Author's Note: This is just the beginning of my first attempt of a story of this sort, some kinks to be worked out. This is a story about the thrill of resistance.
Chapter 1 : Like a Movie
Finally, a chance to relax. It was the first week of summer after a headache inducing junior year in college, and I was set to resume my easy summer job manning the digital projectors in the old movie theater. By the third day home and second day of work everything seemed routine already, basically a repeat of last summer except fewer friends to hang out with. Many of the lost were marriage casualties or had signed up to become military dicks or the peace corp, same thing right. Others were taking summer classes (a nightmarish thought) and others still simply had moved from my small hometown in rural Virginia. The only people left were the rednecks, not exactly my crowd so I was too willing and too excited when she came strutting sexily through the vestibule.
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Long blonde hair, high puffy cheeks, tight jeans and stylish black leather boots, light make-up, a white Aeropostale t-shirt pulled tight across her ample breasts, and a shining gold heart-shaped locket completed today's ensemble. Katy Whitley's slender athletic body was impossible for me forget. Also at 6ft tall we were roughly equal in height. We had been friends in high school, both members of the track team. Also I had even gotten a kiss from her in a game of truth-or-dare, which felt way too important at the time an was forever burned into my memory. Trailing along was a less welcome but equally familiar sight; her butter-face cousin, Jessica, that had often acted as a third wheel preventing me getting into a room alone with Katy. I had not seen either one in three years since they went school out of state (Katy's parents had money) and lived in Tallahassee year round.
"My God, Hey Loser!", she shouted upon recognizing me, I would have preferred "Robert", but this was something. Soon we started swapping stories about the last three years and making jokes about old times, even her annoying 2nd cousin was surprisingly tolerable company as she made several suggestions that I should come by their (Katy's dad's) house after work to hang out by the pool. Apparently they were tending the Farm this summer instead of outside hired help.
Abusing the little bit of flexibility I had earned at work, I promised to get both of them into a movie for free. And I also decided to trust the equipment to take care of itself as we watched the latest James Bond flick in the mostly empty afternoon matinee. I could see my wit was winning her over as I picked apart the plot holes in the film and injected snark into the dialogue that had her rolling with laughter. "I feel like your brain is going to explode all over my face" said Katy. Not very subtle for someone so clever I thought.
Cousin Jessica made a break for the girls room and I made one for Katy's face, but was immediately rebuffed. All hope of an exciting summer fling seemed to be slipping away until she leaned into my ear and whispered, "good things come to those who wait". Her smile was the sun and I was the moon, ready to capture and reflect that radiance for the world to see. When Jessica walked back in Katy suggested I find a way to leave work and grab some Dairy Queen. What's money if you don't have fun? I convinced the concession girl, Amanda Martinez, to cover my duties while I got myself a treat.
Making our way to the car I got a good Look at Jessica in the natural sunlight. Her short, muscular body had never been a problem, but her acne had. She must have found the drug that worked because it was cleared up and only some cute freckles were left behind; and her bitchy personality had improved tremendously, kindness had proven an effective aphrodisiac. Her long dark hair was laced with tight braids and a pink bow.. a little old fashioned but not entirely unappealing. Both had been flirtatious and I had a feeling if I struck out with Katy I would actually have a chance with Jessica considering the lack of competition in Greenstone, Va. But I was not unattractive myself and I knew there was a chance of getting both, at once, and having this go down as the greatest summer of my life.
"You can sit up front with Katy, Robert", Jessica called out as she ran to catch up to us in the parking lot. "I'm sure you'll enjoy riding in the front seat more than me, I get sick[gross!] in the front seat and I don't care about the view" she finished blabbing with a wink. Now I was certain of promiscuous intentions from both. I thanked her and slipped into the newish Mustang. I hoped Amanda didn't opening the theater alone tomorrow as well.
Chapter 2: What about Dairy Queen?
"Robert, put your hands behind the seat, I want to give you something" Jessica teased, with an innocent laugh. Even knowing she was about to do something I agreed to play along, swearing revenge aloud if she tried anything gross. When I slipped my hands behind the seat I felt her warm, firm grip as she squeezed my palms. "You have soft hands, maybe we can fix that on our (not yours, Mr. Whitley's) farm. She slid something along my wrist, something smooth and thin, and suddenly yanked hard on it.
"Jessica, What the hell?" I pulled forward to no effect.
"Ha ha, I had some zipties lying in the back, I use them around the farm for various things", Katy laughed as she ran hands along my thigh. "They might get a lot of use this afternoon if you don't mind skipping Dairy Queen!", she said smiling. I just laughed and agreed to go along with whatever they had in mind. I had tied a girl up during sex, but in my experience women were naturally submissive. I had never had a girl want to tied and fuck me.
This was escalating quickly as my mind wandered to all the dirty things this daddy's girl might be into. If she was into bondage and three-ways with her cousin then she might just be a freak, superfreak. But she looked like a model floating the gears up and down on that mustang. Clearly she had been working out to avoid that freshman fifteen. In fact I'd seen on her Facebook page that she listed her job as "model", maybe she was serious.
"I have tried every Blizzard of the month the last 5 years" I announced proudly, the brain in my stomach battling the one in my pants. I hadn't had a decent meal since my student meal plan expired a week earlier. I had survived mostly off of theater popcorn, just refusing to take the time to get a meal. They essentially ignored my hint that I really did want to stop and get something to eat. Fine, I'd eat later. "This month it's Banana Bonanza Blast.." I added with a long certain longing as we left town and went into the country.
I decided though that I would test to what degree she was committed to the dominant role. There was supposedly a whole bag of zip ties back there and when we got out of the car I was going to bind Jessica. After that Katy continued to converse casually. Katy's parents didn't own a real farm, it was more like a ranch. They boarded some horses for some breeder in Kentucky, her father was actually a deputy sheriff, and he was away at some law enforcement training seminar in Vegas for most of the summer. Building his resume no doubt. She said when we got to the ranch I was going to be their slave and they were going to make me do all the work. I would have to earn it if I got any pussy. Did she just call herself a prostitute? It didn't matter, she was going to be in for a surprise on that lonely secluded patch of grass when I bound and fucked her while she begged for it. There was no more doubt, she wanted me badly, all of me, and she wanted me to prove I could take charge in the bedroom.
Chapter 3: A Lover's Spat
And so, without a decent meal for energy or even some Ice cream that I was hoping for I prepared dine on hedonist desire. The car reached the back porch, and Katy jumped out and started to unlock the door to house while Jessica cut the ziptie with a pair of wire cutters also lying conveniently in the back seat. Jessica instructed me to get out and put my hands behind my back. I stepped out of the car but at pretended to go along, but when Jessica reached to apply another ziptie I spun around and grabbed her wrist. She shouted and struggled but I easily slid my foot behind her and tripped her to the ground. Using my weight for leverage I rolled over the bucking beauty and pulled the zip tie tight around her elbows, then laughed and slapped her ass. "You know you love it", I boasted, and reached in the back seat to get a handful of ties for Katy when she exited the house.
Katy came out wearing the same clothes as before but with a tight belt that holstered a whip, a nightstick, and a pair of handcuffs. "You like this?" she said as I gawked like a fool. "Be a good boy and lie on the ground and I'll forget you assaulted my cuz, ok sweetie?" she said in a commanding voice.
"Sorry Katy but all's fair in love and war, if you want to get those cuffs on me you better be quicker with that whip than I am with my feet" I said hoping to distract her. I just needed to get her talking and rush her.
"You don't understand, she is my property, my slave. And you will be too, willingly by the end. For now.." And with that I made a full charge intending fully to take her down and tie her up. The whip came out quickly though and she went for the legs. The whip wrapped tightly around my left ankle and she gave a hard pull, tripping me to the ground. Then it was her turn to rush, slipping the cuffs from her belt she threw her weight into me, knocking the breath out of me. I hadn't expected such a fight, she was determined to be the one in control, that was now clear. The cuffs clicked on my left wrist and with that leverage she was able to twist my arm and demand the other. Threatening loudly to break my arm I reluctantly slid the other arm behind myself and allowed her to complete the process of cuffing me. She reached behind her back and pulled out something else which I hadn't known was tucked into the belt, a big blue ball gag. Jessica was cheering as she slapped me and made me open my mouth so she could force it in.
"You have forced me to be too rough too soon. I see that to break you to my will I'll have to use force." This bitch was crazy. I hadn't given up yet, on fucking her, but I wasn't going to let her get carried away with this fantasy. I remembered seeing a tiny key lying in the console in the mustang, obviously a spare for these cuffs. When Katy let me up, I bowed my head submissively, but when she started to cut Jessica free I ran to the car. Katy did not take the threat of me getting free seriously, else she would have acted quicker. She acted like I was helpless puppy wandering away from a nursing mother that could be easily fetched at any moment. But it dawned on her what I had in mind as soon as I sat down in her car. "Oh Shit!" she made a dash for the car. I was free by then and had a good thirty foot head start. She had left her whip behind and I found myself just running.
My poor instincts up to this point had finally convinced me she might be legitimately dangerous because without thinking I started bolting down her 2 mile driveway. I slipped off my ball gag while running and picked up speed. Now again though I realized something was wrong. I had not run since high school, but Katy had clearly stayed in shape. I ran as fast and far as I could be she was faster and had more endurance. Terror began to take over as she slowly closed the gap. After about 200 yards she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down with a horse-collar tackle. Then the fight ensued, she wrapped her legs around my pelvis and got the leverage needed to control the fight on the ground. She wrestled well, starting out in a controlling position. I kept trying to get up while she concentrated on improving her position. When she had an opening she took a swing. She hit me like a girl, which as it turns out is pretty hard.
"You ungrateful dog, you'll regret that" Katy screamed. I tried to throw a punch while lying on my back but Jessica appeared and grabbed my arm. Katy wrapped her arms around my neck, slid behind me and stood me up. "Hands in front now!", she ordered while Jessica gave me a kick to the nuts. She got such a clean shot it was like all the pain I had felt my entire life was being experienced in a single instant. Tears starting to come up I happily complied in order to avoid feeling that pain again. The ziptie onca again pulled my hands together and Jessica had brought a rope. Katy tied that around my knees, around my arms to pin them to my sides, and again around my neck to form a short leash. Jessica also secured the ball gag around my head again, only after I promised to obey both of my mistresses of course.
Chapter 4: Hunger Game
Manual labor sucks. After failing to gain the upper hand and then failing to simply escape I had been marched back to the house, tied to a post and whipped by both girls. The marks weren't too bad but my shirt was shredded and my backside burned red like I sleeping on hot coals. Then I had been made to groom the horses, cut wood, haul feed and hay, and draw water for the troughs. All while restrained to some degree as I had not been totally free since my escape attempt. Right now I was scrubbing the hardwood floors in the house clean under Jessica's supervision. She had carefully tied my thighs together, and tied my arms tightly to both sides of my chest, with loops around the torso and both arms to keep my movement restricted. Still my hands were free enough to scrub. I dare not try to escape with Jessica watching, simply toying with the knots around my ankles earlier in the day had earned me four strokes from her personal whip earlier. Jessica is turned out, had her own whip, like Katy's but smaller and red instead of black. The ball gag never came off.
My "mistresses" had really gotten into character. Jessica had changed into latex pants with a latex corset and a belt with cuffs, zipties, a ball gag and her whip. Katy was still in blue jeans but had put on a tight black leather top. Her belt had the same accessories and she had made good use of them throughout the day. Jessica called me into the kitchen to begin preparing a meal. I noticed there were no knives in the kitchen unless they were in the locked drawer beside the fridge, but I began to cook fry steaks and arrange a table of suggestive fruit.
The next was the real torture. I was starving, but Katy made me feed her and Jessica strawberries, grapes, blueberries and even they even split a banana. Finally Katy asked me if I was hungry. Yes, I nodded eagerly. I hadn't had a bite to eat and after all that hard work I was famished. I should have known what was coming, as Katy wrapped her whip seductively around Jessica's neck.
"Jessica, my slave is hungry, give him something to eat" Jessica began unlacing the laces on front of her latex pants, and soon I was presented with a closely trimmed Pussy. Jessica wrapped her legs around my head while reaching around and removing my ball gag. "Do it right or you'll go to bed hungry" Katy smirked. I was still ashamedly attracted to these sadistic whores. Jessica began squeezing my balls and playing with my hard member while my head was trapped between her smooth, tan legs. I licked and worked through while thinking the whole times, this is wrong, I have find a way to esc..
"Ugggmmff" Jessica squirted inside my mouth. Somehow I had always avoided that, but as I reared back to spit it out, Jessica moaned with ecstasy and relief an I was able to break free from her legs grip. Katy was micromanaging this one though, she grabbed my curly brown hair twisted it hard. I still managed to spit some out on the floor for which I received a hard slap.
"Lick it up, slave. You were commanded to eat, now eat." Knowing that showing resistance was a sure way incur incredibly painful wrath, I put my tongue on the floor and licked up Jessica's wet cum. Jessica was just laughing at this point.
"If I might please my mistress, I would love some desert. When he's finished we could meet in the bedroom?" she asked meekly. Jessica often seemed less a slave and more a sycophantic employee. She definitely didn't have to follow the rules as strictly as me, of course Jessica enjoyed taking orders from Katy.
"Yes Jess, put him in a hogtie, reapply the ball gag and then come to my bedroom for dessert." With that Katy exited the room. I finally had Jessica alone where I could talk. I sincerely doubted it would do any good, Jessica seemed so totally committed, but she was human and I decided to make a plea for sympathy.
"Jessica this isn't a game anymore. I'm tired and hungry and my backside is on fire. I can't keep doing this. I get it, Katy is in control but I have work Monday you have to let me go sometime. Even my lousy hippie parents will know something is wrong if I don't show up or call for a week, I think. So please let me go, and I will come back and play after a chance to heal and establish some ground rules, like a safe word. I'll just run and you can tell her I escaped while you were retying me." I pleaded despondently. I had really begun to grow sick of Jessica's high-pitched, girlish laugh. That was all I got in return as she cuffed my hands behind my back. Then put the ball gag back on and began reworking the ropes. Soon with coils around my wrists and ankles I was hogtied in the kitchen. And an excited Jessica scampered quickly to the upstairs bedroom.
Chapter 5: It's No Alcatraz
Big mistake, she left in a hurry without finishing the job. Katy had a very dull, rounded steak knife that had been left on her plate and I was determined to get to it. I rocked and rolled and got myself mostly sitting up against the cabinets. From there I crawled across the floor, shuffling along on my knees, to the dinner table. I got the knife under my chin and popped it down onto the floor. It made a loud clang but they were clearly busy because there was no response.
I got the knife in my hand and started working on the thin braided cords she had bound me with. My fingers were exhausted by the tedious small movements but within moments I had cut through. Then I worked on the ankles, still in an awkward position because that bitch left the cuffs on. After a short time though my legs were completely free. I stood up and made my way to the car, hoping for the same mistake to have been made twice.
Outside I peaked in the car, the doors were locked but the handcuff key was still inside. I decided not to chance it, I would go back in the house and search for Katy's key ring which had a copy. When I creeped back inside I could hear Katy moaning upstairs while I searched the entire downstairs with no luck. Obviously she had taken her purse and keys in the bedroom with her. Perhaps I should just make a run for it now. It might be an hour before they noticed I was gone. I wasn't fond of being discovered with my hands cuffed behind my back, but I didn't want to risk recapture. I decided to poke around upstairs for an spare set of car keys. As I walked past Katy's room I could hear her begin speaking inside.
"That was tits, love. I'm going to go to the bathroom and then check on our little captive." She started walking toward the door and I dove into the spare bedroom and waited for her to walk by. It was now or never. I would go make a fight for those keys. As soon as I heard Katy shut the upstairs bathroom door I made my move.
I burst through the bedroom door and Jessica immediately began screaming for Katy to help. Jessica herself had been left ziptied with her hands behind her back and ankles crossed. Some S&M game they were playing I guess. I easily kicked her out of the way and began going through Katy's purse. The Keys!, I had them and the cuffs were off within seconds. I took Katy's purse with me and picked up a bag of zipties that had been left on the floor.
Katy came stumbling out of the bathroom still lacing up her pants. No way she had time to wipe her ass. I charged Katy who was without her whip this time. I got on top of her and manhandled her. She flailed and kicked and punched, but I was able to get both arms scooped up and secure them with a ziptie. After that it was easy to bring her legs together and ziptie them securely as well. Katy began screaming and ordering me to get off. Instead I pulled down her pants halfway, ripped off her underwear and wiped her ass with them. Less shit than I expected but there was a distinct smell on them now. I stuffed them in her mouth and used a third ziptie to secure the disgusting gag in her mouth.
"I'll come back for you both one day, after all good things come to those who wait." Then I dragged Katy by her hair into the bedroom with Jessica. I put a ball gag in Jessica's mouth to shut up her screaming and crying. I ziptied both to the bedpost,and gave Katy a kiss on the cheek. I stepped out and shut the door. Time to find a way home. There was no house phone, Katy and Jessica both had passwords on their cell phones. I had left my cell phone at home by accident that morning, I could be so forgetful. Never again on that one though, lesson learned.
I couldn't drive a stick shift car either. I really had no idea now a clutch worked. I thought about sitting in the car and trying to give it a go but I knew that even getting down the driveway was an unlikely and dangerous prospect. As long as I had her keys she wasn't much threat to catch me this time, assuming she got loose somehow. I didn't know how to ride a horse or I might have considered that. I mean it didn't look hard on TV but they were huge and I had zero experience. That one could end worse than the car. No, I had only one real option, to jog the two miles through the woods to the end of the driveway, and then the 4 miles home. Clearly a good plan. I had her keys and cell phone, she would have to play nice if she wanted them back later.
I had also grabbed that pair of handcuffs the girls had secured me with earlier. I unlocked the car got out the spare key and slipped it into my wallet. She had my wallet in her purse as well but now it was in my back pocket again. She also had about 800 dollars in cash of which I grabbed a 20, she was at least going to pay for the movie with that kind of dough to throw away. Finally I began my long jog home.
Chapter 6: The Best Laid Plans
About fifteen minutes into my jog, maybe 300 yards from the road by my measure, I thought I heard something. What was that rumble, definitely not a car. It's getting close though, and it's coming from behind quickly. My worst fears at the moment were realized, there was a horse clomping down the path. I broke into a full run. I didn't know how far behind the girls were but they would catch up before I reached the road. The woods in Virginia were so thick with briars and vines in this area going through them was a last resort as I could be scratched to pieces. Not to mention the ground here was kind of swampy and full of snakes. I was never much of an outdoorsy type.
The horse finally came into view in the half-moon light. Katy sat atop with something in her hand, a lariat! I had no intention of being lassoed and drug by a horse so I took that last resort option. I ran into a particularly thick partition of plants in my fear and haste and was decimated by my inability to break through the first layer of thorns. Finally I slipped through, bloodstains and all, about the time Kate came even with me on the path. I felt the lasso go down over by head and pull my arms tightly to my torso. I made my counter move, circling a small pine tree twice on a comeback route. Now when Katy put her horse back into gallop she simply pulled on the pine and I was able to slip out of the rope. I knew she would be come crashing through the hole I had made in the thicket, so I got low and waited.
"You won't get away, not until I'm done with you.. and you'll pay for that stunt dearly I hope you know. Come back now though and I promise it won't be so bad, submission is the key to happiness on this farm" Katy promised. I ran out and tackled her from behind. I started out with the upper hand this time and we struggled in the mud while I prepared to ziptie her arms. She threw mud in my eyes though, and in the slick silt was able to slide out from underneath me. She pulled the whip from her belt went into a poised stance. Knowing how it went last time I showed the whip more respect this time. When she slung it after my feet I jumped. But jumping out of mud caused me to lose my balance and I slipped upon landing. This time she swung it around my neck and pulled hard. I chocked, desperately struggling to breath in air as she dragged me closer.
But men are stronger than women, when I got close enough I punched her hard in the stomach. She went backwards into thorns and vines, screaming. I grabbed her ankle and drug her out. She landed a good kick to the nuts but it wasn't going to be enough, I fell on top of her and grabbed her arms. I took the end of her whip and tied up her wrists, then finished the hogtie with her face in the mud. When I took my knee off her back she came up gasping for air. I went and got the zipties and further secured her bound state. I gagged her the same way I had with the underwear, only this time I used her socks and wiped my own ass. I stuck the bloody shitty sock between her teeth and locked into place with the plastic tie.
I tied the the lasso rope across the path, to act as a trip wire in a particularly shady spot. When Jessica came galloping up the path she would see her friend displayed in the middle of the path with only one boot on and lots of bindings. The horse would trip as she raced to save her master and I would emerge from the shadows and tie her up as well. Katy mewed in the despair as I got set for Jessica. There was nothing she could do to warn her henchwoman. Personally, I hated too trip a horse but I couldn't take any chances in a fight with the quick, muscular Jessica. I crouched at the edge of the woods and waited.
And waited, and waited after at least fifteen minutes had passed I realized she definitely wasn't following Katy up the path, or if she was she was walking. I pulled a nail file out of Katy's purse and sliced through the gag ziptie. "Tell me where Jessica is, and if I don't like your answer I'm going to make you regret it." I demanded.
Katy coughed, smiled and then began, "the forest isn't all brambles, she took a well hidden game trail to cut you off in case you were too far for me to catch you from behind. We were shocked you hadn't taken the car or a horse, but then you were never a geniussssooww" I pinched her nipple for insisting on insulting me.
"The special commentary isn't needed, so she's waiting for me at the end of path on horseback huh?" I walked back and undid my trap, looping the rope back up and tossing it on the back of Katy's horse. I decided I would try to ride out.
"You only got me because I thought you were so pathetically weak I underestimated you. You got in a sucker punch. Jessica won't make that mistake, she gives everything 100%", Katy barked. "Let me go now though and you'll be rewarded instead of punished, last chance. Well, you'll be a little punished" Katy said, finally smirking again.
"You only got me earlier because there were two of you, and I had no idea a person could actually fight with a whip, I thought that was just on TV. Men are stronger than women, physically and emotionally. You're a beautiful girl but the result of the fight will always be the same"
"If you're so certain let's go for best two out of three, Untie me and we'll go one v. one with weapons. If you win you're free to go. You won't get that good of an offer from Jessica, she'll be prepared by now since I haven't contacted her she'll know something is wrong" Katy said. I couldn't deny she made sense, and part of me must have been legitimately scared because I declined.
"I don't need your help, I'm going home. And the next time you bother you me I'm getting a restraining order against your crazy, well toned ass." I climbed on top of her horse, and pulled the reins different ways until he started down the path. I had taken Jessica down before and would do again, and harder time if necessary.
Chapter 7: Gotcha Bitch
The horse marched slowly down the path for what seemed a long time. Finally I recognized the end of the path. I was almost home free, but just as that came into view so did a thin line of silver stretched across the path. Some sort of trip wire made from string? It was too small to do anything to the horse, still I didn't want to hit it. I tried to rear the horse to a stop but my total lack of experience prevailed again as the horse broke into a quick trotting gait. He snapped the thin line with ease and I sighed with relief as we continued to progress without even breaking stride. Was that the best Jessica had, and where was she? Maybe she was afraid to fight a man without Katy there to back her up.
I noticed on the ground there was a new shadow. A crisscross of lines had appeared from somewhere above. As soon as I looked up the fishing net dropped directly on top of me. In a sudden panic I flailed and fell from the horse. I crashed hard into the ground and rolling into a ball with the net. How had she placed it so well, is that what the wire did? Actually, maybe it was just a really large net, because I was having a hell of a time trying to find the ends and get untangled. I didn't even see the second shadow.
Jessica's face was suddenly inches from mine, she had a rope in one hand and a club in the other. She didn't say a word, she just hit me as hard she could in the head. I went down like a sack of gravity, amazed I was still conscious. She had on a tight camouflage jumpsuit and dark purple brogans. "The wire was just a distraction, I was hiding in the tree above you."
"That seems elaborate" I complained, still fumbling for the edge of the net. The club came down again and this time everything got a little blurrier. "Please, stop, I surrender without condition." Jessica pulled the net over and off of me finally. All's fair in love and revenge, I immediately tried to grab Jessica's arm. She strafed to the left and gave me another hit with that black wooden club that put me on the ground. I had nothing left as she tied my ankles and knees with the rope. Then she went and got Katy's purse, which had been dropped when I fell off the horse. She took out the blue ball gag and reapplied it while I struggled only as a suggestion. Lastly, she took the cuffs out of Katy's purse and slapped them on my wrists. Binding my arms last was a clear boast of dominance and I was in no position to argue anymore. I regretted having to hear Katy's "I told you so." She lifted me up over the back of my horse, bound like a sausage this time, and began the long trot home.
When we got to Katy I could see her smiling in the middle of the path. She shouted some sorority chant gibberish at Jessica and was soon free of my makeshift bonds. "Gotcha Bitch" Katy purred, and gave my nipple a hard twist. "There's something I need you to get where I fell down in the forest, Jessica. Let's see if Bobby's bobber is allergic to poison oak."
When Jessica returned they lowered my pants and Katy began to stroke my cock. She wore some latex gloves she had in her purse and in her hand she had a fresh handful of poison oak. I decided it was like jumping out of a hundred story building, might as well enjoy the first 99 floors. So I moaned as she got my cock hard. She went up and down hard and promised this was the closest I'd get to a lay with her. I truly enjoyed everything up through the point of ejaculation. They were laughing and rubbing the poison all over my nuts and ass. I knew that ground floor was coming soon.
Before we even got to the house I had a slightly uncomfortable itch in my drawers. I was led inside on my rope leash and sadly observed how everything went wrong when I escaped. The cut remains of the zipties I had used were in the kitchen, beside the same steak knife I'd used to make my own escape. And when we walked past the bedroom I got a peak inside and saw that the girls had actually pulled on the bed frame so hard the corner post had separated from the frame. I hung my head in despair and wondered if there would be another opportunity like the one I'd blown. After a moments thought they decided I would sleep in the bedroom with them. The knot on my head also throbbed while my crotch tingles worse and worse. I doubted there would be much sleep. They reassembled their bed and secured me at the foot. They took my wallet and placed it on the dresser. I hadn't forgotten the key to my cuffs was still hidden inside.
Chapter 8: To Sleep No More (added: 2012/12/04)
Yeah, the underwear zone was on fire. My exhausted female captors had passed out instantly. I however had squirmed and bucked and rubbed but there was no way to scratch myself to any real relief in my tight constrictions. My head, my stomach, the scratches on my arm, the poison in my pants, and the despair in my heart were stronger than any drug stimulant. I wasn't even close to sleep. Just when I least needed it one more problem presented itself. I hated the sound of snoring, and Katy it turns out is a loud snorer. How did Jessica sleep with that ocean of unpleasant sound crashing against the walls. She sounded like a fat old man with her mouth dangling open, she must have been dehydrated after the long night of activity because she had slept on the team bus and never did this. Unable to cope with my offended senses, I was actually glad when the light started peaking through the window. I knew she would wake up soon.
As it happens, Jessica was the first to rise. She changed clothes in front of me, slipping into a simple robe. She glared silently for a long time at me when she noticed me staring at her ass, assuring another day of craziness instead of an early release. I guess I hoped they would get bored with me. She gave me a quick kick in the ribs and went to go take a shower. I was so lucky that my captors were as incompetent as me. She had flung her leather overalls in my face, and in the pocket she had left the same nail file she had used to to cut Katy's ties the previous night. Escape attempt number 3, I began to work on the rope binding me to the bed post.
In less than five minutes I had filed through the ropes that held me to the bed post and the ones that connected my cuffs to my backside. I could still hear the shower running as I hopped over to the dresser to get the handcuff key out of my wallet. I unlocked the cuffs and began untying the knots around my ankles. Completely free again, I took the cuffs and slapped them on sleeping beauty. Then her snoring stopped. By the time she was awake enough to know what was happening I was popping the ball gag in. That taken care I FINALLY scratched my nuts, ohhhh that felt good. Should be easy take Jessica by surprise in the shower. I shut up Katy in her closet and slipped the key back in my wallet. I also decided to grab the keys from Katy's purse again, ah hell I'll just take the whole thing. Zipties in hand, I opened the door to the bathroom.
"Katy?", inquired Jessica.
"Yes, it's Katy" I said in mockingly deep voice. The naked girl opened the shower and screamed. She tried to kick me away but she was clearly startled and embarrassed. It doesn't matter how many times you've seen someone naked no one likes to be surprised in the shower. As we struggled she slipped in the shower and pulled me down with her, but the back of her head hit the tub spout pretty hard. In fact the spout was twisted and Jessica was bleeding. Taking no time sympathize I gathered her limbs with the plastic ties and effectively incapacitated her. She was just a ball of crisscrossed zipties when I was done this time, and I stuck a spare black ball gag I found in the purse in her mouth.
"This is the last time, I ought to knock you over the head with a club so you can see how it feels but it seems you've beat me to it." I gave a cocky laugh as the distressed Jessica weakly checked her bonds. "I think I've bought myself time to get home this time!" I gave Jessica a little peck on the cheek and went to go check on my other captive one last time.
Chapter 9: Look, Ye Mighty And Despair (added: 2012/12/04)
As I skipped happily into the bedroom knowing nothing could go wrong this time, I instantly noticed something was wrong. Katy's blue ball gag was hanging on the door knob. Clearly this was a taunt, but how had she escaped again? I slowly moved through the doorway into the upstairs hall, looking for Katy who would probably still be wearing her dominatrix outfit. Nothing so far, maybe she had gone after me without realizing what was happening in the bathroom. I decided if I could get to her car, I would try to drive even if I had to just go along in first gear.
Another blind spot, I edged through the front door looking for any sign of the bright blonde bitch. But since there was nothing I started dashing toward the car. I jumped in the front seat and closed the door. I stuck fumbled with Katy's keys trying to figure out which one started the car when a voice called out from behind "Looking for something?". Oh shit, she was in the back seat. She pulled a rope around my neck and began tying it around the back of the car seat, I wiggled and twisted but the rope was too tight to slide out. Then she stared to grab for my left arm, just as she got a hold of it I was able to get my chin underneath the rope. Then I broke away and got out of the car.
"You can't run and you can't hide, just give up now little boy." Katy said "I am getting tired of your lack of respect for my authority." she added
"Why won't you just leave me alone, I clearly don't want to play your game anymore, I never did. A little sex maybe but this is some summer fling twilight zone episode. This feels like an experiment on how much I'll tolerate before I just fucking kill one of you." I cried. Oh no, I was starting to actually cry. Nothing invites attack like a show of weakness, and to defeat Katy again I would have to be focused.
The track star sauntered slowly around the trunk, toying with the handle on her whip. "Seeing your tears makes all this worth it. I don't want you to ever forget who owns you again" She began to slash at me with the whip. I started to run, even though I knew I couldn't outrun her over a long distance I thought if I could get her into the woods I had proven to have an advantage there. She must have realized the same thing because she put everything into her sprint after me. Pretty soon I felt the whip strike my back. I kept my stride but seconds later the whip wrapped around my right wrist and pulled back. We were yanked toward each other as I tumbled toward her legs. I grabbed her ankles and held them with an arm lock while trying to kick her in the head.
Katy grabbed my ankle twisted it, painfully and then forcefully as I finally let up and rolled off of her. When I did I kicked at her arm holding my ankle, but she grabbed that one too and rolled me onto my stomach. Bending back my legs and sitting on my back she began to tie them with some rope from her belt, then tried to slide the other end of the rope around my neck, but as her weight shifted I was able to throw her off briefly. I started trying to kick the loops off my ankles while Katy scooped up her whip. I hadn't even gotten the last coils off when her whip struck me across the face. I put up my arms to shield myself from another blow while I kicked off the rope and started back away. Another blow landed but I could stand a strike to the forearm. Katy grunted, and reached behind her back and pulled out something new. A chain with a ball on either end. I was only fifty feet from the woods though, and I decided to bolt again for the more favorable fighting plane. This time instead of chasing me she threw the chain bola. My legs were only tripped up a little but I avoided falling and kept running. Now she was in a full sprint behind me.
Just as I was about to dive past the tree line she ran up beside me and whispered "this isn't a game". I felt her whip coil around my torso and pull back again. I stayed on my feet and turned around to punch her. She did an athletic back-flip to get out of my striking range, then flipped forward and jumped up onto my shoulders like a cheerleader. She tightened her thighs around my neck and with all her weight twisted me down to the ground. I was choking, fighting for breath and trying desperately to punch and scratch her legs into some give. I put my arms against her back pushed with all my strength to break free, she finally slipped off though I wasn't sure if I forced her off. Standing there, starved and exhausted, I was barely able to walk toward the woods. She was still full of energy though, and came at me hard punching and kicking. I caught her in the stomach but with much less force than last time.
"It's a shame the bola didn't work, I'm a huge fan of batgirl, it's one of her favorite weapons.", Katy huffed. She moved in deftly and landed a counter punch to my nuts that sent me to the ground. I gasped for air on the ground as she retrieved her whip again. She banged the handle against my skull which sent me back to the earth. Then she wrapped the black coils around and chocked me till everything went dark. How did she get out of those handcuffs?
Chapter 10: Abandon All Hope (added: 2012/12/04)
I awoke with my hands bound by rope, black ball gag in mouth, Jessica was standing there too; I was on the barn dirt floor, just unloaded off a horse. "Now he's conscious enough to walk, lazy boy" said Jessica. Both had changed into a new outfit, denim cutoff shorts with flannel shirts and belts with all their kidnapper supplies. "I hate to say it Katy, Mistress, but he might not be fit to do any work after all those blows to the head the last 24 hours. I must have beat him harder than I thought for him to try something so stupid again so soon."
"Don't feel sorry for him, he would have put us through hell too if he had the chance, but he never had a chance because he's weak and he doesn't know it yet. We must educate him about who is in control here. It will begin with sweeping the barn and pulling up all the iron weeds growing in the garden." declared Katy.
When I started drawing water for the horses I heard a vehicle. I peaked up to see a UPS truck coming down the driveway. I had to try to get the driver's attention. Jessica was busy playing on her cell phone so I just ran, hindered only by the fact my arms were bound to my sides at the elbows. Jessica caught up with me before I even got close to the front yard and dragged me down.
"What's gotten into you, I know you didn't think I was THAT distracted.", she smiled. I screamed into my blue ball gag and tried to break free from her grasp. I sent a kick flying into her gut but it just grazed her. She put me into a head lock after that, my face buried in her breasts. And there she simply held me while I weakly struggled for the next five minutes. Only after the UPS truck left did she chance letting me go, of course there was no reason to resist anymore so I begged through my gag to simply go back to my chores.
As though she could understand me she answered, "Oh no, I can't let that one go, we must tell the Mistress." When we came before Katy she was holding a freshly opened package and smiling.
"I'm glad you're here Robert, I have something I want you to see. Jessica, untie our disruptive friend." Jessica obeyed without question. With my ropes loose I started taking the ball gag off myself. Katy frowned, she hadn't specified that it was okay to remove the gag and we both knew it. "Want to try to run again? Go ahead, I dare you punk" I had a bad feeling about what had come in that box. I shook my head and asked to return to my work, but Jessica interrupted with the story of my latest escape attempt. Katy pulled a long, blue whip with interesting looking barbs along the end of the lash. "Run", she commanded.
Reluctantly this time, I started to sprint away. Katy ran behind me for a while, seeming to be just enjoying the jog. I was almost to the woods again when she decided to show me what she had in that whip. A wave of pain shot all over my body as the whip wrapped around my leg, and the barbs dug in. An electric current flowed from whip as strong as any taser. I went to the ground, and soiled myself from the lack of muscle control. "My stun-whip will do that every time, so I hope you're done incurring my wrath.", Katy said as stroked the whip like a cat. I simply lay there and waited to be rebound, which Katy did herself and only then was I allowed to return to my chores. I did everything I was asked the rest of that day and night, and though I still didn't get any food I happy to simply get to sleep that night.
Sunday came and went with the same routine. I was perfectly obedient. I hadn't lost my desire to escape but there had been no opportunities and I didn't want to risk getting maimed any further. Katy whispered "good boy, you've earned a treat" before laying down to sleep Sunday she let me eat out pussy and then Jessica's. I got nothing from it this time though, it was just something I had to do. But I'm glad I did it because after that she gave me a can of dog food made with real meat, at least according to the label. Finally, part of a meal. It didn't have vegetables but I no longer had to worry about them starving me to death.
Monday I was truly worried, I was missing work now and it was possible my burn out parents would inquire as to where I had been. I usually walked to work and seldom answered my phone. I followed my routine orders, and was also made to clean begin painting the barn, they chose red. Painting would become the new priority. Day after day the same thing until what I thought was the next Saturday, then the routine changed.
Due largely to unquestioning obedience I had been noticing a long and longer leash, so to speak. They were no longer afraid to take their eyes off me for 'just a second', and I always got at least a piece of fruit or can of soup to eat before sleep at the foot of the bed. The previous day I was even allowed to wash my clothes and given a clean t-shirt. Tonight for the first time since being shocked into submission I was fully untied. No gag or ropes or anything, and Katy and Jessica stood in front of me naked. Well, almost naked, Katy had a strap-on dildo protruding from her pelvis. I never understood why a girl would wear one of those, it isn't like she could feel anything, it would be like fingering a girl with a prosthetic hand.
That night she bent me over and fucked me in the ass. I had never let anyone in the backdoor, or been allowed through anyone else's rear. There was nothing satisfying about it, I can't claim to have hated it, but when she was done, and certain I understood she would be on top, she let me fuck her front. That I did enjoy, and she was wet enough to grow a tomato. My blue balls were red by the end as I finally released inside. All the torture almost seemed worth if after that long awaited release. It was then my brain decided to start working again.
Yes, instead of simply enjoying the moment with a woman I had pined over for 6 years my mind went to freedom. In that moment of clear thinking following sexual release I realized this was my path to escape, to continue being obedient until they both let there guard down completely.
After I was done Katy and Jessica commenced some light kissing, though only second cousins they never did anything too sexual with each other, it was mostly a relationship built on dominance and submission. Jessica had played spectator but shouted excitedly when her mistress orgasmed on my cock, talk about living vicariously through your heroes. I was then rebound at the foot of the bed for another uncomfortable night of attempted sleep. As though she could read my mind Katy said, "don't worry Love, we'll find something more appropriate for an obedient pet"
Chapter 11: The Tide Brings In (added: 2012/12/04)
The next morning while cutting grass the UPS truck made a return. Bound as I was there was no chance of outrunning Jessica and getting the Driver's attention. I knew I didn't want to try it without 100% chance of success at this point. Besides, if I could simply bide my time I would use the built up trust to escape. The UPS truck turned and left down the path my imagination tortured me with what have been dropped off this time. Last time it was a blue whip from hell that the girls called Tyra. Did they order a new weapon or capture device? New bindings, something ordered from some bondage website to make me look like a gimp.
The enigma did not plague me long, as I was soon walked up to the house and Katy began "this is your next assignment, my pet, you will assemble the kennel inside this box and that is where you will sleep from now on if you're good." She petted me on the head and left to fetch a screwdriver.
Putting the kennel together I was only casually monitored by Jessica while she facebooked on her phone, and studying the structure of the do-it-yourself edifice. This model dog Kennel was held together by large screws that clamped together plastic joints. I only put two screws in the bottom joins, and only hand-tight. The bottom was the least likely place to be noticed that something was loose, and I would probably be carrying it upstairs myself anyhow. While Jessica was distracted I tossed the two extra screws into the grass and went back to my diligent work.
"Alright slave, you're taking your sweet time aren't ya?" Jessica complained.
"Almost finished, my mistress" I replied with my eyes at her feet. I was gagged only occasionally now, usually at night or if I spoke without permission. This reply was apparently one of those times because she pulled out the blue ball gag and strapped it on, I put up no resistance, after-all I would be free if I "slept" in that kennel tonight.
I was not disappointed either, I carried the kennel upstairs, and set it in the spare bedroom. Katy gave a good hard shake and deemed it sturdy, she even took the gag out of my mouth and inserted her tongue. It was the few fleeting moments like this that almost me want to stay. Why are the cute one's always sadistic kidnappers? She stroked my hair and promised to give me a bath later. For now there was a lawn to finish mowing.
It was raining hard when they put me in the Kennel that night. This gave me a real decision to make. Would the low visibility and terrible weather conditions aid my escape, was this in fact my best chance? After all, the only fight I had really won had been with Katy in the swamp. I couldn't take another day of this shit, and there would never be a better time.
They had simply cuffed me and gagged me, and then put a lock on the kennel door. Luckily though, in a rare act of kindness and trust, I was cuffed in front so that I might sleep better. This made it much easier to rock my kennel on it's side, and then screw out the screws in the bottom of the cage. Clang!, almost free. I walked up cautiously to the door, maybe there was some sort of alarm, or lock or trap on the other side. I had to be prepared to sacrifice days of pretending to be totally submissive. The precarious doorway turned out to be harmless. It opened and I started walking out.
The last I had seen of my wallet with the handcuff key inside, it was lying on the dresser Katy's room. I pressed my head to the door to listen for signs of life. Katy and Jessica seemed to be fast asleep inside and in fact once again Katy was snoring, however lightly this time. I gently turned the knob, allowing only the most minute sounds of clanking metal, squeaking hinges and creaking wood. My soft steps didn't fail me but my eyes did. The wallet wasn't lying on top of the dresser anymore and I couldn't search the room in this condition. I found two things, a bottle of aspirin and Tyra, Katy's electric whip. Katy's purse was actually resting on the nightstand which had a key to the cuffs, but I decided not to press my luck and sneak away with the treasure I had.
Still sore and feeling pain from all the work and beatings over the last week I was beyond excited to see the aspirin bottle. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and took out two aspirin, popped them in my mouth and lapped up some water from the faucet to swallow them. Why didn't I use a glass? This slave business was starting to really affect my mind. I even found myself feeling guilty for abusing the trust of two girls I should hate and want in prison.
I walked outside the house into the desert. That can't be right. I closed the door and opened it again, expecting fully to see woods and fields. Nope, graveyard full of fog this time, and the house inside had become an opera house with Katy singing on stage. I had to get away from her. No, she was busy enjoying the crowd at the opera, I could probably have a seat and listen. She had a very strong voice for such a slender girl. She was singing "You have to get out, You have to run" over and over. Oh my god, she was singing about me. I had taken the pills, there was something in the pills, something incredibly strong. Was this acid, or a painkiller of some sort. I couldn't believe nothing was normal about these girls, maybe I was having an allergic reaction because getting up and stumbling through the foggy graveyard felt impossible. The fog was as thick as a cornfield. I finally just crawled inside of a grave and decided to wait for first light. I kept quiet so as not to disturb the zombies that walked by occasionally. I didn't even feel it when I began to fall asleep.
Chapter 12: You Make Your Own Luck (added: 2013/02/03)
I awoke gently to the sound of a four-wheeler rolling over the driveway rocks. My mouth was terribly dry and my back ached terribly from the weird position I had by lying in. The next thing I noticed was that my hands were still cuffed in front of me, and that I had passed out under Katy's house. Through the vent hole I watched Jessica crawl off her four-wheeler in her tight camouflage jumpsuit. She had nets and ropes aplenty, they were definitely looking for me and possibly setting traps. Jessica approached Katy shaking her head with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry sweet mistress, our pet has escaped and it's all my fault, I should have payed better attention when he was putting together that stupid kennel. We were so kind and he deceived me"
"Well, Karma and I are bitches, don't worry we'll find him, we have to by noon tomorrow anyhow. Some appointments can't be broken. I let my guard down too so it's just as much my fault. Take my car and do another drive around the likely perimeter. We don't know when he left but he appears to still be wearing his cuffs so he might not have even gotten close to town yet, and he has to emerge from the wilderness at some point. I'm going try picking up a trail through the woods again. As long as we find him before he finds help we'll be fine." Jessica nodded and took the spare set of car keys Katy had pulled from her purse, then quickly drove off in pursuit of someone almost literally under her nose.
Katy was wearing the same outfit as the day she went into the theater to ruin my life, and appeared completely unarmed. I on the other hand had a barbed, blue electric whip. I located the button in the handle that caused the voltage discharge and waited for the right moment. Technology was proving to be my friend again as Katy pulled out her cell phone and appeared to be checking messages. I looked for the exit and eventually found that I had come in under the front porch where a piece of plywood had been propped up over a crawl hole. I slid out from under the porch, and crept quietly up to my prey. She never saw it coming until the whip was flew around her neck and she started to panic.
I pressed the shock feature on her dazzling new leash and sent Katy moaning to the ground. After few more presses just for good measure and I walked up and kicked her in the face. "Under the house, no wonder the only tracks I saw were around the front porch, I should have known you would screw up your escape again.", Katy managed to say through the pain and humiliation. I placed my heel on her neck while bending over and searching through her purse. I got her regular set of keys out and unlocked my cuffs. That shocking hurt her just as badly as it had blinded me because since the first blast she had made no attempt to resist.
"Hands behind your back", I ordered my mistress. I placed the cuffs on Katy and then drug her to the porch where I tied her ankles and secured her waist to the left corner post. "So, show me how you got out of those cuffs last time and You might get a fair fight, I teased."
"My dad is a cop, he taught how to pick cuffs with a hairpin when I was little girl" said a demure Katy. "I have some lying on the bathroom counter, I'd be happy to show off", she spoke with a casual smile. I stared in unamused disbelief she thought I would let her out of my sight so easily.
"The second I turn my back you will try to manage an escape. Can't take that chance again." Katy laughed and tugged at her bonds, emphasizing how helpless she was. "I have a better idea, I'll take you in there with me, I have to take a shit anyhow." With that I loosened Katy from the post and had her hop at whip-point to the downstairs bathroom. Once inside I hogtied her including looping the rope around her elbows. Then I placed a pin in her hands and let her proceed. True to her word she started work while I read on the toilet. I finished before her, about 10 minutes later, but soon after I heard an audible click as the cuffs came off one wrist. I closed them back and took the pin, all the pens and placed them out of reach in a cup on top of mirror over the sink.
"I have no doubt when I leave this room you will try to get something to take those cuffs off and shake loose of those ropes, but I have no choice but to go hide and surprise Jessica the way I surprised you to guarantee success, so time for a new plan." I untied Katy's legs and took off her pants, and underwear, then rebound her lower body. After which I carefully untied her upper body and removed the cuffs all while threatening to knock her goddamn teeth out if she tried anything. Almost surprisingly she behaved and so did I, simply taking off her clothes and discarding them in the hamper. "I had to be certain you're not hiding anything" I said softly. In a hurry to finish I rebound the top half of Katy's body.
"Please" said Katy. "My locket, it doesn't go in the hamper, it's special, my late mother gave it to me her last Christmas." I sighed and fetched the locket from the hamper. She had never hurt me like that.. so I placed it on the kitchen table. Then I tied Katy's neck to the stair railing. Hog-tied, cuffed, and neck-tied I was pretty sure that even with this heartless escape artist I could manage a few minutes of alone time. I might need the cuffs, you're pretty well bound" I said as I removed them.
"I will have Tyra with me, and you are looking pretty worn down right now, please don't make me have to hurt you Katy, just stay put until this is over. I still have no interest in going to the authorities unless you make me, do you understand?" Katy nodded in submission as I took an apple off the counter and started eating it. "I think you understand but people don't always act in their own best interest, this is for you more than me, I can't have you shouting to warn Jessica" I explained as I took an apple off the table and placed deep in Katy's mouth, stretching her jaw. She tried to bite through it but her mouth was too wide set by the oversized fruit gag. "Ha ha, that looks painful, well I don't think it'll be too long now, I hear believe I hear a car." Slipping out the back door I began the hunt for Jessica.