Author's Note: still looking for proof-reader !
Chapter 1 (added: )
It had been few weeks now since Chloe had moved into Tom's apartment, but for first time she was alone for few days. Tom was away on a business trip. She was stressed from a tough day at work.
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The Markets were difficult and tensions were high, especially for brokers - often seen as slaves by traders. She took one of Tom's numerous bottles of Port, a 30 year old tawny, and sank into the sofa.
Tom was a fan of this drink and had shown her that common Ports and good ones were two very different drinks. At least she knew that in Tom's collection, all were nice. After relaxing for an hour she decided to impose some order on the flat. Chloe still had her own place, she wanted to keep her independence, but she liked staying at Tom's. So it was time to conquer some living space for her clothes! She had two bags of new items from her shopping trip the previous weekend and decided to find a home for them in the dressing room. Chloe opened drawers randomly, trying to find some free space. Nothing. So she started to impose some order on Tom's clothes. She opened one last drawer and saw something weird. It was black and shiny. She touched it - it was latex. Removing it from the drawer revealed a full body catsuit, from neck to toe.
"Well, that's a surprise..." she thought. "This is going to be an interesting discussion..."
Chloe folded it away again, noticing that this suit had mittens attached, and then closed the drawer.
She finished packing her clothes away, but could feel more than a little jealousy creeping in. She knew that Tom had had a battalion of girlfriends, but now she had proof that he had been way more adventurous with them than he'd ever been with her. She was pissed. Stuff the tidying! Time to call her best friend, Alex. Alex was in her early thirties as well - still single, too clever for many, and partial to cocktails. They went to their favourite haunt, perching on the high stools at the bar where the barman already knew their tastes. Two strawberry daiquiris were prepared. After a few drinks and some happy banter, Chloe ventured, "You know about weird fetish clothes, huh?"
"Well, sure. I go out! What kind do you mean though? Leather?"
"No... latex."
"Ah, I see. Not much experience of it, I just wore a latex string once. Why?"
"Oh nothing! I was just thinking about it, you know..."
"Come on..."
"Well... ok. You know Tom. I just found out today that he has a latex suit. I wasn't expecting that."
"I see. Well it's not a big deal, is it?"
"Sure, no. But I'm curious. How does it feel?"
"Well, like I said, I haven't much experience of it. But I've heard that some people are great lovers of latex. I can understand why."
Chloe resolved to speak to Tom about it on his return. Their discussion switched to another subject and as the day's tension finally ebbed away tiredness crept in. Chloé went home and slept a dreamless sleep.
The next few days were busy and Friday came quickly. It was her day for meeting clients over lunch so she invited a few to a nice French restaurant. Chloe chose the wine, a great Côtes du Rhone, impressing her guests with her selection. The meal was fairly dull since trading rooms were now infested by MBAs... not the best move, she felt. To get some air she decided to walk her way home. Passing a sports shop she stopped to buy a new unitard for her gym sessions. Eying the shiny Lycra leotards, she remembered her discovery. She smiled, imagining wearing the latex catsuit to the gym... Her selection made, walking to the exit she noticed some swimming caps. She touched one - that same feeling. She picked up a black cap and went to pay, smiling; her choice had been so unconscious.
At home she relaxed. Nothing was planned for the evening, first Friday free for ages. Tom would be back next day and she wanted to be in good shape for the weekend. She chose another Port and drank slowly whilst reading some magazines. Then it was time for a shower. She undressed and let the warm water massage the working week away. Her mind started to float, and images of the latex swimming cap emerged. She could feel herself getting aroused by the memory of its touch. She started to open her lower lips and to gently massage her clit. And the she stopped suddenly; she had always had some guilt in masturbating. Stupid, she thought, but that was how it was.
Chloe exited the shower, dried her hair and went in the dressing room to open 'that' drawer.
Removing the catsuit she started to examine it. The feel of the fabric was a new sensation to her.
Quickly her mind was made up, "How about wearing it?" she thought. She went to the kitchen to get a small cord. Noticing the back zip she guessed she would have to attach a something to close it properly. It dawned on her why she had bought the swimming cap. She went to get it, and pulled it over her head. Thanks to talc, her hair was soon in the cap without too much difficulty. Then she went back to the bedroom. The black catsuit was lying on the white bed. She could sense that she was quite wet now. A finger proved it. She took the suit and put one foot in it. It wasn't that easy.
"There must be another way!" she thought. She remembered a small bottle in the drawer and went to retrieve it. Silicon oil, according to the inscription. She dropped some between two fingers and was amazed how slippery it was. "That should do it." Chloe took the suit and went in the bathroom, pouring some oil on her hands and starting to lightly lube her body. The feeling was new but hugely arousing. Little was needed and soon she was ready for a second attempt at the catsuit. This time it was far easier and soon she was pulling her arms into the sleeves. She noticed two features. First, this suit had small opening for her nipples - that wasn't a problem. Second and the main issue was that with her hands encased in mittens she was now wondering how to close the back zip. After five minutes, thanks to the small cord, determination and a little contortion, the zip slid snugly to the top of the neck. The tightness was amazing; it felt like it was made for her. Seeing her latex clad body in the mirror, a black shining figure, she was so excited that she was nearly trembling. The catsuit was so tight that it wasn't hard to see her lower lips encased by latex. A small crotch zip ran between them. Moving back through to the bedroom, Chloe slowly climbed onto the bed. Her slippery body confined in the latex aroused her so much that she was already on the edge of a strong orgasm. She lowered her arms and her rubber-clad hands started to run over her body. Mittens didn't allow much fantasy but soon she was rubbing her crotch. Her orgasm exploded. It was short but huge, and she felt exhausted.
Tom had managed to take an earlier plane. He opened his flat and without noise walked towards his bedroom. He first saw a black body on the bed and then realised - Chloe was encased in his bondage catsuit! She was sleeping deeply. Her mittens were just on her crotch, witness to her previous lust.
"Well, at least it will be hard for her to complain about my little secret," he thought. And then he smiled wickedly. He had an idea. He took the small lock off his luggage and slowly he turned Chloe face down on the bed. She was awaking but before she could really protest he managed to close the two small mittens D-rings together with his lock. Chloe was now awake, arms bound behind her back.
"Tom... what did you do?" she asked.
"Well, I should ask you what have you done? You're curious, aren't you? I'll take profit from your predicament, but trust me, you'll not regret it. Now one word and I shall free you. Otherwise keep quiet and we'll have some fun."
Chloe was about to protest, but quickly she changed her mind. "Fun? Well why not!"
Tom disappeared into the dressing room, returning with a case she hadn't noticed before. Chloe was still lying on the bed, thrusting her arms. No way. It was locked. He produced a latex hood and pulled it over her head.
"Good idea this swimming cap. I didn't know that you were a fan of latex games", he said.
"But I'm not Tom!"
"And humble with it, you're so cute!"
Soon the hood's back zip was closed and she understood that it had no eyes openings. Chloe was in total darkness! Only nose and mouth holes were provided. It was quite tight as well, and again she felt too conscious of her pussy's wetness. Soon a scuba-like mouthpiece was pushed into her mouth, effectively gagging her. She felt a harness being fitted around her latex clad head. She tried to express an opinion but only "Mmmphs!" emerged. She then felt her neck being imprisoned in a collar but she knew she had no means to resist, not even a voice now! She decided to await her fate.
Tom finished fitting the collar to Chloe's neck. Mmmphing protests were now over and she seemed ready to wait for the next step. He took a small chain and locked one end to the front collar ring. He manoeuvred Chloe onto one side and lowered the chain between her breasts and her legs, where it disappeared to re-emerge between her cheeks, finally reaching another ring on the collar's back. The chain was again locked and its tension pushed quietly but strongly against Chloe's crotch. Several 'Mmmphs' testified to that. Then he unlocked his padlock to secure this chain to the D rings. Chloe's arms were now bound with the same efficiency as an armbinder would provide. Next were leg irons. He locks these around her ankles without much problem, whilst Chloe was testing her arms bonds.
Tom took a pause. He left Chloe alone on the bed and went back to the living room. His journey had left him feeling grimy - time to get a shower. Afterwards he felt relaxed and contented; his girlfriend was bound on his bed, totally encased with latex, mostly without his help! He went back to his bedroom and admired her latex clad body. The more he considered the situation, the more his cock started to show contentment. "Well my pleasure will come but first we must take care of her," he smiled. He went to his dressing room and produced another box. Opening it, he chose two items.
He unzipped Chloe's catsuit crotch and her intimate odour betrayed her wet state. He took the first item. "Obviously, no need to add lube for this one!" Chloe understood Tom was again close to her when he opened her crotch zip. Some slightly cooler air made it clear just how wet she was now. She was embarrassed to be unable to hide it from Tom, but her current situation spoke for itself! The chain was soon slightly looser, but not much. She couldn't refrain from moaning when she felt a dildo start to fill her pussy. She was so wet, it wasn't hard for Tom to put it in place. When he was happy with its positioning, Tom put her up on her knees. She surprised herself as she felt her body relax, although she felt her back was quite exposed. The reason became clear when she felt one slinky finger probing her anal ring. She shrieked in surprise through he gag (as far as she was able) and the intruder withdrew. She relaxed again but soon understood that if one battle was won, the war was far from over. Again the intruder was probing her now slippery hole, but this time it was slightly longer and larger. She breathed deeply as she tried to make its passage easier. Finally her sphincter closed around a narrower base, obviously sealing the intruder in her ass. She had no experience with this part of her body and it was first time this hole had seen any action with Tom. But he was calling the shots here and she was willing to go with it. Zips were closed and the chain was re-tightened. She was in same situation as minutes before, except that she was now double-penetrated and was adapting to this new sensation. She felt her rubber intruders quite strongly and soon started to feel hugely aroused. This abated as her head harness was loosened.
"Why now? I like this gag!" She surprised herself with the thought. Plugging Chloe was a huge rush for Tom and he could see that now Chloe was on her way to achieving great pleasure. Time to claim some reward. He removed Chloe's gag and positioned himself on the bed. He then gently took Chloe's rubber head in his hands to position her mouth on his cock. She accepted this and started to slowly suck it. She worked admirably, moaning her delight, and it wasn't long before he came in her mouth. He quickly re-fastened the harness straps around her head. Then he switched on both remotes and a buzzing sound came from Chloe's crotch.
Within seconds Chloe exploded in a terrific orgasm followed by deep breaths. She slowly lay down on one side, trying to calm herself.
"She had her fun, she deserves a rest," he thought, leaving her with both devices switched off. He went back to his sofa, and relaxed. He was surprised but thrilled that Chloe seemed so hooked by this game. Part 2. Tom had left the room. Now that she was calmer she could feel she was alone. She tried to move but with her feet in leg irons and her arms locked at her back, she understood that it was useless.
The little movement she could achieve only emphasised her fullness. Her pussy was so wet after her orgasm that her dildo was moving slightly, but not as much as she wished, due to the catsuit's tightness. The same went for her rear hole. It was the first time that she had realised anal sex could be so exciting. She had no pain, thanks to the extensive lube applied to her back passage. In fact her whole body was lubed, and her sweat didn't diminish the effect. Chloe lay there, trying to visualise her situation, latex clad and helpless. Such a frustration was new to her. Again a new orgasm started to build. It was softer, slower. When it came to paroxysm she felt it was much sweeter. Then she took a small rest.
Nearly an hour had passed since her last moanings. Tom went back to his bedroom and found Chloe asleep. He unlocked the chain from her collar's front ring and opened her back crotch zip. He gently removed the butt plug and he heard a long moan from his girlfriend as the wider part slightly dilated her rectum. "At least it was well lubricated," he mused. With a small towel he wiped away a little that was seeping from his sleepy rubber doll. Awakening, Chloe moved slightly and eased herself up to a kneeling position. Tom's cock was now standing hard. To see Chloe accepting her submission excited him at a higher level. He quickly put on a condom and lubed it with care, trying not to getting too excited too soon. Then he probed her exposed butt hole and slowly penetrated Chloe. Her moans swiftly began to betray her pleasure. He pushed further and when he stopped her moans where more intense. He had never had anal sex with Chloe, he'd never perceived any inclination from her. "Obviously she's had a change of heart," he thought.
This revelation wasn't helping him, and he felt he would soon release his cum. He grabbed one remote and switched her dildo into fast vibration mode. He was about to explode when he felt contractions around his cock. Chloe was immersed in her orgasm, her sphincter literally imprisoning his cock by waves. It triggered his orgasm and he came in rhythm with her anal spasms. Then she collapsed on his bed and he withdrew his cock from her. He stopped her vibrator and swiftly replaced the condom around the butt plug with a new one, lubing it for future insertion. Then he re-locked her chain to her collar and left Chloe alone in the room. Reclining on his huge sofa, he thought, "Well, what a nice surprise... let's celebrate it". He went to his reserve to get a Vintage Port, and started to pour. His mind was wondering how to plan this weekend.
Chloe was relaxing after her adventure. She was relieved that the vibrations had stopped and was also happy to have her ass empty. She would be able to take a rest without anal stimulation each time she moved an inch. Her pussy was still full but one quiet intruder was easier to cope with, and it was a relief compared with what she had to endure previously. Soon she drifted into sleep.
Two hours and three glass later, Tom decided that it was time for more action. Again he unlocked her front collar ring and, awakening Chloe, he asked her to get on her knees. Her ass was still vulnerable, but instead Tom unzipped her front crotch and extracted her soaking dildo. As he had discovered earlier in the evening, Chloe had totally shaved her pussy. It was not a big jump from its previous state, but still notable. He took her new anal friend and presented it to the front of her anal ring. When he started to push it into Chloe's rectum, she protested at first but then relaxed, so Tom continued carefully. Previous intrusions and lube left not much choice to Chloe. Her ass impaled, Tom closed her catsuit to keep the plug in. Then Tom took Chloe's shoulders and raised them until she was standing on her knees. He lay under her on the bed on his back and placed his erect cock under Chloe's juicy lips, nearly touching them. Taking the remote he selected a program. Slight vibrations started from Chloe's butt plug.
Even if it was noiseless, Chloe reacted promptly and lowered her crotch for a second. Her lips hardly touched Tom's cock, but still she understood Tom's plan. As the buzzing increased, Tom saw Chloe slowly impaling herself on his cock. Centimetre by centimetre she accepted Tom in her pussy, and then tried to move around on it. Supporting her shoulders, Tom gave rhythm to their copulation, and both rose accordingly. Despite her gag, Chloe's moanings got louder, sustaining his excitation. At one point he felt Chloe's latex body experiencing a deep orgasm, abandoned to her pleasure. This wave reached him and he replied with a strong orgasm leaving him nearly breathless. They stayed frozen for nearly a minute, revelling in how strongly their pleasure had hit them, then he slowly withdrew and carefully helped her to lay on her side. He released her chain from the front ring and slowly pulled out her butt plug. He guessed her ass was tender now, and thought it was enough for the day. He also unfastened her head harness and carefully removed her gag.
"Tom... Thank you..." she whispered. And through her hood, he saw a smile on her face. He had nothing to add, he was just happy. He lay on his bed next to her, and they soon drifted into sleep...