Author's Note: This story is based on a drawing by Raul Fernando. If you've seen it, you may recognize which one before the story is finished.
"Okay, boys," Mary said. "Have fun at the movies and all. We'll meet you at my house afterwards."
Johnny grinned and gave me a wink. "And you girls have fun shopping."
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From the arch leading to the kitchen I watched them leave: Johnny, my boyfriend, and his two best friends, Kenny and Tim. Johnny turned when he reached the front door. "I love you," he mouthed silently, looking at me with that beautiful smile-attractiveness runs in his family. Then he flipped down the collar of his coat and walked out into the cold winter air.
"Alone at last," Mary said when the door was closed.
She came up behind me, pressing herself close so that I could feel her long, warm legs against mine. Her hand seemed almost casually to come to rest on my shoulder, but even if I hadn't been fending off her advances for more than a year now, I still would have known it was more than just a friendly overture.
My boyfriend's sister had a crush on me, and if I'd been a lesbian I'd have been in marriage heaven, for I have to admit that she's very attractive. Johnny's friends were always hitting on her, and I'd even caught Johnny looking at her a little harder than a brother should when she was wearing something sexy. As I said, she was a very beautiful woman, with the longest, shapeliest legs, and large, perfect breasts that always seemed to attract the attentions of men. I'd have been extremely vulnerable to fits of extreme jealousy if I was prone to such emotions-or if I hadn't known she was such a dedicated worshiper at the alter of lesbianism.
For the life of me, I'd never been able to figure why she had a crush on me, of all people. Perhaps there was still a bit of sibling rivalry going on. Johnny had told me about some of the ornery things they used to do to one another as kids. Or perhaps she looked at me as something of a challenge. Not that I could possibly have been the first woman to turn her down, but she was the typical rich brat, and I don't think she was used to not getting her way.
"I thought we were going to go shopping," I said, moving away from her touch. "Birthday presents for your brother, and all?"
"I already bought my presents-and a couple for you as well. Very expensive gift, actually. You'll be proud to give them, and I know it's something he's been wanting for a while now. He just hasn't gotten around to getting it yet, because he knew his birthday was coming up. That's so like him, don't you think?"
"Aren't you the clever one," I commented dryly.
She began to massage my shoulder the way she always did. With her surprisingly strong fingers, she was really good at it. And she knew it. That was her weapon, kneading my sore muscles so that they seemed to melt and I can't help wanting her to go on-only in the past I hadn't wanted to encourage her advances either, so I always struggled with my own desires when I push her away. Today my muscles were even stiffer than usual, and I let her keep going a little longer than I normally would.
It's unkind of her, I thought, as I always did when she used this trick. And on her own brother's birthday.
"Come on," Mary said. "The guys should be gone for at least four hours. I know you like this. Why not lie down on the couch and let me give you a real massage?" The tone of her voice made it clear that she didn't intend to stop with massaging my shoulders.
"I am engaged to your brother," I said, but I still didn't push her hand away.
"If Johnny was worried about the two of us having sex together he wouldn't have left us alone," she said in a reasoning tone of voice. And despite everything, I knew that it was true. Johnny had even mentioned that he wouldn't mind videotaping me with another woman; and he had needlessly reminded me that his sister was interested. "It's not like we'd have to go looking for someone," he'd said with a smile that made me wonder if he wasn't a little too interested in his sister and simply wanted to use this as an excuse. I didn't want to admit anything to her, though. Better to let her think I didn't believe it, because I didn't think she'd go so far as to ask Johnny about it in front of me. So I just smiled smugly and said, "You're sure? You think you know him that well?"
"Well, he is my brother."
"And he's my fiancée."
But I still hadn't pushed her hands away, and Mary seemed to sense that perhaps my defenses had weakened just a bit this time. I'd always been much quicker to move away; and sharper with my retorts. "Your muscles seem much tenser than usual. Are you upset about something?"
I shook my head, but I knew that my expression told a different story. "It's just some things that are going on at work, and trying to get everything ready for tonight. I didn't get much sleep last night. I think I might fall asleep halfway through the party, if I'm not careful."
"You poor darling," Mary said. "I could give you one of my famous massages?"
"I don't think we have time." It was an incredibly lame excuse, of course. We'd been planning to go shopping. A massage could hardly take longer than that.
"It won't take long to get everything fixed up. I bought several party platters last night. They're already in the fridge at my place, it will look like we've spent all afternoon getting them ready. I've got a tub of iced pop and last night I blew up about a hundred balloons and attached them to strings and hung them all around the apartment. All we'll have to do when we get to my place is put out a few bags of chips, take some things out of the fridge and put them out on the table."
"To bad we can't do that first," I said. Then I looked over at her and blushed. Looking away shyly, it wasn't hard to let my very real embarrassment show. I'd as much as admitted that I wanted to do something. Now, even if I told her 'no' she wouldn't easily leave it alone. Not that she ever really did. She'd been relentless for more than a year, and on more than a few occasions, a bit rude about it. Perhaps if I'd simply given in right away we could have gotten it over with and she would have left me alone. I didn't think it would work out that way now.
I licked my lips nervously. I was more than a bit worried about what I was about to do. Mary and Johnny weren't exactly close, but she was still his sister. How would he react when he found out what I'd done? Part of me felt that I was manipulating Johnny as surely as Mary had always tried to manipulate me by enticing me with her massages, but another deeper part wanted to go through with my plans. I'd been harboring my own fantasies for a very long time and today, if everything went right, I would finally start to realize them. It was a heady mixture of fear and excitement. I couldn't help but wonder how the events looked to Mary. Could she tell what I was thinking? Did she have even a clue that so far everything about this afternoon was going exactly as I wanted it to?
"I don't even live five minutes away," she said gently, as if now that she sensed her victory she had decided not to press me. "It couldn't possibly take us more than twenty minutes to drive over and set everything up."
"What if we loose track of the time?"
"Johnny will give you a call on your cell phone and we'll pretend like we're out shopping and lost track of the time. So we'll be a few minutes late. He knows where I hide my keys. Besides," she said, "if you're really worried about it we could set an alarm so we won't forget."
That wasn't a bad idea so, without a word, I went into the bed room and began to set my alarm. Naturally, Mary followed me, and as I was setting the alarm she reached up to undo the front of her tie-front blouse.
"Don't do that!"
Mary looked up in surprise.
"That's my job," I said with a grin; then I went back to setting the alarm. She shrugged, laying down across my bed and getting comfortable, obviously striking a sexy pose for me.
"Are you ready?" She asked when I was finished.
I sat down on the bed beside her and said, "After today, everything will be different."
Mary reached for me. "Different," she agreed, "but not worse."
I stood up just before her hand could touch me. "I hope so," I said, "because I've been thinking about this moment for a long time."
Mary was clearly surprised. "Have you?"
"Oh yes. A very long time... but probably not the way you think."
"What other way is there?"
I chuckled softly but didn't really answer. "I prepared a little surprise for this afternoon."
"Let's start with a little something I bought especially for you to wear," I said. Moving towards my closet, I retrieved a small overnight suitcase, which I brought over to the bed, plopping it down in front of Mary. "Open it," I said.
When she did, Mary's eyes popped open with surprise, and her jaw dropped.
"They're your size," I said, reaching down to pick up the pair of shoes that were lying on top. They were made of black suede leather, with two shiny, red ribbons tied into bows. They looked a little like high heels and a little like ballet shoes, but the heel was so long that the tip of the toe only touched the ground at a single point.
"My size?" Mary suddenly seemed not to understand English.
"Remember when I borrowed your shoes? We're the same size."
"Because I've been fantasizing about how you'd look in them."
I could see the mixed emotions playing across Mary's face, for hadn't I just said that I'd been fantasizing about her? And yet she looked at the shoes skeptically. "They don't look very comfortable."
"Trust me, they're not. But then they're made for the way they look, not for the way they feel. The guy who made them is world renowned. He has clients from Germany and England, and you wouldn't believe what they cost."
Mary reached for the shoes and held them up. They smelled like polished leather, and despite being made of suede they were obviously new and a little stiff. And quite beautiful. "There's no way I could keep my balance in these."
"That's the point," I said. "They force you to surrender yourself entirely to me."
"Surrender myself?"
"Of course." I choose this moment to move closer and begin unbuttoning the snap on her shorts. She started to untie the front of her blouse again, but when I slapped her hands away and shook my head angrily she decided not to argue. Leaning back on the bed she closed her eyes as I unzipped her shorts and slowly peeled them from her body. She didn't wear any panties underneath. I tossed the shorts carelessly onto the floor and began removing her shoes and socks, massaging her feet as I worked. Then I crawled on top of her and began working on the tie-front blouse, slowly letting my fingers brush against the inside of the cloth as I moved my fingers from the collar down, as if searching for that elusive first button. The neck of the blouse was designed to be worn open, so the first button was about level with her breasts and as I fiddled with it I let my palms rest gently against her nipples.
"You must have been planning this for a long time," Mary said; as I pushed her shirt open and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. "Am I really that predictable?"
"I'm glad you are," I said. "Otherwise I wouldn't have had the courage to do this."
"You don't seem to be the shy type."
"I'm not when I finally decide what I want." I looked at Mary quizzically. "The question now is whether or not this is really what you want."
"It is."
She reached for me, trying to kiss me, but I grabbed her by the wrists and pressed her arms back onto the bed. "Not yet," I said. "Let's take a look at the rest of the things I bought before you fully commit."
Mary smiled. "You make it sound like we're getting married."
I got up and walked back around the bed. I could feel Mary's eyes on me, and I liked it.
"Take a look inside the brown paper bag. There's something else I bought for you to wear."
When she picked up the bag and shook it, something small flopped around inside. "There doesn't seem to be much there," she said with a wicked smile.
"Once again," I said, "that's the point. But even more important than what's in the bag is what's underneath the bag."
She looked down to see what I was talking about and gasped.
Under the brown bag the suitcase was stuffed with various kinds of bondage and discipline gear: padded cuffs, a metal collar, several dildos and vibrators which could be used with or without the chastity belt they were designed to fit. There were also a number of clamps and various kinds of whips and flogs.
Mary picked up one of the whips and combed her fingers through the soft leather strands. "You want to use this stuff on me."
I shook the black shoes with the red ribbons in front of her face to get her attention. "More specifically," I said, "I want to tie you to my living room wall and have my way with you."
"You want to tie me to the wall while I'm wearing those and then... " She didn't seem to believe that it might be possible, but I could see the awe and the longing in her face. "What? Eat my pussy?"
I looked down, so she wouldn't see my eyes and nodded slowly. Despite the boldness with which I had moved so far, I didn't have to feign being a little embarrassed, but so far I was surprised at how easy it had been to take the dominant role.
"I want to tie you to the wall," I said, "then eat you out until my face is covered with your come and my saliva."
Mary laughed, clearly excited but still a little nervous. "Why the living room?"
"It's the best place," I said. "It's nice and open and I've already drilled eyelets into the walls exactly where they need to be. Trust me, it's perfect."
"But what if Johnny decides to come back here for some reason, instead of going straight to my place?"
"I added a sliding latch lock to the inside of the door. If I close it his key obviously wont' work and he'll have to knock. And since you'll be wearing leather cuffs which I plan to attach to the wall using clip-on hooks, it won't take more than 20 seconds for me to release you. Then you can run down the hall to your bedroom while I go open the door. I'll simply tell them you're changing and you'll be out in a few minutes. Not even a lie, you see?"
"You've really given this a lot of thought."
"Like I said, I've been fantasizing about it for a long time."
"And all this time I thought you were such a straight arrow."
I shrugged, still not looking at her; suddenly seeming more like a child. "So? Can I?"
She shrugged back. "Yeah, why not? It sounds kind of kinky." She looked around. "So where exactly are you going to tie me?"
"In the living room," I said. "But first, let's get you dressed." I took the brown bag from her hands and dumped its contents on the bed. Inside were seven matching pieces. I picked up a red ball gag first and raised it to her mouth. "Open wide," I said. I could tell by her expression that Mary didn't think she'd like wearing a gag, but it was essential to my plans, so if she wasn't willing to wear the gag I'd have to cancel the whole thing. I felt like begging and pleading. Instead I shrugged, moving as if to put things away. "We don't have to do it, if you'd rather not? I'd kind of like to go shopping anyway. Even though you bought something for me I feel kind of guilty not getting something for Johnny myself."
"No," Mary said, grabbing my wrist gently but firmly. "I want to do this. I really do. It's just that I don't see why I need to be gagged."
"It's part of my fantasy," I said. "It just wouldn't be the same without it."
"Well, I suppose it would be all right."
I smiled and almost surprised myself by kissing her right on the mouth. "Of course it will," I said, looking away, a bit embarrassed. Her mouth tasted a lot nicer than I'd expected. "Besides, if you're going to be my sex slave you're going to have to get used to obeying my commands."
"Yeah... I guess so, but... wait a minute, did you say sex slave?
I smiled as wickedly as I could and looked down at her crotch.
She swallowed audibly. "Couldn't we just use a smaller gag?"
"No more questions," I said, feigning anger. "It really needs to be quite substantial. After all, don't want the neighbors to hear your screams. I have my straight-laced reputation to think about."
As I had anticipated, the mental imagery melted away the last of her resistance. She opened her mouth and let me shove the gag inside. It was large enough that even with her mouth completely open I still had to push against her teeth to force it in. A sturdy blue string ran through the center of the red ball, and attached to a blue leather strap. Mary wore her blonde hair crew-cut short below the ears, so there was nothing to get in the way as I buckled the gag in place. Next I helped her put on the blue, spandex arm stockings. They were basically fingerless gloves, but with only three holes: one for the thumb, one for the index finger and one for all the others.
"I knew they'd look good on you," I said, stroking her arms lovingly for a few moments before reaching for the next item: a cup-less bra that left the breasts completely exposed. It was blue as well, with a wide elastic band that circled her chest just below the breasts, and was form fitted so that it pushed the breasts up a little, even though it didn't actually cover them. The straps over her shoulder also gave her breasts a little added definition, for they pushed in a little around the sides
Next were a pair of blue garters with gold snaps; then Mary raised her legs and I slipped on a pair of purple hose with a matching blue cuffs.
"You look so beautiful," I said, bringing out the shiny metal collar. "I can hardly wait to get you where I want you. Now tilt your head a little. That's a good girl."
I locked the metal collar in place, and then one by one four leather cuffs, each with a heavy lock and a sturdy D-ring for further binding.
"Now for the final touch," I said, picking up the shoes."
I knelt down in front of her and slipped them on then I took four metal clips from the suitcase and helped Mary walk into the living room. She was steadier in the shoes than I'd expected, but then she wore high heels a lot. She was used to balancing on them, even if she wasn't used to anything this extreme.
All the windows in the living room were covered with blinds. They let in the light but would keep out prying eyes. Mary was understandably nervous as I backed her up against the wall and clipped her cuffs in place.
I couldn't believe it when the last clip was in place and she was standing there spread eagle in front of me. "Oh," I whispered in her ear. "We're going to have so much fun. But first the unpleasant stuff. I promised to eat your pussy, and I intend to keep my promise."
As I knelt down in front of her I noticed the look of uncertainty on her face. Let her wonder what I meant, I thought as I pressed my tongue against her folds and began to lick. It really wasn't as unpleasant as I'd expected. She had a surprisingly interesting flavor and the feel of her wet flesh was oddly exciting, especially when she began to moan and wiggle against her bonds. I gave her a good, long tongue lashing and drank her juices with increasing pleasure.
When it was obvious that she'd had at least one orgasm, I stood up and went back into the bedroom. The next part of my plan was the most arduous, for it involved dragging a rather large chest out into the living room. The small suitcase that I'd shown Mary was just a small portion of the goodies I'd been collecting over the last several months, and mostly all the tamest stuff. The chest held all sorts of bondage gear: quantities of ropes, leather harnesses, leg spreaders, boots and corsets; an assortment of gags, head harnesses and masks; and several kinds of clamps, a bag full of clothes pins and a pair of medical forceps, flogs and paddles, prickly gloves and electrical torture equipment. Perhaps the most important piece of equipment however was a video camera complete with a tripod and several extra blank tapes. If Mary wanted to press charges against Johnny or me, I might be able to use the videos I planned to make to ensure her silence.
I thought it was worth the risk.
I was tired of collecting this stash of booty without having anyone to use it on. Some of it I'd even tried out on myself, but I wasn't really a masochist so self bondage was not only dangerous, but it really wasn't very much fun either.
This would be different, I was sure of it. I'd been working out the details of my plan for several months now. And the next step was to let Mary know exactly what was going on, so I picked up the phone as I walked back over to her side and dialed the number to Johnny's cell phone.
"Hello darling," I said when he answered. I could hear the movie playing softly in the background. "Sorry to interrupt your movie, but I just wanted you to know that there's been a change in the plans. The party's going to be at my house, not your sisters."
"What's wrong?" he asked, suddenly suspicious. "Did you and my sister have a fight or something?"
"No, nothing like that," I assured him. I winked at Mary and stuck my finger in her pussy as I talked. "We just decided to have it here instead. Mary's made special plans and she doesn't feel like cleaning her apartment in the morning, so I suggested that we have the party here."
"Is she still going to come?"
"Of course, I'm sure she'll be right here waiting for you. It's going to be the wildest and best party you've ever had. We've prepared a special little surprise for you. Trust me, you'll love it."
I smiled at Mary as I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the floor, still stroking between her legs with the fingers of my other hand. "Guess you're wondering what's going on," I said. "We'll like I said, I've been fantasizing about this for a long time; and I think our Johnny has too. I've seen the way he looks at you, and it isn't entirely brotherly. I also found a little something he keeps hidden in his dresser. It's a picture of a woman tied up against a wall, very much as you are right now." I reached up and pinched one of her nipples. "Only she has clamps and weights hanging from her nipples and labia."
Mary swallowed loudly.
I chuckled at her obvious fear. "Don't worry," I said. "I don't intend to do that to you. I'm going to let Johnny and his friends decide for themselves what they want to do with you."
She shook her head, as if to deny that Johnny would do anything to her at all.
"Well," I admitted, "you might be right about that. Except that I've taken the liberty of typing this little note to set his mind at ease."
The phone was starting to blare because it was off the hook, so I picked it up off the floor and hung it up; then came back over to Mary with a small card that had been lying on the bottom of a pile of papers on the phone stand and a small book with the words diary on the front and one of those small locking flaps that were intended to keep out only the casually curious. I tucked the diary under my arm and held up the note with one hand so that Mary could see the signature at the bottom. It was a perfect duplicate of her own signature. "It cost me five hundred buck to find someone who could forge your handwriting this perfectly. Shall I read it for you? Very well, it says: Dear Jonathan, I've been wanting to do this so desperately and for so long that I can hardly believe I'm finally doing it. I've been too afraid of what you might think of me and how you'd react. I've always loved you, more than a sister should. I'm ashamed to admit that, but I can't help it, and I can't keep hiding myself from you. I know I've been a cold bitch at times, but I thought it would help keep you at a safe distant, only it's not working, and now I can't keep silent about the way I feel any longer-even if it means loosing you completely, it's something I have to do. So after all this time I've finally worked up my nerve, and if you're reading this then it means that I actually had the courage to do it. I'm giving you a small diary, it contains all my sick fantasies. I know I'm a terribly bad girl to harbor such desires, but I can't help it. I love you and so I've laid my soul bare before you. Please take control of my life. Don't be cruel and leave me hanging..." I paused and looked at Mary. "That sounds like one of your lame jokes, don't you think?" Then I looked back down at the note and continued to read. "You can't imagine how I've longed to be used and abused by you and all your friends. Do anything and everything to me that you want-as long as you never let me go. Jennifer and I have prepared a little place for me in her basement. She can feed and take care of me while you're away at work. It's what I've always fantasized about: being forced to be a sex slave. Perhaps it's so I don't have to feel responsible for any of the guilt. I've always been selfish, but I want to be forced, and punished when I seem to resist. I love the idea of being gagged and bound and punished for my sins. Use me any way you want. I long to be humiliated, tortured and sexually abused by your hands-or whatever other instruments you might choose. (Smile.) I've provided this chest full of goodies to help you get started. It's my hope that you'll make use of them all... All my love on your birthday. Mary."
I pinked open the diary's lock, then placed it and the note on the chest, tucking the note under a loose flap of cloth so it wouldn't blow away. "What do you think?" I said. "Will your bother accept your generous offer?"
Mary was shaking her head and she spoke wildly into her gag. I couldn't quite understand her, but it sounded a little like: "You fucking bitch."
"Now, now," I said. "Try to relax. You don't want to wear yourself out before everyone arrives and the real fun starts."
"Mumk muw," she said angrily, tugging at her restraints.
"I've got to get started with the decorations," I said. "I've got a Happy Birthday banner that will go right above your head. And there's the food to take out of the fridge." I leaned close and kissed her little button nose. "You're not the only one who knows how to buy a party platter, you know?"
Mary moved her head to the side, so that my kiss brushed against her cheek instead.
"It's not really that bad, is it?"
She just glared daggers at me and after a moment I sighed. "Alright," I said reluctantly, as I dug into my pants pockets for the keys. There were almost a half dozen keys on the same ring, along with a heavy, but little red heart. Each key went to a different lock, and they all looked the same which meant that Mary had a one-in-five chance of getting the right key into the first lock she tried. "I'm going to give you a chance not to go through with this." I handed her the ring of keys. "You can play around with these until I finish setting up the decoration and putting out the food. If you drop them, however, or can't get the key into the lock by the time I'm done, I'll assume that it's because deep down you really want this to happen. Now, you really must excuse me. I have a lot of work to do before our guests arrive for the party."