Author's Note: A woman must figure out how to balance requirements of her Mistress with those of her marriage.
As Jennifer pulled in her driveway on a quiet evening nothing seemed out of ordinary. Yet as she put her car into park and turned off the ignition she knew her life and marriage would never be the same. Sitting in the darkness of her driveway, she sat quiet trying to adjust to her situation. Crickets and cicada could be heard chirping in the distance as minutes ticked by. An involuntary shift to adjust the pinching between her legs woke her from the daze of the moment. Reaching down, she gently pulled as the skin between her thighs to relieve the pinching.
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Pulling up her shirt, Jennifer ran her fingers over the steel band that dug into her waist. The shiny stainless steel glinted in the moonlight. Her hand slid down under the waistband of her sweats over the smooth metal plate that covered her crotch. She had worn the chastity belt for about two hours now but she knew it would take much longer to get fully used to. The more pressing problem is how to let her husband know about it.
While Jennifer and her Mistress had talked at lengths about limits and taking their relationship to further extents of control, this is something she had not imagined. Past events started to click together in Jennifer's mind. Jennifer's mind flashed back to weekend she had spent at her Mistress' house in a very extreme sensory deprivation hood. Just recalling the memory flushed her slightly as her body remembered the tight leather squeezing her head. She closed her eyes recalling how all sight was blocked out for so long. Deeply inhaling she could still smell the scent of leather through the two small grommet holes that allowed her to breathe. Cicada seemed to get louder in the dark Texas evening simulating the annoying buzz of white noise blocking out all hearing outside of the dreaded hood. The hood was so tight she could feel it crushing her skull. Shaking her head violently, she could still feel the rattle of the locks securing the buckles as they bounced off the hood. Her hands pulled violently at the her short blond hair but in her mind they were gripped tightly to the straps of the hood, trying to find some way to remove the dreaded thing. Throughout that weekend, just as she thought she was going over the cliff of sanity, the melodic sound of her Mistress' voice would come through the small built in speakers and give her comfort. Jennifer's mind recalled how Mistress walked her through simple tasks to get through the day. Jennifer continued to feel flush at the deeper dependency that day on her Mistress. To perform even the most simple of tasks such as getting a glass of water or going to the bathroom.
Seemingly inconsequential at the time, Jennifer now recalled that Mistress used the situation to take extensive measurements all over her body. At the time Jennifer was only concerned about her own little mental world and if she was truly getting enough air through those two little grommet holes. The various poses that Mistress had her stand in and measures all over her body was just one of Mistress little quirky games she likes to play.
As she relaxed at the thought of Mistress' complete control over her life, her right hand slid slowly down from her hair to her waist band trying to find her moist love channel. As her fingers brushed over the rigid holes of the secondary shield of the belt, the situation ripped her mind from the past fantasy to the present. Crying out in frustration she banged in the front shield of the belt, but only felt slight bits of pressure all her trouble.
Straightening her clothes, she opened the car door and gingerly slid out of the car. Looking down at the leather seats of her Acura, she saw two striped indentations from where the two flat chains rode up her butt cheeks connecting the rear of her belt. A wave of embarrassment rushed over Jennifer as she realized that she would have to be very careful on what surfaces she sits on while wearing this belt.
Motion sensors in the driveway detected Jennifer's presence as she exited the car and flooded her in a spotlight. Looking around she tried to determine if any of her neighbors were out this late, but she was unable to see anything from within the security spotlight. Jennifer straightened out her clothing, hoping her new addition wasn't exposed and headed towards the front door with as much grace as she could muster.
Sitting on the couch watching the Mavericks lose yet another game Michael sighed at what his local team has evolved to from champions just a few short years ago. Noticing the front garage light pop on from outside the living room windows, Mike figured that his wife was home early. Generally when Jennifer is "on duty" as she liked to call it, she was gone for quite a bit longer. Thoughts of something being wrong quickly crawled into his head. Getting up from the couch, he opened the door just as Jennifer was walking up from the drive. He noted that she was walking gingerly, but that wasn't anything unusual. He also noticed a far away look in her eyes, looking down at the ground. Upon her noticing him standing in the doorway, the far away look quickly vanished into that smile he has long loved and she walked directly into his arms, with a hug as if she was gone for 10 years.
"I love you" Jennifer whispered as she finally broke the long embrace and moved inside to their home.
Michael closed the door gently and moved close the blinds to the living room window ensuring that they had privacy from any nosy neighbors. "I love you too hon, but what's wrong?" Mike replied with genuine concern.
Moving to the adjacent kitchen, Jennifer grabbed a bottle of wine and filled a glass she retrieved from a cabinet. "Mike, I'm all mixed up in the head. Why do I do all this stuff? Why can I live a normal life?I should be giving you two kids, taking care of a dog, the house and be a good wife for you." Tears started accumulate in the corner of her eyes as emotions start to let loose. "You're the most understanding and best husband any woman could ever had and deserve much better than to have a screwed up psychopath for a wife."
"Jen, we've been through all this before. I love you, no matter what is needed. We've tried the 'normal' life before and you know it doesn't work for you. Do you really want to go back to that depression and turmoil for what is missing in your life?" Michael tried to keep calm but started to grow genuinely concerned. It wasn't' unusual for Jennifer to come home crying, but that was most often to her emotional high and lows, or quite frankly being a bit bruised from her escapades.
"We've both known Karen for a long time, but obviously something different happened to night. Tell me what happened."
Grabbing a paper towel for a make-shift tissue, Jennifer blew her nose and wiped her eyes. Her relationship was unlike any she knew or heard of. Jennifer Anderson, wife of Michael Anderson, successful attorney. Volunteer at the city's recreation and events committee. Organizer of her blocks' neighborhood watch. To every outsiders view, the perfect community citizen and model wife. Jennifer's best friend for many years was Karen Andrews, and they were well known in the community together. Karen's husband, also a successful attorney and partners at the firm with Michael Anderson. Yet to Jennifer, Karen was much more than a long time friend. Jennifer had a burning desire to submit and relinquish control. Early in their relationship, Jennifer shared her desires with Michael and they tried to work through Karen's needs with little success. The love of their relationship, emotion, and Michael's inability to take advantage of Karen quickly showed them that Michael was ill equipped to be Jennifer's dominant.
Turning back towards Michael, Jennifer's voice cracked as she spoke. "I think she's finally pushed me too far. I can't do this anymore. Michael, it's not fair to you!"
Michael reached across the kitchen island, gently pushing aside the wine glass and caressed his wife's hand. "You've told me many times that you need to push farther. Did you talk with her about it? What could possibly so bad?"
Jennifer pulled her hand away as her emotions raged. Was it anger? Frustration? Some combination there of. She wasn't sure. "This isn't one of those stupid little games she likes to play like when I had to send her a damn text message to go pee. This is something that effects you and I."
Michael raised an eyebrow of concern while suppressing a small chuckle at the memory of his wife having to gain permission to pee. Karen had always been respectful of the limits of their agreement and had promised not to interfere, and actually work to promote his relationship with his wife. More than one time he had enjoyed the fruits of her coming home all turned on and ready to head to the bedroom. Moving around the kitchen island that separated them, Michael pulled out one of the bar stools next to Jennifer, grabbed her hand once again giving it a loving squeeze. "Tell me."
Tears freely poured from Jennifer's eyes as the embarrassment overwhelmed her. With her free hand she lifted her shirt while turning her head to hide her shame. Michael looked down to see the shiny stainless steel band encircling his wife's waist. The band was quite tight, pressing into her skin. The band was lined with a red rubbery material, Michael deduced that it helped with the comfort of the belt. Michael noted the front plate, obviously covering Jennifer's crotch and the round security lock holding them all together.
Michael took a few minutes to take in the sight before finally reaching and touching the stainless steel lock. Jennifer pulled away in her embarrassment. "It's a chastity belt Mike" she cried. Michael had long grown used to her coming home in cuffs, an occasional collar, or other device, but this was definitely on a whole new level.
Not sure what to say "I take it this is something you didn't ask for?"
"No, I didn't ask for it" Jennifer exclaimed while giving her husband a look like he just asked the most stupid question imaginable. "This is real Mike, I can't get it off. I didn't even knew it existed. She strung me up like a puppet on a string a put it on me when I couldn't stop her."
Michael tried to remain calm and assess the situation. On one hand he knew his wife would calm down eventually. It wasn't unusual for her to come up frustrated or crying. In fact, if she didn't she almost pouted the next day on how Karen went too easy on her. Yet, on the other hand, he loved his wife and not having sex with his wife is something he wasn't sure he was willing to except.
"Michael, I'm so sorry. I'm going to end this whole thing. I'll get counseling or something to be normal. Please don't hate me."
"Hate you? I could never hate you hon, although I have to admin, this situation is very over the top. Did she say anything. Actually, I'm going to give her a call."
"No wait, she gave me this note for you." Reaching into her purse, Jennifer pulled out a thick envelop with 'Michael' written in Karen's handwriting.
Michael took the envelop with suspicion looking it over. The envelop was sealed although Michael mentally noted that he was sure Jennifer wouldn't have opened it even if it wasn't. Michael opened the envelop and pulled out a letter, as well as another smaller envelop reading 'Jennifer.'
I'm sure this evening has been quite a shock to you. I'm sure we'll talk through it when we get the opportunity but for now it's a time of adjustment.
As Michael read, Jennifer moved around the counter to read over his shoulder.
This note is for you and will give you a greater understanding of perspective and the situation. It is not for Jennifer so please do not let her read it directly, but you may share information contained within as you see fit.
Michael paused to conceal his letter and handed the Jennifer her letter. "Give me a minute and go read this." Jennifer paused and looked at Michael a gasp for a moment, but with a harrumph took the letter and headed into the other room.
As you're aware, you, Jennifer and I have had a unique relationship for quite some time now. I've found it more and more difficult to push Jennifer to reach the sub space that she desires. As such, I've decided to take some drastic measures. This does push the limits a bit of our agreement as if Jennifer isn't careful, the belt can easily be discovered in public. But if she's careful to conceal it, it shouldn't be a problem.
Safety is the number one concern. As you read this, I would guess that Jennifer would have been belted for less than 6 hours. Still an adjustment period but probably experiencing some discomfort. I also suspect that some annoyance to the situation. At this point Jennifer has no way to remove the belt and I suspect that she's had little time in private to try.
I've informed her already but she needs to use moisturizer where her skin touches the belt and inspect often for any sores, etc. While custom made to her measurements, there is a natural amount of friction that can irritate the skin. Please encourage her to check regularly or feel free to inspect her yourself. If you see anything of concern please contact me immediately and we'll figure out a best course of action.
If an emergency should arise, there is a key to her belt buried about 3 inches deep within the bamboo pot in your living room. I put it there during one of my recent visits. Please understand that whining and discomfort doesn't constitute an emergency.
Now, for the sticky point. While I want to control Jennifer to a greater level, I don't wish for you to go without. At the same time I want solidify with Jennifer that she is not currently in control of her sex. While currently I'm sure she thinks that she has to abstain indefinitely while in the belt, but as soon as she reads her note she'll understand that nothing could be farther from the truth. I want her to have more sex in a short period of time than she's ever had before. The mental rub is simply that it won't be vaginal. Specifically she should not be able to orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Her current mission is to be selfless and serve for others pleasure. I encourage you to use her in a very selfish manor. Standard sex won't work in the belt, but her mouth, hands, even rear are all available for your pleasure. You are to receive unlimited sexual favors and she is forbidden from refusing or even balking at the situation. Any time she does please report to me and we'll correct the situation. I know you love her and this might be mentally tough for you to use her this much, but she will understand that this is my will for her and you're supporting her life choices. As always use your best judgment and let me know if there are any issues.
As an added bonus, you also have a special treat this week. Jenn's instructions also contain directive for her to get up early in the morning and make you breakfast and serve it in bed. You should be able to sleep in and be presented with your breakfast upon waking. While you are eating, you are to receive oral pleasure for the duration of while eating. You can also give her instructions such as a juice or coffee refill, but while not busy, she's to be orally performing until breakfast is over and she can take the dishes back to the kitchen. Please feel free to critique her overall performance to me on a daily basis.
I'm sure we'll be talking soon. Please try to enjoy this time and keep in mind Jenn's desires and history. I'm sure it will go well with your cooperation. I love you, and Jennifer very much.
Michael read the note over several times trying to mentally assess the situation. He was emotionally torn between the needs of his wife versus how much could he actually be sexually selfish with his wife getting no pleasure at all? Then again, Michael knew that his wife only received sexual satisfaction by being pressed in extreme measures.
As Michael pondered, his thoughts went into protecting his wife from this madness. "What the hell am I thinking, this has to end now." As Michael headed toward the bamboo tree to retrieve the key, he was interrupted by a disturbed scream coming from the bedroom.
Rushing into the bedroom, Michael found Jennifer sitting on the edge of the bed. Next to her was the torn envelop with her name on it and a wadded up piece of paper with handwriting. Jennifer had taken off her shoes and pants exposing the chastity belt to view. Jennifer didn't seem to notice Michael coming in as she leaned back at the bed trying frantically to get her hand under the front plate of the belt with her right hand while trying to pry off the lock positioned at her belly button with her left.
Jennifer looked up and quickly flushed with embarrassment. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, she put her hands to her face and started to break down in tears. "That bitch. Do you have any idea what she's asking? Honey, I know I'm weird, and screwed up in the head, but I don't think I can do this."
Michael took a seat next to Jennifer on the bed and put his arm around her lovingly. "I got my own letter remember. I do think I have an idea. I do have to admit, it's far from mainstream but you've done some really strange things in the past."
"Not like this"
"True, but didn't you once tell me that you trusted her with your life? If you don't want to do this, then we won't."
Jennifer stood up, her body tensing with frustration. "I don't know what I want anymore" she exclaimed in a tone louder than she expected. Taking a deep breath to calm, she continued. "All the past things have been sexual, exciting, and many of them to bring us together. Playing dress up, enduring being tied up like a pretzel, all those things. But this is different. This is like, forever. I'm not turned on right now, it's not exciting." Turning towards him she lifted her blouse to fully expose the waist band. "Look at me, how could you love a wife that does this and you can't even have sex with."
Michael took a moment to admire his wife's body. The base of her ample breasts just barely exposed from the lifted blouse down to her curved waist, lovely hips and legs that extended to the floor. Tightly wrapped around her waist, just above her hip bones, was the polished stainless steel band. The top and bottom edges of the band were lined in a bright red coating, resembling rubber. The band was tight, like a corset, although not digging into her skin. As the letter mentioned, it was a perfect fit. The was obvious that the belt would be quite impossible to slide down over either hip bone. Jennifer's own body structure provided as much security for the belt as the round recessed lock just below her belly button. The lock itself was round, obviously custom made. It resembled what Michael had seen on vending or soda machines. A metal band was attached to the front of the belt, extending down between her legs. The band was also lined with the same bright red material on the edges. Like the belt, it was polished stainless steel. It flared widely across Jennifer's vagina, shrinking back down again as it disappeared between her legs. The front plate pressed tight against her skin, creating a type of seal. Michael was amazed at the fitting as there was no gaps to be seen to reach under the front plate. A small slit, probably a quarter inch wide was apparent from within the front plate from about the middle and disappeared down between her legs. Michael assumed that this was for urination, although he wasn't sure how that would work. A secondary plate was mounted over the slit, filled full of tiny pin holes resembling a mesh or net over the slit. It was pretty obvious to Michael that this secondary plate was to prevent any tampering through the slit of the belt and reaching Jennifer's sensitive parts.
Michael smiled. "Honestly hon, you look as beautiful as always. I'm not sure what I think about the bright red, but in a weird way, the belt is very sexy. Can you really not get it off?"
Jennifer groaned in frustration dropping her shirt. "No, it won't come off." She reach down pressing her index finger into the side of the front plate trying to reach under the band. Michael could see that she could get the finger under the band to about the second knuckle but the pressure was so tight that she couldn't wiggle or maneuver it in anyway. "It's hard to describe. I don't like it, but it doesn't hurt. Peeing is a fricking mess. It splatters everywhere and is hard to keep clean." Jennifer's voice started to pick up a distinctive whine. "I don't like it. And I want you to take me. Call her up Michael, tell her to come take it off of me."
Michael grinned at his wife's latest whine. "No, if you want it off, you're going to have to tell her."
"But, I'm your wife! How could you possibly be happy with this. Don't you want to have sex with me."
"Jenn hon, I've long accepted your idiosyncrasies and we don't have exactly the classic Leave it to Beaver marriage." Michael sat back and crossed his arms and got a wicked grin on his face. "Besides, my understanding is that I don't have to do without at all."
Jennifer audibly gasped. "Michael Anderson, you can't possibly be serious in going through with that!"
"Why not. You're the one that is always running off to get herself fulfilled with someone else. Why can't I get mine first for a change?"
Jennifer shifted uncontrollably as she spoke. It seemed as if the belt was pressing even tighter against her. She found herself pulling at the front plate, trying to adjust it and relieve the tension as she spoke. "That's very different. Besides, I thought you understood on how she makes me feel. And also, most times she sends me here to you and we have great sex."
"Yes, but most times I'm only getting fifty percent of you as apart of the bargain."
Jennifer started to put on a pouty face, still trying to shift the belt. "I've always been a good wife to you. Do I not please you when we are together."
"Yes you have my love, and I'm sure you'll continue to do so." Michael gave out a sinister chuckle. "Especially this week."
Jennifer's cheeks flushed red with humiliation and frustration. Stepping back she cocked her hip and began waggling her finger in Michael's direction. "Listen here, if you think I'm going to be your little suck whore that comes running every time you snap your fingers you got another thing coming mister."
Michael reached in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "That's exactly what I expect but if you want we can put an end to this right now." Michael unlocked his phone and started dialing.
Jennifer kept her fasad as long as she dared before rushing forward. "No, don't call her. It's just not fair, but if you call her it will be twice as bad."
Michael grinned in her direction.
"Don't look at me that way. You don't know what it's like." Jennifer ran her hands over the belt again. "You know I love you and want to be a good wife and give you everything you desire, yet at the same time, I can't feel anything under this belt. It's not fair."
"True, but that is what makes you a good little suck whore" Michael laughed.
Jennifer gasped, "You bastard."
Michael shifted up to the edge of the bed. "Well, for that you can start right now." Michael snapped his fingers twice and pointed to the floor in between his legs.
Jennifer felt herself flush once again at the humiliation and thought of the act. Her vagina involuntarily clenched at the sexual humiliation of the act, as it often did when she was in this predicament. She thought she felt wetness at her labia, but it was impossible to tell with the dreaded belt. It could just as easily be sweat or remnants of pee.
Jennifer found herself dropping to her knees in between Michael's legs. She couldn't bare to look up into his eyes, the humiliation was too great. Instead she concentrated on undoing his belt and pants. She must obey, it was ingrained within every fiber of her being. Her vagina clenched again, holding a tight squeeze onto, nothing. Nothing would penetrate the belt. No way to scratch her own needed itch and desires.
Taking out his half hard penis, she caressed it gently. Leaning forward, she took him in her mouth. Slowly sucking on the bulbous head. Her nose filled with the smell of her husband. The sweat from his crotch, to the taste of his penis and even a drop of urine left over in his penis. Her thoughts went to times when they had sex, how they were both clean, bathed, in loving husband and wife fashion. This time it's spontaneous at his whim. He snapped his fingers, and she dropped to her knees like a crack whore promised a piece of rock. 'I truly am a whore' raced through her mind. Rather than a whore to drugs, her drugs was the humiliation and control she craved.
Relaxing her throat she moved up and down on his now rock hard cock, caressing it with her throat. Her left hand squeezed the base of his shaft and massaged his balls, while her right hand rubbed against the cold steel over where her own love button would be. She took a deep breath and swallowed his entire shaft, forcing her mouth down to his pubic hair. Simultaneously she groaned in frustration making a fist with her right hand and pounding at the belt, trying to get any level of stimulation.
Michael got an inner chuckle at his wife's obvious frustrations. Reaching down he grabbed her long hair and wrapped it up in his fist, pulling her head down onto his cock so she couldn't pull off. He could sense Jennifer's initial panic as she tried to pull away but he had better leverage and held her tight by the roots of her hair. A moment later he felt her relax, submitting, knowing that her right to breathe would be at his will.
"Tomorrow morning I'll take two eggs, over easy. Two strips of bacon, orange juice, toast and a cup of coffee."
The seconds ticked by slowly for Jennifer as she did her best to control her panic and gag reflex. Balanced as she was, she couldn't pull away from Michael's strong grip. Upon hearing his breakfast order, her rage got the best of her as she fought again and her body rebelled against his cock deep in her throat. The need for air started to become overwhelming as she pulled to no avail. She slapped at his legs in an attempt to let him know she needed off.
Michael tightened his grip on her hair and held her strong. He knew from experience that she would eventually calm and she could go about 30 to 40 seconds. It was scary for him but if he gave in she would resent him in the long run. A few more seconds of her slapping his legs he could try that she was fighting with her emotions to calm herself. He could feel her body relax and even the use of her tongue to massage the underside of his cock.
Jennifer pulled of Michael's cock, gasping for air and spiting up some saliva. Trying to regain her composure she never looked up at him, either through submission or just humiliation. Tears began to drain from the corner of her left eye as she whispered hoarsely. "Yes Sir" was all she said.
A few moments later, Jennifer continued to work on Michael's cock. Running her tongue up and down the shaft, sucking on the sensitive head. Jennifer's hips in the meanwhile seemed to have a mind of their own. Continually rocking back and forth, doing a grind against nothing but stainless steel and thin air. It wasn't long before Michael felt himself coming to full climax.
Michael grabbed his phone, dropped at the side of the bed as Jennifer worked over his cock. "Take it all in your mouth, but don't swallow. Hold it."
Jennifer groaned at this latest instruction but continued to work on his shaft. She sucked and licked hard on the end of his penis, while masturbating his shaft with her left hand. Her right hand still futilely tried to get her own stimulation. A few seconds later Michael tensed and she felt the salty cum shoot against the top of her mouth and the back of her throat. She suppressed a cough as a second shot tried to find it's way up her nasal cavity. She continued to suck at his cock, being careful not to swallow and keep a minimal amount from dripping down her lips.
Michael finished his climax with a long sigh. He took his phone and switched it to camera, pushing his wife off of his softening cock. "Open your mouth and smile"
Jennifer's humiliation froze her. Her mind was in shock as she couldn't believe that Michael would take a picture of this moment. All of life seemed to move in slow motion yet she could feel her body looking up at him, her mouth opening, showing her mouth full of cum. White goo dripping down her lips that she couldn't wipe away. She tried to will her body to turn away from the camera but it wouldn't move. The shame filled her to every pour of her being. She felt her nipples actively harden, yet she still couldn't move. The flash went off like a spotlight and she knew the picture was taken.
Looking up her body started to return to her. Michael was actively smiling and tapping away at his phone. He laid back on the bed, nearly disappearing from her view. The salty seed on her tongue started to taste disgusting feeling how she had just been used. She thought about spitting it out but not wanting to clean up the mess, she swallowed it with a grimace.
Getting up, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. She rinsed her mouth out and brushed her teeth, looking into the mirror. She reached down and the belt was still there. Unforgiving as always. Her legs were definitely moist now. Her hand went up to her nipples which were rock hard. "Why do I do these thing." she whispered to herself. She would have given anything to masturbate at that moment but knew it was impossible.
She didn't know how she would get through this week, but she knew she would. She grabbed her phone from her purse and texted her Mistress. "Thank you, I think you made Michael very happy."