- Author - bootlicker
- Rating -
   [ 3.86 actual ]
- Site Rank - 880 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, f-self, blackmail, bondage, humiliation, latex, slavery
- Post Date - 11/5/2012
Author's Note: Comments are appreciated. They're fun to read, whether good or bad. :)
Chapter 1
Here I am padlocked inside of a cage that I barely fit into, wrists cuffed behind my back with tight black leather cuffs, my ankles similarly cuffed, and a ring-gag fitted tightly in my mouth. To make it worse the cage is in the corner of a basement that has been converted into a dungeon, which belongs to a professional dominatrix that I've never even met before. I've been in here for almost two hours now and being on my knees with my body bent over so that my face is just centimetres from the ground has gotten extremely uncomfortable. The black latex catsuit that I'm wearing doesn't do anything to relieve the discomfort either. It just makes me hot and sweaty, especially with the weather lately. I have no hope or raising the top half of my body or moving around, so I just stay in this position. A leather curtain has also been draped over the cage creating total darkness and adding further to the heat. Here's how I got here.
Me and my girlfriend, Milli, of almost two years have a more or less ordinary relationship, unless you find lesbianism out of the ordinary. We sometimes engage in some light bondage, such as handuffs and maybe a ballgag, but only during sex. There's no pain, discipline, humiliation or denial of any sort, which is what I really crave if I'm honest, although I haven't expressed my cravings to Milli. And the idea of being dominated by Milli is actually quite silly, as she's very sweet and innocent, yet at the same time not a square, nor a "goody goody". I guess it's just difficult to take her seriously, which is one thing I love about her. She knows that I'm into bondage and BDSM, but she has no idea of the extent and doesn't really ask about it. That's not to say she doesn't tease me about it sometimes though.
It was extremely surprising one day when we she came home, and while fumbling with the straps on her shoes said, "Hey I know it's your birthday soon, and I know how much you like bondage and all that, so I asked one of my friends, well sort of a friend, who is a professional dominatrix if they'd like, you know, dominate you or whatever."
I smiled. I always thought it was cute when she talked about bondage and used words like 'dominate' in such a non-chalant way.
She'd finally gotten one shoe off when she continued, "Yeah, I thought of trying to dominate you myself, but then I remembered I wouldn't really have any idea what I'm doing. And my friend says that she can keep you for up to a whole week if you'd like. Would you like that, or is that too long?"
Wow I thought. I whole week being dominated by a professional dominatrix. A chance to finally fulfill my submissive desires. I couldn't keep the smile off my face and she noticed.
"No, a week is fine." I finally spoke trying to sound like I'd considered a shorter period.
"I thought you'd say that," she said with a huge smile on her face after finally getting her last shoe off.
I noticed that it had taken her the length of a whole conversation to finally get both of her shoes off. I asked, "You really do love those strappy heels, huh Milli?"
"Hey, you can't talk. You like to be tied up", she said, sticking her tongue out afterwards.
Fair enough, really.
So the days leading up to my birthday went past and at 6 o'clock me and my girlfriend found ourselves in her dominatrix friend's basement looking at all of the equipment and "weird shit" as my girlfriend put it. I was almost embarrassed to know the names of so many of these things. On an ordinary table in the middle of the room there was a note on it with a set of instructions. We were too busy looking around the rest of the room to see it. My girlfriend brought the note over and read it aloud, "Step 1, put on what you find in the chest." We both looked at each other like, what chest? Then she realized the chest was on the table, right next to where the note had just been. I opened it up and grew excited as I easily recognized it to be a black latex catsuit that covered both feet and hands as well. "Oooh. Kinky," is all Milli said. There was also a pair of five inch black PVC calf height boots inside as well with laces and a lockable strap at the top. Two little padlocks were also found in the chest, no keys though. I looked at Milli and she sort of pouted and said, "I want a pair."
I put everything on, Milli being the doll that she is and lacing up the boots tightly for me. She read the next step, "Step 2, lock yourself in the cage in the corner using the padlock you'll find."
We walked over to the corner and found a small cage with some bondage equipment right next to it. I could guess who those cuffs and that gag were for. I cage had an opening at the front and so I crawled backwards into it and Milli did the honors of locking it.
"Step 3, use the cuffs right outside the cage and cuff your ankles together and your wrists behind your back. Then gag yourself tightly with the gag. She could have put the order of these... orders a bit differently. Not that I'm sure you can't manage, but it would have been much easier to lock these cuffs on when you weren't locked in a tiny cage."
"I know, what the fuck. Or maybe that's the idea or something. I don't know." We both had a small laugh. "Yeah, it's probably just to make it more difficult for me or something."
"How thoughtful", she said helping my lock on my cuffs, making sure to adjust them until they were as tight as they could go. Tighter than was comfortable, actually. I then put the gag in my own mouth, and Milli adjusted the straps and put the pad lock in.
"That doesn't look very comfortable, but whatever floats your boat!" she said.
I tried to say, it's not, but due to the gag it came out more as "Ih oh", which made her giggle.
"Well, that's it. Do you think I should put the curtain thing back over the cage?"
I nodded. I liked the idea. Being kept in a cage with a curtain over me, like I was a present or something. She struggled to pick up the heavy curtain. As she was draping it over she said, "I hope you enjoy yourself," then as the curtain surrounded me in darkness I heard, "Happy birthday, Sarah!"
And so here I was.
Stuck in silence, darkness and discomfort. The only sounds I could hear were the sounds of my breathing. Inhaling and exhaling. I could feel drool running down my chin but I couldn't see it. There was probably a pool of it in the floor of the cage.
I finally heard a sound I didn't recognize, and to my relief and sounded distant. When I say distant I mean a sound that I didn't make. Hopefully that meant that the dominatrix was home! I was disappointed when no one came down straight away. It took half an hour until I finally heard steps descending the staircase down into the dungeon. Even then when I could hear the clack of high heels just metres from where I was trapped, I hate to wait longer. What were they doing? I wondered.
Eventually I felt the curtain being pulled away and with some difficulty I looked upwards to my dominatrix's face, imagining how pathetic I must look. I got a huge shock. Smiling right at me was the face of Milli's friend, Summer, dressed in black leather high heeled boots that looked to go up to her knees, a black leather knee length skirt, a white long-sleeved blouse and black leather gloves. Summer and me had met previously at dinner parties and other such get-togethers. She apparently won the lottery, and that's how she afforded so much stuff. Another reason to hate her. She was just one of those people that got everything they wanted for doing nothing. Looks, money, probably anyone she wanted. She had to do zero work. And it didn't help that she was 3 years younger than me, being only 21. I'd always taken her for a stuck up bitch. She always just seemed to make me feel stupid too.
The most memorable time was when I was drunk a while ago. When I get drunk I get really compliant, and I can't really think of things to say most of the time so I kind of just go along with things. Summer realized this and talked me into coming with her all the way down the stairs from the top floor apartment we were in, because she said she left something in her car and wanted company for the long walk. I think she could also sense that I was submissive and used this against me. When we got down the stairs and I stepped out of the building into the alley sort of area in the back, she closed the screen door behind me and I heard a lock click. She locked me out of the building.
I yelled softly, "What the fuck are you doing?"
I then saw her close the wooden door behind the screen door. I started banging on the screen door yelling, "Hey let me in. What the fuck? C'mon!" I could hear her laughing. "Please let me in?"
I heard her yelling from behind the door, "Alright. I'll let you in if you... give me your pants." I was wearing tight dark blue jeans, a white tank top and black high heeled ankle boots.
"What? No. Why?" I asked.
"Alright. See you later."
"Okay, okay, okay." I started taking my shoes off so that I could take my jeans off.
"No, you have to leave your shoes on."
I took my jeans off around my boots and she opened the screen door a little so I could hand them to her. She snatched them and then closed the wooden door again. I was worried. I couldn't see anyone around, but if someone happened to walk by, this would be very embarrassing.
"Hey, you said you'd let me in!"
"Alright alright. If you put this on, I promise I'll unlock the door for you."
Again she opened the door a little, and this time threw out a little black leather dog collar. It landed on the floor. She kept peaking out the wooden door, but the screen door was closed.
"And you have to walk around on your hands and knees and make barking noises!"
My submissive side teamed up with my drunk side. I did what I was told without even arguing with her.
I went through the humiliation of buckling a dog collar on myself and then I dropped to my hands and knees and started making barking noises. "Arf, arf".
"Gooood doggy", I heard her say as I noticed she was snapping pictures with the camera on her phone. She had a huge smile on her face. "I can't believe you actually did that!" I couldn't either.
She laughed again. "Well I guess I'll see you later, Sarah." I was still on my hands and knees with the dog collar around my neck when I saw her close both doors, heard them lock and heard her walk back up the stairs. My hands and knees were both dirty now and I must have looked ridiculous. I didn't want to stick around any longer, so I ran back to my car trying to avoid anyone. Weird thing was I wasn't even that angry. I hated her for what she did, but I couldn't get angry at her. I just tried to steer clear of her from then on.
And now I was in her basement, bound and gagged in a cage while she stood over me. I guess I didn't do a very good job of staying away from her.
"Didn't get enough of my last time, huh Sarah?" She started stroking my hair. "I noticed you've been trying to avoid me. Great job you did there, hon."
Due to my gag I obviously couldn't reply. I just new that I was going to be as non-compliant as possible this time. But it's like she new what I was thinking!
"Oh yeah. And if you've suddenly decided you don't want to be my slave anymore, you can think again. I still have photos of you with your pants off, on your hands and knees barking like a dog wearing a dog collar." She was also taking more pictures of me now. "Plus these ones. So be a good, obedient bitch and just do as your told, Sarah."
I couldn't just give myself to her totally. I decided I would at least show a bit of defiance.
She unlocked the padlock on the cage and opened the cage door. "C'mon now, bitch. Out of the cage."
I stayed where I was, looking up at her. Trying to intimidate her or something I guess. She sighed and reached down to grab a handful of my hair, and then started pulling me out of the cage by my hair. Within a second I was trying to follow the pull. I ended up falling on my front and wriggling out due to my bondage, getting all of the drool on the cage floor on the front of the catsuit, mostly on my stomach area.
"See, if you just did what you were told it would make things so much easier for both of us."
She was right, but I didn't want to hear it. Surprisingly, she started to unbuckle my gag. I wanted to give her a mouthful.
"Before you started yelling or screaming, remember," she showed me the photos of myself that she was using to blackmail me into being her slave.
"If you scream or yell, I'm showing these to a buuunch of people. Might even try to put them on a porn site or something. But that won't happen, will it?" I nodded no. "You'll be a good girl won't you?" I nodded yes. "Good." She patted me on the head. She was crouching down, and I was still lying on my front with my hands cuffed behind me and my ankles cuffed together when she took my gag out. A load of drool went with it and pooled on the concrete floor. She reached her hand down and wiped it up with her hand, and then wiped in on each of my cheeks, sort of slapping me at the same time. It made me very angry, but I knew better than to lose my head. I think she was just sort of gauging my reaction anyway. My face was now moist with my own spit and dirty from the contents of the concrete floor.
She patted my head yet again. "Good girl. You know better than to talk out of place."
I just tried not to look at her from then on. This was too humiliating. I wondered what kinds of trials she would put me through. No doubt she was an expert domme.