"Oh my God," Mandy and Derrick both said at the same time when Lori walked in on them. For a moment she just looked at them with those big unbelieving eyes of hers. Then, without a word, she backed up and closed the bedroom door behind her, as if she thought maybe they hadn't see her looking right at them.
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Mandy looked over at him in alarm. "Don't let her leave," she said, as she jumped up and started pulling on her shorts.
"Right," Derrick countered, taking only enough time to slip on his underwear before busting through the door after her. Lori must have paused just outside after leaving, for she hadn't gone very far; but when she saw him coming, she bolted.
Derrick didn't know what else to do. He reached out and grabbed her wrist-and when she began to scream he pulled her to him and clamped his hand over her mouth. He wondered whose heart was pounding louder, hers or his, for he could feel her muscles straining beneath him; her dress rubbed against his bare skin.
"Just listen to us for a moment," he begged.
But Lori just tried to bite him. Then she stomped at his bare feet with her heels and Derrick barely managed to shuffle out of the way in time. To keep her from trying the same thing again he clung to her, letting his weight pull her down like a cowboy wrestling a steer. Now Lori couldn't use her heels against him; so instead she tried to bit his hand again. Derrick could feel her teeth rubbing against his skin, but fortunately she couldn't quite get a hold of anything.
"Oh my God," Mandy said as she burst out of the bedroom. "What are you doing, Derrick?"
"Just help me get her shoes off," he said, fighting to keep his hold on his girlfriend.
"Oh, for crying out loud. Let her go!"
"She won't listen," he said. "She'll just try to bolt out of here."
That much seemed certain, given the situation.
As small and dainty as Lori was, she was more than a handful. Derrick wasn't that big a guy himself and it was all he could do to keep her quiet and not loose his grip.
She really seemed to be frightened-and angry-all at the same time.
"Will you listen to us?" Mandy asked. But Lori just mumbled "Mugh ew" into Derrick's hand.
"So, what the fuck do we do now?" Derrick said.
"Just hold her for a second," she said, "I've got an idea."
She turned and ran back into her bedroom, and a moment later she came out again holding up a handful of scarves, hosiery and other stuff. "We can use these to tie her up," she said with a smile.
"Tie her up!"
"Don't worry, she loves it."
"She does?"
"Sure, before you two hooked up we used to play these sorts of games all the time."
"How come I never knew this?"
"Duh, genius... in case you haven't noticed, your girlfriend is a bit of the jealous type. She's not going to go talking about what she and her old girlfriend were doing behind closed doors."
Mandy was looping one of the longer scarves around Lori's hips. Now she tied it into a slipknot, even as Lori tried to kick out to keep her away. Mandy deftly avoided the blow while slowly working the scarf down around Lori's legs, slowly cinching them together until they were pinned at the knees. "That should help a little," Mandy said as she slipped off Lori's shoes. Next Mandy pinched Lori's nostril closed, until she was forced to open her mouth; then she stuffed a pair of panties inside and used another scarf over Lori's mouth to hold it in place.
"She really let you do this to her?" Derrick asked.
Mandy gave him a dark look. "Get over it," she said. "Trust me, she had other guys before you too."
"I know, I'm not stupid... stupid."
"Look, this-whatever it is-isn't going to work if we keep fighting all the time. So, make up your mind, do you want this to work or not."
"Yeah; okay. I'm sorry."
"Good," Mandy said. "So help me turn her over so I can put this last scarf around her elbows... That's it," she said, when it was done. "Now help me get her up. Take one arm; I'll take the other. Easy, we don't want to hurt her."
Together they pulled Lori to her feet, then Mandy lead the way into her bedroom, while Derrick followed, helping to balance Lori with a hand on her arm. With her knees bound all she could was take small steps or fall forward on her face.
"Put her on my bed and back her up against the headboard," Mandy said, as she went to the closet and brought out a large suitcase.
"What are you going to do?" Derrick asked.
Mandy didn't answer but when she opened the suitcase he saw that it was crammed full of all sorts of stuff like ropes and gags and leather straps. "I haven't had anyone to use these on in quite a while," she said as she took out a pair of padded leather cuffs and handed one to Derrick. "Help me put these on her. I want her legs spread and bound to the bedposts." Mandy pointed. "There's a chain attached to each bedpost. See em?"
Derrick raised up the dust ruffle and saw that there was indeed a chain attached to the leg of the bed. It's clip end was attached to a clasp-hook in the box springs so that it wouldn't be easily seen.
"Good, We'll clip the chains to the metal rings in the cuffs?"
"You and her must have really gotten into this shit, huh?"
"Just do it, asshole!"
"Yes, mistress!" Derrick said with a sarcastic sneer.
Mandy just smiled. "I like that attitude a lot better," she admitted.
"Fuck you," Derrick said-but he couldn't keep the smile off his face either.
Together they buckled the cuffs around Lori's ankle; then Mandy untied the scarf around Lori's knees and together they pulled, first one leg and then the other, to their respective bed posts.
"Alright miss bondage," Derrick said. "What now?"
"Now, I suppose we find out if she's ready to listen to reason."
"And if she's not?"
Mandy leaned over and rummaged through her suitcase until she found a pair of scissors, a feather and a bag full of clothes pins. "Then we'll just have to convince her," she said with a smile. She turned her attention back to Lori. "So, love? How about it? You ready to listen to reason?"
Lori nodded her head... but if looks could kill, as they say.
Derrick slowly removed the scarf and the panty that was stuffed into Lori's mouth. "I can explain, Lori," he began, "It really wasn't what it looked like."
Lori said nothing, so he went on.
"See... It was my idea. I noticed that you and Mandy seemed to be getting kind of close again. And I was worried that you might decide to go back to her, so I... "
"So you decided to sleep with her? Good move."
"No! I just thought we should talk together and work things out."
"And is that when you just accidentally found yourself having sex in bed together?"
"It wasn't like that," Mandy said, smiling just a little at the absurd way it sounded. "You know I'm not into guys, Lori?"
"And she's not my type either," Derrick said.
"That's not the way it looked to me."
"Yeah, well," Derrick shrugged. "We had to find out how we felt about each other... if we were going to make this thing work. With your jealous streak, we couldn't take any chances. We had to make sure that when things got intimate there wouldn't be any..."
Derrick nodded.
"You're trying to tell me that the two of you were sleeping together to prove that you don't want to sleep together?"
Derrick grinned sheepishly. "Something like that, I suppose."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What would have happened if you did like each other? Did you ever think of that?"
"Just because you want to have sex with someone doesn't mean you have to. People can control of their urges."
"Some people!"
Mandy smiled as if Lori's reply pleased her. "Looks like she's going to need a little convincing," she said, as she stuffed the scarf back into Lori's mouth. Then she traced her fingers over Lori's sensitive belly as she leaned forward and sucked one of those nipples into her mouth.
"Are we really doing this?" Derrick asked.
"Yeah," Mandy said with a mischievous flick of her eyebrows. "We're really doing this. Help me get a pillow under her. I want her little pussy sticking up in the air."
"Tied like that, her arms will get in the way," Derrick observed. "Why don't we tie her arms to the posts first. I want access to her ticklish underarms anyway."
So Mandy rolled her over and untied the scarf as her elbows; then he held one of her arms while Mandy rolled her back over on it and then tied her other wrist to the bed post. When she was done, Derrick tied the other hand to its post.
"What should we do to her?" Derrick asked.
"Anything we want," Mandy answered with another devious smile. "Take a look in my goodie chest and see if you see anything you like."
After rummaging around for a while, Derrick held up a small tool with a long silver handle and a little pin wheel that looked a little like a flower. "What's this?" He asked.
"Oh, good choice," Mandy said as he brought it over. "Help me with this pillow, then I'll show you." She'd managed to get the pillow under Lori's legs, but she was having trouble sliding it up under her ass, so he grabbed the other side and together they made it work, despite Lori's protests.
"That's better," Mandy said as she leaned down and licked Lori's clit. "She's damp," she observed, "She must like it."
"What's she taste like?" he wondered.
That made Mandy sit up and look at him in disgust. "Let me get this straight... your girlfriend used to date a lesbian and you've never licked her pussy?"
He shrugged sheepishly. "She never asked me to."
Mandy just rolling her eyes. "Guys!" She sighed and stood up, with a wave of her hand. "So get in there," she said as she shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Guys!"
Moving in willingly, Derrick worked his tongue over the small hooded bead of her clit. He pushed his tongue deeper into her folds, starting at the bottom and moving upward in a long, slow glide that ended with the tip of his tongue flicking over her clit a few more times.
"So," Mandy said, "What's it taste like?"
He sat back and licked his chops a few times. "Sticky, mildly sweet in an odd sort of earthy way, with just a hint of an almost fishy like flavor."
"And do you like it?"
He shrugged, "Its okay."
"Okay! Get the fuck out of there," She roared as she grabbed his leg and pulled him off the bed. "You don't deserve tongue duty if that's the best you can offer!"
He just chuckled as he landed on the floor and watched as Mandy stuffed her head between Lori's legs again.
"Here," she said, looking up long enough to hand him the pinwheel. "See if you can figure out how to use this on her breasts."
Derrick tapped the tool against one of his fingers and raised an eyebrow when he drew blood.
"What's this for?"
"It's used to poke holes in one piece of leather that you want to sew to another. And yes, it's sharp; so be careful pincushion boy. I don't want her bleeding all over my bed."
Derrick rolled the pinwheel a few times across the back of his arm, without applying any pressure-just its own weight pressing down. Each time a spike touched his skin there was a nagging little prickle. By the time he'd finished tracing a few lines his skin was feeling decidedly creepy, as if an insect had been crawling over his arm. He wiped the feeling away a few times as he wondered what it would feel like under her arms-right where she was the most ticklish.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he lightly traced his finger nails across her hairless pit. She squirmed so fetchingly when he did that. Then, placing the pinwheel on her bellybutton he dragged in up over her stomach. She shivered as he inched his way higher, mounted her breast and rocked back and forth a few times over her nipple.
"You know where I'm going with this now," he said in a conspiratorial whisper as he rolled the pinwheel down the other side of her breast and continued to her underarm.
Lori squeezed her eyes shut and stifled a small little gasp, as she tried desperately not to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.
"Don't move too much," he warned. "I wouldn't want you to cut yourself.
When he'd finished tracing a line across the valley of her pit, he used his tongue to trace the same path. He could taste her bitter deodorant, but it was worth it to watch her squirm.
After a few more minutes of rolling and licking Lori suddenly couldn't stand the torment any more. She writhed violently on the bed and screamed into her gag. Derrick was pleased with her reaction; he didn't usually get such a volatile outburst when he was tickling her. Then, looking down at Mandy-whose head was still between Loreena's legs-he realized that he might not have been the only reason she lost control. None-the-less, it pleased him to see her cum so hard while he was doing his thing. There was a small twang of jealousy, but he brushed it aside; and leaving Mandy (which she still seemed to be doing pretty effectively) he walked back over to the suitcase to look for something else to experiment with.
After a little looking he found something promising.
"What's this," he asked, holding up what looked like a small power tool with a small bulb at one end. One side of the bulb was round, while the other had a small indentation that looked a little like a crater. "What's this," he asked again, this time buzzing it against Mandy's ear.
"It's a vibrator, stupid."
"I know that, but why is it so small and odd shaped?"
"It's a clit vibrator."
"Oh!" He was intrigued.
"The one side fits around the clit without putting too much pressure on it. But it shakes the shit out of everything around it. Or, if you're not one for subtleties, you can use the round side. I recommend the other side, since Lori can get a little sensitive down there ... although," she said with that wicked grin of hers, "This is a punishment session."
"I take it you're done then?" he said, nodding between Lori's legs.
"My tongue is just getting started," Mandy said defiantly, "But you can take over for a while if you like."
"I like," Derrick said, turning the vibrator on so it could buzz in his hand. "I want to see how this little baby works."
"Suppose I could think of something to do with her nipples," she said, heading for the suitcase. "There should be some clamps and string... maybe I can sit on her face and ride her like a wild pony."
Smiling at the thought, Derrick settled down between Lori's legs. Using the fingers of hand, he spread her pussy lips, forcing the hood back off her clit so that it was exposed and standing upright, at attention. He could see it throbbing gently in anticipation.
"Don't worry," he said as he settled down to experiment. "I'm coming."
About an hour and a half later Lori was lying on the bed, exhausted and still covered in a light sheen of sweat. Her hands were still tied, but even if they hadn't been she wouldn't have had the energy to run; she didn't' look like she wanted to run anymore.
"So," Mandy asked as she kissed Lori's swollen nipple, "Are you ready to listen to reason now?"
Lori took a deep, shaky breath. "Oh God, I am so ready!" She said with a laugh.
Mandy and Lori kissed while Derrick released her ankle cuffs. Then he rose up and took a turn kissing Lori while Mandy freed her wrists.
"How was it?" Mandy asked sliding her hand up over Lori's belly and gently cupping one of her breasts.
"I feel like my body's been put into a coma!" She said; then she smiled and raised her eyes appreciatively. "That was almost as good as it was the first time," she admitted.
"You weren't as frightened as you were the first time," Derrick said.
Lori smiled and pulled him down beside her. "No," she admitted, "But the two of you definitely made up for that in other ways."