Author's Note: Okay, I'm willing to admit right up front that this story is FAR from flawless. I wrote it when I was about 18-19 and my writing skills at the time were questionable at best. But, I still have a soft spot for it since this was the first story I ever wrote from start to finish without losing interest. So I hope that you can all read with open minds.
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In 2075, recognition of the island of Femalia as an independent nation was granted by the international community. Created by Gloria Meyer and her followers, Femalia was intended as a paradise meant only for women where they would be free from the bondage they suffered under at the hands of the male species. They thought that without the corrupting influence of masculinity, women could come into their full glory and surpass all that man had created. However, since only women were permitted to set foot on Femalia, Meyer and her followers quickly found themselves short-handed. They needed something to convert more women to their cause. Meyer, a brilliant chemist, created a highly contagious airborne bio-agent that attacked the Y-chromosome, killing men within days while having no effect on the female body.
In 2079, the followers of Meyerism placed Y-bombs in key geographic locations. Then, over the course of several months, they were detonated one by one. Within the year, prevailing winds carried the bio-agent to the four corners of the globe, and every man on earth was dead. As economies crumbled and birthrates dropped to zero, Gloria Meyer stepped once again into the limelight with a master plan to rebuild the planetary infrastructure. Though she expressed "regret" that she could not resurrect mankind, Meyer revealed that she and her followers had invented a revolutionary method of cloning that would ensure the survival of the female race.
Overjoyed that life would still go on after the devastating loss of half the human race, many saw Gloria Meyer as a kind of spiritual savior. This suited Meyer fine because it helped her establish her absolute monarchy over the whole female race, reasoning that dictatorships became corrupt through the influences of men, and that a purely female government would be a purely benevolent government.
Meyerism grew and spread across the world, becoming something akin to a major religion, with Gloria Meyer herself as the prophet and messiah. The new cloning process offered her an endless supply of heirs to rule the planet for an eternity. Over the years, Meyer's brilliant mind and those of her descendants yielded a cornucopia of scientific advancements. Meyer's great-great-granddaughter created a drug that slowed and eventually stopped the aging process, allowing womankind to live many times longer than average life expectancy without looking a day over thirty. Her fifteenth descendant invented a machine that broke down and reconstructed the human body at the molecular level, ensuring that, when they came of age, every woman could be beautiful. Disease was wiped out, war was abolished, and the galaxy was colonized. It seemed that the ultimate vision of the late Gloria Meyer had finally come to pass.
But, there was one thing Meyer could not have foreseen. Over time, a small group of holdout heterosexual women emerged and challenged the Gyno-regime. The new Meyer could not afford to let these hetero-deviants threaten her power, so she ordered that they be forcibly reeducated. Hundreds of heteros were caught and imprisoned in the massive space-going prison ship, the Dominant.
The Dominant had been built several generations back by a previous Meyer. That Meyer had not been a scientific revolutionary, but a cultural one. After the tenth Meyer wiped out STDs, sex became much more commonplace. No longer worried about accidental pregnancy or infection, women were now free to indulge their sexual appetites. As casual sex became more and more prevalent, groups with unorthodox sexual beliefs began to emerge. No longer forced to hide their tastes, bondage and S&M junkies came out of the woodwork, organizing themselves into guilds and unions, one of which included the new Meyer as an honorary member.
This Meyer introduced a revolutionary solution to crime in the form of bondage therapy. Criminals and dissidents were not only imprisoned, they were now helplessly bound and consigned to sexual submission for the duration of their sentences. The policy was so popular that there was an almost 100% approval rate when that Meyer made sexual slavery an official state practice. Women of low birth could now be bought, sold, and traded by their sisters. Sexual domination became the new cultural standard. Space prisons like the Dominant were built to travel the stars and collect slaves and criminals while specially chosen females were employed to punish, discipline, dominate, and train them.
After the First Hetero Uprising, the current Meyer ordered scores of new Dominant-class prison ships constructed and pressed them into service as reeducation centers. Their aim was to convince the hetero-deviants of the error of their ways or sell them on the slave market. When the few remaining heteros learned they were being targeted, they immediately went into hiding, planning the day when they would topple the brutal Gyno-regime and restore the male species. The leader of the heteros, Karen Iwai, had succeeded in stealing one of the last intact samples of male DNA. Using stem cells and stolen cloning technology, Karen and her followers eventually managed to grow a single adult male body. At the moment when Karen herself was about to personally throw the switch that would bring the clone to life, they were located by the Gyno-Gestapo. The entire hetero movement was taken into custody and sent across the solar system to be reeducated. And so our story begins...
Karen fidgeted as she tried to shift her weight from her left foot to her right. She was standing on tiptoe against a wall with several other women as she awaited her next punishment. Each prisoner was held slightly aloft by a large hook that hung from the ceiling and was buried in their throbbing anuses. Karen's hands were restrained in leather mitts and her wrists were cuffed together in front of her with leather cuffs. A huge ballgag was jammed in her teeth and a studded collar was belted around her neck.
But that was not what currently bothered her. Karen's lips, nostrils, labia, and anus had all been pierced. She now had three bolts in her nose on the left, right, and middle, five rings in each labia, and four rings in her anus. The piercings had only recently been done and they ached. Tears rolled down Karen's cheeks. Some were from pain, but most were from humiliation. She had been subjected to horribly humiliating tortures over the past week and now she knew they had something special in mind for her.
Three women wearing leather harnesses and panel gags came for Karen. They lowered the anal hook and removed it from Karen's ass. Karen sighed in relief. They women clipped a leash to a D-ring in Karen's collar and pushed Karen to the floor. They led her away on her hands and knees, encouraging her to go faster by swatting her bottom with a riding crop. They led Karen through long hallways, passing rooms where screams and moans emanated from behind the heavy metal doors. They finally arrived at their destination, a door marked "Preparation Room". The Preparation Room was a huge room with white tiles on the walls, floor, and ceiling. Two adjustable operating tables (one piled with bondage equipment) rose out of the floor in the center of the room. Three women were in the corner of the room. Two slaves and a Dominatrix.
The two slaves wore black catsuits with attached ballet boots and discipline helmets under white latex nurse uniforms. The Dom was a tall, Amazonian black woman with enormous breasts. She wore a metal-studded leather bustier and was slightly heavier-set than was normal but with her body fat distributed in that special way that emphasized her curves and made her seem even more physically attractive for it. The slaves had their arms and heads locked into stocks while the Dom was busy paddling their defenseless asses. The catsuits the slaves wore had no material covering the seat, leaving their rears directly exposed to the paddle. The slaves moaned through the gags sealing their mouths as they were brutally spanked over and over again.
Finally the Dom had had her fill and hung up her paddle. She released the two nurse-slaves from the stocks but hobbled their legs with six-inch chains. The three of them walked over to the three guards who shepherded Karen and took the leash from them. Karen was helped to her feet and led over to stand by the operating tables. The Dom pressed a button on a small remote clipped to her belt and a panel opened in the ceiling. A long chain with a nose hook at the end dangled down from the hole. The Dom took the nose hook, carefully placed it in Karen's nose, and raised it up until Karen was on her toes once again. Oh well, Karen thought, at least it isn't in my ass this time.
Now finished with Karen, the Dom and her nurses turned to the three guards. Karen could just barely see them as they undressed the guards and redressed them in full-body catsuits with openings only for their eyes and nostrils while binding them tightly with leather belts. The Dom pressed another button on the remote and three glass tubes, each one big enough to hold a single person, rose from hidden trap-doors in the floor. One at a time, each bound guard was placed inside a glass tube. Only their latex covered heads were outside the tubes. The Dom activated the tubes and they began to fill with a thick white fluid. Once the tubes were completely full, the nurse-slaves and the Dom used metal wands to project heat into the tubes. The guards began to moan incessantly. Karen wondered what they were moaning about until the Dom and the nurse-slaves opened the tubes. The liquid had turned from pure white to brownish yellow and had completely solidified, encasing the three guards into cylindrical cocoons of foam rubber. The guards did not seem scared at all. In fact they seemed to be enjoying the experience. The Dom and her nurses rolled the cocooned guards into the corner of the room and stood them up on end. Their eyes were covered with blindfolds and they were left alone as the Dom returned her attention to Karen.
Karen's cuffed hands were raised above her head and suspended there while the Dom and one of the nurse-slaves knelt down by Karen's ass. Karen could not see what they were doing but the second nurse-slave helpfully placed a vid-cam right behind Karen's ass and held up a view-screen so that Karen could watch everything that was done to her on live video. Karen watched and felt as the nurse-slave plied Karen's ass cheeks apart and the Dom examined Karen's asshole. She sat for a long moment before manipulating her remote which seemed able to control everything in the room. When the Dom pressed a button, a hidden door opened in the wall and a small hover-cart glided over to her.
The cart was a mobile tool kit containing various frightening implements that the Dom took delight in displaying for the camera. Working with a careful and practiced hand, the Dom removed the rings in Karen's anus and replaced them with silver studs with fishing line attached to each one. Karen whimpered as the Dom brought out a massive rubber butt-plug and smeared it with lubricant. The base of the butt-plug had a metal flange wider than the rest of the plug itself. The flange had four holes evenly spaced around it that lined up perfectly with the bolts installed in Karen's asshole. The Dom threaded the fishing line through the holes in the flange and positioned the tip of the butt-plug against Karen's asshole. Karen groaned and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to resist the huge invader, but to no avail. Karen heard a whirring noise and opened her eyes. In the view-screen, she saw to her horror that the four studs in her anus had been screwed into the base of the butt-plug.
The plug was now bolted into her ass!
Karen began to cry again and the image on the view-screen changed as the Dom moved to her crotch. The Dom removed the rings in Karen's labia and replaced them with the same silver studs as in Karen's ass. She pulled out an enormous rubber dildo and lubricated it. The dildo also had a metal flange on the base but this flange was a larger oval shape that conformed to Karen's pussy lips. Karen groaned as the dildo was inserted. The studs in her labia were screwed into holes in the dildo flange and both inserts were now bolted on and impossible for Karen to remove on her own.
The Dom stood up and selected a chastity belt from the pile of bondage equipment on the table. The belt had two metal bowls that fit snuggly against Karen's butt-cheeks. The bowls were studded with blunt metal spikes that dug deep into Karen's ass as the Dom locked the belt on tightly. She removed the nose hook and released Karen's arms as the nurse-slaves forced her to lie down on the empty table. Leather straps went over Karen's ankles, above and below her knees, across her waist, above and below her breasts, and across her forehead, leaving her arms free. The nurse-slaves held Karen's arms as they removed the cuffs and mitts and replaced them with latex opera gloves. The fingers of the gloves were joined tightly together and Karen's fingers were immobilized inside them. They strapped Karen's arms down at the wrist and elbow, un-strapped her legs, and rolled thigh-high latex stockings over them. They re-strapped Karen's legs and un-strapped her torso and arms so they could squeeze her into a leather straitjacket. The straitjacket had holes that left Karen's breasts exposed. Her arms were crossed and strapped under her breasts and the crotch strap was tightened over her chastity belt.
The Dom, who had been absent for a time, returned with two latex cups. The Dom set one of the cups down and began to lick and suck on Karen's left nipple. Karen cursed her treacherous body as the nipple hardened. The Dom took the cup and rolled it over Karen's left breast. The breast was now held in a vise-like grip and the erect nipple squeezed inside a small nub. The Dom smiled wickedly and repeated the procedure with Karen's right breast. Now Karen's breasts stuck straight out from her body, encased in tough rubber. The Dom dilly-dallied as she took a moment to play with Karen's rubberized orbs. Then it was back to business. Karen's upper body was re-secured to the table and her legs were unbound. A leather leg-binder slid over them and the Dom buckled it tightly. Then she re-bound Karen's legs and tilted the table forward.
The Dom removed the three studs from Karen's nose and inserted two hard plastic tubes into her nostrils. Each tube had two holes drilled into it and new studs were placed into Karen's nose piercings that screwed into the holes in the nostril tubes.
Karen's head was un-strapped from the table and her gag was removed. She wanted to plead with her torturers but the Dom gave her a stern look that said quite clearly, "Keep quiet." The nurse-slaves held Karen's mouth open as the Dom inserted a soft rubber ball into it. The Dom spread a clear liquid over Karen's lips, pressed them together, and they stuck fast. The Dom commanded Karen to chew on the soft ball in her mouth until she was told to stop. Karen did and the ball began to expand as she chewed it. It grew and grew in her mouth, enveloping her tongue and teeth and making her cheeks billow out.
The Dom chuckled at the foolish expression created by Karen's bulging cheeks as she smoothed a sheet of latex over the lower half of Karen's face, covering her glued lips. The latex instantly adhered to Karen's skin, turning her face into a tight mask. The nurse-slaves braided Karen's long black hair and piled it on top of her head. They fit a rubber cap snuggly over Karen's hair and sealed the edges along Karen's hairline with more glue. The Dom selected a leather discipline hood with metal snaps ringing the base and slid it over Karen's head. The hood covered Karen's head completely except for an oval-shaped hole exposing her eyes and nose. The nurse-slaves attached the metal snaps on the discipline hood to a ring of metal snaps at the neck of the straitjacket and tightened the laces at the back of the hood.
The straps securing Karen to the table were removed and the nurse-slaves rolled Karen off it, stood her up straight, and retrieved the nose hook which they reapplied, forcing Karen to look up again. They handed the Dom a full-body leather harness and helped to strap Karen into it. The harness was several sizes too big for Karen but that did not last. The nurse-slaves retrieved the camera and view-screen while the Dom took an ordinary tuning fork and struck it on the edge of the table. A low tone emanated from the vibrating metal. The straps of the harness were joined in the center by metal rings evenly spaced from Karen's chest to her toes. As the Dom touched to fork to one of the rings at the center of the harness, the sonic vibration delivered the signal that activated the harness' special function. It began to tighten itself around Karen's body, compressing Karen even more. Karen breathed out involuntarily as her body was squeezed by the straps. The Dom touched each ring one by one and soon the harness was fully tightened.
Karen had been in some tight bondage during her time on the Dominant, but this was like nothing she had ever experienced. The harness forced her arms even tighter against her chest and the straps ran right between and around her rubberized breasts, making them even more pronounced than before. She was unable to do much more than wriggle. She did so and she saw her bound form wriggle slightly like a fish on a hook (for that, she realized, was essentially what she had become).
The nurse-slaves removed the nose-hook and lifted Karen back onto the reclined operating table but did not strap her down again. Karen found out why soon enough. The Dom picked up the very last item from the pile of bondage equipment. It was a full-body bondage bag, like some kind of perverted sleeping bag. The bag was made of leather and laced up in two places. From the neck to the top of the head and from the upper back to the feet. A zippered opening along the upper back area between the two lacings provided the only entrance or exit. The "leg" of the bag was a stiff single-leg boot with an incredible heel. Working together, the two nurse-slaves unzipped the bag and held it as wide as they could as the Dom lifted Karen with her strong arms and slowly slid her inside the bondage bag.
The three women sweated as they worked to get Karen's legs all the way into the boot. They bent Karen's head forward and slipped the head-piece over Karen's discipline hood. The headpiece was nearly identical to the hood, the oval-shaped holes on both lined up with each other perfectly. Now that the bag was all the way on and zipped up, the Dom went to work lacing the head-piece while her two nurse-slaves tightened the other lacings. Karen squirmed as her body was compressed even tighter, more than she would have thought physically possible. When the laces were fully closed, Karen had become a giant leather worm, completely helpless and completely immobilized. The strict bondage held her stiff as a board. She couldn't move an inch.
The Dom opened a hidden closet and wheeled a modified dolly into the room and lay it down flat on the floor. The nurse-slaves lifted Karen carefully and lay her down on it. A cushioned metal platform had been added to the dolly and the Dom strapped Karen against it at her ankles, above and below her knees, at her waist, below her arms and above her breasts, across her mouth, and across her forehead. The Dom pulled each strap as tight as she could, pressing Karen deep into the leather cushion. She stood Karen up and wheeled her against the wall. Now that she was finished binding Karen, the Dom used her remote to make the operating table horizontal again and leaned against it as though bored. Her nurse-slaves nuzzled against her legs as they waited. After fifteen minutes a second door opened and another Dom walked in followed by six slaves encased from head to foot in black latex.
The new Dom was thin, blonde, and Caucasian. She wore a red latex cat-suit that she had accessorized with leather opera gloves, leather thigh boots with six-inch heels, and a harness of leather straps like some kinky teddy. She carried a large duffel bag under one arm. The blonde Dom nodded to her helper-slaves and they moved to collect the three guards still immobilized in foam rubber. She playfully swatted their asses with her riding crop as they passed her. Working in pairs, the helper-slaves each grabbed one end of the cocooned guards carried them out of the room. The blonde Dom swatted each of them again as they passed her. Then she turned her attention to the original Dom, still leaning against the operating table.
The blonde Dom dropped her bag on the operating table with a soft, metallic clunk. Using the riding crop, she directed the black Dom a few steps away from the table and began to undress her. When the black Dom was completely nude, the blonde Dom tapped her crop against the back of the black Dom's thighs, signaling her to kneel down. The black Dom knelt and the blonde Dom opened a zipper that ran down the crack of her ass. The black Dom knew what she had to do and plunged face-first into the derriere of the blonde Dom, working her tongue into and around the offered anus. The blonde Dom moaned softly. She began to touch herself with her left hand as she pushed against the black Dom's head with her right hand, pressing the girl's face deeper between the twin mounds of white flesh. The blonde Dom's body shuddered as she orgasmed, releasing the black Dom's head and motioning for her to stand.
The blonde Dom directed the black Dom back over to the table and unzipped the duffel bag, revealing a tangled mess of steel bands. She extracted a head-cage made of shining silver and locked the black Dom's head inside it. The cage had a built in spider-gag that settled between the black Dom's teeth, keeping her mouth securely open. The black Dom did not react to the metal frame secured around her head. She remained motionless, staring straight ahead. The blonde Dom extracted another metal frame from the duffel bag. This one was larger and locked around the black Dom's upper torso. The black Dom's arms were cuffed securely into silver manacles that held her arms crossed behind her back and her enormous breasts were pushed through a pair of rings in the front of the apparatus. The rings cinched tight like handcuffs.
The black Dom's breasts now rested on a pair of bars that jutted forward away from the frame. Five metal wires hung from each bar at regular intervals. The blonde Dom wrapped these wires around the black Dom's breasts, loosely binding the fleshy orbs to the bars jutting out from the rest of the frame. The blonde Dom pressed a button and the black Dom moaned and squeezed her eyes shut as the wires tightened around her breasts, cutting deeply into the soft tissue. They weren't tight enough to break the skin, but they were still painful.
The blonde Dom selected another item from her duffel bag. This was a sort of chastity belt. The belt had a huge built-in dildo which the blonde Dom forcibly inserted into the black Dom's pussy. The back of the belt was like a metal thong, with a thin band of metal bisecting the black Dom's hindquarters. Eight clamps hung from the crotch area of the chastity belt. The blonde Dom applied four clamps to each of the black Dom's labia. The blonde Dom picked up the remote the black Dom used to control the room and pressed a series of buttons. Another metal frame rose up out of the floor. This one was a full-body frame. The blonde Dom opened it and ushered the black Dom inside. The chastity belt, torso frame, and head-cage snapped into place as they were connected to their attachment points in the body frame.
The blonde Dom locked the frame closed and reached into her duffel again, extracting a huge strapon. She buckled it over her crotch and moved in front of the black Dom so she could see the monster dildo she was about to be impaled with. The black Dom showed no emotion at the sight of the huge dong. The blonde Dom pressed herself against the bound black Dom and began to rub the strapon between the black Dom's legs while reaching around and grabbing large handfuls of her soft buttocks. The black Dom closed her eyes, enjoying the contact. The blonde Dom smirked and pulled back. She grabbed the nipple clamps that dangled from the frame and clipped them onto the chocolate-colored nipples. The black Dom moaned again as the clamps dug into her sensitive flesh. The blonde Dom smiled and opened the zipper on the seat of her cat-suit, exposing her butt-crack. She pulled a butt-plug from her satchel and inserted it into her own ass, sighing as she pushed it in and out several times. She smiled and went around behind the black Dom.
The blonde Dom fiddled with the remote again, causing the metal thong bisecting the black Dom's ass to divide neatly in half, forcibly plying the cheeks apart. The blonde Dom positioned her strapon at the entrance to the black Dom's ass and roughly pushed herself inside. She thrust her hips back and forth and the black Dom moaned as she was mercilessly ass-raped. As the blonde Dom fucked her bound colleague's ass, she flipped a switch on the frame. The black Dom squeezed her eyes shut and squealed as painful electric shocks surged through her pussy and nipples. Though painful, the electricity made the black Dom's pussy drip with pleasure. The blonde Dom reached around and started to torture the black Dom, squeezing the nipple clamps and rubbing the black Dom's engorged clitoris while continuing to rape her ass. The black Dom's eyes rolled back into her head and she writhed in her bondage as she was rocked by a series of monstrous orgasms.
The blonde Dom pulled out, took off her strapon, and turned off the electricity. She went around to look at the black Dom's eyes. They were shining with tears of joyous pain. The blonde Dom covered them with a leather blindfold and inserted an electrified dildo into the black Dom's already traumatized asshole. She pulled out a handful of tangled wires connected to electrodes. She stuck them all over the black Dom's butt cheeks, plugged them in, and turned the power back on. The black Dom began to squeal again but the blonde Dom shoved the strapon dildo into her mouth, muffling her cries.
A brunette Dom wearing a leather miniskirt, leather bra, and heels had entered the room. She dragged two obese women behind her on leashes connected to their clits. These women were examples of what could happen on the rare occasions the cloning process went awry. They were the lucky ones, spared a mandatory termination because of the few women out there with fat girl fetishes. Unfortunately they were doomed to spend the rest of their lives as slaves, lives which could be ended at the will of their Mistress. And since they were considered to be aberrations they could count on very harsh treatment no matter where they ended up.
The corpulent slaves had their arms locked behind them in metal frames and their heads were totally encased in leather. They could not see or speak and they would probably remain that way forever. Their breasts and asses bore signs of countless whippings and their ankles were hobbled with short chains. The brunette Dom tugged cruelly on the leashes of her charges and they struggled to move forward. One of them tripped over her hobble chain and they both went down hard. As they struggled to get up they were whacked soundly across their large bottoms with a riding crop held by the brunette Dom.
The blonde Dom gathered up the nurse-slaves who had been silently masturbating as they watched the black Dom being raped and screwed dildos into the front of their gags. Large vibrating butt-plugs were forced into their asses before they were helped up onto the operating tables and securely strapped down. The operating tables were lowered to knee height and breathing tubes were inserted into their nostrils and linked to air-exchangers. The two fat slaves lumbered over and kneeled over the nurse-slaves. The eyes of both nurse-slaves widened as the huge pussies loomed over their faces. Then the two fat women sat downward, jamming themselves on the dildos attached to the nurse-slaves' gags.
The brunette Dom activated the vibrating butt-plugs of the nurse-slaves and signaled the fat slaves to start fucking themselves by whipping her crop across their jiggling breasts. First the left girl, then the right girl, left, right, left, right, and so on. If they got out of sync the brunette Dom would break out a cat o' nine tails and brutally pummel their breasts for a whole minute, after which they had to start again. The blonde Dom watched this for a while before becoming bored. She grabbed the dolly to which Karen was still tightly bound (Karen had hoped they had forgotten all about her) and wheeled it out, smacking the two fat slaves across the asses as she passed them, making them lose their rhythm again. The blonde Dom laughed as she heard the fat slaves moaning through their gags as their breasts were punished again.
The blonde Dom wheeled Karen down long dark hallways, passing many Doms with slaves in tow. The blonde Dom greeted them as they passed with a pinch or a slap on the ass or by squeezing their breasts. They responded in kind. They finally reached an oaken door marked "Head Mistress' Quarters" in elegant, flowing script. The blonde Dom knocked three times.
"Come," a voice answered.
The blonde Dom turned the doorknob and wheeled Karen through the door backwards. The door swung shut behind them and the blonde Dom turned Karen around. While the rest of the ship was a collection of blank metal bulkheads, this room was decorated in late Victorian style. Several women wandered about the room. They were garbed in various styles of lingerie or erotic costume. A few were completely nude. None of them seemed embarrassed by their outfits (or lack thereof) and most were gagged in one form or another. Some of the women were bound to elegant pieces of furniture and most of them were being "serviced" by the others.
Against the far wall was a huge four-poster bed. A nude woman was tied to each of the foot posts with silken ropes and three more hung suspended from the canopy. Four nude and gagged women, two bound and two unbound, were in the bed together and were gazing adoringly at a fifth. She was tall and thin with pale skin, ebony hair, red lips, and breasts that most women dreamed about. She was busy fondling her two bound bed mates while the other two seemed eager to take their places. She wore black opera gloves, thigh boots, a corset, and a long, flowing dress, all made of the most supple leather money could buy.
The blonde Dom stared as though in a trance as the woman gracefully slid off the bed and clasped her hands behind her back. She circled Karen, her unbound bed mates following after her. She stopped directly in front of Karen and the women knelt on either side of her, nuzzling against her through her dress. The woman absentmindedly stroked their hair as she gazed deep into Karen's eyes. Karen felt like she was being hypnotized. Finally she spoke, her voice a deep purr.
"Gina certainly did an excellent job on this one," she said, "How is she gagged?"
The blonde Dom did not answer. She was too busy undressing the woman with her eyes.
"Tina!" said the woman sternly, "I asked you a question!"
"Oh, um, yes. Right. The gag," Tina, caught napping, spluttered awkwardly, "Gina had this one's lips glued together over a piece of Living Rubber covered by a sheet of latex and a discipline hood...uh, Head Mistress."
The Head Mistress nodded approvingly, "Yes, Gina has always been a prodigy when it comes to gags. It's almost and art form for her. She's never satisfied with a mere ballgag. She always takes it to the next level and beyond. Did you give her and her assistants a suitable reward?"
"Yes ma'am," said Tina, "I requisitioned a pair of fatties to sit on her assistant's faces for a while and I put Gina in the Shockmaster. Plus I gave her a good ass-raping. I thought she would like that."
The Head Mistress laughed daintily, "I imagine she did. She'll be following you around for weeks to get you to do it again."
"Only if my Mistress wishes it," said Tina automatically.
"Mmm, there's a good girl," the Head Mistress cooed as she placed her hand on Tina's cheek. Tina positively melted at the touch and dropped to her knees.
"What do you wish of me Mistress?" she asked in a childlike voice.
The Head Mistress stroked Tina's golden hair, "I do not wish anything of you now other than the greatest pleasure. You have pleased your Mistress and you deserve a reward. Girls, give Tina her reward."
The two girls gurgled through their gags and trotted off. They returned with copious amounts of rope and leather.
"Thank you Mistress," said Tina passionately as the slave-girls tied her arms behind her back and dragged her away, "Thank you, thank you, thank y-."
She was cut off in mid-platitude as a gag was shoved between her teeth and she was dragged out of sight. The Head Mistress watched her go, and then turned to Karen.
"Well," the Head Mistress crowed, "Well, well, well. So you're the one. The leader of the hetero-deviants. You must have really been a thorn in the Leader's side if she authorized such strict bondage for you. Dildos bolted into your flesh, breasts rubberized, and all the equipment custom-made just for you? Yes, the Leader was certainly eager to make sure you don't get away."
Karen moaned plaintively as tears rolled down her leather-covered cheeks.
"No dear," said the Head Mistress, correctly interpreting Karen's muffled words, "I'm afraid we can't let you go. The Leader is under the impression that your deviancy is psychological rather than biological. She would like to believe that you and your followers can be rehabilitated and reintroduced into society, even if only as slaves. Well, far be it for me to question the great Leader but I don't see you leaving this ship any time soon. Maybe your deviancy is psychological, I wouldn't know. But even if it is and you can be rehabilitated, the Leader will never find out about it. You'll be here for as long as you can hold onto your degenerate waste of a life. You'll be a fuck-toy for hundreds of years, forced to satisfy me and my underlings while receiving no satisfaction in return. When we grow bored with you we will find you a new job, perhaps as a pain-slut or a toilet slave. But first we're going to break you in front of all your followers and broadcast it to the entire net. Women from earth to Alpha Centauri will touch themselves in time to your screams. Couples across the stars will record the footage and run it on an endless loop to stimulate them and their partners while they make love. Bondage aficionados will watch you in your moments of greatest suffering for years to come. History will mark the day of your breaking as the day when the disease of heterosexuality was finally eradicated. You're going to be a household name for thousands of years. You should be proud."
But Karen was not proud. If she had not been so thoroughly gagged, she would have been bawling.
"Oh, poor baby," said the Head Mistress, wiping Karen's tears away, "Don't worry, you'll grow to like it here sooner or later. Though probably later rather than sooner."
The Head Mistress snapped her fingers and Karen felt herself being wheeled backwards out of the room. She saw Tina, tied to a bench with an enema tube pumping her ass full of water.
"Have a nice life, such as it is," said the Head Mistress as she waved goodbye to Karen, "Now then, who wants to play with me?"
The last thing Karen saw before her eyes were covered by the blindfold was the Head Mistress, laughing as the slave-girls swarmed around her, each one eager to be selected for "play time".