Author's Note: My first stab at submitting a story, so I'd love feedback. It's a pretty innocent story, so far anyway :)
Part 1
That was the unassuming name of the fitness class I had chosen. Why did I choose it over the others? It was the only one I had actually heard of before, mentioned by the wife of a colleague at a boring work event. And she didn't look particularly fit and healthy. I mean, she was skinny and all that, but I just assumed the class couldn't have been that hard if she was continuing to do it. She called it 'unconventional', but if we spent the whole time sitting around eating tea leaves and chanting I wouldn't care ... you see, this was a work initiative. HR had decided that to keep everyone's minds healthy, we all had to sign up for at least one fitness class. Annoyingly, they would also be liaising with the fitness instructors to make sure we completed our classes, with the threat of repercussions if we didn't. I can't imagine how much time they wasted on this stupid idea, but somewhere some sycophant probably got promoted for it. It you want to save money, sack the guy who came up with this idea...
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The class was women-only, and we were even assigned what we had to wear. I was glad about the women only bit, since if saving money was the idea, they certainly achieved that with the clothing. A kind of boob-tube top with a zip down the side, the cloth stopping just below my waist and some tie-on, well, panties is probably the best way to describe them. I regretted choosing the class as I was putting them on in the changing cubicle, but it was too late now. And I like my job, I don't want to lose it over something stupid like this. It's a women-only class, I thought to myself, nobody will care. I'm comfortable with my appearance. I'm a little bulky if I'm being super honest, my thighs in particular are a little larger than I'd like. My breasts are above-average though, so it kinda works, there's guys out there that would love a body like mine. MILF is the word I think. Plus I spent too much on my hair this week to start being self-conscious about how I look.
When I entered the exercise room, I realised I might actually be the oldest there. Thirty-five is old in this industry. There were 8 other girls, plus the instructor, and the girls weren't half bad looking. I sarcastically though that must have helped them with their careers, then realised the thought wasn't sarcastic at all. They clearly worked on their figures and I was probably going to struggle most with this class. I didn't even know any of them; I didn't really hang out with the new girls. Nobody was really talking, leading me to believe they didn't really know each other either. I was the last to arrive so I made my way over to what I assumed was my mat, took off my towel from around my waist (there's no way I was walking here in just a top and panties) and laid it neatly next to me.
Allison, I assumed, was at the front, doing a headcount.
"Everyone is here! I'm so glad to see so many people here, it's normally so quiet! I'm Allison. I don't think I've seen any of you here before, so I'll take things slow. Just to fill you in on the timetable, we will begin with some basic exercises, then head to the sauna for a break, then finish with a bit of fun and games at the end to reward ourselves"
She smiled. This didn't seem bad at all, as long as the exercises weren't too tough.
"My interpretation of Pilates differs somewhat. I focus on exercising those muscles that don't get used that often in everyday life of even in classes like these, and stretches that our bodies need but don't get through normal exercise. In addition, I'll add some apparatus to make sure you do the exercises properly, and don't CHEAT! But we'll get to that later on." She didn't look as stern as she sounded, I thought.
The routine started normal enough. Some leg and arm stretches, nothing too taxing. I noticed the other girls had no trouble either - they've probably done these all before a thousand times.
"Now we will move on to some proper exercises. We will start with the legs. Behind you is a row of bars. You are going to hang from the bars, and I'll attach some weights to your legs. If you all sit down and lay out your legs together in front of you, I'll come around and tie your legs together, to give you each a good place to hang the weights from"
Okay... this got a little weird now. She got out some rope from her sports bag and one by one knelt by each of the girls, and wrapped the rope 4-5 times around their ankles, then wrapped the rope around the middle. There length of rope was pretty exact, there wasn't much left at the end to dangle around and get in the way. Finally she came to do my legs. Her touch was pretty firm - not rough, but she knew what she was doing and had clearly done it many times before.
I tried to make a joke - "What is wrong with a few push-ups?"
"People never do them properly, I was always correcting. This way, you can't do it the wrong way"
It sounded almost philosophical. Almost.
She finished tying my ankles and directed us to the bars at the back. It was strange, all these girls hopping around. Us all being bra-less became immediately apparent. I jumped up slightly to grab onto the soft padded bars. Allison came round and hung some light weights off the rope on our feet.
"I want you all to pull your feet up to your buttocks. One ..... Two ...... Three ......"
Holding on to the bars was as hard as pulling the weights! But she was right, and I was being stretched in places I had no normal desire to be stretched.
We repeated the set a few times. Once that strange process was over, she directed us to hop back to our mats.
"Now, we will focus on your back muscles. Many thousands of work hours are lost each year due to back injuries, which could be easily avoided with some simple exercises"
"If you'll all stand up and put your arms behind your backs, I'll come around and tie your elbows together"
I wondered at this point about what exercises she could possibly have in mind. I couldn't back out though, not with all these young girls ready to hop in and take my place...
I watched as she went from girl to girl, bloody hell, they were flexible. My elbows won't be going that close together.
Allison arrived and tried to pull my elbows together. I resisted a little. I didn't want to be uncomfortable.
"Come on, I know you can do better than that". She pulled my elbows close together. I think they touched at one point. She was stronger than she looked.
"Err.... does it really need to be so tight?" I said.
"Yes" she was partially dismissive in her answer "This is about those muscles that don't get a workout - that's why it's so uncomfortable"
I wondered about the veracity of that claim, but it didn't matter at that point. She finished tying my elbows behind my back. Christ, my boobs were sticking out so much! The shirt I was wearing, once baggy, was pulled tight against me. My nipples were clearly visible. This effect was echoed among the other girls. As I pondered my situation, an itch developed on my nose. It would have to go unscratched....
"Now I will attach some weights to the rope binding your elbows, and you will lift them up on my command" Allison had become slowly more authoritative over the course of the session, and it made me slightly uneasy. As she attached the weights to my elbows, I stumbled back slightly. Why did our feet still have to be tied? I didn't bother asking. I stumbled once more as Allison let go of the weights, and she caught me, placing her hand firmly on my waist.
"Careful now..."
These exercises were hard. Obviously I had never done anything like it before. The distances involved were tiny, only a few inches, but that didn't matter.
For the next exercise, she instructed us to lie on our stomachs. Getting down was a bit hard, I kind of fell onto my stomach. She then began tying our hands together, behind our backs. The next exercise involved pulling a rubber rod attached between our arms and feet in and out.
This woman has a screw loose, I thought. The rod was only about a foot long when slack, and when we had finished the exercises, I couldn't pull it at all. I was effectively hogtied, along with all the other young girls ... in my panties.
"Take a break, girls, I'll come round and take off the...."
There was a knock on the door. Allison paused, and went over to see who it was. A man came in. I suddenly realised how embarrassing this was, but the man was only distracted by the sight of us for a moment. I think it was one he had seen before.
"Allison, there's a call for you..." He talked like it was important.
Allison thought about what to do.
"Ok, i need to take this. I'll only be a minute or two"
They both left. I looked around, wondering what to do. I looked at the other girls. We had been so engrossed in what we were doing that we hadn't really realised the situation. The room was silent, nobody knew what to say. One girl was struggling a little bit more than the others. She was clearly young, early 20s, amazing figure. Her round bottom was nicely apparent under the saggy top, her tits bouncing around as she shifted her weight. Her blonde hair had been pulled into a bow behind her head, revealing her bright red cheeks. She rolled onto her back, and thrust her hips into the air, trying to disconnect the rod with her hands. In the process, her shirt fell down her abdomen and rested below her breasts, revealing her tight stomach and slightly-lower-than-it-should-be-panties. She realised this suddenly and fell down, humiliated since now everyone was now looking at her. She rolled precariously back onto her stomach, and inched forwards to try to pull her shirt down, inadvertently pulling her panties down a little more over her arse...
"Don't worry sweetie" one of the other girls spoke up "Allison will be back in a sec, just relax".
The young blonde girl didn't say anything, but she was soothed somewhat by the words. Alison returned at that moment.
"Ok, sorry about that." Alison came round undoing the rods, but leaving us all on the ground.
"There's only one more exercise left, this is for your neck muscles"
She wandered over to her bag, and pulled out a pile of leather straps. This can't be good, I thought.
"This will be attached to your head, and the rod reapplied between your elbow ties and the top of these apparatus. The exercise will involve pulling your head to the ground, against the pull of the rod, a number of times"
It seemed alright, all things considered. Only when mine was applied did I realise the problem. To avoid applying too much pressure to one area, this contraption encompassed the whole head.
"Open up"
She put some rubber thing in my mouth! I couldn't talk! Could I?
"Ewww. Wtsss Tis Frr" Nope, I can't talk, but she knew what i was trying to say.
"It's to protect your mouth and jaw, exercises like this can be dangerous otherwise. By the way, I wouldn't try to talk, you're drooling on the mat a little"
Allison got out a tissue and wiped some drool off my chin. I was startled and pulled my head back, but she continued in her normal, confident demeanour.
After applying the rods, she guided us through the last of the exercises. The combination of this exercise and the elbow bondage was killer, but thankfully, it was the last one. Allison came around and undid the rods, and helped us to our feet. She did not, however, undo any of our ropes, or the leather head things.
"Now, I want you to keep the binds on for the fun and games bit for the end"
"Bt wht abou th saurna" I tried to speak again.
"Yes, well you can still enjoy the sauna, but we are a little stretched for time. I'll waste 10 to 15 minutes if I come round and untie all of you, only to tie you up again. You'll just have to go to the sauna like this"
"Ehhh..." many of the girls, myself included, were not happy. However, like before, there wasn't much to do.
"Now I know this could be a little embarrassing, but you'll appreciate the effect the sauna will have. It'll open your pours and help relax you. If you can all hop over here to the door, I'll try to make sure nobody is coming. It's just a little dash down to the changing rooms"
I wondered why we were going to the changing rooms rather than straight to the sauna, but that wasn't the main thing my mind was focussing on. What if a guy saw me like this. Someone I knew? It would be humiliating. I hopped over to the door regardless. I'll just have to be quick.
Allison peered out of the door, looking both ways. I heard some footsteps, but they were growing fainter.
"Ok.... GO!" Allison held the door open and we all hopped, rather loudly, down to the girls changing room. I somehow ended up in front and was the first through the door. It was empty. Thank god. Allison and the other girls quickly followed.
"Shit" Allison said "I forgot the towels."
She looked anxious.
"Well, I can't leave you all here, someone might come in, it's the ladies changing room after all. I know, we'll just change here, and you can hop down to the sauna, it isn't far, this particular building isn't very large"
"By the way, it's a nude sauna"
NO WAY. I can't do that. It's insane. I'm not hopping nude, bound up, through some fucking sports centre. I made a grunt in protest.
"Now now, I don't make the rules. I'll come round and help you undress..."
Fuck, she's actually doing it. The first girl she came to was clearly not happy. As Allison grabbed the zip on the side of her top, the bound girl pulled away. This only aided in the process. The top came off and she stood topless. Her breasts weren't large, but they stuck out from her elbows being tied behind her. The blonde girl was next. She even hopped away, but Allison caught her and remover her top too. She was too humiliated to make a noise. One by one our tops disappeared into a neat pile on one of the benches. I was last. I didn't bother at this point, I just let her. Next the string-tie panties came off. Most of the girls were trimmed in that area, from what I could make out, but they were hunching over trying to retain some dignity. Though you can't get a leg up when your feet are tied together. The worst thing was, everyone was watching Allison, so each girl had 8 others watching their humiliation. This better be one relaxing sauna, I thought.
As we took a moment to ponder our situation once more, nude, bound, and in a public place, Alison began to remove her clothes. She clearly had no issue with nudity. She wrapped herself in a towel and peered out the door.
Why does SHE get a towel?
"Ok, it looks like it's clear, let's go"
Once again I was closest to the door, I didn't really want to go, but Allison was the only person who could look after us. I was bumped from behind by a chesty brunette went into the fresh air beyond. Why was she so eager? I felt a breeze run over my pussy as I leapt out - one distraction I didn't need right now.
Allison went around the corner. I looked back and saw we were more spread out than before. I could just see the shy blonde girl at the back, looking around frantically as she hopped along, her tits unmercifully bouncing up and down, her knees turned slightly inwards to vainly hide her shaven pussy.
"Oh shit, how's this going to work" Allison was standing in front of some stairs. Stairs? Yeah, how is that going to work, you idiot.
"The lift!"
We all caught up and huddled together while we waited for the lift to arrive. It was quiet, but I was still terrified. Anyone could walk around and see us. Hell, anyone could be in the lift!
It opened. Empty! We rushed inside, falling into each other in the process, a sea of tits and arses bouncing around. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the lift for the first time as I bounded in. I actually thought I looked pretty good. My tits, large but normally neglected, did look good all stuck out like that. My hourglass figure wasn't bad, especially compared to other women my age. Shame I was the only girl with a decent bush though.
Allison navigated through the sweaty mass, tactfully pushing the girls aside, to get to the buttons. I Only then I realised I was in the way, and my bottom was close to pushing a button unintentionally. Realising this, Allison cupped my left bum check and pushed me aside, and I squealed slightly as I bumped into the busty brunette. She didn't seem to mind, but it's hard to discern facial expressions through a full-face gag. My breasts were pushed up against hers, and she giggled a little. Then I noticed some drool had fallen onto my breasts and was running down my chest. The busty brunette had obviously noticed. Allison hit the button to close the door, then the floor she wanted. It was quiet again. Lifts are normally awkward, but this was something else.
As we arrived to the floor, we could hear voices faintly talking. Shit, what if there are people there? We stumbled as the lift arrived. The doors opened. There was a man in a suit facing the other way! We were still. Just imagine what he would see if he turned around. No matter how we turned, he was seeing something, some tits, pussies, some arse... I was actually proud of my arse, but this wasn't the scenario I envisaged showing it off in. There was a shout. He acknowledged, and left down the hall. He didn't see us!
"Quickly girls, I think I'll be in trouble if anyone sees this!"
You think?
We entered the sauna. Empty again. It was a week day obviously. I sat down opposite the door and tried to relax as the others came in. It was actually pretty nice. Allison looked relieved. I wasn't bothering to even try to hide my nudity any more. We had all seen enough of each other for one day.
"OK ladies, that wasn't so bad" Allison laughed. She took off her towel and joined us. She looked around, I think to check we were all doing ok. I strained at my bonds as I tried to get comfortable, leaning against the hot wood.
"Hang on"
The same thought occurred to me as well. There were only 8 nude gagged girls in the sauna. The shy blonde girl!
"Shit, where is she!"
I had seen her exit the changing room. Obviously i couldn't communicate this information.
"Wait here" Alison left the sauna. Alright, so NOW it was ok to leave us alone. We tried to settle down. I noticed a pale, younger girl carefully lowered her self-down on a lower bench, struggling a little when another girl came to try and help. A freckled redhead lay on her side above her, and shut her eyes. I don't think this is a dream, sweetheart.
Part 2 (added: 2013/08/23)
It's times like this that I need to take a step back and wonder how I got into this situation. I'm a good-looking 35-year-old brunette, sitting in a sauna with 7 other girls (all younger than me), all of us stark naked. We all have our ankles tied together, our wrists tied together, and most uncomfortably of all our elbows tied together behind our backs. We are all ball-gagged, and our instructor, Allison - the one who put us all in this state - has disappeared.
Allison is not here because she's gone looking for the last member of our class, a shy 20-something blonde girl, who is in the same state as us (nude, bound, gagged), but who somehow went missing during our incredibly dignified mass hopping from the women's changing rooms to the sauna. What would people do if they learned that somewhere in the sports centre, there was a young busty blonde girl, nude, bound, gagged, and totally helpless? I do hope that Allison finds her, before anyone else does...
So why were we hopping from the changing rooms to the sauna, tied up, and in the nude? Well we were in the nude, because Allison "forgot the towels". And we are still tied up because Allison tied us up for some 'exercises', and wants us tied up for some "fun and games" at the end of the session, and apparently untying us and tying us up again for the trip to the sauna in the middle would take "too much time". Like how fetching the towels from the exercise room would have taken "too much time". To her credit, Allison sure does try to jam as much into this session as she can. I just wish it was a little less humiliating.
What's worse, we don't even have choice! Our company required us to take a fitness course, and if we don't finish it, our instructor tells the company, and there are repercussions. Picking "Allison's Pilates" was obviously a mistake, but we need to finish the session, for the sake of our careers.
After Allison left to go look for the missing girl, there was a silence in the sauna as we all tried to get a little more comfortable, despite our restrictive bondage. We were all by now beginning to feel a little more comfortable being naked around each other (a "we're all in this together" type of mentality, I think), and, dare I say it, we started to relax slightly. None of us could talk, of course. Our eyes said more than anything, or at least I think mine did, as I looked around at the other girls, and for the first time had the opportunity to size them all up properly.
I still didn't know anyone's name.
The steam from the hot sauna had started to do its work - our "pores were opening", I think, but we were also all sweating rather alot from the heat and humidity. Our naked breasts were all emphasized by our tight elbow-bondage, a fact that never seemed to drift too far from my mind - maybe because my already above-average breasts were now so visible (something that, if I'm honest, did give me a certain sense of satisfaction). I became even more aware of the heat as I noticed the amount of sweat that was beginning accumulate on my naked breasts (and presumably my other areas too), and watched as it slowly dripped onto the hot wooden decking below.
I reclined, tilting sideways so that I would not be lying on my bound elbows, trying to copy the redhead on the other side of the sauna who had done the same thing. She was rather skinny, I thought, and relatively flat-chested, but still a good looking girl. Even on her, the elbow bondage made her breasts look much more impressive. I noticed she had shut her eyes - maybe to give herself some brief respite from the absurd situation we all found ourselves in.
Unlike the redhead, though, I kept my eyes open. Partly because I was still keeping an eye on the door, worried that anyone could walk in at any moment (which they could), but mostly just because I was starting to enjoy looking at the other girls, all tied up like this. What can I say, it was interesting. It's fun to see what people do when they are presented with a new situation, one they have never experienced before.
Two girls in particular caught my attention. One was a pale girl, with light-blonde hair, and the other was darker-skinned, with brown hair, and an impressive figure (or at least I thought so, the kind I like to think that I have). The blonde had laid down, and was resting her head on the darker girl's rather voluptuous thighs - I'm guessing they, err, knew each other already. The curvy, darker-skinned brunette was bringing her bound hands around to the side of her and was stroking the pale girl reassuringly on her arm and bare back. Then she poked the pale girl playfully, and tickled her a little. The pale girl giggled instinctively, and struggled a little, but her usual reflexes to being tickled were hampered by the fact she tightly bound.
The brunette tickled her some more, and started mercilessly teasing the pale girl as she struggled to right herself, her boobs bouncing around freely. The commotion caught the attention of the other girls, and the pair suddenly stopped their playing once they realized all eyes were on them. The pale girl looked embarrassed by the sudden attention, but the brunette seemed less bothered. Maybe the brunette, with her hour-glass figure and impressive assets, was more used to that kind of attention. The awkward silence fell once more as we waited for Allison to return.
Suddenly, we heard movement outside. Talking. We all noticed, and began to panic slightly, as we realized neither of the voices we heard were Allison's. I could tell it was a man and a woman, but couldn't quite tell what they were saying. Though if I had to make a wild guess, I would have said they were here to use the sauna. Their voices became clearer as they approached the changing area outside the sauna.
"Yes, it's a NUDE sauna, Rick, of course you have to take your clothes off!"
"Isn't it optional though?"
"No, Rick, because then everyone else in the sauna would feel embarrassed."
"But.... but I've never been to one like this before.."
"Oh come on, I've been here loads of times before. There's no need to be embarrassed, everyone is naked, so nobody is going to look odd."
We took his silence to this remark, and the fact that we could now hear the rustling of clothes, to mean that he had decided to join his female friend in the nude sauna. I could tell the other girls were worried. I was worried. A man had not seen us yet like this yet, and I would rather it stayed that way. Several of the other girls had made an attempt to cross their legs, and brought up their knees in front of their breasts; not the most comfortable position, but one that afforded them the most dignity, as it did a decent job of hiding most of their nudity. What would we say when they came in? Well, nothing, obviously, since we were all ball-gagged.
All eyes were on the door, as it slowly and inevitably opened...
Surprisingly, it was the man, "Rick", who was the first to enter. He entered slowly, clearly apprehensive at the idea of a nude sauna. As he emerged from around the door, I could not help but notice he was rather well put together. Not muscly, but you could tell he kept fairly fit. Pretty handsome too, in my opinion. He held his towel over his manhood with one hand, still not quite ready to make commitment that this room obviously required - but otherwise he was in the buff.
His eyes scanned the room as he opened the door, and he gazed at all of us in turn, maybe not quite sure if he could believe what he was seeing. He eventuality froze entirely, staring at us, his mouth slightly agape as we all stared back from behind the leather straps that held in our ball-gags.
My fun at seeing how everyone was reacting to the strange circumstances came to an abrupt halt, as I noticed he was staring at ME! Why me? My mind raced with possible reasons, trying to rationalize with this utterly humiliating situation. Maybe it's because of my age? He looked to be 30-something, so I'm closer in age than any of the other girls. Or maybe he thinks I'm too old, and don't belong here with the other girls? Should I take his gaze as a compliment? I then became aware that I was the only girl left that wasn't covering herself with her legs - I was still sat up with my feet resting on the floor, leaving me completely exposed - he could see everything. His eyes fixated on my naked, sweaty breasts, still thrust out by the bondage, before slowly drifting down to my bush, which was not even close to being hidden. He could probably see every bead of sweat I produced as it ran down my nude body. At least he could cover himself (much to the annoyance of the other girls, I'm sure).
I soon realized that I couldn't rationalize this. It was humiliating, I was mortified, and there was no way of getting around that. I wanted to cover up, but now I was too scared to move! I was frozen like he was. I wanted to try and cover up like the other girls did, but would that just make things worse? Should I try and play this off confidently? Confidently?! How the hell do I play this off confidently?!
After what seemed like an eternity, Rick broke the horrendously awkward silence;
"Err, Denise..."
"Oh for God's sake Rick, just get over it, nobody cares if they see your cock"
"No, it's not that..."
We heard the woman, "Denise", quickly finish disrobing, and head over to Rick in a huff. She nudged him inside, carrying her towel under her arm, and (in a recurring theme) she was completely nude. She was, like the man, approaching middle age, and was also rather fit. I guessed she probably spent alot of time at this spots centre, both because of her fit body, and her confident demeanour. She was well tanned too, probably from the sports centre's tanning beds, since she didn't seem to have any tan-lines.
As she spotted the first of the bound girls, she pushed Rick aside, curious to have a look at the rest of us. This made Rick awkwardly stumble sideways towards one of the girls, the redhead, who had tried to hide herself by being the last girl you saw as you entered. Rick raised his left hand to stop himself from falling into the tied-up redhead, dropping his towel and exposing himself to her in the process, while the redhead instinctively tried to jump backwards, exposing to Rick her cute little breasts, and her nice little ginger landing-strip. This situation is probably not the one she had carefully shaved her crotch for, but you never know. The playful brunette gave out a muffled giggle, and as the attention turned to hapless Rick, I quickly made the decision to pull up my legs, trying to cover up like the other girls.
Funnily enough, Denise didn't seem that surprised;
"Oooh .... are you Allison's class?"
There were a few shy nods in response.
"Err ... does she take you all to the sauna like this now then?"
The girls paused, but I decided to nod in agreement. Confidence! That is what will make this less embarrassing! Just act like you hang out in nude saunas bound and gagged all the time!
As Denise and Rick considered their options, we heard a familiar voice from down the corridor. Allison was back!
"Oh hello Allison! How are things going?"
Denise was still making no attempt to cover up. What is it with these people and nudity?
We breathed a collective sigh of relief as Allison, still wrapped only in a towel, entered the sauna, skirting past the awkwardly silent Rick, and the strangely indifferent Denise.
"Oh well, it's been a bit hectic actually! We have had a bit of an organizational breakdown. This girl in particular, silly girl couldn't keep up! I found her hiding in a closet downstairs, you know, the one the pool cleaners use."
I noticed Allison had a rope in her hand - she looked like she was pulling something along with her.
"I mean, have you seen the pool cleaner's closet? It's filthy! Just look at this poor girl"
Allison pulled gently on the rope, causing the shy girl made her long-awaited entrance. Clearly Allison was scared she would lose her again, so she had tied a rope to the shy blonde girl's head strap. Her face was bright red, and she was still completely nude. Her ankles had been untied (for extra mobility, I imagine), but her arms and elbows remained firmly tied behind her.
And I could see what Allison meant about the pool cleaners closet. The shy girl was filthy! She must have fallen onto some of the cleaning equipment, maybe while trying to get free from her binds in the relative seclusion of a cleaner's closet. Her attempts had been unsuccessful, and had only succeeded in covering much of herself in grime, and in particular her more 'protruding' areas (including her thighs, breasts, and most of her bottom).
On top of that, she was about as sweaty as the rest of us, and had clearly been exerting herself alot during her escape attempt. She was startled when she saw Rick, not expecting to see a man, and turned away in embarrassment, raising one leg up in an attempt to hide her well-trimmed bush, but alas there was not much else to do. As she stood there, controlled by Allison like a kind of animal, stared at by all and humiliated beyond measure, I could see her face turn to acceptance. She knew there was no getting out of this now, and any other "escape attempt" would just draw more attention to her. And that was something she clearly didn't want.
"Err, well anyway, it was nice to see you Denise, I would love to chat but I'm a little behind with my Pilates session. Maybe another time?"
"Yeah. Sure. Rick and I were just heading off for tennis anyway, so we have to run."
Denise touched the shoulder of the shy girl, who was facing away from her, in a friendly manner.
"I'll see you at work, Karen!"
Her face had gone bright red. Poor girl, at least I hadn't seen anyone here I knew from work! She would have alot of explaining to do. Noticing that Karen had still not acknowledged her, Denise embarrassed her just a little more by slapping her lightly on her exposed bottom.
"Try to wear something a little less revealing on Monday though, I think your outfit might be against company policy!"
Rick, manhood back firmly behind his trusty towel, and still completely confused by the whole situation, followed Denise back out to the changing area.
Allison closed the sauna door and removed the humiliated girl's leash. She then removed her own towel, and joined us for a moment to enjoy the sauna as nature intended.
"Now isn't this lovely! See, I told you this would be worth it."
The shy girl sat down quickly and, like the other girls, tried to cover herself up.
"Unfortunately, as much as I'm sure you'd all like to stay here and relax some more, we do need to get a move on. We still have the fun and games bit, remember?"
God only knows what demented games this woman has thought up. Allison put her towel back on.
"Come on, let's get you all cleaned up, the showers are right outside."
After seeing the predicament the shy girl got herself in to, nobody wanted to be left behind. The hopping brigade once again was set in motion; naked, bound, gagged, sweaty, and without any shred of dignity left, following Allison out the sauna. We assembled in the changing area just outside, next to some cubicles and showers. My eyes suddenly fixated on something I had by now though a distant memory. It was the holy grail! Neatly stacked and sitting on the bench next to Allison. They were finally here!
"Oh and yes, I brought you all some towels for the trip back, I thought I might as well since I was downstairs anyway"
Towels! Sweet protector of dignity! I had to control myself, and resist the urge to hop up to Allison and shout through my gag for her to dress me in one.
"But you all need a good clean before we start the fun and games. Especially you, you little escapee!"
How Allison seemed to be missing the fact that the shy girl was not having fun, I will never know.
"This shower here will do. Chop chop! We're against the clock here."
She herded us all into a single shower cubicle. We all fitted, just about. We were all still naked, of course, minus the ropes and our gags. I found myself thrust up against the curvy dark-skinned brunette, face to face. Our larger-than-average breasts were pushed together, and she started giggling. She was enjoying this a little too much for my liking...
Allison removed her towel, and with one last push, she squeezed her naked body into the cubicle to join us. She locked the door, and turned on the shower.
Several girls squealed in shock as ice-cold water began to pour on top of us. I had avoided most of it, save for some secondary spray bouncing off the other girls and landing on my face and breasts. The brunette standing right in front of me, on the other hand, was right in the way. She pushed me back, trying to get out of the way of the jets of cold water. She hopped a bit out of protest, her breasts bouncing against mine, and then thrust her pelvis into mine as the jet then hit her rather lovely bottom.
I fell back into yet more feminine features behind me, my legs brushing against the trimmed privates of the redhead girl, who screeched in surprise at this sudden intrusion, and pushed me back with her chest. The water quickly warmed, and the dark-skinned brunette girl giggled once more. She is definitely having way too much fun.
Allison had some shower gel with her. Surely not, she isn't really going to .... well, given our past experience with her, clearly nothing is off the table.
"Come on, lets clean you girls up."
The redhead screeched again. Allison was lathering her up! Boundaries are non-existent to this woman! I couldn't see what was going on as we were all squished together, but girl after bound helpless girl shrieked as Allison made her way around the shower.
I could see Allison approach the shy girl, who was predictably cowering in the corner. She got 'special attention', because of how dirty she was. Which, of course, meant her breasts and legs, and bottom, got a good scrubbing. Allison started to clean her, but whenever she did, the shy girl tried to pull away.
"Now now, don't misbehave! You need to be cleaned, just look at you!"
She once again saw there was no way out, and reluctantly gave in to the humiliation of letting Allison clean her filthy, naked body. To Allison's credit, she got her pretty damn clean.
After working through a few more bound girls, she reached me, but rather unexpectedly as she came from behind. She started with my legs and feet, working her way up. My bottom got the next bit of treatment, and then my back and arms. I won't lie, my arms were aching a bit from the bondage, and I enjoyed having them rubbed by her. She pushed her body up against mine as her hands worked their way around round to my front, confidently cleaning my breasts, and then working their way down my stomach....
Err, you can stop now Allison.
I shrieked and then grunted in protest, but it went ignored. Allison thrust her hand down between my legs, giving my pussy an unnecessarily thorough cleaning. Allison was still doing this while standing behind me, the touch of her fingers being the only thing that guided her. I tried to push my bottom back and to the side, away from Allison, but once again was halted by the ginger girl. I pushed up against her regardless, her ginger pussy tickling my bottom slightly, as she tried to push me back. Allison repositioned her legs and put a stop to my struggle, using her own pelvis to hold mine in place while she continued.
Shocked at this gross transgression over what I though of as acceptable, I tried rationalizing her actions once again. Maybe she was just curious? Allison, as I noticed earlier in the sauna, was as trimmed as all the younger girls were. I was the only one with decent pubic hair (but I still kept it tidy). Maybe that's unusual for her? I tensed up more as her hand rubbed further between my legs - but with my hands still tied behind my back, and with my helpless body still penned in by eight other just as helpless girls, there was still not much I could do to stop her. Allison finished off by running her hands around my hips, and sliding her hands once more over my bottom and down my legs.
She squirted out some more shower gel, and then set to work on the last girl, the dark-skinned giggling brunette. If I had any doubt about her before, it was gone by now - she was loving all this. She playfully moved her body around, working with Allison to cover all the areas. She even didn't seem to mind as Allison finished her cleaning routine in her most sensitive area. I was still pushed up against the giggling girl for most of this, our breasts still pressed up against each other - but awkwardness levels reached a new high once I saw her eyes roll back in pleasure, in response to Allison's "cleaning" between her legs. She even thrust her pelvis forward, momentarily pushing Allison's hand once more into my by now squeaky-clean bush.
As expected, she's ignoring me completely. She isn't stopping either. Unbelievable. Allison is masturbating the giggler. Nothing surprises me anymore. The bound girl started to moan, causing the other girls to take notice from their moment of soggy contemplation. Allison, you can stop now, I think it's clean..... nope, she's not stopping. The enthusiastic girl's grinding once again prodded my private parts, and I grunted even louder than before. I exchanged glances with the other girls. Still, despite all that had happened, something had still come along and shocked us. Even the pale girl, who was apparently quite friendly with this brunette, was wide-eyed in amazement. Maybe that was usually her job.
Eventually, to nobodies surprise, the dark-skinned brunette came. And, for apparently the first time today (as she regained her breath and realized that everyone was looking at her), she blushed. She was embarrassed.
Allison finished by cleaning herself (though not in that way), and we hopped back out into the changing room. We got goosebumps as we stood with our wet bodies exposed to the cool air, waiting as Allison came round with a towel and dried us all off (in a slightly less intrusive fashion). She then dressed us in our towels. She made sure mine was tightly wrapped around my breasts, as if the towel fell off, there was not much I could do to put it back on. It wrapped under my arms at the back, and I did my best to hold it there with my elbows. The towels were not exactly long, and most of our legs were still exposed - but it dealt with the essentials, which was something I had now come to appreciate.
"OK ladies, you know the drill! I'll signal when the coast is clear, and we will make our way back down to the exercise room."
Exercise room? Shouldn't we stop at the changing rooms first and put on some clothes?
I guess I could try asking her...
"ch w pt an sm clths?"
This is so stupid, she didn't even hear me.
Ok, she heard me this time. Whether she understood was another matter.
"What was that? Your clothes?"
I nodded.
"Oh no, I've been thinking about it and since we're running late, we don't really need them for the fun and games bit. It'll bemore fun without them anyway!"
Wasting my breath, like always. We hopped on back to the exercise room, Allison this time being extra sure everyone kept up.
We took the lift again, but as we reached our floor, we could hear talking outside. Again.
I'm getting so sick of this.
The doors opened, and there they were. The local men's basketball club. They must have just been leaving too - just our luck. Soon there were a good 20 men staring at us from down the corridor. I expected maybe some hooting and hollering, but instead they just looked confused - much like Rick had looked.
Anyway, at least now we were dressed.
Having also noticed the sudden attention, the voluptuous brunette girl giggled again. Fuck, she is starting to get annoying! While we waited for the basketball club to leave, for some reason she hopped over too me, still giggling to herself. She turned away from me, and before I could react, she had grasped the bottom of my towel with both her hands.
Don't. You. Dare.
I grunted into my gag, trying to alert Allison to my impending nudity. Allison, though, was busy trying to get the basketball team to move along. I appreciated her doing this, but it did mean that she didn't hear my cries for help. I thrust my elbows into my back, trying to jam the towel in place. Another girl saw what was happening, and hopped over to try to help. She bumped into the mad giggling woman, trying to push her away from me. The collision, however, also knocked me sideways. As I hopped to prevent myself falling over, my grip on the towel slipped.
The stupid giggling girl hopped away with my towel. I crouched down instinctively, trying once more to hide my bulging breasts and still-damp bush, with my arms still useless due to them being tightly bound behind my back. I looked back over my shoulder. Please say they've all left, please say the basketball team has left!
They had! Except for one, who was now apparently engaged in a casual conversation with Allison. I stayed down, with just my naked back and bottom facing them, hoping they wouldn't notice. I also hoped the other girls might try and hide me, but they were too preoccupied by the mad giggling girl. And the giggling girl had now got a grip on the girl who tried to help me, and pulled her towel off too! The girl screamed. Bad move. This, of course, alerted the basketball players what was going on.
"Hey! Stop that!" The man who had just been chatting to Allison rushed over, soon flanked by the rest of his team. As they rushed over, another battle between the troublesome brunette and now the redhead had resulted in both of them losing their towels. The men, being 'gentlemen' I suppose, broke up the commotion, separating the redhead and the brunette from their stupid naked hopping battle. I was also pulled aside pretty forcefully by one of the men - I'm sure he was trying to help, but all that accomplished was me once more exposing myself to a bunch of strangers.
I wasn't sure what I missed, but the redhead and the dark-skinned girl were MAD! Several men each were holding them back, as they were trying to attack each other! Did they actually hurt each other? I couldn't tell, but they were struggling like there was no tomorrow. Apparently unaware that in their bound, naked state, and being subdued by several men, they were not going to accomplish anything, they were still uncontrollable.
The previously playful brunette was now thrashing about violently, still not giving a second thought to what she looked like - her ample breasts bouncing around, free from any interference from her hands still securely bound behind her back. She was making no attempt to hide her cleanly shaven pussy - or any other part of her voluptuous body you care to mention - from the leering men that surrounded us. The redhead, too, was now behaving totally different - nothing like the previously shy girl I had seen in the sauna.
Compared to the dark-skinned brunette, the redhead was physically leaner, her thighs and breasts were less pronounced, and she was probably fitter than the other girl, her assets not giving the jiggly performance that the brunette's were. The redhead, too, now giving no thought to protecting her dignity from the men who were holding her back - her neatly shaven ginger pussy, her cute little arse and tits, all on display for everyone to see. And Allison's binds on the redhead, like on the dark-skinned girl, continued to do their job - her arms were still firmly stuck behind her, her ankles still stuck together, and the gag still in place in her mouth, despite all that was going on. If there was one thing Allison could do, it's tie someone up.
But I still could not figure out why they were in such a rage at each other. Maybe they knocked heads or something to set them off? Or maybe the redhead had just had enough of it all, and the giggler was just bat-shit crazy.
Either way, Allison stepped in with a solution. She took some more rope from her bag, and while the dark-skinned girl was being held down by three men (all with noticeable smiles on their faces), she threaded a piece of rope through her ankle binds and her wrist binds, and then pulled tightly on it until the brunette was pulled into a hogtie. It was tight, too, more so that the ones we had all been subjected too earlier.
The redhead calmed down once she saw what Allison was doing, probably hoping that she would be spared the same fate - but Allison repeated the process on the redhead regardless, her more athletic figure just as helpless to stop Allison as she tugged on the rope, with Allison using her whole body to pull the redhead into a hogtie just as tight as the dark-skinned girl's. One of the men then kindly re-affixed my towel (but not without getting a good look first), and the towel of the good Samaritan girl who had tried to help me.
"Thanks for the help, chaps! We can take it from here, you guys don't need to hang around anymore!"
As much as some of the men obviously wanted to see some more, they took Allison's hint and left. We now all stood around the two naked girls, still struggling, tightly hogtied, laying on the hard ground of the sports centre corridor.
"I'm very disappointed in you two!" Allison spoke like she would to a naughty toddler. She gestured to the brunette.
"Especially you, after the treat I gave you in the shower." This is so. Fucking. Inappropriate.
"And you!" This time she pointed to the redhead. "It takes two to start a fight! You are just as to blame!"
The redhead wiggled her nude body about in vain and grunted at Allison, clearly pissed at how she was treating her. Allison responded to this defiance by leaning down to her, and smacking her tight helpless bottom. She was still nothing like the shy cooperative girl she had been earlier. Has she just snapped?
"As for what to do with you, you will have to be punished! And you will have to sit out from the fun and games I had planned while you think about what you've done."
Does Allison even realize these are grown women she's talking too?
Whatever she had in mind as far as games went, the hogtied girls still needed to get back to the exercise room. And they can't move when they're hogtied, or even hop there. Allison left momentarily, and returned with a flat trolley. She picked up the two struggling, still-naked girls (with some difficulty, for both parties), and placed them on the trolley.
They were now right next to each other, and the redhead took the chance to try and shove the dark-skinned brunette off the trolley, thrusting her tight ginger pussy (the only body part she could still use forcefully) into the brunette's naked bottom. The brunette tried to retaliate by pushing her impressive naked bottom into the redheads toned midriff. Both acts were futile, though, as they were equally helpless.
"HEY! Cut that out! Right now! Or I'll leave you here in the corridor for somebody else to find!"
Allison placed a towel over the two girls, hiding them from view.
"And stay still! Unless you want more people to see you!"
Allison lead the trolley and the hopping brigade back to the exercise room. I noticed the pale girl on the way back, the one who appeared to have been close to the dark-skinned brunette who was now completely incapacitated by Allison's disturbingly good knot-tying ability. She appeared a little off put by the whole thing, but not as much as I expected - maybe her friend is always like this?
We entered the exercise room and Allison closed the door behind us, and then removed the towel from the trolley, revealing the two nude hogtied girls like a rabbit in a magic act.
Now that the heat of the fight was wearing off, I sensed the two girls start to become more aware of their situation once again. The rest of us, still bound in just our towels, watched the nude, sweaty girls as Allison moved them on the trolley over to the far side of the room.
Allison pulled both women off the trolley, grabbing at their bodies with her familiar lack of regard for their dignity or personal boundaries, and giving no thought to the protests of the girls. I started to feel a little sorry for them, as I saw them laying there. Yes, we were all still tied up, and relatively helpless. But they were in a tight hogtie, they can barely move at all. And they were both naked, and Allison had obviously decided they were going to remain that way.
Allison left the two girls to try and find a comfortable position in their overly-restrictive bondage. The busty brunette lay on her side, apparently so she could watch the games that Allison had planned for the rest of us. The redhead, who had now calmed down and had even started to blush as the humiliation of her predicament began to sink in, lay down on her front - I think in an attempt to recover some dignity, by hiding her boobs and well-maintained privates from our peering eyes. The redhead grunted loudly at the brunette, angry at what had happened.
"Hey!" Allison wasn't going to put up with any more trouble. She pulled the redhead up onto her side, and this time smacked her on her boob.
"No more fighting!"
The redhead yelped, and wriggled herself back onto her stomach. Allison wandered casually back over to us, with a hint of a smile on her face as she looked around the group.
What games did Allison have in store for us now?