Lin had always considered herself a bit of an outsider. In school she liked looking at boys as much as the rest of her friends, but she also had funny feelings when she looked at girls. One time another girl offered Lin ten dollars to make out with her in order to tease some boys, and Lin was surprised at how much she enjoyed it. And then there were the locker rooms. Oh, the locker rooms...
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But it wasn't just any girls that Lin felt funny about. It was a particular type of girl. Actually it was a particular girl. Her name was Selena.
Lin had never said so much as a word to Selena before but she remembered her well. They had both been attending St. Bartlett's Academy since grade school. Though both had blossomed into beautiful young women, they still could not have turned out more different from each other. Lin's growth spurts petered out at just barely 5' tall while Selena's height soared to an impressive 6'1'' with hips and legs to die for. Selena was also the first girl in their class to develop breasts, a fact that Lin (not to mention every boy who passed her in the hall) couldn't help but notice. It took Lin another year to start developing, and while she eventually achieved a respectable B cup, Selena swelled to a solid C verging on a D cup. Her teeth were perfect, her nails were perfect, her skin and her honey-blonde hair were both perfect.
But the most startling difference of all was their personalities. No matter how much her mother told her what a beautiful girl she was, Lin's confidence and self-assurance matched her size. She was humble, demure, timid and painfully quiet. She let her bangs grow long so her black hair would hang down and hide her face and she always sat at the back of the class. Selena on the other hand was diametrically opposite in personality. She always spoke her mind, whether anyone asked her to or not. Especially when they did not. She was the sort of person who would always correct everyone on every mistake. Even the teachers sometimes. And she refused to take criticism from anyone. Anyone who tried would surely be sliced to ribbons by her razor-sharp tongue.
Lin was head over heels in love.
Near the end of her senior year Lin's history teacher, Mr. Keesler, announced a group research project that would be worth more than a third of their final grade. After handing out the project syllabus he placed a clipboard with a list at the edge of his desk.
"Those of you who know who you want to work with, pair off and write your names down here," said the teacher, "Now, what's Mr. Keesler's Number One Rule?"
"No Take-Backsies!" shouted the class in unison.
"That's right. So for God's sake people, think carefully about who you want to partner with. I will have no sympathy for you if you pair up with someone who goofs around and leaves everything undone. Nor will I feel sorry for you if you and your partner spend all your time making out with each other."
His eyes jumped quickly between certain boys and certain girls. The class giggled.
"Bottom Line: If you fail this assignment you are all but guaranteed to fail this class. Choose wisely."
There was a mad scramble as all the students started to move about the room at once, finding partners and pushing desks this way and that way. Lin remained in her seat as she always did when this happened. She would be partnered with whoever was left over just like every other time. Which probably meant she would get stuck with a lazy stoner or something who made her do all the work. But she didn't mind. She was smart enough to do the work of three students if she had to. And it wasn't like she had anything else to do on Saturday nights.
Lin peered out from underneath her bangs and glanced around the room. All the usual people had paired off and were lining up to sign their names on the clipboard. Lin noticed Selena wasn't one of them, which didn't surprise her. Although Selena was a straight-A student and would almost certainly end up valedictorian, she had a reputation for being stuck-up and bossy. Whoever ended up her partner would spend the rest of the semester being ordered around by Selena and little else. Lin would've been okay with that, but she would never be that lucky. Lin put her head down on her desk and closed her eyes.
After all the other students had written their names on the list the teacher stood up and scanned the clipboard.
"Selena and Lin!" said Mr. Keesler.
Lin's head snapped up.
"You're the odd men, uh, girls out. You two are working together. Congratulations. Class dismissed!"
Congratulations indeed, Lin thought to herself. She put her hand over her chest. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer and she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. She quickly pulled her hair closer around her face to hide the blush as the rest of the class drained out of the room. Suddenly Lin became aware of someone standing next to her.
"Go get your things and meet me by my locker," said Selena.
Lin's heart went from pounding to frozen solid in an instant. She looked up at the tall young woman standing over her.
"Did you hear me?" said Selena a little louder, putting her hands on her hips, "I said--"
"M-meet you at your locker," Lin stuttered out, "How-how will I know which one is yours?"
Selena folded her arms under her breasts and said, "You know which one is mine."
Lin's face turned red.
Selena picked up her bag and left, her long blonde hair bouncing as she walked away. Lin sat still for a long moment before she was startled out of her reverie by the teacher.
"The bell has rung!" said Mr. Keesler as he cleaned the blackboard, "Anyone still in my classroom when I turn around will be shot! Survivors will be shot again!"
Lin grabbed her bag and hurried out of the room. Just as Selena commanded, she went straight to her own locker to get all her things.
Wait, just as Selena commanded? Did she really just think that? Lin rubbed her eyes. She had to focus. She pulled out everything from her locker she would need, put the lock back on, and raced down the hall to Selena's locker. Of course she knew were it was. She knew every locker Selena had ever used in this school.
Sure enough Selena was there waiting for her, leaning against her locker and about to bite into an energy bar.
"You're late," she said.
"'M sorry," Lin mumbled, her eyes on her feet.
"Next time you'll be quicker, or we'll have a problem. Are we going to have a problem?"
"N-no ma'am," said Lin. She blushed as she realized she had just called someone the same age as her "ma'am".
Just then Lin's stomach rumbled loudly. She gulped. Selena looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.
"You didn't eat today," said Selena. It was a statement, not a question.
Lin shook her head.
"Why not?"
"Wasn't hungry," said Lin, as her stomach groaned a second time.
Selena said nothing for a moment, then held out her energy bar.
"Eat this."
Lin glanced up for just a moment and shook her head.
"Don't want it. It's yours."
Selena turned her whole body towards Lin, who reflexively took a half-step back.
"I. Said. Eat it."
Lin bit her lip. She was afraid but she also felt...excited? Yes, that was the only word for it. She was excited by the way Selena just spoke to her.
Lin reached out and took the energy bar with trembling hands. She sank her teeth into the bar and chewed. It was good, or as good as an energy bar could be. And it did make her stomach feel better.
"I didn't hear a thank you," said Selena.
"Th-thank you," said Lin. She tried to look anywhere but up.
Just then Selena took her by the chin and forced Lin to meet her gaze. Lin gazed into her vivid blue eyes. It took everything she had not to whimper.
"You should look someone in the eye when you speak to them," Selena said, "Now try it again. What do you say?"
"Th-thank you," Lin whispered. Selena gripped her chin harder.
"Again. Louder this time. And no stuttering."
"Thank you," said Lin.
"Thank you for what?" said Selena.
"Thank you for the energy bar!"
Selena let go of Lin's face.
"Better. Now come along. We're studying at my place tonight. You can phone your parents when we get there."
Lin nodded. She followed along but Selena's long legs gave her a much faster stride and Lin quickly fell behind. Selena turned back and sighed. She took Lin by the wrist and pulled her along forcefully. Lin sucked in a breath and held it.
After many twists and turns they reached their destination: the bike racks. Selena unlocked her bike and mounted it.
"You sit up here," she said, patting the top of the handlebars.
Lin gulped, "Up there? But isn't that dangerous?"
Selena got a steely glint in her eye, "I'm going home. You can either sit here or walk. Do you want to walk?"
Lin took a deep breath, "No ma'am, I don't want to walk."
There was that "ma'am" again.
Lin carefully raised herself up and settled onto the handlebars. Before she knew it they were off.
The ride was much gentler than Lin expected. Selena took care to avoid potholes and bumps on the way. After about fifteen minutes they were at Selena's house.
Lin looked up at it. It was a huge brick-and-mortar monolith of a house, with three stories and ivy growing up the sides. Lin had guessed that Selena came from money but she still hadn't expected this. Lin noticed there were no cars in the driveway.
"Where are your parents?" Lin asked.
"Daddy's away on business. Mother's probably here somewhere. She doesn't go out much. Too busy supervising the help all day."
"Oh," said Lin, "I'm s--"
"What? You're sorry?" Selena shook her head, "Don't be sorry. I love my parents. They made me who I am."
Selena took Lin by the wrist again and led her up the front walk. As they approached the door an attractive thirty-something woman in a maid's uniform opened it.
"Good afternoon, Miss Selena."
"Hello Teri," said Selena nonchalantly as she handed over her jacket, "Put my bike away and then bring something for me to eat."
She glanced back at Lin, "And something for my friend as well."
"Of course Miss Selena," said Teri.
Still holding Lin by the wrist, Selena half-led half-dragged her up the stairs to the third floor. The third floor was nothing but a small landing and a single door.
"This is my room," Selena said, "Daddy added it to the house just for me."
The room was less a "room" than a small loft apartment. There were tables, chairs, a couch, a massive entertainment center, and a big four-poster bed.
"Sit down on the bed," Selena commanded.
Lin did what she was told. She sat down with her hands in her lap and stared at the floor. Selena's legs sauntered into view in front of her. Those long...shapely legs. Her heart began to pound again.
"Before we start, I think we should get to know each other better," said Selena, "Enjoy a bit of...bonding."
Selena put her hand under Lin's chin and forced her head up. She tilted her head quizzically to the side.
"No makeup. No makeup at all. Why not?"
Lin felt her lip begin to quiver. She tried to turn away but Selena forced her to look straight ahead.
"I asked you a question. Answer it. Why no makeup?"
Lin swallowed and cleared her throat before answering, "Because I don't know how. And because no one would want me anyway. So what's the point? I'm not beautiful. Not like you."
Selena, let go of Lin's face, threw back her head and laughed.
"No one would want you anyway? Maybe it only seems that way because you never bother to try. Maybe it's because you always hide your face beneath all of...this."
She casually flicked Lin's bangs out of her face. Lin didn't answer.
"Okay, you say you don't know how to put on makeup. Fair enough. So I'll show you how. And then we'll see if there's anything beautiful under there."
Lin smiled for the first time that day.
Selena and Lin spent the next ten minutes applying makeup. When they were done they both stood in front of Selena's three way mirror. Selena brushed the hair out of Lin's eyes.
"There, you see? I'm always right."
Lin stared, mouth agape, at the beauty staring back from the mirror. Was that really her? Was that really her face?
She turned and looked up into Selena's face, "I...I don't know what to...Thank--"
Selena cut off her sentence by planting a big wet kiss right on Lin's lips.
"I can think of a better way for you to say thank you."
Without warning Selena spun Lin around and pushed her up against the wall. Selena pressed herself up against her, holding holding Lin in place with her body. Lin let out a fearful whimper.
"Oh pipe down," Selena said, "I know you want this. You think I never noticed you watching me all those years? My little Secret Admirer? I'm flattered, really I am. I've tried this with other girls you know. But none of them really wanted it. Hell, most of them didn't even like me that way. Some of them were just 'experimenting', pretending to like girls because they thought it was cool or trendy. Others thought they could use me to tease the boys. Well, I taught them a lesson they won't soon forget."
Selena began grinding her hips against Lin's backside. Lin bit her lip.
"Then there were the rare few who were actually into girls and thought I was hot. Just like you. But do you know what the difference is between you and them?"
Lin shook her head.
"The difference is, you don't just want me. You want this."
Selena took Lin by both wrists and forced her arms behind her back.
"This. This is what you want, isn't it? To be controlled. To be dominated. You want me to do things to you, and to make you do things to me. Don't you?"
Lin swallowed hard but did not answer. Her blood was thundering in her ears so loud she could barely hear what Selena was saying.
"Or was I wrong about you?" Selena asked, "If I'm wrong, just say so. Say you don't want this. I'll have your parents come get you and we'll meet up again in the library, with lots of people around. We can call this a big misunderstanding. No harm, no foul. So you tell me, my dirty little girl. Am I wrong?"
Lin took a deep breath...and shook her head "no".
"Do you want to leave?"
She shook her head.
"Do you want to stay?"
She nodded.
"Do you want me to do things to you? Do you want me to make you do things that will degrade you and humiliate you? Do you want to be mine, forever?"
She took another deep breath...and nodded.
Selena smiled, "I knew you would. I'm always right."
She leaned in and began kissing the side of Lin's neck. Lin's eyes fluttered closed.
"Now listen carefully because I don't like to repeat myself," said Selena. The tone in her voice made Lin feel very weak in the knees.
"You will address me as 'my Goddess'. Nothing else. You will do what I say, when I say it, exactly how I say it. If you disobey you will be punished. Contradict me and you will be punished. React too slowly and you will be punished."
As she spoke Selena reached around with her other hand and began unbuttoning Lin's blouse. Lin shuddered.
"Don't worry about the project, I'll do it all myself. All you have to do is be...entertaining for me. Does that sound like a fair trade?"
Lin nodded, then yelped as she felt a sharp smack on her bottom.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" said Selena, "I didn't quite catch your answer."
"Y-yes," said Lin. She yelped as she was spanked again.
"Yes what?"
"Yes my Goddess!" said Lin.
"Good girl," said Selena, "Now hold still. You're not entertaining enough yet."
Selena reached over and opened a dresser drawer. She pulled out some sheer pantyhose and began to tie Lin up. Lin moaned.
"Good girl," said Selena, "Your Goddess likes when you make sexy noises."
Selena spun Lin around and finished unbuttoning her shirt.
"Well well," said Selena, "What a nice pair of tits. Not as nice as mine of course, but very respectable. I'm going to have fun with those."
Selena unhooked Lin's bra and began to gently fondle her breasts.
"Mmmmnnn," said Lin. Her Goddess said she liked when Lin made noise, and she wanted to please her Goddess.
"But," said Selena, "business before pleasure."
"You've been a bad girl, Lin."
"Goddess, I don't understand. I--waah!"
Without warning Selena lifted Lin off the ground and tossed her onto the bed.
"You've been a bad girl," said Selena as she pulled Lin across her lap, "A very bad girl indeed."
She flipped up Lin's skirt and gave her a solid smack on the ass.
"You need to be punished, you bad girl." *smack*
"Aaaammnnnyyyeess, I'm a bad girl, Goddess. Punish me, Goddess."
"Mmm, and I have so much to punish you for, don't I?" Selena purred, "Let's see, you were late meeting me at my locker--*smack*"
"You lied to me about not being hungry--*smack*"
"You didn't say thank you when I gave you my energy bar--*smack*"
"And you've been spying on me and stalking me for years--*smack*"
"That's four times you were a naughty girl. That earns you twenty spanks, five spanks per offense. I don't want you blubbering all the way through your punishment so I think we need to take care of that naughty mouth of yours."
A knotted silk handkerchief was forced into Lin's mouth and tied behind her head.
"Get ready. Your punishment begins n--"
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"May I come in, Miss Selena? I have your dinner."
It was Teri, the maid.
"Yes, come right in," said Selena.
"Shh, naughty girl. Come in, Teri."
Lin felt her face turn beet red as the maid opened the door and came in with an elaborate tray of food. She turned redder still as Selena began sensuously stroking her buttocks.
"Just put it over there on the desk, Teri."
"Of course Miss Selena," she placed the tray down on the desk and turned back around, "Will there be anything else, Miss Selena?"
"No Teri, that will be all," said Selena as she pulled down Lin's panties, exposing her bare ass, "Go find my mother. I'm sure she has...something else for you to do."
A queer half-smile spread across Teri's face.
"Of course Miss Selena."
She curtseyed and left.
Lin glanced back over her shoulder at Selena, "Mmmph?"
"What? You think she hasn't seen this before? What do you think mother really pays her for? Did you really think she spends all day 'supervising' the help?"
Selena smirked and pinched Lin on the butt, "Like I said, my parents made me who I am."