Author's Note: In this 3 part sci-fi spoof we go back to the 1960s, when the forces of UNCLE (The United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) were battling the evil THRUSH Organization. Our heroine, April Dancer, was recruited by UNCLE right after college. In Part 1, April goes through a rigorous 90 day probationary training period, which included the UNCLE Torture Chair Test and a water torture test. When she passes, April enthusiastically participates in UNCLE's bizarre recreational sex program. In Part 2, April takes part in UNCLE's Field Exercises. She is captured and tortured by members of a lesbian women's team. After the field exercises conclude, April and her friends are kept for nearly 24 hours and forced to play lesbian bondage sex games. In part 3, April and her best friend double cross 2 of the lesbian women and trick them into a night of heterosexual bondage sex. April must endure THRUSH's latest weapon, The Fucking Machine! Finally, April becomes a hit in UNCLE's Playroom.
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Part 1
Initial training and UNCLE's suggested recreational sex program -
Hello, my name is April Dancer. I am among a class of about 75 probationary female recruits to join UNCLE (the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) in hopes of becoming an UNCLE Agent. Our enemy is the dastardly sinister THRUSH organization, which is out to dominate the World. I was recruited in my senior year in college with a degree in Political Science and minors in foreign languages. I was actually fluent in 5 different foreign languages. The problem with this was that I could tell no one about it, even my parents and family. I had to tell them that I was going to be working for our Government and dealing with top secret classified material. They seemed to buy it without question, because this was the era of the Cold War with Russia. The Cuban missile crisis was over, J.F.K. had been assassinated, and Lyndon Johnson was President in a turbulent and unsettling time period.
I met with my UNCLE handler monthly and he checked on my progress. At graduation, from a prestigious East Coast college, I was #5 in my class. My UNCLE handler told me that I would have to report at the end of August, and he suggested that during the summer I should join a gym and take some martial arts classes. He said that I needed to tone my muscles, but not to go as far as bulking up. Also, I should run and condition myself, because UNCLE had a 1 mile obstacle course that I would be running very soon. Despite my fluency with 5 foreign languages, he thought that I should try to enroll in at least an introductory Russian language class. Well, my parents, my 2 older brothers and their wives and my 2 younger sisters attended my graduation. After 2 days of dinners and parties, my Dad and brothers packed up all my belongings from my apartment, into a U-Haul, and we made the caravan back to our home in a Boston suburb. Of course, it didn't last. Everyone was all over me about when I would start my new job and what I would be doing. My UNCLE contact in Boston had a nice furnished 2nd floor apartment for me in downtown Boston, near the Boston Common. He gave me the name of a nearby gym. I had received my inheritance from my grandparents and was pretty well off. I borrowed one of the family cars. It took 3 trips to move my clothes and stuff, plus some kitchen utensils and cleaning items, to my new apartment
That summer flew by. It was actually about 9 weeks. I ran on a treadmill and took martial arts lessons. I ran around downtown Boston. By the time I had to leave, I could run a mile in around 5:30 minutes. I wound up taking a 1st year Russian class for summer school kids at a nearby high school, as an audit. I never dated that summer, though a lot of male runners that I encountered looked me over pretty closely. I saw my parents and siblings once or twice a week. They finally gave up asking, and we could talk about what each of us were doing, the Red Sox and the Cold War. Before I knew it, the last week in August came and it was time to report to UNCLE. I packed up 3 suitcases of my personal items and clothes, and either threw out or left the rest in the UNCLE apartment. I spent a few hours with my parents and siblings; ate my last home cooked meal for who knew how long, and was picked up by my UNCLE contact. We drove to Boston's Logan airport, where I boarded an unmarked UNCLE plane. The rear of the plane, which would normally have been for passenger seating, was being loaded with cargo through enlarged doors. I entered the plane using the front ramp and sat in the 8 seat 1st class portion of the plane. The seats were very spacious and comfortable. Mine was next to an attractive brunette named Yvonne Wilson. We introduced ourselves. There were 4 other girls on the plane, but the mood was rather somber and no one spoke much at all. The flight took over 8 hours, and I slept most of the time. There was one stop for more cargo and a nice meal, but no new passengers joined us. I had no idea where we were or even what direction we were going, because of the blacked out windows. When we finally landed, it was at some anonymous unmarked airport. The 6 girls onboard were driven in blacked out automobiles a short distance to UNCLE's secret underground headquarters.
We took elevators from the underground parking garage down to our residence hall floor. I was assigned a room and Yvonne Wilson's room was right across the hall from mine. After starting to unpack, the 6 of us who arrived together were given a tour of the areas that our ID badges would allow us access to. We stopped at the UNCLE PX, where we were quickly assessed and measured for our clothes and shoes. We would each receive 7 gray t-shirts, 7 pair of gray shorts, 10 pair of socks and 2 pair of tennis shoes, one for indoors and the other for outdoor wear. My items of clothing would be stenciled in black ink with my name DANCER, A., and delivered to my room the next day. Three of the girls, including me, were told to let their hair grow to shoulder length. My dark red hair was not at all curly and I wore it at chin length. We stopped at the cafeteria for lunch. The food was surprisingly very good. We, at least, found out each other's names, but were not allowed to divulge any other details of our lives, our families, or where we came from. When we finished lunch, we were told to change into comfortable casual clothes and report to room B-132 for testing. We were given a battery of tests that lasted all afternoon and covered every imaginable subject. After dinner, I was in my room finishing my unpacking, when our escort for the day walked in. She gave me my schedule for the next day, along with a thick binder containing the UNCLE Manual, which I was to read and learn over the next few days.
The next morning I was tested on 6 foreign languages. The 5 that I was fluent in were easy, but I found the test on the Russian language quite difficult. In the afternoon, I reported for my physical exam. A female lab technician told me to take off all my clothes. She weighed and measured me every which way. I guess the important ones were that I was 5'9" tall, weighed 120 pounds, and those 3 important measurements were 36B-22-35. A woman doctor came in and listened, with her stethoscope, to all my vital organs, while I took deep breaths. Next, I put on my tennis shoes, and about a dozen pads, with attached wires, were stuck to my front torso and sides, and a blood pressure cuff was wrapped around my upper left arm. I climbed onto a treadmill. By increasing the speed and inclination of the treadmill, they brought my heart rate up to the doctor's desired level. I was told that I would have to walk at that rate for 9 minutes. During that time, the lab technician checked my blood pressure every minute. When the test was over, the doctor told me that I appeared to be in excellent health, and to work out 20-30 minutes 4 or 5 times a week just to keep my muscle tone. The lab tech drew some blood for routine tests, and then it was time for my internal exam. I climbed up on the exam table and put my feet in the stirrups. The doctor adjusted them until my feet were spread at least 3' apart. She manipulated my pussy, with her gloved fingers, until I was wet and my pussy petals had opened up. Then, she shoved a cold metal speculum into my vagina. I swear that she must have opened me up to 3". After she peered around in there with her lighted scope, she pronounced me healthy and in good working order. Next, she took a sexual history. The lab tech came back with the results of my blood tests, and they were normal. Finally, the doctor put me on a new birth control pill, which allowed me to have my period only every 6 months, rather than monthly.
We started our 90 day training the next day. There were 40 girls in my residence hall and we mostly met together. We had daily classes in math, physics and chemistry. The emphasis was on electronics, communications, gases, poisons and explosives. Additionally, our class was split into 2 sections for twice a week lab classes. There were weekly exams to test our progress. I did quite well in everything except electronics. I just didn't get diodes, transistors and capacitors. However, I could take apart an UNCLE Communicator, change the spare battery in its base and reassemble it faster than anyone else. I could also diagnose a non-functioning Communicator and repair it, using the miniature repair kit stored inside. Also in my 90 day training period, I mastered the Morse code and could send and receive messages at 15 WPM (words per minute). However, I just didn't test well on electronic theory. The vast majority of our 40 girls were in my Russian language class. By the end of training, the basic language had turned out to be fairly easy to learn. I tested out and didn't have to take any classes in the other 5 languages that I was fluent in. Yvonne Wilson, the brunette living across the hall from me, and I became best friends and often studied together.
One of our most interesting classes was a class in espionage, and the tactics of surveillance and information procurement. While trying to get information, it was preferable to try and get the subject a little tipsy first, but if all else failed, we would probably have to use our feminine charms and even sleep with someone in order to secure the desired information. UNCLE had developed a powerful odorless tasteless truth drug. If the occasion were right, we would wear a ring containing a dose of the drug that could easily be slipped in a drink. During our first month of training, we had a class in etiquette and the social graces. We learned what the acceptable topics of conversation were, and what we could and could not talk about at parties and individual encounters. For 4 Sundays in a row, we had sumptuous 5 or 7 course dinners, where we engaged in mindless acceptable chitchat with our instructors and peers. We learned what fork and knife and spoon to use, while getting to taste some of the World's most exotic foods. Once a week, we were bused to UNCLE's outdoor one mile obstacle course. I had been taking the advice of the doctor who gave me my physical. I would go to the gym before breakfast and work out with light weights. However, I also took the advice of my UNCLE contact back home in Boston. I ran a brisk mile on a treadmill in the gym. UNCLE's obstacle course was typical. There were about 20 obstacles, and many were repetitious. There was the usual wall to scale with a rope, tires to run through, 3'-4' deep pools of water to swing over with a rope and the parallel ladder rungs to traverse using only your hand and arm strength. Although we had staggered starts, my times were always among the best, and I steadily improved my times over our 90 day training period.
I had never shot a gun inn my life, but the first week of training brought us to the indoor shooting range. We trained using UNCLE's official automatic pistol. At first, I was afraid of my weapon. By the 3rd week, I could at least hit the target. I went to the range for extra practice, whenever I could, and by the end of training, I was among the top 5 markswomen in our class. We also got to shoot a shotgun and a sniper rifle, although it was highly doubtful that the sheik UNCLE woman would ever tote such a weapon. In fact, looking back on my many missions, I was sent out without even a pistol all the time. However, I was armed with secret UNCLE earrings, charm bracelets, finger rings, spray atomizers and other gadgets, but I am getting ahead of myself now. We learned how to make simple explosives and small bombs, from materials found around most laboratories, and could be used to cause a diversion, damage or destroy a small area, or to detonate a larger arms cache. They were mostly fused devices, but later we learned how to build a detonator that could be set off remotely, using our UNCLE communicators. There was an outdoor detonation area where we got to test our work. It was for our test explosions that our class was divided into smaller groups for the 1st time. My group consisted of Yvonne, Carole, Beth, Rhonda, Meagan, Nina, Willow and me.
In Chemistry lab, we learned how to make various knockout gases that could be confined in a tiny pressurized delivery device. These devices could either be thrown at the feet of an adversary or released at someone's face. We also made liquid knockout drops that could be dispensed, using a specially built UNCLE ring, into any food or drink. Our class of recruits had become aware that there was another class of female trainees, who were kept completely segregated from our class. We saw them most every week boarding a bus and leaving the obstacle course, as we pulled up in our bus. Nothing was ever said of them or who they were, until we started facial recognition testing. First, we saw slides of the 40 girls in our recruiting class. There was a full length body picture and a close-up shot of our faces, along with our names, somewhat like a police mug shot. I confess that prior to the facial recognition slides; I only knew the full names of about 1/2 of our classmates. The following week we formally learned that there was another training group of 35 girls, and we had to learn and be tested on recognizing them. We were not allowed to take notes, but on our first tests. We were given a mixed up list of the other girl's names to choose from. The next step was to have us recognize well known UNCLE agents. There was, of course The Chief Alexander Waverly, and the famous Illya Kuryakin and Napoleon Solo, among many. Finally, we saw slides and facial shots of known THRUSH agents. This facial recognition testing would popup anytime or anywhere during our 90 day training period.
There was an indoor obstacle course of a different nature, which was patterned after the FBI's training course. We had to make our way through an ever changing warehouse and kill the bad guys, without harming any innocent victims. We were armed with a laser pistol, which could be monitored from a master control room. As I made my way through the warehouse, various life-sized placards would pop out in front of me. They could have the image of an innocent mother and child, a harmless old man, or a bad guy with a gun. The control room could monitor our reaction time and whether our laser guns recorded a killing shot. Of course, we didn't want to "kill" any innocents. There was always a little extra wrinkle. One or more instructors, wearing padding, would jump out and grab us from behind. If we were fast enough, we could "kill" him with our laser gun, but more often than not, we would have to use our martial arts skills to subdue the live intruder.
There was one more area of our training that I want to elaborate on. It was escape, immobilize and torture and all were somewhat interrelated. It started simply enough. Our group of 8 trainees: Yvonne, Carole, Beth, Rhonda, Meagan, Nina, Willow and me met in the gym, which had been covered with pads. We were going to do various scenarios on getting captured and having to try and escape. The 8 of us sat on the floor in our UNCLE t-shirts and shorts. Our hands were handcuffed behind our backs and our ankles were tied together. We were given 30 minutes to escape. Well, of course, no one could slip the handcuffs, but several of us had gotten to our knees, picked at the rope knots binding our ankles, and freed our legs and stood up. Next, we were each given a special UNCLE ring to wear on our 3rd finger right hand. If we pressed on the ring a certain way, with any finger from the other hand, a universal handcuff key popped out. We were again handcuffed and our ankles tied. We were left to figure out how to work the key on the handcuffs and escape. During the remainder of that class, only Yvonne and I had figured out how to use the key on the left handcuff and escape.
The next day our instructors showed us how to best maneuver the ring's handcuff key and escape. Everyone was able to get free within 30 minutes. Then, back in handcuffs, we had to learn how to transfer our rings to a finger on our left hand and free ourselves from our right wrist's handcuff. We spent the next day practicing our handcuff escape while blindfolded. As the days went by, we were tied up using strips of cloth, hosiery, silk scarves and rope. In each case, we were tied in an unprofessional sloppy way that bad guys might tie us up. We had to pick at the bindings, first with sight and then blindfolded, until we became proficient escape artists. During those days, one of my weaknesses began to emerge. Getting tied up and struggling turned me on. The more times they tied me up the wetter I got. I was even rubbing my thighs together and rocking my hips, as I sat on the gym floor picking at the knots that bound my wrists. I didn't have a chance to think those thoughts and get wet down there, because they next told us about another secret in our rings. In addition to the handcuff key, the ring also contained a flip-out blade that easily cut through any fabric or rope bindings. We were told that UNCLE was working on a tiny battery powered ring, which contained a tiny diamond circular saw that would cut through the steel of any handcuff, but it was not yet perfected.
Next, the escape and immobilize phases of our training melded together. Our instructors showed us the correct way to tie someone up, so that the bindings could not be slipped and the knots were not accessible for picking loose. After the demonstration, we spent the afternoon tying each other up, without the benefit of our secret UNCLE escape rings. I tied up Yvonne, and she had to be released 3 hours later, without making any headway on escaping. An overconfident Nina tied me up. After binding my wrists behind my back and tying my ankles together, she tweaked my nipples and said, "Have fun trying to get out of that!" Well, 15 minutes later I was free! Willow was enlisted to tie me up the 2nd time, while Nina received further instructions. After I was tied, Willow gave my nipples a good tweaking. I didn't know where this feminine familiarity, and the unexpected playing with my 2nd most sensitive female parts, was coming from. Even as I struggled to get free, those little tingly sensations returned. I was getting horny and wet, and could do nothing about it. It took me about 30 minutes to work and pick my way free. Willow had ben waiting and watching Nina's re-instructions. I got to tie up Nina and Willow in their positions on the gym mat. I tweaked each of their nipples until they squealed. Then, I stopped to tweak Yvonne's nipples on my way back to my position on the mats.
Since everyone else was already tied up, the instructors were going to make an example of me. Not only did they tie my wrists and ankles, but they tied my knees together and forced my elbows together and tied them behind my back. In addition, they blindfolded me. I sprawled and struggled on the pads for 15-20 minutes and determined that I would never be able to get myself free. I had worked myself into a hot and horny frustrated state. I settled on my back, my chest heaving from my efforts to get free, and some relief came. It certainly took my mind off my current predicament and helped pass the time, but offered no real relief and only more frustration in the end. For approximately the next 1-1/2 hours, gentle fingers moved under my t-shirt, caressed my bare waist, sides and midriff, and played with my breasts and nipples through my bra. Everytime it was different fingers. When the fingers weren't under my t-shirt, they caressed my inner thighs, worked their way under my shorts and rubbed my wet pussy. GOD, it all felt so good! I moaned and gasped almost the entire time, but never came. I had to relieve myself manually before dinner that night, with my trusty old vibrator. After dinner, I asked Yvonne what she experienced that afternoon. She hadn't received any sexual stimulation, other than my tweaking her nipples, but told me that she got horny and wet just struggling in her bonds. She had no blindfold on and told me that I put on quite a show, while she lay next to me watching the whole thing.
The next morning all 8 of us were back in the gym. We were each given a codeword. The torture phase of our training was about to begin, except that it turned out to be just as painful as psychological. All 8 of us had our wrists, elbows, knees and ankles tied and our 8 instructors blindfolded us and laid us on our backs on the gym mats. For maybe an hour, I rolled around and struggled, trying to get free. I knew it was hopeless, but I was sure that our instructors would want us to give it a good try. All I succeeded in doing was tiring myself out and turning myself on. Then, those teasing fingers began to work their maddening manipulation of my helpless body parts. First they tried to tickle me, but I was not ticklish, except for the bottoms of my tennis shoe clad feet. I could hear other girls giggling and cackling away. Those hands and finger sensually caressed my bare skin up to my bra. This time, the fingers went under my bra and pushed it up, exposing my breasts. There were different hands and fingers constantly kneading and squeezing my breasts, and rubbing and rolling and pinching my nipples. After perhaps 30-45 minutes of this, I recognized the voice of one of the male instructors, who said, "This can all stop now if you tell me your codeword. Even though I was moaning constantly and involuntarily bucking my hips at nothing, I gasped out a tremulous, "NO!" A new hand, new fingers, female I'm sure, dove under my shorts and panties. At first the fingers slowly rubbed my already soaking pussy. Then, one finger, followed by a 2nd, slipped into my cunt.
At times, the sounds from the other girl's passion drowned out my own pitiful moans and cries of pleasure. Different fingers teased my aroused and swollen clit. Back and forth the fingers of many hands went. They finger fucked me and then teased my clit. Everytime one of them asked me for my codeword, I managed to say or shake my head, NO! I think that after about an hour of this, I was nearly incoherent. I also think that with a few thrusts, while one of them was teasing my clit, could have taken me over the edge into heavenly orgasmic pleasure, but it ended. We were all released and literally ran to our rooms to masturbate. I used my vibrator inside me and rubbed my clit with my fingers. After 3 spectacular orgasms, I cleaned myself up, changed shorts and panties and was one of the last ones to arrive at lunch. Our group of 8 sat together. The subtly voiced presumption; "Is everyone happy now?" was met with smiles and a chorus of "OH YEAHS!" No one had given up their codeword and opted for coming in the gym. After lunch, we all headed back to the gym with the resolve that we would be strong and not give in to whatever our instructors had in store for us.
In the gym, our wrists were tied in front of us. We were all hooked up to a cable and clamp and hoisted up, until everyone's feet were off the floor pads. Our ankles were tied together and the 8 of us were strung up supported by our wrists and shoulder muscles. They told us that it was mind over pain, and to put the latter out of our minds. For the 1st hour or so, facial recognition slides, with names, were projected every 30 seconds on the gym wall. Then our 8 instructors started playing with us. There were 4 men and 4 women. Actually, the women were a little gentler and more thorough, and the cute men were a little rough. My body betrayed me within minutes of the 1st pair of hands that pushed my bra up under my t-shirt. I actually liked the rougher handling by the men. They made me moan louder and softly shriek in pleasure. My torso was caressed and my tits and nipples were meticulously played with for what seemed like at least an hour. Then, my shorts and sopping panties were pulled down revealing my dripping pussy. I endured perhaps another hour of finger fucking and clit rubbing, but I never gave up my codeword in lieu of coming. I had said that the men were a little rougher, and as I hung there, I found my self lunging at their fingers trying to get off. The women were very proficient. Time after time they agonizingly brought me to the brink, before stopping and asking me for my codeword. Back in my room, I used my vibrator for a few quick orgasms, to take the edge off, before showering and going to dinner. I was exhausted and went to bed early, but not before using my vibrator for a few more orgasms and insuring me of a good night's sleep.
We were back in the gym the next morning. This time our ankles were tied together and we were hooked up to the clamps and cables. Everyone was hoisted into the air until our dangling hair cleared the floor. Our wrists were tied behind our backs and immediately our t-shirts and bras were peeled down to our armpits. Next, our shorts and panties were pushed up to our knees. We hung upside down basically naked for any attack on our tits and pussies. However, the facial recognition slide show began flashing on the wall. The slides were put into the projector upside down so that they appeared right side up on the wall to us. I knew them all cold, without having to read any of the names. When the lights came back on, more instructors had come into the gym and the assault began. Two of them worked on each of us simultaneously. One knelt behind me, caressed my body and played with my tits and nipples, while another one stood in front of me and finger fucked me and rubbed and pinched my clit. They did everything they could to drive me crazy and get me to reveal my codeword. My head was heavy from hanging upside down. I felt a little dizzy and couldn't quite think clearly, although every touch and stroke registered in my dazed brain. By the time it was over, I was panting, moaning and screaming uncontrollably, and nearly delirious and desperately wanting. You might think that after they let us down and released us, we would be allowed to go to our rooms before lunch and masturbate. WRONG!!!
We were given 10 minutes to pee and clean ourselves up in the bathroom off the gym. Women instructors stood guard to make sure nobody was tempted to relieve their desperate desires manually. We had lunch, with our original 8 instructors, in a small private dining room off our main cafeteria. As we ate, each one of us was evaluated. No one had broken and revealed their code words. Several of us were rated as being among the loudest and apparently most passionate and responsive to sexual stimulation. I had the dubious honor of having the wettest pussy and producing the most pussy juices. After lunch, we were back in the gym.
Our instructors ordered all 8 of us to strip everything off. I felt no modesty or shame, because I was proud of my body and they had seen my parts before. Instead, I stood proud and straight waiting for them to prepare me. Those of us with long arms had their wrists twisted up between their shoulder blades and tied crossed in back. The other girls had their arms bound behind their backs forearm-to-forearm. My breasts jutted out and I felt a wonderful tightness across my chest. My pussy immediately started tingling. Our ankles and knees were tied together. A long piece of rope was threaded 4 or 5 times through my armpit and around my back, between my upper arms and back, out through my other armpit and over the upper part of my chest. The coils in the knotted rope were evened out and hooked to the clamp and overhead hoisting cable. We were standing in our usual formation of 2 staggered rows of 4 girls. The winches whirled and all 8 of us were hoisted up, like in some kind of rescue sling, until our feet were about a foot off the ground. Each instructor produced a giant vibrator. It was thicker and longer than my little 1-1/2" X 6" vibe. My female instructor easily slipped 2 fingers deep in my wet pussy, to open me up, and then shoved the buzzing big penis-like vibe all the way into my cunt. While the phallus buzzed merrily away at a low frustrating speed, the facial recognition slideshow began flashing on the wall. I noticed this time that there were no names on the pictures. I concentrated on the pictures, which probably took an hour to cycle through, and I knew them all cold.
When it was over, I realized that my pussy juices were running down my thighs. The lights came back on, but we were all blindfolded and left to hang there. I don't know how long they left us unattended. First, I daydreamed about all my lovers from college, but I couldn't quite picture any of them having a cock as big as the vibrator buzzing inside me. Then, I fantasized about getting fucked by our cute instructors. CRACK! Scream! CRACK! Scream! Those sounds instantly brought me out of my stupor. It sounded like Nina, in the front row to my left, was getting her ass paddled. Soon, the sounds of wood smacking flesh and the cries and screams of all 4 girls in the front row rang through the gym. Soon, my own ass was being rocked by some kind of wooden paddle. The blows came rapidly and alternated on my left and right ass cheeks. I think I screamed at first. I know that I cried out from the pain. After the first 10-20 blows, I was only aware of my ass being beaten, but felt little additional pain. Instead, my pussy only tingled more. I got hotter and hornier. I may have received 40 or 50 blows in all. After my ass whacking was over, I was startled when I received 3 smacks across my jutting breasts. We all had our blindfolds removed. My tits were a little pink and my nipples were as hard as they ever got. I was plagued with a red head's fair skin. My ass was an ugly fiery dark red burning pulsing mass of sore flesh. I looked over at the darker skinned brunette Yvonne next to me. Her ass cheeks were certainly a well beaten dark red, but didn't look as ugly as mine.
Our instructors descended upon us with vibrators. They were identical to the one relentlessly buzzing away inside me. She ran this one up and down and all over me, from below my breasts down to my pubic hair. Next, the vibrator stimulated my breasts, except my nipples, until she elicited a groan out of me. She grabbed and squeezed my right breast and ran the vibrator round and round and over my nipple. Back and forth she went from tit to tit, and occasionally dipped the vibrator down to my pussy and ran the buzzing menace round and round my engorged red pussy lips. Then, I heard Nina, in front of me and to my left, cry out, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" "I WANT TO COME, I NEED TO COME!" "I'LL TELL YOU MY CODEWORD!" I don't know how many times they made her come, but she was screaming with relief at the top of her lungs. Meanwhile the unyielding stimulation of my nipples continued for at least another 15-20 minutes, when I heard Willow, in the front row to my far right, squeal and come and shriek and come and scream and come. Another of our solid group of 8 had caved. By then, I was in frenzy. The vibrator that ran around my pussy lips touched my clit on every circuit. I thrust my hips hopelessly trying to keep the vibrator on my clit. I had begun muttering, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, I WANNA COME, I NEED TO COME!" As the assault on me continued, I got louder and louder, "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, LET ME COME, LET ME COME!" I was nearly out of my mind with desire and need. This caught the attention of the 2 instructors, who had been standing around watching.
They pounced on me with their vibrators. They each buzzed one of my nipples, while my original tormentor continued on my pusssy. "Just tell me your codeword," she said, "And I'll give you the release you so badly want." I mustered all my resolve, gritted my teeth together and shook my head, NO. They must have tried for 30 more minutes to get me to say my codeword, but I continued shaking my head, NO. And then it was over. I didn't break! We were lowered to the floor and untied. Yvonne and I, plus several other girls collapsed onto the gym mat to recover for 10-15 minutes. We finally realized how late it was. We grabbed our clothes, ran into the adjacent bathroom, washed up and got dressed. We just barely made it to our cafeteria in time for dinner. I took a long hot soapy bath after dinner. I don't have to tell you the details of what my fingers and vibrator did to my pussy, before I went to bed. I slept like a rock.
The UNCLE Torture Chair Test -
We were all sitting together at breakfast the next morning talking about our previous day's ordeal. Nina and Willow were really down, because they had given in. A white-coated lab technician came into our cafeteria. She had a box and a note for Yvonne, Carol and me. The 3 of us had to give ourselves enemas and report to different lab rooms 4 floors down by 9:00 AM. All right, I administered the fast acting enema up my butt hole. I laid on my bed, as the instructions said, on my back in a ball with my knees up and back, until the urge hit me. It took 3 flushes of the toilet to get the last of it down. I cleaned myself off on my warm water bidet and took a long hot shower. Dressed in clean clothes, I headed down to lab room F324. When I walked in the door, a different female lab technician said, "Welcome to UNCLE's Torture Chair Test!" "Take off all your clothes and have a seat!" As I undressed, I studied the chair. It was made of molded plastic with wooden legs. At the top was an adjustable headrest, like in an automobile. Leather straps, obviously to hold me in the chair, were everywhere. I noticed 3 holes near the back of the seat. One appeared to be a drain hole, because grooves in the seat radiated out from this hole. The other 2 holes were covered. There was a myriad of tubes and wires coming from everywhere. I tentatively sat down in the chair. My wrists were manacled behind the chair to a set of handcuffs, attached to the back of the chair. A wide leather strap was buckled around my waist. Additionally, straps held my thighs and calves about 2' apart. Leather collars, with wires attached, were buckled around my neck and ankles. A pulse/oxygen sensor was clipped on one of my forefingers and a blood pressure cuff was wrapped around my right upper arm.
A series of circular patches, with wires attached, were stuck all over my upper body. Five or six leads were stuck around my heart and left side. I was getting a little worried, because these leads were obviously for a running EKG. Wired green leads were stuck on either side of each of my breasts. Wired blue leads were stuck to my inner thighs on either side of my pussy. A single red wired patch was stuck right at the top of my pubic hairs. Two wide pieces of tape, with a slit in the middle and clear cups stuck to the tape, were taped vertically over my nipples. Tubes were attached to the small ends of my nipple cups. The headrest was tilted back a little and a wide leather band was buckled across my forehead holding my head back a little and firmly attached to the headrest. Finally, a wide elastic band, with maybe a 6" X 2" penis dildo attached, was stretched from behind the headrest and poised in front of my mouth. "Open wide," the lab technician said. The penis was shoved into my mouth and a tube attached to its end. The lab tech drew my attention to a panel on the wall in front of me. It showed the readings from all the sensors stuck on my body. She said, "When you see that green light blinking red, suck that cock for all you are worth." "If you don't suck it good, you will receive a shock!" I had developed my cocksucking skills, when I was a junior and senior in high school, and perfected them in college. This fake cock in my mouth tasted remarkably like a man's real cock. It rested just at the entrance to my throat, but I could easily breathe through my nose and around the elastic band over my mouth.
As I became accustomed to my hopeless situation, the lab tech had moved into her control room. I could see her through a glass window in the wall next to my display panel. Over an intercom she announced that she was going to do a few base line tests, and continued, "I'm going to monitor your vital signs and when you get to the brink of coming, the machines will stop!" "YOU WILL NEVER COME, BUT I'LL ASK YOU FOR YOUR CODEWORD PERIODICALLY!" ZZZZZap, an electrical shock surged through my body from my neck to my ankles. This picked up my heart rate. ZZZZZap, an electric shock coursed through my breasts and nipples. I saw my blood pressure rise. ZZZZZap, a jolt of electricity surged through my pussy. The lab tech announced through her intercom that everything was fine and we would begin. I wasn't ready, but that damn light in front of me began blinking red. I started sucking that cock in my mouth. I felt something in my nipples. A vacuum had built up and my nipples were sucked into the cups taped to them. Whatever pump was attached to my nipple cups was pulsing back and forth, and my nipples were alternately being sucked hard. I felt two big intruders pushing at the entrance to my pussy and asshole. They had to be 2" in diameter. One easily penetrated my love tunnel and slowly pushed its way into my cunt, until it hit my cervix, and then backed off. The other one painfully pushed past my virgin sphincter and probed deeper and deeper into my bowels. I swear that it must have been 2" in diameter and 10"-12" long! As I sucked away on the cock in my mouth and my nipples were being sucked silly, the phalluses in my lower holes began to get hot. They didn't get hot enough to burn my sensitive inner flesh, and then they started getting cold. GOD, did they get cold. It felt like I had ice cubes inside me down there.
After I had been sucking that cock for about 20 minutes, the blinking red light stopped and turned green. I stopped sucking. I was greeted with warm sticky goo spurting down my throat. It tasted just like a man's cum. It was either choke on it or swallow it. In 3 gulps I swallowed it all. The nipple sucking machine stopped. The phalluses in my ass and vagina began to move. The one up my twat must have somehow calibrated itself, because it pulled out, until just the head was inside me, and then slid in, filling me fully. They started out moving in long slow steady strokes. Gradually they picked up speed, but maintained their same deep mechanical thrusts. I began to moan and squirm. My heart rate and respiration rates speeded up, as I gasped in air. The phalluses went faster and faster. I watched my reading rise alarmingly and I was so close to coming. Then, the pseudo-cocks stopped deep inside me. I moaned in frustration. Each phallus ejaculated a warm cum goo deep inside me. It must have been the same artificial cum that I swallowed. I lurched and strained at my bonds, when an electrical shock zapped my body. The cocks in my ass and cunt began vibrating. They each vibrated at different speeds, from slow to fast, for about 30 minutes. While this was going on, my tits got an electrical shock. I was nowhere near as turned on, as when the cocks fucked my ass and pussy, even when they buzzed simultaneously at the same high speed. The vacuum pump started up and my nipples were drawn into the cups and getting sucked voraciously.
Another jolt of electricity shot through my body. I had missed the light blinking red. I began sucking in earnest on the cock in my mouth, but my pussy took another jolt of electricity. The vibrators inside me stopped. I sucked for 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes. The nipple sucking stopped and my swollen nips were on fire. Those sensations went straight to my pussy and I knew my pussy was pouring out juices. I sucked for another 5 minutes and the blinking red light stopped and turned green. It was no surprise when a load of the warm sticky cum shot down my throat. This time I handled it better. I swallowed the cum as it poured out of the hole in the head of my mouth's penis. It went on and on that way. My 1st session finally ended with: the invaders in my cunt and up my ass fucking my brains out, my pussy getting shocked, my breasts and nipples getting shocked, my nipples getting sucked like the damn machine was trying to milk me, my vital signs were over the top and I was sucking that damn cock in my mouth. I was so close to coming that I lurched and strained, like I was in an electric chair. Then, everything stopped and the phalluses retracted from my pussy and asshole. I didn't even realize that the blinking red light had turned green. I was still automatically sucking, when the load of cum shot down my throat.
I felt something rise and contact my pussy, but it did not penetrate me. While I sat there coming down and sweating pretty good, an electric shock came from the red patch stuck above my pubic hair. It contracted my bladder and I peed myself. This also caused some of the cum to pour out of my vagina and asshole. The thing pressing against my pussy must have been a drain tube, because I didn't feel any of my pee around my thighs or ass. It retracted and the lab tech came out of her booth. My 1st session with UNCLE's torture chair had lasted 4 hours! The 1st thing she did was to ask me for my codeword, but I shook my head, NO. She told me that she hadn't expected me to break during the 1st session, but would ask me every hour in the upcoming sessions. UPCOMING SESSION? How many would there be? She filled a bucket with water, from a sink at the other side of the room. She sloshed some water between my thighs and poured some down the back of the molded plastic chair. The cold water rinsed the cum away, that had come out of my pussy and asshole, and was directed by the drainage grooves in the bottom of the chair. The cold water rushed through my pusssy slit and down the drain hole. That was a sure turnoff for my previously hot tingly pussy.
The lab tech pulled the penis out of my mouth and I had a chance to work my jaw around. I think that I had swallowed 8 loads of cum in that 4 hours, but wasn't certain. The lab tech told me that the UNCLE cum was harmless. In fact, it was made from a sour cream/yogurt base and fortified with high energy protein. The penis was re-inserted in my mouth and the lab tech returned to her control room. There were 3 four hour sessions running from about 9"00 AM - 9:00 PM. When the 3rd session ended, I was nearly comatose. After she made me pee myself and the cold water rinse was over, I started to come out of my stupor. When a different lab technician removed the penis from my sore mouth, I was still muttering, "NO CODEWORD, NO CODEWORD, NO CODEWORD!" She kept telling me that the test was over and I had passed. I didn't give in! It finally registered on my addled brain. She gave me the choice of setting me free, or she could use her equipment to make me come. I chose the latter. I said that I didn't want to suck that penis anymore, but she could use her machines and gadgets to fuck my brains silly. Well, she did just that. Everything was cranked up to high, and I had orgasm after wonderful orgasm, until I passed out. I woke up on a gurney being wheeled down my hall to my room. I felt great and used and energized. A hot solid food meal was waiting for me in my room. I devoured every morsel, took a long hot bath and slept for 12 hours.
I had the rest of Wednesday and all day Thursday off. We had our final tests coming up Monday-Wednesday of the next week, but there was one more test for our group of 8 on Friday morning. I went to the shooting range and the indoor live fire obstacle course. I studied a lot for my final exams. I found out that Nina and Willow did not take UNCLE's Torture Chair Test and that Rhonda gave in during the 2nd session of her test. Our group of 8 reported to the pool Friday morning. In the locker room were ugly one piece tank suits for us to wear. After we were suited up, we sat around the edge of the pool. This was to be UNCLE's version of a water torture test. We were to be held underwater, until our air ran out, brought up and given 2 deep breaths and dunked again. The test would last 3 hours. Our ankles were tied together and our wrists were tied behind our backs. One of those 2 cute male instructors, Rob, who had played with me so thoroughly in earlier tests, picked me up and heaved me into the pool. I was an excellent swimmer and came up in chest deep water. HE was right there and dragged me into water up to my chin. He asked me if I was ready. I nodded my head, yes, exhaled, relaxed and took a deep breath. I knew that I could hold my breath underwater for more than 2 minutes. He put his hands on my shoulders, from behind, and pushed my head under. I did a little meditation chant in my mind. When my air bubbles ceased coming out, he shifted his hands to my armpits and lifted me up. I exhaled fully, took a deep cleansing breath and inhaled deeply for my allotted 2nd breath.
I was doing quite well after the 1st 25 or so dunks. He hadn't even asked me for my codeword yet, but things changed. It got a little harder to relax and do my little meditation chant in my mind, because everytime he dunked me, he held me under with one hand and felt me up with the other hand. I was trying to keep count of the number of times I went under. If I could hold my breath underwater for over 2 minutes, I figured that every 25 dunks equaled about 1 hour. At first, he just squeezed my breasts and played with my nipples. As we neared the end of my 2nd series of 25 dunks, his hand went between my legs and rubbed my inner thighs. Even an hour of mild sexual stimulation left me pretty hot and horny. I had all I could do to relax, keep some modicum of composure and not inhale a lung full of water. He asked me for my codeword after every 5th dunk, but I always shook my head, no. During what I perceived to be the final hour of our test, my tormentor rubbed my pussy. I began fantasizing about being tied up and getting fucked in a pool. It had been so long since I got laid by a man and not a machine. Every 5th time that I was under, he turned me around facing him and waited until my air had nearly run out He ducked underwater and kissed me. Well, not exactly, but his lips molded with mine into an airtight seal and it felt soooooo good. He actually blew about another 30 seconds of air into my lungs.
When he was behind me holding me under and playing with my pussy, my knees were bent and my ass jutted out. I became aware of an erection in his Speedos bumping into my ass. As his boner grew bigger, I maneuvered it between my legs and let him slide his cock along my pussy slit, while his fingers rubbed my clit. Towards the end, I managed to get my bound wrists in a position where I could grab his thick long rod, straining to bust through his Speedos, and squeeze it. In what turned out to be my last dunking, he faced me and pushed me under. However, he immediately ducked under after me. His lips found mine and our mouths joined in a real passionate 2 minute kiss, until the bubbles coming from our noses stopped. When we surfaced, his arms were wrapped around my back, holding me plastered to his broad chest, and his cock poking me between my legs. We both had big smiles on our faces. Everyone around the pool clapped and cheered. Only Yvonne and I passed the Underwater Torture Test, and the rest of the girls and instructors were hanging around the pool watching. I was going to get a lot of teasing from my girls. He walked me over to the edge of the pool and lifted me up onto the pool deck. He untied my wrists and ankles and swam off. He was undoubtedly embarrassed around his erection, and either had to wait for it to go down or wack off underwater.
I studied the rest of Friday and all weekend. Sometimes we studied in groups, but I mostly studied by myself. On Monday morning, everyone ran the outdoor obstacle course, despite the cold. Our group of 8 was tested at the shooting range later that morning. In the afternoon, we were tested individually on the live fire obstacle course. There were written tests most all day Tuesday and Wednesday, including a facial recognition test and my test in Russian. Our test results were posted at 10:00 AM Thursday morning. Keeping the time frame up to date, Thursday was Thanksgiving and we would have a huge T-Day dinner, with everyone all dressed up, at 1:00 PM that afternoon. Overall, I scored at the top of our class. Carol came in 2nd and Yvonne was 3rd. The others were mostly scattered in the middle of the pack, except that Nina and Willow were near the bottom. Unfortunately, 5 girls in our original hall of 40 washed out. They would be given clerical or secretarial jobs, if they wanted them. The huge announcement was made at T-Day's dinner. We were to all leave the next day on a 3+ week vacation in Europe at UNCLE's expense. We would also be flown home to spend Christmas and New Years at home. I hadn't seen or talked to my family for 3 months. It kinda put the whole spy thing into perspective. We would be permitted to call our parent's from London, our first stop, and let them know I was coming. We would spend a week in London, a week in Paris and 10 days in Italy. We would spend about 5 days in Rome and the rest of the time at an exclusive Tuscan villa outside of Florence. Everyone was al psyched up the rest of the day, as we packed. The 8 girls in our group went together, with a chaperone. We left on an UNCLE airplane the next morning on a direct flight to London's Heathrow Airport. Another group on our plane went on to Paris.
London was a charming historical city. We shopped and did the tourist things by day and clubbed at night. Yvonne and I roomed together in a ritzy hotel and we always ate the finest foods. On our first night there, we saw some girls our age dancing in really short skirts and tight sweaters. We found out that Mary Quant's Shoppe, Kings Row, Chelsea, London, was thee place to go for the new miniskirt. The very next morning everyone piled into 2 taxis. At the Shoppe, Mary Quant herself waited on us. She is credited with inventing the miniskirt. When we tried some on, the skirts were 5"-6" above my knees and looked really mod and sexy. UNCLE had been paying me a really good salary for my 3 months of training, and I would be getting a raise when I got back. I hardly spent anything and put most of my salary into the bank. I splurged and bought 4 miniskirts and 4 sweaters. I even bought 2 miniskirts and 2 sweaters for each of my sisters, and had them shipped air express to the US. We went dancing at a different club most every night. We had been vaccinated for all the common sexually transmitted diseases, and everyone was on UNCLE's birth control pill. On 4 different nights, Yvonne and I picked up a couple of guys and took them back to our hotel rooms. Thinking back, I hadn't had sex with a man the last 3-4 months of my senior year at college, plus no sex over the summer or the last 3 months at UNCLE. I would make the most of this vacation. Well, all the London guys we picked up were pretty much matrimonial position lovers. They didn't do it in other positions, didn't seem to want to be sucked off or made no attempt to eat Yvonne's or my pussy. I'm not complaining. The sex was great, but I wondered if the Brit boys were as stodgy as we had heard.
Paris was a gorgeous romantic city. Again, we shopped and did the touristy things and took in the night life and clubs at night, with one exception. We went up the lighted Eiffel Tower one night and saw the beautifully illuminated city from above. What Christmas presents I didn't find in London for my parents, brothers and their wives, I found what I wanted in Paris and air expressed them to my parent's house for Christmas. Paris's lingerie shoppes were fabulous. I bought so much skimpy lacey sexy underwear that I had to buy another suitcase to hold all my foreign purchases. I shunned the French corsets, bustier and garter belt and dark stockings, preferring the hosiery-less leg look. I would have to trim and shave some of my pussy hair in order to wear one of those panties for even a casual lover. Even though Paris was in the throes of winter, there were still French bikini bathing suits available. They were the teenie weenie tiny sexy type that you may have seen in the movie Beach Blanket Bingo, excluding the ridiculously modest 2 piece swimsuit that Annette Funicello wore in that movie. I bought 4 skimpy French bikini swimsuits. The Frenchmen that Yvonne and I picked up at the clubs were real lovers. They all made long slow love to us. They licked our pussies to the point that we had to beg to come, before they entered and fucked us. It was much later, when we finally got to suck their cocks. They all spent the night and we ordered room service breakfast before they left.
Rome was an ancient historical city. The partially restored ruins of Biblical monuments and buildings were impressive. The city was not known for its fashion couture, although I did buy several colorful sleeveless tops. The Italian men Yvonne and I picked up were great lovers. It was hard deciding whether the Frenchmen or Italians were better lovers. The Italian men preferred to have Yvonne and me suck them off first, and then they ate our pussies, until we had several orgasms, before making long sweet love to us. I know that I'm generalizing here, but without going into specific details about each of our lover's techniques, the generalization will do. We moved to a lovely picturesque villa outside Florence. We toured Chianti and Brunello wineries and had delicious authentic Tuscan meals prepared for us. In fact, every meal that we ate was from authentic old Tuscan recipes. We even toured an olive orchard, and saw them press the olive oil. I wound up buying a split case of Chianti and Brunello wines and a can of extra virgin olive oil, which UNCLE whisked back to the USA on our plane. We took an UNCLE plane out of Rome. After a couple stops enroute, I arrived home in suburban Boston late in the afternoon of December 23rd.
Everyone was there for our traditional Christmas. We had a huge breakfast followed by the opening of presents and a big turkey dinner late in the afternoon. Everybody loved the presents that I shipped from Europe, especially my 18 and 21 year old sisters. All 3 of us wore our miniskirts and sweaters to Christmas dinner. My Dad was somewhat of a slide addict. I had shot scores of 35 mm. slides in Europe, including one of me hamming it up with one of the Buckingham Palace guards. Yvonne and I photographed each other in loads of our scenic shots, but I could not photograph any of my other fellow UNCLE girls. There were a couple parties, where I saw some of my old high school classmates, but had to use the old "secret classified Government work" excuse. One night my Dad put on a slideshow of my trip, with me narrating. Another late night, my 2 sisters cornered me in my room. I told them the salacious details of the men I had slept with in London, Paris and Rome. My 18 year old sister just sat there nearly stunned, with a dreamy look on her face. My 21 year old sister, a junior in college, had done it all, except that she had never had her pussy eaten out. We went out for dinner on New Year's Eve and everyone went to the Country Club's informal Dance to ring in the New Year. Loads of eligible handsome men of all ages were there to Dance with. My 2 gorgeous sisters and I shocked a few people in our new miniskirts and sweaters, but turned out to be the belles of the ball. I returned back to UNCLE's secret underground headquarters, via UNCLE's private plane, on the Monday after New Year's Day.
UNCLE's Recreational Sex Program -
The following morning there was a meeting. It was announced that the remaining 35 trainees would be divided into four training groups. Our training group of Yvonne, Carole, Beth, Rhonda, Meagan, Nina, Willow and me remained intact. The remaining 27 girls were divided into 3 groups of nine girls. More intense classes and training would resume that afternoon. The 2nd announcement was a welcome relief. Commencing hence forth everyone got Saturday afternoons and nights off, plus all day Sunday off! Everyone was stunned by the next announcements. First, our UNCLE ID badges would allow all of us access to our own bar/lounge, which was located through the formerly locked doors at the end of our hall, on Saturday nights. We would have to pay for our own drinks. The best benefit was that there would be UNCLE men there, and we could go up to a room in the hotel above UNCLE's secret underground headquarters and have recreational sex with any UNCLE man we chose. This was both highly recommended and encouraged. All UNCLE personnel were tested and vaccinated for known sexual diseases, and all UNCLE women were on birth control. UNCLE had developed a female sex pill, MAXO (maximum orgasm), that could be taken an hour or so before having sex. It would last up to 8-12 hours and provide the taker with mind blowing intense orgasms. We could get a supply at the PX pharmacy for FREE. We were encouraged to use it, but not to abuse its use. One pill a night would be sufficient. UNCLE men had their own sex pill, ERECT, which provided them with almost continuous erections. I was beginning to wonder if I could keep up and take it.
Finally, UNCLE had a "FUN" tradition. It had its roots in our tied-up torture training. It seemed that most UNCLE men, other than those in Communications, liked to strip and tie-up the UNCLE women they took to a hotel room for the night! I had to think long and hard about that and the prospect of being naked in front of everyone and anyone in our bar/lounge. The UNCLE men who wanted to tie us up and take us to a hotel room for a night of screwing could be identified by those carrying a duffle bag or briefcase, which would contain their bondage equipment. There was a minor codicil to this practice. We could negotiate whether we wanted to be tied up in our clothes and taken up to a hotel room, or to what extent and degree we would allow ourselves to be stripped in public, before departing the bar/lounge for a night of mind blowing sex.
Yvonne and I and most of the others couldn't wait for Saturday night to come, as we continued our classes and training. I picked up my bottle of MAXO pills from the PX pharmacy during the week. After dinner on Saturday night, I got all glammed up. Before taking a luxurious hot bubbly bath, I shaved wherever necessary. As the tub drained, I skipped into my shower to wash and condition my hair. My rich dark red hair had grown to nearly shoulder length. When it was dry and set, my hairdo had just the slightest natural wave to it. I did my nails and dabbed just the tiniest dab of a lightly floral scented perfume behind my earlobes and between my breasts. Out in my room, I put on my sexy French underwear, did my makeup, a light application of a dark red color lipstick that matched my hair, a little mascara and eye liner and I was finished. I put on one of my new tight sweaters ran a brush through my hair and hit it with a little hairspray. I finished dressing by donning one of my new miniskirts and low heels. My legs looked great and I currently didn't even own a garter belt or any stockings. Before leaving, I swallowed one of my MAXO female sex pills. Yvonne and I left for the bar/lounge around 8:20 PM. We walked to the end of our hall, through a formerly forbidden door, past a new bank of elevators and into the bar. It was dimly lit and decorated in a nautical/Polynesian theme, with artificial green potted plants and trees scattered everywhere. The long bar was just inside the entrance door and had barstools for about 25 people. Tables for four surrounded a nice sized dance floor. What caught my eye was the large Wurlitzer jukebox.
Yvonne and I took seats at the bar and ordered martinis. There may have been about 25-30 people there. As more people started walking in, we decided to snag a table. We both wanted to dance. I got some change at the bar and fed the jukebox. I selected 5 fast rock-n;-roll songs, including the Beatles, I Want to Hold Your Hand. Yvonne and I danced together like the girls did on American Bandstand. In the middle of our 3rd song, I saw 2 reasonably handsome men approaching us from a nearby table. I saw that they didn't have any duffle bags or attaché cases. I had decided in my mind that if I was going to go off to a hotel room with an UNCLE man, he had to be a good kisser. I was still very leery of being stripped in the bar. They cut in and fast danced very well through the rest of our jukebox selections. Yvonne gave me the imperceptible sign of approval. I invited them to join us at our table. I had Roger and Yvonne had Phil. They were Lab Techs and couldn't talk about what they were working om. The scope of our conversation was confined to the safe subjects that we learned in our etiquette classes. I asked Roger to play 3 slow songs on the jukebox so we could dance. Yvonne joined in by dancing with Phil.
For the first song, I put my hands on Roger's shoulders and he held me at the waist. During the 2nd song, I put my arms around Roger's neck and drew him close to me. Our bodies touched and we just swayed back and forth into the 3rd song. I pulled his head down and we kissed. The first one was tentative but good. The kisses got better and deeper, until I broke it off and said, "Get us a room!" Roger went up to the bar and used one of the red phones to order our room. Yvonne and I downed the last of our martinis and grabbed our little clutch purses. The 4 of us exited the bar and took the new bank of elevators up to the hotel lobby level. The doors did not open onto the hotel's public lobby, but rather faced a blank wall. I figured that hotel staff could use these elevators for private and quick access to the hotel floors above. A female hotel employee met us and handed Roger and Phil room keys. Next, we took the elevator up to the 7th floor and found our room.
I'm not going into the details of this particular rendezvous. For 5 straight Saturday nights in a row, Yvonne and I went to the bar and picked up UNCLE men for recreational sex. Yvonne and I doubled 3 of those nights, and I went solo on 2 of them, including a repeat performance with Roger on the 5th Saturday night. The sex was amazing and my orgasms were truly spectacular. The guys could go at least 5-6 times per night, with a bit of dosing time in-between. This was, of course, all do to UNCLE's MAXO and ERECT pills. We did it primarily in the straight missionary position, but many times I was bent over a piece of furniture and took it from behind doggie-style. I did my share of sucking cock and giving them the best blowjobs that I could. Naturally, I swallowed all of their cum. We always had an early morning room service breakfast, before departing for a short nap before Sunday dinner. I was all for UNCLE's encouraged and recommended recreational sex. It did wonders for me to count on a night of meaningless fucking. However, as those 5 weeks passed, I began to think more and more about UNCLE's tradition and the hours of tied up sexual stimulation that I went through in my early training.
On our 6th Saturday night, Yvonne and I were sitting at a table next to the dance floor, nursing our martinis, when those 2 cute instructors, who had so skillfully played with our most intimate lady parts, walked into the bar. Each carried a small duffle bag. I figured it was now or never for the ole' UNCLE tradition. I beckoned them over to join us. I whispered to Yvonne that I wanted Rob, who was the one who played with me and kissed me at the end of my UNCLE Water Torture Test. Yvonne readily took his friend and partner, Dean, even before they had gotten a drink and sat down at our table. Rob had a big smile on his face that matched mine. We were remembering that kiss in the pool. As everyone sipped on their drinks, Yvonne and I told them about our European vacation. When we had pretty much exhausted that topic, Dean suggested that we dance. The 2 guys took some time making their selections, but soon the 4 of us were out on the dance floor, with about a dozen other couples. It was a slow song and I drifted into Rob's arms, put my arms around his neck and plastered my tits against his broad muscular chest. It took only about 1/2 the song for us to start kissing. I stared into his deep blue eyes. No words had to be said.
As we kissed during the 2nd song, Rob's hands peeled my sweater up and over my head. When I looked over at Yvonne, her sweater was already off and Dean was removing her bra. My own sexy lacey French bra came off next. OH GOD! This was it. I'd let Rob do whatever he wanted with me, as long as he fucked me hard and long! Dean brought over 2 ropes from their duffle bags. They tied our wrists crossed up between our shoulder blades in that tight but inescapable UNCLE way that still allowed blood circulation. For the 1st time, I noticed other women being stripped and tied right there on the dance floor in front of all. The jukebox music continued to belt out slow songs, and soon my miniskirt came off, followed shortly by my sexy black panties. Rob retrieved another piece of rope from his duffle bag. The 2 guys pushed us together, jutting tits to jutting tits and pussy to pussy. They tied the rope tightly around our waists, holding us together. Our heads were tilted to the right and we were ordered to dance and make out. I think Yvonne may have blushed more than I did. People were pointing at us and smiling. As we kissed deeply and played tongue tag, my eyes were open. I watched one of the bartenders scoop up our clothes and place them in garment bags. Rob and Dean went to the red phone on the bar and ordered a room for us. They came back, untied our waist rope and tied loose nooses around our necks. They grabbed their duffle bags and our garment bags, and Yvonne and I were led off the dance floor, through the tables and out of the bar, like obedient sex slaves.
When we arrived in our 2 bedroom hotel suite, Yvonne's and my shoes came off and we were made to kneel upright on the carpeted living room floor, tit to tit and pussy to pussy, with our legs spread wide apart. Our little nooses were loosely wrapped around our necks, until our lips touched, and a rope tied tightly around our waists kept us from going anywhere. Dean ordered, "You girls make out while we get ready." They watched us go at it for a couple minutes. Seemingly satisfied, I heard them leave to get ready. Yvonne whispered to me, "Let's put on a good show for them." I whispered back, "This is no show; you're really turning me on!" We went back at it, using our tongues and sucking lips and tongues. When Rob and Dean returned naked, they knelt down behind us and fingered our pussies from behind, for at least 10 minutes, until Yvonne and I were moaning and juicy wet. Our nooses and waist rope were removed. They made us lick our own pusssy juices off their fingers. We had to bend over and our bare asses received a hard playful spanking. It was firm and long enough to make my butt cheeks radiate a healthy rosy pink color, and made my pussy even wetter. Yvonne and I knelt upright again about 5' apart on the living room floor. Rob presented his big stiff cock to my mouth. I had squeezed that cock, during my UNCLE Water Torture Test, but right in front of my eyes, it looked beautiful.
I went right for his balls first. I licked them all over, until they were nice and wet, before I gently took each of his testicles into my mouth and slowly sucked them. This got a little gasp out of Rob. Before licking his big hard shaft, I took his whole scrotum in my mouth and sucked it, while I gently flicked my tongue over his balls. Next, I licked his entire erect shaft, and took his entire penis all the way into my throat, and sucked its shaft while massaging its head with the back of my throat. I think this really surprised Rob. I withdrew and licked his cock all over again and sucked its head. Then, it was time to get down to business. I bobbed and sucked like crazy on that big dick, taking it deep in my throat every few minutes. I was surprised that Rob let me continue teasing him this way, because most guys would have grabbed my head by now and fucked my mouth. However, he let me do him at my own pace. After about 10 more minutes of sucking and licking, I sensed that Rob was ready to explode. I slurped his cock into my throat, with my upper lip and nose buried in his pubic hair and rubbed the head of his cock against the back of my throat, until Rob lost it. Torrents of hot sticky salty cum poured down my throat, and I swallowed it all in several gulps. I licked him clean and looked up at him in anticipation. I really liked these little foreplay games that started back in the bar. It was a lot of fun and much better than just starting off fucking.
Rob helped me to my feet and swooped me up in his arms, and carried me into our bedroom. He plopped me down on the center of the bedspread covering our queen sized bed. I somehow felt very vulnerable, yet highly aroused. My arms were pinned behind my back, with my wrists tied crossed up between my shoulder blades. The tightness across my chest muscles felt sexy, because my breasts were thrust upwards for Rob to better plunder. My legs lay as they fell, wide open and yet untied. I knew that I was about to get fucked and this was what I had fantasized about. But, I was helplessly tied up and totally exposed. This wasn't "rape," but voluntary recreational sex. All my apprehensions disappeared immediately. Rob was on top of me. He plunged his big cock all the way up my twat in one smooth thrust. He was merciless. Rob nearly fucked me senseless. He pounded my tight little cunt relentlessly, and it felt so right and soooooo GREAT! My legs weren't even tied. His broad muscular chest crushed my breasts. He kissed me as he pillaged my pussy. I wrapped my free legs around his hips and pulled him deeper into me. Almost immediately, I felt that I was going to come. After a series of ever louder cries and screams, I exploded into my very 1st bondage orgasm. I'm sure it was better than any previous ordinary orgasm, but I didn't have a chance to enjoy it fully.
Rob continued to hammer away at my convulsing pussy. I had no choice but to thrust my hips against his driving cock. He was a fucking machine and took me higher and higher to never before experienced levels of pleasure. I finally came and Rob succumbed right after me. My vaginal walls contracted around his cock, and I felt every twitch of his dick, as he spurted his hot cum into the innermost reaches of my womanhood. My whole body was racked with spasm after spasm of sheer pleasure. I kept my legs wrapped tightly around Rob's hips, until my body's shudders subsided and his cock shriveled inside me. After we untangled, Rob put a pillow under my head. He caressed and licked and kissed me all over my body, except my primary and secondary sexual parts, from my head down to my inner thighs. After about 45 minutes of this, he had driven me into a state of desperate need. Then he worked my breasts over for at least another 20 minutes, and he hadn't even touched my pussy yet. My tits were squeezed and kneaded, and my nipples were squeezed, rolled, licked and nearly sucked raw. Finally, as we kissed hard and deep, his fingers entered my dripping pussy, only to tease and drive me crazy with lust for his cock. I begged and begged before he finally mounted an entered me. We started fucking slowly and gradually built up speed. I kept up with him thrust for thrust, until we finished in gigantic simultaneous climaxes. Without a doubt, that was the best sex that I ever had thanks to Rob and UNCLE's sex pills!
Rob recovered first. While I languished in my orgasmic heaven, Rob piled pillows at the side of the bed. He dragged me over and placed me atop the pile of pillows, so that my head lolled back and down over the edge of the pillows. He made me lick and suck my pussy juices from his fingers. As his cum trickled out of my pussy, he made me lick the residual cum off his limp cock. This hardened him up nicely and soon my head was upside down sucking his cock. My back was arched over the pillows and my tits pointed straight up in the air. Of course this didn't go unnoticed to Rob. He probably planned it that way, because my breasts and nipples immediately were assaulted by Rob's hands and fingers, while I sucked his cock. This upside down blowjob soon turned into a full fledged mouth fucking. It was all I could do to keep my tongue sliding along his shaft and my lips snugly around his circumference. He bent his knees slightly, bracing them against the side of the bed, which allowed him to sink his dick straight into my throat. After maybe 15 minutes of me sucking his cock and Rob pummeling my throat, he finally groaned and sprayed his cum. It was difficult swallowing all of it, until Rob pulled out and I could turn my head to the side. Rob used the bathroom for a few minutes and came out wearing one of the hotel's provided robes. He untied me, told me to cleanup in the bathroom and put on the remaining robe and meet him in the living room.
When I came out, refreshed and cleaned up, Dean and Yvonne were still in their bedroom. I couldn't help myself. I put my arms around Rob's neck and gave him my most passionate and meaningful kiss. I thanked him for the wonderful time. He said that he ordered a tray of assorted crackers, cheeses and fruit pieces from room service. He motioned to the mini-fridge and suggested that I find something to my liking. He had a beer. I found a split of a California Chardonnay. Dean and Yvonne came out of their bedroom refreshed, but naked, just as room service arrived. Dean got a beer and a split of wine for Yvonne. We snacked sitting around the table in the living room, and Yvonne and I shared our feelings about our first bondage sex experiences. I was anxious to get fucked by Dean.
It was nearly an hour before Dean took me into his bedroom. After we had our fill of crackers and cheese and finished our drinks, Rob's and my robes came off. Yvonne and I stood back to back in the center of the living room. My wrists were tied behind me and around Yvonne's waist. Yvonne was similarly tied to me. They made us spread our legs and our ankles were tied to each other's. Finally, we were blindfolded. What followed was right out of our gym torture training, except that we were not tied suspended, but they did kiss us. They kissed us and caressed us anywhere and everywhere. Our breasts and nipples were ravaged by their hands and mouths. They fingered and teased our cunts and clits; bringing us to the brink of orgasm time after time. Our bodies and our psyches were tested and sexually tormented. We mewed and moaned. Yvonne was causing as much commotion as I was. Whenever I made any attempt to plead or beg, which was fully their intent, my mouth was stifled with a passionate kiss and a tongue deep in my mouth. With regularity, a hard cock sliced through and rubbed and taunted my pussy slit. I felt my pussy juices running down my legs. It was no wonder that I was nearly hysterical, when it was over and they freed us. Dean led a dazed April Dancer into his bedroom. He tied me spread-eagle to his bed, with a pillow under my ass. Dean was a Hell of a fucker, but not quite the lover that Rob was.
Dean entered me immediately, and I came seconds later. He continued pumping away and I had no choice but to catch up and match him plunge for plunge, until we came. When he pulled out, he straddled my head. Dean made me lick my pussy juices and his cum off his withering cock. He made me suck on it, until he started to stiffen up again. His cock was as long as Rob's, but not quite as thick. It took a minimal amount of kissing and breast play for him to get rock hard. Dean used his fingers to open up my love hole and insure that my twat was ready to receive his cock again. We fucked that way 3 times. I never really had a chance to come down and each of my orgasms was intense and more incredible than the one before it. After Dean pulled out the 3rd time, he quickly untied me, leaving the other ends of the 4 ropes attached to the corners of the bed, probably for Yvonne. He used a 5th rope to tie my wrists behind my back. Cum and pussy juices were poring out of my cunt onto my inner thighs. He led me out into the living room and made me kneel. For the 3rd time, I had to lick my pussy juices and his cum off his flaccid cock. Then he let me harden him up and give him one of my long slow thorough blowjobs. When I finished, my thighs were nearly stuck together from all his sticky cum still oozing out of my triple fucked love tunnel.. Dean retrieved another piece of rope from his room, tied my ankles together, and retreated to his bedroom, leaving me kneeling there on the living room carpet.
Perhaps 20-30 minutes later, Rob and Yvonne came out of his bedroom. Yvonne, after smiling at me, was deposited in Dean's room. Rob came back, untied me and took me into his room. I was allowed to use the bathroom and clean up. I even brushed my teeth. Rob said that he wanted to nap a little. I stretched out on my side on one side of the bed and Rob tied my ankles together and my wrists behind my back. He rolled me onto my back. Rob got into the other side of the bed and pulled a sheet over us. Despite my overall aroused state and still tingling pussy, I fell into a dreamless sleep almost immediately. When I awoke, I felt a little chilly. Rob must have kicked the covers off us sometime in the night. The fluorescent digits on the bedside table clock showed 4:10 AM. Rob was snoring very lightly and was really sound asleep. I knew how to get my blood flowing and warm up. I wanted more of Rob! I got on my side and ever so slowly inched down the bed, until my head was opposite Rob's limp sleeping giant of a cock. It was resting partly between his thighs, so I had to use my tongue to lever it out. Still, Rob did not stir. I took the sleeping log in my mouth and began gently sucking. I knew that guy's cocks seemed to have a mind of their own. I sucked harder and took him in as deep as I could. He was almost rock hard. I sucked its head and then took him deep 3 times in a row. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Rob sat up wide awake and alert, and his cock slipped out of my mouth. "Good morning sleepy," I said sweetly, "Now FUCK ME!" I was so excited and turned on that he could have slipped right inside me. He flipped me over, untied my ankles, mounted me, checked my pussy with his fingers and rammed his cock all the way into me.
He kissed me about half the time and fucked me forever. The hotel's rooms were soundproof, but I wasn't sure about the inner walls. I'm sure my moans, cries and screams would have awakened Dean and Yvonne in the other room. When we came, my orgasm surged throughout my body. I didn't think that I would ever stop shuddering or coming, for that matter. After I settled down, Rob made long slow teasing love to me, as no other man had ever done. He must have spent an hour on my body, but I certainly wasn't watching the clock. He made me come twice, with his fingers, and then fucked me into orgasmic submission. I lay there on my back seemingly totally spent (so I thought). Rob went out into the living room and returned with the room service menu. We decided what we wanted for breakfast, and then said that he was going next-door to see what Dean and Yvonne wanted. Rob returned about 15 minutes later and reported that breakfast would be here in about an hour. He got me out of bed and led me into the bathroom, saying that we had plenty of time for a shower together. My wrists were still tied behind my back. I suspected that Rob had other ideas. He soaped us up and then rinsed us off in the refreshing hot steamy shower. Then he backed me up against the tiled shower wall. I hadn't even noticed that he was hard. He easily got me wet and open, with his fingers, and then slam fucked me against the shower wall. MY GOD! Rob was still hard. He pushed me down to my knees and I had to go down on him, with water pouring down all over me.
While my wrists were still tied behind my back, Rob shampooed and rinsed his hair and washed and rinsed his cock and balls. Only then did he free me saying, "Better hurry, breakfast will be here soon." MEN~!*&@#! They have no concept or understanding of what we girls had to do to make ourselves even presentable for them. I still had to wash my hair, do the conditioner rinse and re-wash my pussy in the shower. It was easy enough drying off my body and hair with the bath towel, but then I had to do all that combing, brushing and blow drying to get my hair just right, and finish with a whoosh of hairspray. There was no time to put on makeup. Just as I pulled the garment bag, containing my clothes from the previous night, out of the closet, Rob poked his head in the door to say that breakfast had arrived. I took a minute to slip into my heels and put on my bra and panties, before going out to have breakfast. Nobody would care what I was wearing. The guys had seen all of me. It turned out that Yvonne came out naked, with a towel turban wrapped around her still damp hair. The men, of course, were fully dressed. Yvonne gave me a wink and started off a conversation in which we sarcastically reviewed the previous night and compared the guy's performances. When breakfast was over and we had had our fun with them, Yvonne and I told them that we were only kidding and that it was the best night of sex either of us ever had. After Yvonne and I finished dressing, we all left together. There were no mushy goodbyes. Truly, it had been the best night of sex I had in my whole young life. Yvonne and I got off the elevators at our floor, and the men continued down into the bowels of UNCLE's secret underground headquarters. I told Yvonne that we would talk later. I undressed in my room and set my alarm to wake me in time to get ready for our Sunday dinner.
April gets fucked up the ass by Napoleon Solo -
It was the very next Saturday night at our bar/lounge. Yvonne and I were sitting at the bar sipping on our usual martinis. We had only been there 15 or 20 minutes. I thought I would faint. In walked Uncle Agents Romero Santini, Illya Kuryakin, and the famous Napoleon Solo. Romero took a barstool next to me and Napoleon sat next to Yvonne. Illya took a barstool to Napoleon's left. Almost immediately, we were surrounded by virtually every excited horny female in the bar. It is often said that a guy thinks with his dick. I've often wondered what makes a man choose a particular girl, when he could take his pick of any girl in the place. I knew that some guys preferred blondes, but Yvonne was a brunette and I was a redhead. That didn't explain anything. Yvonne had me beat in the boob department, with her 36Cs. However, my waist was 2" smaller than Yvonne's, and my body flared out nicely to my hips and perfect round ass. Yvonne's ass was a little flat. We were both approximately the same height and our legs were long, lean and fabulous. I knew that some men were tit men, and some men were ass men, and some men were leg men. I was confused. However, I knew most definitely that no red blooded man would balk at the chance to fuck either one of us. The rumor going around UNCLE was that Illya Kuryakin was gay. He appeared to be in a sullen mood and was chugging scotch or bourbon one drink after the next. I made no attempt to converse with him.
It was difficult being heard or getting a word in edgewise, what with all the excited girls around us talking all at once. Romero touched me on the forearm and motioned that we should take a table away from the melee. It wasn't until then that I noticed that both Napoleon and Romero had duffle bags at the foot of their barstools. Romero and I started a conversation about Italy. He was a tall muscular handsome man of obvious Italian descent, with medium length curly black hair and deep penetrating black eyes, with what looked like gold flecks. He talked fondly of the Tuscan Region in Italy. Yvonne seemed to be holding her own with Napoleon Solo at the bar. I finished my drink and Romero bought me another. We continued our conversation for another 10-15 minutes. Then I asked Romero if he danced. He said that he liked rock-'n-roll and gave me some change for the jukebox. I chose 3 fast songs and 2 slow ones. Romero was a great dancer. During our 2nd slow dance, when Romero made the 1st sexual move. He took my hands from around his neck, twisted them around behind my back, drew me close and kissed me. I didn't struggle or resist, but rather stepped even closer against his body and kissed him back. We made out in that position, until the songs I chose ran out. The juke box played other songs, which we ignored. Other women were getting stripped and tied up. I raised my arms above my head inviting Romero to peel off my sweater. My bra and skirt came off next. One of the bartenders hovered at a distance, with a garment bag, waiting for my panties to come off. She was foiled for several minutes, because Romero decided to tie me up.
Romero took a longer rope out of his duffle bag. He tied my wrists behind my back palm-to-palm. With the excess rope ends, he tied my bound wrists to my waist. This left my elbows bent at nearly a 90 degree angle and my tits jutted out somewhat. My tits jutted out even more, when Romero used another rope to tie my elbows together. With slow music playing from the jukebox, he decided to pull me against his chest, sway with the music and do some serious making out. We were really going at each other. Romero sucked my lower lip and we sucked each other's tongues, as we buried ourselves into those seemingly never ending kisses. When the slow songs finally ended, my panties were finally stripped off. He took me back to our table and sat me on top of it. My feet were placed on the seat of a chair and my ankles were tied together. I was allowed to chug the remainder of my 2nd martini. Romero had pulled out one of those 2" x 6" penis gags, like the one I sucked for hours during my UNCLE Torture Chair Test, except that this one had a leather panel to cover my mouth and straps and buckles to hold it in. Where does he get toys like this? He held it up and showed it to all those watching from nearby tables and said, "Open wide." Well, Romero shoved it all the way into my mouth and buckled it fast behind my head. There I sat, naked, on my table pedestal for all to see. Romero left me and headed for the bar. The female bartender finally came with a garment bag and retrieved my panties. "You've got one of the good ones, honey," she said, "You'll have a great night!"
Illya Kuryakin was gone, when I looked over at the bar. Yvonne and Napoleon Solo were still surrounded by 6-8 excited girls. I think Yvonne was holding her own, because she was playing her cool sophisticated indifferent role. Romero nudged his way into the group. Like many Italian men, Romero used his hands to emphasize what he was saying. Though I couldn't hear what anyone said, I could almost follow the entire conversation. I think he was asking Solo if he was going to pick a girl and get a hotel room. He pointed over to me and gestured that he was going to take me up to a room for the night. I guess he was telling Napoleon that he should pick someone, because he swept his hand to point out all the girls around them. When he did this, many of the girls jumped up and down waving their hands saying, "PICK ME or TAKE ME!" Napoleon finally reached down into his duffle bag and pulled out a single piece of rope. I think, for the first time, Solo actually turned around and saw the remaining girls. He tied Yvonne's wrists behind her back, thus claiming her. Romero used the red phone to order a room and came for me. He stood me up, dipped his knees and picked me up and carried me over his shoulder.
I blushed as I had never done before. As he carried me out of the bar, everyone saw my bare ass and glistening pussy. With one hand, he carried my garment bag and his duffle bag. He held me by the backs of my knees and my butt rested on his broad shoulder. I was sure that he could smell my arousal. Napoleon and Yvonne joined us. We stopped to pickup room keys and soon we were up in our 2 bedroom suite. Romero carried me directly into one of the bedrooms and set me on my feet. He said that he wanted to get his hands on my tits, before having me suck his cock. Well, He got more than his hands on my 36Bs. He felt them up and played with them from in front and behind me. From behind me, his fingers diddled, rolled and pinched my now aroused nipples. I could only moan deeply and suck on that penis gag in my mouth. Finally, he licked and sucked and nibbled on my nips. When he finished sucking, he had drawn my nipples out to about 1' in length. He removed my penis gag and pushed me down onto my knees. I watched eagerly as he undressed. What faced me was his 7" fat compact cock. Although he was circumcised, I used the word compact, because the head of his penis was not as prominent and the narrowing behind the head's tip was not evident. I had no difficulty taking him all the way into my mouth and throat. When he came, he let loose with quite a load of cum, which took 4 or 5 gulps to swallow.
After I licked him clean, he completely untied me and simply tied my wrists crossed behind my back. He led me over to the edge of the bed, sat me down and pushed me onto my back. My legs were raised, and he tied my ankles to my thighs. OH MY GOD! He was going to eat my pussy! No other UNCLE man had eaten my pusssy, and I had not experienced that pleasure since my European trip. Romero held my legs apart and kissed up and down my inner thighs. A chill shot up my spine when he thoroughly licked my perineum. His fingers pried my petal folds open further, and he licked the length of my pussy several times. Then his tongue began its wonderfully slow tortuous journey round and round my labia lips, first the outer ones, and then my inner labia petals, working his tongue closer and closer to the entrance to my love hole. It really felt good and I moaned softly. I guess that I didn't realize just how turned on I was. Romero's tongue plunged deep into my vagina and moved about inside there probing and exploring. Then, his tongue began to dart in and out of my love tunnel. I was daydreaming and enjoying what he was doing to me, when my 1st orgasm hit me out of the blue. My body convulsed and I gasped. He had me now. I was already losing any control that I had over my body.
He stretched my hood to completely expose my clitoris. The tip of Romero's tongue twirled ever so slowly round and round my yearning clit. I felt my 2nd orgasm building. My moans grew louder and louder. My clit just ached to be licked, and when his tongue lapped that hot little bud, I quivered and shook and shuddered all over. The orgasm rocketed through my entire body. I can't remember if I screamed or not. With my body still convulsing, Romero's lips had captured my clit. He sucked and sucked my now supersensitive engorged love bud, but when his teeth nibbled my clit, I lost it completely. I shrieked and succumbed, as spasm after spasm consumed my body and mind. None of the European men, that ate my pussy, were that good. I still hadn't come completely down, when Romero dragged my body up to the head of the bed. My head rested on a pillow. My wrists were still tied behind my back and my legs were frog-tied and splayed wide open. He gave me a few passionate kisses and I tasted my pussy juices on his lips and tongue. His fingers probed my cunt and soon his big fat beautiful Italian sausage cock was deep inside me. OH MAN did he feel good! Romero had barely got a good pumping rhythm going, when I came. That, of course, didn't stop him. I had to ride through that orgasm, as he took me closer and closer to another even more spectacular one. What a stallion! He plundered my cunt relentlessly. Fireworks seemed to explode in my brain, when we climaxed within a couple thrusts of each other. I was aware of the sensation of his hot Italian cum pouring deep inside me and I felt every twitch of his spurting cock. He pulled out
Next, Romero made long slow teasing love to me, as all Italian lovers can do. He kissed and licked me all over. Even though my breasts and nipples had already received a thorough going over earlier, he played with them all over again. My nipples were sucked it seemed forever. His fingers moved to my pussy and he slowly finger fucked me. While his fingers moved in and out of me, Romero used his thumb on my clit and made me come. Then, he was on top of me and inside me. For at least 20 minutes he teased and fucked my cunt, with slow tantalizing strokes. He really had control and stamina. I begged and pleaded with him to finish me off. Finally, he slipped his hand between us down there. While his cock hammered my love hole, one of his fingers rubbed my clit. My orgasm was so savage and primordial that it shattered throughout my body and blew my fucking mind. When Romero pulled out of my still spasming cunt, I clenched my frog-tied legs together and rolled onto my side, until my spasms and shuddering subsided..
My clit was still on fire, but I had my wits about me and my breathing under control. Romero untied my legs and helped me off the bed. When I was standing on my own, he put the penis gag back in my mouth. We went out in the living room. No sign of Napoleon and Yvonne. Romero stretched me out on my back on one of the sofas. He sat on the edge and fondled my breasts, while we waited some more. When it became apparent, from the sounds emanating through the other bedroom door, that they were still doing it, Romero decided to raid the mini-fridge. He opened a split of a red wine and poured it into 2 glasses. My penis gag was taken off. He sat in an easy chair next to a small table. He told me to get up and come over and kneel between his spread legs. Although the Chianti wine was a little too cold for serving, Romero fed me sips of the deliciously refreshing rich wine, until my glass was empty. His lips and gums and tongue were all red, and I knew I looked the same. There was still no sign of Napoleon and Yvonne. I guess to kill some more time, Romero ordered me to suck him off again. He moved to the edge of the chair, where I had full access to his balls and penis.
I licked and sucked each of his testicles and his whole ball sack. His scrotum looked a little bloody, when I finished, but it was from the wine residue on my tongue and in my saliva. However, his cock was rigid and at full attention. I licked him all over and took him in my mouth. After about 10 minutes of bobbing and sucking and deep throat, I was really getting into it, when Napoleon and Yvonne emerged from their bedroom. Romero took matters into his own hands, literally, in order to gain his release. He stood up and grabbed my hair. He used his cock like a battering ram to fuck my mouth like there waas no tomorrow. I held on for all I was worth, while Napoleon and Yvonne watched my mouth getting ravaged. Romero relentlessly rammed his cock down my throat. He was going so fast that I had to take quick breaths, when he pulled back, before his next deep plunge. Finally, with a satisfying groan, Romero came deep in my throat. It seemed that he spurted and sprayed his cum for over 5 minutes. After I licked his cock clean, Napoleon Solo took me into his bedroom. Yvonne went with Romero into his bedroom.
You all know what Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) looks like, so I won't describe him except to mention his thin lipped somewhat quirky mouth. However, you don't know what his cock looked like, do you? He had a long rather thin cock, maybe 7" long and only about 1-1/2" in diameter. The funny thing about it was that it had a curve in it! When it was hard, the 3"-4" at its end had a gentle upward curve. Thank GOD that it didn't curve off to one side or another. I was kneeling at Napoleon's feet, with my wrists tied behind my back. I could see no defect in the skin of his cock that might cause this unusual curve. It must have been an internal muscular thing. Perhaps he was born that way. Anyway, he shoved that cock in my mouth, without letting me lubricate it with my saliva or suck his balls. Fortunately, with something in my mouth, my salivary glands produced more lubrication. His hands firmly grasped my head, and I was doing OK sucking his cock while he moved it back and forth in my mouth. As his climax began to build within him, he held my head tighter and almost angrily fucked my mouth. Several times, he buried his thin cock as far into my throat as it would go and held it in there. Fortunately, it was not long enough or thick enough to completely cut off my air. He eventually came in my mouth and I swallowed his small load of cum.
Napoleon got me up on the bed on my back. He straddled my head and made me suck him hard. My legs were spread, and without any foreplay or even checking to see if I was ready to accept him, Solo plunged his cock all the way in my cunt. I was getting the feeling of what real rape might be like. Luckily for me, my overactive pussy had produced enough lubricant of its own, so his invasion was not painful. I had to give it to him. The man had stamina. I probably came about 20 minutes into a good 30 minute fucking. I had to lick him clean and suck him hard for my 2nd fucking. I was prepared for him this time. His residual cum and my pussy juices allowed him to enter me easily. Although my 2nd fucking by Napoleon Solo, did not last as long as my 1st, I will admit that I came twice. None of my orgasms from Napoleon Solo were particularly memorable. There was virtually nothing for me to recover or come down from. Napoleon took me out into the living room and made me kneel on the small coffee table. He straddled the coffee table and again made me suck him hard. The penis gag that Romero had used on me was on the sofa. My mouth was stuffed with the 6" x 2" phallus, and it was securely buckled behind my head.
He moved behind me and I felt his cock trying to push its way past my tight little puckered sphincter. I tried to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, but the penis gag in my mouth prevented that. Not since UNCLE's Torture Chair Test had I been invaded in that hole. He used no lubricant. Initially, a searing pain ripped through my asshole, when he finally broke through. Solo still appeared to be temperamental and surly. He took it out on my asshole. The pain subsided quickly, but he must have fucked the shit back up into my colon. When his curved thin cock came well up into my bowels, I received no pleasure from that ass fucking. When he finished, he left me kneeling there and went into his bedroom. I think that he washed off his cock, because when he returned; he got a beer from the mini-fridge, sat in a chair opposite me, chugged his beer and beat his meat, until he was good and hard again. He fucked me up the ass for a 2nd time. This time it took a lot longer for him to come, but I never came and was disgusted when he finished. Solo grabbed another beer from the mini-fridge and went into his room, closing the door. with some finality. Since my ankles were not tied, it was easy for me to climb off the coffee table and curl up in a ball on the sofa. I guess that I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew, Romero was gently prodding me awake.
Romero removed my penis gag and untied my wrists. We went into his bedroom, where he let me wash and cleanup in the bathroom. He told me that Yvonne was with Napoleon in his room. When I was clean and refreshed, Romero and I went to bed. It was symbolic that he re-tied my wrists behind my back. For the remainder of the night, we dozed and fucked. One time, I awoke and began sucking his cock, before we screwed. Another time, I awoke with Romero between my legs eating my pussy. We awoke around 7:00 AM the next morning. Romero untied me and I went in the bathroom to pee, assuming that Romero and I would shower together, after everyone had decided what they wanted for breakfast. Romero went next door and returned with Yvonne. It seemed that Napoleon Solo had tied Yvonne spread-eagle to their bed, and stuffed her mouth with a washcloth, which he secured with a twisted hand towel tied over her mouth and around her head. Guess what Napoleon Solo did. He left her tied up like that for hours and totally vacated our hotel room. THE GOD DAMN DIRTY MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCHING BASTARD had fucked Yvonne once, poorly, and packed up and left! That COCKSUCKING PRICK!!! Yvonne seemed no worse for wear, but OH MAN WAS SHE PISSED! We ordered room service breakfast for 3. Yvonne and I showered together, followed by Romero. I tried to console Yvonne in the shower, but she was having none of it.
The bathroom was really crowded, while 2 girls and Romero dried off and did their hair. We found our clothes and got dressed. While we waited for our breakfast, Yvonne found 2 little 1 serving bottles of Scotch. She poured both over ice cubes and downed the double Scotch on-the-rocks before breakfast arrived. I commiserated with Yvonne, and opened a split of white wine, which I finished with my loaded breakfast omelet. Romero told us that Solo frequently had mood swings, but was always at peak performance on a mission. That did not excuse his behavior. I never said anything about the way Napoleon treated me. It seemed minor in comparison. After breakfast, Yvonne and I put on a little makeup, fluffed our hair and thanked Romero. All the way back to our rooms, Yvonne was ranting about that PRICK, and said that she would tell every UNCLE female about that ASSHOLE Solo!
Part 2
The weeks passed quickly. The weather outdoors had warmed up. Yvonne and I had been faithfully going to our bar/lounge every Saturday night and getting laid. Each time we got tied up in some familiar or different bondage positions, and got our brains fucked silly. Sometimes I went solo with a guy, but over half the time it was Yvonne and I and 2 guys. However, none of our experiences had bested the night we had with Rob and Dean, or my experience with Romero Santini. Neither of us encountered Romero or Napoleon Solo again at headquarters, but over a year later I ran into Napoleon Solo, while I was on a mission. That is another story. On the Saturday night just prior to an event that would alter my sex life forever, Yvonne and I were in our bar drinking martinis. We tried not to have repeats with any of the UNCLE men we went off with, always in search of new sexual experiences. Two cute guys, who we had never seen before, walked in carrying large duffle bags. They picked up drinks at the bar and settled at a table. Yvonne and I looked at each other, nodded our approval and pounced, before any other girls could approach them. We were curious about what bondage gear they might be carrying in their large duffle bags. We asked them if we could join them, and the 2 guys invited us to take a seat.
After introductions, we found out that their names were Henri and Pierre. Obviously they were French, but spoke perfect English, with only the slightest French accent. We had a nice lengthy conversation about France, which took us through a 2nd round of drinks. They told us about some of the more popular attractions in France, outside of Paris, and some of their favorite remote places. We told them about our brief time in Paris. Then, we learned that they were Lab Technicians for UNCLE. They couldn't, of course, tell us about the secret projects they were working on. Henri was the 1st to crack a broad smile and tell Yvonne and me about a new set of restraints they had developed that were both secure and comfortable and designed to be worn for long periods of time. Pierre brought out a cutaway sample showing their construction. They basically had developed a padded steel cuff. The cutaway revealed a 3" wide band of flexible metal. The metal band was covered with a layer of soft rubber-like padding. The whole assembly was enclosed and stitched in leather. In his not very subtle way, Henri asked me if I wanted to try them. With the warmer weather, I had taken to wearing sleeveless or short sleeved blouses with my miniskirts, of which I now owned 8 in different weight fabrics. In allowing Henri to cuff me, even though I still had all my clothes on, I was agreeing to be bound and taken up to one of the hotel's rooms for the night. Well, Henri was quite good looking, and when he stood up, I could see that he was well built and about 2" taller than I was in my low heels. I loved his cute little accent. He was French and native Frenchmen were all great lovers, weren't they?
Henri fastened his steel padded leather cuffs on my wrists behind my back. The individual attached cuffs fit snugly around my wrists and were surprisingly comfortable. He pulled the tongue of each wrist cuff buckle tight, and the prong of the buckle slipped into a pre-drilled hole. The tongue of the buckle clicked into a miniature lock. The individual cuffs were connected by some kind of rivet, which allowed me to move and pivot my bound crossed wrists up and down my back to some degree. If I moved my wrists down my back, I could line up the palm of one hand over the back of my other hand. I could pivot my wrists upwards to a point where my forearms were parallel. This tightened my chest muscles and made my boobs thrust out. It felt really good and I felt a tiny tingle stirring in my pussy. CHRIST, I still had all my clothes on and Henri hadn't even kissed me! Finally, I twisted around and took a good look at my restraints. There was no way my fingers could reach the buckles, and even if they could, the tongue of the buckle was locked solidly into the cuff. He had me!
Henri walked me out onto the dance floor. Pierre was right behind us leading a cuffed Yvonne. While Henri held onto Yvonne and me, Pierre went over and fed the juke box. Henri put his hands on my waist and we began to sway to the slow music. Halfway through the 1st song, Henri kissed me. It was so nice and soft and sweet that I moaned. Soon we were kissing without abandon and with no regard to keeping up with the music. I pressed my tits against his broad chest. I was lost in his kisses. Before I realized what he was doing, he had my blouse unbuttoned and was pushing it back and down my arms. One passionate kiss later, Henri had unfastened my front closure bra and had it pushed down my arms in back. I think Pierre must have brought over the next set of restraints. I couldn't see Yvonne, because of all the people on the dance floor. Henri was behind me. He had another set of his steel padded leather cuffs. My arms were buckled together, above my elbows, so that my elbows nearly touched. This, of course, tightened my chest muscles considerably and thrust out my now aroused tits more. Henri dug a gold chain, from under his shirt that had a little key on it. He unlocked one of my wrist cuffs and freed that arm from the elbow down. My blouse and bra were pulled off my arms and placed on our table. My free wrist was immediately buckled and locked into my steel padded wrist cuffs. After that, my miniskirt and panties were quickly removed. Yvonne was soon next to me. People started gathering around to see the new bondage restraints. Henri buckled and locked and individual steel padded ankle cuff to my legs. Finally, he buckled a steel padded collar around my neck. It had rings attached on 4 sides, but was not tight enough to restrict my breathing.
A leather lease was clipped to the ring at the front of my next collar, and Yvonne and I were led off like puppies to our hotel room. Inside our hotel room, I had to get on my back on the living room carpet. Yvonne was kneeling at my right side. Pierre told Yvonne to makeout with me and, lick and suck my nipples, while the guys undressed. Yvonne went at me immediately. She had me in a passionate kiss, with her tongue buried in my mouth, before I knew what was happening. After some time, Yvonne's mouth moved to my already hard nipples. She licked and sucked those babies like there was no tomorrow. I saw the guys standing there naked and watching. I admired their gorgeous cocks. Each of them was smiling, with an amused look on their faces, and Pierre was absent mindedly stroking himself. After Yvonne had nearly sucked the life out of my nipples and had drawn them out into 1" long appendages, Henri told her to stop. Yvonne and I were up on our knees. Our leashes were reattached to a ring in the back of our collars. I knew blowjobs were next and I felt that we were going to have a GREAT night!
My leash was drawn taut and my mouth was directed onto Pierre's erect manhood. With only the saliva in my mouth and on my tongue, I took his dry cock into my throat and held it there. My leash was loosened enough so that I could extricate his cock from my mouth. I gave his whole penis a long and generous tongue bath. I licked and sucked his whole scrotum and each of his testicles. Finally, before taking him into my mouth again, I licked and sucked the marvelous and proud head of his cock. I developed a good steady rhythm of bobbing and sucking up and down on his dick, and taking him deep in my throat every few minutes. Yvonne had already finished off Henri. This was taking too long, but the more I sucked, the wetter my pussy got. I could feel the wetness between my legs and I moaned as I worked. Finally, Pierre's cock was deep in my throat, rubbing the back of my throat with its head. He exploded with a generous load of cum down my throat. I easily swallowed all his tangy slightly salty tasting warm goo. After I cleaned him off, Pierre led Yvonne off to one of the bedrooms, and Henri shifted to stand in front of me. MY GOD! His cock was hard and waiting for my mouth.
You know how some guys will let a girl give him a blowjob at her own pace. Then, there are the guys, who let the girl do the former, but when they start to lose it, they fuck her mouth furiously, until they come. Well, this time Henri gave me a fast non-stop mouth fucking start to finish. His cock was wet and slick, from Yvonne's blowjob and cleanup, and I was salivating and waiting to get him in my mouth. He shoved his nice thick 7" penis into my mouth and held my collar's leash taut enough, so that I couldn't expel his dick from my mouth. In and out he pummeled away at my mouth. All I could do was to hang on tightly, with my lips, and make sure my tongue kept running along the underside of his cock. His cock went into my throat on most every thrust, but he had to stop and take a rest break several times. When he did, he held the head of his cock in my mouth and ordered me to suck on it. Eventually, Henri erupted and filled my mouth with his cum. After I swallowed his warm seed and licked him clean, Henri led me into the bedroom, where Pierre had taken Yvonne.
The sight before my eyes was amazing and beautiful. Yvonne had one of those penis gags buckled into her mouth. She was on her back on the bed, with her arms still cuffed behind her back, but I could see that her elbows were not cuffed together, because her elbows stuck out from either side of her waist. Her butt rested on a pillow at the bottom edge of the bed. The amazing thing was that the ankle cuffs on her legs were tied to the corner posts at the foot of the bed. Although her knees were slightly bent, her legs were taut and spread open at nearly a 180 degree angle. That crude old joke about driving a Mack truck in there would have been appropriate. I simply couldn't believe that Yvonne could be spread so wide open, and her beautiful wet and red lipped pussy glistened and glared at me. Henri forced me down onto my knees between Yvonne's widely spread legs. I knew what was coming next. I was no lesbian, but I did experiment a few times, during my college years. Henri used the leash attached to my collar to make me crawl on my knees, until my face was right in front of Yvonne's pussy.
Kneeling on my haunches, I began kissing and licking Yvonne's inner thighs, from her knees to her pussy. I licked and kissed her sensitive perineum below her pussy, and then licked slowly along her entire slit several times. I ignored Yvonne's moans, but noted that her chest was already heaving. My tongue first lapped her outer pussy lips, and gradually moved to lick round and round her inner labia lips. I tilted my head and sucked and nibbled those sexy red pussy lips. It seemed that Yvonne was beginning to lose it, and I moved my tongue to her clit area. I teased Yvonne mercilessly, for as long as I thought she could take it, by swirling the tip of my tongue round and round that growing and reddening sensitive nub. I guess that it was Yvonne's frantic muffled shrieks that moved me to let Yvonne come. I licked and licked her clitoral appendage, until Yvonne had 2 massive orgasms. I was surprised that neither Henri nor Pierre had intervened at all. Instead, they had stood on either side of me and watched.
Yvonne was still shuddering and coming down from her orgasms, when the men moved in on her. The ropes, holding her legs spread like she was doing the splits, were untied, and her wrist cuffs were removed. They scooted her whole body, plus the pillow under her butt, up the bed a couple feet. When Yvonne was in position, they stretched her gorgeous legs wide apart and secured them, with the ropes attached to her ankle cuffs, to the side rails of the bed. They put another pillow vertically under Yvonne's upper back and head, and buckled individual steel padded leather cuffs around each of her wrists. Ropes tied to the D-rings on her wrist cuffs were pulled and stretched and tied to the upper corners of the bed. Henri grabbed my leash and pulled me up off my haunches. They crowded on either side of my head. Henri ordered, "Suck us both until we're hard." So, they pivoted my head left and right, and I, with my pussy juice soaked face and mouth, alternately sucked and deep throated each of their cocks, until they were fully erect and hard. Next, I crawled on my knees and they half carried me back to the bed. It dawned on me where this was going. I was bent over the edge of the bed and my face was back in Yvonne's pussy. Pierre ordered, "Just keep licking that pussy and give her as many orgasms as you can. Well, my face was buried in Yvonne's pussy and I started licking. It wasn't that all my cocksucking and pussy licking hadn't had a profound effect on my own pussy. In fact, I was soaking wet and horny to come. As I licked, one of their cocks penetrated my love hole and began fucking me doggie style. I don't know if the guys had some system, like each one got so many thrusts, or each got so many minutes.
It was all somewhat of a 30-40 minute blur to me. I definitely remember tongue fucking Yvonne to one orgasm. I came twice, while they continued to fuck me through those orgasms. I tried to slow it down a bit by teasing Yvonne between each of her orgasms, but there was a distracting constant pounding of my pussy going on. I sucked and nibbled on Yvonne's clit so much that the engorged appendage was about an inch long. Yvonne had 5 or 6 orgasms. I thought that she had screamed herself hoarse into her penis gag, and may have been a little incoherent when it was over. I don't know how many times the men switched, while they alternately fucked me doggie style, but I came again, when each of them stiffened and groaned and spurted their cum deep in my cunt. Thankfully, Henri got me up on wobbly legs and took me into his bathroom. My wrists and elbows were still quite comfortably secured behind my back by the steel padded leather cuffs. He used a wet washcloth and towel to clean their cum and pussy juices that ran down my legs, and wiped Yvonne's pussy juices from my face. My leash was removed, and I was walked out into the center of the living room area. Henri used some type of clip to secure the d-rings of my ankle cuffs together. He wrapped and tied several loops of a rope tightly around my legs above my knees. From his large duffle bag, Henri produced a multi-stranded suede flogger. I thought that maybe I was in over my head!
Henri also had one of those 6" x 2" realistic cock flavored penis gags, that I had been experiencing a little too often lately, and buckled it deep in my mouth and partially down my throat. "Before I take you into my bedroom and really fuck you," Henri said, "I'm going to stimulate and awaken every one of your nerve endings from your neck to your knees!" He swished the flogger back and forth through the air in front of me. Without warning, he flicked his wrist and the flogger landed across my belly. I yelped, but it actually didn't hurt much at all. Instead my belly skin just tingled. He lightly flogged me everywhere for at least 30 minutes. He did my front and sides first, working his way down my body from my shoulders to my knees. My breasts and my twat got a few extra flicks of the flogger. Next, he did my back and arms from top down to the back of my calves. My ass received a few extra flicks of the flogger. No individual blow really hurt much, and cumulatively my whole body prickled and tingled. I had been moaning constantly almost the entire time, but didn't understand why. It was then that Pierre walked a naked Yvonne into the living room, with her elbows and wrists cuffed behind her back. While Pierre immobilized Yvonne's legs like mine. I inventoried my body. My creamy white skin was now a fairly uniform glowing shade of healthy rosy pink. It was then that I realized that I was totally turned on, and indeed every nerve ending of my flogged skin was stimulated and alive. "April has colored up nicely and look at those pussy juices pouring out of her twat," Henri commented, "I'm going to redden up a few areas and then you can flog Yvonne!" I knew that Henri could have really hurt me, and I couldn't wait for him to take me into his bedroom and fuck me.
I screamed in pain, when Henri delivered 10 really hard blows across my ass cheeks. Next, each of my naked and protruding breasts and nipples got 5 quick blows across their already sensitive flesh. Finally, my twat took 5 stinging blows. My ass and tits were bright red and my pussy was on fire. Every nerve ending of my flogged skin tingled with wicked pleasures. After Henri unclipped my ankle cuffs and untied my knees, I realized, as he walked me into his bedroom, that my pussy juices had run halfway down to my knees. Once in his bedroom, Henri removed my elbow cuffs and got me settled on my back near the center of the top of the bed. I was able to pivot my wrist cuffs, so that my cuffed crossed wrists rested in the small of my back, just like Yvonne was tied. He tied ropes to the D-rings of my ankle cuffs and in a 2 step process tied my legs wide apart to the side rails of the bed. After placing a pillow under my burning ass, he first tied each leg fairly tight and spread. Then, he went back and pulled and spread me open even more. Finally, he removed my penis gag. For about the next 2 hours, Henri made love to me as I imagined no other Frenchman would or could have done! There were tons of kisses, not only all around my face and neck, but all over my tingly pinkened skin, plus 10-15 minutes of long fervent kisses. My poor reddened breasts and nipples received a lot of soothing and erotic licking and sucking. He was kneeling between my spread legs, and when he had kissed his way down to my pubic hair, I thought that he would lick my pussy. Instead, his fingers stroked, prodded and teased my most intimate lady parts. I writhed and moaned, silently begging Henri to enter me.
Soon, he did just that, filling me nicely. He screwed me, using long slow deep strokes, until neither of us could take it anymore. Our bodies cascaded into tremendous shuddering orgasms. However, Henri did not pull out. He took his weight off my upper body and simply waited for me to calm down somewhat. Then, he began to slowly move inside me. He fucked me 2 more times in that way. Then, when he untied my ankle ropes, I thought we were finished. WRONG! He dragged me and the pillow under my formerly red flogged ass, which I had forgotten all about, down to the edge of the bed. He re-tied my ankles, again spreading my legs wide enough to drive that proverbial Mack truck in there. Henri began licking my pusssy. OH MY GOD, I was still so hot, from getting fucked 3 times in a row that I almost came during his first few licks. OHHHHH SHIT, it felt so good! He licked me up and down and all over. He even tongue fucked me, before licking my clit, until I blasted into an orgasm that nearly blew my mind.
A couple of the trainee girls on our floor, who were from France, had brought with them the story about a woman's mythological magical g-spot. They told us what it supposedly did, where to find it and how to make it work. During my many hours of masturbating myself over the months, I never found mine and didn't believe that I had one. Well, I was still pretty high, from Henri's beaver eating orgasm, when he plunged his tongue back in my cunt. He tongue fucked me for a few minutes and probed around in there. I was really enjoying all those good feelings, when his tongue started swirling round and round my clit. When he managed to somehow slip a finger into my love tunnel, it all happened so fast! His finger probed around in there and started rubbing me. Henri's lips captured my clit and he started sucking. BAM! My orgasm smashed through me so suddenly that I don't think I uttered a sound. I guess that I gasped at the shock of it all and realized that my pusssy was gushing out my sweet juices. It wasn't a myth anymore! Henri had found my g-spot and made it work! However, he did not stop sucking my really engorged ultra sensitive clit. He sucked and nibbled that appendage through 2 more body shattering screaming orgasms. It took quite some time to come down from all that. Henri came out of the bathroom and took off all my cuffs. I was completely free! I was exhausted. I went in the bathroom and first washed and dried my legs and pussy. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and combed my hair. However, I still had the taste of cum and Yvonne's pussy juices in my mouth.
I walked out into the living room and immediately looked in the mini-fridge. Henri and Pierre were sitting at the dining table drinking beers. They told me that Yvonne was taking a quick shower. I wanted to ask her about my eating her pussy. Maybe I should have taken a quick shower? I made myself an extra extra extra extra dry double martini, with two of those 1-1/2 oz. bottles of Beefeater's gin and 5 olives. I sat on one of the sofas, assuming a naked woman's ladylike pose, and sipped my drink. Henri went into our bedroom and came out with a bottle of caffeine tablets. He knocked 4 of them into my palm, saying that we would likely be up all night. As I swallowed the pills, Henri went back to the dining table and resumed his hushed conversation with Pierre. Undoubtedly, they were planning what they would do with us for the rest of the night. I had finished eating the 5 olives in my drink and had only about 1/4 of the gin left, when Yvonne came out of her bedroom. She looked beautiful, poised and sexy. I was surprised when she opened a beer from the mini-fridge. She sat down next to me on the sofa and we barely had a chance to exchange "how are you doing" questions and answers, when Pierre came for me. I chugged the remainder of my drink and was led off into Pierre's room.
My wrists were cuffed behind my back. I was laid out and tied to Pierre's bed in the exact way that I first found Yvonne. My pussy was at the bottom edge of the bed, with a pillow under my butt, and my legs were tied wide open to the bottom corner posts of the bed. Henri brought Yvonne into the room and her hands were cuffed behind her back. It was clear that she had just been flogged. Her breasts were a reddish pink and her nipples were hard and elongated, as if they had been sucked hard. The rest of Yvonne's skin had a beautiful pinkish glow covered in a light sheen of sweat. I couldn't see her ass, I'd bet it was bright red. Her pusssy had been flogged and was pretty red, but the more significant thing was that she was soaking wet and her pussy juices were already running down her legs. Apparently Yvonne was like me. I would never call myself a pain slut. However, while I did not crave pain, a little light to moderate pain definitely turned me on and brought an interesting new experience to my bondage sex romps. I thought that Yvonne was brought in to eat my pussy, as I had done to her earlier in the evening. WRONG AGAIN! Yvonne was pushed to her knees and had to alternately suck each of the guy's cocks, until they were hard and ready to burst. It seemed that all of us were going to try, and I emphasize the word "TRY," a four-way. It seemed simple enough. Pierre was going to fuck me. Yvonne was helped onto the bed and knelt straddling my mouth. As soon as Yvonne was settled, Henri stood on the bed and expected Yvonne to give him a blowjob.
This is what the guys were talking all hush hush about? Well, Pierre knelt on the floor and fucked me, until we both came. However, with Henri standing on the soft mattress, we all bounced around. I had trouble keeping my mouth in contact with Yvonne's pussy. I wasn't quite sure if Yvonne ever came, and after 20 minutes or more of cocksucking, Henri had still not shot his load. Henri pulled Yvonne off the bed and had her finish him off, while she knelt on the floor alongside the bed. The guys wanted to try it again, UGH, but switching positions. Of course, Yvonne had to again suck each man hard. There was plenty of room above my head, during the 1st try, and Yvonne had been positioned facing the head of the bed, with Henri standing facing my body. This time Pierre positioned Yvonne facing my feet. Henri fucked me and I came rather quickly, but, he continued battering my pussy, until we both had tremendous climaxes. Pierre knelt upright straddling my shoulders. This forced Yvonne to lean forward somewhat in order to get Pierre's cock deep in her throat. The result was that Yvonne's pussy, and especially her clit, were pressed harder against my mouth. I concentrated on Yvonne's clit and tried to suck the life out of it. I know that she came at least twice. Pierre finally succumbed to Yvonne's talented mouth and shot his load down her throat. When it was all over, the guys dragged the bound Yvonne around to the end of the bed and made her eat me out twice! I was released from all my bonds, walked into Henri's bedroom, used the bathroom and presented myself to him for whatever he wanted to do with me.
My wrists were cuffed behind my back and I knelt before him. Henri had the flogger telling me that I looked really hot, when my skin was reddish pink. Also, he commented on how responsive I was, when he licked and kissed my flogged areas, and he KNEW that the flogging really turned me on. Well, that was certainly true, but I said nothing. In fact, I was staring in anticipation at the flogger, AND my pussy was getting wet already. I knelt upright, with my knees spread, and Henri flogged me all over. Each flick of the flogger on my skin stung somewhat, but the words that Henri spoke kept repeating in my mind and I shrugged off the pain. When he finished, my pussy was again dripping wet and my flogged skin tingled wildly. My flogging had also turned Henri on. He told me to give him a long slow blowjob, which I did. I spent an inordinate amount of time licking and sucking his balls and licking his cock, before I ever took him in my mouth. I devilishly teased his cock and took him deep in my throat many times. I have to hand it to Henri, because he let me do it and never grabbed my head and fucked my mouth. Finally, a huge load of cum blasted down my throat and he groaned loudly.
When we finished up, Henri sat me on the edge of the bed and pushed me onto my back. He made no attempt to tie my legs and I needed no prompting. I spread my legs and awaited the glorious strokes of his tongue on my pussy. I was trying to decide if Henri was better at pusssy eating than Romero Santini, but those thoughts quickly vanished, because Henri was ravaging my pussy and I couldn't think straight. Without ever plunging his tongue into my cunt, he kissed and licked and sucked and nibbled my supersensitive pussy parts, and brought me higher and higher and higher, until I spiraled into 3 awesome screaming mind blowing orgasms. Finally, Henri got me positioned on the bed for the rest of the night, but still in a way that I would be available to him anytime. He re-cuffed my wrists in front of me. I was on my back, with my head on a pillow, and lay on one side of the bed. My crossed cuffed wrists were brought over my head and tied to the bed's headboard. It was quite comfortable and I could have easily slept the night in that position, if it weren't for the fact that I had taken 4 caffeine tablets and my hot horny tingly twat and clit simply wouldn't settle down. Henri kissed all those still pinkish areas that he had flogged and then made love to me. Afterward, he dozed next to me, and I just listened to his steady rhythmical breathing. He awoke several times that night, sometimes with a little prodding from my toes on his sleeping cock or between his legs, and fucked and fucked and fucked me, until neither one of us could do it anymore. Those UNCLE MAXO female sex pills and ERECT male sex pills were wonderful innovations.
The morning was typical. I showered first, and while I did all my preparations in front of the bathroom mirror, Henri showered. I had pretty much memorized the room service menu and knew exactly what I wanted, when Pierre came in to take our order. This time, my hair was done and I was fully dressed, when breakfast arrived. I ate enough to skip dinner at noon, and planned to sleep most of the day. We talked a lot more about France at breakfast. Yvonne and I said our goodbyes and left, with no messy emotional strings or promises. That was exactly the way it was supposed to work, just a night of hot bondage recreational sex. As soon as Yvonne and I got off the elevators at our floor, we talked about the lesbian pussy eating. Like me, Yvonne had done a little of that in college, but each of us vowed that we were confirmed heterosexuals, who could and would eat pussy if we had to. Even though the new steel padded leather cuffs were very comfortable and there were no visible signs on my limbs that I had been bound all night, I thought to myself that I still might prefer the feel of rope and tight bondage.
UNCLE Field Exercises -
The very next day, Monday, we were given notice of a major field exercise that would be held all day the following Saturday. Our floor of trainee agents would be pitted against the floor of trainee agents below our's, whom we seldom saw. The object of the exercises was to test our cunning, stalking and shooting skills in a real outdoor setting, and to capture as many of our opponents as possible, without getting captured ourselves. In the event of our capture, we would have to endure whatever permitted tortures our captors wrought upon us, without revealing a secret codeword. We were given aerial recon photos showing that the boundaries of the exercise area were roughly a slightly rectangular 1 square mile area that was completely fenced by an 8' Cyclone fence topped with barbed wire. Outside the fence, a creek ran along the east side of the property and a dirt road ran along the west side. Two corrugated metal warehouses were located at the north and south ends of the property, and would serve as the team's headquarters.
Some on our team would be designated as "Penetrators." Their job was to infiltrate the enemy lines and report back on enemy positions and tactics in the field, but if they could penetrate enemy lines and ring a bell outside enemy HQ, they would earn a free pass back to our HQ, along with the freeing of one of our prisoners and a forfeit prisoner from our enemy. There would be "Hunters' whose main objective was to hunt and capture the enemy. Some on our team would be "Guards" who would patrol the area around our headquarters and prevent any of the enemy from ringing our bell. Finally, some on our team would remain in HQ and assist in information extraction. Five UNCLE agents would command our HQ, direct the battle and supervise information extraction (the codeword) from prisoners. During that week leading up to the field exercise, we got to practice with the capture weapon we would be using. It was a single shot CO2 propelled dart pistol that was accurate up to a distance of about 10 yards. Beyond that distance, the dart fell like a ball rolling off the edge of a table. During that week, each of our team mates got to experience the effects of the dart. I was shot through my t-shirt in the belly from a distance of about 25'. Within only a few seconds, I had crumpled to the gym mat. In about 5 minutes I awoke bright and alert, with no side effects from the knockout drug on the dart's very fine needle. When it was extracted from my belly, I didn't even need a Band-aid, because there was a blood coagulant in the knockout drug.
On the night before the field exercises I used my vibrator to get myself off a few times, thus assuring me a good nights sleep. I was awakened the next morning at 5:30 AM by the blaring of the speakers in the hallway playing revelry. I showered and washed my hair. I dried my body and hair, put my hair up in a ponytail as instructed, donned a robe and went to breakfast. We all had a leisurely breakfast and everyone was excited about the field exercises. It was announced at breakfast that we were to wear no makeup or perfume. Also, it was announced that there would be no camouflage. Our bare skin and uniforms would necessitate extra precaution in the woods. After breakfast, we went to a nearby room, where we were issued our uniforms. They consisted of a stretchy one piece dark red halter-like top, to be worn without a bra, a pair of utilitarian white cotton panties and an extremely short black pleated skirt, with an elastic waistband that was designed to be worn on my hips. Back in my room, I put on my uniform and old obstacle course tennis shoes. The top clung and supported my B-cup breasts nicely and was quite comfortable. The skirt went down about 3" below my crotch, but would not impede any running or dodging movements I might make. With my bare arms, shoulders, midriff and legs, I sure showed a lot of my creamy white skin. I met our team at the elevators around 7:00 AM. We went down to the parking garage and saw the other team boarding their bus. Their uniforms were identical to ours, except that their tops were a medium blue color. I got even more anxious and excited on the 15 minute bus ride to the field exercises site. I could feel that my pussy was already getting a little wet.
The inside of our HQ building was partitioned by a temporarily constructed 12' wall. While waiting to be issued my weapons, I noticed that the area we were in had tables and chairs for battle planning and eating lunch. There were restrooms, a food dispensing station and first aid area with a few cots. I was issued a wide leather belt, with a holster on the right side containing my CO2 air pistol, and a pouch on the left side containing 10 darts. I was given 2 lengths of rope and 2 scarves, which were to be looped around our belts wherever convenient. We were given instructions that when we captured a prisoner, we were to stuff her panties in her mouth, gag her with a scarf and bind her wrists behind her back, before delivering her to HQ. While putting on my gear, I looked through a doorway into the other room. It comprised about 2/3 of the area of our HQ warehouse. I saw numerous tables equipped with eyebolts for tying prisoners down, many vertical wooden posts sunk into the warehouse's earthen floor and a large temporary metal jail. Undoubtedly, these would be used in the information extraction tortures. We were all given the secret codeword, but honestly I didn't see how any torture might extract the codeword from a prisoner, because the rules didn't allow much of anything that we had all previously been through in previous training. We were given our assignments. My best friend, Yvonne Smyth, and I were partnered and were to be "Hunters." When the horn signaled the start of the field exercises at 8:00 AM, all 8 of our "Penetrators" were sent out to try and determine the deployment of the enemy. The hunters sat and fidgeted at the tables. They all returned with sightings of the enemy deployed in groups of 2 or 3 advancing along a front mostly in the central area of the woods.
Our Captain and Lieutenants assessed that the enemy seemed to want to engage us head on. Eager Hunters were finally dispatched. However, Yvonne and I were sent to take a position about 1/3-1/2 way to the enemy's HQ, along our right flank, and await any enemy Penetrators. Two of our friends, from our reduced training sessions of 8, were given a like assignment on our left flank. Yvonne and I set out, walking briskly for about the 1st 1/4 mile. Then, we moved more cautiously, while I took the point and Yvonne guarded our rear. Our pistols were drawn, with the safeties off, and our trigger fingers rested along the side of the gun's barrel. Perhaps another cautious and stealthy 1/4 mile forward, we found good positions about 10 yards in from the Cyclone fence and about 5 yards apart. We each crouched and hid behind a very large tree, which had a clump of bushes growing right beside it. We had to wait only about 10 minutes, when I saw one of the enemy girls moving slowly towards us. I signaled Yvonne, and since the girl was closer to me, she signaled for me to take the shot.
I waited until the girl was about 5 yards away, poked my head and gun around the tree, aimed for her heart, fired and hit her in the left tit. Without a sound, she crumpled to the ground. I handed my gun to Yvonne to reload. While she stood guard, I reached under the girl's skirt and pulled off her white cotton panties. I stuffed them into the girl's lolling open mouth, tied a scarf between her lips and behind her head. Finally, I flipped her over and bound her wrists behind her back. All this took less than 2 minutes. We had to wait another few minutes for her to wake up. I had forgotten the dart, and Yvonne pulled it out of her tit and threw it away. We marched our prisoner back to HQ, keeping a watchful eye all the way. The prisoner was taken into the interrogation area. I picked up another dart and got a new piece of rope and scarf. Our Captain thought it would take some time for the enemy to figure out that their Penetrator had been captured. Yvonne and I were sent out to the right side of our line, but well in from the fence boundary. Yvonne took point. We heard them coming long before we saw them. We took cover. There were 6 of them whispering and advancing. Yvonne signaled me to take the one on the right, and she would take the one next to that girl. As they drew well within range, Yvonne counted down with her fingers, 3, 2, 1, fire. We popped out and fired, and each of us hit our targets. As both girls went down, a volley of 4 darts whizzed by us. We ducked and reloaded as fast as we could. We peeked, popped up and fired at a new target. We missed and by then the 4 remaining enemy girls had turn tail and were retreating. Yvonne gave me her gun and I reloaded her's and mine. I gave Yvonne the honor of immobilizing our 2 captives. I kept watch, with one knee on the back of one of the fallen girls, and she made quick work of gagging and binding our captives. The prisoners followed Yvonne back to our HQ, while I covered our rear.
A loud cheer erupted in HQ for our capture of the 2 enemy girls. After turning over our charges, Yvonne and I reported, re-supplied and were immediately sent back out to our original position along our right flank. Yvonne and I were escorting our 5th captured prisoner into HQ, when the cease fire and lunch horns sounded all over the woods. After turning our prisoner over, Yvonne and I headed for the restrooms, before the usual female rush. I peed and washed off my face and hands. Then, I ate a couple protein energy bars and a banana, with a little bottled water. Neither Yvonne nor I did anything particularly strenuous that morning, but adrenalin still flowed through my body. From its initial excitement, my pussy had settled down and I hadn't gotten any wetter than before we started. After re-supplying, Yvonne and I sat at the tables chatting with our teammates. When the all clear horn blew, Yvonne and I were sent back to our original position on our right flank. That had been a productive spot. As we neared our favorite spot, I felt the dart hit me in the back. I might have shouted out a warning to Yvonne, and I might have heard a cry from her, but I was down and out.
I began to wakeup with a warm tingly feeling all over. A few seconds later, I was wide awake and alert. I assessed my situation. I was totally naked lying on my back in leaves and grass. My wrists had been tied behind my back crossed up between my shoulder blades. I tasted my own pussy juices in my mouth and realized that my panties had been stuffed in my mouth and they were held securely by a scarf cleave gag. A finger was gently moving in and out of my pussy. I stared up into the blue eyes of a beautiful blonde girl, with bigger tits than mine. She said, "Hello sleepy, I'm Arizona Wilson." I knew that from photo recognition, butt had never actually met her. Arizona continued, "You're all mine and we're going to have a lot of fun with you tonight!" That didn't register. Maybe it was the knockout drug? She pulled her finger out of my wet pussy and sucked my pussy juices off of it, Saying, "MMMMMMM!" She helped me to my feet and I saw Yvonne already standing and bound like I was. She had been captured by an equally tall and stunning brunette, with tits about my size, named Rachel Anders. Arizona took my 2 lengths of rope and tied them together end to end. She tied one end around my waist in back, threaded the rope into my ass crack and between my pussy lips, pulled it really tight and tied the end to the rope around my waist, saying, "This will feel really good and will keep you wet for me!" Yvonne was getting the same kind of rope tied through her pussy.
The 4 of us set off for their HQ. As I walked, the rope rubbed my pussy lips and my clit. It actually did feel pretty good and was turning me on! We encountered a pair of blue halter topped enemy players. Arizona told them that Yvonne and I were "keepers," but it still didn't register with me. When we arrived at enemy HQ, Arizona led us up to the women apparently in charge and said, "I claim April Dancer!" Rachel did likewise for Yvonne. Three women led me over to a table. The rope through my pussy was removed. They bent me over and spread my ass cheeks. I heard a whoosh and something cool was shot along my ass crack and perineum. "Don't even twitch a muscle," one of them commanded. Another one of them deftly shaved me clean! I was stood up, turned around and made to lie back on the table. Two of them held my legs wide apart. My beautiful dark red pubic hair was clipped as short as possible and then came the shaving cream and razor. They had shaved me totally bald down there! I guessed that it was to embarrass or humiliate me. I was stood up and cleaned off, using the cold damp 1/2 of a towel, and dried off by the other half of that same towel. A soothing lotion was rubbed over my newly shaved areas. Next, I was taken and shoved face first into a wooden post. My knees and ankles were tied together. Finally, long ropes below my armpits, at my waist and thighs lashed me to the post. I saw Yvonne similarly lashed to the post next to mine. The one in charge ordered, "Give them each 50 total and see if they'll give up their codeword after every 10."
Two women, each armed with a wooden paddle, alternately whacked my left and right ass cheeks, until they reached 10. The cracking sounds from the paddles hitting me, and also hitting Yvonne's ass, echoed throughout the warehouse. GOD DAMN, those blows really hurt. I knew that according to the rules they could do nothing to break or puncture my skin. I never flinched. I looked over at Yvonne and shook my head NO, when asked for the codeword. Yvonne also shook her head, NO! Another 10 WHACKS hit our asses, and another 10, and another 10, and finally the final 10. Neither of us broke. Our butts burned and hurt, and were an angry dark red color. Oddly enough, when it was over, my pussy was dripping wet! The woman in charge called over an additional 2 women and ordered, "Prepare them to be crucified!" Yvonne and I were untied, except for the ropes binding our wrists up in back. We were escorted over to heavy horizontal wooden beams, at about shoulder height, and suspended by overhead metal cables. They started on me first, and it took 4 of them at first. My wrists were untied. Two women held each of my arms stretched out and against the wooden beam. Two more women lashed each of my arms to the heavy wooden beam at my wrists, elbows and my upper arms, next to my armpits. With my arms totally immobilized, four of them descended on Yvonne, while 2 remained to finish with me.
The one in charge produced a vibrator and ordered, "Shove this up her pussy and tie a deep crotch rope on her." "She's already wet!" UNCLE's tech people and labs were always producing new gadgets and toys, and the people there were very accommodating in coming up with new advanced things for our comfort and pleasure. I was familiar with this new vibrator. I had purchased a similar one in the fem shop at the PX just about a month earlier. It was made of a material that felt like real flesh. It was shaped exactly like a real erect penis would look, and had the prominent head and all the veins and other details of a real cock. The penis vibrator came in a number of lengths and diameters. The one I bought was 7" long and 2" in diameter. The one that they were going to shove up my pussy was identical to mine, except that it was an inch longer. They made me spread my legs, and the buzzing phallus was easily shoved up my love canal. A longer piece of rope was doubled on itself. It went around my waist, and the 2 free ends were threaded through the other end's loop and pulled tight behind my back. From there, the 2 free strands of rope were threaded through my ass crack and carefully through my pussy lips, and pulled really tight and tied to the rope around my waist in front. So, they called it a crotch rope. The 2 strands of rope buried the vibrator deep in my pussy and ran on either side of my clit. The base of the slowly buzzing vibrator rested against my crotch rope and in turn vibrated against my clit.
The 2 women showed me 2 menacing looking clamps, attached with leather thongs, to a weighted metal ball. The clamps were unceremoniously snapped onto my pussy lips. OH MAN did that hurt! The weighted ball pulled down and stretched my pussy lips. They kicked my feet and told me to put my legs together. They tied them tightly above my knees and at my ankles. Next, a rope was tightly wound 3 times at the base of my right breast and knotted underneath. The longer remaining end was tightly wound 3 times around the base of my left breast and knotted below. The 2 loose ends were brought up along the outside of each breast and knotted behind my neck. My tits were sort of pinched together, and swelled up like nearly fully blown up balloons, with my nipples being the un-inflated teats at the end. A set of smaller pincer type clamps, with rubber covered tips and attached by a chain, were shown to me. One by one my nipples were pinched and pulled out as far as they would go. A pincer clamp was fastened to the base of each of my nipples. The initial pain was not too great, but I was still hurting from other places on my body.
Topping everything off, they had one of those realistic penis gags that some men had used on me previously, except that this one had to be 7" x 2". The scarf cleave gag was removed and my soggy panties were finally fished out of my mouth. The huge penis gag was shoved into my mouth and down my throat, and was firmly buckled in place behind my head. I stood there and waited, assessing my situation, while they worked on Yvonne next to me. When Yvonne was prepared, exactly like me, we were hoisted up into the rafters of the warehouse by electric winches. At first I tried to find a comfortable position. I could swing my body, but everytime I moved, the weighted ball pulled on my pussy lips and bounced against my thighs. With my knees and ankles tied together, my body tended to bow a little backwards, causing a little strain on my chest muscles and tied tits. Looking down, the height my head was above ground, perhaps 20', was almost dizzying. I didn't try to fight gravity. I let my body slump, supported by my arms and shoulders.
I looked over at Yvonne and caught her eye. We nodded at each other. Beyond Yvonne were 2 of our friends, Beth and Carole. With shaved pussies and crucified and bound with the same sex toys that tormented Yvonne and me. I looked down and saw perhaps 10-12 of our teammates, naked and bound, confined in the enemy's jail cell. I saw the safety inspector prowling around the perimeter of the warehouse. So far, she had not intervened in any of the tortures that Yvonne and I had received. I studied 2 of our other friends, Rhonda and Meagan. Their pussies had been shaved. They were each bound to posts. Their antagonists had been following a pattern. They alternately kissed and made out with the girls, licked and sucked their nipples, slapped their breasts, fingered their pussies and slapped their pussies. There were 2 other girls who I could not identify. They lied on tables. Their pussies had been shaved. I could see that their arms were tied behind their backs and their legs had been tied stretched and spread. I couldn't see their faces, because women were straddling their heads. The girls were obviously being forced to lick the women's pussies.
How was I doing? I was frustrated. The crucifixion part was no sweat. I had been tied and suspended for hours in UNCLE training. Dissipating pain still radiated from my beaten ass. My ballooned breasts were turning red and getting more sensitive and tender. The pain from my nipple clamps radiated straight to my pussy and caused strange tingling feelings throughout my body. The vibrator in my pussy was merrily buzzing away giving me fits. The base of the vibrator rested against my crotch rope and the 2 vibrating strands on either side of my clit made me try and come. That forced me to writhe and wiggle, which of course made the weighted ball attached to my pussy labia clamps bounce around wildly. Fortunately, the length of the pussy clamps was only about 1/2 the length of my pussy lips. This did not cutoff blood circulation to my full sensitive pussy lips. However, they had become stretched and distended. The penis gag in my mouth produced a lot of drool, which I had to swallow. The actual fake penis in my mouth was molded over some core material. The flesh-like covering was about 1/4" thick. It was made neither of hard plastic nor rubber, but some kind of man made material. It felt quite authentic and I could sink my teeth into it a little. It had the taste of a man's cock and I found myself sucking that fake dick, imagining that I was sucking the cock of some cute guy! It was futile. I would never be able to come and they designed it that way. It was a sweet devilish torture!
I hadn't Noticed when Beth and Carole were lowered, but after maybe 45 minutes aloft the winches lowered Yvonne and me. It stopped with my feet about 2' from the floor. My knees and ankles were untied. A sturdy wooden dowel rod, with screw eyes at each end, was brought over by the one in charge. My legs were pried wide apart and my ankles were tied spread to ends of the rod. When my pusssy lip clamps were removed, I cringed and moaned into my gag from the blood painfully surging back into the clamped areas. The crotch rope was removed and that tormenting vibrator was extracted from my pussy. One of my torturers easily slipped 2 fingers into my love tunnel. Soon, there were 3, and then 4 fingers, with each buried right up to the knuckles at the base of her fingers. She asked me for my codeword, but I shook my head, no. I guess she tucked her thumb into her palm. Her hand was twisting back and forth, and I felt the knuckles at the base of her thumb and forefinger stretching and opening my cunt more. During my UNCLE physical, a doctor used a speculum to open me up a good 3" for my GYNO exam. I wondered if this was what childbirth felt like. All of a sudden, her whole hand was in my vagina. Again, she asked me for my codeword, and I shook my head, no. She opened her hand and felt all around in there. Next, she made a fist, and while all her knuckles rubbed my vaginal walls, she asked me for my codeword. I shook my head, no. She popped her hand out and I was lowered to the ground.
Two of the enemy women released my arms from the horizontal beam. I took the time to massage my wrists and arms, while they removed the ropes binding the base of my tits and my nipple clamps. Immediately I doubled over and grabbed my breasts hoping to ease the pain from the blood surging back into those deprived sensitive areas. The 2 grabbed my arms and twisted them around behind my back. My wrists were again tied crossed up between my shoulder blades. I was marched over to a table and helped up on it. They situated me on my back in the center of the table. My ankles were tied and spread wide apart to eyebolts in the table. The woman in charge climbed up on the table wearing the same very short pleated black skirt that all of us wore that day. Although she and her assistants were full UNCLE agents, undoubtedly not ever assigned to missions, they were not more than a few years older than me and all were quite attractive. If you were an unattractive putzy dried up pussy kind of girl, you wouldn't have been recruited by UNCLE in the first place. The senior UNCLE agent straddled my head, spread her legs and lowered her panty-less pussy to my mouth. Of course I knew what she wanted and expected. Fortunately, during my college years, I had a few experimental lesbian dalliances with some of my suitemates, along with my very recent refresher course on Yvonne's pussy.
I gently kissed her pussy and gave it 4 or 5 licks along her slit. She was really wet and open, and had probably made at least one of our prisoners eat her out earlier. I would have liked to lick her inner thighs and perineum, but she was insistently on my mouth. I licked her pussy lips round and round, working my tongue towards her love tunnel. She was so turned on already that my tongue easily slipped inside her cunt. I tongue fucked her for several minutes, until she moved away and shifted her pussy so that I had full access to her clit. She bore down on my mouth. I swirled my tongue round and round her clit, until I sensed those unmistakable gasps and moans of an impending orgasm. I got her clit between my lips and sucked it hard, until she came.
After I finished with her, another one was straddling my face. Their short pleated skirts made a kind of a tent over my head and I realized why I couldn't recognize the girls I had seen earlier from above. I think there were 5 of them in all, giving me only a few minutes to catch my breath and rest my tongue between them. Some let me lick them as I saw fit, until they came, but others ordered me to lick and suck their clits almost immediately. Sometime during either the 2nd or 3rd pussy, I heard a horn blare out 3 beeps, but it did not signal the end of the UNCLE Field Exercises. When I finished with the last one, my face was covered and smeared with sticky pussy juices. A couple of the girl's pussies ran like fountains. It looked like the un-captured enemy players were all in the information extraction room looking at me! Arizona and 2 of her teammates came up to the table I was bound on. Arizona had one of those heavy wooden dowels with eyebolts at each end. My ankles were untied from the table, but remained spread and were re-tied to the ends of the long dowel rod. All 3 of them helped me down from the table and made me walk, with my feet spread about 3' apart, over to one of the many posts. My arms were untied. I was backed up to the post, and my wrists and elbows were tied behind the post. Another rope wrapped tightly around my waist and the post held me secure.
I looked around and saw Yvonne, Carole, Beth, Rhonda and Meagan, from our small training group of 8, plus 2 other girls, Clare and Felicity. All were tied to upright wooden posts, had their pussies shaved and their legs were spread wide apart. Out from their jail cell our 12 remaining prisoners were led single file. They were all naked and had their wrists bound behind their backs, but none of their pussies had been shaved. One of them was forced to kneel down on the dirt floor in front of me and commanded to eat my pussy until I came. One after another they came. I was so embarrassed for them that I couldn't look down at them. Instead, I stared at Arizona, who stood about 5' in front of me. She held a wooden paddle and occasionally prodded or whacked the ass of one of my pussy lickers, who wasn't performing well or fast enough. Arizona would bark out orders like: "Lick faster," ""Fuck her hole with your tongue," "Tease her clit with your tongue," and "Suck her clit HARD," all depending on how I was reacting to the stimulation. It seemed like some of our girls had never eaten pussy before, while others had at least experimented in college like me. I think 6 of our 12 prisoners licked my pussy. My whole pussy was still hypersensitive from the vibrator, crotch rope and various clamps, and oddly enough, I was turned on by eating those pussies on the table. OH MY GOD did I come! I don't know. It could have been 6 or 8 or 10 times or more! I remember that several of the girls made me come more than once. I couldn't have spoken a word if I tried. I was a whimpering, moaning, and gasping girl in a constant state of orgasmic bliss. Then, a horn went off and speakers announced the end of the UNCLE FIELD EXERCISES. It was announced that our scores would be posted Monday morning.
Our 12 pussy eating prisoners were released and allowed to put on their tops and skirts and wait outside for our team's bus to pick them up, but not so for the 8 of us! Arizona and 3 of her friends descended upon me. I was freed from all bindings and allowed to stretch and rub my arms and wrists. Then, Arizona wrenched my arms behind my back up between my shoulder blades. This time she tied my wrists palm-to-palm, so that from behind I looked like I might have been praying. All 8 of us, still naked, pussy shaved and tied girls were taken outside and loaded onto the enemy's bus. The announcement over the speakers had said nothing about releasing prisoners. Perhaps this was what Arizona had meant when she told me, upon my capture, that I was her's and we would have a lot of fun that night. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Arizona and I sat together in the back of their bus. During the 15 minute ride back to headquarters, the girls sang Johnny Mathis songs. Johnny was still a popular singer of the times, despite the Beatles and other British rock groups. During my college years, the girls called him "Johnny Mattress." In a dorm room, with a guy, I could put on a Johnny Mathis 33-1/3 RPM album and make out endlessly with him on a bed. It was always said that Johnny Mathis was fruitier then a fruitcake, but that didn't matter. Now, maybe Johnny Mathis had been ruined for me? I, of course realized that I had been captured and taken by a group of lesbians. It dawned on me, during that bus ride back to UNCLE's secret underground headquarters, that on my initial physical exam, I had indicated "heterosexual" on my application. DUH, all the girls in the dorm hall below us and on our opposing team were LESBIANS! I couldn't imagine who or where any bisexuals might be.
We were unloaded in the underground UNCLE parking garage and took the elevators up to the lesbian's floor. Arizona took me into her room and into the bathroom. She made me kneel on a bathmat and bend over her bathtub. "I'm going to give you a fast acting enema," she said, "because you won't have a chance to go until tomorrow afternoon!" She mixed up a bag of sudsy liquid, lubed up my puckered asshole and let the whole bag empty into my bowels. While I knelt there, with my insides churning away, Arizona took a shower, dried herself, fixed her hair and left the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later wearing sexy black panties and bra. She said, "You should be ready now." She pulled the nozzle out of my violated rosebud and sat me on the toilet. It all came rushing out! It took 3 flushes of the toilet, before I was finished. Then she sat me on her bidet and let the warm water clean me off. She finally untied me and told me that I had 20 minutes to shower and do my hair. I took my tennis shoes off and hopped into the soothing hot shower. I noticed that the lube she used on my butt hole must have been water based, because it easily washed away. My butt cheeks were still a little pink from the paddling I took earlier. When I finished, I emerged into Arizona's room and found her all made up and wearing heels, a tight black sweater and red miniskirt. She had me sit at her dressing table and made up my face. She put a lot of dark red lipstick on my mouth. She did mascara, eye liner and eye shadow. This was far more makeup than I ever wore.
I had to put on my old sneakers, but was still nude. Arizona grabbed a duffle bag and we joined my 7 other naked captives and the dressed lesbians out in the hall. When everyone had assembled, we were escorted en mass into their cafeteria. My teammates and I were lined up at one end of the room. One by one we were introduced and told to turn around slowly, while the rest of the girls cheered and clapped. Each of our captors reiterated their claim on us, and Rachel told them that everybody would get a chance to play with us after dinner. Then, we were allowed to go through the cafeteria line. The food was always very good. I was starving. I had a salmon filet, loaded baked potato, cup of fresh fruit, chocolate mousse and water. The naked prisoners and their captors all sat at one large table. Arizona brought me a cup of coffee. While we ate and they told about their captures, 2 bottles of pills were passed around. One contained caffeine tablets and the other MAXO (Maximum Orgasm), UNCLE's female sex pill. Arizona told me to take 4 caffeine tablets and a MAXO pill. What did they have in store for us that night?
After dinner, Arizona picked up her duffle bag and everyone went to their bar and lounge. It was identical to ours, dimly lit, nautical/Polynesian décor, bar, tables and dance floor. I noticed, however, that the fake potted palms that were around the various supporting columns had been moved away and lined up along one wall. Rachael and Arizona took Yvonne and me to one area of the dance floor, along with a few of their friends. Someone put a lot of coins in the jukebox. I had a BLAST! I danced rock n' roll songs with all the girls in our group for at least an hour. However, when a slow song played, Arizona asserted her claim on me. She wrapped my arms around her neck and held me against her with her hands around my back. We just swayed with the music, barely moving our feet, while Arizona made out with me. When the jukebox played out, soft background "elevator" music automatically played from the speakers around the room. Arizona and 3 of her friends took me over to one of the supporting columns and made me kneel on the carpeted floor, with my knees spread and my back to the column. From her duffle bag, Arizona took out some ropes. My wrists and elbows were tied together behind the column. A 3rd rope lashed me to the column at my waist. Arizona's 3 girlfriends knelt and crowded around me.
With a nod of her head, Arizona gave the OK for the 3 girls to start playing with me. With that, 6 gentle hands caressed me all over, from my neck down to my inner thighs, giving particular attention to my breasts and newly shaved mons. My skin tingled all over and it got more intense as time passed. They took turns kissing me and kneading and squeezing my breasts. Their kisses grew deeper, lasted longer, and with a lot of reciprocal tongue sucking, and the 3 girls were amorously licking and sucking my nipples. I could only gasp for breath between the long passionate kisses, and my pussy tingled and throbbed with desire. One of the girls gestured, with her middle finger, to Arizona, who was kneeling nearby watching all the fun her girls were having playing with me. Arizona said, "OK, but none of you better let April come!" With that affirmation, the girls started poking their fingers up my totally wet and ready love hole, while the kissing and nipple sucking continued. Two fingers were always slowly plunging in and out of me, and occasionally one of them dared rub my clit, for only a second, with her thumb, while her fingers were deep inside me. Between kisses, the fingers that had been in my pussy were shoved into my mouth for me to suck and clean. They must have played with me for about an hour. When they stopped, I was a desperate moaning gasping bundle of unfulfilled orgasmic nerves, only a few seconds away from begging them to let me come.
Arizona arose, stripped off her skirt and panties and stood, with her legs spread and her pussy right in my face. "Now April," she said, "You can eat my pussy and my 3 friend's pussies, before you get to come!" Before licking her pussy, I was able to use my tongue to lick and tease her upper inner thighs and the front part of her perineum. Then, I started licking her pussy in earnest. I started with long slow licks along her entire slit, catching her clit at the end of each lap, which was already peeking out from its hood. I nudged her swelling pussy lips apart with my tongue and then sucked them, as they puffed up even more. I didn't spend too much time licking her pussy lips, because Arizona was already making little mewing sounds. Swirling the tip of my tongue around her love hole a half dozen times, I plunged my tongue inside her. I tongue fucked her good, until she was moaning and thrusting her hips in time to my tongue thrusts. Next, I shifted my attention to Arizona's now engorge clit. It was then that Arizona grabbed my head and held my lips right over her clit. I started licking and swirling my tongue around her supersensitive bud, but Arizona gasped and shouted, "OH MY GOD, OH CHRIST, SUCK MY CLIT!" I did just that. I sucked and sucked, gently at first and then harder, until Arizona's whole body shuddered, and she let out a pretty good scream and came. Her pussy juices were running down my chin and onto my chest. I took a moment to glance around and saw that all 7 of our girls were tied to columns and eating pussy. The remaining 3 girls around me already had their skirts and panties off and were fingering themselves with anticipation.
Before it was over, I ate the other 3 girl's pussies. My state of arousal was still extremely high, but still I had not been allowed to come, since my teammates had licked my pussy back at the enemy's field HQ. I was freed from the column and helped to stand up. With a martini in her hand, Arizona led me over to a bar stool. I guess I finished early. One other group was sitting at a table, while Yvonne and the remaining 5 of our girls were still eating pussy. Arizona used a dampened napkin to wipe off my face and chest, and then gave me a few sips of her martini. When we saw that Yvonne had finished, Arizona said to me, "Time to tie you up and take you upstairs for the night." For the 4th time that day, my wrists were tied behind my back up between my shoulder blades. Arizona used the red phone on the bar to order a room. When Yvonne was tied like me, Rachael and Arizona led us out of the bar and over to the elevators. The naked and tied Carole and Beth, along with their captors, joined us in the elevator. We stopped at the Hotel's ground level, where a female hotel employee handed out room keys. Then we went up to the 8th floor, where Yvonne and I parted company with Beth and Carole. Our room was a beautiful corner mini-suite, with 2 separate bedrooms that were across the living room from each other.
Arizona took me into one bedroom, pulled the bedspread and blanket completely off the bed and plopped one of the firm throw pillows in the center of the queen sized bed. She helped me up on the bed and onto my back, with my wrists still tied up between my shoulder blades. After I was pretty well centered on the bed, Arizona raised my legs and positioned the firm throw pillow under my ass. You can imagine the picture. My hips and pelvis were raised and my pussy was easily accessible at the edge of the throw pillow. From her duffle bag, she took out 2 ropes. Arizona tied my ankles to the bottom corner posts of the bed, as far apart as she could spread them. Finally, she took off my old tennis shoes and mounted me. She whispered in my ear, "I'm going to make long slow love to you." "Make as much noise as you want, and even scream, because this whole place is soundproof!" Before she even kissed my lips, her moist warm mouth and tongue reined sensual licks and kisses over my face, ears, neck and upper chest. Then the assault on my mouth began. It started with short soft kisses. Gradually, the kisses got longer and deeper. I was a full eager participant. Soon, our tongues were dueling and we sucked each other's tongues. We were both breathing hard and had to come up gasping for air many times. Next, Arizona moved down to my breasts. After squeezing and kneading each one thoroughly, her fingers lightly pinched and pulled and rolled my nipples. This was followed by her planting hot moist kisses on every square inch of my breasts. I was gasping and moaning by then.
Finally, Arizona feasted on my erect hard nipples. She seemed to lick and suck each one endlessly. She used her teeth to lightly nibble on them and then sucked them hard, drawing and extending them out, until they looked like little cow teats. By this time I was beside myself. My hips had begun to involuntarily thrust into the air. I couldn't help myself. After Arizona licked and kissed her way down to my newly shaven mons, her attack on my pussy commenced. I was moaning constantly by now. She licked and sucked my pussy lips for only a little while, and then her tongue darted into my love canal. My hips started thrusting at her tongue. My GOD, I was fucking myself! I hadn't come in hours. Arizona's tongue swirled around and teased my clit. She held my hips down with her hands. Then her lips surrounded my swollen clit, and she began to suck. "OH GOD, OH MY GOD, OHGODDDddd," I kept gasping out!, as Arizona sucked harder. The sensations pulsing through my body overwhelmed my brain. I stiffened and my body shook as the orgasm hit. I gave out a little scream. My body shuddered from the wonderful spasms of pleasure. My chest heaved up and down, as I sucked in air.
Arizona gave me no time to come down. Instead, she kept licking and sucking my hypersensitive clit. I don't even know what I meant, when I kept moaning, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE," between breaths. As my clit was being licked and sucked, Arizona was bringing me to a new higher level. When the 2nd orgasm consumed me, I shrieked from the intense pleasure. My pusssy was on fire and powerful orgasmic spasms blew my mind. I was having a little trouble sucking in air, but Arizona did not stop. She continued licking and sucking my clit. It was maddening. Never before had I experienced such pleasure. Arizona was taking me to yet another higher level. My 3rd orgasm struck with such ferocity that I really screamed, like I had never screamed before. I think I may have passed out for a few moments. I can't describe the feelings that I was experiencing. I wanted to curl up in a ball, with a hand in my pussy, but I couldn't, of course, because I was tied up. "You were out for a few seconds," Arizona said after I started to calm down, "Did you like that?" I still couldn't speak, but I nodded my head up and down signaling that I did. Arizona let me lay there for 10 minutes or so to come down and regain my senses. I looked around and saw the fluorescent digits on the clock radio on the bedside table. When Arizona put me on the bed, the time was a little before 12:00 AM midnight and now it read 1:10 AM! I couldn't believe it! Arizona had spent over an hour pleasuring me, and making love to me, and giving me 3 stupendous orgasms!
When I had fully recovered, Arizona climbed on the bed and straddled my face. I tried to pleasure her as she had done for me. After licking her pussy thoroughly and tongue fucking her, I concentrated on her clit. I licked it and sucked it through her 1st orgasm, but I did not stop. A few minutes later, Arizona shuddered, shrieked and exploded into her 2nd orgasm. She rolled off me and curled up beside me on the bed. She must have laid there for about 15 minutes, when Rachael brought Yvonne into our bedroom. Yvonne was still bound, with her wrists crossed up between her shoulder blades. Her nipples were red and swollen, like the life had been sucked out of them, and her pussy glistened with pussy juices. The 2 girls helped Yvonne up on the bed, straddling my face. My face was already smeared from Arizona's pussy juices, but Yvonne pusssy was literally dripping. I did basically the same thing to Yvonne that I did to Arizona. After teasing and licking and sucking Yvonne's distended clit, Yvonne cried out with her 1st orgasm. Again, I did not stop. When her 2nd orgasm hit, she screamed, I think, louder than I did. I had the sense that I could have kept going, but the 2 girls pulled her off and let her lie on the bed next to me. Arizona and Rachael moved out of the bedroom, still in sight, and talked in low voices. When they came back in, Arizona took Yvonne, while Rachael stayed with me. She climbed on top of me, tits to tits and pussy to pussy. She whispered in my ear, "Did you like it when Arizona made love with you?" I responded, "Yes, it was great!" "Well," she replied, "I'm going to make love to you a little differently, and we'll see how you like it."
Rachael started out, as Arizona had, by licking and kissing me everywhere above my chest. We must have made out for 15 minutes, with deep long passionate kisses, while I squirmed under her. Our tongues swirled around each other's and we licked and sucked each other's tongues. When she moved down to my breasts, Rachael licked and kissed them all over. I groaned, when she licked one of my nipples. I continued to moan constantly, as Rachael went back and forth licking and sucking my nipples. When she finally finished with them, they were red and swollen and as hard as they ever got. From there, Rachael moved straight to my wet wanting pussy. After the preliminary kissing and licking and sucking and tongue fucking, she started licking my clit. I was frantic to come by then, writhing and quivering under her tongue's magical touch, but there was a new twist. However, it actually wasn't so new, because Henri had done this to me only the week before. As Rachael licked and sucked my clit, she worked 2 fingers into my cunt. She continued to lick and suck my clit and her fingers felt around inside me. The orgasm struck me like a bolt of lightning. I could feel hot pussy juices streaming out of my love hole. "Congratulations," Rachael said, while pulling her fingers out of me, "You just squirted!" She held her dripping hand up to my mouth and made me lick and suck all of my pussy juices off her hand and fingers. With that done, her mouth went back to my pussy, saying, "Let's see if I can make you come 2 more times!"
She did just that. Rachael put her lips around my elongated hypersensitive clit and started sucking hard, while the tip of her tongue flicked the tip of my clit. Higher and higher she took me, while I moaned and moaned and pleaded, "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, OH GOD, PLEASE!" The orgasm crashed through me sending wave after wave of torrid spasms from my head to toes. I couldn't think straight. I don't know if I screamed or what? Rachael's ceaseless sucking continued. Up and up she took me, until I was a mindless blob of tingling nerves. The extremely intense sensations radiating from my pussy were too much to take. Then, I came. I screamed like a banshee. I felt like I was having a seizure, except that the tremors brought wonderful tingling feelings to every nerve in my body. After I recovered from those massive orgasms, I, of course, had to do the same for Rachael. When I finished eating her pussy, she climbed off my face and lay beside me on the bed. We laid there until Arizona and Yvonne came into the bedroom. Yvonne was still tied, as before, and her face was wet and shiny from Arizona's pussy juices, but she had a big smile on her face.
Arizona untied my spread ankles and helped me stand up. She made me kneel on one side of the mattress, with my knees spread and my feet dangling over the edge of the mattress. I was doubled over so that my forehead rested on the bed's sheet. Rachael put Yvonne in the same position. Our heads were only about a foot apart in the center of the bed. Our captors plopped their duffle bags on the end of the bed. They each brought out one of those realistic flesh-like penis vibrators, which looked just like my own, measuring at least 7" long and 2" in diameter. Next, they each produced an ugly evil looking knobby black dildo attach to some straps. I whispered to Yvonne, "OH OH!" The GOD DAMN thing was at least 8" long and 2" in diameter. The girls fastened a strap around their waists and straps around each of their upper thighs. When they finished, the wicked looking devices stood out from their pussies like a man's erect penis. When Arizona turned on the penis vibrator and shoved it up my vagina, I knew what was coming! Arizona lubed up my tight little butt hole and lubed up the giant black dildo. I felt its head trying to break through my sphincter. I groaned when the dildo broke through. There couldn't have been much left in there, because Arizona had given me that enema earlier.
Slowly and steadily, Arizona pushed it deeper and deeper into my center being, until she couldn't go any further. Arizona gave me a slow and deliberate ass fucking. The vibrator up my pussy was beginning to have its effects. As the dildo went in and out, I felt every knobby bump, especially against the vibrator through the wall of my love tunnel. More than anywhere else back there; my sphincter was the most sensitive. Yes, I felt the dildo way up in my colon, but about half the stimulation came from my rosebud and half from the vibrator. Yvonne came first. I was panting and moaning. Any initial pain had subsided. I was tied up and being constantly stimulated in 2 sensitive holes simultaneously down there and I knew that I would eventually come, even if my clit was never touched. And I came groaning, a few minutes after Yvonne. It wasn't much of n orgasm. Arizona pulled the dildo almost all the way out and put more lube on it. The 2nd time was fast and furious. I felt like my asshole would split and bleed any moment. All right, I got really turned on the 2nd time. Those tingly sensations built up faster and stronger. I grunted and groaned and gasped for breath. I remember saying, "OH SHIT, I'm gonna come," and I did. The orgasm wasn't in the mind blowing category, but it was a pretty good one!
Arizona removed the dildo and vibrator. She helped me kneel upright and back off the bed. Yvonne was already standing across the bed from me and being untied. I stood on somewhat shaky legs and Arizona untied me. It felt good to have my arms free. Rachael announced that we were to order an early breakfast from UNCLE's 24 hour room service. We all decided on coffee, OJ and scrambled eggs. I asked if a basket of Danish, cinnamon rolls and caramel pecan rolls were available, and they were. Arizona phoned in the order and added link and pattie sausage. Arizona said that our order would be up in about 40 minutes, and that we would all take showers. OHHH, that sounded heavenly. Our large bathroom had 2 sinks, 2 toilets, 2 bidets, a large soaking bathtub and a double shower. Our hair was barely passable, but Arizona said to use a shower cap. My sinktop was loaded with all kinds of amenities. I peed, brushed my teeth, put my hair up with some provided clips, donned the shower cap and joined Arizona in the steaming hot shower.
There was lightly floral scented liquid crème soap. I washed my face and removed all the pussy juices. We soaped each other up and then lovingly washed each other everywhere. When it came time to do each other's backs, we reached around and fondled each other's breasts. It was really a sensual shower. I had pretty much changed my mind. Not counting my little experiments in college, with other girls, I was strictly heterosexual. However, I had experienced so many fun new things, and had some really massive orgasms that day from Arizona and Rachael, that I could see myself swinging both ways. Yes, I would be bisexual, but perhaps only do the lesbian thing maybe 25% of the time. It is a rare man who can eat pussy as well as a woman, because women instinctively know what another woman likes and can better sense another woman's responses. Arizona and I caressed each other's soapy bodies and kissed a few times, before we rinsed off. When I exited the shower, my creamy white skin was a soft and warm pink color. I took off the shower cap and at least ran a comb through my hair and then dried off, using warm towels from the heated towel rack. Arizona told me to go in the living room and sit on a sofa. She would be out in a few minutes, but if there was a knock on the door, I was to admit room service with our breakfast.
When I walked out into the living room, Yvonne was already primly sitting on a sofa. I sat beside her. We sat there naked, with our knees together and our hands covering our bald pussies. We whispered. I told her how much fun I was having, except for the ass fucking. Yvonne said that she didn't mind getting reamed up her back hole. I mentioned to Yvonne that I had undergone a major change in my sexual philosophy and that I would enjoy doing the lesbian thing once in a while. Yvonne had just suggested that maybe we could play together in one of our rooms, when Rachael walked in. She had just settled in a chair, when we heard the knock on the door and the familiar "room service." Rachael opened the door. A woman walked in wheeling a cart. Arizona appeared and motioned to the table in the living room's eating area. The woman spread a tablecloth, and set china, silverware and glassware for the 4 of us. Then, she unloaded our food containers in the center of the table. She left the cart and exited saying, "Enjoy your breakfast ladies." I'm certain that the hotel's staff were accustomed to serving food to naked men and women. For all I knew, they could be UNCLE Agents.
We all enjoyed the excellent food. I was so hungry that I ate eggs, a few link sausages and both a cinnamon and gooey caramel pecan roll. I thought that my clit may never stop tingling, and because I was so wired, I barely finished one cup of coffee. Arizona and Rachael asked us how we liked what they had done with us. Yvonne gushed out that she loved EVERYTHING! I was a bit more specific, saying that I really loved the slow, teasing lovemaking. I told them about my few lesbian experiments in college and felt like I knew my way around a girl's pussy. Yvonne and I were praised for our pussy eating skills. I mentioned that I really hadn't enjoyed the ass fucking and doubted that I would have come, if I didn't have that vibrator shoved in me. I segued into Yvonne's and my chance encounter with Illya Kuryakin, Romero Santini and UNCLE's most famous agent, Napoleon Solo. I told the girl's how both of us had sucked Solo's cock and that Napoleon fucked each of us rather roughly, with no pretense of making love. Finally, Napoleon Solo had fucked each of us in the ass and then left the hotel room in the early hours of the morning. "Thank God for Romero Santini," Yvonne said. She told how Romero had screwed each of us silly and then did a wonderful thorough job of eating our pussies. As we finished our breakfast, Arizona and Rachael told us that they were going to play with us in different locations and positions, with some new toys, but no further details were revealed. With breakfast finished, we piled everything on the cart, and Arizona wheeled it out into the hotel's hallway.
Everybody went into the bathrooms just to wash off our hands and faces. We then assembled in the living room. Rachael pulled a coffee table out into the center of the living room. Yvonne's and my wrists were tied together in front of us. We were told to kneel and bend over the sofa, with our faces on the cushions. Arizona and Rachael took miniature versions of the wooden paddles that we had been beaten with, the afternoon before. Arizona told us that a report showed that Yvonne and I were really wet after being paddled. It was true for me. Some modicum of pain had turned me on. They debated about whether we deserved 20 or 30 whacks, but their final decision went unsaid. I could only steel myself for the blows. "YEOWW," I yelped! It wasn't so much from the pain in my left butt cheek, but rather, it still took me by surprise and made a loud cracking sound. The alternate blows came fast. I realized that Rachael was left handed. They stood on either side of me, and Arizona hit my left ass cheek and Rachael hit my right one. It was over so fast and they descended on Yvonne. My ass was flaming red, but not that deep dark red that my ass had turned the afternoon before. True to form, my pussy was wet and I was turned on.
They took me over to the doorway entrance to my bedroom. I hadn't noticed the eyebolts sunk into the frame of the doorway at the top corners and base of the door frame. They tied me spread-eagle in the doorway. One of those 6" x 2" penis gags was shoved into my mouth, until the leather panel front touched my lips, and then it was firmly buckled behind my head. It went in past my gag reflex and rested at the edge of my throat. Next, they bound the base of each of my breasts and tied the ends of the rope behind my neck. Arizona attached those rubber tipped pincer nipple clamps, while Rachael pulled out on each of my nipples. Arizona turned one of those 8" x 2" penis vibrators on low and worked it all the way into my wet cunt. All the penises looked identical, and I wondered if UNCLE's Tech Labs had used someone's cock as the model. Finally, Rachael tied a crotch rope on me, burying the phallus deep inside me, with 2 vibrating strands of rope carefully placed on either side of my clit. They got Yvonne and sat her on the edge of the coffee table. They leaned her on her back, with a little throw pillow under her neck and upper back, but her head hung down over the edge of the table. A rope around Yvonne's waist and the table held her down. Yvonne's bound wrists in front were untied, and each arm was pulled down and her wrists were tied to the bottom of a coffee table leg. I watched curiously as a rope was tied just above each of Yvonne's knees. Then they used 2 more ropes to tie her ankles to her upper thighs. Finally, the ropes tied above Yvonne's knees were pulled down and tied below the coffee table. Yvonne lay there, with her legs flopped spread wide open, like a Thanksgiving turkey ready to be stuffed.
With Yvonne immobilized, Arizona and Rachael each fished yet another 8" x 2" realistic flesh-like penis out of their duffle bags, except these had straps attached to them, like the evil black knobby dildo that fucked my ass earlier. I didn't know if they were simple dildos or vibrators. I couldn't hear what Rachael whispered into Yvonne's ear. Arizona strapped her's on and knelt in front of Yvonne's pussy. Rachael knelt by Yvonne's dangling head. Almost simultaneously, Rachael grabbed Yvonne's hair and made her start eating her pussy, while Arizona plunged the strapon penis into Yvonne's vagina. As Arizona slowly fucked Yvonne's twat, Yvonne was kissing and licking and sucking Rachael's pussy upside down. When Rachael came, she donned her strapon penis and the girl's switched positions. Rachael slowly and steadily fucked Yvonne, while Arizona made Yvonne lick and suck the phallus that had just been in her love hole clean. Then, she began to fuck Yvonne's mouth with the big artificial dic. It disappeared all the way into her throat many times, while Rachael kept up her relentless slow fucking of Yvonne's love hole. At some point, Arizona unfastened her strapon and made Yvonne eat her pussy. Back and forth they went. One of them was always slowly and teasingly fucking Yvonne, with the artificial cock, and her mouth was always occupied. Yvonne was gasping and moaning and her chest heaved up and down. By the 2nd round of pussy eating, it appeared that Yvonne was in some kind of sexual distress. I think she tried to say something, but couldn't because an artificial cock was buried in her throat. I don't think she ever came. After Rachael and Arizona had their pussies satisfactorily eaten twice, they released the dazed Yvonne, and bound her spread-eagle in her bedroom doorway, just as I was tied.
During the approximately 1-1/2 hour ordeal for Yvonne, I could do nothing. The vibrator inside me buzzed away slowly, as did the crotch rope, but I had no hope of getting off. The coffee table was moved out of the way, and Rachael and Arizona dragged the 3 cushion sofa out into the center of the living room. The 3 cushions were stacked one upon another. Then, they came for me. They released me from all bondage and removed the crotch rope and vibrator. They brought me to the rear of the sofa, with my butt resting against the top of the back. My ankles were tied spread apart to the rear legs of the sofa. Each of them grabbed one of my arms and pulled me backwards, until I hit the stacked cushions. My body was bowed backwards. I was supported by my butt on the top of the sofa and my upper back on the stacked cushions. My feet were actually lifted off the ground about 12", but my legs remained wide apart. My head dangled backwards and down over the edge of the cushions. Before they started on me, Arizona whispered in my ear, "You can moan all you want, but you will not plead or beg or utter any other words, otherwise you will be severely punished!" "YOU WILL NOT COME!" Then, my ordeal began. I don't know how they had come up with that position I was in?
Arizona stood, with her legs spread and her knees braced against the lower cushion, and presented her pussy for me to eat. Those girls were as insatiable as I was. I began to eat Arizona's pussy, Rachael began fucking me. That god damn artificial penis was a VIBRATOR, and it buzzed a little faster than the one that had been inside me for the previous 1-1/2 hours. After Arizona came, the 2 girls switched positions. Rachael shoved that cock into my mouth. I licked and sucked it for all I was worth. When she shoved it into my throat, she held it there and moved it back and forth about an inch, buzzing and massaging the back of my throat. This may have gone on for 15 minutes, while Arizona steadily fucked me. I got through the 1st round OK. I was beginning to moan softly. By the 2nd round, I was beside myself. My hips were thrusting away at the constant fucking. I was moaning and mewing loudly. I almost lost it, but remembered those words about "severe punishment!" I made it through the 3rd round and had eaten each girl's pussy 3 times! I was so turned on and horny. Never had I felt such a need to come urgently. Still unsatisfied and desperate, they untied me and stood me up.
Arizona announced that we were going to order an early dinner, before room service got real busy. I perused the room service menu and ordered a petite filet mignon, risotto, fresh fruit salad, tiramisu and coffee. Poor Yvonne was still tied spread-eagle in her bedroom doorway. Rachel temporarily removed her penis gag so that she could make her selections. Arizona placed the order and said that we would have at least a 45 minute wait. Rachel untied Yvonne's crotch rope, pulled out the vibrator enough to crank it up to high, shoved it back in and re-tied her crotch rope. Yvonne was left there to come and come. The 2 girls got me up on our dining table on my back. They tied my limbs spread-eagle to the 4 legs of the table. Arizona got the 8" x 2: penis vibrator. She wrapped the thin silver nipple clamp chain around its base, turned it on high, and rammed it into my cunt. One of the rubber tipped nipple clamps was clipped to my sensitive swollen clit. The other clamp dangled between my legs. The girls disappeared into my bedroom, leaving Yvonne and I there to come.
I shrieked and came within a minute. My poor pussy had been ravaged by that artificial cock for who knew how long, and I hadn't come during the entire ordeal. The experience wasn't like having your clit sucked constantly and being taken to higher and higher levels. I guess my orgasms did cumulatively increase in intensity over time, but they seemed to build up at somewhat regular intervals. Each orgasm rocked my world and whole being. Unbelievable sensations of pure raw pleasure sent orgasmic spasms throughout my body. I was aware that my orgasms were preceded by uncontrollable shrieks, and then screams of lustful desire for more. I was out of control. I glanced over at my dear sweet best friend, Yvonne, tied spread-eagle in her bedroom doorway. Her legs had given out and she was hanging by her wrists, but she hadn't passed out. I could see her chest heaving and muffled sounds of climaxing came from her penis gag. I probably had 5 or 6 awesome orgasms, before Arizona came and took off my clit clamp and removed the vibrator. I watched while Arizona and Rachael rescued Yvonne. Arizona removed Yvonne's penis gag allowing her to suck in deep breaths. Rachael quickly untied Yvonne's crotch rope and removed her vibrator. While they were removing the rest of Yvonne's bondage, she got her legs back. The girls helped Yvonne into her bedroom.
Arizona came back and untied me, and wiped my pussy juices off our dinner table. By then, I had come down, but thought that my clit might never be the same. She told me that dinner would be there in about 15 minutes, and that I should go in our bathroom and wash off my face and pussy area. I peed and brushed my teeth, and then used a washrag and soap to cleanup my face, pussy and legs, where my pussy juices had run down. I gave my hair a quick combing and brushing, before returning to the living area of our hotel room. By then, I had become accustomed to being naked and the hotel staff seeing me that way. When I returned, Arizona and Rachael had raided the mini-fridge and there was a split of Champaign waiting for me. Yvonne appeared smiling and looking re-energized. We sat around sipping Champaign, until the knock on the door came. When the room service waitress had our table set, she called us over to the table. UNCLE had sent a complimentary bottle of Champaign with dinner. After it was uncorked, Arizona did the ceremonial tasting and approval. Then our server wished us an enjoyable dinner and left.
Dinner was delicious. We first talked about that morning's experiences, and debated about orgasm denial for several hours of stimulation, followed by multiple sequential orgasms. Yvonne and I wanted to know where they had gotten the toys they used on us. We found out that the various vibrators; penis gag and nipple clamps were available in UNCLE's PX. However, there was a closed door at the back of the fem shop portion of the commissary, where you had to knock and gain admittance to the more exotic toys developed by UNCLE's Lab Techs. Arizona and Rachael wanted Yvonne and me to make long slow love to each of them, after dinner, like they had 1st done to us, AND without being tied up. We readily agreed. The buzz of a split of Champagne and another glass and a half, during dinner, had no bearing on my decision. It was the least I could do for Arizona and Rachael, who, although out of the ordinary at times, had given me untold pleasure and an unknown number of orgasms.
After everything from our dinner table was loaded onto the serving cart and the cart placed out in the hallway. Arizona and I went into our bedroom. As I had agreed, I made long slow lesbian love to her and got her off several times. Next, Yvonne and I switched bedrooms, and I made love to Rachael for about another hour. Back in our bedroom, Arizona and I showered and washed our hair. When I was dried off and smelling like spring flowers, I sat on our bed and watched Arizona put on a little makeup. She put some of her lipstick on me. I had no clothes, but Arizona tol me to put on my old tennis shoes, which lay over in a corner of the bedroom. I watched Arizona pack up her ropes and toys into her duffle bag. Each toy was packed into a plastic bag. Arizona told me that the ass fucking dildo would not only be washed, like the other toys, but sanitized with anti-bacterial soap and isopropyl alcohol. One rope did not get packed in her duffle bag. She told me to stand and said, "I'm returning you to your residence hall exactly as you were when I captured you." With that statement, she tied my wrists crossed up between my shoulder blades and took me out into the living area of our room. Yvonne sat on the sofa, bound as I was, and I sat next to her. Arizona made a series of phone calls, while Yvonne and I sat there for about 20 minutes. We were herded out into the hotel's hallway, where we were lined up with our other 6 captives and their captors. When everyone was ready, we took the elevators to our floor.
When the elevator doors opened, all of the girls in our hall were there clapping and cheering. Arizona gave me a big kiss and said, "If you ever want to get together and play some more, just come down to our bar most any Saturday night." I think all 27 of our girls, who took part in the UNCLE Field Exercises, but were not shaved and taken to the hotel for the night, herded the 8 of us down the hall and lined us up. Most of them squealed in delight in seeing our shaved pussies, but some suggested that everyone play with the 8 of us. They seemed to start all at once. Hands ran over all 8 of the bound girls shaved pussies. When everybody had a good feel, the girls grew bolder. They played with our jutting breasts and nipples. The girls with the bigger breast (not me because I was only a B-cup) seemed to get played with more, but all 8 of us were securely bound and could do nothing to stop them. At this point, 3 or 4 girls crowded around each of us. They kissed me somewhat mockingly, but at the same time started poking their fingers up my twat. Someone was always kissing me, while 2 of them teased and played with my breasts, and there was always an alternating 4th girl stroking my pusssy. They really got me turned on. I found myself moaning as I kissed them back deeper and deeper. My love hole was dripping wet and I could hear the sloshing of my pussy juices, as they fingered me.
Without warning, 2 of the girls playing with me, Nina and Willow, who were part of our training group of 8, but were not captured the day before, took me into my room and shut the door. They sat me on the side of my bed and pushed me down on my back. Nina climbed on top of me and started kissing me. She asked me if I was gay, bisexual or straight. I replied that I could go either way. "Oh good," Nina said, "Ever since we were put in your training group, WE'VE WANTED YOU!" "AND NOW IT SEEMS WE CAN FINALLY HAVE YOU!" Nina flung off her panties and straddled my face, while Willow knelt on my floor, spread my thighs and began eating my pussy. Well, each of them had me, and I ate each of their pussies. It reminded me of my few lesbian sex experiments in college. Back then, we all had our pubic hair. Truthfully, I now preferred licking a shaved pussy to a hairy one. Compared to Arizona and Rachael, Nina and Willow were nowhere as good at eating pussy, but they each managed to get me off. When the girls finished, I was finally untied and FREE in my own room, after over 24 hours of captivity. I took a long bubble bath, shampooed my hair under the tub's faucet and was dressed and ready for supper when the time came.
Part 3
Our total cumulative scores for the UNCLE Field Exercises and our training to date were posted in our hallway at 9:00 AM Monday morning. They included the scores from the lesbian girls on the floor below ours. You will recall that we started with 40 girls and lost 5, at the end of the first 90 day training period. Over the same period, the girls on the other hall had 32 out of 35 left. I beat out Yvonne for top score by just a few points. Everyone got their own personal score sheet. UNCLE seemed to score us on everything. Despite being captured, Yvonne and I led everyone else with 5 captures. We received 9 out of 10 for our performance in the field exercises. We each got a perfect 10 score for the torture portion of our captivity. I have no idea what in Hell my pussy eating skills had to do with anything, but the UNCLE Agents who straddled our faces and made Yvonne and me eat them out, gave us perfect scores of 10. I had suspected that UNCLE had eyes and ears everywhere. This was confirmed when Yvonne and I received perfect 10 scores for our participation in UNCLE's suggested recreational sex program, and our captive adventures with Arizona and Rachael in the hotel room. Not only did UNCLE spy on our sex lives, but they kept score. Do you think they scored us on number of orgasms? It was significant that the top 6 scores went to April Dancer, Yvonne Smyth, Arizona Wilson, Rachael Anders, Carole Braun and Beth Cox.
In the 10:00 AM meeting that morning, we got more details, some of which was both shocking and eye opening. I think it dawned on everyone that this was the real thing, and it was time to get really serious and think of our own mortality. Nina and Willow, from our original training group of 8, had washed out, along with Felicity and Clare. Yvonne, Arizona, Rachael, Carole, Beth and I were put in the elite training group #1. From our original training group of 8, Rhonda and Meagan made it into group #2. In all, 3 training groups of 6 girls were all that remained as potential UNCLE Agents. The most shocking news was that about half of the remaining girls were moving out and being transferred to other UNCLE headquarters around the World, for various assignments, but not as full fledged UNCLE Agents. Finally, the remaining girls from the floor below were moving into the empty rooms on our floor. The reason for this move was that a new group of 40 male UNCLE Agent trainees was moving into the floor below ours. This, of course, meant that fresh cock meat would be available in about 90 days. Heterosexual, lesbian and bisexual women would now all be living, socializing and training together. It would be good to have Arizona and Rachael living close by on our floor. However, I still wasn't certain about my own sexuality. I could go either way, but was still thinking that I would enjoy doing the lesbian thing maybe every 4 weeks or so. I certainly loved a good big cock in me and loved sucking them off.
Moving day was on Wednesday. Yvonne and I helped Arizona and Rachael move their belongings into separate rooms down the hall a bit from our rooms. Training resumed in earnest the next day. It was nice having Arizona and Rachael training and eating and socializing with us on a daily basis. Our 6 member training group quickly bonded. Arizona and Rachael were pressuring Yvonne and me to spend a night of lesbian bondage sex with them, but we put them off saying that we wanted to do it with them maybe once a month and to give us a few weeks. The lesbian bar on the floor below had closed. Consequently, on Saturday nights the heterosexual girls had no trouble finding a male partner for a night of recreational bondage sex. The lesbians and bisexuals had to sort it out and try to pickup a girl or guy, depending perhaps on their mood? During all our socializing, Yvonne and I determined that Arizona and Rachael had not truly independently discovered their own lesbian sexuality, until their senior year in college, and had marked "lesbian" as their sexual preferences on their original applications. At UNCLE, they had quickly "found" each other and had become a very playful and open couple. However, we found out that the duo had plenty of fucking and cock sucking experiences prior to that. Yvonne and I hatched an elaborate plan to get back at Arizona and Rachael for kidnapping us and keeping us for a full night of lesbian bondage sex.
Yvonne and I had decided to put together our own duffle bags of ropes and sex toys, which we could use if we played together, or when we hooked up with Arizona and Rachael. At our earliest opportunity, we made a beeline for the PX store. We bought duffle bags, bigger 8" x 2" vibrators, and 400' of 1/2" soft cotton rope, which we would divide and then cut into convenient lengths. In the fem shop we each bought nipple clamp sets and some of those 6" and 7" penis gags. On the shelf between the 2 types of nipple clamps, were 2 open boxes. One contained about 3" long regular paper clips, and the other contained wooden clothespins. A sign in each box read "take 2 FREE." I debated in my mind about what a wire paper clip might feel like on my nips, and decided against them. However, I did take 2 wooden clothespins. We knocked on the door in back and were admitted to the somewhat private lesbian sex shop. It consisted of only a few shelves, of sex toys, adjacent to the back room of the pharmacy. We bought a good selection of strapon dildos, some of which were also vibrators. Any of them could be used in one's mouth, pussy or up the ass.
As far as Arizona and Rachael knew, Yvonne and I had agreed to split a night of lesbian bondage sex with them. That is, Yvonne and I would have complete control for the 1st half of the night, and Arizona and Rachael would have us for the remainder of the night. They were so desperate to get Yvonne and me, even for only 1/2 a night that they readily agreed to be stripped and bound in our bar and taken up to the hotel room. Yvonne's and my plan involved our old torture instructors, Rob and Dean, who were regularly around, but we didn't know how to contact them except at our bar/lounge. The next Saturday night, Yvonne and I got all pretty and sexy and went to our bar, with our new duffle bags loaded with our new sex toys. We fed the jukebox and danced together (Although the teenie bopper girls did it on American Bandstand, were we pathetic or desperate?) through 3 martinis each. Rob and Dean never showed, and Yvonne and I eventually went up to one of the hotel rooms with a couple of guys in Communications. While we were satisfied with the sex, we had to teach the duffle bag-less guys about tying us up. Yvonne couldn't go with me the following Saturday night, because she had a rare bladder infection. She was on strong antibiotics, but it burned when she peed and her whole pussy was uncomfortable. I went to our bar alone that Saturday night, and sure enough Rob and Dean were there.
We were drawn together like moths to a flame. I mentioned that I had a little proposition, but they were more interested in fucking me. I had to give myself to them, for the whole night, before they would listen to Yvonne's and my plans for Arizona and Rachael. As per protocol, they stripped me in the bar. Carole and Beth, along with a number of other women, had or were being stripped and taken off to one of the hotel rooms. Rob and Dean had their own duffle bags, but they pawed through mine. I had everything in there, except the strapons, which included ropes, the 3 types of nipple clamps and the various vibrators and penis gags. Once I was stripped, they tied my wrists crossed up between my shoulder blades. Rob chose my 6" x 2" penis gag to cram into my mouth and buckle behind my head. Finally, Dean decided to use the adjustable sliding type nipple clamps on me. While Rob pinched and pulled my nipples, Dean applied them to the base of my nipples. After I had become used to the initial pain, Rob tightened them up a little more and the pain went straight to my pussy. Satisfied with my bondage, they took me up to their room on the top floor of the hotel.
It was a good thing that I took a mess of caffeine tablets, along with my UNCLE MAXO pill, because Rob and Dean kept me up all night fucking and sucking. Their plan for me seemed to be alternating between one of them fucking me and then having me kneel and giving the other one either a long slow blowjob, or getting my mouth fucked, or a combination of the former two. They usually kept me aroused, ready and frustrated, during the blowjobs, by shoving one of my vibrators up my cunt and letting it slowly vibrate. One time, Dean put me on the floor on my back and packed my hot twat with those mini ice cubes, jammed a washcloth against my pussy and tied my thighs together. It was at that time that Dean removed the adjustable nipple clamps, but he mercifully rubbed each nipple, with one of those mini ice cubes, after taking off a nipple clamp. However, before getting me up on my knees and fucking my mouth, Dean wrapped and tied the base of each of my breasts. When Rob had his turn with me next, he ravaged my bulging titties and nipples, before fucking me. I was so wired and hot all night long that when I got fucked, I usually came fairly quickly in the fucking process, but each guy would continue pounding away, until he came. Most of the times the guys double fucked me. Consequently, I had an early orgasm, during the 1st fucking. They would remain inside me, after they came, and would slowly move around teasingly inside me, until they were hard again. The 2nd time we fucked together and we always came within just a few thrusts of each other. I quickly lost count of the number of orgasms I had, because I had little mini orgasms, while sucking their cocks.
The whole night was a fucking BLAST! I wasn't sure if my favorite part of the night was all the fucking and sucking or the hot tub. Yes, the weather was warm and we had a top floor room, with balcony and an outdoor hot tub. My breasts were still tied, bulging and beginning to turn red. My wrists were still tied crossed up between my shoulder blades. Before they took me into the hot tub, rubber coated pincer clamps were applied to my sensitive swollen nipples and my ultra-sensitive engorged distended clit. The water temperature in the hot tub was probably only a little more than 100 degrees "F". It kind of reminded me of UNCLE's water torture test, where Rob ultimately kissed me. First, Dean pushed my head underwater many times making me suck his dick, until he was hard enough and ready to fuck me. Then, Dean positioned me straddling his long hard dick. He got me impaled on his cock, but I think that because I was on top, I actually fucked him, until we both came underwater. When it was Rob's turn, he pushed my head underwater and made me suck him hard. Instead of our fucking underwater, Rob got me on my knees, with my upper body draped over the edge of the hot tub, and fucked me from behind doggie-style. My pussy was just about at the top of the water's level, and as he knelt and fucked me, water sloshed and sprayed everywhere.
After Rob and I came, I got my only break of the night. Rob turned the hot tub's bubbler on. The pincer clamps were removed from my nipples and clit. Underwater, the pain of my blood surging back into those clamped sexual appendages was not too bad. I was untied and allowed to luxuriate in the roiling water. Rob brought me a glass of white wine from the mini-fridge, while the guys drank bottled beer. After about a half hour of precious blissful stimulating sumptuousness, I got out of the pool and dried myself off. I went into one of the bathrooms, peed, brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair and did what I could to it with a comb. Then, my wrists were re-tied crossed up between my shoulder blades, and the fucking and sucking resumed. I had wooden clothespins on my nipples for about an hour, but they mostly stuck out too far and got in the way. Once, when Rob fucked me, he actually took his time and kissed and made love to me. That was a sweet and tender gesture, but that particular night I was in the mood for some rough raw carnal fucking. Eventually, it was over and time to shower, get dressed and order some room service breakfast. My pussy was pretty well fucked up and I had gotten just about all I could take in one night.
It wasn't until breakfast that I could explain my proposition to the guys. I told them that Yvonne and I wanted to get back at Arizona and Rachael for keeping us for a full night of lesbian sex, after the UNCLE Field Exercises, and told them how those girls had recently swung to the lesbian side, but both had plenty of fucking and cocksucking experience. Rob and Dean had heard about the UNCLE Field Exercise's outcome, and of course, as instructors, they knew Arizona and Rachael. I requested that the guys give those girls thorough ass fuckings, and told them that they didn't need to bring their duffle bags, because all 4 of us girls would have our own duffle bags containing all the rope and toys they would ever need. We set it up for 3 weeks away. Yvonne was ecstatic when I got back and told her the news. When Yvonne's infection had cleared up, Arizona and Rachael were pestering us for that promised Saturday night together. We appeased them by setting a date for 3 Saturdays from now.
The Double-cross -
The weeks flew by and that Saturday was here. The 4 of us went to the bar together. Each of us picked up a drink at the bar and grabbed a table. We danced and kissed for 5 or 6 slow songs. Rob and Dean came in and took seats at the bar. It was time for the show to begin. We finished our drinks and I took Arizona out on the dance floor. Even though someone else's money was playing fast songs, I took Arizona in my arms and swayed and kissed her. I had to make it look real, and actually it was. Then, I peeled off her top and removed her bra. Arizona quite willingly crossed her wrists up between her shoulder blades, for me to tie. Before I finished the bondage that I had planned for her, I had to make sure that Arizona could not make any intelligible protests. I selected a 7" x 2" penis gag from my duffle bag and shoved it in her mouth, and buckled it behind her blonde haired head. I admired her jutting 36C boobs. Next, I tied a rope around the base of each of her breasts, and tied the ends behind her neck. I selected the adjustable nipple clamps from my duffle bag. I tweaked and pulled on each of her nipples, and applied the clamps to the base of each of her nipples. I tightened them up, until I heard a little moan of pain from Arizona. With that complete, I stripped off her sexy miniskirt and tiny panties. I completed her bondage by tying a double crotch rope through her pussy, making sure that each strand of the doubled rope was positioned on either side of her clit. I did one little dance with her, just to get her legs moving and the crotch rope rubbing her pussy and clit. I sat her up on our table, with her feet on a chair, and tied her ankles together. Arizona had a puzzled look on her face.
When Yvonne had Rachael similarly bound and sitting on our table, I signaled Rob and Dean that we were ready for them. Rob and I danced a few slow songs, while we kissed right in front of Arizona. She could only stare daggers at me. My pussy was already getting wet with anticipation. Rob quickly stripped me and rendered me helpless. I received the same bondage, as I did to Arizona, except that I had the shorter 2" x 6" penis gag and the pincer type of clamps on my nipples, but I got perhaps an even tighter and more stimulating double crotchrope. Yvonne's and my clothes had been placed in garment bags by a bartender, as had Arizona's and Rachael's. When Yvonne was all bound up, Dean used the red phone at the bar, while Rob untied Arizona's and Rachael's ankles and got them up on their feet. When everyone was ready, Rob and Dean each grabbed 2 garment bags and 2 duffle bags and led us to the elevators. Once in our 2 bedroom hotel suite, Arizona and I were made to kneel on the carpeted living room floor at a 90 degree angle to each other. Our nearest knees and shoulders nearly touched. We watch Rob get undressed in front of us. I saw the realization pass over Arizona's face, as she became fully aware of what the night's drill would be. Payback was sweet. When Rob was naked, we saw his nearly fully aroused big cock. He came to us and removed our penis gags.
He forced his cock into Arizona's mouth and told her to suck. Rob went alternately back and forth between Arizona and me. On my 1st turn, I licked and sucked Rob's balls. Back and forth we went. However Arizona processed her fate in her mind, she eventually became an enthusiastic eager participant. I was pleased that Arizona had come around so quickly. When Rob neared his ultimate climax, he grabbed Arizona's long blonde hair and fucked her mouth, until he came deep in her throat. Yvonne swallowed every bit of his cum and licked Rob's cock clean. Rob got me to my feet, removed my crotchrope and sat me on a nearby coffee table. My little hot twat was really dripping wet by then. Rob dragged Arizona on her knees over to me and told her to eat my pussy. I was at the short edge of the coffee table and spread my legs wide open for Arizona. Rob straddled the coffee table behind me and pulled me back against his chest to watch. With me leaning back at about a 45 degree angle against Rob's chest, Arizona had full access to my pussy. I was surprised at Arizona's enthusiasm as she undertook her task. She took her time and thoroughly kissed and licked my inner thighs and perineum, before ever putting her tongue to my pussy. I was so hot and starting to lose it by then. Arizona kissed and licked my whole pussy, and she began the long slow torturous process of licking round and round my outer and inner labia lips, before she zeroed in and plunged her tongue into my love tunnel. Arizona tongue fucked my cunt so skillfully and so long that I was getting so high that I pleaded for her to let me come. Finally, she concentrated her efforts on my swollen sensitive clit. She first licked it and then sucked the HELL out of it, until I came and came and came, screaming out of control with every glorious orgasm.
I was left sitting on the coffee table enjoying the continuing spasms that surged through my body. Rob took Arizona into his bedroom. He came for me about 15 minutes later. He got me to my feet and 1st untied the ropes binding my rosy red breasts. He kneaded and massaged them, while the blood surged back into my mammary glands. When he removed the pincer nipple clamps, Rob gently sucked my nipples through my pain. He took me into his bedroom. I saw that Arizona's breast bondage and crotchrope had been removed. She was lying on Rob's bed on her back; with her wrists still bound behind her back and her wonderful breasts thrust skyward, and her pussy was a couple feet above the bottom edge of the bed. I was pushed down on my knees, with my upper body supported on the bed and my face in Arizona's pussy, and was told to eat her out. Arizona immediately spread her legs wide open for me. I had just started on Arizona's pussy. I owed her at least as good a job of pussy eating, as she had done to me. OH SHIT! Rob was behind me and his hard cock pushed into my cunt.
I started licking and kissing up and down Arizona's inner thighs, bringing low soft moans from her throat. When I started licking her perineum, it was wet from Arizona's sopping dripping pussy juices. Her sweet pussy tasted wonderfully delicious. I licked and kissed her whole pussy several times. OH FUCK! Rob was slowly and steadily fucking me, with devilishly long teasing strokes. I turned my head one way and sucked on Arizona's pussy lips, and turned the other way and sucked on her other pussy lips. I was driving her crazy and Rob was doing the same to me. I plunged my tongue into her love hole. I tongue fucked her for at least 5 minutes, but failed to locate her g-spot, as Arizona squirmed and writhed and loudly moaned. I was getting heated up. It was time to finish her off. I captured her sensitive love bud, with my lips, and sucked and elongated her clit, while Arizona had her 1st screaming orgasm. Temporarily ignoring what Rob was doing to me, I persisted. Now that I had some elongated clit to work with, I held on with my lips and nibbled her clit to 2 ever louder screaming orgasms. HOLY FUCK! I couldn't hold out anymore and didn't want to. I blasted into rapid spasms of orgasmic heaven, but Rob had yet to come. He pounded into me harder and faster, taking me to an even higher orgasmic state and nearly simultaneous climaxes with Rob. I wasn't aware of my moaning, but Rob and I groaned loudly, when we came. After Rob finished spurting his hot cum inside me and pulled out, I collapsed to the floor and enjoyed the waves of pleasure that coursed through my entire body.
When everyone had settled down, Rob got Arizona and me to our feet. From behind, he 1st played with Arizona's magnificent 36C breasts and nipples for at least 15 minutes. I was glad that Rob was pacing himself and allowing his cock to recover between orgasms. He squeezed and kneaded those beautiful orbs. He rolled each of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, making her nipples grow to about 1" long, while Arizona whimpered and purred. Then, it was my turn. He repeated everything with my breasts. I watched and felt those wonderful sensations go straight to my pussy, as Rob rolled my nipples to a supersensitive 1" long. Before Rob stopped playing with me, he moved around in front of me and sucked my yearning nipples. I moaned loudly and had to clench my thighs together. Rob sat Arizona on a pillow at the edge of the bed and pushed her onto her back. Remember, Arizona and I still had our wrists tied crossed between our shoulder blades. Arizona's beautiful tits strained and pointed upward, and her nipples were still stiff and long, begging to be sucked. Rob tied each of Arizona's ankles to the bottom bedposts. Her legs were spread so wide open that they nearly formed a straight line, although each knee was raised a little to relieve the tension in her hip joints and loins. As I stood there, I thought that I would soon be eating her pussy.
However, Rob helped me onto the bed and positioned me so that I straddled Arizona's face. I adjusted my position a little and eased my pusssy down to her mouth. She knew what to do and eagerly started lapping away. I was facing the room's wall, but turned my head around to see Rob's big stiff cock slip into Arizona's love hole. Things were going along quite well. Arizona was able to maintain control, while being fucked, and she certainly had worked my pussy and me into a moaning hot dripping bundle of nerves. However, when Rob started pounding into Arizona's cunt, she had trouble keeping her mouth against my pussy. I shifted backwards about 1/2", and Arizona was able to imprison my swollen tender clit, with her lips and teeth. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! I had never felt anything like it. The whole bed was rocking. Arizona futilely tried to suck, but maintained her tooth hold on the base of my clit. OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK!!! I screamed bloody loud! Everytime Rob slammed his cock into Arizona, the bed rocked and my fucking clit was pulled and stretched. I came so many times so fast that I don't remember, but nearly passed out. I guess that during all of this Rob and Arizona finally came. I was too busy trying to stay in the saddle, so to speak and not tumble to the floor or crack my head open on the bed's headboard. I could tell that Arizona was proud of herself, because she was smiling under my pussy, but Rob seemed a little concerned about my unusually loud and boisterous outburst. I wondered if my clit would ever be the same again.
Rob got me off the bed and made me kneel on the floor. Sticky strands of cum dangled from his cock. He told me to get all that cum and swallow it, and then clean him off real good. When I finished Rob had me suck his cock some more, until he was hard. Then he bent me over the bottom edge of the bed and atop Arizona's body. Our pussies didn't quite line up, but my tits smashed into hers and our mouths were close enough for kissing. Rob screwed me doggie-style, while I kissed and made out with Arizona. After Rob and I had our climaxes, I had to again clean up his cock and suck him hard. He untied Arizona's ankles and got her on her knees bent over the edge of the bed, just like I had been moments earlier. I was totally shocked when Rob untied my wrists. He told me to bring him a bottle of lube from the bathroom sink countertop. When I returned, he said that I could take a few moments to clean myself up and bring back my biggest strapon. OH MAN, I knew what was coming for Arizona, and I wanted to watch! While cleaning up in the bathroom, I noticed that Rob had anti-bacterial soap and isopropyl alcohol to clean his dick. With UNCLE, safety always came first. When I returned to the bedroom, Rob was fucking Arizona up the ass. I got the huge black ugly strapon out of Arizona's duffle bag. Rob told me to put it on, as he continued slowly fucking her rear end. In all Rob came twice up in Arizona's colon and left a double deposit of cum in there. When he finished, he gave me the lube and told me to have fun, while he went into the bathroom to wash and disinfect his cock. This was going to be fun! MORE SWEET PAYBACK!
I knelt behind Arizona, lubed up the long fat strapon dildo and worked it past her tight rosebud sphincter. Take it from my experience, a knobby dildo feels nothing like a relatively smooth cock. Believe me, Arizona felt every bump on that long phallus's shaft , as it passed through her sphincter and along the wall adjoining her vagina. Back and forth and in and out I slowly drove the dildo. Each time I pulled it nearly all the way out, I saw remnants of Rob's cum on the shaft. After a few strokes, Arizona began keening her low throaty moans of pleasure. She had said that she liked a good ass fucking, and I wanted to be sure she enjoyed this one and came more than once. I picked up the pace and screwed Arizona's ass through 2 shrieking orgasms. I paused and asked her if she had enough. She shook her head, NO! I went for the big finish. I hammered into her asshole as fast as I could. At the same time, I slipped my right hand in-between her body and the bed, and found her clit. I rubbed that sensitive nub as fast as I was slamming into her behind. Arizona howled like a woman possessed, when she came, and shook uncontrollably for at least 5 minutes. I took off the strapon dildo and took it in the bathroom. I washed it, along with my hands and pussy, with the anti-bacterial soap and disinfected with the alcohol. I put the dildo in its plastic bag and returned it to Arizona's duffle bag.
Arizona was still lying bent over the edge of the bed. Rob was sitting in a chair keeping an eye on Arizona. Rob told us to cleanup in the bathroom and to join him out in the living room for a break. I untied Arizona's wrists and helped her up and into the bathroom. Whenever us girls spend a night of screwing in a hotel room, we always have that "just fucked" look about us for a day or 2. Since I was letting my hair grow, I wanted that soft lustrous natural flowing look and used little or no hairspray. My problem was that when I was gagged or on my back, my rich red hair had what I called my "just fucked hair." In the bathroom, with Arizona, she had a lot of cleaning up to do around her legs, pussy, ass and face. Meanwhile, I fiddled with my "just fucked hair," using a comb and brush in front of a mirror. I asked Arizona what she wanted to drink, and she chose white wine. In the living room, Rob and Dean were drinking beers. Yvonne and Rachael had yet to emerge from the other bedroom. I poured 1/2 of a split of California Chardonnay for me and ate an energy bar. Eventually, all 4 of us girls settled in chairs around the eating area table and drank wine. The guys stayed in chairs in the living room area. We mostly talked about our experiences that night. Arizona and Rachael said they were having a great time and praised Yvonne and me on our plan. I guess they weren't such dedicated lesbians after all.
For the next 2-3 hours, we played out in the living room. I was tied upright and spread-eagle to the hooks at the corners of Rob's bedroom door frame. An 8" x 2" penis vibrator was turned on low and worked all the way up my twat. After Rob and Dean finished with me, they tied Arizona down on her back over a coffee table. Her pusssy was at one end, with her legs spread open and tied down to the coffee table's legs. Her wrists were tied down to the bottom of the remaining coffee table legs, and her head hung down over the edge. Yvonne and Rachael were only hampered by having their wrists tied crossed behind their backs and they could quite readily move about. Rachael's task was to get the end of the vibrator far enough out of my twat to turn it up to high. Then she was to fuck me with it, until I came. With that accomplished, Rachael could put the vibrator down on a clean towel, between my spread legs, and then she had to eat my pussy, until I came. Finally, she had to retrieve the vibrator, turn it back to low and shove it back up my cunt. Yvonne had to do exactly the same things to Arizona, except that when she finished with her pussy, she could go around to Arizona's hanging head and get her own pussy eaten out.
Well, I guess the vibrator inside me had slipped out a bit, because when Yvonne came to me, she easily grasped the end of the vibe in her teeth, pulled it out a little more and twisted the vibe's end knob, with her teeth, and revved it up to high. Again, she held the end of the buzzing vibrator in her teeth and fucked me with it. I guess she got a little tired and I still hadn't come. I don't know if it was cheating, but neither of the guys said anything. Rachael left the vibrator buzzing away deep inside me, and licked and sucked my clit, until I finally came. Rachael pulled the vibe partway out, turned it off and removed it to the towel on the floor. Then, she ate my hot dripping pussy, until I had 2 quick tremendous orgasms in a row. Dean was there when she finished and told Rachael just to kneel on the floor. Dean's cock looked like it was ready to burst. He easily entered me. I looked over at Arizona on the coffee table. Rob was fucking her, while she ate Yvonne's pussy. As I stood there helplessly spread-eagle tied to the doorway's frame, Dean fucked me long and slow and hard. I loved it that way and my butt slammed against the closed bedroom door on every plunge. I had a deliciously spectacular orgasm a few thrusts before Dean came. He made the kneeling Rachael clean off his cock in her mouth. I was released and stood there, with cum and pussy juices running down my legs, while Dean tied Rachael in the doorway and put the 8" x 2" vibrator up her twat. I was so glad that I was with a group of liberal thinking women. We could go back and forth, from a lesbian sexual act to a heterosexual act, without thinking anything about it and enjoying them immensely.
My wrists were tied behind my back and I was taken over to the coffee table. Dean helped Rob extricate Arizona from the coffee table and replace her with Yvonne. It was my turn to do Yvonne. The vibrator was buried in her cunt. Because she was on her back, the slowly buzzing vibrator was inaccessible to my teeth. I turned around on my knees and fished around her love canal, until I had the base of the vibe out about an inch. From then on, I had no problems. I fucked her juicy pussy. I cheated and licked and sucked Yvonne's clit to give her a colossal orgasm. I ate her pussy and gave her 2 more orgasms. Then, I crawled around the coffee table on my knees, straddled her face and had her eat me out, until I had 3 totally body shattering orgasms. There seemed to always be an unspoken rule to give as good as you got, and the other girls and I always did our best to accommodate each other. As I watched, Rob fucked Yvonne, before she was released. It was then my turn to be tied down on the coffee table. It was Arizona's turn to do me. She did a great and thorough job on me. All this fucking and pussy eating was cumulative on us girls. By that time of the evening, all of us were hopelessly hot and horny, and our pussies were running like open faucets. After I was released and my wrists tied behind my back, Arizona was tied back on the coffee table. Yvonne was tied spread eagle in the doorway, and Rachael was fucking her with the vibrator. Rob was over playing with Rachael's boobs and looked like he wanted to fuck her from behind.
Dean went into his bedroom and returned with his bottle of lube. OH CRAP! This wasn't looking good for me and wasn't in the script. He went over to Yvonne and fiddled with the vibrator in her pussy. I think he cranked it up to high and left her there to come and come. He dragged me over to a large upholstered chair. I was kneeling on the carpet, my body was draped over the chair seat and my face buried in the cushion. I heard him open his bottle of lube. Next, I felt his big cock forcing its way through my tight blocking sphincter. I had said earlier that getting ass fucked by a relatively smooth live cock was far better than having a knobby dildo up there. UGH! My defenses were penetrated and my ass was invaded. He slowly pushed his cock all the way in, and drew it just about all the way out. He picked up the speed gradually. Amazingly, it didn't feel too bad. Faster an faster he ripped into my ass hole. I was feeling pretty good and found that I was getting hot and liking it. Just as I was getting into it, Dean suddenly came, with a huge groan of relief. And I felt his hot seed spurting way up in my inner bowels. Dean rested atop my back, but did not pull out. After he recovered, he started slowly moving around in there, until his cock was again rock hard. He started off fast, and went even faster. Inn and out he ravaged my ass hole with long rough rapid thrusts. I was getting into it and getting more and more turned on. In fact, because of the rubbing of my adjacent vaginal wall, I actually felt an orgasm building somewhere deep inside of me. I started moaning. Another 5 or so minutes of pumping and pounding by Dean, and I actually shrieked and came, at about the same time as Dean had his 2nd climax. This time I felt the welcoming warmth of his hot cum further filling my lower colon. Dean waited until he was done spurting, before he pulled out.
Dean told me that we had to get cleaned up immediately. He took me into his bathroom and told me to bend over. He used the anti-bacterial soap and a washrag and scrubbed my ass crack and all surrounding areas, where anything from his cock might have touched or dripped on me. He washed me a 2nd time and then rinsed and dried all my parts. Dean even washed all the cum and pussy juices off of my legs, but he forgot to wash the girl's pussy juices off my face and neck. Finally, he rubbed cool disinfecting isopropyl alcohol over my cleaned areas. He told me to report to Rob's bedroom. The other girls were freed and taking a break and drinking stronger booze. When I saw Rob, he said that I wouldn't do. He untied my wrists and told me to wash my face and make myself pretty. Something was going on. I washed off the pusssy juices, and scrubbed my face with cold water and patted it dry. I had that nice rosy glow over my face to go along with my just fucked look. There was no makeup available, but I did brush my teeth and got my hair looking pretty good, without the benefit of hairspray. Rob had my shoes and duffle bag. He told me that he was going to get me ready. Now, I was intrigued. I slipped into my shoes. My wrists were again tied crossed between my shoulder blades. My tits were tied at their base and hefted up a little by the rope's ends being tied behind my neck. Before he got my 2" x 7" penis gag shoved in my mouth and buckled securely, he had me take a MAXO female sex pill and 3 caffeine tablets. MAXO was good for about 12 hours, and I had taken one only about 6 hours earlier. I wondered about orgasmic overload. My pincer nipple clamps adorned my nipples. Finally, Rob worked a couple fingers in my pussy and followed them with my 2" x 8" penis vibrator buzzing away on low. That was held in place by a really tight double stranded crotch rope.
Repaying a Favor
Dean walked me out into the living room and left me standing facing the hotel room's front door. My duffle bag and garment bag lay on a nearby chair. Rob tied my ankles together and told me not to move (as if I ever could). I waited. Any reasonable person would conclude that I was waiting to go somewhere. With my shaved pussy and thrust out breasts, I thought I looked really hot. The girls at the dining table on the far side of the living room area were all whispering in hushed voices. My vibrator in my pussy kept up its steady buzzing and I waited some more. Finally after about 15-20 minutes, there was a knock at the door. Rob answered the door and I almost fainted. In strolled UNCLE Agent, Romero Santini, and a beautiful Scandinavian God, UNCLE Agent Hans Nielson, who I recognized from our facial recognition tests. OH MY GOD, he looked 10 times better in person. Rob said, "She's all ready to go." Romero introduced me to Hans, and asked of Rob, "She still likes it a little rough?" Rob nodded, yes, and commented that I liked some pain and my blowjobs were the best he ever had! There I stood naked and bound, with my pussy juices beginning to run down my legs, and unable to say an understandable word. If I wasn't gagged, my jaw would have dropped, because I was gaping at Hans. I'm sure that I was blushing all over. Since Rob said that I was ready to go, I would go anywhere with these 2 men and let them fuck me anyway they wanted. You, of course remember Romero, who so wonderfully ate my pussy, when Napoleon Solo fucked my ass and left. Hans stood 2"-3" taller than me in my low heels. He had flowing golden hair, bright blue eyes, a gorgeous looking face and luscious sensuous lips. He wore a tight black t-shirt and jeans. I could easily see every rippling muscle of his spectacular pecs and abs. His body tapered to nice hips and undoubtedly a cute tight ass.
Hans walked around me and checked me out. He couldn't have known that I had very acute hearing. I heard him whisper to Romero, "She's got a really nice ass, great legs, and her narrow waist is unbelievable!" I'm sure that I flushed even more. "How long can we keep her?" Romero asked. "As long as you like," Rob replied, "I just gave her a MAXO pill and some caffeine tablets." The 3 of them shook hands, my ankles were untied, Hans grabbed my garment bag and duffle bag, and Hans, Romero and I set off to destination unknown. It was a long walk to their room, with my crotch rope constantly rubbing my pussy parts and the buzzing vibrator inside me keeping me wet and ready. Along the way, we stopped at the ice machines, where Romero filled a container with those little miniature ice cubes. Their room had a spacious living area, but only one bedroom. It appeared that maybe one of the sofas opened up into an extra bed. Once things had been put down, Romero gave me a good shove, saying, "Check her out." I stumbled maybe 6'-8' to Hans, who caught me in his arms. He ran his hands up and down and all over my body, thoroughly caressing my legs, hips, ass and narrow waist.
When Hans had a good feel, he shoved me back to Romero, who had taken off some of his clothes. Back and forth they pushed me. Each time, one of them felt and caressed me all over, while the other took off more clothes. Eventually both men were naked, and Hans gave me a particularly hard shove towards Romero. I stumbled and wound up on the floor on my ass. They pounced on me like hungry wolves. My legs were spread and the 2 crotch rope strands were separated, allowing my vibrator to be extracted from my pussy. Romero told Hans to pack my hot pussy with the mini icecubes, while he went off into the bedroom. Hans held the crotchrope strands apart with one hand, while his other hand shoved ice cube after ice cube up my cunt. Romero returned with a hand towel. He took my silenced vibrator and tamped the ice cubes in my pussy. Hans resumed and filled my pussy to the brim and replaced the strands of my crotchrope on either side of my clit. Romero crammed the hand towel against my pussy and my knees were tied together. They got me kneeling on the carpeted floor. I was looking at Hans's golden brown pubic hair and the beautiful hard 8" cock inches from my lips. Romero removed my penis gag. I licked my lips and was eager to get that cock in my mouth.
You know that the insertion of ice or most anything in my cunt does not stop my pussy juices from flowing. When the ice hits my hot twat's walls, a bit of it melts instantly. This results in a mixed insulating layer of pussy juices and cool water. It's a diabolically delicious sensation. Romero said to Hans, "Let her do her work and you'll really enjoy it more!" As I started sucking Hans's balls and licking him all over, Romero knelt behind me and started twanging the strands of my crotchrope, which strummed my clit. When I took Hans's cock in my mouth, Romero's finger was gently rubbing my clit. He was driving me crazy. DAMN, I came with Hans's cock deep in my throat. I choked and almost bit him, but I continued on. I gave Hans some extra hard sucking and took him deep in my throat many more times. Hans began moaning. I had him and teased him to prolong his orgasm. Eventually, he came and sighed and sprayed his cum down my throat. It was, of course, my turn to suck Romero's wonderful Italian sausage cock. Hans had caught on and was behind me plucking my crotchrope strands. I held out against Hans's rubbing my clit, until Romero was nearly ready to come. After my orgasmic pause, I continued teasing Romero's cock, until I thought he was ready to blow. With prolonged heavy sucking, while Romero's cock head was rubbing the back of my throat, he gave it up and shot his load of cum down my throat.
After I licked Romero's cock clean, they rolled me on my back. I never even thought about the ice in my pussy, but it had all melted, during the 30-40 minutes that I spent on sucking them off. My knees were untied and the damp towel was removed. My legs were spread. My crotchrope strands were separated and my buzzing vibrator was re-inserted. They re-positioned and tightened my crotchrope. GOD, two hot guys had their hands all over my steamy pussy. I was in heaven. While I was on my back, they removed my breast bondage and pincer nipple clamps. The pain, from my blood surging back into my flaming red breasts and tender hard nipples, was searing, and I received no comforting massaging or sucking. Then, I was up on my feet. My vibrator was buzzing at a medium speed and my tightened crotchrope was really rubbing my clit. Romero held me tightly to his chest and began kissing me. Suddenly, he spun me around and began feeling me up and diddling my nipples. Just as suddenly, he shoved me towards Hans, who had positioned himself about 10' away. I landed against Hans's broad muscular chest. Their shoving game was on. As I half ran and half stumbled between each guy, my crotchrope made my clit feel like it was on fire and the relentless buzzing vibrator kept my pussy hot and dripping. Hans kissed me for several minutes, and spun me around to manhandle my boobs and roll my nipples, before shoving me back to Romero.
This game went on for about 30 minutes. The wonderfully rough handling of my breasts and nipples sent more pleasures to my already highly stimulated pussy. I needed to come. My crotchrope was taken off and the buzzing vibrator removed from my love tunnel. Hans had me. He picked me up by my waist, like I weighed nothing, and impaled me on his now rock hard cock. He bounced me up and down numerous times, burying his cock in me to the hilt. Then, lifted me off, set me on my feet and spun me around. There was no need to shove me towards Romero, because I ran to him, hoping that this time I would come. After several exchanges and impalements, I was so hot and close to coming that I nearly begged them. They stopped suddenly and dragged me over to a chair. I was bent over the back of the upholstered chair. They spanked my hot perfectly rounded ass, until it glowed a burning fiery red. This only turned me on more! They took me into the only bedroom. Prominent in the room was a large sturdy oak 4 poster bed. The 4 heavy posts were connected at their tops by heavy supporting rails. I looked around, but the canopy seemed to be missing. My wrists were still tied crossed up between my shoulder blades and I was positioned backwards on the bed on my back, with my head centered and hanging down over the bottom edge of the mattress. From my own duffle bag, ropes were tied to my ankles. My legs were stretched upwards and outwards and pulled, until my hips almost rose off the mattress. The ropes were tied to the overhead rails leaving my legs spread in a wide "V" position. Of course my hairless pussy was exposed and ready to be fucked.
And fuck me is what they did. Romero started, and after he came, Hans was there ready to enter me. While one of them screwed me, the other was kneeling by my head forcing me to suck him hard. I moaned and came and shrieked and came, sometimes completely out of sync with their climaxes, and other times simultaneously with them. I don't know. My orgasms rose in intensity with each climax. It was all I could do to bear them and remain coherent. I have no memory of how many times each of them screwed me. I remember tears coming to my eyes, from the sheer blissful ecstasy I was experiencing. I awoke sitting somewhat reclined in a fiberglass tub/shower, with refreshing hot water spraying me in the face and over my pussy. After a few minutes, Romero slid one of the glass doors open and turned off the water. I knew where I was, but had no memory of how I got there. I felt completely re-energized and completely had. My wrists were still tied. Romero stepped into the tub and got me up and on my knees. His cock was hard and ready to be sucked. So there I was, still dripping wet and kneeling in a tub sucking cock. After I finished Romero off, Hans climbed in the tub for his blowjob. Hans untied me, when I finished, and told me that I had about 15 minutes to get ready for room service breakfast.
I washed my face in the sink, dried myself off and peed. I found a toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Using a comb, hairbrush and the blow dryer, I got my hair looking pretty good. I joined the men at the dining table, where the food was covered and waiting to be served. Hans told me a bit about Sweden and his family's roots there. He made it sound cold and desolate where his family lived, yet strangely beautiful. I was very interested in his story about the pre-20th century patronymic naming system used in Sweden for centuries. If Hans had a son today, under the outdated patronymic naming system, his son's last name would not be Nielson. Instead, Hans's son would get a chosen first name, but his last name would be Hanson (meaning Hans's son). They didn't use these exact words, but said that I was a great fuck! They especially liked playing their games with me, and seeing the ways I responded and came. Hans told me that while he was screwing me, I let out a blood curdling scream and passed out. Romero chuckled and finished the story saying, "Hans continued fucking me, while I was unconscious, until he came!" NICE! Could I have had an orgasm while I was unconscious??? I must have had MAXO overload! Hans could really put away the food. I was famished and thought that I ate a lot of eggs, sausage and buttered toast, along with OJ and coffee. They told me that they liked the position that I was earlier tied in on the bed, so much, that they were going to repeat it after breakfast.
So, there I was in my original position on the 4 poster bed. My legs were stretched upwards and outwards in that wide "V" shape, and tied to the top rails of the bed. My head dangled over the edge of the bed. However, this time my arms were stretched straight out and my wrists tied to the bottom corner posts of the bed. Hans started first, but he had to use his fingers to open me up, before he could plunge his cock into my cunt. What was missing in all this was some good old fashioned foreplay. But I guess when they know I like it a little rough; it's pretty much fuck and suck. Oh well. I was gonna get it good, I knew. I sucked one hard, while the other one screwed me. I was having great orgasms, pretty much in sync with their climaxes. However, the intensity of my orgasms again grew at nearly an alarming rate. I was concerned about my doubling up on the MAXO pills and afraid that I would pass out again. Each of the guys had screwed me twice and Hans was in me again, pounding away at my cunt. I was orgasmically higher than a kite and yelling, "FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER!" I felt it coming. I climaxed and screamed. Hans came and I drifted away. I must have been out for only a few moments, because when I came to, they were still untying my arms and legs.
After I was freed, I sat on the edge of the bed. Romero brought me a glass of water and a cold washcloth. I really felt really great. There was no doubt that I had been fucked more that night and morning than any other recreational sex encounter that I previously had, including my solo night with Ron and Dean, but I wanted more! I asked if there were any of those little one shot bottles of bourbon in the mini-fridge. "If so," I said with a smile, "I'll have a double on the rocks." The cool damp washcloth felt wonderful on my face. Romero said that they planned to tie me standing up right and play with me for a little while, and then maybe I'd like to go out and play in the hot tub. Hot tub? The drapes had been pulled and I never noticed a hot tub out on the balcony. Hans came back with my double bourbon on the rocks. I took a few sips. It felt cool and smooth going down. I put an impish grin on my face, and said that we could have a lot of fun in a hot tub. Both men nodded their heads, yes, looking like 2 Big Bad Wolves contemplating devouring Little Red Riding Hood (ME!). I chugged the rest of my drink in 2 gulps, and said, "Let's get started." In about 15 minutes, I would have a little buzz going, but I would be in their hands and under their control. PERFECT!
They tied me standing upright to one of the heavy corner posts at the foot of the bed. My wrists were tied crossed way over my head and behind the post, and then lashed to one of the supporting top rails. Ropes were wrapped over and under my breasts and around my waist, holding me fast to the post. Finally, my knees and ankles were tied together. My body was appetizingly stretched and bowed a little. My pussy was already getting wet with anticipation. Hans started first. He was remarkably gentle. He kissed me soundly and passionately and then concentrated on my breasts. He squeezed and kneaded each breast and rubbed and rolled my nipples, before suckling on each of my nipples. Hans's hands caressed the rest of my body, from below my breasts down to my knees. Then, his fingers were between my legs. Now I was moaning. He finger fucked my hot dripping twat for several minutes, going both fast and teasingly slow. Finally, he took me over the edge by finger fucking me and rubbing my clit with his thumb. I came with a big groan. That was nice, not mind blowing, but closer to making love. I was anxious to compare Hans's techniques to Romero's, though Romero had previously played with me in a previous similar situation.
All of this was basic foreplay, but every man will do it differently in different situations. Well, Romero kissed me good and long and deep, but while he kissed me, his magical hands were playing and teasing my breasts and nipples. He kissed me around my face and ears, over my neck and down to my breasts, where my nipples had been rolled to long peaks, and awaited some gentle sucking. Romero really worked and teased my pussy, with his fingers, and turned me into a gasping moaning wanting creature. The part I remember best and really loved, other than the stupendous orgasm I had, was that when I came, Romero had captured my mouth and was kissing me passionately, when he finally took me over the edge. When he finished and I had recovered, Romero asked me if I was ready to go play in the hot tub. I knew what we were going to do in the hot tub. It would be a lot of fun, but it brought back memories of my water torture test. The buzz, from my double bourbon on the rocks, had me feeling pretty good and bold. I used my best coy voice and attitude, and asked Romero if he would do me again, except tease me more and make me beg for it. Would he turn me down? NO! He did exactly as I requested starting slow at the beginning. He made me beg and plead for it, and when he let me come, I had one of those knee buckling mind blowing orgasms. As before, Romero was kissing me when I came, and I felt as though I was sharing my orgasm with him by coming into his mouth.
I was freed from the bed's corner post and my wrists were simply tied behind my back. Out and into the hot tub we marched. The night was balmy and the water temperature read 100 degrees. The bubbler was on low and as I was made to kneel in the hot tub, the water felt refreshingly cool on my body. I was probably still overheated from my orgasms in the bedroom. I knew the routine. Hans sat on the hot tub's bench in front of me, and Romero sat behind me. Hans grabbed my head; I took a deep breath, and he guided my mouth to his underwater cock. There was, of course, no licking required. All of his parts were submerged, and I wasn't in a position to suck his balls. All I could do was to seal my lips around his cock, suck for all I was worth, and bob up and down on his cock. After about 2 minutes of this, and before my air ran out, Hans brought my head above water and allowed me to take several deep breaths, before I was back underwater sucking his cock. After 5 or 6 dunkings and suckings, Hans arose to stand, with his cock deep in my throat. Hans's hard dick was only a couple inches above the hot tub's water level. I finished sucking him off and only swallowed a little of the gently bubbling water. I did Romero in the same way, except that it took a little longer to get him off. He had to pause, when he stood up, to turn the bubbler off, because his cock was right at the water's surface. I swallowed considerably more water, but gave him a most satisfactory blowjob.
I didn't notice that somewhere along the way Hans had gone inside. Until Romero prepared me, I also didn't notice that he had taken down an overhead planted basket hooked into an eye bolt beam supporting the roof over our balcony. Romero untied my wrists and re-tied them in front of me. I looked quizzically at him, when he had me stand on the hot tub's bench facing out and overlooking the woods, where our 1 mile obstacle course was located. My wrists were tied overhead to the beam/rafter (I don't know the correct term). Anyone out there could see my naked breasts and shaved bare pussy. I was a somewhat unwilling exhibitionist. Romero had me spread my legs wide apart, and slithered between them, to sit on the bench facing me. He grasped my legs and began licking my pussy. He was really good at this. I had wondered if they would eat my pussy at all. It was so unexpected, that I quickly got totally turned on and writhing about, and came within a few licks of Romero's tongue on my clit. He released me immediately and I sat on the hot tub's bench. Romero said that Hans had gone to take a shower. He said that he would bring me the room service menu and then take his shower. I could relax in the hot tub and he would come and get me, when he finished. I turned on the bubbler, ordered my meal and sat on the hot tub's floor in water up to my chin, luxuriating in the wonderfully refreshing and relaxing bubbling water.
When Romero came and got me, I went into the only bathroom and showered and did all those other lady preparatory things we girls do. I emerged wearing a bathrobe and found that our Sunday dinner had yet to arrive. I made myself a 2nd double bourbon on the rocks. When dinner arrived, it turned out that everyone had ordered red meat and Hans had ordered a bottle of a rich complex flavored California Cabernet. I decided to get to the bottom of things. I asked them how it was that I wound up with you guys. Romero simply answered, "I got something for Rob and he owed me a favor." I countered, "Are you guys making a habit of trading girls around?" "No, no, no, nothing like that," Romero retorted, "I merely brought back an item for Rob, when I was abroad, and he said he owed me one." "Hans and I just got in late yesterday afternoon, and Rob told us about your little plan of double crossing your lesbian friends." "Rob thought that letting them have me would easily repay the favor." "Having these hours with you has been most enjoyable and a lot of fun, and I hope you have had a good time." "April, right now you are the top UNCLE Agent candidate, and when you get out there, you will discover the stress we are under, and you will welcome a stress relieving period of time, anytime you can get it." "April," Romero concluded, "You are one gorgeous hot woman, a lot of fun and a great fuck, and I would get together with you anytime the opportunity arose." "Hell, I probably owe Rob a favor, and Hans owes somebody too!" WOW, I thought, that was really nice to say and quite a compliment. It was the kind of sweet talking thing that would go right to a lesser girl's head. But, I thought he was sincere.
We ate in silence for many minutes, and I realized that all the bourbon and the wine was making me feel a teenie bit tipsy. Hans caught me completely off guard by asking, "Do you like having your pussy licked?" I had to be diplomatic here, because I already knew how good Romero was, but had no idea how Hans would perform. "Ohhhhh Yes," I replied, "I love it and go wild, when a man eats my pussy!" We all let that sit there, while I polished off my Cabernet and tackled my pecan pie dessert. Finally, Hans broke the silence and said, "We were thinking of doing an extended pussy licking session on you after dinner." It was the alcohol talking, but I said, "Let's do it, I'm ready when you are." "HOWEVER," Romero broke in, "We are a little worried about you passing out some more." Rob should never have given you that 2nd MAXO pill, before 12 hours had elapsed." I thought that my MAXO overload was over and that I wouldn't pass out again, besides, it was kind of hot passing out from sexual over stimulation. I said, "I think I'm over my MAXO overload by now and don't think I'll pass out anymore." "I wanna do this, and if I happen to pass out again, just keep going and pinch my nipples hard, or bite my labia lips, or bite my clit, just do anything to wake me up AND KEEP GOING!"
With dinner over, I nearly skipped into the bedroom and flung off my robe. I could hardly wait to get started. Romero tied my wrists behind my back and sat me on the bottom edge of the bed. They arranged and fiddled with 3 pillows behind me, pushing me back several times on them, until they were positioned just right. I was pushed back onto the pillows and my head hung backwards and upside down at a perfect angle for them. Although it was extremely comfortable, it hadn't dawned on me that I would be sucking them off, while they ate my pussy. My legs were stretched upward and outward to form a "V" and my ankles were tied to the top rails at the bottom corner of the bed. My naked and shaved pussy was totally exposed and ripe for the taking. Although I couldn't see him, Romero knelt before my majestic pussy, spread my pussy lips even more open, with his fingers, and began licking. At just about the same time, Hans was kneeling straddling my shoulders and shoving his cock in my mouth. Romero kissed my pussy: licked my pussy all over, sucked and nibbled my pussy lips, tongue fucked me, and teased and sucked my clit. From the onset I was whimpering, moaning, gasping,, shrieking and screaming, depending on my orgasmic state, all while trying to suck Hans's cock and get him off. Their M.O. was to confuse me, frustrate me and tease me, all while making me come and getting their rocks off. They coordinated their efforts. If one of them was close to coming in my throat, he would mouth fuck me, until he came, while the other one kept my hot wanting pussy in a constant pre-orgasmic state, but not letting me come quite yet. It nearly drove me out of my mind.
Hans turned out to be a great pussy licker. He kissed and licked my sensitive inner thighs and perineum, before ever putting his mouth to my pussy. The 2 of them went back and forth. While I was sucking one of them off, the other one ate my pussy. At some point, because I was getting a little confused probably from my drinks, and the fact that I seemed to be screaming uncontrollably from all the orgasms I was having, I remember that Romero and Hans each put their fingers in my cunt, found my g-spot and made me squirt twice. For some reason at the end, Hans did not have me suck him off, but Romero fucked me. I was wide awake and felt really good, when they were done with me. They untied my ankles and let me lie on the pillows, with my legs dangling over the edge of the bed, with one of them keeping an eye on me. I have no idea how many times I came. Talk about mind blowing orgasms. I must have had umpteen of them. Let's see, I sucked off Hans twice and Romero 3 times. Each one of them ate my pussy 3 times, and I squirted twice somewhere in there. And of course, Romero had fucked me at the end. However, something wasn't quite right. I sat up and saw that my nipples had teeth marks in them, and that my clit was still this raw throbbing sensitive appendage proudly standing erect.
Hans came in freshly showered and wearing a bathrobe. Romero untied my wrists and asked me how I was doing. I responded that I really felt great. Romero said, "April, you were really GREAT, and we've never had so much fun and satisfying sex with any woman before!" I was rubbing my bitten nipples. I feared the worst and said, "What the HELL went on and what did you do to me?" Hans laughed and said, "You obviously don't remember, but you passed out 3 TIMES!" HOLY SHIT I had done it again! Romero continued, "April, you actually sucked each of us off 4 TIMES, and each of us ate your pussy 4 TIMES!" "You were coming and screaming all over the place and we thought you would wake up yourself." While that sunk into my dazed brain, Romero added, "We both fucked you at the end." "We followed your instructions," Hans said, "But not right away!" "What the FUCK does that mean?" I asked. "Well, you said to bite you, if you passed out," Romero retorted, "But it was so cool and we wanted to play with you a little, before we woke you up each time." "April, when you were passed out, you continued to suck our cocks, just like a small child might suck his thumb or a pacifier, while he dozed." "Also, you came and moaned softly, while you were out." Hans jumped in, "You screamed really loud and woke yourself up, during your 1st orgasm, when I fucked you at the end!" They told me that they had debugged the room and wouldn't mention my passing out to anyone. I knew how to sweep a room for bugs, but of course, UNCLE didn't make that equipment available to trainees.
That was a lot of information to process. When I stood up, everything seemed to hit me and I realized just how exhausted I was. I decided to forego a shower. I just peed, brushed my teeth and washed my face and pussy. The HELL with my hair. I thanked Romero and Hans and told them, "Good luck and take care." As I limped back to my room, yes I said limped, because I was pretty fucked up and my clit was still sore, I pondered what they had said. Romero and Hans had said they had a lot of fun playing with me and that I was a great fuck! I certainly had a lot of fun playing their games with them and there was no doubt that I got my brains fucked out. It was obvious that a 2nd MAXO pill, within the 12 hour suggested effective time period, made me pass out from sexual over stimulation. That was pretty cool! On the other hand, I could suck cock and climax, during my brief unconscious periods. Maybe next time I could take 1-1/2 MAXO pills and see what happened? I could give the next guys instructions on how to bite me and wake me up, or they could just continue fucking me, until I came and woke myself up. We'll see! It was about 3:30 PM Sunday afternoon. When I got to my room, I stripped off all my clothes and slept like a hibernating bear, until the next morning.
Mop Up Missions and Raids -
Immediately after the UNCLE Field Exercises, we began intensive first aid and emergency medical technician (EMT) training. A pair of UNCLE Agents would often infiltrate a THRUSH facility and defuse or destroy it themselves. Sometimes a Mop Up Crew was needed and sometimes not. More often, an UNCLE raiding party was sent in, followed by a Mop Up Crew. Our training lasted about 2-1/2 months. Then, another 2 months of mop up training and protocol ensued, before I was assigned to a Mop Up Crew. Our hated enemy, THRUSH, did not have nearly the numbers of Agents that we had. However, they had seemingly unlimited sums of money to fund their nefarious schemes. Instead, THRUSH hired persons of low or corrupt characters, with evil or dastardly ambitions. For the right amount of money, they were easy to come by. However, these men and women, and their minions, were poorly trained and often quite cowardly.
For our 1st Mop Up Crew assignment, Yvonne, Arizona, Carole and I, along with 4 UNCLE men, were flown into Paris, France, the night before the raid. Early the next morning, we all had a briefing with our UNCLE raiding party. We set off in vans right behind the raiding party. Every one in our crew was armed and 2 of the men carried paramedic type boxes containing medical supplies. We stopped and disembarked about 2 blocks from a run down factory on the outskirts of Paris. The raiding party would enter the front and rear of the building simultaneously. Our crew split up and took positions on either side of the building in case anyone tried to escape by jumping out a window. The raiding party went in. We heard a lot of shots being fired. After 15 minutes or so, one of the raiding party gave us the all clear over our UNCLE communicators. We holstered our weapons and entered. Five THRUSH henchmen had surrendered, and were being led off for later UNCLE questioning. One of our raiders had a minor flesh wound. He was quickly patched up and sent off to UNCLE's private hospital for further treatment. Three THRUSH men were dead and 2 more were wounded.
Carole and I stabilized one of the wounded THRUSH men, and the med techs got the other wounded THRUSH man ready for transport. They would be taken to our UNCLE hospital facility for treatment. When able, they would join their captured cohorts for questioning the UNCLE way. We put the dead THRUSH men into body bags. They would be weighted and dumped in the deepest part of some ocean or sea. Eventually, if any of the questioned THRUSH men proved to be useless dupes, they would be released in some far away remote place on Earth. However, if any of the questioned men proved useful, it was likely they would get a bullet in the head, after every last bit of information had been extracted from them, and get a burial at sea. After the wounded and dead were removed, it was the responsibility of the Mop Up Crew to sanitize the scene. All THRUSH records and any THRUSH devices were removed and transported to the closest UNCLE headquarters. Finally the scene was cleaned, including the cleanup of blood and removal of all spent shell casings and any ballistically useful bullets. All of this was to be burned or destroyed. Over the next 6 months, I went on 17 mop up missions. Two UNCLE men were killed and several more were wounded, but my part in it all was fairly routine.
I finally got my chance to be a member of a Raiding Party. Arizona, Carole, Beth and I, along with 4 UNCLE men, were flown to Tijuana, Mexico. A small UNCLE facility was located in the better part of the City, but UNCLE's closest headquarters were across the border in San Diego, California. We had our briefing before dawn at one of the City's nicest hotels. Then we set out in vans for the THRUSH warehouse. Helicopters would be standing by to fly the raiding party and any wounded out. It wasn't expected that this tough THRUSH bunch would easily surrender. When we entered the warehouse, Arizona and an UNCLE man would go left, and Carole and I would go right. We moved slowly and cautiously through the stacks of boxes, about 20' apart. I heard a lot of gunfire from just inside the rear door area. About 1/3 of the way into the warehouse, I heard a shot, and then I heard Carole moan in pain. SHIT! Carole had been hit! I turned towards the sound of the shot, saw the THRUSH goon turn and head for the back of the warehouse. I shot him in the back. His pistol flew out of his hand and he went down. I quickly ran to the wounded man to get his weapon and assess his injury. I met 2 members of our raiding party, who said this was the last one.
I got out my UNCLE Communicator and called, "Agent down, agent down, right front quadrant!" Our team leader had turned the guy I shot over. He was still alive, but blood was coming out of the corner of his mouth. He was conscious and sneering at me. I said, YOU FUCKER, YOU SHOT MY FRIEND!" Then, I shot him in the right kneecap! I rushed to Carole. She was moaning and conscious on the floor. I tore open her shirt. It appeared that she had a through and through wound to her right shoulder. The bullet may have shattered her clavicle, but she would live and need a lot of time to heal. The med techs arrived and shooed me away. Our team leader gave me a mild rebuke for shooting the guy in the knee. I said that it was heat of the moment and that I was pissed. The guy died in agonizing pain, before the med techs could even begin to work on him. There were no other THRUSH survivors. The helicopters were called in, by our raiding party leader, and they flew Carole, the dead THRUSH men and the rest of the raiding party across the border to San Diego.
I never saw or heard from Carole again. Someone told me that she was working as an UNCLE instructor in London. Though she made a 98% recovery, she would never become a top UNCLE Agent. Over the next year or so, I went on over 25 raids. Some were very simple and bloodless, while most involved some shooting. I killed or wounded over 40 of our THRUSH enemies. Many times, I never knew if some of them survived my gunshot wounds long enough to ne questioned. During the last 3 months of that year, I was the raiding party's leader. Thankfully, it was not on my watch, but Rachael was severely wounded on a raid that I did not go on. She was returned to her native Belgium for many months of rehab. I never heard about or from my sometimes lesbian lover and very close friend again. Then, just 2 weeks later, on a raid that I led, I was dealt the cruelest blow of all. Very few shots had been fired. We easily captured everyone in this THRUSH cell, including their leader.
Yet, lying on the floor dead in one of the offices that we had raided was my best and closest friend, Yvonne Smyth, with a gunshot wound to the head. Immediately after the raid, our team was de-briefed. Then, I temporarily lost my professionalism. I cried and cried for Yvonne. We shared so many things together. From my very first day at UNCLE, Yvonne and I had hit it off. We shared so many things during our training, and we had so much fun up in the hotel rooms having recreational sex with so many UNCLE men. I began to think of my own mortality. I accompanied her body to her native remote English village and met her family. While her family was not filthy rich, they were doing fine economically. UNCLE put on a grand funeral, and I know personally that UNCLE provided Yvonne's family enough to live comfortably on for the rest of their lives.
I returned to UNCLE Headquarters late on a Wednesday. I was taken down to the 8th underground level. This was where all th UNCLE head honchos had their offices. Also, UNCLE's communications and intelligence offices were located at this level. There I was shown to a special room. There were fresh flower arrangements everywhere on tables. There were kneeling pews, benches, upholstered chairs and sofas. On one spotlighted wall in front of me was UNCLE's Wall of Honor to its fallen heroes. There were individual polished engraved brass plaques with the names of those agents killed in the line of duty. My official guide told me that I could stay as long as I wanted, and could return there anytime I desired. I easily found Yvonne's plaque and ran my hands over it. I looked at all the other plaques and didn't recognize anyone. I curled up on a sofa and cried for Yvonne. It was a good thing that UNCLE had provided boxes of tissues on the flower arrangement tables, because at times I was a blubbering wreck. After about a half hour, I got myself together. I would never forget Yvonne, but in order to be a good effective UNCLE Agent, I had to get it together.
The Fucking Machine -
I reunited with my fellow hall mates. Our elite #1 training group of 6 women had been decimated. Rachael and Carole had been wounded and Yvonne was dead. This left us with Arizona Wilson, Beth Cox and me. Beth had been scoring poorly lately, and I thought that she might be transferred. Nothing was scheduled for the rest of the week. I exercised and practiced at the shooting range, and otherwise kept myself busy. On Saturday night I couldn't bring myself to go to our bar, pickup some guy and get my brains fucked out. At Sunday dinner, Arizona, Beth and I received notes ordering us to report to the Chief's office at 9:00 AM Monday morning. Something really important must be up. I never knew anyone who had met the Chief. I am, of course, referring to Chief Alexander Waverly, the Head of UNCLE!
On Monday morning the 3 of us took an elevator down to UNCLE's Command Level and reported to Mr. Waverly's office promptly at 9:00 AM. Mr. Waverly informed us that during a recent raid, UNCLE had rescued a mid-level UNCLE operative and captured a new rather devilish THRUSH device that was being used on the rescued woman. He also said that 2 other mid-level UNCLE operatives had been missing for some time, and he had concluded that the device had been used on them to extract information. The UNCLE Labs and replicated the device and the 3 of us were to be tested with it. Each of us was given a different Lab room number and told to report there immediately. Bewildered, we took the elevator up to the Lab Level and found our adjoining rooms. When I entered, a female lab technician greeted me and told me to take off all my clothes.
As I undressed, I studied the table before me. It was about a 4' X 8' molded plastic or fiberglass green colored table. In its center was a slightly raised molded portion that looked like it was meant for my butt to rest in. The whole tabled surface was sloped towards a drainage hole that was placed just about where my pussy would be. From the straps at the corners of the table, I knew that I was going to be spread-eagled on that table. As I climbed onto the table, my mind flashed back to UNCLE's Torture Chair Test that I had been subjected to near the end of my initial 90 day training period. I settled my ass in the raised molded "seat," and the lab technician spread, stretched and fastened my limbs to the table. I hadn't noticed the 2 raised rectangular supports on either side of my upper hips. She threaded a belt through one of the supports, over my hips, and doubled it back. Then, she put the tongue end of the belt through the buckle end and pulled and tightened the belt, until I was firmly buckled down to the table. She buckled a headband, with wire leads, around my forehead. As she stuck pads, with wire leads, all over my chest, she said that the captured THRUSH device had no monitoring equipment, but that she is going to keep an eye on my vital signs, during the entire test. She asked me if I remembered my original codeword that was assigned to me. I said that I did.
From her observation/control room, the lab tech woman brought out the THRUSH device and fastened it to the table between my spread legs. She told me that this was the original captured THRUSH device and that my 2 friends would be tested on replicas. It was some kind of metal box. There was a 6"-8" in diameter metal wheel on one side. On top of the metal box, a container of clear liquid was mounted, with tubes going into the box. A hollow metal rod protruded from the box and extended to about 10" from my pussy. The lab technician affixed a long small penis-like dildo to the end of the hollow rod. It was probably 8" long and only 1-1/2"-1-3/4" in diameter. Well, DUH, I knew where that phallus was going, but I couldn't recall seeing a real cock that was so narrow. Still, my pussy was already wet with anticipation. With Yvonne's death and the preparation for that fateful raid, I had not had sex or masturbated in over 2 weeks! The woman rotated the device's wheel and the penis advanced towards my pussy. It easily penetrated me and advanced deep into my love tunnel, until it hit my cervix. She backed it off about 1/2" and made some adjustment to the device. Next, she withdrew the penis, until its head was just inside my cunt, and made another adjustment to the device. Finally, she plugged the device in a wall outlet and went into her observation room. Over her intercom, she asked me if I was ready. I said, "Yes," in a firm strong voice. She announced that if at anytime I wanted to stop, I merely had to shout out my codeword and my ordeal would end.
The device started up, pistoning in and out of my twat, slowly at first and then settling at at a medium speed. On each stroke, it plunged deep inside me, but never hit my cervix, before retreating to where its head just remained inside me. As if my own pussy juices weren't enough, the penis must have also been hollow, because a fine mist of room temperature lubricant was constantly being sprayed out of the tip of the penis. I was so wet that I barely felt anything. At seemingly regular intervals, the device speeded up for a period of time, and then returned to its medium speed. I was being fucked by THRUSH's Fucking Machine! There was a clock on the wall and the 1st hour passed rather quickly. I thought of Yvonne. I thought about Arizona and Carole in nearby rooms going through what I was. I never even came close to coming. My pussy juices and the lube poured out of me and were undoubtedly being collected via the drain hole in the table. At the end of the 1st hour, the device turned off. The lab technician came out and asked me for my codeword. I smiled and shook my head no. She replaced the thinner penis with one that appeared to be 2" X 8", and I did notice the tiny hole in its tip, where the lube sprayed out. She spun the wheel until the new phallus's head was just inside me.
The device started fucking me again. This size cock felt pretty good. It was the minimum thickness that I had become accustomed to with my numerous lovers and fuckers. I make this distinction, although I was always tied up in a hotel room, when a guy took the time to make love to me, he was a lover. When any guy or the same guy even minutes later, just screwed me, without any foreplay, he was at that time a fucker. During my 2nd hour of supposed torture by THRUSH's Fucking Machine, I did feel those tingly sensations and the hint of a promised orgasm. Several times, during that 2nd hour, I tried to come. The urge was there. Many times, during that 2nd hour, with my limited movement, I bucked and thrust my hips and pussy against the invading thrusting phallus. My efforts were wasted, and I became frustrated that I could not get off. After the 2nd hour was over, and I had refused to divulge my codeword. the fucking phallus was replaced by one that was about 2-1/2" in diameter and 8" long. When THRUSH's device began fucking me, GOD, it felt really good. Immediately, I began thrusting against the pumping invading artificial cock. I did manage to come 3 times, during that 3rd hour, and I was beginning to succumb to the insistent twat pounding of THRUSH's Fucking Machine.
With the 3rd hour over, I, again, refused to give up my codeword, and the fucking phallus was replaced with one that was probably 3" in diameter and 8" long. The lab tech woman had to use her fingers to open me up, before she could get the 3" phallus's head inside my cunt. A big whoosh of the lubricant preceded the 1st thrust of the fucking machine. My vagina quickly accepted the bigger invader. Soon, my 1st orgasm, of my 4th hour, hit me. The machine speeded up. I writhed and wiggled and humped that big fucking cock, as much as my restraints would allow, and came 2 more times. Now, the machine had taken control. When it fucked me at a steady speed, I came with some regularity. When the fucking machine speeded up, I came and came and came, until it slowed back down. I remember my moaning and gasping and panting, and I know that I screamed awfully loud, when I came multiple times, during the accelerated fucking speeds. I have no idea how many times I came during that 4th hour. I was a little incoherent, but I refused to tell the lab tech my name, or my codeword or any other information. I hoped that there wasn't another fucking phallus, with a bigger girth, but I had been fisted before and thought that I could take it. However, the next turn in events was almost my undoing.
I curiously watched while the lab tech woman attached a small arm to the rod that the 3" cock was attached to. It was a rigid curved arm, with a little brush at its end, and barely touched the 3" fucking phallus. I immediately recognized its purpose. As the fucking machine plunged into me and retreated, the little brush would pickup some of my pussy juices and the lubricant, from passing across my sopping wet pussy slit and then tickling my aroused and interested clit, both on the plunging stroke and the retraction stroke. The fucking machine started up. As the machine fucked me and the brush stimulated my already aroused clit, I came at will. I had virtually lost all control over my own body. The speed of the fucking machine didn't matter. I just kept coming and shrieking and coming and shrieking. I guessed that I passed out from the sexual over stimulation. The lab tech woman had thrown cold water in my face, to wake me up, but the fucking machine continued its relentless mission. When my 5th hour was over, I had no recollection of how many times I had passed out, or how many times I had come, but everytime she threw water in my face to wake me up, she asked me for my codeword, Each time, I refused to give it up.
Although there was plenty of lube, combined with copious quantities of my pussy juices, sloshing all over the place, I was beginning to get a little sore. I guess that I figured it out, during my 3rd hour, that all the liquids were going down the drain hole in front of my pussy. The liquids were being collected and pumped back up into the container atop THRUSH's Fucking Machine. Now, those lubricants would be somewhat diluted from the water that had been used to wake me up. Maybe it didn't matter all that much. Hadn't the lab tech woman told me that the lube was water based? She replaced the little brush, which actually had looked like a child's flat paint brush, with a real menacing looking clit tickler. It was about the size of the head of a toothbrush, with thousands of long very soft bristles. It had to be a full 1" long, which meant that on every stroke of the machine, my clit would be rubbed and tickled for 2" of each stroke. I looked down at myself and saw my clit. It was already pulsing and throbbing. It was bright red. Call it elongated or engorged, but it was as big as I had ever seen it. The woman stayed next to the table that I was strapped to, and operated the fucking machine manually. She had a bucket of water at the ready, to revive me, when I passed out. As any UNCLE employee, she looked impassive and indifferent. She was just doing her job, and there wasn't one iota of compassion in her eyes.
Thankfully, the 6th hour turned out to be my final hour of testing or torture or pleasure, depending on how you looked at it. She asked me if I was ready. The head of the 3" penis phallus was poised just inside my cunt. My pussy was hot and wet and wanting. My clit ached to be rubbed. The fucking machine started up. I remember coming twice in the 1st 10 minutes or so, and then I passed out. I only knew that I had passed out, because the cold water thrown in my face woke me up. SHE NEVER STOPPED THE MACHINE! When I was revived, she asked me for my codeword, but the 3" penis and the clit tickler kept fucking me. As I recall, I came and came and passed out and came and came and came and passed out, during that final hour. With only 10 minutes left, the lab tech woman told me to try and hang in there, because there were only 10 minutes to go. She speeded up the machine and counted down the final 10 minutes. I came and came some more. I was totally incoherent and hallucinating, but I didn't pass out. When all the monitoring leads and bindings were removed, I still couldn't close my legs. I thought that my pussy may never be the same. An UNCLE Nurse came in and told me to just lie still and relax. She gave me a warm soothing sponge bath, carefully and tenderly washing and rinsing my pussy. I still couldn't stand up. I was given a light warm meal and wheeled on a gurney to my room. The nurse and the lab tech woman put me to bed. I slept until the next morning.
The Promotion -
The next morning I found out that Carole did not do so well with Thrush's Fucking Machine. She was being transferred to Australia, and was assigned to head up the Raid Division for that region of the World. Meanwhile, Arizona and I were being promoted to full fledged UNCLE Agents. In a brief ceremony, held just outside Chief Alexander Waverly's office, and with all in-residence male UNCLE Agents and some higher up UNCLE execs attending, Chief Waverly administered the UNCLE oath to April Dancer and Arizona Wilson, the very first female UNCLE Agents. Arizona and I were given our UNCLE photo-id cards and badges, plus new automatic pistols and holsters. We were ordered to practice at least 10 hours with our new weapons at the shooting range. Arizona and I were to move to a new level and get OUR OWN APARTMENTS! There were 12 male UNCLE Agents living on our floor. The remainder of the apartments were for UNCLE Agents who were just staying for short periods, while they visited HQ, but lived elsewhere. I imagined that Romero, Napoleon and Illya stayed there, when I encountered them. While the ceremony was hasty and come as you are, I had to go to my room and change, because Arizona and I would now be eating in the executive dining room, where we had waiters and ordered off a menu. Mr. Waverly and his entourage ate there, but in a private little dining room. GOD, the menu was extensive and the food was mouth wateringly fabulous.
After lunch, Arizona and I were split up. We each had our own personal tour guides and consultants. I saw my apartment, with a lock on the door and a phone, although I was certain that my calls would be monitored. The bathroom had a double shower, huge soaking tub, toilet and bidet, and 2 sinks. Back in my old room, my personal consultant told me to change into a bikini and robe, and she would pick me up in half an hour. She showed me the way to the hotel's private rooftop pool. We sat at a table under an umbrella, and went over catalogues of possible furnishings for my new apartment. I was officially on the list and had access to the outdoor rooftop pool anytime it was open. Also, I could use the indoor pool, whenever it was open. There was a bartender/waitress, and drinks, as well as snacks, sandwiches and burgers were available free of charge. While sipping on a drink, I chose wallpaper, art for the walls, and furniture for my living room and separate bedroom. Everything seemed so luxurious. The centerpiece of my bedroom would be a lovely cherry canopied four poster bed, and I kept that 19th century theme for the rest of my furniture, wallpaper and prints on the walls. I had 2 huge closets in my bedroom and was told of my very generous clothing allowance. I chose a traditional modern theme for my living room, which was very much like the way the hotel's rooms were furnished. I had a small laundry area, with washer and dryer and ironing board. I was expected to launder and iron my linens and towels and washable clothes, but my dry cleaning was still free at the PX.
My consultant gave me the keys to my new apartment and the catalogues, and said that she would meet me at my new apartment the next morning at 10:00 AM. After daydreaming in my new apartment for an hour or so, I went back to my old room to change for dinner. I hooked back up with Arizona. It was like we were both in a dream. We talked all through dinner and into the night. Back in my new apartment the next morning, my consultant and I measured and filled out a requisition form together. I included an entertainment center for both my living room and bedroom. We had a light lunch delivered to my apartment. After deciding on towels and linens, we finished about 2:30 PM. Then, I got another surprise. Could it get any better? She told me that while my apartment was being furnished, UNCLE was going to fly me home, to see my family, for a long weekend! OH MY GOD, it had been so long since I saw my mom and dad and baby sisters. I had to call them! Maybe I should bring gifts for everyone? After I called home, I dashed to the PX. After dinner with Arizona, I had to pack. I had learned from my nearly hour long phone call that my 2 older brothers got new jobs and had moved their families away from our home town area. They would not be home, so I called them that night. I made it to the UNCLE plane well before departure time the next morning. I chose to wear my gun in a small holster at the small of my back. Depending on the weather and occasion, I could wear a raincoat, jacket or dressier blazer, with my gun in the holster I was wearing or in a shoulder holster. I could even carry it in a big enough purse, but it was harder to get out.
My stay at home went much better than I thought it might. They didn't ask too many questions that I couldn't answer. My dad was a hunter and sportsman, and my gun was accepted as a necessary security (my security) precaution of my job. They knew that I had secrets that I couldn't reveal. I could tell them a little about the many places I went to on raids and mop up missions, but never the details, even though nothing was ever in the newspapers. We ate out a lot and did some touristy things in Boston one day. I took my sisters shopping at an exclusive upper end mall one day. They helped me buy gifts for mom and dad. For myself, I bought a set of red satin sheets and pillowcases, and another set in black satin. We ate lunch in a secluded booth at an exquisite restaurant. My sisters were hot gorgeous babes, who could have any guy they wanted. One was a freshman and the other a sophomore in college now. They told me quite unabashedly about the guys in their lives and their sexual activities/conquests. When they asked me about the men in my life, I thought they would never believe half of what I had done and the number of men and women who had fucked me. I thought that I would teach them a little more about the facts of life. I reminded them of the times we used to get together, after our parents were asleep, in my bedroom at the end of the upstairs hall and talk into the wee hours of the morning. I promised them that we'd do that tonight. As we left the restaurant, I said that I would buy them gifts and asked what they might want. Almost in unison, they replied, "Sexy lingerie," and they knew right where to go. We must have spent 3 hours in the store. They couldn't make up their minds. At one point they took me into a dressing room to see the bra and panties that I was wearing.
They clapped in approval over my skimpy bra and panties, but gasped in shock, when they realized that my pussy was shaved bare. I told them that it was all the rave in Europe, and that I really liked its feel, and all the men really liked it too. I saw their heads reeling as they contemplated that look for themselves. I would up buy each of them 3 bra and panty sets, and bought 1 bra and 2 pair of panties for myself. That night, after my parents were asleep, my sisters snuck into my bedroom and locked the door. We all wore one of our new bras and panties. All right, maybe I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I had opened a bottle of Cabernet wine and poured 3 glasses. What I didn't tell my sisters was that I had dissolved about 1/2 of a MAXO female sex pill in each glass. When we were settled, sitting cross legged on my bed, I got out my bottle of caffeine pills and took one. I told them each to take one, so they didn't get sleepy and conk out on us, and began. I told them that I was on the pill and was regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Then, I just picked a number and told them that I had slept with 6 men, some multiple times. Whether that meant on different nights or on the same night was left to their imaginations. I gave Romero Santini a different name and whispered every vivid lurid detail of how the handsome Italian man made love to me. I described how he kissed me and played and teased my body. Then, I told them all about how he screwed me and how marvelous it felt.
I topped off our wine glasses and noticed that my sister's panties were wet, and so were mine. Then, I told them every step he did, when he ate my pussy twice, and made me come several times. My sisters were experienced cocksuckers at their age. Finally, I told them how I gave him a blowjob, deep throated him and swallowed all his cum. For several moments, my younger sisters were speechless. My older sister asked me how to do deep throat. I smiled and got my 2" X 8" semi-flexible penis vibrator out of one of my suitcases. I explained to them that they had to tilt there heads back a little, relax the muscles in their necks and throats, and push their tongues out to where it covered their lower lips. I demonstrated, with my vibrator turned off, how I sucked a cock, fucked my mouth with it, and rammed it all the way down my throat. I think the wine and UNCLE's MAXO female sex pills were having their effect on them. They wanted to try deep throat. I gave them each identical 2" X 8" vibrators that I had bought for them at UNCLE's PX. After 15 or 20 minutes of determined practice, and some coaching from me, they were doing deep throat with their new vibrators. My younger sister snuck out and brought back another bottle of wine. Until about 5:00 AM that morning, the 3 of us drank wine and got ourselves off multiple times, with our vibrators. I can't remember the 3 of us having so much fun together. Their sex lives would be vastly improved, I thought.
On Monday morning I said goodbye to my parents and sisters. It didn't hit me until the ride to the airport. I, again, began to think of my own mortality. I would be getting a partner in 3-4 weeks, and then I'd go off on a mission. It was possible that I had seen my parents and sisters for the last time. My mind dwelled on this, during the UNCLE plane ride back to HQ. My consultant met my plane and took me to my newly decorated and furnished apartment. It was gorgeous! My old room was like a dorm room. She noticed my nervousness and depression, when I took off my gun. She said that all UNCLE Agents get nervous and somewhat depressed, before they go on a mission, and this is even truer for you, before your very 1st mission. "Follow me," she said, "There is a special Playroom for UNCLE Agents and other mid-level UNCLE executive types, where you can relieve some of that stress." She used a key to unlock a door. The lights were on, because a cleaning crew was working inside. I gaped in awe. The room was filled with: "X" frames, crucifixes, posts, padded tables, padded benches, and numerous other pieces of equipment and apparatuses. It was a veritable bondage sex playground. There was a bar and barstools, and a fully stocked backbar. She told me that the room was open from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM six days a week. It was closed Sundays. Monday was men only night, and Tuesday was women only. The other nights were for men and women. The bar was do-it-yourself, except that a bartender would be provided on Friday and Saturday nights. HOLY SHIT was I going to have fun in there! I could get my brains fucked out nearly any night of the week.
The Playroom -
We parted company and she gave me her card saying, "If you need anything, just give me a call. Back in my apartment, I changed the linens on my new 4 poster bed, stripped naked and napped until it was dinner time. My new sheets felt luxuriantly cool. I thought that I looked really hot spread out against the background of my new red satin sheets. I met up with Arizona at dinner. We talked non-stop throughout dinner and back in my apartment. We made plans for the next day and agreed to go to the Playroom the next night, which was ladies night. In the Playroom Tuesday night, we were like little girls alone in a candy shop. We wanted to try everything. After stripping, Arizona opened a bottle of wine and we agreed on a plan. Arizona cuffed and stretched me into an "X" frame, knelt and ate my pussy. Next, I cuffed Arizona to the crucifix. There were steel rings embedded in the floor, with attached padded leather cuffs, that held Arizona's legs spread wide apart. I knelt and ate her out. We took a break and sipped some wine, after wetting towels we brought and cleaning ourselves up a bit. My arms were stretched overhead and cuffed to a low narrow padded bench. Arizona used the ropes we brought to tie my waist securely down and frog-tie my legs. First, she ate my pussy, and then sat on my face so that I could lick her pussy and make her come.
There was a similar bench, except that it was curved and could be rocked and locked into most any position. I cuffed and stretched and strapped Arizona to the curved bench. Her back was bowed and her wonderful 36C breasts pointed straight up. After squeezing and playing with her breasts, and sucking her nipples for quite a while, I rocked and locked her in a position, where her pussy was in the perfect position. I licked and sucked her to 2 spectacular orgasms. I rocked and locked Arizona in a position where her head was at the perfect height. I straddled her face and urged her to eat me out, while I diddled and pinched those inviting nipples of hers. We took another break, cleaned up again and finished our bottle of wine. There were 8 other women there, each of whom definitely had serious lesbian partners. Arizona and I said hello and introduced ourselves, but pretty much steered clear of them. I had noticed some holes in the floor directly below where my pussy would be, when my legs were spread in a particular apparatus. I asked one of the women about those holes, when she and her partner seemed to be casually talking at the bar. She pointed to a tall cabinet against the wall and told me that it contained 2 sizes of telescoping rods. A vibrator could be fastened to the end of a pole and shoved up into a restrained woman's pussy.
We tied each other to one of the posts, and ate each other out. When I was tied to a post, my arms were stretched overhead and my legs cuffed wide apart. An attached strap was buckled around my waist and held me fast to the post. I looked down at that hole in the floor, centered right between my legs, and saw potential. Of course, a man or woman could kneel and lick my pussy, as Arizona was currently doing. A man could fuck me standing up. However, a more delicious thought was that my vibrator, at the end of a telescoping rod, could be shoved up my twat and devilishly tease me on a low speed, or revved up to high and make me come and come and come. After Arizona and I had satisfied each other, we cleaned up and got dressed. We walked around and examined the remainder of the equipment and apparatuses, figuring out how we might use them, and how a man would use them on us. Yes, by now Arizona and I were committed bisexuals. We surreptitiously looked and whispered about what some of the lesbian women were doing with each other, and got a couple ideas for next Tuesday night. Then, we packed up our ropes and left. Next time, we would bring more toys. It wasn't until our 3rd Tuesday night in the Playroom that we met some more friendly women, who delighted in playing with us.
I kept busy during the ensuing days, sometimes with Arizona, and sometimes by myself, but we always ate our meals together. Before breakfast, I swam laps in the indoor swimming pool. After breakfast, I spent a couple hours at the shooting range, getting used to my new gun. After about 2 weeks, I was again an excellent markswoman, and often a male UNCLE Agent and I had a little friendly competition. Before lunch, I went through the indoor live fire obstacle course, except that once or twice a week, I ran the outdoor obstacle course. After lunch, I changed into one of my bikinis and a robe, and went up to the hotel's rooftop swimming pool. I sunbathed in the nude, but because of my fair skin, I could only expose my body to the sun's rays for 20-30 minutes per side, even though I coated my body with Coppertone. Then, I had to move under an umbrella. During my usual 3 hour stay, I cooled off in the pool several times. When I wasn't in the pool, I read and sipped on gin 'n tonics. I preferred Bombay Sapphire gin over the snobby Tanqueray Gin drinkers. There were usually plenty of men and women around the pool, but I kept pretty much to myself. About half the women sunbathed in the nude, and all the men wore Speedos. After the pool, I showered and dressed in my apartment and went back to the shooting range for an hour or so before dinner. Then, after dinner, I showered again and got dressed for the Playroom. On Wednesday-Saturday nights I always took a caffeine tablet in addition to my MAXO female sex pill.
When Arizona and I went to the Playroom the following night, unlike the somewhat chilly reception we got from the lesbians the previous night, we were welcomed by the men. In fact, we were mobbed at the bar. It was easy to get a guy to make us martinis. Arizona and I were the new fresh untried pieces of ass. I whispered to Arizona that we could pick the guys we wanted to try, the apparatus we wanted to use and set a time limit. For the most part, that plan worked pretty well. I said in a loud voice, "Look guys, Arizona and I will be here for 4-5 hours, and you'll all have at least one turn with us, but don't ignore the other women here." Could I have been any more polite or diplomatic? "Now, I'm ready to get screwed," I continued, "I want to be on the "X" frame for 1-1/2 hours." I swept my finger in an arc, generally pointing to the nearest 5-7 guys, and said, "You guys get me ready and decide what order you're going in." Arizona similarly commanded a group of men nearest her and chose the crucifix. My dress, bra and panties were quickly whisked off my body and placed on a shelf along one wall. I was dragged over to one of the "X" frames. Each of my limbs was pulled and cuffed tightly in place. A strap was tightly buckled around the frame and my 22" waist, and I was stretched and spread and ready to be fucked.
The 1st guy had the forethought to use his fingers to get me open and ready, before he plunged his cock in me. GOD, it felt good regardless of how big his cock was. It had been far too long since I really had my brains fucked out, and tonight it would happen. I did all the right things to encourage them and spur them on. I resisted and struggled and writhed about as much as my bonds would allow. I moaned and gasped and purred and panted. These guys were experienced fuckers. If I came 1st, he would just keep going, until he climaxed, and I often got a 2nd orgasm. If a guy came 1st, he was gentlemanly enough to keep going, until I came, or he rubbed my clit to finish me off. When I came, I always squealed or screamed. By the 3rd guy, all the sounds and expressions I made were genuine and no longer exaggerated. Some of the men just plunged right in and fucked me. I mentally gave them a negative checkmark. When a guy took the time to kiss me or caress my body or play with my breasts and nipples, either before he fucked me, or during the act, I gave him a favorable mental checkmark. Maybe before my 1st male/female night in the Playroom, I would have sorted out most of the men. When a guy played with me, I would always ask him if he ate pussy. I got a taker on the 4th guy. When he finished, I told him to kneel down and show me what he could do. I got a good one. He knew all the tricks. He got me really worked up, and then slipped 2 fingers in my cunt, while he sucked my clit, until I squirted and came. He kept sucking and nibbling on my clit, until my knees buckled, and I screamed at the top of my lungs, and experienced the most mind blowing orgasm of the night, so far. I had plans for him.
Because of the foreplay by some men, and the interruption for my fabulous pussy licking, the 5th guy entered me with only 2 minutes to go on my 1-1/2 hour time limit. I told him to take his time and finish. I was released after #5 finished. I felt really good and energized. I went back to the bar, where a fresh martini was being poured for me. I saw Arizona still on the crucifix getting fucked, but she got started sometime after I did. I finished about 1/2 of my martini and announced, "I'm looking for 4 guys, with big cocks, and I want to try the blowjob apparatus." I added, "I brought a vibrator in my duffle bag over there, and I want you to use one of those telescoping rods, and bury my vibrator inside me." The blowjob apparatus consisted of two 3" diameter poles, coming out of the floor, about 2' apart and supporting a 2' X 3' high back pad. I knelt on a pad, with my knees and lower legs outside the posts. My ankles and calves were strapped down to the floor. My thighs were buckled to the posts. Straps around my waist and over the top of my breasts held me upright and against the back pad. Finally, one of my own ropes was used to tie my wrists behind the back of the apparatus. I saw that hole in the floor between my spread legs. I couldn't remember ever being tied up so tight just to do a few BJs. My vibrator was turned on and attached to the tip of the telescoping rod. Its base went into the floor hole, and my vibrator slowly slid up into my twat. I could tell that it was buzzing at a medium speed. I told them, "You can let me do this at my own speed, for a really good slow blowjob, or you can fuck my mouth, until you come down my throat. Well, it turned out that 2 of them let me do it and 2 of them grabbed my head and fucked my mouth. I accepted all their cocks deep in my throat and swallowed every drop of their cum.
Released and back at the bar, I worked on another martini. I noticed a piece of equipment over in a corner that hadn't been there the night before. Unknowingly, I asked if I could try it. Before I knew what was happening, I was being hauled over to a 2-1/2' X 2-1/2' padded table. I was on my back and my limbs were positioned in a spread-eagle, and were being tied to rings mounted in the floor. My ass and pussy were at one end of the table, and my head hung over the other end of the table. What had I gotten myself into? A line formed at my head and pussy. Soon, a cock was in my mouth, and another was fucking me. I didn't even bother counting the number of cocks I took. Near the end, I nearly passed out twice, from orgasm overload. I had to rest. Back at the bar, I nursed a Coke for over a half hour. I thought that I could probably take one more round. I pointed at an approximately 4' X 8' padded table. I asked, "Can 4 of you guys tie me down and fuck me doggie-style?" Quick as a wink, I was bent over the end of the table. My wrists were tied to the far corners of the table. My legs were spread about as wide apart as they would go in my position and my ankles tied to the bottom legs of the table. Four men fucked my dripping pussy. When they released me, I announced that I had enough for the night. I cleaned myself up pretty well and got dressed. Arizona was doing blowjobs and I told her I was going back to my apartment, before I left.
Arizona and I went to the Playroom virtually every night that it was open to us. The male and female participants changed, from night to night for various reasons, but a core of regulars was always there. Over the weeks, Arizona and I had our own favorite men and apparatuses. We made friends with a good number of women, and towards the end for me; some of them even participated with me on a couple pieces of equipment. Twice on Thursday night I was strapped and tied in the blowjob station. I think the word had spread about my excellent BJs. I did take pride in my work, and very few men fucked my mouth, opting to let me do it. I think everyone thought of Arizona and me as a lot of fun, adventurous, good sports and great fucks. While some women might be bitchy or picky, we NEVER complained. I was bent over at the waist, with my wrists and head locked in a yoke, and my ankles spread and secured to floor rings. They fucked me doggie-style and reached around and played with my breasts. Just for some extra fun, the men who were waiting made me suck my own vibrator and fucked my mouth with it. The only other different thing that I tried Thursday night was that I was stretched and tied spread-eagle on that 4' X 8' padded table. It took well over 2 hours for 5 guys to screw me, because it was somewhat like making love. They made out with me, played with and caressed my body, sucked my nipples and even fingered me, for various lengths of time, before entering me. I found another pussy eater, who did an exceptional job of playing with me and screwing me. You remember that all the sounds I made were genuine. Well, this guy teased me with his cock and made me really moan and scream, before he finished me off. I whispered to him, when I had recovered enough to speak, "After they're done with me here, would you eat me out?" He did! When I was released, I sat at the end of the padded table, laid on my back and raised and spread my legs. While he didn't make me squirt, he did give me 3 progressively intense mind shattering orgasms. I had another keeper.
I tried a couple new things on Friday night. I was tied kind of spread-eagle face down on that 2-1/2' X 2-1/2' padded table. My hands and feet were suspended and tied just inches off the floor. I was fucked doggie-style, while I was doing blowjobs. I was talked into trying an upside down suspension. The ceiling of the room had to be a good 15' high. A remote controlled cable ran through a pulley mounted to a ceiling rafter, with a pair of heavy duty ankle cuffs attached to the end of the cable. I stood while the ankle cuffs were buckled on. One guy picked me up, while another operated the remote. When I was suspended upside down at working height, the cable stopped. My wrists were tied behind my back. I said, "Wait a minute, I want my vibrator." My body and the cable were wound up and twisted, while someone fetched my vibrator. The vibrator was turned on high and shoved into my already wet and well fucked cunt. For good measure, a crotch rope was tied on me, which securely held my buzzing vibrator deep in my vagina. I was raised a little more and 2 guys grabbed my shoulders and started running around with me in an ever wider circle. They let me go. WHEEEEE! As I was quickly raised towards the ceiling, my body spun in a circle and twisted, as the cable unwound itself. My spinning circle got gradually smaller and smaller, while the cable unwound, wound itself back up, and unwound itself up again and again. Eventually, after one orgasm, my body had pretty much stopped spinning and twisting.
They lowered me. I was a little dizzy and disoriented. I was stopped and a hard cock was shoved into my mouth. Someone behind me steadied me by grasping my breasts. I instinctively began sucking. I really had to concentrate on what I was doing, because I kept coming and coming. The cable remote was used to either raise or lower me, so that my mouth was at the perfect height for a cock to be rammed down my throat. Five or six guys fucked my mouth. I couldn't swallow it all inn that position. I tried my best, but cum poured out of my mouth and all over my face. There was no telling how many times I orgasmed. When they finished, my crotchrope was untied and my vibrator removed. I was unhooked from the cable and helped to stand on my feet. Applause and cheers reigned out from those who fucked my mouth and everyone at the bar, who had apparently watched the whole spectacle. My wrists were untied and the ankle cuffs removed. I felt lightheaded, from the blood that had dulled my brain draining out, and I had to be helped to a barstool. A warm wet towel and a dry towel were given to me and I cleaned myself up. I was still recovering from my catatonic state of orgasmic ecstasy. My pussy tingled and my clit was swollen and on fire, from the vibrating crotchrope twanging that sensitive appendage. I looked around, and apparently Arizona had missed the show. I asked the bartender for a double Sapphire Bombay gin on the rocks. People kept asking me to do an encore the following night. I almost chugged my drink. After 15-20 minutes, I said goodbye to everyone and left, but not before studying that gigantic elephant in the room that no one had ever mentioned.
I had breakfast with Arizona on Saturday morning. I told her about my previous night's upside down suspension, and asked her what she thought about that big metal monstrosity in the Playroom. Since she had examined it about as much as I had, and hadn't heard anything or even its mention, I told her that I thought I'd try it tonight. However, I didn't know if it could be used by only one person, or there had to be 2 or 4. Well, OK, for lack of the proper name, I'm going to call it a Ferris wheel. It looked like a Ferris wheel, but with no seats. The big circular wheel stood about 12' high in the 15' high ceiling Playroom, and the wheel was about 4' wide. Between the circular outer rails, where seats should be, it was lined with the same padded plastic leather-like fabric that covered all the other benches and tables in the Playroom. Strong steel girders held the whole thing together. The huge wheel was supported by a triangle of heavier girders on each side, which supported the heavy shaft that the wheel spun on. The lower part of the wheel went into an approximately 5' wide trench in the floor.
At lunch that day, I asked Arizona how long it had been since she got an old fashioned spanking to get her juices flowing. It had been quite sometime since either of us had our butts spanked. I told her my plan and challenged her to do it with me. By dinner, Arizona was still unsure. I had to cajole and finally dare her to do it with me. Arizona finally agreed to do it, if 2 people were required. After Arizona left, I went over to a few of the Playroom regulars and mentioned the Ferris wheel. I learned that no one had used it that they could remember, but were sure that either 2 or 4 women had to participate. I told them that Arizona and I wanted to try it early tonight, and told them my complete plan. They assured me that they'd have it ready and round up a good group of guys. Arizona and I wore our UNCLE t-shirts, short shorts and tennis shoes. We brought our duffle bags and arrived about 8:10 PM. The men were waiting for us and had saved barstools for us. I said that I wanted to have 2 drinks, before I would be ready. As we drank, we received accolades for trying something new, and reiterated how much fun we were and that, besides being among the best fucks ever, we were always good sports. One guy softly said that we may not be able to walk right for a week. Word spread to everyone as they came into the Playroom. Arizona and I finished our 2nd martinis and announced that we were ready.
They took us over to the shelves and stripped us, except for our tennis shoes. First, our mouths were muffled by ballgags. Our breasts were tied at their base, and the excess rope lifted our boobs a little and was tied behind our necks. Our tits were bulging orbs that jiggled and bounced on our chests. The nipple clamps came next. Our not yet swollen and extended nipples were rolled and pulled, and a pincer type adjustable clamp was clamped on the base of each nub. For added sensation, each nipple clamp was tightened about 1/4 turn. Although our pussies were already wet, we were fingered, until our 2" X 8" vibrators, turned up to the highest speed, could be inserted. Finally, a double crotchrope, with a 5' leash, held our vibrators deep inside our twats, and the 2 strands of rope were strategically placed to rub each side of our clits. Now, the fun began. Two guys grabbed and pulled our crotchrope leashes. Arizona and I were trotted around the perimeter of the Playroom. Our boobs bounced and jiggled. The initial pain from my nipple clamps had subsided, and my pussy was tingling. Every step I took caused the crotchrope to rub my clit. I think everyone in the place was watching and cheering, "FASTER, FASTER!" I stumbled and tried to slow down, when my 1st orgasm hit me in the middle of my 2nd lap. One of the 2 guys pulling me shouted, "Six lap race, let's pick it up!" The crowd cheered their approval, as we went faster. I came again, during my 4th lap. About 3/4 of the way through my 6th and final lap, Arizona passed me, because I came a 3rd time and nearly went to the ground.
Our crotchropes and vibrators were removed first. Then, our breasts were untied and the nipple clamps taken off. I screamed into my ballgag, from the pain of my blood surging back into my swollen nipples, but my pussy was urgently telling my brain that it needed to be fucked. Our wrists remained tied behind our backs and our gags left in. We were each taken over to one end of the 4' X 8' padded table and bent over it. Then, our spankings began. Two at a time, the men took turns alternately spanking and reddening our buns. Each blow was counted aloud. For about the first half of my spanking, I moaned into my gag, but the remainder didn't register as pain. Instead, it only turned me on more. After 40 whacks, Arizona was taken over to the Ferris wheel. As she defiantly wiggled her ass, I saw that it was really bright fiery red in color. One of the guys declared, "April lost the race and she deserves 10 more!" So, I received 10 more really hard smacks. When I stood up and looked back there, my buns were a burning ugly dark red. My ballgag was removed and my wrists untied. They took me over to the Ferris wheel. Arizona was already mounted. I saw a lot of padded cuffs and wide belts that had not been there last night.
I was backed up to the padded 4' wide outer surface of the wheel. First my arms were stretched overhead, spread and cuffed to the stainless steel tubular outer rail. A wide strap was passed over my arms, just above my head, and tightened and buckled underneath the wheel. Another wide strap went over my upper chest and armpits, and securely tightened and buckled. A third wide strap went over my waist and held me tightly to the wheel. My body was beginning to bow backwards conforming to the curve of the 12' diameter wheel. The wheel moved and I was lifted off the floor, supported by the wrist cuffs and 3 wide straps. Next, my ankles were spread to an almost impossible 4' apart and cuffed to the tubular stainless steel outer rim. This reminded me of the times that my ankles were tied so wide apart, in a hotel room, that I felt like I was doing the splits. Finally, wide straps were passed over my legs, above and below my knees, and tightened and buckled. My whole body was securely attached to the wheel and the length of it bowed backwards. Backed by my nicely rounded ass, my pussy kind of hung out there glaring at the men in line. I was ripe and ready to fuck, and the line had formed. I was quite comfortable in my bondage.
The wheel started spinning. I was amazed at how smoothly it turned. I went backwards. I went into the trench in the floor, out upside down on the other side, over the top and back to my original position. When I turned my head, I saw Arizona on the opposite side of the wheel spinning with me. The huge Ferris wheel spun faster and faster. I think at top speed we were doing about one revolution every 3 seconds. You know how you feel when a roller coaster suddenly drops. You get a little light headed and your stomach gets queasy for just a second or two. That's how I felt. They must have spun us for only about 5 minutes, because cocks were getting hard and pussy was waiting. The wheel slowed and eventually stopped, with me in my original upright position. The wheel was adjusted, so that my pussy was at the right height for fucking, and a brake lever was pulled. As the 1st guy fucked me, Arizona was upside down on the opposite side of the wheel. I heard her slurping and sucking another guy's cock. There was a waiting line of 5-6 guys on my side of the wheel. When the 3rd guy fucked me, my orgasms were getting more and more intense. I often had double orgasms from one guy. I didn't mean to imply that I remained in the same position and was constantly screwed. When the 1st guy finished with me, and Arizona had finished her upside down blowjob, the brake was released. I spun below the floor level and came out the other side upside down. There was another line of guys waiting for blowjobs. Then, I fully understood exactly how the Ferris wheel worked. When Arizona spun over the top of the wheel and hung upright, where I had previously been, the brake stopped her, with her pussy at the perfect fucking height for the next guy in line. Meanwhile, on my side of the wheel, the guy waiting for me to suck him off was standing on a platform. He could hydraulically raise or lower the platform to a position, where his cock was aimed to go right down my throat.
Around and around Arizona and I went, pausing to get fucked, or to get our mouths fucked. The number of men in line seemed to grow. It wasn't at all like getting screwed umpty times in a row, because the fucking time was interspersed with approximately 15-25 minute intervals for blowjobs. At one point, I noticed that the men in line were drinking and getting boisterous. They knew or had figured out the routine. Every other guy in line would be screwing me. I sort of remember hearing or reading that a woman trying to get pregnant was instructed, after intercourse, to lie with her legs up, so that her partner's semen swimmers would have the best chance of impregnating her. I thought this apparatus would be perfect for this medical technique, but I had no worries, because I was on the pill. As with my upside down suspension the previous night, I had a small problem with the men's cum. First, their hot cum seemed to pour out of my cunt after awhile. It seemed that every time I was spun into position for another blowjob, a sticky stream of cum wound up on my mons, just before I was fully upside down, and the cum flow reversed itself beck into my cunt. I was still unable to swallow 100% of the cum squirted down my throat. Consequently, cum ran all over my face, into my nose and almost into my eyes.
My experience on the Ferris wheel was certainly not as bad/enjoyable as THRUSH's Fucking Machine. Towards the end, I was thrashing wildly against the straps and cuffs that held me to the wheel. I wanted to come almost as soon as a cock entered me. My moans echoed throughout the Playroom. I screamed hysterically every time I came, and my orgasmic spasms continued well into my mouth fucking on the other side of the wheel. Eight guys in all fucked me, and of course 8 guys fucked my mouth. Between Arizona and me, I think every man in the Playroom screwed one of us, or got a blowjob. Arizona and I were the only female UNCLE Agents in the room, and we were supposed to be better than all the other mid-level female UNCLE personnel, who had Playroom privileges. As far as the men went, only about a dozen were actual UNCLE Agents, and the rest were mid-level UNCLE personnel. I think maybe the bartender even got in on it. I figured a total of 32 men participated in the spectacle. The number of women in the Playroom that night totaled about half that number. When one or more men had finished with Arizona or me, those women began to get some action. All right, when I finally got released from the wheel, I could stand and walk, but had that very obvious just royally fucked wiggle limp as I made my way to the bar. From crotchrope race to spanking to the Ferris wheel, the whole show had taken nearly 6 hours. After Arizona and I cleaned ourselves up, we sat drinking at the bar for about 45 minutes. Before we left, Arizona and I promised to do the Ferris wheel again.
In fact, Arizona and I did the Ferris wheel the next 2 Saturday nights. The men included other women in the crotchrope races, and doled out various punishments for the winners and losers. On Friday nights, I repeated the upside down ankle cuff suspension and blowjob thing. Do you remember those sets of red and black satin sheets I bought? Do you remember those 2 guys who ate my pussy in the Playroom? Also, remember that the Playroom was closed to me on Sunday and Monday (men only). So, I invited each of those 2 pussy licking guys to spend the night with me in my apartment, between those satin sheets. No ropes or cuffs were used. They made long slow sweet love to me. They licked my pussy, until I was senseless. I sucked and licked their balls and gave them the best slow teasing blowjobs that I could. We would doze for awhile, wake up, and do it all over again.
At Sunday dinner, after my 3rd night on the Ferris wheel, I got a sealed message delivered to me. I was ordered to report to Chief Alexander Waverly's office at 9:00 AM the next day. I would meet my new partner, Mark Slate. In a matter of a few days, Mark and I would each be off on our 1st missions as UNCLE Agents.