- Author - Robert J. Ehrenson
- Rating -
    [ 4.10 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1168 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, M-f, consensual, analplay, caught, humiliation, self-bondage, toys
- Post Date - 12/24/2012
Author's Note: This is my first story post on this site. I welcome any and all comments, let me know what you think. Thanks.
Jill was nervous as she drove to the abandoned warehouse to start her adventure. She had been reading self bondage stories for a long time and had finally decided to try it for herself. The for sale sign out front gave her the risk of possible discovery and the busy street near by gave enough noise to bump her thrill factor. She walked a third of the way across the open floor to an I beam that rose to support the roof. She had a gallon jug of ice with a key frozen inside it on a piece of string and an overnight bag.
She opened the bag and removed a hand towel, a vibrator, a butt plug vibrator, some lube, a leather head harness with ball gag and blind fold. The last items to come out were 20 feet of quarter inch chain, a pair of handcuffs and 4 keyed alike master locks. She took the bag back to the door and removed her cloths and placed them in the bag. She returned to her I beam to begin her adventure.
She put fresh batteries in the butt plug and with the help of some lube inserted it in to her behind. Next came the vibrator also with fresh batteries but she didn't need and lube for this one. The power switch on both had been locked in the on position with some super glue so she couldn't turn them off. Jill wrapped the chain around her waist and locked it in place. She moved the chain around so the extra chain hung down in back. Taking the other end of the chain she threaded it through rings glued to the base of the plug and vibrator. With another lock she pulled the chain snug between her legs and locked it to the waist chain in front of her locking her toys in place.
On the beam about six feet off the floor was an eye bolt where she attached the chain with just enough slack so she could kneel down but not sit. The forth lock locked her handcuffs to the free end of the chain to keep her hands from reaching down below her waist. She tied the string to the chain by her hand cuffs and put on the head harness. Taking a deep breath through her nose she found the handcuffs and locked her wrists in place.
The plug and the vibrator were designed to slowly vary their speed from slow to fast then back again. About every fifteen minutes or so they would create a harmonic resonance. It would take a few hours for the ice to melt and she knew she would never be able to keep standing if she orgasmed to much so she fought against them trying to hold off as long as she could.
Jill knelt down on the hand towel she had brought and by sitting back she could add pressure to her crotch chain. She allowed a few of the harmony events to get her off while grinding the chain in to her crotch.
The sound of the police siren brought real fear in to the equation. What if they were coming for her. she started to panic and began trying to pull her hands through the handcuffs. The siren tone dropped as it passed the warehouse and continued away. Jill sighed with relief as she realized the police weren't coming for her and then climaxed as the vibrators harmonized.
Three hours passed slowly for Jill in the warehouse, she shuddered as she tried to hold off another orgasm. Another ten minutes and her head came up and turned toward the door when she heard it squeak as it was opened. This was soon followed by a an unfamiliar voice saying "Holly shit, call the cops!" and multiple people running towards her. Jill tried pulling on the string but the key was still frozen in the ice.
"Wait! Don't make that call!" another man said which was followed by a wolf whistle. "Well, well, well, just look what we have here." The voice said. "See this jug of ice water? She did this to herself!"
"Really? Why?" said another man. Jill's head turned to face each man as they spoke. Jill also tried to cover herself as best as she could but it did not leave much to the imagination.
"She's a Bondage Slut." He said as a moan escaped jills lips and an orgasm washed over her.
"Did you see that? I think she just had an orgasm." a third voice said with a laugh.
"What should we do with her?" The second voice asked.
"As I see it we have a few options. First, we could just leave and let her finish her fantasy." Jill didn't move, she just stood there looking toward the man who was speaking and nodded her head yes.
"Second we could call the cops since she is trespassing." he said. Jill tried to yell "No" around the ball gag and shock her head back and forth no.
"Third we could take her with us and show her some real bondage fun..." He said. Jill stopped shaking her head as she wondered what they would do. Jill heard some shuffling of feet and some whispering then the sound of several people walking away. Jill tried to listen for any sound but she heard nothing.
The joy toys locked between her legs were approaching their harmonic conjunction. Pleasure washed over Jill as she climaxed again. She shuddered for a few minutes trying to regain some semblance of control.
Jill was startled by the sound of his voice very close to her. "That was quite a sight." The man said softly.
Jill tried to move away from him only to be stopped by her chains. Only now did she begin to realize how much danger she could be in. She started to whine and shake her head.
"Hey, relax, I'm not going to hurt you." he said softly. "I asked the guys to step outside for a few minutes so I could talk to you." He said. Jill stopped whining and listened. "My name is Jack. I'm going to ask you a few yes or no questions. You did this to yourself right?" Jill nodded yes. "Do you realize now how dangerous this could be?" Jill nodded yes again.
"Looking at your ice jug I'd say you have a few hours left before you can get your key out. In a few minutes the guys will come back in and I'm going to ask you to do a few things to prove to them you are doing this yourself so they don't call the police. Then we are going to leave. I will return in about 4 hours. When I return if you are still chained to this pole I will free you and let you go. If when I come back I find you kneeling here not chained to the pole then I will take you on the best bondage adventures of your life. Do you understand your options?" Jill nodded yes.
The guys came back in and stood a few feet away from Jill. "I've had a little chat with our bondage slut here and she has confirmed that she did this to herself." Jill nodded yes. "I also think your a closet exhibitionist." Jill thought about that for a few seconds then nodded yes again.
"I think the guys would like to have a little better view of you." Jill hesitated for a moment then she nodded yes and raised her arms up and placed her hands behind her head and spread her elbows out wide. She gave a little wiggle of her chest to cause her breasts to jiggle. Her nipples were standing up like pencil erasers.
"The guys are about four feet in front of you, if you want them to touch your breasts then all you have to do is take about three steps forward." Jill thought about this for a few seconds then nodded her head and slowly stepped forward three steps. The guys reached out had started touching Jills breasts. One took hold of her nipples and started pinching them lightly which brought a deep moan from Jill.
Jack saw one of the guys start to reaching down and said. "Just the breasts guys, if she wanted you to touching her between her legs then she would spread them apart to give you easy access." On hearing this Jill realized she did want them to feel between her legs. Jill spread her legs apart quite wide and when no one reached down she started thrusting her pelvis towards them.
Jack walked up behind jill and asked her "Would you like my hands on your ass slut?" Jill nodded yes and pushed her ass back against his hands. She was in quite a state with hands all over her and the vibrators approaching their harmonic bliss.
Jack whispered in Jill's ear "I Don't want you to cum yet slut." Jill groaned in frustration.
"Soon, but not yet. Do you like your nipples pinched? Jill nodded yes. "Make a fist, good."
"Now hold up one, two, or three fingers for soft medium or hard." Jill held up three fingers.
"How about this chain?" Jack asked tugging on her crotch chain. "Should it be tighter? Jill nodded holding up 3 fingers again.
"Ok, Pete your on nipples, Steve grab hold of her crotch chain in front. I'm going to count to five, Slut when I say five you can cum, understand?" Jill nodded yes.
"As I count Pete is going to pinch harder and harder while steve and I are going to pull up on your crotch chain more and more. If you want us to stop shake your head no and say nah nah nah, got it? . Jill kept nodding her head and Jack began to count.
"One!" and a groan came from Jill.
After about five seconds Jack said, "Two!" Jill's groan deepened as she felt more pressure on her nipples and crotch.
Five more seconds, "Three!" Jill started to buck. "Wait for it!" Jack insisted.
Five more seconds, "Four!" Jill was up on her tiptoes with pete crushing her nipples and the vibrators forced even deeper inside by Steve and Jack pulling up on the chain.
Five more seconds,"Five!" Jack said and Jill exploded in the most powerful climax of her life. Wave upon wave of ecstasy crashed over her. Minutes passed as she convulsed unable to stop it. The vibrators harmonized and kept her on the crest of the pleasure wave.
To say the earth moved would have been an understatement to Jill. Jack signaled the guys to let her go and he held her mostly limp form while she twitched and recovered. The now painful invaders came to another harmonic peek and Jills exhausted body just shuddered. Jack waved the guys away and he stayed with Jill for a another thirty minutes.
Jack helped Jill kneel down so she wouldn't fall and spoke softly to her. "Are you all right now?" Jill nodded her head yes. She was exhausted but she would be okay. "I'm going to leave now, but I'll be back later." Jill grabbed his coat and shook her head no and she tried to beg him to take her with him. "Remember what I said, if your kneeling here unlocked from the pole then I will take you with me, if not I wish you all the best." Jack said as he removed her hands from his jacket.
Jill listened as Jack walked away and she hung her head and began to cry when she heard the door creek shut. Her mind was already made up, she didn't know who he was or anything about him but she wanted to be with him. Time passed as she waited for the rest of the ice to melt. The vibrators coaxed a few more mild orgasms from her over excited body before she was able to extract the key from the ice jug.
It was just after dark when Jack got back to the warehouse. He opened the door and there just inside the door he saw Jill kneeling. She had unlocked the chain from the pole and herself, removed the insistent invaders and gathered her things. She was still naked with the head harness still blocking her sight and the ball in her mouth. Her hands were still cuffed and in them she held up one end of the chain. The other end she had relocked around her neck.
Jack took the end of the chain from Jills hand and said "I guess this means your MY little bondage slut now."
Jill nodded her head yes...