- Author - Doornik1142
- Rating -
   [ 3.94 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2497 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, consensual, analplay, bondage, loving, spanking, toys
- Post Date - 12/6/2012
Author's Note: Inspired by this picture: Beauty Rest
It was getting late as I led her into the bedroom. I'd just given her a bath and she was wearing nothing but a towel around her hair, a pair of bunny slippers, and the thigh-length Japanese bathrobe I bought her for her birthday.
Well, that and her restraints.
Her ankles were linked together by a short chain connected to metal manacles, hobbling her steps to only a few inches at a time. Around her neck was a wide metal collar. Her wrists were locked together in front by a pair of rigid cuffs to which I had attached her leash. All her restraints were made of chromed stainless steel that shined brightly even in the low light of the bedroom. I had them made special so she could be restrained even during her bath time.
"Mmmwwfffmmph?" Despite the thick rubber ballgag strapped into her mouth I could tell what she was trying to say to me.
"Almost, slave. We're in the bedroom now."
She answered back with a sort of satisfied grunt, "Mrmph."
Unable to see through the padded pink blindfold, she started to wander off in the wrong direction. I popped the leash to let her know where I was. She squeaked as she nearly tripped over her ankle chain. I dragged her over to the corner of the bedroom where an assortment of toys lay, waiting to be used. Taking her by the shoulder, I maneuvered her over to a large upright pillory. I removed her collar and secured her into the neck yoke. After locking the yoke securely I began removing her other restraints.
I removed her ankle cuffs and allowed my fingertips to slowly trail up the back of her leg as I rose to my feet. She shuddered and moaned at the touch. As I walked around to her front I saw her hands were trembling. I could tell she wanted desperately to touch herself but didn't dare without permission.
After removing her wrist cuffs I stepped back for a moment and remained perfectly still. I was curious to see if she would succumb to temptation if she didn't know where I was. The longer I stood still and silent, the more uncertain she seemed.
"Is he still there? Did he leave me alone? Where did he go and how long till he gets back?"
She fidgeted nervously, clenching and unclenching her fists and shifting her arms from one position to another, hoping to find one that would be comfortable while keeping her hands as far away from all her naughty bits as possible. I smirked as she finally resorted to pressing her hands together over her stomach with her fingers laced together, almost as if she were praying.
I tip-toed over and whispered in her ear, "Good girl, slave."
She started a bit at my voice and the feel of my breath on her cheek. She tried to say "Thank you, Sir" but it came out through her gag as "Fnnk yww, Frrr."
I decided she deserved a little reward for her obedience. I crossed her arms behind her back and snapped the rigid cuffs back on her wrists. She struggled a bit like she always did, testing her bonds. She needed to know exactly how helpless she was. When she finally decided she was effectively restrained she sighed contentedly and stopped fidgeting. Having her hands unfettered was too much freedom. It made her anxious and jumpy. She didn't want freedom right now. She wanted...no, she needed to be cuffed, tied, and trussed up. She needed to be kept firmly under control. Now that she was fully restrained again, she was calm and content.
Leaving her to her thoughts, I looked around until I found a bottle of my special home-brewed body oil and made sure it was placed within reach. Then I came up behind her and pressed my body against hers. I wrapped my arms around her and untied her robe, exposing her bare skin to the cold air.
Cupping her breasts with both hands, I began to squeeze and play with the soft mounds of flesh. Her head rolled back and kittenish whimpers began to emanate from her gagged mouth. When I felt her nipples begin to harden I reached out and grabbed the body oil. I held the bottle under her nose so she could smell the sweet scent, then I drizzled it over her chest.
As soon as cold liquid touched her sensitive orbs she squeaked like a mouse and began to squirm in my arms. As I massaged it all around, covering her tits in a slick sheen, the oil reacted with her body heat and began to warm up. As the warming sensation grew her squirming became a slow, sensuous rolling of her hips. When she began to grind her butt against my crotch I could tell she was now fully aroused (and I knew she could tell the same about me). It was time to finish her off.
As my right hand continued to fondle her breasts, my left hand slithered down to her naughty bits. She moaned and began instinctively moving her hips in time with the gentle strokes of my fingers. I found her special spot and began gently massaging it. She began to moan louder and I backed off. As soon as the stimulation stopped her moans turned into a pitiful whine, like a wounded puppy. She had been so close. I could practically hear her brain screaming at me.
"Please Sir, please may I have an orgasm? I've been such a good girl today, Sir. Please may I cum?"
I went back in, finding that same spot and going to work. I felt her relax as her panic gave way to relief. It's okay. Master was just teasing.
I brought her up slowly, gradually, taking my time. Her right leg began to twitch and her moans got louder and louder. She certainly was a noisy slave.
Her moans increased in volume and urgency until they became one long muffled wail of ecstasy. She writhed against me as the orgasm washed over her. When it was finished her body slumped in my arms.
I leaned in close to her ear.
"What do you say?"
She took a deep, shuddering breath and let out a muffled, "Fnnk yww, Frrr."
"Good girl. Now it's time to get you ready for bed."
I released her from my grasp and ran back to the bathroom to grab a wash cloth. I didn't want her to spend all night dripping with body oil. When the cold wet cloth touched her bare skin she shrieked and tried to lean away from it.
"Now now, slave," I said as I placed my hand on her rear and pulled her in close, "We've got to get you cleaned up. You were all clean from your bath and then you went and got yourself all dirty again, you dirty girl."
I began stroking her butt.
"Yes, you're a dirty girl. Aren't you, slave?"
"Mmmhmm," she mumbled.
I smacked her on the ass and she yelped.
"I didn't catch that, slave. Are you a dirty girl?"
"Yfff Frrr," she mumbled, "Ummuh drrty grrl."
*smack* "Again."
"Ummuh drrty grrl."
*smack* "Again!"
"Ummuh drrty grrl!"
"Yes you are. Now hold still."
I rubbed her stinging cheeks as I mopped up the rest of the body oil. She complained at me through her gag but she held still. When she was clean again I took the towel off her hair and used it to dry her off.
That done, I went over to the bed where I had laid out her evening wear. A thin chemise, a pair of panties, a pair of long opera gloves, and several lengths of rope, all made of glossy pink silk. My slave loved pink. And she loved silk. So of course she went wild for pink silk.
With her lingerie in one hand and the ropes in the other I walked back over to my restrained slave and unlocked her wrist cuffs.
"Be a good girl, now," I warned.
"Yfff Frrr."
She probably wouldn't feel the need to touch herself so soon after being allowed an orgasm but she still liked being ordered around. I pulled off her robe and hung it up. Then I knelt down in front of her with the chemise.
"Foot up."
She obediently raised her right foot then her left foot so I could slip her into the garment, and as the silk brushed over her bare flesh she shivered with pleasure. Once the straps were over her shoulders she began running her hands over her body, loving the sensation of the soft fabric against her skin.
"Hands out."
She held out her hands and I rolled on the long opera gloves. Grabbing one of the lengths of rope, I moved around behind her and began roping her arms into a box tie harness. When I finished she twisted from side to side, testing her bonds until she moaned with satisfaction. She was firmly under control again. Life was good.
I bent down and picked up her silk panties.
"Foot up."
Again she obediently put her right foot then her left foot into the panties and stood still as I pulled them up her legs. When I got to the top of her thighs I stopped.
"Give me just a moment, slave. I have a surprise for you."
I went over to the toy box and rummaged around until I came up with a harness made of three narrow leather straps and a small wireless remote, which I slipped into my pocket. Attached to the harness were two devices. A red rubber pad shaped like a butterfly in the front, and an egg-shaped plug towards the back, also made of red rubber. My slave let out a questioning whimper as she felt me securing the harness around her waist. She realized what I was doing when she felt me threading the third strap between her legs, pressing the red butterfly against her vulva. I tightened the strap and she groaned as she felt the plug slip into place. She knew I had planned to introduce her to this eventually but she hadn't been expecting it tonight. I pulled her panties up the rest of the way and watched her for a moment as she bounced from one foot to the other and clenched her abdominal muscles, trying to come to grips with this new sensation. From the outside you couldn't tell that there was something under her panties making her dance like that. It occurred to me that from the outside you couldn't tell that there was something under her panties making her dance like that. This amused me for some reason. I grabbed the remaining lengths of rope and finished what I started, tying her legs together at the knees and ankles.
Now that she was finally ready for bed, I unlocked the neck yoke and let her fall forward into my arms. She whimpered and nuzzled her face against my chest as I put her collar back on. Hoisting her over my shoulder, I carried her back to the bed and lay her down on her stomach.
As I stretched out next to her I watched her squirm and wriggle. That thing beneath her panties was still such an unfamiliar sensation and she wasn't sure if she liked it yet. Part of her wanted it gone but another part of her was...intrigued? Yes, intrigued was the right word. It was growing on her, I could tell. The noises she was making and the way she kept arching her butt up into the air told me that she was definitely starting to like this new feeling.
But she was moving around too much. She needed more restraint. I got up from the bed and looked around until I found a length of very long, very thin nylon cord. Just the thing.
I grabbed her feet and folded her legs over so her heels met her bum. I tied one end of the cord to the bindings around her ankles. The other end I threaded through the harness binding her arms, then back to her feet where I used it to tie her big toes together.
As a test, I placed two fingers on her ankle bindings and tried to gently push her legs back. When her legs reached 45 degrees the cord went taut and she whined through her gag as her feet were pulled one way while her toes were pulled the other.
It was a very loose hogtie. Nowhere near as strict as some of the others I'd put her in before. But it was enough to keep her still during the night. If she tried to move around too much her legs would pull the cord which would pull on her toes. That sensation would be just uncomfortable enough to keep her from wriggling herself right off the side of the bed in the middle of the night.
I lay back down and pulled her close to me. She rubbed her face into my side and made a kittenish mewling sound. Her mewling became a sensuous moan when I reached down and began running my hand over her ass, tracing the leather strap that divided her cheeks until I found the end of her new toy. I pushed on it and she groaned with pleasure. With my other hand I reached into my pocket and pulled out the remote.
I wish I could describe the sound she made when I switched on her two new friends. It was unlike any sound I'd ever heard before. Kind of a howling mixed with squealing car tires.
I expected her to bounce all over the bed like a fish flopping on the deck of a ship, but instead she began slowly arching her back and lifting her midsection higher and higher off the bed, still making that incredible noise. I tried to push her back down but it took a surprising amount of effort and only seemed to encourage her. It was like trying to string a very squirmy longbow.
I grabbed the remote and turned it off. She stopped making that noise and lay flat on the bed, panting heavily. I put my hand by her cheek and she nuzzled it to show she was okay. Then she started bumping her hip against the side of my leg and "mmmphing" loudly. It took me a second to realize what she was trying to tell me.
"I didn't say stop."