Author's Note: This is only the introduction to a story I am currently writing. Please, critique away! Also, I only put the tags for this part of the story, will add more as time goes on.
Update (2014/03/26): Sorry for the extraordinarily long time in updating. The story took a little bit too dark of a turn for me, so I abandoned the story for a while. Any suggestions for how to go on from here without going extraordinarily dark would be nice! Thanks!
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Chapter 1
"Please come ASAP!"
Katherine reread the last e-mail she received from the Johnsons, confirming that she was in fact at the correct address. Looking up at the impressive brick house, she couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by it. I may not exactly be poor, Katherine thought, but this house certainly puts my little flat to shame. Katherine shut the door of her car, and walked straight into the house.
"Hello? Is anybody home?" Katherine called out. The clamor of footsteps rushing down the stairs, and two faces came into Katherine's vision. "You must be Jane and Jessica!" Katherine said to the two beaming faces before her. Jane, the elder of the two at fourteen years old, pushed ahead of her sister as if to display her authority.
"Yup. Are you the sitter?" She questioned. Katherine, a little stunned by the question, replied "yes, of course. Where's your other sister?"
Jessica, only twelve years old, said "Oh, she's probably up in her room having a sulk." Jessica came only up to the shoulders of Jane, but she seemed to puff herself up taller as she continued to talk. "But she does that all the time. Our parents call her a... what was it, Janey?" asked Jessica, turning to her sister.
"Delinquent." Jane stated, glaring at Jessica as if mad that she had taken her spotlight.
"Yeah, that's it. Don't worry about her, though. We can have fun without her." Jessica said.
"Well, what do you want to do?" Katherine asked. Nodding as Jessica pondered the question, Katherine thought over what their parents had sent her earlier that day. They had said that they needed to leave town immediately for an unspecified family emergency, (Katherine didn't ask) and they needed a sitter immediately. They had three children, Jessica, Jane, and Tyler, who was 18 years old. The Johnsons said they would be gone for most of the week, and that they would leave the kids alone with Tyler, except that Tyler had "disciplinary issues", and as a result wasn't "trustworthy enough". Why a 22-year-old part-time babysitter they had never met before was more trustworthy, Katherine didn't know. However, what really drew Katherine in was the money, or to be more specific, $2,000 for the whole week. Katherine was doing fine with the rent, as she had just received a nice inheritance after her parents died six months ago, but she knew that she couldn't turn down an offer as sweet as this one. So, she accepted it about ten minutes after she got the e-mail.
Snapping back to reality, Katherine only heard the last tail-end of what Jessica had been saying, "-does that sound good to you?" Not willing to admit that she had been daydreaming and hadn't been listening, Katherine said "Sure, sounds great!" Suddenly remembering that she still hadn't seen Tyler, Katherine added, "But first let me go upstairs and talk to your sister. You two can get ready to play down her, though."
Katherine ascended the staircase, still amazed by the size of the house. I mustn't daydream, thought Katherine; I've already gotten into trouble once for it! Reaching the top of the stairs, Katherine went down the hallway, and reached a closed door, behind which she heard music. Katherine knocked, and heard the music suddenly cut out, and a few seconds later the door burst open and a girl rushed by Katherine without a second look.
"Wha-Hey! Wait!" Stammered Katherine. The girl stopped and turned around, and Katherine got a good look at her. Now, Katherine felt pretty good about her body, with nice firm C-cup breasts and radiant red hair, but she felt her self-esteem take a little dip when she saw Tyler. Tyler had long, flowing blonde hair that Katherine felt she could just get lost in, and deep blue eyes that put the ocean to shame. To boot, Tyler had breasts that were D-cup at least, and a butt that could have made it into an art museum. Katherine gaped a little while taking all of it in, but Tyler interrupted her little reverie. "Can I go now, or are you just gonna stare at me all day long?"
"Oh, wait, go where?" Asked Katherine, clearly confused.
"I have a party to go to, and now that you're here, I can leave the house." Tyler responded matter-of-factly.
"You what? No, no, I have orders from your parents that you are not to leave this house except to go to school! You can't run off to some party!" Katherine exclaimed.
"Yeah, well I don't really care what you say, I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. Seeya." Tyler said. Tyler turned and started to walk downstairs, but Katherine ran after her and grabbed her arm.
"Listen," Katherine said, "I don't care what you want to do, or what you think you can get away with. I'm in charge here, do you understand? Or do I need to call your parents?"
Tyler shook her arm out of Katherine's grasp, and said "Oh, yeah because I really should be taking orders from someone four years older than me who can't even get a job meant for an adult," practically spitting the words out at Katherine.
Something in Katherine just snapped at that moment, and she said in a low voice, "Yeah, well you're just a spoiled suburban bitch, who has nothing better to do than throw temper tantrums. Now go back to your room." Tyler held Katherine's stare for a moment, then broke it and stalked off to her room, slamming the door behind her. Katherine inwardly sighed, knowing she would never get along with Tyler, but knowing that she could suffer through it for the $2,000. Katherine went back downstairs, and once she got downstairs she saw both Jane and Jessica standing and waiting, holding something behind their backs.
"What's the name of the game, again?" Katherine asked in a desperate attempt to figure out what she agreed to.
"Cops and Robbers." Jane answered.
If only I had siblings, Katherine thought, then I might have had a chance at knowing what that game is. Resigned to her defeat, Katherine said "and remind me of the rules again."
"Well," Jessica said, "We're the cops, and you're the robber, and we catch you and tie you up."
Well, it's not the worst, Katherine thought, but it's certainly not the best. And I'm already off to a bad start with one third of them, I need to get off on the right foot with these two, Katherine thought. "Alrighty then. But you have to promise to let me go in an hour" Katherine stipulated. I at least need some control, thought Katherine though this will probably be excrutiatingly boring. Oh well.
"OK." Said Jane and Jessica together. Then before Katherine could react, both of them practically pounced on her. Jane dove down to her legs, tying them tightly to each other with a jump rope before proceeding to her knees. Jessica, however, grabbed her arms, and with surprising strength pulled them both behind her back, where she felt an acute coldness and heard the ratcheting of metal. She's handcuffed me! Katherine realized. However, before she could protest her arms were secured behind her and her legs were stuck together like blue on a smurf. Jane seemed to be satisfied with her knot work, so the sisters both grabbed more jump ropes and began to tie more rope on her, seemingly in random places. Several ropes went around her legs, and several went around her torso and her arms, pinning her arms to her back, and then some ropes criss-crossed around her breasts. As they continued to put on more rope, Jessica took a rope and attached it to ropes in the front and the back, pulling it down through her crotch. "I think that's enough..." Katherine stammered, completely tamed as she slowly lost all use of her limbs. Finally, Jane and Jessica seemed happy with their handiwork, so they sat Katherine down on a chair and tied more ropes around her, securing her to the chair. Katherine looked down and thought that she looked like a neat little package, tied up in colorful string.
"Ok," Katherine peeped, "that was fun. Now untie me please!" Katherine had never in her entire life felt so completely and utterly out of control of her own situation, and she felt that she was not longer the babysitter, but that the babies were her sitter. As she felt less and less in control she felt more and more timid and submissive, and she almost wished she hadn't said that. Also, the rope that Jessica had tied through her crotch had tightened when she sat down and was starting to rub against her crotch, and altogether Katherine had decided that she didn't hate this game as much as she thought she would.
Jane and Jessica giggled, and then Jessica said "first, we have some questions. One: have you ever kissed a boy?"
Katherine, stunned by the question, felt that she had to answer the question, so she blushed and meekly said "yes." The sisters giggled, and then poked her, asking for details.
As the day wore on and became evening, Katherine stayed tied up for what was definitely more than an hour and answered all of the sisters' questions. Under the spell of the ropes, Katherine answered question after question under the administration of Jane and Jessica, who by tickling and prodding managed to get every last detail out of Katherine. Finally, as the sisters giggled and tried to think of a new question, Katherine realized that almost four hours had passed, and that it was past Jane and Jessica's bedtime. Katherine mildly suggested "maybe you guys should untie me now, it's past your bedtime," Almost embarrassed by having to ask.
"OK," said Jane, "But first, we have a surprise for you." Jessica then pulled a bag over Katherine's head, and then Katherine heard their snickering grow distant as they went upstairs, leaving Katherine, alone, tied to a chair and blindfolded. Katherine waited and listened for their footsteps for what felt like an eternity, but she heard nothing come down the stairs. However, as she was waiting, her mind was focused on other things, specifically how wonderful the rope on her crotch felt. As she slowly shifted positions and felt the comforting pressure of the rope, suddenly her hood was lifted. Katherine's eyes adjusted to the bright light, not to the sight of the two sisters, but to the sight of a maniacally grinning Tyler. Katherine's mouth suddenly dropped open, and then a cloth was stuffed into her mouth, followed by another cloth being tied around her head, securing the cloth in her mouth. Tasting sweat, Katherine realized that it was a dirty sock that was stuffed into her mouth. The bag was pulled back over her head, and then Tyler whispered in Katherine's ear "Who's in charge now, bitch?"
Chapter 2: The Real Story Begins (added: 2014/03/26)
Katherine felt some of the jump ropes shift, and realized that Tyler was untying her from the chair. Panic began to set in as Katherine realized the gravity of her situation: She was handcuffed, gagged, hooded, and hopelessly tied up. Katherine squirmed in her bonds, but Jane and Jessica had done to good of a job and Katherine couldn't get any slack in any of the ropes. Tyler laughed a little at Katherine's feeble attempt to escape, and then said "You think you are going to get away, pretty little girl? You think you can just walk up to me and call me names and get away with it?" Katherine felt a harsh slap through her hood, and let out a whimper through the gag in response. "I'm going to make you wish you never even stepped one foot into this house" Tyler breathed into Katherine's ear. Katherine barely suppressed a shiver at Tyler's words, but she couldn't help but wonder what's she going to do to me? Katherine's mind spun around and around, but before she could think too much she felt herself get lifted up onto Tyler's shoulder. She's awfully strong, thought Katherine. Tyler started walking with Katherine, and then Katherine realized that they were going downstairs. Soon, they reached the bottom, and Katherine was tossed down onto a mattress. Her hood was removed, and her eyes began to adjust to the dim light in the basement. Looking around, she saw that she was lying on a bare mattress on a four-corner metal bed, and that there was little else in the basement worth describing. She saw the doorway that Tyler had carried her through, slightly ajar to reveal the staircase behind it. But what truly alarmed Katherine was how Tyler looked. Tyler had undergone a complete transformation from a simple high school girl who had been wearing nothing to brag about, to a true stunner. Tyler's feet were sporting a killer pair of 4-inch "fuck me" stilettos, and on her legs were a pair of sexy fishnet stockings. Above that Tyler was wearing a red and black dress that revealed more of Tyler than Katherine thought was possible, starting almost at the top of the stockings, and swooping down to reveal almost half of Tyler's boobs. All in all, Tyler looked like a first class prostitute. But what truly alarmed Katherine was Tyler's sinister grin and what she was holding.
"You like it?" Tyler asked, holding up the paddle in her hand. "My boyfriend gave it to me. Said I might like to use it someday. Well, I suppose that day has finally come, my pretty little girl." Katherine's eyes widened upon realizing exactly what Tyler intended to do with the paddle, and her heart sunk down into her stomach. Katherine whimpered into her gag, shaking her head no.
"Oh, don't worry." Tyler said, walking over to Katherine. "This is supposed to hurt. But first, let's get you out of those silly clothes, shall we?" Tyler procured a knife from somewhere, and Katherine's eyes got even wider. "Oh don't be a sissy, my pretty little girl," Tyler cooed, "I'm only cutting off your clothes." Katherine froze, except for the occasional mmmph, worried that she might get cut. Tyler then reached over and slipped the knife through the sides of Katherine's blouse, revealing her sexy lace white bra. "Nice boobs you got there," Tyler said to Katherine, meeting her panicked glance. "Almost as nice as mine, even!" Tyler then brought the knife down to Katherine's denim short shorts, grinning when she saw how much Katherine mmmph'd as she brought the knife closer. Suddenly, with quick motions, Tyler sliced of the shorts, and carefully slid them out from under Katherine's crotch rope. "And matching panties, too! How sexy!" Katherine blushed almost as red as her hair, knowing that she should have worn more discreet underwear, but then was distracted by Tyler's exclamation "Oh my! And they are soaking wet, too!" Katherine looked down at herself, alarmed, and saw that her panties were indeed soaking with her juices. That damn crotch rope! Katherine thought, blushing even more than before. Katherine was completely humiliated, tied up and gagged almost naked in front of an 18 year old punk that she was supposed to be babysitting, and to top it all off, her pussy was soaking from all the stimulation it was getting from the rope through it.
"Well then," Tyler said, "I guess that maybe you're not just a pretty little girl. I think you're actually more of a slut. After all, nobody but a slut would get wet from getting tied up, right slut?" Katherine hung her head in shame, knowing that what Tyler said was true. She was absolutely humiliated by how her body had betrayed her, but there was nothing that she could do.
Tyler nodded her approval, and then began untying the ropes that pinned her legs together. Confused, Katherine watched as Tyler then took her legs and attached them each to different corners using the same jump ropes, flipping Katherine onto her stomach in the process. Then, Katherine felt Tyler unlock her left hand from her cuffs, then cuff them again, only this time in front of her. Then Tyler began to untie the ropes that bound Katherine's arms to her body, leaving only the crotch rope. Still optimistic, Katherine thought that maybe Tyler was going to let her go now that she had been humiliated. However, Tyler immediately grabbed Katherine's arms and forced them above her head, where she attached her handcuffs to the headboard using one of the jump ropes. Katherine, confused, tried to see what Tyler was doing, but she was standing directly behind Katherine and was out of her sight. Suddenly, Katherine heard a faint woosh in the air, and then felt a thunder bolt rip through her body, starting at her ass. She's spanking me! Katherine thought as she moaned loudly into her gag in pain. Another woosh, and another bolt rocked through her body, eliciting an even louder groan from Katherine. Woosh after woosh came, and Katherine felt like she was moaning and groaning in pain constantly, but they just kept on coming for what Katherine thought must have been at least a hundred strokes. Finally, no woosh came, and Katherine looked up weakly. Tyler was standing above her, grinning from ear to ear. "How was your first twenty?" She asked. Katherine was shocked that that was only twenty strokes, but before she had any time to respond, Tyler stuffed Katherine's head back into the bag and said "good night, slut!" The last thing Katherine heard that night was the audible locking of the basement door and the fading clack of Tyler's heels as she walked upstairs, punctuated by the beeping of the door alarm as Tyler walked out the front door.
Chapter 3 (added: 2014/03/26)
Tyler drove down the highway, considering what had just happened only an hour or so ago. She currently had a hot 22-year-old slut tied up in her basement, whose wallet she had just stolen, finding two credit cards and $700 in cash. That gave her free reign of the house to do whatever she wanted, including with her new... pet. Yes, Tyler thought, she's my pet. To do with exactly as I please. Tyler glanced at her phone, 9:20, too late to go to the party, but some stores would still be open. Tyler knew one store in particular that she knew she needed to visit. After all, Tyler thought, my pet needs proper attire. Pulling into the nearly empty lot for the store she was looking for, Tyler slowly got out of the car. Not giving a care about how she was dressed, Tyler simply walked into the store.
Twenty minutes later, Tyler walked out of the store carrying her new purchases with her, which she loaded into the trunk of her car. Things are cheap around here if you're willing to show some cleavage, Tyler thought as she remembered how she managed to convince the store clerk to give her a nice 75% discount. It was almost as if the boy had never seen a tit before! Tyler thought. And it certainly kept the boy from asking her questions about her purchase, too. After all, it's not everyday that someone walks into a pet store dressed like a hooker and buys a locking dog cage that a human could easily crawl into, a black leather dog collar with leash, and dog food. And I doubt many people ask to have the name "slut" engraved where the dog's name goes, either, Tyler mused. But, due to the enormous discount, she only had to pay 30$ in total. Driving back, Tyler decided that she was going to have fun with her pet.