Author's Note: This is a slow-paced, sensual fantasy. If you're looking for a fast romp, look elsewhere. It does, however, cut right to the chase. No mucking about with lengthy backstories, breast sizes, or body weights.
So... The story is written entirely from a first-person narrative, but that person switches a number of times throughout. I spend most of my time narrating from the girl's perspective, though, since I find that more interesting. You'll hopefully notice that I tried to capture the focus of each character with my narrative - as the female, I spend most of the time describing what she thinks, feels, and sees around her. As the male, I spend most of the time describing the female. Males are a narrow-minded species, after all. ;)
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Now, no one else has read this, and I'm not great at finding my own errors, so if you run into any (spelling, grammatical, continuity, logic, etc.) then let me know. My email address is also provided if you don't want to post a comment.
Finally, know that I skirt clear of colloquial language as a matter of personal preference. You might think that's an impossible prospect in a genre revolving around cocks, pussies, tits, etc., but I have instead opted to use more flowery (read: superfluous) formal language and the scientific names of such erogenous zones. Though I can't guarantee the same of my characters' dialogue. :P
Oh, and the woman whose sexy body inspired the female character's appearance (particularly her hair) is a model named Samantha Sin.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!
I'm currently working on the ending, but I'm still looking for ideas as to what sort of situations to include. Let me know what turns you on!
- MsNotSleeping (no connection with the first sentence in the story :P)
Update (2013/03/04): I've re-uploaded Part 1 due to numerous fixes and a few added scenes. And Part 2 (much much longer than Part 1) now finishes the story.
But if you'd like to see more of these characters, let me know. I'll think about writing some spin-offs. ;)
Part 1
I took her while she was sleeping. There was no struggle - a small injection of a special concoction into her neck ensured she would stay out while I moved her.
When we arrived at our destination I got straight to work. She wouldn't need her clothes anymore - I removed them slowly, enjoying handling her limp form as I gradually revealed her sexy body. Her breasts were as large as I could have hoped - easily capable of supporting the bondage I had in mind, but not too large as to be disproportionate with her slim figure. I was pleased to find her nether regions shaved smooth - in fact, her entire body was as smooth as silk and equally soft. Her little pink delicates seemed to swell with anticipation as I ran my finger across their lips.
Aware that time was moving fast, I gently lifted her lifeless form to the room she was to awake in. I placed her on a special chaise I had prepared and quickly secured a reinforced skin-tight collar around her neck. It was plain and unassuming, but would play an important role in her upcoming psychological struggle. I attached the collar to a small metal ring on the chair and then carefully locked her wrists with leather straps on either side of her nude body.
To complete the restraints, I strapped each of her legs to individual leg rests and gave her soft feet a quick kiss as I stepped back to admire the girl lying before me. I briefly considered securing her torso too, but decided I would have fun with that later. I noticed that her long bleached hair was strewn across her upper body, so I found a scrunchie and used it to collect her hair in a neat ponytail behind her head.
Standing back once more, I surveyed the restrained beauty in front of me. And she was a beauty alright - I couldn't have picked a better girl. Even with her face set in the emotionless expression of sleep and her eyes firmly closed, she had the most stunning visage I had ever set eyes upon. Her skin was smooth and flawless like a young child's, and the slight point of her chin and the curve of her lips was beauty incarnate.
The rest of her body was no exception. Her perky breasts were round and firm, easily supporting their own weight in her reclined position. She had small areolas and each nipple stood out proudly in the centre. Her abdominal muscles were just visible, indicating a moderate amount of regular exercise without verging on the obsessively narcissistic. I figured she'd probably also have a lovely personality, but would most likely be too concerned with her current predicament when she awoke to be worried about how she treated me.
The outline of her belly stood out slightly, adding shape to her already curvaceous figure. Casting my eyes downwards, I saw that her toenails were neatly trimmed and her feet were surprisingly clean, as though she'd just had a shower. And her love mound... Well, I would find out how well that performed soon enough. That's one gorgeous pussy, I thought.
Her body was also as refreshingly natural as the day she was born. No breast implants, no visible scars or blemishes, no tattoos, and no piercings - not even earrings. And she didn't have a pretentious tan like many arrogantly prideful girls did - her skin was fair, without being so pale as to be confused with a vampire, and without any obvious tan lines.
She was, in essence, the woman of my dreams. An angel. At least as far as outward appearance was concerned, anyway. Time to find out if she had a personality to match that voluptuous body... And with that thought, her eyelids began to lift.
I awoke to the sensation of something light brushing my feet. It immediately struck me that something was very wrong. I could feel a thick, tight collar secured around the length of my neck - but just loose enough that I could swallow without trouble, albeit slightly uncomfortably. I seemed to be held on some sort of reclined chair... I kept my eyes closed as I cautiously tested my bonds. Gently at first, I strained my arms against the straps holding them down, but no matter how much force I applied my arms would not budge in the slightest. My legs told the same story. It was almost as if I was fully paralysed... Whoever had done this obviously wanted to ensure complete immobility.
A pair of hands suddenly went for my neck, and I braced myself in shock. I then realised that they were simply gathering up my hair to tie it behind my head. Well, they'd already stolen every other freedom I had. Why not secure my hair too, I thought grimly.
As the mysterious abductor reached behind my head, I felt their breath on my shoulder and it dawned on me with horror that I was completely nude. So that's what this is, I shuddered. I had never been taken advantage of in that way, and I was still a virgin, but I had certainly heard my share of horror stories from friends and other people on the internet.
But I had hope yet. This stranger had been very gentle when he tied back my hair, so he couldn't be a complete psychopath, right? And he hadn't gagged me, so maybe he just wanted to interrogate me and having me stripped naked was just a way of scaring me into submission. Well, it was certainly working.
I didn't try to scream or make any noise because I figured that if I hadn't immediately realised I was naked, there must be no breeze coming into the room. And if there was no breeze, I certainly wasn't where I had fallen asleep and was most likely far from the ears of anyone who might free me.
As a strange fuzziness clouded my thoughts, I realised I had also been drugged. That would explain why I hadn't awoken during the journey, but it also meant that it could be days since I was last conscious in my bed. I shuddered at this thought, but decided it was time to face my abductor and get some answers.
Keeping my expression as neutral and unreadable as I could manage, I slowly opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the low light level.
At first I saw nothing. Then I realised there was nothing to see - a plain, grey stone wall was about a metre in front of me. No, that must be the roof. I tried to move my head, but like my arms and legs it was held firmly in place by the collar. I instead turned my eyes downwards as far as I could, but could only just make out fuzzy blobs on the bottom of my vision. I moaned in frustration, and then the stranger spoke.
"It's alright, girl, no one's going to hurt you." But I also heard a mutter, "And I haven't even started yet..."
The cliché lie did nothing to pacify my racing thoughts, but at least now I knew something about my captor. He was male.
"Why're you doin' this..." I slurred groggily. The drug must still be wearing off, then.
"It's always the same," he replied smugly. "What are you doing, don't hurt me, let me go..." Then he laughed blithely and patted me on the head, stroking my restrained hair as he continued. "I'm just kidding. I'm as new to this as you are - I'm not some psychopathic sex offender, so you can wipe that expression off your face."
I realised my features had gradually been assuming a look of horror as he spoke, so I quickly resumed my neutral expression. It was more difficult now, because I wanted more than anything to throw his hand away from my face and turn heels on this place - but I was completely helpless, vulnerable, and utterly at his mercy, so I determined to just lay there placidly for now.
"That's better. Now, I just want to ask you a few questions, but if you make any inappropriately loud noises then I shall have to gag you," he said sternly. "So, Alicia, are you a virgin?"
My mind reeled in shock. He knew my name. What else did he know about me?
"How'd you..."
"Now now, Alicia, just answer the simple question, alright?" His hand, which had been caressing my cheek as I spoke, now gripped my jaw firmly.
"Yes, sir. I'm still a virgin, sir," I replied in a small voice.
"Is that a hint of regret I hear? Anyway, there's no need for the sir - I'm hardly older than you are."
"Uh, okay-"
"Okay Gordon." I was rather confused by this point. How did he know my name? Why did he tell me his? Why was he treating me so nicely? Besides that brief moment he'd grabbed my jaw, he'd acted the perfect gentleman. If it wasn't for my collar holding me back I'd have loved to get a good look at him. From his deep voice I had assumed he was much older than me, but apparently that was not the case. But wait, what was I thinking... This man had abducted me from my home, stripped me naked, and strapped me to a chair! He was hardly a gentleman by any means. And my collar? Was I seriously getting too comfortable with this predicament? It was time to turn the tables.
"So... Gordon. Why is it that you broke into my home, drugged me, tore off my clothes, and locked me into this chair?" I asked forcefully.
Without warning, he slapped me hard across the face. I fought back tears as my cheek stung painfully, cursing his name in my head.
"I haven't finished asking my questions yet," he said calmly. "Once I'm done, you may ask yours." He rubbed my face where it was no doubt bright red, relieving the stinging significantly. I didn't want to admit it, but I really appreciated the reprise of his gentlemanly side.
"So you're a virgin. Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend, I suppose? Are you close to any of your flatmates?"
He might well have asked if anyone would miss me, because I saw right through his feigned curiosity. Nonetheless, something told me I should answer his questions truthfully. So I did... Mostly.
"I'm not gay," I blurted out defensively. "And I've got no boyfriend. But I like my flatmates very much - we hang out all the time together." The last part was a lie - my flatmates and I had never got on well, but I didn't want to give him any reason to keep me here longer than he had already.
He snorted derisively. "Please. 'I like my flatmates very much'? That sounds like nonsense. Besides, you wouldn't have such a lovely sign on your door if it were true now, would you? But I appreciate your honesty about your sexual orientation. It would have made things much more difficult for both of us."
Foiled by my blasted door sign. Who'd have thought that such an innocent thing could have gotten me into such a situation? All it said was, "Stay Out. PLEASE."
"Anyway, that'll do with the questions for now. Time for you to meet the thing that'll be living in your mouth the next few days."
My eyes widened. "But you said-"
"I lied. Sorry. But you do have my permission to ask your questions. If you're able." It soon became clear, however, that I was not. A bright red gag appeared in my vision and was quickly stuffed into my mouth. It all happened too fast for me to react - I was too slow to resist the gag's entry. The gag was surprisingly soft, and I was comforted by the fact that it didn't completely fill my mouth - I could probably still make a loud, high pitched noise if I needed to. But that small respite vanished a moment later as the gag began to grow. I was in full panic mode now, hyperventilating as beads of sweat sprung into existence all across my body. The gag continued to grow steadily until it completely filled my mouth cavity, reducing my vocal output to soft muffled moans.
I managed to calm my breathing, but it was more difficult to get the oxygen I needed now that I was restricted to my nostrils alone. And my outrage at being muzzled like a dog certainly wasn't helping me to remain composed.
Gordon's hands began to wipe the sweat from my body, moving up and down my sides first before proceeding to my chest. When he reached my breasts, I drew in a quick little breath and held it while his hands cupped the globes on my chest. Despite everything, he was still very gentle with me. He rubbed every bit of skin slowly, pausing after finishing with my nipples.
The next sensation I experienced was completely new to me - lips sucking softly on my nipple. An involuntary moan escaped through my gag as he proceeded to my other nipple. This... actually felt pretty good. After all the horror stories I had heard of young women being sexually abused by sadistic men, I expected to have been deflowered by this man long before now. But instead this exquisitely sensual treatment took me by surprise. I'd never felt such sensations from my body before, and I decided that while I was lying here helpless I might as well enjoy them.
Gordon proceeded to move his hands down my legs to my feet. He gave my soles a quick tickle that sent tremors up my body as my legs bucked up against the bonds to no avail. Rendered completely immobile, the helplessness of my situation was really going to my head. All these new sensations unleashed upon my body, and I had no choice but to lie there and take them. It was cruel, wrong, frustrating... and utter bliss.
The next gentle touch was right above the most private part of my body. Again, my body reflexively jerked at the contact, and this time my entire pelvis lifted slightly from the chair. So I do have some movement after all, I thought to myself. It was my last coherent thought, though, because then Gordon slipped his finger onto my clit and my conscious mind shut down.
For anyone looking at my face at that moment, it probably looked as if I belonged in a mental asylum. My eyes flickered behind half-closed eyelids. My mouth hung slightly ajar, and a vacant expression occupied my features. In my mind, I was seeing bright flashing images of every colour. The surface of my skin felt like it was burning, but I paid it no heed because the sensation coming from my nether region was simply too overpowering.
Words could not adequately describe that sensation. It pushed everything else out of my mind and took hold of my entire being. For an instant I forgot everything about my current plight and simply savoured the moment, wishing it would last forever.
Alas, it did not.
I was amazed. I had never heard of girls experiencing an orgasm from just a single touch on the clitoris, yet lying before me, gasping for air as her chest heaved up and down, was proof. She had admitted to being a virgin, but I'd assumed she would have at least stimulated herself to an orgasm before. I was going to have a very fun time with her indeed.
Alicia still seemed to be recovering from subspace, so I took the opportunity to clean her up a bit. Her juices were everywhere, so like the crazy person I was I decided to taste some. It was sweet but slightly acidic at the same time. I wouldn't have minded having more, but I didn't know what sort of health risks were involved so I decided to mop up the rest of her juices with a soapy sponge. I also wiped down the rest of her body which was once again glistening with sweat. Not quite as thorough as having a shower, but close enough.
She was beginning to stir back to life now, so I picked up the chair's remote and pressed the button that brought the backrest upright. Her eyelids stopped fluttering and she opened her eyes... She had the most beautiful eyes. They were a deep, piercing green hue that stared into your very being and evoked a desire to treat their owner with all the gentleness you possessed. I looked right back into those eyes as she beheld my face for the first time.
Confusion flitted across her face, swiftly replaced by a look of helpless submission as she remembered where she was. Taking pity on her, I deflated and removed her gag. While my hands were behind her head, I also unclipped her collar from the ring on the chair, wondering how long it would take her to notice. As soon as I stepped back she spoke.
"Thank you," she said breathlessly.
"For what? Giving you your first orgasm, or removing your gag?" It's good to clarify these things.
"Both," she gasped, blushing.
"Well, there's a lot more where that came from," I assured her. She frowned at this, her cute little mouth curving downwards ever-so-slightly.
For some reason I felt the urge to comfort her, despite the fact that it was my actions alone that had brought her into this situation. "Don't worry now, you'll enjoy it very much, I suspect. Now, would you like to be gagged again or do you still have questions?"
She thought for a moment, then informed me, "One question."
"And what's that?" I was curious now. I thought she'd be bursting with questions: all the whys and hows surrounding the whole abduction affair, what I intended to do with her, desperate pleas for freedom, and so forth. What I could never have expected was what she said next.
"Why didn't you kidnap me sooner?"
I couldn't believe it. Suddenly she was actually glad that I'd abducted her? I knew from my investigation that she'd led a dull life, but I didn't think she'd be that desperate to leave it all behind.
The question had caught me off-guard - I had no answer to give her. Instead, I simply replied, "Get some sleep. You'll need it." It was actually still the same night that I had taken her from her bed, but she didn't need to know that.
Remote in hand, I pressed the recline button and left the room, locking the heavy steel door behind me. I could watch her through the hidden camera I had installed, not that I expected to see much movement while she was still strapped to that chair.
As I made my way upstairs to my room, I reflected on what I had accomplished that night. A girl lay helpless and nude in my personal dungeon. She was stunningly beautiful, naively innocent, and quickly accepting her captivity. So that was a definite win. Unbelievably, she even seemed thankful for me abducting her. I wondered if she was simply trying to placate me in an elaborate escape attempt, but since I had no way of knowing I decided to sleep on it and see what the morning brought.
The moment I heard the door's heavy clang as Gordon left the room, my chair began to tilt backwards. Tired of being moved against my will, I struggled against my bonds once more and found, to my surprise, that my collar was no longer attached to the chair. This meant that I could sit up fully and look around, as only my wrists and ankles were still tied down.
But even my wrists and ankles had some wriggling room now - not enough to escape, by any means, but still considerably less restrictive than the rigid restraints I had awoken in. I wondered what had changed.
Looking around, it took every fibre of my being to hold back a scream. The room was outfitted with every sort of medieval torture device imaginable, complete with dark blood stains on a number of sharp, scary-looking implements.
I couldn't believe that the man who had just stimulated me to my first orgasm had anything to do with such devices. I wondered what sort of dark deeds he performed down here, and again what he could possibly have in mind for me.
The room itself was rather plain - stone walls, stone roof, stone floor... It didn't help my escape prospects much. The only light came from a single bulb embedded in the middle of the ceiling. It was currently emitting a dull glow, but I knew it could also be adjusted to provide a much brighter light.
There were countless hooks and wrist-sized rings protruding from the various walls, and I shuddered at the thought of being locked into them for hours on end. There were even some metal loops sticking out of the roof, and I wondered what purpose they could possibly serve. The door stood in one corner, a bare metal slab flush with the stone wall. I didn't know how it was opened, or even if it could be opened from this side at all. Maybe it could only be opened remotely.
It mattered little, however. I was still securely fastened to this infernal chair, and no amount of wriggling or struggling could help me. Worse: such exertions only served to make my breasts bounce around embarrassingly, serving as perverse entertainment for whomever might be watching me through the camera that was no doubt concealed somewhere above.
I also noticed a damp sponge on the ground beside me, and recalled that Gordon had cleaned me up while I was recovering from my orgasm. That was nice of him, but I was really wishing for a proper shower now. And some water...
Having finished examining my surroundings, I lay back down on the chair and thought about what had just transpired.
The orgasm - as I now knew it to be - had been undeniably amazing. I felt a strong urge to recreate that experience however I could, but at the same time I wanted to get as far away from this man as I could and return to my dull but predictable life. If I stayed here, I would surely experience more of those blissful orgasms, but there was no telling what else Gordon might decide to do with me. On the other hand, escaping seemed nigh impossible. Gordon was very thorough with my restraints and had obviously gone to great lengths to even abduct me in the first place.
It would be so easy to just go along with his will... And what sort of life did I have to return to, anyway? A low-paying fast food job and some miserable flatmates hardly provided much of an incentive. I decided to play the part of an obedient slave for now, and if an opportunity arose for escape then I would reconsider my options at that time.
With that resolution, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift off to sleep.
It may come as no surprise that I awoke in exactly the same position. I had half-hoped that this was just some far-fetched fantasy of mine, but as I tested my bonds once more I was forced to accept it as reality.
I had no way of telling exactly how long I'd slept, but judging by the persistent throbbing feeling between my legs it had not been very long. The light level was still the same, but my eyes had adjusted to see perfectly through the gloom.
I lay there for what seemed like hours before anything happened. Then I heard the door swing open and closed, and I was about to sit up to greet Gordon when the light suddenly became blindingly bright, forcing me to turn my head away to let my eyes adjust.
"Good morning, sunshine." He seemed to be in a better mood today. Was that a good thing?
"Morning..." I croaked, staring at the blob of pulsating light that obscured his face.
"Ah yes, I brought you some water, actually. And a bit of breakfast." His words were very welcome indeed - my throat was painfully dry by now and I felt like I hadn't eaten in days. Maybe I hadn't.
He placed a plate on my lap and returned the chair to its upright state, then undid the strap on my left wrist and stepped back. I looked down at the food. Two pieces of buttered toast with jam accompanied by a glass of water. A glass. I could cause a severe injury with a glass. But did I really want to injure a man who had served me only pleasure? It would still be very difficult to escape with only one hand free, anyway. Especially my left hand. The clasps securing my other wrist were behind the chair and out of my reach.
The food seemed innocent enough so I quickly devoured the toast and consumed the whole glass of water in one short series of gulps. I looked up at Gordon, who was smiling to himself as if I'd passed some sort of test. He moved the plate and glass out of my reach and went to secure my wrist again. On a sudden urge, I grabbed his arm, pulling him closer and twisting him around so that he sat on my lap, his other arm out of my reach.
"You really do sweep me off my feet," he said wryly. Then he took my arm in his free hand, stood up, and forced it back into the straps with too much strength for me to resist. He then quickly replaced the gag and inflated it once more, ignoring my semi-muffled protests. A second later I found I could no longer move my head either, as he had reattached my collar to the chair. With an overwhelming sense of defeat I let my body go limp and glared as angrily as I could at my infallible captor.
"Now, seeing as you're done with breakfast, I thought we would get started." His words had a hard edge to them that sent a chill down my spine. Conscious of all the torture devices around me, I gave Gordon my best puppy-dog-eyes look but he ignored it and continued unhampered. "I'm guessing if you'd never had an orgasm before, you probably haven't used one of these before, either," he said, holding up a small pink U-shaped instrument. It didn't look very scary - certainly no blades sticking out or anything, so I couldn't imagine what it might be used for.
"Oh, and I might as well introduce you to some of this chair's special features," he added. That didn't sound good.
He pressed a button on a small remote and the chair's leg rests started moving apart, forcing my legs open. They continued to spread until my legs were almost horizontal. Now, I was a flexible girl, but no gymnast. My inner thighs were screaming bloody murder, made only worse by the weight of my body forcing my crotch even lower. I struggled to keep my bottom from sliding down the chair by pushing against the wrist straps, but my arm muscles soon gave out and I was back to square one.
Gordon, meanwhile, was watching my struggles with an unbridled grin upon his face. Part of my mind registered that he was actually rather handsome - the sort of looks I would have dated a guy for. But I was too preoccupied with the burning sensation in my thighs to give that thought much attention.
Somehow, this new position made me feel even more vulnerable than I had before. My outstretched legs left me in the perfect position for Gordon's shaft to penetrate the sanctity of my most private orifice, but I sincerely hoped that he was not planning to do so. I hadn't liked the way my mind was driven to incoherence when he had last touched me there - my mind was my only sanctity now, it seemed, and if he took that away... I feared I would lose my grip on reality altogether. The orgasm itself had been utter bliss, but I didn't like the idea of my body betraying me so easily.
Though clearly satisfied at my discomfort, Gordon stepped forward and supported my weight by placing a hand through my crotch. I froze, secretly thankful for him relieving the strain on my thigh muscles. But my gratefulness vanished the moment I realised his actual intention. His fingers made contact with my virgin rosebud, where he began liberally spreading a cool lubricant of some kind. You can't touch me there, I thought indignantly. But the rubbing continued, and he even had the gall to poke a finger into my rear. Thankfully, he quickly withdrew it, but my disgust remained.
Suddenly he let go and my thighs resumed their protest. Seeing my discomfort, Gordon tapped another button on his remote and the chair's leg rests came together slightly. Not enough to relieve my overwhelming sense of vulnerability, but enough that I could sit comfortably without immediate pain.
He pressed another button. I was really starting to dislike this remote. So far, it had-
"Mhmmmmpf!" A moan of outrage escaped through my gag. A large, cold object was trying to push its way into my rear. I clenched my muscles as hard as I could muster, but it continued to slide slowly into my hole. I cursed the lubricant for rendering my skin's natural friction useless and allowing this perverse violation to occur. Then the intruder slowed to a halt, my hole stretched painfully wide, and I let out a sigh of relief through my nostrils. It wasn't that far in - I could probably expel it with enough effort.
But Gordon had other ideas. He frowned and reached over to give the object a small tap. With a silent but visceral plop, the large invader lodged itself firmly within my anal cavity and my sphincter snapped shut around its base. I truly had no hope of expelling it now.
"Neat, isn't it? Spring-loaded into the chair," Gordon explained excitedly. "I'm surprised you fit that one, actually. It was nearly the largest they had."
But his words may well have fallen on deaf ears, because I'd finally been pushed past my limit. Tears began flowing from my eyes, trickling off the sides of my chin and down my breasts. His face softened.
"Hey now, don't cry, little angel. I know this is a new experience for you, but I promise you'll enjoy it soon enough."
His promise meant little to me, and my tears continued flowing relentlessly. I glanced over at one of the torture devices in the room, wondering if it could possibly be worse than what I was already going through. Gordon followed my gaze and smiled proudly.
"Don't tell me you were scared by those ancient things!" he laughed. "Collectors' items. Complete with fake blood! I doubt they'd actually be functional, but we can try that one if you'd like."
Greatly surprised by his explanation, a wave of relief swept over me. That was one less thing to worry about. Hopefully he was joking about trying it out, though - it looked like one of those racks they used to strap people into to pull their limbs apart. I knew my history, for the little good it did me.
Now perceiving the room as slightly less threatening, I managed to steel myself and cease the trickle of tears. The foreign object wedged in my rear still had me panicking, however. It terrified me that the most private parts of my body that I had hidden from prying eyes most of my life were now suddenly exposed and violated by this peculiar man and there was absolutely nothing I could do to resist him. He had provoked so many diverse emotional responses in me that my head was now reduced to a jumbled mess; my once-treasured intelligence and reason had all but deserted me. I was trying desperately to pick up the pieces, but having my emotions manipulated in so many ways had taken a great toll on my mind. And still no end was in sight...
Even in my fragile mental state, I began to understand why all those stories of rape and abduction had always sounded so horrific. It was not because of the foul deeds committed against the girls - terrible though they were - but rather because of the gibbering mess that those girls were reduced to. Because of how they never fully recovered from the trauma. Because of how they degenerated into a husk of their former selves, drifting through life. How they had to carry that invisible burden as long as they lived, with no one able to relate to them or console them.
It was a road I knew I would travel down if this treatment continued. But if nothing else, I wouldn't travel that road passively. I'd be trussed up and dumped in the back of a truck before anyone took me down that road. Then I remembered the nature of my situation and realised that such a scenario was actually quite likely.
Oblivious to my terrified musings, Gordon approached with the little pink instrument he'd shown to me earlier. Holding it over my vulva, he plunged it directly into my virgin orifice as I drew a sharp intake of breath in response. He proceeded to wriggle the device, to my shameful and reluctant enjoyment, until he seemed happy with its position. Then he reached underneath the chair and pulled out a rubber flap I hadn't seen before.
"Think of it as latex lingerie. I just don't want to have to clean up another mess like last time. And we wouldn't want your new little friend slipping out either, would we?" he explained as he attached the latex to hooks above each of my legs. That pink device wouldn't be falling out now, that was for certain. The latex was quite tight around my crotch, and I could see the outline of the little device pressed against my clit. The resultant movement of the large metal object in my rear caused me to shift uncomfortably, which in turn only made the sensation more pronounced. But at least the latex stopped any other unexpected objects from entering my orifices. I was more worried about this mention of "another mess". Did that mean another orgasm? I didn't know whether to be excited or apprehensive after my first experience.
Taking a different remote from his pocket, Gordon tweaked a dial and then hesitated before pushing a large button. He looked up at me and our eyes locked for an instant, his set in a determined gaze and mine widened with apprehension. Without saying a word, he pushed the button.
A scream escaped into my gag.
The little pink device exploded into powerful vibrations centred directly over my clitoris and g-spot. I felt my spread legs quivering in response to the stimulus, but in a rising surge of rebellion I clenched my lower body muscles as tightly as I could to numb the sensations. He'd already manipulated me to an orgasm once - he wouldn't get another out of me now that I knew what they were. I wasn't just some sex doll he could play with and violate however he wished - I was an independent human being, and I refused to bend to his perverse wishes.
But when would it end? The vibrations continued on mercilessly, my muscles now aching all over from having been clenched so firmly. I glared at Gordon, my face scrunched up in a furious expression. He was leaning casually against the wall looking back at me impassively. A slight smile appeared as he saw my resolve beginning to falter.
"You're so cute when you try to resist. But it's futile, you know." If I could have glared at him any more angrily, I would have. But instead I felt control over my muscles begin to weaken as they burned with overexertion. The vibrations over my most sensitive spots took hold once more, their irresistible influence breaking through my concentration. I thrashed out against my bonds, but as always they refused to budge and my remaining energy only diminished further. I involuntarily let my body relax... I'd tried my best, hadn't I? Surely there was no shame in giving in now...
The device lodged in my crotch buzzed on oblivious to the chaos it inflicted. My mind became hazy as pleasure assaulted my senses, then I jerked back into consciousness again as I tried to clear my head. This repeated a few more times before a soothing voice cut through my clouded mind and eased my struggles.
"That's it, girl. Just relax and enjoy it..." I felt a hand on my forehead, alleviating the ache in my clenched brow.
That voice is so comforting. I think I'll just... My thoughts faded away as I sunk into subspace.
Alicia let out a soft moan as her eyes left mine and rolled up into her head. I'd been so excited when I discovered she was a virgin - just watching her face as I manipulated her body against her will was really something special. Now I couldn't begin to imagine the bliss she was experiencing. The only indication that she was still conscious was her flaring nostrils and the straining muscles all over her body.
But I hadn't abducted a girl just to watch her in ecstasy. No, as entertaining as that was, I had a somewhat more physical involvement in mind. But despite my engorged member, I had no desire to rob her of her innocence just yet. A virgin was a rare thing in today's world, and I wanted to savour that innocence for as long as I could. Her body knew how to react better than she did, though - when she'd grabbed me after finishing breakfast, I had noticed to my surprise that her vulva was already rather moist. I'd decided not to punish her for the outburst after that.
Presently I began fondling the inside of her thighs, massaging her tense muscles. I marvelled at the smoothness of her fair skin, especially as I moved my hand closer to her crotch. Watching the latex covering her two holes, I grinned as a small bulge appeared briefly in the middle before dispersing again. This happened a few more times in quick succession. Climaxed already, I thought with satisfaction. She'd squirted everywhere during her first orgasm, so it was no surprise that with more powerful stimulation the force of her squirted juices could push the latex out briefly.
Her eyes flew open.
"Nmm mmm mfff," she pleaded. At least, I assumed she was pleading. I couldn't understand a word, but judging from her desperate expression and her recent orgasm, I could only guess that she wanted the vibrator turned off. Well, always the good teacher, I decided to educate her on some of her body's capabilities.
"After just one? You can do better than that," I replied encouragingly. She tried to reply, but fortunately she was saved the trouble by another climax approaching. Her eyes disappeared once more, and I resumed my fondling. At least she wasn't bucking around like with her first orgasm - the butt plug made sure of that. It had to feel strange having such a large object stuck up your rectum, especially for a girl as inexperienced in these things as Alicia.
I did have some idea of the sexual agony she was going through now, though, despite my personal lack of experience. I knew that a woman's genitals became extremely sensitive during sexual arousal - and they were never more aroused than after experiencing an orgasm. In fact, she was supposedly in a "heightened state of awareness" or something, but she certainly didn't look very aware now. Perhaps it only applies to direct contact, I mused, now sucking softly on an erect nipple. I'd heard of women who were driven unconscious from too many consecutive orgasms, and I thought it would be neat to see that for myself.
After her fourth orgasm, however, I decided to give the poor girl a break. Her skin was shining with sweat and her chest was rising and falling so fast I thought she would collapse. If she was able to move, that was. By now, I'd stroked or licked nearly every square inch of her luscious body and I probably knew her prurient curves better than she did herself. I was ready for something different.
Figuring Alicia wouldn't be back with it for another few minutes yet, I started moving her to the next position. I quickly unstrapped all her limbs, unclipped her collar, and started to remove the latex panties. On my touch, the latex slid across her skin as if it was heavily lubricated. Then I realised it was - she was literally slipping in her own orgasmic fluids. That must feel just wonderful, I thought, glad I wasn't in her position. But I had no time to lose, so I unfastened the latex flap and resolved to clean up the dripping mess later.
Ignoring her slimy crotch, I took her limp body up in my arms - hearing a soft plop as the butt plug was dragged out of her rear - and strolled over to the wall, glancing down at her face. She looked so peaceful... Exhausted, perhaps, but otherwise as tranquil as on the night I'd found her.
I gently deposited her against the wall and secured some leather shackles around her wrists and ankles. The wrist shackles were connected by a thick rope to some rings high on the wall, so I could easily pull on the rope to lift her arms up later. The shackles around her ankles were a bit different. They too had ropes running to some rings on the wall, these ones near the floor, but they also had little metal loops on the opposite side that could be connected to a spreader bar. I decided to leave her collar unconnected for now.
As she began to stir, I pulled on each rope which brought her wrists hard to the wall, lifting her body into an upright spread-eagled position. Just as I was doing the same with her ankles, she sprang back to life and started thrashing around wildly. Fortunately, only one leg was still loose, so I had no trouble overpowering and subduing her efforts. I was actually quite pleased that she'd come to right at that moment, because it meant that she was fully aware of the missed opportunity to best me and her powerlessness would be driven home all the more.
On that note, I suspected it wouldn't be too long before I broke her - she seemed remarkably naive of bondage and even her own sexuality, which only made her more susceptible to being overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and despair when such things were forced on her against her will. And she'd already broken down crying once, which I took to be an indication that it was becoming too much for her to handle. Yet I didn't really want to see her broken - it seemed a shame for such a beauty to be reduced to little more than an animal in heat, not to mention that it took all the enjoyment out of my activities. Well, most of the enjoyment. Her innocent reactions were highly satisfying, and seeing her submit to the pleasure despite her futile protests was what really turned me on. In any case, I hadn't finished with her yet, so she'd just have to hold on to her sanity for as long as she could.
Now that she was held arms-wide against the wall, I decided to put a spreader bar to use. Her feet were currently held less than a foot apart - I wanted to increase that to at least a metre or so. I looked around for an appropriately-sized spreader bar and found one lying nearby, next to a large handheld vibrator. I made a mental note to use that later and proceeded to attach the spreader bar to Alicia's ankles.
The distance proved to be adequate - her legs were spread by a nice amount, and just enough that she winced slightly from the uncomfortable tug on her aching thighs. I didn't want her kicking out at me, though, so I tied the spreader bar to one of the wall rings with a short rope. She was now truly spread-eagled against the stone wall and glaring at me with her best I-am-not-amused look. I slapped her swollen pussy playfully, enjoying the sight of her thighs flexing in vain as she tried to pull her legs together.
Deciding it was time to clean up the mess she'd made, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled right up to Alicia's crotch. I looked up to see her peering down at me with a curious expression on her face. Without hesitation, I began licking all the skin coated in her juices, leaving her sensitive pink mound till last.
"Ever had cunnilingus?" I asked, looking up at her. Her puzzled expression said it all. I dived into her hole tongue-first, pushing into every fold of flesh that I could feel. I was probably doing it like a complete amateur, but it was all the same to her on the receiving end. Muffled moans wafted down from above as her labia trembled against my tongue. Then I pulled out, wiped my mouth with my hand and stood up.
"Mmmmmph?" I'd never heard an incoherent mumble sound so sad, but she pulled it off like a pro.
"Oh, no. You've had your fun. Now it's time for you to learn a little more about your body." Quickly deflating and removing her gag, I held my hand over her mouth and stared at her sternly as a warning. I then removed the latex flap dangling from the chaise and held it up to her mouth. "Lick," I commanded.
At first she just stared at it with a look of disgust written plainly across her features. Then she opened her mouth as if to talk, and I took the opportunity to shove the latex firmly into her mouth, forcing her to taste her own juices. She struggled, but quickly realised she had no hope of escaping it. So she started licking. Slowly at first, then with more vigour as I moved the material around so she could reach all of it. Once the latex was satisfactorily clean, I threw it behind me and let her know I was pleased.
"See, that wasn't too hard, was it," I gave her a swift kiss on the lips and put a gag back in her mouth before she could respond. A ball gag, this time - those inflatable gags could do some damage after a while.
My next deed would work best as a surprise, so I found her panties that I'd removed last night and tied them around her head to blindfold her. Then I left the room to retrieve the indoor hose and returned to the girl sprawled across my wall to aim the nozzle at her chest. I switched it on.
Her body jerked as if she'd been electrocuted, and she continued to tremble as I directed the stream of water all over her body. I didn't blame her - the water was quite cold, but I had to clean her off somehow. Hosing her down just seemed like the most entertaining way of doing it.
I noticed that her quivering intensified when I sprayed at her armpits, her sides, and, naturally, at her groin. Ticklish one, huh. I reduced the water pressure and ripped off the panties from her head, spraying her directly in the face for a split second before I turned off the nozzle.
"There you go. Now all of that sweat is gone. You're welcome," I said, teasing her. Her face started to sour, and not wanting her to cry again I jumped in and initiated a vigorous but soft tickling on her sides. She immediately broke into muffled laughter as her belly shook violently. I stopped and moved my fingers up to her vulnerable armpits, savouring the wide-eyed pleading look she gave me. I promptly tapped her skin once and lowered my hands. Alicia breathed a sigh of relief.
I decided to let her hair loose to redeem myself slightly. I removed the scrunchie and allowed her hair to fall onto her breasts. Then, thinking the constant tickling might irritate her, I swept her hair behind her shoulders, running my hand down its length as I did. It was lovely, soft hair - well-treated, no doubt. I loved a girl who looked after her body well and didn't mutilate herself with tattoos and studs.
Alicia watched me with an inscrutable expression. I must be very difficult for her to figure out - forcing orgasms out of her one minute and admiring her hair the next. Well, she seemed ready for more of the former. I knew I was.
I hated the new position I found myself in. All the uneasy feelings of vulnerability from the last one, with the added annoyance of having to stand up for a prolonged time. Well, I could theoretically let my legs go slack, but my arms would hate me for it. And this bar holding my legs apart - who on earth would invent such a thing? I wanted to close my legs so badly. Unlike in the chair, my ankles weren't strapped to anything. I could wriggle my legs freely but I just couldn't move them together - that cruel bar kept them firmly apart despite my most fervent exertions. The only reward I reaped was a renewing of the ache in my thighs.
To make matters worse, Gordon now knew my weak spots. I had hoped with everything else going on - with the relentless stimulation of the most private areas of my body - that he wouldn't realise how intensely ticklish I was. But here I was, no holes barred, my entire being laid before this man to do with as he wished. Gone were the days of my own wishes having any meaning. And yet after experiencing such guilty pleasures, my captor was beginning to grow on me. Four orgasms in a row! I'd never dreamed such a thing was possible. I was hooked now - I wanted to feel them all over again, to let my body go slack as the intense pleasure rocked me into oblivion. I couldn't help but crave that next glorious convulsion... Maybe this is what drug-addicts felt like.
That thought made me catch myself, drawing my mind back from the endless ocean of unescapable bliss. I knew I had to do something to escape this place before I was fully addicted to that newfound ecstasy, but I still couldn't overcome the overwhelming helplessness I felt... An idea began forming in my mind.
My thought process was cut, however, when I saw what Gordon was approaching with. Rope - lots of it. The next thing I knew he was winding it around my waist and crotch, creating a sort of G-string out of rope. I gasped as the rope cut through the lips of my tender slit but Gordon paid me no heed.
After finishing with my lower body he moved up to my chest. Holding my breast in one hand, he wrapped several coils of rope around its base before connecting it to my other breast and repeating the process. Then he tied off the rope and pinched my nipple lightly as if as a signature touch. Expecting a sharp pain, I was surprised when the pinch actually felt rather pleasurable. I was learning new things about my body by the hour, it seemed.
I was less impressed with the way my normally average-sized bust was now pushed out in front of me like two big balloons. They looked ridiculous and were beginning to acquire a deep shade of red. But I couldn't feel any pain, so I wasn't too worried by that. I probably looked like a model for some new exotic line of strapless rope bras, though. At least the rope wasn't rough - it was actually very soft against my skin.
Then Gordon took them in his hands and shook them gently up and down. My humiliation only intensified when he let go and they continued bouncing briefly. My face probably matched the hue of my bosom by that point.
He moved away, picked up something off the floor, and turned back to face me. It was a black rod with a large round head. I had no idea what its use might be... Until he held it against my most sensitive area and flicked the switch.
It began as a light tickling. Every sensory nerve in my swollen clitoris was driven crazy, sending tingles all across my body. Then it became stronger. Powerful vibrations ran through me and were amplified by the rope through my crotch and my highly sensitive state of arousal. I tried moving my groin away from the infernal machine, but Gordon matched my movements with ease. Then it increased in power for the last time, unleashing an unstoppable barrage of pleasure on my overloaded sensory system. I climaxed, arching my head back in uncontrollable ecstasy and collapsing as I rode the orgasm out.
I was vaguely aware of a loud buzzing noise ceasing, but I couldn't recall when the noise had started. You just can't inflict such extreme pleasure upon a person and expect them to come through unscathed, I thought hopelessly. As my eyes regained focus and I was able to make my legs support my weight once more, I gazed into Gordon's eyes with the most exhausted expression I could muster. I tried murmuring into my gag to indicate that I wanted to speak - surely he'd grant me that much.
He hesitated briefly, then said, "I'll give you one chance to talk. You'd better make it count." He removed my gag with practised ease, then looked at me questioningly and prompted, "Well?"
I worked my jaw a bit first, attempting to overcome its numbness. I knew what I had to say - it was the only thing that had the slightest chance of getting me out of here before it was too late. Trying to resist my all-consuming libido was useless. And I knew that this could be the last time I was in my right mind and capable of lucid, rational thought.
So there I was, arms outstretched and shackled above my head, legs held wide apart by a metal bar, collared like some mindless cattle, my breasts wrapped liberally in coils of rope and protruding like melons, my tender slit split open by a rope wrapped tightly around my crotch, my skin shining with a fresh coat of perspiration, held captive in a subterranean stone cell who-knows-where, held face to face with the man who was responsible for all of the above.
"Gordon," I said seductively. "Will you marry me?"
Part 2 (added: 2013/03/04)
I smirked. "Is that supposed to make me go easier on you?"
A look of desperation crossed her face as she replied. "No! I mean... I'm serious."
Despite the very tempting prospect of spending the rest of my life with this amazing woman - whether she remained my personal sex slave or not - I couldn't help but be sceptical of her proposal given the circumstances. But if she was serious, then she must realise that much more of this would be in store for her, so using it as a means of escape was hardly logical. Unless she intended to run at the first opportunity...
Mulling it over, I decided there was no harm in going through with it. I'd have to keep a close eye on her, of course, and our wedding would have to be performed in relative secrecy, but I think it could work. And it would certainly ease my conscience about raping her. Well, I suppose it wouldn't be rape then.
Looking deep into her eyes as if to read her true thoughts directly, I said slowly, "Alright, Alicia. I will marry you."
She beamed at me with that angelic smile of hers, making me want to cradle her right there. It was scary how much control she had over me, even fully restrained as she was. I continued hastily, "We'll seal the deal tomorrow. I suppose I'd better find you something to wear..."
I knew a minister that wouldn't ask too many questions, and my house had a foyer just right for our little ceremony. As for what she would wear... I had a few ideas. With only a day to prepare I couldn't afford to spend any more time with my fiancee, so I left her standing spread-eagled against the wall - replacing her ball gag first, of course - and went to fetch some important equipment.
The day passed quickly. It seemed like an insignificant affair, this wedding, and yet I couldn't help but feel excited. Very little would actually change - over time I might allow her more freedom, but otherwise she would remain my captive and the world would be none the wiser as to what transpires below Gordon Massey's mansion. Still, she would be my wife. That thought held some weight in my mind, and the more I dwelt on it the more I liked the idea.
The following morning shortly after ten, my friend Nathan arrived to perform the ceremony. I wasn't even sure if a wedding was official without ample witnesses, but Nathan assured me that he would take care of the legal side of things.
I'd been up for several hours already, preparing my fiancee for her appearance and ensuring she was comfortable, properly nourished, and unlikely to expose the nature of our relationship. She had been perfectly compliant when I had locked a chastity belt on her and threatened to throw away the key if she acted up. She must have really liked those orgasms, I thought, amused. Just in case she had second thoughts, I tied a length of rope between her knees, restricting her ability to run. In addition, I had kept the rope on her breasts for the appealing effect it had on the size of her bust. Finally, her whole body was wrapped in white cloth, forming a makeshift dress and conveniently concealing all of the incriminating bondage equipment beneath. The cloth was actually just a silk sheet, but I kept that fact to myself.
She'd also had her first proper shower this morning, much to her delight. It was also the first time she had free movement of both her hands, so I had been rather nervous as I waited outside the bathroom door. But my anxiety proved to be for naught when she emerged, fresh-faced and smiling, wearing only a towel.
But now was the true test of her commitment. She was now fully ready for the ceremony - all she had to do was walk into the room, say the appropriate lines, and stay silent as the minister left my house. Nathan now stood at the end of the foyer, and I took my place before him and waited for Alicia to enter from the side door.
The moment dragged on longer, and I grew nervous about this whole ordeal. I should never have agreed to marry her - it was too risky. I didn't want to lose this girl that I'd worked so hard to acquire... Then she entered the room.
Her eyes darted briefly to the front door before meeting my uncertain gaze. She deliberated for a moment, then began walking slowly towards me. My heart leapt. This was actually happening - the lifelong companionship I'd always deeply craved was almost mine. I'd never hoped even in my wildest dreams that the girl who fulfilled my darkest desires would also willingly become that companion. I never thought I would get the best of both worlds, and yet here she was.
She was stunning, too. The white cloth hugged her form closely, sitting just loose enough to make you question whether she was wearing a bra underneath. She wasn't, of course, but her exaggerated bust was enough to widen Nathan's eyes as he whispered to me, "Never thought I'd say this, mate, but you scored quite the looker."
"Thanks for the confidence," I whispered back, grinning. Alicia reached me and took my hands in hers, our eyes locking as Nathan cleared his throat and began.
By some miracle, the ceremony proceeded without a hitch. We each said some generic vows at Nathan's prompting, and I laughed to myself as I thought about how ironic many of them were. "Remain bound together in love" indeed. We put gold rings on each other's finger - thankfully I'd already had some plain jewellery lying around - and after a few more customary lines, we were pronounced husband and wife.
"You may now kiss your bride." I wrapped my arms firmly around Alicia as our mouths joined in an intimate kiss. Nathan stood there awkwardly, waiting for us to finish. Finally, we broke apart and turned to face him.
"Well, congratulations, guys. There's just some formal paperwork here that you've gotta sign, and then I'll be off." I nodded and passed the pen to my wife, patiently waiting as she read over her section. She didn't know that I'd modified the conditions of divorce slightly - the only way our marriage could terminate was by proven infidelity, which I certainly wasn't going to risk. She must have seen this condition, though, because she seemed to stare at the page for a long time before silently signing in the appropriate place. Then she handed me the pen, and I quickly skimmed through the formal jargon and signed my name beside hers before passing the documents back to Nathan.
"That's it! I wish you guys a great honeymoon." And with that, he strolled out the front door and drove off. I was left standing there with my beautiful bride, who looked at me and smiled nervously. I knew she would be hoping that she didn't have to go back to the dungeon, but she wanted to see what I would do before expressing it.
Without saying a word, I put my arm around her shoulders and guided her back towards the basement. The smile disappeared and she turned her head to me with a pleading look.
"I did everything right. You can trust me, see?" Her soft voice took on a desperate tone.
"That's true, you did. But I didn't give you much choice." The threat of a permanent chastity belt can be a powerful motivator.
"The reason I don't want to wear this frustrating belt forever is because I want to lose my virginity to you," she gushed.
The girl sure knew how to sweet-talk a guy. I didn't buy it, but it made me feel good regardless. She would get her wish, in any case. I picked up a set of leather handcuffs on my way downstairs and locked her wrists behind her back before she got any ideas. I removed her ring while I was at it and put it with mine in my pocket.
I pushed her back into the dungeon and she stumbled over to the reclined chair in the middle before losing her balance. Shutting the heavy door behind me, I returned to help Alicia out of her wedding gown.
I stumbled across the room as if I was wearing a tight miniskirt - the rope between my legs had more or less the same effect. As I neared the chair that I'd been strapped to previously, I lost my balance and collapsed face-first into it, cursing the handcuffs that prevented me from breaking my fall. Hearing the door slam behind me, I twisted around to see Gordon approaching with a smug look on his face.
"What are you so pleased about..." I muttered, disgruntled, as I struggled to right myself.
"Have I ever told you how stunningly beautiful you are?" He replied. I blushed. Somehow it made me feel better knowing that the man who had abducted me and was now my husband respected me at least as far as my body was concerned. Maybe he respected me in other ways, too. I might yet have a chance of getting out of this dungeon.
"No? Well, you are a very beautiful creature, I assure you." Now he was just being flirtatious, but I loved hearing him say it. I certainly hadn't heard much of that before my abduction.
"In fact, so ravishing you are that it's you I've decided to lose my virginity to. That's right, I'm a virgin too, not that it means much nowadays." Now it was my turn to be stunned. It did, in fact, mean a lot to me that Gordon was still a virgin. Of all the women he could have been with by now, he had chosen to abduct me. In some twisted way, that increased my respect for him immensely.
I was sitting up on the chair now, so he reached around me and unlocked my cuffs, pulling me to a standing position. Then, slowly, he began to unwrap the cloth from my body. As more and more of my naked skin was revealed, I wondered if this was what I really wanted. I had been the one who proposed - breaking tradition, for what it was worth - but I had done it more out of desperation than a desire to actually marry him. And yet here I was, having gone through the wedding ceremony without a fuss, allowing him to disrobe me as I stood idly by, my arms free to resist him if I so chose. But I wasn't resisting him, leading me to conclude that I really did have feelings for this strange and gentle man.
I'd never been the kind of girl who fantasises about getting married to a Prince Charming in a grand ballroom with hundreds of spectators admiring her decadent wedding dress. In fact, the wedding I'd just had suited me just fine. No one making a fuss over decorations or invitations or any of those tedious things... Though it did bother me how casually he'd stowed our rings away without a second thought.
I'd had trouble hiding my grin as the minister saw me for the first time, his eyes almost popping out of his head. I wasn't normally one to be unduly proud of my assets, but seeing such a reaction had definitely been amusing.
Not that Gordon intended to advertise me much in public, though. But even if he was the only who ever got the opportunity to appreciate me, I could live with that. He certainly did appreciate me more than most.
So I didn't really mind being treated like some sort of sex goddess or submitting myself to such overwhelming pleasures, so long as I had time to collect my thoughts on occasion. But one question remained - could I really just let go of my old life? Let all those memories of cruel flatmates, unforgiving bosses, low-pay jobs, and unappreciative men just fade into oblivion? Wow, that really does sound bad. I never realised my life sucked so much. Well, to hell with all of them. I decided to fully commit myself to my new marriage. There was just one thing that I wanted to put my mind at ease about first.
"Gordon," I began hesitantly. He peered into my troubled eyes, trying to fathom what I could be about to say.
"Hush now, my love. If you're worried that you can't take much more of this, don't be. We're married now - rest assured that I will treat you with the respect you deserve. I wouldn't want my new wife to break on me now, would I?" I was astonished by his intuition. I hoped that in time I would be allowed more liberties, but for now, his sincere assurance was enough to ease my anxieties.
"Thank you," I said simply, smiling at my gracious husband with a fondness I had never felt for anyone else.
He finished unwrapping the cloth from my body and I sat back down on the chair. Gordon smiled and shook his head.
"I'm sure you'd like that, wouldn't you. Well, the position I have in mind might not be as comfortable, but it will definitely be more exciting. What do you know of hogties?"
I wasn't liking the way his eyes sized me up as he said this, but nonetheless I admitted my confusion at the term. "Hog ties? Is that like... pig ties?"
Gordon laughed before replying, "Not quite. Here, let me show you."
He reached behind my back with a length of rope and began tying coils around my hands and wrists, getting higher and higher up my arms as he continued. Soon I felt my elbows touch, forcing my back to arch uncomfortably and my bound breasts to jut out even further.
Tying off the rope behind me, he cupped my brightly coloured breasts in his hands and gently rubbed my nipples with his thumbs. I let out a long sigh of satisfaction - the soothing sensation seemed to be just what I craved at that moment, and I was doubly appreciative for the gentle caress given how my own hands were firmly immobilised behind me.
"Perfect. It looks like you're ready for these." Without warning, both of my nipples were brutally crushed as Gordon clipped a pair of strong clamps to my enlarged areolas. I gasped as my entire chest burned with pain and I glared at Gordon furiously.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked heatedly.
"No," he admitted, "But it was definitely worth it."
"Well you've had your fun, now take them off!"
"Hey now, that's no way to speak to your husband, is it?" I shrunk back and remained silent. Something about the way his eyes flashed and his voice maintained a low rumble told me that I shouldn't press the point any further. He took from the ground the collar I'd been wearing before our wedding and fastened it around my neck once more. The collar covered my entire neck - from my shoulders to my chin - but its leather lining sat comfortably against my skin despite the thick steel band encircling the outside. Still, I found it very hard to think of myself in any sort of position of power or equality while wearing it.
"I like listening to your voice, but if you continue to command me around so rudely I will gag you again."
I nodded submissively, biting back another complaint about the pain I was enduring. Seeing my obedience, Gordon's tone softened and he added comfortingly, "The pain will subside shortly. And then you may even enjoy it!"
I wanted to retort that he should try clamping his own nipples and see how he liked it, but I kept quiet and waited for him to continue showing me this "hogtie". And sure enough, as my mind moved on to other things the pain in my nipples became more bearable, though it never fully subsided.
"Now, kneel." Kneel? What am I, a dog? And what's the point of remaining ungagged if I can't object to anything anyway? Then I remembered how my jaw had ached after having that ruthlessly efficient inflatable gag in my mouth for hours on end, and I kept silent as I slid off the chair into a kneeling position, feet touching each other beneath my posterior.
Gordon knelt beside me as he wrapped each of my thighs to my calves, at the same time removing the rope that had previously held my knees close together. When this was done, he stood up and gave me a light push from behind.
"Move." I just sat there, refusing to try what was obviously a futile endeavour.
Gordon sighed and picked up a pair of small metal balls. They certainly didn't look very scary. Then he proceeded to attach them to my clamped nipples and I realised what they were. Weights! And they seemed to be designed for these clamps, too - but who in their right mind would conceive of such a horror? I barely managed to suppress my gasp of pain as the pressure on my nipples increased dramatically and my breasts were pulled cruelly downwards against the rope.
Gordon just looked at me impassively and said, "Good girl. Keep your silence. Now, I hope I don't need to ask you again..."
With a furious scowl I tried to shuffle along the floor, but with my arms and legs out of the picture I wasn't going anywhere in a hurry. I might have been able to roll around a bit, but I didn't want to lose my balance and have my nipples torn off or look like a fool in front of my husband. He might be my captor, but he still respected me to some degree, and I wanted to keep it that way.
"I can't." Gordon seemed satisfied with my conclusion, and I wondered if this is what he meant by a hogtie. Then he put one hand on my stomach, holding my bound arms with the other, and slowly lowered me face-first to the floor.
The cold, hard, stone floor. I balanced awkwardly on my knees and forehead, wondering what he could possibly want me in this position for. My forehead would bruise if I kept this up too long.
I saw his hands appear in front of my face and wrap some more rope around my breasts - wasn't there enough there already? Then the same with my knees, which were spread further apart as the rope pulled them upwards. This rope he attached to my arms and feet, pulling it tight and forcing my feet and hands together in an uncomfortable arc. Then the rope extending from my breasts was added into the knot... At this point I really did feel trussed up like a hog. Maybe that's what it meant.
Finally, he brushed my hair back from my downturned face and tied it into a simple ponytail. There followed a moment of silence as I balanced undisturbed, wondering what he could possibly inflict on me next. My arms were bound securely together behind my back with my feet almost touching my hands. My legs were folded neatly onto themselves and my knees were spread apart by the rope running around my back and to my breasts. Can it get any worse? I severely regretted that thought a moment later.
With a sudden jerk on my legs and breasts, my entire body lifted off the floor. I gasped as the ground grew further and further away until I was eventually at eye level with Gordon. A rather ecstatic Gordon, too - the complete opposite of what I was feeling.
"So what do you think? Did I do it alright? Are you comfortable?" I shot him a look that expressed the full extent of my spite for him at that moment - and I would have held it, had I not lost sight of him as I slowly began rotating. It wasn't that I was in extreme discomfort - in fact, the way my limbs were each tucked away leaving me immobile was rather soothing, but the sheer humiliation of being trussed up like a pig and dangled helplessly on display was more infuriating than any physical pain itself. Not to mention the terror that was racking me at being in an inescapable position so high up over a solid stone floor.
"Couldn't you at least put a mattress over that floor?" I pleaded desperately.
"What, don't you trust me?" Gordon replied reproachfully.
"I- No," I sheepishly admitted, knowing full well it could mean bad news for me.
"And how are those nipples treating you now?" he asked, seemingly ignoring my reply.
Of course, now that he had brought my attention back to them, my nipples only felt all the more tender, especially with more blood rushing down my body to my chest. And I shuddered at the thought of what those infernal weights were doing to the shape of my normally round breasts. He probably knew that comment would only make them feel worse, I thought miserably.
"Maybe a nice swing will take your mind off things," he continued, and before I could protest, he pushed down on my head and sent me spinning and swinging in every direction. I tried closing my eyes, but then I only felt sick, so I kept them open as I watched the ground in terror, dreading the moment I fell.
"Have some faith," Gordon said, laughing. Easy for you to say... I vowed that if ever our roles were switched, this would be the first horror I subjected him to.
After a few agonisingly long seconds, he put a hand on my side and brought me to a halt. Going over to the wall, he carefully untied the rope that was holding me up through a ring in the ceiling - or so I assumed - and lowered me to about half the height before securing the rope once more.
The next thing I felt was a rush of air on my nether region as he removed the chastity belt and threw it to the floor.
"Phew! That's a mighty fine pussy you have there, miss!" he exclaimed in a mock Southern accent. I blushed as he playfully slapped the pussy in question.
"Pussy? That's a bit rude, isn't it?" I remarked, immediately wishing I hadn't.
"Bah! Learn proper language, you horny prude. Pussy! Ass! And a lovely pussy like yours deserves to be admired." I decided to let the topic drop. "Pussy" had an oddly appealing ring to it, anyway. And I couldn't exactly deny that I feeling at least little bit horny. Well, okay, maybe more than a little bit. This suspended hogtied position I was in made it very hard for me to think of anything that didn't involve me being taken advantage of.
His coquettish remark had come from behind me and I heard him removing his clothes. I knew I was soon going to lose my virginity. "Are you ready?" he asked.
"Are you serious?" I replied incredulously, wriggling frantically in an attempt to spin around and face him. "I'm hardly in a suitable position, don't you think? Can't I at least lie down first?" My head was just passing his crotch at that moment and I briefly caught sight of his bulging member before spinning back around again.
"I would say you're in just about the perfect position," Gordon replied, stopping my rotation and slapping my exposed crotch again. I flinched at the contact and conceded defeat. I wasn't getting anywhere - not with Gordon, and not in this hogtie.
I sighed. "Okay then, I'm ready." I closed my eyes and focused all my attention on the sensations in my lower body. I was no longer afraid of Gordon's hardened shaft - after all, as my husband, my private parts were as much his as they were mine. I suppose they weren't really private anymore, then. It would take me a while to become accustomed to this new concept, but in the meantime I was still happy to submit myself to Gordon's manhood. I flexed my outstretched thighs and waited patiently for Gordon to penetrate the moist lips of my pussy. He did not disappoint.
With one hand holding me steady, he took his monstrous member and pushed it firmly into me, moving his hands to my knees as he thrust slowly in and out. I gasped as the inside of my pussy slipped tightly over his shaft, sending waves of pleasure through my groin. With each thrust, the tip of his phallus tapped the back of my vaginal cavity, creating the most satisfying feeling of complete fullness.
I became aware that I was moaning loudly as he thrust in and out of me and that his own breaths were coming in heavy gasps. A thin film of sweat began to form over my skin, causing Gordon's hands to slide slowly over my thighs towards my hips.
As my need to climax grew, I glanced downwards through my legs at Gordon, my vision framed by the two clamps biting my sensitive nipples. I wished I could see his face as he pounded relentlessly into me. Was his expression one of firm concentration? Or one of blissful pleasure?
My moans intensified as his thrusting became faster and faster. A frustrating pressure was quickly building in my loins, making me crave release more and more by the second. I bobbed my head up and down in an attempt to swing myself further onto his shaft.
In an immensely satisfying climax, my body convulsed with pleasure as I ejaculated a stream of milky juices all over Gordon's legs. I let my eyes unfocus as I chuckled to myself. A moment later, I felt Gordon's load shoot out, pumping me full of a deep, warm, fuzzy feeling. He pulled out of me, rubbing my crotch with his whole hand as he bent over to catch his breath.
"You squirted all over me," he said, absentmindedly massaging my tense groin muscles. I squirmed guiltily, but he didn't seem to mind the mess. Then he tickled my feet tauntingly. I wriggled frantically to escape his torturous fingers, but my legs only flapped uselessly in the air. He spun me around to face him and smiled.
His eyes caught sight of my breasts, both nipple clamps still holding firm with the weights stretching both globes down into points, and he observed mischievously, "Those must be rather tender now."
I tried to nod but that only made me start swinging so instead I begged, "Please take them off now," accompanied by my best pleading-eyes look.
He got down on the floor beneath me and slid under me so that his head lined up with mine. Looking me straight in the eye, he asked solemnly, "Are you sure?" I was confused by his deliberation - he knew how much I hated them! But I nodded my head slowly while maintaining contact with my pleading eyes, taking care not to move too much.
A moment later my mouth opened in a silent scream of agony as he removed the clamps. Blood suddenly flowed back into my squished nipples, stinging ten times more painfully than when the clamps had been attached. But my pitiable expression saved me from prolonged discomfort. Reaching up, Gordon massaged my nipples gently, then attended to each one individually with his lips. My gasps turned to moans as I struggled to prevent drool from escaping my mouth. I was unsuccessful, however, and a long strand of saliva slipped from my mouth just as Gordon moved his head back underneath mine. I froze, staring at my drool across his face.
Gordon glowered back, unamused. He rolled out from beneath me and returned a moment later with a large bright-blue ball gag which he promptly shoved into my mouth.
"You want to drool? Now you can drool all you like."
"Mmmmmmmmmmpfffff," I moaned unhappily as he secured the strap behind my head. It wasn't really my fault, after all.
"Aww, is little angel uncomfortable?" he said mockingly. "This should cheer you up a bit..." Without warning, he unleashed a flurry of tickles on my sides. I couldn't stop myself from shaking with mirth as the merciless treatment continued. I was swinging all over the place, but Gordon kept tickling my sides with ease. After what seemed like minutes, he stopped and stroked my hair to comfort me. My whole body ached from straining against my bonds so vigorously and my breaths came out in ragged bursts through my nostrils.
"Ok, I've teased you enough. I'm sure you'd like a bit more pleasure..." I shook my head frantically, but he was already walking around to my widely-exposed and swollen slit. He pressed his hand against my sensitive lips and stuck some fingers into the opening. Wriggling them around, he began massaging the slick walls of my pussy. He stood with one hand supporting my belly, the other slipping in and out of my recently-worked cherry.
I struggled against my impossible bonds, but Gordon only mistook my protests for passion, increasing the intensity of his strokes. Within seconds I was in the throes of another orgasm as I felt another stream of my juices forcefully drawn out of my love canal. This time Gordon caught the discharge, cupping his hand around my reddened mound and rubbing it back in as extra lubricant.
He continued to vigorously finger-fuck me without hesitation, ignoring my muffled cries for mercy. The stimulation was almost painful now - my overworked nerves were protesting at the relentless pumping but kept performing their function regardless, building to another forced climax. My body can't take much more of this, I though hopelessly as I hung there, powerless to cease the flow of orgasms being ripped from my own body.
I felt another spasm rock my pelvis, and still Gordon kept thrusting his fingers through my raw hole. I was twitching all over now, and my body was beginning to shut down in response to inexorable stimulation. I panicked as darkness began closing in on me. The last sensation I felt was a finger pushing hesitantly into my ass, but I was beyond caring at that point. Everything went black.
I was vaguely aware of being gently lowered to the floor as I slowly regained consciousness. My breasts were untied from my arms and legs and I immediately curled up in a ball, glad to be able to flex my back in the other direction after being suspended in one position for so long. My groin throbbed something horrendous and I was uncomfortably aware that I was lying in a pool of my own juices, but I was still too lethargic to roll away. I just laid limply on the floor, my energy expended and my body slowly recovering from everything I'd been through.
Gordon was peering at me, worried. "Are you alright?" he asked.
I wanted to retort that the state I was in was all his fault and that he should have listened to my pleas, but I lacked the energy to rouse myself to anger. Instead I simply mumbled, "No thanks to you..."
Gordon laughed as he watched me and said nonchalantly, "I'm off to have a shower. I'll let you cool down for a while, huh?" before promptly walking out of the room and leaving me to my own devices.
I locked the heavy steel door behind me as I ascended, still naked, to the bathroom. I had no doubt that Alicia would be aching to stretch her frogtied legs and relieve the pressure in her shoulders, but she could wait until I had at least cleaned myself of her mess.
Standing under the refreshingly steamy shower of water, I thought about how I should proceed with my new wife. Now that I was married to her, I certainly didn't want to break her spirit or diminish her mental acuity in the slightest, but that would mean allowing her more freedom than I was comfortable with. Because if I just kept her locked up as she was, she would surely degrade over time into the sex object I treated her as. She still needed a considerable amount of education in matters of her sexuality - which I was perfectly happy to provide - and not to mention regarding bondage, but all that could be achieved with time: there was no immediate rush to completely spoil her innocence. And it would be nice to show her off a bit, too, to make some of my other friends envious of my beautiful partner.
The only question was, could I trust her? Could I really trust her with my life - which I would for all intents and purposes lose if ever our secret escaped - when she in turn had no reason to trust me? She'd proven herself discreet with our wedding, but there was no telling what she might do when I had no influence over her.
And yet the prospect of displaying her proudly in public was too tempting to pass up. And if she could convince her former associates that she was happy and well... Then I could put my worries to rest for good.
The chastity belt would return, that's for sure. And I would take measures to protect myself from any legal ramifications in the event that she exposes me. But what if she took a more personal revenge against me? I would just have to keep an eye on her and watch for any suspicious behaviour.
I turned off the shower and dried myself quickly, donning a fresh set of clothes as I wondered how I would break the news to her. I descended the stairs to my dungeon slowly, churning through all the possible words I could use in my head. As I swung open the heavy door, I was briefly puzzled as I scanned the room unable to see where Alicia was lying. Then I felt a heavy blunt impact to the side of my head and the room went dark as I crumpled to the cold, unforgiving floor.
I came to slowly, uncomfortably aware that I was strapped naked into the very same chaise I had prepared for Alicia. I opened my eyes and saw her standing casually before me with a huge smile, wearing the most ridiculous outfit I'd ever seen. Then I realised they were my clothes. She dangled my underwear from her fingers, waving them in front of my face.
"I didn't want to put on your dirty undies - I hope you don't mind me wearing your trousers without underwear." I wondered briefly why she would wear my clothes at all - there were plenty of female clothes upstairs she could have changed into while I was out. Maybe I hadn't been out that long. But then it occurred to me that she wearing them to taunt me, and my face flushed with embarrassment.
She produced a small key from one of the pockets - the padlock key for her collar. Reaching behind her neck, she fumbled with the lock for a moment before removing the collar and approaching me with it. I struggled violently against the chair's restraints, but I had built them too strong and they gave no slack to my wrists or ankles. My chest leapt forward, but Alicia had no trouble pushing me back into the chair as she collared me. The collar closed tightly around my neck with a loud click, making me wince as swallowing became rather uncomfortable. She must have also locked it to the headrest, because I could no longer move my head forward.
"Oh, it looks like your neck is a bit thicker than mine," she observed with mock concern. "Oh well, I'm sure you'll manage."
My face reddened as it dawned on me just how much trouble I was in. "How did you get out of those ties?" I asked, still confused as to what had happened.
"Well, your precious torture devices might be just for show, but their blades are still lethally sharp. It didn't take me long to roll over to one and carefully rub the rope against it until my arms were free. Then it was a simple matter of untying the rest," she explained. "I must say, as embarrassed as it made me, that breast tie did make me feel awfully sexy. It's a shame I can't demonstrate the same effect on you." She grinned. "But there's plenty of other things we can try, isn't that right?"
I groaned, fearing what she planned to do to me in revenge. As the side of my head continued to throb where I'd been hit, I added, "What did you hit me with? And where were you hiding?"
"So many questions! But I'm more than happy to oblige you, my dear husband." Still grinning widely, she reached down and held up the object for me to see. I reddened further with embarrassment.
"Just this big vibrator thing. And I must say, the pleasure I got from using it really was something. As for where I was hiding... It turns out that all those hooks in the ceiling are excellent for holding on to. It's a good thing I don't neglect exercising my upper body like most girls, huh?"
I thought I might just die from embarrassment at that point. How much worse could this situation get? Why couldn't I have just checked the cameras first, I berated myself silently.
She took our gold wedding rings from my pocket and held them up for me to see. "And maybe these don't mean much to you, but regardless of how fancy or plain they are they're still a symbol of our union - however bizarre the circumstances of that union might be. My husband might be an asshole, but you're my asshole. You belong to me now as much as I belong to you."
She put her ring back on her finger and approached me with mine, shoving it on the appropriate finger. She had a good point, I suppose. I wriggled it around to make it more comfortable, then looked back at her with an uneasy gaze.
"So... What now?" I asked, shivering despite the comfortable room temperature.
"I think I'll go exploring a little. Don't go anywhere, will you?" She started to leave the room, then paused. She looked around at me and smiled as she had an idea. The next thing I knew my mouth was being stuffed with the same inflatable gag I'd used on her when we'd first met. She hummed happily as she inflated the gag until my mouth was bursting with rubber.
"Much better," she said cheerfully as she strolled out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
It was strange - I was glad to be free of Gordon's control, yet I had no desire to run away or turn him in to the authorities. In fact, I relished the opportunity I now had to get my revenge on him for his merciless treatment and exploitation of my body's sexual responses. I'd never asked to be tied up and forced to orgasm - I was kind of thankful that he had, but I understood now that my body was simply designed to respond with pleasure to the appropriate stimulation. Of course I had enjoyed it - such was the nature of orgasms. I was still wrestling with my emotions, but he'd nonetheless exploited my body against my will and that was something I wanted to punish him for. And after all the predicaments he'd put me through, I had numerous ideas of how I might go about doing that.
But for now, I just wanted to scout out his expansive house and get an idea of his background and our location. I reasoned that not many people would have such a well-equipped underground dungeon - it probably cost quite a lot, so he must be in some high-paying job or position of authority. And he obviously lived in a sparsely-populated rural area, otherwise the construction of such a dungeon would draw undesired attention.
I began exploring my husband's house eagerly, checking every cupboard, drawer, nook and cranny in search of interesting items. It seemed more of a mansion than a house, though. Without having seen the overall structure from the outside, I was consistently surprised each time I rounded a corner and found another entire corridor stretched before me.
There were 5 floors in total: the ground floor, which contained a few broom cupboards and the grand foyer our wedding had been in; the next floor up, home to a number of bedrooms, a lounge room, and a bathroom; the top floor, which was smaller than the others but contained a large master bedroom and en suite with luxurious entertainment facilities - including a high-definition image of Gordon strapped to the reclined chair - and an overhanging balcony; the basement, which was basically just a huge kitchen and dining room; and the sub-basement, its entrance hidden behind a fake wine rack, containing the dungeon itself, another locked door which I could find no way of opening, and a large storeroom of various restraints and devices. Some house, I thought in awe.
I found countless bondage implements scattered throughout the house - I figured Gordon was really into that stuff - and went through collecting all of the keys and remotes I found, hiding them all on a high shelf in one of the broom cupboards. While I was on the top floor, I also deleted all the humiliating footage of myself from the automatic recordings and turned the feed off so that it wouldn't record any further footage.
Besides a few personal effects I found in Gordon's room, the house seemed entirely unoccupied. I wondered what he could possibly be doing with a house this size if he lived alone. My curiosity increased further as I rifled through his wallet and plucked out his ID - "Gordon Massey, Freelance Journalist". Really? I couldn't believe that he was a journalist. I continued looking around his room. Just as I was about to finish my search, I noticed some papers sticking out from under his bed. Curious, I knelt down to investigate. Wow.
Stacks of paper marked as classified documents laid under his bed. I knocked a bag as I reached for them, and a number of portfolios fell out. Searching through them, I found that each one contained a passport and various other forms of ID as well as a number of references for various professions. None of them had Gordon's name on them, though - they all seemed to belong to different people. Is he... Some kind of spy? I wondered incredulously. That might explain the wealth. I decided to confront him with it later.
Looking around his walk-in wardrobe, I noticed a section dedicated to women's clothing. Strange, since he seemed to live alone. There were some very nice outfits there, too. I decided to shed Gordon's bizarre clothes and have a long relaxing shower, then outfitted myself with a sexy blue tube top - very retro - and a short pair of denims. They were barely longer than panties, but I was in the mood for some teasing.
Outside of Gordon's room, there was very little in the way of interesting knick-knacks. I did, however, find an interesting device in the bottom drawer of a seemingly unused dresser - it seemed to be some sort of electrical torture device. It had a number of pads with wires running to a control box. Thinking it might come in handy soon, I took it with me back down to the basement.
I stopped for a quick dinner - just some pre-made sandwiches from a fridge. Then I visited Gordon's conveniently well-supplied storeroom of assorted fetish gear and found a pair of shiny black latex gloves. The thought of touching his bare genitals repulsed me for some reason, and wearing gloves would probably help to humiliate him further.
I donned my gloves and returned to the dungeon, pressing the button that swung open the heavy metal door. Gordon, unsurprisingly, was exactly where I'd left him. He looked at me pleadingly as I walked in. I ignored his gaze and got straight to work. I had a point to prove.
His shaft was already erect, so it only took a few strokes before precum started to appear at its end. I wiped some onto my finger and slipped it into his anus. His reaction was immediate. He began breathing rapidly and all his muscles tensed up against the invader in his rear.
I smiled and wriggled my finger slowly around his virgin hole, enjoying the sensation of the latex hugging my digit tightly. "You feel that? That's the feeling of absolute helplessness. I'm sure you're thinking this is unnatural and a cruel violation, and you're right. But this is nothing compared to what you did to my unprotected arsehole." My voice became sour and resentful as I finished, remembering the horrific experience of being violated in my own rear. I pulled out my finger and brought it up to his nose, rubbing off what remained of the now-tainted lubricant on his philtrum.
I slapped him across the face in the same way he'd slapped me, just for good measure, watching with satisfaction as his cheek turned red and his expression became even more fearful. These shiny gloves were making me feel awfully sexy, too. I flexed my fingers experimentally to feel the latex stretching around my skin. I'd have to wear more of this stuff in the future.
I turned my attention back to the pitiful man restrained before me. "I would love to subject you to the full extent of the trauma you have caused me, but honestly, your body simply wouldn't be capable of the extreme position you just tied me in. You wouldn't be able to bear the pain of having your nipples crushed mercilessly without reprieve. You certainly wouldn't be capable of experiencing such intense consecutive orgasms to the point where you lose consciousness and fear for your own sanity. And I doubt you would even last as long as I have without becoming a blubbering mess." I paused, wondering if there was something else I'd missed.
I put a gloved hand around his testicles, holding them firmly as I looked into his pleading eyes. I knew I didn't have to vocalise a threat - guys would do almost anything to protect their precious manhood from harm. "Now you know the feeling of having your life in another's hands. Of being completely at the mercy of someone else. Someone whom you don't even trust. I could leave this place and never return, and your own arrogance in concealing its entrance would ensure no one ever found you." He looked positively terrified now, so I softened my voice as I continued.
"But fortunately for you, I'm not a vindictive person. No matter how you've abused me, I won't see myself responsible for your death. But I wanted to familiarise you with some of the horrors you subjected me to. To give you a taste of your own medicine, so to speak. The things you put me through... No human should have to bear. And you should at least be aware of the full extent of the trauma you inflicted." I had no idea if anything I was saying was getting through to him, but I had to try to make him understand his crimes.
He was beginning to calm down, but was still evidently fearful of what I might do next.
"I'm going to leave you now. Get some rest. I'll be back for you, but don't hold your breath. Remember what I said." I looked at him reprovingly for a moment as a parent might when scolding a child, still holding his scrotum tightly in my hand. With a firm squeeze to remind him of his place, I released it and walked out of the room, extinguishing the light and closing the door behind me.
I still hadn't decided what to do with him, but I couldn't just desert him. We were legally married, after all, and despite everything I wanted to respect that union. Nor could I bring myself to torture him in the way he'd tortured me. The problem was, he had never deliberately caused me extreme physical pain - the nipple clamps had been bad, but they paled in comparison to the pain I could have received if he had used some of the torture devices in the room. No, the pain I felt was on an emotional level, heightened by the sexual torment he had unleashed upon me. But men didn't experience those things the same way we did - I was unable to avenge myself in the same manner.
Somehow, the treatment I'd just given him felt the most fitting. The threat of abuse, without following through, could cause just as much torment as abuse itself. And he did appear to be tormented, I had no doubt about that. I almost felt sorry for him.
I left my gloves in his storage room and ascended to the master bedroom, switching on the link to his dungeon. A faint green glow illuminated the scene - the camera must have been fitted with a night-vision lens. After watching his fearful face intently for several minutes, I decided upon my course of action. But it could wait - there was no reason I couldn't take a bit of time out for myself first. Or maybe a lot of time. Gordon owns a lot of movies, I observed as I flicked through his TV's storage with a remote, relaxing upon his soft mattress with a satisfied sigh.
The door clicked closed as Alicia exited the room, leaving me completely alone in pitch black darkness. I was used to living by myself, but the absolute silence in the sound-insulated dungeon unnerved me. A special air filtering system was in place to ensure any captives I kept here wouldn't suffocate, but Alicia wasn't aware that the dungeon was completely sealed off and probably hadn't given it a second thought. I had maybe a day at best before I started to feel the effects of oxygen deprivation. Probably less, given the rate at which my heart was currently racing.
How could I have been so stupid? Of course she had escaped - I'd been so wrapped up in my own fantasies that I'd been blind to the gaping security flaws in my own dungeon. And too arrogant to set up a failsafe - she was right about that much. I was caught like a rat in my own trap, destined to suffocate naked and helpless in the darkness. Unless she returned.
I couldn't fathom why she would - she had proven stronger than I had ever imagined, and my hope of her somehow becoming a subservient sex slave and returning for her master seemed moronic now. Yet she had promised to return - given her word - and I clung to the hope that she was more honourable than I.
She'd been wrong about one thing, though. I was all too familiar with the concept of complete helplessness. My foolish father had gotten us into serious trouble on more than one occasion. Interrogated by enemy mercenaries. Captured by an enraged mafia wanting their stolen goods returned. Cornered by a vindictive hit man avenging the unfortunate death of his partner. The life of an intelligence specialist was fraught with peril, it seemed. Or maybe my father just wasn't very skilled at his job. In any case, I would somehow end up involved in all his craziest schemes and usually ended up regretting it. Each time we'd been saved by sheer luck - nothing more. My father's luck had run out on his last job, and I'd vowed to put that life behind me.
It could never last, though. I was always on the lookout for hidden secrets and useful intelligence. It was who I was - I couldn't put my mind at ease. In the end, I'd settled on this whole abduction scheme. Alicia wasn't the first girl I'd investigated, but she was the first whose life I'd destroyed. And now she would destroy mine, it seemed. Just like old times, I thought, defeated.
But while I had been helpless and at the mercy of others on a number of occasions before, I had never been so terrified as I was now. Alicia was the first person whose life I had truly ruined, and she had every right to take revenge against me for that. I shuddered as I contemplated the things she could do to me - even if she claimed to be above such a thirst for vengeance.
A light in the corner of the room blinked on and interrupted my thoughts. It was the camera. A faint hope rose within me as I realised she must be watching me. She may return yet. I silently thanked her for turning off the room's light - in complete darkness, the night-vision mode on the camera needed to supply its own light in order to function. Without the darkness, I would never have known she was still with me. It was a small hope, but it kept me going.
I didn't resent her for leaving me in this situation - I surely would have done much worse if I was in her situation. And she couldn't have known about the air filter. But how long would she leave me to stew? I just fervently hoped she would return before it was too late.
Hours later, my hope was dwindling. I was thirsty, hungry, and sore all over. The human body did not take kindly to being immobilised for extended periods of time. I thought back guiltily on how I'd left Alicia in this very position for an entire night.
My jaw ached worst of all - it would take some thorough working before I could use it comfortably again. And my collar continued to remind me of my uncomfortable enslavement every time I swallowed. The inside of it was now slick with sweat - but then again, most of my body was.
And despite the direness of my situation, my nakedness still bothered me. The only time I was ever normally naked was in the shower, and though I had removed my clothes to deflower Alicia, I'd been amply comfortable with her bound and suspended in front of me. Being in an equally vulnerable position myself with her eyes casually raking my body and her rubber-clad hand prodding me like some impersonal sadist, I had begun to appreciate the full extent of my crimes against her.
But all of this mattered little if she didn't return soon. And I was determined to show her much greater respect when she did return. Even if she kept me locked up and treated me like a slave, anything was better than dying of asphyxiation.
My eyelids began to droop and I realised just how musty the room had become. Drawing in air through my nostrils had become a chore, and I knew I was rapidly running out of time.
I restored the computer to the state I found it in and stood up, stretching my arms. After the movie had finished, I'd decided to check out Gordon's computer to see if any additional information could be gathered from it. To my surprise, I'd found the machine unlocked and packing a treasure trove of information - most of which seemed completely irrelevant, but some of which was very interesting indeed. A certain "Edward Massey" popped up in several incriminating documents. I was looking forward to confronting Gordon with it.
I checked the camera again. He seemed to be sleeping now. Good - I would enjoy waking him. I started to descend the stairs, then decided to pretty up my hair a bit first. The better I looked, the more embarrassed Gordon would feel, or so my theory went. In any case, I liked being presentable. Long hair was a liability at times, but you could also do some really neat things with it.
A few minutes later, I descended the stairs with my hair pulled back in long double plait. I reached the dungeon and felt my way towards the control panel, turning on the light. I opened the door and almost gagged at the wave of musky sweat-scented air that hit me.
I knew perfectly well what that meant. No ventilation. Why hadn't that occurred to me? I rushed over to Gordon's side, slapping his face and desperately hoping he was still with me. A few agonising seconds passed, then he opened his eyes slowly. I quickly deflated and tore out his gag, wincing at the irony that the air within it might have been what he needed to live.
"A-Alicia?" he croaked, his eyes focusing in on me. "I knew you'd... come." His eyes drooped closed again, and I slapped his face once more.
"Are you okay? I'll go get some water," I said, without waiting for a response. A moment later I was back, pouring water down his throat. He gurgled briefly and opened his eyes fully, staring at me as if I was the greatest thing on Earth.
"You were right. I couldn't hold my breath." I suppressed a smile. Even in the face of mortal peril, he was making jokes. I was really beginning to love my fool of a husband.
"Are you okay?" I repeated, undeterred.
"I'm fine," he assured me, working his jaw vigorously. "But I might not have been in a few more minutes. Thanks for coming back."
"If I'd known-"
"But you didn't. It's fine." He paused, then added, "It's the small blue button, by the way. The air filter."
"I'll remember that."
His acceptance of my mistake surprised me - I thought he would have assumed I'd meant to kill him. I had told him I wouldn't, but he had never trusted my word before.
We remained there for a short while, looking at each other as if each of us were attempting to discern the other's thoughts. I knew I was. What I didn't expect was for him to become aroused so soon. I must really turn him on, I thought as I watched his rising erection.
I felt like I owed him something for unwittingly endangering his life... And I had always wondered what men tasted like. What better way to find out than with my restrained husband?
I lowered my mouth slowly to his stiffened member, keeping my eyes on him as if daring him to mock me. I closed my lips over his phallus and started sucking. Licking and sucking, moving my mouth up and down his shaft. I soon tasted the salty tang of precum and I quickened my pace, encouraged.
I heard Gordon's ragged breaths speed up as he grew close to his climax. I shifted my mouth so that his ejaculation would hit the inside of my cheek rather than the back of my throat. I didn't want to commit myself to swallowing until I'd had a taste. Moments later he climaxed, his whole pelvis lifting slightly off the chair. His cum had a strange slimy texture to it like phlegm, but it had a pleasant salty taste. I swallowed it all eagerly, sucking his rod dry.
I stood up straight and looked at Gordon's face. He was staring back at me curiously, and I could hardly blame him. Fellatio seemed like a strange way to repay a kidnapper. But now I could also do something else to him. I began fingering his softened phallus, and his pelvis bucked against my touch.
"No!" he gasped. "Stop... Please... It's too sensitive." I smiled back at him and continued my gentle treatment.
"I know," I said simply. His shaft was slowly stiffening again, but looking at his face I could see he wasn't enjoying it one bit. I wondered if I could make him squirt again, but as I saw his eyes becoming bloodshot I decided to grant his wish. I wasn't as heartless as he was.
Still, my curiosity about his taste was now satisfied and I was happy to proceed with the decision I'd made earlier. But first I wanted to know what this whole spy business was about.
"So you're a spy?" I asked, expecting an answer in the negative. Did spies even exist in the real world?
"I was," he replied, sighing as if this question was inevitable. Or maybe he was just still recovering. "Not anymore."
"Not a journalist?" I continued coyly.
He smiled weakly. "That was just a convenient cover. It gave me an excuse to be sneaking around places I shouldn't be."
"So all of those fake IDs of yours upstairs..."
"Those were my father's," he clarified. "I was never involved for long enough to accumulate my own."
"Oh. I was sure the pictures looked like you..."
"My father looked a lot like me when he was younger. An easy mistake that you aren't the first to make." That made me feel a bit less foolish, but I still felt like I was being had somehow.
"What did you do? You know, as a spy?"
Another sigh. Then he began explaining how his life had been before his father had passed and he recounted a few of his adventures - or rather, misadventures, as he called them. I sat in awe, learning about a whole other side to this strange gentle man that had abducted me just a few days ago.
When he finished, I stood back up and began undoing his restraints as I explained.
"While you were down here suffocating - for which I am truly sorry - I came to several conclusions. First, that I love you." I paused, letting that sink in and watching his reaction. An incredulous smile began forming. "Second, that I have every intention of honouring our marriage and spending the rest of my life with you." The smile grew wider. "And third, that I enjoy having you push the limits of my body and forcing orgasms out of me when I can't resist you." This one wasn't entirely true - the thought of being completely helpless still terrified me - yet I knew it would please him immensely to hear it. But his smile faded slightly now, and I wondered if that wasn't what he wanted.
"Is something wrong?"
"No! Of course not. I love you too, my angel. And I love hearing you say it when I'm the one who is... not in a position to disagree, shall we say."
Now I smiled, stroking his manhood as I flaunted my power over him.
"It's just that... I would rather us be equals."
I wasn't sure if he was implying that I release him, or that he didn't want me as his sexy concubine any longer. I was happy to release him, but the thought of being denied the chance to relive the powerful orgasms I'd experienced almost made me want to cry.
"Honey," I said slowly, my voice dripping with suggestion as I fingered his testicles, "You wouldn't deny me such a simple desire, would you?" It was strange what a woman had to do sometimes to get a man to dominate her.
Whether he caught my drift or it was his intention all along, he replied quickly, "Of course not. I'm always happy to please you."
"That's good to hear." I continued unfastening his restraints. Soon the only thing holding him to the chair was the collar, which I didn't have the key for so I just unclipped it from the chair. He put his arms around me, hugging me close like a long-lost lover.
When we broke apart, my first thought was that I needed some clothes. Being completely naked save for a collar in front of my fully-clothed wife was not a position I was comfortable being in.
"Thanks for releasing me. I am sorry for what I put you through - I wasn't really thinking ahead that much when I abducted you." I felt that it was important to get the apology out of the way before continuing. "But please let me go and put some clothes on. This is very embarrassing for me."
Her own clothes made her look very sexy, and I found it hard to keep a sincere face as I fantasised about stripping that amazing body naked again. The tube top somehow accentuated both her slim figure and the size of her bust. I wondered how such a sexy apparel could have gone out of fashion. Her long braided hair also lent an attractive girlish look to her face as she cocked her head demurely to one side. I should let her do her own hair more often.
"Oh, alright," she said, surprised by my admittance. "I'll just be looking around your storeroom next door, then." I hoped see didn't get any ideas about taking a more dominant role, because there were a lot of things in there that I had no desire to experience first-hand. Still, it was probably better than her snooping around my house. Or our house, as I supposed it now was. This place still held many secrets even to me, and I didn't want her discovering anything I didn't know about.
I left her alone and ascended to my room to change. On the way up, I noticed a set of electrical pads and their control box sitting on one of the benches in the kitchen. She must have intended to use them on me, I realised, glad that she hadn't. I moved them out of sight and made a mental note to put them to use later.
Once fully clothed, I went to the drawer where I kept my backup key for the collar I was wearing. It was empty. I panicked - Alicia must have moved it, and I had no idea where she'd hidden it or how many other things she'd moved. A quick check in a few other locations confirmed my fears - all of my bondage restraints were missing their keys and remotes. I doubted she would just tell me where they were - she wouldn't have hidden them otherwise. So I had to find them myself.
After nearly an hour of searching and no sign of the illusive key stockpile, I was ready to give up. Then Alicia found me standing in the foyer and asked innocently, "What's the matter, dear?"
I shot her an angry glare. "Where did you hide the key for this collar?"
"Oh! You've been looking for that little thing the whole time? You could have just asked," she replied, throwing me the key from her pocket.
I quickly unlocked the collar and threw it aside, massaging my neck firmly. It was nice to be free of the infernal thing, but I was still none-the-wiser as to where all my keys were stored. And I still didn't want to ask about them.
Acting on a sudden idea, I retrieved the collar and walked up to Alicia, proffering it to her.
"Already?" she asked, surprised. "What was that you said about us being equals?"
"This is what you want, isn't it?" I replied, hoping she would accept it.
"I suppose so. I just didn't think you'd be ready so soon," she admitted, taking the collar from me. With a graceful motion, she lifted it up and clicked it shut around her neck. "Feels like it was made for me," she said, satisfied with the fit. I decided not to tell her that it actually was.
"Well, it's pretty late now... I guess we should continue this tomorrow," I said once the collar was locked on. She shot me an angry glare, no doubt annoyed because she'd now have to sleep with the collar. I hid my smug grin.
It had been a long day, at least for me. It was only yesterday that we'd been married - and I'd spent most of the last day locked alone in the dark in my own dungeon. Some honeymoon.
"Do you... have somewhere for me to sleep?" She seemed hesitant to ask, as if worried she might have to sleep in the dungeon again. Surely she knew how many free beds there in the house.
"Of course. You'll sleep with me." She was visibly relieved now, and I wondered if she really would have slept in the dungeon if I'd commanded her to.
A few minutes later, we were both dressed and ready to catch up on some sleep. I was in my standard boxers, and she was wearing some skimpy black lingerie that I'd been all too happy to supply. I hoped she never got around to asking why I had so much women's clothing - that was a story I really didn't want to relive.
She unplaited her hair with practised ease without even using a mirror. She was also still wearing her collar, and my hope was that she'd want to remove it to sleep so that I could see where she kept the other key. I had, for all intents and purposes, disposed of the one she gave me - she wasn't going to find it anytime soon. But when we were ready for bed she just hopped into the sheets without a word. I would clearly have to wait until she was utterly tired of the thing.
I got in beside her, hugging her close with one arm as I snuggled against her soft body, her bare navel pressed against mine. I gave her a passionate goodnight kiss, then closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off to sleep beside my beautiful and miraculous wife.
I awoke with a start. My right arm was dead from having slept on it all night. And the bed was empty beside me. For a brief moment I wondered why it shouldn't be empty, and then the previous day's events hit me all at once. How Alicia had escaped my control. Imprisoned me in my own dungeon. Unknowingly left me to suffocate... And then returned to free me. It all seemed unreal, like half-forgotten dream. But as rolled out of bed and saw the imprint left by my wife's curvaceous figure, I knew it was all real. And I had to find her, fast.
I ran through my house wildly, glancing into every room as I passed. I finally arrived in my foyer and checked to see if the main door had been opened. It hadn't. So she was still here... Or she'd jumped out of a window. But I doubted she would have known to avoid using the front door. Few people were paranoid enough to install monitoring devices on the inside of their door.
I spun around as I heard a soft clinking noise nearby. It was coming from one of the broom cupboards. I crept up slowly to investigate. The door was slightly ajar, so I peeked through the crack as quietly as possible.
Alicia was in there, alright. She was sitting cross-legged with a pile of keys in her lap, fiddling with a black remote. I froze. It was the remote to her collar - she really didn't want to be fiddling with that. The collar might have looked plain, but there were a few functions that I didn't want her knowing about just yet. Hopefully she hadn't realised what the remote was for yet. Or how to activate the controls. But most importantly, she hadn't run off. My beating heart settled slightly.
I left the doorway silently, returning upstairs and getting changed out of my sleepwear. It was best if she didn't know that her secret was uncovered - I could use it to my advantage later. I would just have to risk her finding out what her collar was capable of.
Fully dressed, I stood at the top of the stairs and shouted her name. No reply.
"Alicia!" I shouted again, and this time she appeared at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at me with an apprehensive expression on her face. I also had a fine view of her cleavage from here - she wasn't exactly wearing a modest shirt.
I descended to greet her, pretending it was the first time I'd seen her that day.
"You're still here," I said, letting my delight show.
"Of course. Until death do us part, remember?" I grinned at her response. So she was serious about honouring our marriage after all.
"Well, let's hope we've got a long time before that then. Now, I want you to wait for me in the dungeon. I'll be with you shortly." She nodded eagerly and immediately complied, hurrying off to the basement. I waited until she was out of sight before approaching the broom cupboard.
At first glance, the cupboard was free of any keys or remotes. But I knew they were in here, so after a more thorough inspection, I found the pile on the top shelf, almost beyond my reach. I groped around for the tell-tale shape of the collar remote. My hands closed on an appropriately-sized box and I pulled it down eagerly. It was the right remote, and appeared to be in the same configuration as I'd left it. I also found the matching key to her collar - which took a while longer, given the number of similar-looking keys - and tucked it away in my pocket with the remote.
Now to return to my enthusiastic wife and attempt to wipe that off that smile and instil some righteous fear in her.
When I reached the large metal door to Gordon's dungeon I stopped, fingering the key in my pocket. Ever since exploring the house, I'd wondered what was behind the other door in the sub-basement. Now was my chance to find out. I took out the key I'd collected from the broom cupboard and fit it into the small keyhole on the unassuming metal door. As I'd suspected, it fit perfectly. It was the smallest key, fitting a nearly invisible keyhole. There had to some irony in that - such a heavy-duty door with such a puny lock.
I turned the key and pulled the door outward. I gasped. The room before me was a padded cell - a box of roughly a metre in every direction, padded on every side with ample amounts of white padding. I crawled inside to look up in the corners of the room. A small hole was in each of the four corners in the top of the room - probably for hidden cameras. The four corners on the bottom of the room held small white lights behind reinforced glass. The walls themselves were pure white with nine small square cushions covering each wall.
I turned back to the door just in time to see it slam shut with a muffled thud. No! I needed to get out of here before Gordon found me! I pounded the door furiously, but with the cushioned walls I might as well have had the strength of a baby. I looked around again, suddenly confused. Which wall was the door on? I couldn't even find the door now! I was stuck in this small padded prison with no hope of escape and nothing to even look at. I should be used to this sort of situation by now, but I was unnerved by the connections my mind was making with a mental asylum.
I lay down on the floor, curling into a foetal position as a wave of claustrophobia swept over me. I could only barely sit up straight in the small room with my head touching the ceiling, but I couldn't stretch out fully in any direction. I began to feel sleepy, and I tried to put my mind at ease. Gordon would figure out where I was. He'd get me out, and then he could tie me in another humiliating position and give me some of those blissful orgasms... The world faded into darkness.
At first I was worried when I found the dungeon vacant, but then I realised there was only one other place she could be. I checked the monitor hidden beside the door panel, and sure enough, Alicia had gotten herself trapped in the padded room. I sighed. She must really get a kick out of being helpless, I thought. She didn't look happy about it, though - she was thumping on the walls and pushing on the roof with quite a fervour. I didn't know what she was trying to accomplish. It was a padded room - what did she expect, that the roof would pop off?
Still, this situation provided a plethora of opportunities for me to grant her wish of forced orgasms. The room was also a gas chamber, and a number of gas cylinders were attached to it. Each contained an invisible, odourless, nonlethal gas that had different effects on the person within. For now, I decided to stick with the basic knockout gas. She would slowly fall asleep, and then I could go in and spice things up for her.
Within seconds I saw the gas taking effect. She lay on the ground, her movements slowing as her eyelids drooped. I waited for a minute after they were closed to be sure she was out, then I turned off the gas, filtered it from the room, and opened the door.
I carefully made sure to pin the door open before entering. Then I took up her lifeless body in my arms and carried her over to the storeroom. The clothes were the first to go - for the second time this week, I savoured the experience of stripping this unconscious girl naked. Then the vibrators went in. A large dildo for her front opening and a smaller butt plug for her rear. It was about time she received some stimulation in there. Their remotes were still with them, to my surprise. Maybe she'd missed these ones. I secured the vibrators into her with the chastity belt she'd worn for our wedding and then moved on to her restraints.
Two wide rubber bands went around the base of her breasts, causing them to protrude in the way I knew she loved so much. Then I tied her arms behind her back so that each hand was touching the other elbow. Her legs I tied in a similar way, forcing her into a cross-legged position with rope wrapped tightly around her ankles. Then I turned her body over and tied those ankles to her arms. She was now lying with her chest pressed into the ground and her arms secured to her legs by a short rope - with two vibrators locked into her holes, ready to rumble.
I hauled her back into the padded room and locked her in. To fit the her body in the cell I had to push her head into one corner and then squish her knees into the opposite corner. It was a tight fit, but she could wriggle around a bit to get more comfortable when she regained consciousness. Then I fetched a chair from the kitchen above and set it in front of the monitor, waiting for her to awake.
It wasn't long before the gas left her system and she began wriggling against the padded floor of the cell. Of course, she knew that I had done this to her now, but that realisation wouldn't help her escape the cell. In fact, she was probably more afraid now, since she had no idea how long I intended to keep her there. I saw her mouth moving, but no sound escaped the room. I should really get some microphones installed in there. Oh well, I thought, grinning at her pointless attempts to communicate with me.
Then I activated her vibrators on the medium setting. The wriggling visibly intensified and she appeared to be shouting at the walls as she struggled on the floor. Don't waste your breath, girl. You'll need it. I smiled, wishing I'd brought some popcorn down.
Selecting another gas on the control panel, I opened the vents in the room and waited. This gas had the convenient effect of enhancing the acuity of Alicia's sensory neurons, giving her roughly twice as much sensation as normal. A useful feature if you were, say, feeling for vibrations in a combination lock. Less desirable when you were being forced to endure already-intense orgasms without knowing when the stimulation would end. It would also help her to appreciate the stimulation from the anal vibrator. Maybe I'd even get her hooked on it.
Soon she was flipping around like a fish out of water in a way I wouldn't have believed possible in such a small room. It was a good thing the floor was padded, because she might seriously bruise herself with some of those manoeuvres. I wondered if I should turn off the vibrators and give her a rest, but I decided she could last a bit longer first. I was aiming for the longest sequence of orgasms possible without making her black out again.
So I just sat back and watched the entertaining display on the screen in front of me.
I was in agony, and I had no idea why. One moment I'd been pounding on all the walls of this infernal box looking for the exit, and the next I was hogtied on the floor with some massive objects shifting around inside both my holes. It felt like I had a massive erect penis filling each of my holes, and both cavities were contracted tightly around the intruders. I'd tried shouting for Gordon's help, even offering him an intimate and degrading service that I thought I would never offer anyone, but he had ignored all my pleas. Then the objects within me had roared to life, tearing me apart with uncontrollable spasms of pleasure. I had no doubt that Gordon was to blame for all of this, but I had no idea how or why.
The intruder in my rear was... interesting, however. The last time such a large object had been lodged in my anal cavity, it had been the feeling of sheer hopelessness as it slid slowly in that made me break down. But now that it was already in, I didn't know what to make of it. It seemed unthinkable that such a violation could bestow any sort of pleasure, and yet I found myself clenching my ass cheeks together in unison with the magical vibrations. It felt good, in a strange, alien way I could never have imagined.
My involuntary struggles had loosened the ropes on my forearms, and I found to my surprise that I was now able to slip my arms free of each other. As I did so, my frogtied legs bounced forward from the slack, allowing me to sit up and alleviate the painful squishing of my protruding breasts.
An intense climax rocked my frame, almost toppling me back over. It wouldn't be long now before the orgasms brought more pain than pleasure and drove me to a dark subspace... But I still had a little time yet.
Now I had my hands free, but my ankles were still tightly tied together. The relentless stimulation in my nether regions was almost too much to bear, but I managed to focus enough on my bondage to work a bit of slack into the coils on my ankles so that I could slip my legs out of the loop. My face flushed with pride as I reflected on my accomplishment. I'd escaped from a hogtie! I'd never thought such a thing was humanly possible. Now to put an end to that blasted buzzing.
I reached down to pry one of the intruders free, but my fingers hit a hard barrier. I looked down at my crotch for the first time and gasped as I saw the chastity belt. I'd been so focused on getting out of my bonds that I hadn't even felt it on me!
But I felt it now, alright. The reality of my predicament suddenly hit home. Two powerful vibrators were locked into both of my holes, and the only key to my release was hidden in a location even Gordon didn't know. I desperately clawed at the edges of the belt, trying to slip my fingers underneath and pry it loose, but the belt was too tightly form-fitting.
I slumped back onto the padded floor, my legs twitching as the vibrations continued to rock my tender erogenous zones. It wasn't fair! How could I have full control of my limbs and still be unable to prevent my body from betraying my wishes? I began thrashing about in wild frustration, exerting myself in every way I could in the hope that something would ease the merciless pleasure assaulting my holes. But nothing helped, and another involuntary orgasm was ripped from my imprisoned pussy.
The large vibrator in my rear wasn't helping, either. Normally the only objects that filled my rear were faeces, and compared to them, this vibrating device was like a heavenly massage in a spot I had no hope of reaching by myself. I might even have climaxed from the anal stimulation alone, but with the sheer power that the larger device was roaring with in my pussy, it was meaningless to compare the two sensations.
Then, unbelievably, both devices vastly increased in power. If I could have seen my own vulva, I was certain my lips would be blurred with the speed at with they were shaking. But all I could see was the impassive black barrier that denied my access to the most intimate part of my body, and it wasn't moving an inch.
I shook my head and let out a loud moan of frustration. My lower abdominal muscles were racked with another spasm and I felt myself going lightheaded. Just as my eyes were losing focus, the devices abruptly died inside me. The sudden stillness sent a brief aftershock rolling through my body. I couldn't believe it. Had it truly ended? My entire body felt numb, and for a moment I was content to simply lie there in appreciation of the unexpected respite.
A loud metallic thud snapped me back to my senses as the wall I was leaning against gave way. My head landed on Gordon's bare feet, and I looked up to see his smiling face peering back down at me.
"Close," he stated. "I thought I'd lost you there for a moment." His words washed over me as I tried to grasp their meaning. Then I caught sight of the screen embedded in the wall, showing the inside of the padded cell, and the chair that had been recently pushed aside, and it hit me. I glared up at him indignantly.
"Is this some sort of game to you?" I demanded, lifting my head off his feet and turning to face him.
"Absolutely," he teased me, helping me out of the padded box. I stood nearly a foot shorter than him, my nudity making me feel all the more inferior as he towered over me fully clothed.
"That's some thick air coming out of that room," he remarked. "Just how many orgasms did you have?" His tone was one of wonder now.
"I was trying not to count," I replied testily. But I also added, "Jealous?"
"A little," he admitted, grinning. "But I'm still holding the remotes."
He flicked the switch on one of those remotes and the device locked into my pussy roared back to life. My legs buckled at the unexpected stimulation, but Gordon supported me with his hand.
"Steady now," he said with a smile as he switched the vibrator back off.
"That's not funny," I gasped. But I was still puzzled as to how he'd gotten these torturous devices into me in the first place. I paused, trying to piece together the puzzle in my head. Then it struck me - the insulated room, the holes in the corners, the drowsiness I had succumbed to...
"Did you... Gas me?!" I exclaimed indignantly, my mind jumping to the horrific gas chambers used by the Nazis in World War II.
He smile didn't waver. "You're a sharp cookie, you know."
"But what about the side-effects?" I demanded, disregarding the compliment in my outrage.
"These gases were all used on me years ago. I've never noticed any harmful side-effects, so don't worry." I got the impression there was a story to be told there, but now I had a more disturbing question on my mind.
"Gases?! You used more than one?!" I took a step back from him, flinching as I made contact with the wall.
"Alicia," he said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Really, you don't need to worry about it. The only other gas I used was a light methamphetamine. It's probably already left your system."
"-phetamine. It heightens awareness." My mouth formed a slight "oh", then I realised what that meant for my orgasms and resumed my glare at him.
"Just be glad I didn't use it for the same purpose it was first used on me, huh? Hostile interrogations are already nasty enough without the magnified pain given by archaic torture methods..." His eyes stared off into the distance and for a moment my empathy overcame my anger with him.
Then I remembered something else. "Why did you ignore all of my cries for help?" I could guess his response - that he preferred to see me squirm - but I wanted to hear it from him anyway.
"Oh, sorry," he replied, his eyes snapping back to me. "That room isn't set up for sound." An awkward silence passed between us as my face took on a rosy hue. "You didn't seem to have any trouble pulling a Houdini on those ropes, though," he continued, grinning as if to mock my efforts. Then it dawned on me that he'd probably intended for me to get out of those ropes so that I'd have a false hope of getting free of the torment. Somehow I wasn't surprised.
The two foreign objects locked in my holes buzzed to life again momentarily, cutting my thoughts short.
"Can I get these damn things out of me now? Please?"
He laughed. "So that's what it takes to provoke my girl to use some strong language." I let the comment slide, because he was right. "Of course you can. As soon as I find the key to that belt..."
For a moment I was shocked that he'd lost it, then I remembered that I had hidden it earlier. I wondered how I would retrieve it without revealing my stash.
"Don't worry, my little angel," he comforted me, brushing away the hair that was stuck to my sweaty face. "I'm sure it'll turn up soon."
I nodded, feigning hopelessness. That was a change. Normally I had no need to fake an expression of hopelessness, because the feeling was all too real. But now I felt like I had an ounce of control, despite my current physical vulnerabilities.
"I'm going to have a shower," I decided aloud. "Uh... Is that alright?"
"Of course, darling. Take as long as you like." He smiled at me encouragingly.
I thanked him and left the basement, unnerved by his fixation with one of the remotes' dials. I had a feeling this would be a very long shower indeed.
As I entered the foyer, I glanced behind me to ensure Gordon wasn't following, then I hurried over to the broom cupboard that housed my stash of keys. Rifling through the pile, I tried each key in my belt's lock, but nothing worked. Any delusions of power I'd had suddenly vanished and I silently cursed under my breath. He must have found this stash already, I realised. It was possible that I'd missed the belt's key when I was collecting the rest of the keys I found, but I deemed it more prudent to assume that Gordon was always step ahead. In either case, Gordon had the key, and I had no doubt that its convenient disappearance was a complete fabrication.
A few minutes later I was standing under the shower nozzle wearing only my collar and chastity belt with my breasts finally free of those humiliating rubber bands. As I turned on the shower, I wondered when Gordon would choose to strike. I had no doubt that he would - he could barely suppress his glee as he'd accepted my wish to take a shower. As far as he was concerned, he had me in the palm of his hand and wouldn't let that opportunity pass without ample exploitation.
I didn't need to wait long to find out. As I finished rinsing the product from my hair, the intruder buried in my pussy buzzed to life. I doubled over in response, clutching at the impenetrable barrier between me and the torturous device. Then as suddenly as it had started it stopped, leaving me quivering in fearful anticipation of the next wave.
The steamy water rushing over my skin did nothing to relieve the uncomfortable slimy feel of the belt against my crotch. The rest of my body might have been clean, but my most intimate area was still suffocating in a sticky mixture of its own pungent excretions and sweat. More than anything, I wanted to have my own familiar body back; to rid myself of these unwanted visitors locked inside me. Normally a shower made me feel refreshed and invigorated - but without full access to my own body, there was clearly no chance of that.
I gasped as the device sprang back to life. This time the smaller vibrator in my rear joined in, both devices wreaking havoc on my composure. I shook the belt violently in frustration but it moved as if it were part of my body itself, shaking my hips and thighs with it.
Retreating to a foetal position on the shower floor, I closed my eyes and wished the vibrating to end. It had been pleasant at first, back in the padded cell, but my erogenous zones were now raw with excessive stimulation and every slight contact now brought a small but sharp stab of pain. And the vibrators were making a lot of contact.
But then my wish was granted, and the devices abruptly stopped once more. I breathed a sigh of relief and unclenched my muscles. The larger vibrator buzzed to life again momentarily, making me flinch and curse Gordon in my head. I had to get out of this cruel sensory prison. And soon, before another wave drove me over the edge and beyond any semblance of coherence.
I wondered what it felt like for Gordon, having such control over another person. A woman he found so beautiful, no less. At the press of a single button he could send me reeling until I was little more than a gibbering mound of flesh. That control couldn't be healthy for a person. Especially for someone as control-crazy as Gordon, who had made me wear a chastity belt to my own wedding. He seemed to respect my individuality now, but it probably wouldn't be long before the power went to his head and I found myself locked into this belt and collar for life.
Currently I was nothing more than his plaything. An entertaining, alluring and sexy plaything, perhaps, but still just a toy for him to poke and manipulate at will. And like all toys, I would eventually get thrown aside. So I had to rise above this captivity and show my worth as a person, not a plaything. An impossibly difficult task when my body could be reduced to a bundle of nerves at his wish.
So first things first: get out of this belt. Gordon undoubtedly had the key, but I couldn't very well just pick his pocket for it. I had to convince him to give it up... Which he would only do once he'd had his fun. That didn't sit well with me, so I decided on a course of action that would make him regret pushing my buttons so nonchalantly. I decided to run away. A day would probably suffice - then I could return, and he'd be so glad to see me that with any luck he'd grant my wish to be free of this fiendish thing.
It was a wild idea, but with the free reign he was giving me around the house now, I believed it was easily possible for me to escape. And I only had to go far enough that I'd be out of range of those two remotes. But I had to do so while both vibrators were off - otherwise they would keep buzzing away indefinitely without any signal to turn them back off. And I wasn't going to put any faith in their batteries dying any time soon.
My best bet was to leave at night. Gordon slept like a log, so slipping out undetected would be no problem. But it was currently only early afternoon - I would have to endure this torment for a good ten hours yet.
I turned off the shower and stepped out, satisfied that I was as clean as my belt would allow. As I reached for the clothes I'd selected, a low hum began emanating from deep within my groin. I gasped as I dropped to the floor on one knee, not even bothering now to pull at the belt. It was going to be a long day.
I lounged back before the large flatscreen in my room watching my wife struggle helplessly on the floor of the padded cell in glorious high definition. To my annoyance, I'd found that she'd deleted all the earlier recordings of our activities, so I'd had to change the settings back to record everything automatically. But it didn't bother me too much, because I knew I would get a lot more footage to enjoy as our relationship progressed.
I fiddled with the remotes in my hands, wishing I could see Alicia now as she struggled to finish having her shower. I stopped after a few teasing activations of her vibrators, deciding to let her rest and recover for our next adventure. She'd had enough for today, though. I had no intention of physically and emotionally exhausting my wife before our marriage even reached a week. Then again, a little stimulation wouldn't hurt...
I turned the dial for her pussy vibrator to the lowest intensity and turned it on. It would probably just be enough to keep that sweet little love mound nice and moist for me. Then I put the remotes down and relaxed as I continued to watch our homemade erotica.
About an hour later, I was alerted that the front door had been opened. I flicked off the screen and jumped to my feet, grabbing Alicia's collar remote as I tore down the stairs. As I arrived at the front door, I saw Alicia running off a short way in the distance, her bright clothes distinct against the green fields and her steel collar gleaming in the afternoon sun. I sighed. I'd really thought we had moved beyond this. I looked down at the remote in my hands and flipped the power switch on the side. Looking up again, I squinted at her as she turned around and saw me. She continued on with increased vigour, racing away from me as fast as she could manage.
I pressed a button on the remote and watched as she dropped to the ground like a rock a moment later. A small sample of the same paralytic I'd used to abduct her was stored in that collar just for situations like this. And since she wasn't asleep this time, she would still be fully conscious of everything around her but unable to move or react to it. The perfect state for receiving the message I now had to give her.
She was a fair way off in the distance, now, and I didn't fancy lugging her back myself, so I drove my four-wheel drive across the empty fields to where she lay unmoving. I flipped her onto her back. Her face was frozen in an expression of mild anxiety, but her eyes followed me with pure terror. Still looking at her silently, I picked her up and hauled her into the spacious boot of my car.
A few minutes later she was lying naked on a large mattress on the floor of my dungeon. I decided I should use a mattress this time because she was likely to be doing a lot of rolling around the floor in a moment. I flipped her onto her front and folded her delicious legs onto themselves, wrapping her thighs and ankles tightly together with rope. Then I took her elbows and wound rope tightly around them, pulling her shoulders back and thrusting out her chest. Her body twitched as I drew her elbows closer together.
"How's that escape plan looking now, huh?" I taunted her, lifting her fused arms off her back. "Good luck doing anything with your elbows tied together. It's amazing how such a simple tie can be so restrictive."
Her hands I then pushed in front of her and tied them together across her belly. She'd now be able to wriggle her hands up and down in an arc of roughly 30 degrees.
Finally, I took the belt key from my pocket - where it had been all along - and unlocked the belt from her crotch. I was immediately met with the strong stench of her assorted bodily fluids. I pulled out the dildo in her rear hole slowly and watched her rosebud pucker as it shrunk back to a natural size. Then I removed the larger dildo from her dripping pussy, which slid out with ease due to her body's lubrication from her continual arousal. This vibrator was still buzzing quietly, but I didn't have the remote with me so I just threw it aside for now.
Slipping two fingers between her moist lips, I slowly and gently massaged the raw skin around that most sensitive region. Then I withdrew them and flipped her body back over, staring into her pleading eyes.
"Alicia..." I began slowly. "Why do you make me do this to you?" I paused as if to let her answer.
"Did you really think you could just run away?" I asked, letting her hear the disappointment in my voice. She began to stir, her facial muscles twitching as control of her body gradually returned to her.
"You're mine now. How can I make you see that? Do I need to punish you into submission?" Her neck trembled as she tried to shake her head. She began making a few garbled attempts at dialogue, then stopped and waited for a few seconds.
"Ih wsssnt rnnnnng aaawwhh," she mumbled. She struggled against the ropes, working up a fiery temper before attempting dialogue once more.
"I wasn't running away, you dimwit! I just wanted some time to myself. To get away from those blasted remotes."
His eyes narrowed as the insult slipped from my mouth, and it was clear that he hadn't paid attention to anything past that word.
"I'm a dimwit, am I? Well, I seem to be the one who foiled your attempt to run. Why don't you just reflect on that in silence for a while," he said ominously, stuffing my mouth with a large blue ball gag. "Maybe I'm so dimwitted that I'll forget that you can't talk with this thing in your mouth, and just leave it there forever..." He trailed off, but I got the message loud and clear. And I would have apologised, but now that opportunity was lost to me. Indefinitely, it seemed. I shuddered at the thought. At least that frustrating belt had been removed. One accessory traded for another.
Maybe I should have waited until night after all. But that incessant tickling of my most sensitive areas had just got on my nerves too much. I couldn't have waited any longer. My only thought as I'd sprinted away was a desperate hope that the batteries wouldn't last long. I'd never given much consideration to the possibility that my plan would fail and I would have to explain myself so soon.
Just as I had that thought, Gordon spread the lips of my pussy apart and shoved a large vibrator firmly against my most sensitive spot. I felt my labia wrap slightly around the device's head like a greedy mouth stretched around a large apple. I tried to wriggle away, but with my legs and arms tucked away he had no trouble keeping the vibrator pressed against me as I struggled. Then grabbed my knees and spread them wide, sitting between them and pinning my thighs down with his legs. Now I could barely wriggle, and he had his other hand free to fondle my exposed breasts.
I moved my hands up in an attempt to fend him off, but despite my fervent struggles I couldn't get my wrists high enough to protect my breasts. My fingers grasped uselessly at thin air just centimetres from his invasive fondling. I huffed into my gag, frustrated. Then I leaned away from him, falling back onto the mattress triumphantly. He moved his free hand to my belly and began tickling.
"Mmmh mmh mmmh mmf!" My giggles were muffled effectually by the gag. I sat up again, his legs on my thighs acting as convenient anchors. He resumed fondling my breasts with the occasional pinch of my nipples. I shook my chest to dislodge his hand, but he pushed me forcefully back down to the mattress and started tickling again. This pattern repeated a number of times, him holding one hand on a medium-intensity vibrator pressed against my sore pussy and the other teasing me in every possible way imaginable, forcing me do continual sit-ups to keep him at bay. Soon my abdominal muscles were screaming out in pain and I collapsed onto the mattress, subjecting myself to the tickling.
All the while, the vibrating continued down below and despite everything I'd just been through I felt another orgasm cooking away inside of me. My chest heaved up and down as I grew close to my climax, and then just as I felt my muscles beginning to spasm the vibrator was removed from my pussy. I felt hot all over as I tried pulling my folded legs together in an attempt to rub my pussy just a little more, but Gordon held me in place firmly. I complained into the gag.
"What, did you think I was going to reward you for running away? You're not getting off unless I say so." Suddenly my world tipped upside down, and I began dreading his next move in a fearful manner I hadn't experienced since he'd first abducted me. Without the guarantee of an eventual release, all of this teasing and sexual tormenting was pure agony. Any enjoyment I'd been getting from my predicament instantly vanished.
He brushed the vibrator lightly against my pussy just for long enough to bring me to the edge again. I moaned in frustration.
"I think my little angel could do with some time in solitary confinement," he whispered into my ear as he clenched my groin with his hand, squeezing tightly but without enough motion for me to climax. I trembled at the thought of being in that deathly silent prison again and being gassed by unknown chemicals.
Ignorant of my consternation, Gordon grabbed the rope connecting my wrists together across my stomach and dragged me out into the dreaded cell, my knees flapping uselessly on the floor all the way. He shoved me into the white room and slammed the door. A moment later all the lights went out and I was left in silent darkness with only my racing heart for company.
I laid my head down on the padded floor and wriggled around until I was as comfortable as I could get. I had to lie diagonally across the floor with my legs against my protruding breasts to fit in the small room comfortably.
All things considered, I had been in worse situations since my abduction. My restraints were not uncomfortable, and my throbbing pussy could finally recuperate from the incessant tickling that the vibrator had mercilessly subjected it to. I knew my husband would return for me sooner or later. My only worry was what other gasses I might be inhaling as I lay here and what effects they would have. But I tried to put that thought out of my mind as I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. It had been a long day, and now I wanted nothing more than to escape to a blissful rest.
My eyes jerked open. It was still pitch-black. What had happened? Had I slept? Had it been hours or only seconds since I was last conscious? Nothing had changed about my predicament - I was still tied in the same way, and I still felt the same. Did that mean I hadn't been gassed again?
Endless questions swirled around my head and I knew I couldn't answer any of them. I simply laid there, waiting for something to happen. Something that would tell me how much time had passed, or if Gordon was feeling more charitable towards me now. Minutes passed. Hours, maybe. My stomach rumbled every now and then. I tried counting my heartbeats to gauge how much time was passing, but they seemed so quiet now and I always lost count around 30. I kept my eyes closed - having them open only made me think I was blind.
At some point, I heard a light whooshing noise and I opened my eyes to see Gordon peering down at me, a beaming smile on his face.
He pulled the rope off my thighs as easily as sliding off a ring and I straightened my legs gratefully. He helped me to my feet and supported my weight as I shakily tried to reintroduce my legs to gravity. He guided me into the dungeon and sat me on the mattress in the middle. Then my arms were untied and I rolled my shoulders around to get some feeling back into them.
Gordon held up a small pair of padded handcuffs. "I bet you I can completely immobilise you with just these cuffs," he said with a sly grin. I tilted my head and looked at the handcuffs sceptically. The chain connecting the two cuffs was barely as long as my foot - it certainly wouldn't be possible to wrap it around my legs, and I couldn't think of any other way such a tiny restraint could immobilise me, so I decided to play along. I nodded my head, inviting Gordon to prove his claim.
He crouched over me and began moving my limbs into position. I wondered briefly if I should be letting him do this to me, but I reasoned that it was only a tiny restraint - how much harm could it do? I pushed all my worries aside.
First he pushed me gently onto my back and rested my thighs against my chest with my feet stretching up perpendicular to my body. Then he fed my hands through the middle of my legs and folded my arms backwards over each thigh. Finally, he locked my wrists into the cuffs with the chain running between my belly and my legs.
I wriggled cautiously, testing my bonds. To my surprise, I found that I could barely move a muscle. My own arms firmly prevented me from unfolding my legs and my hands were pinned to my hips, facing outwards. The only parts of my body I could move much were my feet, which I could flap uselessly in the air, causing myself to lose balance and topple to the side with an embarrassed flush on my face.
"Believe me yet?" Gordon smirked. "Now would you kindly hold those pretty little feet up for a few bonus restraints?" I frowned, confused. I thought he'd just wanted to use the one set of handcuffs. What was this about extra restraints? And why had I agreed to this, anyway? That didn't seem like me.
I didn't want to lift up my feet for him, but there was little I could do about that now and I also felt a strange compulsion to do as he asked. He grabbed one foot and tied the rope through a ring on the ceiling. Uh oh, I thought apprehensively. Soon my other foot was similarly tied to a ring about a metre apart from the first. He pulled tightly on both ropes and with a sudden jerk, gravity abandoned me as I was hauled off the mattress and into the air.
I was now almost at eye level with Gordon. My head was upright but my legs were hanging upside-down on either side of me. Theoretically, I could make myself swing at will, but in reality I found that the stress on my slender legs was too much for them to be useful for anything besides support.
Gordon disappeared for a moment, then he was back with the large vibrator and held it firmly against my deprived pussy. I instinctively rocked against the stimulation, trying to accelerate the frustrating pressure build-up that preceded my climax. But just as before, Gordon removed the device at the apex of that frustration, and I was left swinging slightly as I mumbled an annoyed moan into my gag. When was he going to give me some release?
His heartless teasing revealed something else about my suspension, however. It struck me that this was the closest I had ever been to my own pussy. It hung fully exposed just a short distance from my face. This uncomfortable fact alone made me conclude that this was the most humiliating position I'd been forced into yet. My most intimate region laid unprotected barely a foot from my face, forcing me to watch everything that was done to it while being powerless to interrupt. I could also see exactly how aroused I was. My utter desperation for that wonderful climax was all too apparent to me, and I was horrified with how my horniness was prevailing over rational thought. I should be focusing on convincing Gordon of my commitment to him, not humping a sex toy like some hormone-crazed teenager.
A sharp stinging pain on my foot dragged me back to reality. Gordon was standing over me with a long cane in his hands and a wide smile on his face to match. I screamed into my gag as he brought it down on my unprotected sole once more.
"This is an impact toy," he said calmly, as if to educate me on the devilish thing. And how he could call that evil torture implement a toy was beyond me... He'd obviously never felt the bite of one himself. "A cane, to be precise. A fitting way to punish a wife who runs from her husband, I think."
I groaned silently. He was still punishing me for that misunderstanding? That wasn't fair! The cane cut across my calf muscle this time. My whole body jerked at the contact, but Gordon continued relentlessly, each strike moving slightly lower as he worked towards my crotch. Each impact was accompanied by a visceral crack, torturing my ears as much as my skin. I lost count of the strikes, each one an excruciating sting as if from an angry wasp that kept returning for more.
As he progressed across the softer skin along my inner thigh, tears began flowing from my eyes. And still I simply hung there taking every whip of the slender rod that Gordon flicked my way. I had no choice. Eventually he reached my sensitive love mound, resting the rod threateningly against my engorged lips. With a slight tap he withdrew the torturous cane and threw it aside. I heard it clatter to the floor - music to my ears. My left leg was now striped with red lines along most of its length, but the ordeal was finally over.
My husband lowered his tongue to my pussy and softly began working upwards along my right leg, licking over all of the stripes he'd just created. My pores bristled at the soothing contact, goose bumps springing into existence across my body.
He disappeared for a moment, then returned holding an item that sent a chill down my spine. The electric torture device. He attached the pads to my inner thighs on either side of my trembling pussy and to the sides of my breasts. Then he took the control box in hand, tweaked one of the dials, and flicked the switch.
I clenched the ball in my mouth vigorously as my body jerked violently at the invisible tremors running across my body. The electricity ripped through me like fire, incinerating any nerves in its path. But at the same time, a clammy chill numbed my bones as I was shook violently like a child's doll. I was shaking around in the air with more movement than I knew I was capable of in this position. And the focal points of the burning sensation was right across my pussy and both of my nipples. Then as soon as it had started, it stopped, leaving me gasping as sweat trickled across my skin.
Gordon had been watching me with amusement, and now he spoke to me tauntingly. "Would you like feel it again at a higher intensity?"
I shook my head quickly, and he laughed. "The convenient thing about electricity is that it takes an awful lot of it before any actual damage is done," he explained. "So don't you worry about any permanent effects."
I continued shaking my head wildly, dreading a repeat of that excruciating experience. And I couldn't imagine what it would feel like on a higher amperage... Gordon seemed to take pity on me then, because without any further explanation, he removed the ball gag my mouth and said simply, "Speak."
Of course, now that was the one thing I found myself unable to do. Just a few minutes ago I'd had all the words I wanted to say on the tip of my tongue... But after the alarming ordeal of being ruthlessly caned, I needed time to marshal my thoughts into appropriate words. Gordon waited impatiently, running his thumb distractingly down my vulva. When my breathing had finally settled and I knew how to start, I explained my true intentions to him.
"Gordon," she finally began. "I love you, but you're killing me here. I can't take it... That's why I was trying to run away. I was just going to hide to give myself some time to recover. I had no intention of leaving you." Her words touched my heart, but I still thought that her actions were unnecessary.
"Then why didn't you just say so? I'm an understanding man. You don't need to run away - just ask for a break. Besides, I thought you liked our little games..." I trailed off. She had, after all, expressed a desire to be dominated by me against her will. I chuckled. It was her will for her will to be ignored... How ironic.
"Honestly, I don't know what I like anymore. I used to like sitting down with a good book or unwinding in front of a movie. Then you showed me just how good it can feel to be put in a position I can't escape and be made to orgasm. So I thought I liked that more - and I do - but it's clear to me now that sometimes it's just too much for me to handle."
Now she was making more sense. I could understand how sexual stimulation could become overwhelming. And I was glad that she was being this honest with me. I guess the sodium pentothal gas hadn't worn off yet. That stuff could dissolve even the strongest of iron wills and make you remarkably lucid and compliant. But even so, I wouldn't mind taking it slower if that's what she wanted. More than anything, I just wanted her to stay with me of her own volition. Holding someone against their will is fun for a time, but never works out well in the long term.
And yet there was something special about being able to do things to a person that were taboo in the public eye. Even in the most kinky pornography, the models always had a safeword and their cohorts were always answerable to the law. What I had with Alicia... She had no such guarantee of release, and I was accountable to no one but myself. I could push her as far as I liked; exploit her regardless of however unwilling she might be. And I loved it. One of my fondest moments with her was when she'd tried to resist the second orgasm I gave her. She'd ultimately failed, of course, but the struggle had been a pure joy to behold.
So one thing was for certain - I would eventually force her to submit completely to me again. And if she didn't like it, all the better. But for now, I was happy for her to get comfortable in our relationship and for us to form a closer emotional bond. It will only make it all the more satisfying when I finally make my move... Though in the meantime, I was still hoping she would be comfortable with a more consensual involvement in bondage.
"I understand, Alicia. We'll take it slower from now on. Whatever you're comfortable with." But looking at her hanging there with her beautiful soft pussy bared before me, I couldn't help but give her one last orgasm while she was suspended so helplessly. Turning the electricity down to the lowest setting, I lowered my lips to hers and violated her vulnerable pussy with my tongue, savouring the soft moans she released into the room. Just before she climaxed, I activated the flow of electricity and my tongue tingled with the current I conducted through her pussy.
She squirted as her body shook with her most powerful orgasm yet and I caught it all in my mouth, swallowing it down eagerly. I turned off the electricity once she finally subsided and lifted my dripping mouth from her engorged labia, looking into her eyes. "Electricity can also make orgasms that much more amazing," I explained, and she returned an amused smile in agreement.
Her flushed complexion invoked a sudden surge of adoration within me, so I put my arms around her in a gentle embrace and kissed her - on her real lips this time. She didn't seem to mind the taste of her own juices in my mouth as her tongue reached out for mine.
We probably looked like a very awkward couple at that moment: a woman suspended by her ankles but held upright in a passionate embrace with me wrapped firmly around her and our mouths locked together in a lustful kiss. But I didn't care, because I was holding the woman of my dreams in my arms and the love I felt for her washed away any hint of embarrassment from my mind.
I lie back on our bed as a movie begins playing on the screen before me. Since my traumatic abduction several months ago at the hands of a wealthy ex-spy, my life has ultimately taken a turn for the better. I have almost everything I could possibly want, from endless entertainment to a gentle husband with whom I can share my most intimate desires. And it turns out that my affluent husband actually has a job. Who knew? It keeps him busy most of the week, leaving me to my own devices and free to pursue my own interests.
Unfortunately, I can rarely use those devices for sexual relief. Gordon keeps me in a chastity belt during the week, and if I'm lucky he doesn't even lock vibrators into me first. But I know where the key is hidden, so I'm never too worried about the belt. Normally I don't even bother removing it, though, because I'm happy to save myself for the weekends. He lets me out every weekend and I'm permitted to submit myself to him for an entire day.
What transpires below his mansion on that day... No one else should ever have to experience. He is always gentle with me though, and despite all the vulnerable positions I am tied in week after week I still feel comfortable in the knowledge that he never pushes me beyond what I can take.
Occasionally he uses an impact toy on me. I still hate it with a passion, but Gordon tells me that pleasure is amplified when a bit of pain accompanies it, so I endure through those unpleasant episodes as obediently as I can manage. And he's careful to never leave a permanent scar - all of the red stripes and marks he puts on my body are gone within a few days.
While around the house, he makes me wear my collar at all times. I'm a bit wary of angering him while wearing it, because I suspect that there is more to this simple collar than meets the eye. I'd never found out how he stopped me from running away, but I couldn't think of a better explanation than this collar being somehow responsible. I wouldn't be surprised if it had a tracker in it, too.
My collar is also very difficult to hide in public, so the only times I get out is when Gordon removes it and accompanies me. Still, I get to buy my own sexy clothes most of the time and Gordon never seems to mind how expensive my tastes are. I also got the opportunity to catch up with some old acquaintances. Seeing my annoying flatmates slogging on with their miserable lives gave me immense satisfaction knowing that such a dreary existence was behind me. I was delighted when I saw how jealous they were of my handsome husband as he courted me.
I started a blog of sorts recently, posting stories of the kinky games I play with Gordon occasionally. I've picked up quite a following, it seems, but I doubt anyone really believes that this is actually my life - they probably just think it's good fiction. Or maybe just some consensual scenario I arrange with a professional from time to time. I never openly confirm or deny the accuracy of what I write, but it's always amusing to see what people think of my bondage predicaments and the suggestions they have for future scenarios. I'm certainly more flexible than I was when I was abducted and my endurance has never been stronger - which Gordon finds new ways to exploit every week.
So that's the long and twisted story of how I met my husband. And while I'm still not entirely free, I am more than happy with my new life.
Presently, I hear Gordon arrive home after his last day of work for the week. I run down to meet him as he enters the house, smiling as he looks up at me on the stairs.
"I'm taking a little holiday from work," he announces. "So I can spend some quality time with my lovely wife." I blush as I approach him, wrapping my arms around the only man in my life. As I pull back, he turns me around and pecks softly at my neck from behind, putting an arm gently around my front.
His other hand comes up to my face holding a pink cloth that's emitting a pungent odour. Chloroform, I realise with confusion. I try to pull away from him, but his arm constricts around my chest to prevent my escape. The cloth is held firmly against my nose and mouth and I begin to feel lightheaded. He knows I always submit to him willingly each weekend - why would he use such barbaric methods to subdue me? Fear clutches my heart as I dread what this means for me. I couldn't fathom why, but he must have changed his mind about the nature of our relationship. If that was the case, his holiday was going to be a living hell for me...
Terrified thoughts and images race through my mind as I struggle uselessly against his hold. My vision blurs and darkens as I clutch desperately to the last strands of consciousness. Teetering on the edge of a black abyss that I'll undoubtedly come to know all too well in the coming weeks, I experience a brief moment of inertia before losing my balance and releasing a silent scream into the all-consuming darkness.