- Author - FictitiousSlave
- Rating -
   [ 3.89 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2205 of 2955
- Story Codes - consensual, breathplay, toys, waterplay
- Post Date - 1/12/2013
Author's Note: One minute someone's telling you about zorbing the next minute you're having kinky ideas... sometimes I wonder what would happen if my friends got inside my head for a few hours! A short story with a slightly strange idea, please let me know if it intrigues - maybe Steve has other clients?
Curiously I knocked on the door, from the outside the warehouse looked nondescript, there was no sign above the entrance and no indication of what took place inside. Abruptly the door opened and a dark haired man in his thirties appeared to shake my hand firmly. He smelt of machines and metalwork.
"You're Dave's friend," he greeted me "I'm Steve."
"Good to meet you."
"Did Dave tell you what I do here?" He asked cautiously, I shook my head
"Only that before I decorate my new club I should come and see you..."
"Night club? Fetish club?"
"Regular night club music, dancing, drinks." I described, a little surprised by his assumption.
"I may be able to help with that," Steve replied "It depends if it's your sort of thing."
"My sort of thing?" I was a little concerned.
"It's easier to show you," he gestured to a door at the other end of the small entranceway "you're in luck, I've got someone in today!"
I was led into the large room, this was clearly the warehouse floor, workbenches surrounded me, boxes were stacked against one wall and a laptop sat on a stool in the corner, presumably taking orders for whatever was made in this strange business. I glanced at my host but his attention was in the rafters, I looked quickly to follow his gaze and was astonished by what I saw.
Suspended from one of the roof struts of the high building on the end on a long metal wire was a huge glass globe. It must have been six feet in diameter, with the exception of a small metal rim around the equator the entire globe was transparent. That wasn't the surreal part, within the globe, suspended ten feet above the workshop was a young woman. She had long red hair, a slim physique and was as naked as the day she was born.
"I make globes." Announced Steve proudly. I was agog, my mind was bursting with questions but all I could stammer out was
"How did she get in there?"
"You can open them from the outside, that metal ring is the join. She goes in, the top goes on and it's hoisted up."
Steve smiled "Some people get off on it," he explained simply "Trapped in a bubble where everyone can see you." He shrugged "Different things for different people, she's paid me to spend the day up there. But if you're wondering why Mike sent you I suspect he has a vision of women dancing in them." I considered the idea. It would certainly be an interesting angle, something no one else had. It wouldn't even matter if the girls weren't nude, in fact it'd probably be easier if they weren't from a legal perspective.
"How much?" I asked.
Steve grinned "That depends on the size, and on whether you require any customisation. For a six foot globe like that one you're talking £2000 including winches and cables." I whistled "That's one inch thick glass, top quality stuff. You couldn't suspend a dancer above a crowd in just any glass box!"
"You mentioned customisations?"
Steve grinned "We can do all sorts, chutes to pass objects in and out if someone is to remain inside longer term. The rim can also act add a runner so the globe can rotate on it. Tinted glass so the person inside can't see out, that's what she's using. Of course I make all sorts of sizes but the six footer is the most popular."
I glanced up at the beauty suspended above our heads, she was sat in the bottom portion of the globe oblivious to our presence her pussy as clear as day only a few feet from my head. "I can see why!"
Steve seemed to think for a moment, then he spoke "You're not easily offended are you?" I shook my head. Quickly the young man reached into his pocket, grabbed a phone and dialled a number from memory.
"Hi honey," he greeted the person on the other end of the line "I'm just with a customer, don't don't fancy a go in your globe do you?" With a grin at me he waited for the response "thanks darling, I'll see you in a minute."
It didn't take long for the mystery person to appear. Steve's girlfriend was a tiny brunette with a huge smile and the type of curvy body which makes grown men drool. Her tight blue jeans did nothing to hide her dancer's body and her baggy T-shirt hung off her magnificently, even dressing down this girl was remarkable. I dreamed of having someone like her performing in my club.
"Lisa is into a more... intense way of using the globes." He explained. As he retrieved a particular globe from storage this pint sized vision of radiance began to undress. Beneath the baggy top her breasts were restrained by a black bra which stained to contain her perky tits, her panties matched and when removed revealed an immaculately shaved pussy.
I missed her breasts being unleashed because at that moment Steve returned carrying a very small globe with him. A quick sideways check reassured me that the young lady's chest was just as perfectly formed as the rest of her. Once free her breasts stood to attention pert and sexual. Fighting the urge to watch her all day I turned my attention to the globe as Steve set it on the floor.
The diameter couldn't have been more than two feet, as he released the side catches the top lifted off. The young girl sat in the bottom of the glass bowl, with a quick shuffle her head slid down and her legs came up. I couldn't help but notice the sheen of arousal between her legs. Quickly she pulled her knees into her chest, wrapped her arms around them and tucked her head in. Steve produced a vibrator from somewhere which he slipped inside her glistening pussy lips so the nub rested on her already swollen clit.
Wasting no time the top was applied to the globe, I heard a whirring as the vibrator hit the glass with each motion. The brunette was now trapped within the glass container. She couldn't stretch, she couldn't shift position and the glass held her in the smallest ball I could imagine a person could ever becoming.
I gasped as I saw Steve reach for a hose, with expert hands he quickly applied it to a non-standard fitting at the top of the glass dome, my eyes traced the length of the plastic tube end widened when I saw the other end on the cold water tap of the sink. Lisa appeared unconcerned as she entered subspace, the power of the vibrator and the confines of the globe driving her into her own world.
"When Lisa first came to me with a request for this I was stunned," Steve explained as he switched on the tap "I thought I'd seen every application imaginable for my work. I thought she was nuts!" I watched helplessly as the water level began to rise in the glass prison, with next to no space to fill the surface rose rapidly until it covered her chest and lapped at her chin "needless to say it's incredibly dangerous, I'd never dream of creating something like this for anyone I thought would get into trouble with it. But she was just so level headed, wicked smart, she just has a rather extreme fetish. One which with my help she could experience."
I watch with Steve as the water within the globe continued to rise. It was over her mouth, only by tilting her head back against the glass and inhaling through he nose could Lisa get any air at all. Perhaps Steve couldn't see? Perhaps something was wrong? At that moment the water stopped flowing.
"We could always roll her around the floor!" Grinned my host as he unhooked the hose and resealed the globe. Only tiny air holes provided any fresh air inside the prison as the young girl gasped for oxygen.
Overcome by the intensity, the extreme nature of her bondage and the power of the device between her legs Lisa exploded in orgasm before my eyes. Gasping for air she clenched her hands until her knuckles went white, her eyes rolled back in her head and she cried out but beneath the surface of the water which surrounded her but all that emerged were bubbles. The globe shook as she thrashed furiously with delight.
"So what do you think?" Asked Steve. I considered for a moment
"I'll take two six footers." I replied, it was a pity the girl didn't come with the globe...
The End
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