygen. She lay on the beam, occasionally releasing an animalistic groan or moan as one or more of her bound muscles cramped up.
Abagail heard the door to her new cell open, but was simply too exhausted to pick her head up. Truth be told unless it was the police coming to rescue her, she didn't care who was entering. Footsteps approached and she noticed that they were in flats meaning it was either a new person or Mistress Thalia had switched to flats. Laying limp on the beam, Abagail saw a pair of male feet stand in front of her. They were slim and looked familiar to her. She felt hands in her hair, slowly and almost caringly intertwining fingers into her ponytail before suddenly and violently lifting Abagail up until she could look into the eyes of her ex-husband Ryan.
Ryan smiled before breaking into a cruel almost sadistic laugh.
"Well, well, well," stated Ryan. "How the mighty have fallen. Little Miss you don't make enough money and I'll never fuck you...will now be making no money and fucking anyone. All those years I put up with your verbal abuse, now are all coming back to haunt you. Karma is one cruel sadistic bitch. Isn't it?"
Abagail remained silent before grunting as Ryan released her hair letting her near lifeless head fall back down. He walked behind Abagail, and stayed back there for several minutes. Abagail was terrified and curious as to what he was doing and tried to look back but failed thanks to the collar's chain.
Abagail lurched forward as far the chains would allow when something cold and slick touched the ring of her asshole. With her legs spread wide, her rear end was helpless, and Ryan's finger toyed with it like a cat with a mouse. He circled it for several minutes before sliding it in, coating the inside with some sort of cool slimy liquid that Abagail could not identify.
Finally his finger withdrew, but Abagail knew that this was not out of mercy. She felt Ryan's hands grasp her hips, and shook her head violently despite the rattling of the chains and contestant tugging on her nipples. Through her gagged mouth she pleaded with her former lover to not do what she knew in her heart he was going to do.
"I wanted to do this from the moment I met you Abagail." Ryan said, his own breath now slightly ragged as his rock hard penis touched the rim of her rear entrance. "Now, I get to. I guess all good things come to those who....WAIT!"
The moment Ryan said "wait", he surged his hips forward, rocketing his cock deep into Abagail's lubricated asshole. Abagail lurched forward feeling as though her nipples would be ripped off. The two let out a long chorus of groans as one in pain and one in pleasure let their feelings known to the world. Ryan slumped over Abagail's back as the pleasure that her virgin asshole gave his member, in addition to the defeat of the woman that had abused him so many times in their marriage overwhelmed his brain.
Slowly, Ryan rose up, and began to rock his hips back and forth as his cock began to piston in and out of Abagail's painfully spread rear entrance. Abagail cried and blubbered, drooling on the floor as her body was forced to sway to and fro, the chains constantly tormenting her painfully swollen and reddened nipples. Her legs were forced tight as a guitar string as the ballet boots kept her feet in a merciless en-pointe position.
Ryan began to grunt and groan, exhaling every time his cock was in the deepest point of her asshole. He clenched her hips hard, using them as an aiming point and leaving angry blue and black bruises on her hips. Abagail's mind was left blank, as slowly the shock began to make her feel in a sort of calm trance, her body rhythmically rocking back and forth as she moaned in tune with the rocking.
The moment she thought it could not get any worse, it did. Abagail heard Ryan moan a little bit louder than normal, and then a lot louder. She felt a small squirt in her rear end, and then a flood of warm cum flowing into her ass as Ryan orgasmed deep inside her. Ryan clenched down hard on her hips as he continued to pump warm streams of cum into her before collapsing on her back.
The two laid there in that pose for several minutes. Abagail far too exhausted to move a muscle, concentrating instead on her own breathing and Ryan in post orgasmic bliss. Finally after what seemed like forever, Ryan dismounted. His now flaccid penis slid out easily with a "pop" that made Abagail shutter. With her rear entrance still recovering and open, Ryan easily slid in a shiny black latex butt plug, and watched as Abagail's ring of flesh eagerly swallowed it up. He placed his hand on Abagail's ass cheek, calmly and slowly walking around until he knelt in front of her face.
"I loved you", he said. "I honestly did. I didn't sleep the night before our wedding because I was so excited. It honestly hurts me to see you like this, but, it was your own doing. I hope now you understand that in reality you were just a stupid, childish, useless bitch. And now, you are someone else's problem. Good luck Hun."
Ryan stood, slapping Abagail hard between her shoulder blades as he walked out of the room.
Abagail laid there for a short period of time before she heard a mechanical snapping sound. Suddenly all of her bindings had become unlocked, and like a rag doll Abagail fell to the floor, slowly moving into the fetal position and blubbering like a child.
"Get up 34", Thalia's voice boomed through the speakers. "The door is going to open; you will return to your original cell and complete the packaging process."
Fearing some form of torture, Abagail slowly rose to her feet and walked out the now open door, down the hallway as she swayed weakly in her platform heels and bumping into walls. Finally she walked into her cell. In her cell she saw two cages on the floor. They were quite small, about 4 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet. In front of each cage was a large syringe filled with a clear liquid. Standing in front of one cage with the syringe at her high heeled feet was the latex version of her cousin Rebecca. Abagail deduced correctly that the two would each soon be in the cages, and approached the other cage before assuming the same posture as Rebecca.
Abagail stood with her feet together, back rigid and her hands behind her back, both hand holding the opposite elbow.
"33 and 34," Thalia started. "Kneel down and remove the plastic cap from the syringe. You will then inject all of the syringe's contents into your thigh. Any hesitation will receive my personal punishment. Begin now slaves."
With near mechanical movements, the two terrified girls knelt down and did as they were told. Abagail looked away as she felt herself sink the needle into her thigh and slowly inject herself with the contents. She then struggled to her feet and adopted her original stance, holding each opposite elbow and looked to her side as a similarly weakened and defeated Rebecca did the same.
"Very good my slaves", Thalia said in a cheerful tone. "Now, we only have moments left. In a second I will magnilock your cuffs. Once I have done so, you will crawl headfirst into the open cages with your legs tucked under you. Your little slutty heads should be between your knees."
There was a mechanical snapping sound, and Abagail felt her arms locked behind her in a "u" shape, her hands holding the opposite elbow. Abagail sank to her knees and noticed that she was starting to feel light headed, everything moving in apparent slow motion. Abagail placed her head in the cage and began to shimmy and wiggle inch by inch into the cage. She whimpered and groaned, hearing Rebecca do the same. Finally Abagail had wiggled all the way into her cage, her head touching the bars and her knees on either side of her head. She closed her eyes as awaited the inevitable.
At her feet Abagail heard the cage door close and lock, and at the same moment her legs locked together tightly. Abagail could literally not move an inch now. She was trapped in this tiny cage, her arms behind her and her legs beneath her, forced to look down and drool on the cage floor. With each passing second her head became more and more of a burden as she fought off unconsciousness.
Thalia entered the room cheerful as a cheerleader. Abagail's cage shook as Thalia took a seat on it.
"I will keep this brief as you two will be sleeping beauties soon." She started in a bright and chipper tone. "I'm not going to tell you where you are going, but I will tell you that you won't need winter coats, and you will be the lightest skinned people there. You, slave 33, have been sold as a latex bondage gimp. You will be bound every single second of the rest of your life. When you called me a bitch earlier today, were probably the last words anyone will ever hear you say. Your days will now be mute, blind, usually tortured and a plaything for your new owner. You, my dear 34 I almost kept as my personal sex slave. However, the same owner soon heard I had slave white sisters and he jumped at the chance. Yes I know you're in reality cousins, but what's a little white lie between business partners? The good news is that you will not be a gimp; you will be a sex slave. Imagine, this man comes in sweaty after hours of torturing his little plaything number 33, and then takes out all that sexual frustration on his little slave school teacher."
Abagail was fighting a losing battle to stay awake and many of the words her captor was saying were starting to blend together.
"Goodnight slaves", Thalia continued walking out of the room. "I'm the last person in America that will ever see you."
With that, Abagail closed her eyes and entered her new slave life.