Author's Note: This story will be darker than my previous stories, but everything will work out in the end.
And if you wonder what modern BDSM items are doing in a story with a medieval setting, don't. Just relax and enjoy the hotness of it.
Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time
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Princess Serena sighed as she stood after mopping the castle steps. She wiped the sweat off her brow and went to the pond to wash off her face and hands. The face looking back at her was covered with dirt and sweat. When she'd wiped it off, she saw skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood, highlighted by hair as black as night (even though it needed washing).
Thirsty, she cupped some the water in her hands and drank. She sat down, wanting to rest before she was called to do something else. Her stepmother, the Queen, was always dumping the hardest, dirtiest chores on her, making her dirty, tattered rags all the while. The Queen said she was trying to make Serena a better ruler by experiencing what her subjects did, but everyone knew she wanted the beautiful young woman dirty and worn out. Luckily, the other servants would help her as much as they could, even though doing so would get them punished. With some time off, she started to sing to herself.
She was almost halfway through when asked, "What is that song?"
She looked up to see a young man sitting on the castle wall...he was the most handsome man she'd ever seen.
"Don't be afraid," he told her. "I won't hurt you. I just heard that beautiful song from a beautiful voice and just had to investigate."
Serena got over her shock. "It's a lullaby my mother used to sing. It's the only thing I can remember of her. She died when I was a few days old. And my father was killed in a hunting accident."
"I'm sorry to hear that. You're all alone."
Serena shook her head. "I have my stepmother, but she hates me."
"How come?" the young man asked.
"They say she's jealous of my beauty. She's incredibly vain. She's spent a lot of tax money on clothes, make up and jewelry for herself. She spends whole hours looking at herself in a large mirror." Her face turned pink. "I...I even caught her touching herself in front of the mirror."
"Oh my." He looked Serena over. "You said she spends tax money. Does that make her the queen and you a princess?"
Serena nodded. "You wouldn't know I'm a princess to look at me, wouldn't you? But soon I'll come of age and be able to take the throne. Then I can try to undo the damage she's done as best as I can."
"That's the spirit," he told her with a dazzling smile. "Would it be all right if I joined you while you're on break. I have some snacks with me."
Serena just smiled and nodded.
"By the way, my name's Jonathon."
"I'm Serena," she said as she took his hand.
Naked except for her crown, Queen Mariel gazed at her reflection in the large, full body mirror as she squeezed her breast and slid her fingers in and out of her woman hood. She had a perfect, glorious body and face like that of a goddess. She could play with herself like this all day if it weren't for the fact she had other matters to attend to. She moaned and groaned as she fingered herself with increasing force and speed. She moved her other hand away from her breast to attend to her clit. She gasped and grunted as she approached climax, then gave a short howl as she rode the wave of pleasure that surged through her body. The entire time, her eyes never left the mirror.
She licked the juice from her fingers as she stood up.
"Oh magic mirror," she said, "who is the most beautiful woman in all the land?"
Her reflection spoke. "The princess Serena."
Mariel's heart skipped a beat. "What?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.
"The princess has come of age and is now a woman, even though even she forgot her birthday. She will realize it soon."
"That-that pasty little waif?!" Mariel snapped. "Look at me! Look at this flawless face. These big, round breast. This tight, subtle buttocks. This flat, well curved stomach. These long, well toned legs. How can she compete with that?"
"You ignore how lovely she truly is and hide her beauty with the rags and filth of a servant. But she has grown into a most beautiful woman and will continue to become more beautiful."
What's more, she would be able to take the throne by birth right. Mariel put on a robe and looked out a window to see if Serena was still scrubbing the steps. Instead she saw her stepdaughter talking with a young man by the pond. She noticed the man was quite attractive.
She called for the Cobb, the captain of the guard and her favorite henchmen. In fact, he was the one who'd caused the king's "accident".
"Yes, Majesty?" he asked.
"Come here," she said at the window. He joined her.
"See that young man? Bring him to me."
"Ah," he said with a knowing smile and a wink. "Right."
"And I have a special job for you later."
"I am going to let the princess have a day off and let her go that field where the royal family liked. You will accompany her."
"Oooohhh..." he said with a nod. "What we will tell people?"
"We can always blame it on bandits or rebels. And one more thing...take your time with her. Do whatever you please with her. Consider it a reward for your services to me over the years. All I ask is that you bring me her heart. I will give you the case for it later. Right now I want that young man."
"Right," he turned to go.
"Oh, and bring some rope with you when you do."
"Right," he repeated with a sneer.
Serena felt nervous as she saw the Captain Cobb approach.
"You," he said to Jonathon, "come with me."
"He wasn't doing in any harm!" Serena protested. "We were just talking."
"All intruders are to be questioned," he said matter-of-factly.
"I was going to come in through the gates," Jonathon explained. "But then I heard the most sound I ever heard and just had to investigate. My horse is on the other side of the wall."
"I'll have someone bring it in," Cobb said. "But one just doesn't sneak into the castle grounds and is allowed to come out."
"True," Jonathon said with a sigh.
"But-" Serena tried to say.
"It's all right, my ivory maiden," Jonathon told her. "We'll get this sorted out and I'll come back."
"I'll go with-"
"You are needed in the stables," Cobb told her with a frown.
As they walked away, Serena had this uncomfortable feeling.
Jonathon started to suspect something was wrong when he was led to the queen's bedchamber instead of the throne room. Moreso at seeing the queen in a robe instead of a regal dress. But he kept calm.
"Welcome," she told him. "I am Queen Mariel. What business do you have sneaking into my castle grounds like a thief or spy?"
"I was merely passing through," he replied. "In fact, I was going to come in through the front gate when I heard your stepdaughter's lovely voice and just had to know where it was coming from."
"Someone's getting his horse," Cobb added.
"And you should know," Jonathon told them. "I'm a prince."
"Really?" Mariel asked, arching an eyebrow. "You're clothes do say you're not just a peasant, they're but not quite royal either."
"It makes traveling simpler without people recognizing you everywhere you go. And makes them more honest without having to hide their true thoughts and feelings because they know you're royalty. Only my assistant and companion, a girl named Lenora, knows. You say the Princess is made to work to experience common life first hand? Well, my father wants me to mingle with the people to see and hear what they do to get to know them."
"How fascinating!" Mariel said with a smile. "I must say, I'm honored. We simply must talk."
"That we should. I have heard some unfortunate things about you from both your subjects and your stepdaughter, whom you treat like a disliked servant more than a daughter."
"I suppose we should...but we won't."
With that Captain Cobb pounced on Jonathon. As the two grappled, Mariel pulled scarf tied in a knot and a pair of panties from the pockets of her robe. She ran to them and stuffed the panties into Jonathon's mouth before he could cry out. Cobb was able to get a hold of Jonathon's arms and put them behind his back. While he wound rope around the young man's wrists, Mariel put the knotted scarf into place and tied it in another knot to keep it in place. The struggling prince was thrown on the large bed and his ankles bound as he went "MPH! MUPH!"
"Captain," Mariel said told Cobb, "disrobe him."
Cobb held Jonathon's head down with one hand while using his other hand to slash at prince's clothes off. Mariel pulled the torn tatters off with the excitement of a child unwrapping a present.
"Oh my..." she said at the sight of Jonathon's body as he struggled and moaned.
She and Cobb untied his ankles to tie them to the bedposts, then did the same to his wrists.
"Leave us," Mariel told Cobb breathlessly as she admired her spread eagle prize.
She'd done this sort of thing to a number of men...but Jonathon was the best looking she'd ever had.
Her gaze lingered on his penis, which flopped around as he squirmed. It was large, perfect for a prince.
She pulled her robe open and let it fall to the floor. Jonathon stopped struggling to look at her, his eye wide a mix of fear and amazement.
"Yes, I do have the perfect body, don't I? If you are a good boy, you will become my personal pleasure slave for life. Which is much better than any of the ones before you. Is that really so bad?"
"You struggle so, yet your body says you like it."
She knelt at his penis, already erect at seeing her naked. She stroked him, making him groan. She caressed him some more before taking him in her grip and pumping him to make him give muffled shouts.
"So big and hard..." she said in wonder.
She cupped her own breast and got one on either side of his dick to press them together.
She moved them up and down to titty-fuck him, his manhood growing even stiffer at the feel of her large, soft breast enveloping it and moving. A stream of pre-cum started to leak out. She took him into her mouth and sucked greedily. Jonathon yowled though his gag as slurped his cock and balls, her tongue practically slapping him as she licked and flicked her tongue as hard as she could. She used one hand to squeeze a buttock while the other rubbed his chest and pinched and poked his nipple. He wailed as much as his gag would let him as tears of pain appeared. It hurt, but the queen attentions had the effect she wanted
Jonathon arched and gave a muffled scream as he climaxed. It was the hardest-and most painful-he'd ever come. Mariel swallowed his sperm with glee. When he was done he slumped in his bonds, gasping for breath and half asleep. He grunted as Marial pinched a nipple.
"Naughty boy," she chastised. "Coming with your Mistress' permission. I'll have to punish you later. Though the royal cream is delicious!"
She put a hand over his nose. He struggled feebly until he passed out. She untied him from the bed to tie his wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, knees and thighs. She put a ballgag into his mouth, put a blindfold over his eyes, and plugged his ears. She finished by folding him in a trunk she called her "toy box". When she was done she sat in front of the mirror to start playing with herself, excited at her new slave...
It was that night when Serena was called to the throne room.
"Serena," her stepmother told her. "Tomorrow your birthday. You will come of age and officially become queen. I hope you will lead me aid you in your early days as ruler."
Serena thought 'Of course', but didn't say it out loud. "I will appreciate your help," she told Mariel.
"I was thinking before the celebration and coronation, you might like some time to yourself. I was thinking of that field at the forest's edge we used to have picnics in when your father was alive."
Serena nodded as she remembered. "It's beautiful this time of year..."
"I will have Captain Cobb be your escort," Mariel explained. "You will go there in the morning for an hour or two, then come back in to get things started."
Serena nodded. "Thank you, Your Majesty." She didn't trust her stepmother, but at least she already knew she'd try to control her as queen. "...Your Majesty?" she asked hesitantly.
"About that young man from this afternoon..."
"I put him in the dungeon for the night to think of his actions. He was harmless, but I simply can't let sneaking into the castle grounds go unpunished. I will let him go sometime tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe he'll join you to celebrate."
Serena sighed with relief. She knew her stepmother could be cruel, but Mariel was careful not be too cruel least she turn the people against her even more.
"Thank you, Your Majesty."
"Think nothing of it, dear."
There was something about Mariel's smile that made Serena uncomfortable. Of course, Mariel's smiles always did that.
The next morning, Serena went on horseback to the field where she had such good childhood memories, Captain Cobb walking alongside her. She arrived to see the flowers in bloom and hear the birdsong. She suspected her stepmother had an ulterior motive, but was glad to be back after so long.
She got off the horse and started picking flowers.
She picked a handful to make a lovely bouquet when a shadow fell over her.
"Yes, Capt-AIIEE!"
Cobb shoved her and pulled her arms behind her back.
"What are you doing?!" Serena shouted as he bound her arms with rope. "Are you mad?! You'll be executed for thi-UGH!"
He put a weird device in her mouth. It was a rubber ball on a strap. The strap secured, he turned her over and pulled out his knife.
"What am I doing?" he repeated the question with a laugh as he pulled out his knife. "Any damn thing I want!"
With that he proceeded to cut Serena's dress with a slash. He saw her bra and ripped it off, revealing her plump breasts. As she screamed and kicked, he tore her dress and undergarment to shreds until she was completely naked. She sobbed as and tried to roll over. He pushed back her over and slapped her.
"Hold still," he growled. He studied her. "No wonder the queen wants you dead."
Serena gasped. She knew her stepmother didn't like her, but to murder her?
"She's jealous of your beauty. And doesn't want you to take the throne. I can certainly see the beauty part. You've really blossomed. You would've grown into a stunning creature."
He reached out to take her breasts in his hand and start groping them as she groaned.
"Oh yes. So soft and plump. They almost look like vanilla ice cream with pink cherries on top."
Serena yelped as he took on into his mouth to lick, suck and nip while squeezing her breast. The nipple of her other tit was pressed, poked and pinched. She squirmed and shouted at this bizarre sensation.
"Not bad," he commented. "Not bad at all..." He cradled her face. "You know, it's a shame I have to kill you. You are a lovely creature. At least you will die a real woman."
"NUUGGHHH!!" Serena wailed as she realized what he meant.
"In fact, I've never met a virgin before. I think I'll see what it's like before I pop you."
He moved down her legs and held them apart. "Well, it's certainly a cute quim, I'll say that." He sniffed it. "Certainly smells different." Serena howled as he stuck a finger in her. "It's so tight! And smooth as silk! I guess this thing must be a hymen."
"MRAAAUGH!" Serena screamed as he pressed against it.
"Calm down, I won't rip it just yet. First I wanna see if it taste different."
He started to lick her. She shook her head and moaned as his tongue went up and down between her nether lips and into her.
"Mmmm...this IS tasty!" he told her. "I've been with a lot of women in my life, but they never tasted as good down here as this. It's unlike anything I've ever had!"
He used his fingers and tongue to drive her crazy. Her body tensed up and heated up like never before. She felt like she would explode!
The climax rocked her body to its core, then she went limp, silently crying tears of fear and humiliation. Cobb licked his lips as he stood. He studied his captive intently, then knelt down to sit her up. He held her pale, tear streaked face in hands.
"Do you want to live?"
She just looked back at him in confusion.
"Do you want to live?!" he repeated more forcefully.
This time she nodded as best as she could.
"A great many men would pay to have a beautiful virgin as their pleasure slave. So I'm going to spare your life and sell you."
Serena sobbed through her gag.
"You can either live a slave or die right here. Which is it?"
"Slagh" the gagged beauty moaned piteously.
"SLAGH!" she repeated.
"Good. Now for some training."
He stood her up, tied her ankles, then took off his belt. "Bend over," he told her
Serena shook her head. "NUGH, PLEEF! UGHL BGH GUH!"
"I don't doubt that. But all slaves should learn to fear the lash. Now bend over hold perfectly still. Try to get away and I'll tie you to a tree and hit you harder."
Serena closed her eyes, did as she was told, and braced herself as he pulled his arm back. She gave a muffled scream as the belt came down to hit her ass with a loud whack. Three more strikes made her yell and cry, but she stayed still.
"That's enough. No point making that beautiful white skin more bruised than necessary. No straighten up and stay still."
She did. The belt hit her back, upper legs, stomach and breasts, the red stripes stranding out against the white of her skin. She shook and whimpered, giving the captain a wide-eyed, pleading look.
"Do you understand?"
She nodded, shouted "YEGH!"
"Good. Be a good slave and maybe your owner won't have to that very often. And just hope he isn't a sadist. Now for one more thing..."
Holding her by her hair, he pulled her to a fallen log. He dropped his pants and sat down. She gasped at the sight of his swollen penis, purple-headed and twitching. He made her kneel before him. He took her head in his hand again.
"I'm going to take this gag out. One word, and it goes right back in and I get relief by fucking you in the anus. Understand?"
She nodded. He took the gag out and told her to open wide. She opened her mouth and he put his hands on her head shove his cock into her mouth. It had an odd taste and pungent odor.
"Suck on it," he told her. "And use your tongue."
He hit gave her a back handed slap on the head.
"Use your tongue like you mean it, slave!" he snapped. "And put some more work into using your lips."
She moaned as she did as she was told. Drool trickling between her lips to rundown her chin and her jaw and lips soon ached. She felt slightly lightheaded having to breathe through nose. He put his hands on her head.
"I'm going to come in that pretty mouth," he told her with a grunt. "Get ready!"
He mouth fucked her, chocking her as she tried desperately to match his rhythm, until his seed spill into her mouth. The gooey substance filled her throat, mouth and cheeks. Terrified she'd choke, she pulled away from the penis to spit it out and cough.
"You were supposed to swallow," Cob told her with a disapproving frown.
"I'm sorry!" Serena told him fearfully. "I didn't know! I promise next time I'll-MPPH!"
He crammed the back into her mouth and fastened the strap. "You better. I won't punish you because I didn't give the order. Besides, your master can further train you himself. Now let's go."
He stood her up again. He picked up the tatters that had been her clothes. He used a big piece to cover her head.
"No sense letting someone recognize you."
He got some more rope to tie harness around her chest to make her breast stick and bulge more and tied a long cord around her neck. He mounted the horse.
"Move slave," he ordered Serena with a tug as they started off.
As she stumbled to walk behind the horse, the former princess wept silently as she wondered what would happen to her.
Chapter 2: The First Night (added: 2013/03/31)
Serena didn't know how long they rode. They'd walk until they'd meet someone, then Captain Cobb would talk to the whoever they met about selling Serena. The person would rub or fondle the bound girl with the covered head while she moaned. However, the people they met couldn't or wouldn't meet Cobb's price.
"If I'm going to sell you," he told his prisoner, "it's going to be for a lot. A beautiful virgin princess should be worth a king's ransom." He chuckled at his own joke.
And so they walked only stopping for Cobb to talk to potential buyers and one time to eat. Serena had to beg for what food she got and once again sucked her captor off.
"You're getting better," he told her as he wiped her face off and regagged her. "I might have to up your price."
It was early evening when they stopped again and Cobb took Serena off the horse. Serena could hear the wheels of a cart. A big one by the sound of it.
"Hello, gentlemen," Cobb said sweetly. "How would you like to buy this most lovely slave girl?"
There was a pause.
"Any man would want her," a gruff voice said. "But I suppose not many could afford her."
"Such a beauty like this is as valuable and precious as several stones," the captain replied.
There was another pause and Serena could hear movement.
"Will this be enough?" a new voice asked.
She could hear the clinking and clicking sound. She actually heard Cobb give a little gasp.
"This should do."
The cloth that once been part of Serena's dress was pulled from her head. She blinked at the harshness of the light, then saw the large cart pulled by an old mule holding several short men, many of home had long, thick beards. Dwarves.
It was all too much. She'd been humiliated, abused and enslaved-on her birthday no less-and now she was being sold to at least half a dozen dwarves. She swooned. One of the dwarves-a stout red fellow with red hair and beard-caught her before she could hit the ground.
"Seems a bit much for her," he remarked.
"She's a slave," Cobb said as he gazed into a bag of gems. "How she feels doesn't matter."
The dwarf carried his bound prize to the cart and held her up for two more to load into the cart. They were surprisingly careful with her as they hoisted her up and laid her down. A sack was folded into a makeshift pillow and put under her head. Another sack covered her like a quilt. A dwarf with a small blond beard smiled kindly at her.
"Are you thirsty?" he asked in concern.
She was. She merely nodded and he removed the gag to hold a canteen to her lips with one hand while holding her head in the other. She drank gratefully.
"Now you just rest while we ride home," he told her. "Because you're going to be very busy tonight."
She just nodded, resigning herself to her fate. Exhausted and drained, she just closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep.
Captain Cobb watched the cart roll away with a victorious smile. He couldn't have picked a better sale. Not only had they paid for a small fortune in jewels, but seven masters would mean that Serena wouldn't last long. They only think he had to concern himself with was finding a heart for that box the queen gave him. Even that matter resolved itself when he came upon a sleeping pig.
As soon as he arrived he saw Queen Mariel in secret.
"What took so long?" she asked in a whisper. "I was becoming concerned."
"You said take my time," he told her with a grin. "Besides, the disposal isn't something one does quickly if you want to be careful. Especially since I had to do this." He held out the box holding the heart. She opened it some and smiled.
"Well done, my captain. I shall have a special dish tonight. Tell the cook it's a pig's heart or some such."
"And come to my room later to help me interrogate our guest about his companion."
"No need. She'll come to us. We just have to listen for a girl looking for a young man and his horse matching their description."
"Ooh! How clever. Good." Her eyes lit up. "That means I can simply play with him! I haven't had chance to today. I've checked in and could hear him bumping around inside my toy chest and it's made me so horny, but I have royal duties to attend to. I've also been practicing acting surprised at the bitch's disappearance and what the cover story will be."
"Very astute, Majesty."
He turned to go to the kitchens.
"By the way," Mariel asked. "How was she?"
He gave her a bright smile. "Good, your majesty. A most grand experience."
Serena awoke as someone gently shook her. Her eyes came open and she saw a face with a shaggy black beard and big nose. She yelped as she shot back. She tried to jump up, but her arms and legs were bound and feel back in the cart.
"Oh..." she said sadly as she remembered her situation.
"Sorry," the dwarf apologized.
"You always scare the girls, Crow," another dwarf chided.
"It's not you," their slave told Crow. She wanted to say that for moment she forgot her situation, but didn't want to risk getting them angry.
"Don't feel bad," he told her jovially. "I have effect on people."
"Wait here," a gray haired & bearded dwarf a little bigger than the rest told them. He got out of the cart and went into the little house. He came back with a collar and chain. Serena closed her eyes as the collar came at her and snapped onto her neck. Her legs were unbound and the dwarves picked her up to get off the cart. Surprisingly, they all held her firmly and carefully when she had expected to be fondled, groped and pinched all over.
"Now then," the gray haired dwarf said, "I believe the first order of business is to give our prize a good bath at a long day of travel."
Serena thought a bath would be really nice, but was apprehensive at being bound and washed by others. She was led to a large trough with a water pump. While one dwarf filled it, the others got soap, washcloths, sponges, a towel and even a bottle of shampoo.
"Alright," the gray haired dwarf told them. "It won't take all of us to bathe her. In fact, just one would do. But since most of us really want to, three can do it while the rest work on supper. The first three with their hand up can bathe her."
Six hands shot upwards all at once, then a tussle broke out as they started to push each other or hold each other down while still holding an arm up and arguing. The gray dwarf leapt in to break it up.
"All right, all right!" he snapped as he pulled or kicked them apart. "Let try that again..." He looked two a bald dwarf with a braided beard. "Though I'm rather surprised at you, Bradd."
"Who better? I will use a gentle, caring touch and not be inappropriate. Plus, seeing that beautiful white skin covered in dirt and sweat is just too appalling!"
"Fair enough. Who else?"
The dwarf with short blonde hair and beard raised his hand before the others could.
"Okay, Hans. And since I have experience, I'll help too."
The other four groaned.
"No fair, Chief!"
"The rest of us haven't done something like this before!"
"It's been too long for some of us!"
"Bradd doesn't even appreciate what it one bit!"
"I believe I will," the bald dwarf retorted.
"There will be other times to bathe her," their leader said with a scowl "Many. Just think of that.
Now get to the kitchen. We need to eat more then have fun. In fact, we'll need the food for the energy."
Grumbling, the four dwarves left. The chain was taken off the collar and the rope harness was taken off Serena's torso. She sighed in relief, even though she figured it would be on her again. She stepped into the trough, knelt down, closed her eyes, and sat still as they washed her. It was a bizarrely...pleasant experience. As all the other times they'd laid a hand on her, they didn't manhandle her. They washed her carefully and gently--almost lovingly-with soap, cloth and sponge. Even her breasts, ass and cunny were washed in a casual, almost hesitant way. And she appreciated whoever washed her hair. When they were done she was made to get out of the trough to be toweled off. She opened her eyes to see them staring at her in admiration.
"Lovely," she heard Bradd say. "Simply lovely!"
"Beautiful..." Hans said.
The rope was put back on her chest, but not as tight as it had been. They went inside as the others were finishing cooking. The four dwarves stopped everything to stare in awe at their fleshly washed slave.
"She's like an ivory statue..."
"With lips like rubies and hair of ebony..."
Serena blushed. Though she actually felt relieved that they were looking at her in true appreciation instead of leering. Come to think of it, she was actually surprised she was still a virgin by now.
"Now I think it's high time we introduced ourselves," the gray dwarf said.
Her seven masters stood in front of her in a row.
"I," the gray one said, "am Gregar the Gray." He gestured to the red haired one. "This is Russell the Red."
Then where was Crow the Black, Hans the Handsome, Bladd the Bald AKA Bradd the Braided, Burt the Brown, and Walt the White.
"And what we call you, our treasure?"
"Whatever you want, Master," she told them.
They talked it over until Hans suggested, "Snow White because her skin."
The others nodded and said things in agreement. It was the worst name the slave had ever heard, but she had not say in the matter.
"That's a great name," she said with the best smile she could make.
"Excellent!" Gregar declared with a clap. "Some hence forth you will be known as Snow White or
simply Snow. Now let's finish cooking and eat."
Because there weren't enough chairs and they were too small for her anyway, Snow White sat on a cushion. She wanted to ask if her hands could be untied, but didn't want to risk it. Though her masters let her sample everything on the table, spoon and fork feeding her. She had to admit it was good, even if it was different from she was used to at the castle. When the meal was over she looked around quizzically.
"Is it time?" she quietly.
They looked at her in confusion. "Time for what?" Walt asked.
"Aren't we going to...to..." she tensed up and her face turned red.
"Oh, that!" Gregar said. "We intend to sooner or later, but only when you're ready."
"But...I'm a slave..."
"That doesn't mean we're going to rape you. And we are correct in thinking you're a virgin, right?"
She simply nodded.
"You don't even have to worry about Bradders here," Russell gestured to the bald dwarf. "He's gay."
"And Hans is a virgin himself," Crow added.
Snow White stared at her masters, unable to believe her situation. She was bound, naked and collared and yet they were treating her nicely as if she were a guest. She fought back tears.
"Something wrong?" Walt asked in concern.
"I'm sorry," she told them as some tears still streamed down her face. "It's just that...when I was first tied, I-I thought my life would be a living hell of rape and beatings. But...you're all treating me far better than I thought I'd ever be treated."
"That's the very reason we bought you," Gregar told her. "We knew that if we didn't someone would who'd treat you bad."
The bound girl smiled through her tears, "Thank you, Masters. I promise to be a good slave. And...and when you do have sex with me, please be gentle. It'll be my first time..."
"You mean you're a virgin?!" most of the dwarves shouted in surprise.
"Come now," Gregar told his men. "Why do you think she cost so much?"
"We thought it was because she's so beautiful," Russel said with a shrug.
"This I gotta see!" Crow declared.
The next thing Snow White knew, she was on the table with her legs tied calf to thigh for them to point out and spread as six of her masters stared at her womanhood.
"Sorry about this," Burt told her. "But none of us have ever encountered a virgin before."
He reached out and carefully pulled her nether lips apart, making her gasp and shudder.
"Oh wow..." Hans said as he blushed behind his bear.
"It's so tight and smooth," Walt said, impressed.
"And so...pink," Crow added. He leaned forward to sniff it. "Mmmm...such a nice smell..."
The other's smelled her as well, complimenting her scent. It was embarrassing, yet at the same time flattering. Hans was smelling it, then his tongue darted forward to quickly lick it and make her yelp.
"Sorry," the blond dwarf said, blushing. "It's just that it smelled so good I started to wonder how it
might taste."
"Not a bad idea," Russell commented before holding onto Snow White's legs he leaned forward to start licking and sucking her pussy. She started to protest, but a loud moan came forth instead and she threw her head back. The sensation she felt was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before in her life. Her body heated up and a strange moisture started to come from out of her.
"Mmm!" Russell said as he stopped using his mouth. "Tasty! Virgin puss is even better than wine!"
He moved over for one of the others to take his place. A hand touched Snow White's left breast and started to lightly fondle it. Her right breast was groped with a harder grip. One of them rolled a nipple between his thumb and forefinger while the other sucked the other nipple.
"How does it feel, Snow White?" Gregar asked. "Please say that it's good."
"I-I don't know-OHH! I never felt any like th-ISSSS!!"
"Do you want to stop?" Walt asked.
She thought about it. "N-N-No..."
They continued. All six of them got a turn to touch and suck her breasts and "taste her wine" as Crow put it, while others felt of her breasts and licked, sucked and played with her nipples. Then they started sticking their fingers into her and moving them in and out. A fire consumed her from within and its intense heat engulfed her.
"AAaaAAuuUggH!" She wailed as she thrashed in her bonds as she rode the wave of passion. When it was over she went limp, breathing heavily and half asleep.
"Now that was quite a climax!" Gregar said with a laugh. "She should sleep good tonight!" He yawned. "Doesn't sound like such a bad idea."
The others groaned.
"It's late and w e have all the time in the world to play with her. Tell you what? Since we're due for one, we'll take a day off tomorrow to fully enjoy her. Before we take things further we need a bath. And I'm not in the mood. Are any of you?"
They shook they're heads.
"Well, we don't want Snow to service dirty cocks for her first sexual experiences, do we?"
"No..." they said.
"Well then, we'll sleep in tomorrow, start with a good bath, then see just what kind of fun we can have with our most beautiful slave girl."
Snow White's legs were untied only to be retied straight. She was carried upstairs, where she was blindfolded, gagged, and her ears stuffed. Three of the dwarves small beds were put together and she was laid out on them, a pillow under her head. Some of them kissed her cheek. She felt three of them get into bed with her. One put his head on her breasts, another on her stomach and the third on her crotch. She lay there, thinking about what had happened. In less than a day she'd gone from princess to slave. But she was supposed to have been killed. By all rights, she should've been lying in a shallow grave somewhere, but instead she was with a group of men who cared for her. And still a virgin!
She didn't know if it was fate or merely chance, but for now all that mattered was that she was safe and cared for. She would be a good slave and earn her master's kindness and trust. Thinking a prayer and hoping for the best, she drifted off the sleep.
Chapter 3: A Grand Day Off (added: 2013/05/26)
Snow White was gently shaken awake as the blindfold and cloth in her ears were removed. She blinked to adjust to the early morning light, then saw Bradd smiling at her.
"Good morning, Snow," the braided beard dwarf told her. He removed her gag to let her drink some milk. "Do you need to relieve yourself?"
She blushed as she nodded. He untied her legs and he led her by her leash down the stairs and outside. The sound of splashing made her look to see her other six masters, naked and wet as they bathed. She wasn't able to see long enough to evaluate them before they reached the outside. Brad held the door open for her and even closed it when she went in. Grateful she wasn't being watched, she squatted down to pee. She was concerned about what would happen when she needed to relieve herself the other way, but they'd just have to cross that bridge when they got there. She told Brad when she was done and he gently wiped her clean.
He led her back to the house and sat her down on the cushion. A delicious aroma filled the air as he cooked breakfast. He just finished when the other dwarves came in, their hair and beards still a little wet. As with the previous night, they fed her. When they were down Gregar remarked, "Well, best get started." He disrobed and took a seat in front of her.
Snow White was actually surprised at how muscular he was. If he'd been a normal man, he would've been downright buff! His manhood was already stiff with anticipation. It was actually a good size and well proportioned. Again Snow wondered what he'd be like a regular man. He was probably large by dwarf standards!
"For starters," he told his pretty slave, "you are going to learn to properly perform fellatio. I imagine the man who had you before made you suck him off, but it wasn't as good for you as it was for him."
She simply shook her head with a frown.
He reached out to cradle her cheek. "Good cock sucking should be enjoyed by both people involved. That's just as important making good use of your tongue. You also need to know how to use your hands."
With that he untied the ropes that had bound them since she was first tied. She rubbed them to let circulation return to normal and get out the stiffness. She reached out to take Gregar's dick in her hand, which was shaking.
"Don't be nervous," Gregar told her kindly. "Calm down and just get a firm grip on it like you would any tool. Not too hard though."
Snow took a few breaths to calm down, then put her fingers around the penis in her hand.
"Is this right?" she asked, looking up at her grey bearded master questioningly.
He smiled at the sweet look she gave him. "A little harder...okay, not that hard...that's it. Now move your hand back and forth while holding it."
She did. It was an odd sensation, pumping the erection in her hand. Neither painful nor pleasant. Just...strange. She hoped she might learn to like the feel of flesh & muscle. It was certainly interesting!
Gregar sighed. "Oh yes...that's it...aaaahhh...Now cup my testicles in your other hand."
"You mean this thing down here?" she asked as she took his balls in her hands.
"Yes. Now softly flex your fingers to massage it."
Snow did as she was told. This feeling new sensations she kind of like. She like the fleshy feel and the way it swelled up in her palm as she caressed it. After a minute or she asked, "Do I suck it yet?"
"Only when you're ready," he told her with a smile.
She smiled back, grateful. She opened wide and took him in her mouth.
"Hmm, don't close your lips around it so tightly. Give yourself space to breathe and it not feel so odd for me. When you suck, make sure to pace yourself. It'll help with breathing and control drool. And go at a pace you're comfortable with."
She was grateful for the advice. She started, using her lips and tongue in what she thought was a good way.
"Not bad," Gregar told her approvingly. "You still need a little practice, though every male feels differently about how his prick is sucked and licked."
For the next half an hour she used her mouth and hands on his penis. He'd give her tips as she needed them. She liked it a lot more than when Cobb made her do this. Gregar was being nicer to her, tasted & smelled better, and was letting her do it on her own terms. She felt a hand on her head and it started to rub her.
"That's it. That's a good girl. I'm almost ready to ejaculate. You want it in your mouth, on your face or on the floor?"
She took her mouth off him to smile, grateful for his thoughtfulness. "My mouth," she told him.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. She wasn't ready to have semen on her face and didn't like the idea making a mess on the floor. Thus she resumed, Gregar took a firm but gentle grip on her head.
"I'm going to mouth fuck you. Do your best to match my movements so you don't choke."
She nodded as best as she could. His manhood moved back and forth in her mouth as she tried move her lips and tongue to match his rhythm as best as she could. Gregar grunted and groaned as his sperm shot into her mouth. She was surprised it shot into her mouth with a series of pulses. She'd thought all semen tasted the same, but this was completely different from Cobb's. It was tangier...spicy even! It was almost like a hot soup of some kind. And she never imagined a dwarf could produce so much sperm!
When he was done Gregar the Gray slumped in his chair.
"Lick me clean," he told her.
When she'd done that he took his dick from her mouth.
"Did she really take that whole load in her mouth?" Hans asked with some amazement in her
Snow White smiled at the other six dwarves and opened her mouth to show them white, thick substance in her mouth, quickly closing it as some tried to dribble out.
"Our girl is something else!" Crow cheered as they gave her a small applause.
"Would you like a bucket to spit that into?" Walt asked.
She shook her head.
"If you're going to swallow it, do it slowly," Bradd advised her. "Don't try to gulp it all down at once or you'll choke or get sick."
She wished Cobb had shown as much consideration. She swallowed it with a few gulps, then opened her mouth again to show she'd down it all to another applause.
"How was it?" Burt asked.
"Tasty, actually," she replied with a smiled. "I really, really wish that had been my first blow job...Who's next?"
"Slow down there, honey," Bradd told her. "You might wanna take a little break. Sucking a bunch of men off in quick succession isn't as fun as it sounds. Not to mention there are complications and consequences from ingesting too much sperm. I found that out the hard way..."
"Well...it is a little strong now that you mention it. No offense," she told Gregar.
"None taken. I've heard that before. Hell, one time a poor woman threw it up."
Snow White burped, a funny taste in her mouth as something tried to come up. She managed to hold down.
"Case in point," Gregar said with a laugh.
"At least wait a few minutes before servicing someone else," Crow suggested.
"Or at least pleasure them in another way," Walt said. "There are many ways a male and female can pleasure each other." He studied her. "In fact, I have something I'd like to try, if it's all right with you."
She smiled at having someone say "if it's all right with you" to a slave. "What?"
"Well...many people have certain...activities that are of particular interest to them-"
"H'oh boy," Russell remarked.
"-and I have a certain affinity for attractive feet." He gave her a loving expression. "And you have some the prettiest feet I've ever seen!"
"Thank you."
"I don't suppose you've ever heard of a 'foot job' have you?"
Snow shook her head.
"If you'll come to the bedroom with me, I'll gladly teach you."
"Ew," Crow said as they started upstairs.
"Too each his own," Burt to the black haired dwarf.
Snow White and Walt the White went into the bedroom. The white haired & breaded dwarf started to tie her hands behind her.
"Do you have to?" she asked, having only recently had them free.
"I'm afraid so. You won't be needing them for this."
He made her lie on the bed while he sat in front of her, dropping trough. He was already starting to harden.
"Stick out a foot to me."
She did. He took it in her hands and started to rub it.
"Yes...such dainty white feet. So perfect. The arch...the heel...these little toes...Did you know that the sole of the foot is actually one of the most sensitive parts of the body?"
She responded a soft moan the way his thumbs rubbed the place in question. She was a slave getting a foot massage! The moans turned into a yelp as he took her foot into his mouth to suck her toes.
"Mmm...that's the taste of a good foot. And don't worry, it's not very dirty. Though I'd gladly lick it clean regularly."
"Th-Thank you-OOOOHHHH!!"
She squirmed and cooed as he licked and sucked the toes on one foot as he massaged it, then moved on to the other. When he was satisfied he sat her up, his cock as hard as it could get.
"Now here's what I want you to do: start by lightly pressing the bottom of you perfect feet on my dick, then rub it with the top part."
She did as she was told, hesitantly pushing the sole of her foot on his member, then rubbed against with the top part. The feeling of that hardened flash and muscle against her foot of all places was the strangest sensation yet. He gave a contented sigh.
"Ahhh...yes, that's it...I've paid for foot jobs that didn't feel this good..."
She continued, alternating which part of her foot to press or rub him with until her told her to stop.
"Excellent," he told her with a smile. "Now take both feet, put them on either side of my dick and put them together. Curl your toes to get a grip on it."
She did. She never would've guessed she'd be holding a male's thing in her feet...
"Now pump it like you did giving Gregar the hand job," Walt instructed.
She did. It was an odd feeling, but strangely pleasurable. Her white haired & beard master certainly enjoyed it.
"Ah yes! Now THIS is a foot job! Are you sure you haven't done this before?" he asked jokingly.
"I just want to please my masters," she told him with a grateful smile.
She continued. There were times she'd lose her grip and a foot would slip or Walt's dick would slip out of her feet, but he was understanding.
"It's your first time, and foot jobs take quite a bit of skill and practice to master. And this is still one of the best foot jobs I've ever had."
"You're not just saying that?" she asked.
"No. Now move your feet as fast you can-oh yes! Just like that! Brace yourself!"
She did just in time before he ejaculated for his sperm to shot out and cover her stomach and chest.
"Ahh..." he sighed again. "Oh yes. You were the best investment we've ever made."
He gave her a peck on the forehead, then left to return with a bowl of water and wash cloth to clean her off. He'd just finished when there was a knock on the door.
"Yes?" they both asked.
Hans stuck his head in with a nervous expression on his face. "C-Can I do something with her?" he asked meekly.
Snow White smiled. "Sure!"
Walt left while Hans came in, leaving the bowl and wash cloth. Hans started by removing the rope from both Snow's arms and chest. It felt good to have no rope on her.
"What can I do for you, Master?" she asked with a smile. "Are we to deflower each other?"
He actually blushed behind his beard. "M-M-Maybe later. Right now I really, really want to try something I've always wanted to."
He gave her a pleading look. "Please, Snow, could I...Could I...Could I..." He started to shake.
"If you're too nervous-" she reached out to take his hand. He jumped at the feel of it.
"Could I please, please titty-fuck you?!" he blurted.
She smiled at him. "I guess so. How does it work?"
He had her kneel beside a bed while her sat in it after disrobing. His dick was already hard and twitching, as if it were as nervous as him.
"Now lean forward," he instructed her, "to where my dick's in your cleavage, then put a hand on each one and press them together."
She did and they both gasped at the feeling of his hard, long penis between her soft, round breasts. It was a most unusual sensation.
"N-N-N-Now m-m-move t-them u-u-up and d-d-down," said a shaking Hans.
She did, the feel of his shaft in her cleavage as it moved unlike anything she'd ever experience.
He started to thrust back and forth between her breasts to match her movements. She was starting to enjoy this feeling, and was also happy at how Hans was enjoying it. After several minutes an idea came to her. She stuck her tongue and leaned her head forward to lick his "little head". He howled as he moved her tongue on it. Semen came flying out of him to splatter on her face. It hit so hard it even hurt. When the orgasm was over her face and chest was covered with white goo. Some was even in her hair.
Hans gave her an apologetic look as he lay on the bed, limp and trying to catch his breath.
"S-S-S-Sorry," he gasped.
"It's okay," she told him. "We just got carried away. I like to think this means I did a great job."
She washed herself off, then got into bed hold her blonde master as if he were a big doll. They stayed there for a while until someone knocked.
"Yes?" Snow White asked.
"Before we start on lunch, Burt has a quick game he'd like to play."
"Coming," she said as she got up, leaving the half-alseep Hans in a stupor.
She gathered up the rope and took it with her, knowing she might be tied again. Indeed she was. She was once again tied to the table with her arms straight above her and legs spread, her body like an inverted Y. She was also blindfolded, which made her a nervous.
"Umm, what are we doing?" she asked, trying to sound as casual as she could.
"It's a surprise," Burt replied jovially.
At first nothing happened. Then she felt something at the bottom of her foot. It was pointed, thin, and she could feel a number of fibers or hairs. It started to move and a tickling sensation went through her foot. A shout of surprise started to rise from her throat, but it came out as a laugh. She felt fingertips on the sole of her other foot and they started lightly moves back and forth.
"What a lovely sound!" Russell said approvingly.
"Anyone who wants to join in can!" Burt announced. "I bought some more feathers!"
The next thing Snow knew, she was assaulted by feathers and fingers on her sides, arm pits, navel, inner thigh and occasionally her nipples. She thrashed in her bounds as she her entire body tingled and tears started to soak into the blindfold and some drool ran out of a corner of her mouth.
"STA-AHAHA-AHP!" she pleaded at feeling a different sensation in her bladder. "HAHA-I'M GO-AHAHA-GONNA PEEEE-EHEEHEEHEE!!"
"Ooh!" Crow's voice said. There was a pause before he said. "Go ahead, dear. I got a jar."
Unable to hold it, Snow just let it gush out of her even as she laughed. The feeling of humiliation was overridden by the relief she felt, especially when the dwarf who'd been at her feet went back to work after getting out of the way.
They continued to tickle her most sensitive areas until her pleas were mixed with gasps and grunts that signaled she was running out of breath and they stopped. She was untied, her vulva wiped clean, and she was given something to drink. She was gently placed on the floor and her cushion put under her head.
"Sorry about that," Burt told her sheepishly. "We got carried away. Though for what it's worth, we really liked the sound of your laughter."
She just smiled and said "okay", too tired to say anything else.
"You just rest, dear," Bread told her. "We'll get you for lunch."
She just nodded and closed her eyes.
It had been almost three days since Lenora had last seen Jonathon or his horse, Cloud, and she was getting increasingly worried. She knew his adventurous streak could get him in trouble, but they should've met up with each other by now. At the very least she should've been able to find Cloud by now. The horse would've even sought her out. Something was wrong...
She noticed a burly man in a royal guard uniform approach her.
"Excuse me, Miss?" he asked her. "I'm Captain Cobb of the Royal Guard. I hear you're looking for a young man and his horse?"
She sighed in relief. "Yes. Please tell me you know something."
Cobb nodded. "We have him at the castle. He was caught trespassing and flirting with our princess."
Lenora sighed in frustration. "He's always doing things like this! I've had to help him out of trouble ever since we were kids!"
"You've known him that long?"
She nodded.
"So I guess you can help back up his claim that's he's a prince?"
She nodded. "He likes to pretend not to be to have little escapades like this. His father thinks that it's a good way for him to learn about the world and I travel with him to help him. If it weren't for me he would've been locked up a lot more often. I even have the royal crest with me for emergencies."
"Hmm, a servant girl traveling with a prince who is also her childhood friend. Sound romantic."
Lenora tried to keep herself from blushing. It was true she had feelings for Jonathon, but he saw her as a dear friend who was almost like his sister. The fact she was rather unattractive didn't help.
Cobb took her to the castle. Sure enough, Cloud was in the stables. He acted quite excited to see her, but Cobb wouldn't let her go to him. They went into the Queen's chambers. Lenora felt almost ashamed to be the same room with such a beautiful woman.
"Welcome back, captain," the Queen said with a smile. She looked Lenora over. "So this is young lady our would-be prince was talking about. I must say, she's hardly what I expected. I would've thought he'd have someone much more attractive."
Lenora tried to ignore her shock at the queen's almost hurtful bluntness. She pulled out the royal crest.
"It's true, Your Majesty. Here's his royal crest. I apologize for whatever he may have done."
She heard a thumping sound from nearby. The Queen spoke before she could ask what is was.
"No harm was done. In fact, he's been most amusing."
With that she opened a large, ornate trunk. A muffled shout could be heard as she pulled out a young man, bound, gagged and naked. Lenora's eyes widened as she recognized him.
"LERRNURGH!!" he shouted though his gag. "RUGHN!!"
Cobb wrapped an arm around Lenora's body while putting hand on her mouth. The next thing she knew, her clothes were ripped off her body and she was bound and gagged. Tears of fear and humiliation ran down her face as the Queen stared at her in disgust.
"Eww," she said. "Limp hair, skinny, a plain face and flat chest. She even has a bush of pubic hair!" She glared at Jonathon. "The way you talked to Serena tells me you have tastes, so why travel with this homely waif? Do you just need a hole to fuck or did your father send her with you because he knew you wouldn't even think of touching her?"
Jonathon protested though his gag as he struggled. He'd always spoken up on Lenora's behalf and it moved her that he was trying even now.
"Should I just kill her?" Cobb asked, making both captives wail. "Not much we can do with an ugly little bitch like her."
The Queen opened her mouth to reply, then closed it as something came to her.
"A little bitch..." She put a hand to her chin. "...Hmmm...it'll take a lot of work, but it would be very interesting." She thought about it some more before smiling wickedly. She walked up to bound girl and put a hand on her cheek. Lenora went still, her plain face turning pale.
"You will live. At least for a while. I have a most interesting experiment I've been wanting to try out and you're perfect for it. Prepare yourself for a most fascinating career change..."
Lenora cried while Jonathon flailed about, screaming through his gag.
Chapter 4: A Grand Day Off (added: 2013/11/29)
Snow White sat on her cushion, eating with her hands bound in front of her. It wasn't the same as eating untied, but it was still a step up from her masters' spoon and fork feeding her. It was nice to have SOME independence.
"What's next?" she asked when lunch was over.
"Desert!" Burt answered slyly.
She was once again tied to the table spread eagle, as well as gagged. She saw the pots and bottles her masters were getting and braced herself. But the feeling of honey and syrup being hitting her skin was unlike anything she could've ever imagined.
This was followed by a louder muffled shout as the dwarves licked the honey off her. Every part of
her body was licked clean. Stomach, legs, breasts, nipples, toes and wherever else their mouths could go. She started to get wet and they turned their attention to her vulva.
"Good!" Crow cheered. "She'd providing the best syrup of all!"
With that one would lick and suck her pussy while the others used their mouths everywhere else. The sensation of it all was too much for her and she soon climaxed with a muffled wail.
"Oh dear," Walt chided her. "You weren't supposed to do that without permission."
"At least we all got a taste," Hans reminded him.
"Ugh surgh..." Snow White told her masters with a look of wide-eyed remorse, nervous about punishment.
"Since you've been such a good girl and this is your first offense," Gregar told her, "you won't be punished. But next time you won't be so lucky."
"Thak oogh," she said gratefully.
"Tell you what?" Russel offered. "Since we gave you an orgasm, how about you give us some?"
With that she untied, ungagged and made to kneel on the floor servicing three short masters at a time, a cock in each hand and one in her mouth. Strangely, she felt now shame or humiliation. In fact, her situation gave a slight surge of excitement. When she was done she was covered in semen, though she'd swallowed what she could.
"Oh dear," sighed Bradd, who'd been watching from the sidelines as he cleaned the table and washed the plates. "Now she'll need an early bath."
He took her outside and gave her one.
"You know I'm just going to get dirty again," she remarked as he gently scrubbed her.
"Then we'll just have to bathe you again. I'm not going to look at beautiful creature covered in goo for a long period of time."
She hesitated before smiling. "Thank, Master Bradd."
"You're more than welcome."
After he'd finished drying her off they went back inside. The other six dwarves were lounging, clearly in a stupor from their orgasms.
"Now what?" the former princess asked.
"Now we take a nice break," Burt replied with a sigh. "I think we should've waited before making you service us. Now we're going to have to recuperate before one of us can try something."
For moment Snow White wondered if this meant she could take a break when Bradd spoke up.
"Actually...there's something I want to try."
"You mean you want try having sex with a woman?!" Hans blurted out.
"Might be hope for him yet," Russel commented.
"It's-complicated," the braided-beard dwarf told his comrades as he took Snow White's hand.
He took her to the bedroom, tied her hands behind her back, left, then came back with a small box. He opened it to reveal what looked like a pink cookie.
"What are those?" Snow White asked.
"A little something I got from a witch. She made a convincing, compelling case for what they could do and now it's high time I tried them. And before you ask what they do...well, I think you'll just have to see for yourself."
Snow opened her mouth to let him put it in. She bit down on the sweet and chewed. It had an odd taste. Not bad, but hardly delicious.
"Well?" Bradd asked after a pause. "Feel anything?"
Snow White shook her head. "No. I'm sorry, Master, but I think you were ripped-AAAUUUGGHHFFF!!"
She felt a bizarre sensation in her pelvis. She looked down to see her clit was becoming longer, wider, and harder. It kept growing and growing until it stop. It was stiff, twitching and felt like it was full of something. She was now a girl with a penis...one that was ready to go at that!
She looked at Bradd, her eyes wide and her face whiter than usual. She was too stunned to speak and just looked at him helplessly.
"Don't be upset," he told reassuringly. "It's supposed to wear off in a few hours. Or until after you've ejaculated. You see, those magic cookies are supposed to give women a penis for 'something different', as the witch said. And I must say, this IS different. I doubt this will make me into girls, but one with a penis sounded like something to try. Especially a fine specimen such as yours."
He reached out and put his hand around it, making his slave gasp.
"That didn't hurt did it?" he asked her
"No, Master, it just feels funny."
"I imagine..." he tightened his grip and started moving his hand up and down, making Snow give a deep moan. "If you're going to be noisy..." he said before gagging her.
She was actually grateful for the gag, which allowed her to groan and grunt as Bradd "pumped" her. She squirmed just as much her bonds would let her. It was unlike ANYTHING she ever even thought she'd experience. It was too much! It felt like her penis was going to explode!
"Cn ugh cugm?!" she begged. "
"Can you cum?"
She nodded. "PLEEGH!"
Bradd shook his head. "Sorry, but I need you to hold it just a little longer while I see how this taste." With that he put his mouth around her penis and started to lick it, making Snow squeal through the gag. He sucked and licked it with great skill as Snow White thrashed about, arching her back and kicking. Her pretty white face soon dripped with sweat and tears. Kept looking at him pleadingly, but the look he gave her back told her 'no'. She thought she was going to melt when she finally heard 'Now'. Her body went rigid and her muscles strained as something shot through of the penis with a series of powerful pulses. When it over she slumps in her bonds limp as a ragdoll and barely conscious. She wondered how boys and men were able orgasm like that without fainting every time.
Bradd had taken the load into his mouth, and his cheeks were stuffed like a rodent with a lot of food in its mouth. He swallowed it slowly, then tilted his head as he smacked his lips.
"MMMM! Most tasty. That has to be the best semen I've ever had! Though magic was involved, so that might be cheating..."
He briefly left and came back to ungag Snow and give her something to drink.
"So, how was it?" he asked her.
"It was...was...oh god, I have no idea how to describe it in words!"
"I guess that is saying something. It didn't hurt did it? The way you struggled and the noise you made was concerning."
Snow thought about it for a minute. "A little-actually, it hurt a lot near the end. No wonder guys groan and grunt so loudly."
"Actually, we do it out of pleasure more than pain. Though it depends on how it's done. I've had a few ejaculations that could've gone better."
He untied her. "Now you just lay there and rest up. I'm sure you'll need your energy later. Plus, it'll give your time to go back to normal. Looks you're on your way already!"
Snow looked to see that the penis was already half the size it had been and she wasn't feeling it as much either. She wanted to give a sigh of relief, but held it.
"So, Master Bradd?" she asked, "Will you want to do that again some time?"
"Maybe," he replied in an uncertain tone. "Though it might be a good while. That certainly didn't 'cure' me, but if I had do something with a female I'm glad it could be with a pretty thing like you."
He gave her a kiss on the forehead and left her to rest. She curled up, feeling sleepy, but sated...
Olaf the Royal Kennel Keeper was not a good looking man. He was large and bald with a big, squashed nose and bad teeth. But deep down, he was a good man. His compassion and understanding towards animals made it clear. It was why the King had put him in charge of the kennels and did his job well. The royal family had always been kind to him. Queen Mariel, however, liked the dogs more than him. There was a rumor that if it hadn't been for his skill in breeding and training, she would've found an excuse to have him executed.
So it was very surprising when she came to the kennels with a smile on her beautiful face.
"What can I do for you, Your Majesty?" he asked, trying to sound pleased to see her.
"Olaf," she told him, "you are the most hideous man I've ever seen. However, you skills with the dogs are without equal."
"Thank you, Majesty," he replied, trying to control his feelings. "I merely want to do my part to serve the kingdom."
"Very good. I have both a gift and a job for you."
"Really?" he asked, taken aback she could give him a gift.
She smiled and tugged the leash in her hand. It was then he noticed it. With moan, a collared figure crawled forward. It was a young woman, slender and flat-chested. She was naked, masked, and gagged. Her hair had been tied into short pigtails meant to mimic dog ears, with big ribbons. Her hands had been encased in thick, fingerless mittens. Cuffs on her wrists made sure she couldn't get them off. Her legs had been wrapped up in gauze, forcing her to walk on her knees. A limber stick had been forced in her anus to act as a tail and her nipples had rings with bells on them. Olaf felt a strange mix of disgust, shock, and...attraction...
"What do you think?" Mariel asked. "She's been a bad girl. A bitch, if you will. So a bitch she will be!"
"Um, what did she do?"
"Does it matter?"
Olaf knew that was a signal to stop asking. "I suppose not. Does this mean you want me to train her?"
Mariel nodded. "Before I met the King, I stayed in a foreign land where some women were used as pets, collared, on all fours and wearing whatever their masters let them. It was quite fascinating and I want to try it. I want her to act like a good puppy. She will do tricks, so as I say, and sometimes be fucked by dogs. I'd like to see that. Why, I remember hearing people in that land speak of women birthing puppies! That I have to see!"
The girl shivered and fresh tears and drool ran down her face.
"And you may use her to, of course!" Mariel continued. "I imagine you'd like that. She makes an ugly woman, but a cute doggy! All I ask is that you train her to be perfectly obedient! I want her to obey the slightest commands without a moment's hesitation. If she doesn't do anything immediately, punish her. Also, make she no longer talks. The only things I want to hear coming from that mouth are barks and whimpers. I don't even want her to growl!" She looked at Olaf questioningly. "Do you think you can do that?"
"Uh-Of course, Majesty! I've trained many a dog to perform perfectly. It'll just be...different to teach a woman-"
"-to be a dog. It'll take some work, but I think I can manage."
"Excellent! I believe I'll let you get started," she said with a wink. "I'll be back in a few days to see how it's going." She handed Olaf the leash and left.
When she was gone the young woman broke down into muffled sobs, throwing herself to the ground and convulsing. Olaf vowed he would be gentle with her. Her life was over, but that didn't mean she had to suffer anymore than she'd have to. Truly the Queen was even more crueler and perverted than he thought.
He got a washcloth and leaned down beside her. He touched put a hand on her shoulder and she curled up as much as her bonds would let her, shaking and whimpering.
"Hey, hey," he told her soothingly as he cradled her face and washed it and the mask. "Don't be that way. I'm truly sorry you ended up here. I promise to make this as easy on you as I can. The Queen will hurt, humiliate and even dehumanize you, but I'll take good care of you. I'll make the training as painless as possible and take good care of you when the Queen isn't using you. She's hurt a lot of my dogs, so I'm use to fixing them."
The woman calmed down as he washed her face and rubbed her head. She looked at him with big, pleading eyes. Puppy dog eyes...
"Are you thirsty?"
She nodded.
"I'm going remove the gag and you're going to drink. One word and I'll have to hurt you. Understand?"
She nodded.
He removed the gag and put a bowl of water before her. She lapped it up. When she had her fill he approached her to regag her. But...
"I have a question. Answer quietly...what's your name?"
"L-L-Lenora, Sir."
"Hmmm...that's a pretty name. I think I'll let you keep it."
"Thank you, Sir..."
"Don't be sad. I'll take the best care of you I can."
"I-It's not that. I don't care what happens to me. It's my friend, Jonathon."
Olaf should've gagged her there and then, but he was intrigued.
"What's happened to him?"
"The Queen has him tied up in a box. I just know she's doing horrible things to him." She looked up at Olaf pleadingly. "Please. I don't care what happens to me, I just want Jonathon to be okay...if-if you help him, I'll be the best dog I can be!"
He stared at her in surprise.
"Please, I promise I'll be good. I'll do whatever you want me to without hesitation or complaint. I'll let you do whatever you want to me. I-I'll even have sex with as many dogs as you want me to. Just please, please help him!"
Olaf couldn't believe this. This woman was willing to let herself be treated like a dog just so long as her friend was helped. Something stirred in him.
"I'll help him."
A spark of hope appeared in Lenora's eyes. "Really?" she gasped. "Do you mean it?"
He nodded. "I don't know when, but I'll help your friend escape."
She smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you. Thank you so much--Master. I promise to be a good doggie...would you like to have sex with me now?"
Olaf thought about it. No woman had ever offered herself to him and it was so tempting, but...
"No. Not yet. When you're truly ready."
He saw the relief on her face, and her smile grew, as did the warm feeling inside him. "Thank, Master. But whatever you want, I'll do it..."
He thought about. "How would Puppy like to play with a bone?"
"If that's what Master wants..."
He dropped trou to reveal his manhood. Her eyes widened and her face reddened.
"Oh wow! Master is...so...so...big..."
He could see the desire in her eyes mixed with the surprise. As she sucked and licked him while he instructed her and rubbed her head, Olaf vowed that he would indeed help this poor girl and her friend. She would indeed make an excellent dog and if helping another is what she needed to find peace, so be it. Besides, such self-sacrifice and love deserved to be rewarded.
Feeling rested and her body back to normal, Snow White got up and went downstairs, trying to think of whose turn it was to pleasure. It was Crow who stepped up, but his request was simple. He just wanted to watch her. He was into what some people called "Voyeurism". He would get pleasure simply from watching her pleasure herself. Snow felt relived at such a straight forward request, though it felt a little embarrassing.
"Tell me," he asked. "Have you ever masturbated before?"
"A few times," she admitted. She may've been a princess, but she wasn't so sheltered she didn't feel the urge all girls feel at a certain age. She hadn't done it very often, but enough times to get relief.
"Good. Then I guess you know what to do."
She sat down on the floor in front of him and spread her legs. She started to rub herself down there with one hand while the other hand cupped a breast. On previous occasions she'd done this, it was just to "scratch an itch", as she'd overheard servants put it. But this time she tried to think about something in order to give a better "performance". That's when she saw it. The most handsome face she'd ever seen. Jonathon...
It felt strange to think about him. She'd only encountered him briefly, but it left a strong impression. She'd never see him again. Chances were that Mariel had him executed. But that didn't stop her from picturing him clearly as if he were there. She imagined it was his hands fondling her and his fingers entering her. She imagined him caressing her, kissing her...and making love to her. She could even hear his voice perfectly telling her sweet words. It felt so...real! The dwarf watching her and her situation were completely forgotten as she lost herself in this fantasy until she climaxed. Bizarrely, it was on the best orgasms she'd ever had. Not as powerful as some she'd experienced, but it just felt better for some reason.
She held up her hand, looking at the fluids covering her fingers.
"Here, let me get that for you."
She almost jumped, having forgotten that Crow was there. He walked over to her, took her hand in his, and licked it clean.
"Hmm, very tasty. I might have to make you do this more often to clean your hand off as well as watch a good show. That was one of the best masturbations shows I've ever seen."
"You're welcome, Master."
"That was more than just a slave obeying her master. That was a spirited performance. Just what were you thinking about?"
"...It was something from my old life. I really don't want to talk about it just yet."
"Ah. Fair enough."
After a short break it was Russel's turn. He made her get on all fours, tied her hands together and tied her ankles to a broom to keep her legs spread. He even went ahead and gagged her tightly. Was this...IT?
"Just so you know," he told her, "I'm not going to deflower you. We're going to keep you a virgin as long as possible or until one of us just can't stand it anymore."
She was a little glad to hear that.
"However, there is another place a man can enter a woman's body...besides the mouth, that is."
She tilted her head in curiosity. That's when it hit her. She swallowed nervously.
"This may feel funny. In fact, it'll hurt. But I like a little anal sex every now and then. Especially when the ass is as perfect as yours!"
With that he started to rub and fondle her butt. She moaned through her gag as he caressed her "cheeks" and patted them. After a few minutes to let her get into it, he stuck a finger her into anus and carefully worked it in and out in a rhythm. This made her yelp, followed by muffled grunts and groans.
"Sorry, but it's best we stretch you out a little or it'll really hurt."
After a using his finger on her some, he used another...then another. She knew he was just trying to prepare her for the real thing, but that didn't stop Snow from shaking and flinching while moaning loudly through her gag. She squawked when Rusell licked it.
"Just trying to add some lubrication," he explained. "And you DO have a nice tasting hole."
He licked it a few more times before getting in the position. Snow braced herself and closed her eyes, but that didn't stop the pain as Russel came into her with a thrust.
"Sorry dear, but doing this way it's over faster." With that he started fuck her in earnest.
Snow knew he didn't mean to hurt her, but it did. She balled her hands into fists, bit down on the gag and held the shouts in her throat as best as she could while fighting back the tears, though they still ran down her face. She prayed it would end soon. He pulled out to ejaculate and it splattered on her back. With a grunt she collapsed, limp as a ragdoll, sore assed, and tears streaming down her face. Russel untied her and wiped her tears away.
"I'm sorry, Snow," he told her. "But-"
"I-It's okay, Master," she told him with a sniffle. "Y-You don't have to ah-apologize. I'm a slave. My body is yours to with as you see fit." She forced herself to smile. "And next time it won't hurt as much."
He patted her head. "There's a good girl." He kissed her on the forehead. "Now you just take a good rest."
When he was gone, Snow regagged herself and curled up to finish crying. When she was done she removed the gag and let her mind wander until it went blank.
Queen Mariel watched herself in the large mirror as she fucked her prisoner rough and hard. She turned herself on, her breast bouncing as she moved her hips and her body glistening with sweat. Jonathon was also a lovely sight as the light shined off his sweat covered skin and involuntary tears of pain and exhaustion ran down his handsome gagged face and welts decorated his body like red stripes. As the flame of orgasm arose within her, Mariel asked a question it had been far too long she'd last asked.
"Princess Serena," her reflection replied calmly.
The heat of passion went out, replaced by an arctic wind. The orgasm just happened suddenly and out of shock with NO pleasure in it.
When she was done she got off Jonathon.
"What do you mean she's still more beautiful than me?! She's dead!"
Her reflection shook its head.
"She lives yet. She is now known as Snow White, the slave to seven dwarves in cottage about a day or so away."
Mariel's skin turned red and she shook with anger. "Cobb..." How dare he disobey her?! When she gave an order she wanted it carried out! She hastily cleaned herself up and got dressed.
"GAURDS!" she shouted as she left her room. Cobb would learn the price of failure...
Jonathon, his cock still hard and aching, tried to catch his breath. He closed his eyes and relaxed. He'd need his strength later. He was going to try harder than ever to escape. Lenora needed him. And Princess Serena was still alive...
Chapter 5: Retribution (added: 2014/04/09)
Queen Mariel watched as Ex-captain Cobb struggled in his bonds. His naked body glistened from the sweat. As per her instructions, the guards had immediately captured him, taken him to the dungeon, stripped him, and bound him face down on a sawhorse, blindfolding and gagging him. It had been several hours and by now he had to be anxious. He threw his head around and pulled against the ropes binding his arms and legs to the legs of the sawhorse, shouting through his gag. He clearly had no idea why this was happening and was panicking.
Mariel selected some of the implements on the wall and selected a multi-stranded cat-o-nine tails. She took aim at Cobb's shaking ass and raised her arm.
One, two, three, four more lashes striped his backside with a muffled scream. She also hit his upper legs, thighs, and back. She could actually hear the ropes and wood creaking as he struggled with all his might. She put a hand on his chest and he went rigid. She reached a nipple and giving it a good, hard twist.
She gave slapped his face as hard as she could.
"Do you know why this is happening, dear captain?"
He shook his head, blubbering
"Are you sure?"
There a pause before he nodded with a muffled sob.
"You, more than anyone else, should know that when I give an order, I want it done exactly as I say..."
She removed the gag.
"Please, Majesty!" He whimpered. "I-I thought it's what you'd want. I thought that her having seven masters-filthy dwarves no less--would be perfect. I even got you some gemstones as a gift-I was just waiting for the right time to give them to you. By now she's probably used up or has a belly full of dwarf babies!"
"No. I want her dead. Not suffering. Not miserable. Not abused. I want her dead and rotting as soon as possible."
"Please, Majesty, give me another chance! After all I've done for you, isn't that worth it?"
Even though he couldn't see it, she nodded. "Of course. You have always served me faithfully. You've earned a chance at redemption. I'll learn the fastest route and tell it to you. And this time, I want her head as proof. We'll say that she was plotting against me and her head will be used an example." She chuckled. "I quite like the sound of that. You'll have a few days. That should be enough time."
"Thank you, your Majesty! I promise she's dead this time!"
"I should hope so. Because if you fail, I'll have little choice but to make you the scapegoat for her disappearance. I'll put a very high some on your head...dead. You won't be able to go anywhere civilized for the rest of your life. Understand?"
Cobb gulped. "Y-Y-Yes, Your Majesty."
"Good. I'll release you later." She put the gag back on his mouth. "I'm going to leave you here a while to think about what a bad boy you've been. Feel the sting of your welts and remember that it could've been avoided if you'd simply done what I'd ask in the first place...and this."
She put clothespins on his nipples and a plug in his anus. She gave his ass one last good hard swat before leaving her former main henchmen to moan in darkness.
Snow White felt the early morning sun on her skin. She sat up, naked under the bed sheet. She let it fall off. She had no longer had any pretensions of modesty. She had no bounds or restraints, just her pretty collar. Upon seeing no one was around, she realized her masters had let her sleep. She couldn't believe she'd slept so long and so hard. Apparently, her masters hadn't minded or they would've woke her up and punished her. She smiled at the realization she was a very, very lucky slave.
She went downstairs to find them cooking breakfast.
"Good morning, Snow!" Bradd greeted her. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. I very sorry I-"
"Don't feel bad," Gregar told her. "To service so many masters in one day while going though completely new experiences must've been quite tiring for a new slave."
"And I might've gotten carried away..." Russel added sheepishly.
"I live to please my masters," she told them, though she was very happy and grateful they were so understood. "Whatever you want, I'll do without question or hesitation."
"Good," Crow told her. "Because we have doozy for you this morning!"
She was bound with her arms behind her back and made to drink a white thick potion. She wanted to ask what it would do, but was a little scared to. She quickly found out.
Her breasts started to suddenly grow. They expanded and went out until they were twice their normal size. They were even felt heavier! She gave her seven masters a wide-eyed look as they appraised her.
"Hmm..." Burt remarked. "I think we might've overdone it."
Walt nodded. "I thought giving her bigger boobs would be nice, but now she's disproportioned."
"It's actually kinda ugly," Hans said with some disappointment.
"Then we'll just have to get her back to normal," Gregar said with a smile.
With that he took a breast in his hand, put his mouth on the nipple, and gave the breasts a squeeze while sucking. Snow gave a yelp of surprise and some pain as a liquid came out of her nipple for Gregar to drink.
Milk...she was making milk!
She groaned at a mix of shock and the feeling of lactating.
"MMM, tasty!" Gregar said approvingly.
He got a mug and held it to a swollen tit. He took it in his hands and gave a good squeeze for the milk to go into the mug. Snow White pressed her lips together to hold back the moans of pain as kept it up until his cup was full.
"Are we going to have to gag her?" Crow asked.
"May as well," Burt said with a sigh.
She was actually grateful the gag to help muffle the sounds she was trying to keep quiet. She knew they didn't mean to hurt her and were just trying it out, but the feel of the milk spurting and dripping from her nipples hurt a little, as did the way they squeezed and pinched her. She wondered if it was just the situation or if women nursing hurt too.
The dwarves took turns milking her until her breasts were back to their normal size. By then they were sore and hard fleshed, and Snow felt drained both literally and figuratively. She panted through her gag and her white skin glistened with sweat.
"I think we might've over done it," Walt remarked with concern.
Gregar nodded. "Aye. We gave her too much potion."
Hans ungagged her. "Would you like some?" he asked kindly, holding a cup of milk to her. "It's really good."
At the risk of being punished, she shook her head. She really didn't want to drink her own breast milk.
"N-No thank you," she said between breaths. "Could I please have some water?"
They gave her some, then untied her hands to start breakfast proper.
"What are we going to do today?" she asked.
"We need to go back to work," Gregar told her. "Yesterday was nice, but we have gems to mine. So we're going to have to put you somewhere where you'll be safe."
Snow quickly imagined herself bound, gagged and blindfolded in a hidden and most likely cramped space.
"Maybe I could go with you," she suggested.
Gregar shook his head. "The mines are no place for a girl. Especially a sweet thing like you."
She was actually grateful to hear that. "Thank you, Master Gregar."
When they were finished eating, she was led outside to the barn where their wagon and an old mule were. The moved aside a pile of straw and lifted up a section of the floor. With a dwarf holding a lantern, they went down.
It was a large cellar, filled with bags, chests and barrels. Russel untied one of the bags and opened it to reveal a rainbow of gems. There were sapphires, rubies, emeralds, diamonds, amethyst, topaz and gems of other colors Snow couldn't remember the names of at the moment.
"Oh wow!"
"This is where we keep the treasures we dig up," Gregar explained. "And now we're adding a new treasure to it!"
They put long cuffs with a soft lining on her wrists and a ball & chain was shackled to her ankle. They bought down a lantern, some books, a cushion, pillow, some food, a canteen of water and even a chamber pot. Once again Snow realized what a lucky slave she was.
"And one last thing..." Gregar said.
Russel entered the basement carrying something. It was a belt with a metallic at the front and back...a chastity belt!
"This way," Gregar told Snow as he put it on her, "if an intruder DOES get in here, he won't be able to truly hurt you."
Snow fought back tears as she smiled. "Thank you, Masters."
They exchanged farewells and they left. Snow White just sat there for a few minutes, taking it in.
Her bonds allowed some movement, she was given enough times to care for herself and have some comfort, and even a chastity belt just in case. She arranged the cushion and pillow to get comfy as she could, picked out one of the biggest of the books and held it to the lantern. As she read it and a realized what kind of book it was, she started to think maybe the chastity belt wasn't such a great idea...
Cobb had been walking hard since before dawn. He had been untied from the saw horse, made to dress, then sent off after a farewell/warning from the queen. He never would've imagined it would come to this. He thought about abandoning the mission and running away...but then he'd be running and hiding for the rest of his life. Plus, he liked being the queen's favorite. It had been a good job and he enjoyed it. Surely doing this would get him back in her graces again.
After many hours of walking, he finally found the house where Mariel had said it would be. He went to the door. It was locked. He checked the lower windows to find they were locked as well. So he just broke one and climbed in. He searched the entire house in every space she could be kept. Nothing. Chances were good she was with the dwarves being fucked at that very moment. So he just left the house, found a place to watch not too far from it, and waited while eating his provisions.
It was almost dark when they finally returned. Cobb watched the cart pull into the stable and the dwarves unbridled the mule. His eyes widened as they moved aside a pile of straw and lifted up part of the floor. Some of them went in and returned with the princess-turned-slave. He was very surprised to see her clean, unblemished and-most bizarre of all-happy. He watched them go inside as they chatted animatedly.
"So," he heard the girl say, "how do you want to start?"
"Can you sing?" one of the dwarves asked.
"A little."
"Then let's try that."
Cobb peeked in through a window to see the girl kneeling on a cushion, her hand bound behind her back and rope coiling below and above her breasts. A dwarf blindfolded her.
"What would you like me to sing?" she asked.
"Whatever you want," a dwarf with a gray beard told her. "We're not too picky when it comes to music."
Cobb couldn't believe his ears. 'Whatever you want'. Who talks like that to their slave?!
She sang a couple of songs before some of the dwarves broke out some instruments to play along. Cobb stared at the scene with mix of confusion and disgust. This was the opposite of what they were supposed to be doing! He really did make a mistake in not killing her...
The music and singing went on for a while before the girl asked for another request.
"I have an idea," a dwarf with red hair and beard said.
"What?" she asked.
"Oh, you'll find out."
He whispered to some others before picking her up and putting her on the table. Before she could say anything, he stuck a finger in her puss.
"OH!" she called out in surprise.
While the red dwarf fingered her, two others stood on either side of her to play with her tits, nipples and even tickle her ribs and arm pits. Another even held one of her feet to rub and tickle it. She moaned, groaned, grunted, yelped, gasped and laughed at this assault on her sensitive areas that did indeed sound somewhat like a song. This chorus of sensations went on for several minutes before the red dwarf announced it was time to "hit a high note" and made her come with a long shout of pleasure.
Then...they prepared a meal and sat down to eat. Cobb watched in amazement as the dwarves fed their bound slave and had pleasant conversation. It was more like they were treating her as a guest or even a friend than a slave.
He watched them until they went to bed. He listened for the tell-tale sounds of sex...but didn't hear any. All was quiet. He thought about going in and killing the lot of them in their sleep, but then thought about what would happen if one of them woke up. He only needed to kill the bitch. No need in risking life and limb fighting seven dwarves when all he had to do was kill his target and bring back her head. He found a place to sleep. He would wake up early to watch the house closely and wait for the first opportunity.
The heat and light of the sun awoke Cobb. He ran to get a view of the cottage just in time to see the dwarves and their pale slave come out. He watched them go into the stable, but wasn't to where he could see what happened next. After several minutes, the dwarves left on their wagon. He couldn't see the girl though. She would've stood out-both ways-among them.
He watched them go, trying to figure out where she could be. Then he realized they'd probably hid her. He went to the stable. At first he just saw a spacious barn. Then he started to move things around until he moved the straw in the stable and noticed the suspicious outline. With no small effort, he managed to lift up. Pulling out his dagger, he went inside.
"What did you come back fo-"
The girl's white face lost what little color it had.
"I came back for you," he sneered. "I need to finish what I started."
"The queen was...not happy when she found out I hadn't killed you. Damn magic. So now I have to finish you off or get finished myself."
He noticed the chastity belt. "Damn. I'd thought about screwing you before killing you. Then again, not sure if I want some dwarves' sloppy seconds..."
He rushed her. She sidestepped for him to trip on the chain on her ankle. As he tried to get up, she used her free leg to deliver a kick to his groin. She then tackled him, put the chain of her cuffs around his neck and pulled. He flailed and gaped as the chain chocked him. After a minutes he was gasping for breath and his struggles were weakening. His face was turning blue when she stopped. He lay still, gasping for breath. She put her hands together and bought them down on his head as hard as she could, then everything went black.
Snow White sat down to catch her breath. She hugged herself as she shook all over and tears started to run down her face. She had thought it was over. That she could live her life as a slave whose masters seemed to care for her, or at least so far. What would she do now? For a moment she thought about killing Cobb. She'd come close. When she saw him, the terror, despair and pain of when she was captured came back to her. When he'd tripped over the chain for her foot weight, she took her chance to take revenge. Then she stopped herself just before he could be killed. Now she wasn't sure what to do.
She picked up her lantern and moving as fast as the ball and chain would let her, she looked around for anything that could help. She saw some empty sacks and a length of rope. With a lot of work, she stuffed the unconscious man into the sack, then looped the rope around him several times to make sure he was secure before tying the best knot she could. She then left the cellar and put the slab back in place.
Feeling very tired, she went back into the cottage, lay on the floor and drifted off to sleep.
She was awakened sometime later by someone gently shaking her.
"Snow?" she heard Han's voice asked. "What are you doing in here?"
She looked around at her seven masters apologetically.
"I'm really sorry," she told them. "But there was an intruder. He tried to kill me, but managed to knock him out. I put him in a sack and tied it up, but had to get away in case he got out. I know, that sounds crazy, but just look in the store room and you'll see that it's true."
They removed the ball and chain from her leg and she went with them to the stable. They lifted up the slab to hear a voice shouting.
"You pasty bitch! When I get out of here you're really in for it! I was gonna make it quick, but now it's gonna be nice and slow!"
"Oh really?" Gregar asked as he and the others stood over the wriggling sack.
The bound bundle stopped moving.
"Listen," he said after a pause. "You dwarves don't know what you've gotten into. Just let me take the girl and nothing will happen to you."
"What will happen to her?" Walt asked.
"That's nothing for you to worry about. All you need to know is that you'll be in big trouble if anything happens to me."
"You're in no position to make demands or threats."
To show he wasn't kidding, Gregar kicked Cobb. The captive yowled in pain, then there was a pause before he spoke again.
"You don't know who you're messing with. I'm the captain of the royal guard, sent by the queen herself."
Most of the dwarves burst into laughter.
"HA-HA-HA!" That's a good one!"
"The Queen sent her right hand goon to assassinate a slave girl! HA-HA!"
"What, what? Is she really the Princess?!"
The laughter quieted as Snow hung her head with a sad frown, then stopped all together. They stared at her.
"Holy shit," Burt finally blurted.
"You-You mean our Snow White is really-" Hans started to shout.
"No," she said. "Not any more. The day I was sold to you, I was supposed to have been killed. But instead I was sold to you and you were all so kind to me, I accepted my fate a lot better. I have nowhere else to go. My stepmother-the only family I have left-wants me dead. All my dearest friends have died or disappeared and I have a feeling she was behind it. I know there are people who'd support me, but she'd kill me if I made a move. The very fact she sent this man to finish what he started means she knows I'm alive!"
"Well," Gregar said with somewhat surprising calm as he stroked his beard. "Isn't this interesting?"
"What are we gonna do?" Hans asked with a note of panic in his voice. "The Queen will probably send others. Maybe even the whole army!"
His gray bearded leader shook his head. "Not the whole army. She has few people 'loyal' to her and that loyalty would disappear if her power were ever threatened. She may send spies and assassins, but there she wouldn't send a large force. The fact this man was sent by himself instead of having more men to help is a sign she wants this kept quiet." He spoke their captive. "In fact, you weren't supposed to sell this girl to us, weren't you?"
It was Snow who answered. "That's right. I'm supposed to be dead and rotting in a shallow grave somewhere." She glared at the bound and bagged man. "She must've found out and sent him here. Probably even punished him."
The covered head nodded. "Yes, she tortured me! I had to try to kill you or I would be me! I'm sorry! If you'll untie me, I'll-YOW!"
This time it was Snow White who kicked him. "Shut up. You've spent years doing the Queen's dirty work and hurting people with a smile on your face. Now you're going to get what you deserve."
"W-What are you going to do?" Cobb whimpered.
"I'll leave that up to my masters," she told him.
"We'll have to think about it," Gregar said. "You stay here and wait quietly like a good prisoner."
"We come back and find you partway out of those ropes or that bag, then you'll really be in trouble!" Crow added threateningly.
They left their captive in the cellar with Burt standing guard at the slab just in case.
"So," Hans asked, "what ARE we going to do with him? Are we going to, uh..."
Gregar shook his head, "We're not going to kill him if that's what you're worried about. If we did that, we wouldn't be much better than him, now would we?"
Everyone nodded.
"What can we do with him?" Russel asked.
"Simple," Gregar said with a smile. "Enslave him of course! It even works out in way. The rest of us can have Snow and Bradd can have him."
Bradd stroked his braided beard. "An interesting thought. I'm surprised I didn't think of it first. Though I'll need to take a better look at him of course."
"It's especially timely after what happened to Essa."
"You mean your mule?" Snow asked.
The dwarves nodded. "Why to think we came home a little early?" Walt told her. "The poor thing just dropped dead after year and years of hard work."
"I'm really going to miss her," Hans said with a sniff.
"We loaded her up in the cart and six of us pulled while the odd dwarf drove. We're going to bury her shortly."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Snow told them. She'd barely seen the mule, but had seen enough to know it was old. She mainly felt sorry for the dwarves, who'd known it much longer than she had. "Though how is catching Cobb timely?"
Gregar just smiled. "You'll find out soon enough..."
They returned to the cellar with a drink.
"Would you like something to drink?" Gregar asked their captive.
The man in the bag nodded. "Does this mean you'll let me out of here?"
"Not just yet. Hold still."
One dwarf held him up for another to carefully cut a hole where Cobb's mouth was. The cup was held to his mouth and he drank deeply.
"Look, if you let me go I'll just leave and -"
He dropped over before he could finish the sentence.
They untied the ropes, took him out of the sack, and stripped him naked.
Brad looked him over appraisingly. "Hmmm...not bad. Nice and muscular. Not much of a face to look at though."
They shaved his head bald and removed his beard, folded his arms behind his back, encased them in a leather sheath and cover, and tied his ankles and knees. Gregar shook him awake. Cobb moaned as he came too. He blinked, then looked around. His eyes widened as he realized his position.
Gregar slapped him.
"Be quiet and listen carefully. For your evil deeds, you will spend the rest of your life as a slave. From all the stories I've heard, you've had this coming. The way I see it, you would've ended up in prison or met a sticky end sooner or later. With us you have a chance as redemption of sorts. I even had a special idea for you..."
Cobb struggled and shouted as a leather hood was put over his head. It was eyeless with holes for the nostrils and mouth. Once in place, he was gagged and a collar secured on his neck. The dwarves and Snow watched him struggle to make sure his restraints were secure. Snow White stepped forward and kicked him in the side.
"Shut up!" she snapped at him. "Now you know how I felt when you tied me up! If you're feeling even half the terror I felt, it's worth it!"
She kicked him some more before Gregar stopped her by saying "Snow..." in a low voice.
She hung her head. "Sorry, Master Gregar. I got carried away."
"No problem. You have many rights to hate this man. Though save some of it for his training. We'll start early in the morning. Right now we're tired from having to pull the wagon back and we have
to bury poor Essa."
They left Cobb to struggle and moan while they gave the mule a funeral of sorts. After the "funeral", they went inside and the exhausted dwarves just lounged around or went to sleep. Snow White tidied up while they slept and got started on cooking supper. She was half way through when Hans joined her, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the scene before him.
"Can you even cook?" he asked.
"A little," she answered. "I worked closely with the castle cooks and even tried it myself a few times. Though I think I'll need help from some of the others to cook for so many of us."
"I guess I can start," the blonde dwarf said with a smile as he joined her.
Russel joined them and supper was ready by the time the rest of the dwarves were awake. They were finished, Bradd put some scraps on a plate and got a cup of water and a bucket of water and cloth.
"Seeing about the prisoner?" Crow asked.
The bald dwarf nodded. "Aye. No sense letting him die of thirst or starvation. Plus, he might need to relief himself or be cleaned up is he already has."
He went to the stable and into the cellar. Cobb had moved, most likely struggling, but was now still. With the hood encasing his head, it was hard to tell if he was asleep or not. A foul smell signaled he had indeed answered nature's call. Wrinkling his nose, Bradd, nudged at the prisoner with his foot. Cobb moaned in response.
"You awake?" Bradd asked.
Cobb nodded.
"I'm going to clean up, then give you something to eat. No funny business now."
He cleaned the filth off, then sat Cobb up.
"I'm going to remove the gag. One sound and it goes right back in, followed by a punishment. Got it?"
Again, the captive nodded. As he ate and drank, Bradd looked him over more intently. Not a bad specimen of the male body at all. In fact, having his head cover might even have improved his appearance. The rest had Snow White for pleasure, and now he had a slave suitable for his needs.
When Cobb was done eating, Bradd announced it was time for "dessert". He dropped his pants, his manhood already hard. He grabbed Cobb's head and forced it down.
The question was cut off as Bradd's member filled Cobb's mouth. Cobb tried to pull away, but Bradd's grip remained strong with one hand while the other grabbed his belt and hit Cobb's back with it hard.
"Stop that, stop that!" Bradd ordered. "None of that now!"
Cobb ceased his struggles and the beating stopped.
"Listen you," Bradd told him, "you are a slave now, so that means you do whatever your masters tell you. That includes giving me pleasure. My friends have Snow White for their enjoyment and now I have you. So you are going to take whatever happens to you whether you like it not. Understand?"
Cobb nodded as best as he could with a groan.
"Good. Now suck."
Cobb's 'performance' left a lot to be desired. It was clear he'd never done this before. Bradd used a mix of encouraging words and the occasional hit from the belt to get him to improve as he went along.
"Use your tongue like you mean it," Bradd told him with a frown. "And put more work into using your lips."
Cobb's jaw and lips ached, drool ran down his chin, and he became light headed form having to breathe through his nose.
"Oh yes, that's better."
Bradd soon grabbed either side of covered head to mouthfuck him, almost choking him. "I'm going to climax. Here it comes!"
Semen filled Cobb's mouth, throat and cheeks. How could a dwarf have so much! Unable to take it, he pulled away from Bradd to spit out and cough.
"Oh dear," Bradd said with a sigh. "You were supposed to swallow that. No I'm afraid I'll have to punish you, thought lightly."
"No, please! I'm sorry, I didn-NUGH!"
He was once again gagged, flipped over, and given five hard whacks on his rear. He flinched as Bradd kissed him on the forehead.
"Sorry, but every slave needs to learn to fear punishment. Though if you're good..."
Cobb gave a muffled yelp as he felt a hand cup his balls and stroke his dick. At first he struggled and yelled, but then the struggles became squirms and the shouts became moans. Bradd knew all the ways to give pleasure to a man, even when he resisted at first. Cobb's body started to glisten with fresh sweat as Bradd jacked him with one hand while the other alternated between rubbing a butt cheek and massaging testicles. Cobb's body moved in a rhythm with the dwarf's caresses and was gasping and grunting through his gag. He gave long muffled squeal as sperm shot out of him to splatter on his legs and the floor, then went limp in Bradd's arms. The gay dwarf laid him down and licked his fingers clean.
"Hmm...not the best sperm I've ever tasted, but not the worst either. I suppose I could learn to like it."
His slave just lay there, breathing heavily. He lightly shook him and there was no response. Apparently Cobb was in an orgasm induced stupor. Bradd shrugged, put his pants back on, and went into the house. Walt, Crow and Gregar lounging around. Before he could ask where the others were, he heard a shout from upstairs.
"Is our Snow pleasing Burt, Russel and Hans at the same time?" he asked with a mix of surprise and amusement.
Gregar nodded. "She said she really wanted to thank us for saving her, even though she saved herself. We tried to tell her that, but she insisted. Said she was scared of what would've happened if he'd managed to get out before we got home."
"That sounds a little silly."
"We tried to tell her that, but she's still scared of him. To hear her tell it, you'd think we'd gotten here just in time. He must've really spooked her."
"Well," Walt reminded them, "he did kidnap her, smack her around, sell her, and tried to kill her.
Probably talked bad to her a bunch too."
He looked up stairs at the sound of another loud groan.
"Though it sounds like they appreciate it."
The next morning after breakfast, Snow and the dwarves went to the stables, cleaned and fed their prisoner, and took him out of the cellar with a long leash on his collar. But when he felt the fresh air on his skin, he charged forward to kick at the dwarf holding the leash. The kick managed to connect and Gregar was sent sprawling. He managed to run ten steps before Burt tackled him, with the other dwarves hog piling on him while Snow White helped Gregar up.
"Are you okay, Master?"
"I'll be fine. I've had worse and that kick really didn't do much damage."
He joined the others as they held down the struggling, shouting captive.
"Trying to escape blind, gagged, and with your arms encased. I don't know whether that was desperate or stupid, but you've just earned yourself a punishment."
"Can I do it?" Snow White asked. "Please?"
Gregar studied her before nodding. She was given a whip while Cobb was tied to a tree, ass out and mumbling loudly through his gag. Snow White took a breath, pulled back her arm, then swung the whip.
She left 12 red stripes on his buttocks, legs, and back. When she was done she dropped the whip, breathing heavily. That took a lot of out her and it didn't give her the good feeling she thought it would. If anything, she actually felt...bad.
"See what happens when you try stupid stunts like that?" Gregar told the prisoner. "Next time you'll get even worse. Understand."
"Mmmmm..." he moaned as he nodded.
He was unbound from the tree and harnessed to the cart, connected to it by ropes around his waist and his boots put back on his feet.
"From now on," Gregar announced, "you are a beast of burden. The more obedient you are, the better things will be for you. Do a good job and you'll be given rewards. Resist and try any funny business and you'll be punished. This is no less than you deserve. In fact, it may be even better than you deserve, from the stories I've heard of you."
The dwarves got in the cart.
"What about me?" Snow asked.
"Take a break," Russel told her from the driver's seat. "We're just taking him for a test run to see how he does. We should be back soon."
"Wait a second," Hans said. "Shouldn't we take that hood off so he can see? Or at least change it for a hood that has eyeholes?"
"Later," Gregar replied. "After he's earned it. For now we need to keep him blind so he can't try anything funny again. In the meantime we'll just have to shout instructions."
"Like this," Russel said. He shouted "Gitty up!" with a wave of the whip. The whip didn't hit Cobb,
but he heard the crack and started forward.
"Move it!" Russel commanded. "Go just as fast as you can and do what as you're told!"
The bound man grunted as he pulled the cart by rope around his waist as hard as he could.
Snow watched them until they were out of sight, hearing the command to go right, followed by the crack of the whip and a muffled shout. She went inside and waited. About an hour later they were back. Cobb was shining with sweat and breathing heavily through his nose. They took out his gag long enough to let him catch his breath and give him something to drink.
"How did he do?" Serena asked.
"Not bad," Crow replied. "He'll make a good work horse with enough work."
"He can run pretty fast when he has too," Bert added. "Needs to work on his turns though."
"He'll improve," Gregar said. "It'll just take a little more training. Not even as much as I originally thought."
They took a meal break. When they were done Crow suggested they go to town.
"It was about time to do some grocery shopping anyway, especially now that we have a couple of more mouths to feed."
"Plus," Gregar added, "I have an idea on a couple of things to help tame our new mule."
"I wouldn't say he's a mule," Bradd said. "I think he's more like an ox. A big, strong, buff ox. Especially with all the exercise he'll get as a beast of burden."
"Hmm..." Gregar stroked his beard. "Ox. I like it." He turned to their slave. "From now on you
answer to the name 'Ox'. Got it."
The man formerly known as Cobb nodded with a whimper.
"Wanna come with us, Snow?" Hans offered.
"But what if someone recognizes me. I'm sure enough people are looking for me and know what I look like. I don't want the Queen to find us."
The dwarves thought about it before Bradd snapped his fingers and went into the house. He came out with a large sheet of cloth and put it over Snow like a cloak. After not having worn a stitch in several days, it felt bizarre to feel something on her skin, let alone being completely covered up. It was like wearing clothing for the first time in her life again...
Someone got a towel and wrapped it around her head like a turban to cover the top of her head and a scarf covered the lower part of her face. The only part visible were her eyes. The dwarves smiled approvingly at their handiwork.
"Very nice!" Burt said with a clap. "You look so mysterious and alluring."
"You know," Hans said, "we should probably get her some clothes while we're out. We can't let her run around naked ALL the time. And what about cold weather?"
Snow hadn't thought about that. She thought she'd spend the rest of her life naked. But that was a very good point...
Feeling excited at the prospect of going on a trip while concealing her identity, Snow White got in the cart with her seven masters while their new slave pulled the as best as he could.
Chapter 6: If You Want a Job Done Right (added: 2015/01/29)
Jonathon kicked against the trunk lid as hard as he could. He reasoned it would have to give way sooner or later. Sometimes he could even get the trunk to move some. The lid flew open, but it wasn't from his efforts. Mariel leered down at him.
"You just don't quit, do you? Then again, that's what I like best about you. All my other slaves had given in by now, but you just struggle and fight with everything you have. Sometimes I don't know whether to be annoyed or love you more!"
She lifted him out of the trunk and sat him on the bed as he squirmed and grunted.
"It's time to eat," she told him. She held out the ring gag. "I'm getting tired of switching out gags at meal time and you're likely sick of it as well. If you can eat quietly like a good boy, nod your head."
There was a pause before Jonathon nodded. He didn't want to submit, but hated that damn ring gag. It hurt his jaw worse than the other gags and made him drool uncontrollable. Part of the time the food ended up on his body (with Mariel licking it off). Plus, if he was going to escape he needed all of his strength. So he let her spoon and bottle feed him as if he were a giant infant. It was humiliating, but he vowed she would pay.
"I'll let it settle for now," she said as she put the gag back in his mouth. "In the meantime I think I'll see how your little friend is doing. I'm very interested to see what Olaf has done with her after a few days." She kissed him on the forehead. "Don't go anywhere," she said in a sickly sweet voice before leaving.
She went to the kennels.
"Well?" she asked Olaf. "How is it going with the special project?"
At first he looked confused. Then realization went over his ugly face.
"Oh, that! I think it's coming along nicely, Majesty."
He led her the cage with the girl, who was curled up in a ball on a cushion. Olaf leaned down and gently shook her.
"Lenora," he told her. "Time to get up. We have a special guest!"
"Lenora?" Mariel asked in concern as the puppy-girl roused, "where did you get that?"
"I think I heard a woman called that once and thought it would make a good name for her.
Something different and unique for a different, unique doggy."
Mariel supposed that sounded reasonable. She was happy to see that Lenora was still as he had left her: masked, legs bound to where she couldn't stand and crawl on her knees, her hands in fingerless mitts cuffed in place, a limber stick in her anus to act as a tails, and even her hair in pigtails with bright colored ribbons. The only thing missing was the gag.
"Where's her gag?"
"It was no longer needed. She knows a good doggy keeps quiet."
"You mean she didn't try to talk?"
"Oh, she did all right. She tried to get to undo her puppy gear and even tried to tell me this crazy story about her being friends with a prince. Some good, hard whacks from my switch here and there put a stop to all that, as well threating to not feed her if she couldn't use her right."
Mariel felt a lot better.
"In fact," Olaf continued, "you've come at good time. I think she just broke or accepted her fate."
"Very good. What can she do?"
"Give it a try and give her some commands!"
"Hmm...roll over!"
Lenora dropped and rolled round on her sides.
"Not bad," Mariel remarked. "Stand up."
Lenora stood on her knees, holding her arms up for balance. She even stepped around on her knees in what looked like a dog dancing. She did this for a long she could before she had to get back on all fours. Mariel laughed and clapped.
"How adorable! You really have done a fine job with her!"
"Thank you, Majesty. Try this."
He got her a ball. "Just throw it and she'll fetch it."
Mariel threw it as hard as she could and Lenora went as fast her bonds would let her, the bells on her nipple rings jingling as she went. She went to where the ball stopped, picked it up in her mouth, and bought it back to lay it at the queen's feet. Mariel stared in fascination before picking the ball up and throwing it again. Again, Lenora went after it and bought it back quickly like a good doggy should. Mariel threw it a few more times before thinking it was enough. Lenora even hassled like a tired dog, with some drool come out of the corner of her mouth.
"Aaw, poor puppy," the queen said with mock sympathy. "She must be thirsty. Get a bowl."
Olaf bought her a water bowl and some water. Marie poured the water in and Lenora lapped it up.
"Yes, that's it. Just like that. Such a good puppy you've become...." She looked at Olaf. "Leave us."
"Are you sure? You might need-"
The expression on Mariel's face told him to leave or else. He slowly and reluctantly did, taking one last concerned look before closing the door. When he was gone Mariel disrobed. Lenora's eyes popped at the sight of the magnificent naked body before her. She shook her rear to wag her tail. Mariel smiled at the reaction.
She knelt down, took Lenora's head in her hands, and guided her to a breast.
"Suck," she ordered.
Lenora stuck her tongue out to probe a nipple. Mariel's hand suddenly went forward to tug one of her nipple rings.
"I said suck, not lick! I don't care if this your first time doing this, a good dog does what she's told!"
Lenora took the royal nipple into her mouth and started suckling.
Mariel slapped her on the back of the head. "Are you trying to suckle it or bite it off? Go slower-move your lips in a rhythm-and NOW you use your tongue, and use it as if it were a finger...yes...aaah, that's better."
Lenora was made to suckle one breast, then the other as the queen moaned in pleasure. When Mariel was satisfied she got up and found Olaf's switch. She took a seat, spread her legs, and had Lenora come over to her.
"I think you know what to do." Mariel held out the switch. "I won't use this is you do a good job."
Lenora leaned forward and started to lick the royal vagina. Mariel lightly ran the switch over her back as she started. She tapped Lenora when it didn't feel quite right, which then made the petgirl do better. She soon dropped the switch as she moaned in pleasure at Lenora's attentions.
"Oh yes! That's more like it! That's how a good doggy should use her tongue!"
She grabbed Lenora's hair and shoved her face into her puss. Lenora was almost smothered, but kept it up least she be punished. Marial climaxed with a shout and let go of the puppy. After she's caught her breath she stood and got dressed. A whimper made her look back at Lenora. The puppy girl was leaning forward with top half close to the floor and her hairy vulva pointed out. She shook it some and whimpered again, giving the queen a pleading look.
"You expect me to touch a homely bitch like you? EEW!"
She got dressed and left as Lenora semi-howled in frustration. Olaf came back in, went to Lenora and rubbed her head.
"Did she hurt you?" he asked in a whisper.
"A little," Lenora replied just as quietly. "But I managed to satisfy her enough."
"Good girl," he told as he rubbed her. "You did wonderfully."
"I was just doing like you said and gave the performance I could so she wouldn't do anything bad to us." She gave Olaf a wide-eyed, pleading look. "Please, Master...give me a reward. I earned it, but the queen wouldn't give it to me. And servicing such a beautiful woman made me so hot..."
He looked at her intently before smiling. "Okay. You deserve something for performing before royalty. And such a good job too."
He carefully put two large fingers in her womanhood, making her gasp loudly. He worked them in and out of her labia as she groaned. He started out gentle at first, but put more force into it as he went along and even using another finger, which made Lenora become louder. She even mixed some barks with her moans.
She howled as she climaxed, then fell over on her side. Olaf rubbed her head with one hand while licking his fingers on the other.
"Very nice, pup."
"Does-Master-want me-to play with a bone?" she asked as she caught her breath.
"Not this time. Later after you've rested some." He held her face in his hands. "And I want you to know I haven't forgotten my promise or won't do it. I'm just waiting for the right time when the Queen will be gone for a while."
She smiled. "Thank you, Master."
Meanwhile, Mariel had returned to room to find Jonathon squirming around on the floor. She gave him a good spanking, followed by his post meal enema. As he groaned and wriggled at the fluids inside him, she turned to her mirror.
"Well? Is it done or is Cobb having to wait?"
Her reflection shook its head. "Cobb has failed. He was captured and will spend the rest of his life as bound, blinded beast of burden unless he is helped."
Mariel snorted. "This is the second time he's failed me, so he can drop dead for all I care." She sighed heavily. "If you want a job done right..."
Snow White was wearing an apron and nothing else as she got her cooking supplies. She had gotten some clothing during her trip to town, but she'd become so accustomed to being naked she wore as little as possible for when her masters needed her. Still, it felt good feel cloth on her skin again and it certainly helped with the cooking. Today she was going to surprise them when an apple pie when they got home. She just hoped they liked it.
She'd just finished shortly before they were supposed to be back when there was a knock on the door. She stood still and stayed quiet. Her masters had told her not respond if anyone came by. It had even already happened a few times already. Usually they'd knock or call out, then leave. This time the knocking continued.
"Hello?" a reedy voice asked. "Is anyone there? Please let me in. I'm an old lady who has lost her family, her way and her food. All I ask is for some shelter and a bite to eat, then I shall leave."
Snow remained quiet and still.
"Please, I haven't eaten in days. Outlaws attacked my family and we were separated. I fear the worst. There's nothing worse for a parent than to outlive her children. Worse, her little grandchildren."
Snow felt sorry for the old woman, but still no reply. Who was to say that old woman wouldn't tell people where she was. She could give information to Mariel's henchmen without even realizing. Chances are they'd kill her once they'd learned enough too. So it for the best that the old woman leave and hopefully find help somewhere else, or the dwarves could help her when they got home since it wouldn't be long.
"Please," the reedy voice repeated. "You don't even have to let me in. Just hand me a small piece of bread or some fruit or even just a little cup of water."
Snow started to shake as she tried to control herself.
"Please...not sure...how much...longer...I...can..."
Snow opened the door to see a cloaked figure lying before her clutching a walking stick in one hand. A wave of guilt swept through her as she helped the old woman up.
"I'm sorry!" she said. "My masters told me not to let anyone in or say anything!"
"It's all right, dear," the woman responded as she partially carried inside. "Times have become dark indeed since the queen stole the crown."
Snow nodded in agreement. She led the woman to a chair and sat her down, then locked the door. She bought the cloaked woman some food. She's just put it on the table when the woman lunged at her. She grabbed her by the arm and stuck her with a needle. Even as Snow tried to react she started to go numb.
She fell to the floor. She lay there, unable to move. The woman stood up straight and removed her cloak. It was Mariel, wearing a triumphant, evil smile.
"Hello, Serena. I missed you, so I came to visit."
Snow wanted to run, to scream for help. But no matter how much she tried she couldn't move or speak.
"In case you're wondering, you've been paralyzed. An especially potent dose at that. You will stay that way for several hours. Maybe even close to half a day if we're lucky. Yet to a casual observer they'll think you dead. By the time it wears off, you'll be buried. It's getting late enough someone should come home soon and when they do they'll find you on the floor like this, still and silent. They'll think you just dropped dead and, well..."
Snow was screaming on the inside, but all she could manage was a grunt. A tear managed to form in the corner of her eye. Mariel quickly wiped it, then closed her stepdaughter's eyes. She moved the body to make it look as if Snow had suddenly fallen. She even put a utensil in Snow's hand.
She paused to grope Snow's exposed white backside.
"Hmmm...you really are a lovely creature. Makes me wish I'd done this sooner so we could play just a little. Then again, I'd likely get carried away and leave certain signs you'd been molested. A pity, really." She mocked sighed. "I'll just have to take consolation knowing that you'll suffocate or starve, then be eaten by worms an insects. Maybe even a few rats. The faster ones may even start before the paralysis wears off."
She gave Snow a swat on the ass, then left. All the girl could do was just lay there, completely helpless.
It wasn't long after that that the dwarves came home. They tried their hardest to rouse her, but couldn't. She even bad at the sadness and fear in their voices.
"What do we do?!" Walt asked in a panic.
"There's nothing we can do," Gregar said sadly. "All we can do is lay her to rest."
"You mean put her in the cold dark ground for the worms to eat?!" Hans shouted.
There was a pause before Gregar answered, "No. She's too beautiful to bury. We shall put her in a glass coffin so that we can look at her."
Snow felt some relief. This way she'd come to and they'd let her out when they saw she was alive. If she didn't suffocate in the coffin first...
The queen had been gone for a few hours. On a personal errand, the rumors said. If Olaf was going to keep his promise, now was the time. He approached the Queen's chambers where a guard was posted. He frowned as Olaf approached him.
"What are you doing here, Ogre?" he said. "I thought you spent all your time fucking bitches."
Olaf ignored the comment. "I need to see the queen. She wanted me to give her updates a special project."
"I'd heard she'd made special visits to the kennels lately. But she's not here and it'll be a while before she's back. I'll tell you stopped by."
"That you will."
Olaf gabbed the man and put him in a chokehold.
"Open the door," he growled into the guard's ear.
"Can't-no-key!" the guard grunted. "Queen-has them!"
Olaf grabbed the door handle and twisted as hard he could to break it. He took his captive inside and tightened his hold until he passed out. He heard a banging from the large, ornate trunk. He looked around until he found what he hoped was the key. It fit the lock on the trunk and inside was a naked, battered young man tightly bound, gagged and blindfolded. Olaf removed the blindfold.
"Shh!" Olaf said with a finger to his lips. "Don't be afraid, I'm a friend." He started untying the ropes and armbinder. "Lenora sent me. I would've been here sooner, but I need to right time."
Jonathon got out of the trunk. They then stripped the guard to that he could wear his uniform, then bound him and put him in the trunk.
"Thank you," Jonathon told them as they went down the hall. "Tell Lenora I'll see her soon, but there's something I must do first. I know where the princess is and I have to save her from the queen."
"Oh dear. You really should see to that. I'll take care of Lenora and take her somewhere safe until we can meet again."
"Thank you, my friend," Jonathon said as he took Olaf's hand. "If this works I will forever be in your debt."
Olaf told him where to find the stables, he reclaimed his horse, and rode as fast he could to where he thought the seven dwarves lived, praying he'd get there in time...