Author's Note: This is just a small sampling of so many things we have done!
Cindy and I have gotten a TON of e-mails from just posting a couple of stories here - thank you so much! (There ARE more stories on the way!) We have replied to most of the e-mails, mostly copy and paste but we personalize them as well. One thing that stands out is, in my copy and paste section, I mention that the 2 of us have gotten into playing "Truth Or Dare". Seems like everyone wants to hear about that, so, here goes. I am going to keep these simple, as there are so many of them:
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We have started to play "Truth or Dare" - well, the Dare part anyway. We each have a jar, his and hers if you will, that started out with 30 slips of paper per jar, each with a different dare on it. I put 15 in her jar with dares for her to do and 15 in my own with dares for me to do, and she put 15 in my jar with dares for me and 15 in hers with dares for her. We alternate jars - every other Saturday night (or whenever the mood strikes us) one of us picks out a slip and we do the dare listed on the slip. I chose the first Saturday from my jar, 2 weeks later she chose one from her jar, etc. Since Cindy is a lot more prone to being the sub (although she is starting to get into being in control - I just am not sure if me being submissive to her is because she likes it, or because she knows how much it pleases me. I don't think she knows yet, either) she has started 'volunteering' for extra duty by flat out asking me to go get her jar so she can pick something, or when we're out and about she'll just look at me with that impish little grin and whisper in my ear, "DARE me!" She has also handed me my jar on the spur of the moment and demanded I strip for her and then say, "I dare you!" and I pick a slip of paper out of my jar.
Let me also mention here that Cindy and I both have concealed carry permits to carry a pistol. While our dares are a ton of fun and, yes, VERY daring. We NEVER put each other in danger. We are always close by and at the ready should someone decide to take advantage of the situation. Neither of us has had to do that, thankfully, but we are prepared.
It's LOTS of fun, and we each get to play out little fantasies and scenarios and admittedly some 'experiments' and such - it could be a fantasy she put in the jar or one I put in, they are almost all easily done on a moment's notice (no extensive planning needed) and we really look forward to it! Neither of us has the right to refuse a dare. Ever. For any reason!
Some of the more interesting things have been, one evening about 11:30 or so I took Cindy out in the car, stark naked except for shoes, handcuffs, and a leash and collar around her neck, went to the local park and took her for a little 'stroll' around all the paved walking trails and paths. We were almost seen a half dozen times by a few late night walkers, joggers, and one old guy walking his dog, which excited the living hell out of her!
She took me to the edge of a golf course at midnight, parked the car, took all of my clothes, handcuffed my hands behind me, put in a ball gag, ran a 12 inch chain between the ankle cuffs she had put on me before leaving the house, then drove away after instructing me to follow the cart path to the parking lot on the other side of the course, where she would pick me up. I would have been quite a sight - bound and gagged with my rock hard dick bobbing up and down with every step! Oh, and not too much chance of being 'molested' on a golf course.
A couple of weeks ago, in broad daylight, we went to one of those self service high pressure spray car washes (it sits sideways to the road) and I had her wash and dry the car - naked - in the very last stall down. Just as she was finishing up another car pulled into the bay next to us and we heard a man and a woman get out. Part of the dare was also, if anyone saw her, she had to drop the towel - NO cover-ups allowed. The woman came over with a couple of dollar bills in hand to ask if we had any spare quarters - then started laughing hysterically and applauding at the sight of a wet and naked Cindy washing the car. Her husband came over to see what all the commotion was about, and to make a long story short I "volunteered" Cindy to wash their car for them while they watched, and about halfway through the other woman joined her! It really got interesting when both girls got down on all fours and scrubbed the floor mats! Talk about 2 smiling guys!
Back about mid summer it was my turn to draw, and I couldn't believe what Cindy had cooked up! My dare was at 2 am to let her put one set of handcuffs on me behind my back, and another set with one end tightly around just my balls, and the other passed backward between my legs and locked to the net in the middle of the tennis courts, with my back facing the net and the front of me facing the road about 40 yards away. She used some shoestrings to secure my widely spread legs at the ankles to the bottom of the net. Then she was going to wander around the area (but always have me in sight) and even back to the car and get us each a beer from the cooler and bring them back. She was gone maybe a half hour, but finally came back, opened the beers, and casually drank hers and giving me little sips of mine - while I was still tied up, watching all the traffic on the road and hoping no one was going to pull in!
There is a little restaurant / bistro we like to eat at - the food is always good, it's fairly dark in the place in the evening, and the tables and booths all have long tablecloths. We were going to meet another couple there for dinner - nice people but I am sure they are strictly lights out and missionary style, if you know what I mean. (Hell, I wouldn't even be surprised at rubber surgical gloves!) I had Cindy dress in a short, tight, stretchy knit skirt with nothing on underneath. I had Cindy slide in the booth first. Her dare was to sit there with her skirt up around her waist - naked from her bellybutton to her shoes. She was so fucking hot by the time dinner was over that she jumped my bones in the parking lot in our car after the other couple had pulled out - and didn't care WHO saw her bouncing up and down on my lap!
Several months ago we went out of town, down to Key West for a couple of days just to relax and get a little sun and a key lime Margarita or two. Or three. Or four... anyway, there are several strip clubs in KW, and I approached the owner of one of them and told him of the Dare (he was very familiar with Truth or Dare!) and laid out a little scenario for him, and he laughed and agreed it was no problem. Cindy's dare was to go in with me, strip completely (not on stage) and have the bartender hold her clothes for her until I told him she could have them back, and sit there while we watched the strippers do their 3 song things on stage and then come out to egg the crowd on (and collect more tips, of course). We were there for 2 hours. Oh - and Cindy got 3 free and insanely erotic lap dances!
The next night in Key West it was my turn to take a dare. Cindy drove to S. Roosevelt along the beach about three in the morning, parked, took all of my clothes from me, handcuffed my hands behind my back, put in a ball gag, put a very tight little leather collar around my cock and balls, hooked a leash to it, and took me for a 45 minute 'stroll' up and down the beach. There were a few other people strolling the beach, but it was dark and even from 10 yards away probably no one would notice I was naked. I don't honestly know if anyone did or not, but there were a few people who slowed down. A lot.
One dare she particularly liked was right after we got our new convertible, and it still had temporary tags on it. I took her out on the interstate and had her strip completely in the passenger seat and lay the seat back, wearing nothing but a fancy Mardi Gras 'Lone Ranger' type mask. Her 'job' was to get fifteen truckers to honk at her (I wrote "HONK IF YOU LIKE ME" on her belly in bright red lipstick) while she played with herself and while I reached over to play with her tits and finger her soaking wet pussy, and I would ride next to each of the fifteen trucks for a minimum of three miles. It didn't take long to come up with fifteen truckers - they apparently were telling each other about it on their radios and trucks began slowing down to wait for us. All in all she probably got close to 40 truckers to honk - but I'm not sure as we both lost count! For the last couple of trucks I reached under my seat and pulled out her favorite dildo so she could work it in and out of herself to further amuse the truckers. I lost count of how many times she came! She also learned that a LOT of truckers have digital cameras and cell phone cameras!
Another one she likes (and she has volunteered for this one several times by just putting it on when we are going out) is the flesh colored silicone panties I bought for her. Now, I'm not one to like her wearing panties or panty hose under her skirt (and neither is she - in fact I'll bet she hasn't worn panties in 3 years). They have a built in butt plug and a built in dildo, plus a little pouch right over her clit for a bullet vibrator. I use a cordless remote control on the vibrator, and she always hands me the remote and knows I won't give it back. She has worn it to the movies, the grocery store, to dinner and a few other places. Trying to order from the waiter or waitress while she is cumming is a real challenge, as is cumming in the checkout line or as the guy in the theater is taking her ticket! And here's the kicker - I have replaced both the dildo and the butt plug with wireless remote vibrating models - but she doesn't know that yet! Next time is going to be even MORE fun!
We also own a pickup truck - a 'Country Cadillac' if you know what I mean. It has an open 8 foot bed in back. One night Cindy and I were on our way home from a weekend camping trip over in Alabama. Cindy was driving, and she pulled off into a small, dark little parking lot of a store that had gone out of business. She got out of the truck, stripped off all of her clothes (which only consisted of a short dress and shoes - no panties or bra ever for Cindy!), stuffed them into the center console and locked it. "Dare me" was all she said. We had our camping gear all in the back seat - a tent, some rope, an air mattress, and a couple of other things, and suddenly I had an idea. I took the air mattress out and plugged the little 12 volt air pump for it in and blew it up. I lowered the tailgate and slid it into the bed and told her to climb on, after which I tied her face up and spread eagle to the rings in the 4 corners of the bed, and took off down the road. It's important to note here that I did not blindfold her or gag her - I wanted her to see what was going on and be able to talk if needed. Long story short, I pulled into a well lit, large truck stop and took a s-l-o-w cruise in and all around the parked tractor trailers, even stopping several times and chatting with a few truckers, and Cindy assuring them that this was perfectly OK (without even being asked!) Needless to say there were a LOT of pictures taken - the only request that she be allowed to turn her head so her face didn't show - not that they were taking pictures of her face! You just know that at some point they are going to make the e-mail circuit and wind up on the internet! We even gave out our special email address (that we use only for sexy things and such) and asked that they send us the pictures - we got tons of them!
As you might well imagine, Cindy and I do get into adult bookstores for 'supplies' and toys and such. We were on the other side of town and noticed a large adult bookstore and decided to check it out, but when I pulled into the lot around back I asked her to wait in the car for a few seconds and I dashed inside and 'struck a deal' with the 2 guys behind the counter, then came back out for her. "I'm going to dare you" was all I said - and her eyes lit up. We usually have stashed in the trunk a little canvas bag with some of our 'fun' stuff in it, and I told her to go and get it, and to leave all of her clothes in the trunk. When she came back with the bag, naked, I opened it and took out a pair of clover nipple clamps on a chain, but instead of putting them on her nipples I clamped them to her pussy lips, handcuffed her hands behind her back, put on her 'Lone Ranger' mask, and attached the leash to the chain, effectively leading her in by her pussy. The place was actually fairly busy - seems Thursday nights were couples night - good mix of men and women. We spent a good hour or so in there browsing, and obviously she got a LOT of attention!
She took me out one night to high school football field wearing nothing but shoes and a trench coat. She dropped me off at the entrance gate and went to park the car, telling me to leave the trench coat on the fence near the gate (after I took all the things she had planted in the pockets for me), proceed to the far end of the field, and put on the ball gag, blindfold, and handcuff my hands behind my back around the goal post. She surprised me by coming in stark naked as well (she rubbed up against me), only carrying my coat and hers, and proceeded to give me what was the best blow job I have EVER had, then pushed me down to my knees and straddled my face so I could return the favor to her.
Just about a month ago, we were in a little town in Georgia and it was late at night. Very late. We parked the car and walked back about a block and a half to a little all night diner we saw, and had a nice little bite to eat. It rained while we were in there, and when we left the town was pretty much deserted. I dared her to give me all of her clothes and walk back to the car, and I crossed the street and just watched her, naked, and she started doing the Gene Kelly "Singin' In The Rain" thing. It was hysterical!
A few months back we were staying at a friend's house in Florida - they were kind enough to let us use it for a few days of R&R as they were away on vacation) and my little imp Cindy got an idea. She put a collar around my neck and handcuffed my hands to it - all of course after she had confiscated all of my clothes. She took her lipstick (bright red) and "painted" the words, "HI THERE" on my butt, but backwards. Backwards? I was soon to discover why. She ushered me out the front door (it was a little after one in the morning) and instructed me to go to the 3 houses across the street and the ones on either side of us and use my butt to imprint the HI THERE on each of their front doors. OK - hence the backwards part. I damned near got caught when someone's dog started barking and was just barely into the next yard when someone opened the door and looked outside!
We have done things in our own neighborhood, too - not very often, but we have. I went up the street (about 9 houses down) and taped a picture of her, naked, full face view, to the back of the stop sign post about waist high, put another one of her under the windshield wiper of a car up the street (the other way from the stop sign), and finally taped a third one of her, again full face and not hiding a single thing, on the side of a big motor home across the street and down about a half a block. I then stripped her down (but let her wear her highest heels), handcuffed her hands behind her back, put her ear buds in and turned the music on, put blinders on her (VERY limiting in vision - only can see what is directly in front of you), the ball gag, put a 12 inch chain between her ankles, and as the real kicker I took one of those glow sticks, the ones you snap and they glow that bright green eerie glow, and um, well, let's just say it made a really novel butt plug for her! (I warned her if she 'spit it out' she would have to go and get it). Her whole ass was glowing and showing! I took her out into the front yard, along with a lawn chair and a beer, told her what I had done (naked pictures of her distributed - and everyone in the neighborhood would know it was her!) and sent her off to retrieve them, naked, for all intents and purposes deaf, ¾ blind, only able to take very tiny steps, and glowing butt, only telling her where they were one at a time. I watched her green glowing ass going up and down the street! She was so fucking hot by the time she got back with the third picture! We barely made it in the house!
And finally, Cindy works part time 2 evenings a week at a little specialty clothing store located in a strip plaza right on the main drag in our town. Ever since they widened the road, the front of the store is only maybe 60 feet or so from the roadway, and there is a lot of traffic on it all day and all night. Cindy has the key to the place, as the 2 nights she works she closes up the store at 8:00. One evening (not one she was working) I snatched the key off her key ring without her knowing it and took her out in the car, blindfolded and gagged, and put headphones (ear buds, actually) in her ears and turned them on. She had no idea where we were headed, and I wasn't about to tell her. I pulled in behind the shop and let us in through the rear door, after I had taken all of her clothes from her and locked them in the trunk. We went inside the dark store and I positioned a chair and sat her in it, handcuffing her hands behind her back and behind the chair, and slouched down so her cute little ass was right on the front edge of the chair, then took t lengths of rope out of my pocket and tied her legs to some clothing racks, wide open and slightly elevated. She still had no idea where we were. That is, until I took off her blindfold. The look on her face was priceless - she was sitting there in that chair, stark naked, legs spread wide open, and only about 4 feet from the big front glass window - facing the busy street only 20 yards away. Or rather, her wide open pussy facing the street only 20 yards away! I quietly left her there, telling her I was going across the street to get a cup of coffee. She was so damned wet when I came back an hour later we never made it out the back door before she had jumped my bones!
Another one in our neighborhood - Cindy had disappeared for a few minutes and, when she came back in the house (I didn't even know she was outside) told me to stay naked (I already was), put on my sandals, and report back to her. Sandals on, she looked at the clock and, noticing it was almost 2 in the morning, turned me around, handcuffed my hands behind my back, and told me one of our butt plugs was across the street and down about 5 houses, sitting on top of one of those concrete posts that mark surveying points. I had to go get it - and bring it back. Oh, and no hands. But she did mention that she had lubricated it for me! (How very thoughtful of her! LOL!)
There are many more - some silly, some insanely sexy, and probably a few that are kinda dumb. Hey - we've had a few flops, too - but we laugh about them and life goes on. That plus what turns us on may or may not turn you on.
We are, however, ALWAYS looking for, and appreciative of, suggestions for things we could try, and comments about what we have already done. But we do need suggestions. We've gotten some, and we talk about them and sort them out, modify them, or in some cases giggle and file it in the "well maybe some day" file.
But feel free to email us at excalibur(at)iname dot com
We would love hearing from you!