- Author - Courtney Blush
- Rating -
  [ 2.08 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2334 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, non-consensual, bondage, breathplay, drugs, kidnapping, snuff
- Post Date - 2/22/2013
Full Story (added: )
Category: N/A
Codes: M-f, Kidnapping, Snuff, NC
“What am I doing here?” she thought in a hazy and deep confusion, opening her eyes slowly to try and see around her but the room was too dark for her to see anything. She tried to replay the events that got her into this position but her mind was still foggy from the drugs her captor used on her.
She was held upright with her arms pulled taught above her head, her feet shackled to the floor and stripped naked. Her gag was very effective indeed. It was a pump up type that literally filled her mouth and it was held in place by a cruel harness locked around her head tighter than it needed to be.
The room itself was cold and smelled funny, almost like rotting meat and no light at all.
“Focus Liza!” she thought to herself. The air was getting thin and Liza knew that unless a miracle happened she would be stuck here, wherever here may be.
The last thing Liza remembered was driving home from work. It was very late as she worked some very unsociable hours but the pay was worth it. Liza had pulled up at a manual stop sign where there were some road repairs taking place on a quiet side street but didn’t notice the guy standing by her car. Liza jumped, startled when the guy broke her window taking her keys from the ignition, broken glass showering her. Dazed and scared she was ordered out of her car and to kneel on the ground whilst not making a sound. Liza complied out of pure fear, a million thoughts running through her mind as to what was going to happen to her.
Taking a plastic bag from the trunk of the car he placed a few drops of chloroform into it and pulled it tightly over her head and secured it around her neck with the tie he was wearing, effectively cutting off her air supply and drugging it. Liza started to panic and pull at the bag but she was getting weak and he overpowered her, cuffing her hands securely behind her back. Gasping for air she felt her panties and stockings being removed with almost no effort. He removed the bag just as she was about to lose consciousness and before she could say or do anything he gagged her with her own panties filling her mouth and being secured by her own hose. She knew there was little chance of being found as the road she was on was rarely used this late. He dragged her to the trunk of her car and shoved her in, sealing her inside he gets into the car and starts the engine. He drives to an abandoned meat processing factory about 40 miles from where she had been abducted and pulls the car into the grounds.
Dragging her from the car he opened the door to the old deep freeze where he had bolted some shackles to the floor. He sat her on an old chair and with no strength to stop him bolted the shackles around her ankles. Bolting her wrists into some manacles he attached her wrists up to the meat hook above her. Finally before he started the machine to stretch her body using the motorized overhead hook track he gagged her with a locked pump up butterfly gag. He brutally tightened the gag one hole more than was needed and pumped it up many times in anger. He started the machine… The machine dragged her from the chair and pulled her body out to full stretch. She groaned a little as consciousness began to find her again.
The man left her. Locking the door behind him he cut off all light and sound from the outside world, effectively sealing her in an airtight old freezer full of rotting meat.
Oh how she wished she had kept to the main roads, oh how she wished she had a normal job with normal hours. She had heard that some young women had gone missing without a trace for the past few weeks but the police had very little to go on. The women’s cars that had been taken were usually found hundreds of miles from where they were last seen and that made the police look in totally the wrong areas.
It had been almost 48 hours and the air was getting very thin. Liza was barely keeping consciousness, wondering why he never used her for sex, talking to herself and with her body in such severe pain from being held in the position she knew she would last much longer. Liza looked up thinking she heard a noise but she was convinced it was probably just a rat as no one knew she was there. A small amount of light crept in through the gap around the door as it opened, she had seen this before, she had dreamt of this vision a few weeks before and knew she would be safe. Liza knew she would be free. As the air finally ran out around her she passed away quietly within her Vision of Mercy.
The End
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