- Author - FictitiousSlave
- Rating -
   [ 3.91 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2196 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, Other-f, consensual, bondage, caught, public, toys
- Post Date - 4/9/2013
Author's Note: I've tried a couple of stories before where FictitiousSlave is the main character (A Walking Trip, A Walk to the Summit and FictitiousSlave) but I've struggled a little, I think the realism/fantasy have sometimes made them a little tame. I've tried to expand a little on real life for this one - events may not have been quite as erotic as I've described but I'll leave you to decide where I've exaggerated!
My role at work has changed recently, I've transferred to a different team which allows the flexibility of working from home two days a week. My boyfriend still runs his own business from our spare bedroom and it didn't take us long to begin to turn the situation to our mutual enjoyment. At first I was a little uncomfortable taking advantage of the trust the company placed in me but then I reconsidered. My boyfriend while in his role as my master would never allow me to produce substandard work (even if I was tempted to do so myself), as long as my tasks are done to a high standard what business is it of my employer if I'm working at a desk dressed in smart clothes or tied naked to my chair being spanked and made to cum at my master's whim?
And so Thursday morning found me nude and shackled in front of my computer. We'd arranged a spare desk in our bedroom and installed some fittings which you wouldn't find in IKEA. The wooden chair was comfortable enough although part of the seat itself had been cut away to provide access from underneath. Metal restraints were drilled into the front of the chair in which my ankles were kept locked. We'd discovered with delight that the slave collar which I had bought myself while at university could be secured to the back of the chair. To complete my bondage each wrist was shackled to the desk with short chains. My master kept the keys to my imprisonment with him so only he could release me.
The arrangement suited me, I could do a job which I enjoyed while living out my kinky fantasies in the privacy of my own home. Due to my reluctance to get out of bed on time this morning I sported a heavy nipple clamp on each breast. In addition because of some rather sloppy typos for some of my recent submissions to erotic fiction websites I had several red lines on my tender ass cheeks.
It was around half past twelve when my master came to release me from my chair. I thanked him and proceeded to the kitchen to make sandwiches for our lunch. Despite being free of my bondage I still wore my leather collar around my neck. The rules of our game are clear, while I wear it I am my master's slave, he is free to treat me as he sees fit. Once it is removed I am Gemma a keen runner, climber and an employee of a major pharmaceutical company.
Apparently my morning's performance had restored me to my master's good graces, to my relief he removed the nipple clamps. Pain shot through me as blood returned to my sensitive buds. Without pausing my master leant me across the kitchen counter and pushed himself into me from behind. I gasped in delight as he entered me, quickly thrusting inside, driving deeper and deeper, pushing the table across the floor with each movement. Pinned between polished wood and the weight of his body, I could only cry out in delight as he took me. I felt his warm cum explode as he found his release. Gasping partly with arousal but mostly with disappointment at my lack of orgasm, I dropped obediently to my knees to clean him off with my mouth.
"You've been a good girl today," he commented "I think you deserve a pleasant afternoon."
"Thank you sir." I replied breathlessly.
My master decided that I'd earned some rope for the afternoon, he knows that I by far prefer the intimacy of hemp against my skin over the cold, hard metal cuffs. With his usual efficiency my ankles, knees and thighs were bound to the wooden chair until the bottom half of my body was completely immobile. He then proceeded to wrap a tight yet elaborate breast bondage around both me and the frame, with my torso secured and my chest throbbing from the tightness of the ropes, I was held with perfect posture.
It was then that the vibrator was slipped into place. We have a wide selection of sex toys and I could tell from its position that this was one of my favourites. Resting against both my g-spot and clit simultaneously and with a motor strong enough to drive me wild, the device could bring me to orgasm in a matter of minutes. Held in position through the missing seat of my chair and left on random mode, it could keep me dancing for the entire afternoon!
I had been working for several hours when my boss called. I listened in horror as she requested I join the video conference with some potential clients. As if sensing my weakness the device between my legs shifted its rhythm. I briefly considered my options, I could use my safe word... Remove my collar and end the game. I'd never quit a challenge my master had set before and I wasn't intending to start now! Quickly I replied to the email and checked my position in the webcam.
Nerves shot through me as our guests connected to the call, I knew my camera was set correctly. All that would be seen was my face and perhaps a very slight glimpse of my collar (which could probably be dismissed as strange jewellery). Quickly I glanced down, ensuring that my naked body, bound breasts and neatly trimmed pussy were well out of shot.
As my boss introduced me I took the chance to scan the other people on the call. In the office I could see three of my team, they were all seated in the conference area and I could tell from the position of the camera that I must be on the large screen which dominated the room. Self-consciously, I tried to slide closer to the camera so more of my face and less of my body could be seen, but a familiar feeling of rope against my skin reminded me of my helplessness.
Our guests appeared to have a similar setup, there were four people in the room. Three men and a young woman watched as the attention turned to me.
At that moment the randomly programmed vibrator between my legs decided to increase its power. The device which had been gently buzzing away in the background sent a dart of pleasure through me, I jumped slightly and only my bondage prevented me from showing more than planned to my captive audience.
Stumbling I began my presentation.
It didn't take long however at this new level of stimulation for my mind to detour onto other things. I fought to stay focused but the marvellous sensations coming from my pussy were too delightful to ignore. Valiantly I struggled on.
"As you can see from..." I let out an audible gasp as my tormentor increased its level of stimulation even further. "...our client's results..." I felt my face flush "...the latest sample..." I lost my train of thought entirely. Quickly my supervisor jumped to my salvation.
"Gemma, are you OK?" she asked. Furiously I tried to focus, but the stimulation of my clit was now impossible to ignore. Terror shot through me as I realised that I was about to cum live on camera in front of our potential clients.
"I'm not feeling too well..." I managed to lie through gritted teeth.
"Don't worry," she replied her face full of understanding "you look a little short of breath. Give yourself a minute, take your time."
Time was the one thing I didn't have, I struggled furiously in my chair as the orgasm crept up on me. Bowing my head in defeat I realised there was nothing I could do to avoid the inevitable humiliation. It only took a moment for the burning embarrassment to be replaced with ecstasy as the vibrator reached its peak.
Gasping for air I tried to continue normally, but even I could hear my voice was broken
"We'd aim to..." I opened my mouth wide as the dam burst releasing a tidal wave of pleasure through my tormented body.
"...deliver..." the vibrator was still assaulting my clit. In my post orgasmic state even the slightest stimulation was torture.
"...the first batch to you..." I sank back in my chair as the device finally cut out. Relief flooded through me as I regained my senses.
"...by the end of the month. We usually allow clients two to three weeks to conduct their own tests. Assuming everything is in order we could begin shipments almost immediately."
No one spoke for a minute, they clearly were unsure exactly what had just happened. "Thank you Gemma," said the young girl in the client's office "I don' think we need any more details at the moment, we've got everything on tape so we can go over your presentation and send you any questions which come up. Shall we talk again on Monday?".
Horror shot through me, they'd recorded the conference call!? I was about to speak when my boss interrupted "That sounds, great. Gemma, you really don't look well. Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off and have a lie down?" Wordlessly I nodded.
Something tells me that my master is going to punish me for this!
The End
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