- Author - MrJohnSmith
- Rating -
   [ 3.94 actual ]
- Site Rank - 746 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, Other-f, non-consensual, analplay, armbinder, bondage, chastity, kidnapping, latex, machine, sci-fi, toys
- Post Date - 12/7/2012
Author's Note: This is a fan fiction screenplay of a Doctor Who episode. It focuses on the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) and his companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)
THE DOCTOR and AMY step out of the TARDIS. The room looks like the inside of a spaceship, however more so the engine room than a control deck.
THE DOCTOR: Well, this definitely isn't Gettysburg. And I doubt it's 1863 either.
AMY: So, once again, you've gotten us lost?
THE DOCTOR: Oh god you sound just like Rory. Just as well he's off doing charity work in Wales.
AMY: He's visiting his family in Bangor.
THE DOCTOR: Hm, fair enough. If I had Welsh parents I guess I'd call it charity work too.
AMY: (shaking her head in disbelief) So where are we this time?
THE DOCTOR runs over to a control panel. He whips out his sonic screwdriver and points it at the panel. Once it has done its reading he looks at the results and smiles.
THE DOCTOR: We're on a ship!
AMY: (sarcastically) Oh really?
THE DOCTOR: Shush. According to this it is roughly 3235 AD, and we're currently orbiting within the Phry solar system. Hey, it's an Earth ship!
AMY: Humans are outside of the Milky-Way already?
THE DOCTOR: Oh yes, you lot have already started colonising new star systems, planting your flags all over space.
THE DOCTOR puts on his reading glasses and peers into the control panel.
THE DOCTOR: And it's a Dutch ship! Ooh, I hope they have sprinkles, I love sprinkles. They're really similar to a treat we used to have back on Gallifrey.
AMY once again shakes her head in disbelief as she follows THE DOCTOR through the set of doors he has just opened. They walk down an empty corridor leading off from the room they were just in.
AMY: The place seems a little dead to me. Are you sure there are people on this ship?
THE DOCTOR: Hear that? That's the engines. Unless the humans have developed some seriously sophisticated autopilot and left this thing to orbit aimlessly, we'll run into someone.
As they walk down the corridor they notice peculiar markings on the wall, and notice strange cell like rooms.
AMY: What do you reckon these are for?
THE DOCTOR peers inside one.
THE DOCTOR: I don't know. Perhaps they're holding cells. (excitedly) Ooh! Perhaps we're in the brig!
AMY: I do wonder about you sometimes Doctor.
THE DOCTOR continues on through a door whilst AMY stops and steps inside one of the cells.
Suddenly an alarm can be heard from within the cell.
INTERCOM: (robotic) Warning! Warning! New guest, new guest! Begin initiation!
The door behind AMY shuts, as does the door to the corridor, leaving THE DOCTOR trapped on the other side.
AMY looks around the room scared, desperately trying to find a way out. A gas begins to pour into the room. AMY beings to feel light headed, and soon looses consciousness. THE DOCTOR, unable to get through the dead lock, disappears from view, most likely to try and find another way in.
AMY awakes groggily only to find herself strapped down to a chair, naked. She attempts to look down at her bindings only to find she has a posture collar around her neck, making it impossible for her to look down, or even away from the large TV screen in front of her.
INTERCOM: Stage 1: New slave behavioural modification.
AMY: Slave? What? Get me out of here!
AMY's protests are soon silenced as a bit gag is lowered from the ceiling and forced into her mouth. She is now unable to talk. The screen in front of her turns on, and images of women tied up and being fucked are displayed. Suddenly a vibrator in between her legs comes to life. She desperately tries to escape it, but to no avail. Soon the power of the vibrator overcomes her, and she is grinding to the motion of it, all the while viewing the images of these women being fucked in bondage. The vibrator sensuously plays with her and teases her, building up into a massive orgasm that AMY could not, and did not want to, hold back. AMY erupts in waves of pleasure, and then collapses back, passing out from the intensity.
THE DOCTOR frantically runs down corridor after corridor, attempting to find a way to aid his entrapped friend. As he runs through the different sections of the ship he is unable to see any personnel, or anyone for that matter. He runs by a door, stops, retreats, and tries the sonic screwdriver on the lock. The door opens, and THE DOCTOR's jaw drops.
AMY wakes up once more groggily, however this time she is on a conveyor belt, encased in a latex catsuit, but with her pussy, ass, and tits exposed. Her hair is in a ponytail and protruding from the latex that covered most of her head, apart from her face.
INTERCOM: Stage 2: Slave garment and attire attachment.
AMY: What the-
The conveyor belt beings moving. Before AMY can protest she is quickly raised up and her arms are slid into an armbinder. The machine tightens the sleeve so that AMY's elbows are nearly touching. Tall, ballerina boots are then placed onto each one of AMY's legs, with such high heels that it forces her to stand on her toes. The feet are then chained to the belt. AMY is fully awake now and is about to protest before a large ball-gag is inserted into her mouth, straps running around her head. Immobile and gagged, AMY is powerless to the rest of the machine's actions.
A tightly fitting corset is put around AMY's waist, accentuating her hourglass figure, her boobs spilling over. Nipple clamps are then attached to her already sensitive tits, her muffled protests being ignored.
INTERCOM: Stage 2 complete. Stage 3: plug and toy insertion.
AMY's face displays a look of horror as the conveyor belt moves towards a new section. A lead is attached to AMY's posture collar and is pulled down, forcing AMY to bend over. AMY begins to feel a cold sensation between her cheeks as lube is applied to her asshole before an inflatable butt plug is inserted into AMY. Her protests once again muffled by the ball-gag in her mouth. Once fully in, AMY is then brought back up to her fully upright position before a large dildo is then inserted into her sex. AMY's surprise at the dildo is coupled with her surprise at how wet she is between her legs. The dildo quickly slides up inside AMY, filling her, before a chastity belt is placed around her waist, sealing the plug and dildo inside her.
INTERCOM: Stage 3 complete. Welcome to your new life, Slave #007869.
AMY jumped as she feels the machine stamp something onto her forehead. The conveyor belt then moves once more and AMY is brought in front of a mirror. Her jaw would have dropped if it were not for the large gag already filling her mouth. The camera pans to a shot of herself in a mirror of her covered in head to toe in a shiny latex catsuit, with a glistening sliver chastity belt around her waist, large clamps dangling off of her exposed nipples, and a large #007869 stamped onto her forehead. Suddenly her sight is cut off as a blindfold is lowered from the ceiling and blinds her. She then feels a tug on her leash and walks forward.
AMY is led into a room and placed inside an upright standing cage. Her lead is then attached to the bars and her blindfold removed. AMY is shocked to see standing in front of her a tall dominatrix, scantily dressed, with whip in hand. She strides over to AMY and removes the ball-gag from her mouth.
AMY: (after catching her breath) What the hell is going on here? Let me go right now or-
The dominatrix shoves the ball-gag back into AMY's mouth and walks around to AMY's rear, grabs the pump, and pumps up AMY's butt plug a few times. Muffled screams can be heard from AMY. The dominatrix walks back around and looks her straight in the face.
DOMINATRIX: Now, another sound from you and that plug is getting a few more squeezes. Disobey me and you'll regret it.
She then turns around and walks away, clicking a remote over her shoulder in the process. A buzzing noise is heard between AMY's legs as her vibrator comes to life. With her arms tied behind her back AMY is unable to do anything about the intruder and soon she is rocking against her confinements with the motion of the vibrator. AMY feels another orgasm encroaching as she rocks and grinds with the vibrator. The dominatrix returns and quickly turns off the vibrator, denying AMY her orgasm. AMY's whines of frustration and protest are quickly silenced as the dominatrix cracks the whip against her bare ass, causing her to jump.
DOMINATRIX: We'll begin with some light spanking, you'll be here for quite a while so I will get a chance to use my toys.
With that the room lit up, and AMY saw the walls decorated with every bondage and BDSM toy imaginable. The dominatrix walked over to one of the walls and removed a large paddle.
Just before the dominatrix hit AMY's exposed ass cheek THE DOCTOR burst into the room.
THE DOCTOR: (out of breath) Ah Amy! There you are! I've been looking for you all day!
DOMINATRIX: What is the meaning of this?
THE DOCTOR: Terribly sorry, this is my friend Amy. She's not a guest here, just a visitor that got mistaken.
The Dominatrix recoils, realising the mistake, and promptly leaves the room. THE DOCTOR slowly strolls over to AMY, with a large smirk on his face, and removes her gag.
AMY: Where the bloody hell have you been? And what the hell is this place?
THE DOCTOR: Funny story. When we first got separated I was obviously frightened that you had been kidnapped. But after exploring this ship I realised what it really was. This my dear is the New Amsterdam Sadomasochism Space Ship, or the S&M SS for short. It's a brothel! Trust the Dutch. Clients sign up to be dominated by all workers on this ship for a certain period of time. It's like a holiday cruise ship, sort of.
AMY: But why did I get trussed up like this?
THE DOCTOR: Must have been when you went into that cell. The sensors would have picked you up and just assumed you were another paying customer.
AMY: But why didn't you get taken as well?
DOMINATRIX: I can explain that.
The Dominatrix had re-entered the room.
DOMINATRIX: This facility is the leading in bondage and fetish dungeons. We have an experienced staff of Men, Women, and Alien dommes. However we cater exclusively to human subs. I'm sorry for the mix up, most of our clients love to role play so much that we ignore what seems like protests or resistance.
AMY: I was protesting!
DOMINATRIX: Yes, so it seems. Oh well. As compensation you two are free to use this playroom for the remainder of the day. We hope you'll enjoy your stay.
The Dominatrix exits, leaving THE DOCTOR standing in front of AMY's cage, smirking.
AMY: Well Doctor? Are you going to let me out of this damn cage any time soon?
THE DOCTOR: (smirking) Are you sure? I could go back in TARDIS and grab Rory and bring him here.
AMY: Doctor!
THE DOCTOR: Fine, fine, fine.
THE DOCTOR unlocks the cage and helps Amy out of it, grinning at his sexy assistant's body the entire time. After some time AMY re-emerges, out of her bonds, but with an irritated look on her face.
AMY: Doctor, can you call that woman back in here please?
THE DOCTOR: Sure. Oh Teresa!
AMY: You two are on a first name basis?
THE DOCTOR: Oh yes. While I was looking for you I stumbled across what I guess you could call the display room. All the dommes had their slaves out on parade, and I got chatting to a few of them.
AMY: You were doing all this while I was trapped here!?
THE DOCTOR: I was going to find you! I needed to chat with the fine women to find out where you were.
The Dominatrix re-enters.
AMY: I can't get this ruddy chastity belt off of me. Do you have a key?
DOMINATRIX: Ah, there might be a small problem. You see we intend for our guests to stay a minimum of a week with us, so we often place our chastity belts on a timer setting. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. You won't be able to get that belt off for at least a week.
AMY: Are you kidding me?
THE DOCTOR is laughing in the background.
DOMINATRIX: Don't worry, the belt is designed to allow you to still be able to perform your, 'bodily functions'. You may need to pick up an enema kit from our shop on the way out however.
AMY: Unbelievable.
AMY storms out. THE DOCTOR is still in the room laughing. The Dominatrix approaches him.
DOMINATRIX: Oh and Doctor, here's the remote for that little toy between her legs. Tell her it's on the house. You may want to keep hold of the remote though.
With that she gave THE DOCTOR a wink and exits. THE DOCTOR is left standing in the middle of the playroom, with the remote in hand, and a grin on his face.
The End
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