Author's Note: True story. Ah Cindy, my little imp. If you have read our other stories, You know the deal here. We publish NOTHING that is not real and true.
OK - this one took me completely by surprise. Good ol' Cindy! She put a lot of planning into this one. Oh man, I mean a LOT of planning!
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I got home from work about 20 or so minutes before her (which is usually the case) and found an envelope taped to the door leading from the garage to the kitchen with my name on it in her handwriting.
I opened it and it simply said, "Strip naked and take a good shower, then go into the living room and follow the instructions in the other envelope I left for you. Do NOT shave your balls!
Now, let me back up the train her for a second. Cindy just loves my balls - and in fact all of my pubic hair - shaved. As much as I love her having all of her pubic hair shaved. We even have fun shaving each other - a very erotic thing we both do regularly. But about two months ago, she abruptly asked me to stop shaving down there - an odd request to say the least but I of course stopped shaving and let it grow in. On asking her why she just smiled and ignored my questions. By the way, I am a very furry guy - from the top of my head to my toes. She loves my very hairy chest.
OK - I went into the house and stripped and hopped in the shower, toweled off, then went to the living room, dying of curiosity as to what was in the other envelope.
I opened it up and it simply said, "I put a butt plug on the wooden stool for you. Sit on it, put on the blindfold and the ball gag, then handcuff your hands behind your back. I'll be home in awhile. And turn on the stereo. It is loud, but I want it that way. Now get busy!"
OK - so there I was, sitting with a butt plug deep inside of me, blindfolded, gagged. handcuffed, and with the stereo on pretty much unable to be aware if she came home or not. But that was her point.
I don't know how long I sat there - maybe 45 minutes or so - but when I felt her nibble on the end of my cock I jumped - and I could smell that she had just taken a shower herself. She stood me up and put a tiny little collar (I would later discover a cat collar) around my cock and balls, clipped a leash to it, and started dragging me toward the garage. "Let's go, slave!" she growled at me. "You've got an appointment."
With that she smacked my ass about thirty times hard with a paddle, opened the passenger door to her car, and curiously had me get in backwards - my head on the many pillows she had stacked on the floor, and the seat back laid all the way back, then tied my feet to the headrest and ran a rope from one knee to the other, again behind the seat back, to keep my legs spread.
"Would you like a towel or something to cover you up while we're driving?" she asked with a giggle. I nodded yes. "Sorry - no fucking way! If you get seen, you get seen! Hell, I might even decide to show you off!" She giggled again and closed the door, got in on her side, opened the garage door, and drove off. I had no idea where we were going. It was dark out at this point, but pleasantly warm outside. She also told me that she had turned on the light inside the car as she kept reaching over to toy with my cock and balls. "Stay hard" she said with a giggle.
She drove for maybe about 15 minutes or so - lots of left and right turns - no way I could even try to figure out where we were headed. She did pull in one place, opened my car door and was taking a lot of pictures of me, then hauled me out by the leash and pushed my torso over the hood of the car. "Your cute little ass isn't red enough" she said as she attacked it with the paddle about fifty more times, along with the insides of my thighs. "NICE!" she said as she ran her hands over my hot, bright red ass. I had no idea where we were, but I could hear traffic in the background, and not all that far away! (I was later to learn we were behind a small shopping center).
As she pulled on the leash she told me to follow her - then she ordered me to spread my legs as wide as I could. I felt her doing something around my feet - she told me she had taken a piece of chalk and drawn outlines around my feet and told me that I had better keep my feet right where they were - no matter what. If she came back and discovered I had moved, she would punish me. Came back? What the hell? Then she tied the leash to something, smacked my ass a few more times, and got back in the car and left.
SHE LEFT! Left me totally defenseless, stark naked, totally exposed, in a public place!
After what seemed like an eternity (maybe 15 minutes or so) I heard a door open and the tension on the leash around my cock and balls released - she had obviously tied it to a door knob. I heard a strange woman's voice say, "So this is the victim?"
"Yeah" Cindy said with a laugh. "Victim. I like that!"
"Well, let's get the victim inside" the strange woman's voice said. Cindy grabbed the leash, and this strange woman was not so gently tapping my ass with a riding crop and telling me to "hurry up. I don't like to be kept waiting!"
Once inside, wherever I was, we stopped and the woman ordered me to spread my legs and stand still. She was not happy with how far I had spread them, and began aggressively tapping my balls with the riding crop. "When I say spread your legs, I mean SPREAD them! Make those balls dangle for me or I'll turn them into fucking oatmeal for you!"
I spread my legs as far as I possibly could, and she began running her hands all over me. "Oh yeah, this is going to be SOOO much fun!" Both of them giggled. She took the little collar off of my balls, and then took great delight in circling my balls with her thumb and forefinger and seeing how far she could pull them away from my body. I groaned and she giggled.
I heard a knocking on a door. Uh oh. Now what? I wondered.
The woman (who Cindy identified as Sherry) told Cindy, "Oh, my guests are here. Would you be a dear and let the ladies in please?" Cindy walked off and opened the door, and as I heard the approaching footsteps they all started to giggle and laugh hysterically. "Holy crap!" one of them shrieked. "He's fucking naked!"
"Well of course he's naked" Sherry giggled. "How else can we do what we're going to do to him?" The girls all giggled again.
I was led to some kind of a chair, where they took off my handcuffs - but only for a moment, as they re-fastened them with my hands behind the chair. I was trapped. Naked and trapped - and once again ordered to spread my legs.
Now my ankles were tied to something to keep me spread wide open, and for the first time the gag was removed (and I was sternly warned not to speak at all) and the blindfold was removed. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright lighting, but I discovered I was in a beauty parlor, tied into a chair, with 5 women pointing and giggling at me.
"Let's get started" Sherry said. "Now, usually before a cut there is a shampoo involved. Let's shampoo him, shall we girls?"
Sherry spread a bunch of towels on the floor around the chair, then took the sprayer from the sink and hosed me down and squirted a huge gob of shampoo onto my cock and balls. As she roughly worked it into a lather the other ladies decided to join in, and I had 4 women rudely and crudely groping my cock and balls - even fighting each other over them. Rubbing, squeezing, molesting, grappling, pinching, wrestling either my cock or my balls out of each others hands, giggling and laughing all the while.
"Do you know what this is?" Sherry said as she groped and squeezed my aching cock and balls. "You may speak."
"It's my cock and balls" I said.
"WRONG!" she said as she brutally squeezed them and smacked the insides of my thighs. "This is MY prick, and these are MY balls. I own them. Now, once again, what are these?"
"They are your cock and your balls."
Again she slapped the insides of my thighs. "Not my cock - my PRICK! You get it? This is a prick. MY prick. Mine to use and abuse and play with. One more time - what is this?"
"Your prick and balls" I said.
Again she smacked the insides of my thighs - only this time with the riding crop. "That would be "your prick and balls, MISTRESS"
"Your prick and balls, Mistress."
"That's better" she said as she stroked my prick. "MY prick."
When they had finally finished. Sherry rinsed me off and asked Cindy, "Where do I start"? as she placed a finger about an inch above my cock. "Here?"
"Oh no, MUCH higher that that." Cindy said as she stood up and grabbed the clippers out of Sherry's hand. "Here would be good" she said as she used them to clip off a line of my fur about two inches below my bellybutton. "Everything from here down. Get him naked!"
The girls all laughed, and in the meantime Cindy handed one of them our digital camera, plus gave another woman, a petite little blonde, the little cock whip.
"What's this for" she asked.
"It's a cock whip. Use it as much as you want" Cindy said with a giggle.
"Oooh - a prick flicker! I get to whip his prick with this?"
"The more the merrier" Cindy said with a chuckle. "If you don't whip his prick with this, I'll give it to someone who will!"
At that, she bent down and whispered into my ear. "Trust me, I am going to turn your prick bright red with this. Your fucking prick is gonna be cherry red and sore for a week when I get through with it." Then she giggled and slapped my face.
She wasted no time in smacking my cock with that little whip. Not that it hurt all that much, but it wasn't pleasant and yet at the same time was stimulating.
"I'm going to turn your prick as red as your ass" she said with a giggle. "And when my arm gets tired I'll give it to the other girls.
Your SMACK! prick SMACK! is SMACK! gonna SMACK! glow SMACK! in SMACK! the SMACK! dark SMACK! when SMACK! I'm SMACK! done SMACK! whipping SMACK! it! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!
She kept on smacking it and smacking it, even pinching the tip hard and pulling it up so she could whip all sides of it. OK - NOW it was starting to hurt. And the girls all loved the look of distress on my face.
Sherry waited while my cock was being mercilessly whipped - and when she had finished she used the clippers to take off the hair, then smoothed shaving cream all over my crotch.
She was actually very good at shaving - and in the end she invited the girls to feel my now naked, smooth skin, only having to touch up a couple of little areas where there was allegedly some stubble left over. Then more of the 'prick flicker'.
I was soon turned over, and my ass was shaved as well, again smooth as can be. Cindy stood up and walked over, and left a bright red hand print on each of my ass cheeks.
"Can I try that" one of the women, a tall brunette asked.
"Sure" Cindy giggled. "Right after the rest of this."
With that, Sherry invited the other women to grab my butt cheeks and pry them wide open. She yanked out the butt plug with a loud 'pop', then grabbed the riding crop. "Hold him open! And keep your hands out of the way - if your hands get in the way it's gonna hurt like hell!"
She took very careful aim and smacked me a dozen times, directly on my asshole, and the CRACK seemed to echo off of the walls - as the girls all laughed and giggled at my grunts and groans.
"What else?" Sherry said to Cindy with a giggle. Cindy reached into the bag she had with her and pulled a couple of things out. "You know" Cindy giggled.
"Yes, I do" Sherry said with a laugh.
In a matter of moments I was stood up and had my hands handcuffed together over my head and a rope run to a huge hook in the ceiling, which had been put there expressly for this occasion. Once again, I was ordered to spread my legs. I obviously obeyed.
Sherry took her clippers and ran them all over my legs - from my toes on up. Then she carefully shaved both of my legs - while the other women laughed, pointed, giggled, and brutally toyed with my cock and balls. Damn, they were rough with my cock and balls. But my groans only added fuel to their abuse of me. LOTS of fuel. Oh, and more of the prick flicker. They even passed it around so everyone could 'have a turn'!
Sherry wiped me down with a damp towel, and then took a few things which Cindy had packed in her bag. Then she knelt down next to me and began running her hands over my freshly shaved legs. "Cute legs, girlie!" she said. "But you're not quite girly enough. We'll have to fix that!"
I was about to be totally (as if I wasn't already) humiliated. She carefully put long press-on nails on my fingers, then painted my toenails and my fingernails bright red - put thigh high red fishnet stockings on me - followed by a pair of very slutty high heeled shoes. Then, to add to it, one of the other women put bright blue eye shadow on me, gobs of mascara, slut red lipstick, and a wig. What in the hell else could they do to me? I was about to find out.
Sherry reached over and grabbed a bottle of perfume and sprayed my neck with it. "What scent is that?" Cindy asked.
"Cheap French whore, of course!" Sherry chuckled. The girls all laughed.
Now, understand, at this point, yes my hands had been released from the hook in the ceiling (although I still had the handcuffs on) I was 'ordered' to dance for them - in fishnet stockings and high heels, all nails painted red and with a wig, eye shadow, lipstick, and mascara. Only being humiliated would have been a welcome relief. Mortified would be closer to reality. But needless to say, my cock was miraculously rock hard.
In order to insure that I danced, the ladies took turns with the riding crop, paddle, and 'prick flicker' - sometimes all three at once, as they laughed and giggled and cackled. "Come on now - we wanna see that prick of yours bobbing up and down. Make that prick of yours dance for us too!"
After about twenty minutes of amusing them with dancing, and their rude cat calls and abusive comments toward me, I was allowed to stop. But there was to be more. Oh, so much more. And even more mortifying.
My hands were re handcuffed behind my back, and one by one the girls - all 5 of them (Cindy started if all off) forced me to lay across their knees while they spanked my ass with hands and the paddle. My ass was on fire! Finally Cindy sat down again and pulled me across her knees - handed the butt plug to the third woman, Rhonda, and told her "shove this back up his ass!"
Rhonda did her best to get it up inside of me, but was having some trouble, at which point Cindy told her "Use your foot, girl!"
Rhonda put her foot against the butt plug and, grabbing my handcuffed hands to pull me toward her and steady herself, used her heel to cram it back inside of me. I let out a low grunt, but they all just giggled and laughed. "How does it feel to be fucked" one of the girls asked. They all giggled.
Finally, I was stood up and had the handcuffs taken off. I thought this might be the end of things, but was I ever wrong. Terribly wrong. There was more humiliation to come.
As I stood there, naked, legs spread, ass red and asshole finally beginning to settle down, Cindy stood up and loudly proclaimed, "and now for some more entertainment." She grabbed my hand and rudely placed it on my cock. "Amuse us. Entertain us. Masturbate".
I looked at her, not believing what she had just said.
"I said MASTURBATE, slut! Come on - the girls all want to watch you jerk yourself off!
One of the women grabbed my hand again and put it on my prick. "Let's go, mister. We wanna watch you squirt!"
"But you better beg for permission to cum" Cindy giggled.
I slowly complied, gently stroking myself as they all laughed and giggled and pointed and giggled some more. Finally, I was ready to cum, and I began to groan and moan. "Don't you DARE squirt, you fucking slut!" was the call from Rhonda, and in seconds she snatched my
hand and re-handcuffed my hands behind my back.
I was absolutely, completely, and totally frustrated and humiliated. They held me and one of the women reapplied the little collar around my cock and balls, and took great delight in parading me all around while the other women slapped me on the ass as I was dragged past them repeatedly.
"Hey!" Sherry said. "I've got an idea!"
"Let's have it" said Cindy.
"A couple of blocks down, there is a lesbian bar - all women all the time. NO men allowed! Let's take him there, just like he is, dragging him in by his cock and balls on the leash. Oh, and bring the paddle and stuff. We can even have him dance there. Won't that be fun?" she asked as she snatched up my cock and balls in her hand, giving them a hard squeeze.
"Oh, and by the way. You'll get to make yourself cum there. I'm sure the ladies will all have a great time watching you disgrace yourself and amuse them while you masturbate for their entertainment. Bet on it!"
The petite blonde girl knelt down in front of me and tightened the little collar around my cock and balls a couple of notches, yanked on the leash and asked Cindy, "Where's your car"?
Cindy hesitated for a couple of seconds, and the petite blonde girl said, "Oh, never mind. I'll drag him out to MY car. Meet us up the street. 2 blocks up on the left."
"But a lesbian bar? No men allowed?" Cindy asked.
"It's OK" Sherry chimed in. "The manager is one of my best customers. Besides" she said as she pointed out my wig and painted nails "with the exception of this" as she tapped my cock with her finger "he IS a girl!" They all laughed.
Cindy asked for a 'volunteer' to donate their panties, and the petite blonde girl, the only one wearing a skirt, slipped hers off and hung them off of her finger. I thought for a moment that Cindy was going to put them on me and at least let me have a LITTLE bit of cover. Wrong!
"Open wide!" she said as she grabbed the dripping wet panties and stuffed them into my mouth, just seconds before she handed the leash back over.
With that I was dragged out the front door into the parking lot and toward her car - which was quire a ways out, and maybe 20 yards from the road which had some traffic on it. And she took her time leading me out there, too - zig-zagging and walking slowly. Got a few beeps and a "woo hoo" from one carload of girls.
Her car was a convertible, and she had the top down on it. She ordered me to get in and put my right foot on the dashboard and my left foot behind her headrest with my back against the door. I was spread wide open, and she VERY crudely molested me all the way to the bar.
Once we were there, Sherry had another little surprise for me - she hung a neatly written sign around my neck that said, "I AM A SLUT - HOW MAY I AMUSE YOU?" Then she put the ball gag back in my mouth and buckled it tight. "No complaints!" she snickered as she smacked me very hard on the ass.
"Let's go" she said as she grabbed the leash and yanked me inside.
When we walked in, the whole place broke out in screams of delight and laughter, with women pointing, laughing, coming over to 'inspect' me, and giggling and pointing some more. The manager, Karen, took my leash and dragged me over towards the bar and 'helped' me get up onto it so every woman in the place could see me. I was literally being put on display.
"I've been waiting for this" she snickered. "But don't get too excited - in this place you're just a piece of fucking furniture. And two things you need to know." She giggled as she tapped my balls with her finger.
"First, we don't close for another 4 hours. And second, in about another hour this place is going to get VERY busy. There's only about 40 women here right now. It'll be closer to 200 in awhile. This is going to be a VERY long night for you".
"Oh" she said as almost an afterthought. "Two more things. Sway those hips and keep that fucking prick of yours moving. Any time that prick isn't moving, I'm going to invite someone up here to smack your ass. Got it? And spread your legs. WIDE!"
It was going to be one very, very long night.